#They werent even dating
pip3wire · 11 months
I just like to say Emi didnt do anything wrong and I dont think people should despise her
First Emi didnt manipulate Mob. Literally. Dude rewatch the show. But yea Emi did not manipulate Mob, didnt mess around with his feelings, didnt do nothing to Mob. It was all because she lost a bet.
Second Mob and Emi never dated or "dated", Mob rejected Emis "confession" although he still went out with her because well its Mob, he probably felt bad for rejecting her so he went out with her. Emi didnt tell or force Mob to go out with her
Thirdly it wasnt like Emi didnt trust Mob, if she didnt she probably never let Mob see her story. She let Mob know about the bet and that she was greatful for Mob still going out with her although he said no.
If you want to hate on someone hate on Emis friends dude. Those guys suck. Their called Emis hobby weird, and when Emi ripped up her story they did nothing to stop her. When Mob and Emi were picking up the papers they didnt even help and just dipped like, ok middle schoolers am i right!!
Her friends suck. Hate on her friends instead of Emi.
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k-wame · 11 months
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The Kissing Booth Press
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piratefishmama · 1 year
Eddie doesn't know he means it that way until Steve takes it that way.
The "God, i love you" that just slipped out one morning during a particularly heavenly breakfast of syrupy homemade pancakes after nightmares had driven them to an impromptu sleepover at Steve's McMansion.
He doesn't know he means it that way until Steve and his gigantic, beautiful, bulldozer of a heart takes it that way.
Until Steve's syrup sweet lips are on his and everything just kind of slots into place that yeah. Yeah he meant it that way. He'd always mean it that way. He'd be a complete fucking idiot if he didn't mean it that way.
Would it have been nice to be dating him first? Absolutely. But then Eddie's never done anything the right way round, has he?
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rookflower · 2 months
listen i just don't think that leafpool should get heaven married with a guy from a very brief fling she had as a young adult (the consequences of which ruined her entire life) that treats her poorly in most of their interactions, would not defend her when their relationship came to light, and is shown to be a shitty husband and neglectful father in his relationship afterwards. but idk this is still going to happen when crowfeather dies anyways and the only potential conflict in this happening whatsoever is going to be feathertail being offhandedly mentioned to be petty and jealous about it or something. because warrior cats can't let a woman win and especially cannot let leafpool win
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moeblob · 22 days
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I have no idea on actual color schemes tbh but the browns are easier on my eyes on laptop so here we go
Semi-inspired by a guy I used to go to school with then later had the same job as (my first job) who was the most casual on/off dater to the same girl and it was, at times, like I was the third wheel. I walked in as a customer once while he was working and he made a face at me like he was conflicted and was like "be right back" and walked away from the register and to the back. When he returned he was wearing the same jacket as me and made direct eye contact as he said "Hot Topic?" and yeah, yeah actually. It was.
His sometimes-girlfriend was really cute and super chill with me and she knew that I was like the counter to any other people interested in her sometimes-boyfriend? Like he would actively be close to me at work in a way to rub it into another girl's face (she had a crush on him) and when she pointed out "you don't get that close to me" he put a hand on my shoulder and said "bros before hoes".
I also told him "in school when class first started I was like oh hey he looks kinda nice and pleasant but then you opened your mouth and I lost all interest" and he said "yeah that happens". (that said, we always buddied up or grouped up in that class if it was required.)
Not pictured is the actual sometimes-boyfriend to the girl.
No colors are set (hell, idek about the blue in his eyes) and idk names yet either.
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dazeddoodles · 5 months
What if Goldenheart met Aladarius? I feel like the convo would be something like:
Darius and Ambrosious: *raving about 12-step skincare routine*
Ballister: Look at this cool thing I built *holds up arm*
Alador: Woahhhhhhh
Bonding over tragic Yaoi 🤝
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radio-show · 5 months
Scrolling thrugh trigun fanart really be like. Like, reblog, reblog, like, comment. Block the plantcest blog. Repeat.
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pissmoon · 8 months
Pop psychology people really use the term 'ghosting' for shit like 'someone on a dating app stopped replying after 2 days after matching' i just dont get it. Why do u think people you barely knew owe you to write some sort of official notice from the lawyer about why they stopped talking to you
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skunkes · 4 months
Hello this is from an old post of yours (I was scrolling through the Fields of Mistria tag and got pretty far back I guess lol) but you mentioned most farming games that have come out are ugly and only like two are good. I assume one of the good ones is Stardew but what is the other? Which ones are ugly?
"ugly" was exaggerated for the frustrated tone of post, in reality many just arent to my taste, art direction wise... being 3D already strikes many of them out as I dont want games that will blow up my laptop but even then im not a huge fan of the styles of many of em even if i did enjoy the 3D ones (example being my time at port/ia.... i wld put this in the aforementioned category. i don't like looking at it)
i just know that 90% of the time someone recommends a farming game to me its either 3D graphics and/or "ugly" (to me)
(and its usually both bc i often will play games that blow up my laptop if i like them enough, like DQB2! i havent liked the style of any actual 3d farming game enough yet though)
also going really far back into the tag is so real i keep stopping myself from doing that too im so excited for da game ^_^
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azrantimes · 5 months
Juliet is actually me because I had an online "wedding" when I was 14 and my fiance objected before anyone else could. He had vows and all. But he was gay for one of our mutual friends and I was flirting with his cousin
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swordbreakerz · 5 months
Being aromantic and finding that out in ur 20s is soooooooo funny bc I met the 3 people I consider my soulmates (one of whom is now my qpp) in october of 2016, and both before and after this i dated a few people but as i grew closer and closer w this group and also came into my gender and sexuality over the yrs, id sometimes wonder why i didnt crave romantic fulfillment anymore, and not fantasize about having a long term bf or anything. It didn't really worry me? Like, I wasn't concerned about it, but I would go like huh wonder what's up w that. Oh well not my problem!, every now and then
And then thru making friends w a bunch of arospec folks I was finally like oohhhhhhhh it's because my emotional fulfillment needs are already met and these people and our friendship is an intrinsic part of my being and i love them more than i can ever hope to describe. Got it!
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aropride · 1 year
me in 2018-2020 voice Man i don’t know why but despite all this gay fanfiction i’m writing i’m deeply uncomfortable with the idea of actual dating or romance and the thought of kissing someone makes me want to drag myself along asphalt. must be a really normal alloromantic trait of mine.
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preggomancer · 2 years
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she’s a woman of simple tastes 
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silversiren1101 · 11 months
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I love them so much your honor
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dogpixie · 8 months
happy vtines day to mike i love him so so much hes so considerate funny smart and cute... its crazy we been together 7 yrs and i love him more than ever!!!! from first day we met for coffee and it turned into a 10 hour long date i knew we might b a lasting match and it was tru but also whats made us such a strong couple has been all these yrs together living together thru crazy conditions, being reckless, getting our shit together, learning abt sm together and getting healthy together.. its so special... love that guy!!!!!!
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lichtecht · 7 months
of the dfk 2023 audiobook translation
Narrator (audiobook): Robert puts another piece of wood on the trunk and swings the axe.
Bökh: „And you never wanted to get in touch?"
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The Nichtraucher picks up a piece of wood.
Nichtraucher: „Why should I? We didn’t see each other for the past ten years either.“
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He rips the piece of wood apart with his bare hands. While holding eye contact with Justus.
Justus lowers his head.
Jo: „Uh.. weren’t you-" Martina, quietly: „Jo, leave it. Lets go.“
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Martina, louder: „We need to go! We still have something to do.“
The kids leave. Jo and Martina are holding hands as they walk away.
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Bökh: „Yeah… Thank you, kids.“
Jo, whispering as they walk away: "What was that just now?!"
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Robert picks up the chopped wood and walks back to his wagon. Justus looks after him.
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Narrator (audiobook): If the two friends will find back together? Matze isn’t so sure of that.
Matze, sarcastically: „Well, that was a great success!“ Jo: „Yeah, so much for friendship between Internals and Externs.“
Narrator (audiobook): At least Robert granted Herr Bökh access to his wagon. He looks around lost in thought more or less, while Robert washes the dishes.
Dishes clatter. There is silence otherwise.
Justus stares wistfully at Robert while he washes the dishes.
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Justus takes his eyes off Robert and starts looking around while Robert continues to ignore him.
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Bökh: „I thought you were living in London.“ Nichtraucher: (silence) Bökh: „It's nice here.“ Nichtraucher: (silence)
Justus starts walking around.
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Bökh: „I told the kids about our friendship.“ Nichtraucher: „As a cautionary tale?“ Bökh: (chuckles/scoffs) „No. Of course not.“
Narrator (audiobook): Bökh spots the poster of „the Bandits“, the same one hanging in his apartment.
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Bökh: „The 'Wild Dog' that we always played in is still there.“
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Nichtraucher: (silence)
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Bökh: „Should we meet there sometime? For a beer?“
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Robert looks up.
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He lets out a small huff, almost like an incredulous laugh or a scoff.
He dries his hands on a towel and folds it.
Nichtraucher: (silence) Nichtraucher: „I don’t know what we would have to say to each other.“
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Bökh: „Hm. Well. A lot of time has passed.“
Narrator (audiobook): Robert sits down at the table and lights himself a cigarette.
Justus turns as well and starts looking around again.
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Nichtraucher: „Why didn’t you come to Marie’s funeral back then?“
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Nichtraucher: „You didn’t even get in touch.“
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[„You didn't even get in touch“ -> parallels to „And you never wanted to get in touch?“]
Justus is silent. He starts fiddling with his jacket and pulls it off his shoulder. He lets out a deep, shaky sigh and is silent for another few moments.
Bökh: „…I don’t know, you met her and… and suddenly you were gone.“
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[Parallels to „suddenly your closest loved ones are gone“]
Bökh: „As if everything -our friendship, the band- as if that had all just been a dream.“
Justus turns around and looks at Robert.
Bökh: „Wir zwei. Wir hatten doch Pläne.“
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Bökh: „That really hurt me.“ Nichtraucher: „It hurt you.“
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Silence. Just the music.
Bökh: „Yes. Very much back then.“
The Nichtraucher lets out a soft incredulous laugh again, almost like a scoff.
Nichtraucher: „I see.“
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Long silence. Justus stares out the window. Finally, he turns and walks to the door.
Bökh: „You know where to find me.“
Justus leaves the wagon. Robert nods to himself silently.
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Narrator (audiobook): And with these words, Herr Bökh leaves his friend’s train wagon. If the two will ever see each other again?
#das fliegende klassenzimmer#dfk 2023 audiobook translation#dfk#das fliegende klassenzimmer 2023#mine#this is the most scene of dfk 2023 to me. i am having so many feelings and thoughts about it#there is so much to unpack#i really hope this did it justice... the whole. silent staring obviously doesnt translate#the silence in general doesnt translate#i would recommend to actually watch the scene#the silence is so so pivotal#another addition;#ach gott ich nehm grad neue bilder auf weil diese szene hq wirklich wert ist#und ich komm immer noch nicht darüber hinweg dass justus den nichtraucher allen ernstes 7 SEKUNDEN LANG ANSTARRT WÄHREND DER SPÜLT#ich hab hier wirklich am image limit gekratzt#tbh mit dem foto von den kindern kann ich nichts anfangen aber es scheint nicht unwichtig zu sein so i included it#it cant be robert and justus cause these kids are waaayy too young#if robert and justus met in school#these kids are like. idk. 9??#and i assumed they met when they were around the age of the kids in this movie#but maybe i got it wrong??#its so funny at some point i dont even talk about the Main Things of this scene anymore and focus on the most miniscule details instead#thats probably bc ive watched it maybe 10 times now and literally know this scene by heart. but let us PLEASE talk about the Main Things#i am so ready to have endless discussions about justraucher#hopefully the last addition of tags;#ok honestly i made almost as many edits to the tags as i did to the post#cause i kept changing little things so my comments werent up to date anymore#i think this part will be my magnum opus out of them all. but who knows theres still 9 to come#i think it shows that this is my favourite 🙃#oh yes i also added mentions to the parallels. felt like these were significant
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