#They just choose not to 99% of the time haha. 😅
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✦ OC Questionnaire Tag 3 ✦
Following tag from @honeybewrites !
Featuring characters from Sun and Shadow: Freya, Crow, Daleira, Valyarus, Soren, and Grimnir! As well as a surprise visit from someone else...
Notes: Valyarus is Daleira's adopted dad, Lynsmouth nobility, and a faerie; Soren is Freya's dad, strongly hinted to be ageless, and worked as a sailor; and Grimnir is Crow's dad, the famous criminal detective of Lynsmouth, and known to work under an alias and masks to hide his identity.
Featured Questions (not all characters will answer): - "Sun or moon?" - "Would you rather drown or be buried alive?" - "How many people have you killed?" from @the-golden-comet - "Do you believe in fate?" kidnapped from the-golden-comet's post
"Sun or moon?"
Freya, the MC of Sun and Shadow who's explicitly sun-coded: Freya: Well... even before I found out about the whole "my dad gave me a magic restraint from a really young age without telling me and I actually have magic" thing... I'd always liked being out in the sun. I'd feel more refreshed, energized. I thought it was just normal, yknow? Like, who doesn't like being out in the sun? But apparently it's A Normal Magic Thing™ to feel better in your element? Even though I felt awful for a while without the restraint... apparently that's something called "magical sickness" from having too much uncontrolled essence? That's what Daleira said at least... I don't know. Regardless, um, sun, obviously, haha. 😅
Crow, the "shadow" of Sun and Shadow: Crow: Moon. The daytime is too bright and it's a lot harder to blend in. I mean--(*pointedly wiggles the sunglasses they're always wearing*)--I need these to be able to actually see thanks to my damned curse and how bright everything is. Then, like, I need to stick to the shadows at day because I just feel worse under sunlight, you know? So, yeah. Moon, easily.
Daleira, the OTHER, secret "shadow": Daleira: Sun! (gotcha 😉) It's thanks to the sun's energy that our world goes round--well, metaphorically speaking--and it would be almost unrecognizable if the sun didn't exist! 😊 Well, I mean, now that I say that... I guess the same applies to the moon, huh? Like, it's thanks to it that we have the tides and-- (*continues rambling about Science*) --wait what was the question again? Oh, right! "Sun or moon?" I would probably still pick sun, haha! 😊
Valyarus: This is an odd question. I would dare to say sun. Nights tend to be much more dangerous, both in the Faewildes and in this world. Criminals adoring the darkness and all, yes? Besides that, I am also weaker at night. So that should be an easy answer for me, no?
Soren: I'm brought back from the dead and/or a potentially disastrous situation in order to answer arbitrary questions? (*heavy sarcasm*) Interesting. How kind of our all-powerful gods to give me this opportunity. (Look do you want this break or not?) ... fine. Yes. (*Clears throat*) My wife and children all had sun- and light-allegiances. I feel that should speak for itself. However... as a seaman, the stars have always been my best friend, and it would be a nightmare to navigate without them. In spite of that, if you told me to choose between my daughter and the night, I would choose my daughter in a heartbeat. Happy? (*he asks, glaring at the camerawoman* Very, great job, Soren! 😉 *he scoffs*)
"Would you rather drown or be buried alive?"
Freya, who in the first chapter of SaS got traumatized by nearly dying in a shipwreck: Freya: Be buried alive. Next question, please and thank you.
Crow: Easy! I'd choose to be buried alive! Being encased in a coffin--or even just dirt--would surround me in shadows and I could just teleport out through them, ha! Daleira: Crow, you're supposed to take this at face value. There's no way getting out. If you had to die either way, which would you pick? Crow: (*scowling*) But that doesn't make sense! I could just teleport out! Daleira: Yeah, well that's not the point! It's supposed to, like, find out your personality and stuff! Which you'd, uh... consider to be the least painful death?... hm, that's actually really dark when you think about it... Crow: Exactly! Besides, it doesn't say I have to die through it! Just drown or "be buried alive"--not that I die in the process! (*smug birb.png*) Daleira: Um... actually, "drown" does imply death. Crow: Wait, what? Daleira: It's in the definition! "Drown: verb; to die through submersion in and inhalation of water!" Crow: ... and why do you have the exact definition of "drown" memorized? And where did you get it??? Do you have a dictionary lying around somewhere in your workshop??? Daleira: (*flushed*) Just--answer the question! Crow: I still pick being buried alive. It doesn't mean I can't escape alive, sweetheart. 😘 Daleira: (*groans and puts her face in her hands*)
Daleira: Unlike Crow, I'm actually going to answer this question as intended. 😒 While both are deeply unpleasant ways to die, I'd probably choose to drown just because it's quicker than suffocating in a coffin... or loose dirt. (*shudders*)
Valyarus: (*pleasantly; if not a bit smugly*) I could and would do neither. As a faerie, I could simply teleport out of either situation. Daleira: 😒😒😒 Daleira: (*takes a slow, deep breath... unlike someone in the situations posed in this question!*) Dad, the point of the question is "imagine you don't have any other choice". Like, if you had to pick one, which would you pick? Valyarus: (*quizzical look*) Well that's just incredibly dark, isn't it? Who would pose such a question? Daleira: (*exasperated, throws up her hands*) I don't know! Could you please just answer it, Dad??? Valyarus: (*gives a long, drawn-out sigh... also unlike someone in the situations posed in this question!*) If you insist, dear. I suppose... I would choose being buried alive. In your hypothetical situation, unaware that I was completely doomed, I would likely choose it knowing it took longer and spend a majority of the time I had trying to figure out a way out... only to die. Valyarus: But, Dally, you are aware that even if our bodies die, we do not, yes? Daleira: 😃 (*internal screaming*)
Soren: (*completely unaware of the events of the first chapter of SaS in this case--*) I would choose the sea--or, drowning, that is. I was born by the ocean, was made by the ocean, and lived through the ocean. I see no better way to die. Or a more fitting one.
Grimnir: In those cases, I'd assume I'd be being assassinated by some of my enemies... and so they're planning for it to be as painful as possible. In which case, it would likely look like this: my to-be killers choose to drown me. They repeatedly dunk and pull my head out at intervals maximized for suffering, but just barely below the time my body would force me to inhale. Ideally, none of them would have control over water magic, or they could simply let me breathe it in and draw it from my lungs. Which would likely be doubly as unpleasant as traditional water inhalation. Regardless--they would repeat this process until I finally suffocated or they got bored. And then they would kill me. Alternatively, my captors could've chosen to kill me through burying me alive. In that case, they'd do so without a coffin. That way, I'd be suffocating, buried within whatever material they thought would make me suffer most. Due to the phrasing of this question, I would assume it could not be anything inherently dangerous, otherwise I would die of exsanguination, poisoning, or whatever else. No, instead, I'd suffocate. In this case, it's unlikely my captors could interrupt or pace out my murder--unless they periodically buried, unearthed, and re-buried me, which simply seems like more effort than it's worth and comes with risk of a coma instead. Between the two situations, I would choose to be buried alive. Though, I hope you aren't intending on trying anything... I may be a detective, but I have a lot more tricks up my sleeve.
"How many people have you killed?"
Freya: Nobody??? What???
Crow: What do you mean? I'm a detective, not a murderer! Obviously I haven't killed anyone!
Daleira: (*voice uncharacteristically quiet*) It... depends on what you count as a "person." And... whether you're counting accidents... which you probably are. Regardless?... a lot.
Valyarus: I have killed very, very few people. If they even counted as "people" by the time I killed them is a better question. But... if you consider the fact that I, myself, am not human, and that those of us in my position call all of us sentient beings "people"... then I have killed very, very many people. That's why I'm in the position I am today. I am very powerful. And, sometimes, death is necessary to protect those looking up to you as a leader.
It's been a bit since Elvalen has joined Lynsmouth, though. I think I've gotten a bit rusty. 😄
(note: Valyarus has accidentally killed a lot more people in a similar manner to Daleira, but is not counting them due to it being "part of a faerie's nature", unintentional, and frankly unavoidable to an extent. Up his perceived creepiness/danger level as you deem necessary.)
Soren: Depends who's asking. If this has any possibility of reaching my daughter, none whatsoever. Otherwise... more than I wish. But being what I am, death is sometimes inevitable. Other times, it's simply the only correct choice. Would you rather leave a monster alive, or kill it where it stands to save its victims, both present and future? I think there's only one right answer there, and I have a number of people who'd thank me for it. ... even if my daughter would not.
Grimnir: Depends on what you mean by "killed". Does it count to put them in prison, knowing people can and might target them there? If so: I don't know. Definitely more than I can count. Otherwise... only a few. And only when necessary, in self-defense.
"Do you believe in fate?"
Freya: You mean the idea that our lives are predetermined from the beginning, that our decisions are set in stone before we're born, and that nothing we can do will ever change that? Of course not. And even if it did, I'd assume magic itself would interfere with how Fate wanted to make things.
Crow: I'm... not sure. I've never thought of it before to be honest. I'd guess there's probably some god out there capable of it?... though if you think of it that way, wouldn't all gods be Fate in one way or another? Like, they're all always just... sitting in their godly domains or something, watching us, seeing everything and making decisions off of it right? So from our point of view, wouldn't that make them the puppeteers of our fates? So I'd say it depends on what you consider "fate" to be. Is it an active force keeping things to a certain "timeline" or set of events? In which case I'd say no. Or is it a set of actions carried out by beings that can see so much more than we do, that are capable of comprehending things that we can't, and actively try enforcing their wills on us? In which case... I'd say yes.
Daleira: Fate? Like "things are destined to happen a certain way"? I wouldn't know! Haha, there's so many things in this world that it's impossible to know! Like, there's billions of lifeforms breathing, existing!, making decisions all at once! Could there possibly be a reason behind it, some sort of consciousness pulling everything in a certain direction to make sure different events come true? Possibly!
... what do I think of that?... hm. That's a great question. I... don't know honestly. I like the concept of free will, would like to think we all have complete control of our lives and where they go... but that just isn't realistic! Even if fate didn't exist, our lives are all still pushed and pulled in every direction by those of the people around us. And by nature! The world constantly throws things at us, and all we're able to do is react to it! Even if we make our own decisions, they're based on our life experiences and the examples we've seen of others... so it's impossible to say "free will" truly exists, either.
Valyarus: Fate? (*snickers*) Which kind of "Fate", the idea that Grand Destinies follow people, that some people are destined to come together and "complete" one another", or something... Or the cold and merciless goddess known for doing whatever it takes to achieve her goals?
Don't misunderstand me--most gods are "cold, cruel, merciless" and all those good things. But I've heard special things of Fate. She sees everything that has happened, everything that is happening, and everything that will happen at all times. She's able to make decisions with more information than anyone else. She's been able to plan out her actions and puppeteer everyone else from the very beginning of time. She's known for acting irrationally, having her son carry out the most out of place things... for what? What cause? What purpose? We don't know. We can't. What we do know is that she's willing to do anything. She and her son--acting on her behalf as all avatars do--have done some things even the other gods wouldn't dare do. Although, I don't think it's for a lack of willingness so much as it would otherwise get in the way of their goals to actively commit atrocities.
Regardless, oh--I do believe Fate exists. It's very hard not to when you've spoken to her son firsthand and he responds to you before you can even speak. I wouldn't recommend it, by the way. I've met some very disturbing creatures before, but he was... different.
Quinn: Well, that's just rude. Valyarus: Quinn: After I helped you and everything. Valyarus: How... how did you get in here? Quinn: Not telling. 😉 Want to apologize? Valyarus: Valyarus: (*indignant!*) I see no reason to. Quinn: Of course. No problem, then. Just... be careful around birds. Valyarus: (*silent, confused panic???*)
Soren: I believe Fate exists, yes. Whether or not that's a good thing depends on the day... and if you're in her way. Thankfully, it does not seem like I've done anything to cross her... at least, not for a very long time.
Grimnir: (*deadpan*) I would assume so. Otherwise, I'd worry who I gave my eyes to.
Your questions: - What would you do if you watched a starving child steal something expensive without anyone else noticing? - If you could go back in time and say anything to your younger self, what would you say? - What would you sell your soul for? (Metaphorically speaking, doesn't have to be literal. In other words: "What is the most important thing to you, that you would do anything for?")
Tagging (with no pressure) @darkandstormydolls @yourpenpaldee @.honeybewrites @fantasy-things-and-such @themboty @the-letterbox-archives and whoever else wants to join!
Divider from @cafekitsune
#Crow's over here just giving the DEEPEST answer to the fate question I'm ngl.#Like I was just including it for the memes of Grimnir asking who else he gave his eyes to 🤣🤣🤣#But then Crow had to come in and give an actually well-thought-out answer.#I'm ngl I was NOT expecting it#I was actually expecting them to turn it into a joke like usual.#But like... it's not actually that Crow isn't smart btw.#Or is incapable of taking anything seriously.#They just choose not to 99% of the time haha. 😅#Btw Grimnir actually wasn't kidding about giving up his eyes to “Fate” btw.#At the very least#as far as he's aware#he traded his sight to an entity claiming to be the goddess of fate.#Won't tell you whether it actually WAS or not 😉#or what he traded it for#but I feel like the fact that he traded his SIGHT to “Fate” should give some hints. 😉😉😉#Addendum:#I wrote all those tags after writing Freya's/Crow's/Grimnir's in that order#I'm actually quite surprised at how Quality the answers to that question all are haha.#Valyarus over there is giving HELLA worldbuilding and foreshadowing 🤣😉#and ironically showing that Crow was actually right (in-universe) about their theories oops.#Genuinely I wasn't PLANNING on confirming Crow's “theories" haha.#But Valyarus knows quite a bit about the gods for a number of reasons and that's just how he'd answer. 😅😂#Fate in-universe is highly feared due to everything Valyar mentioned if you couldn't imagine.#Though some of his information is false actually.#What?#This is CHARACTER asks#not “author asks”#You ask the characters and you get misinformation misunderstandings and lies 🤣#That's how a majority of those who know of Fate (the goddess)'s existence see her though.#There's a handful of people who like/don't see her as evil tho.
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Writer Interview
how many works do you have on ao3? 24
what’s your total ao3 word count? 275,581
your top 5 stories by kudos
The Muffliato Rule
Tell Me a Story
I Won’t Kiss a Death Eater
It’s Just Science
Theodore Nott: Positive Meddler
do you respond to comments? yes I always try to, especially if they are the longer or more detailed variety. If it’s just a heart emoji or something that can be a little tricker to respond to, without just saying the same “thanks for reading” comment over and over again.
what’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? I don’t really write much angst, and all my endings are pretty happy. Maybe IWKADE?
what’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? actually, maybe IWKADE for this as they’re put through the ringer in the fic 😅
do you write crossovers? I haven’t, no
have you ever received hate on a fic? all my fics are pretty fluffy and fun, so no I’ve never really received any hate. Just that awful reviewer rating one of mine low stars haha
do you write smut? yes 👀
have you ever had a fic stolen? not that I know of!
have you ever had a fic translated? no
have you ever co-written a fic? yes and it’s so much fun! Beds, Knobs & Broomsticks with the amazing Neilistic, and the crazy group write that is Pandamonium
what’s your all time favourite ship? ah, so hard to choose! I’d probably have to say Drarry, simply because it’s what I’ve shipped pretty much for 20 years now. Dramione a close second for bringing me back into fandom and being responsible for me meeting so many amazing writers.
what’s a wip that you want to finish but you don’t think you ever will? ooh I’d like to think I’d finish them all eventually 😅 but probably a Pansy/Seamus flirting through ear pieces one
what are your writing strengths? I like to think I can write dialogue and banter well, plus larger group scenes
what are your writing weaknesses? plotting, I basically just write without a plan 99% of the time and see what happens. I struggle with long descriptions of things too.
what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? If needs be, go for it. I’ve only done it once, just when we needed a sprinkle of Italian in Beds, Knobs & Broomsticks
what’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but really want to? I’ve written quite a lot of ships already, but I would really like to write a Charlie ship. Maybe Charmione?
what’s your favourite thing you’ve ever written? the Drarry that I’ve just finished but haven’t published yet, or I really like my Harry/Pansy or my accidental marriage law Draco/Theo
This was fun, and I’ve loved reading other people’s. Tagging whoever wants to do this!
#fanfiction#writers on tumblr#harry potter#harry x draco#draco fanfiction#ao3 fanfic#draco x hermione#ao3 author#draco malfoy#hansy#dramione#drarry
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Multiples of 4 for SymbiOT3? Only as many of those as you want
For you, Dok, one of the first people on board this ship with me.. I will indulge this. Or at least a few of them.
4. Which one is more protective? Who needs to be ‘protected’?
This one is soooooo funny because @amaronith and I have literally discussed this and the answer is always "they all protect each other" but I feel like mostly Eddie and Flash's instinct is to protect the symbiote. I also though feel that whoever is at that moment bonded to the symbiote is probably more like... aware of the partner who is not being potentially more vulnerable? I think Flash is probably more foolhardy about it though. Symbiote or no he WILL throw himself into the fray. My precious himbo. 💖
8. What happens if one of them gets sick?
So, haha, I have 100% written this already for Flash and the symbiote, but that aside.. If one of the humans is sick, the first call is probably to May Parker because obviously they need her chicken soup recipe. Other than that, if Eddie is the one who's sick, he does not get to work, Mister don't even think about touching that laptop and all. Flash is a little bit more self-aware of his limitations but he gripes about it a lot. If the symbiote gets sick, they probably reach out to Reed Richards if they can because he's probably the closest they can get to an expert opinion while on Earth. Other than that, love and patience and lots and lots of fluids.
12. Do they have many heated arguments? How do they smooth things over?
I'm sure they have their fair share! Eddie and Flash are both pretty bull-headed and while it helps to have a third party, it also makes the symbiote sometimes feel like it's obligated to be a mediator (or tie-breaker). It's complicated when you literally know both of their brains. This sounds silly but they probably fall back on things they've each learned in therapy to de-escalate. 😅 It's important to have growth. They try not to go to bed angry at each other though.
16. Can they stay up all night just talking?
While it's romantic to think that they would I DO think that Flash has a tendency to drop off to sleep as soon as he starts getting tired. He can and will fall asleep to the sound of Eddie's voice. He is just exhausted. When Eddie has insomnia though I'm sure he and the symbiote stay up communicating, maybe silently. Or if someone stirs awake or can't sleep, the symbiote is always there.
20. Choose one song that perfectly describes their relationship.
I didn't want to just say "Dust to Dust" by The Civil Wars again so... "Days of Thunder" by The Midnight. It's about the complexities.
Love is a fatal flaw / Is a broken jaw / Is a burning bridge
24. Who's more likely to give the other a massage?
Honestly the symbiote does it for them out of instinct. Eddie is tensed up like 99% of the time so he usually needs a shoulder rub. Man needs to learn to loosen his muscles or they'll start cramping.
28. What are there thoughts on pet names? Do they have any?
100% on Amaronith for this one but Eddie calls Flash "golden boy". It's that old trope of "this started out derogatory but now it's affectionate". For the symbiote, honestly I will just defer to canon for this ("love", "darling", and "dear" from Eddie; Flash is not very good at terms of endearment so hilariously he might stick to "partner", "friend" lmao but @dyradoodles had the galaxy brain idea of "sweetheart" so. yoink!). I like the idea of Flash calling Eddie "babe" it seems fitting.
For the symbiote, Eddie is its "heart" and Flash is its "light" but I've already explored that here like the SAP I am.
32. Who's the better story teller?
Eddie, probably. He has a natural flair for the dramatic but is also very long-winded. He has a wonderful way with words though and Flash and the symbiote like to listen to him talk. Like he could read the phone book and Flash would just gaze lovingly upon him for ages.
36. Who's more likely to fire up the stove at 2am because the other woke up in the middle of the night hungry?
Flash. Especially if he's having trouble sleeping. However, Eddie might be up at 2AM stress-baking (thanks @cannibal-wings for this HC.. wow, this is turning into a group effort huh).
44. Who would dance in the kitchen making dinner? Would the other join in or watch from the doorway?
Obviously depending on mobility situation, I feel like this is a Flash mood, and Eddie is probably in the doorway smiling. Unless the symbiote drags him over. Unless Flash has the symbiote and a tentacle reaches out and drags Eddie in hehe.
52. Describe their weekend getaway?
I really like the idea of them going upstate to visit Flash's mom regularly and maybe they go to like... a state fair or something that would be cute. They win the mega big prizes for random kids there. The symbiote makes itself sick on fried oreos.
56. What do they do turn the other on/put them in the mood?
Well... I'm not saying Flash can get turned on at the drop of a hat but, lol. Eddie likes to be wooed a little bit more, a build-up from a nice evening together is good. Maybe one of his favorite records. The symbiote might make a few suggestive comments, put a few ideas in someone's head. It enjoys this, too. ;)
60. Who pulls the other closer when they’re sleeping?
The symbiote! It likes to tug everyone together. Except when it's like, 100 degrees Fahrenheit outside. Then it's going to go sleep in the freezer. Eddie himself also tends to gravitate towards a sleeping partner, usually with just like an arm, but Flash will actively seek out warmth. Rudely presses his cold nose against Eddie's back, I'm sure. 🙄🤭
Wow this was so many but I did almost all of them!! Thank you for this though you know I am always weak for the symbiot3.
Ask me questions about my ships!
#asked and answered#symbiot3#eddie brock#flash thompson#venom#i have truly been blessed to know so many wonderful and creative people.........so i can steal their headcanons lmao#but no seriously this was a delight to answer#truly the most ot3 of all time
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No way, are you Pisces?! Samesies✨️✨️
I've no idea what to recommend you, my favourite serie is Brooklyn 99 so maybe you can watch it if you haven't. I don't usually like musicals but Tick Tick Boom with Andrew Garfield, and damn the songs are the best.
And about music, I mainly listen to 5 Seconds of Summer, Taylor Swift and Niall Horan; also Spanish-speaking artists like Tini, or Humbe.
I'm curious about your tastes, what do you usually watch or apart from Taylor, what other artists do you listen to?
I feel like I always write you a lot, anyways, love u<333
YESS! Now I love you even more, I always get along so well with other Pisces, they always make me feel understood! 😅❤️
Thank you for this amazing list! Loved Brooklyn 99! And my music taste is a lot similar to yours! I've been into Taylor, 5SOS and Niall (well, 1D at the time, RIP haha) for over a decade at this point - damn, even I was shook with the 'decade' part 🤣❤️
To be honest, I watch a bunch of shows and movies from all genres but if I had to choose one for the rest of my life it would be a good 90s/00s Rom-Com 😅 I'm the biggest fan of classics like Notting Hill, 10 Things I Hate About You, My Best Friends' Wedding, You Drive Me Crazy, anything from that time - I'M SOLD! 🤣
Music wise, and besides the ones I already mentioned, I really love Phoebe Bridgers, Cigarettes After Sex, Lizzy McAlpine, The 1975, etc. - all the sad girl vibes 😅❤️
You can write to me as long and as frequently as you'd like! I always love to read your messages! You are the sweetest, and I just love you! ❤️
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Yuup, I can only agree with your assessment😁 Blessed be fanfics😍
Ahh, yes... The chosen one trope does get VERY old VERY fast... Esp. if it never really gets explained...🙈 I just like to take Anakin's story as a slave boy being taken from his mother and "freed" only for him to be told to surpress his feelings until he finally snaps and decides to tell EVERYONE (even innocents) "FU" 🙈 Like, if the focus is less on "being the chosen one" and more on the way his surroundings affect his actions, I feel like he's much more relatable🤔 (Like, who the fuck had the idea of NO EMOTIONS anyway, like, guys, Jedi, Jedi-Masters, THAT'S NOT HOW THE PSYCHE WORKS AND IT'S EITHER GONNA BACKFIRE BY EMOTIONAL EXPLOSIONS OR YOU RAISING A BUNCH OF MEGA-POWERED SOCIOPATHS!🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️) But HAHAHA, well, a full movie just about Obi? I'd be in, tho I'd still love early Master!Obi and Padawan!Ani most, just cause of all that psychological potential😍😍
Yeah, 99% of the time the main heroes kinda suck...🙈😰 Esp. nowadays...🙈 Side characters are usually SO MUCH MORE interesting and relatable😍
(Ohhh, a new song?😍 Thanks for the info, I totally need to check it out😍☺)
Ohh, what kind of tea?🤔😁
They won't, cause I did nothing wrong😁😏😌
My head is a very weird place and I have no controll of that one either, so nope, still won't take any blame😂🤣 (😫I really wanna do that, but I know I can't😭😔😖)
Aww, it was your first, too? Same!☺ And yeah, it WAS kinda weird and the fact you couldn't eaxtly choose all characters as tags was weird, e.g. charmed fanfics about Chris Halliwell were tagged with Eloise early on cause Chris wasn't a tag you could choose til later on 😅🙈
Funny you ask now, I just finished reading Chapter 20 of Survivor a few hours ago 😍😭🙈 I knew it was coming, but uff, reading about the 75th Game's style and everyone's reactions to it was painful😭🙈
Ohhh, real life demons?😍😍😍😍
Yeaaah, it's a very weird scene thinning back now...😅😕
Haha 😂 But, aww, no, if their hermitness keeps them happy and safe, better not come out🙈🙈
Oh..Huh, okay🤔🤔
Haha, omg, I didn't even realize it was that time of the year til I saw you post about it and I've been hooked on the giving the wolf a banana song ever since😂😂😂 IT'S SO CATCHY!
Thanks, you too! And have fun watching ESC!😁
Well, I guess, because I'm not that into the whole SW lore, that the no emotion rule were taken from buddhism aka the you can feel emotions, but you just let them go through you and let them go immediatelly. I don't remember 'how to deal with feelings' was ever explained in the movies? It was just like, feelings bad, don't have them, I think, but I'm not sure if I'm not murdering SW canon now xD
I feel like having emotions in the Jedi order was the biggest crime, while it should be dunno: shit, I had them, I acted beacause of them, did shit, damn, next time I will be better instead of FEELINGS BAD, SHAME! SHAME! SHAME! *kicks out of the order*
What can I say, i have a soft spot for stories when guys need to take care of kids and act like step dads.
Also, dunno, a thousands of years old order where a lot of intelligent, smart people were and they had no idea how to deal with a boy and his emotions? Like? Hire a fucking therapist or something?
And the villains are even better than the side characters. Also, sometimes I think the side characters are much better than the main heroes, because how not developed they are aka they are not screwed by too much author's attention.
Green tea!
This is your line of defence? ...
And still it's your head aka you are responsible (DO IT! even if you won't publish it! Do it! For soul cleaning!)
Yep. I didn;t have that problem, because like I read Gundam SEED fics and there were not that many, so i checked everything just to see if my ship was there xD On the other hand reading and searching Naruto fics was an... experience.
Yeah, this fic is a cold blood murderer. I just hope PP is going to finish it TT
Not demons, ONE specific, very powerful one.
Anything what amke sthem happy, I guess TT
GIVE THE WOLF A BANANA!!!!! I freaking love them xD
i had fun, as always xD Nothing funnier than complaining about ballads, pianos not set on fire and confusing usamericans xD
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Thank you so much hon ☺️💞
Yeah actually moon pisces was my third choice ! and could be right specially his hypersensitivity to his environment. If we had more moment in his childhood when we see how he interacts with people other than his family I might have choose this. but we only seen him prioritizing his family first, so I went for cancer.
Mmh there is a lot of character on a cusp... is it just laziness... or on purpose? Need to research more into this 🧐
I thought at some point to put Jupiter in scorpio but finally I didn't because Pluto in scorpio Midheaven is enough scary for the world haha 😅. And there is something very feline about him (both savage and elegant), it have to be strongly Leo !
I agree with you for the religious leader but in the same time he didn't convert anyone to his "religion". Obito was an easy prey and still from the beginning Obito was suspicious of him. He lacks that seductive faith to be mercury sagittarius. And also Sagittarius preach preach😭...until you are tired of them talking and just give up. I don't see that in him. He is more like : this is the fact. do you agree? Yes or Yes?
Good observation about the synastry between Venus Aquarius and Obito/Izuna. I didn't think about it but it's true !
Same Saturne in Sag is very deep, i love it. in the best side it's a monk retired in the mountain like buddha. Madara's view on God wow that's very hard... I think atheist for the most part of his life because of all that befallen him and the absence of emotional support. And then he believed in his own divinity after coming back from the dead... I think he had a very materialistic definition of God (like 99% of atheist people) to start with. And he is also very paradoxical by always talking factual "reality" while mastering and being himself drown in a very esoteric dojutsu (Sharingan, Rinnegan, Rinn-Sharingan is about dissolution from reality) and trying to solve metaphysical problem. As I always said he should have talk to a true (Pisces) mystic to help him answering his issue!
Uchiha Madara's birth chart : Headcanon
The Good, the Bad, and The Ugly

illustration by @sableraven with kind permission and such a great talent I invite you to follow !
I'm so excited for this post ! It was actually the reason number one why I started this tumblr. What if we had Madara birth chart ? I know that many of you are not familiar with astrology vocabulary so I'm trying to do it as simple as possible. If you have more questions please ask them in comments and I encourage you to do your own researches as well.
So what is a birth chart in astrology? First let's agree that sun's radiation impact your skins tone, your mood, your sleep's cycle. Moon's cycles rise oceans, tremendous mass of water, and it's a bit naive to thing it does not affect little mammal like humans made up of 70% of water and other fluids. The same goes on with all planets of our solar system.
However people are not determinate solely by nature. It's like a DNA, two twins got the same hand of cards at birth but since they are two different souls, they play in two different way. But still people with the same cards tend to have similar strategy in life.
In daily life, when people refer to their signs they actually talking about their Sun sign. While to have a more accurate understanding of a person you need to know where are place the 10 planets, plus moon and sun, asteroids, and other mathematical points ( liliths, north node ect). Then, a birth chart is a simplified photography of the sky at the time of your birth. So sometimes you will heard someone saying : I'm not at all a Virgo, but when you analyse their whole chart, you realize that they have all their planets in Aries for example, putting more dynamic energy into the modest earth sign.
This being said I invent Madara's chart out of fun, based on how I interpret his whole behaviour in Naruto. And I will be more than happy to read your own version of him👀, don't be shy. The only canon fact is his birth chart 24th of December.
In this part I will talk about the personal planets : Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturne and Ascendant.
I may do a second part later if really you are interested on generational planets Uranus, Neptune, Pluto : but it will be more about talk about the Founders era than just Madara. I don't know...let me know in comments what you want.
Disclaimers closed. Let's have a close look at our Devilish Mass Murder King👹

I was supposed to do it in Photoshop... but gosh nothing more quicker than old school paper and protractor 🥲
☉ Sun : Ego – Branding to the world
♑ Capricorn
Capricorn is the classic OP villain. Just read the description : rigorous, cold, unbothered, disciplined, strategic. Without much effort, everybody recognize him on surface level. I won't go too deep since I have already dig into details in my ask : Madara as an Archetype of Capricorn
Ascendant/Rising Sign : Social personality – Physical Body
We talk about the ascendant as the constellation sign who was ascending (or rising) on the eastern horizon at the time of birth.
Now let's go straight into my headcanon. Contrary to sun where you have to put some will, Ascendant or as well called rising sign are something that you mastered already, it's who you are effortlessly. It has an impact to your physical appearance, health and how socially you naturally behave. In this case, I just compare him to other Capricorns present in the manga : Gaara, Hinata, Danzo, Gai (yes surprisingly!) Contrary to them, Madara embodies physically the toughness of Capricorn who have been thought hell to be who he is. You can read in his body, the wildness of his character. He is not the taller or the bigger muscle but you know by his physical posture that man is unstoppable. Even death is not an obstacle.
A nice opposite to what I just said for example is Kabuto (sun Piscse) maybe ascendant gemini ? even if we know that he is a brilliant villain and gave us the best twist plot...well I'm not scared or fascinated by Kabuto chara design. And that's Pisces' force they look inoffensive so nobody saw them coming... but Pisces is story for an other time !
In Madara it's not the case, what he is, is what you get. In his demeanour you can tell he means what he said, if you don't move from his path he will walk over you, manu militari. And the Capricorn is represent by the G.O.A.T. ( Greatest Of All Time) right ? Definitely yes, that's our man.
☾Moon : Emotion – Comfort zone
Moon by nature is receptive. In astronomy, we know that this satellite of Earth shines by reflecting the sun's light. Moon is about intuition and creativity. A creative acts like a pregnant woman, who receives inspiration from outside, keeps it inside to gestate it and then delivered something else brand new to the world. Moon in western astrology is as well strongly attached to the Woman and the Mother. Woman's cycle and the Moon phase are strangely similar : 28 days divided in 4 part : new moon, moon waxing, full moon, moon waning. Cancer's archetype is the Mother. Not saying all mothers are like this but it's an ideal. The caring one, the unconditional love, the protector, the nurturer, the receiver. This being said Moon is at its strongest in Cancer.
In Naruto univers, the moon is more flagrant in the childhood. Children are more in touch with their emotions, when they grow up their ego (sun) takes over place and you need to be in their intimacy to witness their moon.
Madara's moon is both a challenge and a subversive task. Because he is probably one of the character who hide it the most. It's really hard to reach his intimate thought, or emotion self. And majority of naruto fandom think he doesn't have any, which is rigorously impossible. For a long time I hesitated between leo and cancer, both had solid argument but my final choice was cancer.
Remember I said in my previous post is Madara our Lord and Saviour ? And as well Today is Winter Solstice , Capricorn is associated with darkest part of the year. In contrary Cancer starts with Summer solstice where light prevailed on darkness, isn't it a nice opposition to have a character with very scary outer appearance, but internally moved by the softest heart ?
Hashirama again and again repeated that Madara is kind, more loving that Itachi to Sasuke. And we all shed generous tears for Itachi so how is that even possible to conceive a love stronger that a brother who sacrifice his clan and his own reputation for it ? Everything about Madara's moon is off screen but isn't moon's nature to hide from others ? and for us readers, it's hard to admit his softer side because we were exposed to him in his most wounded version. In Hashirama's memories we just saw a glimpse of it. A moody child but also attentive to Hashirama's sorrow, a kid that back then he barely knows. Still two things kept my attention : the protective almost motherly love towards Izuna (he gave up his army to the ennemy for him, a mistake for a military leader). And his attachment though time for Hashirama's friendship even if all events wants them to hate each other. Cancer never let it go, it clings desperately to the past. Have you ever tried to loosen crab pincers ? You can't. Unless they want it, it's impossible and they hold to you till death and beyond.

But Crab/Cancer not only hold but they pinch HARD ! We generally have this naive image of cancer, desperately romantic and crybaby which they are to some extend. But cancer in their worst side can be the most terrible manipulator. They will hate you with the same intensity they loved you once unconditionally. They play with your emotional weakness ( Obito). Worst idea to have them as swear enemy. Dark Cancer is the definition of a troll. They hate you so much, but they are more loyal to your page than you own partner, they won't let you go and they are obsessive and irrational in their Vendetta against you. Madara has this ambivalent relationship towards Hashirama, he pretends to hate him but can't stop talking about him every goddamn time.
Wounded Cancers close themselves from the world, and Madara betrayed by all, is known for having spending 50 years in a cave, (allegory of a womb ?), healing his pains, awaiting to reborn again, before coming back stronger than ever. I think it was important in his character's development that he messed up Obito and killed Sasuke. It was really to show how much he renounced his protective nature towards Uchihas, he sacrificed all he was for his dream.
I witnessed real life Cancers who loose their child. It was a long and painful destructive life for themselves and people around them. And it ends up inside three coffins... Cancer's power is not just a concept floating somewhere. Give them a pinch of love they will give you back without moderation, give them a pinch of hate they will unleash Horror and Hell. So please for world's peace, don't break Cancers' heart❤️. By the way, we have a theory with @blessingoflove that Uchiha clan as a whole seems to be a cancer clan. But again story for an other time 😉.
♂ Mars : Action - Desire
♌ Leo
Mars, the red planet, represents, the archetypal Male or Yang energy : Outgoing, confident, dominant, violence, action, desire, bravery, passion, Sexe.
I've always being intrigued by mars' energy, it's all about survivor instinct, life drive, desire for expansion but as well about destruction and death in order to self preservation. This contradiction is a mysterious to me, but that's where resides its attractive appealing.
Since mars is already the planet of war. Naruto's storyline happened during wars. The Shinobi world is a military system. So to simplify, I see mars energy in character's style of fighting. Are their strong defender (earth) ? Tactician(air), intuitive (water), offensive (fire) fighter. And as well since Mars is about war and..hum...sexe...well you know what it's worth under the sheets...
Madara is Mars in Leo, there is no debate in my mind. When he fights he needs to shine, takes all the spotlights to the extend of outshining the main character. Leo is ruled by sun but Mars prospers in the creative sign of Leo. It's the Sun King, the attention-seeker, the love for drama specially if it revolved around himself. Can we have a moment of silence for Obito's plan of world war ? Madara never planned to start the 4th Shinobi war but when he saw this BIG STAGE offered to him he thought : Why not show them how amazing I am, and left them with PTSD memories they will carry to their grandchildren ? Don't invite him to your birthday he will make it about him somehow.
Leo is as well a love for praising, and our sneaky Kabuto (again) feel it immediately with his :
KABUTO : please Madara-sama, show us how big are your legendary b***
MADARA : Say no more.
Sometimes image talks more than words :
- dramatic entrances, from the moment he crushed his coffin, until he interrupted Obito and Naruto. Couldn't he just walk into the fight like everyone else ? Clearly no.
Flexing muscles for absolutely zero reasons related to Tsukuyomi plan because... hum, why not?
don't you see Mars in Leo now?🥲
Lion King vibes😂
♃ Jupiter : Infinite Expansion – House of wisdom
♌ Leo
Known as the biggest planet of solar system, eleven time bigger that earth. Its massive gravitational mass coupled with its intense magnetic field attract other celestial bodies to itself. Jupiter is associated in astrology with magnificence, excess, spiritual teacher, higher knowledges, wisdom, road of honours .
Jupiter expands generously everything it touches. Since Madara is first notoriously known as a God of War. I thought it suits him to put more emphases on his extraordinary Leo's energy.
Jupiter and Mars in Leo empowered the expression of self in battlefield. When two planets are close to each other, it's called a conjunction. the closer the conjunction the stronger both planets mix their energy together.
That's how from the King of attention, Mars conjunct Jupiter makes him the new Sage of 6 Paths an overpowered and megalomaniac Guru. Intense desire to be admired and feared. But as well having a childish fun sparring with powerful shinobis.
☿ Mercure : Intellect – Communication
♑ Capricorn
Mercury is about your way to analyse information, explain it. It's factual and fast processing.
To be honest with you I wanted to put mercury in aquarius. But I respect Kishimoto canon Madara is born 24th of december so in the first degree of capricorn, plus mercury never goes further than 25 degrees away from the sun. My choice was then between Capricorn or Sagittarius.
Wake up to reality? hmm...
Mercury in Capricorn seems the most logical way with the choice I got. Madara is taciturn most of the time, He thinks rationally, organises carefuly his next move. His speech is quite dry, efficient without frills. His thoughts had matured for ages like an old wine, in some brilliant moment, it make any of his talk deep and thoughtful. When he deigns share it, they have a lot of multidimensional undertones, his ascetic life gave him a desperate philosophy of life who is not wrong per say but unbalanced. Life is both shadow and light, but at this moment of his existence, he can only perceive the fatalist side.
I add a mercury retrograde which further the introspective aspect and can be a comic relief in him. Madara is often misunderstood, in his intention, and even in his linguistic skills. He got as well an archaic way of speaking.
♀ Venus : Attraction – Seduction
If Moon was the woman in her Motherly side, Venus is the Woman as the Seductress, the idealistic embodiment of Beauty. Goddess of Love. It's as well the lust, a magnetic and carnal desire for pleasure who can be out of control.
It's difficult to grasp what Madara is attracted to since he never showed any romantic attraction to anyone. So I'm going to hold on two things : His desire to achieve his dream and his friendship to Hashirama.
In both, I see in common an attraction to utopia. His crazy desire to reach for the moon and obtain a unified perfect world without darkness, It sounds noble conceptually. In a same manner, what attracts him to befriend Hashirama was the same dream he thought they shared. For him to feel connected to someone else, they need to share a common vision. And in a way that's Venus in Aquarius. More attached to the concept of universal happiness. It's something very abstracted and philosophical. But in in the dark side, Aquarius is also known for his God's complex .
Madara's only hobbies knows from databook is falconry. Does he imagine some kind of freedom in the bird of prey's flight ? Something gliding high above humankind ?
« I want peace, but I also want war » can be his motto. A dream of idealistic Peace for all (Venus in Aquarius) but with the egocentric action of a tyrant (Mars/Jupiter in Leo). And I think that's sum up beautifully Madara's paradox.
when you got a great idea but it backfired😬
♄ Saturne : Restriction – Time - Enlightenment
Last planet that you can observe with a naked eye, associated with old age, last frontier before death. Saturn is also called the Great Maleficent, an energy usually fear but actually who gives healthy limits and teaches you resilience through hardships. When mastered Saturn is about deep mental refinement.
At first, the optimistic sign of Sagittarius and the dry Saturn seems to not being a good mix. Instead of a passionate adventurer, Saturn tone down its explosive side. Not taming it completely, but adding structure in its original wild nature. Here come the Judge, the dogmatic cleric using the fire of faith to dictate the rule. I saw this in Madara specially in his Rikudo phase when he is thrilled by his own immortality. but also in his old age while talking to Obito. He is the strict daddy teacher who doesn't let you having fun and reminds you how life is hard and how time is passing and you gonna die anyway...
Saturn accentuates conservatism in everything it touches. It puts limitations, difficulties and confronts you with your fears. In Madara's life Saturn is his limitation in his search of higher wisdom. He had been told that power can protect your family, it wasn't the case. Hashirama proposed him to collaborate to his vision of Peace, it ends up being a source of disappointment. He studied the old sources talking about shinobi's origin but find « despair » when he realised everything was the same cycle of violence back from Kaguya's time. His belief's system is always challenged. In real life, people with this tendency ends up either strongly atheist or great spiritual master, no in-between.
After feeling reject from Konoha, his own clan, and ultimately betrayed by Hashirama, he died to the material world. Escaping in research of deep introversion is closely connected to Saturn. At its finest, Saturn is the Monk who finds a mystical experience within himself. Madara reached, in a way, a bitter illumination in the depths of earth.
And if you want to read more about my Madara’s analysis follow me in my main page here
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