#This time Anya chooses the Game
foxtamer113 · 2 years
Anya: The floor is lava!
Yor: *helps Anya onto the counter*
Yuri: *kicks Franky off the sofa*
Loid: *lays on the floor*
Yor: ...Are you okay?
Loid: No.
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matherofdragons · 9 months
Translating Endo's comments Part 2
Part 1 here
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Q17: Who does Bond like to go out with the most?
A: Anya seems to be Bond's favorite person to play with. Even though Anya is old enough, she can't take Bond out for a walk by herself. Surprisingly, Bond doesn't seem to dislike taking walks with Frankie.
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Q:18 Since when have Emile, Damian and Ewin have been friends?
A: Since Kindergarten
Q:19 Are there any games that Damian, Emile, and Ewin enjoy playing?
A: Football, tag, cards, chess, billiards, anything that sounds fun. There are many things you cannot do in the dormitory due to regulations.
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Q:20 what are Damian's Football points?
A: Center forward. He's a kid who likes to score points and stand out.
Q21: What are Franky's future life plans?
A: He's the type of person who wants to have fun now, but he seems to want to marry a beautiful woman.
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Q22: Are you particular about Frankie's shaggy hair?
A:It's just natural hair, so I don't think it matters.
Q23: Franky chooses flashy colors for his glasses and tie, but does he like those kinds of colors?
A: I read a fashion magazine some time ago and it said that it's good to add some accent color, so he's trying to do that to make himself more popular.
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Q24: What kind of things has Franky invented that have been rejected by Loid
A:・Toothbrush type pistol
(Reason for rejection: Because it is dangerous)
・ Wristwatch-type anesthesia gun
(rejected due to copyright restrictions)
Q25: What does Fiona like the most about Twilight
A: Everything
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Q26: What does Yuri like the most about Yor?
A: Everything
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qsycomplainsalot · 4 months
So I watched Furiosa
Furiosa Road: a Star Wars Story. It wasn't likely to live up to Fury Road, and it didn't. It would have been a tall order. While it was well worth paying to see in theaters, I was still a little disappointed; I'm going to explain why, without spoilers, and then after a very visible cut I'll comment on a few specific things in the movie.
First of all it felt long, but not two hours long so I guess it speaks to its quality. Going through the cast, everyone did a good job, although I wasn't blown away by the on screen chemistry of Anya Taylor-Joy and Tom Burke. More on that later. Chris Hemsworth as the overarching antagonist is this movie's standout performance, in a way that I'm somewhat conflicted about. More on that later too.
Overall it feels as if, after making Fury Road a trim and thrilling movie, the creatives behind it strung together all the piles of amazing ideas they had left on the cutting room floor into another complete movie, but not a very cohesive story with a beginning middle and end with enough connective tissue to captivate an audience. There's no shortage of props, costumes, characters, stunts and just straight up visuals, although the music is not up to the standards set by Fury Road. What's really missing is a tight knit script.
I'd say watch it if you like the franchise, otherwise I'd just wait for it to release on small screens.
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My biggest complaint with this movie is that it's split between two relationships, between Hemsworth as Dementus or Tom Burke as Jack with Furiosa, when really with how it's paced it could barely afford one. I am just completely confused by people saying Jack and Furiosa's relationship was the highlight of the movie, it was vague, bland, and Jack died before I could really care about him. All this relationship did was explain how Furiosa became so good at driving a war rig, despite the fact that by this point in the movie she'd fended for herself just fine, presumably using what she'd been taught by the vuvuzela tribe. Likewise Dementus as a character is extremely simple, in a good way, and is the a better representation of time passing in the movie than literal text onscreen telling you it's been fifteen years or some such. It's on the nose, but Chris Hemsworth is acting his heart out and it's always a joy to see him on screen. He's spiraling his way through the movie in a perfect exemple of what Furiosa must avoid becoming. So knowing that, the main plot should be about Furiosa having to lose her way home (the star map tattoo on her arm, which we know she lose by Fury Road) and choose to stay at the Citadel to kill him, setting up a bitter ending where she's gained nothing and is stuck killing more people instead of letting go of revenge and going home. Unfortunately Furiosa: the video game: the movie very much lives in the shadow of its 2015 sequel, and so the plot is split further to set that up. I've talked about how it hurts the pacing and how much screentime the other characters could have gotten, but I think it actually greatly diminished the ending. The end of Furiosa has her catch up to Dementus, bind him and beat him up, asking him to give her her childhood and mother back, only for Dementus to refuse to play along in anyway. He tells her that revenge achieves nothing, that he knows from personal experience and that she can kill him however she wants, that he doesn't particularly care. I don't do it justice it's a pretty good end to his arc this movie. Instead of Furiosa killing him there and then and validating that speech for a cohesive theme to the movie (keeping the hope stuff for Fury Road where it works), the history man voiceover tells us that although the true end of Dementus is disputed, Furiosa told him the truth, that she kept him alive with a peach tree growing out of his dick ?? And then she brings the peach to Immortan's wives in the Citadel, and then the credits are interspersed with shots from Fury Road. I can excuse the impossibility of keeping someone alive while a tree is growing on them for the sake of Mad Max movies very much being wasteland fairy tales, but I think directly linking Furiosa: Road One with Fury Road like that is both pointless and very hamfisted, on top of being a big disappointment when it comes to Dementus' character. Like the guy was clearly fucked up from losing his daughters just kill him and be done with it. Anyway yeah I don't think I'll rewatch this movie nearly as often as I rewatch Fury Road. Shoutout to the Octoboss though, he's the Most Valuable Sidecharacter of this movie.
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Demo | Report something | Ko-Fi | Video trailer
[Demo last major update: 28/06/23 |Case 01, Part 01]
[Stonefrey Moodboard]
Solutions : see below.
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As a private detective, you were hired for a "simple" missing person's case. 
You were supposed to investigate, find out and be done with it. 
All was fine until, on a sleepless and cliché full-moon night, you stumbled upon a creature you've never expected to find. A monster worth anyone's worst nightmare. A monster holding the key to unravel the case you're investigating.
Your life has taken an unexpected turn after this discovery, how will you manage to face the reality that the supernatural exist after that ? And what will you do when it's revealed that the case is more complex than what you first thought ?
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You can choose as you play :
Gender (male, female and non-binary option)(trans-friendly option available) ; 
Pronounces (he, she, they, or  you can personalize  your pronouns);
Name, including aliases and nicknames ;
Background ; 
Appearances (including complexion, hair, eye colour, height,...);
Reactions ;
Fears ;
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Timed choices. You can toggle on a setting to allow you to see the timed choices ahead if you need more time to read. Toggling this on will allow you extended time.
Font appearance : the text is available in both : sans-serif fonts (by default), serif, and Open Dyslexic.  
Font size : 80%, 100%, 130% and 150%, to make your reading experience as comfortable as can be.
You can toggle to read with the metric system (default) or use the imperial measurement system (feet). 
Contains sound effect & background music (you can enable and disable the sound from the Settings, by gliding it all the way to the left).
There is a dark mode (by default), a sepia mode and a light mode available ;
Content for mature audiences can be toggled on and off as well. That will not remove the horror features though. 
Trigger warnings are available at each chapter's screen. Or directly via the "Content Warning" link, from the menu; 
Some Romantic Options are gender-selectable, as you play ;
You can choose to romance, date, only be involved physically or not at all with the RO. There are seven way you can interact with the RO : friendly, enemy, neutral, shy love, true love, enemy to lover, or simply lover/physical. 
Poly route available between Yu and Mbaya.  Officially unlockable past case 03. Don't panick before that. 
Locked romance route—or no romance route—would be able to be selected past case 03.  To give you the chance to meet all RO.
Extra story build in game, available past Case 03 here as well.
There are achievements.
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To say Elias is a gruff person is to say the least. But you know he has some good will in him behind the non-bothered no nonsense act. He did act to save you, without asking anything in exchange. Though, if you would describe him, you would say he is more like a sulking teddy bear. Yeah, you should probably not say that to him. Elias is probably the only one you're quite certain— not certain, certain, but quite certain — is a human. You have your doubt for the rest of the team. 
"If you think a day can't go shittier than it already is, be my guest."
Appearance : Human, or you can say super-human. 1.97m/6'46. Deep blue sea/cobalt blue eyes. Long white wavy hair (past shoulders). Tanned and weathered  ivory skin. Athletic build with broad shoulders.  3 o clock shadows. 
Has a 4 years old daughter.
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How could you describe Anya ? Like the mist ? Always shrouded in mystery ? This is her. She is the incarnation of mystery.  She told you she was 31 years old, but you don't really believe the woman. You think she can bewitch the whole city with her smirk, if it's not already the case. But that smirk she puts on her face makes you not trust her that much. Unless it's a question of life and death. Then, probably, you'll consider her help.
"Why work hard when you can work smart ?"
Appearance : A witch, most assuredly. 1.63m/5'34. Hazel eyes. Sultry black hair,  mid-back length. Golden skin. Lithe built.  
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Miloslav [M] / Mishka [F] / Marcy [NB]
Sheppard seems to be directly in competition with Elias for the title of "Grumpy human of the year".  Though, where Elias appears mostly unbothered in and for all, Sheppard just seems really on edge about everything.  And tense. But you guess it's because of their taxing and demanding work. Or maybe they were just born edgy. It's almost as if their hackles were constantly raised.  But they can be sweet. Somehow.
"Some people are looking for the meaning of life. I'm just looking for what "vacation" means and where I can find it."
Appearance : Not human... 1.78m/5'83. Forest green eyes. Curly auburn hair, cut short. Pale skin with freckles. Athletic build. 
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Have you already seen in the eyes of someone some age old lost wisdom ? Flowing like crystal clear water from a time where you weren't even born. Something worth admiring. This is what you can see in their eyes.  Despite being a giant, they are a tranquil, very tranquil person. Now that you think about it, you've never seen them eat. Nor drink. This is suspicious. 
"If someone points you the moon, don't stare at the finger."
Appearance : Surely not human. 2.06m/6'76. Sky blue eyes. Long coiled hair, dyed sandy blond (braided with gold thread). Chocolate brown skin. Lithe build. Nose septum piercing. 
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Yu is, like, the opposite of Mbaya, whilst being almost similar. In front of you stand something from a past long gone. But, instead of tranquility, Yu is a bubbly person. Almost too bubbly.  And you're almost sure that they own at least half the club and bar of  Stonefrey. If not more. Something about the way they move, silently, and almost feline-like, makes you doubt they are human. 
"I'm not saying I don't care. I'm just saying that, if the whole city was about to burn down, I'll still take the time to appreciate my glass of whiskey."
Appearance : Definitely not human. 1.65m/5'61. Black eyes. Dark brown hair (Yi-seo: Shoulder length hair/Yunsu : Ivy league crew cut). Olive skin. Muscular build. 
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Well. If you could say a word about Owl, you would say that they are dramatic. And fanciful. And they have a flourish for snarking remarks, and seem to have an ego as big as their wardrobe probably is. But what you would say the most is that they are wearing their name well. Owl, for their knowledge. That you could use. If they were on your side, that is, and totally not a wild card. 
"Everyone is such a bore in this city. Well, so long as you owe me — I mean, pay me. And entertain me. Surely this can work, Love."
Appearance : You're not sure. 1.79m/5'9. Verdigris-colored eyes. Wavy platinium blond hair (F. : Chin-length plunging square cut/M. : Styled curtain hairstyle). Fair and flawless skin. 
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You have met a nightmarish creature, will probably meet vampire, and werewolves — oh, you've met a witch as well. So now, here they are, an elf. Yes, an Elf. Like in Lord of the Things. In the city. With sunglasses. And their impassible way. Iolrath, child of Rivaran and Iltheruyn, they told you, as they were looking around at "mortals and their ways". Nice.
"Why must I say something ? Isn't silence acceptable in a discussion ?"
Appearance : It's very obviously an elf. 1.82m/6'0. Violet eyes. Long silver hair (reach mid-tight ). Shimmery skin. Elvish build of fairness.  Obvious pointed ears. 
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What is most important is your mental health. This story can deal with heavy themes, and the list will be updated along with the content. If you feel unwell, I'll advise you to stop reading and take a rest. Taking care of you comes first. Reach out to professional if need be.
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 You can find the content warning  here and the side bar, directly in game.  
This story currently contains :
Body horror 
Cannibalism (mention only)
Death and depiction of death (yours as well as others)
Gun and use of gun
Recreational drug and/or alcohol use 
Partial nudity and/or nudity
Psychological horror and disturbing content (including mental illness)
Strong/vulgar Language
Violence and graphic depiction of violence
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The story, all names, characters, locations and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.
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Only the first part of Case 01 (chapter 1) is available. There will be at least 8 cases, with no definite length. 
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Demo | Report Something | Ko-Fi | Video trailer
[Stonefrey moodboard]
[Demo last major up-date : 28/06/23 |Case01, Part 01]
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Case 01 |Part 01 : [1st Keywords] [2nd Keywords]
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evermount · 10 months
I recently stumbled on evermount and I looove the premise. Do you have any favorite dystopian IF games (or any romance focused)? Also I looovee the filipinx representation! definitely don't get alot of those!
cheers! <3
thank you!!🧡 as a poc myself, I like to make sure to include various backgrounds in all my work! I must admit, I don't think I have played many dystopian IF games. I mostly just read traditional books or watch films/shows, but here are some of my faves:
Scout - dystopian! I love everything about it. the first time I read it, I went down a rabbit hole, it was bad. (I’m still very much obsessed) it’s currently on hiatus, but I still come back to it every now and then (Gage & E <33) -> @/anya-dev
Golden Rose - I actually reread this a few days ago (great timing, anon) and it is beautiful. not dystopian, but wow the writing is stunning, and the romances are SO incredibly well-written, I am struggling on which to choose but Alain and Hadrian have my heart🫶 -> @/anathemafiction
The Abyssal - not dystopian, I know, but I’m an absolute sucker for Sol and the story! and an update is looming around the corner, so I recommend!! -> @/theabyssal
Exiled from Court - I also recently played this and that’s a good one too! there’s a lot of potential for angst on Harry’s route, which I’m sooo excited for aahaha -> @/beeanca-writing
Infamous - the interactions, everything! as someone who’s held dozens of concerts in the living room, growing up, this is like a dream come true hehehha (I’m sure you’ve already read it, but I had to mention it!) -> @/infamous-if
apologies, not much dystopian going on here, but these are some I enjoy! :)
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wakacreations · 2 months
Get To Know People Better Tag Game
I was tagged by @graysparrowao3! Thank you and hi nice to meet you!
Three Ships:
I had to really think about it. I never really thought about if I had any favorite ships.
From Spy x Family (Loid x Yor) : Pretend to be in a relationship but end of up falling in love. It's really sweet how they parent Anya.
From Futurama (Fry x Leela): Friends to lovers vibes. This ship is more nostalgic. I enjoyed the journey of these two. The finale made me cry. I still need to get around to watching the Hulu reboot.
From The Flower of Evil (Jiwon x Hyun Soo) : How many times do I have to remind you that I love you? How many times will you fall in love all over again till you admit you're in love?
The angst and the drama with this married couple is so good.
Bonus: Bladeweave (Gale x Wyll) : Two people who will easily sacrifice themselves for others see the impact of those actions through each other's eyes. How can you ask the other not to sacrifice themselves when it's all they have known. I don't know. There is something there but I don't feel the need to write their story.
I still feel bad for not picking either one on my playthrough. Maybe when Patch 7 comes out.
First ship: I honestly don't remember. Most likely Mandy x Nergal Jr. from The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy.
Last Song: Wham Bam Shang-A-Lang by Silver
Last Movie: Recently watched a horror movie called Long Legs. It was more strange than scary but I still got scared anyways. It's an a experience.
Currently reading: A House Called Tomorrow Fifty Years of Poetry by Copper Canyon Press. I just flip through to a random page and just start reading. It has been fun seeing what poem a get each day.
I got "On Finding a Field" by Tyree Daye today.
Some fanfiction:
Direct from Hell Logistics by Ineadhyn
Through the Gates of Horn and Oak by Sensoo
Currently watching: Dungeon Meshi
Currently Eating: Stir fry Buldak
Currently craving: Some inspiration and a apple fritter.
Favorite color: Navy Blue
Favorite flavour: Mango
Current Obsession:
Art (Been studying MINJYE artstyle on YouTube)
Alien Stage
Ultraman: Rising
Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree
Last thing I googled: monk bg3. I wanted to know what spells they had access to.
Favorite Season: Winter
Skill I'd like to learn: Piano or guitar again. I took a long break from music. It would be nice to revisit it again.
Best advice: Stay hydrated and eat good food. Below are some words that I have to sometimes remind myself. I don't know if others needed to hear it as well but I am willing to share.
Through the struggles you weather hope is ever present. No matter how deep we choose to bury it. You will continue to move again. You will continue to struggle. You will try again and again because everything is temporary even the cave you've trapped yourself in.
Feel free join if you wish no pressure!
@crowwolf and @theshotsheardacrossworlds
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vintagelacerosette · 5 months
Tag game catch up!
I was tagged to do this piccrew by these lovely sweetpeas Vey @look-i-love-u Jade @jademickian Evie @energievie Sarah @sleepyheadgallavich
Julia @blue-disco-lights Deanna @deedala Laurel @lupeloto Bee @gallawitchxx
Macy @heymacy Lyle @sxltburn thankssss
Tried to show a balayage as best i could lol
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I'll tag these starlights if they wanna play @iansw0rld @burninface @mickeym4ndy @mikhailoisbaby @michellemisfit @deathclassic @darthvaders-wife @stocious @captainjowl @rereadanon @wehangout @crossmydna @sickness-health-all-that-shit @sam-loves-seb @flamingbluepanda & anyone else if they want to!
I was tagged my dearhearts Nosho @creepkinginc Deena @suzy-queued Evie @ energievie Kat @mybrainismelted Georgia @iansw0rld thanks a bunch 💐
Favourite fictional character from a movie?
Going for nostalgia Anya from Anastasia
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Favourite fictional character from tv?
Gonna go with anime on this one saying Yuri Katsuki cuz ya know </3
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Favorite fictional character of all time? My main man no competition Mickey Milkovich
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If you could be irl friends with any three fictional characters, who?
Sakura kinomoto from Cardcaptors she's sooo sweet, we'd be like childhood friends 💝 I'd like to be friends with Ian & Mickey but Mick would be a tough nut to crack. So I'll bond with Ian & Mickey will follow suit bc they're that couple haha (also counting them as one just bc lol) Finally Nina from Six of Crows & Shadow & Bone. Always a fun time with her 😆
Favourite fictional couple: My One True Pairing hands down is Gallavich 💕
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Okay, you can only choose one fictional character to get stranded on and island with: Andy from Old Guard omg her lifetimes of knowledge she'd just help me escape & survive
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One fictional world you would hate to be a part of: Maybe the Dune world
One fictional world you would love to be a part of: Ooooh I think the Avatar world would be fun
Your “HEAR ME OUT” fictional couple: I think Toph & Aang would have been so fucking cute. I love their dynamic & how themselves they could be with each other. Also the beautiful poetry ofthe duality of Earth & Sky falling in loveeeee
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and finally, something you’re looking forward to this week? My dad's birthday is Saturday & my niece & sister are sleeping over after not seeing them for a month!!
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tygerbug · 1 year
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For better or worse, the 2023 Super Mario Bros movie very accurately translates the Nintendo video games to the big screen, offering fun and references but few surprises.
Some have defended the quirky 1993 Super Mario Bros movie by saying that the original games aren't cinematic, and aren't possible to adapt into a film. "What, do you want a movie where Mario jumps on some blocks in a raccoon suit and says Wahoo, it's-a-me, Mario?" Well, this is a movie where Mario jumps on some blocks in a raccoon suit and says "Wahoo, it's-a-me, Mario."
Will Mario, Luigi, Toad and Princess Peach be able to save the Mushroom Kingdom from Bowser, king of the Koopas? Will Mario eat some mushrooms, kick some shells, and jump on some blocks? Will fire flowers and invincibility stars provide a temporary boost in power? Will Mario drive a go-kart down a rainbow road? Will Donkey Kong throw some barrels? Is water wet? Does two plus two equal four?
It's been forty years since the Nintendo Family Computer (Famicom) hit shelves in Japan, and thirty years since the 1993 movie, made by an older generation that didn't understand the appeal of Nintendo's video games. This time round, everyone involved understands the assignment and plays it safe. I'm glad we're at that point where everyone is on the same page, even if no risks are taken with the material. There are similarities to the 1993 film but mostly it feels like you're watching one of Mario's recent video games, but as a movie. Which raises the question of what this film has to offer that a game doesn't.
For one thing, there's the character relationships. Mario doesn't have much to say in the games, but here is serviceably if blandly played by Chris Pratt, who somehow hasn't been fully cancelled yet. (See also: Fred Armisen as Cranky Kong.) We somehow get a fair amount of bonding between Mario and Seth Rogen's amusing Donkey Kong. Incidentally the events of Donkey Kong (1981) are fictional in this movie, but the events of Wrecking Crew (1984) are not.
The standout is Jack Black, giving a very Jack Black performance as the lovestruck villain Bowser, king of the Koopas. He mostly interacts with Kevin Michael Richardson, spot-on as Kamek the Magikoopa. Keegan-Michael Key plays an adventure-seeking Toad, whose part in the adventure feels underdeveloped. Charlie Day doesn't get enough to do as Luigi, mostly just looking scared in true Luigi fashion, but does well enough with what he has.
Anya Taylor-Joy plays the sweet and fiercely determined Princess Peach, who is very much a playable character here, as an overcorrection for her passive nature in most of the games. The result has Lego Movie syndrome, where it's not clear why this hyper-capable, overqualified character gets to do nothing, compared to a man with zero experience or skills. The Lego Movie also starred Chris Pratt, and both come uncomfortably close to the bigot's dream that "the best of them is lower than the worst of us." This is, at least, in line with the games, where Luigi and sometimes Peach and Toad are just as playable as Mario is, but are also not your first choice of character. But there's no reason given in the film to choose Mario over Peach, and even Peach's interest in keeping Mario around is somehow less romantic than the quick kiss he'd get at the end of a game. The film does often find things for Peach to do, including fighting Bowser herself. It also puts her in the passive role of watching Mario do something, while portraying her as overpowered compared to him, which almost feels sarcastic.
The predictable plot is not unlike the 1993 movie and 1989's The Super Mario Bros. Super Show, whose theme song is used here. Actually a lot of theme songs are used here, with the score constantly referencing themes from the games, almost at random. (In a real dick movie, Grant Kirkhope is not credited for writing the Donkey Kong Rap, with a blank space credited instead.) As in the 1993 film, the Brooklyn plumbers Luigi and Mario Mario journey into the sewers and are warped via pipe into another world, the Mushroom Kingdom, and menaced by the evil King Koopa. I'm pretty sure this has never been the actual storyline according to Nintendo of Japan (who sometimes claim that Mario is from the Mushroom Kingdom himself), but it's a key factor in American adaptations.
Otherwise this is stuff you've probably seen before in over forty years worth of video games. The attention to detail is laudable, but it's also just protecting Nintendo's corporate branding at a time when they've been doing this for over four decades, and are now expanding into theme parks. It would be an idiot move, at this point, to deliver anything that's unlike the video games. This movie would have felt like a miracle in the 80s or 90s, when anti-Japanese paranoia was still rampant among the older generations, and video games were written off as rotting kids' brains.
But coming at this with a Millennial and Gen X attitude, we know exactly who Mario is, and what he does. This is a Mario movie where you expect the expected. Of course it could have been a lot worse. The film feels a little too simple, but doesn't do anything actively wrong or bad. They had a chance here to lend a little more depth to Mario, who is barely a character, and that chance is not taken. The film zips by without much time for character development. Kids may find poetry in that, and be able to fill in the blanks, as if hours passed in these scenes rather than seconds. Adults will simply get what they paid for - a movie that feels like the Super Mario Bros video games. In particular, the New Super Mario Bros series, which upgraded the adventure to new hardware while staying very close to the old 80s formula.
Here's another metaphor for you. The Mario game series got more experimental with Super Mario RPG and the first Paper Mario, as well as the Mario & Luigi (Superstar Saga) RPG games. These introduced many unusual new characters, but the Paper Mario sequels have been progressively less experimental, presenting us instead with a lot of similar Toads and Koopas. That's also what we get in this movie - a sea of Koopas and Toads. Series creator Shigeru Miyamoto, credited as producer here, prefers it that way.
The scenes set in Brooklyn are a little stranger, filled with easter eggs and characters we don't learn much about. It's too cartoony to pass for the "real world," and is full of stuff Illumination are making up for this movie, rather than taking from the games.
I was surprised, somehow, that some animated version of Dennis Hopper's Koopa didn't show up. I think that might have been an improvement.
Not long ago, I edited an extended version of the 1993 Super Mario Bros movie, intended for an official Blu-Ray release which never happened. That film had a famously troubled production, and has some real problems with a mismatch in tone. The directors had created the cyberpunk TV series "Max Headroom" and wanted this to be a similar cyberpunk dystopia for older teenagers, while the studio heads at Disney were dismissing Mario as something for very young children. The shooting was a messy and unhappy affair, and something was lost in the edit. Meanwhile no one involved seemed to know or care very much about the actual property, which seemed impossible to translate into live action anyway. It's fanciful and cartoony, and the things Mario does in the games are things he does because it's a video game. There's no reason for him, in a movie, to be jumping on blocks and saying "Wahoo!"
The 1993 Super Mario Bros movie is very weird. The 2023 Super Mario Bros movie is a cartoon where Mario jumps on some blocks and says "Wahoo!" The latter is, obviously, much more accurate to the game. In a weird way, I think both approaches were valid. Older people actually know who Super Mario is now, so this is the movie we get. It's a kids movie, for those kids who've been playing Mario games for the past forty plus years. It's no better or worse than that. There's no false advertising here - it is exactly what it claims to be.
I can't imagine that anyone will be thrilled by a post-credits sequence teasing Yoshi, whose species already appears in the film. That's about the least surprising reveal possible, in a movie that's already devoid of surprises. A set of toys for this movie came out at McDonald's, and this is really the McDonald's hamburger of movies. Something for kids that adults can just about choke down. Well, I've got all those McDonald's toys on my desk, and if they keep making movies like this I'll probably keep watching them. I'll watch a movie with Yoshi in it, or Rosalina or Wario or whoever they add for a sequel. I just won't pretend like it's something I haven't seen before.
Rating: Fresh / Recommended
(Seen in theaters)
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randomfanner · 5 months
I got tagged by @nyda-the-tav
TavTash Tag Game
@bearhugsandshrugs post about the very small TavTash community inspired me to make this: I want to learn more about you and your Tavs!
Tell us a bit about your Tav!  Anya is a half elf, college of lore bard (though she wanted to be a wizard) who worked at the Golden Eye Tavern for several years under her 'father' Otus(who is actually a devil named Plutus in disguise, running the tavern to attract souls and debtors). She worked as a porter and server Here is a picture, she only has art because she is chubby and I don't have BG3 on PC and her look in game isn't CLOSE (Enver made her cloak)
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What alignment is your Tav? How does that align or clash with Gortash? Do they agree with him morally? She is Neutral Good and they argue a l o t. Gortash thinks he can sway her from good at first though and he is proven very, very, very, wrong
What God does your Tav follow? Is Gortash's position as Bane's chosen an issue?  Anya was raised by Ace, a aasimar son of Zeus with so many daddy issues and general dislike for the gods, and that kind of rubbed off on her(this adventure is proving that more and more). BUT, she hopes that Selune will take her soul for you know, saving her kid, killing Ketheric a traitor and saving Shadowheart. So it doesn't really come up. Anya is vaguely curious for more info but the more she learns the more she thinks she is justified in not- Granted Gortash being the chosen of Bane causes a lot of troubles for HIM and having feelings.
What did your Tav think of Gortash when they first met? Did they take his offer of an alliance?  Depends on what instance they first meet, because when they were children Anya was quite excited to bother him when he was working on inventions, and bringing him food. When they are adults she isn't exactly the most trusting of him, but does accept an altered version of the alliance, she will get the nether stone from Orin and then, after they know the Netherbrain won't be an issue, they can kill each other.
How did Gortash and your Tav get together? What do they see in each other?  Gortash was lonely, he would never call it that but he really, really missed my Durge: Calax. He figured that he just needed to make a new alliance with someone who had recently proven themselves of being capable. Perhaps needed to be... persuaded to see the right way of things, he knew she was still quite naive to the world, but perhaps was opening her eyes. So he made a deal with Anya that he would give her one thing of her choosing(to which she asked him to make Karlach a new heart) in exchange for her keeping him company. Eventually, after learning Enver was her childhood friend(because he did not look the same age as her, even if he is a human), she figured she would give a shot of actually being his friend. She also had to admire his intelligence, inventions and earnestly enjoyed his company. For Gortash, meanwhile, he cannot figure out WHY he likes her at all, and it is because she cares about him and can read him. Which he does hate sooooo much.
What does the future hold for your Tav and Gortash? Are they in a relationship, a one time thing, are they going to rule the sword coast together or kill each other in a tragic showdown? ... Ok so realistically, kill each other in a tragic showdown but the Author is a slut for happy endings even when they aren't deserved. So Gortash accidentally kills Anya before the fight, has to deal with a boat load of emotions... only to realize Anya was brought back from the dead later. And that is when he realizes that he isn't going to be able to go through with killing her intentionally- which he fucking hates for every single reason he would hate that... so he reluctantly steps down, Anya wins a bet to get Bane to let Enver free, and he gets sentenced to be the city's maintenance guy until he dies. Which he isn't happy about, vocally so- but he does eventually come to find some satstifcation in it. They also end up having three kids, Callie, Dante(Adopted) and Prometheus.
@bg3-stole-my-soul now you have to talk about Kieran
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idothingsandstuffs · 1 year
Be hold my masterpiece.
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Spy x family metadede.
This took alot of time to make.
Time for lore of the au:
Dedede: Like Yor he is an assassin. But for his kills, he usally uses his hammer, that can fold in a click of a button. Code name: Masked King
Meta: Like Loid, he is a spy, and he has Yor's cooking skills. To keep his identity secret he wears his iconic mask. Code name: Knigtmare
Sailor and Bandana: They are also part of a spy organization called ''The Waddles''. They are twins and 12 years old. Somehow the Waddles found out about Dedede wanting to blend in and bandana and sailor show up to him as homeless children and made Dedede adopt them. Sailor and bandana are theit code names, the names they go by in their day to day lifes are, Saidee and Bandee.
Kirby and Gooey: They are also twins and 12 at least that's what they say. They never met their boilogical parents and now they are blood realated but they don't know what their familiar bund is so the went with twins since they were both 10 years old. Their backstory is similiar to Anya's but the one with mind reading powers is Gooey and Kirby can't read minds, but he still has his copy abilities. Gooey can use copy abilities as well but not as good as Kirby. The way copy abilites work in this au is like how they work in games, for exempale Kirby can eat pure fire and gain the fire copy ability (and he ate a four leafed clover and a text book to pass the test, but they didn't grant him anything he was just exteremly lucky). And Gooey can control people, he can do small things like if sombody is in a diliama make them choose one option (this is how he got both of them adopted by meta) but he also can make people do things out of their own wills like control their body, but he prefers not to do that because he still can hear their thoughts and they are usally very distressed and Gooey doesn't like to do that because he feels like a horrible person. And none of Gooey's mind realated powers work on kirby.
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lexa-griffins · 1 year
Can you list all of your wips featuring g!p Clarke?
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Dividing this by different categories but here we go
The Act of Falling in Love [AO3] [tag - au: taofil] - ABO. Lexa and Clarke are in an arranged marriage. Lexa loves Clarke. Clarke doesn't love Lexa. Yet.
WIP (Not posted yet)
Heda's Delights [TAG - au: Heda's Delights] - Christmas Fic. Lexa and Clarke have a complicated past after Lexa ended their engagement and Clarke left for art school in Paris. Five years later she returns to a sick dad and a baby she didn't know existed.
High Ground [NO TAG] - One-Shot. Clarke is a bartender at the same club Lexa dances at. After finding out Clarke has never been given a lap dance, she offers her services for free.
Cam Girls AU [TAG - au: cam girls] [SIDEBLOG] One-Shot collection. College girlfriends Lexa and Clarke have a cam show.
AUs (some to be written others just headcanons)
7 minutes in heaven [TAG - au: 7min in heaven] - Popular Lexa/Nerd Clarke spend a night together after a game of 7 minutes in heaven
Daddy Clarke/Sugarbaby!Lexa [TAG - sugarbaby!lexa] - Exactly what it says on the tin. They are rich, they are hot and they are living the life
*Jock Clarke/Cheerleader Lexa [TAG - cheerleader lexa x jock clarke] - College au. Clarke's a football player frat girl jock and Lexa is her aloof hot bitchy cheerleader girlfriend
*Not always g!p as it started as a cis Clarke au and it changed but I accept both as canon in the fic
DILF!Clarke [TAG - au: dilf!clarke] - Clarke's a widow single mom in her 40's and Lexa is a recent college grad in her 20's who seems to really like the older mom at the gym.
Bedwarmer Clarke [TAG - bedwarmer clarke] - Skaikru was eradicated, leaving Clarke as the last of the sky people. She makes her living in a brothel until Heda chooses her as her bedwarmer. Clarke hates Lexa for what she did to her people and refuses to do more than fuck Lexa as Lexa herself starts to fall for Clarke and longs for her forgiveness.
Noble Lexa x Feral Clarke [TAG - au: noble x feral] - ABO. In a society where omegas are seen as the most important, criminal alphas are used as toys for them to play and discard off. Noble omega Lexa is trying her best to liberate some of these alphas before she is to marry a noble alpha. At the pound, she finds a nearly feral Clarke as they try and make the most of their time together before Lexa marries and Clarke is send off to a death sentence.
Gloryhole AU [NO TAG] - Lexa is a struggling college senior who just lost her schoolarship and as a means to get money she starts a glory hole business at the sex shop Anya works at. Clarke's a frequent client as well as Lexa's TA.
Werewolf Clarke [TAG - werewolf clarke] - Lexa is sacrificed by her village to the local beast. She ends up helping triplicate the werewolf population.
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everythingsinred · 8 months
Natsume Is a Cat (pt. 3)
If anyone is looking at this nonsense... thanks. Isn't the world golden on our side of things? Let's get back to it, to our academic and scholarly research!
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Where were we? Onto cats likes and dislikes?
Cats don't much like water. They don't care for swimming and avoid it when possible (that doesn't mean they're dirty though; cats are very good at self-grooming).
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Water bugs them, after all.
But the dark doesn't! Cats have a tapetum lucidum in their eyes which lets them see in the dark, so there's nothing to fear even in total darkness.
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They tend to underestimate their weight and enjoy sitting on chests if they so choose, even if the person they're sitting on doesn't like it as much.
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I had to include this because my cat Phoebe does this to me every night.
But they don't really like going places. They would prefer to do nothing.
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You can try to make them, but they revert back to inaction. Always.
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Natsume does nothing all the time. It's his favorite thing to do.
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Cats also typically dislike when they're introduced to a new cat in their home. Especially at first, they might be cruel to the new cat, but in time, they might get attached.
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Cats do this often. They look at you, spot your interest, and then run, for the sole purpose of making you chase them. They do this on purpose. They like the chase. They will stop and let you pet them eventually but they need to play the game first. I'm not making this up. This is true.
And to wrap things up, I will conclude with pages I had in my folder with unclear captions that I saved too long ago and now no longer remember where I was going with them.
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Titled, "catlike". I agree, but I can't explain it.
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Titled, "gives cat vibes." Don't know what that's supposed to mean. He does look like a black cat here though.
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Titled, "hes a cat i can tell". Very unhelpful to me. I guess it's just a vibe?
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"hes a cat what do u want me to say" Well, past!Anya, I want you to say specifically where you were going with this. But I'll bite. He does seem like a cat here.
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"omg just like a cat". Have no idea if this is about what Aoi is saying (misunderstood and thought of as scary, like a cat) or Natsume in the background doing fuck all. Maybe both. Either way, I agree.
And to finally finish off, let's discuss the fact that the person he gets along best with is Ruka, who has the animal pheromone alice. Unlike literally every other person on the planet, Natsume has never been angry at Ruka. He loves Ruka. He always loved Ruka. Natsume is a cat.
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(This is clearly a joke. Natsume is not nice to Ruka because he's under the affect of animal pheromones. Because Natsume is a human being. But it's a funny joke. Their friendship is very clearly authentic and beautiful. Natsume is kind to Ruka because Ruka is perfect and has never done anything wrong ever, in his life.)
Not related to cat stuff, but this one was funny:
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Okay I'm done now! Thanks so much for reading this silly nonsense rambling. It was fun to put together and I hope it was a fun read too! Have a great day/night. I'm very tired and this took longer than I thought it would, so I'm going to sleep. Love y'all <3
Also, in case y'all missed the first two parts, they are as follows:
Part 1. or Part 2.
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hyba · 8 months
Jumping in the open tag from @oh-no-another-idea. Thanks for leaving the tag open! 😊
The words they've given are: raven, wound, travel, and hand.
I... I don't think I've ever used... this word in my writing? I'm so confused; how can that be??
That being said, I have used ravenous, so that's what I'll substitute it with. Here's a little excerpt from An Entity In Your Midst, my standalone horror that I've been working on for centuries:
Being in school was a welcome change, especially with what had been happening at home. She’d begun to question her own sanity, and when her mother had suggested that she stay home for yet another day, Anya had put her foot down. She didn’t tell anyone about it, not even her best friend Daria, who’d tried to get her attention all throughout first period. She couldn’t avoid her forever, though, and at the end of second period, when lunch had finally come around, Daria pulled her back while the class shuffled out, ravenous and loud.
Since I've already gotten us started with An Entity In Your Midst, why not continue? :D
An excerpt from Agafiya's journal:
Ilya refuses to tell me what he and Sergei saw that night. He came back covered in scratches and mud and bruises and a broken arm – and even then, he still held his rifle with a death-grip, and his eyes were wide and wild. When I saw him like that, for a moment I feared he was on of them, come for us. But then he dropped to his knees and fell forward, unconscious with what I think was both exhaustion and shock. Maria and I did our best to treat his wounds, but I fear it is the mental wounds that will need the most time to heal.
This game has me reading back over AEIYM and I LOVE ALL OF IT. (Where's the rest of it??? Why is it not finished??????) No wonder I was obsessed with this wip for a little while.
When he had heard about his dear friend Mikhail Volkov and his charming family, he felt the pain in his bones. What misfortune had befallen them had been unexpected and terrifying. Nobody could explain what had happened to them, only a handful of days after he had traveled down there to check on young Fyodora.
For reference:
Mikhael Volkov OC intro
Fyodora Volkov OC intro
So many to choose from for this one, but I decided on this excerpt:
“Please keep this between us,” Mrs. Volkov said. “She’s been very ill. She’s not herself.” “She’s another person entirely,” Nina grumbled, shaking her head. She was still waiting for her heartbeat to slow down. She became aware of Mrs. Volkov’s hand, still holding her shoulder in a firm grip, and stepped back, opening the front door. “It’s been very difficult for all of us.” Mrs. Volkov held a knowing look, but there was fright etched onto her face, and it unsettled the young girl. “I have to go,” Nina whispered, backing out of the door. “My parents expect me home. I have to go.” And with that, she turned and ran.
I'm going to tag a few peeps for this one, but please feel free to ignore! @dyrewrites @leave-her-a-tome @contes-de-rheio @scribble-dee-vee @akindofmagictoo @wiredhouse
Your words, should you accept the challenge, are: night, touch, window, and weight.
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shylittlefr0g · 9 months
Hello friends.
I have an idea. (From an AU)
I been playing Ace Attorney from a while (I complete the first game and my friend gift me the trilogy, so im playing the other two games) and I still having a hyperfijation with SxF (atleast from now). So, lets combine them.
If you don't play Phoenix Wright, Ace Attorney, you should play it, I recomend it. (and watch out, because i gonna give a few spoilers about the games and they history).
Let's begin.
Let's explain the characters and WHY I choose them.
Anya Forger (as Phoenix Wright):
- Ex-art student on collage, with a terrible ex-boyfriend.
- She became a lawyer after being saved by Sylvia (the Mia Fey of this universe) and having a crush on the-one-shouldn't-be-mentioned (Damian)
- Terrible lawyer, with a horrible luck, and mostly being save because of someone else or when her two neurons make contact the evidence.
- George (Larry) is her best friend, and in her first trial, she must save his ass.
- She actually doesn't look like a lawyer, because she is poor (?), so she has to use an old suit from his father (the green one) with some arrangement to be from her size made them by her mom (disastrous, but it works)
Damian Desmond (as Miles Edgeworth):
- Traumatized.
- He still having a crush on Anya, but he prefer be punched on the ribs that say "I love you" to her.
- After they first real encounter (the second case) Damian send his butler (Ewen) and his personal tailor to make her a good suit (because he wants that his rival to look presentable on court... Because he hates her!)
- Emile (Gumshoe) is his right-hand man, he trust blindly on him (and that's why when Emile misses something, he cuts his salary)
- Wanted to be a lawyer like his mother, but now he only has traumas.
Becky Blackbell (as Franziska Von Karma)
- She isn't part of the family Desmond (she conserves her lastname) because she is Damian's cousin who wants to revenge the figure of Donovan Desmond.
- The option B is that Franziska is Demetrius, but i like Becky more because she has a whip and can whip Anya on the middle of the court. Pretty fun character.
- She isn't the bestie of Anya on this universe, but they got respect for eachother (Becky considers that she is a very capable woman and fights to achieve her goals, just like her.)
George Glooman (as Larry Butz)
- Idiot.
- He only could be a cheated, accused of murder, and get away with it, all in at least 24 hours.
- He isn't a big friend with Damian since they were kids and they argued about who is gonna takes Anya's hand to marriage. (spoiler: nobody remembers it clearly, they just hate each other because they are idiots.)
- Like Larry, he ended up being an artist.
Sylvia Sherwood:
- Mia Fey for this universe.
- really intelegent.
- Helped Anya on the past and became her tutor/friend when she decided be a lawyer.
- Still watching Anya since Ken (The Maya of this universe) and her became partners.
- She and Ken are family (aunt/nephew), when she has to keep info, she invites him to eat something. After the first trial, Anya and they were going out to eat, but something happen.
Ken Sherwood (as Maya Fey)
- Took Sylvia lastname.
- symptom of "being at the wrong time and place"
- He was arrested more times that you could imagined.
- Esper still on training. (Always in his hippie-clothes so gets bullied by that)
- Only can use his powers when the situation is crítical. (Only in contact with Mia because she is from his bloodline)
Melinda and Donovan Desmond:
- Melinda (32) was a really good defense lawyer who makes everything to get a Not Guilty sentence. Loved by everyone.
- Her husband, by the other hand, wasn't loved by everyone, mostly because of his tactics has a prosecutor where... Well, you know, cuestionables.
- They had two sons. Demetrius and Damian.
- Melinda was killed by someone non-identified on a elevator. Right infront Damian.
- Since then, Donovan raised his youngest son to be a bastard at court (just like him).
...Play Ace Attorney, pirated Nintendo is morally correct.
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loosesodamarble · 7 days
it's 🖤 anon I have 3 questions for the ask game
What's your favorite CC x OC ship of an OC created by someone else?
What's the thing you love the most about BC fandom?
What are your top 5 animes ?
Time to answer more questions!
1. What's your favorite CC x OC ship of an OC created by someone else?
Uh........ Ah......... AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Oooohhhh Why such a cruel and difficult question!
There's several CC x OC ships that other people have made which I really like. But... I guess if I had to choose one above all the rest, it'd have to be...
@/mikuyuuss's Giyuu (CC) x Akari (OC) ship for Demon Slayer.
The two of them look so right next to each other. Akari has short and nearly done hair while Giyuu's is long and drawn as these messy spikes. His design is marked by darker colors (maroon half of his haori, black hair, deep blue eyes) while Akari has bright colors that evoke spring to me (yellow and pink and white). I like their dynamic of the social x loner. I like how Akari found a place of belonging for herself after a life of strife and loss which contrasts how Giyuu experienced a lot of loss and during canon, still find himself out of place amongst the Demon Slayer Corps and suppresses his emotions. There's complementary and contrasting elements to them that make my brain buzz with delight!
And Unni's passion for her oc unrelated to shipping her also motivates me to keep my own oc's non-romantic relationships and other characteristics in mind.
(And sometimes, I look back at my own KnY oc and wonder if I have it in me to try developing them again.)
Sorry that it's not anything BC related but Giyuu x Akari stands out to me in particular because it's not BC and yet it's still locked down a place in my heart.
2. What's the thing you love the most about BC fandom?
It's hard to say what I love most about the fandom when I don't really interact with the BC fandom as a whole. I mostly interact with a select group of mutuals also in the fandom.
I guess I love how supportive my pocket of the fandom is towards me and others. And I know that other fans have found their own bubbles where they feel safe, happy, and uplifted too. My experience with the fandom is rather disconnected so I don't really know much of what goes on, but I don't have any major complaints about it.
3. What are your top 5 animes ?
Oh now this is an easy question to answer!
1) Shadows House. I love the atmosphere of the Shadows House anime and would really love for the anime to continue to see future arcs of the manga animated. I just love how expressive the characters are, despite half of them not having visible faces! Kate and Emilico are the best duo in the world and I will protect them with all my heart. 2) Black Clover. Obviously I adore the anime as I adore the manga. While not the best of the best animation, the characters come to life and look so beautiful in motion. And some of the anime filler is good in that it help flesh out characters and builds the world just a bit more. 3) Spy x Family. The hijinx of Loid, Yor, and Anya are just the best. They're funny and determined and extreme individuals. And the anime does a great job of captured the intensity and the hilarity of their lives. 4) Horimiya: For Hori-san to Miyamura-kun. This slice-of-life high school romance is so feel good. The conflicts are small and human and I love it so much that I bought all 16 volumes of the manga too. 5) Not an anime series but an anime movie: The Cat Returns. It's a short 70-ish minute film that's absurd and fun and uplifting.
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audi0med1c · 10 months
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CHAPTER 2 of "Is It Over Now?"
"Look What You Made Me Do"
3,263 words - if you prefer to read on Archive or Wattpad...links here
Lexa's thumb hits dial on her phone before she's even closed the door behind her, now alone in the back seat of the black Suburban after walking the young blonde up to her door and respectfully declining the invitation to come up for a nightcap. She had used the excuse of an early call time tomorrow for her reason for needing to head home, though it was only 10:30 and she could not be more wide awake.
"So I take it you are not face-deep in your smokin' hot date if you're calling me right now." The smug voice teases through the phone.
"It wasn't even a real date Anya, you knew that." Lexa pinches the bridge of her nose.
"You said your agent asked you to take out one of his buddies' newbies to help get her exposure, that's still basically a date."
Lexa sighs heavily.
"Also...incredibly bold of you to take her to Clarke's favorite restaurant."
"I didn't choose it!" Lexa exasperates, "I felt bad saying no when she said she'd never been able to get a reservation there!"
"Well you did choose to overdo the PDA." Anya snorts, "Based on what I'm seeing on twitter."
Lexa quickly opens the app and scrolls her timeline, seeing plenty of shots from various angles within the restaurant - no doubt from other diners - from the night.
There's one picture of her back, as she reached Clarke at the front of the restaurant, with the caption "Uh-Oh, caught bringing the flavor of the week to their old go-to spot!"
She scrolls some of the comments underneath....
Damn what a power move, I respect it though.
This was definitely intentional 😳 so shitty.
I feel so bad for Clarke. They're always a younger hotter version of her 👀
Omg Lexa in suits😍😍😍
Hahaha Lexa having exactly one specific type will never stop being hilarious.
Okay but CLARKE'S DRESS🥵....like yes I'd chase after her too Lex
She scrolls more of the photos, images of Raven and Octavia shooting daggers across the restaurant, Lexa guiding her date out at the end of the night with a casually placed hand on the model's lower back, plenty of shots of Lexa looking like she's having a pleasantly flirty conversation while clinking glasses of champagne, and someone actually caught her placing the quick kiss on the back of the girl's hand when she returned to her table after Clarke left. She clicks into that picture, which is captioned "Lexa's Rizz is unmatched"
She hates that word – 'Rizz'... more dumb slang from Gen Z that is cringey as hell. But she's curious about the comments under this one, and as usual, it's a mixed bag of both her fans and Clarke's.
Awww I would die on the spot if Lexa ever did that to me😭
Lexa thinking "You look like my next mistake"
This is the cutest shit ever!
Ms. Perfectly Fine strikes again😬
Lexa's game >>>>>
Ew that could NOT look more forced.
I need Clexa back!
Damn what she say to Clarke after chasing her on her way out? 👀
Imagine fumbling Lexa Woods 💀💀
Lexa's roster is 🔥🔥🔥
"Ummm hellooooo?!?" Lexa suddenly remembers she's still on the phone.
"Oh, sorry uh what did you say?" She stammers.
"You are playing with fire if you keep doing this you know..." Lexa doesn't bother asking if she's referring to the public dates with models or intentionally antagonizing Clarke any chance she gets. Anya is one of the few people who knows anything about what actually happened between them two years ago when everything blew up in the media, and the fact that she is dating one of Clarke's best friends has only made it more complicated to not constantly hear about what she's up to.
"Don't worry about me Anya," Lexa tries to play off her growing remorse at not coming up with a reason to go to a different restaurant, "If I know Clarke, I'm pretty sure I just ruined her night." She laughs to cover up the worry that it might actually be true, and that makes her want to give her driver the Beverly Hills address she knows better than her own and go apologize in person.
Instead she types out a quick text, contemplating it, before hitting send.
Lexa: Hey, sorry about tonight, I really didn't think about how it looked.
She's not expecting a reply right away, if at all, but her phone vibrates only seconds later.
The One💔: Okay, sure let's go with that.
Lexa: I am😒The champagne was a bit much though. It's not like you haven't had plenty of company yourself? Including people I used to work with, btw...
The One💔: At least I had the decency to keep my nights out of sight.  At OUR fucking spot Lex? Really? That's low, even for you.
Lexa: I said I was sorry.
The one💔: Whatever.  I expect it at this point.
"Uhh Lexa?" Anya says cautiously.
"What?" Lexa's hardly listening.
"Don't think you ruined her night."
"What do you mean?" Her attention sharpens, and she gulps down the lump in her throat, hoping it's not the one thing she doesn't want to hear.
"Raven just got dropped off and heard Clarke tell the driver to head to Malibu."
The words settle like rocks in her stomach.
"You still there?"  Anya says after a minute of silence.
But Lexa hangs up without saying goodbye, her chest heaves briefly as her pulse races. Her eyes barely start to sting when she shifts in her seat, sucking on her top teeth, heat flaring behind her ears as her fingers quickly type out another text she will probably regret tomorrow.
Lexa: Tell Niylah I said Hi.
She leans back in the leather seat and lets out a sigh, satisfied with one last taunt on the night, picturing Clarke venting to Niylah over more wine the rest of the night, the girl Clarke always told her was "just a friend" which turned out to be one giant slap in the face.
They were dating within weeks of Clarke and Lexa's breakup. Looking far too familiar and comfortable for two people in the initial stages of a romance. But the relationship fizzled out after a year, and now they were back to 'just friends' again, orsomething...and Lexa somewhat relished the thought of Clarke spending the rest of the night venting to her most recent ex about herself, even if it was in a negative light.
Her phone vibrated again though, and the words on the screen sent her stomach plummeting.
The One💔: Tell her yourself,  I don't plan on talking when I get there.
Clarke had shot off the same message to the same three people she always does. Two of them were for a more primal purpose, and the third was just for moral support and maybe some cuddles, and usually their responses made the final decision easier if she wanted any company at all over the silent efficient satisfaction of her electronic alternatives at home.
Clarke:  Up for a visitor?
Bel💙:  Aren't you with O? Everything okay?
Last Resort🤢: Of course, already hard just thinking about you.
Niy💞: You know you don't need to ask. Door is open. Tea or night cap kind of night? -----
She had already given the driver instruction to head to Malibu, knowing which option she preferred, and knowing, as usual, that it was almost always available.  Perhaps the most reliant person she had outside of Octavia and Raven, Niylah and her had remained close even after breaking up last year. 
They ran in the same professional circles, with Niylah being a gallery curator, which was how she and Clarke had met.  She was a pure-heart, kind, and understanding.  She knew before Clarke did that they just were not meant to last, despite their deep respect and endearment towards each other.  It didn't surprise her or upset her when Clarke finally broke things off, unable to commit to the next level of their relationship when the subject of moving in was broached.  Clarke realized she wasn't able to offer that level of commitment, or exclusivity even, to anyone - even someone as deserving of it as Niylah.
It honestly didn't even change that much about their dynamic, except the ratio of how much they saw of each other in the daylight versus at night became much more lopsided. 
Clarke enjoyed watching the scenery outside change the further away from the city they got, until they were driving along the coastline. The vast darkness stretching out to the horizon, the waves ominous as they danced and crested in the dark was eerily soothing. 
Her phone vibrates again, and it's the last person she expected to hear from tonight.
Walking 🚩: Hey, sorry about tonight, I really didn't think about how it looked.
She huffs out loud in the back seat, instantly annoyed. Always the same bullshit. Lexa always knew what she was doing.
Clarke: Okay, sure, let's go with that.
It had been months since they had seen each other at an event for Raven's tech company.  Lexa had made the very rare decision to come solo, which Raven and Anya probably made her do for the sake of their intertwined friend group, who was all seated together near the front as Raven's guests.
They had been seated on opposite sides of the round table, with Octavia inbetween her brother Bellamy, and her boyfriend – Lexa's cousin - Lincoln, on one side and Anya - Lexa's oldest friend - and Raven on the other.  Clarke wasn't sure exactly what to expect, since usually when they had to be around each other it was premieres or parties where they could mingle within a larger crowd and avoid each other easily. But sitting at the table, it was hard for Clarke to find other things to look at.
Lexa made it easier by being preoccupied with her phone most of the dinner, making no attempt to hide her smiles as she typed away to however many people she was talking to at the time, asking Anya how long she needed to stay before she was allowed to dip out for other plans. If there was one thing Lexa was always aware of, it was that being seen in public would find its way onto social media one way or another, and after being seen at the event at the same table as Clarke, she made a point of being caught very much cozied up to some model later that night at a club.  
Didn't think about how it looked my fucking ass... Clarke thought to herself.
Walking 🚩: Tell Niylah I say hi. 
Clark grinned. She knew Raven would tell Anya, who would tell Lexa where she was going.  She'd told the driver to head to Malibu regardless if she actually ended up going or not, making sure to say it loud and clear before Raven was fully out of the car.  Lexa's favorite thing seemed to be flaunting her parade of women in front of Clarke, but two could play this game, and Lexa would very soon come to learn that Clarke was much better at it.
Clarke: Tell her yourself, I don't plan on talking when I get there.
Niylah greets her with a warm mug of tea and even warmer hug, not letting go for almost a full minute. It had been a while since she has been here. 
"You look nice." She says softly when they let go.
Clarke slips her hands around the girl's neck, "Just kiss me, I've had a long night."
"What did she do this time?" Niylah chuckles. It catches Clarke off guard a little.
"I'm not offended Clarke, but I'm not dumb. It's almost midnight, so there's only one reason you're here."
"Niylah it's not--"
"I said I'm not offended. It's okay, Clarke." The older girl urges, running her hands up and down Clarke's arms, "We didn't work out for a reason, but it doesn't mean I hate whatever this is, you know you are always welcome here.  I can be whatever you need me to be for you."
Clarke looks down, slightly ashamed, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to--"
Niylah cuts her off, lifting a finger under her chin to close her mouth, bringing her face back up to look at her, and grazes her thumb over Clarke's bottom lip before pressing a soft kiss into her.
"I guess I should send her a thank you note one of these days, maybe some flowers..." She smiles sweetly, "...if she's what keeps bringing you back here to me."
Clarke's eyes start glistening, and she wishes more than anything she had come here under a different circumstance. Her and Niylah had remained close even after their breakup, and it changed very little about their dynamic or connection, only that there was no longer any expectations or obligations to each other.  They saw each other a lot less, and in public they were mostly just cordial friendly associates, operating within the same circles both being in the art industry.
But when they were alone, they seamlessly fell back into the comfort and ease of each other out of habit.  It was a quiet, tender caring that Clarke let herself get lost in possibly too quickly when everything initially blew up in the media with Lexa.  It was an easy escape, a refuge from the harshness of having so much of your life on display all the time, of constantly being compared to everything and everyone else around Lexa. Always feeling like she had to prove herself.
After a year together, when Niylah had mentioned Clarke perhaps moving in, it hit her that they had already reached their ceiling, and Clarke knew she didn't have any more of herself she could give to the girl, or anyone else at the time, and it wasn't fair to take such a step knowing it would never be more than this.
"You Okay?" The older girl asks gently, reading Clarke's face.
"I'm fine." Clarke tries to assure, but her glossy eyes well up even more.
The girl takes Clarke's face in her hands, "You're not fine at all." 
"Niylah, would you mind not talking?" 
She could save the guilt for the morning.  Right now she needed to feel soft hands drag along her skin, warm lips laying claim to every limb. Her fingers tangle in open hair as her head falls back into pillows and she crumbles like a piece of paper, lost in the sensation and memories that should NOT be surfacing in this moment. She lets Niylah have her completely, keeping her eyes shut so that she won't be tempted to look down and realize it's not green eyes looking back at her.
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Lexa is several shots deep in the back of a dive bar on the East side around the corner from her high-rise. She's made nice with the owner, who lets her in the back so she can tuck away in the corner and usually goes unnoticed as long as she keeps to herself. The local patrons are mostly middle-aged men who wouldn't recognize her even if one of her movies or shows was playing on the tvs in the corner over the bar.
Part of her wishes she hadn't turned down that invite to go upstairs when she dropped off her date. She keeps staring at the last message in her phone. I don't plan on talking when I get there.
It could be anyone else. Literally anyone else.
Clarke knew exactly what she was doing.
Niylah was the reason they broke up. Just waiting in the weeds, feeding Clarke who knows what kind of lies. Lexa always sensed she was feeding Clarke anything to help her believe the never-ending rumors that would swirl around in the media about Lexa and practically any female friend or co-star she had. Just waiting for the perfect moment, the smallest crack to push through and make her move.
Fuck Niylah.
Right now she's probably waiting with open arms for Clarke to arrive and hear how much of a betrayal it was what Lexa did tonight.
It was hardly a betrayal compared to what Clarke did with Niylah.
No, two can fucking play this game.
The brunette rips another double shot, before taking out her phone and sending a message that only ever meant one thing.
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Cos: I can be there in 20? Lexa: Bring tequila.
Morning comes too quickly, bright and harsh and Lexa's head is pounding. She's sprawled out naked, on her stomach face first at the edge of her bed, and her hand fumbles around the covers searching for her phone to check the time: 7am. Damn. The space next to her is empty but she smells coffee brewing, and as soon as she attempts to sit up, a steaming mug is placed next to her on the nightstand, and the rich aroma stings her nostrils.
"You're alive" the perky blonde girl giggles, sitting on the edge of the bed and brushing the mess of wavy brown strands back from Lexa's face as she's hunched forward, trying to will the room to stop spinning.
"Baby Love... lay down, I got you, here." She props some pillows against the headboard so Lexa can lean backwards against them. "Here let me get you some water and advil too." As she's rummaging through a cabinet of medicine, vitamins, and supplements, Lexa looks through her phone, seeing mostly more tweets and comments about the run-in at the restaurant, but the nausea in her stomach worsens when she switches over to Instagram and sees a new post at the top of her feed. She stares at it for a minute, then drops her phone and races to the bathroom to empty her stomach.
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"You good babe?" The blonde says through the bathroom door, concerned.
After a couple rounds of heaving, Lexa pants, "I'm good, just going to hop in the shower."
"Okay, did you want to grab brunch after?"
Lexa wasn't sure she even wanted to leave this bathroom anytime soon, let alone eat, or be photographed out with Costia after just being seen on a date last night.
Costia knows what they are, and more importantly, what they are not. It works for them. Costia is hot and fun and eats up the attention she gets as Lexa's favorite arm candy. What started out as just purely hookups over a year ago evolved into a real friendship with convenient benefits.
"Not today Cos, sorry I have a shoot later."
"Ohhhh is it for that new show? The one based on a book?"
Lexa turns the shower on, "It's just a mini series, not a whole show, but yea."
"Aw...I love coming along for those." The girl hints, and Lexa feels a little guilty for wanting as little human interaction as possible the rest of the day.
"Next time Cos, I promise."
The hot shower has her feeling brand new when she emerges, and she's relieved to find the apartment empty as well. She grabs her phone to text her driver, Gustus, about picking her up in a bit for her photoshoot when she sees a message waiting from Anya:
Anya: Looks like you were face-first in a smoking hot blonde last night afterall😏 We still hanging later?
Lexa is confused at first, but then checks her phone, and sure enough, is tagged in a new photo:
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She notices who liked the picture, grinning as she plops back into her bed in her robe, smug and satisfied, thinking:
Let the games begin.
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