#Tiefs are real and valid
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onlinemarktplatz-de · 1 year ago
Shoppingcenter: Mit KreativitÀt und professionellem Management Trendumkehr geschafft
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Shoppingcenter in Deutschland haben die Talsohle verlassen und setzen zunehmend neue Akzente fĂŒrs soziale Zusammenleben. Dies ist ein zentrales Ergebnis der Studie „Shopping-Center 2024: Bestandsaufnahme und ZukunftsfĂ€higkeit einer Branche“; der ZIA (Zentraler Immobilien Ausschuss e.V.) und EY Real Estate haben sie gemeinsam veröffentlicht. „WĂ€hrend der Corona-Krise wurden viele Shoppingcenter unfreiwillig in die PassivitĂ€t gedrĂ€ngt und erlebten ein ĂŒbles Tief“, kommentiert Iris Schöberl, VizeprĂ€sidentin des ZIA, die Analyse. „Die Daten der neuen Studie, die von der ZIA Task Force Handel initiiert wurde, aber belegen: Die Trendumkehr ist geschafft, der Weg bergauf setzt sich beschleunigt fort. Mit einem professionellen Center-Management und einem individuellen Angebots-Mix setzen viele Center starke kreative Akzente.“ Schöberl  betont, dass der Einzelhandel in den Centern weiter eine SchlĂŒsselrolle einnimmt.  „Eine lebendige Stadt ohne Handel ist wie ein Auto ohne RĂ€der – da fehlt der Drive. Wir brauchen aber verstĂ€rkt einen Mehrwert der Marke „Einkaufen plus‘, der zusĂ€tzliche Besucherinnen und Besucher in die Center zieht und sie zum Ort sozialer Begegnung macht“, sagt die ZIA-VizeprĂ€dentin. „Am Ende macht’s der Mix.“ „Die Corona-Pandemie war ein harter Schlag fĂŒr die Branche. Nur wurde der nicht passiv hingenommen: Bei fast 60 Prozent der Center, die sich an der Befragung beteiligten, gab es in den zurĂŒckliegenden fĂŒnf Jahren grĂ¶ĂŸere Investitionen in Revitalisierungs- oder Modernisierungsmaßnahmen“, erklĂ€rt Schöberl. Die hĂ€tten sich im doppelten Wortsinn ausgezahlt. Dies bestĂ€tigt auch Oliver Schweizer, Leiter des Immobiliensektors bei EY in Deutschland: „Über 70 Prozent der Center zeichnen sich durch besonders starke Performancewerte in Mietvolumen, Leerstand und Neuvermietung aus. Bei drei Viertel der Shopping Center wurden bei Bestandsmietern Ende 2023 höhere Mieten erzielt als Anfang 2022. Diese Zahlen bestĂ€tigen, dass ein aktiver Ansatz im Center-Management FrĂŒchte trĂ€gt.“ Zugleich belegt die Studie von ZIA und EY Real Estate: Die Besucherfrequenz hat noch nicht ĂŒberall wieder das Vor-Corona-Niveau erreicht. Die Pandemie hat jedoch einen Entwicklungsprozess beschleunigt, in dem sich immer mehr Shoppingcenter zu Mittelpunkten des Zusammenlebens entwickeln. „Dieses soziale Plus ist auch eine entscheidende Antwort des stationĂ€ren Handels auf die digitale Konkurrenz“, betont Schöberl. Die Branche zeigt großes Engagement, wenn es darum geht, Trends zu antizipieren und dabei auch Verantwortung fĂŒrs Zusammenleben zu sehen. So sind sich die Managerinnen und Manager der Bedeutung von Nachhaltigkeit und energetischer Transformation bewusst: Schon heute sind mehr als drei Viertel, 77 Prozent, der Center zertifiziert. 94 Prozent haben auf GrĂŒnstrom umgestellt. Andreas Hohlmann, Vorsitzender der Task Force Handel beim ZIA, erklĂ€rt: „Diese Studie bietet erstmals eine valide Basis fĂŒr belastbare Analysen zur Lage der Shopping-Center in Deutschland. Kernbefund: Hier bewegt sich enorm viel. Die Richtung?  Mit dem Einsatz modernster digitaler Technologie, einer starken sozialen Komponente und einer Orientierung am Ziel verlĂ€sslicher Nachhaltigkeit steuern sie in beachtlichem Tempo Richtung Zukunft. Der Handel bleibt das HerzstĂŒck.“ Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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dannineedsfriends · 5 years ago
As shown by a previous post of myself (@dannixy), a group chat was created of a few parrlyn writers. Together,  we are cooperating in writing a (very big) set of AUS and will, hopefully, be posting unscheduled updates contributing to the tag: #Parrlyn AU Multiverse
Or, in some wise words:
Everyone involved in this project will be linked just below: 
@thenameisnoone @little-bit-lost-and-found @sarahzarahh @all-my-love-cathy @politics-notmything @toomanyfamdom @dannixy
- sex, porn, flirting, nudity, my bad spelling smh
"So you're Katherine's cousin?" Parr asks, tilting her head to the side and taking a sip of the wine that had been set out on the table. The restaurant was lovely; the most exquisite decor and the food was supposedly the best in town. It was atmospheric to say the least - with the  quiet chatter and the dimmed lights and the candles. A perfect first date. 
"Yeah- she told you 'bout me?" The girl across from her, Anne, asked, cocking a brow. Though the girl was well dressed in her striped green, black and white jumpsuit, from a first glance she was definitely not well spoken. 
"Many things, yes. All good though, for the most part anyway." Catherine smiles, charmingly, tilting her head and allowing a curl to bounce over her shoulder. "You clean up well for someone who can't use a toaster without burning whatever is inside it." 
"I could say the same for you- you- you scholar-" Anne tries, rolling her eyes playfully, thumbing with the napkin in front of her. 
Parr tilts her head, watching her with a careful gaze. Her eye glints. "I always tend to ask for another spare napkin on the table if I ever eat out."
"From what I've been told, you're pretty gay for women so-"
"Oh shush. I'm no stranger to that but I always make little birds out of the napkins. They're cute and I always leave a tip with them." She smiles, turning her focus to her own napkin. "Would you like to know how to make one?"
"Have a few more glasses of wine and then I'd like to see you show me." Anne tries, eyebrows raising teasingly and running her finger gingerly over the rim of her glass. 
"By the time I've had a few more glasses of wine." she begins to flirt, lips curling into a smile. "We'll be on our way home." 
"'We'll'? You're planning on taking me home with you? I'm touched, I really am but Kitty's got it wrong, I'm not actually homeless." Anne shakes her head, shrugging and leaning back in her hair, hand leaving her wine and moving to her neck to fiddle with the black choker that resided there. Catherine couldn't help but stare at her exposed skin: her shoulders only interrupted by a thin strap, protruding collarbones casting silky shadows and Parr longed for the thought of laying a hickey just there-
"Really? I couldn't tell." She lies, blatantly. Though she had her own nonchalant tone, she was truly trying her hardest not to smile. She was pretty, like Howard had told her; less pretty and more gorgeous. What her friend had failed to mention was that her cousin was practically a goddess, apparently. 
"Wow," Anne scoffs, rolling her eyes once more, before making a show of raking her view down her body  "Rich coming from you, if I do say so myself." 
"I'll have you find, to your astonishment apparently, that I have received many compliments on my dress, this evening, none of which have been from you." Parr notes aloud. She had been wearing a light blue dress with a sweetheart neckline, not frilled but smooth. Not skin-tight but the bodice seemed to hug her curves just right to do them justice. Her skirt, however, unfurled in waves around her thighs, flowing down to the space just above her knee. It swayed as she walked and she felt elegant doing so, poised and prepared for any possible obstacle that tonight would throw at her. Over her shoulders, though, draped a thin cardigan, definitely unfit for the coldness outside, but judging on the fact that Anne was cloaked in the thinnest paper-ish material that there was, she didn't think herself foolish to be inappropriately dressed. It wasn't that Anne was cheap, or even looked it- her jumpsuit was just thin. If she stared hard enough, she could see her-
"My eyes are up here, babes." Anne's shit-eating grin stretched miles across her face. Was she getting some kind of satisfaction out of  this? 
"I was only enjoying the view." She counters, raising her glass to her lips again to stop herself from letting out a childish grin. Parr couldn't remember the last time she had continuously flirted with someone, let alone a person that she had just met. It felt nice to finally have some chemistry to get her going, if you would. 
"And yet if I did the same, I would be reprimanded?" 
"That's the biggest word I've heard you say all night." 
"Yeah. I read." She snorts, one shoulder shrugging, fingers twitching to twiddle with the fork in front of her. 
Catherine draws her brows together. "Where's the waiter, anyway? Surely we should have been at least served starters by now."
"And we were!" Anne admits, eyes lighting up. "And I did try and save some for you- but you were running late and I didn't want it to go to waste if it was cold
"Really? Are you kidding me?" She pinches the bridge of her nose, shaking her head. 
"Hey- if you keep frowning like that, the wind'll change and you'll stay that way."
"If I'm spending more time with you, it wouldn't need to be any different, I shouldn't think." She teases, closing her eyes momentarily to guage her reaction, and- her contact was sitting uncomfortably on her eye. When in doubt, blink until it magically gets fixed.
"You alright? You're almost crying
- if you're that upset about the starter I can just order another-" she looks genuinely concerned, and reaches to grab Parr's hand over the table. Catherine happily allows her hand to be taken by the girl in green. 
"Of course not-!" She says, perhaps a little bit louder than she should've, and then stares around her, paranoid that people were looking. They weren't, for reference. After, though, she lowers her voice. "Of course not- my contact's just moving around-"
"Contacts? You wear glasses." Anne says, an accusatory statement. 
"I figured that wearing my glasses weren't the way to go, when attempting to look pretty." Cathy shrugs, hand moving to fiddle with a golden necklace that had previously been resting against her chest. 
"What kind of frames do you have?" She asks, suddenly, slightly startling Parr from her soft stupor.
"Plain black. Classic nerd glasses."
"So you're telling me that you could've come looking like a sexy librarian?" Anne cocks an eyebrow, looking at Parr from beneath her lashes with a disapproving countenance. "And you didn't?"
The wine got caught in Catherine's throat, causing her to almost splatter it absolutely everywhere. Her cheeks burned ruby, flushing and suddenly her entire body was hot, the whole restaurant seemed a bit too close for comfort. 
"I think you've been watching too much porn." She remarks, having recovered and taken in more wine. Anne's smug smirk drops from her face, reaction completely priceless. It was a moment Catherine wanted to pause and live in just for a few more seconds, few more minutes: from what she could tell, Boleyn didn't get out-witted very often - and when she did, she had no idea what to do with herself. "What's wrong, Annie? Cat got your tongue?"
"Only your cat, I'd hope." 
"Oh how bold of you."
A comfortable silence seems to pass over them, hands still connected over the table, grasping onto one another with no intent of releasing them. 
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Anne breaks the gap, squeezing her fingers and downing the last of her wine, upon spying Cathy's empty glass. 
"Let's go." 
Anne had been giggling the whole way back to Catherine's house, giddy, and even as they stumbled up the steps she was euphoric. Her ripples of laughter only stopped when they had reached the bedroom, having already kicked off her shoes, there was hardly a moment wasted before Anne was pressed into the wall next to the door. 
Cathy had elevated her, Anne's legs wrapping around her hips, falling naturally into place as much as they could, hooked and secure as Parr's hands found her thighs. She kissed her softly at first, their first binding of intimacy short and sweet and, completely insane, she might add later. Quick dabs of kisses planted across the Boleyn girl's cheek, only to be met with a teasing grin as she finally reached her lips.
Parr moves one hand to cup her jaw, never allowing her gaze to shift from her mouth and her thumb grazing across her lips, lips painted scarlet to perfection. The perfect arch of a cupid's bow and she was sure that it was impossible to be so beautiful. She just grins once more before finally kissing her; it was warm and she just knew that she was about to be covered in her lipstick, not that she cared. If Catherine woke up with her entire body covered in Anne's red lipstick, she would be over the moon. 
Their lips moved in sync against each other, never quite at rest and it was a entirely different atmosphere when Cathy pulled away from her this time- it felt like a whole different universe. She chews on her bottom lip, lips curling mischievously as she pulls Anne off of the wall, fingers sliding across valleys of smooth skin to find the zipper at the back of her jumpsuit. 
She left a gentle kiss against her shoulder, ever so brief before helping her lover out of her clothes, leaving her practically bare and exposed to her. But as Cathy's hands find her waist again, she shakes her head and Anne grins. 
"You're not getting away that easy." Bolelyn smirks, waggling a finger teasingly and allowing it to trance down her partner's face and neck and body. And, imminently, places she had not before imagined. 
Cathy had awoken rather early, not by anything in particular, just naturally awakening with the softest smile playing across her lips. In front of her, lays Anne Boleyn, the sheer covers falling and resting over her hip, leaving exposed her back and shoulder blades. 
She smiles, arm reaching out, pulling herself closer to the Boleyn girl and wrapping itself around her, snug. Catherine buries her face in the crook of her neck, gently kissing the area and using her spare hand to move her hair, having been resting on her elbow. 
Anne's neck, however, was practically red-raw and turning purple in places, all over her shoulder and collarbone and she dared not check anywhere else in the girl's slumber. It was a lot more than she remembered leaving, just put it that way. That didn't stop her from gently covering her skin in kisses to wake her up. 
It took a bit longer than expected, but eventually the sleeping goddess' eyes cracked open, smiling and leaning back into Catherine's embrace. 
"Good morning~" Parr hums into her neck, giving her one last kiss before pulling away. Anne, who had previously been facing away from her, turned around and pushed her face into her lover's chest, shaking her head tiredly. "You still tired, my love?" 
"I suspected you'd be a top but I didn't think you'd be that good." Anne admits, and Cathy realised she was hiding the humiliation, not just her face. Her arm still rested around the Boleyn girl's waist, holding her softly in place. 
"And you don't think I thought the same? I can't remember the last time I was topped and genuinely enjoyed it."  Catherine sighs, closing her eyes softly as the other girls arm wraps over her. 
Anne lets out a small laugh, voice still low and drawling and sleepy, before yawning and bringing her face away so that she could look at Cathy.  
"I'm glad that I finally listened to Kitty and took you on a date." The gremlin speaks decidedly, a smile spreading across her lips as Catherine meets her eyes before kissing her softly and slowly. "You're rather affectionate, huh?"
Catherine recoils slightly, many alarms sounding in her head. She was just someone Anne had slept with, not a partner or a girlfriend or anyone that would get affectionate. 
"Yea- yeah-" She gulps, time seeming to slow. Her eyes dart across her face rapidly, frantically searching for a sign of displeasure, discomfort, annoyance. She found nothing, though. The only thing she was sure of was Anne closing the gap she had created between them, and running her fingers to draw playful drawings across Parr's exposed back. 
 how would you feel about a second date?"
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toomanyfamdom · 5 years ago
Kiss me until I’m speechless
For a certain @dannixy on her birthday...
Also, big up @thenameisnoone and @all-my-love-cathy for helping me out big time at the end cause I’m a babey.
TW: None as far as I’m aware
They weren't exactly sure how or why it happened but the queens knew something was up when the survivor found it difficult to hear at times and a certain beheaded queen was almost impossible to hold conversations with.
After a long process of appointments and consultations, the pair were diagnosed as legally deaf. Cathy as mildly deaf, Anne as severely deaf.
Their hearing aids were life savers in their opinion making communicating with their fellow queens so much easier. But as to not be caught out, the pair regularly attended sign language classes.
There were difficulties, they'll admit. Trying to get in ear monitors that would double up as hearing aids was difficult. That being said, when the monitors died on stage, the queens, ladies-in-waiting, alternates and crew were all very helpful. They even went as far as to practically begging the duo to teach them how to sign, making communicating on and off stage easier.
It was also much easier to keep Cathy and Anne's relationship a secret. The couple had been spending so much time with each other and had eventually developed feelings as a result of their 24/7 hangouts. Though, nobody really noticed. They had plans to come out to the queens but they just hadn't gotten to a point where they felt comfortable yet.
That all changed one night at stage door.
It was the end of a long two show day. Anne's in ears had died halfway through the first show, Joan's keyboard just stopped working suddenly, Kat, Jane and Cathy had all missed their 5 minute call, due to taking too long to take some goddamn picture, and Aragon had slipped on the confetti during the megasix and had fallen into Anna. Causing everyone in the audience to laugh thankfully.
Stage door went amazingly. The fans were as enthusiastic as ever and admittedly, the energy was infectious. The girls went from fan to fan, talking, laughing, taking pictures and signing programs. Everyone was lovely but they all agreed there was one interaction that stuck out.
Anne and Cathy had stuck together, Cathy interpreting for Anne at times (not that they liked when she had to because it meant that they couldn't hold hands). No one was surprised, as they had both been very vocal about being deaf and were pleased to see more and more of the queendom becoming able to hold basic conversations with them in BSL.
As they reached the end of the line - one mother and child duo - they knew it was going to be an interesting time. The child looked no older than eight and shrunk into their mothers side when anyone approached. The conversation started of as normal, asking their names, if they enjoyed the show, etc. But still, the kid never spoke. 
The mother, Joanne, caught on to their confusion at this and said, "Oh I’m sorry, my Alex doesn't normally speak to strangers, they're deaf."
The duo brightened considerably and Anne was quick to kneel down in front of them.
"Hello," she signed, not even looking at anyone else around them. "My name is Anne," and she did her sign name, a 'B' sign over her choker, "and this is Cathy," and Cathy's sign name, 'writer'. 
They seemed to respond to her signing, turning towards Anne slightly and studying the pair. Seeming satisfied with what they had observed, they signed "Alex," and their sign name. Palms flat facing the ceiling that closed into a fist as they brought their hands to their chest. Accepted. 
"That's a lovely name," Cathy was quick to compliment, "can I ask your pronouns?" Anne was sure what her girlfriend was doing but wouldn't of asked herself.
Alex, on the other hand, beamed and turned away from their mother and toward the girls as they happily signed that they used they/them pronouns. The pure joy on Alex's face and the link to their sign name made Anne and Cathy's hearts melt and they couldn't help but grin back at them.
"Well then Alex, did you enjoy the show?" Anne smirked.
Alex nodded vigorously, "I loved it! I loved how much of your songs you tried to sign and I loved feeling the vibrations of the music, the bass especially." Joanne looked down at them smiling, happy that her child was being accepted for who they were by the people they looked up to without question.
A shout drew their attention away and Cathy sighed when she saw that Catherine was calling her. "I'll be back as soon as possible," Cathy promised Alex, "make sure Anne doesn't get up to mischief while I'm away will you?" This was said/signed with a cheeky grin but Anne Boleyn being Anne Boleyn had to play with it.
"Me? The great Anne Boleyn? Cause mischievous? Never," They were very glad to see the family of two laughing at their antics, Cathy giving Anne what looked like a rock hand sign.
“Are you two together?” Alex signed as Cathy walked to her godmother.
“Alex!” Joanne exclaimed, “You can’t just ask people if they’re together or not!”
“It’s alright,” Anne laughingly reassured, catching Cathy’s eye over Catherine’s shoulder who agreed with her silent question.  “To anyone else in this room, no. But between us,” Anne winked.
“Wait what?” Anna appeared at Anne’s shoulder, “Since when were you two together?” Anne relaxed at Anna’s grin.
“WHAT?” Ah, they got Kat’s attention.
Cathy slid her arm around Anne’s waist and lay her head on her shoulder.
“Unexpected but cute,” Jane smiled the pair.
Catherine appeared in front of the pair face stern, studying the worried but content faces staring back at her. Any worry alleviate when Catherine just smiled and shook her head, chuckling.
Cathy and Anne turned to each other and wrapped their arms around the others waist.
“Well, looks like we don’t need to hide anymore,” Cathy smirked, eyes sparkling, “what do you think about that?”
Anne grinned, her grip tightening around the shorter girl’s waist, pulling her closer. The mischievous gleam in her eyes made Cathy’s cheeks flush crimson. 
“Oh, I think it’s perfect.” The green queen mumbled, leaning forward and resting her forehead against Cathy’s. 
Both grinned, eyes fluttering closed as the pair of lips met in the middle, moving softly in their own rhythm. The kiss lasted longer than both of the queens planned before Cathy pulled away. Their lips parting with a soft smack, making the blue queen giggle. Her hands caressed Anne’s neck and jaw before moving down to grab her girlfriend’s hands, squeezing softly. 
“I think that was perfect.” Cathy stole a quick kiss before turning to face the other queens with a wide smile beaming in happiness. 
"Oi! Not in front of-" the woman that shouted was cut off by Anne.
"Sorry," she said, reaching up to switch off her hearing aids, Cathy mimicking her actions, "We can't hear you."
The lady probably continued to yell, but Anne didn’t care. The only thing that mattered was the girl right in front of her. Cathy. She turned to look at her girlfriend, who had the warmest smile spread across her face. With a small nod in confirmation, Anne cupped Cathy’s face and leaned forward, gently connecting their lips once again. Cathy happily returned the kiss, carefully caressing Anne’s back as she smiled into the kiss.
It didn’t matter their hearing, gender, or who they were in front o, only that they were together Both knew put this into their kiss as they move their lips in sync.
The kiss only lasted a few seconds, but for them time was stilled. Anne then pulled back with a dorky grin. She then held up her hand that had her thumb, pinky and pointer finger up high and proud. The simple sign they have done multiple times before, but this time it felt different. It was more meaningful as they were finally not holding anything back. It was simplistic, yet at the same time almost brought Parr to tears whenever she saw Anne sign. It was the sign that put their feelings into words. 
Parr happily mimicked the sign as she kissed Anne on the cheek. 
“I love you too,” she signed.
Tag list: @augurey-forest @annabanana2401 @thenameisnoone
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cathyparrlyn · 5 years ago
Ok wow your awesome at writing and the mirror shards is just on godly level like wow I’m so excited for the next one!!
(Next fic update tho probs won’t be WAJMS, I have a little something special planned, heh heh.)
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cathyparrlyn · 5 years ago
You all are amazing fam. Still can’t believe I’m surround by such queens and tiefs! Love you all! You all make me a proud mum! :3
As some brilliant writers have said already said, a group chat was created and it included a few parrlyn writers. Together, we are cooperating in writing a (very big) set of AU’s and will, (hopefully) be posting unscheduled updates contributing to the tag: #Parrlyn AU Multiverse
Everyone involved in this project will be linked just below: @thenameisnoone @little-bit-lost-and-found @sarahzarahh @all-my-love-cathy @politics-notmything @toomanyfamdom @dannixy
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aces-nrw · 5 years ago
Allosexuelle Elter-Personen und asexuelle Kinder
Ich sehe ein Schema mit Elter-Personen, die ein Problem mit der asexuellen IdentitÀtsfindung ihrer Kinder haben, obwohl doch so tolerant. Warum das spezifisch #Acefeindlichkeit in Aktion ist & ganz viel mit Ace Erasure (Auslöschung) zu tun hat, erklÀre ich im Folgenden.
AsexualitÀt wird insgeheim nicht akzeptiert!
Die Selbstbestimmung und Autonomie Asexueller wird von vorne rein verneint. Das steht im absoluten Mittelpunkt, wird aber gerne als wahrer Grund verschwiegen.
AsexualitÀt wird nicht als valide SexualitÀt / sexuelle Orientierung ernstgenommen!
>>„Könnte sich ja noch Ă€ndern“ Hoffnung, dass AsexualitĂ€t nur eine Phase ist (trope #1) (und das ist sei schlecht)
>>„fixing sexuality“ (SexualitĂ€t als etwas noch zu Rettendes betrachten; AsexualitĂ€t demnach als Krankheit, AllosexualitĂ€t als gesund und normal) (trope)
>>nur etwas fĂŒr unreife junge Menschen ist, wo mensch herauswĂ€chst (trope)
AsexualitÀt Anderer wird als eigener Verlust gewertet!
„Keine Heirat / [monogame] Ehe, kein Sich-zur-Ruhe-Setzen (settle in), keine Enkel = keine vernĂŒnftige Zukunft„, obwohl jene oft amato- & allonormativen Vorstellungen ĂŒberhaupt nicht korrelieren mĂŒssen
>>trope: Asexuelle sind selbstsĂŒchtig (selfish)! „Und was ist mit UNSEREN BEDÜRFNISSEN?“ / „lassen keine Person an sich ran„; propagiert ebenso rape culture
>>trope: Asexuelle sind peinlich, Ă€ngstlich vs. Sex ist natĂŒrlich, etwas was uns menschlich macht & Zeichen von Reife
AsexualitĂ€t wird als Label fĂŒr restriktiv gehalten!
Ignoriert wird, dass durch das Wissen, dass mensch selbst ace ist, eine riesige Last von einem Menschen abfĂ€llt und mensch sich endlich von der allonormativen Gesellschaft propagierte „Fehlerhaftigkeit“ befreien kann, da AsexualitĂ€t real, valide, normal ist und mensch damit nicht alleine ist.
AsexualitÀt wird als neumodisch betrachet, unbekannt & unbedeutend!
#AceFacts: Es ist nicht neu, es sind nicht „nur“ 1% der Menschheit so (und selbst wenn) & hat eine dokumentierte queer history
AsexualitÀt sei TMI (Too Much Information)!
Aceness wird oft wie ein dreckiges Geheimnis behandelt, vor dem sich ALLE schĂ€men mĂŒssten. Als wĂŒrde das seltene/bedingte/Nichtempfinden sexueller Anziehung ein persönliches Versagen darstellen 

oft in Verbindung mit dem MissverstĂ€ndnis, asexuelle Personen hĂ€tten keine „normale=gesunde“ Libido
Ruft starke Assoziationen auf mit dem pathologisierendem Bild von AsexualitÀt als medizinische Diagnose hervor (Gleichsetzung mit Hyposexual Desire Disorder), siehe oben
>>a) muss nicht stimmen
>>b) selbst wenn keine „Durchschnittslibido“ da ist, ist daran nichts auszusetzen, wenn mensch damit selbst vollkommen okay ist
AsexualitÀt wird nicht als inhÀrent queer angesehen!
Genießt nicht den selben Schutz und die gleiche Akzeptanz von LGBTQIA+ freundlichen Eltermenschen (ob Ally oder gar selbst Mitglied) „Lesbisch/schwul/[
] wĂ€re ja vollkommen okay gewesen, aber ASEXUELL?!“
Das Negieren oder Anzweifeln des Labels „asexuell“ ist also verbunden mit sehr vielen bekannten acefeindlichen (und oft auch im selben Zuge arofeindlichen) Stereotypen, Tropes oder Aussagen, die spezifisch Asexuelle diskriminieren. Asexuelle hören Ă€hnliche Dinge sehr hĂ€ufig ĂŒber ihre sexuelle Orientierung.
Derartige SprĂŒche sind kein Zufall!
Scheinbare Zweifel & Sorgen allosexueller Eltern sind sehr tief mit acemisia (Acefeindlichkeit) verbunden & zeigen die prÀvalente AllonormativitÀt der Gesellschaft
Einiges mehr zum Nachlesen von anderen Menschen auf dem asexuellen Spektrum:
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rhabakoli · 6 years ago
Infinite White - 8
The text Fenja translates is the letter Gandalf writes about Aragorn (i think to Frodo? not sure rn), per @finnickfoxes request. And since I am a true dumbass, I actually translated it myself, instead of just look it up. But I like my version better anyway. 
Previous chapters here.
Trigger warning: space talk. Anyone disagreeing with me will be blocked. 
Taglist:@dreamwritesimagines @i-am-always-famished @marauderskeeper @superwolfchild-fan @thescarsweleave @cgn-99 @alicedopey @alwaysadreamingoptimist @atlas-of-the-world @finnickfoxes @rmwest9 (i’m just gonna tag u now, scream if you don’t want to) 
“So, how’s his family? Did they suspect anything?”, Maeve asked. They were carrying their trays to their usual table, finally catching up with each others lifes. 
“They are nice. A bit touchy. His uncle asked me if I know UNO, and then he kinda
 welcomed me to the family?”, Fenja answered and then shrugged. 
“They have quite a low standard to meet. They’d love you.” Maeve gave her a sour look, kicking at her. “You’re lucky my hands are full.” Her friend just grinned cheekily and dodged her half-assed attack. The mensa was filled with chatter, the sounds of dishes clattering and the occasional discussion escalating. “And did they say anything about your breakdown?” Maeve sat across her, cracking open her coke and taking a sip. “No, I don’t think they know.” Fenja halted, then looked up at her roommate. “Well, I think his mom might know. But she didn’t say anything.” Mave nodded and took a bite from her lunch. “That’s good, isn’t it?” Fenja shrugged, gaze focused on her plate. “As long as I don’t have to explain it to everyone, I’m fine.” “I think your man will be glad to do it for you, if you asked.” Fenja carefully tasted her soup, trying not to burn her tongue. Then, as she processed the words, she raised an eyebrow at Maeve. “Who?” “Ragnar.” “Ah.” She smacked her lips together, blissed out expression on her face. “Goddamn, that soup is delicious.” Suddenly, her spoon came up, pointing across the table, almost threatening. “Also, he’s not ‘my man’, where even did you get that from?” “He’s not?” “Nah.” Maeve shrugged, then ogled the bread on Fenja’s tray. “Can I have some?”
The lecture hall was packed, every single seat taken. Some poor souls were even sitting on the stairs, eager to listen in and maybe find some validation, and inspiration - who are we kidding, mainly they just wanted to hear that it would be worth it all and it’d get better. Fenja was sitting all the way up, last row, glad to even have found a seat. Half the literature department was here, some journalism majors too. “I heard she’s only doing this, because her husband is a Ragnarsson. Otherwise she’d never have gotten the spot.” Fenja scoffed, as she pulled out pen and paper, ready to take notes. Unfortunately, her neighbours heard her and turned. “You have something to say, honey?” Her eyes grew round, she twisted in her seat and shook her head. “No, sorry, I just misheard. I thought you said she only got the lecture because her husband’s a Ragnasson.” “Well, I did.” The guy leaned his forearm onto the back of his seat, his body angled towards her, chest puffed like a bird ready to dance. His friend mirrored him, twirling her thick long hair around her finger, smirking. “Which doesn’t make sense, to be honest. She’s been holding lectures and seminars even before she’d met him, so implying she’d need the help of a rich man is not only wrong, but also degrading to her, her achievements and other authors and writers that have made it by themselves.” He wanted to throw another comment in, probably just as entitled and ignorant as his first, when Fenja raised a hand to stop him. “I’m not interested in fumbled comebacks dragged from your misogynistic fathers mouth, so, let’s leave it be, yes?” “Listen, bitch-” “You better think of a new beginning for that sentence, because I can promise you this is not going to end well for you. I know for a fact that the dean is quite the feminist, and he does not tolerate such behaviour at all. I’d pull my head out of my bum, if I were you, because your view on the world is growing a bit old, don’t you think?” He opened and closed his mouth, looked like a fish on the dry, skin flushing. His friend was looking on with big eyes, absolutely shocked anyone would talk to him like that. “You will regret this-” He finally found his voice, anger radiating off him. Fenja sighed. “Listen, you educationally handicapped amoeba. I am not going to regret this, even if it gets me into trouble. Because I know for a fact, while I will have to sit through a serious conversation on properly handling my anger, you’ll have to face an angry dean about the way you view women and I bet you’ll get to go to a couple very educating lectures, which I doubt you’ll get credit for.” They now had enough, they were storming off, the girl tutting over him, while he almost rammed into Ragnar, who took a step to the side and watched them go. “Hey.” He gestured over his shoulder, into the direction the two asshats were fleeing. “What was that?” Fenja shrugged and sat properly, facing forward. Some of the professors were gathered by the podium, talking. She tried to get a good view, but a rather tall professor was in the way. Wait. She knew that back from somewhere. Also, that manbun beat her in UNO just last week. Ragnar sat next to her, typing away on his phone, when she poked him violently. He really felt that, even through the fluffy sweater he wore. Gods, did she have pointy fingers. He hastily grabbed her wrist, holding it so she couldn’t attack him again. “What?” “Is that your Uncle?” He followed her line of sight, chuckling. “Yep.” “What’s he doing here?” “He’s teaching, princess. He’s specialized on Viking history and Nordic religions.” He laughed at her face. Her mouth stood open, eyebrows raised and her breath left her with a silent “oh.” “By the way. Auntie asked me to tell you, that she’s in town all week, and I am supposed to drag you to dinner, so you can meet her.” Now, that really got her attention. “What?” She pointed down to the podium, where a small, dainty woman assumed position and straightened her papers. “You mean that auntie? The amazing, famous author/Journalist?” “Yep.” He’d really get himself bitch-slapped one day, if he continued to play down such important, impactful events. Fenja flailed in her seat, almost falling out of it. “You can’t just - what, I -” Ragnar caught her arm, pulling her back up like it was nothing. “Calm down. How about dinner this friday. Whole family will be there.” “Is that supposed to help me? In any way?”, she asked, her tone suggesting how it definitely did not help. “Bear too.” He grinned at her, chuckling at the speed at which her expression - her whole demeanor, really - shifted. “Okay.”
Down at the podium, Gala cleared her throat and welcomed them, introduced herself and explained why she was holding his lecture. Ragnar knew all of this, he had only come up here to deliver his aunts message. But Fenja was so cute, all attentive, eager to soak up whatever knowledge his aunt decided to share. How she sat there, focused, scribbling down notes and questions for later. She did it on seperate sheets, organized and thought-out. He watched her profile, let his eyes roam over her figure, how she was wrapped into a hoodie at least two sizes too big, how she had a foot up on the seat, and an arm wrapped around her knee, leaning into it. How she ran the flat of her thumb’s nail over her lower lip, - left, right, left again - lips slightly parted. He licked his lips, swallowing and then promptly snapped himself out of it. Shaking his head over his creepy staring and suddenly, uh
 not-friendly mood, he turned to watch Gala talk about the struggles of writing, writer’s block and solutions that helped in her experience. The lecture took about an hour, with a Q&A session added. Here too, Fenja listened closely, checking questions already answered and noting them down. Ragnar caught himself staring again. He always had felt the need to kinda protect her, keep her close, in his arms, but- oh boy. Oooooh. He leaned back against the chair, crossed his arms and stubbornly stared ahead, until his aunt excused them and everyone was leaving. He’d have to talk to someone about this. Crap. Someone help him. He must have made a sound, because Fenja looked over, concern on her face. “Is everything okay?” “Yeah, I’m good.”
** “Okay, so, I’ve got some examples I need you to translate, please.”  Ingrid laid down papers in front of Fenja and sat. “We’re gonna implement this in the program, we need to get clear on pronunciation and grammar and stuff.”  Fenja looked down at the paper, then back at Ingrid. “That’s your example?”  “Yep.” This whole family, for real.   “Uh, you’re not gonna get accurate, actually used German that way, right?” It’s from Lord Of The Rings. The hell.  “It’s not about that, it’s just an example, a start. It’s about the words, not what it means in context.”  She nodded, then held her hand out for a pen. “You want me to do it on paper?”” Now it was Ingrids turn to shrug. “However you’d like, doesn’t make a big difference.”
It didn’t take Fenja too long to translate it, even when using old German, plush and polished words, to keep the feeling of the original. She caught Ingrid’s attention, as she put her pen down and leaned back in her chair. They were seated in the Ragnarsson library, spread all over the place with school stuff, research, Fenja’s papers for her essays and Ingrid’s paperwork for the Linguae Populi. “You wanna read it?”, the girl asked, and promptly put her chin into her hands, abandoning her work.  “Sure.” Fenja cleared her throat and took a deep breath.   In a sure, but soft tone, she read aloud:
“Nicht alles das Gold, funkelt; Nicht alle die wandern, verloren; Alt und stark nicht verdunkelt; Wurzeln in Tiefe nicht erfroren; Feuer aus Asche entsteht, wie Licht entspringt dem Schatten; Soll zerbarste Klinge nun heilen, Krone wieder auf Königs Haupte weilen.”
Fenja felt slightly uncomfortable under Ingrid's attentive gaze; she raked her fingers through her hair and looked down at the paper. “It's probably not perfect, and certainly not even close to the original translation, but I tried.” The girl stopped her immediately, waving a hand through the air and shaking her head adamantly. “no I'm sure it's absolutely fine.” “Sounded fine to me.”, Came from the door. “Dad!” Ingrid uncurled her legs, bound over to her father like a puppy and dove into his arms for a big old hug. “I didn't know you'd be home today! I thought you had a work trip to Ontario?” Ivar stroked his daughter's head as he looked down at her. “I sent your Uncle instead. Gala has some business there, so he'd have gone there anyway.” Piercing blue eyes fixed Fenja ij her seat, while Ingrid took her fathers free arm and pulled him over. “You speak german?” Fenja nodded, intimidated and shy. “My family came over during the war, and they never let anyone lose touch to their roots. They expect you to be fluent in german.” Ingrid pulled the paper with the translation over and showed him. “That's from Lord of the rings. She's a nerd.” “Then you must like her, no? Two peas in a pod?” He grinned playfully, his calm exterior and the way he bantered with his kid, put her at ease. He wasn't bad, in any way. He was just so
 tall, and broad, and had this very hard and cold aura, if he wanted to. They talked for a while. Ivar asked her more about her family, if they came before the war, or if they lived through the harsh times there. Fenja tried to answer, even taught him a couple of words and phrases when he asked for it. Turns out, the big bad Ivar Ragnarsson was a very curious and eager-to-please puppy dog. Now it was obvious, where this part of Ragnar came from. Those two were so much alike.
Ragnar was minding his own business, concentrating on his work, as a body fell into the spot next to his and a phone was shoved into his face. “LOOK AT THIS!” He did. “What am I looking at?” Fenja grinned, eyes alight with excitement, her whole body vibrating with restless energy. “That's a photograph of a black hole!” She sounded so proud, you'd think she made it. Without having to prompt her, she started into an extended rant, explaining how and when, how big it was (very), and how she really wanted to go visit it (so damn much), and how it looked like Sauron’s eye (It really did, wow), and ‘what if there is some kind of alternate universe where hobbits exist and the black hole is actually a way to go there, or to look into other universes?!’ “You want to visit a black hole.” “Yep.” “You think it’s a way to an alternate Hobbit universe?” “Yep.” Ragnars eyes were skipping over her face, taking in the scrunched nose as she smiled, the tousled hair from her run over, the healthy color of her face, the twinkle in her eyes. She was so cute, this excited. So open, so warm. It was a glimpse of how she could have been, if her parents had survived; she'd be way less inclined to shut others out. He also noticed how close she was. Her arm was wrapped around his biceps, her front pressed into his side as she leaned against him, essentially hugging his arm, while she was still holding the phone up, her elbow on the desk in front of him, his forearm trapped under hers. “You’re crazy.”, he shook his head.  “That’s my best personality trait, that are you talking about?” “But I’m coming with you. No way you’re gonna survive there. Either you’ll eat yourself to death, or you set one foot there and collide with some monster.”  “It’s settled then.” She let go of his arm, laid her own arms and head on the table, face towards him. “Now the only things left are contact with aliens and society’s realization regarding Pluto’s wrong degradation from planet status.”  Ragnar knew better than to dive into that discussion. She was very passionate about space. Instead, he plucked a hair hanging from her lashes.  “But what if there are no aliens?”  Okay, he was weak. Don’t judge.  Fenja groaned, but didn’t move much. “People who honestly believe that we are the only ones out there, are either very stupid, ignorant, or just plain scared. I can respect scared cucumbers, because that means on some level at least they agree that we can’t be alone, that’s just not logical.”
They fell into a comfortable pattern, Fenja ranting, Ragnar working. Sometimes it was the other way around, sometimes it was almost completely silent between the two of them. It was like a bubble, a safe haven on campus. Other students usually tended to avoid the two of them, because rants could happen just about any time, and those two got really passionate, including flailing arms and sometimes even thrown pens. So, their table was a corner-table, but other than them, there were no others in close vicinity. 
No one wanted to be part of
 whatever they had.
Part 9
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dannineedsfriends · 5 years ago
Everyone's asleep so I'm making them appreciation posts to wake up to. So.
(Fyi- yall reading this, it's in the order that my gc is in so)
@little-bit-lost-and-found - I won't expose you because I'm nice like that but I've decides you are my literal bean. And we haven't got to speak much because of time zone differences but from what I know of you, you're one of the sweetest people ever- AND YOUR WRITING IS TO DIE FOR, LITERALLY.
@all-my-love-cathy - bby I love you you are bean nicest gal. Nah seriously- I absolutely love checking the group chat and being able to spam about pole dancing, to the complete horror of mumma. Reigning chaos over anyone with you completes my day. You still owe me a review of the popsicle btw. alSO I LOVE YOUR WRITING. I could read your writing for hours because it makes me so soft inside
@politics-notmything - The declared Catherine Parr of the group. The only one with actual brain cells. You're super nice and running into bathrooms to try on six merch is 13/10 acceptable. Own it. You're the voice of reason to me and to the entire group and you help us so much when we go through dumb shit and can't actually deal with it. Love u gurrrrl also pls update I love your writing and hope to get some more content soon
@sarahzarahh - where do I even start with you, you absolute noodle? nah nah I love you bby. You're my big sister and I look up to you, even though I definitely shouldn't because you're a very bad influence but go off ig. You're the reason I started writing again and posting on this platform, and I wouldn't have met all of these amazing people if it weren't for you. And thank you for my parrlyn hookups hehe they b very nice. Keep existing please- you never fail to make me laugh (we need to cause more chaos soon)
@thenameisnoone - MY MUMMA JANE SEYMOUR!!!!!! I love you sm omg you're the hype mum, no matter what you say. You're the cutest gal & so nice. I don't wanna admit it but I love your dorky puns. I admire your motivation and all of your ideas- your mind works in ways that are far superior to anything I could've dreamed up in a few years. You keep me from swallowing smarties and yet you encouraged by coffee chugging. Is there something you need to tell me, or are you just secretly a chaos bean?
@toomanyfamdom - you is baby and you cannot get away from that reality. You're a small kitty bean and I love you to death. Honestly could talk to you for hours and I look forward to trying to convert you to a chaotic soul (though, it's a personal belief that there is chaos to be found in every soul, its whether or not they allow it to be awakened). Also!! Try and be more confident in yourself, lovely.
Okie dokie das all
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toomanyfamdom · 5 years ago
So apparently I like write?? Like actual words forming stories?? I didn't know this but uh big up my family, the best fam ever for getting me from no ideas to like 4 WIPs.
The fam:
@thenameisnoone @dannixy @sarahzarahh @politics-notmything @all-my-love-cathy @little-bit-lost-and-found @a-slightly-cracked-egg
(Like not joking that's the fam, these incredibly talented people and then theres me lol)
-the babey xx
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toomanyfamdom · 5 years ago
Yooo wtf broski I'm too asleep to process this properly, I just got me waffles c'mon! This is adorable, I love you! You're amazing and sweet and kind amongst the chaos and I really feel the love from you especially during sad boi hours. You put up with all my nonsense and baggage and my speech is now epic thanks to you.
Thank you babes, I love you
Everyone's asleep so I'm making them appreciation posts to wake up to. So.
(Fyi- yall reading this, it's in the order that my gc is in so)
@little-bit-lost-and-found - I won't expose you because I'm nice like that but I've decides you are my literal bean. And we haven't got to speak much because of time zone differences but from what I know of you, you're one of the sweetest people ever- AND YOUR WRITING IS TO DIE FOR, LITERALLY.
@all-my-love-cathy - bby I love you you are bean nicest gal. Nah seriously- I absolutely love checking the group chat and being able to spam about pole dancing, to the complete horror of mumma. Reigning chaos over anyone with you completes my day. You still owe me a review of the popsicle btw. alSO I LOVE YOUR WRITING. I could read your writing for hours because it makes me so soft inside
@politics-notmything - The declared Catherine Parr of the group. The only one with actual brain cells. You're super nice and running into bathrooms to try on six merch is 13/10 acceptable. Own it. You're the voice of reason to me and to the entire group and you help us so much when we go through dumb shit and can't actually deal with it. Love u gurrrrl also pls update I love your writing and hope to get some more content soon
@sarahzarahh - where do I even start with you, you absolute noodle? nah nah I love you bby. You're my big sister and I look up to you, even though I definitely shouldn't because you're a very bad influence but go off ig. You're the reason I started writing again and posting on this platform, and I wouldn't have met all of these amazing people if it weren't for you. And thank you for my parrlyn hookups hehe they b very nice. Keep existing please- you never fail to make me laugh (we need to cause more chaos soon)
@thenameisnoone - MY MUMMA JANE SEYMOUR!!!!!! I love you sm omg you're the hype mum, no matter what you say. You're the cutest gal & so nice. I don't wanna admit it but I love your dorky puns. I admire your motivation and all of your ideas- your mind works in ways that are far superior to anything I could've dreamed up in a few years. You keep me from swallowing smarties and yet you encouraged by coffee chugging. Is there something you need to tell me, or are you just secretly a chaos bean?
@toomanyfamdom - you is baby and you cannot get away from that reality. You're a small kitty bean and I love you to death. Honestly could talk to you for hours and I look forward to trying to convert you to a chaotic soul (though, it's a personal belief that there is chaos to be found in every soul, its whether or not they allow it to be awakened). Also!! Try and be more confident in yourself, lovely.
Okie dokie das all
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toomanyfamdom · 5 years ago
Guys the fam is amazing and I'm so lucky to be a part of this and meet my amazing family in the process. They're so supportive and make me and my writing better. I love you xx
As some brilliant writers have said already said, a group chat was created and it included a few parrlyn writers. Together, we are cooperating in writing a (very big) set of AU’s and will, (hopefully) be posting unscheduled updates contributing to the tag: #Parrlyn AU Multiverse
Everyone involved in this project will be linked just below: @thenameisnoone @little-bit-lost-and-found @sarahzarahh @all-my-love-cathy @politics-notmything @toomanyfamdom @dannixy
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