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Something about "fast food"
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During the period of the Greek invasion of Sicily, between the 8th and 6th centuries BCE, the settlers introduced new culinary traditions. In the Greek cities of the island, small eateries emerged that can be considered early versions of modern fast food. These establishments, called thermopolia, were shops located along main streets where ready-to-eat meals could be purchased to consume on-site or take away.
The thermopolia were characterized by stone counters that housed large jars used to store warm foods like soups, stews, and grains. The most popular dishes included barley bread, olives, dried figs, and local cheeses, often served with wine. This type of dining was especially convenient for merchants, craftsmen, and travelers, offering them a practical and affordable way to eat.
The cuisine of the thermopolia reflected a blend of Greek and Sicilian culinary traditions, combining local ingredients such as honey, almonds, and aromatic herbs with the flavors and techniques of Greek cooking. This model of fast dining demonstrates the cultural and everyday influence the Greeks had on the island.
This habit of eating on the go also became common in Roman times: in the tabernae, spectators of games in amphitheaters could buy food during the long days of entertainment.
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arcturite · 3 months ago
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Suggestober 8: Hopeful for a snack
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ancientprettythings · 1 year ago
Tavern (popina or caupona) and/or eatery (thermopolia) fresco scenes from Pompeii.
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Probably at a thermopolium, two pair of people are sitting down to eat. There's possibly a child standing on the right, or it might be a slave, who were depicted small to visually represent their relative societal un-importance. Note the nice detail of the hanging rail above with sausages, just as you see in shops in Italy today.
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Here, a man is probably paying a landlord for a beaker of drink, though perhaps he's just purchased nuts or seeds in a cup. It's probably that which was stored in the inset jars you see in thermopolia counters, while the hot food would almost certainly have been kept on the hob behind the counter (example below, also at Pompeii).
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Two men play at dice with spectators. Dice was outlawed at various times in the Roman world, but there is little doubt it went on anyway in the back rooms of cauponae.
[Photos are my original photography. Please do not save and repost - reblogging is fine.]
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barfouniverse · 3 months ago
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In 2020, archaeologists announced the discovery of the Thermopolium of Regio V, one of the oldest snack bars at Pompeii.
It was a sort of ancient 'fast food' counter which sold ready-to-eat food.
Thermopolia were popular among the working classes and those who could not afford a private kitchen. Here customers could choose from a selection of ready-made dishes, kept warm in jars that were set into a counter.
Archaeologists have discovered an inlaid marble floor, pots and have even clues about what was on the menu - in one of the heated clay pots a residue of one 'paella-type dish including a mixture of mammals, birds, fish and snails', was discovered.
Reconstruction by PAR. Arqueología y Patrimonio Virtual
Photo by: Luigi Spina
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panelki · 1 year ago
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Romans had their own version of fast food known as a "thermopolium." These ancient eateries were a fascinating glimpse into the culinary habits of the time. A Roman thermopolium was essentially an early form of a fast-food joint. It was a place where people could enjoy hot food and drinks on the go. What made them unique was their setup. At the heart of a thermopolium was a counter, and embedded in this counter were containers called "dolia." These dolia held a variety of dishes, from stews to sausages to simple snacks. The concept was simple and effective. Patrons could quickly purchase ready-made meals from these dolia, making it a convenient option, especially for the working class. It was like a precursor to today's fast-food restaurants, where people could grab a quick, satisfying bite to eat during their busy days. Roman thermopolia were not only places to satiate one's hunger but also hubs of social activity. People from different walks of life would gather around these counters, sharing stories and enjoying the diverse flavors of ancient Roman cuisine.
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nuri148 · 4 months ago
I've been to Pompeii twice and I say it's a crime they haven't done such a restoration irl of one of the thermopolia to cater to today's visitors.
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Virtual reconstruction of the thermopolium discovered during the last excavations in Pompeii.  Made by the Spanish archaeologist Pablo Aparicio Resco, based on original photographs by Luigi Spina / Parco Archeologico di Pompei.
Note: “Thermopolium” is a popular word created by the archaeologists; there was no such word in Latin, the actual word is Caupona; the modern equivalent of Restaurant, and at the same time Cafe/Bar and fast food stall.
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kareenahh · 24 days ago
Word Cited
Cartwright, Mark. “Library of Celsus.” World History Encyclopedia, November 26, 2024. https://www.worldhistory.org/Library_of_Celsus/.   
“Colosseum.” Britannica, November 23, 2024. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Colosseum.   
kjw2. “Baths & Bathing as an Ancient Roman.” View page: Baths & Bathing as an ancient roman. Accessed November 26, 2024. https://depts.washington.edu/hrome/Authors/kjw2/BathsBathinginAncientRome/245/pub_zbpage_view.html. 
Moore, Stan. “St. Peter’s Basilica.” St. Peter ’s Basilica. Accessed November 27, 2024. 
Roberts, Canon. “Titus Livius (Livy), the History of Rome, Book 1 Rev. Canon Roberts, Ed.” Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 1, chapter pr. Accessed November 26, 2024. https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.02.0026. 
Simkin, John. “The Roman Games.” Spartacus Educational. Accessed November 26, 2024. https://spartacus-educational.com/ROMgames.htm. 
Sullivan, Mary Ann. “Mausoleum of Hadrian.” Images of the mausoleum of hadrian (or Castel Sant’Angelo), 135-39 C. E., Rome. Accessed November 26, 2024. https://homepages.bluffton.edu/~sullivanm/castelsa/castelsa.html. 
“Terme Del Foro - Planet Pompeii.” www.planetpompeii.com. Accessed November 26, 2024. https://www.planetpompeii.com/en/map/forum-baths.html.   
“Thermopolia: The Street Food of Ancient Pompeii.” Pompeii Archaeological Park, January 5, 2024. https://pompeiiarchaeologicalpark.com/thermopolia-street-food/. 
“Thermopolium.” Pompeii Sites, October 31, 2023. https://pompeiisites.org/en/archaeological-site/thermopolium/. 
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bighistoryofgastronomy · 2 months ago
3. Steden
Met de opkomst van grotere nederzettingen, handelsroutes en de groei van deze stadscentra kwam er een belangrijke ontwikkeling in de geschiedenis van de gastronomie, die de manieren van voedselproductie, -distributie en -consumptie veranderde. Naarmate steden zich uitbreidden, nam ook de complexiteit van stedelijke voedselsystemen toe en ontstonden er nieuwe culinaire innovaties en eetgelegenheden.
Naarmate de stedelijke bevolking groeide, nam de vraag naar voedsel toe, waardoor efficiëntere landbouwpraktijken en distributienetwerken nodig werden. Een voorbeeld hiervan is de opkomst van stedelijke markten. Boeren op het omliggende platteland begonnen zich te specialiseren in gewassen en vee die verkocht konden worden op deze vroege handelsplaatsen.[1]
Stedelijke markten werden centrale knooppunten voor voedseldistributie en boden een breed scala aan producten van zowel lokale als verre bronnen. Deze markten waren een centrale plaats voor alles gerelateerd aan voedsel, en opende de deur voor uitwisseling van culinaire gebruiken en ingrediënten. Vroege stedelingen werden blootgesteld aan nieuwe smaken en kooktechnieken.[2][3]
Handelsroutes verbonden steden met elkaar, en breidden het aanbod van beschikbare ingrediënten verder uit. Over verloop van tijd werden kruiden, exotisch fruit en buitenlandse delicatessen steeds toegankelijker, zij het vaak tegen hoge prijzen.[4]
Met de groei van steden ontstond ook de behoefte aan gemakkelijke voedselopties voor reizigers, handelaren en stedelingen zonder toegang tot een eigen keuken. Oude beschavingen zagen de opkomst van straatverkopers, thermopolia in Rome[5] en theehuizen in en rond China,[6] die dienden als voorlopers van moderne restaurants. Deze vroege eetgelegenheden richtten zich op verschillende sociale klassen en speelden een belangrijke rol in de stadservaring. In het middeleeuwse Europa verschenen er steeds meer tavernes en herbergen, die eenvoudige gerechten en gemeenschappelijke eetervaringen aanboden. Hoewel deze plekken nog niet helemaal leken op moderne restaurants, waren ze essentieel bij het vormgeven van het concept van uit eten gaan.
Het concept van openbare eetgelegenheden heeft dus eeuwenoude wortels. Er werd in verschillende plaatsen eeuwenlang eten geserveerd. Echter, het moderne restaurant zoals we het nu kennen, ontstond in het 18e-eeuwse Parijs. In 1765 opende een soepverkoper genaamd Boulanger wat beschouwd wordt als het eerste echte restaurant, met een menu van herstellende bouillons of ‘’restaurants’’ voor klanten.[7]
Dit nieuwe eetconcept werd al snel populair en biedt een aantal belangrijke innovaties;[8]
Individuele tafels en privé-eetruimtes
Menu’s met verschillende opties en prijzen
Vaste openingstijden
Professionele koks en bedienend personeel
Het nieuwe restaurantmodel verspreidde zich snel door Europa en daarbuiten, waarbij het zich aanpaste aan lokale smaken en gewoonten. In de 19e eeuw stimuleerde de Industriële Revolutie de groei van steden en de middenklasse, waardoor er een groter clientelle voor restaurants ontstond. Mensen van verschillende afkomst en bevolkingsgroepen begonnen zich in steden te vestigen, en brachten ook hun culinaire gewoontes met zich mee. Hierdoor werden stedelijke centra broedplaatsen voor culinaire innovatie.
De opkomst van restaurants en de samenkomst van culturen bood koks een basis voor experimenten met nieuwe gerechten en presentatiestijlen. Ook ontstonden er in deze tijd culinaire scholen die kooktechnieken leerden en vastlegden.
[1] L. Civitello, Cuisine and Culture: A History of Food and People, h. 1.
[2] J. Pilcher, Food in World History,
[3] P. Frankopan, The Earth Transformed, p. 112-115, 277.
[4] L. Civitello, Cuisine and Culture: A History of Food and People, p. 24, 80.
[5] C. Holleran, Finding Commerce: The Taberna and the Identification of Roman Commercial Space, p. 147.
[6] V. Sartor, All the Tea in China: The Political Impact of Tea, p. 185.
[7] R. Spang, The Invention of the Restaurant, Introduction.
[8] Idem, Preface, h. 5.
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adribosch-fan · 1 year ago
El primer restaurante de la historia
Los restaurantes se inventaron en Francia y el primero se remonta al año 1765. Fran Navarro  Historiador y experto en documentación Los establecimientos que venden comida existen desde los orígenes de la civilización. Los romanos extendieron por todo el imperio el uso de locales como los thermopolia, donde se vendía comida caliente, y también estaban las posadas medievales, que tienen cierta…
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myseafoodrestaurant · 2 years ago
Tasting the World: An International Cuisine Experience in Our Restaurant
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Restaurants have been an integral part of human civilization for centuries. They provide a space for people to come together, share a meal, and enjoy each other's company. Whether it's a fancy fine-dining establishment or a cozy local spot, restaurants offer a unique experience that can't be replicated at home. In this blog post, we'll explore the different types of restaurants, the history of restaurants, and what makes a great restaurant.
Types of Restaurants
Restaurants come in all shapes and sizes, catering to different tastes and preferences. Here are some of the most common types of restaurants:
Fine Dining: Fine dining restaurants offer a luxurious and upscale experience, with high-end cuisine and formal service.
Casual Dining: Casual dining restaurants offer a more relaxed atmosphere, with affordable prices and a menu that caters to a wide range of tastes.
Fast Food: Fast food restaurants provide quick and convenient meals at low prices, often with a limited menu.
Family Style: Family style restaurants offer large portions of food meant to be shared, often served on platters or in bowls.
Buffets: Buffets allow customers to serve themselves from a wide variety of dishes, often for a set price.
History of Restaurants
The concept of a restaurant as we know it today has its roots in ancient Rome, where wealthy citizens would visit thermopolia - small shops that sold hot food and drinks. However, it wasn't until the late 18th century that the modern restaurant began to take shape. The first true restaurant is believed to be the Parisian establishment Boulanger, which opened in 1765 and served bouillon - a simple soup made from meat and vegetables. In the 19th century, restaurants began to spread throughout Europe and the United States, becoming more diverse and specialized.
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What Makes a Great Restaurant?
What makes a great restaurant is subjective and varies from person to person. However, there are some key elements that most people would agree on:
Quality Food: The food is the most important aspect of any restaurant. Great restaurants offer high-quality ingredients, creative and well-executed dishes, and a menu that caters to a range of tastes and preferences.
Exceptional Service: A great restaurant provides excellent service that is attentive, knowledgeable, and welcoming. Customers should feel comfortable and well taken care of throughout their dining experience.
Atmosphere: The atmosphere of a restaurant sets the tone for the entire dining experience. A great restaurant has a welcoming and comfortable ambiance that complements the food and service.
Consistency: Consistency is key in any restaurant. A great restaurant delivers the same high-quality food and service every time, ensuring that customers know what to expect.
Value: While price isn't the only factor in determining value, a great restaurant offers fair prices for the quality of food and service provided.
In conclusion, restaurants are a crucial part of our society, providing a space for people to come together and enjoy delicious food in a welcoming atmosphere. Whether it's fine dining or casual eats, a great restaurant offers quality food, exceptional service, a comfortable atmosphere, consistency, and value.
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searchtherestaurants · 2 years ago
What Is a Restaurant?
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A restaurant is an establishment that gives food to clients. It could be a standalone company or be affixed to various other services. The main distinctions in between a dining establishment and other services are service, design of offering, expense, and area. Regardless of the business model, restaurants are a key economic contributor to a city's economy. There are several variants of the dining establishment, which include great dining, junk food, laid-back dining, and much more. For example, a junk food restaurant could market pre-made foods, while a great eating establishment might serve only exquisite food. Likewise, a laid-back restaurant might provide an affordable, yet satisfying dish. One more example is a dining establishment which provides drive-through solutions. Historically, the term dining establishment was utilized in numerous languages, consisting of Spanish and French. Throughout the Enlightenment age, the well-off vendor class in Paris started to utilize the term. Here's a good read about restaurant, check this link out! Therefore, a variety of brand-new restaurants opened. Among them was the Simpson's Fish Supper House, which served the popular "fish normal" for two shillings. To gather more awesome ideas, go to website here to get started. The beginnings of the word dining establishment can be mapped back to the old Greeks, who were known to have had several sorts of consuming establishments. They included roadside inns, inns for visitors, and even thermopoliae, which were prototypes for modern-day convenience food stands. Numerous variations of the restaurant can be found in other languages. In France, for instance, a dining establishment is called a table d'hote. A table d'hote is an open-air dish served at a set price to a variety of consumers. Originally, a table d'hote contained a public table, without any food selection or food selection products. At some point, restaurants evolved into more advanced offerings, such as the multi-course kaiseki eating custom that included special offering recipes. One more version of the restaurant is the gastropub, a pub which offers a wide variety of food, commonly with a concentrate on consuming. Bars are additionally understood for their enjoyment options, that include dancing floors, TVs, and also games. Now, a gastropub could offer a variety of drinks, such as beer, red wine, and also alcohol. Nevertheless, the most typical kind of dining establishment in the US is a convenience food dining establishment. These facilities typically offer pre-made food, often with an affordable price factor. Convenience food restaurants are typically franchised chains that supply standard food selection items. Dining establishments are a large component of the city's economy, as well as the sector continues to develop. This schedules in huge part to consumer fads, such as changing preferences for food and also drink options, a growing number of single-parent households, as well as a climbing percentage of individuals with higher earnings. In addition, dining establishment owners are frequently discovering brand-new ways to maintain their business thriving. Such advancements include modern technology, such as chatbots and also scheduling systems, and specialized phone apps. While the dining establishment industry is always progressing, the newest patterns are usually centered on development. As an example, the National Restaurant Association lately released its five restaurant patterns for 2020. Several of these include the addition of more healthful and organic food options, along with the rise in restaurant dimension and also the development of innovation. Kindly visit this website https://www.wikihow.com/Open-a-Restaurant for more useful reference.
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tastesoftamriel · 3 years ago
Recently found out about thermopolia, places in ancient rome where you could buy quick and easy take-out food or the roman version of fastfood. And I can't help but wonder what each of the Scrolls races would sell at their own thermopolia.
I'm of the opinion that Tamriel would grind to a halt without quick foods to keep us going. Every Province of course has its own specialties, but these are some of the most popular snacks you have to try!
Eating on the go is difficult to manage in Summerset. After all, eating with your hands is uncouth, so what is one to do? Ricepaper-wrapped salads are a staple for healthy eating when pressed for time, and can contain any number of ingredients one likes. Common fillings for these ricepaper rolls include lettuce, shredded carrots and cucumber, sweet shrimp, cold roast chicken, and tahini.
While Argonians prefer to sit down for a meal with friends and family, sometimes it's necessary to grab a bite before heading into the swamp. Saltrice steamed in banana leaf packages with tasty ingredients on the side makes the ideal portable meal. Each package is water-tight and contains just enough for a single meal, while the banana leaf imparts a great aroma on the saltrice. For something similar, why not try my Blackwood Stuffed Banana Leaves?
Out of all the races, the Wood Elves have truly mastered the art of quick and easy foods to eat on the road. While it's less appetising than other snacks, pemmican, a type of dried meat and tallow patty, is great for filling your belly when you don't have the time for a meal. It can be eaten as is, or is sometimes pre-fried to make a crunchy, meaty snack. More interesting than jerky, and quite nutritious too!
High Rock is renowned for its excellent inns, and many of them cater to travellers needing a quick bite to eat. Hot pies and pasties are a Provincial favourite, and they are usually filled with meat and vegetables, though plenty of other variants exist. When I'm in High Rock, I spend a lot of time eating my favourite steak, cheese and onion pasties, or a good steak pie with mushy peas on the side.
Dunmeri traders and travellers for centuries swear by wickwheat rolls, which are soft rolls that are a bit like a cross between puff pastry and rye bread. These rolls are baked with fillings and are easy to bring around with you, and taste great regardless of their temperature. One of the most common variants is a chunky mix of scuttle, hackle-lo leaf, and nix-hound meat paste, which is seasoned with a good amount of herbs and spices. It's meaty and creamy, and sure to keep you sated for some time.
There are so many types of snack foods in Cyrodiil that it would take a day and a half to list all of them, but out of all of them, fried bread sandwiches are probably the most common and popular due to their versatility. These aren't sandwiches per se, but are pockets of bread that are flash fried in olive oil after being stuffed with ingredients like cured meats, cheese, tomatoes, and peppers. They are usually served with a topping of fresh salad and shaved pecorino.
Rice rolls, rice rolls, we love rice rolls! These wonderful snacks are easily portable, making them the ideal meal on the go, and they taste great hot or cold too. Fresh fish, vegetables, pickled spicy cabbage, and grilled meat are among the fillings you'll find tightly wrapped in a sizeable tube of seasoned brown rice, which is wrapped again in nori to hold the tube together. Filling and delicious!
There's nothing better than a fresh hot waffle on a cold day...except for a freshly grilled horker sausage or rabbit meatballs wrapped in a waffle, with a good spoonful of crispy fried onions, juniper berry relish, and strong wholegrain mustard. Eating these gracefully is an impossible task, so remember to pack napkins!
Most Orcs prefer sitting down to a meal than a quick lunch on the go, but if you're heading out the door, it doesn't hurt to pack a potato croquette or two. Mashed potato is patted around meat and diced radishes, rolled in panko breadcrumbs, and deep fried until crispy. These greasy treats stay warm for ages when packed in metal lunchboxes, so they're ideal for travellers.
The Redguards use folded cactus skins to make takeaway boxes, and their watertight properties mean that it's possible to pack soups quickly and easily for eating on the go. A goat meatball stew drizzled with yoghurt and honey is a nomad's favourite dish as it contains all the nutrition you need to stay alive in the inhospitable Alik'r for extended periods of time. The lid also acts as a way to eat your soup without sand getting in- just slurp it through a straw! You can also try my Pack Guar Pide for a Hammerfell-style street food favourite!
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archaeologicalnews · 4 years ago
2,000-Year-Old Fast Food Shop Uncovered in Pompeii
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Archaeologists have unearthed a frescoed thermopolium (a hot-food-drink shop) in Pompeii, an ancient Roman city frozen in time after the catastrophic eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 CE.
“Thermopolia, where drinks and hot foods were served and stored in large dolia (jars) embedded in the masonry counter, were widespread in the Roman world, where it was typical to consume the prandium (the meal) outside the house. In Pompeii alone there are 80 thermopolia,” Dr. Massimo Osanna, interim director general of the Parco Archeologico di Pompei, and colleagues said in a statement.
“As well as being another insight into daily life at Pompeii, the possibilities for study of the newly-discovered thermopolium are exceptional, because for the first time an area of this type has been excavated in its entirety, and it has been possible to carry out all the analyses that today’s technology permits.” Read more.
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ancientstuff · 6 years ago
That’s some gorgeous artwork for a snack bar, I have to say. The excavations at Pompeii have been outstanding in terms of the finds lately. 
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thesnowflakenecklace · 5 years ago
me waiting for michael to be out of quarantine 
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nowwavingnotdrowning · 4 years ago
I wish more fantasy settings had the stuff discworld does. I don't mean the big themes, although I do wish more books had those too. I mean fantasy settings where there are newspapers, birth control, pizza, vibrators, crisps, unions, dog biscuits, fan clubs... just normal stuff that turns up when you have a lot of people in one place. A lot of fantasy seems to take the view that you won't have any of this stuff if you've got magic, but why wouldn't you? Some fantasy settings don't even have pencils. And what about toilet paper? Food that isn't enormous, elaborate feasts? Literacy rates? Pop culture? It feels like Ankh-Morpork in particular is just ticking over as usual when we're not looking and that it really does have a million people in it. And yet sometimes other fantasy just... doesn't bother with any of this stuff at all.
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