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brightsidespark · 9 months ago
😲Brain twisters that will make you say "huh?"🤔#Shorts #Fun
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sweetminibee · 3 years ago
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Multifunctional Pyramid Thinking Development Hands-on Brain Educational Toys PRICE : $150.00 CAD We offre 10%off for first order and 20%for big sales (FIVE ITEMS) Link in bio. #thinkinggames #games #toys #toyscanada #forkids #forbaby #foreducation #babyshop #shopnow #shoppingonline #onlineshop #onlineboutique #engagedshoppers #freeshipping #shippingonline #shippingworldwide✈️🌎 #shippingcontainer https://www.instagram.com/p/CfsMK_hI_Fi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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grainfreeandhappykitchen · 3 years ago
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Have you ever played sequence classic by @goliathgamesaus ? First saw my friend Pauline playing it with her daughter Belinda on our holiday, so I went out and got it. All I have to say is that it’s addictive and fun (I love winning😂😂) #boardgames #sequenceboardgame #funnight #playinggames #notvtonight #thinkinggame #grainfreeandhappykitchen https://www.instagram.com/p/CZRlIQwvCYb/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sepulvedaphotography · 5 years ago
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Make Moves ♟ #keepmovingforward #makemoves #movingpieces #strategy #strategicplanning #strategies #strategic #longexposurephotography #games #thinkinggame #bnw (at Chula Vista, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAgDKZpnZCz/?igshid=fm2je9vizaii
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I think today is an indoor games day. And hot chocolate - it's definitely a hot chocolate day! 😊 ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️☕☕☕☕☕♥️♠️♥️♦️♣️🃏🎲🀄👑👑👑♣️♦️♥️♠️☕☕☕☕☕#cold #coldday #chillyday #stayindoors #games #puzzles #cribbage #cathedrals #strategygame #strategy #brainteaser #wood #metal #indoorgames #thinkinggame #boardgames #hanayama #photography #exploreyourbrain #thinkpositive #positivevibes #october #winteriscoming
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hakkepeiling · 5 years ago
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Karoline: What’s up?
Markus: Nothing, are you bored already?
Karoline: Yes  😔
Markus: I can come pick you up?
Karoline: No, I’ve to finish the Norwegian homework
Markus: Thinkinggame?
Karoline: Okey
Markus: Are you ready?
Karoline: But do it for real
Karoline: The point is that we should be the wonderful couple who’s thinking the same thing
Markus: Yeahyeah I’m ready
Karoline: Okey, 1 2 3
Markus: Is there coming any new releases from Rybakk soon?
Karoline: Pepsi Max
Karoline: Stoooop! You’re never doing it for real
Markus: But Karo... Pepsi max?
Markus: Here I’ve moved home to the country, the love of your life, and you’re not thinking about me?
Markus: Pepsi max has to be Norway’s most common thought
Karoline: You’re not thinking about me either!
Markus: I’m always thinking about you
Karoline:  ❤️
Markus: You and Alexander*
* As in Alexander Rybakk
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ecapsgames-blog · 6 years ago
Little Alchemy
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Transform air, fire, and water into new elements! Little Alchemy lets you explore real chemical reactions. You can combine air and earth to form dust. Then, add fire to create gunpowder. There are 560 elements. See if you can discover all of them! Little Alchemy is one of our selected Skill Games. Read the full article
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alonysart · 8 years ago
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Legendary Pieces I found this really awesome puzzle while doing last minute Christmas shopping over the past holiday at the one and only Target. The bullseye got me with this 500 piece puzzle of music legends using iconic brand typography. I have finally found a place to have it out, so if my eye catches a piece or two its a piece closer to completing this soon work of art . The goal is to take time putting it together, while at the same time doing something relaxing that I always say I want to complete. I know it's a simple thing but puzzles hold a soft spot in my heart perhaps from childhood. Like a childhood trophy I will frame it when it's finished and display it for all the world to see. Look at me, I'm a puzzle 🙃😘
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hatthewmart · 8 years ago
Studio V - Puzzled
So our project is in the transition from phase one which was about the facade of our survey. Phase two is more about the experience and it the more interactive part of the project with puzzles for the player to complete. I have been assigned to generate these puzzles and I have done a bit of research on what makes a good and convincing puzzle that wont break the players immersion and tension. 
“Where possible, don’t introduce objects that shouldn’t be in the game, and ideally, don’t have markings on those objects that wouldn’t naturally be there”
All the puzzles in the experience have to be thematic to ensure the immersion is not broken and to do this I researched into other puzzles in games. One of my favorite puzzles in video games is the ‘Golden Claw’ puzzle in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. I really enjoy this puzzle because it incorporates a lot of unique mechanics within the game. So the puzzle consists of opening a combination door. You could just simply use trial and error to open the door but that’s no fun. The fun mechanic of the puzzle is having to interact with the actual key, the Golden Claw which you obtain earlier on in the dungeon. The key to this puzzle is on the palm of the claw but when you first get it, its palm facing away so you cant see the solution. you have to physically inspect and investigate this mysterious claw to receive the wanted outcome and get past the locked door. Its not a perfect puzzle, but it hits me in a good way as it encourages investigation and its incredibly thematic and true to the games ideals and spirit. Although not a complex puzzle and it can be quite repetitive as all the solutions are the same throughout the game but with different claws and combinations, its one of the best puzzles in the video games I have played. 
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Another good puzzle in a game is from Deus Ex Machina: Human Revolution where you have to hack through parts of the mission without getting caught. This puzzle honestly inst one of my favorites as they are intentionally complex but they are more realistic and thematic. I chose this puzzle as an example because it will be along the lines of something we will do for our project as we have similar themes of hacking and information.
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Bates, B. (1997). Designing The Puzzle. Retrieved from www.scottkim.com.previewc40.carrierzone.com/thinkinggames/GDC00/bates.html
What makes a good puzzle? (2016, February 6). Retrieved from http://thelogicescapesme.com/opinion/what-makes-a-good-puzzle/
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Domino Breaker
Domino Breaker is a fantastic game where you have to break domino pieces with a ball, in every level there is one key piece that helps you to win. Look carefully for it. Have fun!
Features • Multiple levels • Multiple skins
Controls • Use mouse to play
Similar Games More Arcade Games
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gamerzcourt · 6 years ago
Blog: Picking a platform - Bottom-up vs top-down thinkingBlog: Picking a platform - Bottom-up vs top-down thinkinggame's
New Post has been published on https://www.gamerzcourt.com/blog-picking-a-platform-bottom-up-vs-top-down-thinkingblog-picking-a-platform-bottom-up-vs-top-down-thinkinggames/
Blog: Picking a platform - Bottom-up vs top-down thinkingBlog: Picking a platform - Bottom-up vs top-down thinkinggame's
Outlines two approaches to picking a target platform: one which begins with your game’s design and works upwards, and another that starts at the platform’s player culture and works downwards. …
Gamasutra News
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learninggameworld · 8 years ago
https://t.co/As7sSOEPXs Puzzle Craft 2 #puzzlecraft #gaming #gamification #learninggames #thinkinggames #ipadgame… https://t.co/NMr9KM7x4G
https://t.co/As7sSOEPXs Puzzle Craft 2 #puzzlecraft #gaming #gamification #learninggames #thinkinggames #ipadgame… http://pic.twitter.com/NMr9KM7x4G
— Learning Game World (@learninggamewld) August 31, 2017
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thedarkhawx-blog · 8 years ago
GameDev#22 - Puzzle Design, Cause and Effect
Another part of my work this week was to invent some new puzzles. My focus in this was to create a puzzle around the idea that the player needed to alter the present in varying different ways to reach all the objectives to open the door.
Which basically meant I had to break every rule governing time. Because if the only reason that I was able to flip a switch was by changing the past, and I revert that change, does that not mean the switch should not be flipped since I should not be able to reach the switch now? Can I simply revert time to activate the same event again and again where I pick up an item, thus duplicating the item? Time travel is weird stuff.
Before I started to make my idea I decided to do some research into puzzle design. What truly makes a puzzle great and more importantly what makes a puzzle fun and fair to the player.
I remember seeing a bonus star behind a locked gate in The Talos Principle. The gate could be opened by pointing a laser into the receptical on the wall next to it. I was looking all over the puzzle for a laser, but couldn't find one. I was staring at the receptical and then looking in the direction that it was facing when it hit me. The receptical was looking directly out the exit of the puzzle; and on the other side of the area there was another puzzle. And that puzzle had lasers in it. While I couldn't take the laser object from the other puzzle into this puzzle, I could point it from the other puzzle into this puzzle and activate the receptical. That blew my mind; to solve this bonus puzzle I had to use another puzzle on the other side of the map. It was probably at that moment when I realised that the developers were extremely clever and I had to up my game if I was to keep up.
If you can get your players to go "Aha! I get how to do this now! How could I have not seen this before" rather than "I have no idea what I'm doing/That was too simple/It worked but I don't get it/This is frustrating" then you're on the right track to making a great puzzle. A great puzzle is a puzzle that is clever and smart, requires the player to think, but does not frustrate the player. Games like The Witness, Portal 2, and the Talos Principle are great examples that come to my mind. You enter a room and everything you need is around you; you just need to piece it all together. While sometimes the puzzles threw a curveball, I always found myself thinking "Ohhhh, that's how to do it. I get it." That's what makes puzzles create; they're creative, clever, fun and fair. They make the player want to keep playing and the player's always thinking "Okay, what's the next interesting/cool mechanic they're going to add. How could they top this puzzle?".
A puzzle has to be fair. The player should be able to enter the puzzle room and know how to complete the puzzle. As a developer you have access to all knowledge, you know every little detail of the game and how every single mechanic works; you know how to complete the puzzle. But they player might not. As such you need to develop what is called "player empathy". Put yourself if the player's shoes. Can you figure it out now, knowing only what the player knows? If not then you need to refine your puzzle. Maybe you need to leave more breadcrumbs, more hints for the player to help them understand what's going on. Maybe you need to lower the difficulty; if your puzzle has to be completed by doing something at precicesly the right time, try opening that window of opportunity a bit wider.
Determining what is a fun mechanic or puzzle can be difficult. Maybe you've thought up of some mechanic that seems interesting to add into your game, and maybe the mechanic is fun to you; but is it fun to someone else? If you showed your idea to someone else, would it enact the same reaction you had when you played? Is it fun for someone to play? Unfortunately what makes something fun is entirely subjective. Some people enjoy sports and love to watch the footy on Fridays, I do not. Therefore when designing puzzles or mechanics it's good to talk it over with mutliple people. Ask them whether it sounds fun to them; they may provide you great feedback on how to improve your idea.
[1] http://www.scottkim.com.previewc40.carrierzone.com/thinkinggames/GDC00/bates.html [2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zK8ItePe3Y [3] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zVjdEhHmGo
The puzzle I came up with I'm titling 'Causer and Effect'. In this puzzle the player is required to alter the past to progress in the present. They player will be put in a situation where their thinking is "If I do X what changes? And how can I use these changes to complete the puzzle".
[PRESENT] Player enters a courtyard. There is one special door on the other side. Two spirit objects are located on raised platforms on each side of the courtyard. These orbs can only be activated by the Fox. The Fox recognises these orbs and the door as linked, as if by magic. The left platform is currently covered in rubble, from a nearby wall that toppled and impassable. The lower half looks like wooden struts were built to keep the platform from collapsing. The right platform has two sections that half fallen off and it too is impassable - the distance in one section appears to be too great for the Fox to travel. In front of the player is a staircase down to the courtyard, with part of it's raised sides destroyed. At the bottom of the staircase is a ditch running the course of the courtyard - it would appear this was used to transport water in heavy rainfall. In the ditch is a large boulder. To the right of the boulder lies a cart, it's wheels detached and axel broken. In front of the door on is a large tree, with many seeds hanging at the top of its branches.
[PAST] The tree, orbs and door are the same as they appeared in the present. The boulder is now located in front of the player, up next to the now repaired staircase. The cart is where it was located before, however now it's wheels are attached and axel fixed. The the closest piece of destruction on the right platform (the part too far for the Fox to dash) is repaired, but looks ready to fall at any moment. The further section of the platform has still fallen. The left platform is clear of rubble. However a gate now stands in the way, there is no clear way to unlock the gate.
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[PUZZLE] To complete the puzzle the player needs to get the Fox to activate both of the orbs using her spiritual energy.
This can be done in the following way: 1. First move the cart in the PAST to where the boulder was located at the bottom of the stairs. 2. Reset the boulder's position in the PAST, and watch as it rolls and hits the tree in the PRESENT. 3. The tree, when struck, drops some of it's branches and seeds. The player can collect one of these seeds. 4. The player then picks up the seed and plants it in the PAST located in the furthest piece of destruction on the right platform. Thus growing a tree in the PRESENT. 5. Then the player needs to move the boulder in the PAST to under the bridge on the right platform. Thus stabilising it. Therefore it will not fall in the PRESENT. 6. The player can then direct the Fox in the PRESENT to activate the orb. 7. Moving to the other platform the player can instead push the boulder onto the platform in the PAST. Thus in the PRESENT the platform is destroyed and when the wall falls it doesn't block the path (but still destroys the gate). 8. Then the player can use the fox to dash over to the other side and activate the orb in the PRESENT. 9. The door opens in the PRESENT and the player can progress.
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After reading that you might think it would be very hard for the player to complete this puzzle. And you're probably correct, which is why when this puzzle is created it needs to be designed in such a way that the player can link together the visual clues with what they do. For example, the platform on the left is starting to crumble in the past and has no supports, but in the present it's got some wooden supports helping it stand up. The fox could give a clue "That platform looks ready to crumble at any moment, if I dropped a pebble on it it might collapse." Along with some crumbling particles and creaking sounds, the player should be able to piece together that if they weigh down the platform in the past it will collapse in the present. We can also place a convenient mound of dirt at the bottom of the second broken section in the right platform; and have a seed handing precariously from the tree ("If only we were strong enough to shake the tree to get the seed to fall.").
We will have introduced the idea of altering the present by altering the past previously to the player, but here it's all put together and so the player will need to think for themselves to solve it. Once this is implemented in our project I will be sending this some friends of mine to test, because this kind of puzzle is the kind that will require tweaking to make sure it is fair to the player.
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mamapapabarn · 8 years ago
@WinningMovesUSA Triple Rubiks #Giveaway #sorteo #gaming #gamenight #fungames #nostalgicgames #retrofun #retrogame #realrubiks #rubikscube #gameset #mindgames #thinkinggames
@WinningMovesUSA Triple Rubiks #Giveaway #sorteo #gaming #gamenight #fungames #nostalgicgames #retrofun #retrogame #realrubiks #rubikscube #gameset #mindgames #thinkinggames http://dlvr.it/N5Bpb2
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ecapsgames-blog · 6 years ago
Cut The Rope
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Cut the rope to feed candy to the green monster! Om Nom is hungry for large pieces of candy. Your mission is to feed him as quickly as possible. You can collect stars in each level for bonus points. Slice every rope at the right time to win! Cut The Rope is one of our selected Thinking Games. Read the full article
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ecapsgames-blog · 6 years ago
Connect 4
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Connect 4
Drop the discs into the slots, and connect 4 to score! This classic two-player game lets you compete against a friend or the computer. Your goal is to form a line of four matching pieces. Play as the red or yellow team! Connect 4 is one of our selected Thinking Games. Read the full article
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