#馃摑 The Author
the-haunted-office 2 months
I was just thinking how long it's been since I watched Gundam Wing and how fun it would be to take on Duo Maxwell as a muse. But also sad, because I don't if anyone on tumblr remembers Gundam Wing. :/
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the-haunted-office 4 days
Hey guys.
I wanted to take a moment to be a little candid with you. Just a small bit of transparency to kind of clear the air a little bit, and I think it will also help clear my head too.
I don't want to go into too much detail and overshare or anything, but I am willing to share a little bit.
As some of you may know, I am a mother. I have a young child who is special needs, and all this last summer we've been struggling with him behavior-wise. About a month ago he was placed into a psychiatric facility, and I'm afraid I have... not been at my best myself mentally and emotionally lately.
If I have been acting out of sorts or spoken out of turn or anything, I sincerely apologize for it. I have not meant to cause anyone any undue stress as a result of my own stress. If I have, please know that I regret it deeply and I am sorry for it.
Knowing this, I am doing my best to keep myself in check and to step away whenever I feel like my anxiety is getting to be too much. Sometimes some things unexpectedly upset me and I need to be better about walking away. I will be better about this.
If you'd like to come into my DMs, I'd be happy to chat, with the understanding that I don't particularly feel up to going into detail about my private life. If you'd like to discuss other things, my box is open, so feel free to come on in.
Thank you for your patience and understanding, and as always, thank you for being here with me.
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the-haunted-office 2 months
Here we go, Issue #2. x)
Don't take any of these headlines too seriously, folks. All for shits and giggles!
Also, any character art is used with permission. The rest are stock images on google. If you want me to use art of your muse, leave a comment with your permission. Up to you! No pressure, of course. :p
Also also, I am shit with artistic design in any capacity, so I am fully aware this looks 100% amateur. I made this in Canva, and yeah, this is as good as you're gonna get coming from me. xD
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@gunslinginnhogtyin @5mind @townofcadence @fluxofthemouth @ratfolkconservatory @drchandras-sanctuary-for-ais
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the-haunted-office 7 months
Oh gosh, whshhahdhdnd. I am almost finished with reading Harrow the Ninth! Ahhhh! I haven't been this excited by a book series in a long time!
The material in this book, all the lore and the writing itself, is just perfect. It's 100% everything. And what's more, so much of it would blend so well with some of my own lore - particularly with my ghosts and the In-Between and such - I could very easily make an AU, and eeeehhehehehhehehe.
I'll very likely be taking on a couple of muses from the books once I'm caught up. I have one more book after this one and then I definitely want to rp some Locked Tomb stuff!! :D
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the-haunted-office 1 month
Watching Twisters.
"Oh no. Tornadoes never hit New York."
Calling it now - that's exactly what's gonna happen. A tornado is gonna hit New York, and the protagonists are gonna dispel it with their magical anti-tornado dust stuff. :p
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the-haunted-office 6 days
Do you guys want me to send and reblog more shippy things? I can try. It's just difficult when my muses aren't very... ship forward, you know? It only makes sense for me to send and accept ship things if my muses are actually either in a ship with yours, or interested in them, and I don't want ship stuff to become the sole purpose of my muses.
However, if participating more in shippy things with my muses who are in ships and who are interested in your muse would be appreciated, do let me know and I'd be happy to do that. I just need to know, because I am a bit of a dunderhead when it comes to that kind of thing! :)
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the-haunted-office 10 days
Man, I'm getting some ideas for what to do with Thursday's character, but I'm kind of nervous about putting them into play because I'm worried it'll upset people. :/
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the-haunted-office 21 days
Oh! I forgot to mention, but also going forward, whenever Doom is introduced to a new writing partner, I will do my best to remember to let each person know that she has a tendency to tease and annoy muses, and she does it on purpose. It is not in any way directed at the writer behind the muse, nor is it a personal critique (as in MY personal critique) against the muse, so please keep this in mind when in engaging her.
However, due to her more critical and oftentimes confrontational and sometimes mean nature, it is ALWAYS okay to drop a thread with her if she is making you uncomfortable, and to refuse further interactions with her. I would appreciate communication with you about this as well if this is your wish so I don't keep sending her your way, as she is one of my favorite muses to play as. We can always rp with other muses!
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the-haunted-office 22 days
I received an ask a few days ago asking if I'd ever thought about writing a book or collection of short stories.
You know. I have thought about it. A lot. It's something I've always dreamed of doing, but I've never been able to gather enough original ideas to do it. All my ideas are fan-based, derivative of a fandom. I have no idea what kind of story I'd write that's not directly inspired by some piece of media I love so much I want to dedicate my entire work to that piece of media.
The Stanley Parable and this blog is as close as I've come, though. A lot of the material and headcanons and things I've written here are my own. They're inspired by other media, yes, but they're still my own. I don't know if I could ever adapt them into something completely my own, but my own anxiety holds me back.
I fear that nothing I come up with would ever gain enough traction to be even remotely seen or cared about by anyone. I don't think I'm brave enough to put that much of my heart and soul into an entire book that I worry nobody would appreciate or even want to pick up to begin with. I've faced this kind of rejection and lack of interest with nearly everything I've ever put out into the world, so I feel like... why expect any different from publishing a book? Plus it's a lot of work. And expensive. And difficult to even get your feet off the ground for all the work I'd put into it.
I don't know. It's a dream I still carry with me. Maybe one of these days I'll be brave enough to put something down on paper and publish it. I'm not brave enough today, though.
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the-haunted-office 1 month
Thank you to everyone who is indulging me in this stupid Retconning shit, by the way. You are making my whole day for me. x3
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the-haunted-office 1 month
To all of my mutuals, I just wanted to say... thank you.
Thank you for giving me a chance to rp with you. It's been a struggle for over the last year to find people to write with, and I can't tell you how much I appreciate that you guys have taken the time to get to know me and my muses and shown me patience and kindness, communicated with me, and just... been kind to me.
So. Thank you for being here and giving me a space to enjoy writing with you. I love getting to know each of you and your muses and I'm looking forward to more fun times ahead.
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the-haunted-office 2 months
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the-haunted-office 1 month
There need to be more reprehensible villain characters and morally gray characters who absolutely despise children. Like, they can't stand them, don't want to be around them, hate all the noises they make, don't think they're cute or sweet at all, and definitely don't secretly want one of their own. They would just as soon harm a child as they would an adult and not feel any remorse for it. No, I don't support this ideology at all and I don't think I could pull off a character like this myself, but like, I never see characters like this in media, ever. Villains, anti-heroes, and morally gray characters always have a soft spot for children. It's like it's against the law to write a character who hates children.
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the-haunted-office 1 month
Adding onto the last reblog about shipping. Something else that is like, a concern I guess? Not really a concern, but something I think "scares" people off from wanting to ship with any of my muses, is that they're not... It takes a while to build up to a ship with them. Most of them are not instantly attracted to someone. Most ships here are going to be slow burn and probably have bumps on the road, and I feel like in the rpc, most people are looking for instant gratification. I'm not saying that all of my writing partners are like that, but I feel like the vast majority of the rpc is.
So yeah, while shipping isn't the first and main focus of what I want to do on my blog, it's not the go-to thing that I seek out in writing partners, it is something I'd like to do too. It just takes time to build to that point for most of my muses. And many of them won't be terribly obvious about it either, or might take plotting or a firm bonk upside the head to get them to say anything. I can't change their characterizations either, no matter how much I'd like a ship to work out, so that's also something else to keep in mind.
So, all that said, nobody ever needs to be shy about talking about ships with me. But in that same token, it's also okay to not want to ship with me. My muses love having friends and platonic ships and all kinds of other kinds of relationships and I'm happy with that. My only thing is that I don't want my muses to be used as stepping stones for people to further their ships with other people's muses. Yes, I have had people do this to me, WITHOUT ASKING, and it is extremely hurtful. This has made me extremely reluctant to let people know when my muses have feelings for theirs, because I have had people use my muses' feelings against them (especially Thursday) to further their ships with other people's muses.
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the-haunted-office 2 months
Do people like continuity between threads among different writing partners within the rpc?
What I mean by that is like, do people mind if I were to mention their muse in a thread with someone else, or refer to events from one thread in another? Or say for instance my muse was upset about something that happened in one thread, their feelings carried over into another thread? Is that kind of continuity okay, or frowned upon?
I used to be in an rp group and it was okay, but with having everybody as individual blogs I wasn't sure how people preferred that sort of thing, so thought I'd ask for opinions.
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the-haunted-office 3 months
I am almost caught up on replies! The only ones I have left at the moment are a few that require just a little bit more focus from me, so I'll be getting to those later when husband wakes up and can take kiddo off my hands, and a couple I just got replies back on a short while ago that I don't want to reply back to immediately. :p
So! If any of you guys want to start new threads or anything, let me know because I am wide open. Drop a comment on this post or send something into my ask box, hit me up in DMs, ask for a starter, whatever you like, I'm sure I can work with it. Let's get something started!
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