#They didn't even need to redraw these entirely but they did it anyway!
completeoveranalysis · 4 months
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Does it run by Dream World rules and so time feels different in there?
Or have they genuinely been in there like 14+ years?
We just don’t know!
Either way waiting is one HELL of a price, and we've already seen Lava Lamp pay a similar one for all the time he spent in his Evil Wolverine Prison. How sad that became a shared family experience. His parents spent an untold number of years in a glass object to pay a price, and then he did the same exact thing for seven years as well. 
But on the flip side I suppose that unites them? As a family of people willing to wait years and years at a time to save the ones they love? 
Does that count as an upside?
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Either way I absolutely love that they’re re-using the same exact art panels from Chapter 1 here. It’s a very nice touch!
Or at least...
Wait no I'm squinting very hard between this and the same panels from Chapter 1. These are redraws! The ruffles in Sakura's dress and the placement of her beads are ever so slightly different. And yet apart from that it looks almost EXACTLY the same.
They really went next level with this.
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beatcroc · 7 months
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a year!!! as of today i have now been drawing these funny little pizza freaks, to the exclusion of almost everything else, for!!! an entire year!!! i wanted to do a nice group shot/lineup of everybody to compare to when i first started trying to draw them because oh boy were they bad. i never even posted most of them anywhere because they were so bad. but im posting them here, now, to see how everything's changed/evolved.
this is probably the hardest time i've ever had trying to figure out how to work with a style, but we got there eventually; i'm pretty happy with the handle i've got on everybody now...dont let ur memes be dreams. lots of unimportant journaling and idle thoughts abt it below.
older pics
the first one is the VERY first time i drew them, before i thought i was going to actually have any interest in drawing them [lmao]; it was just the one isolated image, for my friendserver, to illustrate the funney message, so there was no attempt to make it Good or actually understand anything going on w/ the designs or style.
second is the original run of practices sketches to start trying to figure them out for real; done after i started having ideas for the comics and such and realized oh god maybe i am actually gonna draw fanart for this. [again, lol, and lmao.]
third one is the first pt art thing i posted on here. there were a couple weeks of sprite studies between this one and the previous image. the one on the top right wasn't part of that post i just threw it on as space filler; i'd intended to shift to doing Sprite Redraws But Stylized to explore tings more, but that was the only one i did. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
individual characters
peppino: by far the hardest dear god. bro what ARE your shapes how DOES your face work. jesus christ. everything i have trouble with this style for, peppino has it in excess. i draw in polygons! i need consistency! and that is the last thing this kind of style is concerned with. they are made of squarshy clay and i do not understand how to mold them. i was really hoping trying to learn this game's style would GIVE me that kind of flexibility for fun exaggerated facial expression but i don't think much came of it in the end 😔. anyway on the bright side all this means once i got peppino figured out a little bit everybody else clicked way easier.
fake peppino: honestly i never did anything with him on purpose except for how his eyes work + the perma-smile thing. i figured ok hes supposed to look weird and off model so whatever happens with him happens. and it did. and it kept happening. it is still, in fact, happening.
noise/ette: somehow, for every bit that peppino was the least natural thing i've ever tried, these two worked pretty much right off the bat. i still don't understand it, seeing as pretty much all the things at play for peppino are also at work for them. i think the new sketches are actually a little worse than older ones but not enough that i care.
gustavo: really funny bc i drew him on model twice and just went 'okay, cool nice, easy, um. he doesn't have any fucking legs?' fortunately he was the only one i had a strong idea for how to stylize him [square] and it worked exactly as i was hoping so wahoo.
brick: is an animal and therefore 5000x easier and more natural for me to draw/stylize than anything else in the cast. that is Just a rat bro. i can draw a rat.
gerome: i think the funniest one here. the most drastic and least necessary change imo. i was gonna have him be really small at first, like smaller than the noises, but then i just... didn't. he's just peppino-sized now. also i gave him like. actual human facial structure, which is funny bc in most cases i'd do anything to avoid, but it works well for his being A Rock to give him some angles and definition like that+ to differentiate his vibe from the rest of the cast who are all very squishy. also since he is essentially Just A Head it's good to emphasize that too ig.
john: i only drew john a couple times but he gets to be here because i like him. and because most of the stuff i applied to gerome was readily applicable to john, though i did try to keep him a little more uncanny because he is a Huge And Lanky Freak. i hate that he is barefoot btw but idk how to make his color balance look right with shoes.
pizzahead: i did not want to put him on here honestly but i Have drawn him a handful of times and more importantly i didn't know what i was gonna do with john's pose if i didn't have him there to be glared at. the only thing that's different with him is giving him wider-bottomed pants, which i got from when i tried to draw these guys in clone high style [i never posted that one either][i will eventually]
snick: he gets to be here because 1. he's like 6 lines 2. i like him and 3. ive scribbled him a few times offhand and it went pretty well
there are some guys missing because those are guys i didn't draw enough [or at all] to have gotten comfortable with them. sorry
i would have Liked to shade these but for the time being i have accepted that my grasp of light/shadow has decayed to the point im not going to be happy with anything i try there, so For Now i am working on my presentation with flats i guess. gerome has a shadow only because he's shaded like that ingame and looks naked without it
anyway if you are still reading [hi?] i get to shamelessly plug now. i'm over the hill of my pizza run now, and while i still have plenty of things i want to make here, most of the bigger more in-depth ones have passed. pizza tower was the first thing in THREE YEARS to get me out of my oc groove to doing fanart, and once i am done with my ideas here i will be going right back to it. if you like my art or how i write characters/interactions you should check out my oc/webcomic blog @jamverse . i can't promise people who like pizza stuff will be terribly into my designs, but i can guarantee i treat my guys with the exact same sort of tone i handle the pt guys with. and hell, i've mentioned it a few times before, but like 70% of my characterization for fake pep is just copied off one of my characters, so if u are going to miss him... he will still be there in spirit >;p
and if you dont care about any of that and are still reading thank you anyway. actually making these comics + seeing how shockingly well-received they've been has done a lot for my confidence, and for seeing that my kind of stuff IS something people enjoy :')
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your-ne1ghbor · 6 months
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So I watched the new Disney movie: Wish, and oh boy. I wouldn't be redesigning or talking much about it if I liked it. So here I am. And I despised it.
So I decided to redraw/rewrite the ENTIRE story. Right now, I am redesigning the characters, starting with Asha.
One thing you notice is that she seems more like an sorcerer/princess and you will be correct on both parts. She is (in my version of the story) the daughter of Magnifico and Amaya. She has much more character and flaws than she did in the movie, and undergoes A BIG character change. To put it in perspective, she is much like Belle from Beauty and the Beast but more shy and interverted. (I dont wanna spoil her change since it is pretty unique in its own way) Plus, she loves books like Belle too lol
Anyways, design wise:
I gave her a more sunset color pallet. And as you notice, she has a POOFY BRAID. I wanted her to have a braid to make her different from the other redesigns of Asha, and so she didn't look like Isabella. And yes, the braid will seem to assosiate with either Elsa or Rapunzel, but Rapunzel doesn't have long hair any more it is short and the merch either has her in the braid or her long hair. Elsa isn't marketed with a braid anymore, she just has her hair pulled back (which I thought about doing for Asha funny enough). So technically speaking, Disney doesn't really have a MC that CONSISANTLY had a braid. Even a poofy one at that. You may also notice that I gave her more of a red-ish pink-ish color for the main part of the dress instead of maroon and the reason why is because I wanted her to stand out :D I didn't want her dress to be very big or poofy because I want her to be able to move more freely + she is a young sorcerer and needs to have more mobility. The oval shapes around her outfit is like the pumpkin seeds that would reference the fairy godmother (which is what they did in the original and I wanted to apply it here for fun).
Look, if you like the movie, I can 100% respect that. But please do not attack me for not liking the movie. Its better to be respectful than dissing on someone who has a different opinion than you. If you guys are wondering why I didn't like it, you guys can ask me in the comments if you want too. I'll post another one of my fav characters that was never in the movie later today or tomorrow.
Anyways, do you guys like my redraw? I'll take some suggestions as well if you want it to be improved and I'll still explore it! For now though, this is her final design unless I change my mind about it lol.
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lico-arts · 3 months
Quick update + A little treat!
Hello! I won't be very active during July because of ArtFight and a few illustrations i have planned (on top of my job, send help), so to make up for the upcoming lack of content, here's some insight on how i animate my Twst Chibis :)
(shoutout to the person who sent an ask about this topic! idk if i misclicked or if you took it down yourself, but it made me really happy to be asked and i spent 4 hours writing this as an answer, so i'm posting anyway lol)
Rigging & Animation talk below the cut, feel free to scroll by if you were just here for the update (and have a great day 👋)
I'll be taking Mafuyu as the exemple here, because he's the most complete one i made so far.
Firstly, here's some WIPs i saved showing off his faces and hair bones
Basically i went ahead and made an entire rig for him, since i know i'm eventually going to come back and make him more reactions and outfits. I started from scratch so it took a while, but at least now i have a nice base ready to go!
The original sketch was made on CSP, then the model itself and animation were made on Toon Boom because i haven't learned to use Live 2D yet.
Great thing about that is that it ended up being fully vectorized, which is always a plus if i ever need to resize him.
Here's a zoom (or huh, as close up in as my screen will allow) on all the elements, and their hierarchy. From the left are the elements that show up on top of everything (pearls, hair, head & face), to the ones that are behind everything on the right (cardigan back, braid, shadow):
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It's kinda tricky to describe but all elements have their individual pegs (the green bits), which then get linked up additionally and in groups, so for example if i start selecting from the hand and go up, it goes:
Hand -> Hand + Forearm -> Hand + Forearm + Upper arm -> Both Arms + Torso + Head + Hair -> Upper Body + Pelvis + Both Legs
Once the model was done it was onto animating!
No secrets here, i really just tried my best to match the rhythm of how the in-game models move, what movements came back regularly etc... So typically: the heads often bop up and down in a specific way when they laugh or look up, the entire body stretches slightly when they jump or get startled, things like that.
I keep thinking that technically i shouldn't have animated the bangs because the in-game models have pretty limited hair animations, but hhh it felt too important to skip for Mafuyu (and mostly i was just having fun lol).
Just for fun, here's what most of my timeline looks like for the idle animation:
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I'm confident that the og animations are fully tweened, so i did that too. But ofc with some adjustments to the timing so it doesn't look stiff. Since everything is on ones I didn't have the patience to go back and modify frames by hand lol.
It was especially tricky to figure out how to make the elbows look good, because of the pattern on his cardigan. I had to redraw the arms like 4 times to have them work in all positions. I spent many minutes looking at in-game models that had checkered sleeves (White Rabbit Deuce ended up being my main reference) to analyse how they made theirs work. I could've bothered making a clipping texture that I could warp to match the movement of the arm but,,, that probably would've killed my motivation entirely, i was determined to make this look good, but not THAT much lmao
The bangs, braid and cardigan were the only elements that i animated with bones and warps, for everything else i just used basic pegs to rotate and stretch the limbs
After that i just threw a Ramshackle themed bg behind him and gifed him up, and Voilà!
Random/fun facts, because why not:
The shoes took me 4 hours to make, because im really not used to drawing with vector tools, all those details made it hell lol
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His proportions are mostly based off of Ruggie's model :)
I think that about covers it! I tried going into details without being boring, so hopefully it's still understandable, and maybe even interesting for curious folks 🤞
If you made it all the way here, holy shit thank you!!
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xelys-xlys · 6 months
I promised you that I was going to upload it in the morning but due to the weak wifi I waited all morning and afternoon for the signal to settle completely or well the only important thing is to upload is to upload so… I come from the Future, do you know what I found!?👿👿👿👿
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Don't even believe that it was easy to do, I spent the entire month of February doing this and if I wanted to upload it in my other style.
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And the truth is, I didn't like how they came out in this style, so you saw at the beginning that yes, they did come out better, but with some arguments on my part and also in the cannon. Credit of inspiration: Post hans866art (Idea about the mosaicism of cell genetics) Post ell-arts Spiral x Elli And This stuff
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I captured it in poor quality AND IF THIS THING INSPIRED ME AAAA And to be honest, I needed 3 more ocs that will still be in the process. At first I wanted to redraw Moony the same design of Hanna Barbera from Pac-Beby but even though I liked Moony from the previous design of my style and for some data of the series I left it anyway I had a lot of fun with the designs and I didn't let it go and if you were wondering why I made a fanchaild? E- Famdu creating its own shipping universes :)
(If you want to keep reading)
Well, the truth about au shipping I've seen it in other famdu as: Sonamy and Shadamy Au Well known among the famdu Star vs the Forces of Evil (Don't enter this famdu is mined with fanchaild) Miraculous (Hiding in a corner are the fanchaild) Some clear examples of this when it comes to Au alternative of ship design, I'm not going to deny it for simple facts of recreating your world is a freedom but when it comes to ship things are very indifferent anyone can recreate a world, and if I agree that we should not idolize a ship that is good or bad for children's/adolescent series that I already learned in the Miraculous famdu of Marinette for being sometimes obsessive by Adrien for joke that reached a certain extreme, but that is already a famdu with its own creator problem leaving Marinette misuses of development (Not completely but Certain problems of the misuse of the joke yes) But The good thing about all of that is that it's over (More or less) :D Pacheart-loved au? Here I only make my ideas towards the canon, no comparison of art
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froot-batty · 4 months
Hi! I'm the Anon who asked about fanart, like I said I really love your redesigns, and I tried sending an Ask like this previously but I'm not sure if it went through. If it did, please ignore this! And sorry for the really long Ask, I'm just really excited about the art <3 Like I was saying, your redesigns are awesome! Like, the coloring, the concepts, the stories behind them are all really cool! I found you after I saw your Azrael art, and I just fell in love! I couldn't help but draw fanart, since I've always loved JPV/Azrael (Also! Since you stated before that your redesign of Azrael is fem, I was wondering if you gave her another name than Jean-Paul? Also Also, to make life easier I'm referring to Az as She/Her the entire Ask) and your art is just so motivating! I did a whole panel redraw, which I think is the first time I've finished a redraw.
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This is the original Panel, it's in Issue 2 (I think) of Batman: The Sword of Azrael. Context: Batman is investigating in Switzerland when he nearly busts the Order of Dumas' operations, so the Order send Azrael after him and they fight since they're not yet allies. Bats thinks Az has the disadvantage since she doesn't have snowshoes (and he does), but Az is apparently immune to the laws of physics and nearly kills him.
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Like in the original Panel, Bats is trying to defend himself with his cloak, and Az continues to not care about silly things like friction <3. (No but seriously, she's wearing clothes that look really heavy, how is she moving through the snow? Especially with sword and wings? Magic? Spite? My disregard of the laws of physics for the sake of coolness? Probably) The Background nearly killed me, I'm never drawing snow again.
The motivation didn't run dry at the Panel Redraw, so I also have a bunch of sketches! And Questions, if you want to answer them.
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When I saw that Az only had one eye in this, and presumably a scar on the other, the first thing I thought of was Lehah/Biis, who was one of Az's original enemies in Batman: The Sword of Azrael. Lehah/Biis also has one eye and a scar on the other, which was given to him by the former Azrael (JPV's father) before Lehah killed him. Lehah was an enemy of the Order, and Biis (Who was a demon lord) was Azrael's (The angels) greatest enemy in St. Dumas lore. Lehah became Biis' host in a similar way that JPV is Azrael's host. Is there a connection, or is it just a coincidence? Does Biis/Lehah still exist or?
Speaking of the Order, is that still a thing in your redesigns? Or does Az have a completely different backstory now? Also, the wings! How did she get them? Was she born with them, or was it an experiment gone wrong? Or right?
Also, does Knightfall still happen, or something similar? Or is there another reason for Azbats? On that, does Bats still take in Az?
I would love to hear everything about her! Any tidbit or fact, I am actually in love (Platonic) with her and would love to hear any details at all about her! Thank You!
I did get your other ask, but I decided I'm answering this one instead so I can actually answer your questions >:]
Thank you so much for the kind words <3 When messing with rogues and changing how they are in canon significantly I always worry about fans of specific characters or DC in general being mad at me, so knowing people like 'em despite/because of all the changes is very reassuring :]
THAT REDRAW IS SO GOOD !!!!!! Get his ass Az who needs physics when you have pure rage in your heart. Queen. I'm happy my evil bird woman could motivate you to do a whole panel redraw for lil ole me, even if you had to suffer through drawing snow
THE SKETCHES TOO. I'm glad you made her creepy, her default state is to be weird and off-putting <3 weird ass lab grown angel girl. I especially like that top left corner sketch of her, something about how you drew her spiky hair and STARE I'm a big fan of
Her name is still Jean-Paul, it's just pronounced like the pants (jeans) instead of the French version of John. The Order had already picked out the name before knowing that her sex was female instead of male (like they'd expected), so they just switched the pronunciation. They're lazy like that (I considered changing her name to Joan-Paul, like Joan of Arc, but it both looks AND sounds weird, so I didn't)
The Order of St. Dumas IS also a thing, yeah :] In my AU, The Agency worked alongside the Order to create Azrael. She was basically lab-grown like a homunculus according to the Order's wishes, thus the wings! They wanted her to look like an angel Az also has inexplicable longevity because of the genetic experimentation, so she's Azrael-ing long after Bruce retires as Batman
....I have a confession. The only comic I've read with Azrael in it is Order of the World, the rest I picked up from fanon or just reading around. I didn't know anything about Biis when I thought up the design; the missing eye is a fun coincidence. Thank you for telling me about him, though! I'm sure Biis/Lehah exists somewhere, who knows what Azrael gets up to when she's not in Gotham? The missing eye itself comes from Batman himself, actually. When Azrael first stops by Gotham, he's super stressed out and in the middle of a VERY ROUGH YEAR, so he ends up accidentally nailing her in the eye with a Batarang. It's meant to connect her with that passage I drew her alongside before, Matthew 7:5 :]
The events of Knightfall sort of happen! Azrael makes two trips to Gotham, and only in the first one does she dress up as Azbats, since she thinks that Batman isn't doing enough to save Gotham and she needs to "become" the new (and better) Batman in his stead. As for Knightfall, in my AU, Azrael and Batman remain enemies (because I love evil women), so Knightfall is actually a team-up between Bane and Azrael after Az gets driven out of Gotham the first time. Azrael breaks Bane out of prison and whisks him off to Gotham to help her beat the shit out of Batman, basically. And it works for a little while! But Bane wants to conquer Gotham alone and also finds Az super duper annoying, so he betrays her. Like in Knightfall, Az almost kills Bane, but instead of deciding not to she just gets beat and then runs away out of Gotham like a coward again
She doesn't come back to Gotham for a few decades after being kicked out the second time. She hears about Bruce's retirement and comes back expecting she can finally save the city, only to be immediately thwarted by both the New Batman and Blight, the latter of which she comes to be both a fascination and enemy of (I'm still slowly thinking about my version of Batman Beyond, so this is subject to change)
Bonus fun fact: I think her and my version of Jane Doe would get along. Or relate to each other. Girls with evil scientist parents who grew them in a vat and sent them out to kill people after manipulating them for their entire lives
Aaaannd that's all I got for now! I hope this little bit of information was satisfactory, and I'm very glad you want to learn more about her :))
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endiecutieo6 · 4 days
-Gorebruary 2023-
Week 3
Let’s just go-
Day 15/Ritual: self harm, blood, satanic/religious imagery, mild nudity
Day 16/Sewn Together: stitches, mild blood
Day 17/Holy imagery: Religious imagery, heavy themes of suicide, mild body horror, visible self harm, mild nudity
Day 18/Starved: Blood, mild body horror, depictions of a dead animal
Day 19/Trapped: Lots of blood, mild body horror, stitches, barbed wire
Day 20/“Anything for you”: Lots of blood, organs, satanic themes
Day 21/Wonderland/ Blood, mild body horror, eye strain
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“Desperation really did drive people mad, didn't it?
He guessed that it wasn't really his place to say, and he couldn't find it within him to actually care- or find it within him to feel anything.
Was this going to really work? Well, he didn't really know.
Was he going to try anyway? Yes, yes, yes.
As he shrugged the smooth, silky fabric from his shoulders, he came to a strange realization; he never really loved Martha, but he loved the idea of a family, and he really didn't need her to have one.
This wasn't for Martha; this was for his dear little Annecy.”
PN: I’m both happy and unhappy with how this came out. The colors are nice and the shading on the fabric is perfect, but the proportions are a bit iffy and the background was done super quickly because I was running out of time. It’s a solid piece on its own, I’ll give it that.
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“There, now you’ll understand that when I make a threat, I mean it. Enjoy staying like this until I’m done! When will I be done? Who knows! Have fun!”
PN: Hate this one, hate everything about it. I hate the story, the art, the proportions, and the background. There’s not one single bit of this piece that I like.
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“Luke 15:18; 18:13
Father, I have sinned against you and am not worthy to be called your son.
Be merciful to me, a sinner.
Father of mercy, like the prodigal son
I return to you and say:
“I have sinned against you and am no longer worthy to be called your son”
Christ Jesus, savior of the world,
I pray with the repentant thief to whom you promised paradise:
“Lord, remember me in your kingdom”
Holy Spirit, fountain of love,
I call on you with trust:
“Purify my heart, and help me walk as a child of the light”
PN: I wish I had more to say on this piece, but I just don’t remember what I’d had in mind. I wonder if redrawing it would make me remember.
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“Red, all he could see was red. A metallic tang stung his mouth, and something was in his hands. It felt soft, but something else was digging into his fingers. It felt like small… shards?
What had he been doing?
He'd-he'd been at the window! He was feeling… homesick? No, but something similar. He’d just wanted to take a look outside. It had been such a nice day. It was so nice that he opened the window for some fresh air. It felt so stuffy in his room, he needed something fresh.
Then, a large bird landed on his window sill. It was brownish, and far too large to be a normal bird. It stared at him with those big, delectable eyes and.. and…
Why was he so fucking hungry?
He couldn't remember the last time he ate. His stomach seemed to twist and rumble, and he couldn't remember the last time he'd been so fucking hungry. Even though he was chewing on some meat, coughing out some feathers, he still felt…
His vision blurs, and he realizes that he's crying. His heart was pounding out of his chest, and the static sound in his head was getting louder and louder by the second He couldn't think, and he just couldn't stop chewing-
Someone knocked on the door.
He was so, so hungry.”
PN: Sorry Eli, I made Freddy eat your bird. Yeah I don’t like this piece all too much but it’s whatever. I’d probably remake it entirely if I wanted to.
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“I had that dream again.
Just like last time, I was nude, tied to a metal bed frame, bleeding and in so much pain. Barbed wire was digging into my skin, wrapped around my fingers, neck, arms and legs, and I couldn’t move. If I tried to move my hands, it would sink deeper into my neck, and more blood would come pouring from my mouth, almost endlessly.
But, something was different. My chest ached but also felt hollow. I only noticed this once I felt something writhing in there, pressing against my ribs and grabbing at my stomach, yet never hurting me. I tried to look down, but my eyes wouldn’t cooperate, staying rolled up and looking at the rusty, decaying ceiling.
I still can’t describe the room all that well, considering I can hardly even see it. I can tell by the way it echoes the dripping of my blood to the floor that it's a very big, but empty room. I seem to be strung to the ceiling, almost akin to an art piece on display. But why? Why am I in this situation? Is this some sort of punishment?
If it is, I'm not all that surprised.
Unexpectedly, I heard footsteps. It sounded like boots clunking against rotting metal, and it was rapidly approaching. But, before they opened the door, I woke up.
I don't know if it's my mind playing tricks on me, but my neck and wrists feel so sore and look red. It must just be a strange rash, probably caused by stress. Nothing I can't handle.
Admittedly, I feel almost haunted by that dream. I woke up at about 4 in the morning, and I haven't been able to sleep since. I just can't seem to shake off how real it felt, as if I was really there, and I can't help but wonder: is this a warning of some kind?”
PN: in sharp contrast to how I feel on the rest of these pieces, I LOVE THIS ONE. The grunge, the colors, the background, everything about it is so good. I wanted a silent hill and I managed to get it. I love that piece so much I just. Also, I just checked the og Instagram description and apparently I’d straight up abandoned the original sketch for this prompt because I’d been watching silent hill videos. I’m gonna post the sketches themselves afterward I’ve posted all of these so you’ll see what the og one was!
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“Happy 6th birthday, my dearest little Annecy!”
“Woah! That’s so much food! I haven’t had this much in years! Thank you daddy, thank you so much!”
“Oh, it’s nothing, sweetie. I only wish to give you the best.”
“I know- oh this tastes so good! But I have question”
“Oh? What is it?”
“So… you mentioned that Mommy had a daughter before me- Lisa, I think?”
“Um- yes, she- she did.”
“Where did she go?”
“She left Lisa behind to be with her father, but then he burned himself alive and she- I think she was sent to the orphanage? I lost track of her a while back.”
“Can you find her?”
“Oh, you know I can dear. May I ask why your so curious about her?”
“I- I want a sister! I promise I won’t bite her or eat her or force her to eat anything! I mean, we’re actually sisters, so she should live here! Oh please please please-“
“Annecy, you know I can’t say no to you, especially on your birthday”
“So you’ll find her?”
“Yes my dear, anything for you”
PN: I’m very iffy about this one. I only really like the background. If I redrew this, I’d just take the background from the og image. Work smarter not harder. Also this is a follow up to ritual.
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“Would you like a cup of tea? Or maybe just half a cup?”
PN: I like this one, would probs redraw or make into a sticker or something idk
Anyways see you guys in an indeterminate amount of days later bye-
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coolsosha · 9 months
I was bored and made gif with Sosha and Asmo. Then i got addicted and have 10 of them now
im scared of how much serotonin i got from this thing.
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-Heyehyehye, Asmuah, wanna have a... uuuh, smol XXS orange orphan?
-...Mandarin? Sorry hun, im busy, you can eat this oneee~
[click for 9 more of those]
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-Oooh, Asmo is in the news again! ..heeey, the thing is about me! but why there is no picture of meeee?! I need to make a interview better than this! Sosha supremacyyyyyyyyyyy~~~
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-Huh, Sosha definitely needs to practice with making post names...
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-Sushi! Close your eyes or you will get shampoo in them!
-Told you~
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-Yes! I knew that Jessica will be with Jeremy! They are such a soulmates, don't you think, Sushi?!...Ah, you fell asleep again, aren't you~
-Aw, so peaceful♡...............................................
..........................Oh wait i still have to do my night skincare routine......fine, you can sleep 10 more minutes and i will get up.
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-Draw me like one of your french girls!
-Bonjour, croissant, Marriette, Eiffel tower, Pasta, Mario, Luigi.. wait no, thats italian. Anyway, LESHPUA LETTE PIAIA MIVIVO ZHETE IMEJO PO LE VO PA IJIJO METE ACOLFLAUYA ZUTA MI ZHIZO LETE(poorly sounding Ratatouille song)
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-Sosha, you can't be in Demon form, Author-Sosha didn't post your backstory yet and you are making a huge spoiler and a plot hole, darling!
-Shut up im a moth(respectfully)
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After Princess Asmo was rescued from evil goblin King Beel by a group of brave heroes, Princess was kidnapped again! By the evil demon named Sosha! He trapped princess in his castle and not letting him go! ...but, seems like Princess doesn't mind?
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-Damn, how did you even tricked me into posing for this. i look like a hoe!.... in a good way
-i mean, you helped me with designing this collection, so it would be infair to not-put you on front page with your precious Asmo-chan!....how can you possibly be a "hoe in a good way" though?
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You will say "Sosha(author), Sosha(oc) is a self insert OC for sure!" NO IT'S NOOOOT, this ass has backstory, and his personality is bigger than mine, so comparing Sosha to me is a pathetic comparison~
Sosha: I will make a comic about Sosha!
Sosha later: I will make a tumblr posts about Sosha!
Sosha now: Probably i will just write his entire lore in one post and will forget about it
Sosha in future: I will just burn him in fire.
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punkxcalibur · 1 year
personal mphfpc recap since i finally finished reading all the books
spoilers for the entire mphfpc series ahead. this will mostly be me talking about the book's imperfections, because when i love a piece of media, i also love criticizing it to its core
so, i first read the books 1-4 in 2020 and i was SO obsessed!!?? i wasn't really into social media and fandom culture back then, so i didn't really have anyone to talk to about mphfpc and i remember being very sad about that. i also remember trying to make fanart of the characters, but i REALLY sucked at art back then and to this day i find old mphfpc drawings and cringe at them. maybe it's time to redraw some of those...
anyways, i read the fifth book when it first came out in germany and i kind of hated it lol. i was really rushing through it, because i couldn't wait for the fugh reunion. so i kind of missed out on the whole plot because i only cared about fiona and hugh.
basically, i recently finished rereading the books, because nostalgia or whatever and i'm kind of obsessed again. so...i'm just dumping some thoughts on the whole series here because on tumblr i can actually find ppl with mutual interests.
first of all there's literally SO MANY inconsistencies and plotholes?? what the actual fuck ransom riggs. idk how much of this is prevalent in the og books, because i mainly read the german translations, but sometimes riggs just forgets who hugh is i guess?? he mixes up his and horace's peculiarities once and at some point he is referred to as howard. who the fuck is howard. these are literally the most easiest mistakes to fix. does he not have an editor?
i'm not even gonna talk about the movie. i have a whole seperate post for it
it sometimes bothers me how only certain characters seem to serve a purpose. in every novel emma, enoch, millard and bronwyn are clearly the focus (besides jacob) despite the fact that the other characters are equally interesting and likeable. hugh, horace, claire, olive and obviously fiona are just NOT THERE for like the entirety of AMOD. are you kidding me
the entire second trilogy...is kind of a cashgrab. of course i'm happy we got more books and i liked them, but it's kind of obvious that the author simply had some pictures left and saw an opportunity to make some more profit out of them. that's not bad, but these books weren't necessary for the overall storyline.
the thing with the prophecy in DODA...the entire book was dedicated to finding the other lighteaters, but they don't really do anything in the end?? i kinda get why noor has to be the *main character*, but why introduce julius and sebbie when everything could have played out the same way without them?
julius and horace...is it really that hard to age julius down? it would've made that a lot less creepy. there is literally no reason for julius to so much older than horace. not sure if this could be considered queerbaiting, since i don't know a lot about that topic. would be grateful if anyone elaborated more on that.
hugh and fiona are still my favorite thing about these books THEY ARE PERFECT IN EVERY WAY AND DESERVED SO MANY MORE SCENES UGH. i don't need another jemma kiss i need FUGH. there is just so much potential and plus, we never really get to learn about their backstories?? like we know that they're from the 1840s, so how did they get into a loop a century later?
how was fiona able to *whisper* to hugh in DODA, she literally had her tongue cut out, hello?
so many characters with lots of potential either die or just disappear. lilly, sam, althea, peter-and-joel...ring any bells??
why is horatio kinda
ok i'm sorry
the photos are so funny sometimes, because at times there will be a photo of, say, emma and in the next book there will be another picture of her and she just looks like a different person. because,obviously, that's a photo of a different person. but apparently, ransom thinks we're too dumb to notice that.
i would just love it if there'd be storylines that focused on each character individually, because again, WASTED POTENTIAL
ricky deserved to have a comeback, i feel like this is general fandom consensus
introducing v, just to kill her off? idk man
despite all of these criticisms i just made, i fucking cherish these books
since pjo gets a new awesome reboot i think we deserve one too
i also wish the fandom was bigger but maybe it's a good thing that it's kind of niche. i don't know.
uhh i guess that was my not-so-little rant and yeah...enjoy this post i guess
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Geckonyx aka Naomi Ishii, herpetologist and licker of rocks. Oh, and she can stick to things.
I have no self control so I designed several alternate costumes for Naomi, because I wanted to play with different color schemes and patterns inspired by different kinds of gecko (...and one frog)
And... a couple different variations for her head for each of them, because of my inability to choose between helmet and mask. I like both, I just don't want her to look too much like Spider-Woman. But I think, thanks to Blue Beetle and my emphasizing the round shape, that her masks look pretty distinct from any of the Spider-Women. It's still extremely blatantly Spidery to give a female wallcrawler this kind of mask, even if she doesn't shoot webs, but I think the bulbousness of the lenses and the cutout around her nose really helps shift the vibe.
EDIT: changed her gloves to all be fingerless so she can use her venom.
Closeups and some (a lot of) notes under the cut:
Western Banded Gecko (aka Naomi's first costume):
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okay this is the oldest both literally and metatextually lol, I drew this in 2022 when I was first designing everyone, though it's had a minor color modification since then (more rose gold, less pink, but looks basically exactly the same) This one is rougher because I didn't bother redrawing the body for it. I'm only making the neat pics for the designs I haven't made refs for (and Seth's upgraded suit for completion's sake)
(Naomi is 30 by the way. she gets carded a lot.)
So, the western banded gecko. they don't have that much green irl, mostly like cream and pink and maroon, but there are hints of green so I included that because I liked the contrast. also. something i did not realize at the time is that, uh, i don't think... western banded geckos... stick. my excuse is that i am not a herpetologist and I just thought they looked cute and had nice colors. my retroactive excuse for Naomi is that she thought it was funny.
Anyway. This is Naomi's first costume, which she handmade. In-universe, while she is, yes, a herpetologist, she is also... a nerd. wait. she's already a nerd—I mean she likes comic books, cosplaying, lucha and pro-wrestling, not just lizards and rocks. So yes maybe I did purposefully give her a lucha mask to evoke Spider-Man, since she's a wallcrawler, and maybe I did purposefully make her literally a Spider-Man Fan because I thought it was funny, but also in my defense as far as mask design, I have... way too many goggles in my lineup... 😂 I had to have some variety in there. also it seemed like a good workaround for long hair.
The G on her chest is also meant to be a lizard/tail btw. And she made the whole costume herself out of fabric she got from the craft store and like, tights and stuff, so... iridescent mermaid scale spandex, etc. You can see her cosplay skills at play here compared to, for example, Seth's homemade Scratch costume, which, while sleek in its own right, is literally just black sportswear and a motorcycle helmet LOL
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the little yellow strap-on shoes. The tights are stirrup tights, that way Naomi has the most important parts of her feet exposed but the tights will still stay put etc etc etc. They're probably a really high denier lol
Why does she really need the stirrup cut to expose the soles of her feet though? Well, since I have her using setae/van der waals forces to cling (vs. my version of peter parker, who has a fullbody electrostatic aura that works by charging his entire body including his clothes), this means... Naomi can't wear shoes or gloves while she sticks... at least, not without special materials. So her outfit is designed with that in mind; fingerless gloves so her fingertips are exposed and easily removable shoes she puts on a carabiner on the back of her waistband:
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So practical! It's probably got a snap crotch leotard for the white part too but I didn't bother figuring that out here.
Anywho—upgraded suits.
Blue Tailed Day Gecko (female coloration):
This is the main intended step up I was thinking for her, despite the multiple other suits in this post. Consider this one "canonical" lmao idk what the rest are for i'm just like this.
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The G logo on this one is a little smoother in its curves which I could say was on purpose but was kind of just me not really looking at the original when I drew it LOL though it IS supposed to look more like a tail, so that works fine for my purposes. I was originally considering giving her an actual lizard symbol (like the kind that show up if you google "lizard logo" I guess...) but I didn't like the way it looked in my sketches and trying to add little legs just felt too cluttered so I kept it simple. Unfortunately it does look kind of like a maggot or something when it's white like this, but I don't think Naomi would consider that a bad thing 😂
For most of my refs I didn't bother with the sexual dimorphism and stuff while looking for inspiration, but blue-tailed day lizards have like, really strong color dimorphism and I liked both a lot so I wanted to do one for each. So this one is inspired by the female coloration.
I didn't bother trying to recreate the lizard's pattern particularly, mostly focused on colors and vibes and good silhouettes that still evoked the shapes in her handmade costume. The copper spots on her back are based on that lizard's patterning though. But the female blue-tails tend to be pretty green, with a hint of blue, so I went with the blue-green gradient, and then since they have a lot of browns and earth tones I went with the sparkly bronze and the copper colors, and a fun coppery-bronze visor.
Anyway she will probably be a little more muscular by the time she gets a nice suit like this, just from supporting her own body weight (though she doesn't exactly weigh a whole lot and her strength is completely un-augmented so like... can't compare to Seth, whose job it is to leap five feet into the air and lift 5'10" athletes above their head lol) but she's still not exactly a bruiser.
(*edited 11/1 to add texture to green material, since, you know, lizards... scales... etc.)
And something you may be wondering is:
Why a helmet?
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That's why.
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Me, sowing by purposefully referencing Spider-Man in my wallcrawler's costume: teehee~
Me, reaping when I realize I can't put lenses on her mask without making her Literally Just Spider-Woman: fuck
I've got my ways though. Obviously. I wanted to keep the almond shape of the lucha silhouette even for the helmets though so I looked at some sentai helmets as reference and I just kinda winged it.
also I like that the visor on this helmet is kind of shaped like a heart 🧡 and also kind of like a butterfly 🦋 it's a good fit for Naomi, who is supposed to be cheerful and cute on top of liking, you know, lizards and bugs and shit.
At the same time I decided to play with variations on the lucha style mask and round bug-eyed lenses that aren't framed, and I do like how those look... I just can't tell if it's too Spider-Man or not. But I like the look so much I think I might use it... maybe she swaps between helmet and mask depending on context and weather.
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Very cute... extra shimmery...
Anyway like my scribbly handwriting says, the helmet also serves, well, helmet purposes, to protect Naomi's head if she falls. Which is like, "well why would that even be a problem?" and the answer is simple: Naomi doesn't have super strength and her healing power is technically only "enhanced," generally speaking. Not to burden the Spider-Man comparisons but if you think about silver age and some early bronze age Peter Parker, it's kinda like that. She's tougher than she was before, and heals a little faster, but she can still break her arm if she falls wrong, or get laid up with the flu (though she's probably not quite as flu-prone as Peter, the guy who appears to have caught every flu strain known to man.)
In my head (...badum tss) she uses the helmet outside/high up/if it's cold or in other situations she might need more protection, and the mask is for like, indoors, more cramped spaces, or casual situations that still require her to keep her face hidden but maybe not quite as anonymous. also like, probably talking to people would be easier in the mask since her mouth is free and I didn't exactly put vents or filters on these helmets. (that's how you know they aren't regular materials)
Naomi does have some latent regenerative healing abilities (tied to the gecko theme) but—and I mean this in the most literal way possible: it doesn't work if she loses her head, so a helmet is probably still a good idea. also she won't know about this ability until something needs to grow back so her subconscious suit design would probably not take regeneration into account anyway?
idk i haven't quite worked out how these suits work yet. I know they're programmable matter and some kind of exotic or metamaterial, and in my head I've been thinking about them as similar-ish to the Fantastic Four's unstable molecules, but as far as specifics go, I dunno.
Wait I know one specific.
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The white parts on her palms and soles are (some kind of silicon substrate probably?) made with CARBON NANOTUBES in them. This was in my plans already in a vague sense, in that I knew her fancy upgraded suit was going to get rid of the barefoot requirement and specifically allow her to use shoes, but it wasn't until a few days ago in a wiki hole that I realized I could use carbon nanotubes for that. I was just gonna handwave it lol
But basically my thought process for carbon nanotubes was like, gecko/nano tape but... more. I don't think irl gecko tape can support the weight of a grown adult woman, even a small one... (though there is some invention out there that figured out you can actually use van der waals forces to support a human being but they're real bulky)—but it's a neat idea and really what is more superheroic than partial science? and now she can still use her sticking powers without having to take her shoes off.
take that foot fetishists.
Anyway, her shoes aren't strictly climbing shoes (I don't think they're that curved) but I was looking at pics of climbing shoes for inspiration, so that's where the overall shapes and the super smooth soles are from.
(oh also it's cut off there but as I note in the drawing: Naomi's skills are mostly reconnaissance and stealth (despite her extremely vibrant colors), and anything focused on maneuverability, because while she has peak human reflexes, her strength is unimpressive and her healing ability is only mildly enhanced, like I said earlier, so she is not a very good offensive fighter.)
okay next!
Blue Tailed Day Gecko (male coloration):
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I Swear To God I didn't do the red and blue on purpose, it literally didn't occur to me until after I had colored it. I just thought the male blue-tails looked cool lmao. But I think it's got enough green tones and so little red that it doesn't really evoke Spidey's red and blue anyway, especially since her visor is blue-black instead of white. So I'm not sweatin' it.
I actually really like how this one came out too. I was having some trouble with incorporating the green but I think this very soft glaucous green works really well. I could almost see this one being a like... slightly more stealth-focused suit... obviously it's still brightly colored and the arms are still pretty light, but the deep colors overall evoke a slightly more nighttime oriented feel for me.
...a blue-tailed night gecko, if you will.
Made this one a little metallic-sparkly but not as glittery as the one with the female coloration. This one has a tiny bit more inspiration from the lizard's actual markings (mostly on the helmet) but is still of course all about clean lines and good silhouettes.
The logo also ended up smaller and slightly different which, IDK why I didn't just copy-paste, but I like how it looks this way anyway so eh. They don't HAVE to be identical.
I don't really know what texture the green should be though. More glitter seems like a bit too much. In my head I'm thinking it might just be a very, very matte, soft texture but surprisingly durable. It's not like it's made of spandex so it can really be pretty much any texture. That's also why it's possible for the helmet to match the fabric color and glitter perfectly 😂 I'd feel bad for any real life costume designer who had to deal with this... lmao
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mask version...
I had a terrible realization with this one because I didn't look up pictures of Spider-Woman until afterward and it turns out she has a triangle on her forehead which I had forgotten about LOL but I think it's still different enough. There's some Blue Beetle influence in there that I think helps differentiate it pretty well. Like, okay, if she was a Marvel character I would assume she was a spider-person or some weird cross between Koi Boi and Spider-Woman, but outside of Marvel... I think it's got a good vibe.
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pop of contrast with the red knees again. I just think it looks nice and the kneepads let me evoke the bike short-style cut on her homemade costume without actually putting her in shorts.
Pretty similar here for soles, slightly different silhouette but that's about it. palms are the same, white and rubbery but flexible. I imagine her gloves move kind of like a second skin despite being all one piece without any seams. fuck helmet matching, i would REALLY feel bad for an irl costume designer having to make that work in live action.
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Here's a better look at the actual palm btw.
and also. her fingertips. ridges from setae already weird enough but not noticeable unless someone looks close or can feel her fingers, and then... the new ability... to shoot modified hairs in the form of hollow needles with which to inject venom.
it's an awful mental image, tbh. lmao. the venom she uses is similar to that of gila monsters or beaded lizards. (not bearded)
Part 2!!!
Northern Spiny Tailed Gecko:
Okay! I'm mixed on this one tbh. lol.
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I did this one kind of on a whim cause I saw a pic of one of these lizards and I thought they looked cool, though not really Naomi's like... aesthetic. So I guess this is kind of like... what if Naomi got serious... but still was Naomi LMAO she can't resist the hint of shimmer... (wait that's me.)
I like the way the mask turned out significantly more than the helmet for this one, though I like the spikes on the helmet. But the lenses specifically turned out a lot better imo. I was looking at the actual lizard's weird fucking eyes and was like, how the hell do I evoke that. And then I remembered that, even if this WASN'T made of some kind of unknown unstable molecule or nanomachines or whatever the fuck, you can put patches of different colored foil films on real life motorcycle visors and sunglasses and stuff, so that's basically what I was thinking about there. She still sees out it the same, though with I guess random dots of full spectrum color vs... orange-tinted... LOL
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This suit was actually surprisingly hard to do. Turns out doing a completely monochromatic fullbody suit in any color other than black is... difficult, if you want it to actually look good. I did know I wanted it textured at least... but the rest, hard. That's why the white lines are there tbh. It just needed something for visual interest.
The G on this one is segmented/broken up instead of soft curves to fit the slightly edgier look, and also as a reference to geckos' famed ability to detach and grow back their tails. (Naomi doesn't have a tail and she can't detach her limbs but she can do the other part...!)
I gave it spikes to match the spiny appearance of the lizard... wow... so edgy... 😂 Actually it was super odd to do a costume like this in such a pale color, because normally when I do more grim costumes, they feature a lot of black and very vibrant accents like purple or red. (Though I guess the orange color of the lenses here is a bright color...)
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Since I've been heavily referencing climbing shoes so much, it made sense to me to put crampons on her shoes. More spikes! I doubt they're super useful but, maybe... I mean. I'm sure they'd make a kick in the balls real killer. oh... hm. I mean obviously this is a weaponized costume, but... is this her weaponized costume? her only chance at offense as a 100 lb wallcrawler... metal spikes.
Assume they are reinforced and framed inside where it's not visible, in this magic superhero costume that doesn't need to follow the laws of tailoring. The angled knee pads are my way of doing knee spikes cause unless you got a full suit of armor that never looks good lmao. They are def hard on the outside though.
Also this whole color scheme and the white on the palms just makes me think of like... sharks... which I guess its fitting.
Anyway this costume was... interesting to work on. It was mostly an experiment, and IDK if she'll ever use it (I say this like I have a story about anyone other than Seth lmfao) because I already have several characters with white, red and black color schemes (though Tama's includes gold) so I didn't want to add yet another, but it was just such a neat looking lizard I couldn't resist.
Lygodactylus williamsi aka the Electric Blue Day Gecko:
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I like the color of this one... could not resist adding yet MORE glitter, though I figured the body could be one of those very, very slightly shimmery matte looking deals in contrast to the super heavy flake glitter in the helmet and mask. would film terribly. lmao.
I was briefly judging myself for giving every helmet a different visor for some reason instead of using the same one to save my hand (meanwhile i copy pasted the mask XD) especially since... Naomi is NOT the only one with a helmet (if I keep her helmets at all) but what I realized is that most of her helmets in this lineup still have similar enough visor shapes that it's pretty thematically consistent even though they're all different. I think the tree frog and the spiny gecko helmets, aka the two most experimental costumes here, are the most divergent, but they still have like... the rough overall vibe of curves and heart shapes. but this electric blue helmet fits very neatly in with the blue-tailed helmets, so I like that. I could see this one slotting very neatly in with the blue-tailed day gecko suits as a set.
Which, importantly, means I probably don't have to worry about TJ's helmet when I get to him, especially since his is going to be significantly more influenced by Power Rangers and super sentai stuff... I'll probably give him a way weirder visor shape.
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Anyway, this suit was another case of monochrome making my life difficult but you know what makes everything look better? Gradients. Lmao. and more shimmers. I just like sparkles, and I liked the idea of leaning into Naomi having a consistent aesthetic as far as being colorful and sparkly, even when it's toned down. (right, "toned down," as if the helmet accompanying it isn't extremely over the top lmao)
In my head the material on her gloves and shoe soles is like... a really sticky-looking (but not—well. it is sticky but it's not wet) kind of gummy, rubbery, or like... jelly almost? but like. on an opaque base cause her hands and feet are in there. like... one of those translucent rubber ducks...
(*edit 11/1 added texture to this one as well)
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Attempts Were Made...
I considered making a version based on the female coloration of this lizard, as a counterpart, but my hand hurts after spending three days on drawing superhero costumes...lol. if I do draw a counterpart like that, I think it would be a mix of rose gold/copper and a shimmery iridescent gold-green, I think... either a front-to-back gradient or with side panels. or even like... almost like those tinted holographic fabrics...
Red Eyed Tree Frog:
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Okay this isn't a gecko but it occurred to me while I was taking a break yesterday and it sounded fun... It's not technically on theme since her vigilante/hero/whatever name is literally Geckonyx lmao but it is on theme in that she probably likes frogs, aside from obviously being a wallcrawler.
Also when I realized I could make her helmet for this one look like an alien... bro. how could i RESIST?! I think this is by far the cutest helmet I have drawn, ever.
Unlike the other costumes, but similarly to the electric blue costume, this one has the back and front of the hand all the same material (does that mean she can stick with the backs of her knuckles in this suit???)
As far as styling goes, this one was very straightforward since it's pretty obviously literally just the exact pattern on a red eyed tree frog (well, plus the rubber G) lol — this is also the One where I started to figure out her mask, and that's because frogs have big round eyes. I copy pasted the mask from this one to all the others lol.
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also came very close to looking like Seahawks colors (lol) but thankfully the cool base I used for the metallic blue drew it away from that a little, on top of being a little lighter than the navy they use. (plus the blood orange/scarlet accents)
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rubbery texture on the shoes again for sure... not so sure about the green though... like is it also rubbery... like un-laminated neoprene?? pleathery/leather-like texture? idk. not shiny spandex, i know that much.
texture: skin?
That's it!! IDK why I felt the need to design four extra suits for Naomi on top of her upgrade, but it's fun to think about all the gecko colors... who knows, maybe she needs a variety... every wallcrawler needs a stealth suit. and. a bunch of other ones. duh.
UPDATE: realized I still need the full gloves for certain situations—luckily, when I did the fingerless gloves, I just drew fingers on top of the full gloves in a separate folder, so i still have all of them lol.
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Considering the lizard theming there is something strangely fitting about Naomi being able to switch between helmet and mask, full glove and fingerless glove, all as needed. Something chameleonic, if you will.
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3ofpents · 1 year
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100 Palette Challenge // Palette #9 // Blood Red Hydrangea
Today's palette comes from a poster for Cornell University from 1908.
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This is an interesting one because you can compare it to Cornell's current branding colors.
Babbling about branding and my blood red hydrangea bush under the cut.
You can see all of these colors except for the tan included in that guide, though the RGB/CMYK values are different. For totally understandable reasons. The palette in the book was color-picked directly off of the poster, and on the one hand, the artist who designed the poster would've had to mix their paint or ink to match Cornell's signature red as closely as possible, without having the precision of just digitally color-picking. On the other hand, the poster, like I mentioned, was printed in 1908, and it's entirely possible that the brand colors have shifted and been refined over 100 years later, especially once color printing became more standardized and digital design tools became easier and more popular to use.
But that's really about the red, what they refer to as carnelian. What interests me even more are these secondary colors that appear in this 115 year old poster, that appear in Cornell's present-day brand book.
The "sea grey" (the second-to-last color) I can explain, since the poster is of a baseball player, and the grey is the main color of their uniform and, looking at some photos, it's very similar to their current uniform. And since sports uniform colors are branding, it makes sense that they would've incorporated that into their brand book.
The other two, though? I do wonder if their sense of branding was that strong even in 1908 and it hasn't fundamentally changed in all that time. Or if this poster artist just chose colors that would make that red really pop, and whoever did their current brand book had similar thoughts.
Anyway, that's enough musing on branding. I bring you another flower from my garden.
We planted a baby hydrangea bush when we first moved into this house. When we bought it, it had these dark, rusty, dark red flowers, and the tag claimed that it was a red hydrangea! I love hydrangeas, they were the main flowers in my wedding bouquet, and I desperately wanted a hydrangea bush. And while I love the pink/purple/blue classic hydrangeas, this one was so unusual that I couldn't resist it.
Now it's typical for a newly planted hydrangea to not bloom for a couple of years, so while it grew a lot, we didn't get any flowers. Until this year! There are two little bunches of flowers that just started opening last week.
And they're purple.
Now I'm not disappointed! They're beautiful. And it's not like we paid more for this bush than we would've for a normal bush (they were selling both for the same price). I'm just confused. Because it absolutely DID have red flowers when we bought it and it didn't say anything about special care to keep them that color like you need to do if you want specifically pink, blue, or purple. It's just odd.
But so I took a picture of the flowers (because they're so pretty!) and since that original red color was so similar to the one in this palette, I decided to redraw them as they might have looked if they'd come in the way they were expected to.
Overall I'm really satisfied with this piece, I really enjoyed playing around with the charcoal pencil brush. I wish I'd treated the tan and dark grey as more shading than an outline. But that's all part of what this challenge is for.
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uniformbravo · 1 year
i have obtained ITEMS.......
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so here's the rundown (short version):
1. BOY. SON BOY. IN MY POSSESSION. i fuckigng have him hes my son & hes REAL i can hold him in my hands right at this very moment waaaaaAAA i saw him on the shelf and yoinked him so fast aughgughgh....,.,.,..,, they had the two others in the set (a sensei and a little fox) but they were $15 each and i couldn't be dropping $45 like that 😭 but it's ok bc i got a fuckign real life natsume in my home i cannot fucking believe it HE'S SO CUTE. HE IS SO SMALL. SCREAMS
(kind of want to sculpt a tiny sensei for which to enplace beside him at his side..... right in the path of the leg that's abt to kick forward-)
2. BOOKE......... vol 22 of natsuyuu & holy shit what a GORGEOUS cover i wanna do a redraw of it so bad now that i FINALLY have it hsmgnsghj absolutely my fave cover in the series TBH. also this is a big deal bc it's one of the last few volumes i need to complete the series and it's SERIOUSLY hard to find rn (i will get into this more below but just know it's basically a miracle i have this 🙏)
3. ANIMORPHS WAAAAAA so the store i went to had a bunch of different shit including both manga & normal books (i see no difference love is love) so ofc i HAD to check the children's section and they had these two animorphs books for a few bucks each!! i honestly didn't really even pay attention to which ones they were beyond checking the numbers to make sure i didn't already have them but as soon as i got home i got a good look at them AND THEY ARE??? BOTH BANGERS????? YOOOOOOOOOO
#19 The Departure (butterfly book) is the one where cassie cheats death thru a bullshit morphing rules loophole and it's GREAT and oh yeah a lot of philosophical "see from the enemy's pov" gray morality stuff which goes so much harder than im making it sound.... it's always been one that stood out to me as a special one so i am Thrilled to have it
as for #33 The Illusion i fucken lost it when i recognized the cover IT'S THE BIRD TORTURE BOOK aka book where they are so so fucking mean to tobias #458283049 THEY ARE SO MEAN TO HIM LEAVE MY SON ALONE i love this book A LOT i cannot believe what these two books turned out to be w/o me even realizing it, and they were the only two animorphs books they had like??? god favors me
ok that was the short version now here's my saga:
SO FUNNY STORY LOL i've been rly into manga collecting videos on yt which frequently dip into manga shopping vlogs right. they go to stores & film the shelves & it's a lot of fun to see all the stuff they have but Most Importantly whenever they get to the N section my eyes ZOOM TF IN lookin for those natsuyuu spines bc i'm on the fuckin hunt and i'm obsessed i NEED to see what they have (which is why i always die inside whenever they skip over the entire naruto section bc natsuyuu is usually RIGHT after it and EVERYBODY MISSES IT slams fist on the ground)
the main thing i look for is volumes i don't have which is a dangerous game bc if i DID see smth i needed and was unable to obtain it i would simply perish and wither away on the spot because these last 3 volumes i need are SO IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND they are not ANYWHERE online except on ebay for like $150 which SUCKS so if i knew they were out there existing on a shelf completely out of my reach i wouldn't make it
anyway i was watchin a shopping vlog & this guy's like we're going to the book-off in this exact location and im like wowie that's near me maybe i should check it out sometime and he's like here's the manga section and im like 👁👁 bc ofc i am and it's not like he's showing every shelf in detail, doesn't even really look at the N section BUT what do i see with my Combat Trained Eagle Eyes
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(this is zoomed tf in on like the corner of the screen BUT IT'S VOLUME FUCKEN 22 BABEY DO U SEE IT UUAAHGH) (so bizarre to look at that screenshot now knowing that that book on the shelf is MY specific copy that i now own like god. i really did just reach into the screen and YOINK)
so i immediately check the video's upload date & it's only been a Week but also that portion of the video had been filmed a week prior to the rest of the footage and on top of that there's no telling how much time passed between filming and uploading so we have at LEAST 2 weeks definitely more on the docket so im like ooohhgh but also like i mentioned before. these books are fucken IMPOSSIBLE to find for a reasonable price online rn so i have absolutely nothing to lose ok
i call the place & ask abt it and they're like ya we have it forrr $7.99 and i scream in my head so so loud bc that's $2 below retail and like $75 below the asking price on ebay (some fucking goon is selling a goddamn raw unrestored library copy for over $80 hello?????? absolute clown behavior SMH meanwhile this below retail copy is in Wonderful condition it's BEAUTIFUL)
ik i said earlier that i was "nearby" the location in the video but that was a lie it's a fucking hour drive which is Small Price To Pay for Natsume's Book of Friends Vol 22 by Yuki Midorikawa in MY mind but since i don't drive i had to find someone who agreed w/ me lmfao. the store does not ship either to ur home or to a closer location so i had literally no other option and on top of that they only do same day holds on items, to stress out Me Specifically (joking tho they were so so nice. the person i spoke to was like "well this series doesn't sell v often and we've had it for a while, so there's a good chance it'll still be here whenever you can come out" like 😭 they didn't have to reassure me like that but they did and it helped me make it thru the week goddamnit)
so luckily i was able to get out there the very same weekend and like bro. they have so much shit it's a rly cool store... i believe they have new items but their whole thing is resale & second-hand stuff so u can find some rly neat stuff there... i spent so long in the merch section oh my god. they have this entire aisle that's just pins & buttons & charms and it's absolute madness, like This Shit (different location but same idea)
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and good god u would not BELIEVE the sheer amt of ososan stuff they had there, i genuinely believe a flat 50% of it was just ososan AT LEAST (even in this pic i can see a kara on that second shelf there gksdngskdf 2nd to last row on the far right), i think i would have died if i'd gone there during the height of my obsession bc holy shit. why did they have so much osomatsu san. it was bananas (i might've gotten smth if i found one i liked but it was mostly like official art lookin stuff & that style doesn't rly appeal to me so rip. there were a LOT of karas & ichis tho)
anywayyyyy i shouldn't have spent so much time going thru all that but among the sea of buttons & pins were those rubber character charms here and there which i WAS interested in, specifically bc one of the kimi to boku sets i want so dearly is the rubber charms like LOOK at them.........
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i am not only screaming & crying but ALSO throwing up LOOK AT THEMMMMM i would die for all 5 of them. anyway they didn't have any of em as far as i could see which wasn't that surprising since it's not a very well-known series but also i saw a million guys i'd never seen in my life in that section so IT WAS POSSIBLE..........
i wandered around the books section for a while bc i wasn't ready for the manga yet (busy aisle) & that's where i found the animorphs WHICH btw are in SUCH good condition like obvs the pages are yellowed but the covers & spines are clean af and both of the cover illustrations underneath are intact so i'm super happy abt that!! i looked around for a few other things just for fun, like they had a few deltora quest books, neither of the ones i need but it was still neat to see. o they also had a copy of wayward son (simon snow book 2) which was rly fun bc hey i know those guys!!! need to get back to reading their shit rly bad but uh u know!!!!! i will
the manga section wasn't super big, just like. one aisle, both sides. they had alphabetical markers to organize them but man things were pretty out of order within each section so i hope i didn't miss anything gskdnkfdg.... it's not like i was planning on buying a whole lot but i did have a list of things to keep an eye out for and if they happened to be a good price then,,,
i didn't find anything tho rip. i rly wanted to check out some japanese manga too but it didn't look like they had any so i was like oh well but fuckin. i'm SO mad at myself, the next morning i found out that APPARENTLY all the jpn manga's in the dollar outlet version of the store they had upstairs, which i KNEW existed but didn't end up checking out gjgaughagjsdgj i'd even thought about asking one of the employees if they had any but i DIDN't and now im DYING oh my god. i'll never be able to get out there again, not any time soon, this was like a One Time Thing i'm so OTL
(i was gonna look for like, natsuyuu fanbooks, some of midorikawa's other works, maybe some monthly magazines like the one natsuyuu gets published in if they even had that sort of thing.... oogh im lying down)
anyway i pretty much checked out after that, they had my book at the counter bc i had called ahead to place a hold JUST TO BE SAFE..... who knows how many other people watched that guy's video and paused obsessively over that one part bc they caught a glimpse of natsuyuu spines in the bg and spotted the elusive vol 22 sitting Right There for all the world to see and immediately started planning how to get out there asap before it disappeared like a dream evaporating into mist as soon as you wake up
anyway that's where the book shopping saga ends but the last magical thing that happened was the mall had a somisomi aka taiyaki babeeyyyyyyy (v exciting bc the one at my local mall is GONE) so i got some w the taro filling (taro my beloved) and it was THE BEST
somisomi's main thing is like, ice cream taiyaki (left) but i always just get the regular kind (right) bc hmnmgnhm i like the it
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so that concludes my funny lil weekend trip, even if i missed the outlet store i still got some super gr8 stuff & i'm v happy about it ;v;
ok addendum (i didn't know where else to put this): i realized in the middle of writing this that getting the lil natsume meant i could actually fuckin update my myfigurecollection page for the first time since making an acct gkjgskndgkd so i did that but it was a CURSE bc I GUESS there's a new natsume figure that i didn't know about and it's SO FUCKING CUTE IM IN AGONY
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HE'S SO CUTE AAAAAAHHGHHHH 😭😭😭😭😭 I'M HAVING AN ANEURYSM OOOOGHHHH HE'S WEARING THE HAT i adore that hat and his scarf & coat & the way he's stumbling? running?? AND SENSEI'S LIL OUTFIT STOPPPPPPPPPPPP my life is fucking over i cant take this goodbye. farewell. sora death noise.mp3
ok this is really the end thank u for ur time o)-<
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ygg-yiggles · 1 year
Old Art: Inktober 2022, part 2
Continuing on from last time, here's days 16-31. Sorry it took longer to get to than I expected.
Day 16: Fowl More issues with the scanner! Why didn't I just find something to weigh down that edge? Anyway, this one was fun to draw, with a mix of various mircon pens, including brush tip ones for those big, chunky lines. The wings are... less than ideal, but I think the twisting neck of the swan turned out well. The swan is one of those animals that looks beautiful, until it's angry, and then suddenly it's terrifying, with innumerable pseudo-teeth like a mouth full of needles. As October is the month of spooky things, I leaned into that.
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Day 17: Salty ...Oh come on, you were doing so well with the scanner, almost perfect in fact, but you went back to the phone camera again? Come on. The look is kind of iffy as well, just like the Crabby one featuring these same two characters. I think the weird face on the mom was intentional, though, in order to match the unintentionally weird look of her previously.
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Day 18: Scrape Now there we go, there's a nice, clean scan, and an image I'm proud of. Girl in maid outfit, sharpening her cleaver thing. I think it's a girl, at least. If I recall, some degree of ambiguity was the goal. I did still screw up the hands kind of and made that arm chunkier than I wanted, but making heavy use of grey ink let me actually draw something that would read as black without being pitch black and indiscernible. The hair was drawn with an unknown blue-purple fountain pen ink. Really wish I could remember which one that was.
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Day 19: Ponytail More adventures in brush-tip micron pens. This is a redraw/other angle of a character I drew just before Inktober 2022 began, but I don't think I quite captured him in the same way. His legs also ended up weirdly stubby here.
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Day 20: Bluff Ahhhghhhhh, bad scan again, and it made key parts of the art blurry. Damn. I should really re-scan this one. At least the image is alright, even if one shadow is distractingly dark. I chose to shade this largely with horizontal lines mostly as an experiment, which I think worked out decently and would have worked better if I had committed even more to it. The subject here is the man from the previous day, standing on the topographic feature called a bluff. The best part of the image, I think, is the way I worked the number and prompt into the river.
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Day 21: Bad Dog A grotesque, monstrous creature, vaguely canid, with no skin and spikey bits all over. Bit of hair here and there. Overall, I like it. Don't really have much else to say.
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Day 22: Heist This anatomy sucks but I drew it quickly, more quickly than something that took up this much of the page normally would. Evidently, I even managed to get it to scan properly! This is not meant to be any character in particular, by the way.
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Day 23: Booger You ever just sneeze out an entire slimegirl? I like several things about this, from the way I was able to give the look of transparency to how swollen the sick man's face looks. I'm sure I've drawn plenty better, but I do quite like this one, gross as it is.
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Day 24: Fairy Call me old fashioned, but personally I believe fairies should be nude. Well, okay, Touhou Project fairies do really well with big poofy dresses or even american flag pattern spandex, but other than that, keep 'em naked.
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Day 25: Tempting All across the Halloween-observing world (i.e. the United States and not much of anywhere else), children are asked to simply not touch a bowl full of candy, sitting out for anywhere from the day leading up to trick-or-treating to all month long. Imagine! Here, we see a child eyeing up a brass bowl full of all sorts of treats. The temptation is palpable.
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Day 26: Ego Max Stirner, father of Individualist Egoism, wields an AK, wearing a shirt with torn-off sleeves, with a waifish girl clutching his chest. Need I say more?
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Day 27: Snack Another kind of goofy one from a perspective sense and I could have afforded to put more pink on that pig in the front. However, I'm overall happy with the chonky dragon design. Hog after hog has gone down his gullet, and now he looks a little like one himself.
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Day 28: Camp I enjoy making recurring characters that exist only for each Inktober. As it turns out the girl(?) from Scrape and the guy from Ponytail and Bluff are either an item or good friends. And hey, look, that cleaver works as an axe to gather and split firewood! I did better with the treeline here than I normally do when I try to draw such a thing. Plenty of room for improvement still. At least this one has a decent amount of color.
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Day 29: Uh-Oh Due to the ancient subject matter, I chose to use entirely brown tones to give this one a sepia look. The ancients had cats, and by all accounts I've ever read, their behavior has not changed a bit throughout the entire course of the history of feline domestication. Here, we see a cat which has located a bucket of something, left carelessly on a ledge. Below, a just minding his own business is about to have a bad day. Is this scene Roman? Greek? Something else? I don't know, but it's ancient something somewhere somewhen, or maybe even pure fantasy. No matter the circumstance, no matter the time or place or plane of existence, cats will cause problems on purpose.
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Day 30: Gear An amorphous creature with a gear incorporated into its body and other gear around its gaping maw. It is an uneven, asymmetric, shambling beast. One of its hands is even beginning to turn gear-like, with gear teeth on the back side of each digit. I think the best part of this piece is the mouth. Gear piece here were colored with Diamine Ancient Copper ink.
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Day 30 31: Farm Oops. This one was rough because I was busy all day and couldn't think of the perfect thing to draw for the entire day up until the evening, when I suddenly chose to embark on a pumpkin field... Or a jack-o-lantern field, rather. They're naturally like that, at least on Halloween. For something I rushed at the end of the day, I honestly don't think it looks half bad, and I'm glad I actually made it full color, even if the coloring is sloppy. Not that any other days were much less sloppy. And yes, I did write 30 there instead of 31. I didn't notice until the next morning. Here, I've put a transparent white square and a yellow numeral "1" on top of it, to correct the day while retaining a legacy of my error
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...And that's all. I'll be participating in Inktober again this year, but that's not for a few more months. Stay tuned until then, as I'll be posting newer art as well as more compilations and commentary on my older work, including previous years of Inktober. And, thanks for reading.
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If you wouldn't mind, for dekaranger. Doggie and Swan, number 3? I am really looking forward to seeing what you end up with as prompts and what you end up writing. I hope you have a lot of fun doing them!
3 is a nose kiss, which seems situationally appropriate for these two.
There's a faint clink behind Swan, and she doesn't even look up from her work, she just says, "I know I shouldn't be up this late, but I'm making progress on these upgrade designs, so I'd appreciate it if you didn't try to make me get some sleep."
"Wouldn't dream of it." Doggie never quite sounds as if he's suppressing laughter, but Swan can hear the signs anyway. She ought to be able to, after so many years. "In fact, I brought you coffee."
"Ohh, now that's an entirely different story." She turns in her chair, accepts the coffee from Doggie--in a broad-based mug that won't tip over, she notes with approval--and then turns back to her sketches. "Anyway," after she's taken a happy sip, "I know just as well that you're not supposed to be up this late either, not after your last heart exam."
There's a slightly guilty silence.
"You were hoping I'd forgotten about that."
"...perhaps a bit, yes."
She takes another sip of coffee and doesn't turn around again, so that he can't see her smile. "I try not to ever forget things like that. So how are the kids? Last I saw they were getting patched up after the firefight."
"They went out for yakiniku together. Tetsu tried to come in here to invite you, but I told him you'd bite him if he interrupted you while you were inventing something." An uncertain pause, and then, "I'll admit, that might have been the wrong thing to tell him, he didn't seem too put off by the idea."
"That boy..." She sighs and then, frowning, realizes that one of the leg panels on this new powered armor design needs to be shifted over. "Damn. Could you hand me the kneaded eraser over there?"
Doggie passes it to her and she sets about fixing the position of the panel, nose wrinkling as she focuses on carefully erasing each line and redrawing them bare millimeters to the left of where they'd been. She can feel him watching, calm gaze on the back of her neck, and it's comforting, knowing that after all these years they can still have silence together. It's something she's always liked about his company.
Once the panel's been redrawn, though, it throws into sharp relief a whole host of other small issues, and she makes a frustrated noise in the back of her throat. "Maybe I am up too late." Another sip of coffee, which is starting to cool a bit, although not unpleasantly. "I feel like I've been looking at this thing for six hours."
"Seven and a half, really. Nearly eight. Long enough for me to catch Ban sneaking out of Hoji's room for the third time this week when I was getting you the coffee."
She chuckles into the mouth of her coffee mug. "They're young, what else would you expect?"
Doggie lets out a little amused whuff noise. "They're all adults. And we're not so old."
"Speak for yourself." She spins in her chair, drains the last of the coffee, sets aside her mug, smiles up at him. "I am enjoying my descent into stately old-ladydom." He stands and offers his hand, and she takes it and lets him help her up, wincing as one of her knees pops a bit. "Mostly. I'm mostly enjoying it."
Doggie keeps looking down at her. "You still look just like you did when we first met."
Her feathers ruffle a bit, but she just smiles. "And you're still a rascal, you've only gotten better at hiding it." She pulls her hand free of his, reaches up to take his face gently in both hands, and rises up on her toes to kiss him on the side of his nose. "Come on, old man. It's late, and we're not as young as we used to be."
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bots-basket · 4 years
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Snapshot: make a little doodle or drabble one of your favorite scenes!
{ Yeah So My Brain Miraculously Decided To have motivation and Did a Full blown Story with Pictures So Here Ya Go!
*Note: Some of the pics used are screenshot redraws. }
🌀Vortex 🌀
Terrible. Absolutely Terrible. How could things Go So Bad?
The Tobot Crew had Awoken To a start. The Princess had Gone Missing! Onyx was the first to realize she was Missing when she didn't come out for breakfast that Morning. At First The Eldest Kept it to himself as he searched around the Junkyard, Hoping he'd Just find her Hiding or sleeping in a Random Place again. Whenever he didn't have to Worry his little Brothers the better. But After a while of Searching he Began to get concerned.. and So Did His siblings.
It was obvious that this was going to be an unavoidable Conversation, So He told Rox and Zephyr the News. Zephyr was the first to Panic.
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Zephyr Exclaimed as he Flared his Arms around in worry. How Could she be Missing?! She was Just here Last Night.. Why would she Leave? Now she's Lost in the city with who knows what lurking around the next Bend.
Rox was also Wildly Concerned for the Princess, But Handled it a bit better for Zephyr's Sake. Though he Put on a Brave Face he couldn't Hide the worry in His Tone as he Looked to Onyx.
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" If we Hurry, we Might be able to find her- Right? I'll Do a Sweep of the entire City If I Have too.. W.. We'll definitely Find her.. No Matter what.. Right..?"
Onyx Looked to Rox and Zephyr and saw the complete Desperation in their Optics.. Glinting threw their Masks and Visors. He didn't Know where The princess could be or What has become of her.. But he Isn't going to Let Those negative Thoughts get to him. He has to be Strong.. for the Princess- And For his Brothers. He Gave a Swift Nod to Rox and Zephyr before responding and taking Charge of the Matter.~
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" We Are going to find her, But we'll Need to broaden our Search by splitting up. Rox, You Go North towards the City Shops And Keep an eye in the sky. Remember, She likes to Avoid Contact with others so keep close attention on the Side-streets. Zephyr, You Head South towards The Villages and see if she's at any of her usual Alone-time Spots. I'll Head towards the Woodland Area where she Goes to find lost things. And keep Your Comm units up."
The Two Smaller Bots Nodded before Transforming into their Alts and Zooming off to Go Look for the Princess. Before he Left he Glanced Around the Junkyard.. Something Was giving him a Bad Vibe that something was going to happen As soon as he Left this place.. He wasn't sure about why he was feeling this way, But He wasn't going to take it lightly.
/// *I'll Just Have to Keep my Guard Up..*\\\
It Had Been Over 2 Hours since the Squad had been Searching For Their Little Lost Princess.. And there was No Luck Or Clue to her whereabouts At All. Rox had Circled the City Twice Now .. He Hated to Admit it, But He was starting to Get as Worried as Zephyr was about Their Pilot. What Kind of Hero Could he be if he can't even protect the ones he Loves?
He was about to Double-back Once More when Something Caught the Edge Of His Optic. He Transformed Midair and Zoomed down to A Nearby Rooftop to get a Better Look at What he Saw. As he Peaked over the edge of The building, The Thing he saw was unmistakable.. He was going to need Backup. He Shakily Reached for His Comm Unit before speaking In A broken Tone.
[* I.. Found Her.. *]
[* What? Where!?* ]
[* Roxas Where's the Princess?*]
[*- Is Struggling to Answer-*]
[* ROXAS!*]
[* It's Tobais.. He's.. He's Got Her..*]
Onyx Felt as If an Arrow Pierced threw His Armor and into his Core as He Heard the Name That They All Dreaded come out of Rox's trembling Voice. No.. NO- Not Him.. Anyone But Him-! This has turned into the absolute Worse case Scenario. Whatever that Bad Man is planning he Must Be Stopped at Once! Their Princesses Life may depend on them-!
Zephyr Was Shaking too as he heard Tobais Ring out throughout his Mindcore. The Last encounter with Him Lead to The Poisoning Of the Princess.. they were forced to Do Terrible things just to get the Antidote. That man Was a Psychopath- who Knows What He'll Do To Their Princess now that she's in his Clutches. Even though he was scared of Tobais.. He Has To Be Brave! They Have to Save Her!
[* Rox, Where Are You Now? *]
[* I'm Down Norsh Street, Near the New Coin Factory. I Can see Some Of Tobais Badnicks Guarding the Place.. What Do I Do? *]
[* Staying Hidden will be the best move for Now Roxie, We'll come to you. We are Stronger together plus Have each other's backs Incase Tobais Might try to Capture you too. *]
[* Understood, I'll Keep You Posted if anything Happens.*]
Rox Hated All Of this. Tobais Never Fails to Get Under his Metal Plating. Why Must He Have his Wicked Heart Set On Torturing his Family! He's Crushed Rox's Dreams Of Being a Heroes To this City.. He Made them Become Criminals... all At The Princesses Expense. But This is it. He's going to Make Tobais Pay for everything He's Put him and his Family through.. There is No Redemption for this Villan.. He Must Be Vanquished.
It didn't Take Long For the Other two the Show Up and meet Rox on the rooftops. Having Scoping out the Area and Situation, The small Squad of Robots Came Up with a Plan. Now all they had to Do was Take Action. Onyx Glanced to his siblings before Whispering
" You ready to Storm the Villan's Castle?"
" Absolutely."
Zephyr Nodded as he made his Servos into a Fist. There's no way he's getting away with this.
" Then Let's Do This!"
Rox Shouted before Flipping off the Roof. The Mecha Guards Looked Up in surprise as The Orange Mech Came from outta Nowhere and Falcon Punched one of them Into The Factories Walls.
The Other Guards Quickly Armmed themselves with their Pistols and began Firing Blasts at Rox. In an Instance a Blue Energy Shield protected him from Taking any Damage. Behind the Shield stood Little Zephyr in a Protective Manner, Making Sure Rox Was Safe.
" I Am a Knight of Valor and Won't Let you do as you Please!"
Rox Smiled To Zephyr Before reaching for his second set of Wings And Unhitching them from his Back, Revealing that they were actually Duel Blades. He Gave a Swift Leap into the Air and Hovered above The Guard Robots. Placing his Blades together he dragged them against each other as an Electrical Pulse Began to Surge from his Body and into the Blades. With a Glint in his Optics Shinung through his Visor he Let Out his Catchphrase.
" To Save the Innocent From This Evildoer's Clutches, I Am a Hero! "
He Sent A Slash Of electricity Down Upon Most of the Guards, Leaving only a Few left Standing. The Last Of them Who Managed to Miss the Charge Of Rox's Ability Sent Guided Missiles at the Flying Mech, Attempting to Put him Out of they sky For Good.
The Eldest Sibling However wasn't going to let him be taken Down So Easily. With the whirl of his Cape He Skillfully Cloud stepped and Got infront of Rox within a Few movements. Raising his servo he managed to create a Magnetic Field to Divert the Course Of the Missiles and sent them Spiraling Down on his Opponents.
" Your End Is Near- For I Am Their Guardian, So Accept Your Fate."
Zephyr Stood his Ground as the Blasts from the Missiles Blowing Up the Remains of the Guards nearly sent him perpeling backwards. Before the Dust could even Settle The Three Hurried Inside The Factory Opening, Hoping that They could see some sort of Clue to where Tobais was keeping their Princess.
Bad Move.
As Soon as they Entered The Factory Bright Spotlights Blazed in their Optics Causing A Temporary Blindness in their visual Sensors. In an Instance Rox Felt Something Grab Onto his Wrist and Twist it Violently Behind his Back, Causing him To drop his Swords and let Out a Screech in Pain by the sudden forced Movement.
Onyx's Sensors Flicked Slightly as he whipped around Towards the direction of Rox's Screams. He Darted Towards the source while Unsheathing His Arm Blades. He Slashed In the direction Of the last known Sound, Hitting something.. Metallic. He Heard Rox give a Subtle Gasp as he felt the grip of his Attacker leave his Wrists for a Moment. The Purple Mechs Sensors Flicked Once more as he Glanced around Blindly. Suddenly he Felt something Grab his Leg- Slamming him into the ground and then Into Rox in a Brutal Manner.
" ACK- *SLAM* UGH-!"
" UCK-"
Zephyr's Headfins Flapped Wildly as Anxiety began to Creep into his Mindcore as he Frantically Tried to Figure out what was happening. And Fact that he couldn't see anything didn't Really help his Demeanor either. All He could Do was the cries of Pain Of his Big Brothers as something was Attacking them.
Then The Sound of Metal crashing to the ground stopped abruptly- Causing him to Literally freeze in Panic. He Felt a cold Shivver Creep up his Spine as Something loomed Over him. At that very Moment His Optical Functioning restarted... But it was too Late. A Metal Hand Slammed It's fist ontop the Little Bot, Knocking him Out Cold.
In a Few Moments The Squad Came too, And Found themselves in a Very dreadful Situation. They were Hanging from The Ceiling in a Steel-Inforced Net, All Of their Weapons and Gear was confiscated, And Worst of All- There Stood Ontop a Mighty Mech was Tobais, Wearing a Wicked Smirk as he Held Held up Their Beloved Princess.. With a Look of True Terror in Her Tear filled Eyes.
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Rox Snarled as he Grabbed onto the Metal Netting, Attempting to Break Threw It. HOW DARE HE TREAT THE PRINCESS THAT WAY!! Showing her off Like Some Trophy he'd won. If he has hurt her in anyway he was going to Cause some Serious Damage to this Dude.
" wHy Are You Doing this To Us-! Release the Princess!.. Please..She's Done Nothing To You- "
Zephyr Was Trembling as he Spoke. The Sight Of His Princess So Afraid Made him Scared aswell.. He knows What this Man was capable Of.. And the Fact that He Not Only has Her.. But he Single Handedly managed to Capture All three of them aswell Made him Even More Afraid. The edges of His Optics Began to Spike to mimic that Of Crying.. He wished he could Just wake up from this Nightmare.
" What Do You Want Tobais! We'll Do whatever You Say, You have Us! Just Don't Hurt Her! She's Just a Child! She doesn't have a use for Your Plans!"
Onyx Called Out in hopes Of Negotiating with Him. He would give himself Up If it meant protecting Her.. They Owe her their Lives, He can't just let her Loose hers.
But Tobais, on the other hand, Could Honestly Care Less. He Only Laughed at their pleas Before Throwing their Princess Off the Mech and watched as she crashed to the ground. She groaned in pain As she weakly looked up to her Protectors Dangling helplessly in the air calling out to her.
The Prof. gave a Small Humm as he Turned his Attention to the Trio Aggressively trying to Get To their Pilot, Only to Continuously Fail. It was Quite Amusing To say the least.
" Your Right You Know.. I Don't need Her.. But I Don't need You anymore either. I have Proven that A Human Mind and Intellect Is Stronger than your Dumb Little Mindcores with this Mech."
~ He Smiled as He Slid into the Cockpit of the Mecha And Stood Proudly Behind their Fallen Pilot. ~
" Now I'll Be Able to Achieve my Greatest Ambitions with This Mech suit. Best Of all I won't have to Worry about you Ruining my Schemes. I'm Sure You're gonna make Great Spare Parts once I Dismantle you. I'm sorry To Say but.. You've Outlived Your Usefulness.. Just Like this Child."
~ He Moved The Large Mech Towards the Girl, It's Large Metal Feet shaking the factory with each Step.. She Couldn't get away.. she couldn't even see it coming.. Her Fate was set as the Giant Mech Lifted it's Pede Above their Pilot.~
" So Long little Princess."
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" NO..-!"
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" NOOO!"
She Saw the Metal Foot Coming Down Upon Her.. She Heard the Horror striken Cries of her Tobots.. she couldn't see a way Out.. She Closed her eyes and Let out One Last Shriek as the tears began to Flow down her Face..
In that Instance, A Few Moments before disaster Something happened. Tobais Felt The Mech be sent Backwards as Something with Great force Rammed into it. When he went to See what the heck Just Hit him, He Couldn't believe his eyes. There, Towering Over the Small Child he was Going to crush... Was a Panther Of some sort.. No.. It wasn't a Panther.. It was a Tobot! But that can't be possible.. He'd never seen any Tobot that looked like him before- Where'd she get ANOTHER ONE-!?
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" I Am Bass, Her Solider Of Destruction. All who Dare Hurt her Shall Succumb To My Claws..
So. Stay. away. From. My. MASTER."
Bass Snarled As the edges Of His Servos Dug into the Ground. He Didn't know who this was, Or How he even Managed to Capture her Guards and get his Grubby Little Hands on his Master.. But he's Going to make him Regret the day he even Laid eyes on Her. Bass hated to Admit it, But He's Grown rather Found Of his Master.
Ever Since she Helped Him Escape From his Creators.. From his predetermined Fate.. He Decided that Rosie and Rosie Alone Shall be His Master. But the time has come for Him To Step Up and Make it Known That She is His.
Tobias Was Appalled to be threatened by a Raggedy Looking Robot! Doesn't he Know who he Is! He'll teach this Dumb Cat Some Manners!
The Mech Regained itself before Sending a servo Towards the two, Aggressively Grabbing at them. In an Instant Bass Grabbed onto The scruff Of Rosie's Hoodie and Leapt Backwards, Avoiding being Caught By Tobais's Grasp. As The Mecha Grabbed and Swung at Them, The Feline-Estique Tobot Manged to Dodge every Swing Skillfully- Jumping into the Air with each Swing. As He was In Midair The Mech's Other Servo Grabbed his Leg and threw him into the ground with a Forceful *CRASH!*
Bass uses his Body to Sheild Rosie From Receiving any Damage from the Collision with the Floor. He Let Out a Hiss Of Pain as he Landed infront the Trapped Trio Struggling to get free. He Glanced at Them and then to Tobias Closing in on them. He Got to his Pedes and Set The Child Down Before Stepping ahead of her to Face the Man in the Mech.
"This Ends Now. "
He Let out a Thunderous Roar Before Slamming his Servos onto the Floor- Letting his Claws Dig deep to give himself Stability for The Stunt he was About to Pull. His Back Arched and Snarled. His Tail Began To Sperate into Sections as a Dark Purple Substance Swirled Out of It..
Tobais Couldn't believe what he saw! This Tobot.. Had Created A VORTEX!? How Could Something Like this even be possible!? He didn't Have time To Process what Was Happening as a Bright Purple Glow Engulfed the Room..
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A Large Purple Vortex Opened In the middle Of a Clearing beside a Lake- Throwing Bass, The Trio, And The Princess Safely- But roughly- Onto the Grass. The group Gave a Slight Groan as they Slowly Regained themselves. Bass Looked Over Rosie to Make sure she didn't hurt herself from the fall. Rox was the first Person to break The Silence
" I'm Sorry But What The Heck Just Happened-?!"
"..I.. I'm Unsure.."
Onyx Rubbed the Side Of his helm as he Glanced around the Area.. He didn't recognize this place at all.. Were they even still in the city? His attention shifted to the Mech Checking over their Princess.. He remember he had Appeared Suddenly and Saved her.. But just Who was he exactly..? He Flinched Slightly as the other looked back to him.
" I Created a Vortex To send us somewhere Safe."
Bass Spoke Up as he Finished Looking over His Master. She Only seemed to Have Sprained her wrist, Other than that She was just a little shaken up. That was a Relief. He Gave the Girl Her Glasses and Stood Upwards while Brushing himself off.
" Ah, Yes..Who the Heck are You! "
Rox Pointed his Digit At Bass As The Mech Stood Up. It's not that he isn't grateful or anything on how he kept the Princess Safe.. But How does a Random Guy Come outta Nowhere, Just Totally CLAIM the Princess, Face-off with Tobias, and Then Just Poof! Sent them to who knows where just like that!?
" I literally Just Declared my Name Five minutes Ago. But I suppose you couldn't hear me over your Failure to Protect The Kid."
Bass responded Coldly as his Tail Lashed From side to Side. He definitely wasn't impressed with His masters So Called 'Guardians.'
" WHAT!!"
Rox's Wings Flapped as He let out a Low Churr in irritation. Just Who does this Guy Think He Is!
" You Heard me. I'm surprised she's managed to survive this long Under Your Care."
The Mech Scoffed.
" Why You-"
He Growled as He Went to Punch The Smug Cat
" Roxie.."
Zephyr Placed his Servo on Rox's Shoulder and Looked at him with One of those Looks. Just Let it Go.. He Helped the Princess and That's all that matters.
The Orange Mech looked to Zephyr and then to Bass and Huffed. Fine! Whatever! Let the jerk be a Jerk. At least he seems like the Loner type to Ridicule You Before Leaving in a Pretty Stupidly awesome Manner.
" Thank You For Your Assistance.. We Owe You Our Lives. "
Onyx Smiled Warmly to the other and offered his Servo to him. But that Motion didn't seem to fair well with the feline as he Avoided it like the plague. Onyx Lowered His Servo and Frowned Slightly.. Did he just Offend Him..? He Glanced to Zephyr and Just Shrugged.
" Let's Start Over.. I'm Zephyr! And these are My Older Brothers Rox and Onyx.. And You Are..?"
Zephyr Caught Onto Onyx's Motion and Quickly tried to Apologise while Also get on his good Side. He must Obviously be a Good Person To Come and Help them in A Time of Need, Right?
" *Tch* My Name is Bass, And from Now On I shall be the True Protector of Your 'Princess'. "
He Stated as he wrapped his Long Tail Around Rosie in an Defensive Manner while Glaring at the Trio. There was No Way he was Just going to let them Be her Caretakers. From Now On He's Going to Be Her Protector.. and there's Nothing they can Do About it.
" W H A T - "
All three Siblings Gasped in Unison-
Well that Was Unexpected. Looks like their Lives are About to get A Bit More Interesting~
~ End..? ~
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