#Thus The Mun Speaks: MUN TALK
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petals-of-a-heart-moasic · 2 years ago
new ask game send me a 🌻 and ill just tell you whatever the fuck i want.
((Games I was obsessed with:
Lux-Pain 1bitHeart The Strange Man series Angels of Death Alice Mare Forest of Drizzling Rain LiEat Code:Realize Ib Yume Nikki End Roll Pocket Mirror
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godevbo · 4 months ago
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✦  HI! I'M EVBO!
I'm still discovering all of the secrets to Tumblr Civilization, so I hope I fit right in! Feel free to talk to me and ask me about my previous adventures!
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✦  OOC :
HELLO! I'm the OOC for this account! This is a roleplay blog for any and all versions of the character Evbo!
I can and will add ART for asks if i get the chance to! ( although they will 9 times out of 10 be sketches/non-coloured! )
My parent OOC evboverse blog is @snitchbo , and my MAIN blog is @getgored !
OOC-mun is a minor + speaks eng/esp so idgaf what language asks r in
 ⊹ ⏝⏝ ★ ⏝⏝ ⊹
This blog will have MULTIPLE canon versions of Evbo! So LET ME EXPLAIN ALL OF THEM!
REGARDLESS OF THESE CANONS! You can still ALWAYS send messages/comments/asks about non-canon things, and he will respond to you under the non-canon tag! Please include "non-canon" or what au you'd like to see, if any! ( i.e., seavbo au, trans au, etc.) Example of a non canon ask: "How do you feel about seawatt evbo? (In a seavbo canon, please!)"
⊹  Parkour Civilization
Evbo's timeline will take place POST CANON! he will have officially become the Parkour God and retain all of his canon memories from BOTH seasons!
Evbo is in his mid-20s, male, and uses he/him (however, due to his upbringing doesn't mind other pronouns and is open to exploring pronouns and gender/other identities!) Evbo is a meritocrat (-and is open to political discussion!) and is in an unlabeled relationship with EMF and Snitch/APF/Snitch-apf
Evbo is still hateful towards Seawatt and ClownPierce and see them as his lifelong enemies! He has a student/teacher and almost familial relationship with The Old Man, though he is critical/more untrustworthy of him due to his past actions!
⊹  PvP Civilization
Evbo's timeline is always placed after the MOST RECENT PvP Civilization uploads from the time of the post! He retains all updated memories from the time of posting!
Evbo is a young adult ( around early 20s ) he doesnt use labels, but his attraction falls most under pansexual with a preference for women/feminine aligned individuals! Evbo uses he/him pronouns and identifies as male. However, his gender and pronomial identity are also unlabled!
Evbo has a crush on Tabi and feels some sort of attraction to his guard friend!
⊹  Tumblr Civilization
A meta alternate universe where Evbo is actually ON TUMBLR! you can be as meta as you want and ask him about tumblr posts/accounts/his tumblr account!
Evbo remembers all the events from Parkour AND PvP civilization! This is an AU where he simply jumps to different civilizations ( thus, tumblr is his 3rd civilization! )
Evbo goes by he/him, is unlabled/nonlabled and is not CURRENTLY in a relationship! ( though he has in the past... )
⊹  The Vault
Evbos timeline takes place POST CANON! He retains all memories from all parts of the vault series!
Evbo is in his 20s, queer, uses he/him ( sometimes they/them ) and used to date seawatt - they broke up officially after seawatt was dethroned! He is best friends with Tabi and helps to be a figurehead od the new world!
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✦  Tags :
  —-—  #hi i'm evbo!
Any in-character posts from evbo!
  —-—  #here in Parkour Civilization
In-character posts from Evbo from Parkour Civilization!
  —-—  #here in PvP Civilization
In-character posts from Evbo from PvP Civilization!
  —-—  #here in Tumblr Civilization
In-character posts from Evbo from Tumblr Civilization!
  —-—  #here in The Vault
In-character posts from Evbo from TabiMC's series The Vault!
  —-—  #here in Non-canon Civilization
In-character posts from Evbo that do not fit the "canon" of the account/other posts! These can include other ships, AUs, or other divergent plot points!
  —-—  #OOC Civilization
Any and all completely ooc posts!
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defender-of-jouvente · 6 months ago
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Apparently this is what we're doing now? Making blogs? Or something. And I don't wanna be left out! So here I am!!!
I'm Isabeau (he/him), ex-defender from Jouvente, currently traveling with the Saviors of Vaugarde. Nice to meet you!
(Could you call this an Isablog....? Hehehe.)
Act Directory
{Rules/Info Below Cut}
hey! this blog is run by an anonymous user who shall, from here on out, be dubbed "mundie". it uses ze/they/he pronouns, and will occasionally use it/its pronouns for itself. it is a hobbyist roleplayer who tends to go overboard with things, and also has a degree in the arts i guess.
mun is an adult- indeterminate amount of years rp experience yadda yadda yadda. lets get to the meat of things.
this is an isabeau rp blog! while it's still in the early stages, it will have full game spoilers- not to mention the mun will talk ooc with the general regard that it's followers have, in fact, completed the game. please tread with caution if you haven't finished it yet!
(also technically an au)
majority of assets (as well as the game itself) used on this blog are directly from isat and thus made by insertdisc5 unless otherwise stated. things like sprites and portraits may be edited as i see fit.
instances of textboxes are put together in the ISAT Dialogue Maker.
blog tries to remain as accessible as possible, and all images will include ids in alt text (unless I forget). distorted and colored text will have a translation located in the tags. let me know what i can do to make this blog more accessible for you!
Anon: Off. Learn to respect my friends’ time and energy or die by my sword.
Magic!Anon: Currently not allowed, several stashed in inbox.
Interactions: Allowed and welcome! I may not get to every one, for a rainbow variety of reasons I won't get into. I will simply do my best! (Note: You don't have to be in the "group" listed below to interact! Come n hang!)
Plot: Currently in Act 1
Main Group: @a-traveling-star (King), @housemaiden-of-change (Noah), @studies-of-nothing (Nin), @snacksleader (Bonnie), and @loopadoop - check them out to get more context on the main story!
No sexual content. Try to keep it PG-13 in that regard. Everything else follows the general standards of the actual game-- things may get heavy, so please take care!
No harassment. I feel like this won't exactly discourage any potential attempts, but its good to set boundaries. If I deem your ask legitimately hurtful I'm just gonna delete/ignore it. This includes transphobia, racism, xenophobia, etc etc.
This blog, as well as it's companion blogs, moves at its own pace. This is largely improv with some minimal planning for structure- we don't have every little thing planned, and we are pretty unfamiliar with each other and still adjusting, so scheduling may be messy. Please don't rush us! This performance is just as much for us as it is for you.
Try to stay on topic! Goofs are welcome, but try not to derail during plot/story heavy moments. Asks may be held in "stasis" until they are relevant if they don't match up with the current goings on.
Spoilers and potentially triggering content will be tagged as such. If you have something you need tagged, shoot me an ask and I'll do my best to cover it.
Joke asks are fine as long as you behave. Me n Isabeau both have thick skin, but try not to push it. I'm not afraid to put my foot down if you make me uncomfortable.
You can talk to the mod/mun, but I may not always respond. If something is surrounded by {} <- these brackets, that's probably me speaking. Remember to address me if you want to actually, like, talk to me. (I often reserve ooc asks for mundays unless its pertinent, so keep this in mind!)
i see you there motherfucker. yeah you. i see you. what are you doing here. i TOLD you there are spoilers dude. hitting you with my broom hitting you with my broom hitting you with my broom h
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the-haunted-office · 1 month ago
📝 Favorite headcanon for your muse? 
(For Doom!)
Mun talks about the Muse
I don't know if this is necessarily my favorite headcanon, because it's hard to pick a favorite with Doom being my favorite muse altogether, but definitely one of my favorite things about her is that she is - out of all the timelines - the very first Thursday. She's the first one, and her name that she has chosen to go by means the end. x)
Her name actually has a couple of different meanings behind it, and it's also just a play on words. Being the Thursday from the original, doomed timeline, she started calling herself Doomsday to differentiate herself from the other Thursdays by calling herself Doomsday for that reason too - being the doomed Thursday.
She's also known throughout the multiverse as being the one who "ends worlds" or who has ended worlds... in a manner of speaking. She hasn't literally ended entire worlds, although one has to ask oneself what the definition of a world is. It doesn't always mean a planet or a space in there is whole society of people and places and things. It can also mean a single building. It can also mean a single person and their world, the people who mean the most to them. Doom has destroyed many Offices throughout the multiverse, and helped many alternates of herself through their deaths and subsequently taken their souls at the end. Thus, she ended those worlds.
She also, tragically, will be the last Thursday to exist, because when all the universes in the multiverse die, Doomsday will be forced into the In-Between with the other shattered souls, where she will have to spend the rest of her existence, past the end of eternity. She will never be able to move on from that place into the afterlife because of the way her soul was damaged by the Dampening mist. Her soul is like a key that no longer can fit into any lock to open any door into the afterlife. She is truly cursed with immortality.
She is the first Thursday and the last. She is truly Doomed.
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xretiredcommanderx · 5 months ago
[Rules & Tags]
As both a writer of a book and suffering from epilepsy (Photosensitive) there will be times that I am absent. Please be patient with me and I will be patient with you.
The mun is nearly 30 with many years of writing and RP experience. That said, due to a medical diagnosis the length of replies (And sometimes my very own jargon/vernacular/or how I describe things) will vary. This is not a lack of interest or ability, this is just my brain being a silly goose.
This blog is an open blog to OCs and AUs. However please be informed that communication is key.
I will not RP anything NSFW with anyone 18 or under. It is ILLEGAL! If you are caught lying about your age, you will be blocked.
Please no god mod. I would like to enjoy rping with you and I think the only way we can both achieve that is if we both agree not to god mod. I do not think that is fair to any one. If you wish to do something that requires something of my character’s action, do ask. I am pretty open to things and if you ask me, I am more than likely to say okay.
Tags and Verses
Typically in the tags you will see me do a lot of tagging that is talking to the viewer (mostly via Magnus breaking the fourth wall). This is because I have crippling writer's syndrome and I like communicating with you guys or putting in some comment. However if I am roleplaying, I will try to remember to tag something to keep the universe organized. Usually via the individual's username, AU or main verse, RP name, etc.
These are a few tags I have thus far for such verses. I will add as the ball gets rolling, but this is a lot of loose papers of which are not mine--I ain't gonna remember it all--LET'S GO!
Ultra Mun Speaks - (if the Mun is speaking)
|| IC status - ( If the Muse is speaking)
|| V - (Which ever RP or verse we are roleplaying, most likely on the main universe)
|| AU - (Which ever RP or verse we are roleplaying; in an alternate verse)
|| Tagnus - (Tarn and Magnus ship)
|| Shenanigans - Just for silliness. We get silly here!
|| Memes in Threes - I like to post memes in sets of threes to give people the option and selection. I do this from time to time.
|| That's a lot of papers none of which belong to me - I'm pleading the fifth. I refuse to answer.
|| Long Post - : ) For ✨long posts✨. To WHICH I try to put under the cut.
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dreadful-shroud · 2 years ago
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“This is a strange place. I found myself in a small cabin within the woods with only my equipment present. Whispering voices were speaking to me, reaching out. I couldn’t comprehend what they were saying, but somehow I knew that this was just where I belonged.”
The Ghostface has arrived in the DbD ask blog/rp community! This blog will be mostly writing based with written answers, but there will also be art to answer asks or just for fun occasionally. Mun is 18 and Muse is 36, NSFW asks are allowed as well as other, more problematic themes. Thus, this blog will be 18+! If you are a minor, do not interact and view at your own risk. Here are some other basic rules for this blog:
Things like homophobia, transphobia, ableism, racism, sexism or other forms of discrimination will not be tolerated on this blog! In character interactions that feature such things are allowed to a certain degree.
My version of Danny is based off of his canon lore and tome, but also very strongly reliable on my personal headcanons. If you don’t agree with my portrayal of him, you are welcome to leave. Don’t force your version of Danny onto my Danny.
I usually don’t do rp’s with people that I don’t know, so before you send a starter, please DM me first!
Don’t force a ship or relationship on my character without talking to me first.
Don’t be mean to the mun. You can be mean to Danny as much as you’d like, but do not direct hate or bullying at me.
Posts will be tagged with the according featured tag to keep things orderly! This contains tags for writing, art, reblogs, roleplay, shitposts and answered asks.
My ask box is open and ready for asks! Please feel free to submit them and I’ll answer them as soon as possible!
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shackld · 1 year ago
In the list below, bold all the fears your muse currently has, italicize all the fears they've worked through or grown out of, answer the questions below, and then pass it on by tagging your favorite muns to participate!
Common Fears and Phobias
The dark l Small spaces l Suffocation l Water l Thunderstorms l Dogs l Snakes l Spiders l Insects l Clowns l Blood l Dentists l Hospitals l Needles l Germs l Heights l Fire l Public speaking l Large crowds l Meeting new people l Being alone l Being touched l Failure l Imperfection l Societal rejection l Physical intimacy l Emotional intimacy l Being abandoned l Being forgotten
What other fears do they have?
Chief definitely fears losing control of herself / the shackles and being seen as a monster because of them the most. She also fears not doing ENOUGH for her Sinners. Also being restrained but that isn't as intense as the others.
Why do they have these fears? Are these fears innate, trauma-based, or generational?
I feel like all of her fears are either trauma based or innate, not so much generational UNLESS you consider her fear of not being able to do enough in relationship with the past Chiefs of the MBCC then yes!
Starting off easy, her fear of being restrained isn't so heavy but it does connect with her fear of being seen as a monster and hurting people and thus being restricted because of it (aka the past she doesn't remember where this actually happened! Please no more straitjackets she would lose it!) But yeah, she genuinely feels losing control, be it of herself or her powers because both have happened before and it made her feel helpless yeah but also because she hurt Hella and Hecate in the process and everyone else linked through the shackles! NOT TO MENTION 036 WHO SHE KILLED ON ACCIDENT. DAMN.
(Also her fear of intimacy has to do with the fear of growing attached to people and letting them in only for something bad to happen to either of them.... and being touched because of what happened in her coma. Needles??? THEY JUST FREAK HER OUT ALSO VICTORIA WAR FLASHBACKS.)
Have they ever tried to work through or confront these fears? How did it go?
Chief tries to work through her fear of losing control every damn day by trying to understand more about herself and the shackles and learning how to use them but also WHEN to use them! It doesn't always work, but she's trying!! Her fear of emotional intimacy on the other hand not so much, she's pretty distant in terms of romance despite the relationships she may have formed because really,,, how well does anyone really know Chief? Like what she likes, dislikes, you can't even talk to her about her past because she doesn't remember it and that's something she's pretty insecure about! But slowly, she's trying to form her own identity and I think that's pretty brave-
TAGGED BY: @slaughterlocked yOU TAGGING: @serpentsexile / @mortalthysia, @starsummons (yanqing), @sweetlybite @vertraumend @deathfavor (Hanma) @ahogedetective
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anotherhumanpet · 2 years ago
Get To Know The Mun
-----The Basics!----
Name: Madmud or (more commonly) Mud Pronouns: She/Her. They/Them is cool if you don’t know/are unsure, but I am definitely a She/Her so... use it please. Zodiac: Cancer Single/Taken: Single
-----Three Facts!----
I live on a farm and we use to butcher our own sheep for cheaper meat. Because of this, lamb became one of my favorites to eat and I froth at the price of it in grocery stores.
I also grew up with my dad taking grocery bags full of apples, peaches, and cherries off the trucks he drove for work, and thus became spoiled with free fruit so I also froth at the price of them in grocery stores.
I live and grew up in a desert climate, but would give anything to live in a more rainy one.
Platforms Used: GaiaOnline forums & guilds & DMs (previously), Guild Wars DMs (previously), RuneScape DMs (previously), Tumblr (current), Skype (previously), Discord (current) Plotting/Winging It/Memes: I like plotting but I don’t think I’m good at it most of the time, so it can take me a while to come up with something I feel is presentable. That, or I just start to feel bad because I tend to get too focused on my own characters when I should be offering something for everyone. Winging it is good too. It’s how most of my RPing goes these days because it makes for good in-between plot content and, if the stars align, could very well lead into a plot of its own making! Memes are great starters too. As good as any sentence/lyric starter I see floating around.
------Muse Preference!-----
Gender: I couldn’t give a shit. I write what/who speaks to me. Multi or Single: I generally keep my blogs single muse focused with sprinkles of NPCs to fill in some small roles as I need them. Jaden’s my only case of “broke out of the NPC status and became a full fledged character on their own” but I will not move him onto his own blog because there’s so much of his content here that I’d hate to disconnect him from it. Least Favorite Faceclaim(s): I generally don’t care who/what a person uses because we all see our muses how we see them and that’s that. But I definitely dislike face claims that are EXCEPTIONALLY gorgeous/sexy, or who do the freaking blank-face-expressionless model staring. The former is just a major turn off to me because I always get the sense that I’m supposed to automatically find this face claim (and thus the muse) attractive and I spitefully won’t, and the latter just peeves me because I personally like to use face claims and icons for examples of expression, so the sheer lack of expression defeats the whole purpose of everything to me.
Fluff: I'm down for it but easily bored by it too since it often calls for everything to be feel-good, wholesome, pure, and just perfectly amazing the whole ride, which rapidly exhausts me. I like slice of life a little more. It’s less performative and can lead into whacky situations, which are very entertaining to me. Angst: Love it, but I’m also extremely picky about it. I do not like characters that are plagued by constant (or near constant) hardship/angst and I do not enjoy having anything/everything turned into a matter of angst. And I’ll admit I can be bad about the latter point so I don’t have much room to talk, but my god. Smut: I’m not opposed to it... with my shipping partners. Anyone else, no. Don’t even try it and don’t bother approaching if that’s all you want/write. I’m not into it. BONUS Shipping: I’m open to it but I generally prefer to ship with the partners and-or friends I feel comfortable and close with. I’m also a bit of a freak and can’t do 0-to-60 shipping. You open the gate with “okay so our muses are in love and this is how mine would say ‘I love you’ first to yours” I’m dipping because I need a feel for how our characters interact before I can even begin to speculate on how their relationship will be. BONUS Whump: See the attached image. (Follows a similar vibe to angst though; Too much of it all at once and I’m out.)
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sanguistar · 28 days ago
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Important Disclaimer:
Just a friendly reminder that mun ≠ muse. The way I write Astarion doesn’t reflect my personal beliefs or values. Astarion can be cruel, manipulative, toxic, or downright awful, with just enough humanity to keep people around. His trauma and the slow process of overcoming it don’t necessarily make him a better person.
If you see Astarion differently, I respect that. Personally, I’m not on board with the constant romanticization of trauma you see in media and literature, or the idea that surviving and overcoming your past automatically makes you a better person. Sometimes it does, but let’s be honest, it’s not always the case. This isn’t a dig at anyone else’s opinions, so let’s keep things mature.
And finally, it’s perfectly fine to enjoy different portrayals of the same character, no matter how different they may be. After all, roleplay is meant to be fun!
Thanks for reading. Here's your biscuit 🍪🥛
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If you're part of the 'I can fix him' squad, that's totally fine. I respect it, but I respectfully disagree. Astarion is not a good person (ref.), and I’m not about to water him down just because he occasionally shows a vulnerable side or a sliver of honesty. (Read: He’s a bit of a gremlin and sometimes needs to be metaphorically leashed.)
Astarion can be influenced by those around him, for better or worse, but that doesn’t change his core. So please, don’t expect a sudden personality transplant. However, if it is natural for your character to expect as much, that's perfectly fine IC.
While Astarion is biased toward those he holds dear (see friended/romanced), he’s also a first-class enabler of others' worst instincts and might very well be the naughty little devil whispering in your muse’s ear, regardless of their moral compass. (Again, he’s a naughty pale elf, mate. I don’t know what to tell you.)
Astarion is highly manipulative and plays dirty. He’ll often tug at the heartstrings, even if it means showing a more vulnerable side or digging up trauma, to get what he wants. (And if he does reveal this side to your character, regardless of his motives, it suggests he ‘trusts’ them... at least enough to make use of that trust.)
Just because he’s a morally questionable individual doesn’t mean he’s above doing a good deed now and then. But don’t get it twisted; he’s not doing it out of the goodness of his heart. He’s quite selfish after all. If friended/romanced, he’ll also display care for those he’s close to, in his own peculiar way.
Astarion is a crook and a liar, even to those he cares about. He won’t always speak his mind and might agree to things he doesn’t want, only to regret it later and blame others for 'talking him into it'. There will be instances he’s genuinely a victim, but other times, not so much.
Astarion has his own personal agenda and tends to follow through with it regardless of what someone else may think, sometimes going so far as to not tell people what he's up to, or straight up lying if he finds it convenient.
[more: tba]
Friended / Romanced
(Friended/Romanced) While Astarion remains largely indifferent to those he doesn’t know (unless their suffering becomes a nuisance to his own agenda), he does possess a certain fondness for those he holds dear. Thus, what might amuse him when it befalls others is far less entertaining when it affects his beloved. (ref timestamp 1:06~)
(Friended/Romanced) Should your character be close to Astarion and possess a more virtuous nature, he might discreetly carry out some of his more dubious plans behind their back, if only to avoid a confrontation or a reprimand. Of course, the possibility of your character discovering his actions and confronting him remains an open prospect for exploration.
(Romanced) Astarion is fiercely protective of those he cherishes and won’t hesitate to speak up if he feels they are being wronged by anyone other than himself, of course.
(Romanced) Astarion is pansexual and, in my portrayal, he tends to lean towards a dominant role, though with a certain flexibility about it.
(Romanced) His stance on polyamory will entirely depend on who they’re dealing with, though he’s not likely to be the one to propose it. That said, "unlikely" doesn’t mean "impossible."
Past & Life
Astarion stands as the sole "survivor" of the Ancunin family, a tragic title bestowed upon him after a brutal massacre. While the Gur were indeed the instigators of said attack, whispers abound that others, nursing their own vendettas against the Ancunin lineage, seized the opportunity to join the slaughter. The mastermind behind it all? None other than Cazador, who saw the elimination of the Ancunins as a strategic boon, both politically and personally. His twisted fascination with Astarion played no small part; starving the young elf of his family was merely the first step in grooming him to become part of Cazador's twisted new "family."
Before his transformation, Astarion made a calculated attempt to seduce Cazador, fully aware of his status as a vampire lord and driven by his own obsessive desire for immortality. His efforts brought him closer to Cazador, hoping to be granted the dark gift. However, Astarion was woefully ignorant of the grim details that the path to becoming a vampire first winds through the harrowing existence of a vampire spawn. Cazador, ever the schemer, exploited Astarion’s naivety to further his own nefarious ends.
Astarion is Cazador's second ever spawn, but his oldest still-living one. The first spawn never made it.
Note: If you roleplay Cazador, you can disregard any HCs that do not mesh well with your own.
click here for other headcanons!
[more: tba]
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petals-of-a-heart-moasic · 2 years ago
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((Assistance needed please! I’ve been trying to reply and wjeaisodx- For some posts it’s easy for me to still edit and reblog, but for some others I’ve been struggling in trying to edit but then I run into the first post can’t be taken off/double reply glitch?
I’m still using New Xkit, but I’m completely clueless over on how to maneuver around I guess this new system that tumblr is making us all go into....I’m just very confused.))
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hubofhellfire · 8 months ago
♥️☢ ✖ ❥
salty mun meme
☢ What fads/trends are you so over?
Sentence/quote starter memes, at least when not previously plotted in some capacity? Far too limiting creatively and that's why you never see me reblog those types of memes.
♥ What's the WORST thing that has happened to you rp wise?
I dunno if I have any one thing I would say is THE WORST, but definitely a contender would be recent events (though in reality they spawn back to around novemberish of last year) is having a fall out with one writer, who after falling out with me starts up a blog for a muse that I write, and then another person that I wrote with ends up dumping all our writing in order to exclusively write with them.
It's a fresh wound, I won't go into more details, I've talked about it a bit with some people privately on Discord? But honestly I just want to move on from it, despite still seeing both parties on my dashboard frequently (perks of being in the same rpc lol)
✖ How has Tumblr RP changed since you started?
I think in the time when I came into roleplaying on Tumblr (this would have probably been around like maybe the 2014 mark I think? Years kinda blend together on this site for me honestly), there was a very prominent issue with everything and everyone being cliquey.
There used to be numerous amounts of private RP groups that had all these ridiculous rules about who and what you can do with people that weren't in those groups... and it was really just very annoying and made putting yourself out there very difficult; it was almost kinda like you had to already know some people who had tenure in whatever rpc you were trying to get into.
Nowadays, thankfully, that has largely dissipated from what I can tell and people are more open to interact with new comers and indies alike; however, that shift has also in my experience seen a tremendous emergence in people wanting to stay in a little bubble. What I mean by that is, back in the first few years when I was getting started here on Tumblr... there was a lot more openness and enthusiasm around crossovers between fandoms, even if it wasn't a fandom you yourself were all to familiar with; I think that's largely where my preference for crossovers comes in? I like the challenge that it presents.
So I guess in a way, while cliquey nature has gone the way of the dodo? In its placed emerged people shy to expand their horizons with crossovers. It makes creating new blogs a challenge, honestly, because now it seems like you are pigeoned into
writing characters that are uber popular and thus have hundreds of people writing them
picking a largely popular fandom but going with a muse that doesn't have much representation, which in turn makes it difficult to put yourself out there.
or gamble on a lesser known fandom/muse and hope that you have a group of people that are willing to crossover with you; which in my personal experience? Fails 89% of the time.
❥ Has someone ever ruined an FC or character for you?
Ruined in the sense that I refuse to write with any other interpretation of a character because one writer burned me so bad? No.
Ruined in the sense that what we were writing was so amazing that it's hard to find a replacement? Sure, absolutely.
Hell, I'm going through the hopes of replacing some muses as we speak... its just a matter of finding people I can trust.
But it's not out of the question I won't find a new taker.
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rubistella · 1 year ago
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Important Disclaimer:
Just a friendly reminder that mun ≠ muse. The way I write Astarion doesn’t reflect my personal beliefs or values. Astarion can be cruel, manipulative, toxic, or downright awful, with just enough humanity to keep people around. His trauma and the slow process of overcoming it don’t necessarily make him a better person.
If you see Astarion differently, I respect that. Personally, I’m not on board with the constant romanticization of trauma you see in media and literature, or the idea that surviving and overcoming your past automatically makes you a better person. Sometimes it does, but let’s be honest, it’s not always the case. This isn’t a dig at anyone else’s opinions, so let’s keep things mature.
And finally, it’s perfectly fine to enjoy different portrayals of the same character, no matter how different they may be. After all, roleplay is meant to be fun!
Thanks for reading. Here's your biscuit 🍪🥛
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If you're part of the 'I can fix him' squad, that's totally fine. I respect it, but I respectfully disagree. Astarion is not a good person (ref.), and I’m not about to water him down just because he occasionally shows a vulnerable side or a sliver of honesty. (Read: He’s a bit of a gremlin and sometimes needs to be metaphorically leashed.)
Astarion can be influenced by those around him, for better or worse, but that doesn’t change his core. So please, don’t expect a sudden personality transplant. However, if it is natural for your character to expect as much, that's perfectly fine IC.
While Astarion is biased toward those he holds dear (see friended/romanced), he’s also a first-class enabler of others' worst instincts and might very well be the naughty little devil whispering in your muse’s ear, regardless of their moral compass. (Again, he’s a naughty pale elf, mate. I don’t know what to tell you.)
Astarion is highly manipulative and plays dirty. He’ll often tug at the heartstrings, even if it means showing a more vulnerable side or digging up trauma, to get what he wants. (And if he does reveal this side to your character, regardless of his motives, it suggests he ‘trusts’ them... at least enough to make use of that trust.)
Just because he’s a morally questionable individual doesn’t mean he’s above doing a good deed now and then. But don’t get it twisted; he’s not doing it out of the goodness of his heart. He’s quite selfish after all. If friended/romanced, he’ll also display care for those he’s close to, in his own peculiar way.
Astarion is a crook and a liar, even to those he cares about. He won’t always speak his mind and might agree to things he doesn’t want, only to regret it later and blame others for 'talking him into it'. There will be instances he’s genuinely a victim, but other times, not so much.
Astarion has his own personal agenda and tends to follow through with it regardless of what someone else may think, sometimes going so far as to not tell people what he's up to, or straight up lying if he finds it convenient.
[more: tba]
Friended / Romanced
(Friended/Romanced) While Astarion remains largely indifferent to those he doesn’t know (unless their suffering becomes a nuisance to his own agenda), he does possess a certain fondness for those he holds dear. Thus, what might amuse him when it befalls others is far less entertaining when it affects his beloved. (ref timestamp 1:06~)
(Friended/Romanced) Should your character be close to Astarion and possess a more virtuous nature, he might discreetly carry out some of his more dubious plans behind their back, if only to avoid a confrontation or a reprimand. Of course, the possibility of your character discovering his actions and confronting him remains an open prospect for exploration.
(Romanced) Astarion is fiercely protective of those he cherishes and won’t hesitate to speak up if he feels they are being wronged by anyone other than himself, of course.
(Romanced) Astarion is pansexual and, in my portrayal, he tends to lean towards a dominant role, though with a certain flexibility about it.
(Romanced) His stance on polyamory will entirely depend on who they’re dealing with, though he’s not likely to be the one to propose it. That said, "unlikely" doesn’t mean "impossible."
Past & Life
Astarion stands as the sole "survivor" of the Ancunin family, a tragic title bestowed upon him after a brutal massacre. While the Gur were indeed the instigators of said attack, whispers abound that others, nursing their own vendettas against the Ancunin lineage, seized the opportunity to join the slaughter. The mastermind behind it all? None other than Cazador, who saw the elimination of the Ancunins as a strategic boon, both politically and personally. His twisted fascination with Astarion played no small part; starving the young elf of his family was merely the first step in grooming him to become part of Cazador's twisted new "family."
Before his transformation, Astarion made a calculated attempt to seduce Cazador, fully aware of his status as a vampire lord and driven by his own obsessive desire for immortality. His efforts brought him closer to Cazador, hoping to be granted the dark gift. However, Astarion was woefully ignorant of the grim details that the path to becoming a vampire first winds through the harrowing existence of a vampire spawn. Cazador, ever the schemer, exploited Astarion’s naivety to further his own nefarious ends.
Astarion is Cazador's second ever spawn, but his oldest still-living one. The first spawn never made it.
Note: If you roleplay Cazador, you can disregard any HCs that do not mesh well with your own.
click here for other headcanons!
[more: tba]
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// sry cant reply to shit today
feel like i wanna fall into the sun
im completely fine mentally dw im just ina shitton of physical pain
cant focus bc my uterus wants me to writhe in agony
being afab sucks
ill hopefully be well enough tomorrow
so don think im ignoring you just
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shatter-the-law-archive · 4 years ago
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I am making a floor plan for Mimi’s penthouse.
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guardiansaromatherapy · 6 years ago
Hey. I did it.
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ruki--mukami · 2 years ago
Any tips for getting into rp?
🧩 Certainly, I’ll try to make it short and simple. Honestly even now I don’t consider myself the best RPer by any means, but I think this past year has given me a lot of experience with it so I will try to share what I have learned. 
Know your limits. It’s obvious I struggle with this one a lot, because I am stubborn and love to throw Ruki at people, lol. But you should have an idea of what kind of threads you want to have, the people who want to interact with, etc. Do you want to RP with ten people? 20? 30? Keep in mind that the more people you interact with, the more you will have to write to keep the threads cohesive. It’s for this reason I recommend starting off with a small handful of people before moving on to larger quantities such as 15 or more RP partners. Even 10 is already a lot, honestly. However, if you slowly branch out, you can strategically plan yourself to have more developed relationships with others and newer ones simultaneously, and thus enjoy the best of both worlds. For instance, everyday I have Ruki interact with both long-time romantic partners and those he just met recently, so this way I get to explore two very different versions of him. 
Read, read, and read some more. I’m talking about the rules and character information of the people you plan on RPing with. There is nothing more embarrassing than interacting with someone and you actually don’t know a single thing about their character beforehand. What are the admin/mun/author’s rules? What are their characters’ likes and dislikes? What are their hobbies? Use this information to determine how they might meet your character for the first time. For instance, you definitely don’t wanna have your muse meet theirs at school if they don’t even attend. The admin will probably look at you funny and go, “well… this is awkward.”
Don’t godmod. People generally don’t appreciate it when you speak for their character, force them to move outside of necessary actions (i.e., walking somewhere they agreed upon together). There is nothing more infuriating than opening an interaction and I see Ruki’s dialogue is already there. What is the point of even interacting then? I’m sure others feel the same. It doesn’t matter how spot on with your dialogue you were, in-character or not, no one will probably enjoy any sort of godmodding. Instead, I highly recommend discussing what is and isn’t acceptable with the admin before making any especially crazy moves. 
Whether it’s literate or more informal, at least establish a clear difference between what is being said, what is being done, what is being thought, etc. Character dialogue, actions, and thoughts should all have distinctions. You can use quotations, brackets, whatever suits your needs, just make sure other people can tell what is going on. You don’t want to type your starters like: “Hi, my name is Ruki. He extended his hand politely. I go to the library occasionally.” This gets really confusing really quickly. It’s thanks to context clues that we can tell he probably didn’t mean to say the middle sentence, but just don’t write like this. It’s awkward. 
Get out there and be sociable. Waiting and waiting for people to interact with you just isn’t realistic. Sometimes you need to be the initiator if there is someone you really want to RP with. I’m simply one of those blogs who is lucky to receive many interactions even if I don’t initiate a lot of them, but chances are, new blogs will hardly get anywhere if you sit and stay in one place. Now is not the time to be shy if you want your character to thrive and have many interactions. The worst thing they can do is ignore you, and in that case I recommend moving on to someone who is actually willing to interact. It may take some time, but eventually you’ll click with someone who really loves to interact with you!
Write in Motivation-Reaction units (MRUs). The interactions should read like a cause-and-effect. Your muse acts and then reacts to what is being done, for example, “Ruki sank his fangs into her neck and groaned from the sweet taste of her blood.” Here you can see he is performing an action, and then responding to what is being done. Body language and inner monologue is so, so important. The next person might reply, “She recoiled and bellowed out from pain once the blood left her veins.” Then, it’s always good to add a new bit of action or dialogue with each reply to keep the interaction going. Keep the replies a good mix between reacting to the previous segment + adding your own new things as well. 
Stay true to your character. If you want your muse to come off as regal and sophisticated, making them talk like a street rat probably isn’t going to work out well for you.
Avoid forcing relationships. Most people want to develop things properly, which takes time. I’m not saying you need to write a slow burn, but keep your RP partner’s motivations and ambitions in mind, too. For example, your muse probably wouldn’t like it if someone approached them like “tell me all 50 reasons why you love me” when they barely know each other. It just doesn’t make sense. Unless you’ve received approval and permission from the admin beforehand, do not make your muse act like they have an established romance with the other person already. 
Don’t cry about word count too much. Yes, it’s nice to match the other person’s effort on the dot, but I think most people are understanding in that if you reply 400 words to their 600 word reply, they probably won’t shun you for it. Just don’t reply a one-liner to people’s multi-paragraph starter. That tells them you have no interest in interacting whatsoever and then they probably won’t reply to you anymore ever again. 
Remember that it’s all about taking turns. The other person cannot “take their turn” if there is nothing interesting to interact with in the first place. For instance, don’t send a starter to someone in which your muse is just doing their own thing, isolated from everyone else. In my case, Ruki probably isn’t going to care if he sees someone at the grocery store struggling over whole milk or half-and-half. He’d just grab his food items, put it in his basket, then go about his day without saying anything to your muse. Even the classic character A bumps into character B is more salvageable than this (don’t follow that formula either though). You’ll want your muse to directly approach him in some kind of way, since he and many other characters are very aloof and keep to themselves. Or, alternatively, if you want your muse to meet someone else but you aren’t sure how to go about it, you can message the admin as well and see if they are willing to write you a starter themselves. That way, they can control how their character meets yours. I, personally, am always down to write a quick starter if you are stumped but want to interact. Communication is key. 
And, I think that’s it for now. I’ll probably edit and add more points as I remember them, but I think these ten are good to start off with. Happy roleplaying and remember it is all about having fun. 🧩
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