#Thirdhand smoke
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well-i-need-to-study · 9 months ago
I read a post on here that we are not meant to know every issue in the world, because we cannot fix every issue in the world. It's better to pour your heart in fixing one issue, than to try to split yourself to split them all. You can't.
My issue is indoor air quality. It started because indoor air quality in my student dorm was poor. It became because it bothers me that people of low socioeconomic class are considered extra susceptible to certain air pollutants. It bothers me that there is no winning from exposure to cigarette smoke: you can do everything perfect to avoid secondhand smoke exposure, because you will likely still get thirdhand smoke exposure. And it will still affect you.
So I focus on working out my idea, in the hope that it can increase the indoor air quality. And I use my free time to do research, to learn. To learn all these things that bother me, that my idea can't fix, that I cannot find a realistic idea for to fix. To pick the articles that I know contain issues I can't fix, and to read them. Again, and again, and again.
Because there is nothing else I can do. Because the only way I can ever hope to make a difference is to keep going, to keep doing what I do, and to become good at it. One day, I hope to bring my idea to the market. And if that means that I improve the quality of life of one person, of someone I read about in these articles, it will all have been worth it.
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audriel · 2 months ago
Scenes from Work-in-Progress: the moon in autumn
Scenes from Work-in-Progress (WIP) are scenes from the currently being written stories, and unlike scenes on cutting floor, they should remain in the final publication.
“...You’re not smoking?” Fang Rui finally realizes what’s missing from Ye Xiu’s scent. “I’ve read that there are cases of infants getting sick or dying due to exposure to cigarette smoke on their shirts.” “That’s…” Fang Rui is taken aback, what Ye Xiu is talking about is thirdhand smoke, which is less familiar than secondhand smoke, but no less dangerous to health. There’s even a study that suggests that it is the greatest factor in sudden death in infants. He knows Happy has two heavy smokers in the team, Ye Xiu included, but he doesn’t doubt they will make sure to smoke as far away as possible from Fang Qiuyue, which will reduce the surfaces contaminated by smoke, and they won’t refuse to clean themselves up before spending time with Fang Qiuyue. It doesn’t remove the risk completely, but Fang Rui knows that’s all he can do when it comes to his daughter because Fang Qiuyue also needs to build her own immunity.  Fang Rui doesn’t expect Ye Xiu to not only be fully aware of the risk but also remove it completely by giving up on smoking. But… the signs have been there. Since Ye Xiu found out about Fang Qiuyue, not once did he smoke. He brought cigarettes up to his mouth, bit it, but never lit it up. The actions registered to Fang Rui back then, but he dismissed it, thinking it was only around their daughter. Fang Rui didn’t expect that he would completely quit to the point that his sensitive nose barely picked up any tobacco smell in his scent. Not only does it mean that he’s quit for a significant period of time but also he’s either replaced his old clothing or sent them to the laundry. “Old Wei has smoked less too. It’s harder for him to stop completely. He’ll smoke as far away as possible.” “I hope he’s not using that as an excuse for getting away from babysitting duties.” Fang Rui doesn’t bring attention to what they have done. He knows they do it out of their own volition. Any display of gratitude will be considered as bothersome and unnecessary. “Oh, we’ll drag him kicking and screaming if need be.”
The next update for the moon in autumn is rather challenging because I'll be tackling the whole Season 10 and I need to decide which canon scenes will be kept and mentioned, which canon scenes will change and to what extent with a child and pack culture/dynamics in the mix and whether a wholly new scene will be needed.
The most obvious change by having a child in Happy is that smoking will definitely be banned around little Qiuyue. However, thinking how decisive Ye Xiu is and how powerful he is when he sets his mind, I believe he'll go as far as cold quitting. He is, after all, a responsible alpha and pack leader.
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50cal-fullauto-astarion · 1 year ago
Had a dog-ass day so I self-indulged and started on a passion project I wasn’t planning to yet, just to cheer myself up. Simon Riley x F!Ranger OC, feat. more 21 year old Simon.
2003, May .
There’s little romance to bleeding out in Baghdad, but Lance Corporal Simon Riley, twenty-one, is poor-mouthed for it.
He knows it because he can feel it; the warm, living heart is screaming like a dying, thrashing animal in his chest. Pinned down in a mountain of rubble, snipers dancing around blast-barren windows of what used to be apartment buildings, and Simon was the dumbest son of a bitch on the ground, taking a round in the fleshy part of thigh.
Might not’ve ever made it to uni, but he’s not fucking ignorant, this flesh wound tis absolutely not a scratch.
Back slumping down the concrete barricade he’d been propped against, four hours out of water, down a good liter-and-a-quarter of blood, he figures he’s done-in. He’d started out shooting over the barricade, but his gun and all his extra clips ran dry. Wasn’t a shit shot either, even bleeding out.
Starts refusing water when the Welsh comms boy offers it, starts shoving the medic’s pack away from him when he tries to go for fresh bandages, and starts staring at Chris Merryweather’s body cooking on the tarmac fifteen meters out.
It’s weird. It’s bloody fucking weird. Merryweather was making shit jokes about fucking Simon’s mum this morning. Simon was ready to cave his head in with a trench shovel. Now he’s dead. Simon wants to go home.
Figures. He’d only signed up to get out, scrape something together for her and Tommy without the old man’s fucking stain on it. Now he wants terribly to be back in the water-damaged council house with mold inside the cabinet doors, where mum somehow managed to buy a thirdhand NES and Duck Hunt for him and Tommy one Christmas, when dad was in jail.
So fuckin’ stupid, they all three sat around and ate popcorn and soup noodles for dinner on the living room floor, and it was perfect.
That’s about when the sharp pops of sniper fire are blasted out of existence by the deep-throated scream of two diesel engines hitting turbo drive to shriek an ear-splitting whistle. The two tan beasts roar into sight, lumbering much more slowly than Simon had imagined, with crushingly heavy determination over debris to close in. Hell-bent monsters dragging themselves into the fray, black smoke thick as paint pouring over their hindquarters from the exhaust stacks.
There are Punisher skulls spray-painted on the doors, dripped while wet. Makes him think about a book he lost years ago—was about the ossuaries in Portugal. Makes him think about Tommy, too, in that goddamned mask, waking Simon in the middle of the night only to loom and breathe over him.
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neuroticpantomime · 2 years ago
Admittedly, I'm slightly sympathetic to the knee jerk "aaah this is policing!" reaction some dumbasses get, because of how easily reactionaries can rip a horrid mile out of a reasonable inch. I recall a post on IG detailing yet another racist landlord who banned spices and literally had the audacity to fucking inspect their pantry on visits and some demons in the comments defended this by comparing it to smoke damage from cigarettes, as if thirdhand smoke (a real thing with documented negative health effects) is comparable to fuckin cumin.
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serioussideblog · 5 months ago
Second-hand smoke causes cancer, heart disease, strokes, and other health problems, just like first-hand smoke. Third-hand smoke, which is smoke chemicals that linger in clothes and hair, can also cause health problems.
People with certain conditions, like asthma, can have severe complications and even die if exposed to second-hand or third-hand smoke.
People who are trying to quit smoking are battling an addiction, and addiction is a disease. Second-hand smoke can cause cravings which can lead to relapse.
Autistic people and people with other disabilities that cause sensory processing issues can be overstimulated by the smell of smoke. This can lead to meltdowns, shutdowns, nausea, vomiting, and other problems.
Children exposed to secondhand smoke are more prone to ear infections, and are more likely to develop asthma if they don’t already have it.
Severe exposure to secondhand and thirdhand smoke can cause nicotine poisoning, especially in children. Granted, this is more of a concern if you’re blowing smoke right into their face while touching their skin, but it’s still worth mentioning (I have had this happen to me once, and while it was a mild case, I still should not have had to suffer from that.)
Pollution is real, and smoking and vaping do contribute. While this is absolutely something that the big companies that make these products are the most at fault for, it is ultimately something worth noting.
All this to say, smoking/vaping is not only harmful to the smoker/vaper, and while I do understand that addiction is a disease, I do think that people should reduce harm to others wherever possible.
If you're a smoker, including someone who vapes, ask permission before smoking around others. Don't assume everyone around you is okay with it.
More people than you'd expect have severe asthma or allergies that cause strong adverse reactions to being around smoke. Assuming everyone around you is okay with it can cause someone's asthma or allergies to act up and harm them. Also, if someone doesn't want second hand smoke, because even second hand smoke can cause health problems, that's their right to not want to be exposed to second hand smoke.
But it's always more polite to smoke away from others and down wind rather than smoking close to others, especially if you don't know how they feel about someone smoking by them.
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eyrieofsynapses · 2 months ago
y'know, I'm chill with other people smoking/vaping/etc. it's absolutely not good for you, but bodily autonomy is a thing for a reason, we all only live once, some people find that it helps with other issues etc. etc. it's like doing just about anything that's bad for you, which is, you know, a lot of things. not getting enough sleep is bad. eating too much processed food is bad. hell, just sitting on our phones all the time is awful for us.
what absolutely pisses me off--what makes me want to shake people by the shoulders--is everyone who does it in an indoor space where others live without asking if it's okay. because here's the thing: when you smoke by yourself, you consent to all the stuff it'll do to you.
but. everyone else? did not consent to the culprit fucking up their body. it's the equivalent of punching them repeatedly in the jaw. except that is, at least, blatant, immediate pain. secondhand/thirdhand smoke and vape? that is fucking insidious. that's carcinogens, and chemicals that sit and build up inside your body, slowly but surely screwing you over. it may be decades until the consequences unfold. or it might only be a few months, if you're sensitive to it. might make everyone in the house feel sick within a day or two, if they're sensitive at all. and, of course, there's everyone with asthma and other chronic conditions for whom this becomes even worse, for whom it does not merely irritate but suffocates.
back when we didn't know how bad cigarettes could fuck us up--back then, there was an excuse. but now? now everyone knows what this shit does. hell, plenty of us have family members who died of lung cancer. so there is no excuse, now. now, you know you're hurting people when you do it, that every poisonous puff is worming its way oh so slowly into everyone else's cells, bodies, lungs, blood.
some people struggle with addiction. I'm not targeting that. sometimes you know how bad a thing is, and you do everything you can to stop, and you just can't. (doesn't make you less culpable--but it isn't all carelessness, at that point.) I'm not talking about them. I'm talking about all the damn generation Z people (my peers) I run into lately who display a ridiculous lack of caring for others' health. and you know, I'm just... impressed, really. at how anyone can justify that to themself. at how you could possibly call yourself a good person and still do that.
our generation grew up with endless, endless messages explaining exactly what cigarettes do to us, exactly why we needed to avoid secondhand smoke like the plague it is. I know kids of smokers who deal with the ramifications of it even now. how the hell, how the living bloody hell, could you possibly learn all of that, know people who went through that, and still justify exposing other people without a care in the damn world?
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ainews · 3 months ago
Underwear has often been considered a nuisance by smokers, due to its tendency to absorb and retain cigarette smoke. According to a study published in the journal Tobacco Control, the material used in most pairs can act as a filter, trapping gas, smoke, and particulate matter -- particularly small particles of tar.
The research revealed that not only does the smoke seep into the underwear, but it can also get trapped in the fabric and cling to both the inside and outside of the garment. When the material moves against the skin, as when a person is walking or going about their everyday activities, it can release these potentially harmful chemicals, known as thirdhand smoke.
The study authors discovered that non-cigarette smoke (like from a cigar or pipe) is also absorbed by the garments, and that the particulate matter from cigar smoke is particularly hazardous to one’s health. For this reason, the researchers concluded that exhaled smoke, even if just one person is smoking, can quickly fill an entire room and be deposited onto other surfaces, including one’s clothing and underwear.
The conclusion of the study recommended that people should wash and dry their clothes, including their underwear, on a regular basis as a precautionary measure against thirdhand smoke contamination. Because thirdhand smoke can linger in clothing for months, the researchers suggested that smokers should also take special safety precautions to ensure their homes and places of work are smoke-free.
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year ago
#considering the risks of secondhand and thirdhand smoke #I don’t think there is any ‘non-valid’ reason for avoiding cigarette smoke #even vapes aren’t exempt #if someone makes fun of you for aggressively avoiding cigarette smoke then that’s a red flag (via @ahnoesis)
You are far from the first person to say this, so I need to clarify that I haven't really gotten shit from people for the smoke thing in places like the US. In Serbia, though? Where almost every cafe and most restaurants have indoor smoking? Where over 40% of the population smokes, and have the highest rate of high-intensity smokers in Europe? Yeah, people will give you shit for not Accepting The Status Quo of Everyone Smokes, Everywhere.
If you do the thing for "valid" reasons, then you can't pick it. (e.g. if you don't swear because your religion forbids it, or don't drink because of a family history of addiction, then you can't vote for that option, because you don't have the Childish reasoning that the poll is about)
Basically "is this something that someone would feel comfortable making fun of you for, without an 'excuse' on hand that would be socially unacceptable to continue mocking?"
If you can snap at them about being on meds that interact poorly, or having asthma, or not being able to afford real jewelry, it's a "valid" reason and you can't vote for that option. Also it's pretty cultural; I get a lot more shit for the cigarette avoidance in Serbia than in the US, and someone in Germany is less likely to be mocked for the spice thing than someone in Texas.
If it's more than one (very likely), then just pick the one that people feel the most entitled to be dramatic about to your face.
(I was gonna say 'over 25' but half the site is under that age. Then I was gonna say 'over 20' but then I'd have to deal with people talking about underage drinking because America. So instead here.)
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rodspurethoughts · 1 year ago
Carpets Retain a Stubborn Grip on Pollutants from Tobacco Smoke
Credit: Bryngelzon/iStock « Carpets Retain a Stubborn Grip on Pollutants from Tobacco Smoke Newswise — In rooms where smoking has taken place regularly, tobacco’s imprint lingers on indoor surfaces, even long after regular smoking has stopped. The leftover residues, known as thirdhand smoke, can be a long-term source of indoor pollutants. New research from a team led by the Department of…
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samtheflamingomain · 2 years ago
when you decide to ruin your life over a traffic stop
If you were to Google the following exact string of words, you'd end up where I did a few days ago. They are: "Waterloo arrest audi no plates".
Let's go back and ask why I searched this term. My roommate and coworker Rob came home one day, came downstairs, sat in my desk chair and asked if I'd seen Damien (changed name), another of our roommates, in the past few days.
Actually no. "Hmm. A guy at the bar [we work at] heard on the radio about a 22yo male pulled over nearby for no plates."
No way, I say, being wrong.
This guy has been riding in a blue Audi with a horseshoe up his ass for a month before finally being pulled over for it. But spoiling that isn't even the tip of the iceberg, so let's jump back to me being told this thirdhand gossip and Googling around.
Finally I land on Waterloo Police's website. 7am, when he'd be getting on the highway for work, he was pulled over on the highway toward work. Blue Audi. No plates. Gotta be him.
Then I gasp and can't speak as I keep reading. Rob grabs the computer to see it: the list of all 10 charges he's been arrested on, and the 2 outstanding warrants he was wanted on.
We knew he'd get caught, it was just a matter of time. We figured he'd come back - straight to me, the person who spent 6 months as a court reporter in criminal court - with a court date. Nope, straight to jail for, clears throat:
Assault on, Obstruction of, Resistance to, and Escape from a Peace Officer. Driving with a suspension, no plates, no license and no insurance. Those are 8 separate charges, then, "Flight from Arrest in a Motor Vehicle" with one more "Being At Large" for good measure. He tried to flee. Then, at least spit on and at worst hit a cop. I really hope the bodycam footage hits the news, it sounds like a wild series of events.
At the bottom of this article was a number. I knew what to do with that. I say hold on a sec and bring up the government site for our local courthouse. Search the docket by that number and sure enough, I found his name in courtroom 103 at 10am for a first appearance. Then, today, bail.
Since he didn't come home (and assaulted a cop) I assume he did not get bail. Add on 2 wanted charged for those warrants and I'd be very surprised if he got out within the next year. That's before even thinking about his potential sentence.
When I explained the difference between getting 2y less a day vs. 2+ years (spent in jail vs. prison) Rob agreed - he's going to prison. That many charges... I doubt I'll see him ever again.
Maybe it's because I've never seen anyone go from a decent living to hard time so fast, maybe it's knowing the guy sleeping a room away from me for 4 months is capable of making chase and then assaulting cops. Maybe it's knowing he's a trained boxer that could absolutely clean my clock if I'd crossed him. I'm equal parts horrified and interested.
But one thing none of us can get over is that he's the most chill, laid-back guy I've ever met. And he doesn't even smoke. Just very monotone, keeps to himself.
But once he started driving that car without plates for several weeks... we knew one day we'd either get a call or he'd come home with paperwork. Never expected a "straight to jail, do not pass Go and collect $200".
Maybe I'll go to court one day. See what he's really like, since apparently I knew nothing of him at all.
Stay Greater, Flamingos. And get yer damn plates.
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evo4soul · 2 years ago
Secondhand smoke and 3rdHand Smoke: Uncover Hidden Dangers
Unveiling the hidden dangers of secondhand smoke and thirdhand smoke: health risks, exposure mitigation, and promoting smoke-free environments.
Introduction We all know about smoke, but what is second hand smoke? Secondhand smoke has long been recognized as a significant health hazard, but there is another less known and insidious threat that lingers long after the cigarette has been extinguished: thirdhand smoke. While secondhand smoke refers to the direct inhalation of smoke from burning tobacco, thirdhand smoke refers to the residual…
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tweetthang96 · 7 months ago
NTA. Secondhand smoke kills, and smoking inside damages the building and leaves behind “thirdhand” smoke for future residents. The only way to ever fully clean out that residue is to take a wall down to the studs and rebuild with new materials.
AITA for telling a woman she shouldn't smoke and a man he should try to quit?
I told all this to both of them but I'm being accused of being ableist to the man and misogynist to the woman.
Context- I have a big family, my dad has 2 siblings and all of us live in the same apartment with 5 other families. One of my uncles used to live abroad with his wife and kids, they came back last year to live here again at least until the cousins' little kids are college age. The uncle's wife smokes a lot, be it indoors or in public. Uncle also smokes but less than her. Neither of them have taken any initiative to quit despite their very small grandchildren. After they came back our apartment's stairwell reeks of cigarettes. Two of the other families have complained, the rest keep quiet but I know it's because they think we have the numbers against them and because the smoker couple is much richer. After I came back from my university in another city around the same time as them I'm having a hard time adjusting. I had covid, I get sick from any kind of smoke. I tried to privately talk to both of them, then in front of their kids my cousins, they're saying I'm ignorant about addictions and it's their apartment too so they're free to try and live comfortably. They believe smoking can't harm the toddlers if they're in a different room.
My question is, is it genuinely a misogynistic asshole move if I tell a woman to reduce smoking or smoke elsewhere and ableist to ask them to try nicotine patches? I'm seriously asking this, I'm not venting.
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rudy-bryant21 · 3 years ago
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little-witchys-garden · 3 years ago
I've have always used smoke for handling my problems.
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TW/CW: smoking, alcohol, depression, hopes of death. {Bad grammar, I'm rather lazy and just feel like venting sorry}
I'm not sure what this post is maybe just a emotional vent?
Since childhood I've used smoke for handling my problems.
When I was a child, my mom would burn incense and herbs to cleanse the space when things went wrong. my parents and almost everyone in my family were very heavy cigarette and tobacco smokers. It was honestly a toxic amount of smoking. Choking amd smothering.
I'd watch my grandparents smoke four sometimes five packs of cigs each day. They'd brag how smoking was elegance, beauty and made things better. Guess that was ingrained in my brain.
I'd watch the smoke dance as they'd puff it out from between their lips when I was sad cause it was pretty...
Smoke dancing in swirls and twirls is wrapped tightly around my childhood. I had bad lungs when I was born and I think all their smoking is most likely why my lungs are so bad now.
At the age of eleven I started smoking and drinking, sadly it was in hopes of ending my life faster... Soon one cig every week turned into four a day, six a day then I got a hold of tobacco, weed and I smoked that as well. Other intoxicating plants that I got my hands on well I smoked. I'd smoke the pain away and numb the traits that came from my disabilities so I'd be seen as normal. People made me feel like it was better being the empty shell of a person with addiction then being Disabled, Queer and trans.
When I turned sixteen I stopped but I struggled. It seemed I couldn't escape the smoke that always lingered in my life. It was unsettling and foreign being without the foggy smoke that had always clouded my existence. I used insense to relace the toxic smoke and it worked though as I grew up dealing with my disabilities was a painful { sometimes physically painful } struggle.
Now I smoke weed and burn my insense in my craft and when dealing with pain from my disabilities but it's my choice and I'm doing so in a healthy way.
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vreitemoyonoma · 3 years ago
Πρεπει να αρχισω το καπνισμα για να σε αναψω;
Мне нужно начать курить, чтобы зажечь тебя?
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fakemyworld · 3 years ago
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Retratos do mundo moderno
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