#Thirsty Sword Lesbians OC
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bookmothic-dyke · 3 months ago
Working on my Thirsty Sword Lesbians character. Using the Hologoddess playbook.
Her name is WR3N ChatLGBT (she/it). An information processing AI possessing a military synth-cyborg with experimental salvaged alien tech.
She’s a wide eyed optimist, but held back by her struggles to understand and feel among other people, by the nature of her artificial existence.
She is terrible in a fight. Her abilities are based around having and collecting information. But she’s actually has low Wits, so how useful her information is to her is debatable.
Still working on her design. But I’m thinking a color pallet of white, orange, and some yellow. A glowing star-core in her chest. With the ability to transform between human-like civilian and mechanical soldier forms, by kinda turning inside out. Her sword being made of the scrapped parts of a space ship.
Also she is a trans lesbian. Because yeah.
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wendelyngandr · 11 months ago
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You don't have each others' backs. You will not survive my reckoning.
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tallestfriend · 1 year ago
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Character for my thirst sword lesbians campaign. She’s made of worms 💙
Harmony as an entity existed for millennia on its home planet, originally an aquatic worm like species, it absorbed and took on attributes of the species it consumed. Eventually it grew to encompass the planet it inhabited, a perfect self-sustaining superorganism. Perfect Harmony.
Some many years ago, a small spacecraft landed on the planet, crewed by no more than a half dozen members, in search of local flora and fauna to sell on astral black markets. The crew was consumed almost immediately, assimilated into the slimy embrace of Harmony, and with them a spark of intelligence began to grow. Their bodies were piloted back to their homeworld, the ships cargo hold full of black ichor.
Present day
Harmony has amassed power through sheer numbers to the status of a royal house, the House of Harmony. A house of one mind, a board of directors always in agreement. A thousand voices chorused in perfect humming unison.
Harmony’s current host chosen to act as galactic emissary and diplomat to the great houses is the body of Nymphia. A member of an aquatic insectoid race, chosen for her otherworldly beauty and her species ability to unhinge their lower jaw to extend and catch prey. Similar to a dragonfly nymph native to the freshwater biomes of earth.
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shownomarcy · 1 year ago
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This is easily one of my favorite pieces I've ever done. The character is Walnutblossom, and they had a bit of a villain moment in my regular Thirsty Sword Lesbians game this past week! anyways I just love this piece so much
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jacobsthrottlearena · 8 months ago
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Meet Uuvi! An intergalactic ambassador for all slug kind, her species’ design is based on nudibranchs! She has a penchant for fine clothes, far rim whiskey, and the attention of a certain spaceship captain ❤️
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razmahdaz-art · 1 year ago
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Inktober Day Eight! NOW THATS A SWORD LESBIAN!!!
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sunflowerpirateart · 1 month ago
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Killian is ready for the ball 🕺
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faeunicorn · 10 months ago
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I did drawings of my RP ocs together, I love how different they all are!
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wyrmthrice · 2 years ago
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marnie! new ttrpg character! (thirsty sword lesbians to be precise)
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ranibowspinkle · 1 year ago
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gay AND a doggirl? are you sure you can do that-?
(2nd img src)
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bookmothic-dyke · 3 months ago
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WR3N (she/it)
A former arcane security android now inhabited by a rogue archival AI. Transfem in a way, and very much a lesbian, but she sure as shit ain’t human. Transforming between her Soldier and Civilian armaments.
An anarchist sword on the endless wrecked city of her once enchanted homeworld. Seeking to connect with the organics and a society, inherently alien to her.
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reveriemoon · 1 year ago
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Doggirl swag
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spacemoineau · 1 year ago
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behold ! a child. It's been so long since I drew them...
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kattenkvvaad · 2 years ago
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I played in a Thirsty Sword Lesbians oneshot for Roll For Good last weekend (27th of May 2023) and also doodled my character for it!
She's a special type of fire elemental that only burns underwater! Her "on land"-form never showed up because it was a full underwater adventure, but that's fine :3 (the ashy skintone is on purpose, because her fire is "extinguished" on land)
Character: Pamela or "Pam" (she/her)
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alexissara · 2 years ago
Favorite TTRPG Characters That Never Really Got To See Play
After my previous post about TTRPG characters I made I felt like talking about more, this time about the one's that got away. For many TTRPG fans I am sure you can relate to getting all hyped up for a campaign that lasted one session or never ended up happening or you dropped out of because it just wasn't your vibe but wishing that character had a home. Here are the characters that were like that for me.
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[Art by Littleinksheep]
Azure Arondite
System: Masks: A New Generation
Playbook: The Innocent
Princess Azure Coral Arondite was a brave hero, in her late teens an Evil Dragon was reborn and it was up to the blue haired princess and a selection of 30 to 50 of her friends to save the world from the dragons wrath. After a massive war was won with no losses on the young princess's side there was a big feast to celebrate. Little did the hero know herself and everyplace, everyone she loved would be abducted by a man who wished to keep the rarest and most powerful places and people across all reality. He killed everyone but Azure over time capturing the princess and keeping her as a treasure.
In Truth the reality bending happened exactly at the place Azure was in, causing her to be duplicated, one version of her flew into a votex of time popping out over 1000 years in the future finding no one even remembered her civilization, her country, her family or friends even the magic of her people were only in some myths. She found her old love who used to live in Denmark was now a vampire, they rekindled their love and passion but Azure would only learn the details of what happened to her people when she met Queen Azure, who had lived over 1000 years, dominating reality after reality having killed the man and used his technology to free the worlds of men with his powers. The internality Arondite Empire had finally found her home reality and she had found the love of her life.
After a dramatic clash that ended in the princes barely escarping with her life she had learned so much and yet there was so much mystery left. Azure was determined to defeated her other self and save the multiverse after what for her way only days of rest from her war campaign. She joined a big team of teen super heroes hoping that with their resources she could defeat the queen and save this world at the vest least.
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[Made with https://picrew.me/image_maker/98952 ]
System: Thirsty Sword Lesbians
Playbook: The Bladesoul
Ari is a special mech, one of a kind thanks to her creators untimely demise. Ari is able to replicate biological life forms to blend in among them but in truth can expand into a massive mech meant for one to pilot for space combat. She was created with the Adaptive Replication Innovation that allows her to recreate the abilities of foes she has engaged for long enough recreating features of weapons or special abilities. Ari was on the run when she ran into Quinn a lesbian mom and form mech pilot who found her injured after a battle and repaired her.
Her and Quinn and Quinn's family quickly became hers too and they joined a crew to fight against the empire that created her and help make the world more free.
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[Made With https://picrew.me/image_maker/1414503 ]
Nina Nightly aka Amaze Queera aka Vampy Blood Soul
System: Thirsty Sword Lesbians
Playbook: The Infamous
NIna Nightly was a corporate Vtuber for Holoinc under the persona Vampy Blood Soul, she did every ad read with perfection, she was a top seller and she did amazing at promoting other creators, she was quite famous but Vampy saw the damage her sponsors had been doing and the toxic people she was sometimes being made to work with and praise and decided to get out as soon as she could.
Tragically she could not keep her own persona Vampy Blood Soul that she had worked on for years and was forced to work her way back from scratch. Now using the alas Amaze Queera, Nina is a Indie Vtuber focused on a brand new MMO, she hopes to foster a powerful queer community and one that will always look out for each other, with a determination to never sell out no matter how hard things get.
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[Made With https://picrew.me/image_maker/230257]
System: Thirsty Sword Lesbians
Playbook: The Tempered
Kamila is a girl with a dream, she wants to own a restaurant one day. All she has ever wanted to do is cook for people and make wonderful food. Then one day she finds herself thrown into fairy tale world and trust into an adventure in an attempt to find a way home all while having the evil queen hunting her down. Kamila lived hard life being poor, trans, gay and Puerto Rican in New York city and brings a seemingly cynical perspective to her fairy tale crew.
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[Made With https://picrew.me/image_maker/582810]
Carmen Shift
System: Fate
Carmen is a shapeshifter, able to turn into any other person perfectly, so perfectly that it begins to affect her, her mind starting to alter to their personality and memories over time. This means Carmen's powers are ridiculously risky to use for any long term plan. The lesbian was an aspiring actress with a lot of hopes but changed gears to help take care of a little girl who had been kicked out of her home by her deadbeat transphobic parents. Carmen will do whatever to help her new adoptive daughter so she takes whatever work will pay the best and let her still have time to actually be a mom for her.
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razmahdaz-art · 1 year ago
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Inktober Day Two! Still recovering from Travel so tried to design someone new. I gotta refine the design tho, so consider this the Pre Alpha of her.
Alien girl for a Possible Thirsty Sword Lesbian game with friends later.
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