#This Is Us Season 5 Episode 1
dyingroses · 1 year
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The Last of Us + some AO3 tags
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giacarem · 8 months
If you'll indulge me for a second, it's been a while since I read the books
But the TV show is heavily showing Annabeth realising how bad the gods truly are... possibly in an effort to make Luke much more sympathetic to her.
In the beginning of the show, she's very much on the side of the gods or at least, she's very much on the side of Athena always being right and wise and smart. Then we get not only Medusa's story that shows Athena's pride, but also the St Louis' Arch which shows Athena's pride is above any kind of love she has for her children.
I'm interested to see where they take this, whether Annabeth has a much harder time seeing Luke as the enemy (which is already evident in the books). I feel like they're setting up Annabeth potentially thinking about joining Luke.
But then, again, they're already painting Percy and Luke as such foils to each other. Percy also thinks the gods are bad and he wants to be nothing like them; he won't betray anyone, and we see Annabeth realise this in her speech to Hephaestus. So, when we get to the second season (hopefully we're getting the second season), Luke's betrayal of Thalia will hit even harder.
I wonder if Annabeth's character is going to become a really interesting mid-point between Luke and Percy; two people who don't care for the gods but where Luke has no problem betraying anyone or killing anyone in his way, Percy would literally rather die.
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drinkingdeadpeopletea · 5 months
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this exchange in episode FIVE is KILLING me now..... "Oh, yeah, that's me!" OKAY!!!!!
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lilcathsmith · 2 months
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Crime Show Meme - CSI insp [10/10 episodes]
"...as much as this is our universe, surrounded by science every day, I still like to think there's room for a spiritual side." - Ghosts of the Past (Season 13 Episode 21, 8th May 2013)
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hercynianforest · 2 months
I have a lot of criticism for Cl**derry that I need to vent, you can read it under the cut, if you like.
It's a toxic and abusive relationship. But it's presented to us as love.
By the latter I'm mostly referring to "The Frozen Ship", where their scenes were paralleled with Rayllum scenes, and portrayed in a very beautiful, romantic way (the music, camera, light, etc).
I don't understand why. It's obvious that Terry does all the work in the relationship, he basically takes turns at being Claudia's carer, parent, and counsellor. When did Claudia ever support Terry? Inquire how he feels? His needs? Talk about anything but herself and her problems? The whole time she acts like a child, who takes his presence for granted.
And no, her trauma doesn't make that okay. It's not just one time, not just when she is in crisis. It's the whole time. Also, she got hurt/traumatised trying to kill others, then killed someone, and never showed remorse for any of that. She repeats that she has to "do, what needs to be done/is necessary, no matter how vile or vicious". She's incapable of seeing the atrocity of her own actions.
And Terry never gets angry. He never voices any desires or needs, it's like he exists only for Claudia. Terry kills another elf to protect her, helps her to carry Viren for hours, builds a boat for her, is not frightened by her murder of Sir Sparklypuff or the fact that she sees animals as ingredients and continuously murders them. He makes a prosthetic for her, washes her, brushes her hair, counsels her, follows her wherever she goes. The relationship is about Claudia and Claudia alone.
And this is never portrayed as problematic, on the contrary - it's shown in a positive light, like some beautiful devotion.
It makes me angry, because I've been the victim of abusive relationships all my life and this kind of romanticising is harmful.
What conclusion will young viewers draw from this? That the only thing that matters in a relationship is that you give 100%, no matter if you get anything back or not? That it's okay if your partner/friend/relative never inquires about you and your emotions? That you shouldn't get compassion fatigue or shouldn't be shocked at their lack of ethics and cruel actions? That you shouldn't talk or want to talk about yourself? That it's still love even though you're not an equal in the reationship? That it's still love even though they take up all of the space and you have to make yourself small? That true love means one-sided sacrifice?
Fuck this. Even if they pull out some big surprise in s7, like a backstory in which Claudia saved his life pre-s4 or something like that - it doesn't change the toxidity of their relationship, it doesn't change what they've been showing us for three seasons.
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raksh-writes · 21 days
I have one final thought and mayhaps a controversial take -- the dramatic "cool" slowmotion turn around with an *insert emotion* look into the camera was cool the first couple of times but by now Im afraid it has become very much uncool.
Im tired, can we have something else, please?
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sskk-manifesto · 3 months
Would you mind telling me what website you watch bungou stray dogs on because I'd love to get the lyric translations in real time (I was just wondering after seeing a recent post of yours)
I'm sorry, I don't watch the episodes in streaming (´;︵;) I'm a quality freak and have all seasons downloaded in mkv from n/y/a/a. I've made some quick search, but right now I can't seem to find any website that offers subtitles to op / eds ;;;;;;
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frogprincesnowglobe · 2 years
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the-irreverend · 2 years
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Am I going crazy, or does this man keep getting hotter with every passing episode?
Probably both.
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birindale · 1 year
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Visual development by Rian Sygh
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
Sorta continuation of this, here's some observations on how the bsd anime adaptation rate (average of number of chapters adapted per episode) changed every season:
Season 1: 10 plot episodes + 2 ln adaptation. Adapts up to chapter 16. Average of chapters adapted per episode: 1.60
Season 2: 8 plot episodes + 4 ln adaptation. Adapts chapters 17-37 (21 chapters). Average of chapters adapted per episode: 2.63 (+1.03)
Season 3: 9 plot episodes + 3 ln adaptation. Adapts chapters 38-39 & 41-53 (15 chapters). Average of chapters adapted per episode: 1.67 (-0.96)
Season 4: 10 plot episodes + 3 ln adaptation. Adapts chapters 54-77 (24 chapters). Average of chapters adapted per episode: 2.40 (+0.73)
※ I opted out of counting the Hitori Ayumi OVA this time around, reasoning that the factors that play into conditioning the season episodes adaptation rate wouldn't have influenced the OVA given its nature of stand-alone episode.
Seasons 1-3 adaptation rate: 27 plot episodes, 52 adapted chapters. Average of chapters adapted per episode: 1.93
Season 4 adaptation rate compared to the average of all the previous seasons: 2.40 (+0.47)
Seasons 1-4 overall adaptation rate: 37 plot episodes, 76 adapted chapters. Total average of chapters adapted per episode: 2.05
That being said, let's try to guess how season 5 might play out taking in the previous four seasons adaptation rate of 2.05 as standard. Here's the fun thing: if season 5 is just 12 / 13 episodes of plot adaptation, that would mean adapting up to chapter 102 / 104. Coincidentally, chapter 104 (fukufuku flashback) is also the furthest in the manga plot that was shown in the last season 5 trailer. Feel free to draw your own conclusions, but as of now a new light novel adaptation seems positively unlikely and a Stormbringer adpatation basically impossible to make fit.
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delicatebluebirdruins · 11 months
the world of stoneybridge and the first packs final two years at school was isolated (not as isolated as the wild wolf pack but you know)
the final year we learn about Segolia something that only gets hinted at kinda (people that can help) in season 1 and 2 but not explored just things said in passing people in positions that can help
Segolia as a whole could have been done better considering the power they hold and the things that they do. like it is basically a wolfblood government but never treated as such and it should have been that way especially with the route they went with the secret getting revealed
but we're in a city this time in Segolia and then its back to school kinda with majority of the pack being in their final year of school (+Emilia)
and you know 4 and 5 is rushed just in general
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gleesongtournament · 1 year
Glee Song Tournament Round 1
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thelassoway · 9 months
Tagged by @thesumdancekid , thank you 🍻
Comfort Shows:
1. Parks and Recreation
2. Futurama
3. Ted Lasso (season 1 only) + Carol of the Bells
4. Bob's Burgers
5. The Good Place
6. What We Do in the Shadows
7. The Last of Us
8. Schitt's Creek
9. 30 Rock
10. The West Wing
Tagging anyone who wants to do this!
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Bella Ramsey on The Last of Us Season 1
as Ellie on The Last of Us (S1 E5)
Information on beautifulfaces
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pennielane · 1 year
Ik you were a maisel stan I’m suprised season 5 is out already?? I have 4 episodes to watch wth , they did nothing to advertise this
they've advertised a bit if you follow them but yeah the optics on the show is liiiiiimited. it also has the misfortune of airing at the same time as succession
also with little to no lenny in the season i.....don't really care anymore
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