#This is the point where I started saying “wtf is happening” lol
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evilfloralfoolery · 6 months ago
Daggers and Deception- Part 5
Plotfuckers, ahoy! Shit is about to get weird.
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Three plates of lasagna and barely passable bath later, Grimm has managed to make himself a drowsy mess who doesn't even bother to comb his unruly mane into submission before face-planting on to the spacious bed.  If he'd been poisoned, at least he'd die clean and full. 
The wound has not yet begun to throb at level 10 with his activity level and he takes the opportunity to slip deeper into relaxation, something he hasn't felt in a good three days since the damn shooting fiasco.  What had happened to that asshole, anyway?  Supposedly, Ace had shot him, but no one could find the bastard afterwards.  Blood on concrete with a trail that led to nowhere and an empty jacket at the end of an alleyway was all that had been left.  It was some weird, cryptic shit.  Bleeding men didn’t just vanish into thin air.  He’d had help somehow.  Someone must have been waiting somewhere.  They’d missed it.  And that was probably what bothered Grimm the most.  He didn’t just “miss” things.  Aside from his father, Grimm was possibly the most observant gun-toting asshole out there.  Nothing escaped his scrutiny.  Nothing. 
And then, there was the matter of not finding a weapon at the scene.  Ace claimed he’d shot the guy in the spine, dead center.  Just how he’d held onto a gun, ran, and then consequently escaped didn’t add up.  Maybe Ace should’ve shot him again.
From the opposite end of the bedroom, curtains flitter in the cold night air, but he can't be bothered to get up and close the window just yet.  He'd start sneezing his ass off eventually and that might motivate him to actually do something about it.  Maybe.  For now, he'd deal.  Cold weather may not agree with his sinuses, but it sure agreed with the rest of his body.  Nice not to be basted in sweat for once. 
But the lamp is another story.  The light from beneath the shade is a dull headache instigation and he manages to pull the cord to shut it off before flopping back atop the sheets with a sigh.  It'd be great if his neighbor would play some Beethoven or some shit, but he hasn't heard a peep out of the guy since before his bath.  Either he was off throwing knives at trees again or he'd sneezed himself into a coma or something.  Whatever the reason, it was quiet.  Too damn quiet.
And that shit was making him uneasy.  He reaches for his phone and taps the side, but gets a red flash of a battery light instead.
"Well, fuck you, too," he mumbles. 
Better get up and charge it.  Never know when Max might call for him for whatever reason.  Some rookie might do something stupid.  Or some seasoned professional. 
He struggles into a sitting position and fumbles for the cord on the lamp again, cursing a blue streak when the little fucker decides to break off in his hand instead of turn on the goddamn light. 
Perfect. Dead phone, dead lamp, bum arm.  That oughta make fumbling around in the dark shitloads of fun. 
His fingers find the edge of the mattress as his vision adjusts to the black-as-hell room and he swings his legs over the side, bare feet hitting the wood floor.  One step towards the wall.  The outline of the wingback chair is within reach, the moon finally emerging from behind the clouds to illuminate the room enough for decent sight.
He takes a step towards the armoire near the bedroom door, reaches out into the moonlit darkness and freezes in place. 
Something isn't . . . . something . . .
Just beyond his reach is a slab of darkness, an inky black that's ten times blacker than black should have any business being. Grimm blinks.  Squints into the space.  It's a shadow.  A trick of light.  No?
Mother fucker, it's a person.
His breath catches and he snatches the Glock from the nightstand, aiming it into the darkness with his good arm.
"I don't know who's there, but if you're hurtin' for a bullet in your ass, you're gonna get it.��� His voice drops into the lowest end of a serious growl.
Somewhere close to him, the darkness growls back. 
A chill claws its way up his spine.  What in the name of fuck?
"How'd you get in here . . . " Grimm says more to himself than to whoever is lurking there in the damn corner.
Or whatever. 
A low, almost inhumane chuckle echoes from somewhere near the bed now.  Or the armoire.  Or the dresser?  Who the fuck chuckles in stereo like that?  
And that's enough of this shit.
Grimm lunges forward, but meets only empty air as the inky blackness dissipates into nothingness.  Upon the nightstand, the lamp flickers to life and the phone in his back pocket vibrates.
He jerks it out of his pocket and taps the side button, staring when the thing lights up and comes back on.  Full battery power. Like nothing had happened.  
Yeah, no.  Nope. Not today, Satan. 
Shoving the phone back into his pocket, he slips his holster over his shoulders so the gun has a better place to rest.  Always felt more comfortable with it that way.  He’s just shoved the 19X into place when a knock at the front door sounds, brisk and insistent.
Goddamn it, he’s way too jumpy for this shit.  And Grimm is never “jumpy.” 
"Calm the fuck down, I'm coming," he barks and stalks down the hall to front door where he takes a moment to peer through the little peephole thing like a smart person. 
Outside in the hallway, his neighbor is waiting sans glasses, his long mane of silver waves spilling over his shoulders, his gaze steady and expectant.  
At midnight.  Okay, then.  
Grimm unlatches the door and cracks it to loosen the useless chain before opening it up. 
Indigo's demeanor is calm, but something in his gaze is sharp and intense, the man's eyes a damn near impossible shade of vibrant aqua. Grimm leans against the door frame and tilts his head.
"Something wrong?"
Indigo glances over his shoulder for a fleeting instant before meeting his gaze.
"Have you left your window open perchance?"
What the fuck kind of question is that?  Grimm scratches the back of his head with his free hand in a lazy rub of fingers.
"I might've," he says.  "What's it to you?"
"The heating unit in this building is quite unstable," Indigo says.  "If it runs all evening due to such a thing, it could pose a fire hazard."
Come the fuck on.
Grimm attempts to fold his arms before realizing his shoulder is gonna fucking scream, which would ruin his tall, imposing judgment pose, but whatever.  He settles for a downward glance and the cocking of an eyebrow instead.
"That's some pretty bullshit you just spouted," he says.  "You wanna tell me why you're really here?"
"The window, Grimm," Indigo says.  "Have you left it unattended?"
Obviously.  It's not like he's standing in front of it all damn day.
"Look," Grimm says.  "I don't know what the fuck your problem is, but---"
Without so much as a word, Indigo barges his way in and walks with a purposeful stride towards his bedroom, leaving Grimm gaping in his wake. Who the hell did this guy think he was?  
"Hey, just a goddamn minute, buddy!"  Grimm storms after him.  Sort of.  It's suddenly really damn difficult to walk, like his feet are anchors instead of flesh and bone. He struggles against what feels like imaginary mud.  Cement.  Some shit.  
Was he high?  No, he hadn’t taken anyth---
“What’d you put in that lasagna, huh??”  
Indigo appears in the hallway near his bedroom, nudging the door shut with his foot.  “If I had the intent to poison or drug you, the effect would have been instant.” 
Calmly.  Like he’s done this crap before or something.  But at least whatever weird struggle he’d been caught up in was over.  Walking was possible now and he wastes no time in stomping over to where Indigo still stands, intending to adopt a hardline stance, but yet again, the bum arm fucks that up.  Hard to look intimidating with your hand on your damn hip. 
“You didn’t come over here to close my fucking window,” Grimm says.
“Except that this is exactly what I have done,” Indigo counters.  
Grimm narrows his eyes before taking a peek inside the bedroom where sure enough, the window is shut, latched, and the curtains are drawn.  
“I suggest you leave it be, lest you burn down the entire estate.”
The guy is telling the truth, but not entirely.  Grimm can feel that much.  His built-in bullshit detector is on high alert, but the half-cocked truth is a pretty good foil.  And what’s more convincing is that Indigo fully believes in the weight of his words.  He could probably pass a polygraph with that kind of steely calm.
“So,” Grimm begins, scratching at the stubble on his chin.  “You knew my window was open and you felt like it was sworn duty to come over here and tell me to close the fucker because the place might go up in flames.”
“Correct,” Indigo says.
“Uh huh.”  Grimm tilts his head.  “And how’d you know my window was open? You can’t see that from your place.”  
“It has been open since this afternoon,” Indigo says. He levels his stare at Grimm with a studious sternness that could rival an FBI agent. “Surely you recall watching me from your vantage point near the edge of the wall.”
Grimm opens his mouth.  Closes it. 
 Well, fuck.  
He didn’t think the guy could see him from all the way up there, much less know what he was looking at.  
“I assumed that no one had told you to close the windows, so I figured I had best tell you myself,” Indigo continues.  “Now, if you will excuse me, the hour has grown late and I must retire.”
“Gonna cartwheel across the yard some more in the morning?”  Grimm says.  “Maybe throw some more knives at shit?”
Indigo’s posture stiffens almost imperceptibly, but his expression betrays nothing.  “Goodnight, Grimm.”  
For a moment, Grimm considers grabbing his upper arm to detain him or at least blocking the door with his body, but Indigo has excused himself already and made it into the hallway before Grimm can so much as blink.  What the ---- he hadn’t even seen the guy move, much less walk the fuck out of the door.
The sound of a creaking door clicking shut followed by the turn of a deadbolt is his only reply.  
“I ain’t done talkin’ to you!” Grimm half-shouts into the hallway.
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a-hazbin-reader · 1 year ago
love the chaotic-ness of platonic alastor and reader of your posts!! the way you write him is more canon compliant but that makes it even more GREAT. can i req platonic alastor (+maybe rosie as a trio?) with overlord!reader. they just talk shit about the Vees and stuff lmao and do it openly on his radio show. hang out at rosie’s. maybe alastor gets reader to support the hotel too and everyone’s to alastor is like THEM?? You know THEM??? alastor’s like yeah lol we blow stuff up every tuesday and broadcast it where you at
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Alastor X Reader X Rosie Headcanons
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TW: Alastor and Rosie cannibalism
Description: 👆⬆️
The three of you are very busy demons who have demanding jobs so getting together doesn't happen as often as you'd like
But when you get together??? It's almost like you're all a bunch of gossiping old women instead of powerful deadly overlords
Rosie brings the snacks(bring your own if you don't want people meat), Alastor provides the venue, and you pick the topic of discussion
The first podcast was entirely an accident, Alastor forgetting he was on air when you and Rosie suddenly burst in
He gets so sucked into what you're saying that he forgets about his radio show and everything the three of you are saying is being broadcast live
But a lot of people are tuning into it??? Like everyone is so entertained by the three of you and your conversation
Once you three realize what happened then you all agree that this must become a weekly occurrence
Even the other overlords listen in on it every once in a while, finding it hilarious
Vox is absolutely livid because he's being IGNORED, why is nobody watching tv anymore???
He tries to get you and Rosie on his show instead but the two of you don't even take the offer seriously
The chemistry would be all off without Alastor's sparkling humor anyways
Which makes him throw a huge tantrum that becomes the next topic between the three of you
Y'all are just trashing this man at this point
It's his own fault for providing you three with so much ammo
But nobody is safe
It's just a fun little gossip podcast that somehow blows up and turns into this gigantic thing
But it gives you three an excuse to hang out
Whenever the conversation starts to drift towards the hotel you try to stay out of it for your own reasons
And it does always go back to the hotel, Alastor is running a business afterall
Alastor slowly starts to warm you up to the idea of his hotel, whatever your motivations are or if you believe in it
Rosie also encourages you to at least humor him and go see it
Easy for you say, he's not pressuring YOU
So you give in one day, accompanying Alastor to the hotel
Huh, Alastor wasn't joking when he said that Lucifer's daughter was his partner 🤔
You're not entirely surprised when you see the shocked looks everyone gives Alastor when they see you
Who else would it have been, Vaggie???
Everyone nervously watches you and Alastor interact, it's two extremely powerful beings in one hotel
Except for Niffty, she greats you like an old friend, climbing all over you and making maniacal noises
Husk and Niffty are the only ones not surprised by your friendship, knowing that you and Alastor are good friends
They fill the others in on your relationship when they think you two aren't listening
It's almost funny hearing it come from someone else, you had nearly forgotten how you two met
"That's right..! I DID try to kill you! That's so funny!"
"Isn't it? And I do believe I nearly bit your hand clean off!"
You two are fucking deranged
You have a better understanding of why Alastor wants so much support for this hotel now
And you're a little surprised that Charlie seems to believe so genuinely in the idea of redeeming a soul
Regardless of if you're sold in the idea or not, you agree to support the hotel for Alastor
But now you're going to rope Rosie in with you too, if you're gonna go down then the three of you are going down together
But that's unlikely to happen, Alastor wouldn't lead you guys into a death trap
He's never steered you wrong before
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This was so fun to write!!
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the-menace-in-pink · 2 months ago
The real story behind Shizuku joining the Phantom Troupe
I feel like Shizuku’s recruitment in the Troupe happened completely by accident. Like, she stopped by their hideout to deliver pizzas or something. Then, Pakunoda or a sleepy Phinks let her inside and told her to wait while they go fetch some cash after realizing the Troupe’s communal jar was empty—thanks to Franklin and Machi’s secret late night food orders.
And like, immediately after Phinks walked away, she started wandering around the hideout and somehow ended up in Chrollo’s study. He didn’t notice her at first since he was busy dissecting and poking around at the prisoner Feitan had just accidentally killed (oopsies). Then she prob spotted some fresh blood on a nearby bookshelf and without thinking twice activated Blinky and vacuumed up the shit out of the entire shelf before anyone could stop her.
And like before Chrollo got to fully process the loss of a beloved fraction of his carefully curated collection, she started vacuuming away the 2-3 corpses laying around that they had been arguing over who had to clean up. She didn’t seem the least bothered by it so they were all like wait—WHERE DID THAT GO?
While Chrollo’s standing there staring at her like she’s the manifestation of all his pet-peeves and grudges packaged in one boba-eyed, vacuum-yielding peasant.
And she looks equally confused like wtf do you mean what did I do… I cleaned? Made yall a favor?? Idk?? 👁️ 👄 👁️
Phinks’ fully sober, fists tightening like WHO LET HER IN?????
While Pakunoda’s blanching at Chrollo’s traumatized face then yelling back at Phinks like YOU DID. WHAT DID WE SAY ABOUT LEAVING RANDOM PEOPLE UNSUPERVISED IN OUR PROPERTY???
(Also the corpses were most likely unlucky people Phinks left unsupervised as he went to fetch for money too. The way this is sounding like a crack retelling of Blue Beard—)
- Cue chaotic interrogations (during which she reveals she has no fucking idea where the vacuumed objects go, and that she don’t really gaf, tho she can bring back corpse #3 since it’s the last thing Blinky ate up…. Chrollo has to hold back tears, while Machi’s making sure the threads she’s discreetly tied around him are holding up),
- Some stray stabbings (thanks, Feitan)
- Pakunoda’s memory probing (she finds out Shizuku’s a black belt)
- Back-and-forth exchanges as they try to piece together wtf went down. At some point someone’s just like… Let’s recruit her, she’s kinda insane and so detached… gonna be useful.
Chrollo was 100% okay with recruiting her ass, bc yes, what she did is unforgivable, but he’s a tactician first and foremost. But he was veeeeery lukewarm (at best) towards her for like weeks. Like she just vacuumed to another dimension one of his favorite book series lmao. He’s taking her existence very personally.
For like the first couple of weeks he’d just darkly glare at her whenever she entered a room, and be so petty with the missions assigning. He’d send her on the most tedious ones (oftent to acquire and retrieve rare books and scrolls to build back his lost shelf…) and would use disturbing threats and rules regarding her nen ability use as some kind of psychological torture.
‘If you so much as look at the cover for more than 1 second, Feitan will handle you.’
‘Eyes down when you enter a library. Have some shame.’
‘You’re not allowed to fight with Bingo. If you die, that’s a skill issue.’
Shizuku: it’s Blinky.
(At this point Pakunoda’s walking around with handcuffs just in case — for Shizuku, Chrollo and Feitan)
Eventually they all soften and warm up to her, even Chrollo though his grudge over his lost books never disappears lol. He starts to find her endearing like a little sister… and honestly, what’s the difference between her little mishaps and his pet cat? Exactly.
Also the house has new rules after she joins:
- Shizuku shall NEVER be assigned to cleaning duties. Never. Even if it’s a regular vacuum.
- Shizuku can’t conjure Blinky near anything valuable or edible. They can’t have her starve them to death.
- Never leave her unsupervised if there’s a 1% chance she might stare for too long at a fellow member’s stuff.
(Also on like day 5 of her trial period as a spider, they find out she randomly disposed of the OG delivery guy. Turns out she knocked him dead and stole his scooter on an impulse, and made her way to the hideout purely out of curiosity.)
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junkissed · 8 months ago
soooo I can't stop thinking about ocean's view 😭 like I loved it sm 🥹 can you spare some thoughts.. about what happened after 👁️ I hope they didn't live very far away from each other 😭 also wtf jun is so romantic for saying he imagined himself with you at the altar like wtf boy do you want me on the floor for you and your cuteness 😭
yes ofc!! so it's implied that they're from the same city because they're at the same wedding so it would make sense that they both live close to the bride & groom, and therefore close to each other. probably nearby but not too close, and because reader doesn't go to many parties it would make sense they haven't seen each other before even though they share mutual friends. i imagined it as opposite sides of the same town so they're probably like 15 to 30 minutes apart at most :) so still pretty close and they will definitely get together officially once they get back home! i had a couple extra scenes planned at the end (that i didn't end up writing because i didn't have the energy and i just really wanted to get the fic done lol) so i'll put it in bullet points under the cut :)
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member — junhui x reader word count — 0.9k warnings — fluff, bullet points, slightly suggestive but no details read the original fic: "ocean view" here! this is a continuation of the story so it won't make sense if you haven't read the fic so go do that first lol
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jun sits at your table for the whole reception and you have really great conversations getting to know each other
at some point joshua comes around asking if anyone has seen where he's supposed to sit because he can't find his name tag. jun points him towards his old seat and slips joshua's name card into his pocket when he's not looking, so they did successfully switch and no one found out lol
there's eating, dancing, more secret kissing in the corner once it gets dark and no one can see them
but it gets late, so you and jun decide it's time to part ways. and obviously this time you make sure to exchange phone numbers and info before you leave because there's no way you're throwing away this opportunity twice in a row
you tell jun you'd love to spend the night with him again, but that you have to leave for your flight tonight. jun laughs and says it wouldn't have worked anyway; his flight is also tonight, and he suggests that you carpool. you still don't know that you're from the same city, so you assume he's just joking and you give him another kiss (a very passionate one that almost makes you rethink turning down the carpool offer) but then you both go back to your hotels to pack.
you get to the airport that night and you've just gotten through security and you're walking around looking for your gate and guess who you bump into? and he not only happens to be headed to the same city as you, but he's also on the same airline, the exact same flight at the exact same time!
you sit in the waiting area together and laugh about fate and coincidences, and you're starting to believe what the tarot lady said because the circumstances are too perfect and everything is working out a little too perfectly
you keep chatting until the plane starts boarding, and you get called up to board first so you assume this is (finally) where you say goodbye. you wave and give him a hug and promise to meet up again once the plane lands
you're settled in your seat, pulling out your phone to text him and see where he's sitting, when you hear a voice beside you and you look up and there he is again
he makes a joke about how you just can't seem to get rid of him, and you tell him that you wouldn't want to get rid of him even if you tried, because you already did try and you're glad that the universe had other plans
turns out you're not just on the same flight but your seats are also right next to each other, so there's no need to bribe anyone to switch this time hehe
it's a long flight but it passes by quickly because you have such good company :) lots more talking and getting to know each other
maybe towards the end of the flight he starts to get a little handsy, because he's wanted you so bad ever since he saw you again at the wedding but he was trying to be polite and all that tense sexual energy is finally getting to him
but you manage to hold off until you make it off the plane, and since your house isn't too far out of his way anyway you do decide to actually carpool home
now it's your turn for payback and you're teasing him the whole time he's driving
then you finally arrive at your house and you can't keep your hands off of each other any longer so he decides to spend the night... and you can imagine the rest
you ignore a whole bunch of texts from jeonghan who is demanding to know all the details because he saw you leaving the wedding with jun and you had the biggest smile on your face and he needs to know whether you reconnected with your mystery man or not
another fun detail that i wanted to add but didn't end up writing: for the bachelorette party the night before the wedding, they hired a stripper named hoshi and he was wearing a tiger print thong giving everyone lap dances
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i won't be writing a sequel to this fic since this is basically all that i had planned and i've already put it into bullet points, but i hope you liked this little extra snippet!! i always love sharing stuff that didn't make it into the final fic so always feel free to send asks like this <3
no taglist since this isn't really a fic, but you can always join my permanent taglist here!
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aihoshiino · 6 months ago
chapter 158 thoughts
i lied the hyperfixation took over and reanimated my body
Chapters Since The 143 Kiss Happened And Went Entirely Unacknowledged And Unaddressed Count: 15
Aqua Hoshigan Status: N/A
Usually when an OnK chapter ends on a bombshell like this one apparently does, I usually play a little coy as to my thoughts on it but I don't really see much point in doing that this time. This chapter basically is its final moment, with some swings taken at basically every other character on the way down so I don't see much point in separating it from the rest of the work. That said, my ultimate feelings on it will ultimately depend on how the story progresses past this moment so don't expect me to go too deeply into it for now. All I'll say at the top of the post is that I think this is deeply contrived and continues Akasaka's trend of seemingly beating every character with the dipshit stick in order to make a certain dramatic plot beat happen.
But it'll be pretty messy to follow if I get into the chapter's final scene right here and now, so let's rewind to the start and break down the rest of this chapter too. Don't worry, I have plenty of unpleasant things to say about it as well!!!!
Akane's here!! Actually in truth I had somehow forgotten that she'd cut her hair in the weeks since her last appearance so seeing her turn up with it so short kind of startled me for a second LOL
More AKKN yuribaiting… usually I eat up this kind of queerbait with a spoon because I am a simple creature but it doesn't really hit this time. I think it's because we're running through the Tokyo Blade arc in the anime right now and being reminded of how utterly electric their rivalry used to be makes the lack of meaningful follow-up and ultimate state of their relationship just kind of sad to me.
Seeing Akane and Ruby talking also feels kind of surreal given that it's almost 60 whole chapters since they've actually properly interacted onscreen… Like, obviously they were acting together in the Movie Arc and we can infer they had some offscreen chats then but… well, that's things we can infer, not something that's actually in the text of the story. Akane's involvement in the movie really was a total waste of potential, huh…
that said, wtf is akane even doing in miyazaki. girl who are you stalking this time.
Speaking of things that are weird, Ruby's hostile reaction to the idea of Akane getting a new boyfriend is… kind of bizarre, to the point where I literally have no idea where it's coming from?? Like, regardless of what this chapter tries to pretend, Ruby and Akane are absolutely not close enough for Ruby to feel upset at the prospect of Akane blowing her off in favour of boyfriend time. If anything, you'd think that having Aqua's ex-girlfriend definitively Out Of The Way would only be good on her eyes because it means one less obstacle between her and getting to shlonk her brother, but… apparently not???
The only way I can really make any sense of this is assuming this is the old and crusty "single girl getting jealous that her friend has a boyfriend at Christmas" joke, which I guess indirectly answers the question of whether or not anything AquRuby related has resolved in the Offscreen Dimension.
Anyway, Akane's chatter in this scene leads into something I've been kind of holding my tongue about in favour of waiting until it was addressed in the story and we're finally here - as previously predicted, this chapter starts on the note of attempting to assert that Ruby has 'become an idol who surpasses Ai' and you'll notice the way I phrased this because uh… no, she very much hasn't!
This idea of Ruby 'surpassing' Ai has been floating around in the story for a while now and as I've said before, unless OnK puts a huge amount of legwork into supporting that idea, I simply wouldn't believe it. It didn't, so I don't.
Not only is this assertion just half-heartedly plunked into the narrative - incredibly underwhelming for what should be a huge moment of triumph for Ruby - but the visual storytelling of the manga fails it as well. Like, compare this to similar moments from the very arc the anime is adapting this season - hell, in this very chapter, we see a panel of Kana's dazzling acting during Tokyo Blade. In comparison, the panels we see that supposedly show how Ruby has become an idol beyond compare… they just look like literally every other panel of any of the girls doing idol stuff. Hell, she looks distinctly less striking than some of Kana's performances as an idol and they certainly don't match or exceed the panels we've seen of Ai's spellbinding performances, which really undermines what the story is trying to say.
This is made even worse for the fact that the story has repeatedly pointed out that Ruby is the subject of incredible amounts of favoritism in the new B-Komachi - their boss is Literally Her Actual Mom who was explicitly called out by Ichigo for favoring work opportunities while leaving her fellow members out to dry. Members who, I feel the need to remind everyone, were scouted by her twin brother, not Ruby. Members whose careers as idols suffered during Ruby's clout chasing BH era because of her clout chasing and whose hurt feelings on this are framed as something Ruby is graciously forgiving about.
Like… I'm not saying it's impossible for Ruby to become an idol who outshines her mom, but this narrative as it's currently being presented in the manga falls flat for me because we never actually see Ruby face any kind of struggle on her road to doing this. Ai, Kana and Mem all face significant structural, social and industry-wide issues and toxicity that they must grapple with and overcome but Ruby just… does not?? Ever?? And given the way the narrative has framed Miyako's involvement in her career, the only conclusion I can draw is that Ruby is being shielded from all this by Miyako at the expense of the other girls. Especially because Ruby literally said so in 156!
Idk man. This whole chapter just sucks for basically every B-Komachi girl - that panel of the girls on stage where you literally can't even see Mem's face is so fucking miserable lmao. There was so much weight was placed on B-Komachi's togetherness as a trio of not just idols but friends who genuinely care for each other that seeing the story end up in this place of unironically indulging in all the same favoritism of Ruby and sidelining of her fellow members that Ichigo and Miyako did with the original B-Komachi is honestly just upsetting. Not only does it drag down Mem and Kana's stories, but it ends up making Ruby come off as a tremendously self-centered person in a way the narrative clearly does not understand and is uninterested in unpacking.
And like… bro, I don't want to be pissed off at Ruby!! Pre-BH Ruby is one of my favourite characters in the series!!! But the way she's been coddled by the narrative is deeply frustrating to read! It's frustrating to see everyone else's arcs compromised in favor of forcing this bizarre narrative about Ruby that doesn't even do any good for her either.
I can so easily see a better version of this story where Ruby surpasses Ai because she has so much support and faces none of the obstacles that Ai did, where the story is making a point of just how much further Ai could have gone and how much more she could've done if she hadn't been treated like such utter shit by everyone around her. But the point the story settles on seems to just be that Ruby is a better idol than Ai because she arbitrarily is not affected by societal and systemic oppression for no clearly articulated reason, I guess! You go, girl!
huffs. anyway.
Ruby's little monologue about the short-lived life of an idol also feels like the final nail in the coffin for the story being able to even pretend to do any meaningful industry commentary. Compared to how biting it was in the early arcs, it's a pretty standout representation with OnK's bizarre relationship with idol culture as of late, especially as pertains to Ruby's place in it. I can sort of get what I think Akasaka is going for here - it's part of the theme the story is leaning into lately of letting go of your past and moving towards a brighter future and this is how Ruby is coping with Kana's time in B-Komachi coming to an end. The point being made here is that change is inevitable no matter how you try to hold onto things and the only way to freeze yourself in stasis forever is to die.
But having this framed through the lens of Ruby talking so warmly about the impermanence of idols is just kind of… hello?? Ruby's framing here almost seems to treat the issue as some beautifully tragic but inevitable thing… and is very much is not! Idols age out of the industry because of its obsession with youth and beauty and the fetishization and commodification of virginial purity. Seeing Ruby frame it as this sad but natural thing when these fucked up purity standards literally killed her mom is just. What is going on here.
Speaking of baffling! Nino my girl, what are they doing to you…
I mentioned this in my chapter 155 thoughts that I felt extremely cold about the way the story was choosing to characterize Nino in the actual pages of the manga. I won't repeat myself too much but compared to the messed up but deeply human character we saw in 45510 and the RBKN conflict, this Nino honestly feels like a mean-spirited caricature, amped up to such dramatic extremes that she stops being a person and instead becomes a flat cartoon character used for moving the plot along. I loved Nino in 45510 and the Movie Arc so seeing her reduced to this psycho lesbian stereotype really stings.
also wtf is the manga trying to say with the 'since we killed ryosuke' bit. that was a whole ass suicide. this manga gives me such a headache sometimes.
Anyway. I can't talk around it anymore so. RIP Ruby, I guess. It was nice knowing you, but-
no but seriously, I'm holding my tongue on anything to do with this twist until next chapter because my actual thoughts will depend on how it plays out or if this is even really happening at all - which is NOT something i would even entertain as a possibility if oshi no ko was not the manga it currently is lol
But there's also the fact that, as others have pointed out, that panel of the stab is presented with faded colours and overly dramatic lighting in a way that is consistent with how OnK sometimes presents flashbacks or otherwise unreal visualizations. Given how incredibly dumb the entire cast - including Ruby - would have to be for this to actually, really happen, I'm withholding judgement until I see how this pans out.
That said. Man. I was really taken aback by how not just underwhelming but outright Not Good the actual panel of the stab is. The attempt to mine an emotional reaction out of the pre-existing iconic panel of Ai's murder just falls entirely flat because this version of it is worse in just about every regard. Ai's panel is composed beautifully, with the white petals and the motion of her body perfectly drawing the viewer's eye to the knife and the uncharacteristic expression of total shock on her face really hammers home the 'oh shit' moment. By contrast, Ruby's panel is flat with oceans of dead space despite being a much smaller panel and the actual stab has no weight to it, visually or otherwise. Ruby's body and face aren't reacting to it in the least - her expression is totally lifeless and she just looks like she's mid-stride, not that someone's just stabbed her in the gut. And to add insult to injury, the fucking layering on the killer's hand isn't even right. It's so obvious these two characters were drawn totally separately and pasted together afterwards and the entire moment falls flat as a result. Mengo, girl, what happened here!!!
and to add insult to injury. break next week. because why woudn't it be.
any of yall got ibuprofen
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eww-y-tho · 2 months ago
I updated my 'Everything I Have Ever Shipped' post on my profile (the pinned one) to include the story of the sneaky way that my sister trolled me while binging Arcane because it's a really funny story and not a lot of people have read my post and I think it deserves to be put to light becuz wtf.
So first of all, when my sister pitched the idea of binging Arcane in the car while visiting her, I was hesitant at first because LoL is actually cancer, but she convinced me (for her it was going to be a rewatch). I had a peripheral understanding and knowledge of the show. Like I knew Jinx, I knew that there was a lesbian sex scene, and I knew about jayvik, but nothing in detail.
In the car, she goes into specific detail about how she did not like Jayce. Because "all the problems come from him," apparently. I was fishy on Jayce based on her opinions of the character and really tried to see her perspective.
And I will be honest, I did not like him s1 ep4-9, and I really took Jayce and Mel's character arcs at face value. He was a good man with good intentions, but the "Jezebel" character in Mel would take him away from his goal, and he would become a narcissistic prick. But I also didn't hate him. He was a good character and none of his actions seemed too dickish (except the "you didn’t say they were from the undercity" line.)
I was pleasantly surprised by season 2, however, and I started to see what she was talking about was misguided at the same time.
The thing is, I never felt upset at Jayce for s2 act 1 & 2 and trusted that he had a good reason, and he became much more sympathetic in my eyes after ep7. AND THEN I started becoming a jayvik truther in ep8 because of the Mel to Viktor transition in the cave (like wtf), and the homoerotic fight scene, and I did a little soul search deep dive into jayvik.
I completely flipped my opinions on Jayce and she was deeply upset and it was hilarious because at the end of ep7 I said "I still don't get why you hate Jayce" and she like actually sighed and was disappointed.
I would also like to point out that I was wondering who the mage guy was that saved Jayce the entire series. It was in the back of my mind for the entire time, and I was really confused about him because I didn't see a character that could really qualify for his power set.
So while I was watching ep7 crying my eyes out becuz of timebomb, memeing with 'MEANWHILE...' spongebob references every time they cut to Jayce, having my mind go a million miles an hour with theorizing and like having a breakdown, I was just in a mentally strange place.
So when the mage showed up in the "I won't fail" scene... I saw the slow zoom in, the power set involved with the hexcore blob, and all the little tiny hints, and I screamed out loud, "IS THAT VIKTOR!?!"
... And she looks me dead in the eye and says "no" in the most monotone voice I have ever heard from her.
And I believed her so much at that point that I didn't even question it. So then episode 9 comes along, and Viktor is revealed to be the plot twist. I was so pissed because I was right the entire time, and SHE made me believe that I didn't understand the story. She fucking CACKLED.
I love her, but that was a betrayal, man.
Once Jayce said, "All I want is my partner back," I was a complete jayvik shipper, and recently, she's changed her tune to Jayce after I completely bombarded her with pro-Jayce propaganda, so that's better, at least, lol.
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annbourbon · 1 year ago
Mystic Messenger Timeline (Explained)
I'll be obviously skipping a lot of stuff in between, but this is just to make things clear. It's not the way you're supposed to play, just the timeline.
⚠️ Contains Spoilers ⚠️
⚠️⚠️ Spoilers ahead ⚠️⚠️
⚠️⚠️ You've been warned ⚠️⚠️
First Rika Behind the Story (DLC)
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Then I'll start counting as Year 1, the events that lead to the RFA and Mint Eye foundation.
Year 1:
V and Rika know each other
They meet Saeyoung
Saeyoung leaves
Rika kills the Twins's mom
Rika gets engaged to V
Mika and Rika (Mina) create 1st draft of Mint Eye
V buys the department
*on that note, seems that there are 4 cameras but Saeyoung only knows of one*
**This also implies that Saeran was abused as soon as V and Saeyoung took their eyes off of him since Rika used Saeran as model to defeat Saeyoung's skills as a hacker.
***What happens because neither Saeyoung nor V know anything about Saeran whenever they reunite for RFA parties and their engagement? Why no one asked anything?
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Year 2:
Rika meets Jumin
RFA begins (yes, it was Mint Eye first, and the reason why the name was Magenta first. Mika?) June's Route in The Ssum, First Season. According to Jumin.
The Ssum Timeline
3. RFA 1st party is held
4 Jaehee joins RFA
5. Rika kills Sally
5. RFA 2nd party is held
6. According to V and Saeyoung this is where the hacker starts attacking the RFA (first time)
7. Jumin said he lost contact with V and Rika after the 2nd party.
There's a point where Jumin admits barely seeing Rika after the 2nd party. Meeting with her and V for the last time 3 months before her death. Yoosung Route. Day 9. Chat room 7AM called V's eyes.
According to several chats during Yoosung route, they barely paid attention to V being blinded. This of course included Zen, Yoosung, and Jumin (who is worried and suspects something but doesn't intervene despite V having severe corneal damage from external trauma)
8. Rika must have blind V at some point during these three months.
9. Saeyoung installed the Special System. AKA: The Bomb
10. "Rika commits suicide"
Plot holes: Where's Mika? Why they don't notice there's another person living there? It's not that easy to hide your presence 💀
But according to V, he knew about Mika. It's at least implied.
*At the same time, there's a line, I forgot where exactly, that says that both, Rika and V called off their engagement at some point. They don't say anything about coming back together after that. wtf!?*
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Another Story
1 month after her death, prologue.
Five months later
*means 4 months after they break up their engagement? Assuming they did not break up before but because of Rika behavior blinding him. Which kind of solves the plot holes from Year 1 setting Mika on the apartment and V not fully knowing but suspecting, although it would be impossible or almost impossible without his eyes do something about it. Especially since his blindness is recent. If you need to understand a bit more about blindness watch my post on Rika killing Sally. It may be a dog, unlike V lol but it's still enough information to set up the rest of the story.
Anyways, let's go back to our timeline no?
Bad ending prologue #1 (Casual & Deep) and #2 (Another) are part of the same story and unlikely that it is set into an *alternative route* like some people like to say. Bad ending prologues even from Another Story seem to fit almost too perfectly when you think about it, but only if you agree to go with Unknown after rejecting him several times.
Because it would fit into the idea that the MC's were captured by the cult and discarded after a while (or put to work under Mint Eye. But also because according to the opening on the Casual and Deep, it would mean that Saeran's been watching you, so does Saeyoung.)
As I said before, the other MC's are either dead or anything but MIA (whatever that means for Mint Eye?) and this one, the brunette, is selected and it's the only one who survives and passed the whole trial. Not at first but it doesn't matter. This MC is not dead. The others are. You think "The others" are just the player with different image? I've got news for you, each one of this has a number~ check this post ^^
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Either you become the assistant of Unknown with that bad ending which is an option available for every prologue or you enter Day 1 to Day 4 of Another Story and play throughout to reach:
Day 6 and Day 10 from Ray/Saeran Route which are part of the same ending. They're not a different ending. Both however lead to the Casual Route, Day 1 (after the prologue)
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Which means, if you get the bad ending in the prologue of Casual/Deep you'll be going back to Mint Eye. Yes. It's not supposed to be your first rodeo there. And if you have a Bad Ending on Mint Eye, you're brainwashed andd set on Casual/Deep (You're supposed to be an spy, but who do you work for? Are you a victim or a villainess? that's another story 😜)
My theory?
*This is where I'm still stuck, so I'll be fixing major plots here and there and editing this same post over and over until I get it right. Please bear with me 😭*
Rika DLC > 1st party > Rika gets engaged > Saeyoung leaves > Rika kills Sally > Rika kills Saeran's mom > Rika starts torturing Saeran > Mint Eye begins > 2nd party > Hacker attack > Bomb is installed > Rika blinds V > Rika dies > Another Story (prologue) > Another Story (Day 1 to 4) > Another Story (Day 6 & 10, bad relationship both of them) obviously with what causes these bad endings > Casual Route (with bad endings included) > Deep Story (with bad endings included) > Secret Endings (except for V dying, we'll get there) > Another Story again but V route happens first (no happy or normal ending) and then something weird happens:
And this part if I'm being honest, I have no idea but I'm fixing it cause my theory is that
V and Saeran's route become so intertwined that is almost impossible to know what happened.
The bomb on Mint Eye? Saeran? Although it is suggesting in the bad endings that he died, we never saw that to happen.
V dying in the secret endings?
Saeran burn?
Seven does mention a couple of numbers, associated with the other MCs, somewhere in the game. Unfortunately I can't remember if it's on a call or a chat so I'm going back all over again because I was so shocked at the time I was unable to take a screenshot.
Truth to be said I can't fully find the order rn but! I will, I definitely will. I need time. I mean, more time. I've been working on this for 6 to 7 years now, I'm posting this because it's so big I can't keep it to myself and I'm freaking out here. So I'll be editing this in the future. As many of my other posts. Sorry lol
Ironically, Saeran's AE would be indeed the Final Ending.
Additional Note: Because of time travel, Mystic Messenger is a non linear story, which means you need to pick upon clues here and there to understand where the timeline goes. The other games have a similar issue but not as pronounced as this.
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summerroseart · 2 months ago
Ooogh got back from the theater <3 gonna start off: LOVED the movie. Had a lot of fun. That is to say... I don't.... really...think it was good. It was not. (I'm sorry) But I highly recommend it! Felt like a direct to DVD sequel. I encourage piracy of this one. (/j for legal reasons)
In any case, it was fun!! Very very fun!! Absolutely no shade to anyone who disagrees with my takes lol. <3
FULL SPOILERS under the cut!!!
No seriously I'm gonna go over like. all the major plot points. Look away if you wish not to be spoiled.
- Okay. SO. not a fan of the pacing. Felt very choppy and incomplete like. RIGHT off the bat. Did not improve throughout the film, sadly. Writing and line delivery were also kinda bummer for all the characters, but those were my biggest gripes overall.
- 99 Red Balloons Green Day Cover?! Wasn't expecting that.
- Tom. Tom you KNEW that cave was there. Unless Maddie was the only one who went and got his stuff, and in that case, you BETTER have been the one cleaning out that attic.
- They are really having fun with dramatic irony in this one. Also not great callbacks to the first 2 films.
- WHY THE FUCK would you let them go with GUN???? They absolutely should have been tearing those boys from your arms wtf
- SA2 line ref, fun!!
- He... Shadow just. Hatched. fully grown. from a meteorite?? Disappointed but also EXTREMELY fascinated. What does this imply for Sonic? And Amy? Is it just because of the Black Arms? Is he fully Black Arms? Is he an unwitting spy for them??
I didn't watch the Knuckles series. Didn't they namedrop the Black Arms? But as another government branch or something rediculous?
- you guys have been alone for ONE DAY?? And you managed to crochet multiple projects, bake like 30 sourdough loaves, make a felt ventriloquist dummy, learn ventriloquism, and is that hand woven basket also implied to have been a project?? I'm impressed. But also. Do you... no longer have jobs? Does the government pay you now? I thought the knuckles series was irrelevant. What did i miss?? What happened to your work??
- Ily Maddie you deserve the world <33 they should've called you mom </3
- Sonic is giving major Boom Sonic characterization vibes, so I get why people don't like him in these films. (I love Boom Sonic wholeheartedly, but like. I Get it.)
- "Why are you tied up? Do that on your own time! You sicken me." AUSJHAJANABJAJBDJW
- Gerald is just. Alive. And 110 years old. There is no ARK. Maria didn't have an illness. The guy shooting didn't even intentionally kill her. Where is my corrupt government entity?? Devastating.
- Wish they'd done more with 70s Maria. Her character still seemed cool.
- Okay so Shadow just lived that over and over again for 50 years. Okay. I'm okay. Don't look at me.
- HATE that they inadvertently pinned the Blame for Maria's death on Shadow by having it be containers of his own Chaos energy that exploded and killed her, instead of the gun soldier shooting her in the back.
- GUN is just... completely neutral in this :/ what was the point of Rockwell? She added nothing other than an unnecessary red herring. There could've been an EASY sideplot of Rouge stealing the master emerald instead. Especially with Wade watching it. EASY I TELL YOU!! WHERE IS MY GIRL????! WE WERE ROBBED!! ROBBED OF THE BEST THIEF IN THE GALAXY!
- Seriously though that Rockwell plotline went NOWHERE, WHY DID THEY DO ALL THAT???
(it seemed like they were setting her up to have been the one to commission Gerald for the Eclipse Cannon, but they just. Dropped her? after she gave Tom the key card?? Why did she want it??? Why was it relevant???)
- (paraphrasing bc my memory is Bad) "No person of any gender found me appealing" Sir your boyfriend is RIGHT THERE (obligatory WHOA HE'S BISEXUAL I DIDN'T KNOW THAT)
- Second act low point, but at least it felt sorta believable bc it felt like a legit sibling fight, and not a real falling out. They all just really love each other and want to protect each other. Knuckles you're wonderful, you have never done anything wrong ever.
- Missed opportunity for Dark Sonic. That would've been so FUCKING COOL! WHYYY???
- we both lost everything pep talk 2 (this time on the moon)
- just nicked the moon lmao it's fiiiiiiiinneee
- Gerald getting zapped like a bug made me lose it.
- so like. Is everyone on earth just. Okay with finding out a world-wide government agency built a massive rocket powered death laser aimed straight for the planet that got hijacked immediately orrrrrrr
- Historians will say they were just good friends :)
- "Team Sonic :)" "How about just team?" FUCKING SONIC BOOM REFERENCE????
- METAL!!! FUCK YEAH!! <- knew that'd mean Amy in the next film regardless
- didn't catch the 2nd end credit scene but I'd already heard about the Shadow spinoff show (and/or movie??), so looking it up after, really not the least bit surprising.
Okay but i really did laugh at pretty much all the jokes. It was a fun time.
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chipchopclipclop · 1 year ago
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i have finished death mark 2...... thoughts.....
general thoughts is the overall story was.... BAD. LOL.
I'll start with the good. The interactions between Yashiki and alot of the returning cast i really liked, the writing especially in the first few chapters. An example being alot of Yashiki and Daimon's chatter, especially the whole weight of saving lives things that comes back at the end, alot of it was quite sweet and heartwarming similarly between him and other mark bearer characters.
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I liked the choice of Hiroo and Mashita being the two that come in when he's at his lowest, their curtness and refusal to take his attitude was really refreshing, felt really like what he needed at the time lol. In that same vein i enjoyed his characterization alot in the early-mid game, and how it develops. He's such a sensitive guy lollll and it comes through well with how much he cares but near the latter chapters it kind of.... sours.
Though there were a few new characters i liked his interactions with, Abe and Maruhashi specifically i found endearing of the new cast, Alot of them just Die. Or theyre Hime and Michiho AKA the bane of my fucking existence with this game.
They are the two pushed front and center and it is truly its worst aspect, as characters they're shallow personality wise and though you could say that about others in the cast, them being in love with Yashiki on top of it makes it so much worse.
They barely have any scenes where they actually properly interact and feel like they bond at all but for some reason im expected to believe they're suddenly in love with him?? -and in the end they were also dead the whole time, and not even themselves. So it wasn't even real, and somehow any of this is meant to hold any weight to the audience...?? explaining it as the ghosts being desperate for him instead doesnt really make it.. any more compelling (lol the scene at the end where hes like maybe they just wanted those beautiful normal school days they spent by me.... when did that happen yashiki)
I understand Yashiki is probably saddened by the deaths of two young girls but they're treated with so much more weight and gravitas than anyone else in the cast and its so unearned, especially when alot of the other ghosts are somehow way more compelling in that aspect.
He also becomes borderline ooc around them like in what world am i expected to believe he emotionally dumps his burdens on the two highschool girls he barely knows because of how sad he is when hes got like how many other people he knows FROM THE OTHER GAMES he could do that with...????? (AND BASICALLY DOES... ALREADY...?) and it lifts his heart like truly wtf was i reading. HE WOULD NOT FUCKING SAY THAT.JPG
Chapter six is really where it falls off the cliff with this, after hanging out with Hiroo, Mashita and Yasuoka and solving that case they just dissapear from the narrative for a day so he can......... hang out with michiho...?? i couldn't even enjoy murder yashiki in this game because of how ludicrous it felt that the rest of yashiki's companions just dissapeared to make it happen, and no one calls or anything lmfao. I cant imagine how much more compelled i would have felt if he was dealing with that situation with any of the other three around instead of HIME. LIKE I AM ACTUALLY SO INCENSED ABOUT THIS SCENARIO BEING RUINED SO HARD WHEN IT COULD BE SO GOOD BUT I DIGRESS (RIPPING MY HAIR OUT) (CRYING BC I LOVE BLOOD AND HORROR)
Even the first two games weren't as bad as writing women as this!? EVEN IF I HAD TO SEE MASSIVE TITS ON SCREEN THEY WEREN'T TRYING TO JUMP ON YASHIKI AS WELL AS A CENTRAL PLOT POINT (lol kakuya) congrats exp you have outdone yourself with the misogyny.
To continue on the topic of new characters, it feels like so many of them were given so little screen time to make you actually care about them. For how prominent Abe is he barely actually does anything, and Maruhashi instantly dissapears when shes no longer a red herring. On top of this game basically killing off any other character that appears, its hard to get invested in them as characters at all.
You have no opportunities to actually effect their fate as you do in the other two games, so there's even less attempt to immerse you there. Horikoshi comes the closest behind the other two but its because her case with Hanako was easily the strongest and most resonant of the game (lgbt win). Its not even like this is the first time Yashiki saves the lives of kids and bonds with them after, especially with the caveat of being a teacher, like how did you fuck this premise up so bad.
They either needed to commit to more scenes and writing in general to attach you to the new characters or just not have any returning ones show up so prominently if they're not also going to further interact with them.
The overall mystery suffers for it, and while i like the twist of the doll being helpful in this game actually, it is so easy to guess michiho and hime are the departed, and i already didn't even like them so it doesn't hit at all emotionally. Like, i was not feeling very betrayed or anything lol.
Further critiques -> though running around is very fun, the horror in this game really didn't at all compare to the others with the loss of that first person perspective for alot of the exploration, sad.
I also feel like we got more horny shit than we did in NG which is also like lol one step forwards two steps back. Even the gore wasn't as good............... kind of mid in every regard there. I did like the mushroom and scissor stuff, but the bugs and mold ended up just kind of ..... eh...
Mary continues to be the best antag in these games, she slayed and she continues to keep slaying. The sisters were really kind of a letdown in the end, especially since i think i could have enjoyed it if they pulled them off better.
As for my yaoi cocaine score though thats a 10/10 they made yashiki and mashita meow and hiss like cats in this game for some reason, i genuinely think that shattered my mind a little.
I also can't believe they gave us these two panting in unison asmr as well so you could make your own [REDACTED] if you wanted. The departed getting jealous mashita was standing next to him in that one confrontation too like she's calling him a homewrecker..... lol...... also the part where mashita jokes abt him keeping the gun and if you make yashiki go 'then i will 😇' and him immediately backpedaling like okay i was kidding. give it back. very moe very powerful.
I feel like the entire time mashita was on screen he was basically acting as yashiki's brain to keep him from getting too lost in his emotional attachments, truly everyone needs a bitch wife to keep them sane.
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TL:DR this game could be so good (average) if it wasn't so fucking badDDDDDDDDDDDD easily the worst entry in this series...... dont buy it unless its on sale for 4 bucks (this applies to every game) or just watch in on youtube lol.
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ziploc849 · 4 months ago
My thoughts/theories after episode 80 (I’ve watched up to 82 by now, but started writing this right after finishing 80)
I’m still on the track of phobias. I told a friend who’s also into this show about it and they point blank asked if I had been spoiled for anything (nothing more specific than that though) so I have a feeling I’m on the right track lol.
And then the concept of The Entities is revealed. Even though we weren’t specifically told about their deals I think I can make some assumptions. Welcome to another wall of text
First off, The Eye or Beholder. 2 names that have the same vibe but to me gives more context than just one or the other. Something that watches, yeah, but also takes in and learns. To behold something is to do more than just look at it, it’s to process it and commit it to memory. A fear of being watched is common, and we see is episodes like The Observer Affect, and I know characters have mentioned feeling watched, and from episode 82 I assume there’s also a sort of “burdened with knowledge” effect to it cause wtf Elias. I have other thoughts but I’ll put those with my thoughts from the actual episodes
Second off, The Distortion, or The Spiral. This is definitely the entity we have a name for thus far that we’ve seen the most of. Michael is a creepy little fucker and he’s bad at pretending to be a human. I’m assuming the fear it’s related to is maybe a fear of going insane, loosing your mental faculties. Strange, disturbing hallucinations, doors leading to endless hallways that don’t make sense, l hell Michael himself physically looks normal, but appears strange and horribly wrong if you look at it from the right angle. There could be something else there, but,
The Vast. Mentioned first from where I can see in Literary Heights (maybe sooner but I can’t remember). Michael Crew mentioned it when he was in that sort of standoff with the lightning monster. The Vast and some of Michael’s stuff feels like it’s similar in terms on endlessness, but I think The Vast is also related to the fear of heights we’ve seen a lot of. Obviously what happened in Freefall, but also the woodcut of the endless sky with the lightning in Pageturner, everything that happened in A Long Way Down. Not just vast in endlessness, but in the specific fear of drops and heights and the feeling you get looking at the stars and realizing many of them are already dead by the time the light reaches your eyes.
The End is another we’ve heard mentioned, with Mary Keay saying she got her skin book from it, or that that’s where it came from, what it’s tied to. Considering the book has to do with killing and the name itself is wager this is related to a fear of death and dying, which could relate to episodes like The Piper, Cheating Death, and Burial Rites. Specifically these all seem to have themes of people who should be dead, but clearly aren’t somehow. I don’t have much more idea about this, other than the fact that it’s probably a monkeys paw kind of situation. “You’re so afraid of death you don’t want to die? Okay, you won’t die then. See how you like it.”
The Stranger has been mentioned a couple of times, Leitner mentioned the files Elias stole were on The Stranger, and it seems to be related to whatever the Unknowing is. I still can’t quite tell if that’s another entity, or an event/end goal some of the entities are trying to cause/reach. Anyways, I’m not entirely sure what the stranger could be since we haven’t seen much of them explicitly, but from what I’d have to guess by the name alone it’s the sort of uncanny valley effect. The Not-Them completely taking a persons place in reality, leaving only one person to know that it is nothing like the person it killed. Students with far too specific and strange questions about the body, shaping their bones and adjusting their organs to match the real ones. Hell even in Anglerfish all the way back to episode one, a man who simply asks for a cigarette in the same, monotonous tone, never moving to take it, simply waiting for their prey to come. Body horror and people a bit (or pretty far) to the left.
Then there’s other phobias we’ve seen that I don’t know if we have a name for. The Hive might be to do with a fear of bugs, but there’s also been so much discussion of spiders and disease that they could be lumped into one, or simply have a lot of overlap. If they are separate then disease is for sure one of them. Claustrophobia is another we’ve seen a lot of, but I’m wondering if that could be related to The Vast in a sort of equals and opposites way? Things that are so large and ongoing they’re unknowable and spaces that are so small they bend reality and threaten to suffocate.
There are still some things that don’t seem to fit these for me, but I’m sure as time goes on there will be more entities or at least more explanation of the things we’ve already seen in the context of them. The coffin in Do Not Open, everything with the video in Binary. Dreamer is one I’m thinking about, I feel like it could be related to the eye simply in terms of knowing that people are going to die, and especially with the strange veins wrapped around Gertrude, but also could be related to The End cause. Yknow. Death.
I’m also not entirely sure about the fire stuff and the meat stuff, that’s still throwing me for a loop. I know trying to fit everything into nice neat boxes probably won’t help, these are eldritch beings after all, but I am curious to see what all fits into the “caused by an entity” column and what falls into the “caused by a cult *related* to the entity” column and what falls into the “secret third thing” column lol. I’m also curious if everything is related to specific phobias or just. Causing fear? And phobias are a very, very good way to do that, cause that would also help to fit a few more things into “caused by entities” column. Like wasn’t there a fucking werewolf at one point???? Anyways.
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meanbossart · 1 year ago
Hi, just a warning for the following unhinged question. (I'm getting baby rabies.) I love seeing Dadstarion and Famstarionnstuff all over tumblr- AND of course that lil thing you drew with Drow and Astarion and fucking little Bhaalings into his belly sparked the question-
DOES DROW WANT KIDS SOMEDAY? UNCONSCIOUSLY? SUBCONSCIOUSLY? Like with the whole Sarevok, epilogue reveal, is it spoilers to ask how your Drow would deal with the new sudden urge to procreate? (Sorry if this is actually a spoiler for ANE future chapters) BUT If so, how does it manifest? Does he start nesting? Hoarding even more shiny crap and dirty rags than usual? Does he start adopting every mangy orphaned cub they come across? Does his dirty talk in bed just get progressively more and more disturbing and natally oriented that even he starts thinking "wtf" post encounter? Does he ever think about putting a round bundle under his shirt and pretending it's his and Astarions dhamphir love-child?
Also IF yes to any of the above, What would Astarion's reaction be?
Unhinged fan of yours
First of all I love unhinged questions. Those are my favorite questions. This is an unhinged couple and It's what they deserve, so thank you for this LOL
This topic, at least in this context, never comes up in ANE so I think i can answer it without anything being considered a spoiler.
"Currently" I definitely don't think either of them consider the idea of children in the slightest, while both probably get on with kids relatively well, in their own weird ways (kids love weird people) they're strongly in the "don't want kids and never will" frame of mind despite any joking and uh thematic dirty talking.
THAT BEING SAID, they are both bound to exist for a long time. Depending on how things turn out for him, Astarion's lifespan is either a good 700 years or a big Ol Forever. Drows also live for up to seven centuries and I don't even know whether or not DU Drow's particular kind of Bhaalspawn-ness doesn't affect that, as you could argue he's some type of demigod. The idea that they may change their mind at some point is not out of the question.
In regards to DU drow getting a baby fever in the future, I do think it will be something they have to deal with. Obviously, him and Astarion can't procreate as they are, and even if magical options exist DU drow is still aware that it would be a bad idea to follow through with it. I have honestly no clue how a desire like that would externalize, but - and I hate to be a downer but I assume you want my sincere answer here - based on Sarevok's letter I don't actually think it would be as fun as the bedroom talk or the cracks he makes - it sounds like it would be a spiraling depression and state of unfulfillment that they would simply have to learn to cope with if he is to remain childless, peppered with a profound yearning for a More he can't quite pin down. Luckily I think Astarion's character has demonstrated time and time again that he has the ability to be extremely sensible towards that type of thing, and he would be pretty much the ideal partner in those circumstances (especially if we're talking an older, more mature Astarion). An adoptive child could sate that, or it could not, I have no idea, but I don't think he would ever just say "yeah fuck it lets have/get a kid" in response to it.
Either way, as I mentioned above I believe it's not out of the question (if not inevitable?) that they could come to become someone's guardians someday regardless, especially if they ever become more firmly settled in life and the people they are. I doubt it's something they will ever actively seek out (I don't really see them ever completely retiring from a dangerous lifestyle of their own will) but maybe they stumble upon an orphan or, more likely, kill some kid's actual parents and out of guilt keep it for long enough to develop a bond. Lets say this happens out on the road - maybe they want to at least drop it off at a city somewhere where the thing would have a better chance, but ultimately decide against it for whatever reason... Yeah I could see something like that happening lol It's a cute thought, and funny enough I don't think they would make the Worst parents, assuming their character developments continues in a generally positive direction.
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arrowheadedbitch · 10 months ago
Okay, I just spent, like over two hours talking about how a Leanna Firestone song (Tourniquet) is perfect for Shawn and I'll be damned if I don't make a post out of it so here we go, buckle up
Okay first of all, here's the song
Enjoy, it is VERY good
So let's get into this, yeah?
This includes my suicide attempt hc that I mentioned in a previous post in it
I have been listening to this song on loop and it's making me go just a touch feral
"You can get a new car, but you can't forget the way it sounds or feels to crash
High speed impact
Normally the first person I'd call was my dad"
But im imagining that hc/story we were talking about yesterday, so change the words tooooo.....🥁🥁🥁
"You can get a new car, but you can't forget the way it sounds or feels to crash
High speed impact
But, later on, I realised that the song ACTUALLY says "NO POLICE, the first person I called was my dad" NOT normally, which hits different in this context but doesn't actually change much
And like, him yelling it in front of everyoneeeee
Henry is THERE
They're all like....what do you mean by that...
He will not elaborate but now they know that apparently something bad happened to him because he called his dad?
"Shawn, what are you talking about"
Shawn does the dramatic "I said something I shouldn't have" hand over mouth clasp
He freezes, he stumbles over his words, then he makes a run for it
Everyone is just standing there confused as hell
It's such a not shawn thing to yell out and do tho that even Henry is slightly concerned
Or maybe just confused
Or offended at the implication that he somehow hurt shawn so bad with some random phonecall
And now there are a bunch of people needling him to tell them about wtf he was talking about
Pressuring him to tell them about this traumatic event
ESPECIALLY Gus, who would normally be in the loop about something like this so he's extremely concerned and maybe even a little hurt that Shawn won't tell him
Even Henry, who usually doesn't give a shit about this kind of thing, is trying to get it out of him
He mostly just wants to know what the hell shawn is blaming him for this time lol
But he doesn't get how serious this is
None of them do, that's why they keep trying to get it out of him
They just assume it's another one of those silly things he always has going on, not, yknow....SUICIDE
Not even his mom knows, maybe they'd try to call his mom bc he tells her pretty much everything and find out she ALSO doesn't know
Then they're like....Gus doesn't know......his mom doesn't know.....holy shit maybe this is serious
"Some people die before they're dead!
Building collapse, pressure outweighs the pain
I don't feel sad
I don't feel ANYTHING
Only will when the blood returns
But I'd rather be numb then know how bad I'm hurt"
Someone save my boy
He is emotionally constipated
His mom also might fly down to figure out what's happening after she gets that call
So now literally EVERYONE is bugging him about this
Poor Shawn, there's even a THERAPIST needling him about this traumatic event now 😭😭😭
And everybody wants to know
At this pace he's gonna become a hermit so he doesn't have to tell anyone 😭😭😭😭
"So, I'll keep the tourniquet on
I'll block it out and off
Cuz I don't need anyone
I don't need anyone
I don't need anyone at all
If I keep the tourniquet on"
I think all of this would lead to Shawn blowing up on then, maybe he'd say something that accidentally gives away more of what happened but I don't think he'll be able to bring himself to actually say out loud what happened, at least not to them
Because, well, emotional constipation, anyone?
He wouldn't talk about his feelings at gun point
"Maybe we always start
Back where we end
Don't know if I'm God
Or if I'm sisyphus"
But maybe change to
"I try to act like God
But I'm just sisyphus"
Or something similar
So, this first part has been about Shawn saying the stuff in the song or just really good lines that he would relate to
But this next part is more of an....application for all of this
Imagine with me, if you will
Shawn does a few artsy stuff like....drawing that he doesn't really like to show off a lot, so imagine this,
/Shawn would totally be a good songwriter/
Imagine he wrote a few songs as more of like journal/vent things and he never wants them to see the light of day
This is while him and Jules are together btw
So, Juliet finds out about the songs, he tries to brush them off bc he doesn't like to think about them and he doesn't want her to see them, that kind of thing, but she reads it as insecurity
This is the same woman who went around Lassies back to plan him a birthday party and accidentally invited a bunch of criminals, so, I don't think it's that big a stretch that she would try to do something to make him feel better about his music and go behind his back a little to do it so she can *surprise* him
She grabs the first complete song she can get her hands on, maybe glances through it but makes the mistake of not reading it thoroughly and submits it to a song writing competition, if it loses, Shawn will never know, if it wins, boom! Boost in his self esteem about his songs!
A win-win plan, really
And the song she grabbed was the Shawn version of Tourniquet we've been talking about, obviously
Yeah, it's *her* turn to do something for *him* with good intentions that ends up being awful, she's not gonna be in the doghouse for this one...she's going straight to the pound
The prize for winning the contest? Well, a celebrity sings it of course!
And...well Juliet may have overlooked that it's sung.....on live television...
All classic song writing prizes, maybe you can win a record deal and a bunch of money too or whatever
Not that Shawn would care about any of that
Anyways, her and Shawn go to the place where they're announcing the winners, you know? Big party. Shawn doesn't know what it's about but he's having fun, probably solving a case here too!
But then he wins....
It's the big finale, announce the winner and sing the song on stage and on camera
"And, this song will be our grand finale! The winning song of the song writing contest will be revealed and sung!" So the singer gets on stage and Shawn is all smiles until he hears "And this song is...🥁🥁🥁 Tourniquet by Shawn Spencer!"
And Shawn is going through all the stages of grief, he turns to Jules all "What the fuck did you do" (Perhaps first time she hears him legit cuss??) [Ty Luka]
And suddenly Juliet realises that she should have read the lyrics a bit closer before submitting it
It's the first time she's seen him ANGRY because he is about to get angry
They get in an argument, Shawn storms off, she feels bad
But, the song was on LIVE TELEVISION
Everyone saw it! Everyone HEARD them attribute it to him!
And they don't know he wasn't in on it! They have no reason to believe he's upset about winning!
So, when he shows up at the station, everyone is trying to talk to him about it!
Gus is asking about it, but he stopped pretty quick when he noticed how pissed Shawn seemed about it
Henry's been calling him
He's been not answering, obviously
Juliet tries to talk it out with shawn but he's not having it right now, "Shawn, I-"
"You, shut up, you are in the /pound/!"
"*gasp* the pound?"🥺😢
And Lassie was gonna give him a hard time and ask questions but he saw that interaction and realised that he shouldn't touch this with a five foot fucking pole
The precinct feels oddly tense today because well....no one's ever seen SHAWN SPENCER so ANGRY
Or really angry at all
He really powers through solving this case and is actually pretty scary the whole time and he won't talk to Jules, they are not in speaking terms right now
Anything that he would normally go to Jules about, he goes to Carlton and acts like she's not even there while he gets Lassiter to do whatever it is he needs
No fun nicknames either, but what really hits? When he HAS to address jules.....he calls her Detective O'hara
So she REALLY knows she's in trouble
Obviously she's gonna do anything she can to make it better, we know Jules
So she asks around for advice on what she should do
Talks to anyone who will listen really, Lassie, Gus, she even goes to Henry
[Side note, I've been imagining she heard the song, like it was playing all throughout so they could hear it a little muffled from the spot they were arguing at, but she probably missed a good chunk because of the arguing and talking, though her not having heard it would be a really interesting turn to take! She doesn't know what was wrong with the song, only the aftermath, that could be interesting]
Anyway, she gets mostly the same advice, let Shawn cool down and then work it out
But, since she talked to Henry, he now knows that not only did Shawn not submit that song, he's pissed that it played at all
Which will affect the way he treats Shawn when they inevitably talk later
Instead of thinking Shawn did this to get back at him, he knows these were private thoughts that were shared against his will, so he'll be a little less defensive and accusatory
Gus doesn't know what exactly the song was about, but he gets to be the most in the know since he's the only person Shawn is really actually talking to right now
A lot of ranting to Gus about this, of course
Lassie has the least know of the situation because an angry shawn is a startlingly untalkative shawn
Shawn takes a week or two to stop being so completely pissed
He talks to Henry at some point, they probably have a moment or something, but he won't tell anyone what the song was meant to be about
Eventually he calms down enough to let Jules talk to him again and she gets to apologize profusely and work her way off the shit list
And now everyone knows about the depth to shawns character that he didn't want them to know about so he'll just have to slowly chip away at that by going back to being the town idiot as usual
Maybe he agrees to sell his songs as long as his name doesn't go on any of them, I dunno
Everything goes back to normal...eventually, but it takes...a while
So shawn ends it just as emotionally constipated as before but now everyone KNOWS he's emotionally constipated
Everyone gets to go "holy shit, this kid actually has emotional depth?!?!??"
And Henry gets to sit and wonder what he did to Shawn that was a "crash", what phone call? What did he do?
And Yeah, most of them forget probably
But also, there's that inkling of.......is he really okay?
Always in the back of his friends minds
They /heard/ the song
Juliet goes over board trying to make up for it in a way that's so endearing shawn can't help but smile
And forgive her, but only after the third pineapple/hj
Gus is a little concerned but he knows Shawn doesn't want to talk about it so he let's it go
Lassie tries not to pry but he's still feeling kind of awkward about it (what is he supposed to do in this situation? Anything? Should he even care? Should be be on O'Hara's side because they're friends? Shawn's side because he was the one wronged? Anyone's side at all? Should he say something? Welp, he just won't do anything, maybe)
Buzz has no idea what's going on but did try to comfort Shawn a few times and it was sweet
Buzz never knows what's going on with the main four but we love him anyway
Henry has the song on loop trying to figure out what he did and if there's something he should do or say about it
And someone should definitely get Shawn a therapist but they don't
And the whole song is soooooo about his dad
So about his dad it hurts
Tho Gus is a little offended at the "I don't need anyone" part and he makes sure his thoughts on that are known
"I spend every night
With the TV on
I can't bear to be
Alone with my own thoughts"
And now you guys won't be able to stop thinking about this either, MUAHAHAHAHA
To the people who talked to me on discord, thank you!
@mores0 @storm-cloud-lightning
And also @j-snapdragon who joined right at the end
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starmaniamania · 1 month ago
Gabrielle interview on this French podcast about her background & her Starmania experience. Not a lot of new info, but she does talk about the way she came to sometimes play the maid when she wasn't playing Cristal, the general atmosphere in the troupe, and the future of the show. If you want a summary let me know!
Ok, a summary of the main points under the cut!
The first thing the interviewers as is "wtf is going on with the 'break'," so she says she was planning on quitting after this run of shows, that she could tell things were winding down. She says it was a shock for other members of the cast, because they were supposed to come back to Paris/go to Asia. As far as they know(/she's allowed to tell, obviously) it's a technical issue, the show is designed for a certain type and size of venue which is hard to get in Asia and elsewhere - which is why they couldn't actually tour Québec and were limited to that one venue. "I'd like to tell you it's just a break, but the truth is, this is such a huge machine it will be very hard to start it again."
About joining the show: she says she was 15 when her mother showed her the casting call, she didn't know Starmania and wasn't really interested, she hated France Gall's Monopolis at first listen (she says she wishes they could have lowered it one tone (?) to mirror what Martine St Clair was doing in 1988 - her model for Cristal.)
She thought she bombed her first in-person audition but the production was impressed; unfortunately it was just before the pandemic hit and she didn't hear back for 6 months (and then it was "we don't know.") Meanwhile she re-enrolled in school to study jazz singing and was asked to re-audition then. Those are the videos that are available on her Youtube channel.
She says she doesn't define herself as a "singer," she's an "entertainer" and she can do many things.
She wasn't formally taught to sing but both her parents are/were opera singers so she grew up backstage.
About the maid: it was the day when the Cristals were taking pictures for the posters; while Lilya was getting her pictures, Gabrielle walked in on a rehearsal of the Télégramme where Jeanne was absent for some reason, and she was like "I can do it!" Maag didn't want to play the maid to Jeanne's Stella, and so Gabrielle says [exaggeratedly, lol] that from then on, when she wasn't playing Cristal, she was the maid.
About joining the troupe: she talks about leaving home for the first time and how hard it was to be alone; that she assumed everyone would be friends but realized that it is unrealistic with such a big troupe. Apparently people who are her friends now admitted to her that they found her extremely annoying at the beginning 😅 That she has no hard feelings and understands that everyone did what they needed to do, that the creation process was really hard and emotionally complicated and it was easier with the people who joined afterwards because they didn't have so much baggage.
About the lack of cast recording/video: that no one in the troupe understands why it happened this way, that someone in production clearly made this decision but they are all sad and disappointed not to have a trace of their work. There was a cameraman/photographer who followed the whole creation process but they have never seen the images either, and she thinks probably "in 10 years" a documentary will come out and that's how they will be able to see those images.
Right now she's doing adult classes to take some subjects she didn't pick while she was in high school; she needs stability in her personal life; she hasn't given up on singing in the long term but feels like it's the right time to study so she doesn't have to do it later when she's older.
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jasongotdrip · 9 months ago
i had a thought. again. this may be one of my biggest yaps. +2 tiny arts included. Except it’s all horrible. It’s 2:30 am and I’m running on just straight brain power😭
wtf was charlie doing walking around during an extermination💀)
I had a daydream except it’s 2:30 am so night dream except im not really asleep but whatever. I imagined charlie found her and brought her back to the wherever and she just started YAPPING. Because she’s excited to have someone around, probably. She’s a lonely lil princess. I was thinking of a lot of different scenes this could happen in but I thought of this one the most. Charlie knows Vaggie is a “sinner” so she just casually mentions how she’s the princess, knowing (but not caring) about how most sinners disrespect her while even knowing her rank. So like she doesn’t care because she knows ‘this person won’t treat me better’. Or smth. Idk. Anyways. Keep in mind they’re not in the alley, but instead they’re… somewhere. Does charlie own the building of the hotel yet? Idk but we’ll just say yes for now because I don’t know where else they would be. Not Lucifer’s place, obviously.
but still, how/when did vaggie find out that the random girl who picked her up off the street was the literal PRINCESS OF HELL
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P.s. charlie probably clipped vaggie’s hair out of her face for the sake of the bandage but i was too lazyz to draw it
i am.. so sorry for that. um. Anyways.
I like to imagine Charlie took Vaggie home, washed her up and they have a slow burn starting somewhere in there. Vaggie probably listened to all Charlie’s rants and dreams, while helping her slowly kick start the hotel’s physicality. They become better friends and begin to trust each other. because like, they’re all they got. Vaggie has no where else to go and charlie has no one else as loyal as Vaggie. So naturally they become dependent. Then romance ✨
. I know what i said about charlie tucking her hair behind her ear, but she was probably just noticing how pretty she was or sum. But still, you are in the middle of a warzone honey please stop being gay for a second 😭
but who had feelings first? Charlie, maybe because she already thought vaggie was pretty. But there’s also vaggie.. like of course she’s going to grow fond of someone who picked her up and started taking care of her when no one else would. Maybe they both started at the same time lol
No one really knows when they met Angel Dust but obviously before pilot right? I thought of a funny interaction that would kind of help the feelings be more known, if they weren’t established before they met Angel. Like there definitely are feelings in the air but they’re brought to attention by something snarky Angel Dust says when they first meet
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then chaos. But like.. charlie and vaggie think about it. Then idk. That’s as far as my brain will take me. Hyperfixations help me yap a lot but it all stops at a certain point. There are so many ways chaggie could have been developed so it’s hard to just say one. So i kinda jjst want to see how it goes and how much they’ll show us of their backstory. I’m sorry for yapping.😭😭
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queenvhagar · 7 months ago
if they decide to make daeron a bastard imma scream... aside from the fact that it makes alicent even more of a hypocrite daeron being valyrian looking is actually pretty fucking important. in the books jace and daeron are only a few months apart in age and everyone was like "omg look at the queen giving birth to another targaryen looking baby while the princess had a baby that looks nothing like her or her husband!" also how the heck did daeron get a dragon if he's a bastard!?
first they give us no nettles now possibly this shit... I'm so over them adapting grrm's work into a version of whatever they think is cool.
also who the heck was princess aeriana. ik some folk are saying that it's possibly a made up character before aegon's conquest ... but the targaryen's weren't royalty at that point so wtf are the show makers high on, and i'm still mad at the stupid northern plot where they have jace talking about how aegon the conqueror went up north, plus cregan talking about how alyssane and jaehaerys visited winterfell during his dad's time which again makes zero fucking sense ... it was during alaric stark's time and he's probably cregan's grandpa or smth.
don't get me started on how they switched up addam and alyn's ages, plus didn't give us anything on marilda of hull ... oh and rhaenys apparently is totally cool with corlys having bastards and even thinks the boys mom must have been so pretty ...
this season is so boring and overall without context. daemon spends his time being high on harrenhal. alicent is going through major depressio arc. helaena is her usual mumbling self without any agency of her own. aemond is terrible. rhaenyra is ... idk what they're doing with her but i don't like it. aegon ii seems to be the only remotely interesting character but now he's gone.
so glad there's only one episode left of this disaster to get through ... can't believe they made us wait so long for this shit ... personally won't be waiting for season 3 because at this point it's probably going to be just as boring.
so disappointed we never got to see... jace negotiation with manderly's, sara snow, nettles, rhaenyra going mad with grief over luke, b&c going according to the books with helaena offering herself instead of her children, daeron in oldtown, book! accurate alyn and addam and daemon doing something instead of imagining how it'd be to fuck his mom...
sorry for the rant lol everything's just piled up for me since i waited until now to watch the shows and avoided spoilers to the best of my abilities. please do feel free to delete if you wish.
When people tell people that Game of Thrones was slow paced and technically very little happened and this season is just like that and to cope... nope.
As you mentioned in the second to last paragraph there were so many interesting things they could've done with this season to fill the time and expand on the story and characters... Instead there are 3 locations where morning scenes happen that don't grow the characters at all, nobody has any realistic motivations or emotions and reactions to events (and if they do they're framed as incorrect, like Jace or Aegon). It's oversimplified and redundant. No thoughts to be provoked. No depth to explore. No arcs for characters except maybe Daemon but it's been stretched way too far out and made irrelevant. No intrigue or politics. No scheming. Characters seem displaced from the setting...
I hope season 3 is the last season, and I won't be tuning into any other ASOIAF adaptations based on the crap fanfic quality of this one that they're trying to present as profound, deep, groundbreaking television.
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casinoquartet · 1 year ago
okay so I would like to elaborate on a point you made on the swagdoons moments we should talk about more. Specifically the one about red knowing about the wormhole glitch. Also the whole god thing applies to this too.
Ash avoids any reference (and has lied about it multiple times IF red is telling the truth) to red knowing anything and just never elaborates when it comes to this sort of thing. Then red is just so open about it and it kinddd of sounding like he’s bragging when he talks about it. And he told no one?? 🤨 huh? Red knew sooo far back and told no one???
here is an example:
ash commented that red wasn’t in a video because his reaction to the god thing was basically: “cool.” and did not give any other details.
red has AT LEAST said twice that he knew about the god thing from basically page one (because ash told him?? I don’t know if I’m remembering right) and he didn’t hold back from the details
nothing they say lines up 😭😭😭 one of them is lying about this and either way it’s still so 🤨🤨. Why would you need to lie about it huh??? And I am 90% ash knows what red is saying and he isn’t specifically denying anything red says.
I’m sorry they are soo confusing and just making this much sense of something and to not share it with anyone feels like a felony so yeah…
THEN THE “oh I’d do so many things for you ash.” WAS JUST 😱😱😱🫵🤨🤨🤔🤨 IT WAS SO UNPROMPTED. then the SILENCE after ash said the equivalent of my reaction in emojis I just can’t anymore
also can you explain how after the matching sleeve thing ash just kept it for wayyyy too long. Is it still there??? I think it’s still there. It’s like 4am and I NEED to go to bed so I don’t think I should check. But it’s such an easy fix why is it still there it’s driving me crazy
OKAY regarding the "red knew about the plugin" thing, i'm mostly referencing this clip (51:58-52:10)
red: hold on, so did you dupe or...how did you get the crystals? ash: (hums) red: ...or did you get into creative mode, was that the plug-in? ash: no, no. (annoyed) why do you--okay just tell everyone my plan. i'm kidding, parrot just forgot to check my inventory (laughs)
if we take ash's god video at face value, he did know about the essentials plugin since august (though it is debatable if the wormhole team knew how to exploit it then, i'm inclined to believe that they did considering around a month later the comfort vod happened and ash leaked the wormhole plans 4 months early...lol). and having foresight, we do know that creative mode was necessary to get the entire wormhole exploit to work so...that's why i said it was implied red knew about the wormhole glitch the entire time
anyways, adding onto the "red wasn't in the first video" thing, here's ash mentioning it in a tweet on his alt acc, and while red pisses off (/lh) ash in the comfort vod (1:10:05-1:10:44), ash says that that is why red isn't in the video and red goes "i know"
(also i was just watching the vod where red mentions that he knew about the s3 god exploit from the very start and it's also implied here that he knew about the s4 one too?!?! he got an elytra from subz and subz, who was on the wormhole exploit team, asked him if red knew about the exploit, said never mind, and gave red the elytra anyways. red then says that he knew about the exploit the entire time so ?!?!?! clip from 1:27:51-1:28:27 btw)
ANYWAYS yeah i don't know wtf the "i'd do so many things for you" thing was about either. something is up with them. alas i'm not a mind reader so i don't know why on earth red said that or why ash keeps the cut sleeve (i'm guessing it's bc he thinks it looks cool?) but alas. swagdoons truly did swagdoons all over the place,
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