#it explains a lot about why mista is Like That in phf
davyjoneslockr · 8 months
3, 7, and 12, mista and fugo :3
TONY UNSHADOWBANNED PARTY I know this was from a month ago but I'm gonna answer it anyhow lmfao
(For this ask game)
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
For Mista, the Trish cleavage scene. You know the one. I don't think I have to explain this much. Boy Why Did You Do That. The only good thing to come out of that scene was jaunty jigglesacks + overeager horndog insane psychic damage combo of lines in the dub.
I could take this a lot of ways for Fugo tbh. Because there's a lot of things that drive me insane about him as a person, but looking at him as a character, I LOVE that he's rash and hurts his friends and his defining character moment is him making a selfish, cowardly decision. I guess I'd say his misogyny in Purple Haze Feedback? I'm admittedly a believer that, yes, he would fucking say that, but it sucks that he would. At least he gets better by the end lol. Fugo voice I'm sorry women Sheila E is me
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
I love that Mista has been designated Beautiful Brown-Eyed Bisexual Man by literally the entire fandom. Bi Mista brings us all together. And I do like the idea that his queerness is something he discovered much more slowly, and as a direct result of the gang. Something about that really ties in with the idea of the Bucci Gang as less of a realistic gang, more akin to a drag house or similar queer pseudo-family. Credit to that concept to Fox figcookie01 btw this is one of my favorite Vento Aureo analyses ever and it really informs how I conceptualize the Bucci Gang. Anyhow.
I also really like when people actually take care to explore his character and make him a very distinct, smarter-than-he-looks, older brother-type figure. It's really interesting when people explore his spirituality, too, whatever religion that may be, because that's a pretty important part of him. AND also OCD Mista truthers who know when to treat his superstitions and compulsions with some weight I love you forever. I think he's a character that gets watered down in fanworks a lot, but when his characterization's good, it's really good. There's plenty of artists and writers that have really blown me away with their Mista (and I say this as someone who's picky about characterization lol)
With Fugo, first of all. The PHF scars. Another thing that Mandela Effected the PHF fandom, but it's so so important to me. I love you physical, tangible, blatantly visible proof that Fugo has grown as a person since the day he abandoned the gang. Awesome. I also like that people mix and match his manga/anime colors, and every artist kinda draws him in a different way.
My favorite thing is probably the Fugo-Abbacchio stepkid and stepparent/siblings/Big Goth and Baby Emo Who Secretly Looks Up To Them dynamic. It’s awesome when it’s cartoonishly antagonistic and it’s awesome when it’s actually very sweet and heartfelt. Out of all the Bucci Gang dynamic interpretations the fandom’s produced, theirs is one of my favorites <3
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
SO MANY FOR BOTH OF THEM LOL. But I’ll try to list some I don’t talk about as much.
Besides The Carpenters, Mista’s a big fan of folk, acoustic singer-songwriter pop, and soft classic R&B/gospel. Artists with really strong voices tend to catch his attention. The Mamas and the Papas, Sam Cooke, Marvin Gaye, Simon and Garfunkel, The Seekers, and Gordon Lightfoot are some of his favorites. He’s also just a big sucker for love songs in general, and the hopeless romantic in him loves old girl groups like The Ronettes and The Shirelles. He’s also very much Schrödinger’s Guy to me. Cis? Trans? Who knows. Depends on what the situation calls for (though more often trans to me as of late). He’s just Some Dude.
Fugo’s a surprisingly good singer, but he’ll rarely do it if he knows other people are listening. A lot of times, he’ll sing in the shower, or when he’s alone in the car. As he gets older, he gets less self-conscious about it, and he’ll sing around the house when he’s with Giorno, or do duets with Mista for fun. There are also very much timelines in the Vento Aureo Multiverse in my brain where Fugo’s transfem. This also tends to coincide with transfem Abbacchio timelines, so there’s another layer added to Fugo looking up to Abbacchio, and I think Giorno (always transmasc to me) is really instrumental in helping her work through things and take pride in her transness. Maybe a little bit of a self-indulgent fluffy comfort hc that helps me work though my own genderisms lol
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churbington · 2 years
fugo mista parallels thing idk
edit 10/24: okay hi i thought id pop in and share that a HUGE addition to this post has been made here and I think people should go give it a read too bc my thoughts are a lot more organized there thank chew ^_^
okay im going crazy i have to post this somewhere but I think the parallels between the fact that fugo and mista are the last surviving original bucci gang members is so deeply fascinating to me because they are like Direct Opposites in like. virtually everything I think. I'm gonna ramble but I'll try and include a tl;dr before the break
tldr; fugo and mista are opposites in a long of aspects including personality, choices, and general appearance and I find it deeply fascinating that the only two original gang members to survive are such polar opposites of each other and its a very unique and interesting dynamic. Fugo's like the first to join, Mista joins last but then fugo is the first to leave and rejoin again after everything and that can be seen as wavering loyalty (depending on who you assign that loyalty to) while mista's been there since the start and the possibly imagery and symbolism with religion (though that's more fanon territory) and with regards to PHF- like its also so. interesting! They've been strangers from the start so watching your friends die and then a stranger be the only one to live is soul crushing... idk its so neat and I think it should be a dynamic that is explored more
okay so the way i see it is that fugo is extremely logical, rational, and very guarded about who he is and refutes his wants over saying what people expect out of him. He's shorter compared to mista (which. btw why the hell is fugo 5'10" I thought he was a chill 5'6" what the fuck), blonde, green/red color palette, (generally accepted that) he was the first to join the bucci gang and the last to leave it and THEN rejoin it if we count PHF, has a very realistic out view of life, etc. etc I could go on.
Mista, on the other hand, is much more laidback and down to earth with a carefree attitude with a sense of optimism and sense of things are not as complex as they ought to be (like a very simplistic way of seeing things I'm bad at explaining this but its a generally agreed trait he has). He's taller, presumed to have darker hair, blue/red color palette (that directly contrasts fugo's), (also generally accepted that) he was the last to join bucci gang and never left it as well as being the only one to survive (ignoring fugo for this), etc.
There's more you can definitely compare between the two like religious imagery (though that's more in fugo anime's case as it's not really there for mista in canon its just more of a general hc the fandom has made around him) but I think it's sooooo interesting how fugo and mista ended up being the ones to survive like. Thinking about it realistically fugo and mista are essentially strangers to each other through the entire thing. Granted yes, they were all sort of strangers to each other even if they were close (like the first thing I wanna think of is that Abbacchio and Fugo trusted each other but were still strangers as said in PHF) but I think it's really apparent in fugo and mista's case. Fugo has essentially been with Bucciarati (and by definition all the other gang members) since the start if we are to assume that fugo joined first. Mista, on the other hand, joined last (as a generally accepted order) so they barely got to know each other before the events of golden wind started.
So imagine being Mista, a guy who just joined a gang and barely just got to know everyone in it, and the one assholey guy who's sort of a dick all the time, ends up being the only one to survive because he was a coward (aka scared for his life and possibly of defying such a high authority due to previous trauma) and just. Augh. augh. that would be so fucked up and then it happens and it IS fucked up.
And also like imagine being fugo, scared out of his god damn mind because everyone he's been able to even remotely trust and care about over the course of him joining 2ish years ago suddenly defecting and risking their lives for some girl, and the only one to survive in the end is the newbie and the 2nd newbie who threatened you with a gun later.
Like god my thoughts are seriously all over the place so it's sorta hard for me to make this coherent but I think it's super interesting that fugo and mista survived while being direct opposites of each other and having to live with that fact and possibly even make a new friendship (or at least professional relationship) out of that like. god! god. what a nightmare! It's like an inverted mirror of each other and watching as the one thing you hated get to live on while the people you cared about are rotting dead in the ground six feet under because they simply wanted to be somewhat good people in the end, even after what they've done is probably significantly worst. Even as horrible as they are and the deeds though do, they have some small kind acts (cough cough bucciarati taking in WAYYY too many teenagers into the mafia cough cough)
Once again i just think its such an interesting dynamic and introspect into their relationship bc. once again I see them as essentially direct oppositions of each other and so knowing that any kind of mediator between the died forces them to reconcile over the fact they are the last surviving members, even if their outlook on the gang are polar opposites. They would definitely fight and bicker over everything like knowing bucciarati and what he wanted, the reason for staying/leaving, narancia. just narancia, like there's SO much there. i would love to see it explored more especially whenever you throw like giorno and trish into the mix bc it just makes it even Weirder for these two and its augughufghu maybe someday ill make a more proper post over this but hopefully you guys like. get the general gist of this because I am losing my mind constantly
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spamtonsbigshot · 4 years
So I’ve got a possible Vento Aureo AU that i started thinking about a lot last night and i just kinda wanna post it here to have it all in one place.
Gionro - Vampire (for obvious reasons)
Fugo - Werewolf cuz i love him
Abbacchio - Probably a fallen angel, similar to how he was thrown out of the police force he was thrown out of heaven
Bruno - Probably human too, just a man in the cryptid woods who fell in love with an angel
Narancia - im tempted to just say catboy cuz im out of ideas
Mista - Satyr. Hairy.
Trish - cross between demon and human, has some demon features but otherwise can pass human
Diavolo - probably a demon
Background: Pannacotta Fugo
one of fugo’s grandparents (grandma) are definitely a werewolf that married into a wealthy family at some point therefore making Fugo a decendant. the werewolf genes skipped his parents’ generation and of his siblings, only Fugo got the werewolf genes. Fugos grandmother is the og werewolf i bet. Which is why Panni loves her so much and feels he can confide in her cuz he keeps his werewolfness to himself otherwise. idk how it managed to avoid his parents as he was young so lets say the genes kick in around like puberty age or something, as in he cant fully transform till later. so following VA lore he goes to college n shit right? and following phf lore he gets mad at his professor waving away his grandmas recent passing as she was the only one he was close to and goes feral in a literal sense. he calms himself down before anyone can come in and be like “wtf” so when hes found back in human appearance, holding a big school book, thats what people think happened and blamed it on that. After that, Fugo runs away into the woods and later would find Bruno in his cabin in the woods. Bruno’s a social outcast who used to be a fisher but after his dads passing he moved into the more wooded areas and settled there. Became a farmer maybe cuz he has to make money somehow. Because brunos lived in the woods for a few years he's befriended many supernatural creatures that live there in part just to get buy, he even has a sign that says "supernatural friendly" or something. So With fugo having run out into the woods, Bruno finds Fugo while on a walk probably and takes Fugo in after Fugo explains he has nowhere else to go. So Fugo becomes a farmhand basically and Bruno has some werewolf acquaintances explain sorta how being a werewolf works cuz fugo's only werewolf relative he knows of is dead.
Background: Leone Abbacchio
Leone WAS a guardia angel for a man of which goes unnamed. At one point, Leone took a bribe of sorts from a demon. The bribe was to keep the demon business in the area unnoticed by Angels. Later, said same demon and Leone’s human get involved on some way, and it ends up in the death of Leone’s human. Because of Leone’s neglectfulness and possible corruptness, he is cast out from above and thrown down below to earth. Abba probably breaks a tree nearby on impact when being struck down from the literal sky. Bruno goes to investigate and finds abbacchio in what looks like a meteor crash sight of his own making, theres also probably the imprint of angel wings its like a really cinematic shot probably. So bruno takes him back to his cabin and nurses him back to health. Abba was probably someones guardian angel and took a bribe from a demon that eventually got his human killed. Bruno, being all wise with supernatural shit, feels bad for him as Abba has nowhere to go. He teaches Abbacchio how to be a human and function in society that way theyre both earning something. Though, abbacchio is still an angel by blood and being and does not require stuff like food or water and therefore doesnt take up too much valuable supplies.
Background: Narancia and Mista
Narancia probably likes to absentmindedly stroll through the woods and sometimes isnt seen for a few days as he is a cat and can hunt for himself. Nara was probably abandoned and became an ally cat at some point and was bullied for being a catboy, people called him a freak and for him to go eat out of the trash and stuff like that. Fugo found him in an alley when in town, and when he looked at the cat in the dumpster, he saw intelegent purple eyes instead of feral cat eyes and new that this malnourished, injured cat was probably supernatural in some way and took him with him to bruno's cabin, later, nara just kinda becomes a housecat thats also a helpful energetic boy And on one of nara's long day long strolls, he encounters Mista, who is a satyr therefore he's pantsless (furry goat legs) and shirtless (cuz why not) narancia kinda keeps his distance for a while and comes across Mista a few times over the course of maybe a few weeks to a month, but eventually Mista gets into trouble and uses a pan flute to use some epic firest magic to kill off some harmful spirits. After witnessing that, narancia, now catboy and not cat, jumps out of the bush he was watching from to exclaim how "totally sick!" That was. They kinda talk and become friends after a while, narancia becoming less and less afraid to approach him and talk to him. They later become really good bros and nara invites Mista over to play games but since Mista has no clue wtf those are as he's a satyr that lives shirtless in the woods, Narancia teaches him how to play and thats when mista realizes he's catching feelings :) Also as a lil hc of mine im bringing in the possum i draw narancia with called Tutti Frutti Juul Pod (aka Tutti/Tutti Frutti) and theyre Nara’s friend basically and occasionally he brings Tutti home but Tutti remains wild for the most part 👀
Background: Giorno
Giorno grew up in the city with his shitty mom and step dad. No gangster saving this time. Eventually, lets say, Giorno's parents decide they dont wanna deal with him anymore and put him in an orphanage and so giorno just kinda lives a sad life for a while. Eventually, he gets adopted by Jonathan and Erina, (his ov dad still being dio but hes dead because its my au and i said so) so Jonerina adopt Giorno and stuff starts getting a lot better for him. After vampire puberty or whatever, giorno isnt going to be killed by the sun or anything it just kinda stings his skin and he'll get burned bad if he stays exposed to the sun longer than an hour or so. So he starts taking night walks. Eventually, on a night of the full moon while giorno's out on his walks (cuz hes gotta do something it gets boring in the house at night after a while) and giorno comes across fugo like, as he's transforming into a full on wolf. Fugo's kinda embarassed by the fact giorno caught him and upon seeing giorno watch him transform, he sprints away. Giorno thought fugo and his big ol white fur coat were really pretty and doesnt chase after him, but thinks about it. A month later, the next full moon and he sees him again, transforming. Giorno just kinda ponders who this pretty stranger is and this time stays more hidded and approaches him slowly. Fugo growls at him at first, but giorno's opener is "Hello, your fur is very pretty. I'm Giorno, Giorno Giovanna" and fugo gets all flustered at being called "pretty" so he decides to approach him, carefully circlin him and gathering his scent to familiarize himself with it. He decides giorno is not a threat, and decides to shift back to his more human complexion, though his wolf ears and tail are still very present, as well as sharp claws and teeth. Fugo gets all nervous and eventually introduces himself and they kinda continue walking at night. Gionro also explains hes a vampire and prefers to thrive at night. Fugo asks to meet up another night and giorno agrees. They continue like that for a few weeks till fugo eventually gives giorno his number, that way they domt have to just walk and talk at night, and their relationship grows from there.
Its such a long Post omg 💀 but thats what i have!
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bookwyrm214 · 4 years
More thoughts on Purple Haze Feedback
I’ve decided I’m throwing away most of Purple Haze Feedback save for the characters. At the very least for the Prism-verse, as PHF doesn’t really happen in the Sleepwalking universe since it’s an everybody lives type deal. Embers and A Girl In Trouble Is a Temporary Thing are both AUs (Fantasy and fairytale respectively) so that point is moot. However, I realized as I was checking for something else that a lot of details in PHF contradict my ideas of Giorno/Passione/ what happens after canon.
As Araki only did the character art/ stand stats pages + the photograph, that’s all I truly consider to be hard-and-fast canon. (With the exception of Purple Haze Distortion’s design, as y’all probably know how I feel about that by now. Do better by Fugo, Araki, goddamn.)
I still need to keep the rough order of events for the characters to make sense, but I think most of what I’ll be keeping is what happens in the middle. I did very much enjoy the new enemies, and Fugo’s interactions with Sheila E. and Murolo. However as I’ve mentioned before, I really strongly dislike both Mista and Giorno’s characterization in PHF. Mista is unreasonably a douche and does weird mental gymnastics to not be Gio’s #2 (does the author just not like him? I suspect so). 
Giorno is put on a weird pedestal, and aside from the weird thing where people quote him verbatim, I think he acts very strangely at the end. Comparing Purple Haze to Notorious B.I.G. was an interesting choice, one I don’t agree with. I also don’t like how he just... dumps on Fugo. He talks about his past, which I feel is a HUGE no-no, and he barely lets Fugo get a word in edgewise. I could maybe see that as nervousness, and his analysis of Fugo as him trying to explain why the hell he did what he did, but it just seems... off. 
Aside from That, I have two Huge gripes with that conversation:
"Oh, right...do me a favor, and call me Giogio," the boy said. "Boss...was Diavolo's title, and we're trying to change things up around here. Giogio flows off the tongue nicely, don't you think?" 
Which, if the reasoning was different, I’d be fine with. I have a whole one-shot with Mista coming up with the GioGio nickname (and Giorno not totally loving it, but appreciating the thought) but using it in place of “Boss” just makes no sense? It’s so familiar, and familiar is good for these two to be friends, but his request is so forward, and clearly Fugo isn’t yet comfortable with it. It seems out of place.
"We didn't help her with this, you know. We don't do that any more. She got the recording contract on her own merits."
If you took out that middle sentence, again, it’d be fine. But Giorno. You’re THE MAFIA. That’s what you Do?
I feel like that last one in particular is a result of the author trying to make Passione and Giorno less overtly criminal. Saying “look they're helping the SWF and not doing Bad Things like helping Trish get ahead in her career since that’d be bad.” 
Other large issues I take are the comparing Giorno to god? Narancia being able to see Purple Haze before he got a stand himself? Giorno somehow healing Fugo in the restaurant despite the established limits of Gold Experience? Sheila E’s strange automatic unquestioning loyalty? Literally everything about the stadium scene?
For the Prism-verse at least, I don’t see Giorno knowing about his DIO heritage, or knowing Jotaro et al. So I find that whole thing from the stadium weird flex to not only Giorno knowing about it, but also Murolo of all people knowing about the stone masks and Jotaro and Morioh stand users... Yeah nah. Also the thing about colony stands reflecting on their users’ psyche... No? No... 
I’ll post later once I’ve established what’s staying and what’s going, but it’s safe to say that the characters and stands are really the only hard and fast thing that stays.
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diverdowns · 7 years
beacon (read on ao3?) pannacotta fugo / guido mista; implied pannacotta fugo / guido mista / giorno giovanna rated T; 1.8k. spoilers through the end of p5 + slight allusions to (but no spoilers for) events of purple haze feedback. takes place during some unspecified time after phf.
(send me more rarepair requests?)
“You two,” Fugo rasped out, interrupting him. His voice went hoarse and he started to taste iron, sharp on the tip of his tongue. He coughed, weakly, blood welling up at the corners of his lips. “You and Giorno — you’re all I have left.”
Fugo saw the blow coming towards Mista’s back, and he was moving before he could stop to think.
His Stand materialized, throwing itself forward to absorb the punch, and Fugo watched, detached, as the enemy Stand’s arm tore its way through Purple Haze’s torso.
His legs shuddered and collapsed under him, and Fugo watched as his Stand mirrored him, clutching at its midsection and twitching like a crushed bug. Mista whirled around with a yell of Fugo’s name, Sex Pistols yelping in the background as he fired off a volley of bullets. Fugo sucked in a relieved breath as he watched the would-be assassin drop to the ground, neat exit wounds drilled through the center of his forehead.
“You fuckin’ dumbass,” Mista said, shock seeping into his voice as he ran over to Fugo, kneeling in front of him. “What did you do that for?”
“Better me than you,” Fugo replied, wincing. He glanced down at the damage, eyes widening at the gash in his torso that threatened to tear him in two. As if on cue, the pain hit him all at once, and he choked on a scream, head thumping back against the wall he’d fallen against. Fugo slammed a hand down over the wound with a hiss, futilely trying to staunch the flow of blood.
“No way,” Mista breathed, voice tinged with horror. “You hate me, remember? You’re not gonna die for me, Fugo, not today.” Mista’s hands clenched into tight fists at his sides and he shook his head, eyes laced with confusion. “Why would you even —”
“You two,” Fugo rasped out, interrupting him. His voice went hoarse and he started to taste iron, sharp on the tip of his tongue. He coughed, weakly, blood welling up at the corners of his lips. “You and Giorno — you’re all I have left. Can’t lose another —” Another person I care about. His vision blurred, Mista’s outline doubling and swimming in a way that made Fugo sick. Pain wracked his body, sharp and overwhelming.
“Fugo, you bastard,” Mista growled, shaking him. Fugo stifled a cry at the movement as it jostled his wounds, blood pooling out sluggishly behind his fingers. “You don’t get to say shit like that and then die on me, got it? Giorno’s comin’, just — just hold on, okay?”
“It’s not so bad,” Fugo said. The pain was ebbing out, replaced by a strange sense of calm and a bone-deep weariness. “But I’m damn tired, Mista. I think this is it.”
“Fugo,” Mista hissed. “If you die on me right now, I’m gonna fucking hunt you down in the goddamn afterlife and kill you again, you hear?” Fugo smiled faintly at the threat.
“I’m glad you’re okay,” he murmured. Mista yelled something, frustrated and scared, but Fugo’s hearing was going fuzzy, ears ringing as the world started to darken and wobble before his eyes.
It’s better this way, he wanted to say. Buccellati, Abbacchio, Narancia — they’re all waiting on me. I should have died with them to begin with. I’m a dead man walking, no matter how you look at it.
“Fugo, stay with me!” Mista’s voice echoed distantly, muffled. Fugo blinked, unseeing.
“Listen,” Fugo said. It was getting harder to breathe, he noted, with a sense of sick fascination. “Got something to tell you. Mista. Remember — at that restaurant, what you asked me?”
(Memories floated up to the surface — Mista’s voice, derisive and dismissive, his eyes gleaming with a hint of something like disgust as he’d pulled Fugo aside.
“Listen, it’s none of my business, but — are you queer for Giorno or something?”)
“Yeah,” Mista urged. His voice seemed small and suddenly afraid. “Yeah, I remember.”
“It’s — not just Giorno,” Fugo grit out, thoughts swimming in his head. I always want what I can’t have. It was difficult to arrange his words coherently through the pain and the weight that pushed heavy on his chest, his ribs. Damn it, he thought, read between the lines. Mista’s eyes widened, and Fugo relaxed, eyes fluttering shut. It’s done.
“Fugo, the fuck are you saying?” Mista’s voice took on a strange, pleading tone, his arms tensing around Fugo’s shoulders. “Hey — if you got something to say, tell me later, after we get out of this.”
“Not gonna make it,” Fugo insisted, and Mista froze, a full-body reaction, before he started to run his mouth almost desperately.
“Fugo, c’mon — you’re gonna be okay, Giorno’s gonna patch you up — Fugo, please, we need you —”
Mista’s voice started to fade out, and Fugo sighed as he slipped into unconsciousness.
Fugo opened his eyes to unfamiliar sheets, breath shuddering out of him in a rush as he clutched, hard at the sheets. He was in a room he’d seen before, somewhere in the mansion Giorno had repurposed to serve as the de facto base of Passione operations in Naples. Perhaps more importantly, he wasn’t dead. Fugo stared up at the ceiling, eyes glaring blankly at the peeling drywall, before an inhale at his side caught his attention.
“Hey,” a familiar voice called, cautious, and Fugo turned to meet Mista’s gaze. He was surprised — had Mista been waiting by his bedside the entire time? I did save his life, I guess. He tried to think of something appropriate to say, but came up empty.
“I’m not dead,” Fugo said, finally. He ran hands over his own torso, marveling at the smooth, unbroken skin beneath his fingers. He wasn’t sure if he was relieved or if he was disappointed.
“Yeah. Giorno got to you in time.” Fugo closed his eyes, gritting his teeth. It was easier to speak his mind when he was on the verge of death. Living, and dealing with the aftermath — that was the hard part.
“Fugo,” Mista said. His voice was hesitant, unsure — a far cry from his usual tone. “I, uh. I’m not good at this kind of thing, you know that, but —”
“I don’t need your pity,” Fugo muttered, flinching when he felt a hand encircle his wrist. “What are you doing?”
“It’s not — listen, okay? I thought you fuckin’ hated my guts, man, and then you pull something like that, and you — just, god, Fugo, you pull something like that and then you tell me that —”
“Don’t,” Fugo said, eyes fluttering open. “Just forget it —”
“Damn it, let me finish!” Mista’s hand tightened around Fugo’s wrist, and Fugo suppressed a hiss of pain, quieting. “Listen. You mean a lot, to Giorno. And, I, uh —” 
Mista cut himself off, flushing and looking away with a soft curse.
“Like you said, it’s — not just Giorno,” Mista said, quickly, unwilling to meet Fugo’s eyes. You mean a lot to me, Fugo translated, warmth hesitantly making its way into his chest to curl heady and bright under his ribs. He pushed it away, swallowing it down. “Shit, dude, it sounded so much smoother when you said it.”
“What are you trying to say?” Fugo asked, bluntly. Mista made a frustrated noise, raising his free hand to tug at the hem of his hat nervously.
“I’m tryin’ to say that you’re not alone, Fugo, no matter what kind of bullshit you seem to spout to yourself in your own mind.” His fingers relaxed their grip around Fugo’s arm, thumb tracing a slow path across the back of Fugo’s hand. “We’ll figure it out, the three of us.”
Fugo felt Mista’s words rattle through him like a blow. The three of us. He wanted it, wanted it so bad it hurt, sometimes. But Fugo knew better than to let himself get caught up in false hope, false dreams.
“Holy shit,” Mista muttered, “you’re doing it again.” Fugo let out a questioning grunt. “That thing, where you get caught up in what you assume what other people are tryin’ to say before they can even explain themselves.”
Mista sighed. “For such a smart son of a bitch, you really make this shit too difficult, y’know that?” He shifted, discomfited by Fugo’s silence. “It’s partially my fault, I guess. After the shit with Trish, and — well. Giorno believed in you, the whole time. I was too harsh, and that’s on me. I wanted someone to blame, y’know, for —”
For Buccellati. For Abbacchio. For Narancia. The names, unspoken, settled heavily in the air between them, familiar weights in the pit of Fugo’s stomach.
“But,” Mista said, tone steely. “I was wrong, alright? It’s not your damn fault, Fugo. None of it was. And if you took your head out of your ass for one goddamn second, you’d see that. I didn’t — I didn’t ask to join Passione, y’know? None of us did, really, except Giorno, I guess. I did it cause I didn’t have anywhere else to go — all of us did. But with Giorno, and you — it’s a good thing we got going here, I guess. For the first time, I want to stay. And that’s — okay, I guess, is what I’m trying to say. It’s a good thing we got going here, and it’s okay to want that.”
A pause.
“Jesus, Fugo, say something.”
Fugo swallowed, thickly, eyes fixed on the ceiling above him. He wasn’t going to cry, not now, not in front of Mista (ever, if he could help it) — but the words picked at something sharp and broken in his chest, something he’d been covering up with missions and danger and adrenaline. With Giorno, and you, Mista had said. The three of us. It felt — right. What am I supposed to say to something like that?
“You and Giorno, you don’t want —” Fugo said, the words slipping out. You don’t want me, Fugo finished, in his head. A coward, who can barely control his own Stand.
“Don’t fuckin’ tell me what I want,” Mista said, sharply. “Do I have to spell it out for you?”
“Yeah,” Fugo whispered, finding his voice. “Yeah, maybe.”
Mista’s hand slid down Fugo’s arm, settling tentatively across the back of his hand as Mista leaned down, pressing hesitant lips to Fugo’s temple as his other hand brushed messy bangs out of Fugo’s face. He smelled like gunpowder and sweat and blood, familiar and grounding, and Fugo’s breath stuttered, eyes closing beneath the touch.
“I want you, alright?” Mista said. “Fuck it, I — I wanna give this thing a try, whatever it is. And it’s okay to admit that you want it too, damn it. It’s weird, watching you beat yourself up over shit like this.”
“Okay,” Fugo said, his voice thin, tenuous. “Yeah. Fuck, Mista.”
I want you. Fugo still didn’t believe it, not really, but he’d take what he could get, turning minutely into the touch.
“Damn,” Mista groaned, shifting forward and muffling his voice in Fugo’s shoulder. “We suck at this, huh?”
Fugo held back an undignified snort, huffing amusedly before averting his eyes and speaking, voice soft. “Yeah. We really do. But — we’ll figure it out.”
“We’ll figure it out,” Mista echoed, and something like hope bloomed bright in Fugo’s chest.
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davyjoneslockr · 6 months
Yes yes I'm sending more playlist related questions because these are fun. So The Rain The Park And The Other Things on the Fugio playlist caught my eye..ear? And it reminded me of the song Send me no flowers by Doris Day and I like that a lot.
Everybody says that Strawberry Blonde is very them coded but nobody explains why. I'm curious about your interpretation :D
Also does the Naramis playlist tackle the sad side of their relationship? How, you know, Narancia isn't there anymore. I appreciate that a lot about this ship- losing someone you love but still needing to move on. I think that's very realistic and I hope Mista finds peace again.
HI I'M SO SORRY I MISSED THIS sorry for the wait!!
Just listened to Send Me No Flowers and it's really lovely, I think I could also see it being Fugio-y in a way? Specifically postcanon pre-PHF from Giorno's POV. Something something he has all the tangible things he wants but not Fugo. But maybe that's just because my brain loves to make songs about wanting someone back + flowers about Fugio lol.
I won't lie, Strawberry Blond is a holdover from when I started making this playlist four years ago, when Strawberry Blond was considered the Fugio song and was on everyone's playlists lol. But listening to it now, I actually think it aligns with my Fugio vision more than I initially thought.
I think a lot of people take it as a Fugo -> Giorno song, but I much prefer imagining it the other way around. Again, imagery of someone leaving and the other aching over it, and the line "I love everybody because I love you" makes me think of Giorno basically getting his whole worldview tossed up because of Fugo, who's so completely different from him in every way. But also, I really really like to imagine that Giorno's feelings are unrequited at first. I think I've explained the Fugonara -> Fugio pipeline before, but Fugio during canon to me is more like. Giorno is very infatuated with Fugo, and Fugo doesn't notice because he's still hung up over his own one-sided feelings for Narancia. So the second verse kinda fits that, too, I think. The thing with "all I ever wanted was a life in your shape" also could have a lot of different connotations with them, too - Fugo had, and still has, a lot of privilege Giorno doesn't (Fugo grew up rich, never had to face xenophobia/racism, had a strong and well-funded education that is clearly shown to still give him a huge advantage even after he's disowned), and on the headcanon side of things, I do usually hc Giorno as trans and Fugo as cis, so there's that, too. But it could also be how Giorno has always repressed emotions/feelings, and Fugo isn't really able to, but also derives power from those emotions (even if they're harmful) - maybe a tiny bit of subconscious envy that Fugo's able to feel, to cry, so on and so forth? Idk. Something like that.
As for the Naramis playlist, I actually don't have a ton of angsty stuff on there, because I did originally envision it as a happier vibes sort of playlist (even I need a break from Naramis angst sometimes hehe). But I did start including a few sadder ones as of late!!
This song is super postcanon Mista to me and that's why I used it as the title for the second part of my fic :] "Once my heart was filled with the love of a girl/I held her close, but she faded in the night/Like a poem I meant to write" specifically.
Another postcanon one. The airplane metaphors really sell it for me. I think Mista sometimes plays this one on his guitar and thinks of Narancia :)))
And slightly different, but I actually think of this one from Narancia's POV!! He's been let down and betrayed a lot in his life, he can't envision a better life for himself than being a criminal, and his best friend ends up leaving him out of cowardice, so he hopes that he can at least have one person he can trust and rely on - ie Mista.
Thank you again for the ask, I love talking about my tunes (and Fugio and Naramis) ^_^
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davyjoneslockr · 2 years
giorno with 18, 22, 11, 2
(For this ask game)
18: Winter
(CW: Discussions of child neglect/abuse)
Giorno feels powerless in the winter. In a literal sense, sure, because many of his creations, plants especially, aren't adapted to thrive in extreme cold. He has to get creative when using his stand outdoors during winter months.
The real root of this feeling, though, comes from his childhood. Even with the neglect and loneliness he experienced as a kid, he was at least able to find some solace among all the life sprouting in spring and summer - the flowers, trees, bugs, and any little animals roaming the city. During the winter, though, all of these things would disappear, or go dormant. When his mother and stepfather would leave him alone at night, they'd often forget to turn on the heat, leaving him desperately trying to stay warm with the few blankets and layers of clothing he owned. On a few occasions, they'd lock him out of the house overnight - either due to neglect, or to teach him a lesson - and the instance (or instances) of this happening in the winter were painful and terrifying.
So, when he gets older, he's always insistent on keeping the heat cranked up, and has several blankets on his bed, laid over his living room couches, and folded in linen closets. The others poke fun at him for turning his house into a sauna at the first mention of snow on the weather forecast, but he'd rather be safe than sorry.
22: Family
If you ask Giorno, he'll claim he gave up on the concept of "family" at a young age. This isn't really true, though.
Sure, he knew plainly well that his mother and stepfather never loved him, and he never loved them back. As a child, though, he'd often daydream about the man in the polaroid he took from his mom - his father, she claimed. He never really knew anything about him, and, to most kids, the photo would make him look pretty creepy, but Giorno always imagined him coming to take him away from his mother. They'd live in a big house, and get gelato every weekend, and he'd listen to all of Giorno's observations about insects he'd find in the lawn without telling him to shut up and go away.
Of course, that never happened, and Giorno only took one lesson from it: to never dream of things that can't come true.
11: Best Friend and 2: Hate
Okay, I saw these and knew I had to combine them. Also kinda includes elements of family. Bear with me.
Friendship was another thing Giorno had long since given up on - that is, until he met Bucciarati's gang, and, in particular, Mista.
He's perplexed by all of them, for different reasons. Bucciarati's selfless and compassionate in a way a man in his position should never be. Narancia's at once cloyingly childish and scarily good at what he does. Abbacchio holds a grudge he refuses to explain. Fugo... well, Fugo sends his mind in spirals for a different reason.
Mista's perhaps the most confusing of them all, though. He wants to write him off as an idiot, with his strange superstitions and recklessness - in throwing himself at enemies, in pulling risky maneuvers, in caring for others. But then again, isn't he quite reckless, too? To his surprise, they work extremely well together, for that exact reason. Almost immediately, Mista tries taking Giorno under his wing, and, before he knows what's happening, Mista's calling him his little brother, and Giorno finds himself liking that idea, actually. Maybe even looking up to him, in a way.
But he has to remind himself that he's not here to make friends. He has a dream to achieve, and Mista, like the rest of them, is just a means to an end. He tells himself that, over and over, and grows frustrated at how hard it is to believe it, after he's come so far.
The dream, in the end, does cost a lot. Fugo runs away, and, though Trish is with them, she's even more of a newcomer than he is. There's the slightest degree of separation there. So, in the end, it feels like it's just him and Mista watching everything fall apart.
Or, maybe, it's him destroying Mista, slowly, gradually. It's how Mista sees it, certainly, when he's aiming a gun at his forehead, the blood of Abbacchio, Narancia, and Bucciarati still fresh on his mind. All concepts of friendship, of family, are gone. Instead, in far too many words, tears staining Mista's face, and three misaimed gunshots, he says, "it's your fault," and, furthermore, "I hate you."
Things change in the years following. Fugo comes back, and Mista forgives him, and Giorno falls in love again. Mista eventually comes to forgive Giorno, too, and they're civil, polite, meet for coffee every now and then. But they're never brothers again. Never best friends, even.
Mista never falls in love again after Narancia dies. He says his soulmate, the person meant to fill that space as a romantic partner, has come and gone, and it doesn't feel right to force someone else into that open void. In much the same way, Giorno resigns himself to the fact that he doesn't have a best friend, and never will. He did, briefly, but he's long since ruined it. He doesn't love Mista in the same way he loves Fugo (he shudders at the thought), but, in different ways, they're two of his biggest heartbreaks. But Fugo, he was able to resolve, fix the part of his heart that'd been split. Mista, he doesn't. Can't, after the way he treated him. It's one of his biggest regrets.
(Okay enough angst. In an everyone lives AU he and Mista are besties and buy atrocious clothing together and ding-dong-ditch their mafia rivals. Found family brothers Giorno and Mista supremacy.)
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