#Thomas Covington
Pero Tovar, The Great Wall (2016) VS. Sir Thomas Grey, Covington Cross (1992)
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Pero Tovar, The Great Wall (2016) Portrayed by: Pedro Pascal
No Text Propaganda Submitted
Sir Thomas Grey, Covington Cross (1992) Portrayed by: Nigel Terry
“Silver fox. Has his own castle. Widowed with children, doing his best.”
Additional Propaganda Under the Cut
Additional Propaganda
For Pero Tovar:
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For Sir Thomas Grey:
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stellarcat52 · 3 months
A familiar needs a magician... right? Right.
Esther died and Monty should have too. But something saved him and Caleb Covington has something to do with it. The warlock seems to want a familiar, and Monty just wants to be safe.
This is one part of a larger story. I'll post more if people seem interested!
When a magician creates a familiar, it connects the animal to their soul. A familiar lives and dies with its magician. A familiar cannot feel hunger or thirst. They are not animals, nor are they tools. A familiar is the living connection between a magician and the spirit of the earth, a core of night infinite magic. But the familiar will never be able to draw on that magic without it passing through it to its magician. A familiar can only use the magic its magician chooses to give it.
If a familiar were ever to survive the death of its magician, nothing would stop it from using the earth’s magic for itself. Of course, this is a purely hypothetical, impossible phenomenon. 
“A ghost such as myself can’t get a familiar, not like you have…” Covington mused. “You’ll get access to whatever profit my clubs produce,” Including the magic, of course, but Covington wanted to make her get a big head when she eventually figures that out. It would make things easier if he ever needed to knock her down a peg in the future. “on the condition that Monty becomes mine when you perish.” He doubted Esther had ever even heard of the legend of an unbound familiar. If she had, well, she had no reason to believe Covington had the means to sever the tie between a dying witch and her bird.
Esther scoffed. “Death will come for you before Lillith gives up on me. What do you really want?” Nobody in their right mind would trust such an obviously one-sided deal. Not even a vain, self-serving immortal such as Esther. 
“An IOU, then, if you insist.” Covington had set a trap with only a few words. If she took it back, she’d seem weak or afraid of what the warlock would ask of her. But if she insisted that wasn’t enough, trying to make sure it wasn’t a trap, she’d be insulting Covington and risk him adding something she couldn’t give him to the deal. “But he is still part of the deal, yes? I’ve always wanted a pet bird”
Of course she agreed to this, Covington would give her credit where it was due but she truly knew nothing about dealing with him. The IOU was only a decoy, he’d never need anything else from that useless witch. But it kept her from wondering why Monty was what he asked for in the first place.
Covington made sure to scratch the crows head on his way out. 
The bird barely reacted.
-Years Later-
Thomas felt the shift in the air instantly. “Caleb.” He smiled. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
Covington was dressed to the nines like usual, Wasn’t quite his type, but Thomas could appreciate him nonetheless. “Can’t I just come visit an old friend? You haven’t been to my club as much recently.”
“Well, another ghost has caught my eye.” The cat king admitted. “But Esther’s got her paws on him, and only one of them is going to walk out. Honestly, I don’t know which party has the upper hand here.”
“And here I thought that was always you.”
“You flit.” Thomas purred. But his eyes glinted with distrust. “You aren’t just visiting, are you?”
“I came here to check on Esther, I wanted to see if our little deal would be coming to fruition anytime soon.”
“Then I guess we both have a reason to want her dead right now.”
“I suppose we do.” Covington was silently proud of himself for baiting her into taking power from his clubs all those years ago. It had always been a power play, an ace up his sleeve that had waited decades to finally be played. With nothing more than a click of his fingers, the power flow that Esther had long ago grown used to was cut off completely from her. It wouldn’t do much- he never let her take enough to hurt him- but it would throw her off just enough to give someone else the advantage.
When Esther was dragged away by Lillith, Monty expected to follow her. As her familiar, he should have been destroyed with her. He always knew that was his fate. But death wasn’t what was coming for him. It was a different kind of magic. For a second, he feared it was Lilliths. But it wasn’t there to hurt him. In the mere fractions of a millisecond before her death caught up to Monty, this odd magic came to his rescue and severed the magic link before it could destroy him.
But with the severing, came darkness and silence, and there was no thud of his body hitting the floor for the detectives in the other room to have a chance of hearing. All they’d know, would be that there wasn’t a second body to bury. Not that there was only one soul to mourn, and even then…
Monty woke up slowly to loud, energetic music. Something about Hollywood? It wasn’t worth paying attention to yet because the ambient magic in the air around him was buzzing. Esther never let this much magic run rampant,  but then again she was gone. Monty had to remember that. He stood and spread out his wings, flapped a few times too. Flying wasn’t entirely off the table, he wasn’t injured like he expected to be. But he was fatigued, and it was warm here- if a bit noisy. But the music was much more pleasant than the screams he’d hear in Esther’s house, so Monty didn’t mind.
He sat on the leather seat where he’d woken up for a few more minutes, listening to the music. But it ended, and a ghost warped into the room right in front of Monty’s eyes. A ghost that Monty took a moment to realize he recognized him. And Esther had only ever let him interact with a select few before… Monty might’ve been a bit slow at the time, but he never truly forgets a face or name of someone he knows.
Covington looked at him with a smile as Monty squawked rapidly in surprise. “Oh, I can’t understand you like this. Why don’t we…” He blew a kiss at the crow and Monty found himself human again. Caleb seemed pleasantly surprised, he’d never excelled at biological transformations, and so he had to assume this wasn’t his work. “I see Esther gave you a body of your own.”
“Not that I asked for it.” Monty mumbled. He still hated her for giving him human emotions. It had been nothing but heartbreak- sadness, anger,- ever since. “Sorry, Mr. Covington. Sir. I… thought I was supposed to vanish with Esther. Did she-?” Was this fear? Worry? Shouldn't he have felt hopeful or happy? If he was still alive…
“No.” Covington put on a look of sympathy. ”She didn’t survive. But she and I made a deal years ago that if she ever perished, you would come to me. And it seems that deal had enough power to bring you right to me.”
“Why would she do that? Why would you do that?” It was almost definitely not for Monty’s benefit. Panic- maybe just fear? What was the difference?- was starting to settle in. Was Covington going to treat him the same way that She did?
“Montague.” His name- was that even his name? Wasn’t it just Monty? He couldn't remember that far back.- caught him off guard. “A ghost like myself, magician or not, cannot acquire a familiar through normal means. Every chance I’ve had to get one I’ve tried to take. Esther’s passing is a horrible thing, but it has brought you to me and that is a wonderful thing.”
“Now, there might not be any spell that will bind you to me the same way you were bound to her, but I do hope you’ll stay with me. I have my dancers, but alas they’re not the same as having a familiar.” Covington’s hands were suddenly firmly on Monty’s shoulders. The touch further grounded? Him. Grounding was supposed to be comforting, right? So this feeling of being trapped was wrong. Must be the bird instincts carrying over. “It’s not the same as having a family, Montague. The one thing my magic cannot bring me, and yet here you are. But you do have a choice.” Surely he wanted an answer instantly, Esther would have.
“I…” Monty's eyes felt wet. Tears..? Fuck these human emotions. He wasn’t even sure what he was feeling- it was all just so much. “I don’t know yet.”
Covington didn’t seem surprised at that response. He was fine without a yes or no right now. “Why don’t you see if you like being human? Stay at the club for a bit.”He suggested. ”If you’d like a job, I could give you a simple one.”
A job. That’s what Monty was used to. That didn’t need emotions. A tension in his chest that he hadn’t noticed was suddenly gone. “That would be great. Whatever you need.”
Covington seemed surprised for a second, maybe not expecting Monty to be so eager? “We’ll start you small. Just delivering dishes to the lifers after performances.” He smiled. “Maybe if you decide to stick around I can teach you the choreography.” Covington suggested as he summoned a new outfit and ID card out of thin air and offered them to Monty.
Monty would pay more attention to his appearance later, but right then he was focused on the ID that he had just accepted. “Montague Finch-Covington?”
“I hope it isn’t too much. You’re family now, let me show you off just a bit.” 
Was this what familial love was supposed to be? Monty felt… warm. And that feeling didn’t fade when the music started up again and Covington had to excuse himself to go entertain his guests.
Monty looked at the card. A black feather border decorated a picture he definitely never posed for. Some kind of illusion magic, probably. Covington was powerful, a little illusion printed onto a card wouldn’t have been that hard.  Would it have been difficult for Esther? She never cared much for illusions except for her own cosmetics.
Maybe Monty should compare them less. Covington was an improvement in any way he could think of at the moment.
He might not have decided on being human or crow yet, but Monty had decided that he would be sticking around in Hollywood. He was a Covington now, and as a familiar, he was meant to stay near his family.
Caleb’s expectations for Montague’s ability to entertain were blown out of the water. No matter who the unbound familiar approached, with or without food or purpose,vthey all took to him like moths to a flame. Even the other workers, most of which had to be forced to stick around, were eating out of the palm of Montague’s hand after just a few exchanged words. As for his singing, well, crows might not be well known for their song but Montague was born to be a star. Even if the boy was still too shy to sing if he knew someone could hear him.
He was almost perfect. A little confidence boost here, some etiquette teachings there… But Montague’s biggest flaw was that he didn’t yet know how to use his nigh unlimited magical power. Admittedly it was just legend that unbound familiars were the among the strongest beings in existence, a story that Caleb had never had the chance to prove before, but Montague definitely felt as though he had quite a lot of magic built up in that sometimes feathery form.
Caleb warped just outside the room he had offered Montague. He rapped his knuckles against the door and waited only a second for a response.
“Come in!”
“Montague…” Caleb trailed off. The boy was sitting on the bed, in an absolute mess of blankets that had previously been neatly tucked in.
“Please, just call me Monty. I don’t even remember if Esther gave me that long of a name.�� Montague was adjusting the blankets in a manner that just made them seem more messy to Caleb but he was very intent on moving them around in such a way. “So what did you want?” 
Montague still wasn’t facing him, which gave him a clear view of the boy’s back which was tensing with anxiety. An emotion Caleb both wanted to eradicate and take advantage of. “I came to ask how you felt today? I worried sending you right to work would be too much but it seems I underestimated your abilities.”
Montague sighed. No reason to lie, really. “I… All these human emotions are still new to me. I’ve been fully awakened for maybe a month now?” He laughed nervously. “Working is about the only thing I think I can do right now.”
“Esther hadn’t awakened you?” No wonder he was so innocent. Still, there was some darkness behind those ever-sparkling eyes. “Did she not have the power?” Caleb traded a secret method of filter feeding power specifically so he could acquire a powerful familiar.
“She did. Just wouldn’t waste it on me until I would actually be useful.” The mess of blankets finally seemed to be to Montague’s liking and he turned around to face Caleb. “Even then, she practically killed me like two weeks later when I failed.” Caleb’s eyes went dark with distaste and Monty’s eyes went wide with implemented fear. “Sorry, sorry. You weren’t asking about-”
“Montague.” The familiar froze at his name. Or maybe it was just Caleb’s voice that had that effect. It commanded him, but not in the same way he was used to.. “Esther was vain, arrogant, and apparently much more of a fool than I had thought. The reason most lifer magicians have familiars is to bring them power and provide assistance but she ignored and hurt you?” Unless given a reason, even Caleb didn’t hurt his people. And he never ignored them, even if they sometimes wished he would. “You’re safe here. And if you’d like to be given jobs then I’ll find work for you.”
It was becoming evident to Caleb that Montague wasn’t going to be all that troublesome. Kindness was more than enough to both terrify and enrapture the boy. Something- maybe beyond Esther- had hurt him enough that he wouldn’t go off chasing silly emotions like love or pity. This wouldn’t be a repeat of William, in fact Montague was already more than that freedom chasing fool would ever be.
Caleb could tell Montague had something to say so he waited until the boy was ready to speak. “I thought familiars were just… animals. For so long. I-I still can’t see why you wanted one. Much less… me.”
“I can see you were never informed of your own power.” He clicked his tongue in disappointment, not exactly at Montague but he wanted to see the reaction. It terrified the boy. “A familiar is not just an animal. Magicians throughout the ages have taken pride in their familiars because of their abilities.”
“What abilities?” Montague scoffed. “I can’t do anything without Esther, or I guess you.”
“But you can, Esther simply failed to show you what you can do.” Caleb smiled. “All the magic I can do and more, that is what you are capable of. And I will teach you everything I know.” he promised.
Monty’s eyes flickered a gorgeous deep indigo just at the thought of doing magic. A testament to how much power he held. “When can we start?”
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justinssportscorner · 7 months
Alyssa Tirrell at MMFA:
In late December, USA Boxing released a new set of guidelines for the inclusion of trans competitors, and right-wing media responded by criticizing the regulations, relying on anti-trans tropes and misinformation in their coverage. GOP members of Congress have since introduced twin legislation that promises to ban all trans competitors from the Olympic and amateur levels in any sport, citing the new regulations as a motivating concern and repeating the anti-trans framing popularized by right-wing media's backlash.  
While the USA Boxing guidelines are a departure from a trend of sports organizations banning trans participation, the requirements are considered stringent. Athletes under the age of 18 must compete “as their birth gender,” and adult competitors are required to obtain genital surgery and regular hormone testing, both in the four years preceding competition and throughout any competitive period. Nevertheless, right-wing media are attacking the rules, which USA Boxing says build on the consensus of several medical groups and international athletic federations.  On January 3, Fox News' America's Newsroom co-host Dana Perino referred to the eligibility requirements for trans female boxers as “nonsense.” Hosts and guests repeatedly referred to trans women as “men” or “guys,” and co-host Bill Hemmer quoted former NCAA swimmer Riley Gaines' claim that “it will take a woman getting killed before these misogynistic fools wake up.”   Fox’s Outnumbered also said a woman could die because of the new rules, arguing that the regulations would lead to “one-punch killings.” Co-host Harris Faulkner cited Gaines' campaign against the inclusion of trans swimmers, misgendering Gaines' former competitor Lia Thomas in the process and expanding the panel's criticism to trans inclusion in noncontact athletic competitions as well. 
Despite such concerns over safety, coverage disregarded USA Boxing's medical citations, which include the recommendations of Boston Children’s Hospital Sports Medicine and Harvard Medical School Teaching Hospital. Instead, for instance, The Ingraham Angle platformed the perspective of UFC fighter Colby Covington, who argued that “it doesn't matter what their hormone levels or pronouns are,” because “when they dig up their bones in 200 years, their bones won't leave pronouns.” (Actually, archeologists are capable of imputing that a skeleton may have belonged to a transgender person after more than 200 years.) [...] USA Boxing responded to backlash by restating that it is in compliance with federal law. The following day, U.S. Rep. Greg Steube (R-FL) and Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) introduced twin legislation in both the House and the Senate that would “prohibit any governing body recognized by the U.S. Olympic Committee (USOC) from allowing men to participate in any athletic event intended for females.” 
A joint press release cited the USA Boxing guidelines and repeated right-wing media's anti-trans framing. Tuberville's statement claimed that “men should not be competing in women’s sports at any level—and especially not in a sport like boxing. Whether in little league or the Olympics, it’s unsafe, it’s unfair, and it’s just plain wrong. This bill will ensure that the Olympics are fair to American women who train their whole lives to represent our country on the world stage.”   The press release also cited the support of a number of anti-trans organizations, including the Alliance Defending Freedom, the Independent Women's Forum, and the Independent Council on Women’s Sports and quoted several anti-trans figures, including American Principles Project President Terry Schilling and — yet again — Riley Gaines. 
Right-wing media pundits, led by anti-trans grifter Riley Gaines, is leading the backlash against USA Boxing's trans-inclusive policy.
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amtrak-official · 11 months
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liaromancewriter · 4 months
Rank your favorite LIs within your favorite stories. (i.e., rank the OH lis, BOLAS lis, etc.)
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Let's do this!
Liam Rys (Aiden in my world) - TRR
Ethan Ramsey - Open Heart
Raleigh Carrera - Platinum
Clint Covington - Baby Bump
Beckett Harrington - The Elementalists
Leo Rys (European Guy) - Rules of Engagement
Thomas Hunt - Red Carpet Diaries
Ernest Sinclaire - Desire & Decorum
Thomas Menendez - Mother of the Year
Simon Montjoy - A Very Scandalous Proposal
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Judd and Grace Ryder playlist {9-1-1 Lone Star}
In order of artists
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Take My Hand- 5 seconds of Summer
505- Arctic Monkeys
Till Forever Falls Apart- Ashe, FINNEAS
Stand by Me- Ben E. King
Take My Breath Away- Love Theme from “Top Gun”- Berlin
Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy)- Big & Rich
Honey Bee- Blake Shelton
I’ll Walk- Billy Covington
Cowboy Casanova-Carrie Underwood
Kiss an Angel Good Mornin’- Charlie Pride
Hold On- Chord Overstreet
This Side of Paradise- Coyote Theory
Can I Call You Tonight?- Dayglow
Islands In the Stream- Dolly Parton, Kenny Rodgers
I Will Always Love You- Dolly Parton
Can’t Help Falling in Love- Elvis Presley
Love Me Tender- with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra- Elvis Presley, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Let’s Fall in Love for the Night- FINNEAS
Fly Me To The Moon (In Other Words)- Frank Sinatra, Count Basie
Love Me Tender- Frank Sinatra
Calling Baton Rouge- Garth’s Hits
Soldier- Gavin DeGraw
Write This Down- George Strait
Carrying Your Love With Me- George
Strait Check Yes Or No- George Strait
we fell in love in october- girl in red
Hey Good Lookin’- Hank Williams, Drifting Cowboys
Love Of My Life- Harry Styles
I Want You Back- The Jackson 5
When You Love Someone- James TW
Lover, Lover- Jerrod Niemann
Hey Good Lookin- Jimmy Buffett, Clint Black, Kenny Chesney, Alan Jackson, Toby Keith, George Strait
It Ain’t Me Babe- Joaquin Pheonix, Reece Witherspoon
Heaven Sent Me You- John Michael Montgomery
Sold (The Grundy County Auction Incident)- John Michael Montgomery
High School Heart- John Michael Montgomery
Cat’s In The Cradle- Johnny Cash
Ring Of Fire-1988 Version- Johnny Cash
I Walk The Line- Single Version- Johnny Cash, The Tennessee Two
Somebody Like You- Keith Urban
American Kids- Kenny Chesney
Hold My Hand- Lady Gaga
Atta Girl- Lainey Wilson
A Woman Like You- Lee Brice
I Don’t Dance- Lee Brice
Drunk On You- Luke Bryan
Fast Car- Luke Combs
Ain’t No Mountain High Enough- Marvin Gaye, Tammi Terrell
As the World Caves In- Matt Maltese
Ophelia- Matt Schuster
Vienna- Matt Schuster
Tennessee Orange- Megan Moroney
Great Balls Of Fire- Live- Miles Teller
Me and My Husband- Mitski
Sweater Weather- The Neighbourhood
Heaven- Niall Horan
Fishin’ In The Dark- Live At The Red Deer Fine Arts Center, Canada/1991-Nitty Gritty Dirt Band
Dixieland Delight (Alabama Cover)- Old Crow Medicine Show
Story of My Life- One Direction
Mr. Loverman- Ricky Montgomery
Unchained Melody- The Righteous Brothers
See You Tonight- Scotty McCreery
You Belong With Me (Taylor’s Version)- Taylor Swift
Everybody Wants To Rule the World- Tears For Fears
My Girl- The Temptations
Die A Happy Man- Thomas Rhett
Are You Gonna Kiss Me Or Not- Thompson Square
Always On My Mind- Willie Nelson
Something in the Orange- Zach Bryan
Oklahoma Smokeshow- Zack Bryan
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korgbelmont · 2 years
Character Transparent Folders
When a character reaches a certain number of files, I have been putting them into according to their outfit or variation in order to prevent the character folder from becoming messy and making it difficult to find what you're looking for. The ask I had regarding Avery prompted me to go through every book folder and have a look at characters where this may need to be the case. Now the following characters have now been sorted into outfit folders, along with the characters who are already sorted into outfit folders.
I have not included Rory Silva, Skye Crandall, and Logan from Ride or Die as I need to finish their folders. But once I have, they will also be sorted into outfit folders.
In the case of Adrian, Gaius, Jax, Kamilah, Lily, Rheya, Cas, Gabe Adalhard, & Bastien, they are organised into Vampire and Werewolf eyes folders instead of outfits. And in regard to Kyra & Dakota, they are organised by their hair.
If there are any characters I have missed that you think should be sorted like this, let me know.
Undercut due to length
America's Most Eligible
Adam McIntyre
Derek Taylor
Ivy Fisher
Jen Espinoza
Mackenzie Harris
Slater Dominguez
Baby Bump
Clint Covington
Myles Dixon
Myra Dixon
Bachelorette Party
Aisha Bhatt
Courtney Van Ness
Adrian Raines
Gaius Augustine
Jax Matsuo
Kamilah Sayeed
Lily Spencer
Rheya Apostulous
Crimes of Passion
Trystan Throne
High School Story / Class Act
Aiden Zhou
Ajay Bhandari
Caleb Mitchell
Emma Hawkins
Maria Flores
Michael Harrison
Hot Couture
Cleo Burbank
Immortal Desires
Cas Harlow
Gabe Adalhard
Laws of Attraction
Aislinn Tanaka
Gabe Ricci
Ms. Match
Jack Monroe
Jaqueline Monroe
My Two First Loves
Ava Lawrence
Mason Jennings
Noah Harris
Open Heart
Aurora Emery
Bryce Lahela
Elijah Greene
Ethan Ramsey
Jackie Varma
Kyra Santana
Rafael Aveiro
Sienna Trinh
Perfect Match
Damien Nazario
Hayden Young
Sloane Washington
Avery Wilshere
Raleigh Carrera
Queen B
Poppy Min-Sinclair
Selene Montmartre / Persephone Dalton
Zoey Wade
Red Carpet Diaries
Chadley Fortnum
Matt Rodriguez
Seth Levine
Teja Desai
Thomas Hunt
Victoria Fontaine
Reagan Thorne
The Nanny Affair
Sam Dalton
The Phantom Agent
Callum Gray
Samara Gray
The Royal Romance Series
Drake Walker
Hana Lee
Liam Rys
Maxwell Beaumont
Kit Jackson
With Every Heartbeat
Dakota Winchester
Witness: A Bodyguard Romance
Cassian Keane
Wolf Bride
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handeaux · 2 years
On Today’s Episode Of Cincinnati’s Most Wanted: The Notorious Nuttle Gang
Few motorists rumbling through the I-71 valley east of town give a thought to the long-lost lair of the notorious Nuttle Gang. For a good portion of the 1880s, however, travelers through that area at the base of Mount Adams lived in fear of the brigands. Alvin F. Harlow, in his “The Serene Cincinnatians,” sums up the legend:
“For several years in the 1880s a band of thugs, the Nuttle gang, harbored in an old railway tunnel, running from Deer Creek under Avondale, which had been years in building and was finally abandoned. A policeman chased one of the ruffians to the mouth of the tunnel one day, but dared not enter it. Not until some of them were caught outside their lair was the band broken up.”
The tunnel in which the Nuttle Gang sheltered from police interference was constructed during a pre-Civil War initiative to run a railroad line from downtown Cincinnati to Dayton. A significant portion of this tunnel was completed, from approximately Elsinore Place to just beyond Eden Park Drive. The line was never completed and the whole project forgotten after other railroads found cheaper routes into the city.
Abandoned tunnels are almost a cliché among outlaw gangs, but the Deer Creek cavern provided superb security for the local ruffians. It was capacious enough to store oodles of boodle, and any invaders peering into the subterranean darkness would be silhouetted against the bright opening, making easy targets. According to the Cincinnati Enquirer [27 July 1932]:
“In this era the most notorious of several group of local rowdies was the Deer Creek bunch, known as the Nuttle Gang. They made Dublin Street, or “Turn Back Avenue,” their hangout, but operated over a considerably wider area. Breweries sending wagon loads of beer to Walnut Hills put on an extra keg or two for the Nuttle Gang, nor did the drivers interfere when they took their toll. Wayfarers suffered at their hands and for several years they terrorized that neighborhood.”
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One of the Nuttles – Dan, one of the family who gave the gang its name – complained that people blamed every petty crime or disturbance near Gilbert Avenue on the Nuttle Gang, identifying every bum or petty crook collared in that part of town as a member of the group. It cheapened the prestige of the gang, Dan huffed.
Ironically, for a gang that gained such a sordid reputation, the ringleaders – James “Cock” Nuttle and William “Billy” Nuttle – were sons of a policemen killed in the line of duty. The modus operandi of the Nuttles involved swarming a victim, making identification and apprehension difficult. When the gang beat up a grocer who refused to give them liquor on credit in 1879, police filled most of the cells in the Hammond Street station with James Flannery, John Smith, Patrick “Shad” Nuttle, Dan Nuttle, Tom Haydon, Billy Nuttle, Thomas Nuttle, Pat Frasey and Bridget (Yes, a woman.) Flannery.
The next year, according to the Cincinnati Gazette [3 March 1880], one of the Nuttles used the old railroad tunnel to escape from the police. Shad Nuttle and William Burke robbed a butcher on Gilbert Avenue and his cries brought two police officers, whistles blowing, onto the scene. Burke was captured quickly.
“Officer Butler chased Nuttle into the old tunnel at the upper end of Deer Creek, where he hid himself. A watch was placed at the mouth of the tunnel, and Nuttle will be arrested when he concludes to come out. Two of Nuttles brothers were sentenced to the penitentiary Saturday. Another Nuttle is in the Work House.”
The Nuttles’ domain extended so far as to create friction with a West End gang led by Buck Mullaney. After one scrap, Red Morris of the West End boys challenged Billy McGee of the Nuttles to a shotgun duel. Although both gangs showed up south of Covington for the showdown, the challenge devolved into a general free-for-all with numerous injuries. They were a rough bunch. In 1882, Billy Nuttle won a barroom brawl but was later sued by Allen Combs, who lost the tussle. Combs claimed Nuttle caused $2,100 in damages by biting off the end of his nose.
In addition to lawless mayhem, the Nuttles had a legitimate side hustle around election time. The local Democratic Party hired the thugs to maintain order (meaning to chase off any Republican voters) at a couple of East End polling sites. The chaotic and bloody 1884 election inspired a Congressional investigation that highlighted the Nuttles’ strong-arm tactics.
The beginning of the end for the Nuttles came, not from police arrests, but from internal dissension. In 1887, James “Cock” Nuttle was shot and killed by James “Jaydice” Kennedy after an argument about a woman. Even in death, Cock Nuttle caused trouble. As an undertaker’s wagon hauled his body home from Good Samaritan Hospital, the vehicle tumbled down a twenty-foot embankment near some railroad tracks. Nuttle’s coffin shattered and his body was thrown onto the ground. The coroner, called to the scene, ruled that the corpse was intact enough for burial.
In 1894, Billy Nuttle died from pneumonia in the city hospital and his obituary included the dreadful fates of a half-dozen Nuttle Gang members: “Dickety” Quinn succumbed to delirium tremens, “Yap” Skelly shot by the cops, Charley Keegan broke his neck falling from a train, Cocky Smith killed by a rival, George Fay a hunted fugitive, Dan Flannagan jailed in St. Louis.
Once the Nuttles were gone, the Deer Creek Valley was designated as the Hunt Street Dump, Hunt Street being the former name of Reading Road. By the early 1900s, the valley had been completely filled in with tons of garbage and refuse. The retired dump was graded and converted into a playground with six baseball fields. The old railroad tunnel slumbered under the detritus.
In 1951, the city looked into using the buried railroad tunnel as an air-raid shelter, but those plans led nowhere. A decade later, construction for I-71 burrowed through the old tunnel and brought back memories. Si Cornell, in the Cincinnati Post [22 March 1966], revived some of the old tales:
“I-71 construction workers who uncovered the pre-Civil War railway tunnel near Eden Park’s entrance have reported finding old beer bottles (particularly from the Bellevue Brewery) in the rubble. This isn’t particularly surprising. Maybe 80 years ago, when the Deer Creek Commons was an odiferous dump, the ‘Deer Creek Gang’ hung out in the tunnel, through which no train ever ran. Favorite stunt of these notorious loafers was to steal whatever possible from any brewery wagon that ventured anywhere near. This liquid loot was lugged into the tunnel for the gang’s consumption. Wonder is that the construction workers aren’t finding whole kegs, not mere bottles.”
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Summary of Qualifying Round Tilts
Sir Guy of Gisborne [Michael Wincott], Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991) Def. Sir Guy of Gisburne [Robert Addie], Robin of Sherwood (1984)
Robin Hood [Richard Todd], The Story of Robin Hood and His Merrie Men (1952) Def. King Arthur [Graham Chapman], Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
Arman [Matevy Lykov], I Am Dragon (2015) Def. Antonius Block [Max von Sydow], The Seventh Seal (1957)
Ivanhoe [Anthony Andrews], Ivanhoe (1982) Def. Edward III Plantagenet [Blake Ritson], A World Without End (2012)
Edward, the Black Prince [James Purefoy], A Knight’s Tale (2001)  Def. Henry VII Tudor [Luke Treadaway], The Hollow Crown (2012-2016)
Pero Tovar [Pedro Pascal], The Great Wall (2016) Def. Sir Thomas Gray [Nigel Terry], Covington Cross (1992)
Edward IV Plantagenet [Max Irons], The White Queen (2013) Def. Richard III [Benedict Cumberbatch], The Hollow Crown (212-2016)
Éomer, Son of Éomund [Karl Urban], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003) Def. Gimli, Son of Gloin [John Rhys-Davies], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003)
Elrond Half-elven [Hugo Weaving], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003) Def. Elrond Half-elven [Robert Aramayo], The Rings of Power (2022-)
Mr. Tumnus [James McAvoy], The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005) Def. Carlos I [Álvaro Cervantes], Carlos, Rey Emperador (2015-2016)
Niccoló Machiavelli [Thibaut Evrard], Borgia (2011-2014) Def. Niccoló Machiavelli [Julian Bleach], The Borgias (2011-2013)
Finan [Mark Rowley], The Last Kingdom (2015-2022) Def. “The Sherriff of Nottingham” [Alan Wheatley], The Adventures of Robin Hood (1955-1959)
Sir Guy of Gisbourne [Basil Rathbone], The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938) Def. Nasir [Mark Ryan], Robin of Sherwood (1984-1986)
William Thatcher [Heath Ledger], A Knight’s Tale (2001) Def. King Arthur [Charlie Hunnam], King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2017)
Darkness [Tim Curry], Legend (1985) Def. Zbyszko z Bogdanca [Mieczyslaw Kalenik], Knights of the Teutonic Order (1960)
King Vortigern [Jude Law], King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2017) Def. Uther Pendragon [Anthony Stewart Head], BBC’s Merlin (2008-2012)
Corlys Velaryon [Steve Toussaint], House of the Dragon (2022-) Def. Simon Aumar [Justice Smith], Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (2023)
Asbjörn [Tom Hopper], Northmen: A Viking Saga (2014) Def. Connor MacLeod [Christopher Lambert], Highlander (1986)
Matrim “Mat” Cauthon [Donal Finn], The Wheel of Time (2022) Def. Prince Hamlet [Christopher Plummer], Hamlet at Elsinore (1964)
Lord Eddard Stark [Sean Bean], Game of Thrones (2011-2019) Def. Lurtz [Lawrence Makoare], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003)
Frodo Baggins [Elijah Wood], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003) Def. Dong Yilong [Henry Lau], Double World (2020)
King Ecbert Ealhmunding [Linus Roache], Vikings (2013-2020) Def. Bofur [James Nesbitt],The Hobbit Trilogy (2012-2014)
Beowulf [Gerard Butler], Beowulf & Grendel (2005) Def. King Henry V Plantagenet [Kenneth Branagh], Henry V (1989)
King Arthur [Sean Connery], First Knight (1995) Def. Robin Hood [Sean Connery], Robin and Marian (1976)
Thorin Oakenshield [Richard Armitage], The Hobbit Trilogy (2012-2014) Def. Thierry of Janville [Jean-Claude Drouot], Thierry la Fronde (1963-1966)
Prince Hamlet [Laurence Olivier], Hamlet (1948) Def. Björn Ironside [Alexander Ludwig], Vikings (2013-2020)
Ser Criston Cole [Fabien Frankel], House of the Dragon (2022-) Def. Martin [Rutger Hauer], Flesh + Blood (1985)
Bard the Bowman [Luke Evans], The Hobbit Trilogy (2012-2014) Def. Perrin Aybara [Marcus Rutherford], The Wheel of Time (2022-)
King Marke of Cornwall [Rufus Sewell], Tristan & Isolde (2006) Def. Leofric [Adrian Bower], The Last Kingdom (2015-2022)
Amleth [Alexander Skarsgård], The Northman (2022) Def. Miles Hendon [Errol Flynn], The Prince and the Pauper (1937)
Ser Jorah Mormont [Iain Glen], Game of Thrones (2011-2019) Def. Little John [Nicol Williamson], Robin and Marian (1976)
Odda the Elder [Simon Kunz], The Last Kingdom (2015-2022) Def. Ser Barristan Selmy [Ian McIlhinney], Game of Thrones (2011-2019)
Nicodemus Ravens [Jakob Oftebro], Skammerens Datter (2015) Def. King Arthur [Nigel Terry], Excalibur (1981)
Sir Brian de Bois-Guilbert [Ciaran Hinds], Ivanhoe (1997) Def. Sir Brian de Bois-Guilbert [Sam Neill], Ivanhoe (1982)
Robert the Bruce [Chris Pine], Outlaw King (2018) Def. King Edward I Plantagenet [Stephen Dillane], Outlaw King (2018)
Prince Charmont [Hugh Dancy], Ella Enchanted (2004) Def. Galessin, Duke of Orkney [Alexis Hénon], Kaamelott (2004-2009)
King Arthur [Richard Harris], Camelot (1967) Def. Ulrich von Jungingen [Stanislaw Jasiukiewicz], Knights of the Teutonic Order (1960)
Thomas Becket [Richard Burton], Becket (1964) Def. Brother Cadfael [Derek Jacobi], Cadfael (1994-1998)
Father Beocca [Ian Hart], The Last Kingdom (2015-2022) Def. “The Mayor of Hamelin” [Claude Rains], The Pied Piper of Hamelin (1957)
Bronn [Jerome Flynn], Game of Thrones (2011-2019) Def. Mikoláš Kozlík [František Velecký], Marketa Lazarová (1967)
Balian de Ibelin [Orlando Bloom], Kingdom of Heaven (2005) Def. Athelstan [George Blagden], Vikings (2013-2020)
Sultan Alauddin [Ranveer Singh], Padmavaat (2018) Def. Sir Tristan [Kingsley Ben-Adir], King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2017)
Ahchoo [Dave Chapelle], Robin Hood: Men in Tights (1993) Def. Robin Hood [Tom Riley], Doctor Who: “The Robot of Sherwood” (2014)
Thranduil, The Elvenking [Lee Pace], The Hobbit Trilogy (2012-2014) Def. Vaisey, Sheriff of Nottingham [Keith Allen], BBC’s Robin Hood (2006-2009)
Cesare Borgia [Francois Arnaud], The Borgias (2011-2013) Def. Ancelyn ap Gwalchmai [Marcus Gilbert], Doctor Who: “Battlefield” (1989)
Prince Oberyn Martell [Pedro Pascal], Game of Thrones (2011-2019) Def. Amarendra Baahubali [Prabhas], Baahubali Series (2015-2017)
Galavant [Joshua Sasse], Galavant (2015-2016) Def. Sir Galahad [Michael Palin], Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
The Kurgan [Clancy Brown], Highlander (1986) Def. Allan-A-Dale [Joe Armstrong], BBC’s Robin Hood (2006-2009)
“The Mute” [John Bernthal], Pilgrimage (2017) Def. Arn Magnusson [Joakim Nätterqvist], Arn: The Knight Templar (2007)
Uther Pendragon [Gabriel Byrne], Excalibur (1981) Def. Rilk [Jesse Lee Keeter] JourneyQuest (2010)
Alessandro Farnese [Diarmuid Noyes], Borgia (2011-2014) Def. King Alfred the Great [David Dawson], The Last Kingdom (2015-2022)
Ser Davos Seaworth [Liam Cunningham], Game of Thrones (2011-2019) Def. Gest [Jakob Þór Einarsson], Hrafninn flýgur (1984)
Lin Shu [Hu Ge], Nirvana in Fire (2015) Def. Cesare Borgia [Mark Ryder], Borgia (2011-2014)
Charles Brandon [Henry Cavill], The Tudors (2007-2010) Def. Asneez [Isaac Hayes], Robin Hood: Men in Tights (1993)
Erik Thurgilson [Christian Hillborg], The Last Kingdom (2015-2022) Def. Much [Sam Troughton], BBC’s Robin Hood (2006-2009)
Vlad III Dracula [Luke Evans], Dracula Untold (2014) Def. Chris Vexler [Karan Soni], Miracle Workers: The Dark Ages (2020)
Prince Chauncley [Daniel Radcliffe], Miracle Workers: The Dark Ages (2020) Def. Bilbo Baggins [Martin Freeman], The Hobbit Trilogy (2012-2014)
Aguilar de Nerha [Michael Fassbender], Assassin's Creed (2016) Def. Wil Ohmsford [Austin Butler], The Shannara Chronicles (2016)
Mordred [Jason Done], Merlin (1998) Def. Robin Hood [Kevin Costner], Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991)
Murtagh Morzansson [Garrett Hedlund], Eragon (2006) Def. Geralt z Rivii [Michał Żebrowski], The Witcher (2002)
Turgut Alp [Cengiz Coşkun], Diriliş: Ertuğrul (2014-2019) Def. Elendil [Lloyd Owen], The Rings of Power (2022-)
Uglúk [Nathaniel Lees], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003) Def. Azog the Defiler [Manu Bennett], The Hobbit Trilogy (2012-2014)
Prince Aemond Targaryen [Ewan Mitchell], House of the Dragon (2022-) Def. Kai [Michael Gothard], Arthur of the Britons (1972, 1973)
King Arthur [Bradley James], BBC’s Merlin (2008-2012) Def. Arondir [Ismael Cruz Córdova], The Rings of Power (2022-)
Wen Kexing [Gong Jun], Word of Honor (2021) Def. King Arthur [Alexandre Astier], Kaamelott (2004-2009)
Sir Gwaine [Eoin Macken], Merlin (2008-2012) Def. al’Lan Mandragoran [Daniel Henney], The Wheel of Time (2022)
Hamlet [Iain Glen], Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead (1990) Def. Count Rugen [Christopher Guest], The Princess Bride (1987)
Inigo Montoya [Mandy Patinkin], The Princess Bride (1987) Def. Robert of Huntingdon [Jason Connery], Robin of Sherwood (1984)
Lord Tywin Lannister [Charles Dance], Game of Thrones (2011-2019) Def. King Henry VIII [Ray Winstone], Henry VIII (2003)
King Edmund the Just [Mark Wells], The Chronicles of Narnia (2005-2010) Def. Merlin [Nicol Williamson], Excalibur (1981)
Gawain [Dev Patel], The Green Knight (2021) Def. Sir Elyan [Adetomiwa Edun], BBC’s Merlin (2008-2012)
Boromir, Son of Denethor [Sean Bean], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003) Def. Sir Percival [Tom Hopper], BBC’s Merlin (2008-2012)
Sir Leon [Rupert Young], BBC’s Merlin (2008-2012) Def. Merlin [Colin Morgan], BBC’s Merlin (2008-2012)
Aragorn, Son of Arathorn [Viggo Mortensen], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003) Def. Isildur, Son of Elendil [Maxim Baldry], The Rings of Power (2022-)
Samwise Gamgee [Sean Astin], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003) Def. Rand al’Thor [Josha Stradowski], The Wheel of Time (2022-)
Chu Hun [Peter Ho], Double World (2020) Def. Ash Williams [Bruce Campbell], Army of Darkness (1992)
Khal Drogo [Jason Momoa], Game of Thrones (2011-2019) Def. Loial [Hammed Animashaun], The Wheel of Time (2022-)
Gandalf [Ian McKellan], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003) Def. Merlin [Sam Neill], Merlin (1998)
Gendry [Joe Dempsie], Game of Thrones (2011-2019) Def. Ubbe [Jordan Patrick Smith], Vikings (2013-2020)
Sandor Clegane [Rory McCann], Game of Thrones (2011-2019) Def. Sir Lancelot [Nicholas Clay], Excalibur (1981)
Will Scarlet O’Hara [Matthew Porretta], Robin Hood: Men in Tights (1993) Def. Phillippe Gaston [Matthew Broderick], Ladyhawke (1985)
Ahmad [Mahesh Jadu], Marco Polo (2014) Def. Glenstorm [Cornell John], The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (2008)
King Henry II Plantagenet [Peter O’Toole], Becket (1964) Def. King Henry II Plantagenet [Peter O’Toole], The Lion in Winter (1968)
Ahmed Ibn Fahdlan [Antonio Banderas], The 13th Warrior (1999) Def. Trumpkin [Peter Dinklage], The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (2008)
Thraxus Boorman [Amar Chadha-Patel], Willow (2022) Def. Tyrion Lannister [Peter Dinklage], Game of Thrones (2011-2019)
Durotan [Toby Kebbell], Warcraft (2016) Def. Prince Daemon Targaryen [Matt Smith], House of the Dragon (2022)
Rosencrantz [Gary Oldman], Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead (1990) Def. Lord Harekr [Bradley James], Vikings: Valhalla (2022-)
Étienne de Navarre [Rutger Hauer], Ladyhawke (1985) Def. Prince John [Richard Lewis], Robin Hood: Men in Tights (1993)
Fili [Dean O’Gorman], The Hobbit Trilogy (2012-2014) Def. Renly Baratheon [Gethin Anthony], Game of Thrones (2011-2019)
Meriadoc “Merry” Brandybuck [Dominic Monaghan], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003) Def. Fjölnir [Claes Bang], The Northman (2022)
“The Player” [Richard Dreyfuss], Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead (1990) Def. Ravenhurst [Basil Rathbone], The Court Jester (1955)
Prince Prospero [Vincent Price], The Masque of the Red Death (1964) Def. Francois Villon [Ronald Colman], If I Were King (1938)
Richard II Plantagenet [Ben Whishaw], The Hollow Crown (2012-2016) Def. Will Scarlett [Christian Slater], Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991)
Saladin [Milind Soman], Arn: The Knight Templar (2007) Def. Fezzik [André the Giant], The Princess Bride (1987)
Will Scarlett [Harry Lloyd], BBC’s Robin Hood, (2006-2009) Def. George Plantagenet, Duke of Clarence [David Oakes], The White Queen (2013)
Faramir, Son of Denethor [David Wenham], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003)| Def. Richard Cypher [Craig Horner], Legend of the Seeker (2008-2010)
Francesco de Pazzi [Matteo Martari], Medici (2016-2019) Def. Geoffrey Chaucer [Pier Paolo Pasolini], The Canterbury Tales (1972)
Jareth, the Goblin King [David Bowie], Labyrinth (1986) Def. Jafar [Marwan Kenzari], Aladdin (2019)
Sir Guy of Gisborne [Richard Armitage], BBC’s Robin Hood (2006-2009) Def. Prince Dastan [Jake Gyllenhaal], Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (2010)
Geralt of Rivia [Henry Cavill], The Witcher (2019-) Def. Roose Bolton [Michael McElhatton], Game of Thrones (2011-2019)
“One-Eye” [Mads Mikkelsen], Valhalla Rising (2009) Def. Le Maître d'Armes (the fencing master) [Christian Bujeau], Kaamelott (2005-2009)
King Caspian X [Samuel West], Prince Caspian and the Voyage of the Dawn Treader (1989) Def. Edward Seymour, Earl of Hertford [Claude Rains], The Prince and the Pauper (1937)
Jon Snow [Kit Harrington], Game of Thrones (2011-2019) Def. Ramsay Bolton [Iwan Rheon], Game of Thrones (2011-2019)
Haldir [Craig Parker], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003) Def. Robin Hood [Douglas Fairbanks], Robin Hood (1922)
Gu Tingye [Feng Shaofeng], The Story of Minglan (2018) Def. Gündoğdu Bey [Kaan Taşaner], Diriliş: Ertuğrul (2014-2019)
Hubert Hawkins [Danny Kaye], The Court Jester (1955) Def. Saburo Naotora Ichimonji [Ryu Daisuke], Ran (1985)
Giuliano de Medici [Bradley James], Medici (2016-2019) Def. Jack [Tom Cruise], Legend (1985)
Sir Henry “Hotspur” Percy [Joe Armstrong], The Hollow Crown (2012-2016) Def. Prince Humperdink [Chris Sarandon], The Princess Bride (1987)
Robin Hood [Cary Elwes], Robin Hood: Men in Tights (1993) Def. Jaskier [Joey Batey], The Witcher (2019-)
Prince Jingim [Remy Hii], Marco Polo (2014) Def. Ragnar Lothbrok [Travis Fimmel], Vikings (2013-2020)
Petyr “Littlefinger” Baelish [Aiden Gillan], Game of Thrones (2011-2019) Def. Gríma Wormtongue [Brad Dourif], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003)
Madmartigan [Val Kilmer], Willow (1988) Def. Podrick Payne [Daniel Portman], Game of Thrones (2011-2019)
Hugh Beringar [Sean Pertwee], Cadfael (1994-1998) Def. Prince John [Claude Rains], The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)
Prince Henry [Dougray Scott], Ever After (1998) Def. Massetto [Dave Franco], The Little Hours (2017)
King Henry V Plantagenet [Tom Hiddleston], The Hollow Crown (2012-2016) Def. Arthur Pendragon [Oliver Tobias], Arthur of the Britons (1972, 1973)
James Douglas [Aaron Taylor-Johnson], Outlaw King (2018) Def. King Richard IV [Brian Blessed], The Black Adder (1982)
“The Sherriff of Nottingham” [Peter Cushing], The Sword of Sherwood Forest (1960) Def. “The Red Death” [John Westbrook], The Masque of the Red Death (1964)
Philip II [Timothy Dalton], The Lion in Winter (1968) Def. “Man With Snake” [Barry John Clarke], Edward II (1991)
Prince John [Oscar Isaac], Robin Hood (2010) Def. Willow Ufgood [Warwick Davis], Willow (2022)
King Richard [Timothy Omundson], Galavant (2015-2016) Def. “Unnamed Elf Escort” (“Figwit”) [Bret McKenzie], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003)
Mehmed II [Cem Yiğit Üzümoğlu], Rise of Empires: Ottoman (2020-2022) Def. Robert of Artois [Jean Piat], The Accursed Kings (1972)
Sir Lancelot [Luc Simon], Lancelot du Lac (1974) Def. Tormund Giantsbane [Kristofer Hivju], Game of Thrones (2011-2019)
Legolas Greenleaf [Orlando Bloom], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003) Def. Shah Ala ad Daula [Olivier Martinez], The Physician (2013)
Rollo [Clive Standen], Vikings (2013-2020) Def. Sir Lancelot [Richard Gere], First Knight (1995)
King Henry V [Laurence Olivier], Henry V (1944) Def. Saruman [Christopher Lee], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003)
Théoden, Son of Thengel [Bernard Hill], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003) Def. Steapa [Adrian Bouchet], The Last Kingdom (2015-2022)
Richard III Plantagenet [Aneurin Barnard], The White Queen (2013) Def. “Taunting French Guard” [John Cleese], Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
Wat [Alan Tudyk], A Knight’s Tale (2001) Def. Ser Jaime Lannister [Nikolaj Coster-Waldau], Game of Thrones (2011-2019)
Kili [Aiden Turner], The Hobbit Trilogy (2012-2014) Def. Daario Naharis [Michiel Huisman], Game of Thrones (2011-2019)
Osferth [Ewan Mitchell], The Last Kingdom (2015-2022) Def. Robin Hood [Jonas Armstrong], BBC’s Robin Hood (2006-2009)
Rodrigo Borgia [Jeremy Irons], The Borgias (2011-2013) Def. Jacques le Gris [Adam Driver], The Last Duel (2021)
Ivar the Boneless [Alex Høgh Andersen], Vikings (2013-2020) Def. Stannis Baratheon [Stephen Dillane], Game of Thrones (2011-2019)
Caspian X [Ben Barnes], The Chronicles of Narnia (2010) Def. Guildenstern [Tim Roth], Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead (1990)
Robin Hood [Errol Flynn], The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938) Def. High King Peter the Magnificent [Noah Huntley], The Chronicles of Narnia (2005-2010)
Peregrin “Pippin” Took [Billy Boyd], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003) Def. Little John [Eric Allan Kramer], Robin Hood: Men in Tights (1993)
Uhtred of Bebbanburgh [Alexander Dreymon], The Last Kingdom (2015-2022) Def. Robin of Loxley [Michael Praed], Robin of Sherwood (1984)
Sihtric Kjartansson [Arnas Fedaravicius], The Last Kingdom (2015-2022) Def. Robin Longstride [Russell Crowe], Robin Hood (2010)
Edgin Darvis [Chris Pine], Dungeons & Dragons: Honour Among Thieves (2023) Def. “Cinderella’s Prince” [Chris Pine], Into the Woods (2014)
Tom Builder [Rufus Sewell], The Pillars of the Earth (2010 Def. Thomas Cromwell [Mark Rylance], Wolf Hall (2015-2024)
Adhemar, Count of Anjou [Rufus Sewell], A Knight's Tale (2001) Def. Sir Bowen [Dennis Quaid], Dragonheart (1996)
Azeem [Morgan Freeman], Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991) Def. Prince Graydon Hastur [Tony Revolori], Willow (2022)
Tajomaru [Toshiro Mifune], Rashomon (1950) Def. Niankoro [Issiaka Kane], Yeelen (1987)
Will Scarlett [Patrick Knowles], The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938) Def. Syrio Forel [Miltos Yerolemou], Game of Thrones (2011-2019)
Geoffrey Chaucer [Paul Bettany], A Knight’s Tale (2001) Def. “The Sherriff of Rottingham” [Roger Rees], Robin Hood: Men in Tights (1993)
George, Sherriff of Nottingham [Alan Rickman], Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991) Def. William Wallace [Mel Gibson], Braveheart (1995)
Sir Lancelot [Santiago Cabrera], BBC’s Merlin (2008-2012) Def. Sid [Luke Youngblood], Galavant (2015-2016)
Xenk Yendar [Regé-Jean Page], Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (2023) Def. Eamon Valda [Abdul Salis], The Wheel of Time (2022-)
Westley [Cary Elwes], The Princess Bride (1987) Def. Forge Fitzwilliam [Hugh Grant], Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (2023)
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Choices Li’s Tag Game
across the void: sol
americas most eligible: slater
baby bump: mr covington
big sky country: sawyer oakley
blades of light and shadow: mal volari
the crown and the flame: dominic
desire and decorum: ernest sinclaire
endless summer: jake mckenzie🫶🏼🫶🏼💞❤️ (my fav li ever)
foreign affairs: blaine
the freshman: kaitlyn liao
guinevere: lancelot
the heist monaco: sonia alves
high school story: maria flores
hss class act: ajay bhandari
hot couture: marco di vincenzo
it lives in the woods: connor
love hacks: mark collins
most wanted: sam and dave 4 life
mother of the year: thomas💗💗
open heart: ethan ramsey💞❤️🫶🏼🫶🏼
perfect match: sloane
platinum: raleigh
red carpet diaries: thomas hunt
rising tides: cassidy
the royal romance: prince liam
rules of engagement: dean (the bartender)
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lboogie1906 · 1 month
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Attorney John Sinclair Leary (August 17, 1845 – December 9, 1904) was a lawyer and politician. He was one of the first African American lawyers in North Carolina and was a member of the state legislature (1868-70). He was an alderman in Fayetteville and held federal government appointments. He was the first dean of the law school at Shaw University (1890).
He was born in Fayetteville to Matthew Leary and Julia Memriel. He had at least three siblings, Lewis Sheridan Leary, Henrietta, and Michael Leary, Jr. Lewis was killed taking part in John Brown’s raid on Harpers Ferry. He was a cousin to Hiram Rhodes Revels, the first African American to serve in the Senate.
Matthew Leary, Sr. was one of the wealthiest African Americans both before and after the American Civil War. His business was successful enough that as early as 1848 he was credit-rated and owned property worth $6,000. His brother, Matthew Leary, Jr. went into politics as well and became a federal government clerk in DC.
He attended school in Fayetteville for about eight years before 1861. He learned the trade of a saddler and harness-maker in his father’s shop where his father had worked for a long time.
He moved to Charlotte, becoming that city’s first African American lawyer, where he continued to practice until his death. He was disappointed in several attempts to obtain higher-appointed offices. In 1892, the Raleigh Signal suggested him as a candidate for state attorney general. In 1901 he was endorsed by Rev. D. C. Covington in The Colored American for the position of federal judge of the Philippines. In 1896 he was key in supporting Daniel Russell’s successful run for Governor of North Carolina and desired the position of assistant US District Attorney as a reward.
His first wife was Alice B. Thomas. She died (1880). They had two children, both of whom died young. His second wife was Nannie E. Latham (1886). #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
0 notes
jacksonroseroth · 2 months
~The Price~Chapter 44~
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Moodboard made by @badwolf-in-the-impala none of the pictures are ours
Warnings: fighting
Thatcher and Tristan were discharged the same day, Tora adamant that her sons come home and they have the family all together until Taddie was found. It seemed to Thatcher that Tyr was out looking himself, as when they arrived at the mansion, Tora took over for everything and his father was nowhere to be seen. Both Tristan and Thatcher were in slings, with the girls and Theo waiting on them hand and foot. Thomas had left with the twins almost immediately after they got the call that Tristan and Thatcher had been shot and Taddie had been taken. 
Tora excluded Thatcher from all the talks about where they were with searching a third of the country for her and it drove Thatcher mad. Over the next week while Taddie was missing, he spent most of his time in her painting room, just staring at her work and praying she was alright. Finally, after almost 6 days, Tora finally let Thatcher know when they would be meeting and that there was information about Jack. But she didn’t say a word about Taddie. It made anxiety jump around in Thatcher’s body as he followed his brothers into his father’s office, a place he’d rarely seen, Tora sitting at Tyr’s desk, a pair of black rimmed glasses perched on the tip of her nose.
“Sit down, boys.” Tora said with a deep sigh. Theo pulled out the chairs for his brothers, then stood between them as they sat down, facing their mother as she put her papers away and took off her glasses.
“Where is she, Mother?” Thatcher asked, not waiting for her to gather her thoughts. Tora shot her gaze to him and narrowed it, slightly. “You don’t let me hear anything for nearly a week, now you have something-Where. Is she?”
“There’s still no sign of her, Thatcher. But we’ve had sightings of this Jack. Always alone, buying food enough for one person, all around Virginia for the last week.” Tora said, picking up a folder and passing it to her son. Thatcher took it and quickly flipped through, then he tossed it back onto the desk.
“He’s just buying regular shit! Is she dead? Did he hide her body?! Where is Taddie?!” Thatcher shouted, jumping to his feet. Theo grabbed his uninjured shoulder and jerked him back, Tristan sitting forward and holding his hand out at him.
“Calm yourself, Thatcher. I don’t know. We have had no one saying they’ve seen her. Your father is following up every lead personally. You and your brother are still injured. I’ll not have you do something reckless and hurt yourself further. The only reason you are here is because we may have a location on where Jack is staying-Thatcher Patrik Price. Sit. Down. Now.” Tora called at him as Thatcher pushed Theo’s hand away and made it halfway around the chair before he froze, curling his hand into a fist. “I’m not going to tell you where unless you promise me you will not go after him. Your father is on his way from Pennsylvania now. If he finds anything in Covington, he’ll call immediately.”
Thatcher’s hand relaxed as his mind worked, then he let out a slow breath before he turned and retook his seat, slowly looking up at his mother. “I need her back, Mother. I need her back now, and I need her unharmed…I know he’s hurt her.” Thatcher said through gritted teeth. Tora stood and rounded the desk, going to her son and sliding her nails under his chin, gently lifting it.
“I know you love her, my son, but that is all the more reason to not lose your head. You need to be patient. We’re going to find her, Thatcher.” Tora said, gently, sliding her hand over his cheek and kissing the other before pulling her son closer, into a hug. Thatcher sniffled and buried his face into her stomach, wrapping his arm around her waist. Tora rubbed his back as she cooed at him in Swedish, then gently pulled him back to lift his head as she said, “Go to your room and rest, my son. I’ll have the cooks make you something to eat. Boys-See he gets to his room, please? Then, Tris, you’re to rest as well.”
“Yes, Mother.” The twins said in unison, Tristan standing to kiss his mother on the cheek, Theo helping Thatcher up and gently patting his back as they all walked out. The twins silently led Thatcher to his room, the entire walk they were exchanging looks, worried for how quiet Thatcher was, his gaze fixed and focused ahead of him.
When they got to his room, the twins stayed, Theo helping him change into black joggers, a T-shirt and a hoodie, then he made Theo help him with his shoes before he went to his closet, pulling a folded stack of clothes from a cubby hole, revealing a safe in the wall. Tristan and Theo followed behind him, watching with raised brows as Thatcher punched in a code then opened the door, reaching further in and pulling out two black cases, bringing them to the island of drawers in the middle of the room.
“Thatch…What is that?” Theo asked, raising a brow at him exchanging a glance with Tristan. Thatcher didn’t answer his youngest brother, simply set both cases down and clicked the latches open before lifting the lids. Tristan shuffled around the island, then let out a soft groan as Thatcher picked up a Glock 17, quickly loading it and causing Theo to exclaim, “When the fuck did you get guns?!”
“Father gave them to me on my 18th birthday. I never used them. Never had reason to…Until now.” Thatcher said, slamming the magazine into the second gun and shifting with a wince to tuck it in his waistband, grabbing the other as he said, “You can either come with me or stay here, but don’t try and stop me. I don’t want to shoot either of you, but I will.”
“Relax, Thatch…Mother would kill me if I let you go off, half cocked, and got yourself killed. Tris-Stay here, cover for us as long as you can. Do not tell Luna.” Theo said with a sigh, stepping aside to let Thatcher walk out. Tristan nodded as he followed his older brother, then gave his twin a pat on the back.
“I’ll try, man. Stay safe, brothers.” Tristan said, clapping hands with Theo before taking off down the hall as Thatcher headed for the stairs.
Theo hurried over and gave his arm a tug as he said, “Whoa-Hold on, John Wick. I need to make a stop. You’ve got your toys, now I need to get mine. And you’re not driving.”
“Let’s fucking make this quick, Theo…I want my girl back.” Thatcher said, gruffly, following his brother down the hall.
After driving around all day, Theo convinced Thatcher to call it a night and they found a hotel in Covington for the night. However, Thatcher was beyond restless and slipped out of the room, beginning to wander over the town. He’d brought his gun, keeping it tucked in the front of his waistband, hidden under his hoodie. He roamed the streets for hours until he came to a single story, sleazy looking roach motel. He stopped in the parking lot to bum a cigarette off one of the guests.
“Thanks, man…” Thatcher said, inhaling deeply, then blowing the smoke out along with a deep sigh. The guest watched Thatcher, slinged arm, as he lowered himself to the ground, sliding down the wall.
“You alright, my guy?” The man asked before taking another drag of his cigarette. Thatcher nodded and did the same before he said around the smoke, “Yeah…Just kinda stressed…My girl is missing and-and I’ve been looking for her.”
“Yeah? Shit, man, I’m sorry. You got a picture? Maybe I’ve seen her? Can’t hurt.” The man offered. Thatcher let out a sigh and tugged out his phone, quickly clicking through to a picture of Taddie’s smiling face, then quickly turned it away as his eyes stung with tears, showing the guest. “Yo…Hold on-”
Thatcher looked up with a light sniffle as the man took his phone and Thatcher pushed himself to his feet as he said, “You’ve seen her? Where? Who was she with? What did he look like?”
“Whoa-Chill, my man. I think it was her…That shiny black car over there? Looks like it doesn’t belong at a motel like this? I saw some dude pull a woman out last night. They went into the room for like an hour? Then he put her back in the car and drove off.” The guest said, handing the phone back to Thatcher. As he started to tuck it away, the man said, “He came back this afternoon, just him. I don’t know where the girl went.”
“Thank you, man. Thank y-You have no idea how helpful that is…Ah, fuck-What, Theo?” Thatcher answered with a sigh, after ashing the cigarette.
“Thatcher, where the fuck are you?! Brother, you can’t just dip on me like that! Don’t go after him-” Theo started shouting as Thatcher wandered over to the car, memorizing the license plate.
“I wasn’t…But I think I found him anyway-8TR57L9. Run the plate, get me a name and run the credit cards attached to it.” Thatcher said, looking over the car before backing off and staring at the window of the hotel room it was parked in front of. Theo grumbled as he wrote down the plate.
“...Jesus Christ-Get back here, Thatcher. Now. Or I’ll call Mother and tell her where we are.” Theo threatened before ending the call, no doubt to call Tristan to have him run the plate. Thatcher sighed and tucked his phone away before he rubbed a hand over his face and backed away, heading for their hotel.
Thatcher sat on the edge of his bed as Theo spoke on the phone with Tristan. Theo had made his older brother wait until morning before he called Tristan to see what he found. Thatcher barely slept, only nodding off for 5-10 minute power naps. Everytime his mind drifted off to sleep, wandering into dreams, it was nothing but horror and Taddie, two things he never wanted to mix, and it jolted him awake. Finally, the sun rose and Thatcher had quickly woken Theo, making him call his twin.
Theo paced back and forth as Theo spoke to Tristan in their own little twin language that they’d spoken since they were young, meaning Thatcher was left completely out of the loop until he burst out, “What is he saying, Theo?”
“-Relax, Thatch. He’s still getting information. Apparently, Jack’s been in the state for a month, looking for her. His last charge before Virginia was New York on the 19th last month…” Theo said before switching languages and walking away from Thatcher.
“The 19th…Fuck-” Thatcher shoved his head into his hand with a deep sigh as his thoughts rushed back to their day trip to New York on December 19th; Their first date when he took her to Rockafeller Center to go ice skating. Taddie had seemed to recognize something or someone, but quickly brushed it off. He now feared him bringing Taddie to New York was how Jack was able to find her and track her down by the following Wednesday when he showed up at the bar. He was the reason Jack was able to follow Taddie enough to kidnap her and now had her God-Knows-Where, doing God-Knows-What to her. He gave a sniffle as he lifted his head, Theo coming back and ending the call with Tristan. “What did he say, Theo?”
“He charged his card for a room at the motel you were at two days ago. He checked out today. Let’s go. We’re gonna find the car and keep an eye on him. Father’s almost here-Within the hour.
“That’s not soon enough, Theo.” Thatcher said, shooting up from the bed and snatching up his guns from the table, tucking one in his waistband, behind his back, the other in the front, beneath his hoodie.
“Thatch, you’re going to get yourself killed-” Theo started, grabbing his own guns and following his older brother out of the room and down the hall.
“The only one that’s getting killed is that douchebag. He’s already a dead man walking.” Thatcher shot back as he stormed out of the hotel lobby and to the car. Theo sighed and quickly threw down $400 on the counter, along with the keycards before following Thatcher out and unlocking the car.
As Theo slid into the driver’s side and started the car, he let out a deep sigh and said, “Thatch, I know you want her safe, but you need to do this properly. We’re going to find him, then tell Father. When he gets here with his men, we can go in and take her.”
“If we find him and he’s moving her, we’re taking her, Theo. I don’t care! I’m not waiting for Father!-Move! Go!” Thatcher called, slamming his hand on the dash as he fidgeted around. Theo took a deep breath then sighed as he peeled out of the parking space and they began their hunt.
Jack had returned that morning with what was left of his coffee and the last half of the last Donette in the package. She inhaled the small bit of food and drink, wanting to plead with him for more, but she was too terrified to let her hunger and thirst bother her. He untied her hands, if only briefly, to retie the rope, tighter and in many more knots.
“Jack? Honey, please, you don’t need-” Taddie’s gentle words were cut off with a yelp as his hand shot to her face, gripping her jaw and squeezing. She dug her nails into his wrist, hoping it would make him let go, instead, made him squeeze harder.
“Don’t start with me, Taddie. You’ve been mouthing off for a week and now that I’ve given you what you wanted, you wanna be all sweet and think I’ll give you your way…Not this time, sweetie. I’m sick of this state, I’m taking you home; Where you’re going to fucking stay this time. Am I clear?” Jack shot at her with a glare. Taddie sniffed and nodded, biting her lip with a soft whimper. Jack gave a flick of his wrist, pushing her face away with a disgusted scoff before he stood. Jack smirked at her, then tossed the crumpled up coffee cup at her, letting out a soft laugh as it bounced off the side of her head, splashing a few drops of coffee on her face.
Something in that action made her snap and Taddie shot a glare at him as he continued to laugh. With a growl that formed into a wild cry, Taddie shot out her foot at him, connecting with his knee. Jack cried out in pain as his knee buckled and he went down, holding the joint as he hissed in and out. She sniffled and shifted, pushing herself to her feet as he looked up at her, his blue eyes burning.
“You’re gonna fucking regret that, you bitch.” Jack growled at her, gently getting to his feet and shuffling over to her. Taddie wiped her hands over her face, giving a sniffle and panting, lightly.
“I’m not. Afraid of you. Jack. You can’t. Fucking. Control me anymore.” Taddie growled right back. Jack let out a cruel laugh and she quickly looked around, snatching up a piece of wood from a broken frame and whirled around, swinging the wood with a cry. Jack caught it in his hand and ripped it away from her, quickly swinging it right back at her. Taddie was able to duck and she quickly swung her bound hands into his groin, making him double over with a pained groan. She gasped, softly, then panted as she used her whole body to slam into him, knocking them both to the floor. Jack kicked her away, making her roll and hit her back on the nearby wall, then rolled over with a groan as he cupped himself and squeaked out, “You bitch…I’ll fucking kill you…Oh, fuck-”
Taddie whimpered and picked herself up on all fours before crawling over to the metal pipe he’d tied her to. Gathering every ounce of strength she had, along with a deep scream, Taddie yanked and yanked on the pipe wiggling it violently until it broke off and the chain slipped free. It had snapped so suddenly and Taddie had been jostling it so furiously, it snapped back on her, sending her to the floor, landing on her back, hard. She let out a whine and gently rolled from side to side as pain blossomed over her body and her world went black.
Theo drove around the town and they managed to find Jack’s conspicuous, shiny, black car and followed him until he pulled into an abandoned construction site. Theo stayed back until they saw the man walk up and into the building. They pulled in behind him and Theo quickly called Tyr to give him the address before cutting the engine and letting out a sigh. Thatcher shifted in his seat, gripping the armrest so tight that the leather creaked before he released it then quickly got out of the car before Theo could lock him in.
“Hey-No-Thatch!” Theo called as he scrambled out after him. Thatcher took a few more steps toward Jack’s car before Theo appeared in front of him, pressing his hands to Thatcher’s chest.
“Relax, I’m not going in-Theo, move.” Thatcher said, pushing him aside as he dug a pocket knife from his hoodie and flicked it open. Theo sighed as he watched Thatcher stick the blade into three of the four tires before he put it away with a satisfied smirk. With a deep sigh, Theo asked, “Feel better? Thatch, get back in the car, man. Come on.”
“If he comes out I’m gonna confront him! He wants to show up like a coward with a mask and a gun, then shoot, not only me, but fucking Tris?! Nah, fucker’s not running this time.” Thatcher said with a deep growl as he began pacing. Theo sighed and opened his mouth to speak, but they began to hear screams and sounds of something breaking. Without a seconds hesitation, Thatcher took off into the building, beginning to search for Taddie.
“Thatcher-Goddamn it…” Theo pulled out his gun and cocked it as he ran into the building after his brother.
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Taglist: @badwolf-in-the-impala @sweetwombatpizza
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charmyposh-blog · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Thomas and Vine Oxfords.
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goalhofer · 5 months
2024 Washington Nationals Roster
#1 MacKenzie Gore (Whiteville, North Carolina)
#9 Steven Cavalli (Bixby, Oklahoma)
#21 Tanner Rainey (Covington, Louisiana)
#27 Jake Irvin (Bloomington, Minnesota)
#32 Trevor Williams (San Diego, California)
#40 Josiah Gray (New Rochelle, New York)
#41 Matt Barnes (Bethel, Connecticut)*
#44 Dylan Floro (Atwater, California)*
#46 Patrick Corbin (Clay, New York)
#47 José Ferrer (Maimón, Dominican Republic)
#51 Jordan Weems (Columbus, Georgia)
#58 Derek Law (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)*
#60 Joan Adon (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic)
#61 Robert Garcia (Modesto, California)
#67 Kyle Finnegan (Houston, Texas)
#73 Hunter Harvey (Catawba, North Carolina)
#15 Riley Adams (Encinitas, California)
#20 Keibert Ruiz (Valencia, Venezuela)
#81 Drew Millas (Belleville, Illinois)
#2 Luis García; Jr. (San Francisco De Macorís, Dominican Republic)
#5 P.C. Abrams; Jr. (Roswell, Georgia)
#13 Nick Senzel (Farragut, Tennessee)
#14 Ildemaro Vargas (Caripito, Venezuela)
#26 Nasim Nuñez (Suwanee, Georgia)**
#38 LaVictor Lipscomb (Frederick, Maryland)**
#45 Joey Meneses (Culiacán Rosales, Mexico)
#6 Jesse Winker (Orlando, Florida)*
#8 Eddie Rosario; Jr. (Ciudad Guayamo, Puerto Rico)*
#16 Víctor Robles (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic)
#24 Joey Gallo (Las Vegas, Nevada)*
#28 Lane Thomas (Knoxville, Tennessee)
#30 Jacob Young (St. Johns County, Florida)
#36 Gregory Garrett (Richmond, Texas)
Manager Dave Martinez (Orlando, Florida)
Bench coach Miguel Cairo (Anaco, Venezuela)
Hitting coach Darnell Coles (Rialto, California)
Assistant hitting coach Chris Johnson (Naples, Florida)
Pitching coach Jim Hickey (Chicago, Illinois)
Pitching strategist Sean Doolittle (Tabernacle Township, New Jersey)
Bullpen coach Ricky Bones (Ciudad Salinas, Puerto Rico)
Bullpen catcher Octavio Martinez (Los Angeles, California)
Bullpen catcher Brandon Snyder (Fairfax County, Virginia)
1B coach Gerardo Parra (Santa Barbara Del Zulia, Venezuela)
3B coach Ricky Gutiérrez (Miami, Florida)
Strategy coach Henry Blanco (Santiago De León De Caracas, VZ)
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covingtonrp · 7 months
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JAMESON CARTER is looking for his SISTER. For more details and how to contact the player, read below.
This connection is TAKEN.
Character Name: Jameson Davis-Carter
Connection Name: UTP
Age Range: 31-35
Type of Connection: Sister
Suggested Faceclaims: Jessica Lucas, Aisha Dee, Laura Harrier, Amber Stevens West, Greta Onieogou, Antonia Thomas, UTP
Details: addiction tw
The Carter family is extensive and extremely tight-knit. Emmett Carter is one of 5 siblings and Cassidy Davis-Carter is one of 3. The two of them got married young and had Jameson almost immediately. His sister came a few years later and they were happy with just the two, which was already a handful for them. They were loving parents and Jameson and his sister grew up in a very middle-class family surrounded by aunts, uncles, and cousins for miles. One thing that was emphasized throughout their childhood was the importance of family, and that family meant Covington. it was why so few people from their family ever ended up settling outside of their hometown and even those who left always ended up coming back to start their families here. There is also a little bit of a family superstition among some members of the extended family that anyone who leaves ends up having something bad happen to them. When Jameson was in middle or high school, their parents ended up getting pregnant again and their baby sister was born. She is among the youngest in their entire extended family and has always been a bit troubled when compared to the others. Recently, she's voluntarily admitted herself into residential rehab after she nearly overdosed on her son's first birthday. So, Jameson has taken guardianship of their nephew, Asher.
I imagined that Jameson's sister loved the close knit family and having such a giant family on both sides. So she probably stayed in town and was the one that helped counsel their younger sister through her addiction issues. Jameson was never told about this, maybe because he was working outside the state and the family didn't want to bother him with it, or because they knew that he had his own issues in his marriage, up to the mun for this. Most other details are pretty up in the air regarding what his sister did in terms of profession, if she has a family of her own, if she ever left town, etc.
Contact the player at: @ahalyaxreddy 
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cyarskaren52 · 1 year
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