#This is a side effect of t also btw
jeejyboard · 1 month
i thinkit would be cool if there was an omegaverse but for salmon instead of wolves. Like when the time comes certain members of society get really juicy musclewise and get yiffy fangs and are suddenly compelled to return to the neighborhood they grew up in and 96 hours later show up barefoot in full starvation mode and ravaged by walking through interstate traffic to fuck whoevwr smells the best in the local burger king. Then afterwards they die and disintegrate to be eaten by seagulls in the parking lot
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Can I request a Hunter x female Y/N comfort/whump paternal fic plz? <3
Btw I loved your Crosshair x Y/N fic <3
Knight in Rusty Armor
Hunter x Reader
Summary- After a bad run-in at a market, Hunter has to save you and Omega. You can't help but feel like a failure for not being able to protect Omega by yourself...
A/N- Thank you so much for requesting! I'm not completely confident in my ability to write Hunter, but I tried my best!! Hope this is what you had in mind, XoXo.
Word Count- 2,118
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You could feel his gaze on you from a mile away. It seemed that no matter the circumstance, Hunter was there.
While you were grateful for him, always- you couldn't help but feel like he didn't trust you. Well, maybe trust wasn't the right word. Nevertheless, he had to accompany you and Omega for a trip to the market.
Everyone had been flying for days and needed a place to resupply. Stretch their legs. You offered to take Omega to shop for some new clothes. She had rips in her shirt- ones that were barely held together by your sewing. So it seemed natural that you would take her, being the only other female on the ship.
Even before landing, you brought up the idea of you and Omega going to Hunter. You wanted to spend some time with her alone. One might have even said mother and daughter bonding...
He turned you down immediately. Rightfully so, as it was a foreign place. But you still wanted to compromise.
That's where you were now, looking through bounds of outfits. Varied from dresses, pants, jackets, and finally shirts. Hunter kept his distance. He did understand that Omega needed some 'girl time' with you, as Tech called it. He also understood that you two were the most important people to him, and he wanted to protect you at all cost.
When you and Omega stepped into an actual establishment for children's clothes, Hunter stood outside the door. Close enough that he could hear Omega laughing.
She picked through a rack, showing you the shirts she thought looked silly. The two of you got a couple odd looks, but neither of you cared.
A particular neon-green tube top grabbed her attention. She picked it up and joked that she wanted it.
"Yeah, very stealthy Omega." You said, playfully.
She giggled and put the shirt back. The two of you proceeded to go to the cashier with the 3 other shirts you found. Ones that fit her and were darker tones.
You immediately noticed that the owner of the store had a sour look on his face. This resulted in you putting on an cheery attitude, being extra kind.
"Ten credits." The yellow man stated, ignoring your pleasantries.
"T-ten?" You sputtered out, shocked. The tags on the clothes clearly stated 'one credit each.'
"Three for the clothes, and seven for the ones you insulted. Now an additional two for arguing with me." Since when was asking a question arguing.
Omega looked up at you, wondering what you would do next. You didn't have Ten credits on you, though you knew Hunter would let you tap into his personal stash if you asked. In this matter however, three shirts were not worth ten credits.
"Sir, i'm sorry about the comments. But we meant no harm. I can give you three credits for the shirts, as they are priced. No more." You reasoned with the man, knowing how bad Omega needed new clothes.
"You are not leaving this store until I get fifteen credits from you." He grumbled and reached for his blaster.
"Excuse me?" You were taken aback. Who did he think he was? Your own blaster was already raised.
"We don't have fifteen credits, and will be leaving now." You said, dropping the clothes. You were frustrated that the day had turned bad.
"Then she can work them off." He shoved his blaster to Omegas temple. Omega had left her energy bow back at the ship, and her borrowed blaster was on the side of her leg.
"We really don't have time for this, sir." You said before effectively disarming him. Your own blaster shot right past his shoulder, missing on purpose. It distracted him long enough for you to knock his blaster out of his own hand. Omega reached down to grab it- both guns now pointing at him.
It was as simple as it seemed, the guy was inexperienced. What the two of you didn't anticipate was Hunters call.
After rushing outside, the building was surrounded by men that looked like the store owner. Yellow with three horns on their ugly face.
What you would find out later was that the store owner had a bad temper, and went ahead to call for back-up. He was determined to make you all pay. Insanely petty if you could say so yourself.
Nevertheless, firing commenced. Again, it was easy. Even though they had numbers, they didn't possess the same skill as the three of you. Maybe that's why you got cocky?
Maybe that's why you found yourself with a blaster pointed at the back of your neck. The store owner! How did you forget him, you and Omega had rushed out without a second thought.
"This time, disarming me won't be so easy." You felt his breath on your ear, disgusting.
"Put the blaster down. Now." Hunter commanded. If you had your thoughts straight, it would have been really sexy.
"I don't think I will. I want 100 credits. For my time, and having to deal with these ratchet things you call humans!" The man insulted.
You smirked, "Not a wise decision." You remarked. Now it was personal- Hunter did not take insults to his girls lightly.
"Yeah, and what do you know? You're the one with a blaster poi-" He was interrupted by Hunter shooting him. Hunter wasn't as forgiving as you. The man fell, you didn't even look to see if he was alive.
With a puff Hunter started, "Let's get back."
"Are you okay!" Omega jumped to your side, calling your name.
Her voice sent a pang down from your spine to your stomach. She shouldn't be worried about you... She should feel safe and protected. All she saw was you getting risky and dumb. Now she thought she had to worry about you... You felt shame rush to your cheeks in a pink hue.
This Hunter took notice of, he was confused. There was nothing to be embarrassed about? At least he didn't think so.
The walk back to the ship was mostly silent, except for Hunter confirming we would try another market soon.
You kept your head up, now being over-cautious, hand hovering your blaster. That was until Hunter took your hand in his. He smiled at you. He could feel the tension off your body. He'd ask about it the second you got some alone time.
You looked at him and swallowed. You only felt more guilt. How was he so collected but ready to engage in combat at any moment. All of it just made you more insecure, what did you bring to the table?
Your thoughts were interrupted by Omega, pulling on Hunters free hand.
"Hunter! Can I pleeeeease get some!" She gestured to a bag of sweets for sale. A mix of fruity candy, lolli-pops, and chewing gum.
"I don't know Omega." He started, but after seeing her face fall he followed it with- "Okay, but you'll have to share it with Wrecker."
She jumped up, hugging onto his arm. "Thank you! You're the best dad ever!" She giddily said, snatching the credit he held out for her.
His face brightened up, it was his turn to wear a light pink hue. Omega didn't even seem to realize what she said, but you gripped Hunters hand tighter.
"Dad... I like it." You leaned onto him, resting a head on his shoulder. Your arm now fully wrapped around his.
"She probably didn't even mean to say it..." He doubted, not wanting to think anything that wasn't mutual.
"Don't sell yourself short, Hunter." You said, not looking up at him, but rubbing your cheek on the material of his shirt.
Omega bopped back over and the three of you headed back to the ship.
Sleep escaped you, tossing and turning. The thoughts of the market kept you awake. This was not normal. You had all been in crappy situations like that one, why did it affect you so much?
Having Hunter save you wasn't something you resented, it was quite attractive. Just this instance. You had been so careless... You could have put an end to it all, but forgot to immobilize the main threat. You huffed and puffed, trying to get out your frustrations.
You were so lost in thought, that when Hunter placed a concerned hand on your shoulder- you jumped. He pulled away instantly, thinking he might have hurt you in some way.
"W-what?" You asked, squinting up at him. It seemed that no one else was awake, Hunter being the only one on watch.
"Hey, hey, what's wrong, sweets?" He asked, hearing his nickname for you was enough to calm you down. At least, enough to get up and settle in one of the cock-pit seats.
You took a deep breath and sat up. He steadied you, an arm wrapping under your armpit to hold you.
"Just can't sleep." He knew there was more to the story. That was a big part about why you loved him. He was more than attentive, and the most selfless lover you could ask for.
"Come sit with me." He suggested, pulling you up with him as he stood to his feet.
He still had a hand rested on the small of your back as he led the two of you to the cockpit,
"So, what happened at the market?" You looked down, shame flooded out of you. Seemingly for no reason. You opted to sit down before answering.
"I let Omega down... There's nothing else to it. It was obvious." You almost felt angry that he didn't see the situation as you did.
His face scrunched up, eyes burning at you. He blinked several times before replying- "What are you talking about?"
With a groan you spoke again, "I can't even protect her from an angry, stupid, vender! You had to save us!" Your voice cracked at the end.
"I thought you didn't mind wh-" You cut him off
"I don't, I just-" You grumbled, frustrated that you couldn't find the right words.
"It's okay, you didn't let anyone down. Everyone is safe, it was just a small mishap." He reasoned, hating that you felt anything less than perfect. If only you saw yourself as he saw you.
You took a quick breath, "One day it won't be a 'small mishap' and something might happen to Omega. I was careless! Now she knows I can't protect her. I'm supposed to be the person she can run to... She must be so disappointed."
You let your head fall into your hands. You rested there for a moment, that was until Hunter made his way in front of you. He gently grasped your hands in his.
He lifted one of your hands to rest on his cheek- the tattooed one. You moved your thumb across the black lines.
"Omega thinks the world of you... nothing will change that. Who knows what would have happened if I wasn't there. If I hadn't called you out, you would have been able to think on what to do with the owner, right?" He explained, trying to shift some of the blame to himself.
You nodded at his words. At this he brings his free hand to rest on your cheek, matching yours on his. His words made you feel some relief, but you couldn't deny how you still felt guilty. Guilty that Omega may have thought differently now.
"Thank you..." You sniffled out, his words making your eyes water.
You leaned in for a kiss, only to be interrupted by a rustling.
Omega. Her light voice called your name, just before jumping onto you and Hunter. He held her steady as she fell into your arms.
"Today was so fun... I'm not disappointed!" You gasped slightly at her words, "You heard all that?" You had a worried look on your face.
"You guys are my family. I'll always feel protected with you." She leans into your arms, head resting just under your shoulder.
"I don't care about the mean guy, I had the best day ever... Can we visit the next market we find as well?" She said, excited, looking up into your eyes.
How could you say no to her sweet face?
"I think Hunter, Wrecker, Tech, and Echo should come too. Maybe they will have as much fun as we did shopping!" You and Hunter both laughed at this.
"i'm not so sure shopping is Tech's thing." Hunter joked.
You laughed again, wiping off the last tear on your face. Your anxieties had finally died down.
Hours later, Hunter would find you both asleep in the pilots chair- Omega rested snugged in your arms. That is, with evidence of the last candy all over Omega.
A/N- Thank you so much for reading! I didn't have a strong vision for this one, but I told myself I had to finish it before starting another. I also went off of some Star Wars article saying that 1 Credit is equal to 5 USD. Sorry if I got that wrong! As always, I am open to constructive criticism!
Tags- (lmk if you want to be tagged as well!) @thethreeeyed-raven @knight-of-flowerss
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sapphiccanadian · 2 months
Add a transmasc passing tip and pass it on <3
As a newer transmasc person, I need more tips, and so do others; let's get this going, y'all
Take up space. Manspread, if you're comfortable doing that, it won't get in the way of anything. Just exert the energy that you are larger than you seem. Walk with purpose.
Binding, of course; if you can get a good binder, I highly recommend it. If you can't, I know you can find some homemade binder instructions somewhere.
Baggier clothes. It is true, men do not wear tight clothing. The men's section is your saving grace! If your parent/s don't let you, try to find baggier clothes in the women's section, they do exist somewhere!!
Makeup. If you are allowed and comfortable wearing makeup, find a pattern (pattern? is that what it's called?? Idk man, I don't wear makeup-) to make your face look more masculine.
CONFIDENCE IS KEY. Cliche, maybe, but so true. If you are confident in yourself, people will respect you more.
Nodding. Kind of. You see someone you kinda know passing by? You can either tuck or raise your chin for a moment as a greeting. It's a thing men do, and it feels more casual. On that same note, you can also just raise your hand to about shoulder height, and it works the same. Arms by your side, bend your elbow, dominant hand goes up. Simple, effective greeting.
Your voice. If you're on T, your voice will be working on getting deeper, but those of us not on T... don't get that. Fear not; you can manually deepen your voice. You can try simply pitching your voice down a few octaves on your own, or you can also try humming on a deep octave, and that's supposed to help get your voice deeper!
RBF. (resting bitch face.) Feminine people tend to have a softer, more inviting face (which is so pretty, btw). But not all of us want that- If you have a natural RBF, perfect. If not, practice in the mirror. You don't want to look too unapproachable, of course, you still want people to feel they can talk to you, but you want to be very neutral.
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mother-0f-cryptids · 2 months
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₊⊹✧♡Introduction post & About me♡✧⊹₊
!!!PLEASE READ BEFORE FOLLOWING (or at least read the dni if your not to interested in me lol) – Thank you
- also there is a little bit of blood/gore in a drawing in this post
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you want so badly to be pure again,
you call yourself a lamb, a doll, an innocent little thing
but the color pink doesn't wash away sin
and shiny rosaries don't make you
any less scared of god
♡ Found here https://allpoetry.com/poem/17614015-i-don-t-believe-by-Apple3
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Formally @/the lu-lupoltergies btw
All my oc's are tagged as:
#My darling OC's ♡
Everything i post is tagged as:
#♰ ˚₊‧ ꒰ྀིঌ mother of cryptids ໒꒱ྀི ‧₊˚ ♰
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A bit about me!! With my sona kind of meet the artist!! Click for better quality if you want!
Am obsessed with my Sona like of course a monster girl highly recommend making yourself a monster sona its so fun
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૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა! My name is Cherub
Why I deleted/deactivated @thelu-lupoltergiest
♡ my favourite aesthetics are angel core, doll core and especially morute! I mostly dress with Lolita and shironuri fashion with elements of dollcore/angelcore/morute added to them!!
♡Others things to note
♡‎ if you want to be mustuals literally just dm me am looking friends or add me on discord!! And am shy and scared! you take the initiative id be forever grateful
♡ Minor (please take that into account when interacting with me)
♡ ‎I have chronic pain that effects my drawing particularly my speed so am sorry for inconsistent updates with art it can be a struggle and very pianful for me to even do art
♡‎ I love horror and a draw bit of gore and body horror I tag everything correctly so I just suggest if you don’t want to see that blocking the tag
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♡My interest list/things I make content for or interact with the fandom♡
♡‎ Lego monkie kid/JTTW
♡‎ I have no mouth and I must scream
♡‎ Angelology
♡‎ Madoka Magica
♡‎ Sanrio
♡‎ Norse mythology
♡‎ Gothic literature
♡‎ Demon slayer
♡‎ Welcome home
♡‎ The Magnus Archives
♡‎ Welcome to nightvale
♡‎ Heaven official's blessing
♡‎ The Disastrous Life of Saiki
♡‎ Hannibal
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DNI LIST!!!!!!
-if you come under any of these labels please leave and block me also a lot of people hate these but idc I think it’s important to state these, personally if you hold any of these views you won’t get along with me and my content and I personally would rather not be around you and you'd probably nig want to be around me
-this is a safe space for all religions everyone except the following
⟡People who intertwine/promote age play/pedophilia kink with the morute aesthetic or People who promote self harm and eating disorders through the morute as the get off my blog I see a lot of you here. That stuff in general but I feel I need to specify that because I enjoy a lot of the morute and you also post mourte side not mean your excused
⟡LGBTQ+ exclusionists (i.e Aphobes, panphobes, people who disagree with micro labels or believe that aromatics and acesexual shouldn’t be part of the community ect)
⟡anit neo pronouns
⟡ Pro-abuse (i.e Pro-shippers/Pro-fiction/ant-anti, Zoophiles, MAPS ect)
⟡Incest shippers
⟡people who sexualizes minors (even if you’re a minor)
⟡White supremacist
⟡Rapists/groomer/predators etc and there apologists
⟡People who romantise real life crimals
⟡Porn blogs (am find with suggestive stuff and like non-sexual gore if you tag everything correctly but if your whole blog is straight up porn it’s a no sorry)
⟡People who post real gore or like photo realistic gore I suppose I can only handle drawings or like gore in an artist sense I can't handle like really photorealistic stuff or surgeries
⟡people who actually like watch real gore or like watch gore without the context of a show idk how to explain it gore fetish people I draw gore but it’s not sexual and I’d rather not you know
⟡Religious exclusionists
⟡Ai artist or people who use ai for art
⟡islamophobic/Christophobia/Hinduphobia/ ect literally any anti against someone of a certain religion also people who mock religion or people believing it
⟡ “Thinspo”/pro-anorexia/pro-eating disorder blogs
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♡‎ Master posts List ♡‎
♡‎credits for banners, pfp, dividers ect that are not created by me (please support all these people they are all amazing!)
Part 1 |
part 2
(I’ve tired my best to give credit feel free to messages me if somethings yours and you want me to take it down etc am happy to do so)
I love all you sweethearts who made it to the end you all the real ones. Am bit of yap
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charmac · 1 year
Heyo! I'd be interested to hear your theories on the macdennis writer's room situation!
IMO it's not as simple as 'Rob is pro and Glenn is anti' (and we always ignore Charlie in these conversations even though he's quite into it in the dvd commentary and pod), so your suggestion that the subtlety (lol it's really not subtle, but yeah r/iasip ig) in the writing of their relationship might be glenn's idea is quite intriguing to me, and I wonder how this all relates to the opposing views on whether Dennis is a serial killer amongst rcg. So much of the writing of Dennis comes from Charlie and also Rob, but it's definitely influenced by them observing Glenn (like the cereal story) and by Glenn's performance. And ofc we know Glenn pushes back if Dennis is written as too heartless because he maintains that he does have feelings and is quite sensitive in a way. Not sure where I'm going with this... I don't have a full theory fleshed out in my head yet, so I'd really like to hear your thoughts!
(not trying to stir anything with this ask btw: in fact, iirc there were some posts about this subject a few months ago and I didn't engage then because it pissed me off when the conversation turned into a "who supports the quuer fans more" kind of competition, as if macden is something so basic between rob and glenn, when we really have no evidence about what happens fr bts, beyond some fun speculation. just enjoy theorizing in drought times.)
Hey, thanks for the ask! To address your final point first, I don't want to talk publicly about what may or may not be the motivations of Glenn and Rob as "queer allies" or how they think this may affect their careers or whatnot. These kinds of discussions I don't believe are ever effective publicly when you don't know the truth. I'm not speculating on their motivations as people but as writers who care about the story they're telling and, more importantly, their characters.
When my message was "anti" and "pro" it was really just from the discussion that someone had to be pushing back against what I believe is Rob pushing forward (This was a black and white, who wants Macden now and who is saying no, wait. I truly do and always have believed Macden will happen. The nuanced discussion came after, in messages I'd rather not share since they are not just my personal thoughts but a conversation with another user.) I
t's not necessarily that Glenn is anti-Macdennis (and I think you understand that) and I want to clarify first off that I definitely don't think it's as simple as that, so here we go:
For Glenn pushing the subtlety, I think we agree completely that it likely links to how Glenn wants the audience to perceive his character (and how I love perceiving him): Dennis talks a big game that to the untrained eye makes him seem like this cold-blooded psychopath, but it's all a complete front you can easily see through. He gets a thrill out of these terrible things but would never act on them. It's interesting to hear of the live show "Dennis is a serial killer" talk brought up right along side all of this, because it's a perfect example of how Rob and Glenn clearly have opposing views on Dennis' character, and how that definitely plays into why they don't agree on canonising Macdennis. (As I understand, Dennis gets a thrill out of the idea of murder or harming people, but he could never act on it. Reddit (and to some lesser degree, Rob), don't get this, and think he probably does act on it and it's just not shown in canon (despite the mountains of evidence that Dennis is much too weak and feeble to ever do anything).
If you think about their current dynamic (actually, ignore 15, we'll get there), they've completely flipped from early seasons, and I don't think that's accidental or a fault of bad writing, I think it 1. is a result of Mac labelling himself as gay, finally, in S12 and 2. is a result of Glenn continuing to fight for Dennis' character staying consistent.
From point 1: Dennis was always the more effeminate, more coded to like men one, more touchy with Mac, a little obviously in love with him, until Mac outwardly expressed those feelings back. As early as M&DBU you can see how terrified Dennis is of being seen as gay, and in a relationship with Mac. For Dennis, as gay as it got, it was okay until it was labelled. Now that Mac is labelling himself as gay, now there's a hard stop for Dennis. Being with Mac is something Dennis could act on, and then be labelled as. (gay, bi, likes men, fucking Mac, boyfriend *shutters*) This is something that would happen if he didn't keep full, hard control against it.
To point 2: I think this was a bit of a divide in the writers room that Glenn couldn't control. S12 he bowed out, clearly he was feeling lost in Dennis and the writers room. When he left for S13 and 14, and you can see how Rob's want for Mac to be out, canon, very gay, in love with Dennis, comes through full-speed in these seasons, because Glenn wasn't writing (mostly). Rob wanting this directly conflicts with Glenn's writing for Dennis. Dennis is opposing Mac in every way, he has this exterior he has to put on, anti-Mac, anti-whatever they were, he's completely thrown off by Mac, hates their old dynamic.
Rob wants canon Macden, but he perceives Dennis differently than Glenn does, and likes this opposing path of the two of them, and that's obviously creating an issue. Clearly I don't know Rob's intentions, and maybe I'm talking out of my ass, but I don't think I'd be far off to say that he'd enjoy putting Macdennis through some desperation-hell (ala, Dennis gives in and gets with Mac because he's horny, uses him, DENNIS systems him, the result is Mac has always been the long-con for Dennis, which I admit, I wouldn't hate hate).
I think Glenn is against it, because there's always been something there for Dennis and there's a reason he came back, there's a reason he's always stayed around, always supported Mac. He is in love with Mac. It's not a system or a game, but a fucking fight for his life to oppose his true feelings and hide his identity, not be labelled. Dennis is stuck, and there's nothing pushing him to do anything about it. He'll get off with his systems and his kinks and he's okay.
Now we move to S15 and look, they aren't...all that opposing...during Lockdown, they...got along. And then, here goes Dennis, yelling and screaming about Mac obsessing over his own labels and identity so he can ignore his internal struggle. It's clear, he needs something to push him.
How do they go about it? Dennis jealousy arc seems like the perfect fucking beautiful compromise. Rob gets something raw, a little insane from Dennis, and Glenn gets to show that Dennis really is in fucking love with Mac.
TL;DR: Rob wants Macden now in some kind of dirty, get on with it, Dennis is using Mac kind of way. Glenn doesn't want it canon until they reach the conclusion of this arc that shows Dennis really does have big feelings (good and bad), and those feelings really kinda have a lot to do with Mac.
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eyfey · 2 months
The final Origins OVA!
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we are WAR!!!!
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okay why in the world did they make a giant space axe??? like???
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and just for the ONE guy too?????? did he request it????
yknow what i bet he's gonna do like a cool robot beheading or something with it later and that's the whole reason they put it in the show huh.
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I forgot this is the first like- actual big battle where they're employing the mobile suits.
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It's interesting to see the contrast between them and the like fighter jets, which is what they would've been effectively replacing.: A small quick maneuverable ship with guns, but this one can also just kick you
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War (TM)
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oh he really does look like a red comet out there huh
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love when she dresses like an actual supervillain
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i like how Char was surrounded by fangirls who all backed off the SECOND Garma showed up
also they sure do love lingering scenes of these two staring into eachother's eyes- wonder what that could mean :3c
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wait why are we reviewing art now. Whoms't is this man.
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okay hold on now there is NO reason to make a paper shredder be a guy
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hello?????????? literally just walking into an enemy ship like???????? what is the plan here??????????? worst strategist ever?????? the second you got on board your gunship can no longer threaten to destroy them because they have a hostage now??????? like your enemy is free to just grab you and fire on your ship at will????????????????????????????
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oh right nvm i forgot this is Char he's got plot armor
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y'know Kai feels like a completely different character in Origin. In the original series he was kind of a little shit but not a BULLY- self centered if anything, but otherwise morally neutral. In Origin though he's like proactively being malicious?
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sir.... you can't just walk up to the military and ask them about military secrets....
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STOP IT!!!!! STOP KICKING HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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literally a MIRACLE they did not throw you in prison
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lol they fukin robbed u dude
fucked up your whole house
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I think I missed out on the plot points where this political twist was explained/set up - I do not rember who this man is, nor do I fully understand why he is saying these things or the full Implications
Like uh, my (probably incorrect) understanding is: he's an important general(?) from the non-zeon army, but was held hostage by zeon, and then freed as part of Kcyllia's(?) plan(?) I totally missed what her plan was tho: is it just to keep the war going????? I'm p sure mr oldie wasn't briefed and is just a pawn in their weird 5 dimensional chess game the Zabi family is playing .
(this is what happens when you do your neopets dailies instead of paying attention when characters start to ramble)
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this is like the 3rd time a character has said "humans looooove war" this episode.
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weird 2 me how he can close he eyes without closing he eyes
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and I guess it ends on "btw we will NOT stop a war!!"
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oh wait no we also get a post-credit peek of the boat!!
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actually it is ending i think...
(they never did anything with that giant space axe from the beginning for the ep...........)
Final thoughts on Gundam: The Origin
I think I went into Origin without any real expectations. I maybe thought it would be entirely Char focused? but in the latter half it shifted to a more general "what's goin on with this war" type vibe. I guess it accomplishes what it sets out to do: give us more backstory on how the war from 0079, fleshing out the the politics around it and the characters who partake. There were some wild things happening but mostly it was a lotttt of people talking about War. Felt kind of like a lorebook rather than an actual story, especially for the latter half, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.
Up Next!* MS Team, Thunderbolt, and War in the Pocket (side stories that took place during the events of 0079) Looks like Thunderbolt is a movie but the other two are series so this is going to be infinitely easier to schedule time to sit down and watch.
*I'm following a watch order rec from reddit, which seems to be more or less chronological order
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yc3iko · 5 months
Snowy Fonts Ranpo Edogawa x writer fem! reader
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(BTW you still work in the ADA, it's just you decide to write stories based off the real crime, depending on what's going through a detectives head during a crime investigation)
As the winter fall was just beginning, many people were rushing to get the latest candies or books. One was getting lost and the other lost in words on a page.
-(Y/N)'s POV-
I decided to grab the latest book of mine to add to the collection of my very own books. I enjoyed writing the murder books of detectives thought process but reading my own work when published is very different than working on the story itself. I found my works unreadable once I had them in my hands, flipping through the pages finding every error of less detail. I got wonderful comments on my books but the very few hate comments made me shatter. I never had really good self-esteem and my writing was my escape. When someone comments hateful words to me or behind my back, I remember the nights I cried trying to figure out why my writing was not the best. My ability didn't make it any better. I may have a strong ability that lets me write about the future for only five weeks but the mental side effect wasn't the best. 'That's not going to help anyone!' 'Write a better future.' Even with the smallest mistake my brain will pinpoint it. Being in the agency helped me realise why I thought this way. My parents were the key factor. 'You're not doing your best!' 'Your gift is trash just like yourself!' The words they used are the words I use on myself.
"(Y/N) Are you lost in thought again?"
"Oh sorry Ranpo, I guess I was," I said. "Well you choose to come help me find the new winter candies but here we are having somebody's book" Ranpo said. "Oh, well I guess we can go get those candies!" I said, putting on a front to hide my hateful thoughts getting to me. "Yay! To the candy store!" Ranpo said, skipping along.
- Timeskip -
"How was the trip to the candy store Ranpo?" Kenji asked. "I enjoyed it but (Y/N) stopped at some book sale to buy their newest book," Ranpo said. "Oh that's right her newest book came out," Yosano said. This conversation was going on right in front of me. My desk was right beside Kenji's. "Good work on your writing, it was better than last time," Kunikida stated. "It truly was," Atsushi said. Atsushi was my greatest stan here. We both enjoyed books and he ended up finding out first I was a book author. "I didn't know you wrote books," Dazai said, coming over to me. "Yeah I do, but its mostly about detectives' voices inside their head and how they solve the crime," I said. "So that's why most of the time you and Ranpo have cases together," Kenji stated. "Y-yeah I guess that's right," I said. "Ms. (L/N) come here," the president called. "Coming on over," I said. "I guess I gotta go." I waved them all goodbye.
"Yes Mr. President?" I questioned. "I just wanted to say I was proud of your writing skills and how far you have come," He said. "T-thank you," I stuttered. He always would say nice things about my work, but I still never get used to it. 'He's only trying to please you.' 'They only want your ability.' My face changed from a smile to a frown. The thoughts were starting again. I guess it was noticed because the president asked "Are you alright (L/N)?" "Oh I'm fine!" I said. "I really should get back to work, anything else you needed me for?" "Yes, can you make sure Ranpo writes his report? I noticed you have only been doing the reports since you and Ranpo started working together," Fukuzawa said. "Ok," I said and left. As I was on my way, I bumped into Kyoka. "Where are you off to Kyoka," I asked. "Im off the buy your books so I can talk more with you," She said. "Aw you don't have to," I said. "No it's fine," She retorted back. "Ok have fun!" I said. Fronts were so much easier. They never really break character. They were like criminals. Also lying when really you should be telling the truth. True characters hurt people, so my front will always be there.
Once I got back to the office, I noticed that Ranpo was reading and not eating. "What is he doing?" I whispered to Atsushi. "I lended him the first book of your series, him claiming he wanted to know more about your writing," Atsushi whispered back. "Hey (Y/N) come here," Ranpo yelled at me. "Ok," I said, as I walked over. "What would you like?" I asked. "I wanted to know why this book is written about me," He said. "Excuse me?" I questioned. He knew. He was never supposed to know. "Well this first book is about the first case I solved, and the date this was published was months after I told you," Ranpo said. His eyes were opened. The prettiest emerald eyes ever. "I'm sorry, I never got your permission to create a book off it," I said. My head looking down. 'Now he hates you, how do you feel?' 'Aw, are you going to cry, crybaby?' "it's fine, I never had a book based off me before, as the greatest detective of all times I feel honoured," He said, going back to eating his food. "R-really?" I questioned. "Yes but your next book needs to be about me and yours relationship after I ask you out," Ranpo said, bluntly. "What?" Me and everyone else questioned. "You heard me, check the letter on your desk," Ranpo said, pointing to the desk. I walked up to my desk and picked up the letter. It stated:
'I hope this goes right. Will you write me like you write your books after this date I take you on?' Yes no
-Ranpo Edogawa
I checked one off and handed it back to Ranpo. He opened it and said.
'I hope this goes right. Will you write me like you write your books after this date I take you on? Yes no
'P.S Never ask someone out over a letter'
"And that is how I met your greatest father of all times," I whispered to the kids in their beds. "They truly love the story about me being the greatest detective of all times!" Ranpo laughed. "They sure do," I said back.
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wellwrittenevilbitch · 11 months
Who is the better written evil bitch?
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John Gauis:
Spoilers ahead for the books
Where do I even start with this guy. He is pretty well written and such an asshole at the same time.
He started out as a scientist who wanted to safe the earth from climate change together with his friends and ended up as the god-emperor of a colonialistic empire.
He loved the earth so much, wanted to safe it and ended up with magical powers given by earth herself. But nobody actually listened to him and supported the trillionaires instead, who where using the groundwork John and his friends laid to get themselves off the planet and leave everybody behind. And instead of saving everyone John dooms them all, he cares more about meting out punishment that saving people. In the end he triggers a nuclear war, sort-of eats the earths soul and wiped out every single human in the entire solar system and kills every single planet in it and still those trillionaires escape him.
He resurrects a part of earths population with wiped memories and installs himself as god and emperor. He lies to his friends about the only way to achieve immortality requiring to kill their friends because he loves them too much to let them go away from him. His empire routinely kills planets, which means that the population has to be moved away from them ever couple hundred years. He spent the last 10,000 years going after the descendants of the escaped people. He ends up in a mid-dismyriad crisis together with his official slut phase after pretty much all his friend betray him and try to kill him.
John is an awful person, but he is so well written, absolutely wonderful. Also, the first thing he does upon meeting the daughter he didn’t know he has is make a dad joke. Man is the only person in the world who still remembers the 10,000 year old jokes and references.
Andrew Ryan:
Now there are many (not so)great people from that are well written but you know, I still want to punch them in the face. One of them is a walking spoiler.
So I’m sending in Andrew Ryan!
Why should Andrew Ryan join this bracket?
Imagine if an Ayn Rand fan boy took her words to a T. To the point he made a city underwater to avoid taxes (okay not the main reason but it was one). He’s such an objectivist that he allowed people to make and buy meth that gives you super powers and horrid side effects (aka Adam) because PROFIT! He doesn’t care about morality at all. He recruited Sander Cohen to join him, a guy who was not trusted on the surface. He believes that only man himself can succeed.
He sent one woman down to the slums, in a city where the rich are RICH and the poor are POOR just because she critiqued him. He caused the chain effects of bioshock 2, by sending Sofia Lamb (main antagonist of bioshock 2) into prison for disagreeing with him (and also starting a cult) leading to her daughter Eleanor Lamb to be kidnapped and turned into a Little Sister by Stanley Poole. Who was then adopted by Subject Delta, who was originally a diver turned big daddy because Andrew Ryan believes anyone who arrived to Rapture (objectivist city) late and uninvited to be a government spy. 
For a man who was all free thought and no mortality needed to succeed in science and arts. He sent people to prison for disagreeing with him, and then another guy lended those men out for Adam testing. 
He doesn’t think the poor should touch grass. 
He made a propaganda poster for children. 
He had a child, which then ended up being a bioweapon. 
Btw look at Tycoon Walt Disney. Look at him 
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esther-dot · 1 year
i know you didn't answer the previous ask talking about fanfic in particular but sansa shipping fic is a sight to behold due to how much options it offers and given how fanfic is an expression of shipping, i NEED to share my two cents of how vastly different sansa fanfic can be.
depending on her love interest, it tells vastly different stories.
LF? (hopefully) a dark, twisted romance, probably kinky with daddy issues. (hopefully) features dark!sansa.
the hound? probably very soft, beauty & the beast style, a lady & her knight type of story.
tyrells? pure romantic fluff, sansa as a great lady, some good rep, either sapphic or with willas' disability. usually it's an arranged marriage but sansa doesn't start the story outright hating highgarden (usually considering it a refuge after escaping KL). instead, her romantic dreams of knights and summer come true and her new family takes her in with loving arms.
oberyn? also a lot of fluff but make it poly and lots of good food and fun. / doran's kids: less poly but with the same love put into the worldbuilding of dorne.
lannisters? really brings out sansa as a political player. if it's tywin, it's probably kinky (and by kinky, i mean possession and breeding) and cersei dies. if it's jamie, it's not that kinky but cersei still dies. it's always an arranged marriage sansa is forced into but eventually she falls for the lannister in question and fixes his issues (and his family) while leaning into her political side and ousting cersei from her position at court. really, you need a fic where cersei dies? sansa x lannister.
theon is in a prime shipping position after they escaped winterfell together on the show (and that hug. i don't even like theon and i loved that hug in s8. sansa got all the best hugs on the show) and jeyne fills all the childhood friends to lovers tropes plus some sapphic rep. no arranged marriages here, just people finding each other again after years of separation and suffering.
jon is kind of all of the above, depending on interpretation and what kind of vibes are wanted with the advantage of being stark-based and lots and lots of ghost being a good boy who sticks to sansa's shadow. she at least ends up as the ruling lady of winterfell in a prospering north. rickon lives, arya comes and goes as she pleases, brienne is in her queen's guard.
all of these don't even consider the potential of au's that deviate from the books more than a butterfly effect and a few (or many) slightly (or heavily, looking at you tywin) adjusted characters. (btw, in modern au's sansa also offers the potential trope of TWO crazy ex-boyfriends who abused her to some extent and who can cause further conflict.)
depending on what kind of tropes you love, there's a sansa ship for you out there because there's just so much possibility in her character and depending on where you diverge from her story (and which house you favour, tbh), all of them are kind of possible if you squint and that's where she's very different from characters whose paths are already set in stone. unless we go into au's that deviate before the books start, jon is always going to be at the wall. dany is always going to start out in essos and doesn't interact with other romantic leads until she's the conqueror (or saviour). robb is always going to be the heir of winterfell and has to return to winterfell even if he survives. sansa meanwhile crosses paths with most of the major factions during her time in KL and is in search for a home & family and can embody both the daughter that's going to leave her father's home and make a home elsewhere AND the eldest surviving child that can find her home AT home with whomever she chooses (sometimes reconquering wf for rickon with the help of her adopted family)
having her face so many suitors obviously puts the idea in the reader's head that sansa is worth pursuing and that there are possibilities to deviate from the story (which makes a lot of these matches possible, the easy in with the lannisters and the tyrells is always an arranged marriage (oberyn shipping kind of involves a lot more voluntarily getting kidnapped before the match is made)) but the potential each match brings is really up to the writer.
as someone who tries not to judge what other people like in fanfic, i have to admit that sansa is a gift that keeps on giving.
(and if you want to know how i know, it's because i'm the embodiment of the guy that finds a "dead dove don't eat" bag in the fridge and opens it anyway. i'm just really happy i haven't seen any sansa x qyburn yet.)
(About this ask)
That was a really fun read! It’s a great point about Sansa’s story in particular placing her in vicinity of many of these important characters in a way others don’t (like Jon or Dany), so I can def see why, when looking to write a romance with a certain character, she’s the go to heroine of the story.
I also think a big factor is that Sansa is someone a lot of girls can identify with and you can manifest her personality, interests, struggles into different scenarios pretty easily, so generally, I understand why of all the characters in ASOIAF, if someone wants to write a romance, it would center on her.
If you have stumbled across some hidden gems feel free to send me fic recs!
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skullsnbruises · 1 year
may you write some nage!tubbo with t!Ranboo noms with some fearplay and teasing in it plz, love your art btw! ^^
I know allium duo is Ranboo and Tommy,, but the opportunity was there between him and Tubbo soo . Also thank you for the request! I don’t see these two enough (despite them being such a common duo???) and it was fun to write something quick. Hope you enjoy as well!
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Taglist @brick-a-doodle-do @poprockpanda
Off the Path
(1252 words)
“Okay, what do you do when you’re lost in the woods…?”
Wherever they turned was just… trees. He’d probably long since lost the path, and by the sky turning a vibrant orange, it looked like it was going to be useless finding his way back.
The sun was setting, and Ranboo was screwed.
“I can’t stay where I am,” they thought of the age-old advice, “Nobody knows I’m out here…”
Ranboo peered around, all the stupid greenery looked the exact same. Nothing pointed them to a logical exit. They felt frozen with anxiety.
“Do I just pick a direction??”
He gulped hard, staring in the face of his fears.
They sighed, and decided yes, he would just pick a direction and start walking. The forest couldn’t be that big that he wouldn’t at least find something soon. Right?
And so Ranboo took a few steps, worried about pushing through bushes and getting pricked by thorns. He cursed themself out for getting so distracted earlier. If he hadn’t strayed off his hike, if they weren’t so caught up picking up those pretty purple flowers…
Though, the alliums did look pretty.
They sighed. He tried to keep his hopes up that they’d find the path, or the edge of the forest, or anything at all very soon.
And then Ranboo stumbled upon something, to say the least.
Their foot caught on a root, and they tripped, falling face first into the ground. He spit out the dirt and wiped furiously at his face, blinking rapidly. When their eyes cried out all the dust, through the teary watery vision, Ranboo could see an opening.
Not a clearing in the woods, but the opening to a cave.
There were a few hills about, some significantly taller than others, but very few cliff sides or visible rock. This cave proved to be interesting, at the very least somewhere to check out- or worst case forbid- sleep in for the night.
Ranboo watched the sky as it was now settling into a gorgeous dark shade of blue and purples. It was practically nighttime now.
Not wanting to be caught with wolves in the pitch black, Ranboo chose the cave over the possible dangers of the forest.
He traced along the cave walls as he walked through, and it went farther back then he would’ve expected. It wasn’t small either, instead of closing up quickly and shrinking to meet his height, the roof stayed relatively equal, trailing all the way back until they reached an open area. Studying the rocky room, Ranboo had to stop and question if this cave was even natural. The walls were obviously scratched, and some areas looked like rock was forced out of the way. Maybe it was a den… but what on earth was so big that it needed so much…
Ranboo’s eyes met another set of piercing yellow slits.
A figure began to slowly wiggle upwards, growing impossibly above them, showing off a tall… person?
“Hello there…” the giant figure spoke out slowly, “who are you, and why the hell are you in my den?”
Out of the shadow, a forked tongue flicked out, and the figure came closer, revealing itself to be that of a naga.
Ranboo’s mouth fell agape, “N-n-naga?!”
The enormous mythical being laughed boomingly, “Hah! Have you never seen one before?”
He was completely paralyzed, fear shooting his nerves and forcing them to stand still, shoes digging into the ground and hands clenched into clammy fists. They felt weak and nauseous.
“What’s wrong? Scared?” The naga held a mocking tone as it slithered closer. There was a deafening thump, as its tail thud behind Ranboo, effectively trapping him inside the cave.
“P-please don’t hurt me!” Is all their choked throat could manage out.
“Hurt you!” The snake beamed, “Oh, you’re fun, I can tell already. My name is Tubbo. And you are…” Tubbo reached out a clawed hand.
“R-Ranboo…” They squeaked, grabbing Tubbo’s finger with his sweaty hand, and gave the most pathetic excuse of a handshake ever.
“It’s funny how scared you are.”
The human shrank back, “I- are you going to kill me?”
Tubbo’s eyes lowered, considering, “Well. It would be fun to mess around first.”
Ranboo felt tears spill over his cheeks. They were going to die, never see their friends or family again, all because he wanted to pick some stupid flowers and got lost.
“Awe, don’t look so sad,” Tubbo’s hands came horrifyingly close for someone who just threatened to kill him.
“P-please,” Ranboo tensed, holding back sobs, “don’t-“
Tubbo slumped down, and his tail shifted around. The small circle Ranboo was confined to shrank more, closing in as Tubbo readied to take their life.
A sob wracked through his fragile body, causing Ranboo to collapse to his knees, crying and pleading and begging. Anything to bargain for their life. The naga stared through them as Ranboo searched his person, trying desperately for anything to convince him.
“P-please, I- don’t-“ their hand settled on the pocket to their jacket, and he weakly pulled the alliums out. With a shaky limb, he lifted the flowers up to the naga, “W- Please- spare me-“
Tubbo’s breath hitched, and his face was dumbfounded, “Flowers??” His hands fell to his sides and all he could do was scrunch his eyebrows in confusion, looking between the offering and the human’s face.
Ranboo shrugged weakly, “Don’t kill me…”
“Holy shit-“ Tubbo burst into laughter, “this is pathetic, okay- whatever- fine.”
Ranboo’s eyes widened, and their body stilled nervously.
“You’re so annoying, whatever. I won’t kill you,” Tubbo rolled his eyes playfully, “This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen a human do, and for that, and making me laugh, whatever. You can stay alive.”
Ranboo let out a deep breath they weren’t aware they were holding, “T-thank you!”
Just before he was about to move, the naga had him scooped into his palms, and Ranboo was lifted into the air defenseless. They let out a yell as their body was dangled above the monster. Tubbo grinned, giant fangs on display as Ranboo kicked and flailed.
“Wait- you said!-“
Tubbo snickered lowly, “I said I won’t kill you, but I still want to mess with you.”
And with his dark admission, Tubbo began to lower Ranboo’s shaking body to his open mouth. The human let out a cry again, pleading once more uselessly.
Tubbo wrapped his forked tongue around the human’s body, pulling Ranboo into his maw. He swished the crying person around, pressing his body to the roof of Tubbo’s mouth. The naga gave a hard swallow, and Ranboo sobbed as they were forced down his gullet, sliding along the muscle down, down, down…
Tubbo scoffed, “Stop crying, Ranboo. I’ll let you out when it’s morning. You’re nowhere near the nearest human town, so I’ll help you when I’m done hunting, okay?”
The human was trapped inside the naga’s organ, saliva dripping off his wet body. Ranboo shivered, blinking through the disgusting wetness, “W-what?”
“You’re safe,” Tubbo’s voice explained, muffled, “I’ll deal with you later, okay?”
“O-okay…?” Ranboo tried to sit, crossing their legs as they shifted uncomfortably. If they didn’t start digesting in the next minute, they might just believe the snake. He hushed, staring at the organ walls surrounding him. At least it was warm, and somewhere to stay until morning.
Tubbo sighed, already exhausted. He looked to the ground, picking up an allium and placing it behind his pointed ear before he left his den.
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thatbitch151 · 10 months
Hello y’all! Gonna info-dump about a disorder I have now! (There’s a specific mutual that this is for and if you see thing you’ll know it’s you :D)
So I have P-DID, aka Partial-DID, aka Partial-Dissociative Identity Disorder
Before I can go more in depth about P-DID, first I need to explain regular DID, so
What Is DID? (Btw I’m not a professional so this is may be worded wrong but I’m trying my best)
DID is a dissociative disorder that forms when a child, roughly between the ages of 2-8 but those can have some wiggle room, goes through extreme and/or repetitive trauma. Basically, this disorder causes a split of the base identity into at least 2 distinct identities, but there can be any number of identities, or alters as I will refer to them from now on. A person with multiple alters is referred to as a system.
With DID, but not required of every system (there are other disorders that can cause systems, like OSDD and UDD) there are memory walls. The effect of these memory walls is to, well, block off memories between alters. The strength of the amnesia differs from system to system, with some not remember anything unless they are in front (or driving the car that is the body), while others can remember what other alters do crystal clear. Not only does the strength change from system to system, it can also change from alter to alter. Meaning that the wall between alters A and B might be strong and A won’t remember anything B does and vice verse, the wall between alter C and D could be thin or nonexistent so they share memories.
That’s the basics of DID, if anyone wants a more in depth explanation of that, or anything else in this post either, let me know and I’ll happily do so.
Now, what is P-DID?
P-DID is exactly like it sounds, Partial-DID. This means that some of the effects of the disorder are not as pronounced as regular DID. What does this mean?
It can, but doesn’t have to, mean little to no memory walls. It can, but doesn’t have to, mean less alters/less defined alters. It can, but doesn’t have to, mean that there is less switching of front (when alter A takes control of the body after alter B was out and vice versa).
What does that mean for my experience?
In my system, there is significantly less switching. Instead, 95% of the time me, the host (meaning the alter who is in front the majority of the time) is in front while the other 5% of the time a different alter is in front. Instead, the majority of the time I am usually co-con with someone else (co-con means co-conscious, when 2 or more alters are in the brain seat at the same time, or it could be both in the driving seat, or one in the driver one in the passenger ect. It means we are both conscious of the out side world at that moment).
It also means that between me and Most (not all) alters, there is very little memory wall. I remember the majority of what the others do when in front and vice versa.
It Also means that while we have a large number of known alters (and a probably larger number of unknown ((to me)) alters) most of them are fragments, or not as defined alters.
What is my experience like?
Like I said earlier, I am usually co-con with someone else. About 60% of the time, I am not alone in the front and 35% of the time I am (5% left for when I am not in front at all).
More over, in that 60% when I am co-con, about 30% of it is when someone else is in the driver seat instead of me, so I am left to watch what they do but not do it myself. I can give feed back and talk to them and such, but ultimately they are in control until I am back in the drivers seat.
I also experience little memory wall, when it comes to the front at least. There are only about 2 alters who I remember little to nothing when they front. This made it a bit difficult for me to even figure out I had the disorder since I had very few memory gaps. Instead, the memory wall that is there between most of the alters an I is an emotional memory wall.
For example, this means when I think about a trauma that I did not experience/it’s not my job to hold, I can remember what happened, sometimes in excruciating detail, but I do not feel the emotions connected to it. I can remember that we were upset or hurt or whatever during the event, but I do not feel anything for or from that event myself.
I only figured it out because I remembered a short period of time where I wasn’t the host, and instead someone of a completely different gender than me was. This, for pretty obvious reasons, led to me being confused and questioning it until eventually someone reached out and told me that yes, I was in fact part of a system. This took many months of questioning and even talking to a different system and asking questions before they finally told me.
How does having P-DID affect my day to day life?
Honestly? Not very much. Sometimes I’ll feel random emotions and be confused before I remember that there are others in my brain and it’s probably them, or I’ll have occasional bad memory and suddenly someone will tell me the thing I need to remember (or more often than not hear someone laugh at me for forgetting, the bastards).
Sometimes I’ll starts disassociating really hard and then suddenly someone else is moving our body and talking with our voice.
Another big way it affects me is that as it turns out I am a fictive. A fictive is an alter that is made based off of something that already exists, whether that’s a whole other person or a character from a book, game, movie, ect. This means that I Do Not match what the body looks like on the inside, this was another way I figured it out because everytime I looked in the mirror I would go “hey wait a minute, that’s not my face” before realizing that yes, it was in fact my face.
That’s the most of it for now, if anyone has any questions, or wants further explanation, you can either comment/reblog asking for that, or you can DM me directly :)
Thanks for reading, and for the one specific mutual I hope this helped in any way at all
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j0eyj0rdis0n · 1 year
Hiii ! 💓,
so i saw your matchup posting thing and im curious sooo, hi again, my name is pierce , im short asf (im 4'11) , my aesthetic is fairy core / grunge , i have two cats (frankie and bingy) ,i love sanrio, i love adventure time , i play the clarinet, im really smart , im traumatized, im very insecure ,im usually the more dominant (not sexually in this setting) one in relationships , last thing :) is that im the biggest child (i enjoy coloring together or cuddling with stuffed animals )
I know I said I wouldn't write for him buuuut I think I've opened my mind to it. Soooo...!
I match you with... Laughing Jack!
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Honestly, the man loves that you're so short. Considering the fact that he's literally 8 ft tall. Dude is an absolute giant monster and he adores that you're his cute little partner.
Also the way you dress? Perfect for him. It's just the right amount of whimsical and dark, which matches him right to the T.
He's not really up to date on all of the shows and cutesy stuff you like... But he'll make a conscious effort to learn about it and honestly gets addicted in the process.
He'll somehow get his hands on matching plushies for you two, obviously of your favorite characters. Maybe he made Ben order them or maybe made Toby go steal them from a store, but no matter the way... He'll get them.
LJ seems exactly like the type to enjoy sitting back and listening to you play clarinet. I don't know why, but I just feel like he would love to sit back and listen to you serenade him?? Honestly I don't think he'd care what sort of instrument it was, more the fact that someone (especially someone he loves) is playing for him.
Honestly, he doesn't mind the trauma you carry with you. If anything, he's seen so much of it, that he would understand why it's with you. Would he understand why it effects you so much? Probably not. But he would certainly take time to learn why and what happened.
This would all probably happen over coloring sessions. Which he also LOVES to do btw. So y'all will go through so many damn coloring books. Honestly Sally will get jealous you took her coloring partner away from her. Soooo maybe invite her to join sometime? Not in the trauma dump sessions of course.
You know Jeff loves to take stabs at people (literally and metaphorically). But LJ will be there by your side in an instant when he hears a single pointed comment come out of Jeff's mouth toward you. I honestly think the only reason Jeff would stay alive after his remarks would be because Slender truly needs him and the punishment towards LJ would be just as severe as death.
So don't worry about anyone fucking with you since LJ will be looming over you with the look of warning in his eyes. For how sweet he can be, no one forgets what he's truly capable of.
And last but certainly not least, he doesn't mind your dominant nature. Just as long as you let him protect you and you give him mutual respect in the end, he'd probably let anything slide.
Hope you enjoyed!! Thank you for the request love!
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king-of-vertigo · 2 months
fuck it. I am sick of having so much oc lore and having it just sit in my brain. so. ((plus I'm pretty busy with art fight atm, I'll be posting attacks soonish?))
time to ramble about toni.
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btw, he is on art fight if you wanna draw him >:DD
I put some of the stuff here on his pfp already, but I'm gonna go more in depth. read if you like, ramble is under the cut + a smidge of backstory/headcanons for a couple canon characters <33
I'll start off with a silly fun fact. I made him before I got the second bendy novel where there was a mention of a Mr. Russo. completely unplanned and sheer coincidence-- but it inspired a lot of his lore.
family originates from Italy, it was his grandparents who moved to New York. however, his father was the one to properly find quite well paying work. it was because of that work that Toni was born to a decently well-off family that already had ties in the entertainment industry.
Rodolfo, his dad, often helped direct productions trying to get off the ground, and though he's given up a role in the director seat in more recent times, he still helps financially back certain projects in the industry. a somewhat short-tempered, traditional, and blunt man. not fond of pleasantries unless they're strictly needed, in which case-- he can be quite charming. or at least charming enough. Rodolfo has very high expectations for his son, and found the whole cartoon thing quite childish-- until he realized how much money could be made. he doesn't consider it in the same league as actual movies, and Toni isn't saved from the snarky comments when he comes over for dinner-- but the job pays well enough.
Antonio's mother has been out of the picture for some time now, becoming very sick when Toni was very young-- he doesn't remember much about her, and his dad is quite cagey when discussing the subject. Toni's made peace with it, even if he sometimes mourns the relationship there could have been.
there was still a motherly figure in his life growing up, though. and that came in the form of his aunt, Clara. though she is incredibly kind, make no mistake, she can be fierce when needed. growing up with a brother like Rodolfo, she learned how to push back against loud personalities. Clara is sweet, but honest. she'll comfort and soothe, while also holding whoever accountable. one of Antonio's most trusted confidants, only coming second to Clara's daughter and his cousin, Isabella.
Isabella, while only being his cousin, is loved like a sister. she's a constant source of stability in his life, though as an up and coming actress she can be a bit dramatic. they're a duo, the one who loves the spotlight, and the one who would rather stay behind the scenes. they were joined at the hip as kids, and while both are now busy working adults-- they still find time for each other. Isabella does her best to get Toni out of his shell, and has provided a huge boost in confidence the last few years. she's incredibly quick witted, cheeky, social, and just generally a gem of a human to be around.
Antonio has always been a bit on the quieter side, so as his fascination with movies and cartoons matured, he became really interested in the work that happened off the big screen. specifically in sound effects. how objects were used to make noises for completely different sounding things. him trying to break into such a specific part of the entertainment industry lined up perfectly with Joey expanding his Music Department, though a couple more stars had aligned before to lay the groundwork.
he'd been a fan of Sammy and Jack's shows for at least a year by this point, even if Toni himself wasn't entirely musically or vocally inclined-- there was something so charming about the pair that he couldn't resist. and seeing as they were often hired to play at ritzier parties, Antonio could see them perform on a mildly consistent schedule if he could get himself invited by the right people. of course, his family wasn't infamous by any means, and Toni hated to throw around his last name as leverage... but in this case-- it was a guilty pleasure, and did no real harm to anyone. plus, his family was happy to see him get out more.
the way Antonio ends up getting hired on is-- still in the works. but the idea I'm probably going to go with is this: while Sammy was given full control on who was hired in his department, the people he knew were all very-- refined artists. classical folks. people who performed for the sake of the art, and not for movies and such. Jack had a better hand in it, as I imagine he tried to get a start in comedy, which didn't end up going anywhere. one way or another the name 'Antonio Russo' travels down the grapevine. Sammy is a very critical man, very hard to please. Toni probably still doesn't know what earned him a spot in the studio's employ-- but he's so thankful for it regardless.
I'll maybe make another post about his inky arc, because that's it's own can of worms-- regardless, I'll probably add little pics of his family as I make references for them.
but now-- sleep. cause I am tired. if you read all this, thank you. it means a lot :DD
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So what are the ways to stop a period (and fertility) as an adult? I need to figure out my plans for when that time comes. I mean permanently, btw.
Hi Anon,
I'm getting a lot of asks like this. Here's another one:
Anonymous asked: whats the safest way to stop getting a period as quickly as possible? i was told by my gynecologist that id be given birth control that'd stop them but i keep getting them and it's been months
So let's do a menstrual suppression post.
MENSTRUAL SUPPRESSION (AKA, Secondary amenorrhea)
What can be done depends a lot on your age, where you are, what kind of healthcare access you have, as well as your reason for seeking menstrual suppression.
If you experience medical complications like endometriosis, serious menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea) or heavy menstrual bleeding that causes anemia, etc., you may find you have an easier time accessing treatments beyond BC than if you just "don't want a period." (FWIW - I think that's a completely valid reason for menstrual suppression!). Trans and GNC people will fall somewhere in the middle - depending on where you are, it may be considered a legitimate medical indication all on its own, and in other areas may result in a roadblock and discrimination.
Disclaimer - my scope as a midwife will be limited to the use of hormonal birth control until I complete separate training on offering gender-affirming care. So please take what I say here only as a rough guide to your own research. If I've missed anything or get anything wrong, please let me know!
PREPUBERTAL (have not yet gotten a period)
Leuprolide (lupron) is an antiandrogen medication that basically stops sex hormones from working. When used in prepubertal/early puberty kids, it's called a "puberty blocker." It's meant to be a temporary solution until the kid can be sure what they want to do next, as its effects are completely reversible. Pediatricians will usually refer you to an endocrinologist or a gender clinic rather than provide themselves.
Otherwise, I'm afraid that you must first go through the initial period of menarche until normal periods are established before you can then go on menstrual suppression.
ADOLESCENT (teen, not yet an adult)
Progestin-only birth control is the first-line treatment. The good news is that pretty much everyone can take it, and it's relatively easy to get. This works by keeping the uterine lining thin, and keeping a level of progestin high enough that you don't experience the withdrawal that triggers menses. Methods include: IUD (intrauterine device), Nexplanon (implant), Depo shot, and pills. In all methods, it takes several months to work, and spotting/breakthrough bleeding is a possibility.
---->If you take the pills, you have to take them at the exact same time every day, so the hormone levels stay even, or you risk breakthrough bleeding. Different brands have different progestins in them, so if one doesn't work for you after several months of taking it properly, you could ask your provider about switching to a different pill.
---->The IUD has the best record with total menstrual suppression after a few months, but it is the most invasive of the LARC methods to insert.
----> Nexplanon can take some time to achieve menstrual suppression, and some people still get breakthrough bleeding, but it is also the single most efficacious BC besides hysterectomy. Yes, even more than tubal ligation.
----> Depo shot is pretty good at achieving amenorrhea, but has more side effects (low libido, dry vagina, risk of bone loss) that can take a while to resolve after you come off it
Testosterone - If you are trans and go on T, it may stop your menstrual cycles/ovulation, but it is not a guarantee. People on T are counseled to also be on BC, because it is does not eliminate the possibility of pregnancy and is teratogenic (can cause birth defects). You should not go on T purely to stop menses, as it has other permanent effects - go on T for those effects and be pleased if it happens to stop your period.
ADULT (18/21+ up)
All of the above methods, plus:
Estrogen-containing birth control may offer more suppression but also increases certain health risks (like clots), and it has a number of contraindications (reasons why someone can't use it safely). Generally don't advise teens to use it.
Tubal ligation for FERTILITY CONTROL ONLY. This will not stop periods!
For transmen: Hysterectomy (uterus removed) and/or salpingectomy/oophorectomy (tubes/ovaries removed). This is a component of gender-affirming care - but you will likely need to find a specialized provider for it. The average gynecologist is not going to do an elective (no medical indication) hysterectomy ----> https://transcare.ucsf.edu/guidelines/hysterectomy
I have seen some evidence that Lupron can be used for menstrual suppression as well, but I haven't heard much about it being used outside of certain medical indications (like if someone has cancer).
If you identify as trans or gender non-conforming and there is a gender clinic in your area, I recommend trying to get in with them, as they deal with this sort of question regularly. They have interdisciplinary teams (mental health providers, gynecologists, endocrinologists, surgeons, etc) that can meet all your needs. Someone trained in gender-affirming care will be best equipped to help you.
Here is a list of gender clinics in the USA:
Ok, all you Anons out there - I hope this is a good jumping-off point for you to find what you need. The TLDR is please try to find a provider who is willing to work with you and help you find what's available to you in your area!
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art-of-mathematics · 2 years
Some correlations between my HRT with testosterone and some neurodivergent aspects/struggles.
(I made that one in German and did not translate it yet.)
Tumblr media
The plots:
- R is sensory problems - noise is far louder than before I started T. My sensory filters are very poor. I need to put conscious mental effort to "detangle sensory stimuli". The tactile sense/feeling touch and stings is reduced. (I feel far less if someone touches me. I do not even feel the needle of my insuline pump when I have to apply it - which I usually felt. (It felt awful and gave me meltdowns btw. So this is actually a good side-effect of this.))
- T is clumsyness problems (and my tendency to be ambidextrous) Left-right-distinction problems are included in this category as well.
- K is concentration/focus and hyperactivity problems
- S is speaking problems [primarily problems with phonetics, such as difficulty regulating speed, volume, clearness; ...sometimes also word finding difficulties due to overwhelming many ways how to convey the same message in all different kinds of ways (plus too many synonymes)]
- Sy is synaesthesia - sounds turn into sorts of function plots/fractals in my imagination. (Some techno is really like epileptic-seizure-inducing flashlights and I really hate it.) - additionally, this one makes it even more difficult to process visual as well as acoustic information simultaneously - before testo this problem was already present, but now it is really noticable.
- D is depression (primarily this category only has the symptom of low mood, hopelessness, severe sadness listed) > This one went away almost entirely throughout the months.
- The problem of processing spoken language and noise simultaneously is also worse. It's like my brain is like "only one task at a time...Please wait while we detangle this information knot clot... " (ohh, good pun-ny thought: It's like my mind needs to actively use fourier transform to detangle the information clot...)
Overall, I feel far far better under T, despite the increase of my "neurodivergent struggles". Some/many of the listed "problems" are rather interesting opportunities for me. Much has been tough, but the changes are helping me getting my life together. It feels like my neurodivergent "anomalies in cognitive processing" only got a bit amplified by HRT with testosterone. It is very interesting changes, but they appear and feel right.
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polyamorouspunk · 4 months
There are times where having fucked up hormones are great (boy mood) cause I have a bunch of male characteristics because of it (like excess hair growth)
But there are also times where having fucked up hormones sucks (girl mood) cause I have a bunch of male characteristics because of it (like excess hair growth)
Anyways I dont know if having a fuck ton of androgens that I theoretically should not counts as intersex or not but GOD it is a pain in the ass to have to upkeep fucking sideburns when Im in a girly mood for long periods of time (afab btw)
I certainly don’t struggle with anything like that, but I do struggle with feeling like I don’t look one gender or another at any given time. But honestly I don’t want a lot of those typical boy characteristics either. Because people ask me if I’m ever going to go on T and I’m like no I don’t really want all the side effects I just want like. 2. And those 2 are not worth the rest for the amount I actually want them.
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