#This also doesn’t mean Glenn is a good dad
The biggest difference between Bill and Glenn is how much their ego gets in the way of protecting their sons in life or death situations.
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fields-of-grimes · 1 year
Under The Sheets | Carl Grimes
Carl Grimes x fem!reader
CW: pussy eating, getting caught
Request: hiii! I’m not sure if this is the place where you submit requests, but i guess i’ll find out! I was wondering if you could write a Carl Grimes x female reader where Rick walks in on Carl eating out the reader but carl is under the sheets so rick doesn’t know what’s going on and he asks the reader where he is and she says something like “Carl, ricks wondering where you are” and carl comes out from under the blankets and says something like “what’s up dad?” Rick catches on and is just disappointed and says something along the lines of “Jesus Christ carl” that follows in a very awkward talk from rick to the reader and carl. I’m not sure if that made sense sorry. Also, thank you, i love love love your work <3 <3
You moaned softly as Carl’s tongue flicked over your clit, you reached your hand under the blanket to grip his hair, you gasped as the door opened slightly, you looked over to see Rick in the doorway. “Jesus Rick you scared me.” You said silently thanking Carl for putting a blanket over him.
“Sorry Y/N have you seen Carl anywhere? I need his help and i can’t find him anywhere.” Rick said as Carl slowly started rubbing your clit, you choked back a moan before speaking.
“Carl, Rick is wondering where you are.” You said looking at the blanket moving as Carl was slowly climbing over you, he poked his head out from under the blanket looking at his dad.
“Yeah, what’s up dad?” Carl asked calmly like he wasn’t eating you out moments before. Rick looked at Carl confused before his eyes widened as he figured out what his son was doing.
“Jesus Christ Carl, you know what. Both of you get dressed and meet me downstairs we need to have a talk.” Rick said before slamming the door shut before walking downstairs.
You and Carl looked at each other before laughing. “You asshole! Do you know how hard it is to have a conversation with your dad when you’re doing that!?” You slapped him upside the head playfully before climbing out from underneath him and grabbing your clothes. Carl just laughed “Hey you seemed to be doing just fine.” He said before getting off the bed and grabbing your hand after you got dressed, you both walked downstairs to find a very pissed off Rick in the living room. “Sit.” Rick demanded pointing to the couch, you and Carl sat on the couch, you looking down at your lap while Carl avoided eye contact with his dad.
“Listen, i get it you’re both teenagers, you both have hormones, but you need to know the..the risks of doing what you’re doing.” Rick said as Carl groaned. “Dad you already gave me the talk at the farm.” Carl stated finally making eye contact with his dad. “I understand Carl but after..after mom i want you to know what the risks are. I don’t want to have this conversation either but I’ll make it short and simple.” Rick said pinching the bridge of his nose. You finally looked up at Rick before sighing.
“Rick we haven’t done it yet, the most we’ve done is..well what you walked in on, Glenn has already given Carl plenty of condoms, but we’re waiting until we’re both ready.” You said releasing a breath you didn’t realize you were holding in. Carl grabbed your hand smiling at you softly.
Rick sighed before nodding “Okay that’s good but it’s still not getting you two out of this. I get that we are in a safer location with more doctors and more equipment but that does not mean i want to be a grandpa just yet okay.” Rick said looking between the two of you. You and Carl both nodded as you both blushed. “Good.” Rick said standing up “Now Carl lets go we need to go work on the wall.” He said grabbing Carl’s arm and dragging him out of the house.
Thank you to the anon that requested this! For those of you asking for the oh hell no part 2 give me a few days and it’ll be out! <3
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ashtheketchum · 6 months
A new family PART 3
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A/N: Welcome to the third part! I'm pleased that the first two parts were so well received, but I still have to say something. The reader has NO reason to be mad at Daryl! (Even if she still is a little bit)
(D/N) said herself that Daryl never yelled at her, it was all because of Merle! Accordingly, the reader can't even be mad at Daryl.
(Pic from Pinterest!)
Part 1 / Part 2 here!
Taglist: @clairealeehelsing @louisianalady
Warnings: Angst, a bit of insults
PoV (Y/N):
The next day we all got ready to be yelled by Daryl. He was gone all night, probably hunting something and spending his time alone, in the forest. We were never really worried about him because he was often gone for several days, and there weren't that many walkers around here. Early in the morning, Carol and I washed the clothes of Rick and the others who were on the run yesterday.
When we were done, I went to my tent, where (D/N) was still sleeping. I gently shook her shoulder to wake her up. "Honey, wake up… we have to wash you and then study." I murmured softly. (D/N) just grumbled quietly before yawning loudly and stretching. Then she opened her eyes, looked at me and smiled tiredly. "Good morning, Mom…" She murmured quietly.
While I got (D/N) ready by giving her clean clothes and her toothbrush, I continued to look around for Daryl. Thinking about Daryl, I had to ask my daughter an important question. "(D/N), honey… I have to ask you something important." I started slowly. (D/N) looked at me with her honest eyes and nodded quickly.
"Why are you suddenly so nice to Daryl? He is mean to you and also to me…" (D/N) hesitated briefly. She fidgeted with her shirt and looked at the ground. Although she knew that she could always talk to me, it probably made her uncomfortable. "Mom… I want a dad… a great dad… a-and you deserve someone who loves you and who you love too… and I thought maybe Daryl would be perfect for that…" She then admitted quietly.
Her words shocked me, but I also felt a slight blush on my face. I never thought my daughter would want to set me up with someone. And especially not with Daryl. "Mom… can't Daryl be my new dad…?" She then asked quietly. Her words broke my heart and I sighed softly. As sorry as I was, I shook my head slightly. "No, darling… Daryl can't be your new dad…" I then said quietly. Before (D/N) could ask why Daryl couldn't be her new father, I continued.
"Your dad was… a bad person… he scared me so much and hurt you a lot too…" I explained to her. "B-but Daryl doesn't have to be like dad-!" (D/N) intervened immediately. "I know. Daryl doesn’t have to be like Dad… but I’m still scared…” I pulled (D/N) into a loving hug while holding back my tears. Her father had scared me too much that he would never have allowed me to talk to several men. "I'm sorry that you have to go through this world without a dad…" I murmured quietly.
I slightly felt (D/N) shake her head to show me that it wasn't my fault. She just wanted me to be happy, but I just couldn't yet. "You can spend time with Daryl… but only if Merle isn't there, okay?" "Yes, Mom…" She said and nodded slightly. I didn't like it, but if she wasn't afraid of Daryl, nothing would happen to her.
But I still had a question on the tip of my tongue. "But why exactly Daryl…? Why not Shane, for example, or Tdog… or Glenn?” I then asked quietly. Even though I didn't want anything from the other men, I still wanted to know why she took Daryl. "Because Daryl is always looking at you… when you're near him he looks at you… and when he argues with you he turns red…" She then explained quietly.
I thought it was cute that these signs were enough for her to think that someone loved me. I shook my head slightly, giggling, but didn't say anything. Daryl always looked at us all suspiciously, but he didn't leave anyone out, especially the new ones. And that he blushes when we argue? The anger just increases within you. "Okay… thank you for being honest…" I gently kissed her forehead before I stood up and we moved to the others so she could do her chores.
<Time Skip>
The morning dawned and by now we were all wondering where Daryl was. But just as we were about to send a small group out to look for him, he came back. Shane, Rick, Dale and Tdog ran into the woods because they heard Carl screaming.
Between some bushes they found a walker nibbling on a deer. (D/N) and I stayed further back, with Carol and Sophia. "Do you think Daryl was chasing the walker?" I asked Carol quietly, but she just shrugged.
Before we could even exchange another word, we heard Daryl cursing and insulting loudly. Carol and I immediately covered our children's ears before we saw Daryl run into camp. "Merle, where are you!? Get your ass over here, we have to go hunting again!” Daryl then shouted loudly through the camp.
So they hadn't told him yet... Sighing, I looked at Rick, who slowly walked over to Daryl to explain the situation to him.
When he finished explaining, Daryl remained silent for a moment. He looked around and rubbed his face with his hand. I could have sworn I saw a few tears in his eyes. But before anyone could calm him down, Daryl threw his captured squirrels at Rick before pulling out a knife. “You bastard!” Daryl shouted before being pushed away by Shane. (D/N) immediately hid her face in my shoulder so she didn't have to see it. She was scared, really scared.
She had never seen Daryl so angry that he would attack other people with a knife. Her entire body was shaking and I bit my tongue hard. Daryl had now freed himself from Shane and he wanted to attack Rick again, but I got up and intervened. "Daryl, stop!" I shouted at him. "(Y/N), get away from him-!" I interrupted Shane before he even got too close to me. I looked Daryl in the eyes with a stern expression, still seeing the anger in his eyes.
"Attacking someone won't bring back your arrogant brother either! If everyone left him behind, there was a reason!” "You have nothing to say to me, you stupid-!" Before Daryl could even say an insult, (D/N) kicked his leg. Startled, I looked down at my little girl as she then stood protectively in front of me and spread her arms.
"Stop it, Daryl! Mom has nothing to do with it, she just wants to help!” Everyone stayed silent for a moment before Daryl threw his knife into the ground and walked away from us. (D/N) still looked at him angrily, but it was more like a pout. My body relaxed slightly and I gently stroked her head, but my eyes never left Daryl.
Next Chapter! ->->->
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Okay, I have these stupid long essays in my head comparing the S2 dads with the S1 dads
Full of specific evidence and explanations and all that... What I *don’t* have is the time to write those up without destroying myself. 
So instead, what I have for you here are some point-form notes full of my hot takes, predictions and senseless switching between second and third tense!
Will these make sense to anyone? Fuck I hope so, but honestly who can say. Nevertheless, I need to get these thoughts out of my head so that I can move on to other stuff. Bulk of the post below the cut, cause it’s long, but here’s a little peek at the structure/mappings:
Sparrow = Glenn
Grant = Henry
Terry Jr. = Darryl
Nicky = Ron
Got that? Okay then, let’s get into it!
Sparrow and Glenn
It’s obvious that you love your son to death, but he wants so badly to hear that you’re proud of him and you are so, so bad at offering that
“Loss of fatherhood status” as a looming threat thank you Jodie and Lark
Probably the most controversial/polarizing/scrutinized dads of their seasons?
The pen is mightier than the sword but if that doesn’t work, yeah, they will kill you
Actually the friendliest with the kids that aren’t their own/the most willing to take them seriously (no really!!!)
I think this is likely gonna be viewed as a hot take for Sparrow but… These two trust their kids and believe in their ability to make their own decisions the most!
This is partially reflected in their lax parenting styles. And yet…
Quite willing/able to step in and be protective/draw a line when required
Greatest tendency to think of things with respect to the long-term (and “play the long game” more generally), also reflected in their parenting.
Somehow resilient to the point that it’s a flaw
Something something sneaky bastards that hold their cards very close
Overall, perhaps most heavily in contrast with Henry and Grant
If Sparrow really is Glenn: It’s gonna get better, I think, but first it’s gonna get much worse. Fate will force you to finally acknowledge your trauma, and in the meantime… You’re gonna carry that weight.
Grant and Henry
The pride, love, and acceptance you have for your son(s) is endless, and we love you for that
But you’ve failed to prepare them for the real world, and they will suffer as a result
As far as you’re concerned they can be whoever they want to be… As long as they don’t end up like you!
Very keen on not making the same mistakes as their fathers
Reactive, impulsive… But means well!
Really, such big hearts… And so much self-hate
Just constantly going through it, really
The thought of your kid hating you is a deeply terrifying one, and unfortunately fate seems to have it out for you
When push comes to shove, they struggle to have faith in their sons, and tend to baby them
Tendency to second guess and overthink, but this makes them flexible, and capable of self-reflection
Probably put the most conscious effort into being a good parent and adapting to their sons’ needs
As established, polar opposite of Sparrow and Glenn
If Grant really is Henry: oh god oh fuck ohhhh god oh fuuuuck You’ll try so very hard to make sure your son still loves you but… Will you ever learn to love yourself?
Terry Jr. and Darryl
You both try really hard to give your kid the dad that you had, who you loved dearly
But… They don’t need *your* dad
Absolutely overflowing with unconditional love
Struggle to give their kids space, and a bit oblivious to this fact
(Related) They try quite hard to be there for their kid it’s just… Never quite in the way that their kid wants/needs
“Tough love” is near impossible for them
Seriously they’re such pushovers for their kids lol
Particularly protective
Probably the most well-rounded and emotionally stable, overall
Highest level of contrast with Nicky and Ron
If Terry Jr really is Darryl: The good news is, your kid actually really doesn’t hate you at all. The bad news is, it’s still gonna take you a while to figure out how to get through to them. But… You can do it!!!
Nicky and Ron
Yes, seriously, there’s something here I swear
It’s not that you don’t want to be present in your kid’s life you just… Don’t know how.
Seriously, for all intents and purposes you might as well have met your kid yesterday
And your relationship with your dad(s) is… Particularly confusing and complicated and ultimately marked by absence so… It’s not like you really have much to go off of!
Their kids? Well on the surface they couldn’t be bothered to care about having a new parental figure in their lives but… Is that even remotely true?
It’s not a question of being a perfect dad or getting it right on the first try, it’s a question of whether or not you’re willing to put in the effort and show that you actually give a shit beyond the bare minimum.
Contrast with Terry and Darryl
If Nicky really is Ron: He’ll step up!!! He’ll figure it out and find his way into his son’s life one way or another and… Probably be the best off by the end of the season tbh.
Okay that’s it that’s it thank you for entertaining my thoughts on this dear reader now I’m off to sleep!
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daisybellejpeg · 1 year
So I have one question, Daisy. Since I am also rewriting Dr. Br*ght into Dr. Glenn Osborne (my rewrite and replacement of said character in case you’re wondering), what are the general rules you would give to anyone who is replacing Dr. Br*ght with their rewrites? Just curious.
BTW, sorry about what you had to go through with that creep.
Dw friend I gotchu!!
So the guidelines I could give since I applied these to Shaw are the following:
Use something else or another medium of possession to replace the amulet. Remember, AB used the amulet as a possession fetish thing. I was actually branded using it via them asking for nudes with me wearing it. I’ve seen some people give Shaw prior to me working on the project a yellow gemmed amulet but I’m pretty iffy on that.
Make sure you have some sort of magic rule in place that prevents your bright rewrite from possessing kids or teens. Animals are fine but please god we don’t need another Doctor Doctor Doctor fiasco. What I did with Shaw was make it so that he could only posses people the same age as he was during the original in in incident that separated his soul from his body: 29.
Bonus points if the character has no agency over who they possess, as that would be the final step to erase bright’s possession fetish from the concept completely. I know that would be hard to do so it’s not a requirement but it’s still good to point out.
Lastly, have fun!!! Honestly AB was really lazy with the concept they were trying to write (I mean, they were writing this character for sexual gratification after all) so while treating these as guidelines to be respectful of me n others I’d also take them as a creative challenge for you and others! I’d love to see people go apeshit with differing concepts as well as writing rewrites from all walks of life. Shaw’s latine-ness was heavily inspired by my experiences having a first gen Colombian immigrant tiger mom, given Shaw’s relationship with his dad.
Give your rewrite a foundation based family business, make them an only child, make them start working for the foundation on their own, make them black, latine, AAPI, indigenous, Roma, Slavic, middle eastern, Jewish, Hindu, Wicca, Sikh, Muslim, gay, bi, pan, trans, AFAB, neurodivergent…. Go crazy! Who knows, if this trend of making your own sub ins takes off I may do some tales where the multiverse merges a bit n they’re all in the same place, that would be fun.
Hope this helps💖
(Edit to add: if you’re gonna use a culture/religion/mental condition that doesn’t belong to you/you don’t have please please PLEASE do your research and make sure your rewrite is written as sensibly as possible and doesn’t play into any caricatures. Not doing so is how we got Bright’s mom being accidentally perceived as Muslim because AB thought all abrahamic headdresses were called Hijabs, lmao
Don’t be like AB, be smart)
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Bad People or Good People? - Chapter 7: We're the Good Guys, Clem (Part 2)
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chapter summary:
Worried about Daryl as he goes after Ylva's group, Clementine finds herself stuck in her emotions until she cannot keep it together anymore...
previous chapter: We're the Good Guys, Clem (Part 1) word count: 4663
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Carol’s choices in her past life had made her acutely aware of the signs a traumatized child would give when feeling upset. Sophia had never quite reached the stage where she clammed up fully to the outside world. Daryl Dixon, however, had.
His glares, his silence to questions thrown his way by Rick, his jerky movements as he threw supplies into the car… It looked like anger. But Carol saw through it; repressed emotions surfacing as anger. Perhaps she was the only one who saw it out of the entire group. That meant it was her job to fix this (though perhaps that was partially her own trauma reaction from her ex husband’s actions toward her).
Perhaps part of Daryl’s emotions was anger too. It was just that Daryl had no way of showing other emotions around people as he most likely had never seen anyone express things in any other way but anger as a child. Carol knew this was a truth because of Daryl’s surprised and curious looks whenever someone in the group showed emotions in a different way than anger.
He was slowly learning, but it was difficult to teach an old dog new tricks.
Done moving equipment into the car (or throwing it, rather), Daryl shifted to lean against the car, arms crossed over his chest tightly - as tightly as he was attempting to repress his emotions. Clementine, who normally would jump at being able to help Daryl in some way, had glued herself to a spot a bit further away, staring at Daryl with wide, sad eyes.
Approaching Daryl with her heart clenching in pain for Clementine, hoping and praying that the little girl didn’t think Daryl was upset because of her, Carol planted herself in front of Daryl. He avoided looking at her, but she remained stood where she was, hand on her hip. “Hey you,” she greeted. “What’s got you looking so sour, pookie?”
Daryl scoffed. “Missing an arrow,” Daryl grunted in a reply.
Doubtful this was all that was riling him up, Carol pursed her lips. “You’ll find it. Or some new ones on a run.”
Silence. Daryl did nothing but stare down at the ground.
“You should say goodbye to Clem,” she suggested curiously. Her words sparked a reaction in Daryl’s body language. A shift, nothing more. Slowly nodding her head at his response, Carol understood what was happening. “What did Merle say about Clem?”
Daryl gave no response. Not a single shift. Not a single blink. Carol, however, also noted that he wasn’t breathing. A survival instinct that this big, strong man had adapted from a childhood in fear of his family. “Whatever it was-“
“I ain’t her dad,” Daryl snapped in a breath.
It was a way to get rid of Carol. Yes. But it was also a hint; close to an explanation.
Unfortunately, Daryl’s words didn’t go unnoticed by the group. Nor Clementine.
Carol nodded her head. “No, you’re not. And you’ll never be,” she voiced harshly. “Doesn’t mean she can’t lean on you. Family is more than blood.”
With those words, Carol turned and left to stand next to Clementine. Daryl watched her, her words having hit him hard. As she crouched down next to Clementine, a stone faced look being her mask as she spoke to Clementine in hushed voices to make her feel better, to make her understand, Daryl let out a breath through which his anger dissipated.
Family being more than blood was exactly his struggle at the moment.
As the rest of the group stood and said farewell, worried that this was a dangerous mission (what if Clementine’s old group would attack on sight?), Rick gestured for Daryl and Glenn to get in the car.
Seated in the front next to Rick in the driving seat, Daryl hoisted a leg up against the airbag sign, trying to act normal… But he had been so occupied with his own thoughts that he had not noticed Rick staying put, not turning the engine on. Glenn in the backseat was waiting curiously too.
“What are yah doing?” Daryl asked.
Then, a little tap on the window next to him - he turned his head to see Clementine balancing on her tip toes to see him. She was waving a walkie talkie at him.
Rick pushed a button to lower Daryl’s window.
Staring at the little girl who, despite his previous ugly behaviour, was smiling at him (Carol smiling proudly in the background), Daryl nodded his head in a silent greeting.
He took the walkie talkie with hesitant fingers.
“Please be careful. They’re not all bad people. Dwight is nice,” Clementine said to him.
Daryl nodded his head, tucking the walkie talkie in his pocket.
This little girl would be as shunned and lonely as he was if she wanted him to be her family. That was the ugliness of society - one look at Daryl and they’d only see the racist, homophobic, drugged up redneck family that he came from.
Society didn’t exist anymore.
Family was more than blood.
He nodded his head back at her. “Stay safe.”
Clementine walked back to Carol, waving at Glenn too once Rick turned the engine on.
“Adorable,” Rick said teasingly, but lovingly.
“I ain’t her dad.” Daryl said this with less hostility, more as a question.
“You don’t gotta be,” Rick replied with a calming smile, then put his foot on the gas to head off.
In the mirror, Daryl saw Clementine be surrounded by the rest of the group.
She wouldn’t be alone.
Nor would Daryl…
But Merle…
Clementine had stolen one of Daryl’s arrows.
She knew it was wrong to steal. If nothing, Lee had taught her that. But it had just… happened.
If she had stayed put where she had been with those raiders, if she had stayed working for them, then no one might get hurt trying to fix things for her. She was a child and incapable of going with, of course, to deal with Ylva’s group - she knew that, she understood that…
But when Lee had died, all Clementine had of him was a stolen photograph from his parent’s shop, and his gun.
She had no photographs to steal of Daryl, so she took the closest thing to a gun that Daryl used.
Just in case.
Not realising she had been isolating herself, Clementine was surprised to see Maggie approach her. She had been sitting outside in the shade of the prison block’s tall walls. In the distance, the sounds of undead roaming was now the same natural background to her as cicadas in the summer.
“Heya,” was Maggie’s greeting once she was close enough. A rifle was slung over her shoulder: she had just finished a guard shift. “What are you doing out here all alone?”
Joining her on the dirt, Maggie let out a relieved sigh. It was hot outside and shade was sparse around the prison with no trees around. A drop of sweat slowly made its way down Maggie’s temple.
Clementine shrugged, twirling the arrow around in her fingers. It was hard to form words. If she did express something, it would all come hurdling out of her like vomit. And as much as the little girl trusted Glenn, and so understood Maggie could be trusted too, she… just didn’t know the woman too much yet.
Hershel was different. Hershel had talked to Clementine and easily wormed his way into her heart. Maggie had avoided her much more, a bit like Beth had.
“You worried ‘bout Daryl?” deduced Maggie. “He’s a strong fighter. One of the strongest we got.”
Clementine nodded her head absentmindedly.
Her walkie talkie was tucked safely into her belt, ears always listening for the faint crackle that would indicate someone was trying to talk to her.
“I’m worried too. ‘Bout Glenn,” Maggie admitted. Clementine turned to watch her, catching Maggie smiling at the little girl.
Clementine smiled back.
“But I remind myself Glenn’s got Rick. Rick is tough. He’s tougher than we all thought. Done things no man should have to do to keep the group safe.” Clementine listened intently. “And he’s got Daryl.” Maggie smiled again. “Daryl’s the type a’ guy to search for a missing girl for weeks on end in the scorchin’ sun, just ‘cause it’s an innocent life needing help. He’s not gonna get hurt.”
Clementine lowered her eyes, letting a bit more of her worry seep out into her eyes.
Maggie took note, and smiled another gentle smile. “That’s why I know Glenn’s gonna come back. He’s got Rick and Daryl.”
“And Daryl has Rick and Glenn,” voiced Clementine ever so quietly.
Nodding her head, Maggie smiled in relief that the girl had voiced something. Her eyes flickered down to the arrow, but she made no comment about how bad it was to steal.
Instead, Maggie reached out to tuck a stray curl back into Clementine’s hat: “You wanna come inside? Beth’s gonna feed Judith, that’s always cute.”
Clementine smiled and nodded her head.
As the two stood up, Clementine grabbed Maggie’s hand as they started making their way toward the door: “I wanted to come with.”
Maggie nodded her head: “I know.”
“I can use a gun,” Clementine voiced determinedly, one hand clutching the arrow, the other clutching Maggie’s hand for safety.
“I know…”
A nasty sloshing noise accompanied every step they took. Being stealthy was out of the question for a while, the mud reaching far along the path. They’d been forced to abandon their car, ensuring that their trip would take longer than expected - but luckily, Daryl had the walkie talkie to let the group know if they were going to be late.
Rick and Glenn both followed Daryl. He had said few words, but had been in the lead the entire time, guiding them toward the spot Clementine had pointed out despite both the other males knowing exactly where it was too. His hand kept reaching back to check the walkie talkie was still right there, attached to his back pocket, every other minute.
Both men noticed it, silently exchanging looks and smiles at it.
They had known Daryl and kids were a good match from his interactions with Sophia, Carl and Judith - they hadn’t seen this side of Daryl though, but it wasn’t too surprising.
Walkers were sprawled out throughout the mud, stuck and unable to get to them as their rotting muscles weakened them… But they did try, growling at them, clacking teeth as they bit the air in their direction. It was a haunting sight. These monsters would rip their legs off just to get to them and bite…
The walkers’ presence made none of the men sure what was buried beneath the mud. Each step could be a fatal one if a walker was there to bite at their ankles.
By some kind of sheer dumb lock, the three of them made it through the mud without incident. Heading into a forest, they walked about a mile before crouching down behind some bushes, their destination ahead.
Daryl squinted at the location: a tall building, chimneys reaching high up into the sky, barred windows, wide doors… Some sort of factory, long since abandoned. It still looked fine, time had not taken its toll on it yet aside from a few busted windows and overgrown greenery outside. An abandoned truck stood parked in the parking lot, doors open and the old decaying body, close to a skeleton, of a driver lying dead by its side: a haunting hint at what had happened here when the apocalypse had washed over it.
The parking lot was not interesting to them though. The inside of the factory was.
“It looks empty,” whispered Glenn.
“No guards,” agreed Rick.
Daryl raised his crossbow, glancing to Rick for guidance on what to do.
With a nod from their leader, the three men started inching closer…
"Do babies really only drink milk?”
The girl’s question was not strange, and so Carol and Maggie simply smiled and nodded their heads in a silent answer. Nevertheless, Beth had looked up at the innocent girl, eyes darting between Clementine’s naive eyes, and the gun strapped to her waist.
Focusing back on feeding Judith, a smile returned to Beth’s lips. The baby fussed a bit, not too keen on her bottle in that very moment despite her hungry screams earlier.
The gray cement walls of the prison’s dining area was slowly starting to become their home. Safely capable of letting Judith fuss and coo without the fear of anyone or anything hearing them, the group was getting fond of the place’s dull colors and bare settings. It was starting to become their own with Clementine’s drawings adding color to some of the walls. A red couch had even been found in the Warden’s office, brought down there for some extra comfort.
No one had used it yet though, standing in a corner as the foreign object which comfort was to them nowadays.
Getting this comfortable was a dangerous thing. Despite how young this apocalypse was, the group seemed to be aware of it already.
Michonne watched the group from a solitary corner of her own. Her excuse to herself was that she was waiting for Carl to be finished with his guard duty. Considering this trust was difficult to get from any group, Michonne was eager to show just how good she could help out.
The actual reason was that she was scared of getting close to anyone in this world. She had lost too much… And that baby…
“Formula, milk… that sort of thing,” Carol explained to Clementine.
“What’s formula?”
“It’s a…” Carol thought for a second on how to reply properly: “It’s dried milk, of a sort, and when you add water it becomes ready for the baby to drink. It has all the necessary nutritions for a baby in need of growing.” Carol gently grabbed Judith’s tiny foot, cooing a bit over the small human as she spoke.
“I once petted a cow.”
Both Carol and Maggie were taken aback a bit by this bit of information which seemed to come out of nowhere. Hershel laughed quietly to himself.
“What - That’s… that’s great, Clem,” Maggie awkwardly added.
“They also give milk,” Clementine helpfully added.
“Yes,” agreed Carol with a fond smile.
Sophia would have loved Clementine…
Carol’s smile faded.
“Have we heard anything from Rick yet?” Hershel asked, foot propped up on a wooden box.
Clementine was the one to turn around and shake her head in response. She, after all, was the one clutching the walkie talkie like her life depended on it.
That, and the arrow she had stolen from Daryl.
“It’s been half a day, they should be there by now,” said Hershel, before quickly adding: “I am sure we’ll hear something from them soon.” As the calm, level headed grandfather of the group that Hershel had become, the group calmed upon his reassurance almost immediately. It was a bit like the flight attendant phenomena: if Hershel panicked, there was reason to panic.
By luck, only five minutes later, Clementine’s walkie walkie went off. The rough, southern accent of Daryl awkwardly chiming in with a “yeh there?” seemed to be as joyful to Clementine as getting new coloring pens from the group.
“Here,” Clementine quickly said, pushing the right button expertly to talk back.
“Mm…” There was a pause before Daryl continued to speak, the entire group waiting impatiently for some more information. “Four plus four?”
Only Maggie and Clementine knew what this meant, so when the rest of the group looked mildly confused, Maggie smiled in amusement.
“Right…” Daryl awkwardly continued. “Ain’t nothin’ here. ‘S empty.”
Left slightly in shock at those words, Clementine replied only after a beat: “Nothing?”
“Nothin’. Got some leftover cans o’ food. Been people ‘ere. Not anymore.”
Maggie let out a little breath of relief. “At least that’s an enemy less to worry ‘bout.”
Whilst the group let out a shared breath of relief at the fact Ylva’s group was seemingly gone, Clementine was left staring into space.
Taking the walkie talkie gingerly from the girl, Hershel took over instead: “And we’re sure they won’t come back?”
“No idea. But…” There was a pause. Then Daryl’s voice came back more hushed: “Tracks lead away from the prison. Not sure, but I think they left when that woman didn’t return.”
Hershel nodded his head. “Let’s hope that’s the case. I assume you’re heading back now?”
“Be careful,” replied Hershel, to which Daryl didn’t respond again.
When Hershel handed the walkie talkie back to Clementine, the girl didn’t take it. Left stunned in her seat, the group watched her carefully.
“Are you alright?” Hershel asked.
“I froze…” she whispered as a reply.
“Because the group wasn’t there anymore?” Carol asked.
Only capable of silently nodding her head, Clementine solemnly replied.
“You had friends there, didn’t you?” Maggie deduced. “It’s perfectly alright to feel upset about that.”
“I’ll miss them,” Clementine whispered ever so quietly. Normally, she would remain silent when speaking about something from her past. Either this meant Clementine was extremely upset and needed to talk in order to make sense of things, or the girl was finally, truly, beginning to trust them.
Gently, the group listened to her.
“Sherry… Dwight… They were workers, like me. Some new people joined that’s…. That’s why I could…” Clementine shook her head. “I’ll miss them.”
Carol was the one to move closer and gently grab Clementine’s free hand. Squeezing it, Carol showed her without words that she, at least, was safe. “They’re safe,” Carol gingerly said, before her voice turned a little colder: “If Rick and the others had found them there could have been a fight. People could have gotten hurt. If they left, they’re fine.”
Clementine nodded her head at Carol, agreeing painfully to those words.
Did they mean that Rick would have just… attacked?
Why could people not talk anymore?
Were Rick and his group not the good guys?
“Can I go to my room?” Clementine asked.
Carol nodded her head, slowly letting go of the child’s hand.
Silently, Clementine left, her feet carrying her ever so slightly quicker than normal.
No one noticed, except for Michonne who followed.
Daryl tucked the walkie talkie back into his pocket. Having moved a little further away from Rick and Glenn stood inspecting what they had found in the hallway, Daryl could speak in private to Hershel and Clementine.
The factory had been empty. Daryl hadn’t lied. Not really.
But he hadn’t mentioned the three bodies laid out in strange positions in the very first hallway they’d entered. Rick had said not to mention those bodies to anyone. He had also said not to mention the tracks that led away from the facility.
Clearly, a fight had broken out. Whoever had survived had left in a direction away from the prison, yes, but….
These people could be Clementine’s friends, and she would never know…
Without Clementine capable of identifying whether these were the people that had forced people into slavery for them, or whether they were the good guys Clementine had been friends with, there were no deductions capable of happening.
The only thing that was obvious was that Walkers were not the culprit. No Walkers would beat a person to death only to leave them un-eaten.
“Ready?” Rick called. Turning around, Daryl tucked the walkie talkie back into his back pocket and nodded silently at Rick.
Clenching his jaw, Daryl stayed behind his two friends as they returned to the mud. His mind reeled with memories of Rick before Shane��s death… and the moment Rick announced that their group no longer was a democracy. Forcing Daryl to lie to the rest of the group…
As they moved through the mud, avoiding the Walkers snarling and breaking legs just to try and get to them, Glenn turned his head to glance at Daryl.
Daryl didn’t like what Rick was forcing the group to become. Shane’s death had reeled him into a different person. Lori’s death had created an insane version of that different person...
Glenn’s eyes, sympathetic for Daryl’s situation, showed he, too, was feeling uncomfortable with Rick’s decision. Daryl didn’t give anything away, but simply snapped his gaze away from Glenn’s eyes…
Though, he knew that only made it more obvious.
Michonne’s voice stopped Clementine in her tracks. She turned, head still hung low and hand tightly holding on to her arm. She was uncomfortable - sad - a look that was all too familiar on Clementine as of late.
“What’s wrong?” Michonne approached her slowly. Despite her staying away from the rest of the group, she didn’t want to stay away from Clementine. She and Daryl were the only ones in the group to treat her normally and truthfully, Michonne had almost immediately felt fond of them both. So to see Clementine so upset, it was hurtful.
Clementine quietly stood there for a bit, avoiding Michonne. The two were on the first floor of the cells, unknowingly being watched by Merle who had been leaning over the railing of the catwalk up above.
“Clementine, you’re too young to deal with these things all on your own,” Michonne gently prodded.
Relief surged through Clementine at those words. She was being understood - because truthfully, Clementine wasn’t sure of what she was feeling about it all aside from guilt. “Those people… They were with the group because of me.” Clementine gently looked up at Michonne, daring a little sad frown to show just how upset she was.
Michonne responded with a gentle look of sympathy.
“I had to lure them in.”
“What do you mean?” Michonne asked.
“There were three people in charge. They… They forced us to work for them and to find more people. Ylva was the one to find me, to… to bring me in. She said she had food and I was so hungry and so tired after Lee…” Clementine’s eyes watered. “They said because I was a kid I could lure more people in and I had to pretend that someone was hurt and that I needed help and - and Dwight and Sherry went to help me, they and their friends and I - I’m the reason they became stuck too! A-And now I can’t help them anymore…”
At this point, Clementine sounded a little hysterical, prompting Michonne to move over and crouch down by her. Gently, she placed a hand over the one clutching Clementine’s hand, ever so carefully prying the hand free so Clementine could cling onto Michonne instead.
She was not alone anymore after all. Clementine did not have deal with these things on her own.
“Sherry didn’t want to be stuck there and so when we traveled she tried finding ways to get us free and… and they made a plan and a few weeks ago we settled in that old factory and - and Sherry convinced everyone to make a distraction so we could run away from them but it went bad… Ylva didn’t follow the plan, she didn’t give them all the beer so they would fall asleep and - and they were awake and were shooting…” Clementine took a deep breath, Michonne gently wiping away a tear. It seemed once Clementine had admitted to one thing, everything came spilling out. “I didn’t know what to do. Dwight told me to run but I didn’t know where so I hesitated - I froze again! - and… and he got shot in the arm and I… I ran. I ran and I found the town-“
“Okay,” Michonne interrupted. “Take a deep breath, Clem. You’re safe now.”
“But I hurt them!” Clementine all but shouted. “I-I’m a bad person.”
“No.” Michonne tilted her head and furrowed her brow, “Please don’t think that. You tried to survive. Dwight wanted you to go because that’s what decent people do; they protect children.”
“I was alone again…” Clementine murmured.
“I know…”
From up above, Merle watched with a mellowed facial expression - it mirrored the feelings he had too. Perhaps he was a little rougher around the edges than his brother, but it wasn’t like he enjoyed seeing a child in pain. He’d never enjoyed his baby brother being in pain after all.
“But if you’d stayed, their distraction - their attempt would have been for nothing. We don’t know what happened, but we can only imagine that they were punished, but not killed, and that they moved on once they realised they couldn’t get to you.”
“I just…” Clementine sniffled whilst she attempted to find the right words to express what she was feeling. “I just miss Lee… If he didn’t have to find me, he would still be alive and so would Ben, and Kenny, and Omid and Christa- I don’t even know where they are! And I wouldn’t have joined that group and Dwi-“ Everything came pouring out at once. All the things Clementine had felt since Lee’s death which she had to keep to herself and avoid feeling in order to stay focused on surviving…. All of it suddenly just escaped her like water freed from a dam.
And there were plenty of waterworks too - tears rolling down her cheeks as she wiped at them with her hand in a fist…
“Stop it, Clementine,” Michonne urged, both her hands holding onto Clementine’s arms to try and stabilise her. “Don’t say those things.”
“And now Daryl had to go and what if he doesn’t come back-“
To try and stop the spiraling thoughts, Michonne pulled her in for a hug. Despite the two having almost never talked before, Clementine didn’t mind the hug. If anything, the person who she had just accidentally told all of that to was the only person she wanted to get a hug from now - at least that way it made it obvious that Michonne didn’t hate her for all of that.
Hate was the last thing on Michonne’s mind though. If anything, Michonne was hating the world. The things this girl had gone through should not have happened to her. And the hateful thoughts and the guilt and the fear that this girl was feeling? She was nine. What nine year old girl thought like that…?
No nine year old should have to think like that.
And oh… did Michonne wish she could tell the girl she wouldn’t lose anyone ever again. But that was already a lie in the old world… Nowadays…?
Clementine held onto Michonne as she quietly cried. There had been no controlling the thoughts or emotions. So much bad had happened…
By the entrance to the cell block, Carl stood, back from his guard duty and clearly there to fetch Michonne. But he stayed silent and watched. How much Carl had heard, Clementine had no idea of. The only thing she knew was that this was one of those rare moments when Carl wasn’t glaring at her.
Nor would he ever again having heard that…
Merle looked away as Michonne attempted to calm the girl down. His thoughts were a puzzle. But something clicked in Merle that he had already thought about before: he had to find a way for this group, for Daryl, to not die to the Governor. Daryl had a family now. And as Daryl’s big brother, it was Merle’s duty to ensure that those Daryl chose for his family was kept as safe as possible.
This was nothing the Dixon’s parents had taught them… That was just something Merle had learned from a young age when Daryl’s first friends had come over that one time… and Merle had watched his father ruin Daryl’s friendships.
Merle just didn’t know how he was going to save Daryl’s family yet. But he’d risk a lot if necessary... Anything for his baby brother.
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read it on Ao3 too (closed to only those with AO3 accounts, send an ask if you want an invite)
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iron-niffler · 1 year
Have you heard that Tony Stark will be getting married to Emma Frost in the comics in the fall?
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And now as a groom, Tony decided to show some cleavage because he doesn’t care wedding traditions. (Man, this confirms Tony Stark does a wedding his way! Just like female his counterpart deep in the multiverse! LOL! Natasha Stark: Gets married suited up! Tony Stark: Shows cleavage on his wedding day! And this also proves Tony was always destined to marry a blonde because Natasha legit married Steve Rogers, a blonde and Emma Frost is a blonde too)
I talked about it here!
But given Emma Frost is a single mother to five daughters, that means Tony Stark will officially be a father! (Before, he was Iron Dad, he was a father to the fatherless, now HE WILL BE A DAD)
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He’ll no longer be a surrogate father but a father father!
Give this man a World’s Best Dad STAT!!!
And while Tony gets a wife and 5 daughters, I can hear Cyclops crying, crying because he lost his favorite victim but Cyclops actually deserves this because of how disgusting he is. (Sorry, Cyclops is one of my least favorite Marvel heroes because whenever I look at him, I see Glenn Quagmire from Family Guy, yep, Cyclops is a married man who is very unloyal to his wife, Jean Grey, he just knocks up lots of women and was a very neglectful father to his children (Cable and his siblings) when they were growing up because of this, his family never forgave him and Cable just practically lives in space now because of his father (imagine being so angry with your family you don’t want to be on the same planet as them? That’s how Cable feels). And when he tried to make amends, when his children were grown up, he was not taken seriously because the damage has already been done. But all this never phased him because he just keeps doing what he does. So, to me, Tony Stark marrying Emma Frost is not only a good thing for Tony, Emma, and her daughters but a good thing for Cyclops because he deserves to have Emma be taken away from him, he has already done enough damage)
Either way, while I am happy to see this, at the same time, I have to get used to this couple because I just can’t imagine Emma and Tony being together (if anything, I can see marrying Tarantula (Maria Vasquez, the underrated Marvel hero who used to be part of the Defenders because just like him, she’s highly intelligent and has a science background) but you know, it’s just Marvel surprising us again and I hope they stay married because poor Tony wanted to get married but his first attempt didn’t work (Hellcat) so he’s getting married and he should just be happy with his new wife and daughters!
heard a bit about this, not entirely sure how i feel about it but irondad is a plus! haven't really been following the modern comics but i did hear that his relationship with hellcat was an absolute trainwreck so here's hoping this relationship is a bit better (although that isn't exactly a high bar they could literally sit on a couch and watch star wars and it would be 50x better than cantwells run) i don't really know a lot about x men or modern comics so don't have a lot of opinions on the matter (i prefer the roller skates and melodramatics of 60s-90s tony stark) but will be keeping an eye on this. all in all i don't have strong opinions about this but they seem like they like each other and are having a good time (and she's not berating tony every five seconds so that's a major plus!) so i guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens! also i agree tonys outfit is fantastic he looks so snazzy and i love it.
thanks for the ask!
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itsmymeaningoflife · 2 years
11x17 spoiler warning
* I will never not be a slut for Daryl in his navy jumper
* Gabe: “we gotta get back to commonwealth and protect our people!!” Aaron: “Dude… Carol is there…they’re literally fine bro.” Aaron knows what’s up
* Negan being a loving husband is not something I thought I’d see but here we are
* Why do the commonwealth soldiers wear that armour if it literally does nothing to protect them
* The opening titles made me really emotional wtf. The slightly different music and the white lettering like it was back in s1?? I think it’s just hit me that this show is ending
* Hornsby makes me giggle man. I know he’s a twat but I enjoy his character
* Pretty people only in the protest crew. I love them all. Rosita my queen- I slept on you for too long
* The Negan mercier scene. Negan still commands the room when he doesn’t have the upper hand and it’s something I have to respect
* AUNT CAROL MY BELOVED- Judith and Carol roasting Daryl about his cooking is so cute. The Dixon family love their feral dad. Also Carol jumping into action and immediately sending the kids off to safety the second she feels uneasy about a situation is just *chef kiss*
* Okay so in the scene where the two people are looking for something on Daryl and they go into the apartment where Carol and the kids just were- that means either a) Carol was babysitting the kids in Daryl’s apartment and seemed to be very at home there (more reasonable because of the pics on the fridge) b) Carol had the kids in her apartment and the commonwealth knew to search her place for Daryl aswell
* Negan- “where is Carol, the only badass bitch (affectionate) that can get us out of this mess
* Okay but like …. Carols and Negan’s little smirks when they see eachother… Negan deffo respects the fuck out of Carol
* “Turns out you might have been right” CAROL IS ALWAYS RIGHT
* CAROL NEGAN SCENES CAROL AND NEGAN SCENES. (Idc what your opinion is on Negan, his respect for Carol is a big redeeming quality for me)
* Jerry protecting the kids is gonna be his downfall I’m predicting it now :(
* Negan talking to Carol about getting married. “Because she is out there.” Call me a silly little shipper but Daryl and Annie being “out there” while Carol and Negan are in the commonwealth trying to get back to them…. I don’t know besties,,, subtext is a wonderful thing
* I’m starting to regain my liking of Maggie. I lost it early this season
* “I know Leah meant something to you” - okay so I’ve seen a lot of people talking about this scene and I really don’t think it’s as bad as y’all made out (I LOVE YOU BUT PLEASE HEAR ME OUT). Like no matter what your opinion is on Leah x Daryl (I hated it) you have to think like he spent a good few years with this woman.. of course she meant something to him at some point. I think it’s very telling that Maggie was not only ambiguous with her language but also spoke in past tense. Leah DID mean something to Daryl, that something is ambiguous and highly routed in a trauma bond, but that’s over now. He doesn’t feel that way anymore
* Glenn :(((((( yeah he would’ve wanted Daryl to look out for Maggie. My baby :(((
* This scene solidified the fact that Daryl’s loyalty to Maggie and the rest of his family meant 1000000x more to him than whatever it was he had with Leah. Final nail in the coffin for that one.
* Maggie looking out for Annie despite everything >>>
* Carols face when Negan calls her a magician cracked me the fuck up. I’m sorry but I love this duo
* How the fuck did that vehicle overturn??
* I’m getting a bitttttt tired of Yumiko. I know she’s like the “inside guy” but idk
Overall review- there were some minor issues in this ep but like??? I still quite enjoyed it you know.
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freelanceexorcist · 1 year
It’s speculatin’ time again! And it’s just capital C-Crazy enough to almost be as crazy as some of the stuff that actually made it into canon. I know I usually use the term timeline, but the trailer’s mention of “worlds” makes me think we’re actually dealing with multiple universes. I know it seems like a distinction without a difference, but they really aren’t the same thing.
FFVIIR spoiler-ish stuff and TL; DR under the cut.
So what we know so far from the trailers is that Ore Sephiroth may possibly be from a different universe. Possibly the Zack Survives one. And we know that Watashi’s idea of Reunion is to merge these timelines and bring about some kind of rebirth, hence the name of the game. Ore thinks that he killed Tifa, so it follows that he is also responsible for the Nibelheim incident and that the point of divergence is some time after that.
Buuuuut…what if Ore had nothing to do with any Nibelheim variant in any timeline/universe? What if Reunion began before the story started? It comes down to memories.
I’m working off of the assumption that if Rebirth is what I think it is, one of two things could happen. Either the merging of the worlds will cause the variants (if you'll pardon the Marvel-speak) in each universe to fuse together and be reborn as “perfect” beings or the many worlds will cancel each other out and cease to exist. And Watashi is so pants-on-head crazy that he’s not even considering that the latter will cause him to disappear as well.    
I mean, what if the former is what's happenin and those aren’t Ore’s memories of the Nibelheim incident, but Watashi’s? What if he “remembers” torching Nibelheim in the same way Cloud “remembers” being in SOLDIER? With Cloud, it happened inadvertently but maybe Ore is having it forced on him Then it becomes a race against the clock to stop this from happening while Ore fights like hell to keep himself intact and not be subsumed by Watashi. Perhaps he does succeed in stopping at least himself from being assimilated and him having his pre-Nibelheim memories as well as the separate memories of Watashi is the key to defeating Watashi and stopping disaster from happening.
There are fans, me included, who are thirsty for pre-Nibelheim Sephiroth never having fallen from grace to become the villain. There are fans, again me included, who wouldn’t say no to Chaotic Neutral Sephiroth who is neither good nor evil. And then there are those fans who lose their shit at the very notion of the word “redemption” being used in the same sentence as the name Sephiroth. What if this is how we get all three?
As for what the point of divergence was for Ore, I guess it doesn’t really matter. Maybe he caught on to Hojo’s bullshit sooner and refused the Nibelheim mission because why did they need a pair of SOLDIER 1sts to fix a damn valve anyway? Maybe on his way to the library he saw the bookshelves in a certain well-appointed and well-lit study, decided to start there first and woke Vincent, who gave him the verbal smack upside the head that he badly needed at the time. Or maybe the guy in the robe in Junon really is young Sephiroth’s new surrogate dad Glenn, who universe-hopped with him, and it’s him who kept Seph on the straight and narrow all these years and helped him find information on Lucrecia. Sure, why not? He’s a Gary Stu and we all know those characters can bend time and space to do whatever they want.
Anyway, I’m off to reread this a few more times to find ways to poke holes in it. I’ll let you know what I come up with. Thank you for reading, if you did.
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pamela-lntt · 2 years
ok feel free to ignore me i’m going to incomprehensibly ramble about the new dndads episode <3 / my thoughts on the teens in general
Oh boy where do i start… i’ll go by teens.
- Scary -
GIRL GET OUT OF THERE !!! Willy yelling at Scary gave me flashbacks to how he yelled at Ron in S1 which pretty much reinforced what i already knew that this guy is just as bad as before and he didn’t change for shit. I’ve been saying this for so long, but the only reason i think Scary sticks with him is because he tells her everything she wants to hear, but i also think it’s because she feels shackled by him in a way? I mean, all her powers come from Willy so without him she wouldn’t have anything… also that ritual Willy mentioned scares me because what do you mean Scary will talk to the Doodler directly ?? i feel like there’s something sinister behind that, like maybe he wasn’t fully telling the truth, you know? I also believe in my heart that she actually cares for the other teens… she tries to distance herself from them to keep up with her dark persona and lashes out, but that’s just that… a persona, a shield she uses to protect herself or the only way she knows how to express the negative emotions that have been building up inside her. Anyways i’m a Scary apologist and i need her to stay away from Willy so she can be okay because i am worried sick all the time
- Link -
Ok so, before this episode i thought Link was growing apathetic to the whole thing and i didn’t blame him. I mean, imagine being taught all your life that lying is bad only to find out your father has been lying to you all the time! Also, he had been homeschooled his whole life and suddenly his first experience hanging out with other teens is filled with saving the world, betrayal, lies, and some very upsetting revelations. If that were me, i too would become apathetic to everything just to avoid being overwhelmed by it! But i don’t think that’s the case anymore, more like he puts up an apathetic FRONT to hide how SCARED he is. He is scared and guilty and just wants it all to be over so he can have a moment of peace. I remember reading a post here that expressed how selfless Link is and i agree, a lot of his fear i think comes from what’s happening around him rather than what’s happening to him. Sure, he can suddenly make a fucking nasty ass comment here and there, but i can also understand why? Like… i’m sure he doesn’t enjoy making those comments, they come from a place of just being too stressed or scared to think straight which i’m sure some of us have experienced before one way or another. You know that saying that like when someone is angry they say things they don’t mean? It’s exactly that! or at least that’s how I see it… Link needs a hug i hope he gets to meet up with Marco at some point and get a good cry out he deserves it
- Taylor -
Oh my boy… so he has been very intriguing to me even before this episode because i’m always left wondering what he’s thinking. He always seems so unbothered by everything, even when his head got cut off he was just like pissed at Scary’s betrayal more than him no longer having a body. But i loved the insight i’ve been craving this episode, because hey even if he acts unbothered he is still a teen, he WILL be affected one way or another. His coping mechanism might be just jokes or putting his mind on something else that brings comfort (anime). But yeah, he was affected by Tony’s death because he lost someone he found he could share his love for anime with! And I,,, god he was so happy talking to his dad and finding out his dad also watched anime and enjoyed it? It did remind me of Glenn and Nick’s relationship in S1 pre-the trial a bit and i have a lot of feelings about Glenn but that’s for another day. He is clearly pissed at Scary and, i mean, i love her but rightfully so. I cant even imagine how he feels after seeing his dad decapitated after connecting with him for the first time in his life! (Also i don’t think Nick is dead-dead he can’t be i refuse to believe it) i’m just,,, i’m nervous for how his demeanor may change after that… and if it doesn’t then i’ll worry more honestly
- Hermie -
the cast may forget about him but i don’t !! i love him very much… i don’t really have a lot of thoughts about him that are my own? i’ve read so many fics of authors analyzing him and i’ve agreed with all of them lol. what i will say is his comment about “i know what it feels like to be unwanted” is just… ouch in so many levels? I mean, apart from the teens forgetting about him it also applies to his dads, Jodie and Scam, like Jodie just didn’t really care about him? Only like at the end of this episode knowing he most probably would never see him again did Jodie say something like “i love you and i’m sorry” and if i were Hermie that wouldn’t be comforting, it would make me feel like shit! Also… have his parents just not been looking for him or anything ?? because that’s also a factor to consider, like what’s going on there?? Anyways, i hope he gets remembered more even though it isn’t very likely and if they do go to the Goofs realm, well, im excited to see how he interacts with Scam if he even gets the chance. Oh! how could i forget, his will-they-won’t-they partner! … yeah shitty that the person you like just forgets you’re there… he might start feeling unlovable if he analyzes that too much so i hope he doesn’t </3
- Normal -
Left Normal to the end because i don’t have all my thoughts together for him just yet but i will try to make this coherent. everything happening to him is so fucked up,,, like if knowing your dad isn’t proud of you wasn’t enough to destroy someone, knowing you were a mistake and unwanted would. I’m very happy Hero has a bigger role in this whole story btw but it also creates much more conflict between them than the typical siblings butting heads stuff. (i honestly ignore the fact that Normal hates Hero only bc i like the idea of them caring for each other bc i am like that with one of my siblings and idk Normal deserves having a shoulder to rely on) Also, finding out your dad may not be your dad? Honestly at this point i think it’s confirmed that Lark IS Normal’s dad because if they had Hero to pass on the static to her, then Normal would be born and have nothing which means he wouldn’t have been able to communicate with the Doodler in the church but he DID and well Lark still had that static unless he secretly had another kid, which i doubt, so…. just food for thought. Another thing, he knows what the Doodler wants and fears, the other teens know he knows, so the fact they don’t listen to him i can imagine is so frustrating… especially because he has this need to be liked by everyone because that’s what he bases his self-worth on so if your own friend group brushes you aside (from your perspective) then what does that say about everyone else? That’s a thing about Normal i think a lot of people forget. Yes he is self-centered, but i don’t think he is because he truly believes he is better than everyone else, rather because all his self worth is based on how everyone else perceives him and he has believed for so long that everyone loved him for being Teeny and those rose-tinted glasses have been crushed under his father’s feet and now he is seeing everything clearer and it’s too much, so he tries to compensate for it by telling himself that no he IS better than everyone else in a way, he IS the pride and spirit of the school even though he knows deep down that that’s just not true! On another note, he did say this episode that he wanted to walk away, something many of us thought could’ve happened, which solidifies me saying he is frustrated, “you won’t listen to me then i’ll do this on my own!” kind of mentality.
Okay, that’s all i’ve got that i can write down in a semi-comprehensible way… i hope it’s readable :,)
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bisluthq · 1 year
I mean, saying it's PR doesn't invalidate it being real too. They can have their fun going on, yet they are also clearly leaning into the positive attention. Taylor could go to his games and support him in a more private way and yet she's jumping up and down, banging on glass cases, doing the full on pack of meme-able faces on camera with his mom and dad too lol, she took friends to his game that all benefited from the publicity of being there (Sophie because of the divorce situation, Blake literally took her product and put it on the screen for placement etc, Ryan literally arranged an ad with Travis's mom); Tree has been putting out fluff articles about them every two business days, they clearly called the paps for the official launch, they went to SNL together conveniently on a day where there was going to be a skit about them that also mocked her exes and then ended up agreeing to even be on the show.
well yes obviously they’re milking the fuck out of this - no one sane would deny that - but that doesn’t mean they’re not fucking lmao. Like if it were “fake” all the stuff you’re saying would be even more complicated yk? Imagine trying to draft a mutual promotion contract that involves your bestie’s soft drinks company and your divorcing friend. It’d be a nightmare.
I agree with everything you’ve said but for the people who run around screaming “fake PR relationship” I’d just like to go through a few things that seem that way once again: Lana x Noah from all the boys I’ve loved before right went as far as making each other their lock screens on their phones when they were punting the shit out of the franchise but like she had a whole ass bf and since they finished they don’t hang out anymore. They had a clear mission - sell the franchise - and they accomplished it and met all obligations. They encouraged shipping because them being shipped would get people to watch their movies more. Glenn x Sydney stoked affair rumors and it got a ton of attention for a romcom that seems shitty and no one cares about and she’s got a whole ass fiancé. Like obviously these things aren’t “real” but they drive traffic and attention and they’re easy to create performance standards for (“don’t post your actual partner on social media”, post X things with the other party involved in this, wear X on pap walk with the other party involved in this, on X date paps will be present etc). “Get my divorcing friend good press” isn’t something that one can perform on like it’d be a bullshit thing to request someone do for you.
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U N P L A N N E D, the first kiss
Harry’s phone sat on the edge of Jeff’s desk, a three-way call with Dave and Y/N on a Wednesday afternoon. 
“I wouldn’t advise to inform anyone outside of family at this point,” Dave said, his tone was firm and Harry could imagine the way Y/N rolled her eyes. 
Home from work, she’d texted before he called and beeped Dave in. She was nervous, morning sickness and her growing belly made her coworkers suspicious and Y/N felt like it was only a matter of time before it became uncomfortably obvious.
“With all due respect,” Y/N’s voice sounded through the phone, “you don’t have to go to work every morning and hide your pregnancy or try to not throw up 24/7--”
Harry’s eyes went wide and he smiled at her boldness, Jeff smiled a little too but cut her off. 
“I think she’s got a point, Dave,” Jeff interjected. “She can tell them she’s pregnant and not disclose that it’s Harry’s.”
“Right,” Harry agreed. “Or we could draw up an NDA.”
“We certainly need to draw up an NDA,” Dave said quickly. 
“Well then hop to it, Dave,” Harry tried to joke to lighten the mood. Jeff rolled his eyes and leaned closer to the phone. 
“Yeah--we can work on that, Dave, and Y/N--if you could send me and Dave an email with the names of the coworkers you want to tell that would be a huge help.”
“Got it,” she said through the phone. She hung up only a few seconds later, a bitter farewell between Y/N and Dave had Harry laughing to himself when he ended the call. 
“Never thought she’d stick it to Dave like that,” he leaned back on the couch in Jeff’s home office and sighed. 
“She’s got a feisty side,” Jeff commented, turning back to his computer quickly. 
“Well she’s probably sick of being told how to handle her pregnancy by a bunch of men.”
Jeff raised his eyebrows at that, apparently caught off guard by Harry’s defensiveness or abrasiveness or both. 
“Yeah--no--I just, I hope things are going well.”
“Why wouldn’t they be?”
“Hey,” Jeff raised a hand and turned to see his friend. “I don’t mean anything by that. I’m on your side.”
“Doesn’t always feel like it, if I’m being honest.” 
Jeff sighed, slumped in his chair for a second and thought. Again--it wasn’t that Jeff had anything against Y/N. He’d love for nothing more than Harry to get the family he always wanted--to be a dad and to have someone he loved and spent his life with. 
Maybe that would be Y/N.
But for some reason, Jeff wasn’t sold. 
Not because he didn’t like Y/N--more because it felt too good to be true that the woman Harry accidentally knocked up could wind up being the perfect match for him. 
“I’m sorry, man,” Jeff tried again. “I’m just protective and nervous and--”
“I am, too, Jeff. You keep saying we’re on the same side but I don’t even think you remember that half of the time. I want to do the right thing, too. I don’t want to be stupid or get hurt or something.”
“I get that,” Jeff shrugged, albeit a little hesitantly when Glenne knocked on the door. 
“Hi,” she smiled, a step into the room to greet Jeff upon her return from work. “Are you always here now?”
“No,” Harry rolled his eyes at her. “Just on days that end in y.”
“We had to talk to Dave and Y/N about some stuff,” Jeff informed, a look to Harry in warning. “He’s leaving soon.”
“I am,” Harry nodded, still relaxed on the couch with no intent of getting up. “I do have a question, Glenne.”
She was back by the doorway now, still dressed in a blazer and heels as she waited with raised brows for Harry to spit it out.
“Don’t get weird when I ask this, okay?” He looked at both of them, a smirk tugging at his lips when Jeff swiveled in his chair to face them. Glenne made a face but Harry kept going. “What--uh--what kind of things has Y/N said to you about all of this?”
“About getting pregnant with your baby?” Glenne nodded slowly to make sure she had it right. 
“I mean, aside from freaking the fuck out at first because this is not the plan she had,” Glenne laughed a little, sympathetic for her friend but also amused by the way she’d relaxed into her new friendship with Harry. “She’s okay, she’s excited now, I think. Nervous, for sure, but she’s getting better.”
Harry nodded thoughtfully. Not exactly the answer he was looking for, but that was his fault for being vague. “Sorry--I--uh, has she said anything about me?”
Jeff laughed at that, shook his head and turned back to his computer. Apparently this wasn’t something he needed to pay attention to. 
Glenne smiled a little, leaned against the doorway and crossed her arms. “Why?”
“Why?” Harry asked, chin tucked against his chest. “Because she’s having my baby.”
“It’s hers too, you know.”
“Our baby,” Harry corrected before pushing again. “What has she said?”
Glenne shrugged, obviously contemplating what she should divulge and what felt like it would lead Y/N to absolutely lose her shit should she find out that Glenne wasn’t as tight-lipped as expected. 
“I don’t know, Harry--not much,” she turned and headed back towards the kitchen, grabbing a seltzer from the fridge when he followed behind quickly. 
“You see her once a week and you expect me to believe I’ve never come up?”
“Your ego is showing!” Jeff called from the other room.
Glenne watched him with narrowed eyes, took a sip as Harry waited patiently next to the island. “She said you want to get to know her more.”
“I do.”
“In a normal way or in a…different way?” Glenne wiggled her eyebrows and Harry looked at her like she had three heads. 
“Not following.”
“Do you have feelings for her?”
“What? No--I don’t--I mean, she’s lovely, I like hanging out with her a lot--”
“And you think she’s attractive and smart,” Glenne filled in some of the blanks.
“Is that a crime?” He asked.
“No,” Glenne smiled. “I just think you guys are gonna bang again.”
“Glenne,” Harry made a face at that. “She’s pregnant with my child.”
“It’s hers too!” Glenne reached forward and gave Harry a punch in the arm.
“Alright--thanks for nothing,” he shrugged playfully, went back to Jeff’s office to grab his phone and the Nalgene he brought everywhere. He pushed his sunglasses on his face and called over his shoulder as he let himself out. “See you whenever!”
Glenne stood there for a second, watched him walk out and laughed to herself before Jeff appeared in the doorway. 
“She’s got it bad for him too?”
Glenne nodded. “This will either be amazing, or really, really messy.”
Harry was a regular at Dr. Weston’s office, so much so that he’d read every pamphlet in the waiting room and now greeted the nurses by name when they led Y/N down the same hallway and into the same room with the giant vagina poster. 
Y/N--on this lovely afternoon--didn’t seem as impressed by Harry’s charm as she usually did.
He turned around and held a hand over his eyes, a dramatic show of privacy when Y/N took the gown out of his outstretched hand and slipped it over her shoulders. “What’s your problem?”
He pouted and looked at her over his shoulder. “You don’t even care that I’m extremely well read.”
“One of those was a pamphlet about gestational diabetes–which I don’t even have,” she climbed up onto the exam table.
“I’m just trying to care, okay? However will you forgive me?” 
She fought the smile on her face, “I appreciate your caring. And your reading.”
“Good,” he said, crossing his arms over his chest as he sat back in his seat. “You should. Where do you want to go to dinner tonight?”
She scrunched her lips in thought. “Know any good barbeque places? Some ribs sound so good.”
His eyebrows lifted, he watched her for a second when a smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth. Easier than he expected.
“What?” She asked, shoulders tense. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
He broke eye contact for a second, let out a tiny laugh and then looked back up at her, a shit-eating grin on his face that he didn’t even bother to hide. “Just didn’t know it’d be that easy to get you to hang out with me.”
“Oh shut up,” she giggled, adjusting on top of the sanitary paper. “I’m hungry. It’s almost dinnertime anyway.”
“The only bad news is that I don’t know a good barbeque place.”
“That is bad news,” she agreed. “There’s one near my house. We can just go there. Or–get take out.”
“Is Lexi home tonight?”
She nodded.
“We could invite Glenne and Jeff, too, if you want. Or it could be just us, that’s fine.”
Harry would have loved a night alone with Y/N--but something in him thought that a group dinner date might help both Jeff and Glenne realize that Harry and Y/N were fine. They were friends. They were getting to know each other and neither Jeff nor Glenne needed to waste any time being nervous that this would implode. 
Y/N didn’t have a chance to answer, though, before Dr. Weston knocked and offered a smile, how are both parents feeling? 
She asked the same questions: new symptoms? Any bleeding? Mood? Appetite? Headaches? So far so good, no major symptoms and Harry realized that Y/N’s eyelashes curled up perfectly in a way that made his palms sweaty.
Dr. Weston turned to the ultrasound machine and pressed a few buttons, waking the screen up when Y/N laid back and assumed the regular position. This time, Harry pulled his chair up to be right beside her, as close as possible, when Dr. Weston prepped the probe with jelly.
“Definitely growing in there,” she smiled, reaching up to point at the screen. 
Harry leaned forward in shock. “Wow–she actually looks like a baby now.”
“Yeah,” Dr. Weston laughed a bit. “Less of a plum and more a baby.” But she turned, after that, her eyebrows furrowing at the screen before she looked at Harry again. “How did you know it’s a girl?”
“It’s a girl?” Y/N asked, lifting herself on her elbows to look at the screen closer. “How do you know?”
Dr. Weston turned the screen to show you better, moved the probe along Y/N’s lower tummy. 
“Well–if she weren’t, we’d see something right there between her legs.”
“So I’m right?” Harry looked at Y/N with wide eyes, a smug look of excitement on his face. “We’re having a girl?”
“You are,” Dr. Weston nodded. “I hope it’s okay that you know now.”
Harry clapped his hands together and stood from his seat. “I knew it, Y/N. I totally called it.”
He had to text his mum and sister, they’d been dying to know and begging to buy whatever they could to help prepare. Y/N sat up on the table and looked over at Harry, a sweet smile on her face when Harry felt his heart skip a beat. 
“S’a girl!”
“I know,” she nodded, voice quiet when she watched him. Harry held her gaze for a second, both of their lips pointed up at the corners.
Dr. Weston ducked out of the room quietly and then Harry clicked his phone shut.
“Did you already tell everyone we know?”
“No,” he laughed, letting it fall into his pocket. “Just my mum and sister.”
She hopped down from the table and he handed over her clothes. He watched her turn around, let the gown slip over her left shoulder as she tugged her shirt over her head. Harry turned to look out the window, but he didn’t feel bad when his eyes wandered over to appreciate the exposed skin.
“Are you happy it’s a girl?” He asked.
“I’m happy she’s healthy, and that I’m healthy,” she laughed, turning around to see him once her shorts were back in place. “But yes–a girl will be fun.”
“We’d make anything fun,” he said, stepping forward to wrap his arms around her shoulders. She looked up at him and smiled, and it wasn’t lost on Harry that she fit perfectly against him.
Jeff’s mouth was wide open, he was still, a look of shock on his face as Glenne let out a laugh loud enough that it could set off a car alarm.
“Don’t,” Harry groaned, his eyes pleading with Y/N to not embarrass him any further. 
“They were expired?!” Lexi’s eyes were wide, she looked between the two of them from her spot on the floor, take out on her lap. “That’s fucked man.”
“I didn’t know they were, obviously!” He defended.
Glenne shrugged her shoulders. “Just getting laid that infrequently.” 
“Alright,” Harry rolled his eyes at the teasing. “S’not my primary residence.”
“So wait,” Jeff said. “When did you find this out?”
“When she was over once for dinner. Gave her the grand tour and we obviously had to stop by the scene of the crime,” Harry borrowed the language she once used to describe the bedroom.
“He can definitely cook but apparently he doesn’t read expiration dates,” Y/N laughed.
“So it’s all your fault,” Lexi laughed, reaching for another drink. “Bet that was tough news.”
Harry would have replied, would have made some type of comment about how what had started out as an accident was now making him wake up every day with a smile on his face. But his phone rang and he had to take it. “One day you’re all going to feel terrible for saying that when you’re in love with our baby. It’s John–I’ll take it outside.”
Jeff came out eventually when Harry motioned for him, a conversation about a release night show. Harry stole glances through the sliding glass door as Y/N and Glenne and Lexi laughed in the living room, a quick thought about what it’d be like to have a baby on his hip as he paced on the patio out back.
But eventually they ate take out and Jeff and Glenne stood by the door to say goodnight. 
“Alright, my dear,” Glenne smiled at Y/N. “Eat well, sleep well, take care of that sweet little muffin.”
“Okay,” she nodded. “So far, so good.”
Jeff waited as Glenne put her wine glass in the sink, hands on his hips when he looked to Harry. “Are you hitting the road too?”
So this was the anxiety Y/N felt. Was he allowed to stay? Would Jeff think it was a bad idea? Most importantly, did Harry care what Jeff thought? “Uh–might stay for a bit, if that’s alright?” 
Now he looked at Y/N, Glenne’s eyes were a bit wide, a smirk threatened to twist her lips into a full blown smile. 
“Yeah,” she said, looking around at all of them. “S’fine.”
So they said goodnight and left the two of them alone, Y/N turned to Harry once the door latched behind them. 
“Would you actually tell me if Jeff hated me?”
“Why would he hate you?”
“Because you got me pregnant.”
“He doesn’t hate you,” he shook his head, a smile tugged at his lips. “S’my fault, remember?”
“He might not see it that way.”
He rolled his eyes at her. “I just know.”
“How do you know?”
“Trust me, I would know if he hated you. He’s a terrible liar. He’d never be able to hang out with you if he didn’t like you.”
She was quiet, looked back down at the remote in her hands and picked at the skin around her thumb. Lexi had already gone to bed, the living room was quiet with the heavy air between them. Harry couldn’t help but wonder if she felt it too, whatever it was.
He turned himself towards her on the couch, voice quiet when his head dipped to the side. “Why are you nervous about that?”
She smiled a little, a guilty one, like she knew her anxiety was getting the best of her. “I’m still trying to get over the whole fear about ruining your life.”
He rolled his eyes at that, a laugh escaping his lips when his arm reached up to the back of the couch. “You’re ridiculous! I can tell you a thousand times and you won’t believe me.”
“Probably not.”
He raised his eyebrows and watched her for a second. “You didn’t ruin my life.”
“Okay.” She stood from the couch and moved towards the kitchen, bringing the glass that Lexi had left behind over to the dishwasher. She smiled a little, stole a glance at him over her shoulder when he stood to follow behind.
“I mean it,” he laughed. 
She turned around, hands on the counter as she looked at him. For a second, Harry’s eyes darted down to her lips, wondering if they tasted sweet like honey.
When he looked back up at her eyes she looked scared, afraid, something had washed over her that had Harry’s stomach in a knot.
Her voice was barely above a whisper, the clock on the wall ticked when she finally admitted: “I just don’t want you to leave.”
He took a step forward, brows furrowed. “Tonight?”
“No–like, in general.”
His lips parted at that, a pause before he sighed, another step forward. 
“Sorry,” she said quickly. “I didn’t mean to be weird. I’m just–scared sometimes.”
“I know,” he was close now, his chest almost pressed against hers. He let his fingers reach up to tug at the hem of her shirt, a desire to touch her that now always lingered nearby. “I’m not going anywhere.”
She nodded, stared down at the floor now as if looking up in his eyes was too risky. Harry felt the same rush of adrenaline, the same jolt of electricity down his spine when he leaned in to press his lips to hers. 
Sweeter than honey, he decided. Definitely sweeter.
table of contents | talk to me | the playlist
AN: SWEETER THAN HONEY?!?!!?!?!?! wow i love them.
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twinksintrees · 2 years
Please tell more about your playlists! I've been listening to some of them and I'm rll curious about why you put certain songs in playlists and ur anlysises on them!
thank you for the ask!! Bc this ended being way longer than I thought it would be, I’m only going to be focusing on one playlist here, but I will write up similar post for most of my other playlists as well. Today we will be focusing on my Glenn Close playlist.
Edit: a link to the playlist has been added below bc I forgot to put that in when I first posted lmao
Analysis under the cut
Carry on my wayward son: this might be one of the simplest to explain, and its because the cast themselves have joked and talked about how this song fits glenn, even going so far as to make the title to one of the most important glenn centric episodes. It has to be on there imo.
Highway to hell: this one is also simple to explain, glenn became a demon and went through his owm highway to hell, as it were. It also fits into his dad rock theme, as does carry on my wayward son.
I miss having sex but at least i dont want to die anymore: i dont have a real reason for this one honestly, i think i heard this song on a random playlist and it made me think of glenn? I think theres a version of glenn in my head that lives as a human and goes back to the human realm as normal with the other dads and this would be from his pov after he grows and gets older and does some healing i guess?? It doesn’t make a lot of sense ik.
Anna sun: this is one of the songs most closely (heh) associated with glenn in my head. This song makes me think of young glenn, fresh after morgan died, being left with a 7 y/o Nick and no idea how to cope with either of their grief. The chorus of “this house is falling apart” sung with more and more intensity makes me envision a scene where its young glenn, standing in a small, lonely apartment holding a tiny nick in his arms as he looks around, no idea what to do without his wife and best friend here to help him. The lyrics “we got no money, but we got heart” make me think of glenn, failing rockstar, determined to make a way for himself and for his son.
Sickly sweet holidays: i found this one on another glenn playlist, and the christmas theme was perfect, but also, the lyrics “im crying every day, i wish that you were here, when christmas comes this time each year” are so heartbreaking applied to him and morgan if its him singing that after shes gone.
Last christmas: it fit the christmas theme and i just liked the jimmy eat world version lmao.
Home: this song. just breaks me. The pain and the heartbreak and the tragedy of losing someone you care so deeply about just is glenn with morgan. The lyrics “and i got mad when they said that you weren't coming back to me, cause i hate hearing the truth” are crushing in this case especially because glenn does hate hearing the truth. He’s the type of person who avoids his problems until they slap him in the face. He does that with his grief, doesnt acknowledge his or his son’s pain, and it isnt good for him. For either of them.
Ghost of york: this song is on the playlist solely because it slaps and because of the lyrics “and from the corner of my eye/i saw you dressed all in white/i saw you pass right by/maybe i had too much wine/you never said goodbye” for me, this song speaks to a sad, depressed glenn mourning his wife and drowning his pain with drink, wishing he just had the chance to say goodbye one more time.
Afraid: “when i wake i'm afraid somebody else might take my place” i mean, this literally happened with him and jodie. The chorus is glenn talking shit about jodie. “It hurts but i wont fight you” is glenn accepting jodie as Nick’s new father.
Pope is a rockstar: i dont care i dont care if the lyrics are ‘pope is a rockstar’ Glenn sang ‘go little rockstar’ to nick when he was young and you can't change my mind.
Never love an anchor: oooohh boy. Oh boy. Pain. let's go. With the first lyrics alone “on some level i think i always understood/that these hands of mine were clumsy not clever/and i tried to do the best that i could/ but try as i might i could not bring myself to hold you” this is a very glenn song. Glenn Close was not meant to be a father, no matter how much he loved his son. In fact, with the next set of lyrics we’ll be looking at “a ship could never really love an anchor/so i did the only thing that i could/and severed the rope that set you sailing from my harbor” they can be tied directly to him making the choice to let nick go at the trial. “There are times when i still wonder about you/you are someone i have loved but never known” glenn still loves nick, but that's not the same nick he raised. He is someone glenn has loved, but never truly known after the swap with jodie. “You’ll never see the reasons i had/for keeping my claws away when they were close enough to hurt you” nick will never really know the choice, the sacrifice glenn made when he called for the switch. He will never know the pain glenn saved him from losing two parents. “I am selfish i am broken i am cruel” represents all of glenns self hatred and negativity. I think at certain points pf the podcast he genuinely believes all of those things about himself. “I am all the things they might have said to you” is glenn being terrified nick will end up exactly like him and so deeply hoping he doesn't.
The light behind your eyes: this song is from glenn’s pov in prison. “If i could be with you tonight/i would sing you to sleep/never let them take the light behind your eyes” the idea of him being able to get out and sing this for his friends around a campfire, or sing this softly to his son one last time keeps him going. “I failed and lost this fight/never fade in the dark/just remember you will always burn as bright” is glenn literally losing the court case and getting sentenced to the prison, he is the one fading in the dark, and the only thing keeping him going is the memory, the brightness, of his friends and of his son. I also think glenn sang this to nick as a lullaby when he was a little kid.
Death as a fetish: this song also represents glenns incredibly negative internal voice. The repetition of “i will never be good enough” is all of his internal thoughts that he will never open up about or share with anyone.
The soccer journals: read for a better explanation below
Hey there delilah: read the post linked below for an explanation. @that-one-queer-punk pointed this one out to me and actually wrote a fic based on it, and I’ve linked it below if you wanna check it out, it’s good shit.
Cold cold man: this for me is young glenn when he and morgan are just starting to get together. He’s very devoted to her and he truly believes “the only bed worth sleeping’s the one right next to you” he can appear to be smooth, suave guy who sleeps around, but he honestly enjoys a monogamous relationship and would never betray her that way.
Therapy: glenn needs therapy. Plain and simple.
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cognitosclowns · 3 years
I loved your post about their laughs and was really curious about how youd describe their bodies? thank you!!!!!!!!!!
nonsexual nudity!!! discussions of weight, bodies and body image, mentions of drugs!!
THESE ARE PROBABLY GONNA STRAY A BIT FROM CANON BUT IDC <33333. Also just some,, general details?? Mostly just whatever comes to mind
She looks a lot smaller than she is??? Maybe it's bc she has shit posture but,, he's a pretty tall lady!!
She definitely got her Dad's shoulders - not super broad, but enough that if she started working out they would be???
STOCKY HANDS <333333333 VV square hands, pretty textured bc shes,, Constantly Working With Them!! <333 she keeps her nails super short out of convenience.
CANONICALLY DRY SKIN. She does put a bit of lotion if she remembers, but it means she has,, a lot of texture on her hands and face!! Lots of gorgeous weathering <33
SUPER FIT. ABS FOR DAYS. We already get to see that he’s Built Like A Greek Sculpture. His muscles are all vvv distinct!!!
the only man here with an ass <3 rip everyone else
He’s always had squishy cheeks since he was a kid!! When he smiles they all bunch up?? <333 IDK IF IM DESCRIBING IT CORRECTLY BUT <333 Like they’re,, constantly rosy. He breaks out into this,, Peach Colored blush so often?? <333
HIS FINGERS ARE BIG AND CLUMSY. He fumbles stuff a lot because he doesn’t have great coordination w/ em?? His nails are VERY well kept tho <333
This lovely hodgepodge of traits??
He's thin enough you can see a bit of his ribs, but also has a bit of a tummy? He has visible muscle and decently broad shoulders, but his wrists would probably snap if you have him too hard of a high-five? Tent pole legs and a small torso?? Assless, practically concave. His body is hairless and smooth like a skink, except for a Very Pale happy trail.
He wears makeup to get rid of the eyebags + how Deathly Pale he looks. He needs to get more sun, he has a Vitamin D deficiency </3. Truly built like a Tuberculosis Orphan <3
ALSO A VV STRONG JAW??? Super squared off n firm. he is so proud of that jawline esp because he didn't have to work for it <3333
THE HANDSSSSS he definitely has Slightly Bulbous Gecko Fingers?? Kinda rosy too bc he chews his cuticles to ratshit. They’re always slightly cold and Exceptionally Soft <333
Y'know what? I'll say it. Quintessential Dad Bod. Nobody can convince me otherwise. They hated Outis because he spoke the truth
BUT LIKE <333 broad shoulders, big stomach n thighs?? Plenty of stretchmarks everywhere!!!
Apparently the original President was an Oops All Tits situation, and while surprised, AB isn’t really complaining?? 
he definitely isn’t a fan of the body hair though ‘Was a happy trail really necessary??? he doesn’t understand why he needed body hair if nobody was ever gonna see him naked??
His skin has a buncha texture?? Laugh lines, crows feet, plenty of Wrinkles and Weathering. 
just in,, every meaning of the word. If he had good posture, he’d tower over the entire gang.
He's the kind of strong of like,, Lumberjacks. A fuckton of muscle n fat, big shoulders - he could probably toss a desk with little to no effort.
I like to think he helped around his parents the farm since a young age, probably picked up odd jobs here and there (friends farms, local fishery) until joining the army when he graduated high school!!
He may not be as active as he was in his 20s-30s but,, Buddy He Could Still Turn You Into Jam If He Wants
MASSIVE FUCKING HANDS. Jesus you wouldn't realize it bc he doesn't Gesture A Lot but,, he could probably wrap his full hand around most ppls throats. ALSO TALONS <333 SHARP CLAWS
His teeth are the thickness of your thumb, a dulled point. He can break bone!! Yes, he’s tested, (I SHOULD CLARIFY : not on people, on Assorted Meats)
Long and thin - he has trouble keeping on weight, even though he eats like a trash compactor. you can’t see bones, but he’s definitely on the smaller side!!
SUPER LANKY, but unlike JR he doesn’t have that much muscle?? The weight he does have is mostly fat!
HES SUPER FLEXIBLE. He could probably shove himself in one of the cabinets in his office when he doesn’t wanna talk to people lmao. He can stretch backwards and grab hold of his calves (he does it to freak Myc out smdnsd)
Boniest fingers in the universe. you can see the individual like,, joints. They’re also all,, curved?? He’s broken his fingers a bunch on accident so,, they have a bunch of kinks!!
his skin and hair is vvvv oily!! he used to have really bad acne when he was a teen!! Myc lovingly teases him that the reflection of light off his forehead + hair could cook smb like an Ant in a Magnifying glass.
speaking of hair - it has this super textured, gritty feeling??? Maybe cause he forgets to clean it but,, it feels Dense n Sandy?? <333
he looks way less solid than he is??? it looks like if you poked him he’d dent
he’s actually fairly sturdy!! Like theres some give but he has Structure? He kinda feels like if you coated a Slightly Deflated Beach ball in Aloe Vera.
The bulbs on the top are probably the softest??
The Ball (tm) is straight up a giant crystal ball. There’s a slight give, but it’s basically a Firm Crystal-Like Membrane??
everything about him is slick - but in the Tacky, Oily way that some Hand Sanitizers have?? It feels like you can never get him off your hands </3
MNSDMS SHE’S PRETTY SHORT </3 the heels help but she still has to ask Myc and Andre to get stuff from the Top Shelves.
Everything about her is very,, sharp?? High cheek bones, edge nails, etc. 
She has the kind of,, Elegant Strength that a diamond has if that makes sense??
HER SKIN IS FLAWLESS, EVERYONE ELSE IS JEALOUS. She has full access to Andre’s Mad Science + her Media Team so,, yeah she always looks like she’s just stepped down from heaven for a quick bite to eat <3
She has freckles!! she usually covers them up with makeup, so it’s very rare to see get a look at em!!! <3333 they really come out in the sun tho <3
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
Rewatching RWBY there's this chilling lack of empathy through the volumes that I used to just wave off. Yang has no empathy for Tai, Blake is just entirely about what Blake needs, Weiss almost kills a woman at a party and her takeaway is 'my dad is mean so I'm going to run away'. Qrow sinks hard into depression in vol. 6 and Ruby's reaction is to yell she's never needed him. No one has EVER helped a civilian. It's so prevelant. Knowing how 7&8 go really changes the earlier writing.
I think there was a great deal of well-written empathy in the early volumes — after all, this cast was designed as the kind, well-meaning heroes — but that care was expressed almost solely within the group itself. Ruby sits by Jaune in the hallway and says "Nope!" to his self doubt. Weiss offers Ruby a hand up after she fails to kill the death stalker. Yang seeks out Blake and gets her to open up about what's bothering her. Now, I want to emphasize that there's nothing inherently wrong with this. It actually makes perfect sense. These are our main characters and they're written as peers co-habiting the same space. Of course whatever emotional growth we get, which automatically includes moments of compassion, would be directed towards each other. Similarly, the dynamics originally introduced — that of teachers and parents — likewise (rightly) puts the burden on the adults to provide the comfort, not the other way around. Port snaps Weiss out of her arrogant mindset. Ozpin reassures Ruby about her leadership worries. Tai is there to support his daughter when she's recovering from a lost limb. That's the natural order of things, so to speak.
The problem, to my mind, begins to occur when the group exits those dynamics. They're no longer students, they're licensed huntsmen. They're no longer kids, but equals who never needed adults in the first place. They're no longer doing things for themselves and their friends on personal downtime, they're doing them for the community at large as a profession (to say nothing of the world-altering war they've insisted on shouldering responsibility for). That's what a huntsmen is meant to be, a defender of the people, not someone who uses that power for personal interests alone. All of this is a huge change from where we started out: cutesy kids going off on comparatively low-stakes adventures because one or more of their teammates are invested, only just beginning to realize that they're signing up for a job where their desires come second (that fireside conversation at Mountain Glenn).
This change invites — demands, really — that the audience read them differently too. Qrow's spiral in Volume 6 is a good example of this. If Ruby is demanding to be treated not just as an equal in terms of maturity and experience, but also as the primary leader of this group, then the viewer expects her to treat her uncle as an equal too, not dismiss his hardship. I've seen numerous fans defend that arc with some version of, "He's her uncle. He's supposed to take care of her. He's failing" but that, according to the show, is no longer the dynamic. Qrow is now just a member of Ruby's team, someone she's responsible for as their leader. It's easiest to see the problem if we switch out Qrow for any of the other members. If Blake developed a drinking problem, do we think Ruby would just shout at her until she magically got over it? If Jaune endangered the group, do we think they'd all be angry about it, rather than trying to figure out the source of what caused the mistake? We don't even need to think hypothetically for that one because we saw it on screen. Jaune attacked Oscar and drove him off, not just threatening him, but arguably endangering the whole team by requiring a search party. Fans have long insisted they had to steal that airship right then because being in Argus was too much of a risk, but if we buy that reading (which I personally don't, but), then that means Jaune made things exponentially worse by forcing them out into that super dangerous city, rather than allowing everyone to stay hidden inside. He made a massive mistake which, according to the logic of Qrow's arc, should be met with frustration, disdain, and eventual demands to get over his anger at Ozpin or ship out. But, of course, he received nothing but concern. Yang was worried about him, not Oscar. The search becomes about his grief for Pyrrha and his team's willingness (as well as Pyrrha's family member) to provide more comfort. Suddenly, the tendency to express care solely towards those within the group becomes a flaw the story won't acknowledge.
And then it spirals. The thing to remember is that no single act here is bad on its own, especially when we consider that yes, we want flawed characters. Rather, it's about the pattern. Ruby is allowed to get mad at Qrow for his behavior and chuck her scroll in frustration. She's human. I'd be crazy frustrated too. However, if Ruby is meant to be written as a caring, sympathetic character, she should not only respond to the situation with frustration, yelling, a refusal to listen, and demands that he follow her lead, no questions asked. We can, and should, acknowledge that Weiss was the victim during that party. Her father was hurting her, the woman was beyond insensitive, Weiss was triggered in regards to a horrific event, and her power acted on its own. However, if we want to write Weiss as a compassionate, mature huntress to-be, she should acknowledge that she nearly killed someone — even an asshole someone — and vow to work on her control because she's not willing to put someone in danger like that ever again. Both of these moments have a "They could have been handled better" response attached to them — the former more-so than the latter imo — but these moments are made far, far worse due to later events in the show, events where the characters are cruel without any justification attached. Weiss didn't mean to attack that woman, but she did mean to ignore Whitely and threaten him with her weapon. So once we see that, it informs our understanding of what came before it. "Oh. The fact that Weiss never reacted to nearly killing someone isn't just a bit of missed potential, it's an early indicator that she... doesn't seem to care. If she endangers people, threatens people... that's fine with her." The group has a right to be frustrated with Qrow. The group did not have the right to magically steal Ozpin's entire life story, assault him, and blame him for the world's problems until he felt his only course of action was to run from them. So when we see that it becomes, "Oh. The fact that the group treated Qrow so poorly isn't just a one-time mistake born of a stressful situation and young adults being out of their depth in regards to alcoholism. They really will just abandon anyone the moment they start making mistakes." Anyone outside of their group, that is.
To say nothing of how all of these moments interconnect. Yang's recovery isn't just about getting used to not having an arm, it's about getting used to having a new one. Weiss' party isn't just about nearly killing someone, it's about not committing manslaughter because someone else stepped in. The Volume 6 arc isn't just about trying to escape with the Relic, it's about trying to get it somewhere safe. Fans frustrated with Ironwood's treatment don't harp on these details out of some desperate attempt to make him look good post-murder spree, rather, they recognize that he's a character that's been around since nearly the beginning, originally written as a good guy, and thus has accumulated a number of key connections with the cast. So when none of those connections are acknowledged during an arc about trust... that makes the group look very uncaring. Yang doesn't care that he gave her the arm, Weiss doesn't care that he saved her from hurting/potentially killing someone, Qrow doesn't care that he's trusted Ironwood for years (in a rival-bros way) and that they've been heading towards him this whole time. And when Ironwood begins to spiral, they don't do anything to try and help him, let alone acknowledge that their own choices, that lack of trust and empathy, had a hand in getting them here. "But it's not their responsibility to fix him!" Isn't it? Even a little? Just as human beings seeing an ally struggling under horrific decisions and circumstances? Sure, they don't have to try... but that doesn't make them look very heroic to my mind. And we can't even shrug that off by simplifying things with, "Well, Ironwood is evil now so who cares about him." They simultaneously don't care about finding Qrow who is missing, then captured. They don't do anything to try and find their missing teammates, with the exception of sending May to do it instead. They don't help the army fight off the grimm. Don't try to make sure Pietro and Maria had portals to escape through. Barely hesitate when the newly resurrected characters goes, "Kill me. That's the easiest thing for everyone." And these are just a few of the big ticket moments. It doesn't even begin to cover all the details we get that paint a picture of, "Wow okay. They just really don't care about people outside the group, huh? I mean, they say they do, in a life-or-death way, but they're not putting forth effort to show it on a daily basis."
And if you pick up on all that, if you acknowledge how much the group has changed based on where they started out, you might wonder when in the world that started. Surely we didn't just flip a switch around Volume 6. So you re-watch early stuff and, sure enough, there are moments that feel like setup for what's to come later. Not intentional setup (quite obviously), but a lack of care towards details across the series that, once the dynamic changed, became far, far more pronounced. Characters should be at least somewhat recognizable from start to finish, especially characters who have only experienced about two years of in-world time, so if we now get to see Ruby blandly commenting on all the people who are dying, or Weiss using her weapon as a means of coercing her little brother into doing what she wants, or Yang and Jaune dismissing Ren until he gives in to their point of view... we're going to look for the beginnings of that behavior early on. As you say, we were able to wave all those little details off due to a number of important factors. Now though? Now they feel like they hold a lot more weight, simply by virtue of that early material proceeding what we have now.
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gucciwins · 4 years
Three Time
The one where Harry, Atticus, and Y/N celebrate. 
Word Count: 2,988
A/N: Hello friends, this is a little continuation to my story Adore You.  Harry is now a three time grammy nominated artist and i think that is beautiful. This is something short and i really do hope you enjoy it. 
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There is a lot that happened this year that she never saw coming. 
First, a worldwide pandemic that would keep everyone locked indoors and having to wear masks. Secondly, Harry's Love on Tour getting rescheduled to 2021, but even that isn't looking good now. And lastly, being in Los Angeles in November as Harry is filming a movie as the lead male actor. 
Ever since Fine Line was released in December, time seemed to fly by for them.
Harry was overjoyed at how loved Fine Line was by his fans. He was getting support left and right. He was a humble man, never letting it go to his head, always saying he couldn't do it without the help of the people on his team. 
There have been rumors flying around speculating Harry having a girlfriend, a famous songwriter, but they have learned to ignore it. Harry doesn't feel the need to address his relationships because it's theirs. He would love to shout his love for Y/N to the world, but as long as she knows, he's content. 
They celebrated their one year anniversary in Italy for a week before flying back home, they would have stayed longer, but they missed Atticus too much to do that. As soon as they got home, it felt like everything changed. Not between them, but with the world. It was madness to see a lockdown, fear had spiked, but safety was a priority that they took seriously. Meaning they had to take it day by day.
Ever since the worldwide lockdown in March, Harry discussed staying in Los Angeles with Mitch and Sarah for a few months. Atticus was quick to agree, but Y/N really wanted to go home. Harry reminded her it was better to be surrounded by a good group of friends than to be distanced from everyone in London's separate homes. She was quick to agree after. 
Y/N didn't mind it much after; they all always helped each other out. There was also a lot of music playing, as well as creating. Harry said they might just have to get Mitch to release a quarantine album, which got Harry hit in the head with a pillow. 
The one who was taking this the hardest was Atticus, missing Anne and Gemma, who was back in London. He missed going to the park to play, he missed running around free, and honestly, she did as well. They would go hiking and on walks, but it was not as open as before. 
This is why, by June, they returned back home to London, and after a week of quarantine and negative test results, they went on the journey to visit both families. Y/N separated from them to visit her mother and step-dad even though Harry tried to convince her they could go together, but honestly, as much as she loved Anne and had started to see her as a second mother, she really needed a hug from her own. She promised Harry and Atticus she would see them the day after as she was coming to see Anne and they would stay the week with her. 
During this time, Y/n started knitting, something she learned at a young age but would only do when she was stressed. She began teaching Atticus, but he could only keep still for a little bit before he had to run off and do a new activity. She knitted socks, hats, and blankets for their family and friends and shipped them off to them. Y/N even made Atticus and herself the JW Anderson Cardigan. It was a lot of work, but it came out lovely. Harry made them do a little backyard photoshoot because he loved it so much.  
Harry had even surprised her when he told her it would be on the cover of Vogue. She was in shock, but she never stopped hugging him, telling Harry how proud of him she was. The day of the shoot was gorgeous, she had to remind herself to breathe a few times, or she would have passed out. Atticus was in the shoot with Gemma and Harry as they did a family shoot to surprise Anne. Harry kept asking her if she was enjoying it, and honestly, her smile said everything. That she was proud of him, that he was doing fantastic but most importantly, that she loved him. The skirt had a lot of filthy thoughts floating through her head, and she really hoped they'd lend it to Harry if she told him everything she wanted to do with him, specifically her under that skirt touching him. 
Harry had her join for a few photos, Lambert pulling out a surprising look just for her. Harry promised these photos were just for them, even if he wanted to have them put one in just so the world could know how much he loved his family. 
It's November now, and they are in Y/N's Malibu home, which they have been staying at since October. Harry has started filming "Don't Worry Darling," in Olivia Wilde's film. It was surreal when they found out; she couldn't be any prouder. Staying in her home was an easy choice; not many knowing where she lives, only a few friends, and Atticus loves having the beach so close even if it is a little too cold to go in now. 
Y/N and Atticus can't go to set due to safety and regulations, but Harry calls and facetime them every time he gets a break in his trailer. He lets them know he misses them, but he really loves everyone he's working with. That the cast is incredible and kind. Harry would not stop teasing Y/N for her reaction when she saw the wedding ring on his left hand. It made her stop mid-sentence. Husband Harry is something she wishes to one day get because Dad Harry is an angel to his sweet son. 
Harry has recently gone back to filming as it was postponed for two weeks because someone on set came out positive to make up for the lost time they started filming on weekends, which bummed out Atticus. Still, Harry quickly told him it wasn't his choice and that they would watch movies of his options as soon as he was back. Atticus loves Y/N a lot, but he's never going to love anyone more than his dad, even though Atticus does push Harry second sometimes. 
More times than not, Harry will get home and find Y/N and Atticus napping in a new place of the house; the last time was outback in a little tent Y/N set up with fairy lights and had many pillows and blankets to stay warm. Harry was quick to climb in and wrap his arms around Y/N, who quickly woke up due to his cold hands, but he apologized quickly with kisses. She's a sucker for his kisses.
Every moment together is special for them. 
Atticus called her 'Mum' a week ago and ran off, feeling embarrassed would not talk to her all day. Which was hard to do, seeing that they were the only three people in the house. Harry saw how sulky she was and talked with Atticus because neither would tell him what happened. Harry was surprised when Atticus told him what he said, but he was mostly filled with joy and a bit of fear. A fear that she could leave any day and not only would he be left heartbroken but so would his son, but he knows Y/N and the love she has for them. She's here forever, she might not say it, but her actions say enough for her. How she tucks in Atticus to bed with a kiss and an 'I love you.' Asking Anne and her mother on first time parenting tips when she thinks Harry isn't around. How much she cried when he got a scrape on his knee for the time in her care. There isn't anything stopping her from leaving, but she stays because she loves all she has. In the end, Atticus apologized for not speaking with her, and she hugged him and cuddled him all night long. Harry told Atticus that Y/N wasn't his mother, but she loved him like one and that it was okay with him if she called her that. Y/N was fearful of being a mom, but she loved Atticus like her own; even if she hadn't watched and cared for him since he was born, she was here known and would do so for as long as Harry and Atticus let her. 
November 24th, a long-awaited day for artists in the music industry. Harry has to be on set at 11AM today, meaning they will be watching the live stream together. Jeff is with Glenne and is on facetime with Harry. He has his phone perched up against a candle. Harry is sitting in the middle, Atticus to his left and Y/N to his right. He's in sweats and a plain white tee, not needing to be dressed up, seeing as it only is nine in the morning. 
The live stream is an hour-long. Y/N truly forgets how many categories they have until she watches. They woke up at eight am, had pancakes for breakfast, and spoke of their daily plans letting time go by them, allowing them to enjoy breakfast together as they do each morning. 
Atticus can barely sit still, just wanting to hear his daddy's name being called. Harry is surprisingly quiet, just sitting back with his arms crossed as the live stream goes on. Honestly, Y/N is the only one showing emotion. She cheers as she hears HAIM and Phoebe Bridgers get nominated. She itches to grab her phone to shoot them a congratulations message but fears she'll miss something, so she just gives herself a silent reminder to do it after. 
Sharon Osbourne had just begun to say the nominees for Best Comedy Album, and Y/N knows what is coming up soon. She isn't even listening to the nominees, just waiting for her to name the Best Music Video nominees. 
As soon as she says, "Brown Skin Girl, Beyoncé," Y/N feels Harry's hand on her thigh tighten, and she feels for him. His nerves must be out of the roof, but he tries his best not to show it. Y/N shuts her eyes tight, putting her hand over his to let him know she's there for him. 
When she hears the words "Adore You, Harry Styles," she feels her heart speed up. She opens her eyes wide and looks at Harry; his face is blank. Atticus is running circles around the couch, just cheering and yelling nonsense. Jeff and Glenne are cheering from the phone. 
Harry lets out a big smile when he finally meets her eyes. "Adore you did it, angel." She whispers.
He nods. "That's unreal. To hear my name." 
She leans in to give him a quick kiss as they settle back down, ready to listen for the upcoming categories. Megan the Stallion is starting the new section of categories, and Y/N isn't sure how to feel because she won't be able to take it if they don't name Harry again. 
"Best Pop Solo Performance, Watermelon Sugar." This time they all break out into cheers as soon as they hear them call Harry's name after Dua Lipa's. "Watermelon Sugar" had been a hit from the day of its release. Now it has been nominated for a Grammy feels unreal to Harry. Two nominations, he would have never believed it. 
Y/N's buzzing waiting for Megan to announce Best Pop Vocal Album. Harry is now leaning forward, knowing this is another category he could potentially be nominated for. 
"Fine Line Harry Styles" As soon as she hears those words, the tears start running down her face; he did this. His album was nominated. Harry can't stop smiling as Atticus hugs him tight around his neck. He lets out a small chuckle as he sees her tears. He pulls her in, kissing her head repeatedly, smiling at Jeff's congratulations but mostly basking in the joy of three nominations and that he has the opportunity to share it with those he loves. 
Harvey Mason JR. is here once again to announce the general field categories. Harry and Y/N nod along as the names of the nominees are called out. Jeff let out a cheer hearing HAIM nominated for album of the year. Y/N sighs, not hearing Harry being nominated but continues ready to hear Adore You for record of the year. Only it doesn't happen. Harvey Mason JR. bids everyone goodbye, and just like that, it's over. 
Jeff breaks the silence, congratulating Harry before hanging up. Harry sits back with Atticus in his lap, a big smile on his face. 
Harry is happy. Extremely happy, this has always been a dream of his, one he never knew would come true. 
His second album got him three Grammy nominations. Atticus has no clue what these awards mean, but he's happy just seeing Harry and Y/N happy.  Atticus climbs off Harry's lap, kissing Harry and Y/N's cheek, saying he's going to his room now. 
Harry turns to look at Y/N, and the smile she had has now left her face, and now she sits there, lost in thought. This worries Harry; she was fine moments ago. He's got to go soon, so he needs to figure this out now. 
"Honey, you alright?" Harry places his hand on her thigh, and she looks at him, nodding. 
"Fine." She kisses his cheek. "Really happy for you." 
Harry knows she is, but there's something else. "Spill." 
She sighs, knowing nothing gets past him. "You weren't named for any general category. I'm proud of the three you got, but I was sure you would be at least nominated for record of the year." Awards don't mean much to Y/N anymore, but she knows how important this is for Harry. "I'm sorry, ruining your mood." 
"You didn't. Thank you for caring so much." His smile is sincere, and she knows he wouldn't lie to her. 
"It's okay," Harry tells her, wanting her to repeat it with him.
"But Harry," He puts his hands on her cheeks to get her to stop and look at him. 
"Honey, it's okay. Three nominations are amazing, and I couldn't be happier." 
"I know," She deflates. "3-time Grammy Nominated Artist Harry Styles has a nice ring to it." She smirks, noting the blush on his cheek. 
"Dork." He leans in to kiss her nose. 
"Fine Line is still my favorite album, you know, from everything released, named number one." 
"You're just saying that." 
Y/N shakes her head no, "Of course not. Yours is the one album I had on repeat the most. My Spotify wrapped will prove just that." 
Harry snorts, "You're too much." 
He pulls her in to lay on his chest, her arms snake around his waist. They hold each other tight. 
"I'm proud of you," Harry whispers in her ear. 
Y.N leans back, but Harry's hold is tight. "I did nothing; you just got nominated. For your second album, you deserve all the praise today." 
"Honey, will you let me continue." Harry laughs. 
"Sorry, H." 
"I'm proud of you because, without you, this album would have never been finished. I would have never had the inspiration to finish Adore You. Would have never had the idea to make a fake island and promote it without ever adding my name to it. I would have never thought to film using a CGI fish, as my friend in the story. I would have never had the released "Lights Up," the song that started this new era for me but most importantly, I would have never found love. A love that is bigger than me that fills me with so much joy. A love that leaves me scared. A love that will forever keep on growing." Harry smiles as he wipes away her tears. 
Harry loves Y/N with all he has. This album was his, but it was also hers. It's what truly brought them together. 
"You made me cry, you jerk." She says, laying her head in the crook of his neck.
Harry laughs. "I just poured my heart out to you, and I'm the jerk." 
"I love you." Harry grins. That's all he wants to hear. "I'll love you, today, tomorrow, forever for as long as you let me. 
Harry can't contain his happiness and needs to show her. He connects their lips. It's a hard, fast kiss full of passion. They pull away because their smiles don't let them continue much. 
"You've got to go." Y/N reminds him as he continues to press kisses all over her face and neck. 
Harry settles down, smiling down at her. "I know." She leans forward, kissing him quickly. "We'll celebrate more when I get home tonight." 
"Three nominations, wow!" Y/N says, standing up. "We're in for a long celebration once we get Atticus down to sleep." She wags her eyebrows at him.
Harry very quickly gets the hint. "I can't wait, honey." 
Atticus comes bouncing down the steps giving his dad a kiss goodbye, walking him to the door, barefoot. Y/N follows Harry, giving her one last kiss goodbye as he walks to his car. 
As he gets in and pulls out of the driveway, he sees Y/N and Atticus waving goodbye to him. Harry has a big smile on his face that no one can see. He's thankful to now be a 3-time Grammy-nominated artist, but what he is most grateful for is getting to be the person who gets to love Y/N and Atticus forever.
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Thank you for reading! This was just a small little piece for a beloved piece I wrote. If inspiration strikes, I shall be revisiting this story. 
Please let me know what you thought!
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