#This year has been kicking my motivations ass so far
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bluewolfangel01 · 1 month ago
Favorite Parent Challenge with Lucifer, Mammon, Levi, & Satan
(If you don't know, it's basically a challenge to see who the pet's favored human is)
Done with Cerberus
Cerberus is very confused when Mc and Lucifer walk in different directions while he stays
Each head looks from left to right, unable to understand what he's supposed to be doing or even who to go to
He begins to whine
Mc gets a bit closer to comfort Cerberus, reaching their hands out to offer pets
Only then does Cerberus decide to move
Lucifer: "I don't think it counts if you bribe him"
Mc: *doing their best to pet all 3 heads* "Well he doesn't seem to mind, do ya boy?"
Cerberus: *tail wagging very fast, looking very happy*
Mc: "If you want, I could give you some pets later tonight~ seeing as you seem a bit jealous."
Lucifer: "Well I'm not jealous, but I'll happily accept your offer."
Done with a few crows familiars
The crows look between the opposite directions where Mammon and Mc went
The crows stay where they are for a few moments
It almost seems like they'll never move
Then they fly and land at Mc's feet
One crow even lands on Mc's shoulder
Mc proceeds to give the crow that landed on their shoulder, some scratches
Mammon: *walks towards Mc* "They're my familiars, why do they go to ya?!"
Mc: "Aw dont feel so bad, haven't you ever heard that pets copy the personality of their people?"
Mammon: "Yeah. So?"
Mc: "So that means that they only went to me 'cause you love me so much."
Mammon: "Gah... silly human."
Mc: *grabs Mammon's jacket collar* "Tsundere demon." *gives him a smooch*
Done with Henry 2.0
Levi and Mc stand on opposite side of Henry 2.0's tank, rather then walking in different directions
The small fish doesn't swim to either side
He kinda just floats for a moment before lazily swimming around the fish bowl
It's clear that Henry 2.0 doesn't understand the challenge
That or he just doesn't care
Mc: Well, I don't know what we were expecting, but that result seems about right.
Levi: Why did we decide to do this again?
Mc: The new co-op game we've been playing is getting updated so the servers are down and for the memes.
Levi: ...
Levi: For the memes.
Done with a few stray cats
Satan and Mc sit a few feet away from each other outside the H.O.L
They both agreed to have no items or smells that could possibly draw in the cats
They both sit there for awhile while waiting for the strays to show up and pick one of them
Suprise, suprise the strays end up going towards Mc
Satan: "They almost never come to me, it's like they hate me."
Mc: "Aw, don't say that, they don't hate you."
Mc: *Picks up and holds Kuro in front of Satan's face, who meows cutely* "See, Kuro likes you~"
Satan: *smiles and lowers head in defeat* You...~"
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ashes-of-ailell · 2 years ago
hi everyone I've been playing hopes non-stop this past week. I have completed every route and am now playing lions again for funsies
with all of that said
god I love shez
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emmg · 7 months ago
Imagine for a second everyone ends up happy and Lavellan and Solas get back together. Cue Dorian popping a blood vessel.
Dorian: “You’re back with this fuck?"
Lavellan, flustered: "I can explain—"
Dorian: "With this living omelette?"
Lavellan: "It's not—"
Dorian: "This balding crypt keeper with the emotional range of a brick wall and a wardrobe that makes him look like a discount drapery store threw up on him? The same one who poofed away after saying some cryptic shit about I WiSh iT CoUlD vHenAn?"
Solas: “The mark would have—"
Dorian: "Shut the fuck up, cue ball. I don't care if the mark was going to explode, you still look like you wash your clothes in your own self-pity. And you—" jabs a finger at Lavellan, "what’s your excuse? Has it really been so long that the sight of a naked skull and endless 'mystical' speeches turned you on again?"
Lavellan: “It’s more than that—"
Dorian: "More than that?! He abandoned you, took your fucking arm, and now you’re letting him back in your bed? Are you out of your mind or just starved for terrible decisions? You could’ve had anyone. But no, you pick the fade's worst motivational speaker.”
Solas: “Master Pavus, this is between—”
Dorian: “Oh no, don’t even try that ‘Master Pavus’ nonsense with me. You’ve got the emotional depth of a wet mop and a sex appeal that makes a mud pit look enticing. And yet here you are, again, trying to guilt-trip your way back into her pants with your world-saving speeches. What is it, Solas? You gonna whisper sweet nothings about 'the averted apocalypse' this time? Maybe throw in a lecture on why she was just not woke enough to understand your big, tragic plan but it's fine since everything worked out?"
Rook and Emmrich in their happy, non toxic relationship: :0
Solas: "Dorian—"
Dorian: "No, no, shut the fuck up. Seriously, what do you even do that’s remotely appealing? What did you do for the past ten years? Did you just sit there, staring at a wall, philosophizing about how it’s not 'connected to the Fade' while Lavellan was over there, not that far, mind you, actually trying to live her life?"
Lavellan, miserably: “Dorian, please—"
Dorian: "Do you know how many tears she cried over your wrinkly, bald ass? The sleepless nights? And for what? So you could show up with the same damn sad expression, like a dog that got kicked, expecting her to fall right back into your arms? Well, congratulations, you manipulative little twat, it worked. You got her again. But if you think for one second I’m going to sit here and let this farce play out without letting you know exactly what I think—"
Solas: “This is not your concern—"
Dorian, grinning viciously: "Not my concern? Oh, it’s my concern now, you ancient, egg-headed disaster. You took her arm, and now, what? You’re back for the other one too? What’s next? Gonna steal her dignity too? No, wait—" He flips both of them off. "You already did that. Honestly, Lavellan, were you that desperate? Did your standards drop so low that this walking mid-life crisis seemed like a good idea AGAIN?"
Lavellan, trying to hide: "I just thought—"
Dorian: "No, no, you didn't think. You never think when it comes to this pointy-eared monk reject. You just let him walk all over you with his cryptic, brooding bullshit and now here we are—again. Tell me, Lavellan, how many bad life choices does it take before you finally learn not to open your legs to misery?"
Lavellan: “Dorian—”
Dorian, rounding on Solas: "You’ve got some nerve coming back, Solas. You with your ‘oh woe is me, I didn't fix the world so I'll ruin this woman's life instead again’ schtick. And for what? What do you even have to offer besides a fucking headache and a masterclass in celibacy?”
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ninii-winchester · 9 months ago
Unveiled Sorrows (Part 1)
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Dean Winchester X Reader, Sam Winchester x Reader (platonic)
Word count: 3k
Other Characters : Sam Winchester, John Winchester.
Warnings : spoilers for s1-5, heavy angst, canon violence, foul language, implied smut.
A/n: This series follows canon plot line but some scenes might happen differently or be completely changed. Check the warnings for each part before continuing.
Bad luck follows the Winchesters like the plague, they can't seem to outrun it. If someone asked Y/n to describe who the Winchesters were to her, she'd only have one word to say. Family. She wouldn't mind having bad luck on her tail if it meant staying with her family. Besides even if they can't seem to outrun it, they always fought it. And they always kicked ass.
Y/n was a solo hunter, a badass one at that, she never believed in partnering up with other hunters, because every hunter has a different motive and motives change. She's never trusted a hunter and she never would but that all changed a few years back when she met the Winchesters.
Now, typically one would think she'd dropped her guard because its 'The Winchesters' but she didn't. It was far from that. She met the two brothers when they were looking for their father. She told them to not waste their breaths since the man didn't want to be found. The two boys were curious as to how she knew about their father. She told them that she knew the man enough to know his intentions and that is, he didn't want to be found. The boys were intrigued by her and asked her to join them, help them find their father.
"I don't chase dead ends boys nor do I trust hunters."
That was the last thing she said before she walked out on them. The next time they met was in Manning, Colorado, Y/n was hunting the same vampire nest that the Winchesters were.
“I see you found daddy dearest.” Y/n said leaning against the Impala after they cleaned out the nest.
"I see you've met my boys, Y/n." John smiled.
"Yeah well they've been all over the place looking for you, kinda hard to miss." She smirked. Dean chuckled at her comment.
"You're a great hunter." Sam commented, a small smile gracing his lips. She nodded her head and she raised her beer bottle towards him.
"Alright, now my works done here so I'll be heading out." She said. "Later boys."
"Wait." Y/n turned to the owner of the voice. "I need your help."
"Did I hear it correctly? John Winchester asking for help I must've gotten hit pretty hard." She laughed. "What is it?"
"I need you to stay with them. We need all the help we could get." John said. "You're one of the best I know." Dean's brows furrowed at that, his dad complementing someone is big.
"And what makes you think I'd stay and help? I don't trust hunters. As if you didn't know that already. John." She gritted her teeth.
"I know but it's out there and you know it." John said knowingly. His sons looked back and forth between their father and the young girl.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Y/n." She knew what he was talking about, the yellow eyed demon. The one that killed her parents when she was a baby. The fire in the nursery when she was exactly six months old. Just like Sam. The Winchesters are obsessed with the yellow eyed demon and they wouldn't stop at nothing to kill that thing.
"It has nothing to do with me." It was the second time she walked away from them.
The yellow eyed demon killed her parents, she had been chasing the demon for years, it's what that made her the great hunter she is, that's how she met John in the first place but now she knew getting revenge wouldn't bring her parents back, it wouldn't bring her peace either. She needs to move on and focus on whatever life she has left. It may sound weird for a twenty two year old girl but that's how she thought.
But as if it was destiny. Y/n watched a truck crash into the same Impala she leaned on a few days back. She jumped out of her own car before calling 911.
"Damn it you boys." She slammed the car door as she got back in her car and followed the ambulance back to the hospital.
After John died, she decided she'd stick around Sam and Dean considering it their father's last wish. And the rest was history. If you'd ask her she wouldn't be able to tell when Sam Winchester became her best friend in the whole world. It might've been the fact that they share the same trauma or maybe that Sam compensated for Dean being a dick. Dean didn't like Y/n joining them, he didn't hate her per se, but he hated the fact that his father asked her to help them rather than telling them what he knew. They butted heads alot, both being stubborn and filled to brim with trust issues. They had a hard time around each. It took a while but they warmed up to each other.
Now for Y/n, the Winchester Brothers are her family. To them it's her. They've never hesitated to kill for one another and wouldn't hesitate to die either.
Sam and Y/n were deeply troubled when Dean started acting strange after a run in with a Djinn. Sam tried to coax it out of Dean but he remained unsuccessful.
"Hey, you." Y/n sat beside Dean as he tinkered with the Impala. He turned to look at her. "Mind telling me what's going on up there?" She gestured towards his head.
Dean froze for a second. He didn't know what to say. He couldn't tell her what the Djinn showed him. How was he supposed to tell her he saw her being his wife, them living the white picket fence life. The life he so desperately wanted yet couldn't have. She wouldn't understand. Nobody could. Even he couldn't understand why he saw her. Dean didn't love, as in committing in relationships. Dean loved, as in I would die for you but I'd never tell you that I love you.
"Nothing sweetheart, Its nothing." He smiled like he usually does. Y/n knew better than to push him. So she walked away.
The trio hunted down all sorts of supernatural beings. They stuck through everything together. Y/n was there when Dean stupidly made a deal to bring back Sam, she was there when the doors of Hell opened. She stuck by Sam when Dean was dragged to Hell. She even went up to the crossroads to sell her soul in exchange of Dean's. Clearly she was refused. When Dean came back from Hell, Sam and Y/n welcomed him back with open arms.
Everything was awful. It sucked but alteast they were in this together. They had each other and that's what all they needed. Y/n was there when they found out Dean broke the first seal in Hell and she was there when Sam broke the last. Y/n was there for the Winchesters when the apocalypse hit and she had hoped they would be together when it ends. They had been trough Hell and back together, literally, and she hoped her family would be by her side. But little did she know.
Dean hasn't been the same ever since he came back from Hell. Everyone noticed. He hadn't been sleeping, he kept drinking. He kept telling everyone that he doesn't remember what happened down in the pit. But he does, and little does he know, Y/n knew too. She could see it on his face that something is eating him away but she knew Dean, and she knew it would be a waste to ask because he wouldn't tell. She'd hear him scream at night, waking up from nightmares, she'd watch him drink himself to self to sleep only to be woken up by the nightmares, again.
The trio had turns sharing rooms while being on hunts, with whatever money they had they could only afford one room but when they could get two, they would. Y/n always shared with one of the boys since they don't want to risk her safety, clearly knowing she can handle herself but it helps them sleep at night.
"You know you can talk to me about anything right?" Y/n walked up to Dean as he poured himself another glass of whiskey.
"Sweetheart its 3am. What're you doing up late?" He ignored her comment.
"I could ask you the same thing." She shrugged.
"Its.." he started.
"Nothing." She finished for him. "I've heard it."
The two of them sat in silence as the clock ticked. Dean stood up from the the chair he was sitting on and made his way towards his bed. He dropped on it with a sigh.
"Dean." Y/n called out and he turned his face to look at her. "You don't have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. It's not your responsibility." She said softly.
"Isn't it though?" He asked sitting up.
"It isn't." She said firmly.
"You don't even have half the idea...-"
"Then tell me. Tell me what's bothering you, tell me we can get through this together." Dean shook his head at her words. "Like we always do."
"I started a goddamn apocalypse Y/n, I don't think there's anyone else to blame. Sam may have broken the last seal but I broke the first one. I..." Tears gathered in his eyes which made Y/n scared, if it was bad enough to make Dean cry, it was bad. She made her way towards her bed and sat infront of him.
"I know you broke the first seal Dean. You keep saying so but you never tell us what is it."
"They offered me to....they said they'd take me off the rack if i did the torturing. Time works differently there than here, for you it was four months but there it was forty years. They'd cut me up to nothing and then I'd be whole again and it'd start all over again. I held on for thirty years. But then I broke. I agreed and i did. And the most fucked up part is that I enjoyed doing it."
"It's okay Dean." She went to sit beside him and held him close. "You tried you best, you held on for thirty years Dean." She held back her own tears. "It's not your fault. If anything, I should be blamed equally for letting Sam fall for Ruby's trap. I should've been careful."
"No you're wrong if only I hadn't been so weak, if only i didn't break." He shook his head. "It was the first seal, a righteous man shedding blood in hell. I broke the first seal." He cried. She held him close hoping she could make him realise that it wasn't his fault.
"Now the refusal makes sense." Y/n mumbled under her breath.
"What refusal?" Dean sat up and stared down at her.
"Nothing." She avoided looking at him.
"Y/n." He said calmly but his tone was stern. "Tell me." Y/n looked away completely as she stood and turned away so she didn't have to look at him. "For the love of God tell me Y/n don't test my patience."
"I went to the crossroads demons but they refused. They said they had you exactly where they wanted, I didn't why back then, but now it makes sense."
"You did what?" Dean yelled and grabbed her arm to make her look at him. "You tried to sell your soul?"
"Don't Dean me.!! God damn it." He yelled and Y/n wondered how the hell Sam didn't hear them for the thin motel walls.
"Yes i tried to sell my soul so what huh? You're not the only one who cares okay? I wouldn't have minded giving my soul to bring you back." She yelled back.
"You can't go around doing stupid shit like that." Dean exclaimed clearly on the verge of losing his mind.
"Why do you get to deci-..."
"Because I can't lose you." Dean snapped cutting her mid sentence. He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her closer. He cupped her cheeks in his hands. "I can't lose you, sweetheart. I'd happily go back to hell if it means keeping you safe." He said resting his forehead on hers.
"Please, promise me you won't pull another stunt like that. I can bear those scratches and cuts on you from hunts but this is where i draw the line."
"Dean this isn't fair." She cried.
"There's nothing fair in this life, sweetheart. I've got angels on my ass asking me to say yes to being another angel's bitch. Do you think that's fair?" He chuckled a bit. Y/n shook her head. "Cmon darling, I'm waiting on that promise."
"I promise I won't try to sell my soul. But that's it."
"I can work with that." Dean looked at her teary eyed face as she looked up at him. "If you keep looking at me like that, my resolve will break." He said huskily.
"What're you talking abo-.."
"I really can't take this anymore." Dean mumbled before smashing his lips against hers. He knew he shouldn't have done that, he blamed the alcohol in his system, he tried to pull away as soon his brain registered what he had done but she snaked her arms around his neck and pulled him closer.
His hands immediately went to her waist and picked her up. He gently laid her on one of the beds and hovered above her.
"Please stop me right now or I won't be able to." He murmured against her neck, as he placed soft kisses against her skin.
"I don't want you to." Y/n pulled him up for another kiss. She tugged at his tshirt which he gladly removed. Their clothes were thrown around haphazardly. The two of them continued to bask in pleasure and euphoria as the night progressed they ended up falling asleep in each others arms.
The sun shone through the window of the motel room. Dean had woken up from his slumber as he felt Y/n stir in her sleep. He looked at her sleeping figure and smile appeared on his face. The ringing of a phone made Y/n open her eyes.
"Good morning, sweetheart." Dean pecked her lips and grabbed his phone from the nightstand.
"Morning." She snuggled closer to him.
"Sammy." He answered the phone. "Yeah, uh huh... yeah no, she's still sleeping.." He waited for Sam to finish speaking. "Alright see ya."
"Remind me again, why're we here?" Y/n yawned sitting up, clutching the sheets to hear chest.
"Here as in my bed or here as in this town." Dean grinned as he pulled her into his chest. Leaving kisses on her neck.
"Well Sammy thinks this girl killing another girl in a school bathroom is our kinda gig. He called to ask if you wanted to tag along to the mental hospital for interrogation i told him you're asleep."
"I see. Breakfast?" She turned to look at him.
"Sure sweetheart." He caressed her cheek. "Shower together? You know it'd save time." He smirked.
She rolled her eyes and went inside the bathroom but she didn't close the door. Dean understood and immediately joined her. To no one's surprise, they just showered together. Dean might've stolen a kiss here and there but that was it.
After shower the two of them got ready and met up with Sam. Y/n sat in the backseat of the Impala as they waited for Sam. As Sam told them what he found out Y/n spoke,
"I don't know if this is our thing Sammy, high schools can be brutal."
"You sound like Dean." Sam retorted.
"You're calling me dumb Sammy?" Y/n fake gasped.
"Sweetheart I'm offended!" Dean feigned hurt.
"Shut your trap you two. Im telling you she said she felt like she was possessed."
"Fine." Y/n groaned and they decided to check out the school.
Truman High School.
"Didn't you say you two went here for a while?" Y/n said as they walked down the hallway.
"A week." Dean replied.
"Reminiscing huh." Y/n teased nudging Sam with her shoulder and he rolled his eyes.
It did turn out be their kind of thing. First they found it was Sam's friend's spirit that was haunting the halls of the high school. After Salt and burning his bones they found out that Sam's friend's bully was messing around too.
"You just had to surround yourself with shitheads didn't you.!" Y/n exclaimed to Sam as they tried to find the piece of hair that kept Dirk's spirit connected to this world.
"I do keep you around so.." Sam shrugged with his famous bitch face making Dean laugh. 
Dirks spirit appeared at and lunged at Y/n who was standing the gate of the bus. He grabbed her in a chokehold while she tried to elbow him. Sam immediately shot him with his shotgun making him disappear but he appeared again. He grabbed Y/n by the arm and threw her at the nearest tree, knocking her out cold.
While Sam tried to wrestle the spirit Dean found the hair, burning it making the ghost disappear.
"Y/n." The two boys rushed to her side and helped her up.
"Hey hey...sweetheart you hear me?." Dean patted her face.
"Im alright." She wheezed before sitting up. "Son of a bitch." She groaned. "Is he gone?"
"For good." Sam replied.
@spnfamily-j2 @galway-girlatwork @queensilber
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steddieunderdogfics · 4 months ago
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This week’s writer spotlight feature is:  @cuips-not-cute! cuips_not_cute has six fics in the Stranger Things fandom on AO3 and all of them are in the Steddie tag!
Our anonymous nominator recommends the following works by @cuips-not-cute:
he could be brave
blood is an aphrodisiac
honeyed affection
blinking red light
"cuips is a master of taking the reader on an emotional roller coaster ride. The amount of times I've laughed and cried at the same time reading his fics have been too numerous to count. Especially the depth of the sex scenes and the character beats and growth they portray are gorgeous to read - and also very titillating. I love Steve and Eddie in every one of cuips stories, adore the little mannerisms they are given and the way they interact with each other and other characters. Besides the inspiring prose cuips can pull off a plot like few other people I've found so far - since blinking red light is still ongoing, I'll just point to cyclical for that. I'm very thankful to cuips for writing and posting these stories and for being a very active part of this lovely fandom." -- anonymous
Below the cut, @cuips-not-cute answered some questions about their writing process and some of their recommended work!
Why do you write Steddie?
i don’t even know. i was happily in the ofmd fandom when i watched season 4 almost three years ago now (oh god) and then the characters… they got me. i fear they’ll never leave.
What’s your favorite trope to READ?
god, so many. they’re all kinda the same flavor though so i’ll list out what i’m always filtering for to find a new fic: bottom/sub eddie, creature/monster eddie, post s4, canon compliant, soft dom steve, sex pollen, spit kink, rimming (perhaps my FAVORITE ever thing to read), switch eddie/switch steve… the list goes on.
What’s your favorite trope to WRITE?
probably also rimming. there’s just something so romantic about eating ass. and i really love to stick with post s4 canon compliant aus, too, i don’t think i’ve written an actual for real au yet, though i do have an idea for one after brl.
What’s your favorite Steddie fic?
i don’t know if i can pick!! my ao3 bookmarks host my many all-time faves, but if you wanna go by the fic i’ve reread the most it’s probably the affliction of the feeling. it’s so fucking good.
Is there a trope you’re excited to explore in a future work but haven’t yet?
YES!!! i have never written omegaverse!!! which is crazy, ‘cause i like it a LOT. i have a post-s4 omegaverse au kicking around in my head currently, and i cannot wait to sink my teeth into all the messy biology and politics that come with the omegaverse.
What is your writing process like?
chaotic, in a word. usually, i’ll get a fic idea while i’m balls-deep in writing another fic so i’ll shove it to the side and let it simmer while i finish that first one, then i’ll spend a good long while planning it out in ridiculous detail, and THEN i’ll start actually drafting. i like to have a fully fleshed out outline and a couple chapters written and edited before i start posting, and once posting begins i tend to deviate quite a bit from my outline but it’s all good fun.
Do you have any writing quirks?
definitely. i don’t like pointing them out for fear of other folks seeing them in everything i do, but they’re there. one that i don’t mind so much is my absolute abuse of the word “little.” everything is “a little” of this, “a little” of that, but i try to cut my usage down significantly while i’m editing.
Do you prefer posting when you’ve finished writing or on a schedule?
i always TRY to keep a schedule but… yeah. it never works. i’m far too busy for one, but attempts are made. i’d like to one day write a fic in full before posting it, because i think it’d be a whole lot better if i let it sit for that long but lord, i sure do like getting ao3 comments on every chapter. they make the writing motivation go WAY up.
Which fic are you most proud of?
brl, definitely. that fucker is LONG and i’m barely halfway through it. i think i’ve done a lot of cool things with it and i’m going to do some more cool things and i’ve made a lot of really awesome friends in the process of writing it so it’s got some pretty insane sentimental value to me. it’s definitely going to be a fic i’ll miss writing once i finish it, but that’s what the epilogue series is for!!!
How did you get the idea for blinking red light?
from another fic!!! @racketghost is the author of one of my favorite things i’ve ever read, which is the good omens zach and miri au, closed set (https://archiveofourown.org/works/23320960/chapters/55862155 <- hyperlinked), wherein crowley has been lying about the existence of some angelic sex tapes to all of hell, and then he and aziraphale have to actually make the tapes. it’s awesome. it’s gorgeous. brl is one big giant love letter to this fic, because it means so fucking much to me and i think about it ALL the time. 
When writing honeyed affection, what was something you didn’t expect?
hmm, i don’t know? ha is, i think, a pretty easygoing fic with lots and lots of porn stuffed inside it, and that was all i intended it to be so i cannot think of anything i was surprised by!!
What inspired blood is an aphrodisiac?
i just wanted to write vampire eddie. it was july ‘22, kas theories were everywhere, i had to try it. these days i think i would change a LOT about it because my ideas and hcs surrounding the characters have evolved significantly, but i’ll write vampire eddie again and “fix” everything i no longer like about biaa.
What was your favorite part to write from he could be brave?
…the fisting. i genuinely think some of my best writing is in that scene, and while i feel the same way about this fic as i do biaa, the fisting scene will always hold a special place in my heart. i’m very, very excited to write the fisting chapter in brl because of this scene. fisting rules.
How do/did you feel writing cyclical?
i wrote cyclical during a very weird few months of my life, so writing it was sort of my way of dealing with all the insane shit going on around me, and i think it shows. in a good way, though, because cyclical is a timeloop fic so it needed to be a little angsty and insane. i’m stupidly proud of that fic. @ryeallytired actually BOUND it into a PHYSICAL BOOK and SENT IT TO ME and when i tell you that is the singular most precious object i own, i mean it.
What was the most difficult part of writing blinking red light?
PLOTTING THAT BITCH. GOD. i’m so happy to be actually WRITING it now, the planning was genuinely so brutal. my issue was that i was sticking too close to the plot of closed set (<3) which just… did not work for steddie. closed set’s premise centers around crowley lying about making sex tapes, yes, but he lied about them to PROTECT aziraphale, which is the messiest, kindest, riskiest fucking thing ever. and it’s awesome. in the early planning stages of brl, i was trying to put eddie in the crowley role of lying about having made sex tapes with steve, but it reallyyy didn’t work. there was an oc and i absolutely hated him, plus i didn’t like what that premise was doing to eddie’s character… ugh. it was a MESS. it took several rubber duck-ing conversations with my brilliant friend @lollaika and a rewatch of zach and miri to finally realize that it had to be STEVE who brings up the idea of sex tapes so that he could protect eddie, rather than eddie bringing it up to save his own hide (yikes).
Do you have a favorite scene and/or line from any of your fics?
oooh, lots. reallyyyy loved chapter 8 of cyclical with all of the pov shifts, that was super fun to write. i also really enjoyed writing the dry humping/sex tape convo in the first chapter of brl, and i’m stupidly excited to write chapters 12, 13, 15, and 17, because of specific scenes that will happen in each.
Do you have any upcoming projects or fics you’d like to share/promote?
i do!! after brl is completed i’ll have to choose from two story ideas (because i cannot have two wips at once or i’ll get SO stressed), one being a semi-realistic steddie cowboy au based off my own experiences with growing up on a farm and featuring messy, earnest cowboys and not-fully-human eddie, and the other being the omegaverse au i want to write, which will have a very fun mix of vampire eddie, dubcon bitching, and accidental mating bites!!!
Outside of these questions, Is there anything YOU would like to add?
i cannot think of anything!! this was super fun :D
Thank you to our author, @cuips-not-cute, and our anonymous nominator! See more of cuips_not_cute's works featured on our page throughout the day!
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liveontelevision · 1 year ago
Redemption Pt.2 | Lucifer x Reader
I'm kind of having a hard time getting motivation to write if anyone has any Luci prompts they wanna drop in my asks 👀
But for now, here's some more angsty fluffy slow burn Luci for y'all
(Check out Redemption Pt.1!)
It's been an.. awkward... few weeks. You kissed Lucifer. You kissed the king of Hell, who you've known for almost 2 decades, your boss and best friend. If that information didn't overwhelm your brain enough, he's managed to make you doubt Redemption. Still undecided, you began to fear the outcome of just disappearing without getting to make a decision. Without saying goodbye.
Even with your mental disaray, Business went on as usual. You did your routine paperwork and helped out with anything Charlie needed. Lucifer wasn't asking much of you these days. You assumed the best of him. Maybe he was just too busy. Or maybe he was avoiding you. You shook the frightful thought out of your head only to suddenly be hit with the memory of Lucifer looking so lovely with your lipgloss all over his face and neck. Damned man has taken over your entire brain.
Charlie would often ask you to help with touring, partnering in exercises, or helping new residents set up. You didn't really consider how much free time you'd have without seeing Lucifer as much as you usually do. Some days, you did at least walk by him in passing. You would smile at him, maybe say good morning or hello, and he would do the same. Like strangers. His smile was always sweet in the past, but these had a sense of disparity behind them. You couldn't confide in your dearest friend, and your paranoia got the better of when considering going to others. But you needed another opinion.
"Well, shit! Good for you toots! That all tracks, Luci's clearly a bottom." Angel laid on his stomach, kicking his long legs in the air like some gossiping teen. You just needed some advice on redemption, but you ended up spilling out the entire interaction. You sat at his vanity, your arms crossed over your chest. "Angel, please. What do you think about redemption? You've been here longer than anyone, don't you.. worry..? About never seeing anyone here again?" Angel looked down for a moment before swinging his legs around and sitting at the edge of his bed. He pat the spot next to him, and you quickly took a seat by his side. He gripped the edge of his bed and hunched over his torso, propping himself up by his elbows with his upper set of limbs. "Actually? I'm terrified. I've been here for 70s years, kid. This is basically all I know now. I had a family, a buncha siblings, and a whole backstory n shit, but.." He spoke softly, his voice cracking at the mention of his biological family." I barely think of 'em. Even with Val up my ass, I think of this as my home now. Charlie and Vaggie, even Alastor - and.. Husk." He swooned, without even realizing, at his own words." I think you gotta want redemption, babes. Maybe that's why i'm still here. I dunno." He placed a hand on your shoulder and sent a sympathetic smile. The tender care you hadn't received in so long was too much. You sniffled a bit and let your head fall onto his shoulder. "I don't know what to do, Angel... " He rubbed your arm that had traveled around your shoulders as you attempted to slow your shakey brrath.
Lucifer did what he always did when he was stressed. He created. Frustration seemed to be a common inspiration for his.. hobby. He filled his office to the brim with ducks, each with a fun little feature that he came up with spur of the moment. Without acknowledging it, he did leave your desk clear. Like he was waiting for you to suddenly appear there, all neat and tidy. A glimmer of relief in the pool of chaos his life had become. This went on for days.
He was rarely a participant at the bar, alcohol was just another reminder of the wrecklessness that could occur with free will. But fuck, he needed a drink. Making sure it was far too late, to avoid any unexpected interactions, he went down to the lobby. Still looking dishoveled and exhuasted, he prayed that no one would be down there, to see the king of hell looking to get sloshed at 3 in the morning.
To his luck, it was empty. The lights were almost all off, but the lobby was still filled with the red glow of Pentagram city just down the hill. Letting out a sigh of relief, Lucifer steps behind the bar, struggling to read any labels without a set light. That didn't stop him one bit,, randomly taking a bottle and drinking whatever was inside. It didn't taste good, but his head finally seemed to forget your face for a moment. He'll realize how horrifying that felt in the morning.
Looking for another drink that didnt burn his throat, he continued to sort through the drinks without any clear light source. Letting out a frustrated scoff, he flung a handful of golden flames behind him, attempting to light a display of candles that sat at the bar counter for decor.
"Fuck - !"
The sudden voice that came from behind made him drop whatever drink he had in his hand. It shattered, the sound echoing through the cleanliness of the new lobby. He turned his body around way too fast, only managing to focus on your face after a few dizzying moments. You hold onto the top of your arm, a clean burn swiped right across your skin. His eyes were darting across the room, seeing only half of the candles lit, your sudden appearance and newly burned flesh, and a small flame forming on the top of the couch across the room.
Despite his dizzying mind, he snapped his fingers, planning to at least stop the couch from burning the whole place down. In this attempt, he managed to sinch all three flames, the room suddenly being plunged into a darkness that you both had to adjust to. Lucifer's overwhelmed senses made him stumble, clutching onto the edge of the counter and holding his spinning head in his hand. Everything he's felt for the past few weeks and the guilt of causing you any harm finally hit him.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck - I'm sorry, i'm sorry..!" He wailed out, almost at the brink of tears. He gasped for air, his chest heavong. He could barely feel your hand brush across his back and start to rub it soothingly. He hitched his breath, doing his best to calm himself from this little attack. You had rounded the bar, your back leaning against the counter. standing at his side, you ran your fingers lightly across his back, starting to trace along his tense muscles. It was the smallest affection, yet he shuttered before feeling his unbalanced body relax, then began to sway in your direction.
"I'm okay, Lucifer..! I-I barely felt it! You're freaking yourself out, just try and - " his body finally hit yours after a stumble, his shoulder falling into your chest and knocking the air from your lungs. You shifted your postion to brace him from behind, his back now flush against your chest as you leaned both of your weight onto the counter.
You did your best to keep a clear mind, but seeing your beloved friend in this state did nothing but make you panic. Your friend.. that's what he'll always be at the end of this. Your friend who you've known since you died, who took you in without ever considering you'd grow this close. Your friend, who's created an incredibly difficult decision for you to make.
"Sweetheart, I'm s-sorry! I never meant to scare you off! I-I'm so scared to lose you - I can't imagine my days without you, love, I need you -" you shushed him, needing to cool your absolutely heated face at his words, but also to keep anyone else from seeing this display. You ushered him to the front of the building and out the front doors.
Despite it being Hell, there was a light breeze that hit the both of you with a relief. Lucifer stumbled onto the nearest wall, finally releasing his face to adjust his eyes to the sudden change of setting.
Blinking slowly, he took in your appearance much longer than anticipated. You wore a comfortable baby blue slip that loosley hung over your figure. He surely wouldve taken the time appreciate your figure if you didnt have a a blanket bunched around your entirety. He did his best to not look disapointed, but failed miserably. You couldnt help but smile at his poor display of affection.
You took a hold onto Lucifer's clammy hands, making him turn redder than he was before from embarrassment. He took a moment to meet your eyes, something he hadnt done in days at this point.
"Come with me?" You spoke so neutrally, a clear tone that seemed to calm his thoughts. He simply nodded, allowing you to lead his staggering body around to the side of the building. It was a bit of a hike, but the brisk air and the movement seemed to settle Lucifer's high. That being said, he still kept his arm around your shoulders for balance.
Upon arrival, the sight was enough to startle him, a small walkthrough garden sprouting from the side of the building. It was lush with Hell's native fiolage, flowers and vines with dangerous looking thorns and teeth growing from them. The purples and reds growing from the fenced off border and the small iron table and bench that sat in the center just underneath an arch with flowers intermingled, it all looked so innocent.
"Wh-hhow.. what is this?" He managed to ask, looking over at you as you continued to lead him through the garden.  "I'm actually not sure. I don't remember seeing it in any blueprints when we redid the hotel, but i went for a walk and saw it here. Someone else must've put it together." You weren't sure if he was able to process that information, but you led him to sit on the bench with a thud. His body fell limp, hitting his head on the back of the frame with a ting.
You simply sat beside him for a moment in a bliss silence. It was comforting, despite all the previously chaos the two of you just went through.
"I should be scoldering you, sir. You haven't been drunk in years and last time you did - "
"Lillith. It was after she left, I know.." you only meant to call out how poorly he handled his liquor in the past, but it made your heart ache hearing him make that connection.
You let out an awkward agreement and continued to sit in silence for another moment longer. Lucifer finally let his head fall onto your shoulder and a sigh of relief escaped his lips, as you felt the heat coming off of his body.
"How'd you find this place? It's nice." He said softly, his voice raspy and wavering." I've been using it to escape.. to think." You said in an equally soft tone, unsure of his mental state at this point. You discovered this little hidden gem while desperately looking for air, struggling through one of your own panic attacks. Once you saw it the first time, it almost became a nightly routine. The walk to it was always clear from other demons, and passing Lucifer's giant pentagram in front of the hotel gave you a sense of comfort and protection. You felt him shift slightly, he pulled the blanket away from your arm and held it up lightly to inspect the burn that you had nearly forgotten about. His hands flinched for a moment, letting out a quiet hiss. He could've simply snapped his fingers or waited for your demonic body to heal itself, but instead he lightly ran his thumb across the entirety of the wound. As he pressed into your arm, you noticed the burn mark simply disapear behind his hands. You let out a satisified hum. It was always so interesting to see him use his powers, you rarely got to see him in action.
"I think - to be redeemed, you have to accept it. To be absolutely sure it's what you want. That's what angel thinks, at least." You wanted to ask why he was out of his room at three in the morning, getting drunk and why he was avoiding you for days. But you knew why.
"I still don't really know, Lucifer. I don't know what I want.. but I need you right now. I can't lose you because of t-this.." You admitted, your voice cracking slightly at your own words.
You fretted this conversation. You worried about how he would react to any answer that wasn't I'm staying with you forever! Forget redemption!
As your breath began to pick up, you watched lucifer stand, his back facing you for a moment. It made your heart drop, rushing to the conclusion that he'd leave you there alone. To your surpise, he makes a smooth motion of turning to sit in front of you on the ground, holding gently onto your calf that he pulled from the blanket. You jumped at the small touch. Turning beat red, your mind inappropriately jumped to conclusions.
"U-Uhm - Lucifer.." you called out his name as if you had any idea what to say in this moment, with him at your knees holding you so tenderly.
"You've done so much for me, love." He planted a small kiss right below your knee. "I promise I'll do anything in my power to keep you happy and safe while you're in Hell." He paused in between words, to move his small kisses up your leg." No matter how long that will be."
He's much bolder with drinks, you thought. That aside, you couldn't help but feel small tears well up in your eyes, a combination of relief and embarrasment washing over you. "Really..?" You asked so quietly, it was as if you were still worried about the answer.
He nodded with a sleepy smile, resting his head on your knee. In need of any type of comfort, you carefuly reached for his head, brushing your fingers through his dishoveled locks. He shut his eyes, letting out a sweet purr at every touch. What a strange effect he had on you. Your heart was racing, yet its mever felt lighter. Your mind, still full of dreaded thoughts, only occupied his relaxed expression in this moment. Your face was red with embarrassment of this treatment, but you were ready to beg him to keep touching you this way.
You placed your finger under Lucifer's chin and guided him upwards, making him stretch to his knees and place both his hands on either side of you. You hesitated in front of his lips for a moment. His breath was so steady, and feeling the pulse through his throat, his heart seemed to beat much slower than yours in this moment. You gulped, more nervous than before, before meeting his lips with yours. Your kiss was tender, yet it hinted at a longing for something more. He decided to take the lead, compared to last time, his hands moving up to cup your cheeks and wipe any of the wet streaks that had stained your skin previously.
Tilting his head to invite himself into your mouth, your breath hitched at the energy he seemed to eminate. He stands for a moment, then places a knee beside you, moving his hands to either side of you and caging you in by holding onto the back of the bench. This upper hand that he suddenly had made you squirm a bit, letting out a nervous yelp into his lips. You felt his smile at the sound of your voice, making you turn impossibly red. After pulling away for air that you didnt realize you needed until then, he pressed his forehead against yours and let out a sweet hum.
As he went back in for more, the breath that hit your lips reaked of alcohol. That was enough to snap you back into reality. As he reached down, you planted your hands firmly on his chest, a serious intent, even with your eyes being glazed over as much as they were. "Come to bed with me, Luci. Just to sleep, alright? It's been a long night." You said softly, running your hands up and down his curves despite your intentions of not taking advantage of him any more than you've already done. You felt his skin crawl, his breath finally speeding a bit, a more nervous side of him that you were used to coming out. Maybe it was the idea of sleeping beside you, or him overthinking the invitation. Or maybe the newfound nickname was just too much for his drunken mind to handle. He quickly nods, making you pull the blanket back up around your shoulders and lead Lucifer back inside.
You take him into his bedroom, which you've rarily seen since you moved to the hotel. It wasnt as large and regal as the one in his previous residency, but it still was much grander compared to yours. His colour scheme matched the rest if the hotel, rich reds and purples. Most of the room was filled with the bed that sat on a slightly elevated platform and hit the cieling with a canopy that adorned silky drapes. A bed truly fit for a king, was unmade and unkept. Blankets were thrown about and the pillows were scattered in various places. The room was slightly cluttered, a few stray ducks that you recognized from his office making their way into his room like muddy footprints.
Lucifer stumbled his way into his room, immediately pulling his shirt off over his head, letting out a groan and letting his body cool down as he started to remove his boots. You couldn't help but stare, no matter how hard you tried to avoid it. You turned your body to the side, covering your eyes with the side of your hand. You manuevered your way around him and plopped onto the edge of the bed. You nearly sunk in with how plush the blanketing and mattress was. Still keeping your head lowered to avoid peeking, you curled up into your own blanket.
Feeling the mattress barely shift, you quicklly looked up to see Lucifer crawling his way towards the head of the bed. He barely changed, just managing to throw on a more casual pair of pants that you recognized seeing on the floor when you first walked in. His still bare chest left you abolutely flustered. His porcelain skin had shifted to a pink hue where he had gotten too cold. He immediately pulled his large blankets over his body and relaxed to the point where you assumed he had fallen asleep immediately. You listened to his steady breath for a moment, a comfortable silence in your mind, then rose to your feet, ready to shuffle out of the room.
"Noo, come back - " he groaned. It wasnt intimate or distressed, he sounded like a damned child. You rolled your eyes, unconciously smiling and crawling a comfortable distance from him on the other side of the bed, an easy task considering the size of it. You thought it best to keep your hands to yourself, so you curled up into the blankets with a comfortable wiggle to situate yourself.
Lucifer slightly opened his half lidded eyes, seeing you coccooned in his blankets, nuzzling your head into his pillows. He would pray for this to be the last and first thing he saw everyday. He closed the distance, pulling you into his chest and intertwining your legs in an attempt to be closer. His skin was incredibly soft, smooth and still warm to the touch under your cold hands that snaked around his waist. You felt him nuzzling your head, taking in a deep breath and resting his chin atop it. How was he so calm right now? This is a completely different side of Lucifer that you've yet to see. And certainly werent expecting to see any time soon.
This is fine. You'll wait until he's in a deeper sleep and leave before anyone else wakes up! Easy peasy. You just wanted him to get to bed after all.
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poshbiscuit · 5 months ago
Hello! Me again. I’m aware that largely, you won’t care all that much about my personal life, and you’ll be sick of me banging on about this, but I feel as if I should keep you guys in the loop rather than go radio silent!
The good news is that my mental health is slowly and steadily improving. I am starting counselling (yay!) and getting back on my feet.
The bad news is that recently, a close family member passed away. Recently as in yesterday, actually. Not good, to say the least. It came as a shock to everyone, and has thrown me for a loop. I am not saying any of this to garner sympathy, by the way! I appreciated all of your well wishes on my previous post very very much, and I thank you all for being so lovely, but it is not at all necessary. I just want to be transparent with you, and give you an idea of maybe when I’ll get back to writing, as rocky and unpredictable as life seems to be at the moment.
But yes, a breakup, death, and mental health spirals aside - things are looking up.
However, university is completely kicking my ass. Although I am feeling better and slightly more motivated, I genuinely don’t have the time to write even if I wanted to. So, the hiatus is continuing I’m very very sorry to say.
But - let me also say this:
Yours, Veronica will be finished. Maybe not soon, maybe not now. In fact, it might be years. But I will absolutely not leave it unfinished. I have spent far too much time on this project, and you guys in the very least deserve to have a completed story like I have promised. So, please allow me a little more time. I will continue to better myself, grieve for the time being, and continue counselling, etc. until I am at a point that I am ready to go. I will also find some free time to write whenever I can, it might just be rare and scarce.
Thank you guys for your patience and I’m sorry for all the gloomy bad vibes I’ve been posting on here recently! That’s life, I suppose.
Much love,
Posh xx
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limitless-wonders · 7 hours ago
uhhh hey!!! ….🌚
SOOOO its been a few months… and to sum it up i basically havent attempted to shift since i would sayy November??? 😔 Honestly lost count of the months BUTT guys school has been kicking me in the ass and just this entire year so far has been the worst. Butt im currently on spring break (even tho im about to end in a few days) and i just started to gain random motivation to start shifting again and to just really take it serious??? Idek but ive always during this time had shifting in th back of my mind i truly will never ever give up on shifting no matter the amount of breaks i take🩷🩷🩷 HAPPY SHIFTING!!
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thanx-files · 7 months ago
s01e24: Erlenmeyer Flask
Well folks. Just short of a week after starting the series, I find myself at the end of season 1. It’s been SO LONG since I watched this kind of show, and I am so psyched. I am expecting big things. Thoughts and review below the cut! ⬇️
Listen folks, this is a chaotic series of bullet points that might not mean anything to anyone who isn’t me. There IS a coherent review of the finale/season at the end, if you’re interested. Just scroll, I guess.
The way Mulder is always watching campy horror movies is so fucking endearing.
“No. I think he does it because you do.” SCULLY WITH THE SLAM DUNK FROM DOWNTOWN!!! Get his ass!!!
I still don’t know where we are going.
AW SHIT A WHITE VAN JUST ROLLED UP? At least Mulder clocked it. Oh, shit, wait, he’s following it. Fuck.
Someone who isn’t Mulder said EXTRATERRESTRIAL out loud!!! To Scully!!!
Oh shit they weren’t clones?????? I thought I knew what was up!!!
I have NEVER heard the phrase “log in” applied to an actual physical log sheet before this exact moment.
Real question: is this where the “trust no one” trope originated? Is that too broad a warning to be a trope at all?
“I’m not gonna give up. I can’t give up. Not as long as the truth is out there.”
Let me be so real with you all: This is not my favorite episode of The X-Files so far. It felt scattered, but I admit that I think that is kind of the point. Everything escalated so quickly and got so far out of hand. Mulder and Scully are also out-of-sync, and we see some of the first real conflict between them — more than just “Mulder this is silly” and “Scully why can’t you believe?” — and I think that’s going to make their dynamic stronger going forward. Also, I am HOPING that we get to see more of Scully navigating the idea of belief after this.
Also, David’s delivery of the whole phone conversation is really good. It’s kind of mesmerizing. Mulder never talks like that; it’s like he’s trying so hard to sound normal, but the ground just shifted beneath him.
Anyway, while I didn’t feel super strongly about Erlenmeyer Flask, I feel really strongly about the season as a whole. We are introduced to these characters in such a way that we never doubt their motivations or their relationship for a SECOND. From the moment they meet, we know that they are all-in not only on the job, but on each other. This should be studied for science! I’ve never bought into characters so instantaneously. And I’ll stay bought in for as long as the character writing stays this strong; aliens, I can take or leave. But whatever these two have going on is addictive.
5 favorite eps: Deep Throat (Scully kicks some ASS), Squeeze (gosh the nest scene still fucks with me), Conduit (sad boy hours), Ice (Mulder and Scully point guns at each other!), and Beyond the Sea (need I say more?).
5 least favorite eps: Ghost in the Machine, Eve, Lazarus, Shapes, Roland.
Anyway, if you made it this far, thanks for welcoming me into this fan space that’s so much fun even 30 years after the premiere! See ya in season 2!
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pentuppen · 4 months ago
Luthor 'Rook' de Riva pt.2
Yes i'm back to thrust my Rook into the masses because I'm honestly falling in love with him the more I play him. As someone trying to be a writer, its been very easy to actually construct a personality for this dude as I play along, and I have to say, the big bastard may have to have a cameo in an actual story one day (sans being a qunari obviously)
So Spoilers below for those still making their way through the game.
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Luthor likes Neve a lot, and immediately cast her into the 'big sister who may or may not kick my ass', a position solely occupied by Teia up till now. Having her and Harding around is a big relief to Luthor. H has no fucking clue how he ended up in charge of everything, so its a comfort to know Neve will have no issues chewing him out if he starts fucking up. He has a deep respect for the motives behind what she does...which is why choosing to save his home before tending to Minrathous hits the poor guy hard.....They both knew he had an impossible choice, but that doesn't make it suck any less that Neve doesn't quite trust him as much.
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Davrin is one of those guys that reminds Luthor that he'll never be as cool as all his new friends. But beyond that, he can see parallels between his and Davrins lives. Luthor also found himself on his own when young, and his need to not be alone, coupled with being built big, made him an easy target for people that wanted to use him. From pit fighting to 'enforcing' for shady people. He was essentially a people pleaser who met all the wrong people. Luthor could have ended up down a very dark path if Teia hadn't seen something in him enough to push him on Viago. But Davrin chose an honourable path, that led him to the Wardens, an institution that Luthor admires despite some of the more unsavory elements coming to light over the years. He probably admires Davrin a lot but likely privately compares how much better Davrin handled that start on life. But mild unspoken resentment is all it is, because Davrin is a solid guy and he has a freakin Griffon!!!
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As for Lucanis? Oh boy, poor Luthor was never prepared for that. He took leaving the crows with Varric pretty hard. Teia and Viago put a lot of work into turning a young thug into a force to be reckoned with, as well as providing him with that sense of family that he always lacked. He loved the crows and leaving felt like he'd let himself down hard. It took Varric's patience and a lot of time to think to balance him out while they hunted for Solas.
Then along comes Lucanis. Not only does this put him in the position to have to face Viago and the others, but Catarina, the scariest lady in the world as far as Luthor is concerned. They rescue this dude who is like....10,000 times more cooler than he is, and its about half a week before my poor big lad realises he has about the most ill advised crush on Lucanis, who compounds being hot as hell with being a decent person....for an assassin.
This guys is the likely heir to first Talon, of an institute luthor got half kicked out of. He has a demon in him, but that's not even half as scary as the fact that he's Catarina's grandson! He's impeccable in every way, and for Luthor, ever the people pleaser, hearing that man yell encouragement and praise in the middle of the battlefield, i swear......
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....this expression right here, is Luthor's expression every time. If he were an animal I would label him as a super friendly but loyal Cane Corso, and if he had a tail it would fucking wag every time the Demon of fucking Vyrantium, yells "Beautiful Rook!"
I have issues, but I also have writers block and building Luthor up hour by hour as I play helps!
There will likely be more!
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chimakiisane · 3 months ago
It's the same anon again. Happy New Year!
I got to the end of the demo last night, and I just sat there extremely impressed by everything and highly looking forward to the full game.
(It's going to be difficult to be non-spoilery because there are a lot of things I liked, so I'm just going to be as vague as possible or put up a big spoiler warning... I just hope I make sense ;x;)
Zone 2, I'm going to start off by saying that I really liked the layout and detail of the mall (I think I became that eyes emoji when Doux first stepped inside it XD)
I also screeched very loudly when I found two certain NPC's. I was just so happy to see them! :D
And trekking up to the fight with Zone 2's boss! Reading all those notes got me wondering what the heck had been planned for the bosses by the greater forces, and I felt sympathetic towards the boss. I will say, though, I was ready to throw hands while learning about the history between the Zone bosses and our party member (*GOTTA SPOIL TO MAKE SENSE:*specificallyhimgettingbulliedbythebosseswhilegrowingup ;_;) and understood our party member's upset at the (*I HOPE THIS ISN'T TOO SPOILERY*) apology that came very late.
At the same time, I could feel the Zone 2 boss's sincerity, especially when (*SPOILS AGAIN*) he said he could tell our party member was struggling with comforting him in his last moments and that Blight didn't need to.
Ooof it was quite the scene.
(While we're on the *SPOILS TRAIN*, I'm going to share that I felt kind of bad for defeating Zone 1's boss and wondered if there was a way for him and Dedan to work together. Afterall, both of them wanted to take good care of Zone 1)
I was interested in the bigger forces during the fight in Zone 1 when they got mentioned, Zone 2 got me even more curious and more eager to meet them (and kick their asses >:( )
At this point, I thought Zone 2 was my new favorite Zone. . .
. . . And then I entered Zone 3 XD
The vibes were wonderfully unsettling and I enjoyed the little scares! They kept me on my toes, and one of them had me wondering how I'll deal with it face-to-face.
AND OH MY GOD. The Area 4 level! It was terrifying going through it (I kept chanting "I hate this" jokingly), but it was a fun time overall!
(((Beating that *one* boss was pretty satisfying, given how absolutely *creepy* he was 😬. And I was pretty happy receiving something for Doux!)))
I felt so bad for everyone living in Zone 3 😭 I got shook when they died, either by their own hands or by forcing our hand.
I was ready to throw hands with the boss when he made his pre-fight speech... and then got a little sympathetic post-fight ;w; and even more curious about the greater forces!
And before I forget, I went to a certain floor in the Library. ...It was ***really*** hard not to get teary-eyed while going through it, to say the least. The floor was a very sweet commemoration!
I'd like to gush about more stuff, but I'm afraid I'll stop making sense if I keep rambling (it's getting close to midnight here) XD
I'll probably be back, if you don't mind of course! ^u^
Happy New Year!
(Btw, I did encounter some bugs while backtracking and I have a couple feedbacks. I'll send them over to you in another ask, but it was basically me getting stuck while backtracking... I guess I backtracked too hard lol)
Happy new year!
I'm so happy you enjoyed the demo thus far! I am still a bit upset I wasn't able to give my full vision for the final section of the demo like I wanted as well as certain other parts like I intended before the release, but work and lack of motivation has been hitting hard. I want things to flow together easier and not feel like it was shoe-horned in XD
Also, no need to worry about spoilers when it comes to Blight and his relationship with the bosses! I'm sure at this point everyone knows of it, but I do appreciate you wanting to try and keep things on the down low of the new stuff for those who haven't played 4.8 yet <3
There are still some things I need to figure out how to rewrite for the future, cause I'll admit, there is a good handful of dialogue that was kept and forgotten about from the earlier demo days where stuff is either no longer canon or is just very poorly conveyed XD
For zone 3, I still plan on doing more to it to make it less of the copy paste it initially was upon release to a more varied area outside of the nightmare sections and area 5. I also plan on attempting to refine the unsettling stuff, which is definitely going to be tough since fear is subjective.
Definitely feel free to gush more if you want, I don't mind! Also, please do let me know of the bugs you've run into so I can check and see if I've since fixed them or need to.
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bunnyywritings · 2 years ago
Hi! I was wondering if I could send a request? What if... Bakugo with a drummer s/o? They could have like drum solo competitions and stuff like that! Thanks in advance and please take care of yourself you wonderful bean! ~🌵
bakugou w/ a drummer!significant other
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[a/n: it’s been such a long time but I’m back and I feel super guilty about all the unanswered asks in my inbox so I’ll do my best to get those done, thank you for requesting!! enjoy! -yours truly, bunnyy -`ღ´-]
© bunnyywritings pls don't use my headers or writing without permission
word count: 980
WARNINGS: none really! mentions of eye makeup, implied that reader has a quirk (is that a warning??) & kissing
So, you’re actually Jirou’s friend 
You went to another school in the prefecture and when UA was doing their school festival, you were the first person she called 
She was able to get you a pass into the school and Aizawa had taken it upon himself to show you to the dorms
Bakugou isn’t one for gossip but when whispers of a possible student transfer at such a weird time during the year met his ears…he was somewhat interested
And a student from one of the top hero course school’s in the country possibly transferring to UA was indeed interesting
However that was all dispelled when Aizawa had walked into the dorms with you in tow 
He couldn’t take his eyes off of you, his cheeks flushed and his fingertips felt fuzzy, he didn’t understand this tight feeling in his chest and it frustrated him
What frustrated him even more was the way your lips stretched into a grin when Jirou called your name and threw herself at your open arms, which was a little out of character for her
She grinned, garnering everyone’s attention but all Bakugou heard was- “Everyone, this is (Y/n)...best friend…help us with the festival…drummer-
So now, he’s kinda stuck with you
“Okay, so I see what the problem is.” You spoke up once he had finished showing you what he’d learned so far. 
The implication of him having done it wrong had made him scowl. “Tch…problem? What problem? I did that flawlessly!” His frustration only increased when an amused smile had pulled at your lips, a huffed laugh escaping your nostrils. 
“It would’ve been flawless if…” You trailed off as you made your way behind him. 
“What the-” His breath hitched in his throat when he felt your hands on his forearms, your chin just barely brushing up against his shoulder. He swallowed nervously as your hands slid upwards to his wrists before they caressed the back of his hands and you held them in a gentle, yet firm, grip. 
“...you held your sticks just a tad bit higher and-” Your hands now moved backwards. Your warmth leaving him flushed and breathless. Back over his forearms, around his elbows, up the back of his impressively muscular biceps and to his shoulders, your lips still almost grazing the shell of his ear. “-if you just relax a little bit. Loosen up.” Almost immediately, his shoulders sagged the slightest bit. God, he felt so dizzy. He relished in the way your palms kneaded at his tense shoulders for a minute or two before, much to his disappointment, you pulled away. 
He was basically yours from that moment forward 
I think he’d be pretty foreword about his feelings for you, despite his insecurity that maybe he had developed a liking to you a bit too quickly and one-sidedly 
You were quick to voice your reciprocation 
Your favorite motivation tool when he was practicing his set?
Works every time, without fail. 
His kick tempo is too slow? kiss
He can’t quite hit his snare the right way? kiss 
He keeps dropping tempo or his sticks? kiss
You were so proud seeing his first ever live performance at the festival 
All the long hours of practicing and making minor but necessary adjustments that seemed like a pain in the ass at the time? So, so worth it. 
Once he was off stage, you basically launched yourself into his arms which had caught him off guard but he had obviously caught you with such ease, his favorite part?
The big fat smooch that you laid on him…right on the lips…in front of all his friends and classmates
I don’t see him as super into PDA but I do believe that in that moment, he couldn’t care less about who saw, he savored the moment and let his lips move in sync with yours
Post-performance adrenaline was partially to blame but still
He ignored all the whistles and shouting
If you’re in a band, best believe that he’d be your #1 fan and biggest groupie
He’d be front row at every show
Has a good handful of your band merch for sure
Best believe he’s hella competitive so if there’s a moment when the both of your kits are set up and there’s a song the both of you know, he’s straight up demanding you to duel it out with him 
He 100% forgets that you’ve been doing this way longer than he has and is flabbergasted when you not only do the song flawlessly but having done it while doing twirls and tricks with your sticks
He brags about you A LOT 
It pisses off Mineta and Denki without fail
He has an entire photo album on his phone FILLED with pictures and videos of you while your perform or practice
If you're into grunge/punk and that’s the genre your band plays AND you look the part? 
Good lord almighty, he thinks you look so hot on stage 
Sweaty, hair messy, eyeliner smudged and a smirk on your lips 
If you’re proficient with applying eye makeup, he wants you to do it on him all the time 
(fight me if you don’t think eyeliner is gender neutral cause he’d look great in eyeliner, he told me so himself)
Like he’d pull you into his lap so your could paint on the eyeliner kind of vibe 
Holds you by the waist, “So you don’t fall”
10/10 would love it if you played the drums
He loves seeing your passion for the instrument and loves seeing and hearing you play your heart and soul out
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esotericfaery · 1 year ago
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Intimate Spiritual Diary, Entry 7: Bullying, the Ascendant, Lilith & Pluto
TLDR: A mix of Astrology tips and emotionally pouring from my mutability. Way back when I briefly lost it; Sun / Ascendant clash as Lilith kicks ass, and strict stellium rules seem a bit funny.
I’ve really been going straight to town on Astrology for about a year now, and multiple times have noticed this, but never bothered to actually write it down - There’s a simple, quite obvious reason for why I have a pattern of being (or just feeling) completely misunderstood as to who I am as a person, among many people, for 43 years now: My Pisces Ascendant is opposite my Virgo stellium. The Ascendant is an intertwining of self-expression and how others perceive us; first impressions and how we instinctively want to be seen. My Virgo Sun is part of my stellium and the Sun represents innate identity and personality.
In opposition, the energy clash I’m talking about here becomes obvious.
It could have been more difficult though. I could be dealing with squares instead of oppositions; harshness without any motivation for energetic movement.
I was bullied so much as a child that in one situation, I was hurt further by losing my temper. I grabbed a boy by the neck, pushed him into a wall and yelled at him (Mars [action and aggression] in Scorpio [mystery & transformation] in the 7th house of one-on-one relationships of all types). When my father was called in because I was labeled as violent, he said he didn’t believe it because his daughter never behaves that way at home, so what did the boy say or do to me first?
I remember being called every insult you can think of. I don’t remember any specific incidents of things that were said to me mockingly, or with anger; not word for word. It was so much, and so regularly that it all blends and blurs together, because it was all too intense. Anger to a girl, especially in my situation with it mostly being expressed by boys, is incredibly frightening. It’s often repressed in the wars between the sexes. It’s no wonder to me now that eventually I became violent. I asked my parents for clarification, and they don’t remember any other times when I was violent.
Lilith deals with fear and repression between the sexes. There are 4 Liliths in Astrology and if you’re looking to simplify it or for a place to start, the most commonly worked with one is a point called Mean Black Moon Lilith, though the Asteroid Lilith, as it has a physical body, is also popular.
My Mean & True Black Moon Liliths are both in Libra (justice and balance) in the 7th house (one-on-one relationships, conflicts, alliances), Asteroid Lilith in Scorpio (shadow work, phoenix rising from the ashes) is also in the 7th, and Dark Moon Lilith is in Aquarius (innovation, humanitarianism, shock and sudden change, revolution) in the 12th House (mystery, esoteric exploration within multiple realms of experiential reality, mental health).
Lilith is deeply misunderstood on too many levels to go into here, as I’m not trying to write you a book. There are plenty of good occultic articles and books about Lilith. She’s still commonly seen as a demon, and yet without her protecting me and inspiring me, even on levels within my aura and subconscious which I wasn’t aware of at the time, I both think and feel that my experiences having been bullied would have been worse. Lilith is my warrior Goddess.
Pluto is also in my 7th house in Libra, conjunct (3° orb., applying) my Mean Black Moon Lilith, and so he had an equal part in helping me with all of this, through his superior transformative powers, assessing multiple angles through the Libran lens. Pluto is not a version of “the devil”, and He is not dangerous; far from it. Pluto is an active principal in fearlessness, death and rebirth. Pluto is my warrior God.
I guess some would choose to feel superior to those who had bullied them, yet I say now and I say in all times and I say in all experiences of non-time that I forgive every single one of the people who had ever bullied me. I release all energies which it is now karmically sound as it is karmically lawful, for me to release at this time and at all other appointed experiences of time and non-time. I transmute those released energies into the purity of Natural Law. It took my into my 20’s, but I later realized you all did it not for the pure sick joy of it, but because you were acting out due to your own un-addressed traumas. I hope every single one of you has found and finds all of the healing that it is karmically sound as it is karmically lawful for you to receive and achieve. We create and resolve our own karmas both individually and collectively, and we all deserve the freedom of the resolution that such experiences bring.
Find your Liliths at astro.com under the extended chart selection area, near the bottom in the common elements table, on the left, and the manual entry area to it’s right:
For all Liliths together, enter the following line in the manual entry area and continue -
h12, h13, h58, 1181
Specific Lilith instructions:
For Mean Black Moon Lilith, select “Lilith (Mean)”, under common elements, or if you want all 4 Liliths just enter h12 in the manual entry area.
For True (which is also known as Oscillating) Black Moon Lilith, enter h13 in the manual entry area.
For Dark Moon Lilith, enter h58 in the manual entry area.
For Asteroid Lilith, enter 1181 in the manual entry area.
I remember fondly only one teacher who never treated me like there was something wrong with me due to the bullying (not even in her body language, which people sometimes think they can get away with denying exists), which my friends knew was not instigated by me. If you knew me growing up, remember Mrs. Dennis at Wakefield Elementary? Best teacher ever. I hear bullies are sometimes handled differently now; fairly as teachers are taught to pay attention and actually pretend they care about kids in general, but in the 80’s and early 90’s, especially if you’re different in any way (I’m mixed race), you’re automatically stamped as the one “in the wrong”.
I was hurt knowing the capacity for violence that was buried within me, not realizing at the time of course, since I was a child, that this is a simple survival instinct which all people have. I’m not and have never been the sort of person who enjoys making others feel bad in any way. I was bullied regularly throughout my formal schooling experiences, in every school, for being curious and enthusiastically enjoying learning, and for having emotions. Plus, for the “crime”, of allowing myself to become so emotionally beaten that I would cry in front of other children, thus providing them with more to bully me about. It’s all caused me much sorrow, and confusion about my own sense of self and worth over the years, some of which must have still been buried, as I’m now writing about this at the age of 43. Strange, isn’t it? I’ve talked this stuff over with family, friends and therapists, and gotten support, yet sometimes things keep coming up until we recognize and express specifically and, perhaps, often enough on them.
Thank God/dess for tools like Astrology. Creative pattern recognition; equally an art and a science.
It’s so obvious to me now, but I’ve been downplaying all of that for about a year because of my chart ruler Neptune (in Sagittarius in the 9th) being daydreamy in an emotionally reckless way, causing confusion (probably sub-consciously) so that at times I have mistaken philosophizing for deep inner work. I’m not ashamed to admit it. I come by it honestly; none of that hipster bullshit for me. Chart rulers generally only sprinkle their energy around a chart, but that’s definitely a dollop. I have far to go yet in my spiritual growth, and yet I know that I have all the necessary tools to continue reaching and breaking through myself, freely rebuilding who I am.
Those experiences had also caused me to often seem more introverted than I am, to avoid making people uncomfortable with the (seemingly to them) disparity of who I am as a person, even though I only feel emotionally unstable when people treat me like I’m being dramatic for attention; as if I don’t even know what my own thoughts and emotions are, so they have been sent to me, and are fated to educate me into being their sort of human being, so they can feel comfortable. Some people would prefer that they understand who everyone is automatically and easily, maybe because they don’t think much, and presume that everyone else is basically a carbon copy of them. This comes across as shortsighted and lazy to me.
And I know lazy; I also have Jupiter in the 6th as part of my stellium or to some a, shall we say, thought-of-as-pseudo-stellium. There’s 13° between my Sun and Saturn, plus Jupiter is too erratic to be considered in an old fashioned stellium. It feels like how people describe their stelliums, as it’s 6 placements (including my Moon, though that’s not meant to be part of a stellium as it moves so quickly, and I kind of agree with that one), then in an unbroken Virgo line into the 7th through the Vertex and Mercury.
To sum that up, because there’s 13° instead of a limit of 10° between all of my Virgo 6th placements, people think their fully conjunct, traditional stelliums make them…. Better at having a stellium or something lol? It seems like a case of overthinking on their part. And when even a Virgo suggests someone is overthinking, listen up, cause we’re the “best” at that. Maybe they’re just competitive for whatever reason. My Neptune in Sagittarius is too busy daydreaming and philosophizing to care much at this point, so that doesn’t bring up any of that fiery Sagittarius Sun, Moon or Rising type of competitive drive.
Much love and gratitude to you all for reading, and to Lilith and Pluto for the true gifts of who they really are and all they do.
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13ghostlytitties · 2 years ago
The Heart of a Hero is returning once more!
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Today marks the 5-year anniversary of the premiere of HoaH, and is fairly close to the 3.5 year anniversary of its last official upload. Well, the wait is over. It’s time for me to resurrect this series and eventually bring it to its end (not that it left off anywhere close to ending 😉).
Since it’s been a while, I’ve put together a recap of the story so far that I’ll post at some point here. It’s not complete, I had to cut out some of the newer chapters since it just became a play-by-play synopsis that doubled the total word count, but hey, having to reread 5-10 chapters is better than rereading 150.
The tentative return date will be this time next month as I work on creating a backlog of chapters. If I need to push it back, I’ll let you know. As for other questions I’m sure some of you have, check below the cut. For those who don’t care, see you in a month, hopefully.
So, some questions I’m sure some of you are asking:
1: where have you been? And why did you stop?
I’m not gonna go into details since I’m not that kinda person, but overall, just been living life, dude. I originally began my unexpected hiatus when college was kicking my ass and expected to get right back to things, but some stuff happened, and by the time I had dealt with it, it was Spring of 2020. You can guess what stopped me up then lol. But yeah, things just got away from me and eventually, I didn’t have the time or energy to dedicate to diving headfirst back into this outside of unconnected one-off stuff like those Bang fics. There’s other facets too, of course, the biggest one being a general disinterest in the source material. I stopped reading MHA around the villains arc (though I’ve kept up a bit in terms of big stuff like the traitor reveal), so I lacked that interest to pull me back into this world. Where I left off in the story, in the middle of a complicated arc full of OCs and big fights and stuff, was also a hurdle to getting back into things. But I’m here now, I’m working on my backlog, and I’m gonna commit. If you guys are excited about my return, spread the word and lemme hear it so I can keep this motivation 🤟
2: Is A New Era coming back too?
And now for the other shoe to drop. It is not. Im very sorry, especially to those whose OCs I included, but it’s just not feasible. Every time I considered it or tried it, the whole return to the main story was stopped up with it. Anyone who’s interested in continuing it themselves in some way shape or form, you have my permission in terms of the general idea, the OC kids I came up with, the places that canon characters are in it, etc. As for other people’s OCs, I’d check with their creators. One again, very sorry, but it’s just not doable.
3: What will this return look like? How often are chapters gonna drop?
Still working out the specifics, but my idea for now is to drop 2 chapters a week. If I need to go on hiatus, I’ll announce as much and plan the placement of it much better so that I don’t stop in the middle of an arc. That way, the hiatus will only be a month instead of years lol. The schedule may change over time, but I’ll keep everyone informed as I move ahead with it
4: a lot has happened in the manga and anime and movies since you stopped. Will these things be worked into the series?
Nope. I stopped reading and probably won’t start again until it’s over and done with. More than that, I’ve been sitting on these plans for a couple years now and don’t feel like changing them much. Besides, this story has had a long, rich history of shitting in the soup of the canon story, so I’ll just continue doing my own thing
5: are you still as epic and cool and funny as in the past?
Don’t ask questions you already know the answers to. I never was 😎
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ravencincaide · 1 year ago
Summary of 2023 
I've seen a few blogs do it and decided, for myself, to sum up this Tumblr year. To gain a little bit of perspective on what I’ve done so far and where I might want to take this site next. Also to have a chance to look back at this post in one year and see how accurate it was and how much has changed. I encourage you to do the same!
A Writers Requiem started around 25th of August-23 after many many years of not writing anything and that was also the first post (a reblog) on the site. Since then it has developed very much into a Chuuya fanpage with a few Dazai and SKK posts here and there. In this just-over-four-month this blog has produced: 
8 request fics ( for 5 different requests) 
16 purely Chuuya x reader fics (8 SFW and 8 NSFW)
6 purely Dazai x reader fics ( 3 SFW and 3 NSFW)
6 SKK x reader fics ( 6SFW and 1 NSFW) 
Thus concluding the year with a total of : 36 fics. A lot of which I plan to re-write or tackle some of the prompts again which I wasn't 100 percent happy with. 
So that’s what’s been achieved in the past. Where are we now? 
There are still 13 Sweetober prompts left. 
There are still 20 Kinktober prompts left. 
There are still 5 requests gathering dust in my inbox (I’m so sorry!) 
Not to mention some requests for part two of certain fics. 
So easy to say I have a good half a year worth of prompts left if I intend to finish them all. The keyword being “if”. I’m looking at you, kinktober.  
So let’s talk a little bit about the future of this blog, shall we? 
First of all, A Writers Requiem is going on a two week vacation. 
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As fun as this sounds, I’m only going to focus on studies and re-exams before the next term starts brutally kicking my ass. So puppy Chuuya, and horn-dog Dazai will just have to wait their turn. I will still be available through messages and inbox. Please don't hate me too much 
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Secondly, this blog is going to move back a little from using others' prompts and go back to writing things or ideas that I’ve come up with myself and which bring me a little more joy to produce. At the end of the day I’m writing not for popularity or praise (even if those are a huge motivator!) but to get myself used to producing fictional works within a timely manner. Whether they are approved by the general audience is an entirely different issue. That I’ll tackle once I’m more comfortable and confident in myself as a writer.
Anyhow, the first set of prompts I’m gonna tackle is The art of Seduction for February, and the prompts for that are published on my second blog: A Writers Prompt.  Follow me there if you’d like a sneak peak of the kinds of things this blog will produce or the ideas I’m toying with. 
Another question I’ve gotten a few times is whether this blog will continue being purely BSD (Chuuya and Dazai) or if I’ll expand. For now that’s uncertain; at the very least I want to finish my Sweetober prompts the way they have been up until now before trying a new kind of blend. Fydor is definitely someone I’m considering to do a closer study on, once I’ve gotten through Dostojevsky that is… Also JJK and MHA are definitely fandoms I'm thinking of checking out.
Finally my goal for 2024 is to stick to my updates schedule on Wednesday and the weekend. Key word being goal which can change depending on how life is. 
So in short there’s a ton to do and a ton to look forward to in 2024. Hope you’ll stick with me <3 And with those words, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
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stillthewc · 1 year ago
The TV Tropes Fanworks page officially strikes again! Because I lean towards fics advertised on there with character pages (as usually that indicates the characters aren't solely there to be picked off), Dreadnought Despair's been on my radar for a while. And, unsurprisingly, it exceeded expectation.
Now, in terms of the cast, I love these guys. Due to the "cozy" way of telling the story (aka focusing moreso on building relationships amongst the cast than an overarching plot about the killing game Hope's Chains style), there's space in the narrative to explore different character dynamics. Because of that, the class bounces off one another super well, and allows my faves more time to show off their fun personalities without having to keep up with a fast-paced story.
However, despite the strong cast and chill vibes, my favorite part of this fangan is easily how it presents itself.
I think the best place to start off with is the visuals, because the blog for this story looks damn gorgeous. Each character is given really nice character portraits that can even indicate in-the-moment actions the characters are taking (for example, Ishi being held back from doing something by Vash), the textboxes are colour-coded to each character, and there's even gifs for small things like maps during FTEs.
But my admiration for the presentation doesn't end with the visuals alone. The fic takes on a Last Resort / Apex Academy style of navigating (something that makes FTEs a lot funner imo), mixed media like videos and audio clips are sprinkled through the story, and foreign lines from characters like Gugalanna and Seigfried have pop-up translations if you hover over them. Hell, apparently there was a viewer poll for a decision made in the story at one point!
All of this culminates in what's easily my favorite part of this fangan: the trial segment. Now, I've played through my fair share of fun interactive trials in my hayday (aka Eden's Garden and Apex Academy, and that's literally it so far), but this has got to be the most impressive one imo. Alongside incorporating several of the things mentioned above, it also has somewhat-branching routes, fun pieces of dialogue when you get something wrong, and full-on minigames!?!?!? Seriously, the author deserves an actual prize for that Anagram Argument / Panic Talk Action segment (even if I wished the latter didn't kick my dumb ass back to the start of it when I got a choice wrong, rip 😭)
Seriously, go read it and experience everything first-hand! I promise you won't regret it!
FORMAT: Written
WHERE TO FIND IT: The hellsite itself, Tumblr
FAVORITE MOMENT: The library meeting, where most of the class discusses their motive. A lot of small pieces of insight are given about the secondary characters, it allows for more fun dynamics to blossom, and one character gets a pretty interesting reveal.
FAVORITE CHARACTER: Jurou Takahashi, a guy with a shitty mall goth aesthetic who's actually a good ol' country boy who makes flower arrangements as his talent. An absolute sweetheart just doing his best, and I adore him for it 💖
OTHER STANDOUT CHARACTERS: Tiffani Fairfax, the cranky, sarcastic technical support specialist whose cynical take on things is a blast to read, and Nikola Ragnvaldsson, a TV pitchman who does his best to mask his panicky nature with a smile, something he's really, really bad at doing.
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