#They are all waiting for Adrien to leave so they can get down to business
iwasbored777 · 2 years
Emilie downstairs listening to Gabriel, Nathalie and Tomoe planning a murder of two children:
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miabrown007 · 1 year
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Adrien Agreste: rich, lonely, freshly aware of the fact that he's expected to take over not a fashion, but a drug empire. Marinette Dupain-Cheng: broke, angry, freshly aware of the fact that bringing down drug empires is a blast. But where would she be without her team, Alya and Nino, and her very good friend, Luka? Not to mention the team’s newest addition, the kind, the funny, the ultra charming Chat Noir. If Marinette likes him, that’s alright, though. It isn’t like she’s dating Adrien Agreste for real. It’s all just part of her ten-step plan to make the Agrestes meet their demise.
with illustration from @art-the-f-up in the chapter!
many many thanks to @ladyofthenoodle and @khanofallorcs for beta-reading! <3
Chapter 1 - Eyes Wide Shut (3,835 words, 1/32 chapters)
Adrien Agreste is at a standstill, perched up way above ground, and he hates every second of it.
Like a marionette waiting for its next command, his arms dangle by his elbows, prim and proper. He has no idea for how long he has to exist like this—because letting him know about decisions affecting his own life feels like a revolutionary concept no one has ever considered—but he knows he is getting tired. If only he knew how to cut his strings; but it's impossible when he barely sees them.
Even if he could, the question remains, what would he do after?
"Raise this arm a little higher, dear." Violet nudges him.
Adrien complies. The more seamlessly he follows the instructions, the sooner he's done with any task. He knows. It doesn't make him hate the process less, though.
He doesn't even know exactly why they are taking his measurements for this particular outfit. The black lounge suit had been an item for the 'dystopian fashion collection', a failure so spectacular in its Gallup poll that the project had been shut down before the first concepts were presented to the wider staff.
But Adrien has gotten over the need to ask questions. He endures the tape-measure’s dance around him silently, and doesn't mention that it's probably overkill to be wearing the black face mask that goes with the suit. Truth be told, it's quite cute with the white whiskers. It's something Adrien can imagine taking a liking to—were it not for the inherent design flaw of making breathing impossible.
All things considered, the collection's downfall isn't such a wonder. It'd have been hard to find any sane person willingly submitting themselves to wearing these masks, bar something devastatingly convincing, like a global pandemic, occurring. Paired with the inbuilt ‘bonus’ of preventing recognition by even your closest friends, Adrien is of the opinion the design never stood a chance.
Of course, haute couture has never been about functionality. Designer items sell by the brand name. This is why the lack of recognition surrounding the purple butterfly used to puzzle Adrien. After all—according to everyone he’s ever talked to—his father is a great and successful businessman. So, he figured, there's a lot he couldn’t know about running a financially successful business, and thus the origins of the Agreste wealth.
Money had never been more than a mere concept to him. His family had always had it. And with money had come the business trips his father had taken twice a month, as well as the myriad of staff around the mansion Adrien had grown up in. It had been just their way of living—cold rooms, deep frowns, and deeper curtsies—and so he’d never stopped to consider: where has all the money been coming from?
In hindsight, it should have been evident.
And Adrien could have seen it— Adrien should have seen it. His only excuse for this blind spot is his very nature: being his father’s son, born more than raised. But even that thin line of defence crumbles under the significance of the issue.
He had tried telling himself that he’d always been trained to drop the questions and follow orders. To look the other way when business papers get signed. To leave banalities be, like the way his mother vanished one day when he was eleven. To turn up the music when the arguments get too loud and pots of cranberry sauce splashed on the tiles. He had tried to convince himself that when he’d started to study the company’s records—instead of studying architecture, like he’d wanted to—they’d all looked oh-so-very-orderly, so really, he couldn’t have known. He had tried, but…
In the end, the argument of ‘how was he supposed to know the family business he’s been preparing to take over is not a fashion empire, but a drug cartel?’ falls flat on its face.
Eyes wide shut don’t turn the lights any less red.
[read the whole chapter on AO3]
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sizzleissues · 1 year
Akumatised (minor season 5 spoilers)
(AU- Marinette is akumatised. Snippet for an idea) (1174 words)
There’s a rap on the glass of his window and all it takes is for him to see red to lower the pane on the control console. Ladybug drops down, landing heavier than usual and darts to his side, putting herself between him and the open window.
“No, Scarabella. Ladybug’s… busy.” She responds. As she says it his eyes adapt to the darkness to see the differences between them. She’s broader and darker, built more to use her fists than to weave through air. She puts them up, shifting anxiously on her feet as her eyes remain trained on the window.
“What are you waiting for?
A figure flits past just as the words leave his mouth. His stomach drops, realising he’s pinned behind Scarabella and he can’t run off to transform. He has to face whatever she’s so fearful will reach him.
The figure flies past again, this time stopping outside his room. It perches there, head twitching and cocking to the side and then crawls in. 
Adrien scoots further behind Scarabella.
“Marinette, stop playing around!” Scarabella calls out. She drops down from the window, collapsing into a heap that’s overcome with shadows. Then she rebuilds herself, a white grin visible through unnatural darkness. 
She steps out of the shadow, her skin pallor and her face twisted into something evil. Her eyes are shrouded in darkness that seems to ebb and flow further down her body. She’s somewhere between goddess and demon and it's perhaps the fact he can’t tell that scares him most.
“What happened to her?” He’s shouting when everything is silent. Marinette, or whoever she’s become, edges closer and Scarabella moves back. 
“She got akumatised. I need you to talk to her. Convince her to reject it.” 
There’s pain in Scarabella’s voice, cracks in its walls because she’s already worn it thin. She needs his voice now. 
He hates himself for not knowing Marinette was in pain. Hates himself for finding stones in his throat when he tries to speak. He’d seen her that morning. She was waiting on the footpath at school. She smiled and she said. “I love you, you know.” 
“What?” He’d laughed. She’d taken his hand in hers and kissed his cheek. They walked, her head on his shoulder and their hands firmly clasped. He felt her breathe. 
 “I’d never hurt you.” 
She turns her head to him. “Adrien, darling. Come out from behind this big meanie.”
“Marinette, what happened?”
“It’s Justicia but I’ll let that slide. And I got better, baby, so come out and join me so I can judge you real quick.”
“Don’t.” Scarabella’s hand shoots out. “He can talk from here.” 
Marinette turns her head to the side. She doesn’t have eyes but he knows how they probably look right now. Sort of puzzled and squinted. It's how she looks at a problem. She’s still but it's obvious from her straight fists at her side that she wants to move but moving will set Scarabella off. She’s trying to figure out how to get what she wants without fighting.
Another akuma wouldn’t be debating such a thing. She’s still in there.
“Mar- Justicia, you’ll never hurt me remember? You can fight this.”
“Why would I fight this? I can help people. I can help you.” She steps forward, then back and he can see her fighting but he doesn’t know what. He doesn’t know what she’s thinking. Not anymore. This isn’t Marinette, he can’t let himself think it is. He won’t be able to save her.
“Scarabella, move. I need to see her properly.”
“I can’t do that.” She looks back at him and he sees her tears. Her round brown eyes are murky with saline, her lower lip clenched like a purse, trembling like it held back rivers. Her hands held back Justicia still. It hit him, right then why it was Scarabella not Ladybug.
“Scarabella, why isn’t Ladybug here?”
“I told you, she’s busy.”
Her eyes betray her. Alya always had a problem with staring. She’ll keep your secrets but her eyes wander.
“She’s ‘busy’ then. I need to see her, Alya.”
Alya stares with her big brown eyes and deflates. All the ladybug bravado just drops to her knees and she buckles.
“Aw, fuck nuggets. You figured it out.” She whispers it, keeping her eyes wary of Justicia. It's open now between her and him but Justicia still doesn’t move.
“I need you to get her back. Get Ladybug back because I’m not cut out for this. Chat Noir isn’t answering my calls and figures Nettie’ would make a mean akuma. Girls got shit bottled up for days.”
He wants to say ‘I’m right here’ but it can only be assumed Monarch’s listening in. No need to reveal everything right now. 
“Justicia, I need you to fight this. You don’t want this. Marinette doesn’t want this.”
Justicia extends her hand, dropping a disc like her yo-yo from her hand. Her attention is on it as it swings. It's almost like she can’t hear him. 
It zips back into her hand and she looks up with a grin.
“Guess your heart is good then, pretty boy. Wanna be saved?” 
“From what? It’s you who needs to be saved.”
Justicia shakes her head, giggling. Her tongue is black.
“Of course you need to be saved, Adrien.” Her voice is all sing-songy and caramel until it isn’t anymore. “You live in a hole! The only good thing in your life is getting taken away. He’s taking you from me, Adrien, don’t you see? Let me fix this, let me stop him.”
“This isn’t the way. Is this why you’re upset? You know I don’t have a choice.”
“You aren’t listening!” Her body jolts forward, her hands reaching for him. She wails and drops to the floor. “You aren’t listening. I’m not mad because you're leaving. It’s not your fault. It’s Gabriel’s. Let me stop him. Let me kill him.”
She seizes on the ground. She’s in pain and there’s nothing he can do. He’s half-way to her when she stands suddenly. “If you aren’t going to let me help you then I have to go. Please reconsider, I’ll only ask once. I don’t want to have to go against you.”
He bites his lip and shakes his head. It’s killing him to say no because it’s killing her that he is. But this isn’t Marinette and he can’t afford to think that way.
She leaves, zipping out the window. Alya turns to him as she prepares to follow.
“Hang tight. Chat Noir will be here soon, he might be able to get through to her. If not, I'll need his help to fight her. I won’t let him find out her identity, don’t worry. It’s bad enough you know, Marinette didn’t want any of this.”
He nods, moving back to let her catch up when a thought strikes him.
“How did you get her miraculous?”
Alya pales. She tugs on her yo-yo string and zips away. “Sorryyyyy-.”
(AU- Marinette is akumatised..... on purpose)
So YAY this is the idea I came up with for an akumatised marinette. She and Alya come up with a hairbrain scheme for her to get akumatised on purpose in order to use the power against Monarch. I'm headcanoning that the magic identity shield applies to thoughts too so Monarch can't read the bit about Marinette being Ladybug as long as she hasn't renounced the miraculous. If she loudly declares it of course he'll find out.
But then Monarch gets his grimy manipulative fingers in her brain so it isn't as easy as the girls planned. He can tell she really wants to save people (just not why) but bad people keep trying to ruin everything. He gives her the power to save everyone, as long as her scales decide they are worthy.
Wanted to write a salt free akumanette because while sometimes character actions make me want to bash them over the head, I think its important to write a non-salt akuma fic to keep everything interesting.
NOW I'LL DESIGN HER! and probably write this too
all going to be under akumanette au when I get to it!
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Remember back in “Ephemeral” when Gabriel told Adrien to represend him at the 100th collection launch bc Gabriel is obsessed with terrorism and a shit dad?
Yeah? Good. Do you also remember what his excuse was?
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Gabe my Babe, youre not feeling what? You’re not felling WELL? As in...sick? So only Adrien is left to take your position/ represent you in this immensly influencial business because Nathalie isnt feeling peachy either?
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But oh! How interesting! Nathalie is shown to help Adrien get through this despite being in very bad health herself
Why does all of that ring some kind of faint bell?
Ah, yes!
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That was very specific forshadowing!
Which does make alot of sense when you think about it. “Elation” already showed us that the cataclysm injury is starting to cause Gabriel physical pain again in episode 9:
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and non of this is going to get any better for him, thats for sure.
For Nathalie though I had assumed by the end of s4 that Nathalie IS able to get back to full health again, but now “Passion” says that she’s doomed too:
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So it seems Nathalie may have gotten better by now when it comes to the direct symptoms of the overuse of the peacock miraculous, but that doesnt stop the fatal long-term effects it has on her body. I guess that does check out.
And that means, with both Gabriel and Nathalie doomed to their ever futher-spreading illnesses set up to result in death, at some point neither of them can represent the business anymore without risking people catching onto the sicknesses. So I guess that only leaves the very obvious solution of having Adrien be the one to take over the position.
Although it does raise the questions of if or how Gabriels sickness can remain a secret from Adrien in all of this. Sure, NOW thats still possible to cover up but in what condition will he be in in another 9 episodes? Is Gabriel just never going to leave the lair again later in the season and Nathalie will tell Adrien that his father left elsewhere (without proplerly saying goodbye; season 4 finale possibly forshadowed that the other way around with Adrien leaving and Gabriel staying) and now Adrien has to fill in some of his fathers responsibilities? I mean, Adrien would have the time for it now that he isnt a model anymore.
Edit: The Tsurugi business might end up threatening to take over Gabriels business near the end too, since it’ll simply need a competent adult leader with gabriel and Nathalie down. That would fit surprisingly WELL too now in s5!
I dont see any reason why “Ephemeral” shouldnt have been legit forshadowing for s5, it sure felt weirdly “next-level for the Agreste story” in season 4.
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onomonopetabread · 10 months
Declawing the Cat, Chapter 3 (after literally three years)
“Father, do I have to go?” Adrien asked for the hundredth time.
“Of course Adrien. I refuse to go on a business trip as important as this one without you. You’re my son.”
Felix rolled his eyes. He and his mother were visiting the two bachelors (against his actual will, obviously). Everyone in the room knew the real reason why Adrien had to go; he was the face of the brand, and it was common fashion knowledge that to go to such a high-ranking event without your leading model would get you shunned and cancelled. ‘You’re my son’ EVERYONE’S arse.
It was obvious that Adrien was all too aware of this fact, because he couldn’t seem to run out of excuses for why he couldn’t go.
Well, he could also not wish to go because of how brain-numbingly boring the whole affair is, and honestly, who could blame him? This year’s Annual Pre-Junior’s Fashion Competition Assembly was being held in Sydney, and all of the biggest names in the industry were going to attend. The assembly takes place over the course of two. Entire. Months. For what, not even the attendees know. Felix swears, these designers were as mad as a bag of ferrets.
I mean, if you’re into that sort of thing, like Miss I’m-all-that Ginger Breadhouse, you’d probably be in Seventh Heaven there, but if you were, how do you say, normal, you’d sell your soul to be another else. In fact, Felix could almost bet Chat Noir’s Miraculous that Adrien would sign that demonic contract in a heartbeat if that were an option.
“But Father, what about school? I’ll miss so much instruction-”
“Natalie will tutor you, just like she did before you attended that … institution.”
“And my fencing practice? Surely, you wouldn’t want me to miss out on those.”
“Adrien, are you suggesting that they don’t have fencing areas in Sydney?”
“No, I’m just saying that fencing without Kagami wouldn’t be the same…”
“Well, you aren’t going to be fencing with her forever, so think of this as a sample for the future. Now, no more of this arguing, Adrien. You are going to the Assembly and that’s final. Have I made myself clear?”
Adrien’s shoulders slumped in defeat and for a heartbeat, Felix felt sympathetic. “Yes, Father.”
“Good, now go pack some clothes you will need for the weeks. We won’t be at the events the entire time, so I will permit you to bring some of your own wardrobe. Please remember we will be there for a long time, so pack accordingly.”
And with that, they were all dismissed. Adrien trugged upstairs looking particularly peeved. He invited Felix to come with him, and Felix agreed, but only to keep up appearances. If he knew any better, Felix would have sworn that he heard him talking to someone on the way up, but he decided to ignore it; he couldn’t be bothered to guess what weird habits his wanker of a cousin had.
Once they got to Adrien’s room, Felix sat himself down at the piano while Adrien took out a suitcase from his closet and started choosing some informal clothing for when they were just doing day-to-day activities.
“Can you believe that he’s making me go, Felix?”
“Yes, I can believe it.”
“AND we have to leave tomorrow! I won’t even get the chance to say goodbye to our friends.”
“Not to worry, cousin dearest. I’ll tell them for you. Anyways, don’t look at this trip as a burden, look at it as a new opportunity. You can gather information and resources for your friend Marinette.”
Adrien’s face brightened at the mention of his friend and Felix rolled his eyes when his back was turned. He swears, all it takes to cheer him up was to be reminded that Pigtails was alive and well somewhere on the planet.
“You’re right, Felix! This way I can help her pursue her dreams! I can’t wait until we get back to tell her everything I’ve learned about the industry.”
“...Can’t you just text or call her?”
“You mean with my phone?”
“No Adrien, I mean with a plastic banana you can buy at the baby store. Yes I mean your phone!”
Adrien paused in the middle of folding a t-shirt and packing it into a suitcase. “I didn’t tell you? Father confiscated it for ‘my own good’. He thinks I spend too much time around my friends and not enough time focusing on my studies, so it’s with him for the time being.”
Well, there goes Felix’s plan to pull a quick cell prank before Adrien leaves. “Adrien Bartholomew Agreste, is that resent I hear in your voice?”
“Yes, it is. I’m tired of responsibilities and having people depend on me every second that I breathe. That’s why I wanted to go to school in the first place; it gives me eight hours of non-Agreste related freedom.”
Felix narrowed his eyes. What did this boy know about responsibilities? All he had to do was play a keyboard, wave a stick around, and look pretty for pictures. Felix couldn’t understand how a job like that could burden someone so badly.
“Goodness, Adrien. You make it sound as though Uncle asks you to carry the weight of the entire ever-loving world on your shoulders.”
Adrien sighed. “That’s just how I feel, sometimes. Anyways, I think these are all of the casual clothing Father will let me take with me. Maybe if I’m lucky, he might not see the video game I hid under them all.”
The next day was a Saturday, so Felix the delivery boy was going to have to give the mega-twits the message at a later time. Today, it was all about acting as emotional as he could for the departure of his Cousin & Co. gabriel thought it would be a good idea for Felix and his mother to stop by the mansion every once in a while to make sure everything was all right, accounted for, and in the case of the house plants, watered. This was news to Felix. He doubted his uncle was even a living being, let alone the type of person to have plants in his home. Right now, they were standing next to the family limo. Natalie and gabriel were talking to Ape Man about transportation in Australia.
“Oh, darling Adrien, I’m so sad to see you go. We only just now got here, and you’re leaving. Why must the fates keep up apart?”
“It’s alright, Aunt Amilie. We’ll be back before you even realize we’re gone.”
“We? Oh, I wasn’t talking about your father, dear. I wouldn’t mind some time away from him. Anyways, I hope you have the best time in Australia. Bring something back for me, will you? I’ve always wanted to get a real boomerang, ever since I was a young girl.”
“I’ll be sure to get you the best boomerang in the country, Aunt A. What about you Felix? Do you want me to get you anything?”
Felix, who was standing some ways behind the others, pretended to ponder it over. “Bring me a friendship bracelet.”
“...A friendship bracelet?”
“If you can’t find one it’s okay I really don’t mind-”
“No, I’ll get you a bracelet. I was only surprised because you aren’t really the type to want one.”
He’s right- there was no way on Good Green Earth would he want some dingly little arts and crafts project. There also wasn’t any way that maybe he wanted his cousin thinking about him during his trip, that he wanted to envision Adrien getting something for him. Don’t even think about considering that Felix felt bad for him, dealing with the devil himself in a new place and wanting to give him something to do. Nope. Not a chance. Felix simply thought that Adrien would look hilarious running around Australia looking for beads and twine.
“...Just make sure you make me a good one, alright?”
Adrien smiled as though he could read right into Felix’s mind, and of course he had to look completely handsome in doing so. Stupid model. They practically had the same face and somehow Felix ended up looking like the off-brand knockoff.
“Adrien, we have to go now. The plane leaves in five hours,” gabriel said, entering the car.
“Why do we need to leave so soon?”
“So that I can buy fabrics with threads, gather all of my designs, double check with Natalie that the suite is still booked for us-”
“Alright, Father. I understand. Well, bye Felix. I’ll miss you.”
With that, he entered the limousine and the four of them drove away.
“Come Felix. Let’s go check the house for anything they might have accidentally left behind. We wouldn’t want them to leave something important,” said Amilie, still a little teary-eyed over the loss of her precious little baby nephew. She couldn’t stand the idea of being away from him for so long, even though his look-alike (her own bloody son) was right in front of her. Of course, Felix wasn’t bitter! Why wouldn’t ever say such a thing?
“Yes, Mother. Would you like me to check Adrien’s room?”
“Please, dear. Oh, look at you, watching over your cousin! And to think you said you wouldn’t like him!”
It was as though his mother never met him. Couldn’t she see that he was just trying to gain some sort of upper hand against Mr. Perfect or to uncover a secret of his? On the sunny side, at least he knows his facade is effective. He was beginning to worry that someone other than Blue-Eyed Phoenix Wright would figure him out.
Felix pushed open the door of Adrien’s room and immediately began to look around and turn things over. He was being extremely careful to make sure that everything he touched was put back in the place he got it from. After looking through his closet and library, however, he was disappointed to find that Adrien was actually as innocent as he seemed (and acted). In fact, the worst thing he could find was a disturbing amount of Ladybug memoria. It was a pity, really. Felix hadn’t blackmailed anyone in a long time, and he was beginning to get antsy. He turned around and headed out.
“Adrien, is that you? I thought you said you weren’t going to come back for another two months.”
Felix did a complete 180 and faced the source of the voice, which seemed to be some sort of floating cat-thing. It looked like a deer in headlights.
“You aren’t Adrien. Wait, are you okay, you seem to be swaying-?”
The thing was right; he was feeling woozy, and it didn’t take him that long to hit the floor, having fainted. The last thing he heard was the talking cat muttering,
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artzychic27 · 1 year
For the Monster High AU, Abbey Bominable quotes with Yeti Ivan?
Ivan: You are short like baby yak.
Nathaniel: Guilty.
Adrien: Um, I really like your boots.
Ivan: This small talk is not necessary. People round here talk too much about too little. Sometimes is better to just close the mouth.
Adrien: Wow. Rude.
Ivan: ‘But I am not rude. I am helping to save his breath.’
Nino: So, Ivan, what do you think of Adrien?
Ivan: New boy is starting to grow on me like moss… What? Is good thing.
Ivan: Do not understand why ghouls must wait to be asked to dance. Why can't we just go and dance?
Lila: Hey, new boy. Carry my books for me, cutie?
Ivan: My name not is “cutie.” It is Ivan. *Freezes Lila’s book and walks away*
Lila: Um, that’s my seat!
Ivan: I stay.
Lila: Do you know who I am?
Ivan: Mean girl with horrid hair?
Kim: I-I can’t believe this! I’ve never been in trouble before! Aren’t you worried?!
Ivan: You threw snowball at me first. Principal will bring hammer down on you.
Kim: But I didn’t- This is all a big misunderstanding!
Ivan: I understand perfectly. You want war with Ivan? You get war.
Ivan: *Before Cosette can run past him, he picks her up* Rules say no horseplay in hall. This includes the bull.
Cosette: B-but she-!
Ivan: I will handle her.
Cosette: … Fine.
Adrien: Are you… Crying?
Ivan: *Crying icicles* I am sad now. This surprising?
Adrien: Well… Yes. You seem so cold. I didn’t think you cared or, had any emotions.
Ivan: Well, I do.
Ivan: What point of playing if you just let him win?
Ivan: *Sighs*
Nino: Hey, Ivan. You ready for finals this week- Oh, uh, are you okay?
Ivan: I am fine. Feeling top of world
Juleka: It looks like you been crying?
Ivan: Me? Never. I’m not sad.
Nathaniel: I love the art studio at DuPont. It is just like painting in Notre Dame.
Ivan: *Revving a chainsaw* Would be easier if our inscaration model would stand still.
Lacey: *Sniffs* Sorry. I have a cold.
Denise: I have truly outdone myself!
Ivan: *Admiring his new look in the mirror* Actually, I love it. Now, I must-
Denise: Si, si, the train station, I know. But! You can’t leave Monster Pichu without seeing our fabulous jungle.
Ivan: But after that, no more monkey business.
*Later, they’re running from spider monkeys*
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@msweebyness @imsparky2002
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intercoursefluids · 1 year
Where Do I Belong Chapter 3
Marinette shouldered her bag, waiting for Alya and Nino to finish gathering their belongings. 
They had a plan, they would walk to each of their houses together, gather their supplies, and meet everyone else back at Chloe’s.
It was a good plan. With everything that had happened recently, being able to get something under control felt amazing for everyone, it felt even better that they were all putting their heads together to find Adrien.
It helped them do something other than just sitting around and waiting for news on the case.
What didn’t feel so good however, was how everyone else in the school had been giving the “Akuma Class” a wide berth.
They tried to be subtle, not outright running away when one of its members walked in the room but still leaving the first chance they got.
It hurt but Marinette understood.
Hawkmoth just loved to target her and her classmates, it was to be expected that everyone would be rather cautious.
What wasn’t expected, and was rather unsettling, was how quiet Hawkmoth had been.
The whole class had been on edge. Jumping whenever something fluttered near them, constantly looking around for any signs of evil butterflies.
The longer they went without an attack, the more anxious everyone got. 
They were stuck in an awful loop.
Marinette was pulled from her thoughts at two different hands jerking her back onto the sidewalk just as a motorcycle blew past.
“Thanks, Nino.” Marinette smiled at him, ignoring Alya’s betrayed gasp from behind her.
“Thanks ‘Nino’ ?! How about a ‘Thanks Alya !’. ‘Cause y’know, I kinda saved your life there girl!” Alya blurted, yanking on Marinette’s arm.
Marinette turned to Alya, a completely blank look on her face.
“Nino pulled me to safety, you tried to simultaneously launch me into the concrete and rip my arm off.”
Nino snorted beside her, nudging her to walk since the light had changed.
Alya sputtered, dramatically claiming betrayal and abandonment as they neared Marinette’s Grandpa Rolland’s place.
The group walked through the door still giggling, quietening down once they noticed the guests in the living room.
Two men and two boys around their age.
“Oh, hello! Sorry, I just need to grab a couple things then I’ll be out of your hair.”
Marinette turned to walk to the room she had been staying in, her friends following close behind when her Grandpa called out to her.
“Marinette. Come sit down, we need to talk.”
Marinette turned just in time to catch the glances that the men sent each other.
They seemed confused, and a little worried.
Marinette looked at her friends, shrugging at them before turning around and taking a seat in an armchair.
Nino and Alya followed her, Nino resting his elbows against the back of the chair and Alya sitting down beside Marinette’s legs, throwing her arms in her lap.
“I’m not sure you will want your friends here for this, Marinette. This will be very personal for you.” Rolland warned her.
Marinette looked at Alya, feeling Nino place his hand on her shoulder in silent support. She was starting to worry.
“They can stay.” Marinette stayed firm, if more life changing news was going to be dropped on her, she would need her friends.
Rolland nodded, seeming to accept her answer even if he didn’t approve.
“Do you remember how your father and I had refused to talk to each other for a few years? I believe you were told that it was because I didn’t approve of the way he was doing things.” Rolland never looked away from her eyes, it made her more nervous than it should.
“I remember.” Marinette was hesitant, leaning more and more into her friends’ support.
“What you were told is only half true. It wasn’t that I disapproved how Tom handled his business, I disapproved of him adopting you.” 
The air was punched out of her lungs. A roaring sound filled Marinette’s ears, it was like she was underwater.
All of a sudden Marinette was aware of everything, Nino’s hand moving from her shoulder to wrap around her chest in a one armed hug, Alya’s gasp, the straight panic that had made its place on the two strange men’s faces. The shock and concern on the boys’ faces.
How her Grandpa- how Rolland - was looking at her. It was pity, pure and unadulterated pity.
“What…?” Her voice sounded like a whisper to her own ears but for all she knew she could have been shouting.
“With Tom and Sabine’s… unfortunate passing, I have decided that it would be best if you were sent back home.”
Marinette tried to speak but Rolland plowed on, talking over her.
“I tracked down your real family, they expressed how overjoyed they would be to take you back and came to Paris to pick you up. I have taken the liberty of packing your belongings for you. You will be going home-”
“I AM HOME!” Marinette screamed, shooting out of her seat. Her chest was heaving, she felt like she couldn’t breathe, she was drowning.
“I am home! This is my home! Paris is my home! I don’t understand! What are you talking about?!” Marinette’s voice was ragged, sobs wracking her body as she demanded answers.
“Do not raise your voice at me child! I am doing what is right! Paris was never meant to be your home! You belong with your family!” Rolland’s voice echoed around the small building but it didn’t deter Marinette.
“I am with my family! You are my family! I belong here!” Marinette sobbed. It was too much, too much all at once.
“This is why I told them not to adopt you! Your REAL family has come for you and you can’t accept it! I told them that this was not how it was done! You do not separate family from one another!”
“I AM DOING WHAT IS BEST FOR YOU! You belong with your family! You were never meant to be here! You WILL go with your family and you will be better for it! One day you will understand.” Rolland’s voice softened at the end, he was not moving on the matter. He had already decided she would go with her ‘real’ family and there was nothing she could do to dissuade him.
Marinette took a ragged breath, ready to begin her pleas anew when Alya’s shriek tore through the building.
Marinette turned, spotting the butterfly heading straight towards her and did the only thing she could think to do.
She ran.
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jigglypuff1994 · 3 months
The Devil Wears Gabriel - Chapter 19
Standing in disbelief, she looked down at her kwami. Breathlessly saying, "I can't believe he did it, Tikki!" 
Tikki smiled fondly at her holder. If only she knew what Tikki knew, Marinette wouldn't be so surprised why Adrien did what he did. "Did I mention you have a message from Chat Noir?" Tikki asked. 
For a moment, Marinette blanched. It must be something serious. Thinking there might be an akuma, she checked her phone to see if there was another attack, bringing up the local news. All clear. "Hmm, odd. No akumas." 
Tikki shook her head, chastising her holder, "I would have told you if there was an akuma."
Marinette's face fell flat with a pout. If it wasn't an akuma issue, what did he message? She looked at her kwami, curiously asking, "What did he say?"
"You should transform to find out. I think you'll like it." Tikki eyed her with a knowing look. 
Marinette looked at her skeptically, drawling out, "Ooookay. Can it at least wait until Nathalie comes back? I can't leave this stupid desk." She groaned. The suspense is going to kill her. Sure, back in the old days, receiving a message from Chat wasn't unordinary. He would leave funny cat videos, silly cat memes, ask for her help to rate his purr-fect puns, and even leave a voicemail when patrolling, asking her to join him. But now? He rarely called her or personally messaged her. Just another thing in their friendship that she sorely missed. 
Tikki observed her holder as she anxiously tapped her manicured fingers on the desk; impatiently, waiting for Nathalie to come back. 
Marinette's desk phone only rang twice. The email inbox was slooooow. No one came to visit her. She had to get up and do something - she had to move! To relieve some stress, she paced around the room. Looking to Tikki, she asked, stressing, "Couldn't you give me a hint?" 
Tikki sat there, amusedly, laying on Marinette's computer monitor lazily. "Not a chance. Isn't there an old human saying where in patience there is virtue?"
Marinette shot her kwami a hard look, walking around her desk to sit in her chair. Pinching her fingers close together, she pleaded, "Not even a teeny, tiny glimpse into what Chat said?" 
Tikki shook her head, laughing at Marinette's eagerness. "Nope, you'll want to hear it from him. Trust me." She smiled brightly and flew over to sit on Marinette's shoulder. 
Marinette groaned, splaying her hands out and putting her forehead on her desk. Grumbling, she muttered, "Not. Fair." 
Tikki heard Nathalie's footsteps approaching down the hall and floated into Marinette's purse. 
Marinette was too busy wallowing to notice Nathalie open the door. Hanging up her coat and walking briskly over to her desk, Nathalie hit a couple keys to unlock her monitor as she sat down. "Giving up? That's so...unfortunate." She sneered. 
Marinette didn't take the bait. Instead, she grabbed her own coat and purse and flew out the door. She had to find an empty room to transform - stat! The only thing on her mind being what Chat Noir could have to say to her. After a couple tries, she found an empty room with a window, closed the door, locked it behind her and called for her transformation, eager to listen to her kitty's message. Opening her yo-yo and placing it to her ear, she listened carefully to his message. 
"Goooood afternoon, Bugaboo." His playful tone started, causing a smile to form on her face. "Do you remember the artist, Thomas Astruc? The one we saved from Astrucize? How do you feel about taking a picture with him today at 130? I know you always wanted to! Meet him over at the THOMAS ASTRUC gallery soon. I shared the location. Please come as soon as you can; it's important." 
----Continued on Link below----
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hanaasbananas · 1 year
Power to Play Chapter 4
A series of ficlets each based off a song from the McFly album Power to Play
God of Rock & Roll
“Father?” Gabriel started slightly, hand skittering across his tablet screen and drawing a line over his latest design. He scowled. 
“Can I ask you something?” Adrien’s voice echoed slightly in his office and Gabriel resisted the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose in irritation. He could feel the stirrings of a headache already. Nobody respected the meaning of a closed door anymore. 
“What is it, Adrien,” he snapped. “Can’t you see I’m busy? Speak to Nathalie.”
Hovering in the doorway, Adrien wrung his hands together nervously, meeting Gabriels gaze and quickly looking away. “I did. Um, Nathalie told me to ask you.”
“Go on then. Spit it out already.” Gabriel had already turned his attention back to his work, barely paying attention to what Adrien said next. He’d just ask Nathalie about it later.
“I’ve been asked to be in a music video by this band and wanted to confirm with you if I could do it before I accept the offer.” 
“Yes, yes,” he waved a hand dismissively without looking up. “Very well that’s fine. Now leave.”
Adrien didn’t have to be told twice, practically running out of the office, pausing only to shut the door behind him.
“Finally,” Gabriel muttered. He really needed to get a sign for his door.
Days later, Adrien was practically buzzing with energy on his way home from the music video shoot. The fact that father had let him do it at all was a miracle and Adrien had–slightly guiltily– turned his phone off just in case father changed his mind. But much to his relief, there had been no missed calls when he’d turned it back on several hours later.
Still, he didn’t hang around for the group outing afterwards, unwilling to push his luck any further. 
“It was so much fun!” he exclaimed to Nino on the phone. “Like, really cool. I can’t wait til you guys get to see it. And they let me take some of the leftover paint.”
“No way seriously?!” Nino sounded impressed. 
“Uh huh. You can use it for your next project; it’ll look amazi– ” Adrien trailed off as he caught sight of father waiting for him by the stairs.
“Where have you been?” Father’s voice was sharp. The grin slid off Adrien’s face.
“Hey Nino, uh..I’ll talk to you later.”
He could practically feel his friend wince through the phone. “Good luck dude.” 
Putting his phone in his pocket, Adrien took the opportunity to school his expression to be more neutral. “I was…” he began slowly. “I was at a shoot. The one I told you about.”
Father frowned. “Oh.” Glancing down at his tablet he tapped the screen a few times before nodding. “Alright. This was a…friends amateur project, correct? Whatever the case, I trust that you represented the brand appropriately.”
If smearing neon glow in the dark paint all over myself and rocking out on a guitar is an appropriate representation then yes, I did. Adrien thought. Somehow, he didn’t think father would agree.
“Yes,” He lied.
“Good.” Father was already walking away, no longer interested in the conversation. “Off you go. You missed your piano practice today, I expect to hear you playing shortly.”
“Of course, father.”
“You asked for me, father?” 
“Yes.” Gabriel sighed. “Come here. I want you to have a look at something.” 
Curiosity flickered across Adrien’s face as he made his way across the room. He regarded Gabriel with wide, guileless green eyes until they alighted on the tablet in his hand.
“Oh cool!” Adrien exclaimed. “I didn’t realise the video came out already!” 
“It did,” Gabriel said. “And I would like you to explain this to me.”
“Explain what?”
Gabriel had hardly been able to believe his eyes when Nathalie had shown him the video. He’d caught her hiding a smile as he’d watched it, but he didn’t see what was so funny. It was going to be a disaster for the brand, to see the face of Agreste Clothing–his son– cavorting around shirtless and covered in body paint for some silly band's music video. They couldn’t even pretend that it wasn’t Adrien because he had been named and tagged in the post. 
It was a disaster.
“This,” Gabriel shook his tablet in Adrien’s face. “How dare you go behind my back to do this–”
“I didn’t though.” Adrien interjected. He lifted his chin stubbornly to meet Gabriels surprised gaze. “I got your permission and even told you about it afterwards, remember?”
Now that he’d mentioned it, Gabriel did have a vague memory of him asking for something, but really, was he supposed to keep track of everything Adrien did? That was a  completely unrealistic expectation.
“This is not what I approved–”
Adrien shrugged. “Yes it is. I gave Nathalie all the information after you said I could do it, it’s not my fault you didn’t actually read through it.” 
Gabriel turned the tablet back around and quickly skimmed through his emails from the last week. And there it was: itinerary and briefing for ‘God of Rock and Roll’ music video shoot. Huh.
“Was that all? I need to go to school,” Adrien said, sounding a little impatient. 
“Yes, you’re free to go,” Gabriel said, still frazzled by the oversight. Pulling up the video again, he began to scroll through the comments, startling when he accidentally pressed play and the first lyrics blared out at him:
I’m the number one at making bad decisions..  
“Oh shut up,” he grumbled, turning the tablet off and throwing it onto his chair.
He really did need to start paying better attention to things
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applejuicefruit · 2 years
can u write fluff with adrien when reader comforts him after france lost the wc?
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request? yes
i need to hug him
France has just lost the world cup.
France has just lost against Argentina.
I’m paralyzed, sat down and with my mouth agape. It’s been a hell of a match and I couldn’t believe that France has just lost.
I was crying.
Along with all the other french football fans.
But I had to be strong, for my boyfriend, for Adrien.
He was so happy and proud when he found out he was going to Doha to play the world cup alongside with his friends that he wanted me to go with him.
I was lost in my thoughts when Adrien’s brother James tried to shake me a bit.
“Are you there?” he asked already knowing the answer.
I simply nodded.
“Adrien needs you” he said.
He was right.
I was sad but I couldn’t imagine how Adrien was feeling.
I waited for the Team to get their silver medal and then I stormed out of the Stadium trying to pass all the fans leaving the crowded place too. I tried to get back to the hotel as fast as I could. I knew Adrien would have been busy for a while so in the meantime I took a shower to release all the stress.
I put on my comfier sweater and I lay down in bed waiting for Adrien.
I scrolled through Insta and I saw a lot of people texting me to take care of Adrien. Most of them were Juventus fan that cheered for Adrien and the team.
It’s been almost four hours later and I was falling asleep when I heard the hotel room door closing.
Adrien was back.
He saw me laying in bed and he decided to join me.
When I saw his face I knew he was on the verge of tears.
He was breaking.
“Adri…” i said wrapping him in a big hug.
He started crying.
I started crying too. It broke me seeing him so sad.
“I failed…” he said almost in a whisper.
“No you didn’t”
“Yes I did”
If I could give him the moon, oh I would.
“Adri, look at me” Isaid and he opened his eyes. His beautiful blue eyes that made me fall in love with him.
“You did not fail” I told him with a strong voice, trying to not break more in front of him “you did great, you made your country proud, you made your family proud, you made me proud” I said now completely crying.
“I’m so proud of you okay? So fucking proud you have no idea, you played your first world cup and you placed second! You didn’t win this time, it’ll be for the next time…but you played so well during these matches, you wouldn’t be here if you didn’t deserve it Adrien, and you know it. I know it hurts now and it will hurt for a while but eventually it will pass…I don’t expect you to be happy right now, you can cry all you want to, even all night long, I don’t mind because in the morning you’ll find me, in this same exact place, I’m here and I’m not leaving okay? I love you so much mon amour.”
He looked at me completely shocked.
He probably was expecting me to insult him. to say that he failed.
“What have I done to deserve you?” he asked kissing my forehead.
I laughed a bit.
“I love you Adri” i told him in the most sincere way.
“Je t’aime” he said with his beautiful french accent that makes me shake every time I hear it.
That night we fell asleep in each other’s arms.
Making bad jokes.
And crying again.
The next day we had our flight back to Paris.
We couldn’t fly together so I came back earlier than he did.
That day a lot of people were excited to see the team who made them proud again during a world cup.
I was watching everything from our home in Paris since Adri didn’t want me standing out there all alone in the middle of the city with a lot of crazy and excited fans.
I saw him in TV, waving to all the people.
He looked sad but at the same time proud of what he achieved.
I tear up a little bit.
He always makes me so proud and he doesn’t even know it.
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sasuhinasno1fan · 1 year
Wish come true - Adrien AUGreste Day 20, 21 & 22
Another major thank you to @etherealxgenie, who betaed while sick mind you. Please go get some rest. To be honest, this chapter was basically making the characters do some of the things I did while in London for 2 weeks. Also, I didn't actually know it took basically 2 hours to get to London from France. I just gave Felix a random number to say and the realized I should probably check that. Anyway, enjoy! London
“Here you go.” Juleka handed a box with the Fox Miraculous to Master Fu. She and Luka had been switching dropping the boxes off.
“Paris will rest easy knowing they’re safe. Was your brother busy?”
“I’m sure you’d like to know.” Juleka replied. Fu was better but still preferred speaking any Miraculous business to Luka. He shut him down, insisting she’d be involved. “I’m sure he’ll come by. He’s going to have to unify with a Miraculous if anything happens tomorrow.”
“We have a school trip to London to go see Big Ben. It’s reopened for visits. Luka was supposed to go with us, his school works with in person schools to allow their students to join in person classes or even field trips so they can still get a semi-true experience. It was also going to fulfill a history paper for him but with Hawkmoth using every excuse to attack us, not to mention all of our rehearsals for Jagged Stone’s concert. He's not going anywhere.”
“That doesn’t seem fair.”
Unable to help herself she asked, “would you think the same if we were switched? If I was homeschooled?”
Fu stared at her, before looking away. Sure she had her answer, Juleka turned to leave when he spoke. “You both know I never wanted to be a Guardian. I’ve been trying to write many wrongs since then and I’ve had to give up even more things in the process.”
“Like Marianne.”
“You know, I am not even sure if I was really sick or if I let my fears control me to the point of punishing myself. I was free from their teachings but I still let them rule me. I still do. The Ladybug without their Cat never lasted long. Regardless of what Plagg has done in the past, he has always kept his holders alive or left when they have gone to the point of corruption. Some situations would be worse without him. The times your brother has had to fight without you have been the hardest battles. I should remember that, but it would seem the bais I was taught holds tighter than it should. It would be wrong to limit you, both of you without allowing you a chance to step back like I wanted. Here. This is the Horse Miraculous, which has the ability of teleportation. Alya has already let people know she will be out of town and the people of Paris are very good at filling in the gap. Not to mention the new measures that have been active. If anything happens here, you’ll know. But don’t unify. Both of you pushed it during the Kwamibuster akuma. You are lucky exhaustion was the only thing you had to deal with.”
Juleka took the collapsed glasses and looked at Master Fu. It was a slow progress, but he was trying his best.. And honestly, she should appreciate the attempts.
“Thank you.”
“Enjoy London. It’s been years since I have been there, but it’s a beautiful city.”
“Has he texted you?” Rose asked, also focused on her phone.
“Luka, no. Felix, yes. He’s got things booked for us to eat when we’re there.” Adrien said.
Rose pouted. “How am I supposed to enjoy London without my girlfriend?”
“I think that question also applies to me. Look, we both know if Luka’s school says no, Juleka will try and stay with him and he’ll try insisting she go. We’re basically just waiting to see who will win.”
Groaning, Rose turned to their teacher, whining for answers.
“I’m sorry Rose. The headmaster hasn’t sent me an email with any notice. I’m just as clueless as you are.”
Perking up like a dog hearing its master, Rose located her girlfriend, who was walking over with her brother. “Julie!”
Adrien himself noticed something about his boyfriend. “You have a bag with you.”
“I do.” Luka said, swinging his sling bag to the front. It was the type that looked like a standard backpack in size and looks but it was thinner and only had one strap. “Think Felix will be ok adding one more?”
“If he isn’t, I’ll just have to take you on your own tour.”
“Ah, Luka. I just got the confirmation email from the headmaster.” Mml. Bustier said, tucking her iPad into her purse and pulling out a pen. “He mentioned paperwork?”
After assuring Luka would have time for his assignment, Mml. Bustier signed off on the paperwork before calling “Alright. I know we’re missing 4 but we’re allowed to start boarding in 2 minutes. Max, Alya and Marinette are already on board. Max’s mother is a train conductor for those who remember and she’s actually going to be driving our train to London. Chloe, any word from Sabrina?”
“She texted when she left. I keep sending her notices.”
“Is it that stupid text alert where you demand she hurry up? It’s a little degrading Chloe.” Alix pointed out.
“I haven’t gotten it off her phone yet, relax! Besides, I bet you her dad is making her late giving everyone tickets. If she misses this train, this time I will fire him.”
“Guess we shouldn’t remind her what happened last time.” Nath whispered to those near him.
They went ahead and started to board the train while Chloe waited on the platform for Sabrina.
“I’m here! I’m here!” Sabrina called, pushing the full-sized suitcase ahead of her.
“Sabrina, hurry up! What took you so long? I swear to god if it was your dad!”
Luka came off the train and helped Sabrina lift the suitcase over the gap, surprised at its weight. Adrien, who’d come with him at Sabrina’s cries, tilted his head at the sight.
“Ok first, Chloe you do realize it’s actually pretty warm in London right now, right? Also, why did you have Sabrina bring a massive suitcase? Barring any issues, we’re going to be back in the evening.” Adrien asked.
“It’s full of everything she might need. She’s the daughter of an elected official. Who knows what’ll happen?”
“I’d like to think the minute we step foot in England, we won’t be pelted with rotten fruit.” Adrien said.
“This might be one of those ones you need to let go.” Luka whispered as he passed by.
Sabrina didn’t seem bothered and Chloe seemed more upset at the idea of Sabrina missing the train more than the suitcase, so he decided to leave the two to Mml. Bustier. His only objective was to enjoy the trip to London with his friends and boyfriend, all excited to see Big Ben without the cover and meet up with Felix again.
Marinette ended up asking for a seat to herself so she could spread out her designing things which made Adrien’s heart hurt a little. He’d be banned from working and buying cosplay supplies as punishment. He might have gotten his dad involved to get the sentence lifted, but it was basically in exchange for his presence on the trip and at the opening concert – which was in two days! – it meant no cosplay. Which sucked because he was hoping to do another couples cosplay with Luka.
Said rocker was yawning as the train departed, something he’d been doing since he arrived. Juleka didn’t seem any better, already tucking her head into Rose’s neck.
“You ok?”
“Tired. I didn’t think I’d be able to go, so I stayed up trying to look up other historical monuments that weren’t as talked about in France. Juls helped. We didn’t get confirmation until this morning and Maman had to rush to get the email forwarded to your headmaster so I could be allowed to come.” Luka explained, his whole body relaxed as his eyes started to droop.
“Here, switch with me. Come on, move.” Luka got up, letting Adrien push him to the window seat. He watched him pull something down from his bag sitting in the overhead and caught what he threw at him.
“What is it?” The item in hand was plush, a bit long and twisted in on itself, similar to an infinity symbol.
“It’s a neck pillow. Trust me, I’ve used this on every plane and train ride since I got it. You can either use it to protect your back against the wall or wrap the rings around your neck to keep your head supported.” Adrien explained, pulling Luka’s legs onto his lap, looking at him expectedly. “Sleep. When you wake up, we’ll be in London. You’ll get everything you need for your paper and then we have the rest of the day to ourselves.”
“Can we go on the London Eye? I don’t think I ever got to ride the Ferris Wheel with you, like I wanted to back then before Alya’s sister got akumatized.” Luka asked, pulling his jacket off to be his blanket.
“Yeah, I think we can do that.”
The train ride had been going smoothly, when the announcement of heading under sea level was made. Adrien had pushed his headphones to one ear and glanced at Luka, who managed to hide the bottom half of his face in the pillow, but was still asleep.
“Marinette? What’s wrong?” Mml. Bustier asked.
“It’s just my back. I hadn’t realized how much I’d been hunching over.”
“Oh! I have just the thing! I’ve got hot and cold packs in my suitcase. If you put one on and rest, I’m sure you’ll feel better in no time.” Sabrina offered, heading out to the First Class cabin. A few minutes later, a few screams echoed as people came rushing into their cabin, Chloe and Sabrina following the pack.
“What is going on? Sabrina, Chloe?”
“There was an akuma in my suitcase! It must have appeared when my dad was getting angry. My suitcase popped open when we got to the station, it must have gotten in then.”
“Everyone got out and I locked the door behind us. I’ve never seen an akuma go through solid doors so we’re fine. We just need to let the train driver know so they can contact those in Paris so Scarlet Bug and Catseye can know and meet us in London. Or back in Paris if we end up reversing the whole way.” Chloe explained.
Just then the hauntingly familiar sight of bubbling purple and black substance ran over the train, turning the sleek silver into dark red and purple.
“Ladies and gentlemen, I am Startrain! I’m afraid our final destination has switched from London to the stars! Fasten your seatbelts! We have lift off!”
Everyone screamed as the train started to tilt and vibrate, scrambling to grab onto anything or anyone. Before they knew it, they’d broken through the atmosphere and started to float without the weight of gravity.
“Guys, I don’t think we’re going to be able to get in contact with France, let alone Scarlet Bug and Catseye.” Nino pointed out.
“Forget that. The only thing that’s keeping us alive is the fact that the whole train is akumatized.” Max said. “Unless they have a way of getting the train back to earth before capturing the akuma, the pressure will destroy the train at best and at worst, we’ll all die a slow death of freezing with no oxygen.”
“Hey Luka.” Adrien said, rubbing his boyfriend’s back. “Ragazzo, we’re here.”
Luka whined, rubbing his face into Adrien’s legs. Moving didn’t sound like a good option.
“Come on. Felix got us a bus so you can sleep there on the way.”
“Isn’t it like a 10-minute drive?” Luka asked sleepily, eyes still closed.
“Then you can use it to wake up. I know our first trip was a lot, but I didn’t think you’d crash that hard the second trip. Come on, we have a much shorter time now thanks to the akuma.”
Luka whined more but eventually pushed himself up, letting his jacket fall back onto the seat as he wiped his face, exhausted. He stretched his back, cracking loudly.
“Are you ok?” Adrien asked, concerned.
“My back just hurts. I guess when the train landed on Big Ben, I landed kinda oddly.”
“Guess that’s what happens when you end up locked in a bathroom while in space. Come on.”
Felix stood outside Kings Cross Station, standing in front of a double decker bus.
“You were supposed to be on the train for 2 hours. How is it you got here nearly 4 hours later? Can you even get to your tour reservation?” he asked, directing them onto the rented double decker. Mml. Bustier called for everyone to not just sit on the top level. “Better question, are they going to want you there? That was technically your train.”
“Mml. Bustier said she tried getting in contact, but the lines were busy. We’ve been checking the headlines and so far, nothing about them closing for the day.”
Adrien watched the Couffaine siblings collapse into a set together and used each other as pillows as they passed out. Clearly this essay was a definite need to pass.
“Are they ok?”
“Yeah, they just didn’t get much sleep. So should we go over places to visit and stop by?” Adrien asked.
Casting another concerned look, Felix pulled out his phone, one with an attached stylus which he immediately pulled out as he brought up a list. “I was going to suggest a museum or two, but there’s no way we could do that and get back in time.”
“What about historical monuments? If he’s this exhausted trying to work on the essay, I’d like Luka to at least see one monument he can go to.”
“Assuming Big Ben and surrounding areas are closed, there are a few. The Tower of London could be fine, if we join a tour quickly enough to go see the crown jewels. But it can get pretty crowded. So maybe Westminster Abbey? See Saint Paul’s? Maybe visit the Globe Theatre if we have time? There’s also St Bride’s Church. They have a whole exhibit downstairs.”
“What about the market? Borough Market? The glass covering they have, I heard it used to belong to the Royal Opera House.”
“To be fair, with how old the Opera House as a company is, I’d consider that a monument itself.” Felix said as they got closer to the famed clock tower. The traffic they were running into however didn’t spell good news. “Anything else you want to visit?”
“London Eye. That’s for Luka and I.”
In the end, the trip to Big Ben was canceled thanks to a train crashing into it. But Mml agreed to the visits to the other monuments instead. After going over the options, with Luka having final say for his essay, they decided to go to Saint Paul’s. While half the class took the track up to the top, the other half went downstairs to the gift shop and even walked over to the Abby. They watched Felix of all people, follow around a pigeon in circles, giggling as it flew off to get away from him.
“It’s actually a thing that the pigeons here are rather tame. If we had time to go to the Museum of London, you could actually get some like them at the gift shop.”
“Yeah, too bad someone can’t enjoy it like you do.” Alya said, looking over her shoulder to where Adrien stood close to the door of the Abbey gift shop, darting back inside when a pigeon waddled too close.
Once they all met back – and got away from the pigeons – Felix clapped his hands together once mention of food came up. “So, while Harrods is on the menu because a certain someone wouldn’t stop demanding it,” he said glancing at Chloe, who had her feet propped up on Sabrina’s suitcase, “If you want something else, we have the choice of heading to Borough Market, which has a lot more options and more of a chance for you guys to explore or, my mother and I have a permanent reservation at Sanderson Hotel for their Mad Hatter afternoon tea. There is also ‘afternoon tea’ at the crypt in Trafalgar Square, but it’s more of a food court you can happen to get an afternoon tea tower at.”
Mylene raised her hand. “What about ‘granny cafés’?”
“Those are mainly at garden centers and you won’t find many in London proper compared to a bit further out in the city. A reminder, your teacher did book a reservation at a local pub for your last meal before you get onto the train.”
“How about the afternoon tea? Then we can split up for a while?” Max suggested. “According to Maps, there are a fair few things to do around the hotel when we’re done.”
“Hello? What about Harrods?”
“If it’s ok with you guys, Luka and I are going to go to the London Eye after. It’s in the opposite direction, so maybe we can agree to meet at the pub at a certain time?” Adrien asked.
After agreeing, they split into groups ahead of time as they were dropped off at the Sanderson Hotel. Each round table held 4 people with 2 towers each. Adrien’s table felt Luka’s plight from when they’d gone to St Vincent beach as Adrien made them hold until he was done getting pictures of everything and with the book menu, the music box sugar holder and everything else, his friends were getting close to rioting. There was nothing to tide them over.
“Adrien, I am begging you! Please.” Felix said, close to banging on the table.
“Alright, alright. I’m done, go ahead.”
Even though Adrien was done taking pictures of the food, pictures were still taken of everyone, mid bite or mid sip, laughing at whatever anyone had said and questions to both Felix and Adrien about other things they wished they had a chance to visit.
“If your families are ok with it, you’ll have to come back during winter. They have this huge winter festival, not to mention the winter markets, down at Hyde Park. I never went, but always heard my classmates say it was fun.” Felix said, eating the last of his scone.
“Oh yes please! I want to bring Marc here. He’d really enjoy this.” Nath said. His tablet was full of sketches of everything they’d seen. A half-done sketch of the tower, including more whimsical elements fitting Alice in Wonderland was on the screen for anyone to see.
“Mother would love more people over. Let me know.”
Chloe already had a game plan for Harrods that she explained to her group and Felix left her to it. Meanwhile, Adrien got his group to the Ferry that would get them to the London Eye. The line for the famed Ferris wheel wasn’t too long, nothing compared to the line for the local Ferris wheel for the World Cup. The pods were bigger so the group and a few other tourists shared one pod.
“Isn’t there something called the needle?” Nath asked, sketching the scene, glancing over his shoulder. Luka had taken a seat on the bench and had his arms wrapped around Adrien’s waist, leaning against his stomach as a food coma started taking over. Adrien was trying not to disturb him too much while taking a selfie of them.
“I know there’s something like that in Brighton. It’s called the Brighton i360. It’s like the Ferris wheel but all around. I’ve heard people say it’s not worth it though.” Adrien said, giving up and tucking his phone away as he ran his fingers through Luka’s hair. “More to explore with Marc?”
“You’re going to get sick of me asking for reconditions after a while.”
Meeting back with everyone at the pub wasn’t hard and Felix, once again, worked his magic to get them a semi private table in the back. While a few were upset when Felix explained that Sunday roast was only really just for Sundays, his suggestions were taken to heart.
“If you can convince your mom to let you come to France in 2 days, you can stay with me. We’re opening for Jagged Stone. You mentioned you thought his music was ok.” Adrien said to Felix. Both ate their fish and chips in the same way, dunking their chips into their peas. Alya had pointed it out, joking that they had to be separated at birth with the many things they shared in common.
“The weak spined overweight Pomeranian actually kept his word?” Felix asked, uncaring when the Kitty Section members nearly spit their food out at the comment made about Bob Roth.
“We sent our mom over for all the parents.” Luka said. “He didn’t last two minutes with her.”
“Now I have to go, if only to meet this woman.”
Desserts were taken to go and they had just enough time to visit Platform 9 ¾ before they needed to head to their platform. Felix promised he’d try and get his mother to agree and after a few unexpected hugs given to him by members of the class – well Rose and Adrien’s were expected because that’s who they were – he sent them on their way, meeting up with Max’s mother again as their conductor for their return trip.
Insisting Adrien take the window seat this time, Luka pulled out his laptop as Adrein set their desserts onto his table to feed Luka while he worked. “So, how are you going to start this essay? ‘Since Big Ben was out thanks to an international Akuma, I turned my attention to Saint Paul’s Cathedral’?”
Laughing, Luka said, “Maybe not like that, but it couldn’t hurt to mention I witnessed Big Ben up close and personal in ways tourists could only dream of. That and it being the sight of London’s first akuma attack. If that doesn’t get me an A, I don’t know what will.”
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chiefatticcreator · 9 months
MLB Prompt:
Adrien had been waiting the whole day to get home from his busy schedule. He had been hiding something, or rather someone to play with & now he was finally going to reap his rewards. As he gets home, he eats dinner & heads to his room & into his large bathroom where he finds his prize.
Juleka, who had transformed into Purple Tigress, was sitting there against the wall with a more revealing & tight suit compared to her original with her ass completely exposed with some of her curves exposed as well as a plunging neckline & opening for her pussy. On top of that, she enhanced her lips to be a bit more puffy & with some extra glossy violet lipstick, a tiger tail buttplug was in her ass.
Her arms were cuffed behind her back, a ball gag was in her mouth, a blindfold sat over her eyes & a bullet-shaped vibrator was in her pussy set to max, leaving her legs to thrash about as she cummed from multiple orgasms. She had snuck in the afternoon to try & pounce on her daddy, but Adrien had caught her & left her in his bathroom as punishment.
After removing the bondage equipment, it's revealed that she had also changed her eyes to be heart shaped & glowing, showing her devotion to her daddy. Adrien, deciding she's had enough of a punishment, brings her to his bed & rewards her with his cock, letting her suck it to get her favorite milk & then a nice rough breeding as she sings his praises with her filthy mouth & he enjoys her bimbo-like body.
"I am going to bed early tonight." Adrien told his father, barely looking at him as he left the table. "Nathalie, make sure no one bothers my sleep, please."
The slight smirk Adrien shot Nathalie told the secretary everythign she needed to know, and with an imperceptible nod, she confirmed that neither Gabriel nor anyone else would disturb Adrien until the next morning.
"Let's see how many times you've came..." Adrien grins as he opens the door to his bathroom.
THe bathroom was a complete mess. Her trashing about in her many, many orgasms had thrown the towels and small carpets around, and the puddle of juices from all her climax was quite impressive.
"Tsk tsk tsk, you've made a huge mess." adrien chuckled.
Hearing his voice after so many hours of torture made Juleka immediately calm down, whimpering as the vibrator continued to stimulate her pussy, and whimpers and moan came out of her mouth as her master returned. when his hands got to work freeing her, she blinked in the light, before her heart-shaped pupils were focused on adrien once more, full of love and lust and worship.
"I hoep you've learned your lesson, naughty girl." he smiled as he unclasped the ball gag out of her mouth. it was covered in drool from how much she had moaned, but she immediately smiled.
"I'm so sorry, daddy! I'll never do this again, i've been such a bad girl."
Grabbing her arms as he untied her, adrien took her to his bed, his hands gropign her bimbo-thick body all the while, smiling when he sat down. She immediately began to undo his pants, looking at him reverently.
"I'm so sorry for being such a filthy perferted naughty kitty~" Juleka began to talk once more. "Can I please suck your cock? I really really REALLY want my milk, i want your cum to shoot down in my stomach, i want to use my plump bimbo lips to pleasure you, i want them wrapped around your cock, i want..."
"Go ahead."
His hyper cock had barely been freed from the confines of his pants that Juleka's bimbo, dick-sucking lips were wrapped around his cockhead. Leavign a trail of purple glossy lipstick down as she forced herself to take his enormous dick as far down her throat as she could. She gagged on it, but didn't even stop to breathe. now that she had her daddy's delicious dick in front of her after so much teasing, she was goign to worship it. She would get completely brain-dead cock-drunk from it, suck his cock 'til she passed out and as much as it would need to until it was properly lathered in her salive and lipstick. Her tongue ran over his fingers-wide veins, desperate for his approval, for his blessing, for his cum.
Adrien had been looking forward to this for a while, so iit did not take logn until he was cumming. Shooting his first load of the evening down Juleka's throat and stomach. bulging her with bucketfuls of tar-thick, potent, virile jizz. She struggled to swallow it all, some overflowing from her nose and even her eyes as she cried his cum.
But she smiled at him, takign his cock out of her mouth and showing him her drenched cunt.
"Please, daddy~Breed this naughty kitty. Shove your fat divine cock into my slutty cunt, beat my womb with your godly cock, fill me with yoru cum and rape my eggs, BREED ME!"
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starlingsrps · 5 months
running up that hill.
it’s a thursday and manon hasn’t seen susanne yet. when she catches andre between deliveries, he shrugs and says he hasn’t either. adrien mutters something having other things to do and neither of them seem to understand. susanne is as regular and dependable as the sunrise. on tuesdays and thursdays on her way to the maternity clinic, susanne stops for a roll and to moan about how early it is. on saturdays when she stops in, she and manon go out for a walk and catch up on the week. save for the times she’s been ill (which manon can count on one hand), she does not miss a single day. 
but maybe this once, she’s running late.
they aren’t busy at all today, not even the usual morning and end of day rushes. when she steps outside for a break or for a cigarette, it feels strange. the streets aren’t empty but they’re quiet. it feels entirely too warm for july and she can’t shake the feeling that something is wrong.
“did susanne come in at all?” she asks adrien when she comes in back inside. he’s in the office, frowning over a ledger. 
“it’s not my job to keep track of your friends, manon.” his tone is dismissive but when she doesn’t leave, he sighs and looks up at her. “what?”
“something isn’t right.” she scrapes her thumbnail at the office door frame. “you know susanne. she has her routines. tuesdays and thursdays-“
“not buying a roll doesn’t mean she’s vanished off the face of the earth. she’s probably ill or something.”
“she isn’t ill. i saw her tuesday and she was fine.”
“and it’s thursday now. maybe it was quick.”
“it wasn’t quick and she’s not ill.”
“or she’s at a-“ he gestures in a vague, abstract way that she thinks is supposed to indicate birth. she rolls her eyes. god knows adrien has seen enough blood and gore with the resistance but mentioning birth is apparently where he draws the line.
“she would tell me.”
“it’s strange out there today, isn’t it?” 
he blinks slowly at her and sighs gratefully at the sound of the bell. “we’ll talk about it later, manon.”
susanne doesn’t come in at all and by the time manon is flipping the front door sign to closed, she’s decided everyone is full of shit. she’ll go to susanne’s and find out if she’s okay for herself. if she’s ill, then she’ll get soup or make it herself, whatever she needs to do. she isn’t fully sure how to make proper soup but she’ll make it up as she goes if she must.
she meets adrien coming down the stairs and she’s coming up to get her purse and papers. “i’m going to check on her,” she says. “i’ll be back-“
he shakes his head. “you need to stay here. it’s not safe.”
“have you heard-“
“i need to see yves. stay here until i get back.” at her expression, he huffs. “please manon.”
his tone is final, the one she knows all too well. there will be no more arguments, at least none that she’s likely to win and manon prefers odds that favor her. still, she thinks about it but instead sucks her teeth and gives him her most poison look before stomping past him and up the stairs.
she tries to distract herself but it’s difficult with so much time left in the day. she tries to read for awhile and then tries to study when she starts to feel guilty for that. it’s the same as when she had homework as a child - paris is before her and full of things to do and see and she’s stuck inside. while washing the dinner dishes, she decides that if adrien isn’t back by nine, she’ll go anyway. she’ll find something to arm herself with and he’ll simply have to be mad at her later.
to her dismay, she dozes off on the sofa while waiting for the clock to turn and only wakes when the door opens and closes behind adrien. it takes a moment for her watch to come into focus but it’s suddenly well after midnight. she scrambles to sit up. “did-“
“she’s gone.” he says it bluntly before turning into their small kitchen. the words don’t quite register. they seem to echo, clanging around with the sound of clinking glass from the other room.
“gone?” she calls, waiting longer than she’d like for an answer. she follows him in.. “where, back to strasbourg?”
he hands her a tiny glass of brandy, one of the fussy little pinks ones from their grandmother’s collection of things that they never use. the entire bottle feels like it would be more appropriate right now. from the look on adrien’s face, she’ll need it. “drink that.” she does, warily watching him for the next words. “she’s been arrested.”
her first (fleeting, ridiculous) thought is that they can’t arrest susanne. susanne isn’t a bad person. and then she remembers that susanne is jewish but they still can’t just arrest her. susanne cried the day she had to register at the prefecture, susanne still turns bright red whenever adrien talks directly to her even though she insists that her crush on his is long over, susanne is apple cheeked and gentle with a talent for making people adore her. they can’t arrest susanne, manon almost says, she’s never done anything wrong in her entire life. 
except be born, apparently.
she has to rub her throat to try and start breathing again. “what happened?”
“there was a…roundup today. she and her uncle were arrested at dawn. we tried to find and hide who we could but-“
he shoots his own brandy and rubs his face. “they took the gonnets too early. i’m sorry.”
she will not hate adrien, no matter how desperately she wants to lash out at someone.
“the vel d’hiv but- manon, no.” he grabs her shoulders and steers her back to the divan when she springs into motion for the door. “they won’t just let you in for a visit. they will arrest you and they will hurt you and you will never see any of us again.”
his arm stays around her shoulder in a way that feels both comforting and like him keeping her in place. she struggles a moment to get back up before remembering that her brother is a baker. even under the starvation rations, he’s stronger than she’ll ever be.
“i can’t leave her alone.” she’s babbling - the vel is a fifteen minute walk, give or take, and she doesn’t know what she’ll do when she gets there but she’ll decide on the way there. if she can just distract adrien, she can be there and find susanne and she’ll fix it.
“you have to let her go,” he murmurs, chin resting on top of her head. “i’m sorry, manon. we tried.”
she doesn’t cry anymore. flippantly, she always says that if she ever started, she’d never stop. every terrible thing she see and reads and hears is worse than the last so why even start? she knows that she was right because now she’s started and can’t stop crying. she soaks adrien’s shirt with three years worth of tears.
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(image credit to Cosmic Timetraveler on Unsplash)
Glenn said I could borrow the notebook for today. He didn’t realize he was hogging it, haha! I’ve been itching to write down my thoughts, but he was so busy writing notes on the flora and fauna and making sure we found safe, edible food that I didn’t mind waiting. Because, you know, finding safe edible food is really hecking important. But we found a bunch of 90%-not-likely-to-kill-us food yesterday, so I get to use the notebook because Glenn noticed me waiting. I just have so many jumbled thoughts in my head and putting them on paper helps.
We found this really cool path yesterday, and we’ve been walking on it all day today. It’s definitely not naturally made, so we’re getting somewhere. The path is mostly dirt still, but there are these flat rocks set into it here and there in a way that looks deliberate. It’s kinda like cobblestone, just with more dirt? And the path itself has these cool reddish-blue trees with pinkish-red leaves. They’re kinda like the cherry blossom outside my house.
I miss home. I think the others do too.
Anyway, we crossed a river using an old wooden bridge— another sign we’re not alone in this forest!— and I don’t know, it almost feels like we’re in a botanical garden rather than a forest. I mean, it’s still the wild woods, but this path feels more tended to, even if the plants are overgrown a bit? I’ve helped my dad with gardening before, I know how neglected gardening looks, and this reminds me of it.
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(image credit to Jr. Korpa on Unsplash)
We passed a lantern, except it didn’t have an electric lightbulb in it. Sophia says it resembles a fire lamp instead, like the ones from history class. I don’t even remember that unit, but Sophia’s at the top of our grade so I’m just gonna believe her.
Anyways— get this! Over the bridge and past the lanterns we found this huge cottage!
(audio credit to The Vault of Ambience)
I probably should have led with that, huh.
Oh well. Whatever. So this cottage is big and definitely lived-in, though... there’s dust on the outside? And the plants in the front are overgrown, and I can’t smell any smoke despite there being more fire lanterns about. 
Nobody’s home.
Right now we’re debating if we bunk down here for the night. The door’s unlocked but when we knocked and poked our head inside nobody answered. I don’t think anyone’s been here for a while. It feels... abandoned. 
Avery says we should bunk inside. It’ll be warmer and safer, and we can explain our situation if someone does end up showing up. Sophia’s absolutely against it, though I think she really wants to avoid sleeping in the grass again, because it’s “breaking and entering”, which- okay, it’s definitely entering, but we’re not breaking! The door’s unlocked, and we’re not going to use anything in the house or whatever. Just get out of the cold and the forest for the night.
Glenn’s conflicted, but he says it’s better than risking it outside. I think the creepy sounds we heard in the forest when we were walking spooked him again (it definitely spooked me!). “There were bigger disturbances of dirt”, according to him, so some bigger wild animals might be in this area. Adrien hasn’t said anything on the matter. I tried communicating in sign-language earlier, but he shook his head and said hello real quietly. I think he’s sad, but also worried about us? Not just for us, about us. I don’t really get it, but that’s the vibes I’m getting. 
I think we’re going to bunk inside because it’s 3 against 1 against and one neutral. 
- Fyrus
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verymuchimmortalcat · 2 years
Bio Dad Bruce Wayne Month Day 3: Meeting the JL and Day 6: The JL Babysitting ao3 @maribat-bdbwm
When Marinette offered to be the one to try if the space power ups she’d made for the kwamis worked she’d never really expected this. She’d just been floating around in space, making sure her suit was fully functional in peace except she’s definitely been cursed at birth to never have a peaceful life and the watchtower was close enough that they’d spotted her and sent Martian Manhunter to bring her back to the watch tower.
They’re currently waiting at one of the entrances. She doesn’t know why and the superhero beside her hasn’t been particularly forthcoming with information. A few minutes later a few heroes appear at the end of the hallway. She relaxes in relief when she spots Red Robin’s god-awful costume. Tim can just explain things and she can go back to the bakery and sleep for the rest of the day.
Tim does not do that.
Apparently, he’s still mad at her for dumping a large amount of glitter in his room. In her defence, she had been bored and the glitter was biodegradable. Not that it was any less annoying.
She glares at Tim as Aquaman and Green Arrow have a hushed discussion with Red Robin's occasional extremely unwanted input. In the end, she’s taken to a meeting room and what feels like most of the Justice League is gathered there.
This is not how she imagined her first meeting with the JL would go.
As she explains the Paris situation to the heroes, Marinette considers the pros and cons of fratricide. Currently, there are more pros and every dumb question directed at her is not doing Tim a favour.
No, she is not the only Parisian hero. Yes, she has a partner. Yes, she’s had prior training. No, she doesn’t have a mentor (which is technically true, it’s not like she can say, “Actually, I’m Batman’s daughter.”) Yes, they’re handling it. No, the JL doesn’t need to intervene and so on and so forth until Marinette is one step away from yelling at all of them.
As they continue to bombard her with questions Marinette wonders how Timothy Jackson Drake, he died as he lived: being a fucking idiot would look on a headstone.
And then Flash asks, “Wait how old are you? You don’t look old enough to be one of two heroes responsible for a whole city. You don’t even have any other support!”
Tim snorts but he hides it with a cough. Marinette would like to exchange her brother for a pet, maybe a dog. Damian would agree with her.
She breathes in deeply, trying to calm down before she replies. Not that she gets the chance to. The rest of the members start to speak over one another and she gives up. Maybe she’ll sneak out once she’s sure they definitely won’t notice assuming Tim doesn’t tell on her, of course.
As the justice league continues to fuss around her, she works out her escape plan. Next time she should let Adrien be the one to test the power ups. He probably wouldn’t mind this.
She hears Green Arrow say, “We should probably call her parents, right?”
“Do you really think she’d tell us how to contact her parents?” Green Lantern shoots back. Tim is no longer trying to hide his amusement but no one notices, too busy trying to figure out what to do with her to question Red Robin’s odd behaviour. Asshole. She’s dumping more glitter in his room the next time she visits.
“We can just ask Bats to look into it.”
“Ask me to look into what?” The whole room quietens at the sight of Batman and Superman.
Marinette grins. Finally! She can leave. She stands, smiling, “the Justice League is apparently interested in babysitting random teenagers they find in space.” Her dad stares at her for a moment before sighing.
The whole Justice League is staring at the scene before them in confusion. Except for Tim and Uncle Clark. The two of them are trying very hard not to laugh.
“Ladybug, you’re too old to require a babysitter.” Marinette has never heard her father sound so done with their shenanigans that she grins, behind her Tim is openly laughing.
She struggles to answer in a way that doesn’t give up her identity. Fuck it. It’s not like the league isn’t trustworthy when it comes to secret identities and nor do they live in Paris.
“I’m aware but your lovely co-workers are treating me like a baby and my asshole of a brother isn’t helping the situation at all.”
“I’m not sorry,” Tim says unabashedly and Marinette knows even without looking at him that he’s smirking.
Turning, she glares at him, “Nor am I. I hope the glitter never gets out of your clothes. And if somehow it does, I’ll add more.”
He narrows his eyes at her. “You wouldn’t dare. Alfred would be so mad.”
“I’ll enchant the glitter to stick to you and only you.”
“You can’t actually do that.”
She frowns, “You don’t know that.” Tim does in fact know that. She spent an hour complaining to him about how hard magic was just last week but she’d rather die than lose an argument with her siblings.
B interrupts before Tim can reply, “Please stop. You’re terrifying the others.” He’s right, she realises as she looks at the faces around her. Not that she cares. Though he probably wishes she would. But he’s one step ahead of her and before she can continue her argument her father says, “I’ll let you two drive the Batmobile.”
“For the whole of next month?” her brother replies.
“Next week.”
“Three weeks,” she tries.
He sighs again, “Two weeks.”
“For each of us.”
“… fine.”
She glances at Tim questioningly. He nods. She beams, “Okay!”
“Now please go home.”
She grumbles before grinning and waving at the league members. “Bye! It was nice to meet you!”
She breaks into laughter at their gobsmacked expressions. Her father just sighs. Uncle Clark is the one in the end to get rid of the two of them. Gently steering them towards the exit and telling them he looks forward to seeing them on Sunday for dinner before closing the doors in their faces. She wishes she could stay back longer and make the members of the Justice League question their life decisions a bit more but oh well. At least she gets to drive the Batmobile. She can’t wait to go home and tell the others about it.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 3 years
Adrien: Marinette, can I ask you for some advice?
Marinette: Y-yea. I think I can do that.
Adrien: So I have this friend that has been super stressed out, she just got a lot of responsibility lately and I think its starting to get to her.
Marinette: Mood.
Adrien: Huh?
Marinette: (Flustered) I said Continue.
Adrien: Right, so she got busy so she started missing pa- Hang outs, and I of course I tried to be understanding, it is a lot she has to do now. But then she starts going the opposite way, doing her best to avoid going back, trying to stay out as much as possible, but she doesnt want to talk about anything personal.
Marinette: (Whispers) This girl sounds so relatable.
Adrien: So, I try to be a good friend and take her to a place where we could hang out and not talk. The movies.
Marinette: Reasonable, did you take her to see a superhero flick?
Adrien: No, I took her to see a romantic comedy. She was not thrilled, cause it apparently reminded her of a break up she had recently, which i had no idea about. Admittedly it hurt to find out about, but I was concerned with her well being more.
Marinette: Ouch, so I am guessing you tried talking to her about it? Showing her that you are there is she wants to talk.
Adrien: Well after escorting her out of the theater, I did do that. But she was never one to talk about her personal problems and then insisted we go somewhere else before I could do anything else.
Marinette: Well clearly she has issues she needs to work out.
Adrien: I want to help her, and she says she trusts me, but she keeps me at such a distance. Like there are things I cant talk with her about, but I am worried about all the stress she is under.
Marinette: I think you need to be upfront with your friend about all of this. She sounds so twofaced, saying she trusts you but then doesnt talk with you about the problems.
Adrien: Its a bit more complicated then that, she doesnt really know me either.
Marinette: Well have you tried opening up to her?
Adrien: She insists I never her tell her and vice versa.
Marinette: Adrien, she doesnt sound like someone that trusts you, and you are making excuses for her. You need to put your foot down, even if she is mad about it.
Adrien: Okay, I trust you on this. I'll let you know how it goes.
Ladybug: Well the person who gave you that advice CLEARLY doesnt understand the situation. She sounds very judgemental.
Chat noir: She is a very trusted friend, and I tried to give as much details as I could without revealing anything.
Ladybug: Well you are grossly misrepresenting our Dynamic. Us knowing things about the other could put Paris in danger. Maybe remember that!
Chat noir: Right, sorry Ladybug.
Marinette: Judgemental!?
Adrien: Well yea, I told her that she was wrong about her assessment.
Marinette: Adrien, I think your friend is using you for her own selfish means and I think you deserve better treatment.
Adrien: I think I made her seem worse then she actually is. My friend is a good person.
Marinette: What is this friend's name?
Adrien: What?
Marinette: What is her name? I want to give her a piece of my mind!
Adrien: I really cant do that.
Marinette: Fine, give me your phone. I will give her a message you can play for her. You can edit the audio or whatever.
Adrien: Marinette you dont need to...
Marinette: And you better play it for her.
Adrien: (Intimidated yet dazzled) o-okay.
Ladybug: Is she for real?!
Chat noir: That is what she said. (stops the recording) She wanted to confront you in person.
Ladybug: Well I dont know what this girl's deal is, but She needs a talking to. Record THIS message for her.
Chat noir: I am getting a weird feeling of De ja vu.
Marinette: So she recorded a message for me?
Adrien: Y-yea but I dont think I should...
Marinette: Play it.
(Adrien played the message)
Marinette: Oh that is it! I am showing this to alya, she will figure out who this girl is and we are going to have words.
Adrien: Wait Marinette you dont under...
Adrien: I think she took my phone.
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