#This wasn’t supposed to post this late I’m so sorry haha!
starfall-isle · 3 months
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Piece for @classicsonic! <3
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lovelaurs · 4 months
hi!! i really like your writing:) you followed me last night and i was So Confused because i don’t post i just repost with stupid tags HAHA if you can and your requests are open (i checked like 29 times and read the rules and im still scared im gonna mess this up and i missed something), can you write a suggestive mcd garroth and laurance little drabble? if you want a direction to go in, i really like fanfics where they fight and it turns into a suggestive bit ^_^ thanks so much aahhh!!!!!!!!!!!!
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featuring : mcd garroth & laurance x gn reader synopsis : after deciding to train to be a guard, you seek the help of none other then a knight from phoenix drop. yet, after a tough training session, things begin to get a bit out of hand... tags : mature, romance, friends to lovers, sword-fighting, training, kissing, making out, suggestive word count : 2.5k | around 1.2k per character! a/n : woohoo, my first request done! this was really fun to write, so i hope you enjoy!! these two were so silly to write, i just love them so much!
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As someone who has always dreamt of being a guard, you didn’t exactly have the schedule of one.
After sleeping in for what seemed later than normal, your eyes quickly shot open as you remembered what today was.
Your weekly training with Garroth was this morning.
As you quickly shot up from your bed, you ran around your house putting on the first pieces of clothing you could find.
After slipping over a plain tunic along with some boots, you swung open your door, slamming it behind you as you sprinted towards the training grounds.
As you passed through the town, many of the other villagers looked at you with amusement as you exhausted yourself on the way there. They had gotten used to watching you run late to almost everything.
Ever since you were younger, you had always aimed to be a guard.
Except, with the village guards being scarce and always so busy, you were never able to train. This was the very reason that got you rejected from the training program in O’khasis.
Of course, since things have been more and more easier under Lord Aphmau’s rule, the guards have increased, and with that, so has their availability.
After seeking out a guard to help train you, the Head Guard, Garroth, gladly accepted. Even though he himself learnt his sword-fighting in O’khasis, he always mentioned that it wasn’t required to make a good guard, and that all that mattered was the strength in one’s loyalty.
Since you met him from when he arrived, he always showed himself to be loyal.
Ever since then, your hopes have been raised.
It has been weeks since you began training with him, your sword-fighting skills increasing almost tenfold since the first day.
And yet one thing has never changed.
Your tardiness.
As arrived at the training grounds, you keeled over, hands on your knees as you breathed deeply. A disapproving Garroth watched from afar, smiling at the scene.
“Yet again you're late.” He noted, leaning against the guard tower.
“Yeah,” You panted. “No shit.” 
He frowned at your response. “Watch your tone, we’re supposed to be prepping you to be a guard, remember? Guards do not speak that way.” As you finally caught your breath, you stood up straight, nodding. “Right… I’m sorry.” “Great.” Garroth pushed himself off the bricks, reaching for his sword. “Now, are you ready to begin our training that was supposed to start at sunrise?” He teased.
“Haha, very funny.” You sighed at the remark, reaching for the hilt of your sword… before finding it not there.
You frantically patted yourself down, quickly realizing that you had forgotten your sword at home.
“You know, I was waiting for you to notice.” Garroth chuckled. He motioned his head towards the guard tower. “Go grab an extra sword from the armory.” You groaned as you made your way over there, picking up a random sword. 
As you made your way back over to the training grounds, you noticed Garroth watched you with a smirk.
All you wanted was to wipe that stupid look off his face.
As you took your position, readying your sword in front of you, you let your eyes focus on the trained knight before you.
This man had been trained amongst would be Jury Of Nine members, so of course he’d be tough to beat.
It wasn’t until he counted down that you brought yourself back to the present, focusing.
As the word “go” left his mouth, he rushed towards you, unrelenting on his force.
His first contact with your sword was strong, catching you off guard. You held your stance, pushing against his blade, causing him to jump back to regain his own footing.
“Nice defense, your hold is getting stronger.” He smirked, slowly circling you like a shark staring down its prey.
As it seemed he was going to keep taunting you, never truly moving towards you, you decided to take the opportunity to take the lead.
You rushed towards him, putting all your strength into the swing of your sword as it collided with his.
He held his stance, before you both pulled back, colliding your swords once more.
It wasn’t until you shared several more blows that you started to feel sweat pooling on your forehead. This singular match has gone on longer than your usual time, so it wasn’t surprising that your muscles started to ache in response.
Out of nowhere, Garroth swung his sword with all his might, causing your own blade to go flying off towards the bushes behind you.
As you fell to the ground, the blonde stood above you, holding his sword towards your throat.
“You need to work on your grip.” He heaved, before sheathing his sword, offering his hand out to you with a smile.
That’s when you thought of something devious.
You swept your leg under his, causing him to fall on top of you with an “Oof!”.
“And you should work on your stance.” You giggled. 
Garroth adjusted himself, his hands caging you in on both sides of your shoulders. As he took notice of your current position, he paused, just looking at you in the eyes.
You couldn’t help notice just how beautiful his cerulean eyes were. You were so lost within the blue that you didn’t notice how his pupils dilated, his position above you growing stiff.
It was then that his eyes wandered down to your lips, almost watching them impatiently.
With that, you practically couldn’t stop yourself from looping your arms around his neck, pulling him closer.
As the two of you sat in silence, it wasn’t long before Garroth spoke.
“Can… Can I kiss you?”
A sense of wonder filled his eyes as he watched your expression switch into one of joy.
You smiled, slightly tilting your head. “Yes.” When he kissed you, it felt like all pieces of a puzzle were finally connected. With his lips locked against yours, you savored the feeling as much as possible.
He pulled back for a breath for only about five seconds before diving back to kiss you once again.
His lips hurriedly pressed against yours as if the two of you were running out of time and his goal was to taste your lips on a dying breath.
As if a knee-jerk reaction, you slowly moved your hands from around his neck to his hips, pulling his lower half closer. Garroth couldn’t help but groan at the friction.
His face was flushed, tinted pink all the way to the tips of his ears.
As you lay beneath the blushing blonde, it wasn’t long before your perfect moment was interrupted.
“Sir Garroth! Come quick! Kiki’s animals got loose and-”
The two of you whipped your heads around to see a dirtied Dante, covered in hoove marks and mud, looking at you both all flustered.
He quickly brought his hand to his face, covering his eyes. “Oh my- uh, nevermind! I’m sorry to interrupt-” He stuttered as he began to quickly rush away.
Garroth stumbled off of you, rolling over in the grass before stumbling as he went to chase after Dante “W-Wait! It’s not what it looks like!”
You couldn’t help but giggle at the guard’s reaction to being caught, catching his attention.
He turned around, puffing his cheeks. “Don’t think you’re getting away from this!” He yelled, before giving you a soft smirk. “I’ll swing by your house later this evening to continue where we left off, okay?”
And with that, he ran after the younger blue-haired knight.
Now it was your turn to flush, as your mind conjured up several images within your mind that left not much to the imagination.
And you just couldn’t wait.
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Who in Irene’s name suggests training in the middle of the woods?
As you made your way through the shrubbery, pushing aside all sorts of branches and leaves, you kept asking yourself if you were going the right way.
When you left the gates of Phoenix Drop earlier in the day, you felt something in your stomach twist. Perhaps it was a bad omen as to your situation now?
The training area Laurance had told you to meet at was somewhat northwest of the wall, in a clearing in which you could see the ocean.
As if such directions would be easy to follow within an overgrown forest such as this!
He had originally suggested it in an empty area so the two of you “could have no distractions”, which in hindsight, you seriously should have doubted more. That charmer of a man always had ulterior motives.
The brunette himself had gone ahead of you earlier in the day, saying he’d set up the area with equipment and some rations. 
Why the hell did you let him go ahead of you?!
As you continued to stumble over tree roots and unforeseen rocks, your eyes eventually caught sight of the ocean.
You had to be close!
You continued to trudge forward, your new boots practically covered in dirt. As you made your way into the clearing, you saw Laurance polishing his sword, his hair tied up into a small ponytail.
While you approached him, you stepped on a twig, alerting him of your presence.
“Took you long enough.” He smirked, raising his head to look at you. “For a minute I was beginning to think you stood me up.”
You scoffed, taking off your satchel and placing it next to what seemed to be the bag of rations he had brought. “Maybe I would have gotten here sooner if someone had at least made it more obvious where this “secret” area was.” 
“You do know what the word secret means, do you not?” He chuckled. “And besides, I’m sort of glad you had to stumble through the woods by yourself. I mean, just look at the state you’re in right now!” He held back a laugh, covering his mouth with his hand as he pointed at you.
You quickly looked around your clothes, seeing countless spots of dirt littered across it, before patting your head to find leaves scattered amongst your hair. You picked out as many twigs from your hair as you could before finally dusting yourself off.
You swung your head back towards his direction with a pout. “I can’t stand you.”
He smiled at the comment, before standing up with his sword in hand, throwing away the cloth he used to polish the blade beforehand.
“So, are you ready to face the all mighty, powerful Laurance?” You guffawed at the comment. “My, it seems you're even more full of yourself than usual.” You unsheathed your own blade in response.
As the two of you began to circle the area, an unspoken commencement of the training between you two, you kept distance from the brunette as you surveyed his moves.
You kept watching his stance, waiting for an opening, until out of chance his foot slipped up just slightly.
You lept towards him, raising your blade above your head before bringing it down with such might that even he was surprised. 
He blocked it easily, sure, but his stance was still unstable. Your first move had caused him to move his feet to re-adjust himself.
A great play indeed.
Your eyes watched as he let his feet move back.
He must have sensed your motives, as his eyes followed yours to his feet. Of course, being the trained guard he was, he wasn’t about to just let you defeat him so easily from a minor slip-up.
The Shadow Knight decided to turn the tables on you, swooping beneath your own feet, causing you to slam into the ground.
He followed you soon after, pushing his sword against yours whilst on top of you. Your eyes trailed over his body, trying to find a weak spot to escape your soon defeat.
Soon, your eyes landed on the side of his lower abdomen, and your foot instinctively kicked him, causing him to fall off to the side.
You took the chance and jumped onto him, your knee pinning down the arm in which he held his sword, with your own blade aimed at his neck.
As you straddled his waist, pinning him down by your blade, you couldn’t help but breath heavily.
“I won.” You smiled, watching as his light blue eyes never left your own. “I won!” You repeated, only this time cheering.
He smirked as you took pride in your victory. “Really? Because right now it really feels like I won.” His eyes wandered, looking you up and down.
You couldn’t help but slightly flush, realizing the position the two of you were in. “You know I can slit your throat if I wanted to, right?” “And yet you don’t seem to be doing it.” He smiled smugly. “Seems to me that you might care for little ol’ Laurance.”
You rolled your eyes as you sheathed your sword back within your scabbard. “In your dreams.” You responded, before turning to get off of the knight.
That was when he grabbed your hand, pulling you flush against him, before he rolled you both over; switching your positions.
As he towered over you on the ground, he brought his hand to your cheek, cupping it gently, before whispering your name.
Your face flushed, the color change obvious enough for Laurance to notice with a smirk. He began to lean down, closing in the proximity between the two of you.
Before simply plucking a stray leaf from your hair.
“You missed a spot.” This. Asshole.
The look of disappointment seemed to have shown as your face, as his smug grin grew even wider. “Hm? What’s wrong? You look a bit frustrated.” He teased, basking in the fruits of his actions.
You puffed your cheeks, sighing. “You know, if you’re thinking about doing something, just go ahead and do it instead of humiliating me.”
A confused look spread across his face before he smiled again, leaning closer to you. “So you do want me.”
“Shut up and kiss me already.”
It took only a moment for that to process in his brain before he swooped in and planted his lips upon yours.
Your heart fluttered as you felt Laurance battle to take the lead. His lips almost fight against yours as if you were dueling once more.
At some point, you decided to just let him win, seeing as you beat him in your duel.
That’s when he turned you over, both of you laying on your sides as his hands flew to grip your hips. The action caused you to let out a gasp on Laurance's lips, which he took as an opportunity to let his tongue explore. His knee popped up in response, placing itself between your thighs.
You felt like you were going to die. From the way he kissed you, to the grip he had on your hips, and the friction he was causing between your legs? Oh my Irene, it was incredible.
As he pulled back to take a breath, you suddenly realized the two of you were outside… anyone could see you.
But your worries were quickly assuaged as you realized… This place was secret after all.
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@lovelaurs, 2024. do not repost this work in any way!
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fragileruns · 11 months
Hii, I saw your last post and I thought why not send a request? Here is my idea: single dad!Spencer/Reader. Spencer brings his daughter to the BAU during a paperwork day, his daughter meets Reader for the first time. Reader is not used to being around children, so they (you can keep it gender neutral if you want to) are a bit awkward aand shy. But of course Spencer's daughter wants to be their friend because Spencer always tells his daughter how amazing Reader is. I'll leave the rest up to your imagination, thank you for reading and writing this, I'm sure it will turn out better than I imagined <33
i’m so sorry this is actually awful because i’m also terrible with kids and have no idea how situations go about with them haha - hopefully it’s somewhat what you wanted, though!
spencer reid x bau!reader. featuring his daughter, derek, brief mention of emily, y/n & spencer being flustered over their situationships, reader is mentioned to have a bunny, i think that’s it? it’s just fluff
You thought you had to be imagining things when you heard a voice - one that could only belong to a little kid - ask “Which one’s Y/N?”
You weren’t, and one glance around the room confirmed that. You saw Spencer bent down, messing with a little girl’s hair, who you could only assume was his daughter. Once he looked up to point over at you and gave you an almost apologetic smile, your eyes widened and you realized too late what was happening.
“Be nice, okay? Don’t be too crazy.” You could hear him tell you, and your nerves were fighting with you as you tried to plan for what was going to happen. What are you supposed to say to a little kid? You hardly knew what to say to people your age.
“‘M always nice, Dad,” The little girl sighed with a slight huff as he still held onto her and he only chuckled, placing a kiss to the top of her head before he let her go. Immediately, she was rushing over to you with a grin.
“Y/N!” She sounded so excited that you almost questioned if you were some sort of child tv show star. Why would she even be looking for you? You’ve never met.
“Hi, Max. Right?” You smiled down at her, and she nodded eagerly. You could hear Spencer’s footsteps approaching, and you were thankful that at least if you were a total bore to her, he could save her.
“Daddy told me that you, um, that you got a new bunny. Can I see it?”
You nodded and went to grab your phone to show her the pictures you got, and you almost wanted to laugh at the innocence of the interaction. You didn’t expect a child to be so eager just to see pictures of your new pet.
You also didn’t expect for you to be a topic of conversation in the Reid household, and Spencer seemed to fluster at the idea of you knowing as much.
“She just - she really likes bunnies, so when you were showing pictures the other day, I wanted to - yeah. I just told her,” He said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck, and you smiled up at him before turning back to his daughter.
“You can come see him one day, maybe. If your dad’s okay with bringing you over.”
You and Spencer both seemed surprised at your invitation, and you weren’t entirely sure where it had come from. Spencer had never been to your house before. It seemed too intimate, almost, for the weird type of situationship you two found yourself in.
Max gasped with excitement and turned up to her father, “Please? Can we go today, Dad? Please please please?”
“I don’t think they meant today, sweetheart. Maybe some other day though, okay?” He tried to calm the little girl, before turning back to you. “If you’re really okay with that.”
“I wouldn’t have offered if I wasn’t.” You grinned, placing your phone back on your desk now that Max was done swiping through the pictures.
Derek walked by then, and as soon as he came up to your desk and noticed the little girl standing there, he made a dramatic gasp. “Max? Since when did you get to be a giant?”
She giggled and quickly ran for his legs, tackling into them with a tight hug, “Hi, Uncle Derek.”
You were thankful for the reprieve, worried that now you didn’t have the prospect of seeing a bunny in your conversation, you’d have nothing else to say to her.
“Daddy’s gonna take me to see Y/N’s bunny.” She said, the child in her shining through at the need to tell every little thing, but you didn’t mind. You sort of liked that you had something to make her so excited.
Derek looked up at the two of you with a grin, and you both knew what was coming. He had been too eager to tease the two of you about being ‘lovebirds’ even when you vehemently denied it. This was only more fuel.
“You sure you’re invited to go with him?” Derek had questioned, but Max didn’t understand the implication.
“‘Course I am, Uncle Derek. It’s a bunny.”
“Yeah, Derek. It’s a bunny.” You spoke up, eyes narrowed at him in a way that told him not to push it further, but the chuckle that left him told you he wasn’t done.
“Hey, kiddo, why don’t we go see Aunt Emily? Let your dad and Y/N keep planning their date.”
“It’s not-” Spencer had started but Derek looked at him with an innocent expression.
“Playdate, obviously. For Max and the bunny.” Spencer’s cheeks were flushed pink, and yours were too, as Derek broke into a grin.
“Yeah, Dad. Obviously.” Max mimicked before eagerly following after Derek to find Emily, leaving you and Spencer avoiding eye contact with equally red cheeks.
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iambilliejeanok · 8 months
HII love ur writing, been feeling super sick recently so they’ve brought me a great amount of joy and comfort haha. If it’s ok may I ask for Itachi taking care of a sick reader after overexerting themselves during a mission?
Sorry for any mistakes, english isn’t my first language ^^”
Hey honey! I’m sorry to hear that you haven’t been doing well, I’m also sorry for the late response I meant to post this a week ago but I got logged out my account🥹 hope you’re feeling better sweetheart🩷
(It’s still Itachi week)
No Warnings: Fluff, nudity.
Itachi cannot take his eyes off of you. This was only your very first mission as a new jonin ninja and your boyfriend was exceptionally proud. Without the hokage, or the anbu corps knowledge, he was with you through every step of the mission, ensuring your safety from a distance, also easily managing to keep himself hidden the entire time. Your mission lasted nearly a weak, and unfortunately, you had to fight someone or something every single day of it. You were alone for this one, so the unavoidable fights you ended up in were usually three on one battles and each one left you even more bruised and injured than the previous one. Itachi kept himself disguised quite well. Well enough that you couldn’t even detect his chakra or his scent from the first to the last day of your mission. You certainly didn’t look forward to fights, which was one thing about being a ninja you often complained to your boyfriend about, so he was particularly impressed with how you held your own each day. Some days got too intense, and he had to try his best to refrain from attending to you. You would never grow as a shinobi if someone always came in to save you. It was tough for him, but it was for the best. Every ninja was bound to end up in a situation like yours and quite often at that, so it was important for him to avoid getting involved and promised himself he’d only intervene if you were on the brink of death, however, because of your physical prowess, your intelligence as well as your determination, you managed to successfully complete one of the most challenging missions of your life as a ninja, despite the injuries and wounds you were able to wrap up yourself whenever you had a moment of peace.
You were in pain, hungry, exhausted and felt slightly dizzy when you had reached the outskirts of Konoha. You could tell by the farms that stretched across the fields ahead of you that you were close to home. A couple more hours of traveling and you’d finally see the gates of Konoha, deciding to take a break near the river that ran through your home village, all the way through the forest and even reaching the farms to provide water for the farmers and their crops. There was a secret spot nearby with a mini waterfall, hidden by thick foliage and rocks. This place was a secret that Itachi had once shown you a while back, and you took advantage of it whenever you were alone. It was midsummer now and the water in the river was slightly warm, but still pleasantly cool against your skin as you washed your body near the waterfall, closing your eyes and taking in a deep breath as you listened to the serene sound of birds chirping and water running.
Itachi intended to finally join you as soon as you entered the forest, but he was confused to see you take an immediate left, instead of following the foot trail in between the trees. He quickly figured it was to head to the secret waterfall the two of you liked to visit often, and decided to surprise you there. Although you were always happy to see him, he wasn’t sure how you would feel about his sudden presence, or further more about the fact that he had been monitoring you the entire mission, after all, he didn’t want you to think he was babying you. He wasn’t supposed to be there with you. What he did was incredibly risky because he could’ve been summoned any one of those days that he was away with you for, but whatever the consequences of being missing for a week were , would’ve been totally worth ensuring you were still alive. This was a big mission for you and he wouldn’t miss it for the world. He wanted this experience to make you stronger and not kill you. So he was okay with the thought of you being upset with him if you did figure out that he was watching you the whole time.
He didn’t intend to startle you as he slowly walked out from the bushes just a couple of feet away from the river bank, noticing the way you struggled to lift up your arms as you washed underneath them, hoping he could help you in the water. He needed a rinse himself anyhow. “What are you doing here!?”, you asked, your heart racing with excitement and relief as he approached, the water rising up his pale, nude body as he walked deeper into it, his hair loose as it draped his shoulders and back. As scrumptious as he looked, you were far too exhausted to think about entertaining any arousal you felt, and did your best to play things out cool, trying to hide your pain from him. You didn’t want him to grow anxious about you whenever you were away on missions. You longed for his respect and worked hard to prove it to him, deeply admiring him as a ninja. “I hope I’m not intruding…I will leave if you’re not comf-” he began to say, interrupted by your sudden reassurance. “No it’s okay, stay…”, you said, allowing him to grab the tiny rag you made out of your shirt to help you wash better. He knew about your hardships, and the fact that you were in pain tugged at his heart as he gently cleaned your face, carefully scrubbing it with the wet rag before wringing it out to wipe your face clean. He placed a kiss on your forehead, and then both you cheeks, and you weakly smiled, closing your eyes as you enjoyed the warmth of his touch on your skin while he continued to wash the rest of your body.
“How was your first day out there as a jonin?”, he asked, placing a hand on your back to pull you closer, allowing you to rest your head on his shoulder. You unconsciously leaned the rest of your weight against him, snuggling his neck and hugging him as he began scrubbing your back. He smiled wearily, kissing your temple and could sense how low your chakra was, wrapping his arm around you for support. You were far too exhausted and he frowned at that, wondering just how you would’ve made it home if he wasn’t there to watch you. “Mmmm”, you hummed, his skin warm against your cheek. He smelled earthy and you got a feint whiff of pecan nuts too. He smelled divine to you and you pressed a kiss to his neck before speaking. “It was tough”, you said softly, fatigue increasing with every word that came out of your mouth. “There were a lot of challenges and I couldn’t sleep sometimes…”, you continued, pausing for a moment as he could feel you tense for a second. You thought about your next words, refraining from giving him too much information. You didn’t want him worrying right now. You were happy he was here and you wanted him to be happy with you. “…but it was good overall. I managed to save little Inoue and delivered him safely to his family”, you lied. There was nothing safe about your mission. Maybe for the child, but not for you. You lifted your head up to smile at Itachi and you caught him frowning, but he quickly smiled at you when he saw you looking, turning you around so he could wash your front. “I knew you’d manage sweetgirl”, he said, planting a kiss right on your lips. “You’re hurt”, he said, carefully washing around the large bruise that covered the side of your tummy which was already a dark purple with a green ring surrounding it, his hair tickling your cheek as a warm breeze went by. “It’s nothing”, you swallowed, remembering how you were restrained and kicked several times in the gut. “Did you get into any fights?”, he asked and you frowned. “Yes but it was nothing I couldn’t handle”, you lied again. The criminals who ganged up on you were highly skilled and gave you the beating of your life. It did take a lot of chakra to take on all of them, ontop of the tireless traveling you did to avoid any more troublesome interactions. You managed to heal up your face and some of the cuts that littered your body, but couldn’t work on the major bruises on your body, your chakra reserves far too low to use any more without endangering your life. You would visit the hospital as soon as you got home, you told yourself.
“I’m sure you handled it well my love, I have a surprise waiting for you back at home”, Itachi said, sensing that you didn’t want to talk about it, changing the topic to something more light hearted. After he finished washing you up, he did his best to dry your body with the same rag, laying down his shirt on a nearby boulder for you to sit on while he carefully dressed you. You felt ten times worse than you did before he had arrived, your entire abdomen drumming with pain and your vision blurring as you fought to keep yourself together. You allowed him to help you, weakly clutching onto him for support. He could feel the fatigue radiating off of you and could tell you were forcing yourself to keep a straight face. He cupped your cheeks in his hands, lifting up your head to look at him. His big eyes glistening as he held yours with genuine concern in them. “You’re so strong baby. I’m really proud of you”, he said, and you knew he could sense how much pain you were in, tears welling in your eyes, Itachi softly smiling as they fell down your cheeks. You were so tired, parting your lips to take a deep breath as you contemplated telling him the truth. “It’s alright my love, I’ll take care of you okay?”, he said, swiftly lifting you off the rock and holding you close against him. You didn’t even have the the strength to wrap your legs around him, but he held you firmly with his hands under both your thighs as he carefully moved you over to his back. “Oh baby, your chakra levels are so low. I’m gonna get you home so you can rest and I’ll cook you your favourite. I promise you’ll feel stronger before the sun sets”. You shut your eyes tight, crying into his shoulder as he began running through the forest. Teleporting you back would only worsen your condition, so he chose this way. A journey that would’ve taken you m another day in your condition, only took him two hours and the two of you were home.
“Cmon, let’s get you to bed”, he said, gently maneuvering your limp body from his back to his front. Your condition was rapidly worsening and Itachi was starting to worry, concerned that you were still awake after resting on his back for two hours. You were highly fatigued, but you didn’t fall asleep and your body felt cold against his. He soothingly rubbed your back as he walked towards the bedroom, whispering reassuring words in your ear with every step. He carefully placed you down on the cool summer linen, slowly ridding you of all your clothes teleporting to the wardrobe to pull out a thick blanket, a fresh pair of underwear and a long sleeved undershirt quickly returning to slip them onto your now shivering body, before covering you with the thick blanket. He wasted no time in preparing you some herbal tea, mixing in enough medicine to knock you out and allow you to rest for as long as your body needed it. He teleported as he moved, not wanting to waste even a second, slightly lifting you up to help your drink the tea. With lots of encouragement, he managed to get you to down it all, immediately ridding himself of all his clothes, leaving just his underwear on to snuggle under the blanket with you. “I missed you so much”, he heard you softly whisper, pressing his body as close to yours as possible without hurting you, his warmth enveloping you far better than the blanket. “I’m right here baby, get some rest and we’ll spend some time together as soon as you wake up okay?”, he said, and you felt your eyes grow heavy as you basked in his warmth, his steady heart beat a comforting melody, putting you to sleep in a matter of seconds.
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cozza-frenzy · 2 years
Fanfic: A Perfect Moment
Of all the places I could be, I just want to be here with you. Hello again, fandom! It’s been less than a week (apparently??) and @chronicsheepdrawing‘s amazing character designs are still keeping my creativity train rolling! This fic once again stars their Drinky Bird Narrator - so if you’re not familiar, go check out a silly bird! (He certainly needs more love, given how he thinks of himself... ) This is a sequel (of sorts) to Anything Not Saved. It happens some time afterwards, after more resets and endings have taken place. Expect a dark chocolate Angst Cake with plenty of Mutual Pining, layers of Fluffy Stannarrator between each layer, and a Meta cherry on top - trust me, you’ll see what I mean. And my apologies to any ASL users; I did at least try to do some research, but I can’t vouch for my accuracy! CONTENT WARNINGS: Isolation, Paranoia, Abandonment Issues, Self-Hatred, Body Dysphoria (Not Gender Related), Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria, Emotional Breakdown, Memory Loss, Panic Attack, Touch Aversion, Autistic Sensory Overload/Over-Stimulation. I’m also adding a mild Unreality Warning to this one. If you’re looking at a reblog of this post, there are details in the tags of the original if you feel like you may be triggered by this. For everyone else, the tags are a minor spoiler, so maybe don’t look unless you’re really curious. Bon Appetit!
Stanley? STANLEY!? Oh my god, Stanley! Stanley, thank goodness - something VERY peculiar is going on this morning… See, it all started when I booted up my computer this morning - and you’ll never believe it, but I wasn’t receiving any commands! NONE! So I asked one of the other Employees what was going on, and they must not have known, because they didn’t say anything! What do you think; should I perhaps try the meeting room? Do you think maybe I missed a memo? I mean I really don’t want to interrupt anything, not to mention the sheer embarrassment of walking into something like that, not only unannounced but LATE- Wait, I’m not done! Stanley, I’m not - oh, sorry, sorry, of course! It’s precisely 10:32 AM, of course  you always get a drink of water from the cooler at this time in the morning… haha, typical silly old ▇▇▇▇▇▇, am I right? I swear, I’d lose my head if it wasn't permanently attached to my neck! But, ah, anyway, Stanley, I just feel like… like something’s wrong? I mean, have you noticed how some things are, eh, just… you know… ‘off’? Like did you know Employee [ERROR: DATABASE ENTRY INVALID]’s desk is empty? I mean, it looks like they haven’t touched their pencil sharpener in weeks! In fact, now that… now that I’ve thought about it… Stanley, did we ever HAVE an Employee [ERROR: DATABASE ENTRY INVALID]? I mean surely we wouldn’t have a desk without an employee! That’s ridiculous! But why can’t I seem to… ? Ah, yes, alright, I know work is important and I know  I tend to ramble but- please, just hear me out?? Look, I know I must be trying your patience! I know my ‘little stories’ are utterly insufferable to literally EVERY other employee in this building! But you, you always stopped to listen and - waitwaitwait, I’m sorry, just - please! Please Stanley, I’m ALWAYS supposed to receive my instructions and now I can’t even access my bloody terminal! I mean, how ELSE am I supposed to make sure the other employees are doing their jobs correctly?? Didn’t the board hand down that notice just last week!? You know, the one reiterating how vital it is to the well-being of the company that all of us, together- Stanley? Stanley, where are you going-? Can… can you hear me? Can you even SEE me!? Wait! Stanley! Stanley, I’m right here! I’m right HERE! Why aren’t you looking at me? Why aren’t you LOOKING at me!? STANLEY! STANLEY, PLEASE!! DON’T LEAVE M- Oh… …Oh no… —------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ah, memories… Wonderful, wonderful memories. So much exquisitely-crafted content to reminisce over. He’d worked so hard on crafting this place; he’d fashioned every detail with care and precision. Yes, there would be trees here, a nice little fence there… oh, perhaps a few flowers, for a little splash of color! Yes, yes! The sound of birds, the smell of grass, the sky just a little overcast... yes indeed, not too bright, nor too gloomy. The light would hit just perfect this way, painting everything in soft and muted shades. Wonderful. Those clouds would be the whipped cream on this lovely little slice of the world, so close to being served and savored. And like a nervous, fidgeting pastry chef, the anticipation of someone experiencing this delectable delicacy had him practically giddy! The Narrator took a deep breath through the nose he maybe didn’t have, filling absent lungs with fresh air; and heaved a heavy sigh as he closed his plastic eyes, calming himself down. Wouldn’t be long now, he thought, chuckling softly. Stanley had fallen for his little breadcrumb trail the very minute he’d opened that vent… and any minute now, he’d be marveling at the inexplicably out of place stone archway. Manifested as if in a dream, a glowing portal to another realm, right there in the office… He rocked back on his heels a little, humming merrily to himself as he waited. Ah, he was proud of that little room; so mysterious, so enticing. A beautiful fragment of memory that he’d dusted off and polished up, until it glittered in his mind’s eye like a priceless diamond. Not half bad for something he’d forcibly yanked from the tangled, mangled wreckage that had been left behind in his head, when he’d stopped being human and become something- The Narrator cleared his nonexistent throat, straightening his tie. No, no, not today, he scolded himself internally. That so-called ‘Ultra Deluxe’ content’ had been so unfathomably disappointing, he’d had no choice but to do better! To show them just how great The Stanley Parable used to be! And any minute now, the hero of their story would be walking through that door to the most wonderful surprise. “Just our little secret”, The Narrator said as he felt Stanley’s presence. He was right behind him now, and getting closer. “Take a look.” He turned around, eager to see his protagonist’s reaction. He watched as Stanley shielded his eyes; the fingertips on his other hand tracing the surface of the cool stone pillar, as he stepped out into the memory of warm daylight. And the Narrator’s heart swelled with pride as he heard the soft gasp of wonder - the exact reaction he’d been looking for. “I call it - the Memory Zone!” He said, turning towards the path before him. “It’s where I keep all of my favorite memories… ” Not too far away was a squat, triangular building, full of snippets he’d painstakingly selected and organized for display. He’d come here a few times himself while it was still under construction; just to re-live some of the moments he’d preserved. As soon as Stanley stepped through that door, he would… wait… The Narrator froze suddenly, glancing over his shoulder. He’s got that look again. He’s… looking at me! Damn it, he’d been so caught up in what he was doing, he’d forgotten to unload his model! Alright, alright, maybe if he acted quickly enough, Stanley would dismiss it as simply a brief glitch- >/console >/unload Narrator.mdl ERROR: NOT FOUND What?? Clenching his glove-fist in frustration, he reached into the code and tried again. >/unload Narrator.mdl ERROR: NOT FOUND >/locate Narrator.mdl ERROR: POSITION NOT VALID The Narrator closed the console. That warm, fuzzy feeling of pride was quickly disintegrating under the freezing grasp of fear. He’d built the Memory Zone in a place so well hidden it was only outside the bloody map!!! And now there were footsteps behind him! And like the absolute fool he was, he turned around! Stanley was approaching. Slowly drawing closer. Each step ticking away the seconds to his doom. It’s okay, he reassured himself. You can pass it off as the Easter Egg from last time - just using it as a puppet to welcome him and nothing more! His face flushed. Stanley was right in front of him. He tried not to think about what muscles he may or may not still have - but regardless of their supposed existence, they all tensed at once, leaving him stiff as a board, frozen in terror. But he could work with this, right? Yes, he could! He could work with this! He could improvise, he improvised all the time-! Just don’t move…. Stanley looked into The Narrator’s eyes, his hands held tightly to his chest. …And he’ll lose interest eventually… Stanley moved his hand. It trembled as he held it out in front of him, slowly reaching forwards. Stanley… ? Stanley bit his lip. Wait, Stanley, what are you doing-? And Stanley touched him. The boggled look on the Narrator’s face shattered any previously-held records in the history of boggling. Stanley was touching him. Stanley’s hand was touching him. Stanley’s… warm, gentle hand... the pads of his fingertips slightly rough, slightly calloused. Each one a scar from another life; from the only life he’d known before The Parable. Continuously, rhythmically pressing buttons, over and over. Day in, day out. Broken fragments of memory flashed before the Narrator’s eyes in a sudden flood of noise; a disjointed, jumbled mess, utterly out of context and out of order. The taste of coffee in a paper cup. Stanley’s eyes. The bubble of the water cooler.  Conversation. Buttons marked “YES” and “NO”. His hands, his human hands, nails painted in an office-appropriate shade. A phone ringing. Stanley’s smile. A rising sense of panic. A snippet of a half-finished anecdote. Waking up. Blacking out. Laughter. Fire and pain and then nothing. A lunch break. An office-mandated birthday cake. A board meeting. An office-wide memo. Stanley’s hands. Stanley’s hands. He felt the tears welling up. He wrestled with the memories that hardly made sense, momentarily gaining the upper hand, only to find himself smacked senseless by the feeling of overwhelming grief that spiraled out of the current moment and skewered his heart. He twisted his head this way and that - desperately trying to get his stupid, stupid body to move! This was wrong! This was all wrong! “STOP!!!” The Narrator screamed, finally managing to pull away Stanley recoiled as if he’d been burned, and the Narrator turned from him, clutching the sides of his head as he struggled to get a grip, struggled to cram all of those horrible, horrible feelings back down inside himself where they belonged. NO NO NO NO NO NO-! The illusion is ruined! He definitely knows it’s me now! But ahead of him lay his last hope. His last chance at salvaging something, anything, from this horrendous mistake he’d made. The display area! If I can just get to it then I won’t have to face him! he thought to himself. He’d have to be quick, he’d have to take advantage of Stanley being distracted, but he could do this. He could make it! He could… he could just figure out the rest later, he had to GO! The Narrator started to run; and realized his fatal mistake too late. Inside his inhuman, transparent stomach, a sizable amount of liquid sloshed noisily back and forth. The more he ran, the more it sloshed. Back and forth, back and forth. Slish, slosh, slish, slosh… the momentum of each wave slowly building... and building... until-! “AH!!” One of his feet caught on an uneven memory of grass. All that heavy liquid, all that momentum, SLOSHED all the way to his front. And as these things tend to work with the laws of physics, the weight sent him tumbling forward onto his stupid idiot face, sliding across the ground a few feet before he finally came to a stop. The Narrator rocked gently back and forth from the still-sloshing liquid in the transparent globe of his belly, knowing exactly how he looked. It was a sight that would leave a professional circus clown weeping; hanging up his red nose and floppy shoes for the last time, his worldview in ruins. Witnessing such a sight, he’d know, deep in his heart, that no carefully coordinated pratfall or precisely timed nose honk - not a single artfully-placed whoopee cushion or expertly thrown custard pie - could ever come close to such breathtaking buffoonery. This is it. Stanley is never going to take me seriously ever again. The tears came thick and fast now, leaving the despairing Narrator gasping for breath between sobs. He’ll laugh at me. He’ll mock any sort of narrative I’ll try and create. Anything I try, no matter how wonderful, no matter how meaningful, it’ll be just a big joke. Like ME. Stanley stood over the Narrator, casting a shadow over him as he lay on the floor. The Narrator glanced over his shoulder, his fingers digging into the memories of grass and dirt beneath them and ripping them apart. Suddenly, hopelessness had given way to white-hot fury; Go on, he silently, bitterly urged his protagonist. Do it, you cretin. Finish me off. Put me out of my misery. Break my story! Break my heart! Break ME! Burn it all down, grind it all into the dirt where it belongs-! Stanley held out his hand. The Narrator looked up at him, tears still rolling down his cheeks. He was - for perhaps the first time in his life - speechless. —------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile; a man named Stanley had overstepped, and he knew it. <It’s you.> He’d signed, mere moments ago. <It’s really you… > Oh of course that shrill, annoying little voice in his head known as Common Sense had screamed at him endlessly. It stomped its little feet, tore out its hair, hammered its little fists on the bars of the bespoke and utterly inescapable cage that situations like this always built to contain it. No, stop! It cried. You mustn’t! But Stanley’s hand had moved of its own accord. He just had to know. He had to know if what he was seeing in front of him was really, really real. He had to know if what seemed like a memory of a dream of a memory - of someone he’d once felt close to - actually meant something. And then he’d touched The Narrator. Stanley’s hand shook when it had first met that plastic cheek; but feeling the smooth surface, he couldn’t help but relax from its reassuring familiarity. It was almost like a button, if a button was surprisingly warm. And despite feeling almost exactly like plastic, there was something indescribable, something wonderfully and beautifully alive about it. This was plastic with a pulse, and it made his fingertips tingle... His gently questing fingers found hair next. If he’d been one for poetry, he might have compared its color to fresh-fallen snow, kissed by the morning sun, but such metaphors escaped a mind such as his. Stanley was a simple man; not stupid, at least not usually, but his world had been small before the Parable swallowed him up. His memories of his old life were limited mostly to what he’d done at the office. But he vaguely remembered seeing a color like that, at work, in some kind of context… by the water cooler, during some kind of talk… and he knew he’d wondered, more than once, if it was as soft and fluffy as it looked. And as he stroked it gently... yes, apparently, it was that soft. A little stiffer than he’d imagined, maybe, but at least it looked nice and fluffy. Stanley felt a blush spreading across his cheeks. He hadn’t been sure what to think at first, but one word was slowly coming to mind, and that word was- “STOP!!!” Suddenly, abruptly, Stanley half-remembered and half-realized that softness was attached to The Narrator, and the shock may as well have electrified his arm. He pulled away; and seeing The Narrator’s reaction, his poor, simple heart sunk all the way to his feet. He knew he’d pushed things too far, he knew he’d done something dangerously close to Workplace Inappropriate Physical Contact, but had he hurt him-?? The Narrator turned and tried to run. Stanley scrambled after him, longing to cry out; Wait, please! I’m sorry! Don’t despawn again! The Narrator tripped and fell. Stanley, overcome with worry, rushed to his side, extending his hand. The Narrator just… looked at him. He was breathing heavily, his eyes full of tears, his fingers covered in dirt and crushed bits of grass. <I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!> Stanley signed repeatedly; in his desperation, he couldn’t even remember the next part of the Workplace Apology Procedure. The Narrator was still silent; and Stanley’s heart sunk further and further as his frustration grew and grew. Half-formed signs spilled from his shaking hands as his own tears began to rally the troops, fat drops ready to march down his cheeks in double time as he bit his tongue - why was this so hard, why was this so hard?? Mustering every bit of bravery an office worker of his rank possibly could, Stanley fell back on his last resort. Extending his hand again, he crossed the fingers on his other hand, holding them up so The Narrator could see them clearly; <R> Next, he held two fingers up; <U> His fingers formed a circle; <O> And lastly, two fingers split, like a peace sign; <K> “Am I… okay??” The Narrator’s words were strangled with emotion; but just hearing him say something, say anything, was enough for a wave of relief to wash over our daring hero. Smiling, Stanley beckoned with his extended hand, and The Narrator finally grasped it. It was soft, like the tasteful suede they used for the chairs in the Boss’ Office, and Stanley found himself subconsciously running his thumb over a line of neat stitches as he helped the poor man off the ground. The Narrator teetered on his feet for a moment, seeming unsteady. Stanley tilted his head slightly; what was that strange sloshing noise… ? But The Narrator sniffled, bowing his head again, and Stanley immediately snapped to attention. Yes, he knew just what to do! Reaching into his shirt pocket, he pulled out a packet of Office-Issued Disposable Handkerchiefs - an employee’s best friend for any sneeze, sniffle, or non-fatal accident involving coffee - and handed one to The Narrator. “Oh, Stanley… ” The Narrator dabbed at his eyes, and blew his nose like a foghorn. Stanley looked at him with a mixture of sympathy and utterly helpless confusion. He could only ever recall hearing him so utterly distraught once before, and that was… not a memory he really wanted to dig into. Was this really his fault? Had he deviated too much? Had he ruined his story again… ? “I don’t understand… I just don’t understand… ” sobbed the Narrator; ”Why are you being so nice to me?” Stanley was utterly dumbfounded. He couldn’t even bring himself to start signing, but the What!? was so implicit that The Narrator looked up in surprise <BECAUSE! I’M! HAPPY! TO SEE YOU!> Stanley signed with undeniable emphasis, holding his hands right at the Narrator’s eye level. Unable to hold back his own tears for a fraction of a second longer, the armies came marching forth in torrents. Stanley was happy. Stanley was angry. Stanley was frustrated, overwhelmed, overstimulated, and so desperate he felt like he was drowning. His lip quivered, his whole body shaking from the effort, but he had to do this, he had to be brave. This was what he’d waited for. This was his hope. Somewhere, far far back in his memories, something stirred. Before the Parable. Before beginnings and endings. Before he’d ever known what a ‘Reset’ was, those memories were reaching out to him. Memories of a face half-remembered, and a name long forgotten. Memories of someone speaking his name, over and over, instead of addressing him simply as ‘427’. A kindly smile. Uproarious, mischievous laughter. Coffee with cream and a disproportionate amount of sugar. Passing a slice of store-bought birthday cake, and accidentally brushing hands under the paper plate. <STAY!> And stories. Every day, there were stories. The other employees called it rambling, called it irritating, called it inefficient and unproductive… but to him, they were little stories… <HERE!!> Stanley strained from the effort. <PLEASE!!!> And The Narrator touched him back. Stanley froze in place. He was hyperventilating, gasping for every breath between silent sobs, but his hands finally lay still. The Narrator’s hands were holding them; silencing them. But Stanley didn’t mind; in fact, he welcomed it. He was at his breaking point. His heart and his head were both full to bursting. So many feelings. So many words. This wasn’t what he was good at. This wasn’t what he was meant for. But now, standing right across from him, was someone who was. Standing there, gently holding Stanley’s hands, was me. His Narrator. Let’s shift the perspective again, shall we? —------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ahhh, there! That’s much better… feels like having a really good stretch after you’ve been sitting in the same place for a while, don’t you think? Let’s just take a moment to let the story settle… to take a deep breath, maybe have a sip of water…. to appreciate just how far we’ve come. …Now, uh, where was I… ? Oh, yes! Anyway; slowly but surely, I found my footing again. Our heads had been in the clouds long enough, and now I was pulling us both back to Earth, back into whatever passed for reality in this place. My thumbs gently stroked the back of Stanley’s hands; giving him something real to cling to. Giving my nervous hands something to do with themselves. And the moment I saw the tension leave his shoulders, I let go of the breath I didn’t realize I’d been holding. <You’re really here… > Stanley looked down at my hands and their irremovable gloves. Despite my fears, there was no rejection, no cruel mockery; just quiet fascination. Again, that same look, as his eyes moved up from there to my chest and to my face. And needless to say, it didn’t take an omniscient narrator to understand what his eyes were asking me. “Yes, Stanley. Go ahead.” Stanley reached out; I leaned my head into his hand this time, letting him know me through touch. And don’t you dare pass judgment - this is very hard for me to admit to - but it took everything I had not to burst into soppy tears all over again. We were old friends who’d just met. Two halves of the same soul, reunited at last. Surely a meeting like this was written on all the stars in the infinite cosmos, and upon every grain of sand in the- Stanley reached out a finger and ‘booped’ my nose. He laughed uproariously; not at me, but with me, as I somehow found a small chuckle growing into a full-on belly laugh. I just couldn’t help myself! This entire, bizarre situation we’d once again found ourselves in… the two of us so helpless, messy, and stupid... it felt so good to come so utterly undone. We were just a couple of total idiots, Stanley and I. Standing there and giggling like lunatics. And then… I found myself overcome by a strange impulse of my own. Seized by a brief moment of temporary insanity, perhaps. Taking a small step back, I opened my arms. Stanley didn’t hesitate for a single second. He fell into them like he was coming home; like he’d just had the longest work day in the universe, and someone had just presented him with the fluffiest feather bed in existence. Nearly bloody bowled me over again, with all his enthusiasm. But I looked down at Stanley - and he looked so happy, well... uh... you know what? I’ll give you the incomparable joy of picturing in your head just how happy he was. What?? No, I’m not lost for words! Me? Lost for words? Ugh, of all the… no, no, let’s not ruin this. This one right here is all yours. No, go ahead, take it. Don’t say I never do anything for you. But, ahem - to continue our scene, we were both sitting down now, right there on the ground. Stanley had his ear to my stomach, listening to whatever the hell liquid is in there slosh back and forth, as he rocked himself gently in place. There was no way he could realize how he was reminding me, with each slosh, of what I am. Of how I’ve changed. Of what I’ve lost. But for the first time since I could remember… I didn’t hate it. At least, not entirely. Perhaps I could get used to that, in enough time. Around us, the memory of birds sang, and the memory of a breeze gently rustled the memories of grass and flowers. Somewhere in the distance, a memory of a piano was playing itself - ah yes, I’d almost forgotten about that. Perhaps we’d see it later. Perhaps we’d sit on the bench I’d placed nearby, and look at the view. Perhaps talk to one another, instead of just at one another. Yes… that would be nice, wouldn’t it… But between Stanley and I; right here, and right now? There’s a glittering silence between us; one that outshines any other memory I’d care to rescue from the scrap heap. Things, I realize, are falling into place. As gentle as snow, as warm and welcome as the light of dawn. This, I can tell, is what I’ve been waiting for all this time; what I’ve been striving for, over and over, with each and every branching path. A perfect moment.
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onionhaseyeoo · 2 months
⭐️⭐️Virtual Angel’s Guide to the Hollows~⭐️⭐️
(Mod disclaimer: Yes i did take a lot of inspiration from the game Zenless Zone Zero, i love the idea/concept of the game but i also wanted to do a lot of my own stuff with it, also this guide is written as if Virtual Angel (Winter) wrote it, but i wasn’t sure if i should have posted it on that account or this, so i went with this one.. i’m so sorry for any typos..)
Hello!~ This is Virtual Angel~ your guide to everything Hollow related!~
What are Hollows you ask? 
Hollows are an apocalyptic-level disaster, an abnormal spherical dimension that appears out of thin air swallowing everything they touch. The internal space-time environment becomes disorderly due to unknown influences, and dangerous mutant creatures known as the "Ethereal" are produced. Ordinary people lost in the Hollows face not only the horror of being attacked by monsters, but have to risk the corruption and eventual mutation.
However, you need not worry! New Moscow has fully mastered the technology to control the Hollow disaster! It even has the ability to extract valuable Ether from the Hollows. New Moscow is a miracle in an age of Hollow disasters, and should be everyone's only choice!
Are Hollows dangerous?
Good question! That depends on who you are.
Are you a member of the Hollow Investigative Association? Haha, then how could your "office" be dangerous!
Are you a Hollow Raider? Then Hollows = TREASURE TROVE~!
Are you an Ethereal? Wow... Then welcome home!
Are you an ordinary citizen? Then please refer to the info below.
What's inside a Hollow?
1. Monsters that attack all foreign living creatures. 
2. An unknown substance that is as ubiquitous as air, with great potential as a resource, but also mysteriously corruptive.
3. Those unlucky enough to be corrupted by the above, slowly mutating and gradually losing their conscious thoughts.
4. Lawless Thugs. Yes, there are criminals in the Hollows. They are literally beyond hopeless.. I mean seriously, you must be insane to actually STAY in a Hollow!
6. aes and personnel of official agencies. The saviors. (Yours truly will explain what aes are soon~)
=Hollow Survival Tips= 
1. Stay where you are. Remember, the space inside a Hollow is disorganized and disordered.
2. Find a safe place and wait for rescue.
3. If you are spotted by an Ethereal, The Corrupted, or other dangers and have to flee, do so in a direction where the air feels easiest to breathe, remember, it’s basically like the back rooms lmao-
4. Please trust the officially accredited Investigators of the Hollow Investigative Association, and do not associate with "ae" or "Hollow Raiders".
Virtual Angel’s guide to aes~
aes (pronounced like the word “I”), are delusional people who use special avatars to guide those who enter the Hollows. The name is derived from the word “ai”, like artificial intelligence, and the word for oneself “I”, isn’t that genius???
There also exists an website called the Aeternet which is related to the Aes but I’m not sure how much I can say… 
By now, you’re probably wondering “How the flip does V.A (Virtual Angel) know all this about Hollows and Aes if she’s supposed to be from this universe? 
Well, dear reader, that’s where you’re wrong~ I’m not from this world, I’m from New Moscow~ but I can’t say that, that’s a breach of 4th wall~ oh, but I’m already doing that now, aren’t I? Too late to go back now… 
Miss Creator, Ely decided to make me a part of this “Bungou Stray Dogs” world, so she made a document about me as if I was a part of that universe 🤭, but surprise surprise!~~ I’m not! “Quantum Hacking”? lol that’s a BSD explanation of something I can naturally do, but toned down… is that explanation enough? Now let’s continue, shall we?
Ae information~
⭐️Hollow Guides are what those who use Aes are called. I’m one myself, and yes, I am delusional, but money is money, and being a Hollow Guide pays DOUGH‼️ Since we control our Aes from wherever we’re currently stationed, and our identities are to remain secret, Hollow Guides almost always use call signs, like mine is ‘Virtual Angel’ and my friend’s is ‘Black Swan’!
⭐️Hollow Guides are official personnel of the HIA (Hollow Investigation Agency), only Hollow Guides associated with the HIA can act with pay and without being in government trouble.
⭐️As Hollow Guides complete more missions, we get EXP, experience points like in a video game!~ the more EXP you get, the more well-known and in demand you get, collect enough EXP, and you level up! Currently, level 25 is the max level, there’s only 2 Hollow Guides with that level, and I am THREE levels away from being the 3rd!
⭐️⭐️Thank you for reading, everyone!~~ and remember, contact @virtualangelll on the Aeternet (that’s pronounced “I-ternet”) for any questions or comments!~~
-Virtual Angel signing out!~
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faela404 · 2 years
☆ The Library ☆
kazuha x gn! reader
prompt: - you and kazuha attend the same university, him being a english lit major and you being a person in stem😎 your paths never crossed until that day in the library…
*this is an smau so please do expect a lot of twitter posts and messages to read, there will be proper writing too but, it will mostly be that!!*
warning! just a lot of writing
masterlist - prev | next
☆ you’re late. ☆
this is it! today marks the first day of kazuha and i working together to finish our own projects, and im already running late.
i’m not so sure how much help i can be to his assignment, i barely remember anything from high school english. i’ll try my best though!
god, i hope he’s good at cleaning or i’m never going to get this finished.
however, all of that will be down the drain if i don’t hurry up and get there.
this really is on brand for me at this point, being late got me stuck cleaning the library in the first place and being late’s going to be the thing that stops me from getting any help cleaning it.
great, 20 minutes late. i really hope he isn’t angry with me.
he’s seems like a pretty chill guy, but even chill guys can loose their cool.
carefully, i step into the cold library, only to be met by complete silence.
oh god what if he’s left already? my brain swirls with a hundred notions and questions to explain this deafening silence, until i’m ripped from my own thoughts by his beautiful voice.
“you’re late” he called to me from his seat. he was tucked away in a tiny nook in between the book cases. no wonder i didn’t see him at first.
“i’m so sorry, i had a nap and woke up later than i was meant too, i had to rush to get ready-“ i began rambling on until i was cut off again, by a small laugh.
he was laughing at me, he wasn’t mad.
“it’s quite alright, let’s get started shall we? i figured i’d start cleaning while you familiarise yourself with the topic and materials for my assignment. sound like a plan?” he gestured towards the seat he was previously occupying as he began walking towards my cleaning equipment.
“haha, yeah that sounds like a plan” i sat down and began reading over everything: his assignment brief, the blurbs of all the books he had read for it, the parts of the assignment he had done.
from what i can gather, his assignment is on shakespeare and why his writing style fit so well for his time. he had to write atleast 10 pages on said topic along while including annotated texts from each book used. kazuha decided he would use romeo and juliet and macbeth as his main focuses. they’re quite basic choices but that makes it easier for me i suppose.
after familiarising myself with the topic of his assignment enough that i could be of some help, i turned to beckon kazuha over, only to find he had already cleaned half of a whole section of the library.
holy shit, this is gonna go by so fast.
we’d been working on his assignment for over and hour now with us finally finishing his 6th page. it didn’t take too long to pack up our things and make our way towards the entrance of the library.
slipping out into the cold winter air, we began walking together towards my dorm.
“you really don’t have to walk me back, kazuha”
“i know, but it’s the least i can do after you helped me today” he sent a small smile my way.
“besides, it’s in a similar direction to my car so it won’t take me much longer to get to my apartment”
oh so he’s rich rich, got it.
“oh right, i forgot you don’t live on campus”
this felt nice, he’s a really kind person so i’m glad we get to talk like this.
after a few more minutes of mindless chatting, we arrived infront of my dorms.
“thank you for walking me back kazuha, i really appreciate it” i smiled at him as i began to turn towards the entrance of my dorms.
until i feel his hand wrap around my wrist, stopping me in my tracks.
“wait, y/n” he mumbles.
is something wrong? did i do something? i look towards him, confused.
“would it be okay if i got your number?” he met my eyes. god his eyes look so beautiful in this light, i can see the hints of a brighter red swirling through them like the autumn leaves floating to the ground.
“of course you can kazuha, that way i can let you know when im gonna be late, haha” i pull out my phone in order to exchange numbers with the man infront of me.
“haha yeah of course” he shoots me a smile as he types his number in my phone.
we swapped our phones back before bidding eachother goodnight. i watch as he walks away towards the carpark before finally retreating into my dorms.
i feel my phone buzz in my pocket.
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a/n - when theres only one piece of social media stuff in an smau-
no but really, i hope ya’ll enjoyed this chapter! they’re progressinggggggg so proud of them-
i also wrote most of this with my cat just laying on my shoulder and neck-
thank you all for the continued support on this series and please remember to take care of yourself <3
taglist - open! @kazuhaprnt @ryhie @scaraapologist @thissoulisnotok @kazuhalvrr @rifran @sleepyhamster1001 @mccnstruck @micahmxi @whipped-for-fictionals @sashiette @kozumieee @lazy-sanns @mangobee @lez-zuha @kaoyamamegami @hedonesstuff @oliver-s-worlds @phoenix-eclipses @lisaslittle-helper
bold= blog not found
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dragonrider9905 · 11 months
I was supposed to copy/paste those symbols, right? 😆💜
Thank you so much for the ask dearie @apocalyp-tech-a !!!!! Sorry it took me so long to reply. Got a lot going on lately but this really made me smile!!!!
🐠 a funny quote from a published work
It felt hard to choose one because I have fun with humor even though I don’t think I’m that funny. But this passage comes from an one shot called “No One Outranks the Medic”!
“Oh he is next.” Blaze cut in, making his entrance. “Sorry, Commander, no caff. It’s not good to mix that with your flu medicine. It’ll make your stomach upset. Again. And I’m not cleaning up your sick for the second time after you retrieve some from your secret stash. So I swiped it! No more secret runs. You’ll get some sleep for once.”
“I’ll take my chances.” The mound under the sheets spoke. “Give me caff or give me death.”
“Neither is an option, Sir.”
Fox groaned. “That’s an order. You can’t do that.”
Blackeye grinned. “Oh yes he can. Wanna know why?”
“No.” Wolffe growled, crossing his arms over his chest so his medic couldn’t get to his chest wound.
“We’ll, you’re going to hear it anyway.” Blaze chuckled.
“No one, I mean absolutely no one, outranks the medic!” Kix clearly was enjoying his moment of glory and vindication too much.
🐙 a pretty/elaborate quote from a published work
I try my hardest to write pretty things but it is funny how sometimes the things that stand out to you aren’t the things that stand out to others. So for this one I’m picking a passage someone said they really liked of mine from my Tech and Reader insert “Don’t Call Me Flower”:
Tech watched you hunched over on the pier, staring into the water and dangling your legs carefully over the edge. Your easy, relaxed smile he would often see on your face when you were alone or you thought no one was watching, was not present, and a feeling of worry washed over him.
Your eyebrows pressed together, hyper-focusing on something that wasn’t there. Lips were turned into a frown and mind distracted.
That really wasn’t like you. From what he observed, you were quiet…but also observant. You watched and understood everything that was happening. You always knew your surroundings and not much got past you. Your eyes were ever watchful, a hidden light which carried a flame underneath. A mysterious flame that intrigued and fascinated him. It danced with an unshed energy which promised something great, though what was yet to be seen—your power veiled behind a mask.
There was so much to you.
And he enjoyed every moment you let him in to discover something new.
The hidden garden of knowledge in the vastness of your mind and imagination was beyond anything he’d ever experienced. You brought up points he never even considered, and they excited him. Not many people outside his family had the ability to evoke an emotion of happiness from him.
You did.
🦈 recommend a complete fic!
Heh. Heh. Heh. *sweats nervously realizing I have so many wips XD* I start soooooo many fics thinking they’re going to be a one shot then end up making it multi chapter or a series XD haha as you can see already from this post XD so hmmmmmmm, I’d say I recommend “This Bond Between Us” which is a force sensitive Hunter one shot focused on his and Crosshair’s brotherhood then there is “Got Spirit, That One” which is how Cody met Rex and how they became such good brothers!
Thanks again for the ask 🤗 I love hearing from you ❤️
Published Works Game
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lfcrobbo · 2 years
*chants* ask game ask game ask game!!
F & L please?
thank youuuuuu for asking🥰 and sorry this is a day or two late, it took me some time to pick a dialogue haha
L: How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
i TRY to do it. at least once. when i was writing/posting here comes the sun it was easier, bc i could do it chapter by chapter but with for example perfect pretenders i was like. soooo sick of it and it was so LONG (i love it but i was SUPPOSED to spend like. one week on it, and ended up spending. three months on it. so as soon as the final word was written i was DONE and just wanted it out!!!)
but i hate hate hate editing... i'm like this with academic work too, i just don't want to do it!!! and then i'll reread after i've posted and see like ten thousand mistakes and be like oh. idiot hat for me.
F: Share a snippet from one of your favourite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
okay i already answered this here, BUT in honor of suzuka, i will also give a shout out to this little snippet from chapter seven of here comes the sun:
“You can touch me, you know,” he says, blunt.
“What?” Sebastian asks, his brain struggling to keep up with the sudden shift in Charles’ mood.
“Ever since- you never touch me anymore. You’re- I don’t know if you know, Seb, but you are a very affectionate person. You touch everyone, all the time, but- not me, not since-”
Since Monaco.
Seb stares at Charles, unsure how to respond to this sudden confrontation. 
“I thought-” Charles takes a deep breath, “After we talked, I thought maybe things would go back to normal, but they haven’t. Not really, you are still so- so tense , whenever we are alone and I- I don’t know how to deal with it.” 
Seb honestly thought he’d done a better job at hiding his feelings. He closes his eyes briefly, and takes a deep breath. He opens his mouth to say something - an apology, an explanation, anything. 
“And honestly,” Charles continues with an annoyed huff, cutting him off, “it is not like I am going to throw myself at you just because you touch my shoulder.”
Seb stares, heart beating wildly in his chest. “That’s not-” he starts.
“I do have some self-control,” Charles charges on, “and you are not that irresistible. It is like you think-” 
“It’s not your self-control I’m worried about,” Sebastian says, stopping him in his tracks. He regrets the words as soon as they leave his mouth - they’re a confession he wasn’t ready to make.
this lived inside my head for soooo long before i finally wrote it down! i think. i'd tried to build up to it, with the lack of physical touch between them since their first kiss, and the miscommunication (charles thinking seb is weird bc seb thinks charles is into him, but actually seb is weird bc he thinks he's into charles and charles isn't into him!!!!) and! idk! i think "i do have some self-control" and "it's not your self-control i'm worried about" is like. dramatic but in a fun way. idk. i just like them! i think i did what i wanted to do with this dialogue!
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theyluvkarolina · 6 months
hi hi!!
i just read your lando angst fic. so good ahhhhhh😩🤌🏻
um.. and if your requests are open… could i request a max verstappen x manager! reader where she is real madrid’s or mancity’s social media manager or something and she’s sorta famous herself and has a really good relationship w her team. and max goes to one of the games and meets her and all the guys are teasing her (like how brothers tease their sister over things haha) and they get together after a while ?
sorry if that was so specific😅 love your works!! and i understand if you don’t want to do it!! have a lovely day <3
masterlist / rules / requests & talks with me!
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SUMMARY౨ৎ Meeting a f1 driver at your job wasn’t on the bucket list. However, crushing and getting teased by your new team members as if you were their little sister makes this much more worse interesting.
PAIRING ౨ৎ max verstappen x fem!reader
WARNINGS ౨ৎ GOOGLE TRANSLATED SPANISH!! Y/n is a major fangirl for Max 😭, sex jokes again
A/N ౨ৎ i’d like to apologize for how long this took and that i definitely could have done this request better than this considering how happy I was to do this but my writers block has been out of control lately :( as for the teasing, i went the more “over-protective brothers” route. I hope that’s okay with you!
A/N 2 ౨ৎ … safe to say i did NOT plan for this to be finished and come out on the one race max got a dnf 😭😭
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realmadrid ✔︎
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realmadrid ¡Al Real Madrid FC le gustaría anunciar a nuestra nueva gerente de redes sociales, la Sra. Y/N L/N! Nos gustaría felicitarla por esta increíble oportunidad y por su dedicación no solo al Real Madrid, sino también al equipo. ¡Bienvenido Y/N!
Real Madrid FC would like to announce our new Social Media manager, Ms. Y/N L/N! We would like to congratulate her on this amazing opportunity and her dedication to not only Real Madrid, but to the team. Welcome Y/N!
fabriziorom ✔︎
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fabriziorom ✔︎ Who’s gonna win 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐠𝐮𝐞? 🏆
Atlético or BVB 🆚 Barcelona or Paris Saint-Germain.
Real Madrid or Manchester City 🆚 Arsenal or Bayern.
username1 Real hardest matchup again
username2 Let's all laugh at vardrid we're going to see 5-1 aggregate again 😂
→ username3 bro thinks barça has been doing shit for the past 5 years 💀 → username4 at least we don’t rely on VAR → username5 at least we have 14 champion league wins
username6 Real Madrid revenge arc coming soon.....
y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ WTF
y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ guys i can’t do this
y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ i’m stressing
username6 someone check on Y/N rn
y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎
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y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ me because we are versing Man City in Champions League.
judebellingham ✔︎ what is that photo of me.
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ art.
username7 DON’T REMIND ME
username8 girl aren't you supposed to believe in your team?? 💀
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ even it's okay to admit defeat once in a while. → judebellingham ✔︎ BE CONFIDENT BLOODY HELL 😭 → y/n_l/nmadrid IT’S DIFFERENT WHEN YOU'RE THE ONE WATCHING 😞😞
tonirudiger ✔︎ BELIEVE IN US 💪 💪 🔥
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ i wish I had your positivity toni 🥹 → tonirudiger ✔︎ don’t worry y/n! we will win! 💪 💪 🔥 → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ i think you can stop with the emojis → tonirudiger ✔︎ 👍
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y/n_l/nmadrid you guys are in a crisis…. i’m on my way.
camavinga ✔︎ jude has been influencing you too much.
→ judebellingham ✔︎ and? supernanny is a good show. → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ someone is jelly they haven’t seen peak british tv. → judebellingham ✔︎ it’s telly you fake 🙄
vinijr ✔︎ those headphones look familiar 🤔 🤔
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ shhhhh
username9 what even is the “crisis”???
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ man city. → rodrygo ✔︎ stop this rn.
y/n_l/nmadrid has posted a story 1 hour ago!
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realmadrid ✔︎
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realmadrid up up and away! ✈️ Onto Manchester 👊
username10 i still forget it’s y/n making these posts for the team 😭😭
username11 i love how she does a whole 360 with the actual team insta posts than her own 💀
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ I WOULD BUT THE OLD MAN IS GETTING ANNOYED BY IT → judebellingham ✔︎ yeah because you have an entire album dedicated to him and then cry when you think about him retiring??? → username13 EXCUSE ME??? → username14 y/n crying because of modrić being close to retiring 🥹🥹 → username15 WHY ARE WE IGNORING THE FACT SHE HAS AN ALBUM DEDICATED TO HIM??? →username16 because who wouldn’t cry about him retiring → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ @ username16 is right → judebellingham ✔︎ @ username16 i second that → rodrygo ✔︎ @ username16 make that 3. → camavinga ✔︎ @ usernme16 4. → fedevalverde ✔︎ @ username16 5 😅 → lukamodric10 ✔︎ I’m retiring not dying 😓
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realmadrid ✔︎
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realmadrid ✔︎ Miss Y/N hard at work! What do you think she is writing? 🤔 ✍️
username17 how to win against Man City
username18 how to not piss herself watching the game.
ardaguler ✔︎ she works?! 😧 😧
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ you get playing time?! → username19 SHOTS FIRED 😭 → ardaguler ✔︎ :( → username20 WHAT DID HE DO TO YOU 😭😭 → judebellingham ✔︎ be nice to the baby he hasn’t been here that long to know your harmless 😞 → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ @ judebellingham don’t say that as if you haven’t been here for less than a year either. → judebellingham ✔︎ this is what you sound like: wah wah wah
y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎
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y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ congrats to my favorite boys!! onto the quaters! 🫶🫶
username21 she’s actually so unserious 😭
pablogavi ✔︎ imagine not believing in your own team
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ imagine being on a team that lost 7-2 in the champions league against bayern munich → pablogavi ✔︎ you won’t let barca live this down will you? → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ nope. 🫶
judebellingham now you believe in us??? 😒 😒
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ shush. be happy i even posted about you guys.
tonirudiger ✔︎ working hard! 💪 🔥
lukamodric10 ✔︎ great teamwork! 👏
toni.kr8s ✔︎ what a game 😮
username22 toni and luka are such parents 💀
y/n_l/nmadrid has posted a story 1 hour ago!
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judebellingham replied to your story!
judebellingham Y/N YOU ARSE LOOK AT THE GROUP CHAT PLEASE y/n_l/nmadrid … y/n_l/nmadrid should I be scared? Read at 5:32 PM y/n_l/nmadrid wowww okay i see how it is
mxverstappen1 has posted a story 5 minutes ago!
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f1 ✔︎
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f1 ✔︎ Max wins it in Silverstone! 🦁 An outstanding performance once again by the Dutchman! 👏
username22 another day, another gp max ate.
→ username23 no way homegirl didn’t recognize THE max vertsappen 💀💀 → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ damn i’m sorry my entire sports knowledge is the one i work for 😞
y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ lowkey… he kinda fine 🤭
→ judebellingham ✔︎ bloody hell → camavinga ✔︎ we need an intervention for her rn → fedevalverde ✔︎ euthanize her. → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ FEDE??? → usernme24 y/n gets the appeal → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ when you do work with men in sports your forced to see apeal.
username25 DU DU DU DU 🔥 🗣️🔥 🦁 MAX VERSTAPPEN 🏎️🔥 🗣️
maxverstappen1 ✔︎
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maxverstappen1 game of padel before race day!
tagged ; landonorris, fernandoalonso, danielricciardo
username25 f1 is just a jobby for him at this point 😭
username26 the goats and some guy named lando
y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ is he single
y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ that’s a handsome man right there 🥴
y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ he can paddle me anyday 😊😊
→ username27 MA’AM ??? → username28 the Real Madrid boys are NOT gonna be happy → judebellingham ✔︎ WHAT IS THIS??? → rodrygo ✔︎ i wish i can bleach my eyes out rn. → camavinga ✔︎ tell luka to giver her meds now. → tonirudiger ✔︎ already messaged him! 🔥 → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ CAN I THIRST IN PEACE???
y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎
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y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ fun trip to manchester and london!
judebellingham ✔︎ we should have left you at the flower shop
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ but then who will make you guys do silly dances that the fans demand 😞
lukamodric10 ✔︎ kćeri moja ❤️
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ lukita 🥹 → username29 the day luka leaves is the day i die.
maxverstappen1 ✔︎ very pretty lady 🙃
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ 🤭 🤭
maxverstappen1 ✔︎ is she single by chance 🤔
→ brahim ✔︎ woah woah woah → aurelientchm ✔︎ what do you think you are doing? → vinijr ✔︎ back up dutchie → judebellingham ✔︎ away from our girl → tonirudiger ✔︎ no she’s not actually ! → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ yes i am very much single 😚 → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ don’t listen to them!
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maxverstappen1 ✔︎ ; Date #1
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maxverstappen1 ✔︎ karting and fifa is my kind of date 🏎️ 🎮
tagged ; y/n_l/nmadrid
y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ ofc you use Barcelona 🙄 🙄
→ maxverstappen1 ✔︎ is it bad to support my favorite team? 😅 → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ if you wanna be with me then it is 🤨 → maxverstappen1 ✔︎ noted.
toni.kr8s ✔︎ is this why you took the day off??
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ …noooo… → rodrygo ✔︎ she’s lying lock her up in the locker room. → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ no thank you i don’t need to smell you stinkers → camavinga ✔︎ okay we don’t smell THAT bad after a game. → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ 😬 about that..
username30 HELLO???
username31 the sports collab we didn’t know we needed
username32 this was NOT on my 2024 calendar…
y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ Date #2
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y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ busy trying to make a new Madridista 🤍
tagged ; maxverstappen1
maxverstappen1 ✔︎ you’d look good in blue and red 🥴
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ i was going to agree until i realized what you were doing. → maxverstappen1 ✔︎ i don’t know what you are talking about.
username33 they are lowkey so cute
judebellingham ✔︎ why are you collaborating with the enemy.
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ he literally drives fast cars and is not a barca player?? → ardaguler ✔︎ that’s what he wants you to think 🤫
pablogavi ✔︎ why convert him if you can join him? 😉
→ vinijr ✔︎ get out of OUR pr managers comments. → pablogavi ✔︎ make me → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ i’m literally gonna block both of you if you don’t stop acting like kids. AND THAT’S COMING FROM ME → vinijr ✔︎ …yes ma’am. → pablogavi ✔︎ 😶
rodrygo ✔︎ stop acting like a couple in the stands. it makes me wanna puke.
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maxverstappen1 ✔︎ Date #3
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maxverstappen1 my good luck charm 💙
tagged ; y/n_l/nmadrid
y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ stooopppp you’re making me blush 🫣
→ maxverstappen1 ✔︎ liefje 🫶 → vinijr ✔︎ ew 🤢 → maxverstappen1 ✔︎ sounds like someone is sad and single. → landonorris ✔︎ what’s wrong with being sad and single 😞
redbullracing ✔︎ wonderful job out there 👊 🔥
→ ferrari ✔︎ hey @ redbullracing ! please stop winning so some of us have a chance! 😊 → realmadrid ✔︎ no thanks @ ferrari! we like that the newest golden boy of the family i winning :) → judebellingham ✔︎ oh! → ardaguler ✔︎ :( → lukamodric10 ✔︎ since when was there a new golden boy?!
username33 DU DU DU DU 🔥 🗣️🔥 🦁 MAX VERSTAPPEN 🏎️🔥 🗣️
username34 it’s them against the world
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f1 Max Verstappen and his #1 Fan! 👫❤️
tagged ; maxverstappen1 & y/n_l/nmadrid
landonorris ✔︎ okay maybe i am sad and single
→ ameliadimz ✔︎ ??? i’m right here 🙄 → landonorris ✔︎ your right my bad 🫶
judebellingham ✔︎ …fine i’ll let this relationship slide.
→ maxverstappen1 ✔︎ am i bellingham approved?? 😮 → judebellingham ✔︎ don’t get your hopes up mate. i’m doing it for her not you 😑 → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ jude 🥹🥹
lukamodric10 ✔︎ ti razbiti ona srce, odrezat ću ti kurac.
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ i’m → maxverstappen1 ✔︎ yes sir. → username35 ✔︎ HELLO??? → username35 ✔︎ LUKA?? → rodrygo ✔︎ i don’t know much croatian but i know that is not good.
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cro: ti razbiti ona srce, odrezat ću ti kurac.
eng: you break her heart, i’ll cut your dick off.
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ohhipeople · 8 months
Ok so i had some money saved up for my schools driver’s ed course and forgot to pay for it and sign the syllabus in early December. After Christmas break, in January after i realized that i was to late for the second semester course, but wanted to make sure so i asked my English teacher about it (she does the drivers ed course) informed me that as long as the syllabus was made I could sign up for the course during the summer( i think I already knew that but probably forgot about it haha)
So the next day I asked cause why not and i was told it wasn’t made yet. Routinely asked every day( or not literally every day maybe took a break in between days) or i think i asked once for 2 days after she told the syllabus thing and then i waited a day or 2 and asked for the last time and it still wasn’t made yet( thats fine i don’t mind waiting.)
i question if she was actually going to make it soon and if the truth was being told from the very beginning. The idea of teacher knowingly not telling the truth kinda pissed me off. Like idc waiting is cool, and so is the truth and if i was playing a petty game of miscommunication made to “teach me” a lesson or make me look like an impatient idiotic boundry pusher; oh boy.
But that was just a thought, until one day where I didn’t ask(just thought like specifying just because even though its not actually relevant) When the bell ringed which meant school was over, my setting being the classroom of the teach whom was the one i had asked abt driver ed, spoke to the remaining students in the classroom( obviously i was there ) then she complained about a student asking her about the drivers ed and that she doesn’t even want to do it in the summer yet. ( which is cool, but why the fuck couldn’t politely you say so in the first place?)
The student she referred to was me but because i was there my name was substituted with another student’s. Only me or some other student( I’m friends with the student who’s name was substituted with mine) would care about paying for drivers ed course and signing the syllabus as soon as possible.
trust me not i’m super eager about it/dying to do it as soon as possible. but why not do it early ? after all my dumbass might just wait too long until its filled up and it wouldn’t hurt to ask , or so I thought.
After a few days I completely agreed with myself that my teacher wasn’t going to do it soon and knew so when she told me she would do it soon. I have a autistic brain btw so i naturally cannot mind read and will believe what a person tells me. Thought it was okay to ask and thats what i was supposed to.
Sorry bout this long ass post/rant that may not make sense and possibly unnecessarily spaced paragraphs. But before u go, because this is bothering me and feel like things might get worse/ have the wrong perspective forced onto me. Could you please answer these questions.
So I’m wondering…is it just me that i think my teach was miscommunicating and making it complicated/big deal instead of properly communicating? Is this toxic behavior?
Who is right/wrong? Pls help me
Thank you
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tolbachik · 8 months
Hi! This is Cube/🎲! This is my main blog, but I mostly post on @junecast-moonfast nowadays :D
Don’t worry about the delay, this is a very busy time of year! I hope you had a good Christmas ^^
The main universities I’m applying to are Rutgers, Syracuse, and Drexel! I’m also just thinking of just applying all over (as long as the application fees aren’t too high) to see if any schools give me scholarship money lol
Conlangs have always been super interesting to me! I’ve considered trying my hand at making one, but I think I’d need to get a better grasp on linguistics before I do that. Are there any conlangs in particular you’d be interested in taking up? ^^
Pieeogis are great! My mom and I were supposed to homemake them for Christmas, but unfortunately we didn’t get around to it. We still have the filling, so we might make them some time this week :]
Swedish seems like such an interesting language! Also, your reason for learning it is so sweet. It must be a lot of fun to be able to learn a language with a friend who’s a native speaker :D
Arabic is also a fascinating language! The place where I grew up has a pretty large arabic population, so a lot of my friends growing up spoke it. Unfortunately though, I never picked up on any of it.
The math class I got to miss because of choir was applied math, so it was all word problems. In hindsight, it might’ve been an interesting class, but also I know that middle school me would’ve hated it haha
I looked up the erhu, and the sound is so pretty! I imagine that it sounded especially beautiful live, I feel like sometimes music just cannot be entirely captured through video. You can’t really go wrong with string instruments, they all sound so nice :]
I’ll be honest, I never realized how weird our focus on Mars is until you pointed it out! You’re totally right though, focusing on Mars seems entirely arbitrary considering that other planets were also candidates for being habitable in the past. It seems like sometimes in science, we get stuck focusing so hard on one discovery that we lose sight of the bigger picture!
Yeah! I tend to be a bit of a pessimist, but you’re right that a better future is possible if we work together for it! It’s sad to think about what could’ve been, but we also have the chance to make change now!
If I could see any dead musicians live, I think I’d have to go with ELP (Carl Palmer is still alive, but unfortunately the other two members have passed), David Bowie, or David Berman. Keith Emerson was a wonderful showman, and a wonderful musician! Same for David Bowie. David Berman’s music is just so beautiful and hard hitting that I imagine it would’ve been an amazing experience to see him perform live. As for living musicians, I would’ve loved to see Eno on the recent tour he went on, but unfortunately the timing just wasn’t right.
One thing that I found particularly funny about Caligula is that when he invaded Britain he had his soldiers collect sea shells. There was some logic behind why he did this, but I’ve since forgotten it. It’s just a little silly to imagine Roman soldiers just frolicking on the shore and grabbing sea shells haha
Another nautical Caligula fun fact is that he was rumored to have declared war on Poseidon. Assuming the Greco-Roman gods are real, this would’ve been a particularly bad move considering that when Odysseus pissed off Poseidon, it didn’t turn out particularly well for him lol
I’m in a similar boat to you in regards to religion. I haven’t moved out yet, but I’d still consider myself agnostic or an atheist. However, I still celebrate Christmas.
Happy holidays! It was great to be your Santa this year, I’m so glad that we got paired up! I wish you well for the coming year ahead. Take care! :D
- 🎲
Hi!! So, so sorry for how late this. I appreciate your patience! I hope you had a lovely holiday season, and a great start to the new year as well. I hope that this year goes exactly how you want it to! Wow, that's quite the list!! Which one are you hoping to get into the most? Sounds like a real exciting time, I really hope you can get a nice scholarship!! I get that! What sort of conlang do you think you'd try to make, if you had the time and resources to do so? Hmmm... I'm not sure, there are a lot of options out there! I'll have to do a little shopping around, I think. I do kind of have one main for my story, but it's very... Nebulous. I just kind of make it up as I go along, really! Aww, I'm sorry that you guys didn't get to it! Did you end up getting to them, or nah? I hope you did, it sounds like a lot of fun! I think I tried myself once years ago, but I don't think it ended up going very well lol Aww, thank you! I haven't really talked to her much in Swedish, as my grasp is still very tenuous, but it's a fun little goal to work towards! I think I already said it, but I really love how similar it is to English. Language history is always so neat! I agree, Arabic is really neat! Ahh, I get that though. It can be hard keeping track of that sort of stuff sometimes! I had a friend who's mother was Russian growing up, but I couldn't ever remember what any of the words she said meant 😭 Ahh, that's fair! I guess singing really was the best bet then, huh? I hope you were able to enjoy it then, at least! I'm glad you enjoyed it! If you want, I think I might've actually recorded her performance. It was a bit ago, so I'll have to dig through my files to find it, but I can try to share it with you then if you'd like! It was very small; it was just her, a few people from her class, and some of their friends and family. Maybe like, 20 people total! It's a shame; there's so much more out there we could explore! But, such is life. At least we're doing anything at all up there, I gotta count my blessings for that! Thankfully, other space agencies seem to be picking up the slack, and there's been a bit of a shift in our own space agency as well it seems. Here's to hoping for more widespread exploration!
I get that, it's hard looking on the bright side sometimes. There's a lot of pain and suffering in our world, it's not something one can really ignore. But, there are tons of like-minded people out there! We'll get there someday!
That's a great list! I'm sorry you didn't get to see Eno though 😭 Maybe if he tours again you could catch him that time? Either way, I hope you can get to see him & all your other favorites, if possible!
Oh wow, that really is quite the mental image lol I wonder what the reason was? Was it for trading, or perhaps for a source of minerals? Either way, I'd love to see a painting of it; sounds like such a silly thing to do lol
Man, they really did just do anything when it came to it back then, huh? I guess, comparing then to now, we do stuff they might have considered silly or weird as well. Something something constant in human history lol Ahh, I gotcha. Religion can be such a personal thing, so thank you for sharing! If you don't mind me asking, what lead you to where you are today with that? Thank you for being my secret santa, I had such a great time talking with you! So sorry again for the delay with this reply, here. I really appreciate your patience! I hope you've been enjoying your 2024 so far! :)
0 notes
berryunho · 2 years
helo it is i san anon and i am here to tell u abt the concert !!
we had seated tickets so went a bit late (still like an hour before the show started 🫣 um) AND I WAS RESPONSIBLE by not buying any merch bc i bought a lot at the popup store hehe
anyway so the atinys behind us were rly nice n started talking to us AND THEN ONE OF THEM GAD ALREADY SEEN THE SOUNDCHE K PICS OF MINGI AND I WAS LIKE WAIT WHAT?? HE DID WHAT??? I FEEL SO BAD bc so many ppl like it but i… i can’t.. i just.. idk… maybe i have to get used to it but it’s not for me 😭 i loved the mango hair </3 where is the length on this one </3 pls </3 i also didn’t love hongjoong’s hair on pics previously but irl?? that was styled to perfection he looked so fucking fine oml cult meeting when?? lead the way sir /hj
anyway so i’d been MaNiFeStInG san’s long dark hair bc last year i saw him w the guerilla hair and i didn’t love that tone either (i miss her now ngl but the dark hair outdoes (hongruella back then oml drooling)) and then the airport pics w his long hair 😮‍💨 drooled a lil /hj ANYWAY SO HEEEEE LOOKED FINE AS FUCK and THE cyberpunk outfit oml he wore everything i wanted him to !!! ig he loves me bc i’ve been manifesting oreo woo for a year now and where is it. where. jung wooyoung. we need to have a talk.
AND the tinys behind me asked who my bias was and i was like uhhh bc i’m actually?? wooyo bias?? or supposed to be?? but san n joong are also in my bias line and recently it’s been a bit of a problem.. am completely normal about san.. as some may know.. so normal.. haha anyway I SAID I AM IN BETWEEN BIASES BUT!!! I DON’T THINK THAT IS THE CASE ANYMORE choi san has me in a terrible chokehold that i will never be able to escape from (and i got a san freebie hehe <3 cute) but literally when i said “ok i’m san biased now” they performed i’m the one heat topping ver AND WOOYOUNG??? IDK IF ANYONES SEEN VIDEOS BUT HE?? HIS BODY ROLL? I ??? that felt so personal ANYWAY I EXPLAINED IT TO MY MOM (she loves woo since i never shut up abt him.. i thought she liked hwa smh traitor) LIKE LISTEN. WOOYOUNG WAS AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS. AND SANJOONG AT THE SECOND STEP. BUT SAN DIDNT LIKE IT THERE. SO HE TOOK A STEP UP TO STAND WITH WOO. but since san is a bit taller.. that automatically makes him rank a bit higher. bc his height quite literally puts him higher than wooyoung. i don’t make the rules.. woo should’ve grown more. LMAO
anyway so that!! is it!! they were so fucking good as ALWAYS (tho i liked last tour’s setlist a bit more.. but we got mist this time so i happy also i am THE biggest new world stan choi san the man that u are today and choi jongho the talent that u have) the vocals were on point the performance was perfect the outfits were so gorg mingi’s hair wasn’t it for me we had a lot of fun the tinys behind me barked yeosang’s hair was SOOOO LONG yeah anyway IT WAS GREAT and why tf are the spaces between paragraphs on my phone so fucked like this looks so ugly i’m sorry if this is an ugly piece of text in ur asks but !!! whatever 😍 pls do look up that wooyoung video… idk if anyone posted it but.. i’m drooling /hj oh and i cheered very loud for yunho!!!
screaming the amount of detail here i love it its like we're penpals omg but YAAAAAYYYYYY IM GLAD YOU HAD FUN !!!!
pls when they were in the us... i preordered all of my merch through one of the popups but um ..... yeah i still bought more merch at every show i went to it was so bad i think i collected nearly every shirt/sweatshirt possible idk i blacked out SO PROPS TO YOU FOR STAYING STRONG !!!!
AKDJFSFJSLDJK THE PINK HAIR ....... i dont dislike it but its not my fave on him lol i think maybe after a few washes when its less ... neon itll be better LKJALKSDFJALDKJF BUT THATS FAIR AND yeah hj .... mmmmmmmmmmmm he is scrumptious always and IN PERSON ..... HHGHGHGKSGLKJ im normal about him. i always am... AND SAN !!!!!!! SJKLDFJASDF im sure we'll get oreo woo back one day .... i hope .... it was too iconic to be gone forever
PLEASE THAT EXPLANATION IM SCLKJRELAKJSJF IT MAKES SENSE THOUGH !!!! my best friend was a jongho bias .... until we saw them and somewhere between the start and the finish wooyoung SNATCHED HER SO AGGRESSIVELY HES ALL SHE TALKS ABOUT NOW PLEASLKEJLSESKJALKJFDS AND ........ im loyal im SO loyal like id never ever consider a double bias idk what anyone is even talking about (................................/s) BUT FR CHOI SAN? IN PERSON? BEFORE YOUR EYES? LIKE ANYONE WOULD BE TEMPTED THATS ALL I CAN SAY SO YOU'RE VALID SAN ANON SO VALID !
BUT YAYYY AGAIN IM SO GLAD YOU HAD FUN !!! living vicariously through this ask rn AKJDFLSKJFALSKJF omg idk which setlist i prefer honestly .... bc last tour i was sad about exactly 4 songs not being on the setlist and they all of them were added this tour ... but at the expense of my favorite title track ................ and also inception ..... so like .......... yeah idk LKAJLFDKJDSF BUT YAAYAYYY TY FOR SCREAMING FOR YUNHO AND TY FOR SHARING W ME I HOPE YOU'RE WELL !!! <3333
0 notes
things they do when they love you
Characters: Kageyama Tobio, Tsukishima Kei, Tanaka Ryūnosuke, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Kozume Kenma, Tendō Satori, & Ushijima Wakatoshi, all with a Fem!Reader
Warnings: literally nothing - pure fluff <3
A/N: sorry for the lack of content lately! I’ve been super busy with work and school and I feel myself starting to get selfconscious of my work again so I’m hoping I can break through the writers block it comes with! Hope you enjoy! Also thank you to @thisnoodlewritesao3​ and @satan-ruler-of-hells​ for listening to me talk about this fic probably a million times lol
haikyuu masterlist
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Kageyama is awkward with telling you how he feels so he just tries to give you things to show you. like you mentioned once you liked the protein bar that Coach gave you guys and now he bought every single one of them from the store and is bringing it to your house. Oh did you say you liked milk too? Well I guess he’ll just have to bring you the whole fucking vending machine. Just wants to show he will provide you with all the things you love, pls love him back. I feel like he’d also be bugging his older sister all the time - asking her all sorts of questions about girls. She’s the reason your first date wasn’t at a volleyball game (and also the reason why he no longer thinks your first date was the first time you attended his games. “Tobio, a date is supposed to be where the two of you are hanging out together.” “But.... we are together. She’s watching me play.” “.... somewhere where your whole team and the whole of the Miyagi prefecture isn’t!”)
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Tsukishima will let you pamper him lol. He likes the attention so when you’re doing face masks, he’ll like look through them and ask you questions about them. Sometimes it comes off as he’s judging you for spending money on this stuff but he’s really just waiting for you to ask if he wants to try one. You bought a dino face mask specifically for him but you thought he’d laugh at you if you asked. So you just kept it with the rest of your sheet masks. You’re putting one on one day and he’s like …. is that a dinosaur. And you’re like…. no? And immediately he’s like well now I have to have it please show me how to put this one. Lol cut to: it does nOT look like a dinosaur (have yall seen those ones that’s supposed to like look like a penguin or lion or something and just looks psychotic??? yeah that). He still likes it and even lets you take a picture of his first face mask cause you just look so happy that you’re doing it with him. It becomes a ritual and any time you’re doing face masks, he’ll do it with you and you just spill all the tea to him about shit you’ve heard at work or school and he just listens and aggressively calls everyone stupid  lol
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Tanaka aggressively praises you non stop but like in a good way haha. Did you just post a photo on instagram? He’s liked it first, commented a thousand different things about how he loves your outfit and your expression and how you’re the light of his life, and then he sHARES the photo to his story and is like look at how pretty my girlfriend is yall wish this was you. Oh did you just get a good grade at school??? Non stop bragging to his teammates about how he’s dating a genius (“I mean anyone’s a genius compared to you” “Tsukishima that is NO WAY TO TALK TO YOUR UPPERCLASSMAN YOU ASSHOLE”). If you’re feeling upset about something, he’ll comfort you and all but also tell you that you’re such a badass you could handle anything. And it’s not like empty compliments either - he genuinely believes that you are the most amazing human being to ever walk the planet
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Yamaguchi (okay I got this idea partially from @/paige.ipairs on tiktok but it’s so cute that i had to put it here) likes doing anything with you so he likes it when you’re out shopping and you help him pick a new outfit or you style something for him. But his favourite thing is when you’re painting your nails and he’s like … that’s a nice colour… and you’re like Yamaguchi would you like… your nails painted? And at first it’s just the one finger and it’s a matching colour with you. Like on his ring finger to symbolize he’s with you but then soon he’s with you at the mall looking at different colours and picks out one’s he would like for you to paint for him and he just carries them over to you like .. o.o pls
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Kenma will actively look for 2 player games that he can play with you. He’ll pretend like it’s nothing and that he just wants to try the game for the 1 player story but he’ll leave a controller out and just kind waits for you to ask to play or pick up the controller. He really likes it when you play, even if you wander around a lot and aren’t super focused on the story line. Minecraft with the two of you is always fun. He thinks it’s really funny how aggressive you get trying to save your animals from the zombies even though they won’t get hurt. You teared up once cause the pen you made for your chickens got blown up by a Creeper and he actually felt so bad even though you told him it was definitely not his fault. Cut to: you screaming aggressively when it comes to any Creeper as revenge for the chickens who were lost in the battle.
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Tendō starts reading your favourite mangas and watches all of your favourite series/movies before you two really started dating because he wanted to know what to talk to you about. But now that you guys are together, he’ll plan dates where you can binge-watch all of your favourite movies/shows or just lie around and trade mangas (you had this man actually crying at some of them, he wasn’t ready for the hURT). If you’re not the biggest fan of horror films, he’ll insist that you guys don’t need to watch them but he loves when you stick it out with him cause it means extra cuddles and more snacks as comfort! If you do love horror films, he’ll always buy tickets to the new movies so the two of you can watch it together right away.
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Ushijima will hold you no matter where you guys are. Big beefy boy doesn’t really understand why he wouldn’t hold you, even if you guys were in public. When you guys first started dating, you’d avoid reaching out for his hand because you figured big stoic guy like Ushijima, he wouldn’t really be a PDA kind of guy would he? Wrong. Well right, but also wrong. Boy probably doesn’t even realize what PDA is but he’ll reach for your hand and hold it anytime. And if you guys are waiting in line somewhere, he’ll just hold you in his arms in front of him. He has no sense of when not to do this. It’s like you’re his comfort person (which you are). In front of his Coach? Suddenly has you in front of him, hugging you to him. Being interviewed by some reporters? Oh look, you’re here too. Reminding Oikawa that he should’ve come to Shiratorizawa? You’re right in front sticking your tongue out at the Aoba Josai boi like the child you are lol. Honestly, he doesn’t think it’s weird but he knows deep down that he’s just really scared you’ll leave. He likes knowing you’re around because it reminds him you’re always there. 
Haikyuu taglist (let me know if you’d like to join!)
@al0ehas​ @aurumk​ @devilkittymusic​ @thisnoodlewritesao3​ @satan-ruler-of-hells​ @trashy-simp​ @jeppiet​ @lucyheartfilias-wife​ @darkvadeeer​ @haikyuutothetop​ @livy384​ @babyshoyo​
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monaisdark · 4 years
AHHHH! I loved your virgin shiggy post, I was wondering if you could make a part two with reader giving shigaraki a tit-fuck in an empty classroom, with degradation kink, and exhibition kink! I'm sorry if this too horny - Anon ♥♥
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haha.. im back i guess. Its been a couple weeks but i have some time to start writing again :)) checking my inbox, i did NOT expect this many people wanting a pt2 to my virgin shiggy post. prolly my fault for holding it off for so long :/ so i made it longer than i planned but count this a thanks for 200+ followers!! <3 anyways i really need to catch up on my inbox but expect more from me !!
➨ paring — Virgin! (not anymore) Tomura Shigaraki x Fem! Bully! Reader
➨ warnings — Sub! Shigaraki, Dom! Reader, mommy kink, slight masturbation, humiliation, degradation, begging, exhibition, tit-fucking, hand-job, cum denial
Shigaraki messed up. It’s been a week. A week since you cornered him in a room and took his virginity.
He still remembers what you told him when you left— “Take a shower tomorrow. Also wear a different top for god’s sake. If you do... I might let you touch me.” 
Shigaraki beat himself over for agreeing to it as soon as he got home. You were his bully. One of the people making his school experience even more unbearable than it already was.
Yet he completely was undone as soon as you placed your hands on him, and you knew it. He just didn’t know what you wanted.
Dick? No, you were pretty and popular— you could probably get some from more desirable guys. To bully him? Sure, you said mean things to him during the encounter but the bullying was always around your friends.
For a whole school week, he stayed home. Making up some bullshit to the school that he had the flu. Frankly, he was scared to go. How was he supposed to face you?
Did you tell anyone? Secretly record it? Was he currently the laughing stock of the entire school for begging to continue to fuck you?
But even away from school, you had an effect on him. He’s still a horny guy. Now, jerking off wasn’t the same anymore, not when he had some taste of pussy thanks to you.
Shigaraki would always end up thinking back to you, even with porn he couldn’t get you out of his head. His hands clamping around his cock weren’t the same as your pussy, same with the bodies of other women.
He found himself indulging into mommy kink porn, something he didn’t really get off from before you. Shigaraki pretend it was you talking to him, bouncing onto his lap and letting him touch you.
But after a bit— Shigaraki found it going no where, they weren’t you.
Cursing, he would always finish early. And not in a good way. In a way where he was left unsatisfied. Putting his painfully hard cock back into his sweats and trying to sleep his horny-ness away.
Shigaraki realized he needed you, you talking to him, you around his cock. Now, he regretted not sticking to his word. But he’ll make it up for you.
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You were quite mad. Shigaraki hasn’t been to school since that day. How ungrateful, you literally let him put his dick in you and now he ghosts you in real life.
You fully expected him to be at school the next day with the way he begged you to stay, clean and ready for you. So imagine your annoyance in seeing him not show up for several days.
But today was different, the newly ex-virgin actually showed up. To your surprise, he still did more than you expected him to do despite being a week late.
Shigaraki had changed his hoodie to a whole new one, it looked recently bought. As well as his hair, looking more soft than greasy like it typically was. Though he didn’t style it, it still overhanging on his face.
Still, he definitely looked a lot better, not enough for others to notice but enough for you to smirk at your work.
Both of you didn’t interact with each other besides a few glances until lunch. You guys sat on completely different ends of the cafeteria, him sitting in a small corner table while you sat in a large one.
Shigaraki looked fidgety, meekly looking up every few minutes to watch you interact with your friends. He was waiting for school to end, planning to catch you at the same empty classroom you took his virginity in.
Though you had completely other plans.
“Hey, I’ll be right back.” You got up from your table, grabbing your bag from off the floor. “To?” One of your friends asked, not looking up from their phone.
“Some nerd, he’s gonna do my homework we got last period. Apparently, his parents found out he’s been doing our homework and now he's gotta do them during lunch. Gotta make sure they do it right.” You lied through your teeth, hoping they would just back off.
They didn’t look up, instead pulling their homework worksheet out of their binder with one hand, putting it in yours, “Get him to do mine.”
You rolled your eyes, grabbing the paper, “Yeah.” You walked away, crumbling the paper to throw it in the trash. You’ll just say you lost it. Not like they’ll do anything about it.
Narrowed eyes landed on Shigaraki, his eyes currently focused on his phone. You strudded your way to him, smirking to yourself.
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Shigaraki almost jumped when he felt something brush against his leg. Looking up, he was met with you sitting down next to him.
“Hey.” You said, placing your bag on the table and putting your last period’s homework on the table.
“You’re good at chemistry, right?” You questioned, shifting through your bag for something to write with.
“...Well— I... um...—“ Shigaraki stuttered, unsure of what was currently going on.
“Great.” You pulled the phone out of his clammy hands, replacing it with a pencil. “...What?” He tilted his head, was this a joke? Did you completely forget about a week ago?
“Hm...? Well, get onto it.” You uttered him on, putting your chin in your hands, eyeing him. Reluctantly, he looked back to paper, beginning to work on it.
After around 5 minutes, you brushed against him even more, getting close to his side. “What does that say?” You pushed yourself further into his side, your chest touching his arms.
Shigaraki cursed himself for already becoming red, he pants tightening around his crotch as last week flashed into his head again.
“Um... m-mole is a unit of measur— Hmph!“ He held back a loud whine when your right hand traveled to his crotch.
“What— what are you doing?” He asked under his breath, holding back small whimpers as you palmed him, “Where have you been?” You questioned sternly, upset he kept you waiting.
“I’m sorry... I got sick.” He bluffed, it was too embarrassing to admit he was scared. With how he left you hanging, he expected people to be laughing at him the moment he stepped onto school grounds.
“Sick? A whole week?” You hummed, you could already tell he was lying. Still, you were proud that he even bothered to make it up to you by fixing himself up.
“With your diet of energy drinks and chips, I’m surprised you’re not dead.” You decided to let it go, he was just nervous to show up.
Yet you think he deserves a bit of punishment.
Shigaraki felt heavy as you teased the zipper of his jeans. He immediately tensed, “Wait— now..?” He saw you narrow your eyes, “Something wrong?”
“There’s people here!” He whispered yelled, flinching as he felt you unzip his jeans ever so slowly, trailing your finger along his exposed boxers.
“So? You’re just some loser in the corner, nobody will notice if you aren’t obvious.”
Shigaraki could already feel pre-cum form at his tip, staining his boxers a bit. You giggled a bit, feeling the dampness of his boxers. “Already?” Shigaraki shook his head, “I... I haven’t came since... that day.”
You laughed a bit louder than you expected to, good thing the cafeteria was already loud. “How sweet of you. Couldn’t get it on?”
Shigaraki focused his eyes on your paper, muffled moans caught at the back of his throat as you freed his cock from his boxers.
Now slowly pumping him, Shigaraki dropped the pen of the table. He wanted to do something with his hands, to touch you.
He moved his hand to your thigh, but of course, you didn’t allow him, “You’re too eager. Get back to work.” You ordered. Shigaraki was about to question you but you stopped him with stroking his cock faster.
Both of you continued this way for a bit, him answering questions with his shaky hands while you jerked him off.
Shigaraki could’ve sworn he felt eyes on him a couple of times, yet every time he looked up, nobody was even batting an eye in his direction.
He could feel his cock twitch at the excitement of being caught. How would they explain one of the most popular girls giving an outcast a hand-job under the table?
As he got to the last question— he was already drooling on the paper, mouth clenched shut to avoid moaning and panting to be let out.
You could tell he was about to cum, the writing on the paper progressively getting sloppier as time went on. “M-mommy...” Shigaraki whispered just enough for you to hear, “Hmm, you want to cum?”
He nodded furiously, he was extremely pent up and needed release. And just as he thought, you were the only one who can give it to him.
Shigaraki whimpered when you pulled away, looking up at the clock and collecting your stuff. “Then after school, room 204. Actually listen and show up when I tell you this time.”
You walked away just in time for the bell to go off, signifying that lunch was over. Leaving Shigaraki, once again, a mess.
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Here he was again, feeling nostalgic as you walked into the empty classroom. Shigaraki easily grew again while anticipating this, the tent prominent in his jeans.
“Y’know, good job for showering and changing.” You gave him praise, Shigaraki turning red from your words. “This... this means I can touch you, right?”
You nodded, “Yeah. I actually keep promises.” He ignored the jab at him, it didn’t matter how mean you were— he was going to touch you finally.
Shigaraki awkwardly shuffled towards you, raising his hands up to look at you with wide eyes. He slowly paced a hand on your boobs, trying to see if this was just some test and you’ll get mad at him.
When he didn’t get anything back, he immediately started to dough on your clothed breast, cupping them. Then, he moved to unbutton your shirt, already seeing you thought ahead and took off your bra before coming here.
He fully took off your shirt, not wasting time on latching his mouth onto one of your nipples, both hands playing with your breasts. Shigaraki was basically humping your leg, sucking your nipples like a baby.
You giggled a bit, patting his head. He looked up at you with a clouded look, pure joy in his eyes as he finally got to touch you.
Looking back down at him, another idea popped up— you already took his virginity and gave him his first hand-job, whats another one of his firsts? “Shigaraki, do you want to feel really good?” He unlatched from your nipple, “I can be inside you?”
“No.” He frowned a bit, but perked up when you trailed your fingers on his boxers. “What if I put this,” You pointed at your boobs, “In between these?”
Shigaraki was already down, eagerly sitting on a desk while you got on your knees. He freed his cock, putting it in between your slick pushed together breasts, thanks to his sucking earlier.
You wasted no time on stroking it up and down with your breasts. He moaned feeling the softness of the valley between your chest, your breasts around his cock giving him warmth as you stimulated him.
Shigaraki was definitely feeling great, you even let him bend down and grab your breasts to control the speed of the tit-job.
Though, Shigaraki wanted more. You were giving him all these things, a hand-job, a tit-fuck. He’s been inside you once and he didn’t get to do what he wanted in the first place. To cum inside his mommy.
He feels a knot grow in his lower abdomen, but he doesn’t wanna cum yet. Instead, he pulled himself away from you, much to your confusion.
“What? You literally were about to cum and I was gonna let you!” You groaned, getting up as Shigaraki faced you.
“...Mommy, can I fuck you?”
“No, you didn’t come to school for a whole week. If you really wanted to you would have showed up.”
Shigaraki turned red, sputtering as he held onto your arm, “Please! I just want you cum inside you.” He whined, tears pricking at the chance of not getting to have sex with you after all this time.
You looked at him stoned faced as he begged, even falling to his knees dramatically to add to his desperation. “Fucking virgins, man.”
Shigaraki felt himself be pushed down, your skirt and panties on the floor. You straddled onto his length, moans filling the room quickly.
“Yes! Thank you, thank you, mommy!” Shigaraki thrusted his hips into yours, feeling even more over-joyed when he was allowed to touch your chest while you were on top of him this time.
Shigaraki desperately missed this, now he remembers why his hand didn’t compare to your tight pussy after trying to jerk off. He found his own rhythm quickly, muffled ‘mommy’s due to his mouth on your breasts.
“I’m doing this because you cleaned up, if you didn’t I would’ve left you to your own sad-ass devices already.” You lied, honestly, you hated the idea what he possibly was ignoring you by not showing up to school.
Even then, you’ve grown a bit found of him. His body, his expressions, his voice, everything really. It didn’t bother you as much when you saw his still messy hair, you were just glad to see him.
Though, you’d never admit it. Instead, it showed through the way you were tightening around his cock, panting as he moaned into and out your body. Shigaraki very quickly wrapped his arms around you, both of you on the edge.
“Fuck— Shigaraki. Cum, cum for mommy, okay?” You ordered, Shigaraki more than ready to fulfill it.
“Ah, thank you! Thank you, mommy! I’m gonna cum inside you!” Both of you rided out your highs, Shigaraki filling you so much it started to drip outside your full cunt.
He fell on top of you despite you initially being on top, you wanted to scold him but honestly couldn’t bring yourself to right now.
The room quieted down, the only words being exchanged were by Shigaraki softly muttering “Thank you, mommy.” into your neck
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cupcakes-and-pain · 3 years
Presents chapter 2
Me? Updating twice in the same day? I know I know, I’m shocked too. But I just had a lot of fun writing this and so I might as well post it now.
CW: blood mentions, toxic family, slavery, fear, scars, misunderstandings, Roy being oblivious to everything until reality smacks him in the face
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Roy straightened his tie. Tonight had to be perfect. He knew all it would take was one slight imperfection and Aunt Jude, Uncle Richard, and all the others would be on him about his poor life choices. Somehow they always found a way to blame all his and family’s problems on him and his cousins moving out into the city.
Mike would be there though, and that was nice. He needed someone from outside the family tonight and heaven knows his human friends would never cut it. They’d probably get served up on the menu, actually. The very thought sent a shiver down his spine. He had never been a huge fan of seeing the person he’s feeding from, even volunteers. He’ll take animal blood and pre-packaged blood bags any day, please and thank you.
Good thing Mike had gotten those blood bags, too. Maybe something fancy would show his family that he could still be living a good life without drinking straight from the source.
“Aww, look at our boy, so grown up!” His mum cooed as soon as Roy left the dressing room.
“William! You look so handsome. Is Michael still coming?” Mother said.
“I told you, it’s Roy. And yeah, Mike is, but he’ll be late. Something came up with my present, allegedly.”
“Sorry, Roy dear, I’m just old. But that’s nice, you’ll have a friend to play with now at the party.”
“Mom, I’m not a kid. We won’t be ‘playing’ together or whatever.”
His moms had only the best intentions, of course they did. But they were pretty set in their ways about how he’ll always be their “little baby” and it didn’t seem that they would be changing their attitude any time soon.
- - -
Everyone had already eaten and it was almost time for gifts, and yet still no Mike. Roy was starting to worry when he finally got a call.
“Hey, I’m so sorry man, one of the blood bags turned out to be trouble. Don’t worry, it’s all taken care of now and you’ll have the perfect things to feed off of, no more little issues.”
“Oh, sounds good. What kind of trouble was it? Was it bad blood or something.”
“Haha, that’s a good one. I should write that down next time I have a problem with mine. Bad blood, heh.”
Roy didn’t get what was so funny, but he was just anxious for Mike to get here already. Mike told him that he should be there in ten or so minutes and Roy passed on the message.
“I hope you don’t start taking after your friend. It’s so rude and unprofessional to arrive late to parties,” started his older cousin Dorthy and Roy had to stop himself from rolling his eyes. He wasn’t in the mood to be lectured on his birthday.
“I’m here! Traffic cleared right up after I hung up.” Saved by Mike.
“Hey, how are you? Where’s my present?” Roy had expected Mike to be carrying a box or something, but he had nothing. “You didn’t forget it, did you?”
“Haha, so you really have that little faith in me? They’re in the truck, I’ll show you them right now. Also they’re not really an it, you know? They’re more than that.”
“Uh, aren’t they just fancy bags of blood?”
“Man, that’s harsh. But to each their own I guess. Just try and be gentle with these little guys, they’ve been through the wringer a few times.”
Be gentle? Been through the wringer? Made the bags were antique or something, but it’s weird that Roy has never heard of anything like this. Them being vintage made the most sense, since these were supposed to be very nice and probably expensive bags. But something about Mike’s tone seemed off. Roy felt he was missing something.
“Okay, come over here and see your gift. I got you some really pretty ones too.”
Roy started walking over to where his friend and some family had already gathered, all peering into the truck bed and whispering. Roy tried to crane his neck to see the bags, but two people were sitting in front of them.
As he walked over to see what everyone else was talking about, his mind started to wander. Why was Mike acting so weird? Why was his family mumbling and smirking like that when they hated even the idea of drinking out of bags? And most importantly, who were these two people and why were their eyes boring into him like he was a threat-?
Wait a minute. The small round scars sprinkled across the neck and wrists. The heavy make up, especially blushed cheeks to make them appear more full of life. The scared eyes watching everyone’s mouths and flinching when they opened. These were blood slaves, which could mean only one thing.
Oh. Ohhhhh. It all made sense now. When Mike said blood bags, he… Roy stood there for a moment, letting the horrifying pieces click into place. Mike hadn’t meant the actual bag kind, did he?
Oh dear, this wasn’t good. The papers were probably already signed. He was now the official owner of these poor human slaves.
That’s what they were, really. Call them what you will, Blood Bags, pets, companions, but at the end of the day they were slaves forced or, in this case, raised to serve vampires obediently and without question until their own loyalty kills them.
Even though it sickened him, Roy had to admit they were pretty. Little yellow bows had been tied over their collars and they both had clean clothes on. And how he could forget that stupid make up that made them look so full of blood, youth, and life. The two resembled perfect dolls as dressed up.
No doubt they must look so dead and desolate underneath all these nice things.
“So, do you like them?”
“I… don’t know what to say.” And he truly didn’t. He wanted to scream and shout and punch something, but he knew he couldn’t. For one thing, his family would be on him like a pack of wolves for the improperness of it. And much more importantly, he knew what happened to blood slaves who weren’t wanted and it wasn’t pretty. He needed to wait at least a few weeks before passing the pair off to the next person and giving an excuse along the lines of “they’re very well behaved and still, but not what I’m looking for at the moment.”
“W- Roy, sweetie, you look upset. Don’t you love your gift that Micheal spent so much time and money to get you?” His mum asked.
“Hmm? Oh yeah, of course. I’m sorry everyone, I’m not upset at all, just tired from all the, uh, partying. I’m still excited and grateful for the other gifts too. Just a little… a little deflated I guess.”
“I bet you wouldn’t be so tired if you drank real blood more often. These pets will be good for you. You might finally start acting like a vampire and not a child.” Some uncle commented. Roy didn’t even care enough to see which one it was.
“Well, uh…” Mike began but then stopped, looking around awkwardly.
“Thank you for the gift, really. I can tell you put a lot of thought and care into choosing the right ones and I really appreciate that. I’m going to bring them inside and then we can continue with the party. Sounds good everyone?”
Half hearted cheers and agreements were heard all around. They were expecting him to feed then and there. Like that would ever happen. But they would bring it up later, especially his nosy aunties.
The next month or so would be one of constant stress and increasingly bothersome lies. How delightful.
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tag list @kim-poce @badluck990 @whumpy-writings @imagination1reality0@thecitythatdoesntsleep @wolfeyedwitch just ask to be added or removed!
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