#Three Position Traffic Signal
historysisco · 2 years
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On This Day in New York City History February 5, 1952: New York City announces that it will adopt the three-light traffic signal. The patent for the three-position signal belongs to African-American inventor Garrett Morgan who received said patent in 1923.
The patent filed on February 27, 1922 (and granted on November 20, 1923 as patent number 1,475,074) improved on the already in use two position "stop (red) and go (green)" traffic signals by adding a third "warning" position signal to alert drivers that the signal would change from go to stop and vice versa. On doing so, drivers could proceed with caution and helped to reduce the amount of accidents that occurred during the signal changes.
Morgan would eventually sell the invention to General Electric for $40,000 dollars.
#GarettMorgan #ThreePositionTrafficSignal #InventorHistory #TransportationHistory #BlackHistory #BlackStudies #BlackHistoryMatters #AfricanAmericanHistory #AfricanAmericanStudies #NewYorkHistory #NYHistory #NYCHistory #History #Historia #Histoire #Geschichte #HistorySisco
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lunaekalenda · 2 years
"We're going to daddy's work!" the kids sing on the back part of your familiar car as you keep driving through the busy Tokyo streets, searching for the Japan Volleyball Association's offices building. You debated with Tetsuro yesterday about if it was a good idea to bring the kids on the "take our children to work" day on his office. They're little, and especially frets, restless and rascals. Tetsuro's position on the association is way too important to have two tiny kids running around his office, but still, he was excited for today - even more than the kids. - since it's the first time they're celebrating this kind of day.
A call enters on the free hands of the car, your older son getting to read the name on the little screen before sharing what he saw with his sister. "Is dad, is dad!" You answer the call hearing your children's whispers behind.
"Love?" Tetsuro's voice sounds around the car, making you smile softly. "Did you find the office?" he asks. You take a quick look to the signals in front of you, unable to find anything that gives you a clue about your husband's workplace.
"I think we're lost." you admit. Tetsuro laughs softly. You used to drop by his office when you didn't had the kids and your way of moving around was walking. Your first work used to be pretty near to his, but getting to it by foot from the subway stop was way easier than getting there by car. Taking the right lanes, the right positions on traffic lights and avoiding passing the intersection.
"We're near a sports center." You keep explaining him what you can see, as he gets an idea of where you are, getting the exact point shortly after. He guides you through your phone, helping you to get the right directions and keeping a background conversation with your kids. Once you arrive to the building, a well-dressed Tetsuro is waiting outside, phone on his ear and all his height escaping from the sun under a tree. He waves your hands towards the car as soon as he sees you, making your children shout with happiness while you park. Tetsuro opens their car door once you shut off the engine, taking your soon to the pavement and unbuckling your daughter's chair straps, carefully taking her out of the car. He looks at both of them before his cheeks blush.
"They insisted to use this." You say, smiling, as you walk around the car to stand next to him. The kids smile showing their t-shirts, both having their surname on their backs and the characteristic color of his dad's volley equipment. Tetsuro's eyes scan softly his children, and a subtle shine appears on his eyes. Taking your phone, you kiss his cheek before pushing him softly towards them.
"Go, go. I'll take a pic of the three of you."
Tetsuro takes your face on his habds before pecking your lips sweetly, leaving towards your kids with big steps and keeling berween both of them. Your daughter gets her little arma tangled around his neck and your son sits on his knee. The three of them smile while you take the pic, smiling to yourself, feeling way too lucky to be part of this family. Tersuro stands up and calls you. "Come, we'll take a pic." You follow your husband's voice and, giving the phone to him, you take your youngest between your arms. Tetsuro picks up your older soon while he tries to get the four of you on the frame, clicking the camera button when all of you smile. "Done!" looking at the clock on his wrist, he sighs. "I'm sorry, love, but we have to go back inside. My break is over."
You kneel near your kids, arranging their backpacks and their clothes, and whispering softly some instructions.
"Don't bother daddy when he's talking with other people, and ask nicely for things. Don't leave his office without him and don't paint on papers you didn't ask for. Have a good day and make sure dad eats all his meal!"
The children laugh and hug you, giving kisses to your cheeks and assuring they will be good at dad's work.
Standing up, Tetsuro gets close to you, tangling his arms on your waist and kissing your lips. "Take care of them, and if you need anything..
"Call." he finishes, against your lips again. He gives a new kiss to you, before letting you go sadly. "I'll see you in a few hours." He parts sweetly before reuniting with his kids again.
He takes the children's hands on his own, walking with them towards the office, and you can't help but take a pic of the three, holding hands, giving their back to you and talking while they disappear inside the building. Your new wallpaper welcomes you when your phone gets a notification from Tetsu.
"They should invent the Lover at Work day :("
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ts-wicked-wonders · 8 months
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Black History Month: Did you know?
The three-light traffic signal was invented by a Black man named Garrett Morgan.
Garrett Morgan had only an elementary school education and was the son of a formerly enslaved man. Nevertheless, Morgan surmounted these difficulties and is responsible for many important inventions. Most notably, Morgan invented the three-light traffic signal in 1923.
While driving one day, Morgan witnessed a serious car crash at an intersection. This sparked his idea to add a third light to the traffic signal which would warn drivers of an impending red light. His patent was granted in 1924, and after early installments of the three-light traffic signal were successful, they spread throughout the country and became the three-light signal many of us encounter daily.
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BuckTommyWhumpWeek, Day 6 Helicopter crash
All the Pain, Chapter 6 | Read on AO3 | In this chapter (CW): Still trapped under the rubble, Buck's body is giving in. | @bucktommywhumpweek
(-> Chapter 1) (-> Chapter 2) (-> Chapter 3) (-> Chapter 4) (-> Chapter 5)
There's a traffic accident on the interstate at 2 a.m., and it's bad.
Six cars wedged into each other, plus a burning truck loaded with pork halves, half a mile of destroyed guardrail and a bunch of meat spread across the highway. One dead, a dozen injured. It's a battlefield with three units of firefighters plus air support to sort everything out. The helicopter is mainly used to monitor traffic, while several police units clear up the chaos on the streets. 
The 132, 217 and 118 are in operation. It's never easy to coordinate several task forces, but tonight, all captains quickly agree on Bobby because he's the oldest and has the most experience. Work runs smoothly, as if it were the catastrophe itself that welds everyone together – and often enough, it is. It's not easy, but every injured driver is freed from their wreck, and the paramedics quickly form a triage. 
The accident is still a difficult piece of work, keeping them busy for several hours. It’s long after the last injured was taken away in an ambulance that the first responders get to pack up. Adrenaline will soon fade, and once they’re back in station, they’ll be exhausted. They will still stay a bit longer to talk about what happened, Bobby will make sure of that. Captain Shore, who recently took over Harbor Station, shakes hands with him after radioing air support that the mission is over. 
“Very good work tonight,” says Bobby, and he means it. 
“Likewise, Captain Nash,” Shore replies with a smile. “Hold on a second...”
She taps her radio again and repeats her message, “Air Support, do you copy? Operation completed.”
The radio crackles into silence, which is admittedly unusual; it’s protocol to answer every radio message. Bobby and Shore gaze up into a night sky illuminated only by a few stars, but it’s empty of helicopters.
Hen, who’s loading the last emergency bag into the fire truck, asks, “Is Tommy on duty today?”
“You think he flew straight home to his boyfriend?” Chimney replies with a laugh, about to get into the vehicle. “He's off tonight, why do you think Buck was so keen to swap shifts?”
“It's Andrews, not Tommy,” Shore confirms, repeating her radio message once again. “But none of my pilots would return to base without confirming order. I swear, if it’s that gremlin technology again…”
“Dispatch, has air support reported back?” Bobby asks into his radio.
“Negative. Is this about the highway accident? Can't you get through to air support?”
“Does that happen sometimes?” Bobby asks Captain Shore, and she nods. 
“Harbor got a whole bunch of new tech gimmicks, but they keep breaking down.” Then she speaks into her radio again, “Dispatch, try to reach air support for me, please.”
She gives the helicopter’s labeling number and its last known position before turning back to Bobby with a grim face.
“Williams has been blowing me off for weeks, I keep trying to reach her. We can't work like this, not with devices that...” 
“Captain Shore, your helicopter has disappeared from our radar,” dispatch reports. It’s Josh’s rookie, Chrissy, the incredulity dripping from her voice betraying her inexperience. 
“What do you mean, disappeared?” Shore almost shouts into the radio.
“Hold on. Confirming last position according to your information, but no radio contact for about an hour, and the signal can no longer be found.”
“Does the GPS also cause problems?” asks Bobby, frowning.
“No,” replies Shore, ”but it can be difficult to locate, depending on the weather. Or when it’s blocked by trees...”
“You mean in the event of a crash,” says Hen, who, like the rest of Bobby's crew, has now stepped closer. 
“We would have noticed a crash,” Bobby remarks.
“We've been pretty busy,” Chimney interjects. “If the last signal was an hour ago, the helicopter could be practically anywhere now.”
“Why would it move away from the scene?”
“That's at the pilot's discretion,” Captain Shore explains. “There may well be reasons that are not so obvious to us down here.” 
“And air traffic control?” asks Hen, but Shore shakes her head, “Helicopters only have to sign in and out at their control centers. They don't fly anywhere near the altitude of airplanes, so they’re usually not subject to air traffic control.”
“But there's probably an app for that,” says Bobby. “To monitor helicopter traffic?”
“True. Never used it, though. I assume he’s just returned to Harbor.”
“Captain,” Hen reasons, obviously not convinced, “at least he would have called then, even if the radios were down. Especially then.”
“I believe you also think he crashed, Captain,” Chimney says, rummaging for his phone. 
“Even if I did,” she returns with doubt in her voice, “somebody would have noticed a crash.”
“This is L.A., I’ve seen tourists mistake an earthquake for a movie event. What’s the name of this app?”
“Captain Shore?” It’s dispatch again. They can hear it’s another voice now, Josh, who’s obviously has taken over the call. Shore clutches her radio and holds out a hand to Chimney, mouthing wait. “I think I know where your helicopter may be.”
Buck is in a cocoon, just away from all the security that normally comes with it. 
There's nothing cozy or soft in his stone prison. He’s cut off from the world around him, so it might as well have gone under without him realizing it. Buck has been counting the seconds since Tommy left, but his mind keeps wandering, and it's getting harder to breathe. 
Maybe that's just it. Maybe the ceiling will collapse completely before Tommy manages to get help. Or perhaps the pain and blood loss will reach the point where his body can no longer handle either. Buck never delved too deeply into the tasks of paramedics. He knows the basics, but he's nothing more than an amateur who happened to help a baby into the world once, on his own couch. Apart from that, he knows just enough to realize things are not exactly looking good for him. He's not quite sure if his life is hanging by a thread, but his consciousness certainly is – he feels dizzy now even lying down, and the pain seems to have taken over his whole body, even in his head. He just wants to close his eyes for a minute. 
Perhaps the worst thing is the doubt. Buck is confused and hurt, but he's seen Tommy's face, and the man is guaranteed to have a concussion, if not worse. There's nothing Buck wants less than Tommy walking around in this state, but there's also nothing he could have done to stop him. He’s in crisis mode, something Buck knows all too well himself. Buck can only lie here, breathe in the dust and hope that Tommy still knows what he's doing, even with a bleeding skull.
He can't keep his eyes open. 
There's a helicopter not far above the house; it was approaching as they pulled into the driveway.
“Pretty low,” Tommy says with that admirable connoisseur's look, but Buck is more interested in him than in the helicopter, and he can hardly wait for the man to unlock the door. 
Once inside, he pushes him against the door, and the bag with the takeaway lands carelessly on the floor as Buck searches for Tommy's lips. He can never get enough of this. 
The kiss lasts just long enough to rasp up his voice as he says, “Dinner's getting cold. I'm gonna wash my hands real quick.”
“Really, Evan?” groans Tommy, but he picks up the bag as they pull away from each other. “One wonders what you like more, dim sum or your boyfriend.”
“I'll show you when I get back,” Buck grins and vanishes into the bathroom. 
He thinks he hears Tommy say, “That doesn't sound good at all,” but that doesn’t make any sense. He also hears sirens. Funny, Buck thinks, a lot of firemen claim that they can tell the difference between the sirens on their own fire engines and those on others, and that's actually nonsense because the department buys the same ones for every station. This one, however, totally sounds like the 118. What would they be doing at Tommy’s place? Buck leans on the sink and looks at himself in the mirror. 
There’s no reflection, and it startles him. He turns around, but there’s also no door anymore, which is quite confusing. Because if there’s no door, where’s Chimney’s voice coming from, calling his name?
“Buck! Open your eyes for me, will you?”
I didn't realize I had closed them, Buck thinks as he cracks his eyes open. Strangely enough, it's not so dark now. Maybe he’s just been here for a very, very long time, long enough for a new day to have passed its zenith. A second later, he realizes that headlights are illuminating his surroundings. Chimney kneels in the remains of the blue tiles and stones that were once the walls of Tommy's bathroom. He looks so serious, thinks Buck.
“Hey there, Sleeping Beauty. Let me see if I can hook you up on an IV, and then we'll get you out of there, yeah?”
Buck wonders, very briefly, why it’s not Hen doing this, but the answer is more logical than his aching head should be capable of: Chimney is smaller and more agile, and unlike Tommy, he actually manages to reach Buck. 
“Tommy,” he says as he tries to look at Chimney's concentrated face, not really feeling what he's doing anyway. “Where's Tommy?” 
“We'll take care of that once we got you out of here, all right? Let me check your vitals.”
“But he-he called you, didn't he?” asks Buck.
“Called us?” 
His brother-in-law's face is interesting when he's confused, Buck finds. His eyebrows almost creep into his hairline, as they do now.
“No, Buckaroo. We were looking for a missing helicopter, and the only call dispatch got was from one of Tommy's neighbors. Nobody really took it seriously, unfortunately,” Chimney says as he works on Buck. Somehow, that doesn’t explain anything.
“What helicopter?” asks Buck, confused. “Tommy wasn't in a helicopter.”
“Pretty sure he wasn't. It's a long and strange story, and I'll tell you all about it as soon as we get you out of here. Okay, I think we can try now…”
“Wait,” Buck interrupts him urgently, “where's Tommy?”
Bobby's face shifts next to Chimney's. He’s visibly having a harder time squeezing into this narrow space.
“We'll find him, don't worry, Buck,” he soothes. “Let's help you first, all right?”
“No, no, you don't understand,” Buck returns with urge, voice muffled with dust in his throat. If he waits a second longer, he'll suffocate and won't have time to tell them what they need to know. 
“Blood pressure's dropping,” someone says, and then there’s Chimney's voice from somewhere, “Calm down. It's going to be okay.”
“It's not," Buck chokes, “It's not gonna be okay. Tommy ran out to get help. He had a head injury. You must...”
“Buck? Hey. Stay awake, kid.”
“... find him,” he says, and then nothing more. 
(this chapter was beta-read by @lavenderleahy, thank you!)
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drunkenskunk · 4 months
Meanwhile, in the Tuera Dossier...
I'm satisfied with the next file I want to put in the Tuera Dossier. I was initially going to redact it, dirty up the images, make them all look like they were scanned by an ancient government photocopier built in the 70's... and maybe I will later.
But for the moment, enjoy these scans of printed pages that I'm going to put in a physical folder lmao
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Transcript (of the transcript) below the break.
Compiled chat log from OpCent Black Box
DICE01: Special Agent White, Operation Command DICE02: Special Agent Huntington, Operation Vice Command Obelisk: Technical Specialist Kirk, Mission Control Wolf: Infantry elements Rhino: Armored vehicle element Vulture04: Helo Air Weapons Team
DICE02: Look, I know what you're trying to do. Just tell me honestly, alright? Is the intel on this op good?
DICE01: The intel is good.
DICE02: ...are we sure? The last thing any of us wants is a repeat of last time.
DICE01: Last time our division wasn't involved. That shitshow was entirely the fault of those mentals in the Arcane Division. They thought they could overpower her in a straight fight, and they paid the price for it. We've been tracking her signature for the last six subjective months. Based on her movements so far, this is the most likely location where she's going to strike next. And besides, thanks to those idiots and their fuck up, we now know how to nullify her energy projection.
DICE02: I hope you're right.
Obelisk: Agents! I've just received the signal from the ground teams. They're entering the area of operations and are almost ready to begin.
DICE01: Excellent. Patch us in. Game faces, people. It's time to go to work.
Obelisk: Ground team leader, this is Obelisk. How copy? Over.
Wolf 6: Obelisk, this is Wolf Six Actual. Solid copy. Company has reached the AO. Standing by. Over.
Obelisk: Sat-Recon Overseer is currently tracking vitals and positions of the ground team. Requesting verbal confirmation. Over.
Wolf 6: Copy that. All callsigns, sound off!
Wolf 1: Six, this is one-zero. Standing by.
Wolf 2: Six Actual, Two-zero. Standing by.
Wolf 3: Three-zero here. Ready to rock.
Wolf 4: Six, this is four-zero. In position and sanding by.
Rhino: Six Actual, Rhino. Foxtrot-victor-four-two-zero-one in position. Sixty four – that is six-four – HEAT rounds readied for the hundred and twenty milimeter.
Vulture04: Vulture is on station above the AO and standing by. Adhesive cannon loaded and ready to provide air cover.
Wolf 6: Wolf Six copies all. Obelisk, all callsigns ready and in position. Over.
Obelisk: Roger that. Commence operation. Secure the exterior of the target building and set up roadblock checkpoints to prevent civilian interference. Out.
Wolf 6: Alright you apes, you heard 'em! Fan out and secure the area! MOVE!
DICE01: And now, we wait.
DICE02: Did they really need to bring all that hardware? I mean, if we really can nullify her powers, it just... seems like it might be overkill.
DICE01: Overkill is underrated. Besides, you know what mercs are like. They're probably just looking to bump up their operational costs, so they can bill us more after all is said and done.
DICE02: Don't they prefer the term “private military contractors,” or something?
DICE01: Only when trying to avoid international regulations.
Wolf 3: Obelisk, this is Wolf three-zero. How copy? Over.
Obelisk: Wolf three-zero, your signal is weak. Try switching to the backup channel, try again.
Wolf 3: Obelisk, this is Wolf three-zero. How you read me now?
Obelisk: Obelisk has you loud and clear, three-zero. Send your traffic.
Wolf 3: Obelisk, we are currently setting up roadblock checkpoints, but some of the civvies are getting nosy. We have three – that's zero-three – foot-mobiles approaching from a charlie victor. Interrogative: do we have permission to engage? Over.
Obelisk: Negative, three-zero. Lethal force is only authorized as a last resort. Maintain an aggressive posture, but only engage if they attempt to cross your perimeter. We'll be tracking with Overseer.
Wolf 3: Copy that, Obelisk. These guys are – whoa! HEY!
[muffled gunfire]
DICE02: What the hell?
Obelisk: Wolf three-zero, do you read? Gimmie a SITREP. Over.
[muffled gunfire]
Obelisk: Wolf three-zero, respond! What the fuck is going on?
Wolf 3: Obelisk, we're... uh... we're status green over here. Three tangos down. One of them went for a concealed sidearm. Had to grease 'em. Over.
Obelisk: ...solid copy, Wolf three-zero. Recommit to the mission. Overseer indicates you have less than five mikes before target is in the AO. How copy? Over.
Wolf 3: Three-zero copies. We're oscar-mike. Out.
DICE02: Where in the hell did you find these clowns?
DICE01: Hey, don't blame me. Impact Security Solutions came highly recommended. It'll be messy, sure, but if they're even half as good as I've been told, they'll get the job done.
DICE02: Bullshit. Why are we even relying on these fucking mercs anyway? We should be using our own forces for an operation like this.
DICE01: You know damn well why we can't. Protocol demands the use of locals in operations wherever possible, to minimize an excessive dimensional footprint and to prevent further timeline contamination. You don't like it? Take it up with The Director.
DICE02: …hmph.
DICE01: Yeah, that's what I thought.
DICE02: Don't give me that.
DICE01: Hey, look on the bright side. This'll all be over soon.
Obelisk: Agents, it looks like Overseer is reporting a large energy spike in the AO.
DICE01: … wait, is that-
DICE02: She's early.
DICE01: Fuck.
Wolf 6: Obelisk, this is Wolf Six Actual. How copy? Over.
Obelisk: Wolf Six, Obelisk reads you. Go ahead.
Wolf 6: Obelisk, my teams are all reporting in. Perimeter of the AO is secure, ahead of schedule. Break. However, I've got marksman units with eyes on the target building. There's some kind of, uh... disturbance on the top floor. I can see it, too. Interrogative: is this what we're waiting for? Over.
Obelisk: Wolf Six, Obelisk. Can you describe the disturbance? We need confirmation before we can proceed. Over.
Wolf 6: Roger that, Obelisk. Uh... looks like some flashing lights, and fast moving shadows. Definitely signs of a struggle. And, uh... hang on... is that... oh yeah, that's definitely some blood on the window. Looks like someone is gettin' carved up real bad in there.
Obelisk: Wolf Six, affirmative. Overseer confirms: target is now in the AO. Say again: target is now in the AO. Stay frosty, and do NOT underestimate her, under ANY circumstances. Over.
Wolf 6: Copy that, Obelisk. Wolf Six Actual out. Ramirez! Get those heavy floods in position!
Obelisk: Obelisk to Vulture. What's your status? Over.
Vulture04: This is Vulture. Currently maintaining position above the AO. Ready for tasking.
Obelisk: Vulture, the target is now confirmed in the AO. Soon as she's in sight, you are cleared to engage with the adhesive cannon. Be advised: the target's hands must be immobilized before she can be subdued and brought in. Do not hesitate to fire, I say again, do NOT hesitate to fire. Do you copy? Over.
Vulture04: Copy that, Obelisk. We'll make sure the bitch stays put. Vulture out.
DICE02: Can we increase the gain on the image from Overseer?
Obelisk: What? Why?
DICE01: Just be patient.
DICE02: You be patient. We can see that she's in the building, but we can't tell exactly where yet. For all we know, she could-
Wolf 1: Sir! Got a return on the motion tracker! Looks like our Tango is approaching the entrance!
Wolf 6: Roger that. All squads, eyes front! Ramirez, hit the floods!
Wolf 6: Obelisk, Wolf Six Actual. Engagement imminent. Over.
Obelisk: Copy that, Wolf Six. Stay frosty.
DICE01: Here we go.
Wolf 1: Contact front!
Wolf 6: Light her up!
Vulture04: Target in sight. Shot.
Vulture04: Good hit. Reloading.
Wolf 6: Vulture, repeat! She's still up!
Vulture04: Roger. Firing.
Vulture04: It's shot.
Wolf 6: Repeat! Hit her again!
Vulture04: This should stop her.
Vulture04: Reloading.
Wolf 6: Okay, okay, I think that last one got her. Good hits on all. Obelisk, Target is immobilized. Moving in to subdue. Over.
Obelisk: Roger that. Bring her in. Out
Wolf 6: Wolf Two! Move up, on me! Ramirez, get those restraints ready!
DICE01: There, you see? You were worried for nothing.
DICE02: Hmph.
Wolf6: Alright, make it easy on yourself and stop your struggling. You come quietly, and we won't have to hurt you.
[???]: I'm sorry, I think you're confused. What do you think is happening?
Wolf 6: Give up the act. That adhesive you're stuck in has already hardened. You won't be able to pull your hands free, so we know you can't do any of that mystical hocus-pocus shit. So like I said: stop struggling and cooperate.
[???]: Oh, I see. You think I need to snap my fingers to cast my spells, don't you?
Wolf 6: What ar-
[intense feedback]
DICE01: What the fuck?
DICE02: Oh no. No no no no!
[indistinct shouting]
Rhino: Engaging!
[muffled explosion]
[gunfire, indistinct shouting]
Rhino: Traverse right! Fire!
[muffled explosion]
Rhino: Reverse! Back us up now!
Obelisk: Wolf Six Actual, this is Obelisk. Do you read?
[gunfire, indistinct shouting]
Wolf 1: Fall back! Fall back now!
Obelisk: Wolf Six Actual, respond!
Wolf 1: Obelisk, this is –
Wolf 1: FUCK! Wolf Six is KIA! Say again, Wolf Six is... he... he just exploded, man!
Wolf 4: Contact left! Contact left!
Vulture04: Obelisk, this is Vulture. Uh... things are, uh, looking kinda' bad down there. We cleared for the heavier ordnance?
DICE02: Get them out of there! Get them out NOW!
Obelisk: Negative, Vulture. Mission is a failure. Exfil is now your top priority.
Vulture04: Roger that, Obelisk. Exiting the – wait. What is -
[stall warning]
Vulture04: Obelisk, I've got a problem. She hit us with... some... kind of... uh, I dunno what, my controls are unresponsive.
[altitude warning]
Vulture04: Mayday, mayday, mayday. We're going dow-
[muffled explosion]
Wolf 2: Fuck! Look out!
Wolf 4: Fuck sake! Fall back! Jackson, rocket launcher!
[gunfire, indistinct shouting]
Rhino: What are you waiting for? She's RIGHT THERE! Hit her aga-
[muffled explosion]
Wolf 3: Where are the fucking snipers?
DICE02: Oh my god, they're... they're dropping like flies!
[indistinct screams]
DICE01: Fucking hell...
Wolf 4: Quick, get out of the open!
Wolf 4: In here! Go, go, go!
[muffled gunfire]
Wolf 4: [whispering] Obelisk, do - do you copy?
Obelisk: We're reading you. Go ahead.
Wolf 4: [whispering] Uh, this is... fuck... this is, uh, Wolf Four Echo Four Juliett. Wolf Four Actual is KIA. There... there's only three of us left, I think. How copy? Over.
Obelisk: Solid copy, Wolf Four. Confirm your current position.
Wolf 4: [whispering] We're, uh, holed up in a building, uh, two blocks south of one of the barricades.
Obelisk: Understood. Mission is a wash. All air and armor support in the AO is down. Displace to a more secure location outside of the AO, and await further instructions. Out.
Wolf 4: [whispering] I don't -
Wolf 4: FUCK! Fall back!
[indistinct screams]
[gunfire stops]
DICE01: Fuck.
Obelisk: Uh... Agents, it looks like... uh... Overseer is reporting, uh, no more life signs.
DICE02: Oh my god... they're all dead...
[echoing footsteps]
DICE01: Wait, what is...
[???]: I must say, I don't know if I should be disappointed or insulted. Did you really think these idiot jarheads with their little toy pop-guns could bring me down? After everything else you tried? I sent every single one of your pet sorcerers back in bodybags the last time, so why did you think this would work? I suppose it doesn't matter, now. I was willing to ignore you after the last time, thinking that your... organization... would be smart enough to get the message, and leave me alone. But that's no longer an option. I hope you're prepared. Because you've sown the wind. Now reap the whirlwind. I'll be seeing you soon.
Obelisk: I, uh, think she's... gone. Overseer has lost track of the energy signature.
DICE01: Fuck me.
DICE02: The Director needs to know about this. We have no choice.
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usafphantom2 · 9 months
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How to identify and track military aircraft in online applications
It is surprisingly easy to track what is flying above you, but there are limits - you will still see only what the military wants you to see.
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 12/24/2023 - 14:40 in Military
The system, known as ADS-B, allows you to quickly search for what is flying in your vicinity, or even on the other side of the world.
In the past, before the 2000s, people looked at the sky and saw the trail of condensation created by commercial and military jets at high altitudes and wondered what would be the aircraft that passed over our heads, where it was going, where it came from. Today, thanks to a worldwide transponder system, you can track even U.S. military aircraft.
About a decade later, it was already possible to follow commercial aircraft, knowing which airline, flight level, speed and route taken by the flights, being able to accurately follow the arrival of a plane at the airport.
Currently, equipped with a smartphone and with a particular app or website, we can find all this and much more.
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Civil aviation authorities around the world began to implement Automatic Transmission of Dependent Surveillance (ADS-B) in the early years. The ADS-B is an aircraft-mounted transponder system that transmits a variety of information in real time, including the location, speed, direction of the aircraft and a unique transponder code for each aircraft. This information, plotted on a map, gives pilots and ground controllers the ability to quickly get a sense of the local airspace (or the airspace of most places on Earth).
Transponder signals can also be captured by cheap terrestrial receivers that amateurs, aviation enthusiasts and others can build for less than $100 using widely available hardware and software, some of which can be obtained on flight tracking sites.
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Movement of aircraft tracked by the ADS-B Exchange around the world.
As of 2021, ADS-B transponders are mandatory in the USA, Europe, Australia, Colombia, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, South Africa, Taiwan and Vietnam, and the system is being implemented in China, Canada and Saudi Arabia.
In the United States, almost every type of aircraft - from commercial aircraft and small private aircraft to military fighters, helicopters, bombers, tankers, information-collection aircraft, transport, special operations aircraft, drones and even VIP aircraft carrying the president and members of Congress - are required to transpose into controlled airspace.
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A screenshot of the online flight tracking site ADS-B Exchange showing a snapshot of military flights in the United States on July 18 of this year on the ADS-B Exchange.
The information is not only available to the aviation community. The ADS-B Exchange website gathers aircraft tracking data and makes it available in real time, allowing anyone to track air traffic anywhere the system is working.
Unlike FlightRadar24.com or FlightAware.com - which rely on flight tracking data streams provided by the FAA and other international aviation authorities or obtained from Aireon's global ADS-B air traffic surveillance and tracking network, as well as ground-based ADS-B receivers - ADSBExchange.com relies on thousands of independently owned ground-based ADS-B receivers and multilayer devices, or MLAT.
MLAT receivers in groups of three or four in a small geographical area use triangulation to track aircraft. In other words, if an aircraft is not using ADS-B for transponder as military aircraft sometimes do, MLAT receivers can still capture their S-Mode transponder signals and establish a position and tracking for an aircraft, as well as altitude and speed data.
The network of receivers of the ADSBExchange.com website includes 10,000 MLAT devices worldwide. As it does not collect flight tracking data from government or commercial sources, it may offer "unfiltered" flight tracking.
ADS-B Exchange merges ADS-B data with other publicly known data on military and civilian aircraft around the world. Individual aircraft are plotted on OpenStreetMap - a free geographical database of the world - represented by color-coded icons according to altitude. The icons range from individual autostos and Cessna 182 to four-engine Boeing 747 and Airbus A380 civil aircraft. Military icons include U-2, KC-135 Stratotankers, C-17 Globemaster III, C-5M Super Galaxy, V-22 Ospreys and so on, although fighters are often represented by a more generic icon model of swept wing and stuffy nose.
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A click on the icon includes spatial information, including ground speed, altitude and location, ADS-B signal strength and other data. It also includes the registration of the aircraft, the country of registration and adds a photograph or thumbnail of the aircraft when possible.
All this means that, with the click of a button, you can instantly find out what is flying near you.
Although aircraft tracking has long been a niche hobby among aviation enthusiasts who like to catalog the comings and goings of aircraft, the public availability of transponder data in mid-air also offers journalists, researchers and other observers an effective means of tracking the movements and activities of the planes of the richest and most powerful in the world. The aggregation and analysis of public flight data shed light on the CIA's torture flights, the movements of the Russian oligarchs, and Google's friendly relationship with NASA.
Flights from ISR platforms tracked in the Ukraine region for a period of one month, at the end of last year.
More recently, these tracking techniques have gained international attention after attracting the wrath of Elon Musk, the richest man in the world. After buying social media giant Twitter, Musk banned an account that shared the movements of his private jet.
Despite repeated promises to protect freedom of expression - and a specific promise not to ban the @ElonJet account - on the platform, Musk censored anyone who shared the whereabouts of his plane, claiming that the data obtained entirely legally and totally public was equivalent to "murder coordinates".
A Global Hawk flown remotely with the indicater FORTE12 was the last aircraft tracked over Ukraine before the invasion of Russian forces and the closure of the country's airspace to civilian air traffic, according to the global flight tracking service Flightradar24.
Soon after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, a US Global Hawk, with the indication FORTE12, was followed almost daily by thousands of people on the Flighradar24 platform.
Publicly available flight tracking data is a growing problem for the U.S. military, a senior Pentagon official said recently.
Sites such as ADSBExchange.com, FlightRadar24.com and FlightAware.com aggregate flight data in the United States and abroad using a combination of commercial and citizen-owned sensors that capture the movements of commercial, civil and military aircraft in real time, 24 hours a day.
"The Department of Defense considers open source flight tracking and data aggregation on our aircraft a direct threat to our ability to conduct military air operations around the world," the U.S. Air Force said.
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An F-35 fighter was tracked in the Flightradar 24 app earlier this year, during a flight near Phoenix, Arizona.
Aggregated by websites and retransmitted on social media accounts, the data can be a free source of intelligence for nation-states, terrorist groups or individuals, revealing everything from operational movements of aircraft, aviation units and troops to training standards, development test flights and the movements of government officials, experts said.
This image shows a Beechcraft King Air configured for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions in the military aviation field of Baledogle, Somalia, in 2021. The U.S. civil registration code on the side was not assigned to any specific aircraft at the time and its exact operator remains unknown. However, this is very much in line with the types of aircraft that JSOC allegedly operates clandestinely and that would be interested in hiding the activities through the proposed aircraft flight profile management database tool.
Therefore, military aircraft routinely transmit their ADS-B data, but have the option to turn it off when necessary. The Pentagon is well aware that aviation enthusiasts - and potential opponents - monitor ADS-B data and that aircraft turn off transponders when they do not want anyone to observe them. Often when following the aircraft they simply disappear abruptly from the map.
The U.S. military is also known to use fake hexadecimal codes, which identify a transponder as belonging to a specific aircraft, to help mask certain sensitive flights. For example, the U.S. Air Force VC-25A Air Force One jet that transported President Donald Trump to Afghanistan in 2019 electronically disguised itself for a time as a KC-10 Extender tanker in this way.
As a particularly notable and relevant example of tracking high-profile U.S. military flights, the U.S. Air Force C-40 Clipper aircraft that transported Nancy Pelosi, then a representative of the Democratic Party in California and mayor, to Taiwan last year was visible online, despite concerns that the Chinese military might try to forcibly prevent the flight from reaching the island or harassing it otherwise.
This flight, which used the SPAR19 indicative, was one of the most tracked of all time in terms of total simultaneous users monitoring it on the popular website FlightRadar24, and ended up taking down the app for a period of time.
The Ghostrider trail on the night between November 20 and 21, 2023, on Radarbox.com.
In mid-November, something new happened: a U.S. aircraft involved in combat apparently left its ADS-B on, and did so intentionally. An AC-130J Ghostrider attack aircraft carried out an airstrike against a target that had launched a missile attack against U.S. forces at Al Assad Air Base in Iraq. The AC-130 gunship has a variety of weapons, including 30mm and 105mm cannons, and precisely guided bombs and missiles, and usually flies in lazy circles above its target, pouring firepower on the targets below. In Al Assad's retaliatory air attack, according to The Aviationist website, the Ghostrider involved apparently kept his transponder on all the time, drawing large circles on the ADS-B map and it was possible to be seen on the Radar Box website.
In Brazil, it is possible to track several military aircraft in aircraft tracking applications, including the most widespread Flightradar24. Next, you can see the KC-390, C-130 Hercules transport aircraft or T-27 Tucano coaches in flight near the Air Force Academy. The FAB has hidden data from the presidential aircraft A319 (VC-1) and E190 (VC-2) on these sites.
FAB T-27 Tucano aircraft are often seen flying near Pirassununga, AFA headquarters.
More recently, it was possible to follow the flights of the Brazilian Air Force that went to seek refugees and Brazilian citizens who were and Israel and the Gaza Strip. The KC-30 and KC-390 aircraft could be tracked in real time on the tracking platforms.
If you are a fan of military aircraft or just like to know what is happening when you hear the noise of aircraft engines, ADS-B is a free and reliable tool that you should use to track and identify planes. Observing fighters, spy planes and transport coming and going can help you get to know your armed forces. Just keep in mind that, at least when it comes to military flights, you will only see what the military wants you to see.
From Christmas Eve, the flight tracking site Flightradar24 will be keeping an eye on Santa Claus and his reindeer Rudolph, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen as they accelerate around the world.
Initially tracking Santa Claus was a challenge, but thanks to an ADS-B transponder installed a few years ago and the reindeer horns functioning as an additional antenna, Flightradar24 uses a mixture of terrestrial and satellite ADS-B coverage to track Santa Claus during his busiest night of the year.
To follow the good old man, go here.
Tags: Military AviationtrackingTechnology
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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mogai-sunflowers · 2 years
MOGAI BHM- Belated Day 16!
happy BHM! today i’m going to be listing different important inventions by Black people!
Black Inventors-
Marie Van Brittan Brown invented modern home security systems.
Jane C. Wright invented several chemotherapy drugs still in use today.
Alan Emtage invented the first internet browser, which he called ‘Archie’.
George Carruthers invented the ultraviolet spectrograph, which eventually accompanied probes to the moon.
Mark Dean invented forms of processor chips and co-created the IBM computer in 1987.
Patricia Bath pioneered early laser cataract surgery.
Lonnie Johnson invented the popular Super Soaker.
Lewis Howard Latimer helped invent the telephone and invented carbon filaments which hugely improved incandescent light bulbs.
Garrett Morgan invented a form of a gas mask and the three-position traffic signal.
Dr. James West helped co-invent microphone technology.
Lisa Gelobter was crucial to inventing Shockwave, the internet’s first web animation technology.
Frederick McKinley Jones invented and innovated refrigeration technology, including refrigerated trucks which were crucial in WWII.
Alexander Miles invented automatic elevator doors.
Madame CJ Walker invented a huge hair and beauty line for African American hair.
Elijah McCoy invented the portable ironing board and Sarah Boone innovated it.
Alice Parker invented a heating furnace system still used by many today.
Charles Brooks invented the design and technology for modern trucks that clean and sweep city streets.
George Alcorn invented x-ray imaging spectroscopy.
Benjamin Banneker invented America’s first clock.
Otis Boykin invented improved electrical resistors that are used today in everything from TVs to computers to radios.
Dr. Charles Drew created innovations in blood plasma that led to the creation of blood banks.
Dr. Philip Emeagwali invented the world’s fastest computer.
James Parsons work led to the invention of stainless steel.
George Washington Carver invented many, many culinary products derived from peanuts.
There are many, many more. I can not list them all here. I highly recommend looking more into the history of Black inventors and innovators, especially in the field of STEM! There are some good resources below to get you started!
Tagging @metalheadsforblacklivesmatter 
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abbiistabbii · 1 month
One of the few things about the UK I can talk positively about is how well some small things are designed? Like don't get me wrong, the UK sucks and shouldn't exist as a state and every else is garbage, but get this.
So power outlets in the UK are designed so kids cannot easily stick their fingers in them and get an electric shock, see, UK plugs have three pins, the top pin (earth) is longer than the other ones because along with being the Earth Pin, it's also the pin that operates the latch that opens up the pins that actually carry the electricity. Also you can wire these plugs yourself and are taught how to in high school.
Trams have different traffic lights from other traffic and they are designed not just for telling the tram to stop or go, but which direction they can go. If there is a horizontal line on the signal, it means stop. If there is a vertical line, it means go. If there is a diagonal line left or right, it means "you can now turn left or right". That is pretty fucking cool because it combines both a stop and go signal with a directional signal.
Also, train signals have four lights on them. Why? Well Green and red are obvious, but there's also double yellow and single yellow. Double Yellow means "next signal is single yellow, prepare to stop", single yellow means "next signal is red, get stopping because you are a train and trains have long stopping distances". What this mean is you can look at a signal and see if a train has been by and how long ago or how far away that train is.
BBC Radio 4 (the main talk radio station and basically the main radio station for the country in general) plays four short "pip" noises and one long "pip" so people can accurately set their watches and clocks to the exact time on the hour, every hour.
Under most button boxes at crosslights there's a little nub that starts spinning when the lights turn green. It's actually meant for the blind or deaf-blind so they know when to cross, but I use it when I'm looking at my phone or if the sun is in my eyes.
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i-eat-worlds · 10 months
Alex & Friends Part 14: Greenwich Park
This is a fun one. cw: violence
The morning started with Eric leading an hour long briefing detailing their operation. It was complete with a map of the area and several photos that had been pulled from Google Street View because of the short notice. He went over the specifics of each person's role.
Avia would position herself on the other end of the pond, concealed by foliage, so that they could be close by if Alex needed help. Aarav would liaison with the local pigeons for aerial surveillance. Joseph would be on the same side of the pond as Alex, far enough behind that he could go unnoticed. Sil would remain with the van, keeping it running so they could make a quick escape. Teri would be in the back, monitoring other signals from the area to make sure that Tindley didn’t call for help, ready to alert the local supers that Tindley had been caught. Finally, Eric would watch the street to the west, and would float as necessary.
When the briefing was finished, Alex waited for everyone to stand up and start gathering their things. Instead, only Teri moved. She pulled out the bag of peppermints that they’d been gambling with last night. “Unwrap it, but don’t eat,” She said as she handed a peppermint to each member of the team. After everyone had received their candy, she smiled widely and counted down from three. “Suck now so you don’t suck later!” The team said in unison, then popped the peppermints into their mouths. Alex smiled a little bit and slipped her own piece of candy into her mouth. She bounced it around in her mouth as she packed her stuff up and slid her knife into her boot.
Somehow, Aarav had convinced Nyx to lend them the company van for the morning. They piled into the back of the van. It smelled vaguely like beer, but it was relatively inconspicuous, and most importantly free. The early morning traffic was heavy, but Sil eventually pulled the van into the parking lot.
It was chilly, leaning towards cold, and Alex was glad she’d bundled up a little more than normal. Eric passed out earpieces to everyone, and then they got underway. They fanned out across the southeast quadrant of the park, heading towards their various positions.
Despite the anticipation brewing in her stomach, walking through the park was almost peaceful. Morning bird songs filled the cool, misty air and the light filtered through the tree branches overhead, casting her in alternating shadows. Pea gravel crunched underneath her feet as she walked to the meeting site.
Eventually, the path opened up to a pond. She followed the edge of the pond for a short stretch until she saw Tindley sitting on a bench by the edge. A breath got caught in her throat as she approached him. Ignoring the panic that rose in her chest, she sat down next to him.
“Good morning, Alexis. I’m glad you’re alright.” He said, and it took everything Alex had in her to not to wipe the polite smile off his face.
“Thanks for agreeing to meet,” She said. “I assume you have a plan to get me out of this mess?” Tindley scooted closer, and Alex felt the hairs on the back of her neck rise.
A voice cracked over her earpiece. It was Aarav. “I’ve got three people approaching from the northwest side.”
Eric quickly responded. “I’ll go check it out.”
“I’ve got a safe house waiting. Off the books, nobody knows about it but me and you.”
Tindley looked pleased with himself as he stood up. Like he’d won. Alex was ending this. She stood up, lining herself up to grab his wrists and make the arrest, when Teri’s voice filled her head.
“It's a trap! Alex, run!”
She quickly turned around and tried to escape down one of the paths. Tindley planted his foot in the back of her knee, sending her tumbling to the ground.
The next voice was Aarav’s. “Four people converging on your location. Northern end is clearest.”
He went to kick her again, and she quickly rolled out of the way. A spray of tiny rocks went up instead.
“I’m going in for back-up.” Avia said.
Alex launched herself at him, tackling him to the ground.
“Beacon’s up. Hopefully local heroes will be arriving soon.” Eric reported.
She climbed onto his back, pinning him down with her legs. Her hands ew to her handcuffs and she quickly secured them around his wrists.
“Bitch,” He said, face pressed against the gravel.
“Shut up,” Alex said.
Avia rounded the corner out a full sprint, stopping when she realized that Alex had subdued him. “Let’s go,” she said, helping Alex hoist him up.
They dragged him behind them as they made an escape from the northern end of the pond. As fast as they could, they ran up the paths, surrounded by immaculate, well kept gardens. Joseph met them halfway up the path, following behind them.
The three of them had just cleared the tangle of paths in the forest and were making a beeline towards the road when they were blinded by a flash of green light. The teleporter popped up from the ground, knife drawn. It was one of the Andros brothers.
“I’ve got Tindley!” Joseph yelled, pulling him out of the path of the teleporter while Avia and Alex engaged him.
The teleporter jabbed towards Alex first, lunging for her throat. She grabbed his arm, deecting the knife away, while Avia kicked his legs out from underneath him. He disappeared in another ash of green.
“Duck!” Alex called as he reappeared behind her. Avia listened, squatting down then turning to face him. She landed a fist in his stomach, causing him to double over in pain.
Avia took the opportunity and pounced, clipping the suppressants around his wrists. Alex was about to call it in when a spray of dirt went flying. Another mercenary, this time an energy manipulator. “Leave ‘em here.” Avia said, and then bolted over the fence, giving a report as she went.
Alex was close behind, jumping the fence, crossing a wide paved path, and entering another green. Joseph was further ahead, about half-way across, with Tindley in tow. Another blast behind them signaled that the mercenary was in pursuit.
The fact that they were still standing meant that whoever was chasing them was only a short range energy manipulator. They might have a ghting chance. “Parking lot!” She yelled at Avia. Cover was going to be key.
Alex could feel the ground vibrate behind her as she cleared the green and ran into the parking lot. She pointed at a white car. “Behind this one!”
They both collapsed behind the vehicle, tucking themselves out of sight as their pursuer entered the parking lot. Alex pulled out a knife from her boot. “Get ready to cuff.” She whispered. Avia smiled back, holding a second pair of restrictors in her hand.
The mercenary had stopped running, and they were now carefully walking through the center of the lot, checking behind every vehicle. Alex and Avia waited in tense silence as footsteps approached their car. They stepped forward, in front of their hiding place, and Alex lunged forward for them. She wrapped her knife around their throat and pulled them back, and Avia quickly strapped the cuffs on. Taking the mercenary with them, they started running to the van again. They were nearly to the van when there was another ash of green, and the metal of a knife glinted in Alex’s vision.
Taglist: @pigeonwhumps @sassafrassmoke
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valeskakingdom · 1 year
Like the good old times (part53)
The raindrops were hitting the car's roof resembling marbles hitting a metal plate. The heavy clouds covered the sun and gave the city a dull atmosphere. It affected people's mood a lot, you could say the whole city felt lousy. People refused to go out and preferred to lay in bed. Some people even dared to go for a walk, but they slowly strolled over the sidewalks, being despondent, like zombies who longed for any food.
Horns were honking when the car drove through the streets, signaling the usual folks their commitment was of high importance. No traffic could hold them back from driving fast to their target. They wouldn't even mind killing people right now - their priority pertained to their caught murderer.
Here and there, people turned their heads in the car's direction; they were curious as they saw the big S.W.A.T van and 4 other police cars, two at the front and the end. Where were they driving to? Was it Arkham Asylum? Or any other usual jail? Did the police catch another murderer? Or were they about to haunt someone? Or did an Asylum inmate escape?
It was just like the first time, Scarlet was driven to Arkham Asylum by the police. The same weather, people who were watching the whole scenario, the same atmosphere, the same empty streets. For Scarlet it was just pleasing, this memory she has when she first sat on this call will never be forgotten. It was the time when she was about to murder her brother and his girlfriend. She remembered every single detail: the cries and begs from Adrian and Kyle, the sobs, the feared looks whenever she was playing with her knife, or the joyful moment when she could manage to kill Kyle - it was glorious to see all the pain in her brother's eyes, and remembering this made her feel even better.
"Like in the good old times," Scarlet let out a relieved sigh "It's been so long I've been sitting here in the car last. Must be like over three years but I remember the day as if it was yesterday," She then got in a comfy position, the chains on her legs and arms rattled "It was the day where I was about to kill my brother and his little bitch. Didn't work out that well though since I forgot the fucking neighbors who's been loving to spy on me and my family. Fucking cunt"
"No one's interested in your storytelling, Patel" One of the cops muttered annoyed "We all will be thankful if you shut up" He made the others laugh with it, of course.
"Try it, darling, make me shut up," Scarlet just grinned, "I bet your wife already looks for some fresh meat since she admitted to herself that your small dick can't satisfy her needs" Immediately, she saw this aggression in his eyes which he tried to suppress - probably because she was right. Reactions like these mostly revealed people's private problems. In this case, he and his wife presumably had a huge crisis: he was too lazy, he just thought of work and football, he didn't satisfy her needs in sex, he had no time for her anymore so she thinks of a divorce - things like that.
"Wow," Scarlet laughed "So you and your wife indeed have problems in bed. What is it? Is the sex not good enough? Do you get no boner? She's into stuff you're not into?" He loved to provoke this man because she saw it worked. It was so easy to play with his mind, as easy as to throw a ball. Through his reaction, he revealed his matrimony and his wife are his emotional sweet spots - and for people like Scarlet, it was a perfect tool to play with.
"You know nothing about me and my wife," The cop grumbled with gritted teeth, clenching his fists. Oh, you could tell he was in a rage, you could see he hated being treated like a toy, he hated that however Scarlet managed to find out about his private problems and played with them. She should be the victim here and not him. Oh, she will get what she deserves, the cop thought, she will learn not to mess with someone like him "You will see what-..."
"Dylan, don't," one of his colleagues held him back from trying to attack Scarlet, he of course knew Dylan was the one in the crew who always failed to stay professional. he always got a rise out of him from others. He was a too choleric person to stay calm and always got into trouble "She's just messing with your head. She's playing tricks on you, stay professional"
"He's right, Dylan," Scarlet grinned "Stay professional, don't show any kind of emotions. You and your colleagues surely know people like me can read you according to your different reactions. Thanks to your little aggression problem, I do know you're a choleric person. I do now know you can't stay calm when someone like me is provoking you - and this is good fodder for me, you know, you make it pretty easy for me to play with you, especially when it comes to your wife, right?" Scarlet chuckled bitterly. She was quite amused to have such an idiot like him in front of her who revealed all his emotions and feelings with just one look "I'm sure it's horrible for you to know your wife is secretly meeting other men whenever she tells you she's out with friends, right?"
"And I'm sure it was horrible to see to experience that even Jerome had the urge to kill you," Another cop said making the others laugh "It's pretty sad to realize that no one in this world loves and wants you"
"And it's pretty sad to see the only forte that makes you popular is mocking others. I mean, look at you: You don't seem very sporty according to fat belly, you don't seem very neat either. I bet you're still living at your mommy's, and when talking about girlfriends we all can see and know you never had one because you're searching for the true love - you will never find it, though, because no one wants to date you" Scarlet spatted. Did he think she would become aggressive just because he mentioned the incident with Jerome? - even though it was quite questionable where he got the information from since this happened at a private place, but at the same time she knew asking them about this would just show they aroused her interest.
"It's fun to see how you think you know about my private life," the cop scoffed with a burst of bitter laughter, scratching his head "Your manipulation tricks are poor, darling"
"But instead of being professional and ignoring me, you keep discussing. So apparently I'm not that wrong with my assumptions," Scarlet chuckled "Think about it! For someone who uses to playing cool and nagging at others, you're working poorly. If I was your boss I would have fired you already, all of you!" Start frowned at him "I know what you think now, though: you would never listen to someone like me because I'm a killer and my intentions are quite different than yours - but actually, we're both doing the same job"
"We will never be doing the same job," Another cop scoffed "You destroy lives and families while we are trying to protect them from lunatics like you"
"But if needed, you're capable to kill people - as I can do," Scarlet grinned "So you see? Our jobs are not that different. You try to teach people manners who aren't following your rules, I do that with mine. You try to show people what's right, as do I! We just have a different point of view on that"
All of the cops in the car just stared at Scarlet. She was insane. How could she think being a killer and a cop are the same things? They are not! Killers like her murder insidiously, they kill to be satisfied, they love chaos, and almost each of them has a sexual intention behind a murder - and that should be equal to a cop! Hell no! A cop doesn't murder someone with lust, he doesn't plan to murder anybody to satisfy their needs! A cop provides law and order: they arrest the evil, punish people for breaking a law, and only shoot if someone endangers others with weapons or else. That's the quite opposite of a killer!
The cops stopped paying attention immediately to her as the van was about to stop - the brakes squealed for several seconds and the wheels grinded on the ground. Some other people suddenly smashed the doors open, and the cops that sat next to Scarlet jumped out of the van.
Through the gunny sack, Scarlet smelled the dirt and fresh air as she heard the sand rubbing against the cops' soles whenever they made a step. They finally arrived, she thought, it was a long way from her home to Arkham. For half an hour she sat there in the van, surrounded by impolite cops. She didn't feel uncomfortable, not at all. The drive reminded her of the good old times when she and her family went on vacation by car. It was a quiet drive. No one ever said a word. Her father hated small talk while driving. He preferred concentrating on the traffic than listening to his children's experiences. Whenever someone broke this rule, he told them to shut the hell up in an angry tone. It was similar to what the cops told her: shut up, Patel!
Scarlet noticed some other cops stood up as the car rattled, they incurred her legs and grabbed her arms to push her out of the van. Finally, she felt the sandy ground under her feet. She was relieved. From all the driving with a rattling car, she felt a little dizzy.
"Home Sweet Home" A cop pulled the funny sack from her head so that she could view her new home - Arkham Asylum. It resembled a typical asylum from books. Windows with grids, and dark clouds in the sky give a dark atmosphere, an old construction of the building.
It was a little cliche-like: Through the dark clouds, it could give some people a strange feeling. Something like the evil itself is living there - well, yeah it's true.
"Home sweet home, indeed," Scarlet grinned, she was almost pleased to be in Arkham now. She could manipulate people, telling them she would be the one to help them to flee, and with all her charm she could wrap some stupid guards around her finger to get whatever she needed - like the good old times "Wow, the atmosphere seems to be as shitty as a few years ago. I'm impressed it did not worsen since, you know, uhm... have you seen the new wannabe criminals? They're gross! They resemble apes! I wouldn't wonder if they devastated the whole city" Exactly this sentence made the cops frown, did she say that? She was one of them! She was a part of this devastation program!
"What?" Scarlet shrugged "I don't damage things and harm people without a certain reason, I have my plans at least" Not saying any word, the cops grabbed her arms harshly and pulled her to the entrance. They were annoyed by her and even happier she won't bother them any longer in a few minutes. They walked along several floors past cops until they reached a door from a little cabin. Right in front of it, a fat and tall cop with a belly, who smelled like old cheese and Whiskey stood there, apparently waiting for Scarlet to come.
"Everything prepared for the little comeback?" One of the cops held her arm tightly, looking over to the fat, tall, and cheesy-smelling cop "Where's Rosanne?"
"Oh, Rosanne!" Scarlet cheered "I remember this loving woman. A fearful butch who shows no remorse. I'm not lying when I say she's the only woman who arouses me under her touch"And it was true what Scarlet said, she indeed was impressed and somehow aroused by Rosanna's appearance. Rosanna was a beast, a real butch under all cops and guards. She was a musculus monster, probably more male than most of the other guards and cops in Arkham. Any of her femininity has faded over the years. Her voice was as deep as a male, probably caused by the huge amount of cigarettes she was smoking during and after the shift. Also: Rosanna wasn't soft at all. She treated you like an object, she was the dominant one. Whenever you didn't behave, she forced you to behave - and she always won. She had such power in her arms and hands, it was unbelievable!
"Rosanne will be pleased about your comeback, too," The fat cop chuckled bitterly, of course, it was sarcasm. Rosanna hated Scarlet, she hated that Scarlet had such a sexual tension towards her, it made her aggressive - and that was the spot Scarlet loved to play with "But yes, pens and notebook are in the cell as another pair of clothes. E 145"
"Good," The cop nodded "Clothes are in the cabin?"
"Rosanne is already waiting for her" The fat cop smirked wide "And I can tell she's not in a good mood. She had a very stressful day today"
"Even better," Scarlet smirked "I'm sure, I can help her become a little more relaxed" She winked at the guy with a burst of maniacal laughter while the cops pulled her annoyed after them to the cabin. These stupid come-on lines are disgusting, they resembled harassment, something that often ended up in reality.
The cops walked with her along the floor, right to the cabin which was next to the rec room: Scarlet could take a look in it. It didn't change that much at all. Several inmates sat on the benches, mumbling, grumbling, playing with their hair, walking from one side to another, and some were talking to each other. Scarlet could just smile about this, how exciting would this be to meet new people who eventually fulfill her expectations?
"Rosanne! Guess who's excited to see you!" One of the cops smirked when he already heard Rosanne's rattling keys from standing up, then walking up to the cops and Scarlet - and there she was: Rosanne. The butch in person. She just gave Scarlet a bittersweet smile with the cigarette in her mouth, oh she was pleased to see Scarlet but not in a positive way. Rosanne couldn't wait to degrade her with the fact in Arkham she'll be just a number, she'll not even be called a human.
"Oh, hi, Rosanne," Scarlet grinned wide "Long time no see, don't you think? How have you been?" But instead of a real answer, Rosanna just glanced at her, dragging on her cigarette, and blew the smoke right into her face.
"I undertake this now," She said with her dark raspy voice, grabbing Scarlet's arm and pulling her into the cabin. Directly after closing the door, Rosanne started patting Scarlet down: she pulled out every knife, every pistol, and every other stuff that seemed to be an opportunity to harm people. Right after that, she forced Scaret to take the inmates' clothes. Scarlet though enjoyed the whole act. Rosanne's roughness was incredible - you had to undergo this!
When she was done, Rosanne grabbed her arm and pulled her to the rec room's door. the door that would bring Scarlet a new life unknowingly. Rosanne opened the door, opening Scarlet's handcuffs and pushing her through the door. You could see, Rosanne intended to bring her into this cell as fast as possible so that she would no longer bring chaos over people. And by locking the door, Scarlet became an inmate in Arkham - again, after all these years. It was just perfect! Now she could start with her plan: she could start seeking any stupid inmates with the ability to plan and get her the stuff she wanted and needed. She looked through the crowd, slowly walking past people to check them out. Most of them seemed to be absent from reality, they seemed depraved. They talked gibberish, tried eating their nails, and hit each other with some pencils or books and laughed about this. No one seemed to be a person with high intellect - at least not until she heard this quite familiar voice:
"Hello, my precious doll. It's been a while, isn't it? How about you gimme a kiss?”
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idiotic21 · 2 years
Mr and Mrs Hamato
Chapter 2 - The Mystic She Thief
Previous All Stories
Timestamp - 11 months after the Krang was defeated. Leo has fully healed from his wounds.
Four turtles parkoured their way across the city. What started out as a comforting lazy Saturday morning was suddenly interrupted by a Donnie Alert. Someone robbed the museum of natural history, taking a priceless piece of meteorite with them. 
Leo's voice boomed over the loud street noise, "How much further, Don?". Donnie checked the map on his wristband, "Just five more streets down, wait no- six, gah seven!"
"Can't you get pin the baddie's location?" Mikey frowned as the numbers began to confuse him. "Who moves that fast anyway? It's like they have their own portal or somethin'" Raph complained.
Donnie and Leo shared a look, both possibly thinking the same thing. Donnie nodded, "Probably. With all the crazy - ugh- things we went through -grr- all those years back? I would not be surprised!" the genius concluded over grunts as he moved delicately around some hap-hazard clothing lines. 
Leo grimaced as he eyed the congested streets below, "A good reason not to take the Turtle Tank. We'd only get stuck in the traffic."
"Well, they better be portalling somewhere important. I did not miss my Saturday Morning Breakfast Special just to come out and bash some lowlife thief," the youngest spoke for everyone.
"Yeah!" the four brothers cried out in the agreement. Saturday mornings are not to be taken lightly.
The purple turtle suddenly broke to a stop and the leader in blue quickly signaled Raph and Mickey to do the same. 
The genius removed this tech wristband and hunched over it. His brows furrowed in intense concentration. "What is it, bro?" Leo asked as he leaned on Donnie's battle shell. The boys huddled together as the genius began to explain. 
"My tech managed to track the use of mystic energy from our loose baddie."
"Mystic? So we are dealing with a yokai or a mutant," Raph asked quietly and waited for Donnie's reply. The boys watched silently as the tech whiz suddenly pulled one of Leo's swords and tapped into the mystic portal energy with Donnie's own mystic powers. 
The purple markings on his shoulder began to glow brightly as Leo's energy was summoned into the blades of the sword making the slider's body markings glow as well. Hamato Ninpo thrummed through their very beings, coursing through their veins with fire and electricity.
"Possibly. Could be even human but who's to say anymore? Segue way, I managed to triangulate the assailant's next three exact positions to which they would be portalling to, enabling us to portal right to them at the exact same time," thus bringing Donnie to his usual rambling, "You see, the use of mystic ninpo has only elevated my arsenal in high-unreasonably-futuristic-tech and it has enhanced my tech to levels never known to be ever reachable by the likes of the normal man.... EheheVIL LAUGH " 
The brothers of orange, red, and blue all groaned but wore smiles of amusement at the purple's glorious basking of power. "Sure thing, Don. As much we would love to hear your nerd rambling, we have a villain to catch, dear brother," Leo noogies Donnie and swiped his wristband to his eyes. "Alright boys, next stop ... New Jersey?" 
The Hamato boys simply shrugged. Leo drew his swords and expertly slashed at the sky. The trademarked smirk played on his lips as the neon blue portal opened up with crackling electricity. "Let's get to it boys. Hachi Machi!!" The others were pushed in unceremoniously then the turtle in blue stylishly backflipped into the portal.
New Jersey, finally. 
A comlink was activated "...I have the meteorite is in my grasp. I will meet you at the rendezvous at-" the person gasped, dropping the call. Something in the air felt.... electrified?
An ear-splitting crack shook the atoms in the air and a blue portal zapped in front of the thief's face. Behind the thief's mask, their eyes widened in shock as four yokai burst out.
"HOT SOUP!" and the portal collapsed behind them dramatically. 
"Shit!" The thief quickly summoned some mystic energy in their palm and snapped a silver portal to life. "Bye suckers!" they greeted the turtles. As their first foot entered the portal the thief was yanked backward by a golden chain. 
"You ain't going nowhere, baby!" Michelangelo victoriously shouted then yanked the elongated chains of his nunchucks and forcefully twirled the thief away from the portal. 
The thief landed with a thud on the ground, watching as their silver portal fizzled away. 
"You've got to ask yourself one question: Do ya' feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk? Cause Neon Leon, and his backup turtles, gotcha'" The brothers groaned. 
The thief was cornered but not willing to give up yet. With lightning-fast moves, they slammed their palms together and a puff of silver smoke engulfed their being. 
The brothers stood in shock for a minute until -poof-, the silver smoke appeared behind them and the thief activated another portal. "Engage, boys!" Leo ordered with style and the turtles grinned wildly, moving with lightning speed. 
Raph activated his sai's. Red mystic energy, fueled by his Hamato ninpo burst out in flames as he punched the ground. The thief was thrown off balance and missed their portal jump. The fight had started. 
"First to knock out the thief is the winner of forever!" Mickey launched his chucks, elongating them to wrap around the thief, and pulled their body towards him, "GIVE US THE SPACE STONE!".  A smug smile lay hidden behind the mask. Mickey watched as one of the thief's hands clutched the gold chains. "Wha...?", a burst of silver energy ran up the chained weapon.
OOF- Mickey was shot back by a silver shock wave and was thrown into Raph, the thief jumped out of the loosened chains and landed gracefully before throwing the regular-sized nun-chucks to the ground. "BROS!" Leo eyed the thief making a run for another portal, "Oh no you don't,". Leo's portal burst right in front of the enemy's. "Leaving so soon?" The thief gasped and dodged the incoming slice of Leo's sword. "How rude, we just got to the party!" The slider began to drive the thief away from the portal. 
The thief was about to activate another portal but their hand was caught by Donatello. "Make way for Von Ryan! Fibonacci! " The turtle in purple stopped the enemy's hand with the tech-bo and slapped a titanium cuff on the thief's left hand with his robotic claw then sent a  kick to their chest. He expertly spun them and Leo slapped another cuff to the right hand. Donnie used his tech-bo to push the thief away.
They stumbled but found grounding. While the turtles gathered, Donnie watched with amusement as the thief tried to snap their way out of existence. It only fueled the genius' ego when he heard the frustrated grunts of the thief. Leo leaned on his twin, watching the thief run a string of curses as they tried to tirelessly conjure their own portal. Raph protectively closed Mickey's ears.
The emotionless mask of the thief turned for a brief moment to asses their captors. The turtles were powerful and the thief was outnumbered four to one. Running away now would delay the inevitable doom of getting caught and they had no idea how to remove these cuffs. Running away would be pointless, so 'Stand your ground and don't show fear'. They thought to themselves.
"No use portalling now, dumdum." Donnie cocked an eyebrow. The thief looked up to find all four turtles wearing the same smug look. Still, they went back to portal making. The brother's watched with mock amusement as the thief only produced wisps of mystic energy. "Save your energy, punk! Those cuffs, my made yours truly, are capable of blocking off one's connection to any form of mystic force." Donnie explained, taking a step forwards. 
The thief stood their ground and warily watched the purple nuisance. As if to show utter disregard for the turtle's warning, the thief brought both hands to the center of their abdomen. Donnie watched with peaked interest as the thief touched their thumbs and middle fingers together and folded the rest in. The brother's picked up a light hum of electricity suddenly filling the air. Donnie knew the strength of the cuff but was eager to test just how much mystic power it could hold off. He did test it on his brothers, as usual, but it only got him so far. Though not far enough to make a solid conclusion. 
"Donnie.." Leo warned but it fell on deaf ears. If Donnie didn't react, his brothers would not as well. They trusted Donnie's judgment over his own tech. The four turtles watched as streaks of silver light began to accumulate around the thief. Since Donnie was the closest to them, he could notice the strain it took to fight the cuff power block. The thief's body was shaking.
"Alright, you proved your strength, but there is no point to strain yourself. Surrender, you're surrounded." Donnie demanded.
The thief showed no signs of relenting. Eyes watching fearfully from behind the mask, they groaned and summoned more mystic power. The wind seemed the catch up as their mystic energy seemed to grow stronger. 
"Donnie..is this safe?" Raph asked warily after noticing the sudden power shift, but Donnie was too fascinated by the sheer stubbornness of the wrongdoer. A spark of silver light danced over the cuffs, showing the strains of  Donnie's tech fighting over the silver mystic power. 
Donnie's loud exclaim drowned out his brother's yells of panic as the wind currents began to pick up with violence. "Such power and wit! The strong sense of determination! An opportunity to witness this is beyond my wildest imagination. The data that could potentially make my mystic tech even greater, and bolder is in the center of my palm!"
The genius was more than fascinated watching the spectacle around him. Purple mystic energy rose from the cuffs and began to fight away the silver energy of the enemy. That was not the only thing that happened, for, within the souls of the thief and Donatello, a cord was struck. Something so primal and innate woke within them. The two unknowingly locked eyes. 
For a moment in time, the thief could feel every thrumming fiber of the turtle before them. Their energies no longer fighting but bonding and intensifying. Donnie gasped, taking a step back when he felt the spike of energy rise in the person before him. His body tingled as the silver mystic energy seared his veins, giving him a  taste of immense power as he had never felt before. His Hamato Ninpo beamed with radiance as his purple marking took on a silver outline and glowed brightly. Donatello grasped at his chest.
He felt power.
He felt fear.
He felt ... belonging. 
He..he felt .... HER!
"Wait? You're a girl?!" 
 That small thought shattered whatever connection the two experience. A strong blast of mystical energy relapsed into the cuffs and was beamed away. The turtles were pushed down by the blast of radiating mystic force. The thief was thrown backward while the facemask cracked and split down the middle.
"Don... Donnie... Hey, hey Donnie!" Three blurry figures loomed over the purple, now groaning, Othello Von Ryan, a.k.a Donnie. 
"Get off me..." Donnie weakly pushed his brothers away. "Gah, what happened?" He said, gently rubbing the back of his head. "The blast, Dee. The whole, -WHOOSH, KABLAMMO KAPOWW!" Mickey flailed his arms around like a wild chicken. Raph gently pushed Mickey into Leo's hands and helped Donnie up.
"You tell me, buddy. The thief did some mystic energy stuff and next thing we all knew, the energy exploded and BOOM, here we are," Raph said, turning around to make sure his other two brothers are doing fine. 
"You alright? You look like you just went through a heavenly revelation or something.." Leo pointed to Donnie's surprised face. Finally, after a few seconds, it clicked in him. Donnie remembered that weird thing between him and the.... and the "..THE MYSTIC SHE THIEF!"
Donnie pushed himself up to shake Leo like a pepper shaker. "What happened? Where is the she thief?"
"She thief? You mean that thief?" Mickey pointed out innocently, saving Leo from Donnie's deathly shakes. 
The purple genius let out a strangled breath as he was reminded of the strong connection earlier. It grossed him out just as much as it yanked on his bleeding curiosity. Silently, the other brothers followed close behind Donnie as they approached the mysterious figure. 
The thief grunted in slight pain. "Owww..." she muttered, rubbing her head and pushing a mass of black curly hair out of the way. Little did she know she was being watched intensely by four blushing teens.
When she turned to face them. Her eyes passed over everyone but locked right in when she found Donnie's and there was the connection again. A flash of purple ran glazed over her eyes, and a flash of silver reflected in his own. Chests heaving, hearts unknowingly beating as one. The two teens remain entranced with one another, noticing the flush pink rising on their cheeks. Leo glanced at his twin and back at the girl, then back at him.  Neon Leon broke the silence with his famous oneliners. 
Leo smirked and slung his arm over Donnie, yanking them closer to the thief "Sooo..... a cutie and baddie huh?" 
"Wha-?" Donnie blinked furiously. The thief seemed to snap out of her trance too, deciding them to glare at the turtles. Raph and Mickey just seemed lost. "No wonder you got Don Boy all flustered up. Ya know' cute but mean? His type and all"
Donnie had half the nerve to slap Leo, but with the girl in front of him, he just froze. Leo took matters into his hands and let go of Donatello. The girl shuffled away weakly as the slider approached her. "Hey, wait-" she tried to fight but he shushed her playfully and bound her hand to her front, and covered her eyes with a blindfold. "As leader, I say we bring mystic she thief to the lair for interrogation, and other purposes for teasing Donnie-" Leo looked to Raph for a professional leader-ing opinion on the first plan and Raphael nodded, giving Leo a thumbs up.
"Hrmph!" Donnie froze as the girl was shoved into his hands."Keep an eye on her 'purple dude'" said Leo a little too loudly so the girl heard him. Donnie just stared down at her helplessly, speechless, definitely not aided by the feeling of his heart beating right out of his chest for some reason unknown to him. She felt his shaky hands gently gripping her shivering upper arms. Hearts unknowingly beating as one.
"But why?" Mickey put his fingers to his lips, questioningly. Leo grumbled and gestured to Donnie's face and the apparent blush creeping from under the girl's blindfold at the knowledge of being held extremely delicately but the 'purple dude'. Raph then began to giggle... "Owh... OWHHH,"
Mickey finally came to his senses, "Hot dang, son! Donnie has a cr-".  Leo slapped his hands over Mickey's big mouth and laughed.
"Vamanos, hermanos. Let's bring the party to the lair." He declared and sliced a portal open. 
So the story begins.
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skillsforges · 3 days
SEO 101: The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Understanding Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a fundamental digital marketing strategy designed to enhance a website's visibility on search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. The primary goal of SEO is to attract organic traffic—unpaid, high-quality visitors—by ensuring that a website ranks higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). If you're just starting your journey with SEO, this guide will break down the basics, helping you understand how SEO works and why it's essential for your online presence.
What is SEO?
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It involves optimizing various aspects of your website to improve its visibility in search engine results. When potential customers search for products, services, or information relevant to your business, SEO ensures that your website appears in the top results, making it easier for them to find you. Unlike paid advertising, SEO focuses on organic search results, making it a cost-effective long-term strategy.
Why is SEO Important?
Increased Visibility and Traffic: The higher your website ranks in search results, the more visibility it gains, leading to increased traffic. Most users don’t go past the first page of search results, making it crucial to aim for a top position.
Builds Credibility and Trust: Websites that rank higher are perceived as more credible and trustworthy by users. SEO helps establish your website as a reliable source of information in your niche.
Cost-Effective Marketing: Unlike pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, SEO generates traffic without requiring you to pay for each visitor. While SEO requires time and effort, the long-term results make it a cost-effective strategy.
How Search Engines Work
To understand SEO, it's essential to know how search engines operate. Search engines use complex algorithms to crawl, index, and rank websites. Here's a brief breakdown of these processes:
Crawling: Search engines use bots (often called spiders) to scan web pages. These bots crawl websites by following links, collecting data about the content, structure, and keywords used.
Indexing: After crawling, search engines store the collected information in a massive database known as the index. When a user performs a search, the search engine retrieves relevant pages from this index.
Ranking: Search engines use algorithms to rank indexed pages based on relevance, quality, and user experience. Factors such as keyword usage, website speed, mobile-friendliness, backlinks, and content quality determine the ranking position.
Core Components of SEO
SEO can be categorized into three main areas: on-page SEO, off-page SEO, and technical SEO.
1. On-Page SEO
On-page SEO refers to optimizing individual web pages to improve their ranking. Key elements include:
Keywords: Identifying and using relevant keywords that potential customers are searching for.
Content: Creating high-quality, informative, and create engaging content that satisfies the user's search intent.
Title Tags and Meta Descriptions: Optimizing the page title and meta description to improve click-through rates (CTR).
Internal Linking: Linking to other pages within your website to enhance navigation and distribute link equity.
2. Off-Page SEO
Off-page SEO focuses on activities outside your website that influence rankings, such as:
Backlinks: Earning high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites signals search engines that your content is valuable.
Social Media Marketing: Sharing your content on social platforms can increase visibility and attract backlinks.
Guest Blogging: Writing guest posts on other websites helps build backlinks and establishes your authority in the niche. Its important to consider the size how long should be blog post rank in search engines.
3. Technical SEO
Technical SEO involves optimizing the technical aspects of your website to improve crawling and indexing by search engines. This includes:
Website Speed: Ensuring your website loads quickly, as slow-loading sites can negatively impact rankings.
Mobile-Friendliness: Making your website responsive and user-friendly on mobile devices.
XML Sitemap: Creating an XML sitemap to help search engines understand your website's structure.
Structured Data: Using schema markup to provide search engines with additional information about your content.
SEO Best Practices
Conduct Keyword Research: Identify keywords that your target audience is searching for using tools like Google Keyword Planner or Ahrefs.
Create Quality Content: Focus on producing valuable, informative, and engaging audience-centric content that addresses your audience's needs.
Optimize for Mobile: Ensure your website is mobile-friendly, as mobile searches account for a significant portion of web traffic.
Monitor and Analyze: Use tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console to track your website's performance and make data-driven decisions.
SEO is a dynamic and evolving field, but understanding the basics is the first step toward building a strong online presence. By focusing on on-page, off-page, and technical SEO, you can improve your website's visibility, attract more organic traffic, and ultimately achieve your business goals. Start implementing these strategies today, and you'll be on your way to mastering the art of SEO!
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swatikaju · 4 days
Understanding the Three Pillars of SEO: Authority, Experience, and Relevance
In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, mastering SEO is crucial for businesses aiming to enhance their online presence. To achieve high rankings on search engines like Google, it's essential to focus on the three fundamental pillars of SEO: Authority, Experience, and Relevance. These pillars form the foundation of effective SEO strategies and are key to driving organic traffic, boosting visibility, and establishing trust with your audience.
In this blog, we’ll dive deep into these three pillars of SEO, explaining how each contributes to your website’s success. For businesses looking to elevate their SEO game, partnering with a leading SEO agency in Pune like Osumare can ensure that your strategy aligns perfectly with these core principles. For expert guidance and services, visit osumare.com.
1. Authority: Building Trust and Credibility
Authority refers to the perceived trustworthiness and credibility of your website in the eyes of search engines and users. It’s about demonstrating that your site is a reliable source of information within your industry or niche. Google and other search engines assess a website’s authority through various signals, including backlinks, domain age, and content quality.
How to Build Authority:
High-Quality Backlinks: One of the strongest indicators of authority is the number and quality of backlinks pointing to your site. These are links from other reputable websites that vouch for your content. Building a robust backlink profile involves outreach, guest blogging, and creating link-worthy content that others want to reference.
Consistent Content Creation: Regularly publishing high-quality, informative, and engaging content not only helps your audience but also signals to search engines that your site is active and valuable. Focus on creating in-depth articles, guides, and resources that address the needs of your audience.
Earning Trust Signals: Trust signals like HTTPS encryption, privacy policies, and secure payment options are crucial for building authority. Ensuring that your website is secure and user-friendly enhances your credibility.
Social Proof: Positive reviews, testimonials, and social media mentions contribute to your site’s authority. Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews and engage actively on social media platforms.
2. Experience: Prioritizing User Experience (UX)
Experience refers to how users interact with your website, including site speed, mobile-friendliness, and overall usability. A positive user experience keeps visitors on your site longer, reduces bounce rates, and increases the likelihood of conversions, all of which are favorable in the eyes of search engines.
How to Enhance User Experience:
Fast Loading Times: Slow websites frustrate users and lead to high bounce rates. Optimize images, use efficient coding, and leverage caching techniques to ensure your site loads quickly.
Mobile Optimization: With the majority of web traffic coming from mobile devices, it’s essential to have a mobile-friendly site. Implement responsive design to ensure your site looks great and functions well on all screen sizes.
Easy Navigation: A well-structured website with intuitive navigation helps users find what they’re looking for quickly. Use clear menu labels, breadcrumbs, and internal linking to enhance the user journey.
Engaging Design and Content: A visually appealing design with high-quality images, videos, and interactive elements keeps users engaged. Break content into digestible sections with headers, bullet points, and visuals to improve readability.
Accessibility: Ensure your website is accessible to everyone, including users with disabilities. Use alt text for images, maintain high contrast ratios, and design your site to be navigable using keyboard shortcuts.
3. Relevance: Aligning Content with Search Intent
Relevance is about how closely your content matches the search intent of users. Search engines prioritize delivering results that are most relevant to a user’s query. Your content needs to address what the user is looking for, whether it’s answering a question, solving a problem, or providing information.
How to Increase Relevance:
Keyword Research and Optimization: Understanding what your audience is searching for is the first step in creating relevant content. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, or SEMrush to identify keywords that align with your business and audience. Integrate these keywords naturally throughout your content, including in titles, headings, and meta descriptions.
Content Alignment with Search Intent: Different searches have different intents—informational, navigational, or transactional. Tailor your content to match the specific intent behind the keywords. For example, if the keyword suggests informational intent, focus on providing comprehensive guides or how-to articles.
Regularly Update Content: Relevance is not static. Regularly updating your content ensures it remains current and valuable. Refresh old blog posts, update statistics, and add new insights to keep your content in line with the latest trends and user expectations.
Structured Data and Schema Markup: Use structured data to help search engines understand your content better and display it in rich snippets. This enhances your content’s relevance and can improve click-through rates from search results.
Why Partner with an SEO Agency in Pune?
Navigating the complexities of SEO requires a strategic approach that focuses on authority, experience, and relevance. An expert SEO agency in Pune like Osumare offers the skills, tools, and insights needed to optimize your website according to these three pillars. By analyzing your current SEO performance and implementing tailored strategies, Osumare ensures that your website not only ranks higher but also delivers an exceptional user experience.
Understanding and implementing the three pillars of SEO—Authority, Experience, and Relevance—is essential for achieving long-term success in digital marketing. These pillars work together to improve your search rankings, drive quality traffic, and establish your brand as a trusted authority in your industry. To stay ahead of the competition and maximize your online potential, consider partnering with an expert SEO agency in Pune like Osumare.
For comprehensive SEO services and expert guidance, visit osumare.com and take the first step toward enhancing your website’s authority, experience, and relevance today.
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digicarotene · 11 days
The Importance of Local SEO for Small Businesses
In today’s digital world, it’s essential for small businesses to leverage online strategies to compete effectively. One of the most powerful tools that small businesses can use to gain visibility and attract local customers is Local SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Local SEO focuses on optimizing your business for searches that are location-specific, making it easier for nearby customers to find you. Here’s why local SEO is crucial for the success of small businesses.
1. Increases Visibility in Local Searches
When someone searches for a service or product near their location, Google delivers results that are based on proximity, relevance, and prominence. By optimizing your website for local SEO, your business is more likely to appear in the coveted "Local 3-Pack" (the top three listings under the map in Google search results), making your business more visible to potential customers in your area.
For example, when a user searches for "best coffee shop near me," your business is more likely to appear if your local SEO is properly optimized. This visibility is key for attracting local customers who are ready to purchase.
2. Drives Targeted Traffic
Local SEO helps bring in customers who are actively looking for the services or products you offer. By targeting specific geographic areas and optimizing for local keywords, you increase the likelihood of drawing customers who are nearby and more likely to convert.
For instance, optimizing for "digital marketing agency in Hyderabad" ensures that businesses in Hyderabad seeking digital marketing services will find you, which is essential for local businesses to thrive.
3. Enhances Credibility and Trust
Appearing in local search results not only increases your visibility but also enhances your credibility. When your business appears in local listings, especially in the "Local 3-Pack" or on Google Maps, it signals to potential customers that your business is trustworthy and reputable. This can lead to more clicks, calls, and in-person visits.
Additionally, having a well-optimized Google My Business (GMB) profile with positive reviews, accurate contact information, and regular updates boosts customer trust and can influence buying decisions.
4. Boosts Mobile Traffic
With the rise of mobile searches, local SEO has become even more important. Many users rely on mobile devices to search for businesses while on the go. In fact, 76% of people who search for something nearby on their smartphones visit a related business within a day. Optimizing for local SEO ensures that your business is easily found on mobile devices, bringing in valuable foot traffic.
A mobile-friendly website and local SEO strategies ensure that you’re not missing out on potential customers searching for businesses like yours on their phones.
5. Cost-Effective Marketing
For small businesses with limited budgets, local SEO is a highly cost-effective marketing strategy. Unlike traditional advertising, local SEO allows you to reach customers who are actively searching for your services or products without needing a massive advertising budget. By appearing in local search results organically, you can increase visibility and drive conversions without spending excessively on paid ads.
Additionally, the long-term benefits of local SEO—such as building an authoritative online presence and increasing organic traffic—make it a sustainable and affordable marketing tactic.
6. Encourages Reviews and Social Proof
One of the key components of local SEO is customer reviews. Positive reviews not only enhance your online reputation but also contribute to higher rankings in local search results. Google favors businesses with more positive reviews, and having a strong online presence filled with customer testimonials acts as social proof, influencing more potential customers to choose your business.
Encouraging satisfied customers to leave reviews on platforms like Google My Business, Yelp, or Facebook helps establish trust and credibility, driving more local traffic and conversions.
7. Improves Your Competitive Edge
In highly competitive markets, local SEO helps small businesses stand out from their larger competitors. Many big companies overlook the importance of local SEO, which creates an opportunity for smaller businesses to dominate local search results. By focusing on local optimization, you can outperform larger companies and capture the attention of customers looking for nearby services.
Local SEO levels the playing field, giving small businesses the chance to compete effectively against more established brands in their area.
How to Implement Local SEO for Your Small Business
To fully reap the benefits of local SEO, small businesses need to implement specific strategies, including:
Claiming and optimizing your Google My Business (GMB) profile: Ensure all business information is accurate, including name, address, phone number, and website link.
Incorporating local keywords into your website’s content, meta tags, and titles.
Building local citations by listing your business in local directories like Yelp, Bing, and others.
Encouraging online reviews from satisfied customers to improve your local rankings.
Creating location-specific content that caters to your local audience’s needs and interests.
Local SEO is a must-have strategy for small businesses that want to gain a competitive edge and increase their visibility to local customers. With the growing importance of mobile and location-based searches, optimizing your business for local SEO is no longer optional—it’s essential. By investing in local SEO, small businesses can drive targeted traffic, build trust with customers, and grow their business within their community.
For businesses looking to maximize their local SEO efforts, partnering with experts like Digi Carotene, the best digital marketing agency in Hyderabad, can provide the guidance and expertise needed to dominate local search results and achieve long-term success.
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dcrayons-99 · 12 days
Why SEO is Essential for Ranking Your Website on Google?
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Indeed, you really want to utilize great Web optimization practices to rank your site. Google Web index Result relies on the information given by the crawler. The Crawler is a Google bot that positions the most trusted and significant site as indicated by the watchwords given by the client.
To rank for a low-volume search term with low contest you can in any case rank without off-page Website design enhancement and third party referencing.
Yet, If you need to beat a laid out site you really want both power and great Website design enhancement rehearses. Likewise, it requires investment to fabricate such a kind of site.
There are three types of SEO there are:-
Technical SEO- is about ensuring search engine bots can properly crawl and index your site. I won’t go into detail, but as the name suggests, this technical task involves maintaining the robots.txt file and checking server logs to see what pages are being crawled or not.
On-Page SEO – This involves making sure the bots know what your website is about and each page is about. This is also a deep topic and involves meta tags, focus on user experience and a bunch of other stuff. Here’s a cool resource if you want to dig deeper.
Off-Page SEO –  is signaling the search bots that your site is more rank-worthy than your competitors.
Off-page SEO techniques to drive more organic traffic
Link Building.
Blog Commenting.
Guest Posting.
Forums Posting.
Build Trust.
Incorporate Videos and Images.
Social Bookmarking
On Page is things you do on the website, then Off Page is things that you do outside of the website. This involves link-building, social media presence, and a bunch of other stuff.
If you’re in an industry that is low-competition, you can rank your site without doing any off-page optimization. When there is no competition, just basic on-page SEO will is signaling the search bots that your site is more rank-worthy than your competitors.
On Page is things you do on the website, then Off Page is things that you do outside of the website. This involves link-building, social media presence, and a bunch of other stuff.
If you’re in an industry that is low-competition, you can rank your site without doing any off-page optimization. When there is no competition, just basic on-page SEO will be enough to rank you at the top.
If you have any requirements related to Search Engine Optimization, feel free to contact Dcrayons. Our expert professionals have extensive technical capabilities as they are up to date with all advancements and are always ready to take the challenge from the client to deliver the best solution.
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brandrisicmedia · 20 days
How to Use a Blog to Support Your Search Engine Ranking
Blogging is more than just a creative outlet—it's a powerful tool for boosting your search engine ranking and enhancing your digital presence. As the Best Content Marketing Agency in Bangalore, Brandrisic Media understands the impact a well-maintained blog can have on your website’s visibility and authority.
1. Keep Your Blog Active  
Search engines, particularly Google, favor websites that are regularly updated with fresh content. A blog that’s frequently updated sends a signal to search engines that your site is active and relevant. Posting two to three blogs a week can organically update your website, making it more attractive to search engines. However, it’s not just about quantity; the content needs to be engaging and valuable to your audience. The more engaging your content, the longer visitors will stay, indicating to search engines that your site is worth ranking higher.
2. Expand Your Website’s Content  
Every blog post adds a new page to your website, creating more opportunities for search engines to crawl your site. If your content is high-quality and resonates with your audience, it can go viral on social media, further increasing your reach and traffic. More pages mean more opportunities to use relevant keywords, which are the backbone of SEO. Unlike stuffing keywords into a few pages, blogs allow you to naturally incorporate a variety of keywords, improving your chances of ranking for those terms.
3. Use Inbound Links to Build Authority  
Inbound links, or backlinks, are essential for establishing the credibility of your content. When you link to other reputable sources within your blog, search engines see this as a sign of trustworthiness. The more inbound links you have, the more likely visitors will stay on your site to explore related information, increasing your site’s authenticity in the eyes of search engines. As the Best SEO Company in Mumbai, Brandrisic Media emphasizes the strategic use of inbound links to enhance your website’s authority.
4. Optimize Your Blog with Keywords  
Keywords are critical for increasing the visibility of your blog. By strategically placing relevant keywords throughout your blog posts, you make it easier for search engines to identify your content as relevant to user queries. When users search for those keywords, your blog is more likely to appear in search engine results, driving more traffic to your site. The key is to use keywords naturally, so they enhance rather than disrupt the flow of your content.
5. Share Your Blog on Social Media  
Social media is a powerful platform for promoting your blog content. Once your blog is live, sharing it on platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram can help you reach a broader audience. Engagement on social media—likes, shares, comments—can further enhance your content’s visibility and search engine ranking. Positive interactions on social media can signal to search engines that your content is valuable and should be ranked higher.
Conclusion  Blogging is an indispensable tool in your digital marketing arsenal. By keeping your blog active, expanding your website’s content, using inbound links, optimizing with keywords, and promoting on social media, you can significantly boost your search engine ranking. At Brandrisic Media, we specialize in creating and optimizing blog content that not only engages your audience but also enhances your online visibility. Start blogging today to stay ahead in the competitive digital landscape.
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