#Thought I was scrolling the dash
tinkerclaw · 5 months
The news of the ghost containment units had reached the Separatist camp at the base of the Breached Wall. They were units designed to contain the ghosts of those who perished in the Foefire, and as rumor would have it, to be used as batteries to power the Charr siege engines. The humans at Camp Althea was stirring but few were willing to trek into the middle of Charr territory. The notes from the Separatists camp near Loreclaw Expanse stated the containment units were stored in Exterminatus HQ, not far from where Duke Barradin's Estate previously stood...
A pair of eyes gleamed red as they caught on to a couple slipping out of Camp Althea. They were speaking with hushed voices.
"How dare they continue to exploit us even after death!?"
"Wasn't the Searing enough? Vile beasts."
Typical propaganda bile that was passed between the Seperatist to instigate and justify their anger and hatred. Nothing new to the ears of the couple's follower. They were heading east towards the Breach, close to the epicentre of the Foefire, instead of braving the treacherous remains of the Great Wall. Their shadow went ahead of them, anticipating their route, to warn off any poor unaware Blood Legion grunts on guard duty.
"There's a couple of Speratists coming through here in a little while, out to mess with the containment units." The charr had not revealed itself from the shadows entirely, but had gruff female ring to it. The grunt at guard spat, "and you don't think I can deal with them?" Of course he was going to take that in the wrong way. "Oh, you could deal with these idiots, but wouldn't it be more fun to watch them tamper with Iron inventions first?"
Playing off of the internal rivalries between the three Charr legions, she knew the grunt would stand down and let them pass at the expanse of the Iron Legion.
Shortly after the Humans arrived at the Breach, scouting for Charr activity. There was hardly a ghost around to be seen roaming like they usually do, attacking anything living.
"Coast is clear. Let's press on." The female, donning a bow from Ebonhawke signaled for the male to follow her. He was carrying a similarly adorned rifle. "Those lazy beasts, aren't cats supposed to be mostly nocturnal?" The male scoffed at the lack of a fight.
From the Breach and onward they were a lot quicker and stealthier. Their biggest threat would probably have been an ambush by the outcast Flame Legion that were stalking the southern parts of the Fields of Ascalon, but since most of the ghosts of Duke Barradin's crypt had been contained the legions had put in more resources towards keeping Flame in-check.
Upon arriving at the Charr's Triumph, they could scout for guards at Exterminatus HQ. Two infront, but they could probably sneak in through the back.
While continuing scouting for patrols they were hidden underneath the statue of Charr hero Pyre Fierceshot. "Heh, to think they had their females as pets!" The male looked slightly amused with the thought as he gazed the statue of the Ranger. "Are you dumb? They are just as capable... Especially at killing. Come on, let's sneak in already."
He knocked off the statue's hind claw with the butt of his rifle as they moved out. The red eyes looked upon the vandalism from a distance. It would be such a pleasure to watch them releasing their demise upon themselves.
They snuck around to the back and climbed in. The Charr that had followed them showed herself at the front calling for the attention of the two in front. "Summon a few troops specialized in gathering ghosts. We're about to have an emergency training." Not particularly happy with the words of the Ash centurion the Iron Legion Charr obeyed. As they took of after the passing patrols, the Ash Centurion fixed her gaze upon the Humans dropping down to the platform behind the containment units and slipped back into the shadows.
There was a faint light emanating from the containment units. The ghastly energies was only barely being held back by the magically infused metal walls. The compression valves and safety levers were easily accessible but hard to operate by anything smaller in stature than a Charr. Good for them that they were two.
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femmekarenwilson · 4 months
I saw someone* say that if that bucktommy scene had been madney or henren then no one would have batted an eye and actually I'd argue that we already got an equivalent henren scene when they were discussing Mara's integration into their family and her and Denny opening up to each other (a heavy, serious topic), which was followed by Hen making a quip about how she and Karen play good cop and bad cop (tonal shift, inviting banter), to which Karen said "sometimes we switch 😏" (tension-breaking, flirty, sexual). but I'm going to be honest I think no one batted an eye bc some of you don't take lesbian sensuality and sexuality seriously.
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pudding-parade · 8 months
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Scenery pics of Shang Simla that I edited the way that I do random legacy pics even though these aren't really part of that "story," and I just took them because I think Shang Simla is gorgeous, so...Here. Have them.
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alluralater · 9 months
if you guys could stop reblogging tentacle porn while i’m with a girl who thinks i have normal interests, i would so appreciate it
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I have never watched a minecraft youtuber in my life but fanart for the qsmp keeps appearing on my dash and I'm enchanted every time
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undiscoverable-words · 4 months
High thoughts time
So in my current brand new baby headcanon where each primary couple gets say in what songs go in their season (like imagining Luke and Nicola had say on what songs or what music genre vibes would be in their season)
Jealous was a collaborative pick for them
Snow on the Beach was Nicola, she’s said she thinks Penelope would be a Taylor Swift fan!!!
abcdefu could have been all Nicola or maybe a collaborative idea like I could totally see her wanting this song in there and maybe talking Luke up to the idea to where he can totally see her vision and then he’s like okay, yeah, that song totally
And honestly I think for Give Me Everything it was kind of like Nic and Luke were spitballing how the carriage scene feels like it’s very high school dance (like this is such a 2010s high school dance song or even a club song I guess and she was like that’s totally the vibe, yes) like I really think putting things in that perspective is something she finds funny so then she’s like you don’t understand we have to do that it’s so funny and Luke laughs, we all laugh, bc she’s right it is very funny, and so the production team went and found a VERY like 2010s dance bop
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overtake · 7 months
If i see one more person spread “news” sourced to outlets like f1-insider… please actually pay attention to sources and use critical thought about where it came from. these accounts want their engagement numbers and will share information derived from a fucking reddit comment if they think it’ll earn them a few extra dollars. there’s always an off chance these bullshit tabloids are right, but they almost never are, and a legitimate source will come along if there’s any whisper of truth to it. i just beg of people to simply wait for sources with the slightest bit of credibility to their name before they start sharing information.
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yohankang · 3 months
hi guys, i'm not dead, just very tired and busy
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seriemorder · 8 months
my piss ricochets
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perennialsoft · 4 months
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z0mbiefrank · 2 years
WHERE is this they/them event you speak of
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ico-sa · 8 months
chipi chipi
chapa chapa
dubi dubi
daba daba
magico mi dubi dubi
boom boom boom boom
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ophernelia · 7 months
The goal is for every episode this season to be at minimum 30 minutes long. Which is only about 12-14 pages of script. The first 4 episodes are already scripted and mapped out, so we’re making good progress!
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fictionadventurer · 1 year
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bluebellhairpin · 8 months
I write cannibalism and murder into my fanfics so I am a cannibal and a murderer. No one is safe near me lest I get confused about what is fiction and what is reality. Lock me up I am sick and twisted.
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snugglesquiggle · 4 months
So I was watching a video about JJK and my brain inevitably came back to Corrupt Combustion, which lead me down a rabbit hole of thoughts, mostly focused on Adam. Specifically, his potential interactions with Uzi.
After all, she is a decent enough threat to his plans, with her connection to Nori. But given her closeness to Doll (and whatever relationship they have with Uzi being watched by Yeva), it's interesting to think about what might happen if he learns what she's been up to with Alice.
Because with everything he's doing, him being a Solver Drone with impossible powers, Uzi's going for the same goal without them. And she's succeeding.
(It's ironic. Nori is fully capable of creating Black Boxes, but won't. Her daughter is figuring out how to get around needing them.)
Which lead my brain to spiral with the thought that maybe some of his experiments are based off her work. The Corruption Blaster (better name pending) is, at the very least, a lesson in what not to do. He wants to turn drones into weapons, yes, but having them explode is such a mess afterwards.
Or maybe its the other way around, with Uzi finding one of his villain labs and taking cues from the experiments he did to improve her own work. After all, making a Black Box would make her goal a lot easier.
Which then made my brain go "what if they worked together?"
IDK I think Uzi should have more mentor figures who are villains.
you raise an interesting point about how they might interact given their differing philosophies, but they're kind of operating in different spheres, and the timelines don't work out, i think. uzi is just another kid to adam, and adam is just another wheel group member to her. it's hard for me to think of an angle where they become more than peripherally aware of each other, let alone interested.
uzi just doesn't matter at the time adam's plotline reaches its conclusion. (well, its seeming conclusion. i havent talked about how tessa fits into corrupt combustion and it's WEIRD)
ultimately it's kind of key to CC that uzi is powerless and has no one in her corner
...which i suppose, if i'm being consistent, that's an argument that should also shut down uzi getting trained by alice, which is still an idea i like. but maybe alice gets punished/imprisoned after her failed siege on the corpse spire. (not sure the angle. maybe it comes out that she did sketchy stuff behind the scenes to force the war to happen? or maybe she's found guilty of willfully putting drones' lives in danger, idk.) this would make what happens after the citadel incident that much funnier >:3
or maybe the relationship just falls apart because alice is a bitch and they dont get along. there's a pretty punchy potential moment where uzi realize both alice and nori prefer beau to her and she just ragequits because she has too much pride to try to be someone's replacement
i should probably explain what i'm actually going to do with uzi in corrupt combustion soon
which of course requires explaining what i'm doing with J
but i'm kind of rambling off topic for this ask. i do like the idea of adam taking cues from uzi in his experiments. contemplating it further, there is a possible interaction where, before nori tells him the truth, adam sees uzi as his past self. maybe she's feeling down one day, isolated because of her seeming lack of an innate function, and he explains how he was a late bloomer too.
anyway, thank you for the ask and i'm really flattered you're still thinking about corrupt combustion after all this time <3
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