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whosoldherout · 6 months ago
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bobby grabbing buck when the escape slide collapsed
requested by anonymous
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911gif · 3 months ago
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9-1-1 s08e03 - Final Approach
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stagefoureddiediaz · 5 months ago
Costume meta 8x01, 8x02 & 803
Life is incredibly busy for me at the moment, so I’m not able to spend as much time on things like writing Costume meta as I’d like, so, while I am planning on writing a meta for each episode, these are likely to be shorter and I will only be guaranteeing to do Buck and Eddies costumes. Any other character will be entirely dependent on my time and if there is anything interesting to point out! That being said, because I’ve combined the first three episodes into one meta (because they spent most of it in uniform!), it is on the longer side!
So, let’s get this season 8 costume meta show on the road!
Last season I pointed out the show was going heavy on the pink colour coding and suggested it was being employed to signal an overarching theme for the season - innocence and naiveté and the loss thereof. This proved to be correct  and we saw the show weave stories across the season about innocence and naiveté and we then watched characters experience the loss of those things.
So I was intrigued to see what colour they would be using this season and had been contemplating over hiatus what I thought they’d go with. I regret not making a post about it back then, because my thoughts had been focused on orange, and early indicators suggest orange is indeed the colour they’re using - along with a second colour - brown. 
I have spotted a lot of both colours in both episodes of the season so far, and very often they are using a sort of burnt/rusty orange/brown, that combines both colours I’ll be keeping my eye out for both colours in the upcoming episodes as well.
rest below the cut!
Examples of it in these opening two episodes that I’ve spotted are;
The light aircraft had orange and brown detailing on the tail. 
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The truck has a brown logo, the driver who ran up to the car on the highway was wearing an orange check shirt, and his co-driver is wearing brown
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Tori and her assistant Sheila are wearing orange and brown and Sheila is wearing brown trousers with and orange check when the bees attack. 
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Hen’s jacket has a lot of orange and some brown in the plaid, and Denny’s shirt has a dark orange text on it.
Eddie and Buck are wearing brown shirts and Eddie is wearing an orange hat - the orange balloons and streamers are also fairly dominant in the party decorations.
Denis is wearing a light brown zip front hoodie (he also has his orange prison jumpsuit but I’m not including it as its standard prison uniform and would’ve been included regardless!)
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Tia is wearing an orange/brown shirt under her white and coloured design jacket
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Amy the manager of air traffic control is wearing both brown and orange
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the toothbrush Dennis makes a shiv from is orange
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several crew members on set are wearing brown
the workman who removes the blade fro the firetruck is wearing brown.
Orange means enthusiasm optimism and emotional strength. It’s also a colour of positivity and progressive thinking as well as creativity and success in endeavours! Orange can also be impatient and can also symbolise insincere personalities or intentions.
Brown meanwhile is stable and reliable, honest and supportive. It is also seen as protective and it is the foundation from which new things can grow. It also means honesty, wisdom and strength and it is a dependable colour. It can also have meanings such as loneness isolation and sadness, as well as being seen as boring or dull.
They are two colours that have intertwined meanings and to me this is suggesting an overarching theme for the season of positive stable progression. The idea of letting go of the past and moving forward. Everyones arc’s so far this season seem to be setting up the exploration of all our mains having to deal with aspects of their past (or connected to their past) be that something that happened to them or their behaviour, something they haven’t let go of that continues to impact them and that is preventing them from being able to progress further than they have. It feels very much like the show is setting itself up for making some changes to things for season 9 onwards (not saying people are leaving I want to make that clear - just that I think we might see some changes to what roles people fill within the show)
Check Theory
Check theory was out in force in these two episodes as well - and it has yet to fail me! The small aircraft pilot,
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the truck driver,
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the first passenger we see on the plane (whose shirt also happens to be that rusty orange/brown colour), one of the attorneys in LA, Sheila the PA, Amy the air traffic controller, all wearing check patterns along with Hen and Tommy. If you haven’t read my theory before - you can find it here, but basically check generally means the character will be the one in danger in some way (not always physical, it could be emotional) and in the case of the passenger on the plane - he is a signifier for the entire plane being in peril by virtue of being the first passenger we see.
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Hen’s check came in a scene where we start to see the jealousy she feels towards Chim and Mara’s relationship (while Karen isn’t reacting to it at all - beyond seeming happy that Mara is happy) and is foreshadowing the upcoming issues with Hen and Chim’s relationship and their fight to get Mara back. the use of two different types of check is perhaps hinting at the fact Hen will be facing issues on two fronts - the Ortiz front and the Chimney/Maddie front. The raw edged denim also helps to play into the idea that Hen is reaching the end of her capacity to deal with things - she is feeling raw and frayed.
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Tommy’s check is serving a similar purpose - we get a continuation of Tommys dismissive comments when Buck is telling him something about his life and it is clearly foreshadowing the issues and hurdles Buck and him are going to face. Interestingly the colour of the check is hard to figure out - I'm pretty sure its black, but it looks dark green in some moments and navy blue in others. The black and white colouring in a check pattern is giving us hints - telling us that in the case of Tommy things are very black and white - that there is little nuance to his character.
It's telling us what we see is what we get and that all of his behaviour up to this point can be read for what it is and t hat what it is isn't good because of the check. the other thing about black and white is that it suggests a lack of change - things being black and white in costume terms generally means that the character in that moment a a minimum can be read very plainly - they are how they are and how they have always been.
The fact Tommy is wearing it in a scene discussing Gerrard really is implying that things on that front are going to be black and white and that plays into the theory that it is his problematic past at the 118 (that the show deliberately chose not to address last season) is at least one of the issues that’s going to come up this season and that it is a black and white issue - as in not one with grey areas.
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Tommy's blue party hat is also pretty interesting, and telling, blue is very much a Buck colour, its one he wears a lot of - far more than any other colour, this, along with the fact the black check on the shirt appears blue or green depending on the lighting and camera angle, fits with my theory that Tommy is meant to not only be similar to Eddie, but also and alt version of Buck. The fact he is wearing an open shirt over a henley also plays into this theory as they are items of clothing associated with Buck (open shirt) and Eddie (henley). 
Navy blue as a hat colour is an interesting choice to have Tommy wearing in this scene because it is a colour associated with several things, its supposed to be a symbol of peace, commitment and honesty, as well as authority. It also means fragility, depression, impersonality and coldness. 
We saw various shades of navy blue on Buck a lot during his relationship with Taylor - especially during the more fractious periods - moments such as the ily scene - seemingly a moment affirming commitment and honesty, but also revealing the fragility and coldness of their relationship.
So on Tommy it seems to be conveying a similar concept - the juxtaposition of the commitment of Buck and Tommys relationship and the idea that Buck is at peace with himself in relationship terms right now, but it is also revealing the fragility and coldness of the relationship - its supporting the textual clues we get in the scene and setting up Bucks arc for the season and the instability of his relationship with Tommy.
On to Eddie and Buck now we've dealt with the more general costume things!
I’ve already written above about the meaning of brown and how its meaning is stable and reliable, honest and supportive. It is also protective and it is the foundation from which new things can grow. It also means honesty, wisdom and strength. It is a dependable colour. It can also mean loneness isolation and sadness, as well as being seen as boring or dull.
The thing with brown is that it is made up of all of the colours and can therefore have different coloured undertones. In this scene, Bucks shirt is red toned and Eddies is yellow/orange toned and this means we should look to those colours for additional information about the potential meanings.
The yellow and orange undertones for Eddie means his brown is connected to communication and enthusiasm as well as the meanings of brown I’ve described above. the meaning that particularly stands out to me in this scene is the idea of support - of being supportive. It’s a theme that plays out in different ways in this scene especially for Eddie and Buck. For Eddie specifically it is the idea of being supportive of what he thinks his son wants - what he i being told his son wants. 
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Eddie is trying to communicate with Christopher but Chris is not communicating back - Helena is the one that communicates the information we get about Chris - that he is happy in El Paso and has lots of new friends and is visiting the pool a lot etc. Eddie tries to be supportive of what he is being told, despite it making sure his broken heart stays broken - because he thinks it’s what Chris wants because it is what he’s being told. 
We also have eddies orange party hat - picking up the orange undertones to the t-shirt, it emphasises the emotional strength Eddie has to employ to keep persevering with Chris - even when he is getting barriers thrown up at him. He’s being creative - throwing the party in LA even though he’s not with Chris - trying to make himself a part of things and show Chris that he’s trying to mend the bridge he broke. The orange is also playing the long game with Eddie as well - the lack of orange in the El Paso visuals is telling us that Eddie will be successful in his endeavours - he just needs to be patient and keep trying.
It's also worth noting a couple of things about Eddies clothing - firstly that Eddie is back to wearing slightly oversized tees again - calling back to season 5 and his breakdown and mental health struggles. and secondly the choice of putting him in olive drab cargo pants and his mom in jeans of the same-ish colour (its hard to tell exactly what shade of olive drab they are as the colouring through the computer screen is wildly different!) is an interesting choice - its hinting at where Eddies battles lie - an indication of both going into combat with one another!
For Buck his brown has reddish undertones (these are much less obvious than the yellows and oranges of Eddies undertones), and there his also the red party hat bringing the red aspect into focus. Red is a symbol of anger, danger, impulsiveness, aggression, passion, sacrifice, and courage. 
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Again the concept of support comes into play with the brown - Buck supporting Eddie, being a source of strength and stability at his back, as is visually shown with him never leaving his spot behind Eddie (unlike Tommy who moves away and out of camera in both the video call and the way the scene is shot - its costume and directing working in tandem to relay information about Tommy to the audience). 
The reddish undertones play into the other aspect of the scene - the conversation (if yo can call it that) between Buck and Tommy - its foreshadowing Bucks anger towards Gerrard later in the episode, and also his impulsive and courageous actions to save Gerrard. I think the honesty and wisdom of brown is also important here as well. Buck may be questioning his motives and actions - if he intended to hurt Gerrard or save him, but the brown is giving him stability and suggests that ultimately he will figure things out in a positive direction.
I do want to quickly talk about the fit of Bucks shirt as well, because it is important in relation to what we've seen with Bucks costuming across the seasons and from the bts pictures we've had from Oliver showing a couple of Bucks costumes for upcoming episodes. The fit of this shirt is really really good on Buck and that is important.
I spoke quite a lot in my season 6 and season 7 meta's about the fit of Bucks clothing - in particular his trousers, but in his tops as well, how we've seen his clothing seemingly shrink and become to tight, right through to ill fitting and slightly oversized clothing.
The wardrobe department have been clearly showing Bucks character growth through the fit of his clothes - to tight and too short in the leg when he's uncomfortable and has outgrown his current situation - playing into the idea that Buck is trying to make himself smaller - make himself fit inside a skin that doesn't really represent or fit him any longer.
Then we've had the other extreme where his clothing is baggy and ill fitting - suggesting he doesn't fit in to the new him he's trying on - it is a perfect way to visually show that Buck is growing but not yet comfortable or at ease with this new version of himself.
His clothing settled into fairly well fitting through the latter half of season 7, and it was really interesting to see which scenes he was dressed slightly oversized or slightly too small in. Interestingly we tend to see clothes being slightly oversized now with Eddie and pushing towards too tight with in Tommy scenes, the ones where there is cross over (such as the greyish brown and light blue vertical stripes which we saw in scenes with both the fire fam and Tommy) we tend to get a good fit.
Right now we're in a period where Buck is the most content within himself that he as been and this brown shirt echoes that. It fits him well and it is a scene which features both Eddie and Tommy. WE know that we're going to see Buck wearing a range of fits of clothing, the up coming golf scene with Gerrard for example has a return of the fit being too tight and too short in the leg- emphasising Bucks discomfort. It will be really interesting to see which way things play out when it comes to costumes soley associated with Tommy, compared with costumes that are connected to Eddie or connected to the wider fire fam. I'm not quite prepared to pin my colours to the mast on this front just yet, but I do think we'll either see a slow shrinkage connected to Tommy and things being sightly oversized when it comes to Eddie - as a way of exploring his diminishing feelings for Tommy and expanding knowledge of his feelings for Eddie, or we'll see the reverse - oversized with Tommy as the relationship starts to run into problems (in much the same way we saw Eddies oversized clothing during his break down in s5 and now again in s8 connecting to Christopher's absence and his struggles with that) and to small with Eddie as a sign Buck no longer fits into the status of their relationship - that his feelings for Eddie don't fit the concept of friend any longer - that they are more than simply friendly.
So yeah - its going to be very interesting to see which way it plays out!
I'm finishing here as I'm already so much later posting this than I intended (thanks tumblr for being a pain and not letting me upload pictures into this post no matter how many times I recreated it - but I won the fight in the end!) hopefully 804's meta won't take so long or be such a technological pain!
I'm not tagging anyone this time as I didn't have time to ask if anyone wanted tagging in my costume metas - so this is your chance - if you'd like to be tagged in future costume metas for s8 - please drop me comment and I'll include you in the 804 meta!
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed - its good to be back talking costumes! 💜💜💜
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queermania · 2 years ago
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i can't decide if this is funnier because of stanford or because sam is the most miserable he's ever been in every single whackadoodle flashback we see in s8
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sirenwhisperer · 8 months ago
Hi!!!!! #firstpost
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akutagawa-daily · 1 year ago
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Akutagawa daily 803/★
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mothaday · 4 months ago
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bando803 · 5 months ago
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pokemonfrommemory · 1 month ago
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Alternate dimension starter
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texts-from-last-ninth · 1 year ago
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[Ianthe Font: (803): Just because you got dumped by some loser doeant mean you need Jesus. It just means you need better friends and some booze]
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whosoldherout · 6 months ago
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buck + commandeering civilian bikes
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911gif · 2 months ago
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9-1-1 s08e03 - Final Approach
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nike2times · 4 months ago
act like u know💯🤌🏾😮‍💨
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steddieficfind · 1 year ago
AO3, read late 2023-early 2024, pre-relationship. Eddie is still alive after the bat attack injured and still wanted for murder, Steve takes Eddie home with him since they can't go to the hospital, Wayne agrees to let Steve hide Eddie but doesn't like/trust Steve. Steve spends his savings on Eddie's treatment, Eddie is not nice when he wakes up complaining about food he feels bad in last chap after finding Steve has been going without to look after Eddie and also is still injured and untreated.
Request 803! Send us an ask if you recognize this fic!
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mccdreamys-writes · 1 year ago
alex blake in 8x03
- alex blake gifs | criminal minds 8x03 - through the looking glass - part 2
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tram-silesia · 1 year ago
Dzień Otwarty Zajezdni Będzin
Zdjęcia okazjonalne, wykonane na dniach otwartych Zajezdni Tramwajowej (Rejonu Nr. 1 Tramwajów Śląskich) w Będzinie.
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Na zdjęciach można zobaczyć tramwaje, które kursowały tego dnia na liniach specjalnych, są to:
Tramwaj typu 4N+4ND #1167+1263
Tramwaj typu 102Na #183
Alstom Konstal Cidatis 100 116Ndm #803
Tramwaje, które nie jeżdżą już w ruchu liniowym:
SGP Lohner E1 #938 i #932
Oraz pozostałe tramwaje, które wyjeżdżały na linie regularne, bądź stacjonowały w zajezdni:
Moderus Beta MF10AC #1002, poc. 2203, na linii 22
Moderus Beta MF10AC #1003, poc. 2202, na linii 22
Pesa 2012N #847
Moderus Alfa HF11AC #771, poc. 2705, na linii 27
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