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Nice, France.
© Roberto Conte (2019)
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Lavanderias Hospitalares, novos dispositivos IoT estão chegando para ajudar...
Se você já esteve em um hospital, provavelmente já se perguntou como as roupas e outros itens têxteis são limpos e desinfetados para garantir a segurança dos pacientes e dos funcionários. A resposta é simples: através da lavanderia hospitalar. A lavanderia hospitalar é um ambiente fundamental para garantir que os itens de vestuário e têxteis utilizados em hospitais sejam lavados e desinfetados…
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#bottomup#datalav#IOT#lavanderia hospitalar#roberto farias#roberto maia farias#Voice#Voice Technology
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Teil 7 von 12 in den letzten 7 Wochen gestrickt. Es kommen noch 5 weitere Teile und einige Überraschungsanleitungen für Zwischendurch. Macht alles mega Spass ❤️.
Einstieg ist jederzeit möglich. Es wird nichts gelöscht, der #mysterykal wird #wöchentlich
mit einem neuen Teil ergänzt, du erhältst auch eine Geschichte zum aktuellen Muster und ab und zu ein #kalgoodie (bis jetzt gab es einen #doublefaceCowl, #damenmütze und #Muster für Socken).
Ist das nicht ein herrliches #Weihnachtsgeschenk #geschenk
Part 7 of 12 knitted in the last 7 weeks. There are 5 more parts to come and some surprise instructions for in between. It's all great fun ❤️.
You can join at any time. Nothing will be deleted, the #mysterykal will be updated weekly with a new part, you also get a story about the current pattern and every now and then a kalgoodie (so far there has been a doublefaceCowl, beanie for women, and some little patterns for norway-socks).
Isn't that a wonderful #giftideas🎁?
#norway_kal #knitting #knit #doubleface #scarf #schal #stricken #kal #mystery #norwaykal #Norwegermuster #norway_pattern #reihen #flat #rows #woollyhugs #Yearsocks #beidseitig_schön #two_nice_sides #bottomup
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Tentang Terobosan Revolusioner Denny JA dalam Model Pembangunan
Tentang Terobosan Revolusioner Denny JA dalam Model Pembangunan Dalam menghadapi tantangan pembangunan di era modern ini, penting bagi negaranegara untuk terus mencari terobosan dan inovasi yang dapat meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat. Salah satu tokoh yang telah memberikan banyak kontribusi di bidang ini adalah Denny JA. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan membahas terobosan revolusioner Denny JA dalam model pembangunan. Denny ja adalah seorang pakar politik dan ekonomi yang dikenal karena pandangannya yang progresif dan solutif dalam mengatasi permasalahan sosial dan ekonomi yang kompleks. Dia telah mengembangkan model pembangunan yang revolusioner yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan rakyat Indonesia. Salah satu aspek terobosan revolusioner Denny ja adalah pendekatan bottomup dalam proses pembangunan. Dia percaya bahwa masyarakat harus menjadi bagian aktif dalam pembangunan negara, bukan hanya sebagai objek yang pasif. Denny JA mendorong partisipasi aktif rakyat dalam merumuskan kebijakan dan menentukan prioritas pembangunan. Dengan melibatkan berbagai pihak, mulai dari masyarakat sipil, akademisi, hingga pengusaha, model pembangunan Denny JA memiliki kekuatan kolektif yang dapat mempercepat pertumbuhan dan mengurangi kesenjangan sosial. Selain itu, Denny JA juga mengusulkan pemikiran baru dalam pengembangan sumber daya manusia (SDM). Dia percaya bahwa investasi dalam SDM adalah kunci keberhasilan pembangunan. Dalam model pembangunannya, Denny JA menekankan pentingnya pendidikan yang berkualitas dan akses yang merata bagi semua masyarakat. Dia juga mengusulkan program pelatihan dan pengembangan keterampilan untuk meningkatkan kapabilitas dan daya saing tenaga kerja Indonesia di pasar global. Terobosan revolusioner Denny JA juga termasuk pendekatan berkelanjutan dalam pembangunan ekonomi. Dia menyadari pentingnya menjaga keseimbangan antara pertumbuhan ekonomi dan perlindungan lingkungan. Denny JA mengusulkan penerapan konsep ekonomi hijau yang mendorong penggunaan sumber daya yang efisien dan ramah lingkungan. Dia juga mengadvokasi pengembangan energi terbarukan dan peningkatan infrastruktur yang berkelanjutan. Salah satu contoh nyata dari implementasi terobosan revolusioner Denny JA adalah program pembangunan desa yang berkelanjutan. Denny JA memperkenalkan program ini untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat pedesaan yang seringkali terpinggirkan. Program ini melibatkan partisipasi aktif masyarakat dalam merencanakan dan melaksanakan proyekproyek pembangunan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan mereka. Dengan pendekatan ini, program pembangunan desa dapat menjadi lebih efektif dan memberikan manfaat nyata bagi masyarakat. Selain itu, Denny JA juga mendorong penerapan teknologi digital dalam pembangunan. Dia percaya bahwa teknologi dapat menjadi alat yang kuat dalam meningkatkan efisiensi dan produktivitas di berbagai sektor. Dalam model pembangunannya, Denny JA mengusulkan penggunaan teknologi digital untuk mempercepat akses ke layanan publik, meningkatkan transparansi dalam pengelolaan keuangan negara, dan memperkuat sistem pendukung keputusan. Terobosan revolusioner Denny JA dalam model pembangunan telah mendapatkan apresiasi dan pengakuan baik dari dalam maupun luar negeri. Kontribusinya yang luar biasa dalam mengembangkan model pembangunan yang inklusif dan berkelanjutan telah menginspirasi banyak negara lain untuk mengadopsi pendekatan serupa. Dalam menghadapi tantangan masa depan, terobosan revolusioner Denny JA dalam model pembangunan tetap menjadi landasan yang kuat bagi perubahan yang positif.
Cek Selengkapnya: Membahas Terobosan Revolusioner Denny JA dalam Model Pembangunan
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Building trust in an organization is crucial for long-term sustainability. However, trust is a fragile asset that needs to be handled delicately. Once broken it can never be restored! #enterpreneurship #bottomup #ceo #success #motivation https://www.gopakumarpillai.com/importance-of-trust-in-business/
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Hi! I’m that SA writing chick, and this is my story.
My family and I have faced some extremely difficult times and overcome situations most would never even be able to begin to imagine.
We left the company we were working for. We did not agree with certain decisions being made, and chose to preserve our good name rather than be associated with a company like that. We lost our home, car, even our cats because we couldn't keep them in the smaller apartment we'd moved into.
We decided to immigrate, thinking this would be the fresh start we needed and the best option for our two year old son. We begged and borrowed to be able to afford the fees for an agent. After a year we’d made progress and all we were waiting for was the opportunity for my husband to fly over and job-search.
Then Covid happened.
A few hours before total lockdown was announced, I took a pregnancy test only to find that we were pregnant with our second son. Just like that, our plans started to fall apart before our eyes.
We were now pregnant, stuck in jobs we hated, barely getting by with a three year old at home all the time and mountains of stress that began invading every aspect of our lives.
It was the most difficult, lengthy situation I’d ever experienced, and one night I had a complete meltdown! I was in the shower, being alone with nobody to judge perhaps played a part in the sudden surge of emotions, and I began banging on the wall out of pure frustration. I cried so much, praying with all my heart for things to get better, for something to happen that would save us and give us the future we deserved.
The next day my husband received a call and went for an interview. Soon after he left they let him know that he nailed his interview. He landed his dream job with people that valued him and wanted to see him grow.
I was ecstatic! He deserves the world and it was incredible to see him change from someone just hanging in there, trying to be strong for his family yet visibly tired, to this energetic, motivated man that would crack jokes and give me random kisses throughout the day.
I must also admit that I was a little jealous (Hey, don't look at me like that, I'm honest, okay!) As I looked around I saw that here I was, now free of the life I’d suffered growing up, and I had nothing. Everyone had their thing, everyone but me. So I started asking myself, “Self, if you could be anything in the world, what would it be?” And I said, (Yes, I do speak to myself. Is that weird?) “I’d be an author.”
My heart swelled with excitement at the mere idea, my stomach flipped as I looked at my bookshelf filled with fantasy romance, paranormal and horror books. I pictured my own book there and smiled, but quickly laughed it off, dismissing the silly idea. After all, who would read anything from some writing chick in a tiny town in South Africa? I didn't stand a chance.
It plagued my mind for so long after that, eventually it started to disturb my sleep. I looked at my husband beside me, snoring away, and I nudged him awake. (Hehe, if looks could kill...) I told him what was on my mind and he suggested that I let him read the first draft of the manuscript I'd been working on.
Now, my husband doesn't read. He also tried teaching me how to drive and was overly dramatic, ended up scaring the bejingles out of me and putting me off any lessons for a long while after! He is also my best friend and as such is not afraid of being critical when it’s necessary; basically, don't ask a question if you don't want an honest answer!
I was terrified that he’d read it, hate it, and basically let me know that my writing crap, in a nice way. If that happened, it would just be another hope crushed; I got comfortable with just writing it, telling myself I’d do something with it one day.
But I needed to know, so I gave it to him.
He loved it! He read it in two days, every second he got. I tried so hard not to hover while he did, because (so like him) he didn't say a word until the end. He encouraged me to start querying and although I hesitated at first, I decided to try it out. Besides, the worst thing that could happen would be for them to say no, right? That didn't see so bad...
Then I got my first rejection letter. Phew! That killed me. I kept telling myself to have thick skin while crying all the while! (I’m a little mushy)
Later that same day I had this twisting feeling deep in my stomach, like something exciting was about to happen. That night I couldn't sleep again, it was around 2am here and for some reason I decided to check my email.
And there it was. The yes I’d been waiting for. It was an incredible feeling and I found myself just staring at the phone, kind of wondering if I was dreaming. After speaking with the lovely Jo and Richard, I signed my contract! It was, and is still, such a surreal feeling. I’m so determined to make a success out of my passion and encourage others to do the same. Don't become the only obstacle standing in your way.
This is the beginning of my journey up from rock bottom, I hope it’s one to remember!
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——- FREE PATTERN ——- . There is no better way to wrap up the year of knits than to make a cozy cabled hat! . Meet December Hat, made with beautiful @kelbournewoolens Germantown! It has everything I love: lots of intertwining cabled, professional-looking tubular cast on and a pompom! . Find a link in my IG bio @irmiandesign and download your free pattern today! . #irmiandesign #irinaanikeevaravelrystore #kelbournewoolens #germantown #decemberhat #hat #cabledhat #cables #bottomup #pompom #christmas #christmasgift #cozy #knittersofinstagram #knittersoftheworld https://www.instagram.com/p/B6Lnd-RgXW0/?igshid=rs0tj7liyr2e
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Über uns Möwen, hungrig und schrill, aber uns wär egal, ob die Möwe was will. Soll sie doch fragen: "Wo sind sie hin?" Ich werd niemandem sagen, wo ich bin.
Judith Holofernes (Wir sind Helden), “Lass uns verschwinden”
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Le prime due versioni superbulky e bulky del #column_pullover utilizzando filati che aspettavano da molti anni il progetto giusto: questo splendido modello bottom-up geometrico (sembrerebbe un pentagono), splendidamente ideato e scritto da @pucco_h ➿ Per il prossimo inverno ne produrrò sicuramente altri con filati nuovi (e i miei fidati ferri circolari autoprodotti) ➿ https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu6QQsnBwf2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11q6p78m3rhdh
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Good Tuesday will be @lavernebrewing from 5 to 9pm. 🚴♂️🚴♀️🚲 beer time sushi and seafood. #bottomup#drinks#beerstagram#beertime#lavernebrewingco#calissushi#goodtime#tuesday (at La Verne Brewing Co.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CegmDYeFr-c/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Had a dream I had a WIP of this gorgeous brioche sweater, only to find I had almost finished it when I picked it up again! I’m looking for an existing pattern if there is one, but have had no luck so far. Anyone know of a sweater that might match this out there? In the dream it was knit bottom up... no idea how possible that might be 😬 . #dream #dreamingknitwear #idreamedasweater #sweater #briochesweater #bottomup #leafpattern #featherpattern #knitting #knittersofinstagram #findthatpattern #briocheknitting #brioche #merinastrand
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#WingzUp👐 @shyheimbu ・・・ #BottomUp we riden #Payattention #Repost @tamal_carries_da_culture with @get_repost ・・・ Ok ok Repost from @wrapfm using @RepostRegramApp - Dialekt feat. DV Alias Khryst & Shyheim | On & On Prod. DJ Manifest. #WRAPfm #dialekt #djmanifest #dvaliaskhryst #shyheim #wutang #wuwednesday #hiphop #rap #ughh #boombap #goldenera #undergroundhiphop #goldenerahiphop #boombaphiphop #hiphophead #hiphopjunkie #hiphopradio #beneaththeunderground @dvaliaskhryst @shyheimbu @djdes (at Kirkcaldy, Fife) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bohlei9gVt-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1sz7rwzgv965o
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Wakeboards pra começar bem o dia das crianças.😃 Feliz dia das Crianças à todos! 👏👏🙌🙌✌✌ Photo: @adphotography.1 #wakeboard #wakesurf #dialindoagentefaz #home #session #wake #brothers #adfotography #bananawax #bravaaçaí #bottomup #loveday #goodvibes #goodtimes #tkslord #lagunawakepark #felizdiadascriancas (em Laguna Wakeparks) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo1lVx-ncGV/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1p663lmyky68h
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As the cost of employee attrition is high it is essential for businesses to focus on reducing attrition and building a loyal workforce. #leadership #enterpreneurship #bottomup #ceo #success #motivation #employeedevelopment #employeebenefits https://www.gopakumarpillai.com/reduce-employee-attrition/
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Ladies and gentlemen, The Aviary. #cheers #bottomup #cocktails #chaseperdiem #day338 (at The Aviary) https://www.instagram.com/per_chase/p/CXH-hkBOZS1/?utm_medium=tumblr
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