#There was no NEED For the Meet and Greet
rubberduckyrye · 1 day
Okay last annoying post
But I was thinking about the Insect Meet and Greet. First of all, friendly reminder because this is related. Second of all
Something I remembered about the whole incident was that Kokichi lied to Gonta about liking bugs--something that everyone did, because Gonta would get unreasonably angry at the very idea that they didn't like bugs.
So like... people often frame this as Kokichi manipulating Gonta into doing the Insect Meet and Greet, but honestly this is probably how it went down:
Kokichi: -bla bla bla, says something about how people don't often like bugs- Gonta, getting very visibly upset: Not everyone hates bugs! Everyone who is a good person likes bugs! Kokichi, confused: Huh? But like, a lot of good people don't like bugs. Everyone in here dislikes bugs besides you, do you think they're really bad people? Gonta, getting MORE visibly upset: WHAT?! But everyone told me they LIKED bugs! -gets even angrier- Do you not like bugs, too?! Kokichi, fearing for his damn life: Nope, I LOVE bugs! But, that's besides the point--just because the others don't like bugs doesn't make them bad people! Gonta, now sobbing: They lied to me... Kokichi: They just wanted to spare your feelings, probably. Anyway, we should-- Gonta: So, they're not being mean? Kokichi: No??? Probably not Gonta: Oh! I see! Then they just do not understand how amazing bugs are!" Kokichi: Well-- Gonta: I'll gather everyone into my lab to show them how wonderful bugs are! Kokichi, thinking: Ho boy he's got a one track mind when it comes to bugs Kokichi: Sure! Then we can combine the Motive Video Watch Party with your insect-meet and greet, and we can kill two birds with one stone! Gonta, determined: Okay! I will bring everyone then!
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tariah23 · 7 months
Megan is for the girls…
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phleb0tomist · 9 months
there is not some particular level of suffering you need to reach in order to ‘deserve’ accommodations btw. especially if those adaptations are simple free things like sitting down while brushing your teeth or using extra cushions to support your posture. like, if something like that improves your life by even 1% then you should do it. you’ve probably been made to feel like these little lifestyle changes are off limits to you if you can’t demonstrate your suffering first, but a lot of the time it is actually no one else’s business.
unfortunately no matter how much you suffer, it’s pretty unlikely that anybody will ever grant you formal permission to do these things. the world is ableist and nonsensical. even the most severely disabled people are often made to feel ashamed for adapting to their own needs. there is no level of suffering where you’ll finally feel worthy of proper accommodation. and there is no virtue in toughing it out. so in my humble opinion you should just go for it right now immediately
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sugu/reader timeloop au . is this anything
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sigsfigs · 4 months
sorry for no art was too busy MEETING BRENNAN ZAC AND ERIKA????????
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arthursfuckinghat · 6 months
I know the gang cares about Arthur and they knew his sickness was serious and it's part of the narrative and whatnot, but really would it have killed them to just offer the occasional "is there anything you need Arthur?" or "anything we can do to help?" or even "how are you feeling today?" - I'm sure Arthur would rather be pestered slightly than have his rapid illness get straight up ignored yknow?
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dindjarindiaries · 10 days
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guzhufuren · 3 months
New BTS and wrapping video of Meet You At The Blossom
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nerosdayinanime · 11 months
"Sabitooo, im home."
Shinobu looked around in the silence of the water estate for a moment, glancing at Giyuu, whos paitently waiting for... something.
thump thump thump th u m p t h u m p- Sabito sliding sideways into view from the hall ahead, stumbling to change momentum going forward. The edges of Giyuu's mouth lifted along with his arms, inviting Sabito to barrel into him for a hug. Shinobu stepped back at their open display of affection, 'Giyuu? Giggling like a schoolgirl? When did i get hit with a blood art??'
Sabito stepped back from nuzzling foreheads with Giyuu, still gently holding onto Giyuu's arms, "Kouchou! Nice of you to finally stop by- your mission went well, ne?"
"It went fine, only minor injuries- Tomioka sprained his hand." she motioned to Giyuu's hand in a cast.
He led Giyuu's hand up gently pressing his fingertips to the other's, "But it was bad enough he needed a cast?" he questioned mildly.
"Its just a precaution, so he doesnt make it worse on accident by not resting."
Sabito's face cracked to a shit-eating grin, turning to Giyuu, "Ohh, so she gave you the cone of shame?"
His little smile dropped, "What? No."
Shinobu giggled, "Well, it serves the same purpose."
Sabito laughed as Giyuu started pouting, "You guys are so mean to me." he mumbled as he walked past them down the hall.
Sabito stifled his laughter as he watched Giyuu dissapear down the hall the way he just came, finally turning to Shinobu and motioning her to follow to the main room. "So, have any preferences for your tea?"
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v-tired-queer · 3 months
Literally got onto my computer, created a whole new bookmarks folder, saved the tour website for tickets, round-trip train or bus rides, hotels around the venue and looked at luggage sets online only to remember that I have no job at the moment and these fuckers (affectionate) will be in my state in NOVEMBER. It's the END OF JUNE. Time to speed run some more job applications 😔
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creativesplat · 8 months
ok... so Lambert x Eve...
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Eve and the two Blaiddyds
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Lambert and the two Fierenes
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The step-siblings
@blaiddydbrokeit and I were talking, and they have now sent me down the wonderful rabbit hole that is Eve and Lambert getting married and looking after their children.
#Dimi desperately needs a good mother figure (y'know rather than his idealised image of Patricia who never really loved him and didn't pay#attention to him no matter what he says to himself (you know only having that one memory of her where she was looking out the window and ig#ring him) and then tried to murder him adn his whole family) anyway#Eve would be good for Dimi#and Lambert and Alfred and Celine would get up to all sorts of shenanigans#but also Lambert might be able to help Celine understand and overcome her fear of other's deaths#Dimitri in particular would be able to understand that fear and sympathise with her#and alfred is just having a great time with a new brother and dad because everything is awesome all the time and his old dad would have lov#d his new dad and he tells alear all about it and she's like ooh!#anyway an adorable meet the step-dad step-brother situation for the couple (you know my alflear loving heart can never resist an opportunit#anyway#other tags were originally messaged to a pal when we discussed the idea but I thought they would work under the picutres too:#crack ship or not Lambert and eve are adorable in my brain#lambert egitte blaiddyd#queen Eve#fire emblem engage#fire emblem three houses#anyway maybe in a heroes universe or something; or dimi revives Lambert using some sort of magic and then Lambert and eve meet up in a Fodl#an and Elyos meet and greet sort of ball and they become friends and then they discuss being widowed and through a long series of meet ups#realise a political marriage between them both would be good for Fodlan and Fahrgus and good for Fierene and Elyos and they're also in love#anyway they both visit each other's spouses graves on the anniversary of death#like they would both really respect their partner's deceased spouses and not be jealous at all when the other gets upset and is like#I really miss them. Because they both get it
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the-blossica-fan · 17 hours
Fun Fact: If you get two grenades, it is essentially easy mode 😭
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On another note, the team was Lucy, Lorelei, Tooth Fairy and Vila
...At this point, Vila is the only sane one 😭 /lh
I spent quite some time looking for the grenade expecting some sort of realistic, bombastic grenade. Remembered this is Reverse 1999, turned to the critter
Oh poor Vila, being filled with so much optimism to go through the women who desperately cling to those hinges.
Vila: Comrade Lorelei is hurt! We got to do something to heal her
Tooth Fairy: Oh, don't worry. I'll take care of this.
Vila: Right, you're a docto- Comrade Tooth Fairy, why are you grabbing a fairy from the jar?
Tooth Fairy: This is the most effective way to treat an arcanist
Vila: Is that so? I have never heard of Faeries being able to- COMRADE TOOTH FAIRY?!
Vila: Does it hurt, Comrade Lucy?
Lucy: Oh, not at all. My body is not human at all, therefore, any wounds I get are not as painful as any humane injury.
Vila: But, doesn't it damage your inner system? Pardon me for pushing but you should take good care of your body, even if it's not human
Lucy: There is no need to worry, miss Vila, this is not the wirest I've been through
Vila: Even if- wait...
Vila: You seem like a young child, are you sure you want to fight alongside us? You could get hurt.
Lorelei: There is no need to worry about me, miss. I will live for as long as I'm allowed, these challenges are just a stone in the path. This is safer than the flood
Vila: ...you mean the storm?
She goes back to the suitcase with the one thousand yard stare, she might need some more time getting used to the... Particular way the people in the suitcase act
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here-there-be-drag0ns · 8 months
as soon as im confident enough in my gaeilge learning to write my gaeilge-as-primordial fic its OVER for you motherfuckers
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gothsuguru · 5 months
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dylanconrique · 24 days
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sukirichi · 3 months
hiiiii im so excited for you to drop that keiji one shot, is his love interest going to be introduced in dtd or will it be a new character?
hi anon! nooo keiji’s love interest will not be introduced in dtd sadly, but maybe i’ll give a lil teaser at the epilogue?
it will be a new character though! the reader in keiji’s one shot is a princess from another kingdom who is a huge huge fan of this writer. she loves collecting signed books and when she heard that her favorite author is having his first meet and greet + signing event, she just had to travel to inarizaki to see him ;) but she never expected that her favorite writer was actually a prince (and that he’s the prettiest man she’d ever seen)
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