#This was actually the best photo I was able to get of this particular kid
omg-snakes · 24 days
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Reasons I generally don't bother trying to measure corn snakes, Exhibit A
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hopepunkhealer · 4 months
Hey hey hey!! Ghostflower!!
On the topic of physical media, for that debate, if it ever comes up again, tell your teacher that when they get married (or imagine the wedding they already had). The DJ they hired shows up. Their entire system is built on streaming because it’s accessible and the easiest way to get into DJing anymore.
But uh oh. The service isnt great. Or they forgot to download something to play offline. Or the wifi is being weird. Or they were planning on using spotify and suddenly spotify changed their terms of service and wont function as a third party service for DJ equipment (cause that actually happened). So now the DJ you hired doesnt have access to many songs, let alone the ones that you requested for specific moments. So now what? Without physical media, your wedding is out of luck.
The point is, just because the majority of people dont use it regularly, doesnt mean its not something that other people dont need. DJs *need* to be able to make and use physical media. Im sure there are more professions that need it too. But if you want your wedding to go smoothly (music wise) you should 100% have a DJ that has physical media at least as a back up.
(Using weddings as an example cause that tends to be the end all be all event for a lot of people that they always want to go perfect - same could be applied to any event you hire a dj for)
- @safety-pin-punk
my teacher was on my side of the argument, it was my classmates who were against it.
it started because we brought up music streaming, and I mentioned if you lose the account you bought music through or streamed through, you lose that music, and one particular classmate told me I was wrong (her favourite thing to do, mind you), and that streaming services are a perfectly fine way to do music. and yes, spotify is quick, its convenient, etc. but the example I had was ITunes, specifically the fact that my mum lost hundreds of dollars of music when apple switched from Itunes to apple music, because she doesn't use apple anymore and couldn't sign anything in.
classmate and i then went back and forth for another 10 minutes and classmate finding some kind of counter for every single (what I thought were good) argument I made.
but either way, my general statement in most things, is that physical media is so important, not only because of the "it means you own it" argument, but also for media preservation. so many streaming services just take down shows or movies or music just to clear server space, and it means there is more and more lost media.
like think ahead in your life if you have young kids in your life (be that students, friends kids, family, etc) and you want to show them what you were like as a kid/teenager/young adult/etc, one of the best ways to do that would be pictures in a photo album where yes, something could happen to that photo album, so its a good idea to keep back up copies online anyway, but having that solid tangible picture is so special.
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noipsaskblog · 8 months
Hi!!! Welcome!!!
Hello everyone!! I'm No One In Particular, but you can call me Noip if you wish!!
Although, I like having nicknames, so feel free to suggest some, hehe!!
Anyways, who am I??????
I'm just a monochrome child living in his room, and recently found this place called 'Tumblr'! I found a lot of cool people and thought I'd join them here!
I like having friends, exploring alternate universes, drawing and reading, and also sleeping!!
My Best Friend is known as Monochild!! She isn't here yet... But I might be able to convince her to join at some point!! Same with my other friends too!!
But what I do NOT like is fear, boredom, and...
So... I would love to become friends with you all!! :D
Why is your name 'No One In Particular'?
That isn't my name!! I am literally 'No One In Particular'!! I don't know why, but... I don't seem to have an identity! I'm just... 'no one in particular'!
That's why everyone calls me Noip! Makes it a lot easier.
Are you sure you aren't known as anything else?
Oh, well... I guess I am known as the 'Traveler of Worlds' and 'Teller of Legends', but more commonly...
..."That Kid."
What do you look like?
Oh!!! I'll get a photo soon!!!
I look really cute, I like to thinkl!!
Argh, almost time to go!! Sorry, I bid you all adieu!!
Someone else will take over!! He's really smart, but also kinda strange...
Oh, perfect. It's working.
So, uh, hey.
The rest of this part is OOC. That is, No One In Particular is no longer talking.
If you couldn't tell, this is a roleplay ask blog. Hope you like the story I set up so far.
I'm @cicada-wisp. The owner of No One In Particular's story and all the characters.
His tale takes elements from OMORI, UNDERTALE/DELTARUNE, and a little bit of Yume Nikki.
Originally the story was very different. But then it was forgotten.
It's been remade now. This is it. I hope it's good.
Oh, right, actually important things.
So, tag list:
#NoipAsk - Someone asked Noip something and he replied.
#Story - A part of the story was revealed.
#OOC - An out-of-character post.
#NoOneInParticular - Something relating to Noip. Also known as a character tag.
#MonoChild - Something relating to MonoChild. Also known as a character tag.
#art - Art. Do not expect many updates from this tag, sorry!
#writing - Writing! This'll probably be more common than the art tag.
General Notes:
Other character blogs and such are free to interreact as well! As Noip said, he loves having friends!
If responses are slow then sorry... I don't mean to ignore anyone!
Please, please interact with Noip. He's.
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trainerbymoonlight · 5 months
🦕- The muse talks about their very first pokemon
man, apollo. my sweet lil guy. where do i even start with him? i can already tell this is gonna be a long post, i tend to get sappy when i talk about him- and how could i not? he’s been my partner pokémon for nine years of my life.
(i guess, uh.. cw for vague references to past injury to a child?)
[photo of what looks to be a very young Floris in a lab, smiling at the camera as they hold a small Torchic in their arms, which is gripping onto their t-shirt with its tiny claws and glaring in displeasure at whoever’s behind the camera.]
this was taken right after i got him! the story behind him being my pick was.. untraditional, really. accidental. he wasn’t the starter torchic that was supposed to be one of my options, actually, since our local professor thought his nature being too opinionated and high-maintenance wouldn’t be optimal for a beginner Trainer- especially not me, who hadn’t even turned ten yet.
he tried to convince me to choose another, much more suitable torchic for my age back at the lab, but when he tried to pry apollo off of me, he bit the shit out of the professor’s hand and screeched his little head off! totally refused to let me go, and i really didn’t mind, so i decided on keeping him.
you’d probably assume he’s all serious and battle-focused, but he’s still just as much if not more of a cuddlebug as he was when he was a baby, just bigger, stronger, and able to hold me hostage (/j) now lol
[more recent selfie of the Champion, face halfway in frame, wrapped in a tight hold by a big, battle-scarred Blaziken, eyes closed and sharp beak nestled into the crook of their neck comfortably.]
he’s.. done a lot for me, especially during my first journey. he basically taught me how to train pokémon in the first place, since he’s always had very particular ways of doing things. i think i’ve mentioned he’s force evolved a couple of times, but i haven’t really elaborated on that yet
i’m gonna keep it vague, but after one of my Gym battles as a kid, i got super injured. at some point during the whole thing, apollo broke out of his ball. he was a combusken at the time, and he ended up force-evolving himself into blaziken early (thankfully not significantly earlier) in order to keep me alive the best way he knew how and put himself between the threat and i. the threat gave up, which is probably the smart move to make when you’re faced with a six-foot-tall fire-breathing bird pokémon who wants you dead.
all in all- apollo is the best boy, (at least to me) and he deserves the world. i try my best to give it to him every single day, but.. well, seeing that i’m human, i can’t necessarily ask him if i’m doing a good job. i can only pray to Arc that i’m giving him the best life i can give him as his trainer until somebody somewhere invents some kind of pokémon translation device :) he seems happy, though, and that’s what matters most to me. i owe him a hell of a lot.
sorry for the long post! :3
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stargazer-sims · 1 year
🖊️🖊️🖊️- Seiji, Haru, Victor
Thanks @dandylion240 !
haha I could write a lot about Victor especially, but I’ll try not to go too wild with it 😆 Anyway, here you go! This is going to be kind of spoiler-y in places. Oops 😬
Hinamori Seiji
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Where to start with Seiji...?
Seiji is an only child. As a result, he's very close to his parents, and he also tends to think of his friends as the siblings he never had. He's sure his best friend Takahiro is the closest he'll ever get to having a brother, and he certainly loves him like one.
Seiji and Takahiro met when they were ten years old, when Taka's family moved to Mt. Komorebi from the city. They met before the new school year began, and they were pleased to discover they'd be attending the same all-boys school. Taka was scared about being the new kid in school, but Seiji assured him that he didn't need to worry about it because he'd already be his friend and would protect him if other kids gave him a hard time. He was true to his word, and he and Taka have stuck together ever since, through all the good and bad times in their lives so far.
Seiji is named after his great-grandfather. People who've seen photos of the last man to hold the largely honourary title of Lord Hinamori say that Seiji has grown up to look just like him, and as much as Seiji pretends to scoff at this, he really can't deny the resemblance.
The similarity became even more apparent when he met Sachiko Kobayashi for the first time, and she immediately got down on her knees to bow to him, and called him Hinamori-sama because she initially mistook him for someone from her past. When she was alive, Sachiko had been a servant to Seiji's family on their estate. She'd worked in the now-famous gardens, but had been a particular favourite of Seiji's great-great-grandfather, the elder Lord Seiryu Hinamori, and was often asked to come into the main house to perform other tasks.
Sachiko is the ghost that inhabited Victor & Yuri Okamoto-Nelson's house in Willow Creek. Seiji's meeting with her came about when Taka and his then-fiancé Fox invited Seiji to come and stay with them for a whlie. Seiji, who'd never left his country before, was terrified about travelling to Canada, but he really missed his friends Taka and Victor (and their partners) and wanted to see them, so he agreed to go. He initially stayed with Taka and Fox in their apartment, but soon moved into Victor and Yuri's basement guest room. He said it was to give Taka and Fox back their privacy in their tiny apartment, but it actually had more to do with being close to Sachiko than anything else. He ended up staying a lot longer than he'd originally planned to.
Seiji and Sachiko discovered that they'd each lost someone they loved before having a chance to confess their feelings; Seiji because his unrequited love Tsubaki had died, and Sachiko because she had died before telling her love — Lord Seiji — how she felt.
At first, Seiji didn't know how to react to this ghost telling him she'd been in love with his great-grandfather, but he soon found that he was able to look past that uncanny detail and recognize Sachiko as a sort of kindred spirit (no pun intended). He was able to see her as someone who hadn't yet healed from a devastating loss, and despite himself, he wanted to help her in any way he could.
As it happened, Sachiko helped him too. They grew close, and without even realizing it at first, they fell in love with each other. This caused Sachiko a great deal of stress once she understood what was happening, because their love seemed impossible and she was worried Seiji would be hurt all over again. Seiji, for his part, was determined to find out if there was some way to restore Sachiko to life. Even if it was impossible, he swore to himself that he wouldn't stop until he had an answer, one way or the other. It gave him a sense of purpose that he hadn't had for a long time, if ever.
There did, in fact, turn out to be a way. It wasn't easy, and it took time, effort and a voyage back to Japan. Seiji's friends thought he'd totally lost his mind, but he was absolutely not going to give up once he knew.
Afterwards, Seiji and Sachiko decided not to stay in Willow Creek. Seiji took her home to Mt. Komorebi, and they settled down together and eventually started a family of their own. They often visit the Hinamori family estate, where Seiji's grandparents, uncle, aunt & cousins live, and Sachiko finds great irony in the fact that she is now a lady of the estate rather than a servant.
Abe Sakuharu
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One thing about Haru is that he never shies away from a challenge. Because of his disability, there were a lot of things he was never expected to be able to do, including living independently. Although it's true that he might not do well living completely on his own, he's definitely capable of looking after himself and everyone who knows him now considers him to be a functional, independent adult (okay, maybe not everyone thinks he's an adult, but still...)
Haru has a form of FASD (fetal alcohol spectrum disorder) known as alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder. Fortunately for him, his physical delays were mild. He was later meeting his milestones like sitting up, crawling, walking and feeding himself than typical kids, but he did eventually meet all of them and is physically "normal" now. His biggest challenges are non-physical, as he has issues with memory, attention, judgment and impulse control. Sometimes he has a hard time regulating his emotions as well. In terms of cognitive delays, he's quite intelligent but struggles with academic things; reading and writing in particular.
As a child, he had behavioural issues, but has since recognized those were mainly due to frustration, anxiety, and an inability to express himself and make his needs and feelings clearly understood. He worked with a therapist when he was a kid/young teen, who helped him develop coping strategies for anxiety, anger and frustration, and helped him find safe and healthy ways to communicate his needs.
Haru loves poetry, music and dance. Performing is the best and healthiest means of self-expression he knows. Most people don't realize it, but for him, being a performer is just as much therapy as it is a career.
One of the best things to have happened in Haru's life recently was meeting his boyfriend, Eden. Haru is afraid to tell most people about his disability because he's scared he'll be judged for it, but he told Eden, and Eden accepted it without any hesitation whatsoever. It's not that Eden is ignorant of Haru's challenges, but that he sees Haru as a whole person and not just as his disability. Haru loves that. One of the things he's constantly craved in his life are people who love and accept him as he is, and he's grateful to have found that in Eden.
Victor Okamoto-Nelson
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After retiring from his career as a competitive snowboarder, Victor ultimately settled on nursing as the profession he wanted to pursue. He's always known he wanted to work in healthcare in some capacity, but it took him a long time to decide because he'd always been worried about whether or not he could handle the training and whether or not he'd be any good in his chosen field.
Since finding out that his difficulties with reading were due to an eye condition rather than an intellectual deficit, his confidence in his ability to do academic things skyrocketed. There was no stopping him once his vision was corrected. He happily wears his glasses or contacts with the same satisfaction and pride as he'd wear a medal after a competition, as if they're a badge of achievement. He supposes they really are like that in some ways, because they represent the moment when he realized he could be way more than just an athlete.
Victor originally thought he might like to do home-care nursing, but his first clinical placement was in pediatrics, and after one day on the pediatric floor of Willow Creek Regional Hospital he immediately knew he'd found his calling. The registered nurse who'd supervised him told his professors that she thought he was a natural with kids. His gentleness and patience (and appropriate silliness) were valuable considerations for his supervisor.
Now, he and his best friend & step-sister Ellie are co-workers at the hospital. Ellie, also a nurse, works in the ICU. They're both extremely busy, but they try to catch up for a snack and a cup of tea whenever their breaks coincide.
Of course, they also spend loads of time together outside work, just like they've done all their lives. "The team" which used to be Victor, Ellie and Leo, has now expanded to include Yuri, as well as Yuri's friend Takahiro and his husband Fox. (Bonus: Leo and Taka also work together at one of the local preschools).
Victor loves his life. He has a job he's passionate about, a beautiful home, and a spouse who's devoted to him and who he's equally devoted to. He's lucky enough to have the freedom and opportunity to do what he enjoys, and he's happy about that. He still takes part in a lot of sports, including snowboarding, and he still likes to train dogs. He and Yuri travel a lot, usually whenever he has vacation time.
He's the uncle (or honourary uncle) to a lot of adorable kids, and he loves that, too. As far as he's concerned, it's the ideal situation. He gets to love them and play with them and teach them things, but doesn't have the problem of being tied down with full-time responsibility for them. His favourite kids are his step-niece Leonora and Camellia Abbottsford, probably because they both remind him of himself at their age.
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tokiro07 · 2 years
Undead Unluck ch. 142 thoughts
[141 2/3 Chance of Winning]
According to translator David Evelyn, Void’s character design is based on Balrog from Street Fighter, and his opponent for the title match, Ed, is based on Balrog’s protege. When we see him in a couple pages, he’s even got Ed’s hairstyle! A fun little reference that I unfortunately couldn’t have caught on my own. Speaking of, that bit about “Shinora fashion” last week was a reference to a 90′s pop artist, Tomoe Shinohara, who inspired a particular fashion boom at the time. Maybe I should try to find Cipher Academy’s translator’s twitter so I might get similar updates there
Fuuko points out that Void is as tall as if not taller than Andy, but honestly that’s not where the similarities end. Dude basically has the same hairline, same brow, even the same smile. No wonder Void was introduced wearing that mech suit, Tozuka probably didn’t want to get called out for sameface so early on
Nico’s statement that the match will be one “that’ll never make the history books” is a really powerful line, a stark reminder that the Union’s efforts won’t be known to humanity, even with such a public spectacle as this. We see it in more detail later in the chapter, so I’ll cover it then, but it’s sad knowing that they’ll forever be unsung heroes
Void assumes that Fuuko is just a fan trying to get an autograph, which is frankly a natural response considering how ludicrous it is for a kid to jump on stage and demand to fight a professional boxer. I love the detail that he asks if Fuuko is spelled with an F or an H, because the “fu” kana is actually in the H’s: ha, hi, fu, he, ho, so technically it’s pronounced hu. If you listen closely when a character pronounces fu, you might even hear it. It’s interesting for an American to question that, though; does Void know Japanese? How worldly of him (though he does spell it Fuko)
Fuuko’s little pouty face as Void treats her like a child is honestly downright adorable, and frankly this is the kind of humanizing moment that Void’s been really missing. When he first showed up, he was just a bruiser and frankly a huge jerk, diminishing Andy and Fuuko to “UMA freaks.” Idiot wasn’t even clear on the difference between UMA and Negators, what a meathead. But now we see that he’s a real showman, always ready to meet a fan head on, going straight to taking photos and giving autographs despite how clearly rude Fuuko’s being in this situation
Nico suggests using the memory manipulator to make everyone see Fuuko as Ed, but Fuuko refuses, as she wants to face Void (and by extension all of the other Negators) as herself without hiding behind tricks or disguises. If she wants to build a team that trusts her to succeed and have their back, and in turn will have her back, she needs to be genuine with them and not manipulate them. When she met Nico, she couldn’t tell him about his fate lest she change his future for the worse, which made it difficult for him to trust her, but because she so earnestly admitted that it was because she wanted what was best for him, he chose to trust her anyway. Even when she got Ed to back out of the fight, she convinced him it was because he was in danger rather than by hypnotizing him, so Fuuko really won’t try to take away anyone’s autonomy if she can help it, which I think is a quality of a good leader
I think it’s Fuuko’s sincerity that also finally convinces Void that she’s not just a fan; when she stops trying to make it a spectacle and simply looks him in the eye, he can tell that she has every intention of fighting him. This in turn sparks bloodlust in Void, which Fuuko feels quite literally like a punch to the face. Seeing Fuuko’s face caving in, even if it’s just a visual metaphor, was extremely jarring and downright terrifying for a moment; this is a dude who’s punch killed a champion-level boxer, would Fuuko really be able to survive a sucker punch to the nose like that?
What’s really cool though is that even though she’s clearly shaken by Void’s intensity, Fuuko gets this huge grin on her face, like this is exactly what she wanted (which it is). Fuuko recognizes how big of a threat Void is, but she knows the only way to get through to him is to face him head on, so getting his attention and respect is a huge step forward
Void then tries to dissuade Fuuko from fighting him not because he’s out of her league, but because he’s out of her weight class; it’s not appropriate for someone like him to fight someone like her, so while he’s convinced that she’d be capable of fighting well based on her spirit, he’s understandably not willing to take on an opponent so far outside of regulation
He tries to tell Fuuko that they’re from different worlds, but Fuuko insists that they’re from the same world: Earth. This fits in really well with a point that I made a while ago, that both the Sun and Moon themselves are representatives of the Gods, so the Earth is representative of mankind. Dividing a sport into weight classes is a rule set in place for safety regulations, but as is customary for Undead Unluck, Rules are not meant to restrain personal freedoms, so loopholes like “I’m not a professional boxer, so weight class rules don’t apply to me” is perfectly reasonable logic
Void gets fired up and decides he’s ready to fight Fuuko, charging straight in while calling for the cameras to get shut off, while Fuuko herself insists that they keep rolling. I assume Void wanted to brawl and didn’t want the world seeing that, while Fuuko probably either wanted to build the world’s hype for the title match or was willing to use this moment in place of it. It doesn’t really matter what the motivations are, though, cus honestly that exchange is just really cool and leads into a fun confrontation
Fuuko ducks, but the hood stays behind and gets caught on Void’s fist. Void’s punch rips the hood right off, which is a little sad considering that he told Fuuko to treasure it, but that probably goes to show how much more Void values the thrill of the battle than the petty symbols of fame. Fuuko lands a body blow, impressing Void with her speed and quick decision time. The force of Void’s attack rattled her brain a bit though, so she bit her lip to force herself to remain conscious. Can you imagine if she took that blow? Probably would’ve knocked her block off
Void is so impressed that he decides to take Fuuko up on her offer, though he worries about the corporate sponsors; because the rest of the world’s opinion of her isn’t really a big deal and she already got Void’s approval, Fuuko doesn’t really mind brainwashing everyone else to be hyped by what they saw rather than rightly concerned about a deranged fan jumping a professional boxer and nearly getting her face punched in. It’s sad that with so much excitement from the crowd that they’re undoubtedly going to have their memories erased after everything is said and done, but honestly I would like it if the match is so fun for everyone that Fuuko decides to let the world remember Void as the fighter he is rather than take that glory away from him, but we’ll see in a chapter or two
Void thanks Fuuko for reminding him of the days in his youth where he fought for the sake of fighting, meeting all kinds of opponents rather than just the “approved” challengers. He recounts this phase of his life as being lucky, implying that he feels lucky to have met our resident bad-luck charm, a lovely sentiment despite his horrifying expression
Meanwhile, in the background, Gina is absolutely losing it having to watch Fuuko getting attacked; she doesn’t seem to have gotten the memo that Fuuko is literally here to fight the guy, and goes straight into making Unchanging hands and feet, presumably kicking off her shoes to get ready for battle in an instant. What’s really funny is that, thanks to Unchange, Gina is absolutely more than a match for Void, despite the fact that without it he’d probably tear her to pieces
Nico thinks that Fuuko’s attack didn’t phase Void, but we cut to Void with a big enough bruise on his gut that he actually needs to lean on the wall for a sec. He claims that the attack hit him from the inside out, which I believe is a move that’s more common in Asian martial arts than Western boxing. When I used to do tae kwon do, one of the sections of my black belt advancement test was to break the last board in a stack without breaking the previous two, which was NOT A THING THAT THEY’D TAUGHT ME BEFORE THAT POINT, SO I DON’T KNOW HOW THEY EXPECTED ME TO DO IT THEN! Hardly seems fair now that I think about it...but I digress. It’s not unreasonable for Fuuko’s move to disperse the force past Void’s muscles into his organs, though maybe it’s more fantastical than that and Fuuko has learned to use ki attacks by manipulating her soul? I don’t really mind either way, I’m just excited to see another facet of Fuuko’s growth as a fighter
I don’t remember if I brought it up in a previous week, but the idea that Fuuko’s first fight in a Quest is against Void is shockingly fitting since Void was actually the first Negator that she and Andy fought against in the beginning of the series. Sure, we’ve seen her fight and defeat Feng, but this is a Quest, the true starting line of her journey as the head of the Union; starting off by confronting an opponent she couldn’t even hope to face alone at the beginning of the story is a beautiful little bookend to lead into the final phase of the story
Actually, now that I think of it...this is being televised to the world, yeah? Undead Unluck is kind of like One Piece or Dragon Ball in that the events of one arc generally have connective tissue to the next; if the world sees Fuuko battling Void, then other Negators are going to see it too, aren’t they? This could well have far reaching implications for how she’ll meet Billy or Juiz, but I think that this would be a great time to get the message out to Andy that the Quests have begun. While it’s possible that we won’t see Andy joining the Union until Ragnarok approaches, I certainly don’t want to wait until the literal final battle for Andy and Fuuko to be reunited. They were apart so long during the Spring arc, and then they barely had any time back together in the Ruin arc before being separated by the Loop, I want to see my favorite couple god dammit!
Next week’s fight is shaping up to be real exciting, and like I said, I’m endeared to Void now after all this time, so even if it won’t be remembered in the context of the story, I’m sure this is going to be an iconic moment in the series going forward!
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a-moth-to-the-light · 2 years
i hope for a comfortable night at the end of your day (jan 07, 2022)
According to the Tumblr Year in Review thingie, I posted 236 times in 2022--and I didn't even make my account until March-ish! I should either celebrate or go touch grass. Joke's on you, though, because I pet plants all the time when I age-regress. Don't ask about the cactus experiences, please! /lh
My recent music obsession has been "La Loto" by Tini, Becky G, and Anitta! I can always trust Tini to come out with weirdly replayable songs, (ex: "Fantasi" and "22") and this is no exception. Becky G, especially, sounds great--her flow is a last-minute energy boost, full of unexpected vitriol, that makes me want to go back and see what she's been doing since "Shower" (which was THE middle school song btw). The beat squeaks under the pressure of their dominating presences, and I just feel so good about myself while listening to this one (and maybe, just maybe, pretending I could perform this track the way these three do).
Ily:1, my rookies of the year for 2022, just had a comeback! I did not know it was going to happen, but Spotify let me know the day of. Right now, "Secret Recipe" is taking up most of my attention--I don't mind their hyper-cutesy affectations here, because the chorus is just so precious. I'm sure I'll get around to listening to the title track, "Twinkle, Twinkle," again at some point, though!
I'm only two songs into the Moonbin & Sanha album (I KEEP TELLING Y'ALL I'M SLOW AND THIS IS WHAT I MEAN), but they're both fantastic, sleek and midnight-black in tone. The prechorus of "Madness" inexplicably reminds me of that one song, "Timber," that used to play at every middle school party, and, even more inexplicably, that makes "Madness" quite appealing to me. (Better than "Timber," anyway. That song could use a whole lot less Pitbull.)
Okay, I'll be done with talking about music for now--I'm mostly just catching up on 2021 songs right now, anyway! My brother got me to watch the recent Coffeezilla videos about Jake Paul, which were my introduction to the channel, so my recent YouTube life has mostly been a spiral into the depths of Coffeezilla's videography--I'm learning more than I ever wanted to know about manipulative sales tactics (the "Save the Kids" series, in particular, is fascinating)!
I'm also in the middle of Taejiu's "HIT is the best song you forgot about," only because I was reminded of "Miroh" by Stray Kids while watching and stopped to go listen to that and then couldn't stop listening to "Miroh" and then forgot to come back to finish the video. (Stray Kids does that to a guy!) As someone who has been trying to get into Seventeen for forever, this video is an exciting place to start--maybe I'll be able to check off the "get into astro and/or svt" bingo square only a few days into the new year!
Will I Do Anything Interesting Tomorrow?
I'm taking my youngest sibling out for ice cream--there's a place in our neighborhood that we used to visit all the time back when I lived at home, so I wanted to take them once before I leave the state again for college! Otherwise, I'll just be resting (hoping to get a nap in, since I missed out on naps for both Friday & today) from all the social events I've had in the past few days. I'm so happy to be able to see my friends from home after months of only texts and calls, but it's a lot of pressure for my already-not-great physical state :( I'll plan to spend most of the day curled up in bed, listening to audiobooks, to make up for all the energy expended!
Quote of the Day
Are you sure they're speaking German? Because I could have sworn I just heard them say "hamburger."
-- me
photo journal excerpts
First, we have a pink sky through my car window! Pink is my favorite color :) Second is my cat in his little nest of toys, and third is a snake ring my family bought for me!
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sublimeheartpizza · 2 years
10 Fascinating Facts about the Evolution of Dating and Courtship
If you look back over your dating life, do you notice any patterns? Keep in mind that you change over time. But chances are that hiding your goals will leave you with unmet needs, mounting misunderstandings and little energy to keep trying. Q. What Qualities Should Women Possess To Increase Their Chances Of Dating A Millionaire? IndianCupid is part of the well-established Cupid Media network that operates over 30 reputable niche dating sites. Open your mind and think of all those advances you've endured over the years. No, I don't think so. No, that's the best! You can use it to properly assess you dating and your dates to achieve greater success. No. I think people should use their words to communicate. There are absolutely people that swipe right on everything. For example, "ghosting," which is when someone just stops responding to messages and disappears, is much more common in online dating because people don't feel there are any consequences. Maybe it's because there's a particular kind of guy out there that cannot help but want to get to know you!
I took detailed notes during each stage of work, paying particular attention to how I attempted to articulate my values through design, and how material constraints affected what I perceived as possible or feasible. In addition, particular tree species may present "missing rings", and this influences the selection of trees for study of long time-spans. In addition, a significant portion of U.S. Not everyone wants to or can afford to pay a monthly subscription. Gomez's brother is a tattoo artist that has posted multiple photos of Gomez's ink - including the side of a clown tattoo that can be seen on the back of his arm in a photo that Grande shared. נערות ליווי בתל אביב  Paparazzi photos from Affleck and de Armas's Costa Rica vacation showed the couple strolling down a beach while the Gone Girl actor snapped pictures of his beau with a camera. The second photo shows the happy couple smooching. Yes. It can actually be a burden sometimes. Now that I think about it, yes. Not gonna lie: yes. Yes! It's like my super-power. It's weird, but yes. 5. I can control myself, but it takes a lot of effort.
However, the principal wrong here is not that Facebook can guess which non-useds know you or me. However, some of us will never escape the same group of men we dealt with in high school. Do you tend to date the same type of guy again and again? After you've filled us in, we are sure we'll be able to figure out the type of guy you attract. Hopefully, growing and evolving has upped the game on the kind of guy you attract. I'm essentially cool, in a drama-kid kind of way. Either way is fine. It's just something within our make up, and we can't control the fact that others know we're as awesome as we are! Don't make any rash decisions about your current relationship until you've taken this quiz. Various sources online claim that J-Hope was in a relationship before he was in BTS and that he split with his girlfriend after she decided to move on with someone else, but that's the only dating story about J-Hope. I'd dump them both and move on. A sign that you need to move on. HG: Have you experienced heartache during the pandemic and what did that experience teach you about relationships?
I don't have time for that! I wouldn't mind, as long as they tell me ahead of time. But age isn't always an indicator of experience. 115 Likes 11 SharesRe: My Experience As An Atheist In The Dating World. Safety dating is a dating arrangement in which both subscribers of a dating relationship set up a clear, non-specialistic level of discussion. She set me in a basket of rushes, with bitumen she sealed my lid. One of the things we’re most proud of at The Fort Worth Dating Company is our commitment to giving back to the community through our regular charity dating events. I have one myself, actually. And most importantly, I have disclosed my status as a researcher at IndieWeb events and online, and similarly been welcomed with no reservations expressed. I don't have that many exes, to be honest. Match Group, owner of Tinder and OkCupid, said the company shares information with third parties only when it is “deemed necessary to operate its platform” with third party apps. My issue is that I am not rich or “successful” and just a person tired of being contacted by bots or scammers and match seems to control that .
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So I was being a basic bitch the other day and listening to my true crime podcasts when it occurred to me just how suspicious Nile’s “death” would look to everyone not in the Guard, leading me to a train of thought that, 2200 words later, absolutely got away from me but I can’t let go so I’m inflicting it on all of you!
To set the stage, we know the movie takes place over approximately a week. Here’s what happens to Nile from the military’s point of view:
She dies is very seriously injured
She heals without a scratch
Just before she’s supposed to be shipped out to Germany, she vanishes, leaving two men concussed (and presumably reporting being knocked out by a woman with short hair wearing civilian clothes)
She goes AWOL for several days
They get word from the CIA that she is to be reported killed in action (details unclear)
So, at the beginning of this very weird week, the USMC has to tell Nile’s family of her death critical injury. What her family was told depends on how long she was dead – a Google search tells me that family will be notified in person within 8 hours of a soldier’s death, but we don’t know how long her first death lasted. For an injury, however, they’d get a phone call to notify them and the unit would arrange for them to visit as soon as the soldier is transferred out of a combat zone. Like I remember when I was in high school, a guy from my church who was a Marine was really seriously injured in a helicopter crash in Iraq and from what I could tell, his parents were told immediately and were flown out to Germany to see him, so it stands to reason that Nile’s family would have been informed relatively quickly after her throat was slashed, one way or another.
And then, she goes AWOL. Her family would be notified while the USMC tried to figure out where she went, not least because the military would want to know if she’s contacted them. (And it’s possible that her family may have been on the way to Germany to see her since we know that’s where she was supposed to go!) So for several days:
Nile’s mom and brother have no idea where she is
They know she was seriously injured and most certainly should not have been moving around on her own
They can’t get a hold of her
The military can’t tell them anything
And the next thing they know for sure is that she was “killed in action.” After being injured and vanishing into thin air. And they presumably cannot produce her body or any concrete evidence of her death. In any case, something sketchy is going on, so they’re like. SMELLS LIKE A MILITARY COVERUP.
In a surprise to probably no one, there is a well-documented legacy of mysterious US military deaths, particularly of women of color (TW for sexual assault in these links). The cases of LaVena Johnson and Vanessa Guillenin particular have made national news because of their families’ persistence in seeking justice. Likewise, Nile is a Black woman, and her mom and brother are most certainly hypercognizant of (a) state violence against Black people and (b) these high-profile cases of suspicious military deaths. So her family are seriously side-eyeing the situation, knowing that (a) the military has a serious incentive (and a documented history) of covering up things that make them look bad and (b) nothing about Nile’s disappearance and supposed death are adding up.
And Andy’s right. Nile does come from warriors. And you know who else does? Her brother.
Don’t get me wrong. Nile’s mom would absolutely not back down. She’d know something was up and want to get to the bottom of it. But based on what I know about Gen X parents (mine), they’re not the most technologically savvy. Like they can use the internet, but they didn’t grow up with it the way we young millennials and Gen Z did. So Nile’s brother takes the lead. And what do zillennials do best?
Social media.
Nile’s brother starts going hard on any site he can, trying to get the word out to see if anyone knows what happened to his sister. He starts a Reddit thread. He starts a Facebook group. He reaches out to the media and true crime bloggers and podcasters à la Sarah Turney, getting loud and being a general nuisance in hopes of getting some answers. He gets his friends and Nile’s friends involved. Maybe eventually Dizzy, Jay, and others from Nile’s unit hear about it and reach out, telling him what they saw and how weird it all was. He’s drumming up interest, and soon “Nile Freeman” becomes a household name (at least among the true crime fans).
Copley is, of course, trying his best, but at this point there is just so much that it’s impossible for him to scrub everything. Sure, he can erase new footage of Nile and the Guard, but what can he do about Reddit threads and podcast episodes that are speculating something weird has happened? Maybe he could hack the sites and shut those things down, but honestly, that’s the last thing he’d want to do, because that only adds weight to the theory that Nile’s disappearance is a military coverup. So eventually he has to tell Andy what’s going on.
Andy, obviously, does not take the news well. However, she is also completely computer illiterate, because that’s Booker’s job and he’s the only one who ever bothered to learn what the internet is in any meaningful way. (She probably calls Booker for advice, and for the record, I think Booker would have no qualms about shutting down conspiracy threads, tinhats be damned, but Copley is too concerned about the consequences. He’s ex-CIA for crying out loud, he knows how it’ll look if they scrub every mention of Nile’s name from the internet.) Maybe she confers with Joe and Nicky but, let’s be honest, they’d be equally unhelpful. So at this point, she knows they have to bring in Nile.
But the thing about Nile is that she, too, knows how to use the internet (duh). Aside from her being a young millennial/digital native, we know from the cave scene where she’s giving Booker suggestions on how to track Copley that she clearly is even more computer savvy than the average person. And for that reason she almost definitely took over the day-to-day tech stuff after Booker’s exile. So I think it would be foolish to expect her to be unaware of what’s happening. She’s not contacting her family or posting on the message boards or anything, but she knows what’s up. So Copley and the team probably sit her down to “break the news,” but we know the girl does not have a poker face (see: literally shooting herself in the foot and not being able to play it cool whatsoever) and cracks immediately, telling them she’s seen everything about her case – she’s not interacting with any of it, she certainly didn’t instigate anything, but she knows. (And she is so goddamn proud of her brother.)
At this point, I’d like to pause and consider Nile’s role in the overall narrative of this movie. She’s set up as a foil to Andy, obviously, but she’s also a foil to Booker. Booker, who, like Andy, is a serious pessimist, but who, unlike Andy, still has very fresh memories and trauma associated with being the new kid, which have destroyed him. In his mind (and Andy’s), if Nile communicates with her family, she’ll become just like him in a century or two – bitter, alone, and stuck with her grief and memories of watching her family die and knowing they died resenting her. It’s a small sample size, but this is the only experience they have to go off of.
But it doesn’t have to be like that.
There’s been a lot of discussion of TOG being a fundamentally queer movie – a group of people brought together because of something inherent about themselves that is different, that must be hidden, that causes others to hate, fear, and reject them. Booker’s backstory is the archetypal traumatic “coming out” story – his family learns who he is, hate him for it, and attempt to cast him out of their lives. He’s stuck with his trauma, his pain, his loss, and it consumes him.
But what if Nile’s family would be the opposite? What if her “coming out” to them as immortal is met with acceptance, love, celebration? What if her family is just overjoyed to have her back, and they don’t care what the circumstances are? I'm reminded of this incredible post from @shitty-old-guard-deaths a while back, where Nile’s mother hits Booker with a frying pan because “my baby let me believe she was dead for FIVE YEARS based on your bad advice???” (which may or may not have inspired this whole tangent). Nile takes the advice of someone who did the same thing she wants to do because she doesn’t want to risk her family’s rejection. She wants the good memories with her family and is afraid that showing them her true self will bring her unbearable pain, forever replacing those memories. But, with high risk comes high reward.
Anyway. Nile and the team are trying to come up with a plan for how to handle this whole thing, but she’s not really participating because she’s too afraid to hope. Until finally, quickly, so she doesn’t lose her nerve, she suggests she reach out to them, knowing that, realistically, that’s the only solution before things snowball even further out of control. The team is shocked, but realize that she has a point. They decide that Copley should actually be the first point of contact, posing as a US government official to talk with them and test the waters.
So Copley goes to Nile’s family’s house to talk with her mom and brother. They’re probably distrustful and apprehensive, but nonetheless secretly ecstatic that their work has paid off. They talk and review all of the information that they’ve collected, including testimonials from the people on Nile’s base and recent sightings (along with photos) of Nile (with the same three people) over the last few years that people have sent them but they haven’t posted publicly. At this point, Copley’s like, yeah this is about to blow up, we gotta put our cards on the table. He convinces them to come with him to some safe house/black site/whatever he can get that is technologically impenetrable (I’m picturing them in like, an interrogation room at a police station kind of deal), takes their phones, locks the doors, and brings in Nile.
What follows is the most delightful reunion scene of all time, bringing Joe, Nicky, and even Andy to tears as they watch and listen from outside the room. With Copley’s help, Nile tells her mom and brother about her immortality and what’s been going on since she died (within reason, of course), and they are thrilled. They don’t understand why (because no one does) but they don’t question it and they see it as a gift from God – she’s been resurrected, she will live, and she has a purpose. Her mother and brother are so happy to see her again and are willing to agree with pretty much anything to stay in her life as long as they can.
So. They set up some complicated agreement (they bring in the other three for support/intimidation as needed) setting the terms of their relationship. They swear Nile’s family to secrecy, maybe bringing up the lab to show how high the stakes are, and they readily agree. They come up with some cover story for Nile’s brother to share on the message boards (maybe that the government has opened an investigation but because it’s an open case he has to shut it all down? Tells people to direct their tips somewhere else? Something to that effect). There’s still speculation, of course, but without Nile’s brother at the helm providing the energy, the hype dies down as news stories are wont to do without any movement. And Nile’s family goes to work for the team. The experience has taught them that Copley can’t possibly do everything himself, especially when it comes to social media, so Nile’s brother takes the lead on the day-to-day tracking/social media while Copley and her mom focus on finding jobs and scrubbing their traces afterward.
So there you have it: Nile gets to integrate her biological family into her found family and spend the rest of their lives with them as it should be, Copley gets some badly needed help managing the reality of social media, the team finally has a positive narrative surrounding outsiders Knowing About Them AND about interacting with people from their previous life, and the audience gets the happy ending to this very lovely and very queer story to counteract the pain associated with Booker’s family.
Plus, you know, I’m a sucker for both a good government conspiracy theory and for Nile getting every good thing she deserves.
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eyrieofsynapses · 3 years
Redemption Panel Highlights and Reactions
i.e., Beth Riesgraf and Christian Kane (mostly Beth) talking about filming the scenes in (what I presume is) The Rollin’ on the River Job, where they’re pulling some stuff out of the water, and finding out the next day that there was an absolutely massive alligator pulled out of the same place just a little while after they filmed it
Beth’s impression of the wildlife folks warning them about the alligators
Beth scaring the hell out of Noah Wyle by yelling “GATOR” at him just after he finished his scene
seriously that was an absolutely WILD part of the panel
Everyone showering Aleyse Shannon with literally all the love!
Aldis Hodge in particular big-brothering her, and also the older actors calling her out for not giving herself enough credit, and Dean Devlin talking about how she blew him away at the auditions with her ability to turn on a dime
Seeing Kane with his glasses off wiping at his eyes, momentarily thinking “you okay dude?” and then realizing that he was laughing so hard he had tears in his eyes
The The Bucket Job clip! I’ve been a bit meh on a lot of Redemption, just in how it didn’t feel quite right, but that is possibly the absolute closest I’ve seen it get to the original in the best way. Brilliant
Which comes as no surprise since BETH RIESGRAF directed the episode!!! And apparently put an insane amount of effort in!
Beth’s utter delight and joy at both directing the episode and having the crew behind her
So apparently she and Christian went to town on the fight scene and he winds up tied up in a chair somewhere along the line and there’s a whole wild scene, which I am really looking forward to
Beth knowing how insanely particular he’d be about things like zip ties vs rope and what kind of rope e.t.c. e.t.c.
Apparently this is also tied into a VERY DEEP scene with Eliot? It sounds like they’re going to go super hard on his backstory, which is terrifyingly exciting
Just. Beth and Christian going very hard on that episode together
Speaking of: the panel’s going amazingly, I’m laughing so hard my stomach hurts, things are relatively light, and then, of fucking course—
Kane hitting us over the head about Eliot being a mass murderer who can’t be redeemed, is trying to stay static so that he can maintain the place he’s in, and is thus LIVING VICARIOUSLY THROUGH HARRY
What the FUCK. This is of course incredibly insightful and perfectly on point (because it’s Kane) but also, EXCUSE ME, OUCH, why would you DO THAT to us?
Everyone talking about having their families on set and their kids!
Beth’s son growing up on the original Leverage set and now going into being a director himself!
Gina’s daughter also growing up on set!
Noah Wyle’s daughter is playing Harry’s daughter I REPEAT NOAH WYLE’S ACTUAL DAUGHTER IS PLAYING AS HARRY’S DAUGHTER
Gina Bellman remaining relatively stoic throughout much of the panel (seriously, this woman, how the heck does she do it) and then losing it when they’re asked about running/inside jokes
A lot of them are, of course, apparently not appropriate to be spoken on-panel
(A lot of the others are the little inside ones that are special enough not to be ones they want to share, which is sweet!)
Everyone collectively losing it over having LeVar Burton on for The Bucket Job
Devlin and everyone laughing about collecting the various Star Trek people on Leverage
Beth talking about Burton coming over while she’s getting ready and asking her if she’s living on coffee and water, her laughing because he was absolutely right, and then him gently reminding her to remember to eat, which is the sweetest thing in the world oh my gods
Kane apparently choreographing an intense scene with Burton and being scared out of his mind, because Burton really wanted to go for it, but to Kane it was like he’s a figurine that’s not to be messed with because he was so worried about hurting him
Kane choreographing a massive amount of the show, which I knew already, but seriously, this guy blows me away
Gina and the crew talking about how he’d be away for a day of shooting a fight and all of them would be missing him and thinking about him
Family Vibes
Everyone talking about how they’re very noisy and loud together on set and it’s a bit like walking into a group of people having Christmas dinner (or something to that effect) because they’re just Like That together
Aleyse being the most surprised by Beth when she met her because she was like a little angel of light during the auditions but turned out to be an absolute ball of wild energy on set
Gina going “wait you were a MODEL” at Beth
Aldis talking about how much he loved how Parker and Hardison’s relationship had developed and grown!
Also, Aldis apologizing when the New York (iirc) background noise got loud and everyone going “no no we get you”
His outfit is ON POINT today
Gina saying that Christian is the goofiest and wildest out of them in terms of humor
(she goes “some of you may not know this,” which, fair, but also, if you’ve seen more than ten minutes of this guy outside of character you know he’s an absolute ball of sunshine)
Gina, Beth, and Christian talking about how they’d challenge each other to stay off sweets back on the original set, because they knew they needed to stay in shape and also just because they’re competitive (apparently all of them are major sweet tooths) and hide brownies and things from each other, while Aldis is just. doing pushups. eating all the healthy stuff. and then wanders into the room with a literal cupful of chocolates
(and Aldis going “well yeah I have to work off the sweets SOMEHOW”)
Beth explaining that sometimes they’d order a “Kane burrito” from Christian and he’d alter it slightly
Like, you know, chopping up hot jalapenos super fine and mixing them in, and Beth practically not being able to talk after the first bite
Apparently Aldis still went back a lot even after that
(Christian just seems very pleased with himself over it)
Gina goes “hey we should have an episode where we all swap roles,” Devlin going “WAIT FOR SEASON ONE TO BE DONE,” and then somebody (maybe the moderator?? I don’t remember exactly) going “uh actually. We did that”
Cue immediate scramble of “WAIT WHICH JOB WAS THAT”
(paraphrasing) “Yeah you remember the bit where you put on Parker’s harness and went off a building?”
Turns out half the cast had actually forgotten that that existed and only remember when reminded
The original cast all think of the episodes as “jobs”!!!!
Everyone talking over each other, Devlin going “it was with Sterling when we blew up the offices,” deciding that it was the season one finale, and then trying to figure out what episode title it was (eventually they figure out it’s the David jobs)
Moderator and Devlin accurately commenting that the fans know the show much better than they do
Noah Wyle very correctly explaining how Electric Entertainment is like a family and Devlin just. Keeps people
Aleyse and Aldis talking about typing when they’re hacking and going “WHAT THE HECK DO WE TYPE”
Aldis goes “yeah I just type all the bad words that we’re not allowed to say”
Aleyse saying that she’s always a little worried they’re hiding a Word document behind the blue screen and they’re going to pull up what she’s typing at the end of the day and print it out and put it in her trailer going “what the HECK is this”
Noah talking about filming The Golf Job and just getting to direct Jason Marsters and Christian together
Apparently their dynamic in that episode accurately mirrors the one with their characters in Angel!
Which promptly goes straight to the comment that it was very hard to make Marsters look like a golfer (pfft)
(Also apparently Christian plays golf for fun with his friends? Not necessarily something I would’ve thought of!)
Aleyse happily talking about how she loved the dynamic on set and it was very different from what she was used to
Also Aleyse talking about doing stunts and everyone else praising her for going whole hog
Beth especially praising her for the bit where she’s hit with the paralysis injection (I don’t remember which ep it’s from) and her acting for it, because it was incredibly hard to drop off screen in the particular way she did
Aleyse promptly answers that she was terrified with some of those, especially one where she had to keep a clock from falling and breaking
Everyone discussing how they see a new aspect of Breanna’s character in The Train Job
Also, to get serious for a moment, Kate Rorick in particular talks about how Breanna’s part of Gen Z and how we didn’t get the “days of yore” where everything was chill. We’ve basically been living in a world of hostility the whole time. It’s something I deeply appreciate, as someone who’s part of that group, and I love how they emphasize that for us.
This panel was pure chaos and I loved every moment of it! My stomach was actually hurting from laughing so hard, I swear. They had me cackling well over half the time. I would happily take panels double or triple the length of this, this was amazing. I also adore how the second you drop these six people in a room together, they immediately take off and literally just run and give you everything you wanted and more. (It is also evidently very hard to get them to STOP talking.)
I’m also just going to stop and take a second to fawn over the effects for the 3D room. It’s gorgeous—I love how they replicated the headquarters, especially with the stained glass ceilings! Super impressive, especially with all the photos, and I just love the whole thing. Kudos to whoever put that together.
Anyway, I’m definitely missing some stuff too; seriously, there wasn’t a second wasted in this thing, they were cracking some kind of joke or dropping some really interesting piece of information practically every thirty seconds. (And I haven’t even gotten into the clips OR the bloopers. I miiiight do a separate reaction purely for those.) It’s still up right now if you missed it and you want to watch it! I’ll probably watch it again, honestly.
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little-puku · 2 years
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More kids for the au I am making!! this time a girl named Hazel!
more of her under the cut:
Hazel is a very peppy girl, loves the color pink, romance stories and helping those around her, she is from the Galar region
She gets along with all the other kids but she is like a “big sister” to Rosie
Before falling in Hisui she was a huge fan of the Gigantamax and Dynamax Pokémon, but because of memory loss, she doesn't remember why she knows about these GIGANTIC Pokémons that are not Alphas but bigger than those. Because of that she aways share that info to those she knows mighty find it important
She and Melli get along pretty well, the reason is she admires Melli quite a lot and in some way he reminder him to the things she was able to do with her brother (even tho she doesn't remember her brother’s name and he has a complete different personality from Melli, she remember the things she used to do with him) 
Melli actually cares deeply for her but he just doesn't want people to know that the Great Melli cares for someone specially a kid!! but Hazel actually knows about it (which she loves and find it cute), she keeps it as a secret tho to “protect” the Great Melli’s “reputation”
She loves taking photos with her friends so when she asked Melli to get one and he told her that getting a picture with him will grant her protections she was way more excited about it. 
She took the photo with him, Rosie and Skuntank. Even if it was real or not to what Melli told her is her favorite picture since is with both of her best friends
She has a full album of photos of her and her friends, is her most precious item right now
Hazel loves cute Pokemon but she believes that any Pokemon can be cute so is a very “weird” concept to what is actually cute to her, since she believes that any Pokemon can be pretty, strong and cute
Because she is from Galar and remember cooking curry with her brother a lot in the wild she is always trying to cook it to everyone, she has even been trying to teach Beni how to do it
She tells Beni that other important step is to add a secret ingredient, to which Beni ask “what kind of secret ingredient?” for Beni surprise the secret ingredient can be anything he can imagine, from sweet, to cream, to potato mochi! it can be anything!! but most importantly always put love while making the curry 
Hazel and Melli spend a lot of time together when she is not doing surveys corps job, because of that Melli has given her a “special mission” to be his “assistant” since Melli knows a particular couple has feeling for each other (Warden Ingo and Sugi) and the Great Melli needs to help them, he always is giving Hazel crazy ideas how to set them up in “romantic situations” (he actually does it to entertain himself but he admires Hazel determination and the excitement she has for the tiny lil tasks he gives her)  
She has a lot of conflict when she get anxious about if she will be able to go back and remember what she lost, her family and all that, but at the same time she doesn't want to leave Hisui because she doesn't want to leave Melli behind and the new friends she has meet there. 
She is also afraid that once she returns home none of the other fallen kids she has made friends with can keep as close as they are now (they assure her that no matter where they are or the distance they will be always be together and friends)
She is pretty good at making super effective Potion and healing items because of that she has taken the responsibility to make a lot for everyone so no one gets injured in the wild
Since Hazel love romantic things a lot, she considers herself “an expert” she knows who has feeling for who
Because of that, she and the other kids play “house” when they are bored, Hazel has created a whole different story every time they play and each one been more dramatic than the last one, sometimes some of the adults or Akari and Rei are involved depending of what they will do and what drama the story will have 
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davyjoneslockr · 2 years
giorno with 18, 22, 11, 2
(For this ask game)
18: Winter
(CW: Discussions of child neglect/abuse)
Giorno feels powerless in the winter. In a literal sense, sure, because many of his creations, plants especially, aren't adapted to thrive in extreme cold. He has to get creative when using his stand outdoors during winter months.
The real root of this feeling, though, comes from his childhood. Even with the neglect and loneliness he experienced as a kid, he was at least able to find some solace among all the life sprouting in spring and summer - the flowers, trees, bugs, and any little animals roaming the city. During the winter, though, all of these things would disappear, or go dormant. When his mother and stepfather would leave him alone at night, they'd often forget to turn on the heat, leaving him desperately trying to stay warm with the few blankets and layers of clothing he owned. On a few occasions, they'd lock him out of the house overnight - either due to neglect, or to teach him a lesson - and the instance (or instances) of this happening in the winter were painful and terrifying.
So, when he gets older, he's always insistent on keeping the heat cranked up, and has several blankets on his bed, laid over his living room couches, and folded in linen closets. The others poke fun at him for turning his house into a sauna at the first mention of snow on the weather forecast, but he'd rather be safe than sorry.
22: Family
If you ask Giorno, he'll claim he gave up on the concept of "family" at a young age. This isn't really true, though.
Sure, he knew plainly well that his mother and stepfather never loved him, and he never loved them back. As a child, though, he'd often daydream about the man in the polaroid he took from his mom - his father, she claimed. He never really knew anything about him, and, to most kids, the photo would make him look pretty creepy, but Giorno always imagined him coming to take him away from his mother. They'd live in a big house, and get gelato every weekend, and he'd listen to all of Giorno's observations about insects he'd find in the lawn without telling him to shut up and go away.
Of course, that never happened, and Giorno only took one lesson from it: to never dream of things that can't come true.
11: Best Friend and 2: Hate
Okay, I saw these and knew I had to combine them. Also kinda includes elements of family. Bear with me.
Friendship was another thing Giorno had long since given up on - that is, until he met Bucciarati's gang, and, in particular, Mista.
He's perplexed by all of them, for different reasons. Bucciarati's selfless and compassionate in a way a man in his position should never be. Narancia's at once cloyingly childish and scarily good at what he does. Abbacchio holds a grudge he refuses to explain. Fugo... well, Fugo sends his mind in spirals for a different reason.
Mista's perhaps the most confusing of them all, though. He wants to write him off as an idiot, with his strange superstitions and recklessness - in throwing himself at enemies, in pulling risky maneuvers, in caring for others. But then again, isn't he quite reckless, too? To his surprise, they work extremely well together, for that exact reason. Almost immediately, Mista tries taking Giorno under his wing, and, before he knows what's happening, Mista's calling him his little brother, and Giorno finds himself liking that idea, actually. Maybe even looking up to him, in a way.
But he has to remind himself that he's not here to make friends. He has a dream to achieve, and Mista, like the rest of them, is just a means to an end. He tells himself that, over and over, and grows frustrated at how hard it is to believe it, after he's come so far.
The dream, in the end, does cost a lot. Fugo runs away, and, though Trish is with them, she's even more of a newcomer than he is. There's the slightest degree of separation there. So, in the end, it feels like it's just him and Mista watching everything fall apart.
Or, maybe, it's him destroying Mista, slowly, gradually. It's how Mista sees it, certainly, when he's aiming a gun at his forehead, the blood of Abbacchio, Narancia, and Bucciarati still fresh on his mind. All concepts of friendship, of family, are gone. Instead, in far too many words, tears staining Mista's face, and three misaimed gunshots, he says, "it's your fault," and, furthermore, "I hate you."
Things change in the years following. Fugo comes back, and Mista forgives him, and Giorno falls in love again. Mista eventually comes to forgive Giorno, too, and they're civil, polite, meet for coffee every now and then. But they're never brothers again. Never best friends, even.
Mista never falls in love again after Narancia dies. He says his soulmate, the person meant to fill that space as a romantic partner, has come and gone, and it doesn't feel right to force someone else into that open void. In much the same way, Giorno resigns himself to the fact that he doesn't have a best friend, and never will. He did, briefly, but he's long since ruined it. He doesn't love Mista in the same way he loves Fugo (he shudders at the thought), but, in different ways, they're two of his biggest heartbreaks. But Fugo, he was able to resolve, fix the part of his heart that'd been split. Mista, he doesn't. Can't, after the way he treated him. It's one of his biggest regrets.
(Okay enough angst. In an everyone lives AU he and Mista are besties and buy atrocious clothing together and ding-dong-ditch their mafia rivals. Found family brothers Giorno and Mista supremacy.)
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meduseld · 2 years
your last au has me going through it 😭💔 does nick tell isaiah anything about ziggy? also is isaiah more like his mom or his dad? or both maybe? im sure its heartbreaking either way! ❤️
It has me going through it too (and work has been bonkers so yay, finally able to answer ur ask!)
I think Nick does, in vague terms, but always complimentary. Never a bad word. "I loved your mother and she loved you" "She was brave and bold and smart" and "Your mother would be proud". Isaiah catches on fairly early on that his mom is a) not dead b) his father is still in love with her and b) she wasn't married to his dad and that all that is ~hot gossip~ but he doesn't push it bc he loves his dad and thinks this would be hurtful, but also would be a bit afraid of the answers too. [Town ladies talk, and plenty tired to leverage "the boy needs a mother" into being a stepmom married to the most important man in town but Nick rebuffed them all bc he's still evidently in Love with Ziggy. So they talk shit about her too and Isaiah is a good listener, good at being unnoticed when it suits him].
Nick probably scrounged up photos of Ziggy too, to give to Isaiah, which he keeps on his nightstand. Nick was *truly* bowled over by the love he feels for his child, he's the first Goode man to actually love and care for his son as a person and son and not a Pact necessary inheritance/failsafe. Which while great and motivating and fulfilling, also hammered home how little his dad cared for him as a person and how morally bankrupt he really was. Nick is sweating the Pact because he loves his son and wants to save Isaiah's soul and future and doesn't want him tainted by this. See Satan thought that accepting Isaiah as Ziggy's "sacrifice" to be allowed to leave Sunnyvale meant that it would effectively baby trap Nick into the Pact because the Heir is Right There and he can't leave because of the Pact, it really brought home to Nick that he would do anything to save Isaiah from that fate *and* allowed Ziggy to gear up a return that ends the Pact and does save Isaiah.
I think that Isaiah, like a lot of kids, has both the best and the worst of his parents in him. He's strong and smart and brave. And like them, laser focused and committed. Which is great when it comes to goals, less so when he decides you've wronged him and are getting Revenged. On the surface he does seem a lot like Nick, since that's who raised him, Sunnyvale polite, but he's never been Will or Sheila style. He's quiet and studious and very very observant. That comes from some of Nick's not great traits: despite trying to be better, a lifetime of isolationist secrecy rubs off and Isaiah gets fast that there's a lot Not Being Talked about and all about Nick's extreme idea of discretion and the particular Goode family Omerta. So he's likeable, and has friends, but they are shallow bonds. No sleepovers, he would never dream of it and Nick wouldn't let it happen either. But he's very very good and getting and gathering information, listening at keyholes, going unnoticed to spy and because of that slyly manipulative to get the info and results he wants. People don't notice, except maybe Nick. He's the nice popular guy, the one you wish you hated but ugh no he's sweet, but again he doesn't do deep bonds and if he feels you deserve comeuppance he makes sure you get it....... and that no one ever knows Isaiah is behind it. That laser focused dedication again. He seems like the typical carefree handsome straight A class president who is friends with everybody, but underneath he is tightly controlled and calculated, aware of everything and keenly insightful, and faaaaaaaar more anxious than he seems. It's a very Batman and Bruce Wayne situation, in fact probably what Bruce would have been if his parents lived, by putting on the expected persona of the wealthy scion of the elite that totally isn't weird or into Stephen King or constantly freaking out. Just like Bruce Wayne is himself neuroatypical and probably mentally ill, which is hard to tell with the personas and drives he has built, Isaiah has a LOT of generational/genetic curses (not just the Satan bit that still has some influence but addiction issues on the Berman side and the health consequences of longterm stress marginalization and poverty that we know are passed down from mother to child. Trauma lasts ages and both his parents have that and generations of terrible parenting to get them there).
He's also got that Berman passion and tension, so on the outside he and his dad seem ultra tight and agreeing, and while they are super close, they clash a lot behind closed doors (very, YOU DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO, GAWD DAD YOU ARE SO ANNOYING style, not like actual fights. Bratty teen stuff). And while he does follow Nick's lead on propriety and such, he has Ziggy's laugh and smile, and sometimes he'll make a gesture that's so Ziggy that Nick needs to catch his breath from the way it hits him so hard. The first time he laughed, not a baby laugh but when it was his distinct laugh, Nick heard Ziggy and almost cried.
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edendaphne · 4 years
“Discordant Sonata” Chapter 18
>>Click here to read on Ao3<<
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 Music glossary:
 Affetuoso: to perform with passion and emotion
**Chapter illustration by @corgi-likes-chat​ **
(Mood Music: “Christofori’s Dream” - David Lanz)
Adrien’s eyelids fluttered open, a sleepy smile still present on his face. He breathed out a long, contented sigh, stretching his limbs out wide enough that they poked out of the bedcovers. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d slept so well.
Last night, after Marinette awoke him from his most harrowing night terror to date, he’d fallen back asleep and something remarkable happened: for the second time in years, he’d actually had a pleasant dream. The only other time he hadn’t suffered from his usual nightmares ever since becoming Chat Noir was on the first night that he’d arrived at the Dupain-Cheng residence.
He tried to think back, wondering what might have caused this, not just last night, but back on that first day Marinette had brought him home. What did these two occurrences have in common?
His mouth quirked to the side and his brow furrowed, deep in thought, trying to remember. He wasn’t exactly in the best frame of mind when he’d arrived a couple of months back, given all that had happened when he ran away from his father; so it was no surprise that his memory of that night was hazy at best. Nevertheless, he hoped to find a correlation; if there was one, maybe he could figure out how to repeat it.
His thoughts were interrupted by a gentle hand sliding across his midsection. Disturbed by his movements, a smaller body rolled toward him, settling comfortably on his chest and breathing out a drowsy sigh.
He looked down and there she was: sweet, lovely Marinette; one of the dearest and most important people in his life. The raven-haired girl stirred, letting out a small whine; Adrien stilled, subconsciously holding his breath, not wanting to wake her and accidentally reveal his identity.
This became much harder when she reached around him, her fingers lightly skimming across his rib cage. His muscles tensed and he bit back a laugh; why did he have to be so darn ticklish?!
He readjusted himself, trying to shuffle out from underneath her; but she clinged to him like an overgrown barnacle, even in her unconscious state. I guess she’s a cuddler, he thought, and he couldn’t help but smile about how well that suited her.
It was still pretty dark in the room, as the sun hadn’t risen yet. He glanced over at the wall clock; he still had about an hour and a half before he had to report to work at the bakery, so he didn’t have to rush to get ready. Relieved, he sagged back down onto his pillow. He could relax for a little longer, he supposed.
Deciding to check his notifications while Marinette slept, he gingerly reached towards his nightstand to grab his phone, careful not to disturb her. He’d deactivated all his social media accounts since running away from home, so there weren’t very many notifications; there was a school-related email and a couple of late night funny memes from Nino.
Adrien checked the Ladyblog next. No news about any akumas this morning, thankfully. However, there were a few blurry snapshots of the previous night’s attack. He scrolled down for a bit, then stopped, his eyes popping open as he focused his attention on a particular photo.
Tumblr media
He couldn’t suppress the lovestruck sigh that escaped his lips when he stared at a picture of Ladybug. His Lady was breathtaking, her eyes so ethereal, her smile utterly resplendent. She was indescribably beautiful, both inside and out and there was absolutely nothing he would change about her. He was hopelessly smitten, no doubt about it.
A few months ago, he would have berated himself for feeling this way about his mortal enemy. But his entire life had been turned upside down since then, and he wholeheartedly embraced this unexpected development.
The next photo was taken after the akuma was purified and the Miraculous Cure had set everything back to where it should be. Ladybug had seen that Alya was about to snap a photo, so she grabbed Chat and turned him around to face the camera, wrapping her arm around his shoulders. She grinned widely, and did a peace sign with her free hand. So cute.
He glanced over to his own face and instinctively grimaced. He was winking at the camera with a goofy, cheerful salute, not bothering to channel the suave, sophisticated mannerisms of a proper model that he’d incurred over the years. God, I’m so cringy, he thought.
Nevertheless, he saved the picture onto his phone. It was the first photo of them together like this, as opposed to impersonal ones taken by the media from afar, or during press releases and interviews.
It had only been posted a few hours ago, but already it had thousands of likes and comments. He didn’t dare look through those, however. Not since he first discovered the kinds of things people wrote about Chat Noir, both before and after his change in alliances. It was better to avoid those, lest he ruin his day reading about how much some people still hated him.
But he remembered Marinette’s words from the night before. She was right; he had to have hope, and believe that things would slowly get better. Attitude was everything.
Speaking of Marinette…
He looked down at his roommate once again. By this point, she’d slinked and climbed almost entirely on top of him, utilizing him like a mattress. His eyebrows scrunched together, and he wondered how in the world he’d be able to slip out of bed undetected.
All the stealth-based videogames I’ve ever played have prepared me for this moment. I got this!! he thought, hyping himself up.
Taking a deep breath in, he rolled over to his side, managing to slide Marinette’s ragdoll-like form back onto the mattress. She made a small noise and he froze, electricity crawling up the back of his neck. A few tense moments passed, and her stirring subsided, her breathing becoming slow and even once again. He exhaled, just now realizing he’d been holding his breath.
Freedom!! Adrien celebrated as he stood, stretching his arms high over his head, taking care not to hit the ceiling lights. His skin felt grimy with dried sweat from the night before; a shower was exactly what he needed right now. He tiptoed over to get a change of clothes from the dresser, giving the occasional glance towards the bed to make sure Marinette was still asleep.
As he made his way to the bathroom, he stopped by her side, a warm smile spreading across his face. He bent over and gave the top of her head a small kiss. Where would he be without her and her family? She and Sabine especially went out of their way to help him feel at home, to make him feel like he belonged, instead of treating him like a nuisance, or like some freeloader just taking up space. He loved them all so much; he vowed to himself to make it up to them someday.
He pulled the bedcovers up to Marinette’s shoulders so she wouldn’t miss the extra warmth too much, then made his way to the bathroom to start the day.
Marinette stirred, enveloped in softness and a familiar scent of spice and fresh rain. Eyes still closed, she extended her arm, reaching for the oversized cat pillow on her bed that she always liked to cuddle.
Her searching hand found something soft. Aha! She brought it closer, snuggling it tight, then began to get comfortable again. But then, her pillow started poking her cheek, over and over and over. The pillow’s poking only intensified when she tried squeezing it even harder. How rude!
Wait... what?
A single eyelid groggily slid open, meeting a small pair of eyes of a distinctive shade of green. A rather frazzled-looking Plagg stared back, his expression unamused from being squished between her and the pillow she was hugging.
“Sorry, Plagg,” she slurred sleepily as she pulled away to give him some space. “What are you doing here?”
He crossed his little arms, raising a brow. “I live here, remember?”
“But why are you in my room–– oh, wait…” she stopped, the memory of last night starting to rush back to her. This wasn’t her room; it was Chat’s. She’d slept in his room last night. And the bed she was lying in was his bed. These were his blankets and pillows, and they carried his scent. Heat rose to her face and a multitude of imaginary butterflies swarmed in her stomach as she realized that she’d actually spent the night with him, albeit under less than ideal circumstances.
And then a second realization dawned on her: Chat Noir was gone.
She sat up with a start, her head whipping back and forth to search for him. As she was about to panic, she heard the shower running in the en suite bathroom, punctuated by some cheerful humming. With a heavy, relieved sigh, she laid back down, careful not to squish the tiny cat god next to her.
“By the way, Little Bug,” Plagg murmured, meekly rubbing the back of his head. “Thanks for helping my kid last night.”
“Oh, of course, Plagg!” she replied. “I’m always happy to help however I can.”
He gave her a melancholy smile. “I just wish there was more I could’ve done. I tried waking him up myself, but he couldn’t hear me at all, no matter how hard I tried.” He sighed, twisting his mouth into a pained frown. “He doesn’t deserve this. He's already gone through so much.”
“Plagg, no, it’s okay! You did your best, and I’m sure Chat knows that too. I’m just glad I was able to get through to him. It was lucky that I happened to be downstairs at that time. Chat couldn’t ask for a better friend than you.”
Plagg grinned widely at her. “I always knew I liked you,” he remarked, scooting closer and nuzzling into her.
Marinette smiled back, returning the hug and kissing the top of his head, followed by providing him with some gentle scratches behind the ears. He let out a small, contented purr as he leaned into her hand.
After a few moments of hesitation, Plagg spoke again, “Little Bug, there’s... something else you need to know.”
They pulled apart, and Marinette eyed him with trepidation. “What is it?”
“It was too dark, so you didn’t see it, but–” he said with a grim tone in his voice, “–I need to let you know what really happened last night.”
“Huh?” Marinette’s eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. “What do you mean? I know he said his night terrors aren’t usually this bad, but was there something else?”
A dark look flickered on Plagg’s face. “Hawkmoth tried to akumatize him last night.”
Marinette felt like she’d been dropped into a vat of ice water. “W- WHAT?!” she sputtered. “B-but how is that possible?! Akumatized?? He was asleep! Hawkmoth can’t akumatize people who are unconscious!!” She paused, pondering the possibility. “Right…?”
“It’s tricky, but not impossible,” Plagg replied. “Hawkmoth knows about Chat Noir’s nightmares, so he must’ve sensed his opportunity and finally taken it last night.”
Marinette brought a hand to her temple in disbelief.
Plagg continued, “I don’t know why he decided to try it now, instead of when he first ran away. And what if–” he gulped, and his voice quavered slightly as he continued, unable to conceal his fear, “What if he tries it again? What if he tries it every night?”
“No… he wouldn’t… he can’t!!” Marinette cried, staring at the bathroom door, her mind racing a million miles a minute. She clenched her fists as she tried not to give into the feelings of dismay and anxiety that were clawing away at her. “Plagg… What do we do?! Hawkmoth’s patterns seem to be getting more erratic and desperate recently. Is he under some kind of deadline? Why is he doing this??”
“I can think of a couple of reasons,” Tikki answered from across the room.
Marinette practically leaped off the bed in surprise due to Tikki’s abrupt entrance. “Tikki!” she exclaimed.
The brightly colored kwami hovered towards them and elaborated, “Firstly, as Chat grows older, his powers will continue to get stronger, as will yours, so you’ll be more difficult for Hawkmoth to defeat as time goes on. Secondly, I think the effects of misusing the butterfly miraculous must be catching up to him as well. His desperation suggests that maybe he thinks he’s running out of time.”
“Out of time? What do you mean?” Marinette asked, confused.
Plagg sighed. “It’s his health,” he answered. "He wasn’t doing very well even before we left. Slowly but steadily, it’s been getting worse for a while.” He turned to face Tikki. “You think Hawkmoth believes that he’s gonna… you know... soon?”
Tikki shrugged in response, her expression blank.
“Oh… I see,” Marinette said, her voice almost a whisper.
Her mind raced, a torrent of emotions crashing into her simultaneously, like a rowboat in a tempest, slamming into a cliffside without respite.
She wasn’t sure how to feel about this new information. Her chest felt tight, like it did when she wanted to cry. Should she feel happy or sad that her mortal enemy was getting sicker and sicker, to the point where his life was potentially in danger? Was it okay to feel–dare she say it– relieved?
What was she supposed to think? As a hero, was it more important to be merciful, or was it more important to be just? Her heart felt like it was being pulled in two completely opposite directions. Despite hating the man with every fiber of her being, part of her thought that maybe dying was too extreme a punishment. And yet, at the same time, the hurt, embittered part of herself thought that maybe dying would be too easy, like he was getting let off the hook instead of being forced to acknowledge his wrongs and feel remorse for the horrible things he’d done.
For years, she’d dreamed about the day when Hawkmoth would be defeated and his miraculous confiscated. It was supposed to be a happy time, full of rejoicing and excitement. But she’d never considered the possibility that Hawkmoth would be defeated by an entirely different force, one that she had no say in how or when it happened. It didn’t feel fair. She hated feeling this powerless.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a brief tug at her sleeve. She looked down at Tikki, who motioned towards the bathroom with a small nod. It was then that she noticed the noise–or rather– the absence of it, which could only mean one thing: Chat Noir had finished his shower, and he’d be coming out of the bathroom any minute now.
“I think that’s our cue to leave,” Tikki whispered.
Marinette nodded. She turned to Plagg and whispered, “We’ll talk more later. I’ll call Master Fu later today and see if he has any advice.”
“M’kay. See ya,” he replied with a small wave. “Bye, Sugarcube.”
Tikki looked back and gave him a reassuring smile, then followed Marinette out the door.
Plagg hovered towards the windowsill while he waited for his charge, plopping down with a heavy sigh. He leaned against the window, taking in the many colors of the dawn sky, which looked almost too bright and vibrant for his liking. How dare the heavens look so beautiful while he felt so miserable inside? The day hadn’t even really started, and yet the only thing he wanted to do was to just crawl back into bed. He dearly hoped that the heavy, uneasy feeling in his gut would go away soon.
(A short while later)
Work at the bakery had been lively and hectic today; so much so that Chat Noir had to be reminded when his shift was over and that he needed to head to school. He gave Sabine a parting hug, the latter thanking him for his hard work and giving him some encouraging words as she helped dust the flour off his suit and hair.
Chat retrieved his cloak from a coat hanger by the door and stepped into the stairwell that led to the living quarters, so that he could retrieve his school supplies and exit through Marinette’s balcony trap door as he normally did. That was definitely one of the plus sides of working in the kitchen while transformed; he could wear his school outfit underneath and not require a change of clothes or a shower when he was through. He could merely detransform and be good as new.
As he ascended up the stairs, he heard a familiar deep voice call out to him from below. Chat froze, then turned around, trying to keep his nerves under control.
“Could I speak with you for a minute?” Tom asked.
“O-of course, Mr. Dupain,” Chat replied, trying to keep his voice even despite his nerves.
Tom’s face was mostly neutral, but his body was rigid and there was a hint of gloom in his eyes. Chat did his best not to cringe as he stood in front of the much taller man who, despite not being a superhero, looked like he could toss him clear to the Eiffel Tower if he felt like it. To prevent himself from fidgeting, Chat finally opted to stick his hands inside his pockets.
“What is it, sir? D-did I do something wrong?” he asked. “I was running a bit late, so I apologize if I didn’t put something back in the right spot. O-or did I mess up an order?? I’m sorry, I can go back and fix… whatever it is!”
“No, everything’s fine; it’s something else,” he answered, and Chat felt the stiffness in his shoulders ease a tiny bit.
However, it came back full force when Tom didn’t say anything else. Chat’s heartbeat sped up as they stood face to face in silence, unsure of the route this conversation was about to take.
What else could he be in trouble for? Did he find out Marinette had fallen asleep in his bedroom yesterday? Oh no… Did Tom think he and Marinette had… done something unseemly together last night?! Was he getting kicked out of the house?? His mind raced and his chest thumped, and he prepared himself to beg on his knees for forgiveness if need be.
A few agonizingly long and awkward seconds later, Tom spoke again, “Chat Noir… I wanted to apologize to you.”
“Oh, I see. Wait… WHAT?!?” Chat felt like someone had yanked the carpet out from underneath him. “Apologize?? What for?”
Tom lifted his arm to rub the back of his head, his entire posture taut as a bowstring. “We didn’t really get off on the right foot, you and I. You’ve been nothing but cordial and polite, and all I’ve done since you arrived is give you the cold shoulder, and for that I’m truly sorry. I wanted to clear the air and start over, if that’s okay with you.”
“Mr. Dupain! N-no, please, it’s okay!” Chat sputtered, his hands waving frantically. “I totally understand why you would have reservations about me living here, o-or even interacting with you guys at all! They’re totally justified concerns! I mean, up until a few months ago, I was still working with Hawkmoth; so the fact that you even allowed me into your home at all is incredibly kind of you! I’ve never felt any ill will towards you, I swear! You were just doing what any good father would––” he trailed off, trying to keep the melancholy out of his voice, “–would do.”
Tom winced and sighed heavily, crossing his arms. “That’s exactly my point, though. It may have been justified at first, but that was back then . I tolerated you for the sake of my wife and daughter, but I was always suspicious. I should’ve given you a chance instead of just judging you for no reason, especially after all this time. So I wanted to try to make it up to you.”
It was then that Tom brought something shiny out of his shirt pocket. It was an adorable little keychain shaped like a croissant. But wait… no, it wasn’t just a keychain, Chat realized. There was a key dangling on the end. A house key. Tom handed it over, doing his best to try to conceal a timid smile.
Chat gaped at him, reeling from what was happening. “I… I don’t know what to say. That is so generous of you! Thank you, Mr. Dupain,” he replied meekly, staring into his hands at the key. HIS key.
He felt the man’s large hand pat him on the shoulder and Chat looked up, meeting his soft, forest green eyes. “Please, call me Tom.”
Chat had to consciously fight the urge to let his jaw drop. If he wasn’t dreaming last night with Ladybug’s revelation, he was surely dreaming now. “Y-yes, sir! Uhh, Mr. Tom, sir. Uhh, I mean…” he stammered, still not recovered from having been gobsmacked out of nowhere.
The older man gave out a hearty laugh. “Just Tom. And please, if there’s anything you need, just say the word. Even if it’s just someone to lend an ear. You’ve got a good heart despite the bad hand that’s been dealt to you, and you have so much potential. We’re happy to have you in our family, even if you’re only here temporarily. Just know you’ll always have a home here with us.”
Chat’s heart swelled with affection, so full that it felt like it might burst, and his eyesight became blurry with unshed tears. He threw his arms around the giant man in front of him, someone who he never thought would fully accept him, squeezing hard.
“Thank you, Tom! Thank you so much, I’m just–” he let out a shuddering sigh then continued, voice cracking, “–thank you.”
Tom squeezed back firmly, giving him an affectionate pat. Failing to hide a sniffle, he then added, “I should let you get going, I don’t wanna make you late for school.” The pair pulled apart, and Tom ruffled Chat’s hair. “Be safe out there, kiddo.”
After saying their goodbyes, Chat bounded up the stairs, practically floating with glee. He’d missed this feeling; the feeling of being part of a family. As he emerged onto the rooftop balcony, he took a deep breath of the crisp autumn air, his heart full of excitement and hope.
He arrived at the school in high spirits and a huge grin on his face. He detransformed in a discreet location and practically skipped to the school’s entrance; then he entered the campus, carefree, joyful, and blissfully unaware of the dark eyes that followed him inside.
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osakaso5 · 3 years
IDOLiSH7 6th Anniversary Special Story: Full of Heart...
Chapter 1: The Greatest Show
Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
Mister Shimooka: The day has finally come for Rabitty-kun, beloved children's character, to celebrate its 6th anniversary with a special show!
Mister Shimooka: Welcome to Kids' Room!
Mister Shimooka: And as we look back on our own childhoods with Toi Toi Toi Company's famous mascot...
Mister Shimooka: We'll also take a peek at the childhoods of idols whose fame rivals even that of Rabitty-kun!
Audience: Kyaaaaa...!
Mister Shimooka: Here come our special guests!
Mister Shimooka: Re:vale!
Yuki: Hey there.
Momo: I hope you're excited for our baby pics!
Audience: Kyaaaaa..!
Mister Shimooka: TRIGGER!
Tenn Kujo: Thank you for having us on.
Gaku Yaotome: Thanks. Let's regain some of our childhood innocence, yeah?
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: I hope you're all ready!
Audience: Kyaaaaa..!
Mister Shimooka: IDOLiSH7!
Iori Izumi: I'm a bit embarrassed to show you all my picture, but I suppose I'll allow it, just this once.
Yamato Nikaido: Ichi's not the only one who's feeling embarrassed, but I think I've got a pretty good shot just for you guys.
Mitsuki Izumi: Thanks for having us!
Tamaki Yotsuba: Thanks!
Sogo Osaka: Congratulations on your 6th anniversary.
Nagi Rokuya: Only you will have the privilege of witnessing this special picture of me!
Riku Nanase: Please look forward to it!
Audience: Kyaaaaa..!
Mister Shimooka: ŹOOĻ!
Toma Inumaru: Let's make this the best anniversary ever!
Haruka Isumi: Hi.
Torao Mido: Thanks for having us.
Minami Natsume: Thank you.
Audience: Kyaaaaa..!
Tsumugi's Thoughts: Rabitty-kun's 6th anniversary special, Welcome to Kids' Room...
Tsumugi's Thoughts: For this show, our members had to find pictures from their childhood...
Tsumugi's Thoughts: And this is the story of how it all happened.
Tsumugi's Thoughts: Specifically...
Tsumugi's Thoughts: How it happened for MEZZO".
Tamaki Yotsuba: ........
Sogo Osaka: ........
- - - -
Tamaki Yotsuba: Welcome to Kids' Room...
Sogo Osaka: A show where we reminisce about our childhoods..?
Otoharu Takanashi: Exactly. You're both familiar with Rabitty-kun, the children's toy that took the world by storm some twelve years ago, yes?
Otoharu Takanashi: It was renewed and began its second run six years ago.
Riku Nanase: I remember Rabitty-kun! It was so popular when I was little! Ooh, ooh! I'm Rabitty!
Yamato Nikaido: The talking rabbit toys? We had at least three of those.
Mitsuki Izumi: Wow, gramps. You must've been a real Rabitty-kun superfan.
Yamato Nikaido: Superfan? Seriously..?
Mitsuki Izumi: Our parents only got us the one, so we had to take turns playing with it.
Iori Izumi: Right.
Riku Nanase: What's with the cool reaction, Iori? Didn't you like Rabitty-kun?
Iori Izumi: I have a cool reaction to all manner of cutesy stuffed animals, in case you haven't already noticed.
Iori Izumi: Besides, don't the rest of you find Rabitty-kun sort of... creepy? Because of the way he talks...
Yamato Nikaido: Creepy..? Nope, not really.
Mitsuki Izumi: Maybe he seemed scary to you because you were so little back then?
Riku Nanase: Do you know him, Nagi? It's possible that Rabitty-kun didn't ever land in Northmare.
Nagi Rokuya: OH, I do know him! I had a Rabitty Boy of my own once.
Nagi Rokuya: He could both sing and dance, and he enjoyed when I fed him carrots and pet his head.
Sogo Osaka: Wow...
Tamaki Yotsuba: Seriously?
Riku Nanase: What about you, Tamaki and Sogo-san? Do you know Rabitty-kun?
Mitsuki Izumi: Ah... Right, I guess you guys might've...
Sogo Osaka: I-I do know of him. Though I never owned one myself, I definitely remember hearing his name somewhere.
Tamaki Yotsuba: S-same here! We had a ton of old toys at the orphanage, so we totally had one of those somewhere!
Tamaki Ýotsuba: Y'know, the, uh... R-Rabitty Man?
Nagi Rokuya: Rabitty Boy.
Riku Nanase: No, it's Rabitty-kun!
Tamaki Yotsuba: Yeah, Rabitty-kun! What's he got to do with the show we're going on, anyway?
Otoharu Takanashi: Rabitty-kun's manufacturer, Toi Toi Toi Company, is the sponsor of this TV special.
Otoharu Takanashi: Tsumugi-kun, would you mind explaining the rest?
Tsumugi Takanashi: Not at all. It's for Rabitty-kun's 6th renewal anniversary...
Tsumugi Takanashi: ...For which they wanted to hold a big TV special where idol groups look back on their childhoods.
Tsumugi Takanashi: The chosen groups are IDOLiSH7, Re:vale, TRIGGER, and ŹOOĻ.
Tsumugi Takanashi: The show will feature not only Rabitty-kun, but many other children's toys and songs from the past.
Mitsuki Izumi: Wow! That sounds fun!
Yamato Nikaido: Are you sure our generational gaps won't get in the way? Take me and Tama, for example. We're a whole five years apart.
Tsumugi Takanashi: Speaking of which, you and Yuki-san are four years apart. That means he and Tamaki-san are nine years apart.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Whoa. He's basically old enough to be my dad.
Iori Izumi: Hush. Don't let him hear you say that.
Otoharu Takanashi: As part of the project, they've asked you to present your own childhood photos during the show.
Otoharu Takanashi: Do you all think  you could do that? If it's too difficult, we can ask them to pass on you during that particular segment.
Mitsuki Izumi: It's no problem for me and Iori. What about you, gramps?
Yamato Nikaido: I'm sure I'll have tons of pictures to choose from... Even ones that don't show where I lived back then. What about you, Nagi?
Nagi Rokuya: But of course. I was all over Northmare's newspapers for a few weeks after I was born.
Yamato Nikaido: Sure, but do you have pictures you could actually use for the show?
Mitsuki Izumi: They're not so overly fancy that they'll ruin it for the rest of us, are they?
Nagi Rokuya: Hm... Very well, I shall select the most wonderful shot  myself. And what of you, Riku? Will you have trouble preparing a photo?
Riku Nanase: I might have kind of a hard time. Especially if I accidentally pick a picture that's got both me and Tenn-nii in it.
Iori Izumi: Which you will not be doing, obviously.
Riku Nanase: Ugh, I can already tell that you're planning to pick a photo that matches Mitsuki's.
Iori Izumi: I'm not trying to be smug about it, you know.
Riku Nanase: I wonder which photo Tenn-nii will choose. We'll have to meet up and talk about this.
Banri Ogami: Are you sure you can all manage? Especially you, Tamaki-kun and Sogo-kun...
Tamaki Yotsuba: Ah, um... Yeah, probably!
Sogo Osaka: I think I'll be able to work something out, too.
Banri Ogami: Really? If it's too difficult, then you don't have to force it.
Banri Ogami: I know both your family situations are a bit complicated...
Tamaki Yotsuba: We'll be fine! I'll ask the director of the orphanage.
Sogo Osaka: I have the contact information of one of our housekeepers, so I can ask them.
Banri Ogami: Okay, then. Good luck.
Riku Nanase: I can't wait to see what we all looked like when we were little!
Mitsuki Izumi: Same. I'm curious to see how Yaotome might've looked.
Yamato Nikaido: I'm more interested in Inumaru. Do you think his eyes were always that stern?
Nagi Rokuya: Are you asking because your own eyes are the same way?
Yamato Nikaido: Shut it.  
Iori Izumi: I'll contact Kujo-san ahead of time, so we won't have any mishaps with Nanase-san.
Riku Nanase: I can do it myself!
Tamaki Yotsuba: .........
Sogo Osaka: .........
- - - - 
Sogo Osaka: Pictures from our childhood...
Tamaki Yotsuba: Pics from when we were little...
Sogo Osaka: Do you think you'll find one, Tamaki-kun?
Tamaki Yotsuba: Maybe, if they've got some at the orphanage... You?
Sogo Osaka: Maybe, if my father hasn't disposed of them... I wonder how many of them we even had...
Tamaki Yotsuba: You should've told Ban-chan that you're gonna have a hard time finding any.
Sogo Osaka: ...I could say the same to you.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Well yeah, but...
Tamaki Yotsuba: Everyone else was talking about that stuff so normally, and I wanted to seem normal too.
Sogo Osaka: Me too... Even after all this time, I'm still desperate to fit in.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Same. Even though we I know I can talk about this stuff with the guys.
Sogo Osaka: I wonder why that is.
Tamaki Yotsuba: I dunno.
Sogo Osaka: It's not a problem with any of them, or Banri-san. I guess I just don't want them to feel sorry for me...
Tamaki Yotsuba: Maybe that's it for me, too... I don't feel bad about it, but I also don't wanna get in the way of their happiness.
Sogo Osaka: Right. Maybe I'm just feeling awkward, because I didn't grow up like them. I didn't even have one of those Rabitty Dolls.
Tamaki Yotsuba: "Rabitty Dolls"?
Sogo Osaka: That's right. I was only allowed to have toys that would advance my intellectual development.
Tamaki Yotsuba: So-chan, that's not what they're called. Nobody had a "Rabitty Doll".
Sogo Osaka: Oh. What were they called, again?
Tamaki Yotsuba: Rabitty Man. No wait. I mean Rabitty-kun.
Sogo Osaka: Rabitty-kun.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Ooh, ooh!
Sogo Osaka: .....!? What's wrong? Did something get lodged in your throat?
Tamaki Yotsuba: ...No, no! Stop trying to pry my mouth open!!!
Sogo Osaka: It's because you made that groaning noise...
Tamaki Yotsuba: I was just pretending to be Rabitty-kun. Like: "Ooh, ooh! I'm Rabitty!"
Sogo Osaka: Ah, come to think of it, he did say something like that...
Tamaki Yotsuba: I wonder what the "ooh ooh" part's about.
Sogo Osaka: I don't know... Isn't Rabitty-san supposed to react to sounds, lights, and touch?
Sogo Osaka: Maybe he's being overstimulated to the point of excruciating pain, without even realizing it himself...
Tamaki Yotsuba: I don't think he says it 'cause he's in pain... Maybe he just can't get his mouth open?
Sogo Osaka: You think he's been gagged?
Tamaki Yotsuba: Why would anyone gag an innocent bunny toy?
Sogo Osaka: You're the one who said he couldn't open his mouth... In any case, I'll try and get a hold of someone  who might know about my pictures.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Like that housekeeper?
Sogo Osaka: Yes... They might help me, so long as they haven't resigned yet... What will you do?
Tamaki Yotsuba: I'm gonna ask the director. Pretty sure the orphanage's got at least some pics of me. Are you gonna call them right now?
Sogo Osaka: That was my plan.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Ok, I'll go call from my room then.
Sogo Osaka: Alright. Goodnight.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Mmh... But I might come back if my call doesn't work out.
Sogo Osaka: That's fine. We can figure this out together.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Okay. 
- - - -
[Door opens]
Tamaki Yotsuba: ........
Sogo Osaka: You're back. How did it go?
Tamaki Yotsuba: Ooh, ooh.
Sogo Osaka: Is that a groan of pain?
Tamaki Yotsuba: Yep.
Sogo Osaka: My attempt didn't go too well, either. Apparently only my father has access to any of our pictures. The housekeeper had no idea what has become of them.
Tamaki Yotsuba: They had pictures of me, but I'm too old in all of them. Like, thirteen and up.
Sogo Osaka: They had pictures of you when you were thirteen?
Tamaki Yotsuba: Yeah.
Sogo Osaka: Did they send you any?
Tamaki Yotsuba: Nope. The director doesn't know how smartphones work. Why, did you wanna see 'em?
Sogo Osaka: A little bit...
Tamaki Yotsuba: Heh. I think I looked pretty cool back then.  
Sogo Osaka: I think you were probably more cute than cool. You were only thirteen, after all. I just wanted to see a version of you that isn't taller than me.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Well I wanna see how you looked when you were little, too. Like, do you even look anything like that now?
Sogo Osaka: I should hope so, since they are pictures of me.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Heh.
Sogo Osaka: I know, it's pretty funny. In any case, I did find one good lead.
Tamaki Yotsuba: What kinda lead?
Sogo Osaka: One of my father's coworkers does photography for a hobby. He should have taken a picture of me with my uncle.
Sogo Osaka: He's someone very important, so his photos should have survived even after my father got rid of every photo of my uncle.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Your dad must really love throwing pictures away.
Sogo Osaka: I can almost sympathize with him... I wouldn't want to be reminded of such a completely and utterly ruined relationship.
Tamaki Yotsuba: So if MEZZO" disbands, you're gonna delete all your pictures with me in them?
Sogo Osaka: ........
Tamaki Yotsuba: You can't get rid of all of them, though. They're all over the world, in magazines and stuff.
Tamaki Yotsuba: So you're gonna be reminded of me no matter what. Tough luck.
Sogo Osaka: ........ ...That's true.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Ah, that reminds ME!!!
Sogo Osaka: W-what!?
Tamaki Yotsuba: I knew an uncle who took pictures of us, too!
Sogo Osaka: An uncle who took pictures...
Tamaki Yotsuba: Mom liked the family portrait that uncle took so much, she kept it near our TV.
Tamaki Yotsuba: We put that picture in her casket when she died, but if that uncle's got the original data, then he can make another one.
Sogo Osaka: True. Do you know where this uncle lives?
Tamaki Yotsuba: Nope... But Re:vale might.
Sogo Osaka: Re:vale?
Tamaki Yotsuba: Yep. What about you? Can you call that guy who works with your dad?
Sogo Osaka: I don't have the connections to just go talk to him. But I know someone who does.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Who? Ah... You mean that dude?
Sogo Osaka: Why do you look so upset? He's not that bad. Not anymore, at least.
Tamaki Yotsuba: I dunno. He still looks like an evil rich guy to me. 
To be continued...
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littleoddwriter · 3 years
Slashers x GN!Reader with BPD | Headcanons
This is purely for my own comfort, so, yeah - that obviously means that I have BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder). This only focuses on a few specific symptoms I struggle with, since I needed comfort for those in particular, at the moment.
notes; GenderNeutral!Reader; Intense Fear of Abandonment/Abandonment Issues; Splitting; Favourite Person (FP); Trauma; Self-Harm; Intense Mood Swings; Routines; Hurt/Comfort; Unintentionally Lashing Out on Others; Unstable Relationships (at times, but only on the Reader’s end); Impulsive and Self-Destructive Behaviour.
Characters: Asa Emory/The Collector; Charles Lee Ray/Chucky (Human); Chop Top Sawyer; Jesse Cromeans/Chromsekull; Lester Sinclair; William Easton (not a Slasher, but part of the SAW Franchise, so-).
Asa Emory/The Collector
He became your Favourite Person all too quickly – you couldn’t bear it when he wasn’t with you, when he wouldn’t reply to your texts, or return your calls, and when you didn’t know what he was up to
You split on him a lot in the beginning, and eventually you had reached your breaking point and told him how you felt and how scared you were and if he didn’t actually want you, he should just say so
Surprisingly, Asa ended up reaching a compromise with you, so that he would always text you once an hour, no matter what, to tell you that he was alright and what he was doing – He didn’t mind and was in fact the one to offer this strategy after you weren’t sure what to suggest, as you didn’t want to corner him
It works out well for you two, unless something comes up and he can’t text you – and as the hours stretch, you start spiralling again, having panic attacks, splitting on him, and/or harming yourself
When he comes home on such nights, he takes care of you, comforts you to the best of his abilities and apologises for not letting you know that something had happened earlier
At times that you already wake up in a mood, he would just take you with him to work, or his ‘hobby’ to keep an eye on you and assure you that he doesn’t mind, and that he’s here for you
He never judges you for hurting yourself either – he’ll just nurse your wounds and kiss them better
Charles Lee Ray/Chucky
At first he doesn’t take it all too seriously, although he does educate himself and lets you elaborate on your individual symptoms and struggles – he just has trouble being empathic and sympathetic about it
Still, whenever necessary, he’s here for you and he’ll hold you close as you cry, scream or go on about whatever set you off (he might even avenge you if someone was an asshole to you/triggered you/etc.)
He doesn’t mind your self-destructive and/or impulsive behaviours – he knows it’s not on purpose and he really isn’t one to talk after all in terms of impulsiveness at least
Being your FP might have caused some problems at first, since he doesn’t understand why you can’t just trust his word that he isn’t going to drop you one second to the other; but he eventually comes around and you two work on strategies to prevent you from spiralling too much when he’s not in reach
After a while, he starts being possessive of you anyway, and that’s when it really stops being a problem – he makes sure you know that he loves you and that you’re his
Chop Top Sawyer
No thanks to having been involved in Vietnam, he has his fair share of traumas and flashbacks as well, so that’s something he is better at comforting and helping you out with than anyone else – you both do
Since he doesn’t actually work anymore, he’s always at home with you when you’re there – he’s happy to not leave your side for long at times, and he’s even happier to have lengthy phone calls with you when you are apart
He may not be the best with words and displays of affection, but he does his best to assure you anyway, especially when you desperately need it
Self-harm is nothing shameful to him at all; and just like the others, he’ll only make sure you’re okay and your wounds will heal the way they’re supposed to
In a strange way, he actually enjoys being your FP – probably because he’s not used to this kind of attention and actually being needed by another person (apart from Nubbins, back when they were kids)
He even takes your intense mood swings in stride – mostly because he is sometimes a little oblivious to it anyway, but also because he knows you never mean it when you’re being distant or snippy
If you ever have an episode in his presence, he’ll comfort you as best as he can, if you let him close, and reassures you that it’s okay and that you’re safe with him (you’re special after all) – it usually works surprisingly well and it’s nice to be able to ride out your emotions and not be completely on your own in the process
Jesse Cromeans/Chromeskull
If you didn’t already have a therapist, he’d make sure you have one by the end of the week, after you’ve told him about your diagnosis and constant struggles because of it
Puts in a lot of effort into researching it in addition to what you’ve told him about your individual problems
When you tell him that he’s your FP, he takes it well enough – it doesn’t make him feel pressured, since he only sees it as a benefit to know it, because he can actively help to make it easier on you
So when he is out to work, he’ll text you regularly, send you photos, tells you what he’s doing, that he misses you, that he loves you, that he can’t wait to come back home to you, etc. and it soothes you a lot
He comforts you whenever needed and just showers you in kisses while you lie on top of him as he holds you close
If you hurt yourself and let him know, or he sees it, he never holds it against you and instead makes sure your wounds heal properly and that you know he is here for you if the urge comes back to help you resist it – he will also take good care of injuries that are worse
Whenever you are triggered by anything or suddenly started to feel bad or are having flashbacks, he is here for you – be that physically or not, depending on it, he’ll gladly puts everything on the back-burner to help you out, text back and forth with you until it’s passed/you feel a little better/more stable
Essentially you’re never alone with your struggles again; he takes such great care of you and accommodates you as well as he can to make life easier for you, and you couldn’t be more grateful
Lester Sinclair
When you tell him what’s going on with you, after he’s asked you about the very sudden mood swings you’ve displayed and he wanted to make sure you’re okay – he was confused and admittedly very uneducated on all the possible mental disorders that exist (you can’t blame him, though)
So you spend quite some time on telling him how BPD affects you personally and what he could do to help make it easier on you, especially since relationships are such a difficult thing for you
He grasps the basics very quickly and he rarely leaves you alone, unless you want to be by yourself or he can’t take you with him on some drives
Of course he’s concerned when you harm yourself, but he doesn’t make you feel bad about it – he understands that you can’t just turn it off and not do it – and he usually gets Vincent to take care of your wounds if they need better medical attention than your own, since he’s good and practised at it
Sometimes you might lash out at him – especially when you split on him, or you’re already irritated in general – and while he never blames you for it or holds it against you, it takes him aback a little every time (being used to such things from Bo helps him handle it better, though)
But it’s easy for you two to reassure each other of your love and make sure nobody’s feelings are ever seriously hurt – so despite all that, you share a good, fulfilling and healthy relationship
William Easton
Due to working with health insurances, he knows a lot about every possible illness – not just physical ones, so he was already familiar with the concept of BPD, which came as a relief when you told him
He takes it in stride every day – your mood swings are exhausting to yourself and while they can be tiring for him as well, he never lets on, since he is more determined to be here for you and help you through the worse ones
Since he’ll often stay in the office after hours to work some more, you two phone a lot whenever possible, or he sends you little texts to assure you of his presence and the fact that he is not going to suddenly bail on you
Still, no thanks to the stress his work puts on him, he unintentionally has an exasperated tone with you every now and again, which may cause you to spiral and split on him, but it usually turns out to be alright later – it’s just exhausting for you both
Whenever you engage in self harming behaviours, he comforts you and helps you out – he supports you throughout and keeps encouraging you; he can only guess how hard it must be to resist all these urges and try to ignore your intrusive thoughts
Whenever possible, he’ll buy you gifts to remind you of his love and presence – it’s always unexpected, which is the whole point, since he’s learned that those kinds of presents work far better to reassure you
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