#nothing triggering??? but i mightve missed something
ghos1t · 5 days
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name vicente valdebenito valdivia. nickname vin / val, valito, vincent. age 48 / 54. date of birth june 23rd. gender agender. pronouns he / him. sexuality gray - romantic bisexual. languages known english, spanish (chilean & mexican dialect), lsch (chilean sign language), conversational italian, tagalog. ethnicity latino / chilean. height 6'3 / 190cm. occupation archivist @ riverside bookstore. face claim pedro pascal.
( + ) humorous, humble, reliable, gentle, intelligent, kind, easygoing, friendly, punny, trustworthy, playful, empathetic. ( - ) evasive, discreet, withdrawn, deceitful, hypocritical, sly, selfish, dishonest.
powers... uses nature as a source of everything: to create, nourish, heal, and destroy. can sense feelings / emotions / spirits that linger through plant life. has a strong connection via wildlife and animals.
the story starts here... (story is subject to change)
it came in a dream, a child sitting at his mothers kitchen table of an abandoned, dusty book buried somewhere in depths of her closet. he didn't know why but the feeling gnawed and ate at a curiosity that couldn't be satiated.
the book was about witchcraft, starting out and various beginner potions and breweries, crafting of spells, and components to make out these said spells ranging from every day home stuff to more rare bits of magic to energy manipulation for those really advanced. there were rumors that his family had witches in the family, but they sounded like myths and something unbelievable.
so he stole it, trying to practice these little bits of witchcraft as much as he could, or what it would allow. in the beginning, it was hardly fruitful and it really did seem like all this was bogus but the longer the days went and the more he committed, the more promise it showed. sometimes flowers bloomed from his pillow case, sometimes birds had chirped obnoxiously from his window. surely these were all coincidences, right? wrong.
finally making his first salve, it turns out it actually worked.
days, weeks, months, years went by practicing these magics and honing the energies the earth had given. he had researched before on types of witches existences and he deeply resonated to those connected by nature.
eventually, he decided to move out his childhood home and had moved to mexico for several years honing his craft before finally moving to the states; bearhold, washington to be exact.
he had applied to the library as an archivist to help himself to research of some possible witchcraft or homebrewing human drinks, potions, or salves to help benefit others. sometimes it requires on site creating, depending on the circumstance, ie. hangovers, creating numbing creams where there are none, etc.
it started as mysteriously having ointments or drinkables on hand to those that have physical ailments, or just those that weren't feeling well that day to over the years of having a reputation as the typical witch in the woods. he doesn't quell the rumors and people tend to avoid him because of it but it doesn't bother him. it's quite contradictory once you think about it.
fun facts!
nature isn't just something he specializes in, he also fancies tarot card and tea leaves reading, elemental magics, and those attached to divination. he's also started to learn about hexes and curses... better ask about that on your own discretion.
majority of people know that vicente is the witch that lingers in the forest, so due to the influx of demands, he has to set up a perimeter to the point if you don't know what landmarks to look out for you will get lost. if you need his help THAT bad, he'll give you an audience. if not, the town will come into view like you walked in circles.
a huge tea enthusiast. tried almost every tea to exist and makes his own brewery. thanks to being green, it's easy to know each ones can help ease a headache, sickness, to help one sleep better, and others. that and it's just good.
owns golden retriever and sometimes finds floating utensils as toys.
while he does get a majority income from commissions, he sticks to the library in hopes there are new things that come in to help learn and research.
he has 2 moms! both very lovely ladies and support his path to witchcraft but were worried when he first discovered the book. yes, he was scolded but was given leniency because they discovered he had the talent early on.
he can make something that intentionally harms other people but it something he chooses not to create out of worry and mistrust of others intentions.
he doesn't know how or when some of these crazy rumors started but despite it all, it doesn't diminish his character in the slightest. he is a very nice guy and genuinely wants to help those that need it, very down to earth (haha). you should give him a visit and bring a gift in the process (he likes keeping things as a memorial from his clients but it's not just this reason why he wants them...).
a very fast learner.
his favorite color is yellow.
tries to avoid crowded areas if he can. he's a rather secluded witch and large groups of people makes him slightly anxious.
despite being a witch that resonates well with nature, he dresses like a nerdy, white tourist visiting hawai'i for the first time. socks and sandals are actually very comfortable, thank you.
wanted connections
platonic / romantic / familial give me all
someone to mentor
besties someone to drink tea with and who visits frequently it can get lonely in the forest sometimes
witch friends
relationships with other supernatural
someones life he accidentally turned upside down from being a younger witch
i know he's come crossroads with a demon before... think about it
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