ghos1t · 8 hours
he's silent, momentarily surprised by how quick the drink was thrown back. " unfortunately, i am not like most people. that's what's so charming about me. " a self exclamation. then he rests more comfortably in his chair, his expression inviting but there's heat simmering in his eyes. " i think i can abide to that. " funny enough, he doesn't engage in it right away, the fingers rubbing over his own lips, a tick of thought for a moment or two. [ ... ] then finally, amongst the background of chatter, he speaks up. " i apologize. i momentarily got distracted in thought. " eyes glance at his neck for a brief moment, you blink and you miss it. he grins. " you look exasperated, darling. long day? "
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it  had  been  an  excruciatingly  long  day,  hours  marked  by  the  appearance  of  books  and  patrons  and  more  books  until  weary  feet  dragged  laurent  towards  the  wolf  den,  intent  on  treating  himself  to  a  solo  drink.  or  at  least,  supposed  to  be  solo  —  lone  presence  was  suddenly  interrupted.  "  usually  people  ask  before  sitting  down,  "  laurent  begins,  drawl  winding  itself  through  his  words  as  he  knocks  back  his  drink  in  preparation  for  the  next  one  to  come.  "  however,  i'll  think  about  making  an  exception  for  you   …   if  you  can  keep  up  with  the  so-called  great  conversation.  how  does  that  sound  ?  "
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ghos1t · 8 hours
regardless of his smile, he also looks worried. there's a brief glance over her shoulder before allowing the door open further. " oh, come in. hope you don't mind the intrusion but was there something on your mind? typically people don't run like that unless they're running from something or just trying to distract themselves. must've been really bad if it had you running out this far. " so he finally closes it behind her, the dishes and utensils finishing the tea that has been left alone. " you can stay here as long as you like. sometimes people stumble upon this place and they don't realize they need help, until they do. even if it's some company, i surely don't mind. " then he continues. " you're just in time because it's just about finished. " and right on cue, a mug comes floating over with a cut up lemon slice floating on the surface.
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" heh, don't you worry, tea always test better in the presence of guests. " he grabs his own, a faded bearhold tourist mug, and moves to sit right across. " i have more if you want some. don't hesitate to ask. " and then comes two spoons floating over, that rest in her mug then in his own, giving it a small stir. the smile never falters, warm and genuine. " so, what's your name? i'm vicente but you can call me whatever you're comfortable with. "
ami rubs her throat as she clears it, nodding mindlessly to vincente's observation. she did travel a long way to get here. ami's runs can be as short as ten minutes to three hours. today it was the ladder. she passed her apartment an hour ago and just kept running, and running, and running.
"worst part was–" she clears her dry throat, regretting not bringing water. half the reason she stopped by vin's house is because she was so parched. "going through that park? there's so many branches on the ground. i felt like i was in the hunger games."
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ami doesn't mind that vin is a witch. she doesn't mind most supernaturals, if she's being honest. she only cares about vampires. a witch didn't kill her father. she steps further into vincente's home, nodding eagerly when asked if she'd like some tea, offering him a small yet grateful smile.
"um..." ami ponders the question as she sits down at the kitchen table, tapping her french-tipped nails against it. "sometimes when i go for runs i just...keep running. i think i get in my head and i don't know where i'm going or what i'm doing. i just end up places." ami wants to roll her eyes at herself for being so open with vincente but she's in his house. she's comfortable with him more than she'd like to admit. ami shrugs her shoulders.
"i ended up here. obviously, just to bum some of your tea."
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ghos1t · 9 hours
" a bike ride, huh? it's impressive to make this journey. tea is coming right up. " with the ingredients taken out, he let's the utensils do the rest, letting it boil, crush, mix, and meld the soon - be - tea as he turns towards her with full attention. " oh? is that so? " brows raise, giving an occasional nod to reassure her that he's listening and carefully, too. " hm, sounds like your ' friend ' — " he smiles regardless and hums, " doesn't have their abilities fully under control yet, which is perfectly normal. it takes time and patience. " fingers rub at his chin, thinking. " of course you can still be ' normal '. not every one has to be accommodated with... well, this. " he extends out his arms to point out the house that he lives in and the bobbles that decorate it. " you don't need the extra intricacies, ornaments, or extras to make yourself comfortable, you can just continue life as you wish, however you want. what does she dream about? — did she tell you? explain more if you can. "
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"Not at all.A good bike ride is always good." Nova said flexing her nonexistent muscles. The witch took it all in. For once she felt safe and not nervous about the occult. Nova nodded. "I would love some." She said with a toothy grin. There was an equally curious glance at vin. There was an odd shift in her body lanaguge. "I heard you're good with magic-and I have a friend striggling"The friends being of course Nova. Nova said slowly. "They had electronics explode, she sees very vivid dreams, and sometimes she summons an energy shield out or nowhere it is very hectic. " Nova asked. "So I'm asking for my friend's behalf even if magic existed, is there a way to placate it and be normal? "
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ghos1t · 9 hours
it's like the smile was on him the entire time, but it wasn't one of sincerity, one that was similar to a predator corning its prey. no, no... there's no need for the hunt currently; everyone's friends here. " i assure you, i have tastes that is applicable for everyone. when it comes to drinks, i'm not particularly picky, unless it's red. " however, he never looks anywhere else, the gaze has been focused on him and him alone. — intricate, interesting, and almost familiar. " it's not a lie. you're right, i don't know... but what's the fun of meeting the same beings with the same archetypes over and over again. it gets predictable, tedious. i guess another word for it is meeting new people has become a hobby of mine, learning about their customs, and their interests; and for those reasons, you look to tick all those boxes. and right now, judging a book by its cover is fun. " then he rests his chin between his thumb and forefinger, intrigued. " now, tell me a little bit about yourself — " a grin. " — please. if you don't mind. "
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gaze, immediately, snaps up at the sudden voice. an air of annoyance immediately permeating the air around artorius. if he'd wanted company, he'd have sought it himself, but such was the way of seeking peace in public. a brow twitches up at the generosity ( if it could be called that ). " really, " a glance towards the hosts, " you sound like someone with fucking fickle tastes. might be a bit far - fetched for me. " a jeer in the driest tone ; directed at the cadence of old. elbows rest to the table, hands folding over one another and fingers interlacing. " if you didn't mean to intrude, you wouldn't have. you should be more careful buying strangers drinks. never know who you're treating. " slightest twitch at the corner of his mouth. almost the threat of a smirk, almost. " what makes you think i'm the end of your ... boreish night ? "
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ghos1t · 10 hours
the look he gives is smug, resting further in the plush of his chair to let her know they're not going anywhere. " i'm sure you were, why do you think i came over? i know you're dying for my company. " eyes scan from their shoes to their shrugs, pretending to elicit some kind of shock. " just got off work? demanding day at the hospital, i suppose, yes? it must've been so exhausting. " the tone is mocking, like it's natural when talking to giuliana. then he perks up with a tilt of his head, " oh, i just thought to order your favorite. " then he smirks, fingers clasped and resting his lap. " it's a surprise. — no, i'm sure i got the right person, liana dear. can't say you've missed me too much. i do hope you liked the gifts i dropped off for you. i put a lot of thought into them. "
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"yes —" automatic word cut - off at the knees, banshee blinking in rapid and harsh acceptance of sudden companionship, grey scrubs still clad against their own shoulders, heavier than the reaper's garment, twice as expensive. "oh, sure, please sit down, i was just about to invite you over." brows knitting in that sharp dismissal of i don't fucking think i was, the worn smile being greeted in kind with the iciness of spiderwebbing across the windows of a car left out in the obscene weather. "can you at least be kind enough to inform me what kinds of drinks you've ordered for us?" a dark, wayward current scuttles against their hair. bumps alighting against temples, unholy places, for banshees, as far as this one is concerned. "if you think i'm one of the more entertaining people in here, i'm sorry to disappoint you."
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ghos1t · 10 hours
" is that so? well, i'm glad. it's not easy for everyone but i appreciate those that make it regardless. " still, he smiles, crushing the leaves and mixing the honey like he's done this a million times. though he notices her eyes wander, breathing out a small chuckle. " oh, don't mind them. they like to mess around sometimes when they want to misbehave. " and right on cue, with a glare, he looks at them duke it out like sword fighting, they ' stand upright ' immediately as if weren't fighting seconds ago. lips turn back into a smile. " tea's almost done. do you like mint? " and when the kettle starts to whistle, it floats up and hovers over the cups, waiting for a final command.
however, fingers pause, turning to look with great curiosity. " advice? hm... " now his attention seemed to be fully on her, turning away from the station, allowing it to continue where he stopped. eyes squint a little, trying to pin point something that's clawing at the cage of interest. " what's on your mind? i'll try do what i can. "
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"  i've  had  harder  journeys,  "  marin  says,  in  lieu  of  the  follow-up,  "  this  was  easy  -  breezy,  a  real  walk  in  the  park.  "  curious  eyes  follow  the  almost  chaotic  nature  of  the  house,  eyeing  the  floating  utensils  with  keen  interest.  she'd  never  seen  the  intricacies  of  magic  before,  other  than  the  one  tied  to  her  and  water,  and  can't  help  when  curious  fingers  reach  out  to  tap  a  spoon  that  floats  by  too  closely.  "  tea  would  be  amazing,  thank  you.  "  marin  smiles,  hands  poised  in  acceptance.  to  his  question,  she  gives  a  moment  to  think  before  replying  :  "  i  needed  some  advice,  actually.  i'm  not  sure  if  you  could  help  but  someone  did  point  me  in  your  direction.  "
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ghos1t · 10 hours
eyes don't meet the situation at hand, bright and hopeful in seeing his darling boy in the flesh. much has changed in appearance but his eyes are covered in rose - tinted glasses, hardly noticing the alterations to the face, to the eyes, to those lips that no longer smile for him. you know what they say, to live a life in grand delusion, oblivious to reality. they ache terribly so to reach out and gently stroke his cheek, the body he hasn't felt the touch of in over three hundred years. even so, he's respectful of his space... for the time being.
unfortunate the blind of this beasts eyes of the grievances his darling boy has endured to take them back. he yearns so passionately, feverishly, so intensely that they would let the flames of hell lick up his body and become enraptured in the layers of lucifer's domain.
" oh, i am no phantom. i did heed your warning but i needed to see your face to ease the worry. " not at all worried by the threatening shot to the skull. shoulders are lax whilst releasing a deep, and relaxing just a centimeter more. eventually he will come around: he knows. he hopes. he dreams.
he doesn't budge.
then a laugh escaped, momentarily amused by such a claim. the exclamations don't startle them, doesn't push them away, instead want to pull in closer, enraptured by his darling boy. " don't tell me you truly believe that. i never took you for a fool, my dear — " just as you didn't take me to be too stubborn. " — it gives those that cannot protect themselves an ease rest, much like the garlic cloves and the cross that hangs over the mantle. even their gods can't protect them... however, you already knew that. " he lets the silence sit before continuing. " i can come in at any time i wish but i don't, out of respect; still, to comfort you, i will play along. "
i know you will seek me out again. and i will be here, waiting, just like you've waited for me all these years.
" so... " he tries again, giving him that sweet sincere smile that's only reserved for him when they're both alone with one another, " may i come in — " a pause: an expected look and voice quietening down with a tone that's almost sounds... regretful. even guilty somber can nest itself in a vampires conscious. " my heart? i miss you terribly. "
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who : cassius / @ghos1t . where : sylus' home / front door .
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spoken solemnly to break an even sadder silence that sits in their shared air . sylus softens his face into something unbothered in the presence of the monster , but his hand tightens around the curve of his door handle , tight enough to almost break and bend — tight , as if to envision cassius' throat there . squeezing , veins protruding with the squeeze and shake . doorbells , a wondrous invention that the demon was fond of . he changed the chime of his several times and welcomed visitors into his abode with wide smiles . there wasn't yet a tune nor chime invented to signal the arrival of a ghost such as he , a vision of cascading curls and sharp eyes . no , sylus felt his presence enter at the edge of the neighborhood , bathed in moonlight , reeking of memory .
" because , i swore i told you to never show your face here . i lifted steel and gunmetal , pointed both between your eyes and warned you — " a courtesy befitting of a repaid debt . cassius has saved sylus' life once , after all . it was with bitter words from an even more bitter tongue that they'd saw fit to do the same , only once , but their patience should not be tested . " and yet — here you are , like a phantom . " like a dream . " and i feel that it must be a trick of tired eye . " i feel . always feeling , always drowning in too much heart and dreamlike expression . cursed to the downfall of his passion's own creation . " not even you are that stubborn . "
dim lights stretch from behind him , the glow of of the castlevania clad television and pause menu music creating a symphony of the night . too intimate , too familiar in its tone . it truly does paint him a fool for cassius . " leave . " huffed through pursed lips . " leave ! " squeezed from a broken heart . " i know better than to invite a vampire into my home . "
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ghos1t · 5 days
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"This is beyond anything I could have imagined.”
PEDRO PASCAL Gladiator II - Featurette 
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ghos1t · 5 days
for: everyone and anyone, [ 3 / 5 ] location: the wolf den. it's ironic, isn't it? right into the jaws of the beast.
" oh, my dear, you look absolutely parched! " he looks far too giddy and far too comfortable; it even hit a littler harder with those words spoken by yourself but you get used to your tongue feeling far too foreign in your own mouth. nevermind that. " mind if i join you? " before it could be answered, he makes a seat right across. " i ordered a round of drinks for you and me. they should be brought over soon. my treat. " a worn smile that is practiced and warm, body language that invites friendly conversation, and hands resting in his lap with legs criss - cross over one another. " i didn't mean to intrude, darling. thought you would make great conversation on this rather boreish night. "
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ghos1t · 5 days
for: everyone and anyone, [ 3 / 5 ] location: vincente's home, you can just call him vin. we're friends now, aren't we?
" you must've traveled a long way here. hopefully it wasn't too strenuous, too complicated. " despite it, some of the utensils float and seem to move on their own, even having a form of a personality as it hits another one almost unprovoked. he's trying to be a good host, procuring some tea leaves in fogged over jars, whilst choosing some that are sweeter than others with a little dab of honey and lavender. " tea? " he offers, letting water boil in the kettle on its own accord, then sprinkling them into a presser, all while giving a gentle, but be it sure settling, smile. though he gives a rather curious glance up. " so, what brought you out here? it's a particular place to run into, i know. it's rather out of the way. "
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ghos1t · 5 days
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name vicente valdebenito valdivia. nickname vin / val, valito, vincent. age 48 / 54. date of birth june 23rd. gender agender. pronouns he / him. sexuality gray - romantic bisexual. languages known english, spanish (chilean & mexican dialect), lsch (chilean sign language), conversational italian, tagalog. ethnicity latino / chilean. height 6'3 / 190cm. occupation archivist @ riverside bookstore. face claim pedro pascal.
( + ) humorous, humble, reliable, gentle, intelligent, kind, easygoing, friendly, punny, trustworthy, playful, empathetic. ( - ) evasive, discreet, withdrawn, deceitful, hypocritical, sly, selfish, dishonest.
powers... uses nature as a source of everything: to create, nourish, heal, and destroy. can sense feelings / emotions / spirits that linger through plant life. has a strong connection via wildlife and animals.
the story starts here... (story is subject to change)
it came in a dream, a child sitting at his mothers kitchen table of an abandoned, dusty book buried somewhere in depths of her closet. he didn't know why but the feeling gnawed and ate at a curiosity that couldn't be satiated.
the book was about witchcraft, starting out and various beginner potions and breweries, crafting of spells, and components to make out these said spells ranging from every day home stuff to more rare bits of magic to energy manipulation for those really advanced. there were rumors that his family had witches in the family, but they sounded like myths and something unbelievable.
so he stole it, trying to practice these little bits of witchcraft as much as he could, or what it would allow. in the beginning, it was hardly fruitful and it really did seem like all this was bogus but the longer the days went and the more he committed, the more promise it showed. sometimes flowers bloomed from his pillow case, sometimes birds had chirped obnoxiously from his window. surely these were all coincidences, right? wrong.
finally making his first salve, it turns out it actually worked.
days, weeks, months, years went by practicing these magics and honing the energies the earth had given. he had researched before on types of witches existences and he deeply resonated to those connected by nature.
eventually, he decided to move out his childhood home and had moved to mexico for several years honing his craft before finally moving to the states; bearhold, washington to be exact.
he had applied to the library as an archivist to help himself to research of some possible witchcraft or homebrewing human drinks, potions, or salves to help benefit others. sometimes it requires on site creating, depending on the circumstance, ie. hangovers, creating numbing creams where there are none, etc.
it started as mysteriously having ointments or drinkables on hand to those that have physical ailments, or just those that weren't feeling well that day to over the years of having a reputation as the typical witch in the woods. he doesn't quell the rumors and people tend to avoid him because of it but it doesn't bother him. it's quite contradictory once you think about it.
fun facts!
nature isn't just something he specializes in, he also fancies tarot card and tea leaves reading, elemental magics, and those attached to divination. he's also started to learn about hexes and curses... better ask about that on your own discretion.
majority of people know that vicente is the witch that lingers in the forest, so due to the influx of demands, he has to set up a perimeter to the point if you don't know what landmarks to look out for you will get lost. if you need his help THAT bad, he'll give you an audience. if not, the town will come into view like you walked in circles.
a huge tea enthusiast. tried almost every tea to exist and makes his own brewery. thanks to being green, it's easy to know each ones can help ease a headache, sickness, to help one sleep better, and others. that and it's just good.
owns golden retriever and sometimes finds floating utensils as toys.
while he does get a majority income from commissions, he sticks to the library in hopes there are new things that come in to help learn and research.
he has 2 moms! both very lovely ladies and support his path to witchcraft but were worried when he first discovered the book. yes, he was scolded but was given leniency because they discovered he had the talent early on.
he can make something that intentionally harms other people but it something he chooses not to create out of worry and mistrust of others intentions.
he doesn't know how or when some of these crazy rumors started but despite it all, it doesn't diminish his character in the slightest. he is a very nice guy and genuinely wants to help those that need it, very down to earth (haha). you should give him a visit and bring a gift in the process (he likes keeping things as a memorial from his clients but it's not just this reason why he wants them...).
a very fast learner.
his favorite color is yellow.
tries to avoid crowded areas if he can. he's a rather secluded witch and large groups of people makes him slightly anxious.
despite being a witch that resonates well with nature, he dresses like a nerdy, white tourist visiting hawai'i for the first time. socks and sandals are actually very comfortable, thank you.
wanted connections
platonic / romantic / familial give me all
someone to mentor
besties someone to drink tea with and who visits frequently it can get lonely in the forest sometimes
witch friends
relationships with other supernatural
someones life he accidentally turned upside down from being a younger witch
i know he's come crossroads with a demon before... think about it
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ghos1t · 5 days
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name cassius delacour. nickname cass. age 38 / 350, he thinks. date of birth forgotten. gender non - binary. pronouns he / they. sexuality bisexual, masculine preference. languages known english, spanish, danish, swedish, german, and mandarin chinese. ethnicity white. height 6'1 / 185cm. occupation unemployed. species nightwalking vampire & slayer. face claim sam reid.
( + ) proper, efficient, flamboyant, wise, talented, observant, ambitious, playful, persuasive, affectionate, tolerant, friendly. ( - ) apathetic, cruel, manipulative, aloof, mischievous, melodramatic, devious, stubborn, needy, petty, hateful.
powers... anything a vampire can do, he can do better. being a slayer also comes with the territory. you can run but you can't hide. extremely perceptive and is able to read your mind if you're not careful, which includes him having a strong enough barrier to prevent it being returned. some others will be hidden for that special moment. idk i'm too lazy to list it out.
the story starts here... (edited 9 / 24) TW FOR BLOOD, DEATH, GORE, MUTILATION.
act 1. born into a generational family of slayers since the early 1600's, he is rather talented for his lineage, having it shown from an early age of promise. with this great gift, as warned by his parents, comes families who aim to do better, to do more for their community, to become more reliable than anyone else in the area. he briefly wonders about the point of competition, don't they all hope for the same thing? to protect those from the evils that lurk in the shadows?
it's during this time he had met a darling boy, soul as pure as the sky, the prince charming type to heroically save the princess from her tower. he adored him. the connection was instant, like a click that had fit perfectly in place. he had aimed to see this prince every day if he could, if he was able; but word got out, the son of a rival family of his own. they were forbidden to see each other, to not get distracted because they had goals and goals must be met.
so, he let himself not be distracted, although letting brief glances towards their normal meeting place, in hopes to see his face. he constantly tried to grab behind him but, and no matter how his fingers flexed and wrist turned, nothing could be reached.
unfortunately, one hunt had gone wrong. his mission for the night was to fight a ferocious vampire that had been terrorizing a town nearby with adults and children alike being brutalized. this foe was more formidable than he realized, with a valiant fight fought, he had become a hairlines trigger away from death. however, it turns out, that this was a two man job. the vampire's partner had come to see who / what had slain his own, teetering and teasing about his heart beat barely audible, breath becoming shallower, that he sees cassius actually fears dying besides previously accepting the fact that he might die fighting these supernatural creatures.
with cassius' throat torn, his healing couldn't catch up with the damage the vampire had done, couldn't speak nor respond but this one had decided to answer a question he couldn not hear: do you wish to become immortal? i can help you stay young forever. i can help you make you stronger, to defeat these " disastrous " friends you hunt. don't you wish to see your lover again? they were beautiful, hair framing his face where they looked like a sculpture come to life, the flames bellowing from the buildings looking like malformed wings and the light a halo: this was almost pathetically romantic with dipped delirium. a whitening vision had drifted down to a blade pressed down into an open palm, having it hover above, and let it drip... drip... drip into a death - awaiting mouth.
if only to keep living... for him.
the next thing he knew, he wakes up to some passerbys, not seeming too disturbed by the amount of blood that covered his jaw, down to a red - soaked shirt; it was more like great worry, " oh, you poor thing, are you alright? can you sit up? " ( he ached. it hurt terribly so. the hot white had taken over before the loss of consciousness took over. the feeling of bones turn, snap, then press back together. the transformation felt grotesque, like the dissociation of feeling his body being violated. it hurts and he thinks this pain will haunt him for the rest of his life. ) except he wasn't thankful for the couple checking up on him. his mouth was bone dry, tongue weighing heavy in his mouth, and his heart hammering in his chest... or, it should be, shouldn't it? he was hungry and as much as he tried not to give into the temptation to gorge upon human blood, the desire was much larger than his own morality, thus killing these innocent civilians in the process.
of course, it wasn't just them as witnesses, other people had come to check up on them, which resulted in screaming and shouting, some even knowing this young man: " this is the heir of the delacour family! he turned into a vampire! someone tell the master he's gone mad! "
of course, word got to his family, now no longer seeing him as a son, nephew, uncle, cousin, or brother. he was a monster, and by lineage right, they must take down the cause of several human deaths: himself. before he escaped this town, the next thing he knew, knuckles had hovered over the door of his rivals family, in hopes to see his darling boy one last time: a hand would reach out back for him, except his own was no longer extended, only curled into a fist of fear. a name would cry out for his own one last time but instead it was muffled, like he was miles away. so he fled, anxiety curdling in his stomach to be any place instead of here. that felt too real... little did he know his mind was still drowning in fiction mixing with reality, the touch of fingertips leaving his wrists.
while his family never sought him out, he didn't even try going back to ask for their forgiveness or plea that it was against his will. he never stayed in one place after this, even residing in different countries for a time: to scotland, belgium, poland, and the netherlands. no matter how much he searched, how he did, he never found the cause of his disease.
now, it's a new goal: to kill the vampire that turned him.
act 2. centuries had passed and he learned to deal with a never satiated hunger, instead aiming to feed on those nearing death... but it never tasted as good. hey, even a vampire has standards. animals were never an option and had even resided into working in a hospital to steal blood bags from patients that needed them the most. he does what he must to survive, whether it's seducing his victims to let that sweet blood drip from his lips or manipulating the kindness of those that aim to genuinely help out of a "poor situation". is aiming for survival truly evil in these peoples eyes?
act 3. time loses itself and somehow he now he finds himself in america, residing here in bearhold, washington.
finally, he allows the selfish need to temporarily settle mixed with the permanent discomfort that resides deep in his belly: the vampire that turned him is still alive, including the constant feeling of his influence nestled in his core similar to nature taking back long abandoned homes. sometimes he feels a suffocating grip on his soul, threatening to erase the last of his humanity that he tries to coddle closely, despite abandoning his slayer lineage.
even so, it's hard to ignore the overwhelming ache that's laced tightly with very cruel desires to see humanity butchered.
yet still, he holds on in hopes to see his darling boy once again.
act 4. to be continued...
fun facts! tw for mentions of drugs
he was born in the late 1600's and his date of death has been long forgotten, but something about 1708 rings a bell.
penetrating human minds are easy but when he tastes your blood, he can tell a lot of things: if you eat healthy, are a smoker or a drinker, are severely stressed or tired, a drug user, along with a lot of other factors. people don't realize the little things affects the body.
to not give away his skin during the day, he wears large, round hats that shadows the entirety of his face [ think of ones like this ]. otherwise, he makes sure to cover up from feet to neck. he was always a night person anyways.
despite living in the modern - ish age, his fashion style has not changed much. yes, the 1800's are back in style (with modern flare, of course).
he wasn't always like this, being a vampire for 350ish years really changes a persons character more than anything. i promise you he's a... nice enough person. when he wants to be.
he's aware that some of his family still exist today but as far as he knows, they assume he's dead.
he doesn't take the term "playing with your food" seriously. although, if he likes you enough, he'll leave you alone. why make the world lonelier than what it already is?
he's had enough time in his life to learn various different languages (along with types of dances, cooking dishes that despite eating doesn't appetite him the way it used to, and taking up other hobbies like learning / studying human anatomy, becoming an artist, and even writing). he could be more fluent if he wanted to be. hasn't had a reason yet.
believe it or not, he has a special distaste for other vampires. who knew!
cats are his favorite animal. (:
since it's been years, hardly to little anyone knows he's a slayer and he will give the illusion that he's JUST a vampire. unless you're family in the area.
wanted connections
antagonist / romantic / platonic / familial?? how about everything
slayers formed from generations past ( "i knew your great, great, great, great grandmother. she was a bitch" )
vampire f(r)iends
"if you want me dead, you'll have to fucking kill me!"
previous "lovers" ie. one - night stands, tangle ins, etc.
others to come
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ghos1t · 5 days
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ghos1t · 9 months
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ⅰ. VICENTE VALDEBENITO VALDIVIA, according to rumors, if you must seek this green witch in the forest, make sure to have something for trade: intro, pinterest.   ⅱ. CASSIUS DELACOUR, when the lines are starting to blur together in a mix of grey for this born 1600's slayer turned nightwalking vampire: intro.
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