#These delicious gourd dishes
fictionally-driven · 3 months
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In Sickness and in Health - Part 1
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Pairing: Jiyan x f! reader, Scar x f! reader (Separate) Plot: Some headcanons on how WuWa men would take care of a sick f! reader followed by a small plot on them finding the reader to be ill. trigger warnings: illness, caregiving, nausea, vomiting, unconventional remedies, predefined relationships, mentions of pregnancy (no one is pregnant!) , pet names
AN: Part 2 will be Mortefi and Calcharo, Part 3 will be Aalto and Yuanwu. Inspired by @local-x-reader 's work - Flowers for me?
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Ever since you and Jiyan started dating, his medicinal gourd has become your personalized first-aid kit. Allergies bothering you? He has antihistamines at the ready. Monthly menstrual woes? He stocks up on the best menstrual products and painkillers. Prone to migraines? He never forgets to carry tablets. Jiyan is always prepared to care for you at a moment’s notice.
Jiyan's keen senses pick up on your illness before you even realize it. The slightest change in your behavior or the faintest hint of discomfort doesn't escape his notice. He's there with a gentle hand on your forehead, a soft question about how you're feeling, even before you can put it into words.
Jiyan's cooking skills come in handy when you’re feeling under the weather. If you have stomach problems, he’ll make something light and easy to digest like a soothing broth or plain rice with some gentle herbs. If you’re suffering from cramps, he’ll whip up a meal rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as a salmon dish or chia seed pudding. For colds, his go-to is a hearty soup filled with anti-inflammatory ingredients like turmeric and ginger. His cooking isn't just delicious; it's a heartfelt remedy tailored to your needs.
The General in him takes a backseat when you're sick, letting the compassionate medic take over. Jiyan becomes incredibly attentive, constantly checking on you, ensuring you're comfortable and have everything you need.
Jiyan is always on top of everything when it comes to taking care of you. He keeps track of your medication schedule, making sure you never miss a dose. He adjusts the room temperature to your comfort, brings you extra blankets, and even stays up late to monitor your condition. If you have a fever, he gently wipes your forehead with a cool cloth, and if you're nauseous, he's there with a basin, ready to hold your hair in place while calming you down with soothing words.
To brighten your day, Jiyan will bring you a bouquet of your favorite flowers. He knows how much you love them, and their presence always brings a smile to your face, no matter how ill you feel.
Returning from your latest mission, you could feel every step weighing heavier than the last. The water you had drunk during the mission had left your throat feeling like sandpaper, and a fever had begun to creep up on you. But this was a busy time for everyone, and you couldn't afford to show any weakness. You pushed through, ignoring the throbbing in your head and the chill settling in your bones.
Jiyan was away in Jinzhou for some official business. You didn’t want to bother him with something as trivial as a cold, so when your Pangu terminal rang, you straightened up and forced a cheerful tone.
"Hey, Jiyan!" you greeted, trying to mask the hoarseness in your voice.
"Hello, love," Jiyan's voice came through, warm and comforting. "How was the mission?"
"Exhausting," you replied, attempting a laugh that came out more like a cough. "But nothing I can't handle. Just really tired, you know?"
Jiyan’s keen senses picked up the strain in your voice. "Are you sure you're just tired? You sound a bit off."
"Yeah, yeah, just tired," you reassured him, forcing a smile even though he couldn’t see it. "I’ll be fine after a bit of rest tonight."
"Alright," he said, though his voice carried a hint of doubt. "Make sure you get plenty of rest. Call me if you need anything, okay?"
"Of course. Talk to you soon, Jiyan."
You ended the call and sighed, leaning against the wall for a moment before pushing yourself off to file your mission report. The sooner you finished, the sooner you could collapse into bed.
You were slower than usual as you prepared the report, almost dozing off in between. What would usually take you an hour, took you three this time. As soon as you filed the report, you pushed yourself off the chair, ready to greet your bed. The sky was littered with scars and you could hear the chatter of the Rangers who were allocated to the night shift. By the time you headed towards your allocated room, your vision was starting to blur with fatigue and fever. You barely registered the figure waiting by your door until you got closer.
"Jiyan!?" you whispered, shocked to see him standing there with a bouquet of flowers in his hand.
Before you could say anything else, Jiyan closed the distance between you and placed his palm against your forehead, his expression shifting to one of deep concern.
"You’re burning up," he said, his voice soft but firm. "Why didn’t you tell me you were sick?"
"I didn’t want to worry you," you mumbled, leaning into his touch. "You have so much going on already."
Jiyan shook his head, slipping an arm around your waist to support you. "You’re my priority too, love. Come on, let's get you inside."
He guided you into your room, helping you sit down on the edge of the bed. Setting the flowers aside, he went straight into medic mode. He placed a cool cloth on your forehead and fetched a glass of water.
"Drink this slowly," he instructed, holding the glass to your lips. "We need to keep you hydrated."
You took small sips, feeling the cool water soothe your parched throat. "Thank you, Jiyan," you murmured.
He smiled gently, brushing a strand of hair away from your face. "You don’t have to thank me. I’m here to take care of you."
Jiyan then moved to unpack his medicinal gourd, pulling out various items. He gave you some fever-reducing medicine and an antihistamine to ease your symptoms.
"Here, take these," he said, handing you the pills. "And I’ve got some soup cooking for you in my quarters. It’s got ginger and turmeric—good for fighting off infections."
You nodded, taking the medicine obediently. As you settled back against the pillows, you couldn’t help but feel grateful for his presence. "How did you get here so fast?"
"I took the fastest route I could," he replied, his eyes softening as he looked at you. "I knew something was wrong when we talked. I couldn’t just stay in Jinzhou knowing you were unwell."
Your heart swelled at his words, and you reached out to take his hand. "You’re amazing, you know that?"
Jiyan chuckled, bringing your hand to his lips for a gentle kiss. "I just care about you. Now, rest while I finish up the soup."
You closed your eyes, feeling the fever slowly begin to abate under his care. The scent of ginger and turmeric soon filled the room, and before long, Jiyan returned with a steaming bowl of soup.
"Here you go," he said, sitting beside you. "Careful, it’s hot."
He fed you spoonful of the warm, nourishing soup, and you could feel the effects of it.  "You didn’t have to come all the way here," you said, feeling tears prick at your eyes
"Of course I did," Jiyan replied, his voice softening. "I can’t focus on anything knowing you’re unwell. Never think you're a bother to me," he continued, his eyes locking onto yours with an intensity that made your heart flutter despite your condition. “You mean everything to me," he said softly. "I hate seeing you like this."
"I’ll be okay," you assured him, reaching out to take his hand. "Especially with you here."
He squeezed your hand gently. "I’m not going anywhere," he promised. "I’ll stay right here and take care of you."
As you finished the soup, Jiyan continued to fuss over you, making sure you were comfortable and had everything you needed. He brought the flowers closer, their sweet scent filling the room and lifting your spirits.
"These are beautiful," you said, admiring the bouquet.
"I thought they might cheer you up," he said, a warm smile spreading across his face.
"They do," you said, feeling a surge of affection for him. "You always know how to make me feel better."
"That’s because I love you," he said simply, brushing a strand of hair from your face.
"I love you too, Jiyan," you whispered as you laid down, your eyes feeling heavier by the minute. "Thank you for coming back…" you said, your voice heavy with sleep.
"I’ll always come back for you," he replied. “Every time.” You felt his lips brush against your forehead as you closed your eyes. And with that, you drifted off into a peaceful sleep, knowing that as long as Jiyan was by your side, you’d always be well taken care of.
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Despite his chaotic nature, Scar is utterly obsessed with you. If you so much as sneeze, he’s immediately by your side, eyes wide with concern and hands hovering as if unsure where to start.
The first time you fell sick, you didn’t expect Scar to be so devoted. His usual unserious demeanor disappeared, replaced by a palpable worry that made his antics seem like a distant memory. Even with just a simple migraine, he insisted that you see a medic, his anxiety clear in every word and action.
He constantly checks in on you, whether through calls, texts, or physically being there. He needs to know you’re okay, and his concern manifests in frequent, albeit endearing, interruptions to your day.
Scar is relentless in his encouragement for you to rest and take it easy. He’ll do everything in his power to ensure you don’t overexert yourself, including taking on your responsibilities.
Scar refuses to leave your side when you’re sick. He’ll camp out in your room, insisting on being there for anything you might need, and his presence, though sometimes a bit overwhelming, is undeniably comforting.
Scar's methods of care might be unconventional, ranging from brewing bizarre herbal concoctions to attempting ancient rituals he read about somewhere. Despite their eccentricity, his intentions are always pure—he just wants to see you well again.
Once you start feeling better, Scar continues his care with aftercare rituals that are part sweet and part eccentric. He might insist on daily massages or reciting protective chants to ward off any lingering illness.
The night had been restless, your stomach churning uncomfortably from something you ate the previous evening. As dawn broke, waves of nausea swept over you, accompanied by clammy sweats and uncontrollable shivers. By morning, you were pale and weak, unable to keep anything down.
In your dimly lit room, you clutched your stomach, hoping the queasiness would pass. Scar's usual chaotic presence was nowhere to be seen, which almost felt like a relief in your current state of misery. However, just as you began to resign yourself to a day of suffering alone, the door burst open with a bang.
"Guess what, little lamb!" Scar's voice echoed through the room, filled with a strange mix of excitement and triumph. "I managed to trick a few more Rangers into joining our cause! Can you believe it? They fell for the old 'lost patrol' routine like it was their first day out of the academy!"
You winced at the noise, trying to shield yourself from his exuberance. "Scar, not now," you managed to mutter weakly, your voice barely above a whisper.
But as Scar's gaze swept the room, his excitement faded into pure shock. His eyes widened as he took in your pale complexion, your trembling form, and the obvious distress etched on your face.
"What's going on?" he asked, his voice suddenly serious.
You barely had time to mutter a weak reply before another wave of nausea hit. You hurried to the restroom, barely making it to the toilet before retching once more. Scar followed close behind, his usual exuberance replaced by a rare seriousness as he knelt beside you, holding your hair back and rubbing your back soothingly.
"Are you... pregnant?" he blurted out, his concern mixing with his usual lack of filter.
You shot him a dirty look as you shuddered, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. "No," you managed to mumble, leaning back against the cool tiles. "Ate something bad..."
"Little lamb, why didn’t you tell me you were feeling like this?" he asked softly, helping you to sit back against the wall.
"I didn’t want you to see me like this," you admitted, feeling embarrassed and vulnerable.
Scar shook his head, brushing a strand of hair from your face. "You think a little sickness is going to scare me away? Tsk.” He looked almost offended. He got up to leave you in the bathroom, only to return a few moments later.
He fetched a glass of water and a damp cloth, gently wiping your face and neck. "You need to stay hydrated," he said, his voice surprisingly gentle. "And rest. I’ll take care of everything else. Let's get you cleaned up, first, Hm?"
Throughout the day, Scar remained by your side, his usual antics subdued by genuine concern. He fetched cool cloths for your forehead, brought you small sips of water to keep you hydrated, and even attempted to brew some bizarre herbal remedy he claimed would settle your stomach.
"You know, I read about this plant that's supposed to cure everything from heartbreak to the plague," he mused, stirring a pot of leaves and roots that smelled surprisingly pleasant. "I figured it might help."
Despite your skepticism, his efforts were oddly comforting. Scar's presence was a constant, his chatter and eccentric care slowly easing your discomfort. He stayed close, ensuring you didn't feel alone in your misery.
As the day wore on and your symptoms began to subside, Scar insisted on continuing his aftercare rituals—massaging your shoulders to relieve tension, reciting what he called protective chants to ward off any lingering illness, and even preparing a simple broth to tempt your appetite.  His care was unconventional—his attempts at chanting ancient healing spells were met with your amused disbelief—but his presence was undeniably comforting. He refused to leave your side, camped out on the floor beside your bed with a makeshift nest of blankets and pillows.
As evening fell and you finally managed to keep down some broth, Scar sat beside you, his usual chaos subdued to a quiet vigilance. He brushed a strand of hair from your face, his gaze soft with a rare tenderness.
"You really had me worried, little lamb," he admitted quietly. "I don’t like seeing you like this."
"I’m sorry," you murmured, feeling guilty for not letting him know sooner.
"Don’t apologize," he said firmly, his hand finding yours. "Just promise me you’ll tell me next time. I’m here for you, no matter what."
Despite his eccentricities and chaotic nature, Scar’s devotion to you was undeniable. His antics might drive you crazy on a daily basis, but in moments like these, you couldn’t imagine anyone else by your side.
"You should get some rest," he said gently, tucking the blankets around you a bit tighter. "I’ll be right here, little lamb."
You reached out to squeeze his hand, the nickname now a term of endearment. "I know," you replied softly. "And I appreciate it, Scar."
He smiled, a genuine expression that softened his rugged features. "Anything for you, even the world, should you ask." he murmured, his thumb brushing over your knuckles.
You closed your eyes, feeling the exhaustion pulling you under, but not before whispering a heartfelt thank you to the man who had barged into your life in the most unexpected and chaotic of ways.
"Goodnight, Scar," you murmured, already drifting off.
"Goodnight, little lamb," he whispered back, bringing your hand, closer to his lips, pressing feather light kisses on each of your finger. Scar stayed true to his word, watching over you with a protective gaze that spoke volumes of his love and unwavering devotion
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WuWa Masterlist
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poppiesandpromises · 11 days
& I have become this autumnal mess
With acorn squash guts upon my dress
A cleaver demolishing hardened skin
Cutting and peeling to find flesh within
I strain & sweat before this cutting board
A loyal knight bearing the dullest sword
But I will still not let my shoulders droop
I know I'll vanquish this autumnal soup
A September evening seems incomplete
Without some delicious dishes to eat
I know I can do this, I know I'll win
When I am the victor oh how I'll grin
No time for the bitter bite of defeat
Just this gorgeous gourd, so shiny and sweet
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worldwideebay · 1 year
My Thrilling Experience with eBay Seeds: A Beginner's Guide to Gardening
Hey there, fellow green thumbs! I'm excited to share with you my recent eBay seed haul that has me feeling like a true gardening pro. As someone who loves to grow their own produce, I'm always on the lookout for unique and exciting seeds to add to my collection.
And let me tell you, I hit the jackpot with these seeds. From giant onions to Halloween pumpkins, there's something for everyone in this haul. So, without further ado, let's dive into the seeds I picked up and why they're worth adding to your garden.
First up, we have the Riesen Zwiebeln seeds. These bad boys grow into massive onions that will have your neighbors green with envy. And let's be real, who doesn't want to flex with some giant onions? (Link)
Next, we have the Halloweenkürbis seeds. That's right, folks, we're talking about pumpkin seeds that are specifically bred for Halloween. I mean, who needs to buy those overpriced, pre-carved pumpkins when you can grow your own spooky gourds? (Link)
But wait, there's more! We also have the Riesenwassermelone seeds, because who doesn't want to sink their teeth into a juicy, giant watermelon on a hot summer day? (Link)
For those looking to add some color to their garden, we have the Zwiebeln Mix Rot & Weiß and the Lila Möhren seeds. The red and white onion mix will add some pizzazz to your savory dishes, while the purple carrots will add a pop of color to your salads. (Link) (Link)
And let's not forget about the sweet stuff. We've got the Weiße Erdbeeren seeds and the Bunte Möhren seeds. White strawberries? Yes, please! And the rainbow carrots? They're almost too pretty to eat. (Link) (Link)
Last but not least, we have the Kräuter der Provence seeds. This herb mix will transport you straight to the lavender fields of southern France, and add some delicious flavor to your cooking. (Link)
So, there you have it folks, my eBay seed haul that has me feeling like a gardening guru. These seeds are top quality and I can't wait to see what kind of garden I can grow with them. Happy planting!
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chzdavmpr · 7 months
Delicious in Dungeon Reading Diary Vol 5
Spoilers below, obviously
Oh so we are getting right into Falin weirdness off rip.
I called it that this person was the mad mage.
Hmm. So they recognize Laios, but know it's from within a painting that they recognize him. I'm surprised but I think that actually fully explains how the painting work. I guess it's time for a big rant on my guess as to how living painting work. If you don't care skip this paragraph. Ok so the mad mage made the paintings to trap people and it seems like whenever someone enters them a scene starts playing like a tape, except that people trapped inside can interact with things. These recordings are of things that actually happened, and the people within them act roughly how they actually did. However the mad mage is the exception to this. It seems that they can either perceive through the scenes of their painting counterpart or just know everything that happens in the painting. It also seems that they can choose to override their painting counterpart's recorded actions and take control of them, allowing them to know that laios was in all the paintings. This I'm a bit iffy on because if I recall they seem to think Laios is some kind of kingdom infiltrator in the painting which wouldn't quite line up but it's the best I got. Additionally you can draw/paint extra stuff onto the painting and it will be sentient but won't be in the painting proper, just kinda in a plane on top of the painting, or maybe that's just because Laios drew bad. Either way that is a lot, but hopefully this is the last time I should spend way too long talking about living paintings.
Very funny how the label follows them. I also love Senshi's face of "what the hell man those are my hams"
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Oh so since Falin was made with the dragon's flesh and blood she is the dragon. Wait does this mean Falin is dead forever? I sure hope not.
I'm skipping over most of the next 3 chapters, I'll get to them in my final thoughts.
Wow this samurai guy is having just an awful time.
So senshi probably got the cheese from the orcs. But I should mention I've also been watching the anime with some friends as it comes out. And one of them has a huge pet peeve about every time they have oil in the dish, since he says they should've run out forever ago. I'm not bothered by it at all, and find it very funny how he reacts every time oil is on screen. The reason I bring this up now is if this cheese is seen more then just this once he is gonna blow his gourd and it will be very funny.
Senshi giving Chilchuck "the talk" is so funny that I literally got light head from laughing.
It's very cool that Laios is learning magic. I feel a lot of stories wouldn't do that just because he's "the fighter" and Marcille is "the wizard" and they would have to stay as those archetypes.
The art in this whole series is great. I love the way the cockatrice is drawn here.
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It may have been fine if it didn't come right after another whole chapter where Chilchuck recaps the story so far like there's been a hiatus and they wanna make sure you remember everything.
Man this chapter is on a roll with these A+ panels
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I somehow only just now, while taking the above picture, that the chapter called cleaners has the characters dressed up as cleaners. That's cute and I may be a little stupid.
Ok so I was gonna say this this guy may be Delgal hiding, since we saw that the mad mage is looking for him.
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But then I remembered; isn't the whole backstory for the golden city that it's king told of the mad mage and then died? Cause that would make it kinda hard to find him.
But then now when I'm composing this I'm remembering that the dungeon doesn't allow people to die, so either he died right outside or that story was wrong. Hmmm.
Seriously every panel with Shuro has him look like the worlds most depressed man.
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He's practically sinking into the earth.
You know in retrospect, if the Dungeon Gormet Guide was a bunch of lies and guesses it's awfully lucky that it's happened to be right about what is and is not poisonous. (Or which tentacles' swelling can be reduced with vinegar)
To conclude my thoughts on this volume, that first chapter is great. I was a little worried about what the next plot hook would be but it delivered. They just show straight up that the elf is the lord of the dungeon. And they introduce the mystery of "what is going on with falin." But then it spends 2 whole chapters just telling us stuff we already know. Like it was kinda cool seeing the B Team piece together who A Team is with limited knowledge, but other then the stuff about Shuro there wasn't much new or interesting.
And then the party is just trapped on the 5th floor the entire volume, I imagine because next volume their plans will change and they won't want to go back to the surface and the author wanted to avoid too much backtracking. Which I get, but it ends up feeling like a bunch of these chapters are just kinda killing time until the B team shows up.
That being said, still a great volume of manga. Probably the weakest so far, but only because it's a like a 4.5 instead of a 4.75 or 5.
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walks-the-ages · 8 months
It's january, which means it's seed-buying time for many gardeners! So, here is your reminder: Do not buy anything from Baker Creek / Rareseeds. com ; they are racist, anti-vaxxers; they steal varieties from Native communities, are friends with Clive Bundy, wanted to invite Robert F Kennedy Jr to one of their seed expos. They've fundraised for the homophobic and misogynistic Salvation Army
They have adopted young children from asian countries to use as free advertising for their "~exotic Asian seed varieties~" by having them pose with all of the (stolen + renamed) Asian varieties as young children-- might have to check the Wayback Machine to see this in action, or look at physical seed packets for this, as they've cut back on it after coming underfire for such a gross practice.
Anyways, would you like to know who you SHOULD support this year when purchasing seeds?
Experimental Farm Network, who has been nothing but vocally supportive of Palestinians and calling for everyone to do what they can to end the genocide Israel is committing.
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[ID: A facebook post by Experimental Farm Network, which shows a hand holding three young, fuzzy Yakteen gourds, which are oblong, light green fruits with a visible fuzz on the outside, with dried blossoms visible on the ends. The post reads: "These are 'Palestine Yakteen' gourds at almost the perfect size for harvest. I normally would've waited to pick them about twice as large, when they're still tender and delicious. But the first big frost (a couple months ago) had killed the plant, so these were officially done. The plant was a volunteer in my backyard. I didn't even know it was there until about September, and in November I was enjoying these first — and last — fruit (with garlic, parsley, salt, and Palestinian olive oil). It was, no doubt, the most bittersweet meal of my life. Today is the 100th day of unimaginable violence against Palestinians in Gaza. South Africa is arguing in the International Court of Justice that Israel is committing genocide. Hundreds of Gazans are still dying every day, from bombings, yes, but now also from hunger, thirst, disease, and exposure. From the comfort of our heated homes, with our drinkable running water, working toilets, and well-stocked pantries, in communities with functioning clinics, hospitals, and pharmacies available to us should we need them, it's impossible to really understand what life is like in Gaza right now. It may seem incongruous — or even trite — to post a picture of some pretty vegetables in this context, but the Yakteen can serve as an important reminder of the humanity and beauty of Palestinian people and their ancient culture. They are not nameless, faceless nobodies. They tend gardens, smell flowers, celebrate with family and friends over steaming dishes of lovingly prepared food. They love deeply. They sing and dance and laugh. They are just like you or me. Please do not only remember them today. Take action to help them. Or resolve to take action. Or reach out and ask someone how you can take action. Do something. Please. Because you can. end ID]
This is just one of many posts they have shared on their social medias since the genocide began, and they have been partnered with Palestine Heirloom Seed Library to help raise funds; each packet of seeds from their Palestine collection has 50% of the proceeds going towards funding the Seed Library, and they
If you have friends or family who order from Baker Creek, please let them know exactly who they are supporting -- and reassure them that dozens of other seed companies with much better ethics are out there, offering those exact same "rare" varieties! Seedsavers.org is another great heirloom alternative, with the bonus that they regularly work on seed Rematriation- returning Native heirloom varieties to the indiginous communities who created them
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julieterbang · 2 years
I lived in Europe (France mostly) for a couple years (currently US-based), and I could never get used to how mild all of the Asian food in Europe was. Even Indian food was never spicy. If I wanted spice, I had to cook for myself, and finding ingredients was definitely hard.
I think they make it that way to suit westerners palette. Not to be rude or anything btw
I can't imagine to eat indian food especially curry that taste mild. I actually never eat curry that taste bad in my place. Im from Malaysian and we're multi race countries, we got plenty of indian restaurants and its super delicious. If you come to Malaysia, i recommend to eat banana leave. Its white rice serve in banana leave and you eat it with lots of other side dishes such papadom, picked chili, fried bitter gourd, fried chicken or masala chicken ( depend on what they serve that day)
Of cause this food also serve in India since that their origin.
Other asian ingredients hard to get since its not as popular as korean / Japanese or chinese food. It such a shame since asian not just consist those 3 countries.but it is what it is, i guess we need to accept the stigma.
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sfarticles · 1 year
Fall into flavor with versatile squash Farmers markets will be the place to be for this popular harvest
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 A popular fall harvest is squash, a vegetable belonging to the gourd family (photo: Emily Ryan)
As published in......
It seems like yesterday when I picked up the vibrant, flower-filled, railing boxes from our local greenhouse.  Last week, I noticed that those boxes on the deck railings have thinned out, and sadly, the colors are dissipating. I was reminded, as the temperature at night drops, plant life slows down, and very soon, nature’s artistry takes over blanketing the landscape with vibrant colors.
Fall arrives next week. Along with the arrival of autumn, are the farmers markets displaying myriad crops of the seasonal harvest.  A popular fall harvest is squash, a vegetable belonging to the gourd family (Cucurbitaceae).
I’ve been stalling purchasing those mini pumpkins (a type of squash) that are displayed on my fireplace mantle. The beginning of August was too soon to think about fall. Many of the stores I visited at the end of July and beginning of August welcomed me at the entrance with displays of all sorts of fall décor. Why do we rush the seasons away…. Well, maybe we do want that with winter!
People love squash because the flavor connects them to holidays, special occasions, and family gatherings. Perhaps this is why some people were flocking, or will soon be, to the farmers’ stands to purchase their pumpkins, squash, gourds, and other seasonal fare.
The mild flavor offers a blank canvas to create sweet or savory dishes, whether it be soups and salads, appetizers, casseroles and, most importantly, at least for me, dessert. This time of year, winter squash takes over from summer squash. One big difference between summer and winter squash is the winter variety’s thicker skin and denser, sweeter flesh. And, unlike summer squash, they can be stored for a longer period, thus they are available all winter. Popular varieties are butternut, hubbard, acorn, spaghetti, and of course, pumpkin. The type of preparation is varied; mashed, pureed, and often used as pie and pastry fillings.
One of my favorite single subject cookbook authors is Julia Rutland, who wrote “Squash: 50 Tried & True Recipes” (2019, Adventure Publications, $16.95).
Rutland’s recipes will become instant family favorites, especially for autumn. The book’s full-color photography adds to the enjoyment of cooking. Her pointers on buying and cooking squash, along with practical tips for cutting tough-skinned winter varieties, along with creative recipes, make the book a must for squash lovers. Additionally, if you grow squash in your garden, and it produces more than you can eat, you’ll find simple and delicious ways to preserve your crop.
I think I will give-in this weekend and buy those mini-pumpkins and some squash. Perhaps the calendar is reminding me to let some squash-themed dishes and adornments contribute to the overall festive atmosphere of the upcoming season. And…my mouth has been watering since reading the recipes from Rutland’s book.
For the recipes for Pumpkin-Cream Cheese Streusel Muffins and Butternut Squash-and-Quinoa Salad, visit https://bit.ly/3kF6RwL.
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Photo: Julia Rutland 
Pumpkin-and-Pepita Parker House Rolls
7 tablespoons butter, divided
½ cup pumpkin or butternut squash puree
1 cup cream, half-and-half, or whole milk
2 large eggs, divided
¼ cup sugar
3 ½ cups all-purpose flour
1 envelope (2 ½ teaspoons) active dry yeast
1 ½ teaspoons salt
Pepitas (roasted pumpkin seeds)
Flaky sea salt
Note: Allow the cream, egg and butter to reach room temperature before mixing together because cold ingredients will slow down the rising process.
Melt 4 tablespoons of butter. In the bowl of a stand-up electric mixer, beat 4 tablespoons melted butter, pumpkin puree, cream, 1 egg, sugar, flour, yeast and salt, mixing until a dough forms. Knead on a lightly floured surface (or in mixing bowl with a dough hook) about 5 minutes or until smooth. Transfer to a lightly oiled bowl, turning to coat surface. Cover loosely with plastic wrap and let rise in a warm place for 1 to 2 hours or until doubled in bulk.
Melt the remaining 3 tablespoons of butter. Brush a 9-inch-by-9-inch baking dish lightly with some of the melted butter. Set aside.
Punch dough down and divide into 18 pieces on a floured surface. Roll into balls, and place in prepared baking dish. Brush tops with remaining melted butter. Cover with plastic wrap and let rise in a warm place for 45 minutes or until puffed (but not doubled in size).
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Whisk remaining egg and brush over tops of rolls. Sprinkle with desired amount of pepitas and sea salt. Bake 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown. Makes 1 ½ dozen.
Pumpkin Hummus
The headnote says, “There are lots of hummus flavors in stores and you can easily make this unique fresh version anytime with ingredients kept in the pantry. The pumpkin flavor is a fun riff you can serve at Halloween parties and through the rest of the fall holidays.”
Pumpkin Hummus – Healthy and delicious and easy to prepare.
1 (15-ounce) can pure pumpkin
1 (15-ounce) can garbanzo beans, rinsed and drained
½ teaspoon grated lemon zest
1/3 cup fresh lemon juice
1/3 cup tahini
1 garlic clove, sliced
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 ½ teaspoons ground cumin
1 teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon smoked paprika or ground cayenne pepper
Pita chips
Garnish: toasted pumpkin seeds
Combine pumpkin, beans, lemon zest and juice, tahini, garlic, oil, cumin, salt, and paprika in a food processor; process until smooth. Spoon into a serving bowl; garnish, if desired. Serve with pita chips. Makes 3 cups.
Butternut-Rosemary Risotto
The headnote says, “Risotto is a creamy rice dish made specifically with a medium-grain Italian rice called Arborio. Arborio contains a good bit of starch that, when cooked slowly with small amounts of broth, creates a silky, saucy texture. Make sure the squash pieces are cut to the same size for even cooking.”
4 tablespoons butter
1 small onion, finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 ½  cups Arborio rice
2 cups peeled and cubed butternut or other hard winter squash
½  cup white wine
4 cups chicken or vegetable broth, warm
½  cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese
2 teaspoons chopped fresh rosemary
½  teaspoon salt
¼  teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper
Melt butter in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add onion and garlic; cook, stirring constantly, for 5 minutes or until tender.
Add Arborio rice and squash; cook 1 minute, stirring constantly. Stir in wine. Cook, stirring constantly, for about 1 to 2 minutes or until wine evaporates.
Add 1 cup broth to risotto mixture and cook, stirring constantly or very frequently, until liquid is absorbed. Repeat with remaining broth, 1 cup at a time, until liquid is absorbed after each addition.
Remove from heat and stir in cheese, rosemary, salt and pepper. Makes 4 to 6 servings.
Turkey-and-Winter Squash Pot Pie
The headnote says, “Put this recipe on your to-do list after Thanksgiving because it’s great for leftover turkey (and the rest of that package of celery!). I tend to use shortcuts like refrigerated piecrusts after a big food-filled holiday, but you can substitute your favorite homemade double-crust pastry.”
4 tablespoons butter
3 stalks celery, chopped
1 medium onion, chopped
2 ½ cups cubed butternut squash or other winter squash
¼ cup all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons poultry seasoning
½ teaspoon salt
1 cup chicken or turkey broth
1 cup half-and-half
3 cups chopped or shredded cooked turkey
1 (15-ounce) package refrigerated piecrusts
1 egg, lightly beaten
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Melt butter in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add celery and onion. Cook, stirring frequently, 5 minutes. Add squash. Cover and cook, stirring occasionally, for 10 minutes until vegetables are almost tender.
Stir in flour, poultry seasoning and salt. Cook for 1 minute.
Add broth and half-and-half, stirring until well blended. Bring to a simmer; simmer 5 minutes or until thickened and bubbly. Stir in turkey.
Place one piecrust in bottom of a 9-inch pie plate. Add filling, and cover with remaining crust. Fold over edges and crimp to seal. Make several slits in top. Brush with egg. Bake 30 to 40 minutes or until golden brown and bubbly. Makes 6 servings.
Recipes and photos courtesy of ......
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Stephen Fries, is Professor Emeritus and former coordinator of the Hospitality Management Programs at Gateway Community College, in New Haven, CT. He has been a food and culinary travel columnist for the past 15 years and is co-founder of and host of “Worth Tasting,” a culinary walking tour of downtown New Haven, CT. He is a board member of the International Association of Culinary Professionals. [email protected]
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40sandfabulousaf · 1 year
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大家好! After the heavy meal with Mrs T, I ate qing dan (less oil and salt). A stall selling mixed dishes opened at the food court near the office; curious, I asked if they sold steamed fish. They did - I ordered that, firm tofu with leek, hairy gourd stirfried with eggs and mushrooms to go with zhou (porridge). There wasn't much gravy nor sauce, so the meal was much less salty and oily than it could've been; this suited me just fine, because I tasted the freshness of the fish and veggies!
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The food was so qing dan, nutritious and tasty that I returned the next day. Besides steamed fish, I chose egg tofu, mixed veggies with hei mu er (wood ear mushrooms) and stirfried bean sprouts to go with zhou. In order to help you understand why I - and many Asians - choose not to solely focus on super foods, I'm sharing the nutrition profiles of some veggies eaten in this post. Different food stalls sell various types of fish, so I don't always eat the same old thing when dining out. This way, I give my body as many nutrients as possible.
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Speaking of different food stalls, I explored a little further from my neighbourhood and ended up at a coffee shop. They didn't have steamed fish but assam fish is also delicious, so I ordered that, tomato scrambled eggs, stirfried kan choy (celery) with hei mu er and stirfried green beans with pork mince to go with zhou. Besides being very filling, the food was also yummy. I'll return to see what meals the other stalls have to offer. Pa likes hearing about my moderately healthy meal adventures and we chat about nutrition often so this gives us something more to talk about.
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On a whim, I decided to walk to catch up with Grace and Douglas instead of relying on car or public transport. The hour-long journey tested the cushioning of the soles of my new Anta shoes. Good news: my flat feet didn't hurt at all and, given that my country IS the Garden City, there was green and colour along the way. I was amazed by the pale green tree, which was almost silvery in the sunlight. Life moves at a very hectic pace here; being able to appreciate flora and fauna is a luxury that I cherish.
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My stomach was growling by the time I neared my friends' residence. Time for shui jiao tang mian (shrimp and pork wanton soup noodles) before going up to their flat. Already a delicious nutritionally balanced meal on any given day, the dish tastes even better when one is hungry! To eat qing dan, I skipped the soy sauce, adding only green chilli seasoned in vinegar to the clear broth. Why shui jiao tang mian is moderately healthy: 1. Protein, veggies (choy sum) and carbohydrates; 2. Less oil; and 3. Hydration hydration hydration.
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Now that you have basic understanding of the nutrition profiles of some of the foods we enjoy in Asia, perhaps the recipe videos I share will be more helpful when you want a break from grain bowls, salads and chicken breast with broccoli/cauliflower or you just want to eat moderately healthy. The key word is: balance - nutritional balance, balance of oily foods and qing meals as well as balance of food with the exercise I do. I don't have the time to count calories/macros so this is more sustainable to me and, at 46yo, my blood pressure remains steady at 120/80, my triglycerides are normal and I'm not taking any long term medications. You can follow some 'experts', whose advice resulted in worsening health statistics in some countries, or you can just give what Asians here do a try. Like they say, you can't keep doing the same thing and expect different results; it's all up to you. 下次见!
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barovianbitches · 1 year
Blackstarr and the Ghosts of the Night - Bettany Blackstarr
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Trigger Warning: Death, Abuse, Gore
The market of Mousewood was ablaze, large canyons raked through the ground of the once-cobbled streets, and nearby buildings now collapsed as villagers ran from their destroyed homes in a panic… others lay on the ground, still.
In the middle of the square stood a boy in his early twenties, swaying slightly as he overlooked the madness. He fell to his knees, dizzy from a burning wound that spread over the left side of his body. His fingers grazed open flesh, feeling exposed teeth as he ran his fingers over his cheek. Pulling his hand away, he witnessed the dark red blood trickle down his fingers, blood so dark and rich in color it was almost violet. Oh how he hated blood, the sight made him vomit, spewing bile onto the ground in front of him as he felt his dread rise. 
Bettany panted, wiping the sick from his lips, tears streaming from his eyes as he felt the acid linger on the wounded areas of his cheek.
He pulled his legs up to his chest, squeezing his eyes shut as he began to rock back and forth in an attempt to settle himself. 
“I’m sorry… I’m so sorry… I’m so sorry,” Bettany stammered, his nails clutching his shoulders so tightly that they’d begun to draw blood, “I- I didn’t mean to, I didn’t mean to.”  Bettany wept, curling in closer and closer to the uneven and gorged ground.
Mousewood was no more.
The village was destroyed
His village was destroyed.
His home was destroyed, and it was all his fault.
The loving Hazuleth, a screech owl with brown feathers was known for her delicious cooking- selling classic Owlfolk dishes out of her small eatery. Arteana was revered not for her kindness, but for her skill in both fighting and leatherwork. Arteana, a snowy owl with eyes of sapphire, was a fighter.
The two fell in love, settling into a small cabin where they dreamt of having a child. Both attempted to rear owlets with surrogate fathers from the village but nothing seemed to work… that was until they found a small human boy in a tree one faithful autumn morning. Bettany E. Blackstarr, the blanket wrapped around his small body called him. Their beloved child, a gift from the heavens.
They dotted on the human boy, raising him as their own, creating an environment where he could thrive and grow strong. Despite Hazuleth and Arteana going out of their way to ensure the very best for Bettany, the young boy had never been allowed to celebrate a Ghost Moon before.
The other villagers had all celebrated many times as such a tradition was common for the villagers of Mousewood, a small town composed of craftsmen on the outskirts of Neverwinter Wood. The townsfolk were kind, aged beyond their appearances; with round eyes and flat faces adorned with hooked beaks, with fine plumages of feathers all with different patterns and hues of brown, white, black, and gold.
Bettany had no feathers nor beak, instead smooth pallid skin and a mess of dark curls that often carried twigs, leaves, and moss in their depths, gifts from the forest. The villagers all treated him as if he were of their own flesh and feathers. They knew he was Hazuleth and Arteana’s boy, and that he was an owlet by bond. Be as it may, the elders were still hesitant to let a human experience the festivities, as it had been an Owlfolk tradition dating back centuries that the village prided on its secrecy from the outside world.
For many years the boy would watch new owlets experience the festival, and for many years he would sit in his parent's cottage waiting for his turn. With his round face pressed against the glass of the window, he’d watch as hollowed gourds would be lit along doorsteps, families wearing masks and robes of shimmering fabric exiting their homes as glowing pumpkins guiding them along a path to the heart of the village where laughter and song could be heard until the sun rose the next day. His mothers understood why he so longed to participate in such a spectacular festival- though they also understood the rules of the elders. 
“Next year, baby, next year,” Hazuleth would soothe, using her beak to tuck a loose strand of hair behind his ear.
“Love, the elders won't change their mind,” Arteana would insist, not looking up from whatever leather she was stitching, cutting, punching, or stripping, “do not make our boy sad.”
“You old hoot, Bettany will go next year, just wait,” Hazuleth would insist, winking an avian eye at her pouty son.
The years would pass, and Bettany would watch as more and more parliaments passed underneath the windowsill. Not even his favorite purple carrot soup that Hazuleth only ever made on Festival night could shake him from his sadness.
“That's It!” Arteana snapped a few nights prior to one faithful Ghost Moon. Bettany jumped, causing the mouse he’d been playing with to skitter away.
“What’s it?” Bettany asked, crawling over to where the mouse had hidden under the drink table and putting his face to the ground to peek at the terrified thing with citrine-colored eyes. Hazuluth looked at Arteana questioningly, raising a feathered brow at her partner. Arteana said nothing, marching out of the cabin. In the distance, the two could hear the slam of her workshop door. “Well I guess we’ll see you soon,” Hazuluth murmured, shaking her head.
The morning of the Ghost Moon, Bettany was awoken by a large parcel thumping onto his bed. Waking with a jolt, Bettany groggily turned to look at Arteana above him. Bettany hadn’t seen Arteana since she’d stormed out days prior, she had prominent bags under her eyes and a slightly manic grin on her face.
“Happy Ghost Moon,” she chirped, “Go on then. Open it, boy,” 
Inside the parcel was a beautifully crafted mask. With a domed birch wood faceplate and leather straps that acted as fasteners, finely engraved feathers circled the eyeholes, which were obscured with a translucent black lense.
“Arteana…” Bettany gasped, grinning as he ran a finger down the fine nose bridge of the mask which resembled a barn owl, “It’s beautiful.”
“If they say that the Ghost Moon is to only be experienced by Owlfolk, then it’ll only be experienced by the Owlfo-,” The wind was knocked out of Arteana as Bettany threw his arms around her midriff, hugging her tightly.
The boy wasn’t a hugger, so the action was enough to make Arteana tear up a little. Arteana returned the embrace, stroking Bettany’s curls as she laid a kiss on the top of his head. Hazuleth stood in the doorway, smiling upon her family.
Bettany was thrilled to finally be walking down the pumpkin-lined streets toward the center of the village.
At last, Bettany would see the Ghost Moon, hear the music, taste the food, and dance among the villagers. 
He all but bolted out of the cottage, Arteana and Hazuleth squawking behind him as they raced after their son. Hazuleth managed to grab the back of Bettany’s hood, steadying him as he stumbled.
“We know you’re excited, Bettany, but you must stay close, okay?” Hazuleth asked, her large caramel-colored eyes blinking. Bettany nodded rapidly, his mask bobbing slightly from the motion. Hazuluth chuckled, a twinkling chirp of noise as she patted the top of his head.
“Ok then, let's go,” Hazuleth smiled. 
Bettany ran as fast as he could towards the festival while making sure he stayed close to his moms, bouncing on his heels as he waited for them to keep his pace.
The festival was a sight like no other.
Every Owlfolk in the village was there, laughing and sharing greetings in glittering costumes which obscured their faces. Vendors lined the square, handing out fire-roasted rabbit legs, warm teas, and small moon-shaped pastries to the children running about shrieking with glee. At the center of it all was a large bonfire, with Owlfolk dancing in circles around its glowing depths.
Families lined up to the fire holding paper lanterns, each decorated with elegant script.
One of the elders, Arvad, held a long flinted stick which he dipped into the fire and then held out for the upcoming family to light their lanterns with. Arvad would offer them a warm smile before they released the lanterns into the night. The lanterns floated into the sky, joining one another in a grand constellation of light as they journeyed with the harvest winds toward the west.
But most intriguing, the spirits. The moon was large, it hung low in the sky. The color was unusually blue, casting a water-like light onto the village below. Through the glimmers of moonlight, the ghosts of long departed Owlfolk walked among their families again. Ancestors laughed with their kin, spouses exchanged secrets, and grandparents met grandchildren. Yes, the dead were walking among the living, but they were of no harm. The dead and living were both content with one another- communing like they simply hadn’t visited the other in a while.
Bettany couldn’t help but gasp, his eyes blurring as he tried to take it all in at once. He laughed gleefully, bouncing up and down between his moms.
Both Arteana and Hazuleth bent down to look at their tiny son, observing him with so much love in their hearts.
“Bettany… there will be people who tell you that you don’t belong because you’re different.” Hazuleth began, wiping a tear from her eye as she smiled at her son, “But never forget that as long as you have us, you will always belong. You will always be loved.” 
Arteana poked Bettany’s chest with a taloned finger, “You’re loved more than you know, ok, kiddo?”
Bettany nodded, rushing towards the two of them, allowing them to engulf him in a hug. All the noise from the festival seemed to drown out as he stayed wrapped in Arteana and Hazuleth’s arms. Through the gap of his moms’ arms, Bettany caught a flickering figure.
The translucent echo of a young human woman with long black hair wearing traveler's furs watched him through the crowd, a sad smile on her lips. Just as Bettany saw her, she faded back into the night.
Bettany looked for her throughout the night, hoping he’d see her again- to ask her why she was so sad.
But he never saw her again.
             PRESENT DAY:
“BETTANY!” a voice pierced through the chaos, making Bettany jump.
“Arteana- please, I need help,” Bettany cried out, squinting as he could blurrily see a large white shape racing towards him.
“Are you okay? Baby, are you okay?” Arteana asked him, kneeling in front of Bettany, her hands flying to pat him down. Bettany’s hands shot up to cover his face. “Let me see, baby, let me see,” begged Arteana as she gently pried his hands away, her eyes widening as the wounds were revealed.
His face had been disfigured, the entire left side of his face looked as if it had been raked by many claws, swirling back and forth like the knots of a tree. Large chunks of his cheek had been torn away, revealing gum, teeth, and muscle. The scarred portion of his face had become discolored, taking on a rotten blue-grey tinged with pinks that blurred into his normal ebony-white skin.
Tears streamed from his golden eyes as Bettany looked up at his mom.
“I’m sorry, I’m really sorry,” Bettany sobbed, grabbing her wrists.
Arteana shook her head, “No baby, it’s not your fault. You don’t need to be sorry, it’s okay.”
“But it was his fault,” a hoarse voice croaked through the silence. Arvad leaned against a crumbling brick wall, pushing off of it to stand, leaning heavily on his walking stick.
“Nonsense,” Arteana snapped, looking between Arvad and Bettany, who’d once again fallen silent.
Arvad staggered towards them, pointing a taloned finger to the boy, blood dripping from his brow and down his face as he drew closer. “I speak the truth. Your son is wicked, a creature like him should have never been welcomed into Mousewood. Your precious boy with his spells and tricks- I warned of the consequences once he showed the signs… Now LOOK AT THE COSTS!” Arvad screeched, lurching towards Bettany. Arteana stood, unfurling her wings to full length as she shielded her son.
“Do not yell at my son, Arvad. What happened today was because of the invaders, Not Bettany.” Arteana’s voice was low, her tone laced with ice-cold sincerity. “Then where is your beloved? Huh?” Arvad spat, cocking his head at Arteana, “Where’s Hazuleth?” 
Arteana blinked, looking over her shoulder to Bettany. 
“Bettany, where’s Hazuleth?” asked Arteana. Bettany felt a sob escape his throat. 
It had all been such a blur, Hazuleth had just brought him some lunch as he was working on a bookbinding request. The two had just sat down together when they’d heard a commotion. Racing outside, the two saw ginormous hellhounds racing the streets, robbed figures marching along behind them, pouring oil over the cobblestone, shoving Owlfolk down, screaming for justice as they flicked matches onto the ground, causing fire to erupt over entire buildings.
Everyone was running, children crying as adults dragged them behind. Hazuleth and Bettany fled to the center of the square, passing by areas Bettany had grown up attending. The bookstore where Bettany had bought his first spell book was scorched, invaders had taken books and thrown them into a pile in front of the store, tearing out the pages and adding them to a flaming heap of books. The herb and potions stand had been overturned, the shopkeeper lying dead by crushed vials, their colorful contents pooling around him.
So much had been charred and destroyed by flame.
Stumbling to a stop, Bettany turned to try to help stop the chaos somehow. Raising his hands he called upon the power of nature. Using his druidic powers, Bettany managed to conjure a wave of water, using it to douse some of the flames, though he was being jostled and shoved about by other running villagers, making it near impossible to keep his focus. 
A particularly tall invader pointed to him and Hazuleth, howling at them as he made his way towards the two. Hazuleth grabbed him by the shoulders, begging him to run, to escape. No matter Bettany’s protesting, Hazuleth shoved him down the street, and he stumbled backward.
Bettany couldn’t leave, he had to help, he had to do something. Maybe it was a mixture of the commotion, his pre-existing anxiety, or the sounds of terror from his childhood home.  Tears stream down his cheeks as something inside of Bettany breaks. And then... BOOM.  
With a wail, an explosion of magic erupted from Bettany’s chest. This was nothing like Bettany had ever felt before, the magic was cold and lethal- it threatened to burn him from the inside out. 
Black clouds of smoke leached out from the blinding blue light streaming from his heart in circular waves. The black matter spread throughout the village and engulfed everything, the sidewalk, lamps, buildings… people. The smoke corroded everything it came into contact with, causing it to melt away like ink spreading in water.
It hurt.
An old crescent-shaped scar on Bettany’s left forearm throbbed, dark veins raising around the pale mark. The veins burned, sending waves of pain over his skin, their reach extending from the tips of his fingers to his brow. The pulsating sludge in his blood searing scars deep into his skin.
 The pain was enough to snap Bettany back to himself, as the spell evaporated away nearly as quickly as it had come, sending Bettany crashing to the ground.
Though the magic was over, its effects were still in action.
Black smog faded into the sky, evaporating into nothing. 
Bettany propped himself up by his elbows, panting as he looked around… surely he couldn’t have…
This couldn’t have been him.
A dread sunk into his stomach like a stone, panicked, he whipped his head about.
“Hazuleth?” Bettany called, slowly rising to his feet. He began shambling in search of her. She couldn’t have gotten far, she was just right behind him-
She had been right behind him,
“Hazuleth?” Bettany called out again, this noise more akin to a cry. A plea that the universe would prove his worst fears wrong, a hope she’d come out from around the corner.
“Hazuleth, please,” Bettany begged, tears stinging his eyes.
A large feather the size of a child’s arm floated down from the sky. Its bronze stripes caught the reflections of the sun and blazing fires as it fell to Bettany’s hands. The edges were singed with black, thin tendrils of sludge peeled from the edges.
The feather of a screech owl.
Bettany felt sick, horrified. He didn’t, he couldn’t have- he didn’t mean for this to happen. He didn’t mean for ANY of this to happen, he was just trying to help. Sobs built in his chest as Hazuleth’s feather completely disintegrated in his hand.
Grief overwhelmed him as his empty hands moved to clutch his chest, with a sob, he fell to his knees once more. 
He disgusted himself.
What kind of monster could do such a thing?
“Bettany,” Arteana’s voice snapped him back to the present, Bettany’s yellow eyes couldn’t focus on her. He shook his head away from her grasp, curling back into himself.
“Bettany, where’s Hazuleth?” Arteana demanded, her tone pitching as her calm composure slipped into desperation.
“Well, he killed her. Didn’t he,” Arvad spat, the spittle flicking on Bettany’s cheek.
“You watch your mouth, He wouldn’t-” Arteana faltered as she turned to look at her adopted son, watching as his shoulders heaved with sobs, snot dripping from his chin.
“Bettany?” Arteana’s voice was horrified as her eyes widened. 
“I didn’t mean for it- I didn’t want to kill her, Arteana please,” Bettany stammered, reaching for Arteana, who stood, pulling away from his reach.
“Like hell,” Arvad snarled, “I watched the beast, watched as he signaled over one of the invaders, and then he cast a horrible spell. The spell erased everything it touched, and he howled with delight as it took your wife. The disgusting creature. May his wounds finally resemble the decayed creature he is inside.”
“That’s not true! I swear that’s not true!” Bettany insisted,  blue energy began to flicker at his fingertips, a glowing haze emitting from his eyes.Arteana’s eyes widened, and she took another step back. 
“Arteana!” Bettany tried to get to his feet, and Arvad knocked his legs from underneath him with his walking stick. Bettany smacked onto the cobblestone with a yelp. “Arteana, please, Hazuleth is my mother, YOU’RE my mother, please don’t listen to him- I could never hurt anyone. It was an accident. You’re my mother!”
“I am not.” Arteana stared at Bettany, her voice cold and her face blank, “I have no son, he died with my wife.”
“No, no, no, PLEASE,” Bettany begged her, holding his hands in a plea.  Arteana shook her head, the skin around her beak wrinkling in disgust. Plant life nearby quivered, flowers in pots and window baskets bulged and distorted- growing larger as their roots reached from under the soil. Coils of roots reached towards Arvad and Arteana. Bettany whimpered as the ground around him began to shake, thick rose vines erupting from the cracked stone, this wasn’t what he wanted.
“The devil wishes to finish his evils!” Arvad howled, brandishing his cane at Bettany, who lurched backward.  “No- I- I don’t, I can't control it- I can’t-” Bettany protested. A vine shot out, restraining Arvad’s wrist and squeezing until he dropped the cane, looking at Bettany with horrified eyes as thorns caused blooms of red blood to dribble down his arm. 
“STOP IT!” Bettany screamed at himself, energy flaring from his hands as the vines released Arvad and withered to the ground.
The magic faded and Bettany cautiously approached Arvad with his hands in surrender, hoping to help him somehow. Arvad winced at the movement, squeezing his eyes shut. “Don’t hurt me,” Arvad begged, cowering at Bettany’s feet. Bettany looked down at the sobbing old man, and back up to Arteana.
“Arteana-” Bettany began.
Arteana didn’t even look at him, “I should never have agreed to let her keep you.”
Bettany gasped, the words were a blow to his stomach as he stared at Arteana in a dazed horror. He felt his lip quiver as he opened his mouth to protest.
“GET OUT!” Arteana screamed, whirling around to face him, “NEVER COME BACK HERE- I DON’T WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!” Bettany’s mother spoke with no love in her heart. 
Bettany stumbled, searching her face for any trace of his mother. He was met only with coldness.
Bettany was too broken to cry, he couldn’t make a sound. He ran.
He was now an outcast, running from any sense of home he’d ever had- leaving behind everything he held dear to himself.
He ran alone.
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blessed1neha · 2 years
What does Krishna eat?
Krishna can eat the whole universe but fearing that some would criticize Him for being a glutton, He eats only a little of each food preparation that is offered to Him. Let’s see the detailed preparations that Krishna eats.
Many different types of excellent preparations are made using pumpkin, potato, kachu, and radish. One preparation uses mustard, ginger, and bitter leaves fried in mustard oil.
Small pieces of eggplant are also cooked with Mung dal patties, ground ginger, and pieces of coconut fried in mustard oil, to produce a tasty dish.
Small pieces of eggplant, yam, kakarola, banana flower, mana-kachu, patalo, and white pumpkin are dried, skewered, and deep-fried to make another dish.
Eggplant, green banana, coconut, chick peas and mung dal patties are mixed and pepper and sugar are added to produce two different dishes, one spicy and the other sweet.
A soup with excellent aroma is also prepared from beans mixed with coconut and prthu root, mixed with lots of ghee, hing, ginger, and raw sugar.
Finely ground coconut is mixed with sugar syrup, milk, and mung dal to make one another dish, and cardamon, clove, pepper, hing, and ginger are mixed to make mung soup- a second soup.
Another soup (third soup) is also made using skinned mung beans, boiled and mixed with milk, and spiced with cardamon, clove, pepper, hing, and sugar.
A fourth soup is also prepared from husked beans and chopped radish with lots of ghee, hing, and pepper.
Another preparation involves selecting the hearts of the best banana and chopping the banana flowers finely, discarding the fibers. It is then cooked with milk, hing, and pepper. This dish is called Marica.
Chopping up arbi and radish finely and skinning unripe jackfruit, another dish is prepared. It is then cooked with dal patties, hing, pepper, and other spices.
Bottle gourd is sliced in long fine strips and is boiled in water and milk, while continuing stirring, till it thickens. Adding sugar, pepper, cumin, hing, and other spices, another delicious dish is prepared.
Taking ripe pumpkin and chopping it finely, frying it in mustard oil, spicing it with ginger, hing, and anise, and mixing it with thickened buttermilk, a sour yogurt dish is also prepared.
In another preparation, radish and puru are cut in circles and cooked in yogurt and black sugar. Mixed with tamarind, another sour preparation is made.
Chickpea flour, yogurt, turmeric, and citron juice are mixed and formed into soft, attractive balls known as kanjika-bati.
Green mango mixed with mustard seeds, and fried in ghee, produces another sweet preparation. Ripe mango mixed with water, sugar, and milk produces a sweet and sour preparation.
Roasted sesame mixed with dry mango produces another sour preparation and toasted sesame with cinnamon makes another dish. Green and ripe mangoes are mixed with sweetened milk and hing to produce more sour dishes.
Cakes are prepared from coconut, rice, roasted sesame, and milk. Warm filtered water is poured over these and are left covered. Then, condensed milk is added. This preparation is called Chitra.
Cream mixed with pepper, camphor, and raw sugar is formed into huge balls known as sara-dugdha-kupi. Using mund-dhal and other ingredients, various pistakas are made.
Sweets such as jilavika, mathahari, puru, pupa, gaja, nada and saraswati are also made. Also are made kharcura, dadimaka, sarkara- pala-mukta, and ladduka.
Laddus are made from condensed and curdled milk. Manohara, hamsakeli, sobharika, daibada, ghola-bada, attakeli, and veni (wheat noodles cooked in milk) are some varieties of Laddus.
Chandrakanti, lalita, amrtapuli, and other sweets are also made. Yogurt, butter, buttermilk, milk, sarabhaji, srikhanda, and other edibles, and many excellent drinks are also made.
All these food preparations are served with rich aromatic white rice, soaked in ghee. All these are served with ghee, slices of lemon, pickles, ginger, mango, mustard sauce, and other such condiments. Huge jugs of water are also served which is scented with camphor.
In this way, innumerable preparations with enticing aromas are prepared, arranged, and served beautifully on the dining table, placing them on jeweled and golden trays for the pleasure of Krishna. Mother Yashoda and Rohini arranges to serve food in proper order and Krishna eats them in that order. Whatever Krishna begins tasting, He is unable to resist eating it. And though He wants to eat all of the preparation, and has the ability to do so, out of fear of onlookers and criticism of being a glutton, Krishna tastes only a little of each preparation.
Lord Krishna begins by eating payasa (sweet milk rice). By eating this payasa, Krishna silently says in His mind ‘’Delicious, Delicious!’’. There are many preparations in huge quantities and Krishna wants to eat them all. He thus takes some amount of all the preparations and thus starts eating the main course, beginning with spinach.
While eating, Krishna makes His companion laugh with His sweet humorous words, saying ‘’Eat, eat, don't leave anything’’, thus giving deep pleasure to each one of His associates.
Taking a little rice, Krishna eats each vegetable prepared with it. But His greed for each item cannot be satisfied. While praising each of His favorite cakes and milk sweets, He eats them all and pretends to be satisfied.
Though Mother Yashoda and Rohini say, ‘’Eat more, Eat more’’, He gives a show of being full, though internally He is never satisfied. Finally, washing His lotus feet, hands, and mouth, and then wiping them, Krishna takes tambula and spices and lays down on a soft bed for some time.
I hope, you got a basic idea of what Krishna eats. Finally, special credit for all this cooking goes to Srimati Radharani and Her close associates.
May one who reads this with attentive faith and devotion develop pure love for Krishna. These confidential descriptions are mentioned by the confidential associate of Lord Krishna- Sri Kavi Karnapura, in his Sanskrit Kavya ‘Krishahnika Kaumudi'. The english translation is offered by H.H. Bhanu Swami. I have thus shared these details, as mentioned by our acharyas.
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berlin-jones · 6 days
Indian Groceries In Phoenix AZ
When it comes to finding authentic and high-quality Indian Groceries In Phoenix AZ, New India Bazaar & Cuisine stands as a one-stop destination for all your culinary needs. Conveniently located at 2544 N 7th St suite 101, Phoenix, AZ 85006, United States, this vibrant market offers a rich selection of Indian staples, spices, and fresh ingredients that are essential for bringing the flavors of India to your home kitchen. Whether you're cooking a traditional meal or experimenting with new recipes, New India Bazaar ensures you have access to the finest products. With a well-stocked inventory and excellent customer service, this store is a go-to for both seasoned chefs and home cooks.
Upon entering New India Bazaar & Cuisine, the rich aromas of Indian spices like cumin, coriander, and garam masala immediately greet you. The store offers a wide range of Indian groceries including rice, lentils, flours, and various ready-to-eat items that cater to those seeking authentic Indian flavors. Whether you’re looking for Basmati rice, Atta flour, or specific spices like turmeric, red chili powder, or hing (asafoetida), New India Bazaar has it all. They stock products from renowned Indian brands such as MDH, Everest, Shan, and Patanjali, which are staples in Indian households.
Fresh produce is a cornerstone of any great meal, and New India Bazaar takes pride in offering a variety of seasonal vegetables and herbs, many of which are unique to Indian cooking. From fresh okra (bhindi) to Indian eggplants (brinjal) and bitter gourds (karela), you’ll find vegetables that are difficult to source elsewhere in Phoenix. You can also find fresh curry leaves, coriander, and green chilies, essential for many Indian recipes. Their well-maintained produce section ensures that you are cooking with the freshest and highest quality ingredients, making your dishes stand out in flavor and authenticity.
For those with a sweet tooth, New India Bazaar & Cuisine carries an array of traditional Indian sweets and snacks. You can indulge in gulab jamun, jalebi, or soan papdi, all made from premium ingredients. They also have a selection of ready-to-eat snacks like samosas, pakoras, and a wide variety of namkeens such as bhujiya, sev, and chakli, which make for perfect teatime treats or party appetizers. You’ll also find frozen foods like parathas, naan, and other pre-prepared Indian bread to complement your meals.
Aside from groceries, New India Bazaar features a well-curated selection of Indian personal care products and household items. You’ll find trusted brands like Himalaya, Dabur, and Vicco for your skincare, haircare, and wellness needs. Whether you’re shopping for herbal shampoos, Ayurvedic medicines, or traditional soaps like Medimix and Chandrika, New India Bazaar makes it easy to maintain your Indian lifestyle in Phoenix.
What sets New India Bazaar & Cuisine apart is not just its vast array of grocery items, but also its dine-in and take-out options. The store doubles as a casual dining spot where you can sample authentic Indian cuisine. Whether you're craving a rich butter chicken, a savory biryani, or a crispy dosai, the attached restaurant serves up delicious meals that capture the essence of India. Their chaat items, such as pani puri and bhel puri, are also crowd favorites. You can grab a quick bite while shopping for your ingredients, making the experience even more convenient and enjoyable.
New India Bazaar & Cuisine also offers bulk purchasing options, making it ideal for families or anyone who frequently cooks Indian meals. If you’re planning a special event or preparing meals for a large gathering, you can rely on their extensive selection of rice, lentils, and spices to meet your needs. Their pricing is competitive, and they offer frequent promotions and discounts, making it a budget-friendly option for high-quality Indian groceries.
For those who are unfamiliar with certain Indian ingredients or dishes, the friendly and knowledgeable staff at New India Bazaar & Cuisine are always ready to assist. Whether you need help finding a specific item or advice on how to use certain spices or ingredients, their team provides exceptional customer service, ensuring that your shopping experience is both educational and enjoyable. Their commitment to quality and customer satisfaction has made them a trusted name in the Phoenix community.
In addition to their in-store offerings, New India Bazaar & Cuisine also provides phone ordering services. You can easily call them at +1 602-712-0009 to check the availability of products, place orders for pick-up, or inquire about their restaurant menu. This level of convenience ensures that you can access authentic Indian groceries and meals without any hassle.
Overall, New India Bazaar & Cuisine is a haven for anyone looking to buy Indian groceries in Phoenix, AZ. From hard-to-find spices and ingredients to freshly made meals and snacks, they provide everything you need under one roof. The store’s combination of a wide product range, excellent customer service, and authentic dining options makes it a standout choice for anyone interested in Indian cuisine. So, the next time you're in need of Indian ingredients or craving a delicious meal, head over to New India Bazaar & Cuisine at 2544 N 7th St suite 101, Phoenix, AZ 85006, or give them a call at +1 602-712-0009 for a truly authentic Indian experience.
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avtaartoursindia · 28 days
Same Day Agra Tour By Car By Avtaar Tours India
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The allure of Agra, home to one of the Seven Wonders of the World, the Taj Mahal, draws millions of tourists each year. If you’re visiting India and have limited time, a same-day Agra tour by car is the perfect way to immerse yourself in the rich history and breathtaking beauty of this iconic city. In this blog, we’ll explore the highlights of a day tour to Agra, the best practices to follow, and what makes this journey so memorable.
Morning Departure: The Journey Begins
Your Agra adventure begins early in the morning. A comfortable car will be at your doorstep, ready to whisk you away on a journey that promises to be both exciting and enriching. The drive from Delhi to Agra typically takes around three to four hours, offering picturesque views of the Indian countryside. You might catch a glimpse of local life as your car glides past bustling villages, farmland, and stunning landscapes.
First Stop: The Taj Mahal
Upon arrival in Agra, one of the first stops on your itinerary will be the magnificent Taj Mahal. This UNESCO World Heritage site is an architectural masterpiece that stands as a symbol of love. Commissioned by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal, the Taj Mahal dazzles with its white marble façade, intricate inlay work, and stunning symmetrical gardens.
Visitors usually spend around 2–3 hours here. The early morning light creates a magical ambiance, perfect for photography and appreciating the intricate craftsmanship. Don’t forget to visit the mausoleum and enjoy the serene reflection in the adjacent pools. If time allows, consider exploring the nearby gardens and corners of this grand monument.
Agra Fort: A Peek into Mughal Majesty
Next on your itinerary is the Agra Fort, just a short distance from the Taj Mahal. This red sandstone fort, another UNESCO World Heritage site, boasts impressive architecture and an interesting history. As you wander through its vast courtyards and palatial rooms, you’ll learn about the grand processes and intrigues that once filled the fort with life during the Mughal Empire.
Don’t miss the stunning views of the Taj Mahal from various vantage points within the fort. It’s a perfect spot for a panoramic photograph, capturing both the fort’s magnificence and its most famous neighbor.
Lunch Break: Taste the Local Flavors
After an engaging morning of exploration, you’ll want to refuel. Agra is known for its delicious local cuisine, particularly Mughlai dishes. Your tour can include a lunch stop at one of the many excellent local restaurants or rooftop cafes, where you can enjoy a meal with a view of the Taj Mahal. Savor signature dishes like biryani, kebabs, and the famous Agra petha (a sweet made from ash gourd), giving you a true taste of the region.
Additional Explore: Itimad-ud-Daulah’s Tomb
Post-lunch, visit Itimad-ud-Daulah’s Tomb, also known as the “Baby Taj.” This stunning mausoleum is made of white marble and contains intricate inlay work, which makes it a smaller, yet equally captivating counterpart to the Taj Mahal. It’s less crowded, allowing for a more intimate experience to appreciate its beauty and historical significance.
Evening Return: Reflecting on the Day
As the day winds down, your driver will take you back to Delhi, allowing you time to reflect on your Agra adventure. The return journey gives you one last chance to soak up the landscapes and the vibrant atmosphere of Northern India, making the excursion even more memorable.
Conclusion: The Magic of a Same-Day Agra Tour
A same-day Agra tour by car is not just a trip; it’s an experience filled with history, culture, and stunning beauty. It offers a unique opportunity to discover the rich heritage of this fascinating city, all within a single day. Whether you’re a history buff, a photography enthusiast, or simply someone who appreciates beauty, Agra’s treasures will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression. So, pack your bags, buckle up, and get ready for a day that is sure to be filled with awe, wonder, and unforgettable memories!
For More Info Visit Us At :- https://avtaartoursindia.com/
Mob No :- +91–9760038280
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whitebitter876090 · 1 month
What is the Use of White Bitter Gourd?
What is the Use of White Bitter Gourd?
White bitter gourd, also known as white bitter melon or balsam pear, is a unique vegetable that has gained attention for its distinctive appearance and potential health benefits. Unlike its green counterpart, the white bitter gourd has a milder taste, making it more palatable for many. In this blog post, we'll explore what is the use of white bitter gourd, highlighting its benefits, culinary uses, and much more.
Key Takeaways
White bitter gourd is known for its potential health benefits, including blood sugar regulation and boosting immunity.
It's a versatile ingredient used in various culinary dishes, especially in Asian cuisine.
The vegetable is rich in vitamins and antioxidants, making it a valuable addition to a healthy diet.
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What is White Bitter Gourd?
White bitter gourd is a variant of the more common green bitter gourd. It has a white, bumpy exterior and a slightly bitter taste. This vegetable is often used in traditional medicine and cooking, particularly in Asian countries like India, China, and Japan.
Nutritional Profile
White bitter gourd is packed with essential nutrients, including:
Vitamins: A, C, E, and B-complex
Minerals: Iron, potassium, calcium, and magnesium
Fibre: Helps in digestion and maintaining a healthy gut
Antioxidants: Protects the body from free radical damage
Health Benefits of White Bitter Gourd
1. Blood Sugar Regulation
One of the most Health Benefits of white bitter gourd is its ability to help regulate blood sugar levels. Studies have shown that compounds in this vegetable can improve insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar levels, making it a beneficial food for people with diabetes.
2. Boosts Immunity
White bitter gourd is rich in vitamin C, which is essential for a healthy immune system. Regular consumption can help your body fight off infections and illnesses.
3. Aids Digestion
The fibre content in white bitter gourd promotes healthy digestion by preventing constipation and improving bowel movements. It is support gut health by feed beneficial gut bacteria..
4. Skin Health
Thanks to its rich antioxidant content, white bitter gourd can help improve skin health. It may reduce acne, clear up blemishes, and give your skin a natural glow.
5. Weight Management
Low in calories and high in nutrients, white bitter gourd is an excellent food for those looking to manage their weight. Its fibre content keeps you full for longer, reducing overall calorie intake.
Culinary Uses of White Bitter Gourd
1. Stir-Fries
One of the simplest ways to enjoy white bitter gourd is by stir-frying it with other vegetables, garlic, and soy sauce. This dish is popular in Asian cuisine and is both healthy and delicious.
2. Juices and Smoothies
White bitter gourd can be juiced or blended into smoothies. While it may taste bitter, adding fruits like apples or pineapples can help balance the flavour.
3. Curries and Soups
In Indian and Chinese cuisine, white bitter gourd is often added to curries and soups. The bitterness of the gourd complements the spices and other ingredients, creating a flavourful dish.
4. Pickles
Pickling white bitter gourd is another popular way to preserve and enjoy this vegetable. The pickling process can mellow the bitterness, making it a tangy and crunchy side dish.
Growing and Harvesting White Bitter Gourd
White bitter gourd can be grown in tropical and subtropical climates. Here are some tips on growing this unique vegetable:
Sow seeds directly into well-drained soil in a sunny location.
Space the plants about 45-60 cm apart.
Water regularly but avoid waterlogging.
Mulch around the base to retain moisture.
Harvest the gourds when they are about 10-15 cm long and firm to the touch.
The younger the gourd, the milder the bitterness.
Potential Side Effects of White Bitter Gourd
While white bitter gourd has many health benefits, it’s important to consume it in moderation. Some potential side effects include:
1. Hypoglycemia
Overconsumption can lead to excessively low blood sugar levels, especially in people taking medication for diabetes.
2. Gastrointestinal Discomfort
Some individuals may experience stomach pain, diarrhoea, or other digestive issues after eating white bitter gourd.
3. Allergic Reactions
Though rare, some people may be allergic to white bitter gourd. The Symptoms may include itching, swelling, or difficulty to the breathing.
Frequently Asked Question
Q: What is the use of white bitter gourd in traditional medicine?
A: White bitter gourd is used in traditional medicine to treat various ailments, including diabetes, skin conditions, and digestive issues.
Q: How does white bitter gourd help in managing diabetes?
A: The vegetable contains compounds that can improve insulin sensitivity and lower blood sugar levels, making it beneficial for people with diabetes.
Q: Can I eat white bitter gourd raw?
A: Yes, white bitter gourd can be eaten raw, but it is usually cooked to reduce its bitterness.
Q: Where can I buy white bitter gourd?
A: White bitter gourd is available in Asian supermarkets, health food stores, and some farmers' markets.
Q: How should I store white bitter gourd?
A: Store white bitter gourd in the refrigerator. It’s best to use it within a week to maintain freshness.
White bitter gourd is more than just a unique-looking vegetable. Its potential health benefits, coupled with its versatility in the kitchen, make it a valuable addition to any diet. Whether you're looking to manage your blood sugar levels, boost your immunity, or simply explore new flavours, white bitter gourd has something to offer.
Remember, moderation is key, and it’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your diet.
Final Thoughts: What is the use of white bitter gourd? this vegetable continues to be a nutritional powerhouse with a variety of uses in both traditional medicine and modern cooking. Whether you’re new to this vegetable or a long-time fan, there's always something new to discover about white bitter gourd.
Who should not eat bitter gourd?
How do you eat white bitter gourd?
Originally Published on White bitter Info Health
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archanakitchen · 2 months
No Oil Tinde Recipe
To make oil-free tinda (Indian round gourd) with a delicious taste, you can follow this simple recipe:
250g tinda (Indian round gourd), peeled and chopped
1 large onion, finely chopped
2 tomatoes, pureed
1 green chili, finely chopped (optional)
1 tsp cumin seeds
1 tsp ginger-garlic paste
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
1 tsp coriander powder
1/2 tsp garam masala
1/4 tsp red chili powder (optional)
Salt to taste
Fresh coriander leaves for garnish
1/2 cup water
Dry Roasting Spices: In a non-stick or heavy-bottomed pan, dry roast the cumin seeds until they release their aroma. This will add a nice flavor without needing any oil.
Onions and Tomatoes: Add the chopped onions to the pan and sauté until they turn golden brown. If needed, add a tablespoon of water to prevent sticking. Then, add the ginger-garlic paste and sauté for another minute.
Adding Spices: Now add the turmeric, coriander powder, red chili powder (if using), and salt. Mix well and cook the spices for 2-3 minutes. Add a little water if necessary to avoid burning.
Cooking Tinda: Add the chopped tinda to the pan and mix well to coat the pieces with the spice mixture. Add the tomato puree and green chili (if using). Stir everything together.
Simmering: Add half a cup of water to the pan. Cover and let it simmer on low heat for 15-20 minutes, or until the tinda is cooked and tender.
Finishing Touch: Once the tinda is cooked, sprinkle garam masala and give it a final stir. Garnish with freshly chopped coriander leaves.
Serve: Serve hot with chapati, paratha, or steamed rice.
This oil-free tinda recipe is a healthy and tasty way to enjoy a traditional Indian dish without the extra calories from oil!
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allthatgrows1 · 3 months
Exploring Indian Summer Vegetables: A Guide to Freshness and Flavor
India’s rich agricultural heritage is mirrored in its diverse array of summer vegetables. As the temperatures soar, these vegetables not only provide a respite with their refreshing qualities but also pack a nutritional punch, making them staples in Indian households. Let's delve into the vibrant world of Indian summer vegetables and discover why they deserve a place in your kitchen.
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The Quintessential Indian Summer Vegetables
Bottle Gourd (Lauki) Known for its high water content, bottle gourd is a cooling vegetable perfect for hot summer days. It's incredibly versatile, lending itself to a variety of dishes from simple stews to more elaborate curries. Lauki is also valued for its digestive properties and is a great addition to a health-conscious diet.
Bitter Gourd (Karela) While its bitter taste might be an acquired one, bitter gourd is celebrated for its numerous health benefits, particularly for diabetics. It can be stir-fried, stuffed, or even juiced. Despite the bitterness, karela offers a unique flavor profile that’s deeply satisfying and cooling.
Okra (Bhindi) Okra, or lady's finger, is another summer favorite. Its slimy texture can be off-putting to some, but when cooked properly, it becomes a delicious and nutritious vegetable. Bhindi is commonly used in stir-fries and curries and is appreciated for its high fiber content and rich taste.
Ridge Gourd (Turai) This slightly sweet and spongy vegetable is ideal for light, summer-friendly meals. Ridge gourd is often cooked with minimal spices to retain its natural flavor and is excellent for promoting hydration and digestion.
Snake Gourd (Chichinda) Snake gourd is a long, slender vegetable that’s often overlooked but is highly nutritious. It has a mild taste and can be used in a variety of dishes from curries to salads. It’s known for its cooling properties, making it perfect for summer diets.
Nutritional Benefits
Summer vegetables in India are not just about flavor; they are nutritional powerhouses. They are generally low in calories but high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. For instance, bottle gourd is rich in Vitamin C and magnesium, while okra is a good source of Vitamin A and folate. Bitter gourd contains bioactive compounds that help regulate blood sugar levels, making it a valuable addition to any diet.
Incorporating Indian Summer Vegetables into Your Diet
The best way to enjoy these vegetables is by keeping the recipes simple to preserve their natural flavors and nutritional benefits. Here are a few tips:
Salads and Raitas: Incorporate grated or thinly sliced summer vegetables into salads or yogurt-based raitas for a refreshing side dish.
Curries and Stir-fries: Lightly spiced curries and stir-fries can make a hearty yet light meal. Use minimal oil and spices to keep it healthy.
Soups and Stews: These vegetables can be the star of light soups and stews, providing comfort and nutrition in every spoonful.
Indian summer vegetables are a testament to the country's agricultural diversity and culinary richness. They offer a blend of flavors and health benefits that are perfect for the hotter months. By incorporating these vegetables into your diet, you can enjoy delicious meals that keep you cool and nourished. Embrace the seasonal bounty and let these vegetables add a touch of freshness to your summer meals.
For more information and to explore a wide range of seeds for these vegetables, visit AllThatGrows. Happy gardening and cooking!
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40sandfabulousaf · 1 year
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大家好! Usually, a flu/cold takes me only a day to recover, but a pesky cold bothered me for 2 days, so I walked to the nearby coffee shop for mutton, pork or chicken. Meat is fine and has its nutritional purpose if we eat it in moderation and I have some from time to time. What I take into consideration are: how often, how much and how the meat is cooked. Whilst oil is used in stirfried and braised dishes, I generally don't finish the gravy or sauces when I eat qing dan (less oil and salt), so a lot of the oil is left behind.
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What I had: braised sesame oil chicken, tomato and shredded carrot scrambled eggs as well as stirfried bitter gourd and zhou (porridge). Iced local coffee completed the satisfying meal. The black stuff in some veggie dishes is hei mu er, which I eat to keep my blood pressure normal (due to its believed blood-thinning properties, it generally isn't recommended for those on blood-thinning medications here). Hei mu er is similar to mushrooms texture-wise; because it's tasteless, it takes on the flavour of whatever else it's cooked with. Bitter gourd helps prevent diabetes and in less severe cases, some claimed to have been cured naturally after eating it for prolonged periods.
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Another day, another variation of fish soup, this time with yam (taro) rice. Chunks of yam, dried shrimp, cabbage and finely diced mushrooms are some of the ingredients used to make this delicious dish. At home, we sometimes swap the yam for pumpkin, which is just as yummy and nutritious. If you think about it, wholegrain bread and pasta are still made from flour, which is even more processed than white rice. Not to mention shortening is needed to bind the flour to make some of these breads and pastas so... 🤔
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This week, 5 of us - MS, XT, JA, JL and me - had a stroll after our meal (our group is getting bigger!); on some days there was only enough time to circle the office building twice, but that was better than nothing. I hadn't expected this tbh; it was just a way of helping JL to break out of her largely sedentary lifestyle. On the way to eat, I casually suggested to JL that we might consider catching up on a weekend, grab a bite then go for a walk together since her home isn't that far away from mine. Hearing this, JA asked if we would head to her neighbourhood, on the opposite side of the country, so we can do this together. We'll see how it works out since all of us have time constraints.
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The pesky cold is gone and I'm back to feeling normal, just tired from the heavier workload. In the last few days, a coupla gym bro friends have pivoted away from diets promoting 'healthy oils' to Asian qing meals and that's a good sign. To me, it signals that they're weighing the pros of 'gains' against the risks of hypertension and heart attacks in their later years. Sure, we may have harmed our health following 'experts' from countries with lousy health statistics but there's still time to change before it's too late. 下次见!
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