#Tico Times
henclair · 1 year
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barbie sweep but make it galaxy wide
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armoralor · 3 months
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Rose Tico Icons from The Last Jedi + The Rise of Skywalker ✰ reminder that T*RFs can fuck off, only interact if you love trans & nonbinary folks ♡ more below!
if there is a different pride flag you'd like to see or a different pose over a different colour/background, feel free to send me an ask and i'll try to make it 💖
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masterjedilenawrites · 7 months
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I want everyone who goes “hmmm but JJ set up nothing for Finn and put him in a coma at the end of the film so he never meant for Finn/John Boyega to be the lead” to understand:
First of all: No :)
Secondly: Hold onto this same energy for Rian Johnson regarding Rose Tico/Kelly Marie Tran
Because the Venn diagram that is people who claim JJ was the one who did Finn/John dirty and the people who claim Rian Johnson didn’t treat Rose Tico/Kelly dirty is a circle.
Rian only wrote Rose in because he thought “it’d be really boring” for Finn & Poe to go on an adventure together. He then erased a scene where Finn & Paige would’ve been together when Paige died, which could’ve given us a chance for Finn & Rose to actually bond over something but nope (Point 5 on the list).
Rian wrote Rose to ‘contrast’ with Finn (Point 8 in last link) but really just had her explain slavery and be part of a “war is bad” storyline for Finn? The same Finn who had been stolen as a baby and raised in a brainwashed boot camp to be a child soldier for an evil facist regime?
“Oh he gave her more screen time than in TROS.” He gave her ten minutes. Ten minutes out of a 2 and a half hour slog of a movie. Yes the difference of time is a bit drastic (ten minutes to almost 2) but it’s not that much when you put it against the actual length of the entire movie.
Overall, Rian also did Rose/Kelly dirty. Just like how he did with Finn/John. And I don’t trust people who only mentions her when talking negatively about anyone else (aka not Rian) involved in the making of Star Wars.
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jynjackets · 2 years
unpopular Andor opinion?: aside from being sidelined and tortured, I got mental illness from the first live action Latina woman being overtly sexualized in the second episode. I almost had a heart attack.
I get it yadda yadda this is a different series with a darker tone and sexier vibes whatever. But with his sister having possibly worked at a brothel and watching Bix basically be as close to stripping in a Disney Star Wars series when she visits her boyfriend was where I said “literally no women wrote this.”
It’s personally really sad for me for these reasons:
1: it touches on stereotypes of Latines viewed as “exotic” or as objects. A woman can be gorgeous and sexy but also be of VALUE but because her story doesn’t go much further than being tortured it’s really fucking sad that THAT was a necessary 5 minute scene from night to morning. And with the shittiest guy ever lol? Also, it feels like some cheap male fantasy that someone inserted themselves as cassian and was like “haha my hot ex gf fucks this really shitty guy but he told the police on me because he’s jealous and she cares about me more.” We already understand that cassian is a victim of cultural discrimination but to have him on the run be motivated by a jealous boyfriend is kinda weird. There were so many ways it could’ve gone. I also feel this puts less value on her character because her story is heavily determined and driven by the men around her.
2: This is such a contrast to Jyn. Felicity herself was like ‘over my dead body will Jyn be sexualized in any fucking way.’ (Paraphrase lol). And I was SO excited for new women in Andor to be along that same vein like in Rogue One. Where you feel the stakes for these characters because of their stories. It is very refreshing to see female characters be done tastefully. Where they are complicated and grey. This is only one reason why Jyn is one of my top faves (if not top fave of all time). So when I’m hyped for a mechanic/business owner to join the Rogue One universe and you’re telling me she’s Latina(!) and then show me what happens her, I had to MOURN. FOR DAYS. I’m still mourning obviously. I wanted Bix to be the gorgeous woman she is and still do her own shit and have her own priorities. I wanted her to be kind but not at the expense of her own freedom?
They could’ve shown Bix escaping on her own then meeting Cassian under the hotel where he was on his way. She could’ve been written to engineer the helmet when her hands were free to stop the device without the imperials finding out. Her going back for him teaches cassian to go back for people too. Literally the smallest fucking inkling of anything would have helped but she is really reduced to forwarding the plot. She literally gets brainwashed like wth.
This was probably the biggest issue I had with the show. Like it’s still a masterpiece and all but I was so invested in the people and it was just so disappointing. It feels like what I have to feel with Bix almost how I feel with Rey, that whatever happens in the media isn’t real to me whatsoever.
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mnemehoshiko · 2 years
@incognitajones Something with Rose, and "persistence"
(mneme: I Apologize For Everything About This | have a?? snippet?? prequel?? snippet? from the caf au (i.e. in-universe coffee shop au) that I need to update)
Something with Rose, and "persistence"
BEEP  "Miss Tico, You Are Receiving An Message." BEEP  "Miss Tico, You Are Receiving A Message." BEEP
Rose curled into a ball and burrowed deeper into her bed. Maybe, just maybe, if she ignored it, whoever it was would hang the kriff up.
BEEP.  "Miss Tico, You Are Receiving A Message. Alas, it persisted.
Rose growled as she began to grope across the nightstand for her watch.  "Please tell me the caf shop is on fire or something utterly dire to be worth calling me at--" she squinted at the clock. "900 hours in the kriffing morning"
"Uh....this is Finn. Finn Skywalker from the other day." "Who," she replied groggily.  "....Finn Skywalker. Ah the guy, who came by and asked about kaf beans--?" "Spiran, dark roast; Rishii, blond roast; Rishii, whole beans; pre-ordered a bag of Lamareddian beans due to shortage," she rattled off absent-mindedly as she rummaged around for a holopad. Where the kriff did she put it? Maybe Paige was right and she should stop doing accounts before bed. "Handsome posh looking man, requested the selection claiming that 'He knew nothing about caf beyond he was fairly certain his aunt and his cousin have somehow replaced their blood with it.' PAIGE WHERE DID WE PUT ORDER FORMS--"
"So, you think I'm handsome," replied the voice on holocomm.  "No, that was referring the customer," she grabbed the holopad from Paige who walked in--far far too awake for this time of  day--and scrolled through orders that were processed yesterday. "Skywalker, F." "The F stands for Finn--" "Yes, that's nice. What do you want, Mister--" "Finn, the one you called handsome, is fine." At this point, Rose's mind and mouth finally came into alignment. She debated burying herself in the sheets again and praying This Was A Bad Dream. "Kriff."  "No, Finn," the voice--Finn. Finn Skywalker, or customer who is about to ask for a completely valid refund. -- replied. "I deeply apologize Mr. Skywalker. Completely understand your disappointment in the utter lack of professionalism that was just shown. I assure you the quality of our goods far exceeds my personal failings and--" Rose replied, frantically trying ways to figure out how to recover from this. "Do you like crepes?" Rose blinked. "Excuse me?" "Crepes, Klatoonine to be exact? They probably have other kinds as well?" "I don't hate crepes?" "Would you be....interested in getting crepes with me? In like three hours? My treat?" "Uh sure---" "Great! I'll send you the address! See you soon then." CLICK Rose stared at her holocomm, trying to process what just happened, as Paige ambled in with two bowls, fragrant steam wafting from both of them.  "I got a comm," Rose said, taking the offered bowl from her sister.  "I thought we had a comm at the shop." "We do," Paige said between bites of egg stew and rice. "He asked if you were single, and I said I could do one better and gave him your holo." "Ah, okay---WAIT WHAT THE KRIFF PAE!"
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moonage-dancer · 2 years
I just found out about Tico and the Triumphs (very late)
apparently, it was a band with Paul Simon (as Jerry Landis), Marty Cooper (i swear I've heard his name before somewhere 🤨), Gail Lynn, Mickey Borack, and Howie Beck in the early 60s— at least that’s what I got off from comments on youtube (very credible indeed)
I couldn’t find much but their discography (with about a dozen songs- the motorcycle was their most famous) just scratching the surface (I'll dig deeper later)
the first song I listened to by them was Motorcycle, which gave out a lot of Baby Driver vibes(?), just with more doo-wop in it
not my type of music, but I can appreciate Paul’s rock star phase
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Classic Americans...
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spessolus · 1 year
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i do not appreciate
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rose being skinnified
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haysianrose · 5 months
Star Wars’ Billie Lourd Would “Do Anything” to Reunite With Rose Tico
Lourd is certainly open for a reunion, but there’s one sequel alum she’d especially like to team up with in a new project: “Honestly? Rose [Tico], baby. Kelly Marie Tran is one of my favorite people of all time, and I would love to team up with her. We should do a buddy comedy: Rose and Connix.”
A Rose and Connix team-up would be an intriguing sequel follow-up. Rise of Skywalker faced scrutiny for sidelining Rose: she appeared for little over a minute in the two-hour film. It felt like a considerable downgrade from her appearance in The Last Jedi, and the filmmakers never quite explained her diminished role.
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The Rules:
Every twenty-four hours there will be another round. After every round, the character in last place will be eliminated.
If there are multiple characters tying for last place, there will be a special elimination round. In these rounds, every character in last place will be eliminated, even if all the characters have tied equally.
When there are only two characters remaining, they will face off against one another in a week-long poll to determine the victor.
If the character that you consider the hottest isn't listed here, hit the 'what about ___???' option and reply to this post with the overlooked character. The character with the highest 'write-in' votes will be added to the next round. Unless the 'what about ___???' option is the least voted for, in which case it will be eliminated.
This is all for fun. Don't take it too seriously ;)
It's time to get thirsty, everyone! Happy voting!
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frasier-crane-style · 2 months
Thought for the day
Would The Last Jedi be notable at all if it weren't for continuity? If instead of Mark Hamill playing Luke Skywalker, it had... say... Gary Oldman playing Thrace Astros, a disgraced Master Power? That is to say, if it were original sci-fi?
I don't think it would: it draws all its shock effect and subversion from being a Star Wars movie. So it 'works' because it's a Star Wars movie.
Yet at the same time, it doesn't work as a Star Wars movie. The Holdo Maneuver is ridiculous. Snoke has no origin or explanation. Luke is drastically out-of-character. The "arms dealers are the REAL bad guys" conceit is insane.
It's lent all its power from how well-told earlier stories were, but it doesn't respect those stories enough to uphold them and play by the same rules they did.
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It doesn't really take any skill or craft to write a Sherlock Holmes story that starts with "Sherlock gets shot in the head, aren't you SHOCKED?" This is why a lot of fanfic sucks. The real talent is in getting people to care about Sherlock in the first place.
How about it, people? Did you care about Rose Tico? What about DJ? Or Holdo?
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idollete · 5 months
juju, como vc acha que os meninos ficam quando estão com raiva e a leitora tenta acalmar eles?
pipe: vamos imaginar aqui um pipe puto porque o river não ganhou a libertadores (lowkey tô manisfestando isso) e todo bicudinho no sofá da sala. acho que no começo ele fica bem "ai, amor, para, sai, não tô no clima" e vai tentar se isolar, porque não quer ser grosso contigo também, só que o pipe é literalmente um gatinho manhoso e começa a se derreter rapidinho. se você disser "tudo bem, vou parar, mas vou ficar juntinho aqui, tá?", ele já começa a diminuir a carranca, não vai admitir, mas adora quando você demonstra se importar até com a paixão louca dele por futebol e entende a chateação. só que ele fica calado, a cabeça a mil pensando em todos os lances e chutes perdidos, tudo isso enquanto você faz cafuné no cabelo dele, quietinhos ali. chega num ponto que ele começa a resmungar, esbravejar mesmo, não conseguia mais guardar dentro do peito. fica gesticulando parecendo um doido e de longe pode até parecer que ele está brigando contigo, mas ele tá é xingando até os ancestrais dos jogadores do river. é nessa hora que você sobe no colo dele, e nem precisa ser de um jeito sexual, sabe? e ele respira fundo, porque você tá instruindo, fecha os olhos, relaxa, fica mansinho só com o sussurro da tua voz. vai colocar a cabeça no teu colo e confessar que ficou realmente chateado, que queria ter levado o título. daí te abraça bem apertado, como se quisesse fundir os corpos, inala bem fundo o seu cheirinho e agradece, "obrigado por isso, bebita, eu te amo".
esteban: imagino muito em um cenário onde o esteban ficou putasso com algo do trabalho e chega em casa esbravejando sozinho, chega te assusta, porque ele aparece genuinamente vermelho de raiva, tal qual aquele divertidamente, e nem te cumprimenta direito. ele começa a andar pra lá e pra cá e só para quando você se coloca diante dele, pra dizer "amor, você tá andando em círculos". e como eu acho que o esteban é o cara que bota a opinião da mulher acima de tudo, ele trava imediatamente e fica 😠 > 😐 > 🥺 literalmente nessa sequência. o problema é que ele fica 😠😡🤬 tudo de novo quando você pergunta o que aconteceu, o tom cresce e fica até mais grossinho quando ele começa a xingar os colegas de trabalho estúpidos e quando ele vai nessa você só consegue colocar um freio fazendo algo que chame a atenção dele. é aí que você precisa segurar o queixinho dele e apertar de leve, na hora o esteban já te dá aquele olhar meio perdidinho, de quem estava em outra dimensão, e acho que nem precisa de muito para acalmá-lo, tudo que você precisa fazer é colocar a cabeça dele no seu peito e fazer um cafunézinho no cabelo que ele fica mansinho de volta, tal qual um cachorro.
simón: um dos mais difíceis de acalmar, só perde pro matías esquentadinho recalt. imagino muito o simón vendo a final de algum campeonato em um barzinho e se envolvendo em uma briga generalizada com um torcedor do time rival. e ele fica irado, se achando coberto de razão, morrendo de vontade de ir pra cima do cara de de novo, principalmente se ele te ofendeu de alguma forma durante a briga (tópico de homem otário né). só sossega quando você para na frente, ele congela na hora, porque seria o maior pesadelo da vida do simón te machucar sem querer não ou por ele estar com raiva demais de algo e nem te perceber ali na frente. o porém é que ele não descansa, te diz pra sair da frente, não quer te machucar, mas o cara precisa ouvir umas boas. fica todo emburrado, balançando a perna com raiva e freneticamente, tá quase bicudo, porém a carranca disfarça. é bem capaz dele se estressar um tico contigo e perguntar se você tá defendo "aquele pau no cu do caralho", você precisa segurar o rosto dele, apertar (e se controlar muito pra não rir do biquinho que ficou) e mandar ele parar com isso. o simón ainda vai tentar argumentar MUUUUUITO, te dá n motivos que, pra ele, justificam a briga, e se irrita ainda mais se você diz que ele tá errado. o simón não me parece ser do tipo que a raiva passa na hora, então, ele fica o resto do jogo com a maior cara de bicho, só que vai amolecendo com o tempo, principalmente se você estiver fazendo um cafuné ali na nuca dele. fica caladinho, mas você percebe pelo canto do olho como ele parece se esforçar pra manter a cara de mau, quando tá todo derretidinho pelo teu carinho.
matías: por qualquer que seja o motivo, é humanamente impossível acalmar matías recalt. primeiro que ele perde todo o filtro que já não tinha quando fica nervoso, segundo que ele provavelmente provoca qualquer briga e faz a pessoa perder o juízo, a sanidade e a paz de espírito, terceiro que ele é um cotoco de homem que do nada aparece peitando alguém e te deixa que nem barata tonta atrás dele. se ele se meter em briga durante uma festa, vai voltar pra casa resmungando o caminho inteiro e ameaçando voltar lá e ensinar uma lição àqueles boludos. ele fica tão puto que você é obrigada a literalmente parar no meio da calçada e precisa dar um gritinho para fazê-lo parar também, já que é capaz dele sair andando e só parar quando estiver em outro planeta. ele vai responder tudo com um humor super ácido e SEMPRE tem uma respostinha na ponta da língua. ele é do tipo que fica pra lá e pra cá, então, você não consegue tocá-lo em momentos assim, ele vai dar aquela risadinha irônica sempre que você diz pra ele ter calma e fica repetindo que vai mostrar a calma já já para quem estava brigando com ele. e quando você dá sermão, dizendo que ele está sendo infantil, ele prova que você está completamente certa, porque fica fazendo careta o tempo inteiro. sim, matías recalt tem espírito de quinta série às vezes. você pode tentar, mas o matías só se acalma mesmo quando vocês chegam em casa, tomam um banho juntinhos e ficam no quintal fumando um até estarem bem levinhos e risonhos.
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velvet4510 · 6 months
I guess I’m one of those weirdos who so deeply feels the essence of an instrumental leitmotif from a film score associated with a particular character or couple, that I start associating said leitmotifs in my head with ANOTHER character from an entirely different film/book/series. And I’ve built up a whole library of leitmotifs for LOTR characters even though I ADORE Howard Shore’s original score for the trilogy. I consider these leitmotifs to be add-ons, NOT replacements.
Nor do I intend to completely dissasociate all of these themes from their intended films/characters; some of them are perfect fits for the films they were written for. It’s just my mind going wild like usual. (But I admit, in some cases, the pieces are from films I dislike, and thus I would rather see these great songs associated with something of LOTR quality rather than what they were actually stuck with, especially when the lack of lyrics gives you the freedom to let the melody take you wherever it takes you, personally.)
In the case of Silmarillion characters and relationships, well, it’s a different story - it really is my attempt to cobble together what could be a hypothetical score, if it were brought to the screen. Obviously it’d never be this exactly, but I would hope a composer for a potential screen adaptation of The Silmarillion might be inspired by themes like these.
In some cases, the characters these themes were originally written for don’t resemble the corresponding LOTR characters very much, or at all. Also some of them have titles that by themselves could not be more different from and unfitting for Tolkien’s world. It’s just the melodies on their own, without context or even name, performed by these gorgeous orchestras, that have come to remind me of particular Tolkien figure(s).
I also have found lots of “love themes”, both romantic and platonic, for character relationships, as you’ll see. I’ve included romantic themes for canonical couples, as well as for pairings that I personally ship. I know Shore already gave Aragorn and Arwen a theme, but as I said, these are all extra additions and not replacements.
And yes I have a lot of Star Wars stuff in here, because I love Star Wars…but I love Tolkien more.
For the heck of it I’ll share some of these, with links to each song on YT. It’s hard to explain why I made these choices/associations, but maybe you’ll get it if you listen to some of them.
The Valar = “Guardians of the Whills Suite” by Michael Giacchino
Lúthien Tinúviel = “Once Upon a Time in the West” by Ennio Morricone
Túrin Turambar = “Anakin’s Theme” by John Williams
Nienor Níniel = “Helena’s Theme” by John Williams
Frodo Baggins = “Romeo” by Nino Rota
Sam Gamgee = “Rey’s Theme” by John Williams
Aragorn = “The John Dunbar Theme” by John Barry
Gandalf = “Yoda’s Theme” by John Williams
Legolas = “Rose Tico” by John Williams
Éowyn = “Marion’s Theme” by John Williams
The Undying Lands = “Out of Africa” by John Barry
Frodo x Sam = “Love Theme from Ben-Hur” by Miklos Rozsa
Beren x Lúthien = “Love Theme from The Godfather” by Nino Rota
Faramir x Éowyn = “Han Solo and the Princess” by John Williams
Aragorn x Arwen = “Love Theme from Cinema Paradiso” by Ennio Morricone
Sam x Rosie = “Love Theme from Dances with Wolves” by John Barry
Bilbo x Thorin = “Andante Cantabile” by Bernard Herrmann
Thingol x Melian = “Indecent Proposal” by John Barry
Fingon x Maedhros = “Wuthering Heights” by Alfred Newman
Galadriel x Celeborn = “Central Park” by James Newton Howard
Finrod x Bëor = “Somewhere in Time” by John Barry
Aegnor x Andreth = “Love Theme from The Scarlet Letter” by John Barry
Finduilas x Gwindor = “Deborah’s Theme” by Ennio Morricone
Túrin x Beleg = “Across the Stars” by John Williams
Mablung x Nienor = “Wanda and Vision” by Christophe Beck
Tuor x Idril = “Conversation Piece” by Bernard Herrmann
Eärendil x Elwing = “Tennessee” by Hans Zimmer
Maglor x Daeron = “Midnight Cowboy” by John Barry
Elrond x Celebrían = “And Then I Kissed Him” by Hans Zimmer
Pippin x Diamond = “Love Theme from East of Eden” by Leonard Rosenman
Merry x Estella = “Love Theme from Rebel Without a Cause” by Leonard Rosenman
Elanor x Fastred = “Theme from A Summer Place” by Max Steiner (arranged by Percy Faith)
Elrond & Elros = “Brothers” by Hans Zimmer
Merry & Pippin = “Flying” by John Williams
Legolas & Gimli = “Rain Man” by Hans Zimmer
Boromir & Faramir = “Luke and Leia” by John Williams
Bilbo & Frodo* = “The Mother’s Love” by Miklos Rozsa
Sam & Elanor = “The Ludlows” by James Horner
I may add to this as I think of more, or even replace certain songs entirely if I come across a better match. Always return to the pinned post here to see the most recently updated list.
* Bilbo & Frodo’s melody is heard in the first minute of the linked track, 0:00–1:01, and again at 1:48. Also, the love theme I associate with Frodo & Sam starts playing at 1:03, making this whole thing fit all the hobbits even better.
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kadextra · 1 year
one of the greatest things about new members joining is more people getting to deal with the unexplainable dynamic of landduo for the first time
nothing will ever be funnier than fit trying to diffuse the arguments, cellbit naming them tico e teco on the jaidens’ adventure, and max desperately trying to stop their 3 hour fish slap battle to the point it crashed the server <3
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casp1an-sea · 2 months
Problems I have with Sequels characters
(these are just my opinions You are entitled to your own.)
this post was so long I hit the post to limit. So rather than making multiple posts, I’m just going to insert screenshots.
Han Solo:
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Leia Organa:
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Luke Skywalker:
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Poe Dameron and Rose Tico:
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Captain Phasma:
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Armitage Hux:
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also, I forgot to include this, but I think it’s funny that Kylo, Hux, And Phasma are like supposed to be the scary villain trio, but they rarely show anything to support this, and two of the three are shown as jokes way too often to be taken seriously. I would love if they went this direction but they really dropped the ball. The three of them barely all interact at the same time.
Snoke and Sheev Palpatine:
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Kylo Ren:
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Rey (just Rey):
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wow Rey had a hole four photos what a surprise
Gay Representation:
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