#Thena is touched all the same
For the Ice Queen/Tyrant King AU:
Thena and Gil visit the grave of his mother before the wedding.
An emotional and soft moment between them :)
"I used to come here with Dad and Imo when I was little."
Thena looked at him, curiosity piqued by the first words he'd spoken since getting in the car. She held onto his arm as they walked, his hands in his pockets.
"Dad always used it as an excuse to bitch and moan about shit, especially about how I was the reason she was here in the first place."
Thena frowned, holding onto him just a little bit tighter. She leaned her head against his arm, "hm...I could kill him."
Gil smiled, leaning his head against hers, "nah, it's okay, Sweetness. Success is the only revenge that actually works in this family."
She had asked if this was even a good idea--her coming with him to visit his mother (in a sense of the word). She had worried that it was more of a family affair--even asked his aunt if it would be disrespectful for her to come.
Imo had told her that she was a part of the family, now, so what did that matter? She also told Thena to call her Imo, from now on.
Gil had grinned from ear to ear.
"When did you come here last?" she asked him gently, not letting him sit in silence but not chatting just for the sake of it, either.
"I guess it was with Imo, last time I was home," Gil shrugged beside her as they turned down another walkway. "I come when I can, but I can't really leave business just to visit."
Thena nodded with full understanding; it wasn't safe to, whether his mother was already passed or not.
Gil looked at her with a smile, pulling his hand out of his pocket just to link their fingers together, "I have a lot to tell her this time around."
Thena stopped beside him as they arrived at a particular grave marker and grassy knoll behind it. She bowed with him, offered her prayers and respects with him, in Korean and everything.
"Hey, Ma."
Gil took in a breath. "Sorry it's been a while. It's been a crazy year and some, so I think you'd understand. I got shot!"
"Gilgamesh," Thena scolded beside him. She squeezed his hand, "give your mother a proper explanation."
He smiled; that was his Ice Queen. "So...this is Thena."
"I know I've talked about her before. It was probably as just--oh, we had a meeting today and the Ice Queen is doing well, sort of thing. I was in denial back then, but you probably knew. You would have told me how obvious it was that I was already head over heels for her."
Gil peeked sideways at Thena, who rolled her eyes at what she definitely thought was embellishment on his part. He chuckled.
"You'd love her though, Ma," he continued, smiling at the stone with just a name in Hangul carved into it. He had long become accustomed to speaking with it as if he could picture his mother's face--it was one of the things that pissed his father off the most when they would visit her together.
Imo never minded.
"You'd love her because I do," he raised Thena's hand to his lips, moving his thumb over her ring. "But you'd also love how tough she is. You'd love how she doesn't let anything intimidate her and how smart she is. You'd love that I have her to keep my head on straight over there while I'm doing business."
"You'd love her because she's perfect," Gil whispered, squeezing Thena's hand as he felt his throat tighten. "You'd love how perfect she is for me. She's smooth and calculated, but there's one hell of a heart under that porcelain shell of hers. And I'm lucky that she gave it to me. I...I haven't always been the most careful with it."
Thena finally snuck her eyes over to him, but stayed silent.
"I know, and you and Imo would both kick my ass if you knew the whole story, too," Gil sighed. The look in Thena's eyes when she accused him of lying about loving her; he would never forget it. "But I righted my wrong--I took responsibility, just like you taught me. And you were right; good things come to those who stand for what's right."
"And she's the best damn thing I've ever found," Gil swallowed, blinking a few times. "I'm sure you would just kill Dad if you knew what he had tried to pull with the daughter of that business partner of his. You and Imo always were talking about how he was going to run your hard earned business into the ground. Imo's still got a handle on things, though."
"And hey," Gil sniffed, finding a smile again, "Imo loves her too!"
Thena looked at him again, about to accuse him of exaggerating.
"I've never seen Imo like anyone," Gil chuckled, finally tearing his eyes away from his 'mother' and to the woman beside him. "But I think she took one look at you and knew that you were right for me."
Thena shook her head at him.
"Really," he whispered, looking forward again. "You know how Imo is, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't terrified to find out she was in America to see us. But I was shocked when she accepted that I wanted to stay with Thena instead of coming home. I mean, it was basically giving us her blessing. She even told Thena to call her Imo--that she's part of the family!"
Thena smiled.
"Dad doesn't know yet," Gil said in a quieter voice, his face drawing down again. "And he won't. He's never getting anywhere near the woman I love. I think you'd support me in that."
The grave marker didn't have a reply, but he really got the feeling of agreement.
"He doesn't need to be in my life, he doesn't have to know my business," Gil stated more for himself than anyone else, present or not. He squeezed Thena's hand again, "he doesn't have to meet my wife."
"Gil," Thena squeezed his hand back.
He looked up again, some lightness returning again. "We're not married yet. Well, not officially, I guess. Far as I'm concerned, we've been married since the very first time we-"
"Sorry, Princess," he chuckled, turning and kissing Thena's warm, pink cheek. "But you already know I've been down bad for you since before then."
She chose to roll her eyes at him again instead of dignifying his claim with a response (whether denial or confirmation).
"But yeah," Gil looked at his mother's grave again, "this is the woman I love, Ma. She wanted to meet you--and I wanted her to meet you, too, even if it meant coming over here. Even if Dad knew we were here, even if our enemies knew we were flying over."
He looked at Thena beside him, in a simple white sundress with her hair loose around her shoulders. She wasn't here as the Ice Queen, just Thena: his fiancee and the woman he loved.
"Some things are worth the risk," he concluded, feeling he had told his mother the most crucial parts he wanted to. He had neglected to discuss the poisoning and the shooting and such, but that was business. They were here for a family matter. He looked at Thena again, "anything you wanna add, sweetheart?"
Thena took a long look at the stone before them before stating very plainly, "I love Gilgamesh."
Concise, his Ice Queen.
"I love your son," she elaborated in a whisper-soft tone. "I certainly hadn't expected to. But I'm sure you knew better than anyone that not loving him is...just impossible."
Gil blinked away a few tears again.
"There isn't much I can promise," Thena confessed in a surprising admission of fragility. "Imo may like me, but I doubt anyone else will. And my family...doesn't exist anymore. I don't have much to offer."
Thena very literally controlled the global diamond market--was one of the riches human beings on the planet (off the record). And only she could see that as 'just business' and set it aside from herself enough to think she had nothing to offer in a marriage.
"But I'll love him," she said with conviction, gripping his hand. She was shaking. "I will love him every second of every minute we have. I already do--I love him so much I can't breathe. It rewrote the world I knew and every cell in my body. But against all odds...I suppose I find it worth the risk."
"I know how special you will always be to Gilgamesh. And I promise that I will take care of him. I will stand by him through every decision and every consequence. I was willing to go through with a ceremony here with your family, actually...not that I had mentioned it."
Gil grinned; he already knew that, but still.
"He worries about me meeting his father," Thena peeked over at him before addressing his mother again. "I am not so fragile as to fear someone as cowardly as someone like him."
Gil held in a laugh. His Dad would shit a brick if he knew this woman - a powerful business mogul whom he had never met - had called him a coward to his late wife.
"I would rather face down his father and his whole empire than have to meet Imo for the first time again," Thena let out a breath at just the thought. She smiled, though, "I can see why Gilgamesh turned out to be such a good man. He had such wonderful women raising him, it was never in question."
Gil's eyes watered again.
"So, I suppose I would like to thank you," Thena mumbled, some shyness coming over her. "I don't remember my own mother, but...I promise I will do my best to honour you all the same."
Gil watched Thena clutch at her lace shawl laid in the crooks of her elbows and dangling around her legs.
"Thank you for having me," Thena bowed again before looking at Gil, holding her hair back against a breeze, "are you okay?"
He nodded, leaning forward to kiss her forehead, "thanks for coming with me, baby."
"Hm," she sufficed to say as they slowly came away from his mother's grave and made their way back to the entrance to the cemetery again. "I did want to meet her."
Gil moved his hand from hers, only to unfold her shawl and pull it over her shoulders so it could drape over her arms, which were only partially covered by billowing linen sleeves attached to her dress. "I don't want you to burn, Ice."
Thena held onto his arm, leaning her head against him again as they made their way back to the car. "It would be worth it."
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peppermintquartz · 2 months
Chimney is striding towards a tall, dark-haired man who is currently checking the cockpit of a helicopter. Time is of the essence, but they will still need to wait for Hen.
Tall guy has a nice ass, Buck thinks vaguely, a little distracted by all the activity that's going on around them. He wonders if the choppers get to go out every day. He would, if he were a pilot.
When the guy turns around, it is to reveal a handsome face: chiseled jaw, aristocratic nose, straightforward gaze, generous lips and - oh - a cleft chin. That face breaks into a broad smile, the lines crinkling at the eyes and around the mouth adding to the overall attractiveness of the features.
"Howie, hey!" Tall Handsome Guy hugs Chimney tightly, enveloping the shorter man in a sincere embrace. "Long time."
Wow. Buck blinks at the show of affection. When he gets closer, he sees that Tall Handsome Guy is actually about the same height as he is, but with a more angular face - that jawline is to die for - and he is broader in the shoulders. Even more handsome up close, too, which is totally unfair.
"This is Tommy, Tommy Kinard. He used to be at the 118," Chimney introduces. "Used to have a fat head, but he grew out of that."
"Thanks to you," says Tommy. He holds out a hand to Eddie and Buck.
Eddie shakes Tommy's hand first. "Eddie Diaz."
"Pleasure. And you are...?" Tommy turns to Buck.
Buck takes the proffered hand. Good God his hand is so big and strong. "Uh, Evan. E-Evan Buckley, hi."
"Hi Evan," says Tommy, smiling at Buck, the smile as warm as his hand. The name Evan sounds cozy and welcoming coming from Tommy, and for a second when Buck meets Tommy's eyes, he almost forgets to breathe. No man should be this good-looking, Buck thinks. Tommy clears his throat and his smile turns a little cheeky. "I'm gonna need that hand to fly the chopper, kid."
"Oh! Oh, right, sorry. I was just, um, thinking. About Cap and Thena."
"Yeah, we're gonna need Hen to show soon with some coordinates," Chimney says, looking antsy. "Can't go flying all over the Gulf of Mexico."
Tommy shrugs. "We'll do what we can. Wait, I see a car pulling in. Might be her. Get in the backseat, strap yourselves in. Once I get Hen clear of Melton, we'll dash. Hopefully she has a good cover story..." His cheeks puff out and he lets out an exaggerated exhale. Then he grins at the three. "If we're all arrested, can I blame it on you, Howie?"
"Yeah I really twisted your arm with the 'Please help us save Cap and Athena'." Chimney climbs in after Eddie.
"You know it's because of your irresistibly pretty face," says Tommy dryly, helping Buck get in, a hand on his elbow. "Alright, put those helmets on. Careful, Evan."
Buck manages to catch Tommy's faint frown just before the pilot takes his seat and starts up the engine, go over his checks or whatever pilots do. Tommy's concerned, which isn't a surprise. They're asking a huge favor.
But it's so cool that he is throwing in his lot with them, just like that. Buck doesn't think there are many people who would do this. Tommy Kinard really is pretty cool.
"Alright. She's ready to go when we are," says Tommy. He opens his door and slides out. To the trio, he says, "Don't touch anything. I'm gonna hang out near Melton and run intercept."
"We'll behave," Eddie says, holding up his hand like a Scout.
Tommy only rolls his eyes and chuckles before jogging away to the main hangar. Buck can't help noticing how the flight suit pulls over the man's shoulders and ass as he moves.
Wonder what his workouts are like, Buck muses. Maybe more squats and lifts.
Now, all they have to do is wait for Hen to show.
edited on AO3
Tommy's POV
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redheadspark · 2 months
Druig with 9. showing them things that reminded them of them? 🥰
A/N - I do like this, thanks for the request, anon!
Summary - It was the smaller things that reminded you of each other, but in the best way possible.
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Warnings - Just fluff
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“…You gave me a piece of fruit,”
“That I did,”
You looked up from the massive Orange in your hand to Druig, seeing him give you his signature grin that made his whole face light up.  You had to raise a brow to him, almost a silent way of him to explain why he would gift you with an orange, a simple orange.  Yet again this was Druig, the aloof Mind Reader of the group that seemed to get his jollies in agitating others or getting under their skin.  It wasn’t that he was a terrible guy, it was quite the opposite.  But he knew how to pester at there right moment or make his presence known by simply being in the room. 
But this seemed…odd for him.
“It reminds me of you,” He explained with a shrug of his shoulders, to which you eyed him and then the fruit that was nestled in your palm.
“I don’t know if I should be insulted,” You commented, trying not to sound bitter about it as Druig rolled his eyes and gestured to the orange with his chin.
“They’re known to have a thick skin, and yet just as sweet on the inside,” He explained, leaving you a bit shocked with wide eyes as he walked away before you could say anything.  He left you there in your seat, tearing your eyes away from seeing him chat with Thena and Gilgamesh about the upcoming dinner Gilgamesh was going to make and to the orange in your hand.  This was not like him, giving gifts like this and such an…intimate way.
You had the orange that night after dinner, it was one of the most delicious oranges you’ve ever had on earth.
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200 years later
“Open your hand,”
“Just do it,”
Druig huffed, you sitting right next to him on the ramp of The Domo, an upcoming storm was about to come through the area which brought a stillness in the air along with the scene of rain.  The rest of the Eternals were inside, but you were mostly concerned with Druig whom was silently crying out on the ramp.  Seeing him hunched over, trying to cover up his tears aggressively with his fingers, it made your heart break.
Inwardly, you were wishing to punch Ikaris in the face.
They both have been at each other’s throats for some time in the recent years, mostly because of their viewpoints of the humans and the philosophies that each had that seemed to differ. You were always in Druig’s corner, you two becoming great friends as the years came and went and you finding more things in common with the Mind Controller than you thought.  He made you laugh, made you see the humans in a new light, and most of all, love yourself for the way you were.  Even from the simple act of giving you an orange and having you realize more of yourself than ever, you were grateful or him.  He saw more in you than you could comprehend, it was the same with him.
Just like now, seeing him open his palm as he was sniffling a bit.  
You gently placed a rock in his hand, seeing him look with some intrigue but mostly in confusion as the stone glistened a bit from the small amount of sun that seemed to be hidden in the clouds high above.  It was a dark stone, rigid around the edges and almost sharp to the touch.  But once it was placed in his palm, it looked so delicate and fragile in his massive palm. You leaned your shoulder against his as his blue eyes scanned the rock that he was nestling so carefully.
“Makkari found it last night, when we were defending the mines for the humans,” You explained, seeing him tilt his head around and look at the rock at all different angles, “It’s apparently expensive and highly valuable amongst the humans.  Phastos is convinced that he can make new inventions out of this rock. But what I want to show you, is this,”
You took the rock in your fingers, Druig watching you as you grabbed each end of the rock and gave a small tug.  There was barely any resistance, but inside of the rock was a kaleidoscope of colors.  It was memorizing to see, the colors dancing around thanks to the light that shined down, even the lights were etched on both of your faces as you both gazed not he tiny rock,
When Makkari showed you the night before, you were beyond entranced and memorized with how beautiful the colors were as they were pouring out of the rock.  Almost like the glittering ocean in the sunlight, or the stars high up in the sky late in the night.  
In all fairness, you did think of Druig right away when Makkari gave you the same rock to keep.  Druig grew on you as time passed, you two finding time to chat together at the end of the day or find solace in one another after a rough fight against the Deviants.  Druig would carry more burdens on his back than he would ever share with the other, even with you or Makkari.  It was hard to push past his own walls that he would keep up, but you were wiling to since he was growing closer and closer in your life and in your heart.
“This rock reminds me of you,” You explained, carefully placing the two pieces of the rock back in Druig’s hand.  He was still quiet, yet his face softened as you spoke again, “You have rage and show sharpness on the outside as a way to protect yourself.  But inside, you’re filled with the cosmos and beyond beautiful,”
Druig looked from the rock to you again, fresh tears in his eyes as you held in.  He weeped in your arms, feeling seen for the first time in a long time.
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Current Day, South Dakota
“My love?”
“Out here,”
Druig poked his head out, seeing you perched on a rocking chair that was looking out at the open plains etched in front of you.  He chuckled, hiding something behind his back as he walked out onto the porch and strolled over to you, seeing you wrapped in a thick wool blanket and humming to yourself.  A few scabs and wounds were seen on your face from the recent battle to stop the Emergence, yet you were mostly fine.  Tougher than you realized really, which Druig was grateful for since the last thing he wanted was to loose the love of his life and wife of 700 years to the hands of Ikaris and Tiamut.
“Peace and quiet looks good on you, darlin’,” He voiced, sitting in the second rocking chair next to yours as you were still looking out on the plains, “I take it you didn’t wish to hear about Phastos and one of his rants,”
“I just wanted to listen to the quietness out here is all, sweetheart,” You replied, Druig leaning over to kiss your cheek as you smiled.
“You’re well, then?  Nothing hurtin’?” He asked with a small lace of concern.  You smiled and looked at him, nose to nose as you saw his blue eyes looking at you with worry.  Druig became the worrying spouse in your marriage, something that you never saw coming when you two got together.  He would worry when you would fight against Deviants, when he would have to run the village in the jungle, but most of all when your life would be in harms way.  It was kind of amusement since you both were Eternals and capable of taking care of yourselves.  
You pecked him lightly on the lips, seeing him smile from how calm you were, “All is well, Druig,  I promise,”
He grinned from ear to ear, “Good, because I found somethin’ that I want give ya,” He explained, you leaning back a bit as he was shifting nervously in his chair, almost on the brink of being giddy and excited, “I know we missed our anniversary, given the world was endin’ and we had to stop a Celestial,”
You giggled as he then pulled out what he was hiding behind his hand.  A bouquet of flowers, a long stem with the petals being a light purple and light pink.  You gasped in surprise as he handed you the bouquet, you instantly smelling the aroma of the flowers and melting a bit in your chair as you knew exactly what lowers they were.
“Peonies,” You breathed as he grinned.
“They remind me of us,” he explained, you watching him as he rocked a bit in his chair, “Peonies don’t liked to be rushed in order to bloom.  They bloom at their own pace, in their own time. But once they do bloom, they’re gorgeous and last for a long time,” 
You felt a tear hit your cheek as you touched the tops of the petals delicately while Druig rubbed your arm, his wedding band glistening in the sunset light as you held the flowers close. 
700 years with Druig seemed like a blink of an eye, but those 700 years were when you two were the happiest.  Solely you had one another to lean on, walking through every struggle and right together to come out just as strong.  You followed him into the Amazon jungle when he left the others behind, not thinking of a life without him in it.  The pair of you grew so strong in those 500 years alone, finding peace and true love for one another that could never be broken. 
One of the main contributors was you both seeing the true nature of the other, looking past the exterior that seemed rough and damaged.  
“Happy anniversary, love of my life,” he whispered against your cheek as he kissed away the tears and then kissed you squarely on the lips.  You both drank each other in, already optimistic for the next 700 years together and even more.
The End.
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August Prompt Session
Tagged - @a-lumos-in-the-nox @ethereal-athalia @virtueassassin @simplymakkari
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missamericadog · 1 year
on my way home from the gym i had a really stupid thought of "hey it's been 7/8 years since aa7 so what if capcom reflect that by doing another fucking time skip" i then tried to roll with this bad idea and flesh it out a bit and see what it could look like
so here i present to you my version of the worst ace attorney 7 pitch in da whole wide WORLD !!!
come 2024 it will have been 8 years since AA6 so fuck it, 7 years time skip (Again 🙄🙄🙄) to reflect that time
introducing Ace Attorney 7, or Justice & Cykes: Ace Attorneys
Apollo has been in Khurain for the past 7 years restructuring its legal system, meanwhile Phoenix has retired from law to do the same with Edgeworth (who's stayed as Chief Prosecutor) in Japanifornia. He's still acting as a mentor to Thena and is still in charge of the WAA, but doesn't take cases himself any more. Him and Polly don't really keep in touch as much as they should, as both are too busy
maybe Apollo gets homesick tho, or Phoenix offers him his old job back or what, but either way a 31 year old Polly moves back to Japanifornia to be a lawyer there again
case 1 is a tutorial for two reasons:
1) apollo hasn't done law in this country in nearly a decade
B - phoenix has reworked the WHOLE system (i.e. introduced two fun mechanics from GAA)
it should be a simple case, but the problem is that this new system nick introduced fucking baffles polly: why does he now have multiple witnesses on the stand at once? and why is there a jury system? (does this take away from GAAs unique identity? idk)
he solves it btw ofc he does, with help from his professional magician assistant trucy
at the end of the case phoenix calls polly & trucy to his office and tells them they're siblings
cut to case two, where we are focused on an Athena case (possibly set before 7-1? so as to keep the weighty cliffhanger as long as possible). trucy is assistant for this too. fuck it. she's assistant for most/all of the game. trucy deserved better in 5 and 6, capcom.
reintroduction to investigation segments, which remain unchanged. athena, now mid 20s, is a lot more confident and independent, though maybe still needs to ask for help and advice from nick more than she'd like. solves a two day case just fine, even with new prosecutor (maybe Sebastian Debeste? or a rookie who has a similar character arc to us in previous games)
case 3 back to apollo, and him and trucy are probably taking the news itself well but not the fact it took OVER A DECADE FOR NICK TO TELL THEM, and it doesn't help that nick just pins it to him being too busy and forgetting lol
either way a case has come in so the two of them take it to distract themselves but there's gonna be a little awkward tension in the air throughout especially whenever they visit thena and nick
solve it
case 3 back to thena, and her journey of independence & also now dealing with Wright family drama lol
solves case
case 4 back to polly, who's still miffed but is trying to be an adult about it
solves case
case 5 nick is suspected of murder, and trucy is witness so Apollo and Athena work together to solve it, with alternating trial days or maybe one leading investigation and the other court
there'll be a moment where apollo can't help for whatever reason and this is athenas big breakthrough indepdence moment as she solves this bit alone
also guest prosecutor franzy von karma; reveal she was the mentor of previous prosecutor (maybe on the bench with her? why has this not been a thing other than dgs3-3 capcom.)
solves it's not nick or trucy, all of them gain confidence within each other and themselves
game over everyone's happy
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callsigndragon · 2 years
The Christmas Date | Chapter 8: Happy Xmas (War is Over)
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Pairing: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Fem!Kerner!Reader
(Ron Kerner is Slider, Iceman’s backseater)
Wordcount: 2.9k
Summary: Y/n “Athena” Kerner and Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw hate each other. Everybody knows. What happens when they have to fake date for a whole week to avoid Iceman and Slider’s matchmaking plans?
(there won’t be smut in this series)
Warnings: fluff, fluff, FLUFF, mentions of car accident, mentions of scars, body dysmorphia, rooster keeps blaming himself, partial nudity(someone takes off their tshirt, nothing more), i can't think of anything else-
A/N: SURPRIIIIIIIISE! i kept thinking about thena and rooster and here we are, almost 3 thousand words later. Enjoy the happy times, you can't know how they could end!
Taglist:@ducks118 @milestellerwife @craftymoonchaos @littlebadariell @xoxabs88xox @alexxavicry @tayrae515 @shrimping-for-all @mak-32 @my-soulmate-is-mycroft @harper1666 @purplevortexx @abaker74 @ssprayberrythings @melllinaa @loveless-simp @k-k0129 @mygyn @castle-bookworms-world @chaoticversion @one-sweet-gubler @loveforaugust
@taytaylala12 @benhardysdrumstick @diggorycullen @green-intervention @waatermelon-sugaar @smells-like-perfect-senses @interstellarloneliness @tay-bluey @diggorycullen @dhwanishah09 @inky-sun @luckyladycreator2 @nograce-nomercy @witchybabel
(If you want to be added, write in the comments! Those in bold I couldn’t tag you)
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Can you give him a chance? That's a good question, actually. He's been so sweet to you these past few days; you can't deny that. And honestly, seeing him around Jesse, the way he talks and plays with him, how he's always checking whether he can touch you or not, with or without words…
This Rooster isn't the same that hurt you when you were 17.
“You don’t have to answer me now,” he says, moving away from you and making your body shiver because of the loss of warmth. “Let’s go with the rest. Jesse must be really worried”
You can hear in his voice the sadness he’s feeling right now. Maybe he thinks that your lack of answer means you don’t want to give him a chance.
“Bradley, wait,” you mutter, your body not allowing you to speak any louder. All your energies are focused on not having an anxiety attack due to the intensity of the moment. He hears you and turns around, a hopeful expression morphing his features. “If I give you a chance… we’re gonna need to establish some limits”
You’ve never seen him smile like that. “Okay, let’s negotiate”
“Negotiate? No, no. I’m telling you which are the lines you can’t cross,” you retort.
“You’ve never been in a relationship before, so I’m gonna have to push those lines a bit to make this work. It’s teamwork, grouchy. We make a good team”
“When we fly. We’ve never tried this before”
“Well, I know for a fact that you’re the only person I want to fly with,” he moves a strand of hair that has fallen in your face. “Maybe you’ll end up being the person I want to spend the rest of my life with”
“Aren’t you going a bit fast?” You chuckle, but something inside of you, a tiny part, wishes that to be true.
“Many girls would be over the moon if someone told them that.”
You raise your head, looking him dead in the eye. “I’m not like the other girls.”
He nods. “Yeah, that’s one of the many things I like about you”
“There’s more?”
“Want a list?” he deadpans, making you laugh. He makes it look so easy…
“Someday. Let’s focus on this list now. First: no sex”
“I wasn’t even thinking about it. This is about you. And I don’t want you to think that my main goal is to get in your pants.” His tone is serious, and you know he means every word.
“Okay, good”
“What about kissing?” he asks.
“Well... you didn't seem to like that,” you say, embarrassed, looking at the floor.
"What? Why would you think that?" He looks genuinely confused.
"When we had to kiss in front of Jesse, you had your eyes closed"
"...you literally know nothing about relationships," he says, shaking his head and moving his hands to your face, caressing your cheeks again. "Does it feel good?"
You don't understand the sudden change of topic. "Yes? But what does-"
"Close your eyes"
You do as he says. His fingers, calloused by years of working, move over your skin in slow motion. It does feel different when your eyes are closed. It's more intense. "I think I get it"
"You do? Let's see"
His lips are pressing against yours before you know it. It's just a peck, like the one you initiated not so long ago. But it's way too different. It makes your heart feel warm and your cheeks heat up. You almost feel like your knees are about to buckle.
It's completely different.
When he pulls away, he kisses the tip of your nose before chuckling like a teenager. "You can open your eyes now, fly girl"
You open them, and his face is still so close that his nose rubs yours. "Well, kisses are important, right?"
"Oh yes, really important" he agrees, nodding.
"We should kiss"
He keeps nodding, his smile getting bigger and prettier. "In fact, I think we should kiss again."
He kisses you, this time pecking your lips, your nose, your cheeks... He pecks all over your face until you giggle, the breathy sound making him giggle too. "God, you're so beautiful."
You roll your eyes. "Shut up, nugget. Well, next thing on the list. Boyfriend it's a big word and I don't know if I'm ready for that"
"Then fuck boyfriend and girlfriend!" He declares aloud, and some people who are walking toward the town square turn their heads to look at the man in front of them. "We'll be grouchy and nugget"
"You really like nugget"
He shrugs. "I'm a basic nugget"
You laugh and shake your head. "I want a date"
"You'll have a date. You and me. Tomorrow. I'll plan everything"
"...how long have you been wanting this to happen?"
"I can't even remember," he lets out. "There are a few things on my list"
"Your what?" he asks, grabbing your hand and leading you to the town square, but the tree is visible from where you are, and the lights are already on. "Rooster, what list?"
"I'm sleeping on the bed with you"
"Oh, yes, please. You're hot"
“Thank you” He laughs, putting his arm around your shoulders.
"I mean, you're really warm! Oh my god"
"Easy, grouchy. Your secret's safe with me." He winks at you, and you groan. "You'll call Phoenix and tell her we have something going on. She's been trying to get us together since last year"
"Oh, I've noticed. Anything else?"
He stops in front of you, holding your hand and raising it to his lips, pressing them softly against your knuckles. "Whenever I say you're beautiful, you have to believe it"
"I'll do it when you stop blaming yourself"
He sighs, dropping your hand. "Thena…"
"Don't Thena me. I was driving, Rooster"
"I went to your house in the first place"
"Because your mother had died, and you were alone! Look, you were driving under the influence when you got to my house; that’s true." You grab his face between your hands, making him look at you. "But you didn't drive after that. I did. I wasn't drunk. For fuck's sake, a truck driver fell asleep. It wasn’t your fault."
He kisses the palm of your hand before moving away. "I know, fly girl. But if I hadn't gone to your house..."
"One day, you'll stop blaming yourself. I'm gonna make it my personal mission," you say before walking away.
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"Are you mad?" Rooster asks you, standing behind you in the little bathroom. He's making eye contact with you through the mirror.
You stop brushing your teeth, letting out a sigh. "I'm just… Sad. You don't deserve to spend the rest of your life torturing yourself for something that wasn't your fault"
"Thena, someone made you feel like a monster because of that scar. You wouldn't have that scar if I didn't-"
You turn around and cover his mouth with your hand before he can say anything else. "Don't say another word or I'll punch you"
You say that, trying to lift the mood, but it seems like you've found the real problem. He's not blaming himself for the accident.
He's blaming himself for the marks left on your body.
"Bradley," you say, letting your hand fall from his mouth.
"Can I see it?"
You face the mirror again, weighing his words. You’re not ashamed of your scar, but you’re not showing it around either. If you don’t show him your scar, it will reinforce his idea that you feel like a monster. You breathe in as calmly as you can, and by the time you breathe out, you have lifted your shirt enough for the scar to be seen.
You see his eyes in the mirror, moving from the scarred skin to your face and holding their gaze. His hand moves slowly, his fingers twitching as if he were making a herculean effort to stop himself. You nod slowly, granting him permission to touch you. His fingers are like feathers against your skin—soft and pleasant. It’s a new type of contact you’re not familiar with.
It's not like when you trace the scar absentmindedly while watching a movie or reading a book.
It doesn't feel hesitant, as if he's afraid of touching such unappealing skin as yours.
Not only that, but it feels like he’s touching one of Bernini’s marble sculptures, his fingers following every edge and curve, as if he were learning by heart the shape of your belly.
You’re tempted to close your eyes and lean back to rest your head against his body, but his eyes never leave yours. It’s like he's trying to say something without words. It feels like his brown orbs are screaming at you: ‘I’m here. I’ve seen the worst of you. And I’m not going anywhere’
And it’s true. He's seen every negative aspect of your personality; he's seen you angry, sad, and lonely. However, he’s here with you, in a tiny bathroom, embracing what you loathe the most about you.
“Turn around,” he whispers again, as if raising his voice a bit could ruin the moment. "Do you trust me?"
"Bradley," you frown, not understanding a thing, "why are you asking that?"
"Do you trust me?" He insists.
"Yes," you answer without a doubt. Love and trust are two different things. You can love someone but not trust him. You can trust someone but not love him. In this case, he's been there for the last ten years of your life. And he has never given you reason to doubt him.
He takes off his hoodie, throwing it out of the bathroom. He must have seen the instant fear in your eyes, because he leans in and kisses your forehead. "I still remember the no sex rule, don't worry."
"Then why are you taking your clothes off?"
"It'll make sense. Can you take it off, too?"
There's a silent plea in his eyes for you to trust him. With shaky hands, you remove the warm cloth from your body, being left in your bra. The cool air makes you shiver, with goosebumps covering your skin. This is the most naked you've been in front of a man in years.
But you don't feel like he's doing this to see your body. It makes you feel safe and nervous at the same time.
"You see my scars?" He inquires, forcing you to look at them. You've always suspected that his were worse because he couldn't hide them. He had to look at them whenever he stood in front of a mirror or took a selfie... you can hide it. He can't.
"I see them"
"Do you like them?"
"I mean, liking it is a strong feeling. But they're part of you. And I like you"
He looks at you with a small smile. "Oh, you like me?"
"Shut up, nugget" You laugh, a bit overwhelmed by the situation. "I like you, and all your scars. Physical and not."
"You told me yesterday that these scars mean we are alive. I haven't been able to get that thought out of my head" he takes one of your hands and moves it to his shoulder, your fingers finding the scar in a second. "Remember in college, when you tried to play volleyball with the team, but you had so much work that you had to leave the team?" You nod, and he takes a deep breath. "Some guys from the football team went to one of your last matches. You lifted off your t-shirt to wipe the sweat off your face and one of them saw the scar and said horrible things"
"Wait, were you the one that broke Charlie Benson's nose?" He is the one nodding now. "Rooster!"
"It didn't click until that moment that a scar in a man is hot, but in a woman is a flaw. Whenever I look at my scars, I remember yours," he admits, finally getting the weight out of his chest.
"So you don't hate yourself or blame yourself for the accident, but for my scar? Bradley that's-"
"Someone made you feel like a monster for that scar." He cuts you in, displaying his true emotions in front of you. "That was one of my biggest fears"
"The only monster in that room was the one saying those words," you say, fury running through your veins. It takes you a moment to realize what you have said. You haven't blamed yourself for trusting Solo; you are blaming him for abusing the trust you so naively placed in him.
There's a proud smile on Rooster's face. "That's my girl. Such a good start"
"So, was there any reason to make me take off my clothes?"
He kneels down, placing his hands on your hips. When his lips press softly against the scarred skin, all the pent-up emotions, all the fears—everything becomes too much. The tears fall before you can even stop them.
"Is this what being loved feels like?" you ask him, your hands moving up to sink between his locks.
"Give me a chance, and I'll show you how it feels," he says, leaving one last kiss before getting up, grabbing his discarded hoodie, and putting it over your body. "Enough experiments for a day"
"Nugget, wait," you say as you move in front of him, kissing the scar on his shoulder. "I'm giving you a chance. Don't make me regret this"
He picks you up from the floor and carries you to the bed, kissing you softly before turning off the lights. "Go to sleep or I'll spend all night kissing you"
You open your arms, making grabby hands. "You're my personal teddy bear, now"
He chuckles and hugs you close, kissing your forehead. "You can literally ask for anything, and I'll give it to you, you know"
"Oh, really?" You smirk.
"I'm regretting this already," he whines, laying on the bed with you and whispering good night before falling asleep.
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"Can you remind me what's the plan for today?" You say this while walking with him across town, hand in hand, holding a warm chocolate cup in the other.
"We still need to look for the Secret Santa presents, because I know you haven’t bought yours yet. After that, we’re gonna go look for a beautiful dress. The Christmas party is in two days. Later, we’ll get lunch, and we’ll go home because we still haven’t seen A Charlie Brown Christmas and Jesse’s getting desperate. The ice rink has opened today, so we have to go. And then we have reservations at that French restaurant you love.” You look at him, completely astonished. He really has planned out the whole day.
“Wait, you got us a reservation at La Vie de Champs? Even the waiting list is full!”
“I have my ways, grouchy.” He flashes you a proud smile, and you laugh. “Okay, let’s go to the antique shop, I have some ideas”
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“So... you drew my dad? Is that why we’re here?” you ask once you’ve arrived at the store. “You know he likes old things”
“I’m not telling you, fly girl. That wouldn’t be fun”
You walk around the store, enjoying the characteristic smell of antique shops. Your dad said once: ‘This is what history smells like.’ You remember his words every time you walk past one of these stores. There's a lot of lovely furniture, vintage dresses and jewelry, and a variety of other items that might be useful if you drew Sarah's name. But you pulled Rooster, and it’s proving difficult to find the perfect gift for him.
The store is so big that you lose him for a moment, and once you find him again, he has a blue paper bag in his hand. “You found a gift already?”
“Yep. "It was easy," he shrugs, looking behind you. "Wait, is that… It can be”
You follow his gaze, looking at a dark wooden cabinet with a collection of different Polaroid cameras. It has really old ones, and some of them seem pretty new—not even a scratch on them.
“Have I ever shown you my dad’s Polaroid album?” he says, picking up one of the cameras with a sad smile on his face.
“I don’t think so"
“Really? He took a picture of us; I was four, and you were a baby. It was a few days before he... well. It's a cute picture. A really cute one,” he adds.
“You have to show me those pictures once we’re back home,” you say, caressing his back. Talking about his father always elicits mixed emotions.
He leaves the camera back on the shelf. “I always carry the album with me. This is like the one he used. My mom accidentally broke my dad’s camera when I was little, she was so sad when she had to throw it away…”
Rooster’s phone rings, pulling him out of his thoughts. “Oh, it’s from the base. I’ll take this, you can look around a bit more,” he says, kissing your head before getting out of the store.
“Thanks, Carole,” you mutter, knowing that wherever she is, she can hear you. “Now I know what to get him.”
You pick the camera with a knowing feeling that this Christmas is going to be a very special one.
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naoa-ao3 · 1 year
Sharing Burdens
Thena watches the sun set and remembers.
She's seen an infinite number or sun sets and yet this one. . . this one in it's blinding glory fries her retinas and seeps into her brain just like so many before it.
It's light spreads through her mind and she remembers everything and nothing all at once.
What is this?
When did she have a weapon in her hand?
She blinks and feels something wet across her cheek.
She thinks it's tears but when she wipes it away her hands comes back red.
Not tears.
The world returns and she looks down to see Gil laying at her feet, blood seeping from a wound on his chest and the world grows dark.
This is what she fears.
It's happened a few times but usually he's able to handle it, usually he's able to handle her and her head hurts as she drops to her knees and puts her hands on him.
"Gil. . ." She whispers.
He makes a pained noise. "I'll be okay." He say's but he sounds bad, like he's hurting and it's all her fault.
"I'm so sorry." She say's, hands and voice shaking.
His hand, his free hand finds hers and takes it tightly. "It was an accident, Thena." He whispers. "I'll be okay."
She nods mutely and helps him into the house and onto the bed.
Her hands would shake if she didn't stop them and while she knows he can heal the guilt of it and the blind confusion tears at her just the same. She never has proper memories when she loses control. Her mind becomes a broken jumble of images and recollections, some of which she can't even piece together enough to make sense of.
Gil groans on the bed and she stills the tremors in her chest and makes herself take care of him. She's there for him as he has been for her.
"Thena. . . it's not your fault." He whispers and she closes her eyes, weary from her own mind and the feelings tearing at her soul.
She removes his shirt as gently as she can, minding the stab wound on his side and exhaling when she see's it is not so deep.
He won't die from something like this but she could kill him, it's a very real fear they both live with and one of her most private terrors.
He takes her hand when she cannot make her thoughts stop and squeezes it, squeezes it despite his own pain and the state of chaos they live in. "It's not your fault." He whispers.
"I don't remember." She say's, voice just as soft.
He nods. "You don't need to, it isn't worth it."
She could weep, she very nearly does as she bandages his side and touches the skin she's wounded.
Ajak could have done a better job, she's the healer. Thena is a warrior, one of the greatest but right now it's just that that's caused this harm. Just her and her weapons.
Gil is looking at her sadly. "Will you say something, Thena?" He asks.
She shakes her head, afraid to hear the sound of her own voice as she helps him dress in a fresh shirt and more comfortable trousers.
He stops her and takes her hand again. "It's okay." He whispers again and she wants to cry so very badly. Everything is confusing and strange and she can feel earth quakes that couldn't possibly be happening. Earth quakes that are from another world.
"I'm sorry." She whispers and he pulls her to the bed to lay with him, on his good side now and it's unfair.
He's hurt and she's the one that hurt him and he's still holding her, still telling her it's okay.
"I love you, Thena. This doesn't matter." He say's.
She curls against him, as proud as she is she can be just a little vulnerable with Gil. He deserves to see that side of her after all he's done. He deserves her honest self and even as strong as she is he's seen her at her worst.
Lost and confused.
"What if it happens again?" She asks.
He sighs. "Then we face it when it does. I think you did a pretty good job patching me up anyway so if it does then you already know what to do." He say's.
She tries to smile, his voice is light and his body warm against hers.
He'll heal faster than a human could. She knows this but until he does she'll feel guilt in her guts and she'll worry.
"I love you too." She whispers back, the night dark outside now.
He sighs a little more comfortably. "I know."
He'll be healed in a matter of days, perhaps fewer but just the same she feels guilt and regret at having hurt him. This is always the risk and yet the few times it's happened have nearly broken her heart.
You aren't supposed to hurt the one's you love. You're supposed to take care of them but she can so seldom take care of Gil, it's all him. It's all him caring for her and for someone as strong as she is it bothers her a lot. She doesn't like being weak or dependent, she doesn't like not being able to give back to him what he gives to her but somehow he's never had enough, somehow he's always chosen to stay with her.
She lays next to him and feels the heat from his body.
Feels the love from his body and wonders at how much longer they have. How many more accidents before it's too late and everything is ruined?
They're living on a wire like this.
Waiting for the next time things go wrong, knowing nothing will make it better, nothing will put her mind back together and yet here they are together just the same, laying next to each other in their little corner of the world. . .
She wouldn't ask for anyone else and so even if she can't promise him anything better she promises him herself. Her love and her gratitude and everything in between that comes from so many millennia together.
They've loved and fought along side each other, shaped the world and been part of a family, they've shared countless meals and cups of wine and watched infinite sun sets. . . now cut off from the rest of the world they lay together without a mission and Thena feels confusion and love and knows that there is no other place in the world she'd rather be.
Gil heals over the next few days and for a few days she's almost clear headed. She takes care of him for once, indulging him when he asks for meals in bed and enjoying her little chance to do what she can.
She isn't so far gone that she can't do this and for a few days Gil get's to be spoiled and looked after.
It almost makes her feel like her mind is put together the way it's supposed to be. It isn't but she let's herself pretend for a few days and let's Gil rest until he's back on his feet just the way he promised.
It isn't easy and there will be more roads walked that end badly, Thena lives with that fear and if Gil is afraid he doesn't say it, he just stays by her side and that's the only thing in the world that still matters.
The two of them have their little corner and no matter what happens for now it's theirs.
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4-3ver1 · 3 months
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4EVER debuted in 2021 with five members ( AERI, SOYEON,RORY AND THENA), releasing their pre release Tweaks . The group is best known for their vibrant music videos, as well as their lore of 4 girls who are friends go on adventures and have fun during their lives but 3 of the girls aren’t real they are a figment of the mains girls imagination because they are dead or are they
despite being one of the most famous groups under JYP ENTERTAINMENT , 4EVER has their fare share of antis, usually about the minor kn the group or how the lore didn’t make sense with music video and lyrics. because of this, the line is divided between the group’s fandom between those who argue back, and those who simply ignore getting into messes for their good. most of the time, the ones who like to defend the group with all of their power also complain about the group being too overworked especially with a minor in the group ; having three comebacks yearly, with additional tours that go on for months.
4EVER was initially supposed to be a 5 member girl group called 4EVER1 under the same company. But the person who was gonna be in the group decided they didn’t was to do it anymore JYP ENTERTAINMENT tried to find someone who could fit but decided that they were better as 4. .
⸻ ♡⃗ BASICS !
DEBUT DATE ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ June 17 2021
CONCEPT ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ Finding their missing friend in a different world
STORYLINE ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ 4 girls who are friends go on adventures and have fun during their lives but 3 of the girls aren’t real they are a figment of the mains girls imagination because they are dead or are they
FANDOM COLOUR ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ purple
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.。group logo ; 
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.。lightstick ; 
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🎀 ── SOCIALS.。✦
.。official website ; 4EVEROFFICIAL
.。offical website (jp) ; 4EVERJP
.。twitter ; 4EVER_TWT
.。twitter (jp) ; 4EVERJPfollowers l
.。instagram ; 4EVEROFFICIAL
.。instagram (jp) ; 4EVERJP
.。youtube ; 4EVEROFFICIAL
.。youtube (jp) ; 4EVERJP
.。tiktok ; 4EVEROFFICIAL
.。tiktok (jp) ; 4EVERJP
.。weibo ; 4EVER
.。facebook ; 4EVEROFFICIAL
.。v-live ; 4EVER
.。fancafe ; 4EVERcafe
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⸻  ♡⃗   MEMBERS  ! 
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ITOO AERI  (  1997  )
HONG SOYEON  ( 2001  )
PARK ‘Rory’ MINYOUNG  ( 2002  )
ATHENA ‘Thena’ O’CONNER ( 2005  )
TWEAKS ˳ › prelase single ❪ 2021❫
GENERATION ˳ 4EVER THE ALBUM › debut album ❪ 2021 ❫
DITTO ˳ DITTO › 1st mini album ❪ 2021 ❫
BIRTHDAY ˳ HAPPY BIRTHDAY › 2nd mini album ❪ 2022 ❫
QUEENDOM ˳ GIRLS GEN › 1st full album ❪ 2022 ❫
HOLLAR ˳ HELLO › 3rd mini album ❪ 2023 ❫
SPICE ˳ SUMMERTIME EYES › 1st Japanese album ❪ 2023❫
GET UP ˳ BE MY BABY? › 2nd full album ❪ 2023 ❫
MIDAS TOUCH ˳ CUPID SHOT › 4th mini album ❪ 2024❫
PUPPET SHOW ˳ IN CONTROL › 3 full album (English album) ❪ 2024 ❫
⸻  ♡⃗   SPECIAL  ALBUM  ! 
4LIVES  ˳  special  album  ❪ 2023  ❫ 
⸻  ♡⃗   TOURS  ! 
THE 4EVER TOUR  ˳  world  tour  ❪  2023  ❫ 
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delphiniumblooms · 2 years
eternals ramblings from my rewatch today:
EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. ikaris makes an entrance he is accompanied by a huge swell of music, often the eternals theme, to the point where it almost feels like his theme. something to be said here about how he believes himself to be more Eternal than the rest
our first sight of sprite in modern era being her clearly trying to hook up with a guy but the moment he touches her the illusion breaks and she has to go - i cannot believe the pain of living for MILLENNIA in a child’s body she never got to do human things like romance or puberty or whatever
when they first go to earth sersi looks to ajak AND THEN IKARIS for reassurance/permission before going to make contact with the human kid 
watching sprite’s London convo with sersi knowing that she’s in love w ikaris and jealous of sersi hits different. she told sersi to move in with dane. it could be sweet, it could be a ploy to push sersi and ikaris further apart, it could be both bc family relationships are difficult like that and sprite clearly loves sersi even though she’s ‘always envied’ her
sersi TURNED THE GROUND INTO QUICKSAND to fight a deviant this is a big deal to me because i wrote a ton of speculation fic based on the trailers before the movie came out and i had her do exactly the same thing in a fight scene - not to toot my own horn but im impressed at how much i managed to extrapolate correctly just from the teasers
makkari’s last line is ‘the truth will set them free’. this is a bible verse. i don’t know if it’s intentional but they’re quoting jesus
sersi is such a jesus character to me. treats sprite and ikaris with love even though they hurt her massively
sprite is one of the most storytellers actually (gilgamesh did all these epic things. one day you and your people will sail around the world and make your own legends!)
how does ikaris know how to woo. did he watch the humans and learn from them? 
related: i think it’s super cute how he just. makes his regard for sersi clear by following her around everywhere like a puppy
thenamesh are just clintasha 2.0 (though to be fair it is fanon clintasha. but the him trying to stop her from attacking everyone and loving and protecting her even though she’s clearly unstable? screams clintasha)
i was so touched by sprite helping thena break out of the flashback by showing her illusions of her past like it works SO well
they should all have just stayed together. kingo was right. they should all have stayed together. they hurt each other but they also know how to help each other
touched by kingo’s loyalty to ikaris. man respected and loved his leader so much
also ‘i like watching him too’??? kingo darling sprite’s not the only one in love w ikaris
why is everyone in love with ikaris really if he betrayed them in the end
‘are you going to charm me or threaten me’? that’s probably why. he’s a leader. he’s the strongest one. he knows how to be charismatic and how to be firm, keep the peace, et cetera. half of them love him and the other half are wary of, even maybe jealous of him
it’s really interesting to me how druig listens to and respects sersi even though he hates ikaris’ guts. he obviously doesn’t see them as a unit. 
in fact everyone’s feelings towards each other are really intriguing i should chart a family tree but instead of ‘birthed’ and ‘married’ lines its ‘loves’ ‘hates’ ‘envies’ etc
the way sersi whisper shouts at ikaris and tries to pull him away they were both staring at jack and phastos but she knows it’s rude he doesn’t he’s just staring openly until she reminds him 
phastos’ husband speaking arabic to him. karun speaking in hindi to the eternals. whenever anyone speaks in babylonian. i love the usage of foreign languages in english media and eternals does it so much and so well
the way makkari smiles at everyone and signs ‘ready to go home?’ when they come back to the domo hit me like a TON of BRICKS. she was the last one to find out. goddamn. i can’t imagine the existential crises they were all collectively going through no WONDER tempers were high no WONDER they fought
related: i’m sure they said a lot of things they didn’t mean especially phastos. ‘i’ve always wanted to clip your wings, ikaris’ doesn’t mean he actively hated ikaris the entire time. it’s just like you know when you find out someone did something shitty and your reflex response is to go ‘i ALWAYS KNEW YOU WERE THAT KIND OF PERSON! YOU HAVE ALWAYS BEEN THIS KIND OF PERSON!’ because memory bias you remember the shitty things more than the good things. same with ‘you did always underestimate [sersi]’. did ikaris really?? or did he live and fight with and watch and love her for five thousand years and conclude, like the rest of the others, like sersi herself, that sersi’s powers only go so far? her powers didn’t begin changing until she was selected as prime eternal. if ikaris underestimated sersi so did everyone including sersi herself.
my take on why ikaris did what he did - he wanted to believe that his previous actions were justified/had a purpose. he lied to everyone, he left his wife, he told no one the truth for years because ajak had him convinced that his life’s purpose was to serve the mission. and then ajak calls off the mission at the last moment. he didn’t want to believe that he had hurt other people, had hurt himself, for no reason. he couldn’t accept that his suffering was for nothing. he had to go through with the emergence because otherwise none of it mattered. and he couldn’t deal with that. ikaris i can tell isn’t good at dealing with the fact that he makes mistakes. he told sersi he was sorry and then flew headfirst into the sun. he smacks of eldest child syndrome AND gifted kid depression. 
ok for real this is the last bullet point. the writing was questionable. the editing was bad. the characters weren’t given enough establishing time - it was a bad idea to do such a huge story in movie format (it should have been a tv show). that said the actors put their whole actussy into this and you can tell chloe zhao tried her utmost best. it’s not a great movie but i still love it because i love this huge unconventional, complex family 
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taran-chan · 2 years
Look, all of the prompts are amazing, but can I get “please kiss me” and maybe “I will never get enough of you” if it doesn’t trouble you at all?
Happy Smutty Sunday!!
3. “Please kiss me” 15. “I can’t get enough of you”
The thick and humid summer air wafts over her like a liquid, even at night time. Sweats run along her back, tickling her skin and her hair sticks to her neck. They’ve been partying since midday, celebrating their latest victory and the birth of a new kingdom, with their chosen king. The room is crowded and loud, too loud; their family, and king and knights and nobles. And yet, when he puts his mouth against her ear, all noises drowned out like they’re underwater and alone in a bubble.
“I can smell you.”
She shivers, involuntarily lets out a gasp. She’s been wanting him since she woke up this morning with his cock buried inside her and hasn’t stopped. He can tell. It’s a game between them, to see who would last longer. She knows she does a number on him today with her looks and subtle brushes along his arm, and of course, showing off in the battle. She can hear his ragged breaths, see the lust in his eyes mixed with love and admiration, feel the heat radiating from his body in waves. Now it’s clear that he also knows what he does to her, snapping the neck of that Deviant with one hand, and later using that same hand to catch a few locks of her hair between his fingers and kiss them in an intimate and worshiping manner that all these little humans can’t even fathom.
“Can you?” She smirks, taking an agonizing step back to stretch their distance, but he catches her by her waist and draws her to him before she can turn away. Their chests collide and Gil lowers his head to touch his forehead to hers.
It’s unbearable. The thought of letting her slip away again tonight. He’s done playing.
“Please kiss me.”
“Finally,” Thena growls. She slants her lips over his, allowing him to drink her in like he’s about to die of thirst. He makes a sound like a sob, lifting her off the ground.
“Let’s get the hell out of here,” she purrs when they part for air.
Their room is too far away, even with Eternal speed. He finds an empty room on the first door he tries, barely closing it when she pushes him against the wall and starts to climb him like a tree. He switches them and her back feels the chill of stone, but not for long before he squeezes his hands in between, rubbing his warmth to her skin.
“Let me see it,” he says between kisses. She bites his lower lip as her clothes fall off layer by layer. He nips at the small patch of red skin just below her collarbone, the mark he left on her when they made love this morning. The one she left on him is much lower.
“It’s fading,” he says.
“Maybe I’ll let you leave another.”
“Spoiled me rotten, aren’t you?” He grits his teeth when she manages to pull his cock down, hot and pulsing and ready. He’s still fumbling with the last layer of silk wrapping around her hips.
“Rip it,” she grinds at him. Nothing sounds better than the tear of fabric at that moment. He’s always so careful with her clothes that it annoys her at times like this.
She moans loudly when he enters her, tightening her legs around him.
“Baby, if you want this, you have to be quiet,” he whispers, keeping his strokes steady.
“Do I?” She asks breathlessly.
“Someone might pass this hall.”
“Then make me,” she wraps her arm around his neck. He grabs her chin and kisses her, weaving their tongues together. She rocks her hips in tune with his, her arousal dripping heavily onto the floor. Her lewd sounds are muffled by his mouth. He presses her deep into the wall and the position makes his cock hit her cervix, shaking her body with the force of each thrust.
“I can’t get enough of you,” he tears his lips away from her to start sucking and licking her neck.
“Harder,” she pants, her orgasm within her grasp. Just then, Gil hears footsteps and laughter heading toward them. He doesn’t stop, slipping two of his fingers into her mouth. As the feet are right behind the door, he feels Thena coming, quivering and sucking at his finger deliriously. Her eyes are hooded and the normal emerald green nearly turns into moss green, dazed by want and ecstasy. He groans into her cheek, pulling her closer as he rides out his pleasure.
She releases his fingers from her mouth but holds his hand and rubs her face on his palm lovingly. She’s incredibly adorable after a good orgasm and it makes his heart swell with love. The humans have long gone without a clue of what’s going on in this room.
“That’s new,” he can’t help but tease, “You get off on thinking other people might hear us?”
“Shh…” She nuzzles his neck, smelling his soothing scent. He smells like home.
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lady-of-the-spirit · 7 months
What are the Sersi thoughts????
LKAJDLFKJALDSF I rewatched the movie today so I'm still a jumble of thoughts. I have several on rotation right now.
So I do have issues with how her leadership arc played out. But what it DID do was good. You know. Like from the first moment the Eternals touch down on earth, Sersi is set up as the eventual leader. She's the one to first make contact with them. She's the one who sets them up for not just being protectors of humanity, but one of them, which is so important for the story (which the others mostly aren't, which I've talked about before). So of course Ajak is going to choose her as their leader once she's gone. (Wish we knew if Ajak decided this after Ikaris betrayed her or before. But I'd like to think before.)
But Sersi has all of these smaller leadership moments too. She's the one in front when they get to Ajak's house, she's the one who stays with Ajak's body for however long. She doesn't get much interaction with Kingo or Makkari (RIP) but she does with every other Eternal they have to go to. She's the first to notice Thena is acting strange in the flashback, and isn't afraid of her afterwards. She talks with Gilgamesh and takes advice from him (this is directly after we see Ajak tell off Ikaris for suggesting something, telling him not to forget his place, too!). When they're all arguing over what to do about the reveal of their origins and the celestials, Sersi is the one who makes the decision for them! They're not going to let everyone on earth die! And then when they go to get Druig on board, Sersi is the one he's addressing first and foremost. And she's the one he listens to when she tells him to stop controlling the villagers - telling him he's better than this, and he listens to her. which, again, is in contrast to previous scenes, where Druig is treated mostly with pity (Ajak) annoyance (Kingo) or threats (Ikaris) (deserved tbh but not the point). and, once again showing how different she is from Ajak, Sersi listens to Druig's points about humanity and the deviants. And she llstens again when Phastos is telling her about his family, and when they leave she provides him comfort (ANOTHER PARELLEL TO AJAK, COMFORTING PHASTOS IN THE FLASHBACK-)
Sersi doesn't get to really show off being their new leader, sadly. she doesn't get a moment where they all just listen to her, where she is clearly in command of the group and they respect her as such. but she's clearly the center of them, the heart of the group, and she's doing all of these little things that show it. she comforts them. she listens to them. she respects them! she's doing a lot of what Ajak was shown doing, but unlike with Ajak, she 1) doesn't have a lot of control or command over them, but more importantly 2) she hasn't set herself apart from them. she's still one of them. her leadership is (and will, hopefully, in the sequel become more obviously so) the kind of leadership that is just calm. they are all on the same footing here. they follow her, but she doesn't command them. her kindness and compassion isn't at war with having to remain in control of them and the mission, like it was with Ajak.
again, Sersi's leadership arc isn't perfect, and tbh that's the fault of the movie having too much going on for any of them to get a fully fleshed arc rip (SHOULD HAVE BEEN A SHOW) but. I do like what it DID do. it's there in-between the lines.
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lovelyfanatical · 1 year
I Get a Sugar Rush Whenever I’m With You - Chapter 4.3
Happy weekend fellow Drukkari stans, or whatever day it is for you! Took longer than I hoped, but I am here with the end of Chapter 4! If you missed the last installment and need to catch up, you can find that here, or start over from the beginning here. We have reached the end of '70s week, and Detective Makkari has her eye on Thenamesh. What will they uncover this time? Find out now in the next mini-chapter of Drukkari in the Great British Bake Off!
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The final challenge of the week went surprisingly well for Druig, considering how often he found himself distracted by Makkari. She remained determined to facilitate Thena and Gilgamesh’s budding relationship, even if she still had no idea how to go about it. The result of this was simply Makkari watching the two of them like a hawk and alerting Druig and Sersi whenever she witnessed something cute, regardless of whether the cameras were rolling. In the three hours they had to complete their bakes that week, Druig had spotted at least fourteen pointed looks from Makkari as she tried to alert him and Sersi to some new development without letting Thena or Gil catch on. While Gil hadn’t appeared to notice, Druig wasn’t so sure they had escaped Thena’s attention. His suspicions soon proven correct.
Following judgment time, he found himself waiting for his interview along with the stoic blonde. Despite being at the end of the fourth week, he still hadn’t really talked to her. He was almost certain he was being rude by not talking to her now, being the only two in the waiting area at present. That said, Thena’s judgment hadn’t gone very well at all, and he wasn’t sure if she was in the mood to make casual conversation with someone she barely knew. But just as Druig’s mind was jumping through hoops to justify his silence, Thena broke right through it with a surprising phrase: “You can just ask, you know.”
Druig nearly jumped out of his skin at the interruption to his train of thought. “What?”
“About me and Gilgamesh,” she replied nonchalantly. At his stunned silence, she continued, “I know you and Makkari have been watching us. Possibly Sersi as well.”
“Sorry about that. We didn’t mean to make you or Gil… uncomfortable,” he said, treading carefully with his choice of words. To his astonishment, Thena actually cracked a smile at his response.
“Oh, we’re not uncomfortable. If anything, it’s amusing how subtle Makkari thinks she’s being,” she said, which made Druig smile at the memory of her barely contained smiles during the competition today. “You still haven’t asked.”
Makkari would be sad to have missed this, but Druig wasn’t sure he’d get the opportunity to speak one-on-one with Thena again, so he asked, “What’s the deal with you and Gilgamesh?”
“We’re old acquaintances. I trained with him briefly early in my career,” she explained. “He invited me out for coffee once, but I had an overseas gig. Then another. After the third, I ended up moving there for a few years. I moved back eventually, but before I knew it, years had passed, and between all the moving around, we’d lost touch.”
“So, you didn’t see each other again until now?”
“Yes. It seems we both took up the same hobby.”
Druig hummed in response and weighed his next question carefully. He wasn’t sure if it was too nosy to ask, but then again, Thena had prompted him to do so, and she was eyeing him knowingly now. So he continued, “And did you two go for that cup of coffee yet?”
While she didn’t seem at all surprised by the question, she still took some time to consider her answer. “I’m not sure if coffee from the hotel really counts. Beyond that, he hasn’t brought it up. I think he might be waiting.”
“For what?”
“For one of us to get eliminated. I’m not sure if they allow contestants to date.”
“Oh,” was all he could think to say.
“I suppose after today’s performance, he may not need to wait much longer,” she continued. Druig realized a beat too late that he should probably object to this statement, assure her that everything would be alright, as Thena asked, “Not even going to try to tell me it wasn’t that bad?”
“Sorry, thought it might sound patronizing,” he muttered.
“You’d be right,” she replied before falling silent again.
After a moment, he awkwardly asked, “Are you sad about it?”
“A little, but at least I got to be here and intimidate the judges,” she responded with a small smile. “Besides, Gilgamesh is worth the wait, but I’m not the most patient person.”
Just then, they both noticed Darcy nearing the waiting area, and Thena stood up to go. Before she did, she turned back to him to say, “Thanks for not patronizing me, Druig. And I hope you’re a more patient person than I am.”
“What do you mean?” he asked, feeling his face screw up in confusion. Thena raised an eyebrow at him.
“You think I haven’t noticed the way you look at Makkari?”
Druig felt all of the blood rush to his face as he fought the urge to look anywhere else. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Thena merely smiled wryly and gave a satisfied hum before she went out to meet Darcy. Druig was left feeling suddenly very warm. It wasn’t that he didn’t know how he felt; he’d known he was a goner the moment he saw Makkari. That said, if anyone else had noticed, they hadn’t brought it up – Makkari included. At the thought of Makkari knowing, Druig was filled with an entirely different level of anxiety, but he pushed it down as he saw Darcy coming back to fetch him.
As Makkari had predicted, Ajak won Star Baker that week. And as Thena herself had predicted, she was going home. Their group tried to contain their enthusiasm, but they all agreed it was well-deserved and fitting that their matriarch should be the first of them to win. Even with all the excitement, Makkari’s eyes were still glued to Thena and Gilgamesh, who she spotted appearing to say their goodbyes for now. Despite how happy she was for Ajak, Druig could see how torn she was with Thena leaving. Of course, that changed on the train ride home when he relayed his and Thena’s conversation to her. He nearly keeled over laughing at the number of times her jaw dropped.
I can’t believe it! she signed, practically jumping out of her seat with joy. You really were right on the money again!
Is that so surprising? he asked in mock offense, at which she rolled her eyes.
No, but you may be the true detective after all, Watson. Not that anyone else needs to know, she answered with a smirk.
As you wish, Sherlock, he replied, unable to hide his own smile. So, what will you do now without a case to keep you occupied?
Focus on the actual competition, I suppose, she responded.
Really? No other potential matches you want to make?
Phastos is married and Sprite is a child. I think I’ve exhausted all matches amongst competitors.  
All of them except us, Druig thought, though he didn’t dare sign it. While they continued to talk throughout the rest of the train ride, Druig couldn’t help but replay the end of his conversation with Thena in his head, a detail he had not shared with Makkari. Obviously, she’d seen right through him, but what had she actually meant when she told him to be patient? Did she simply mean to wait to ask Makkari out, or was there another meaning? He and Makkari had grown so close so quickly that he really wasn’t sure how to even go about asking her out, let alone whether he’d be breaking any rules in doing so. And although he hadn’t made much effort to hide his affection for her, he still wasn’t exactly sure of how she felt toward him. She certainly liked him as a friend, but beyond that, he couldn’t really say.
While he did feel there was something special about their friendship, he could say the same thing about all of Makkari’s friendships, at least the ones he’d seen. She seemed to have a unique bond with everyone in their group (apart from Dane, but he was still new). Who was to say if she had a romantic interest in any of them? She was quite invested in their love lives, but she’d never once said anything about her own except that she was single.
And all of that aside, Makkari really was a great friend. Druig’s circle of friends had always been small, which he didn’t mind. But now that Makkari was part of that circle, he was eager for her to stay there. Druig could definitely be patient, but he wouldn’t risk losing that for anything.
I'm sorry I wrote Thena out, she was fun to write while it lasted 😭😭😭 Anyway, I'm quite busy at the moment, so it may take a bit longer for the next installment to come out. In the meantime, likes, reblogs, and comments would be very appreciated!
Part 14
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softquietsteadylove · 2 years
I love the way you can describe Thenamesh. How you find the right word to describe anything. It’s very poetic. Maybe you can use your talent and write something beautiful?
How Thena sees Gil? What she thinks when she is looking into his eyes, sees his smile? How he is tall and has these muscles but is very very gentle with anything fragile. How he is utterly gentle and soft with her?
Just her perspective of him. Something beautiful, soft and sweet.
Im looking forward for more story’s of you ❤️
There are a few things that can come to mind when looking at the Strongest Eternal, but the first and foremost should be warmth. He radiates it, embodies it, effuses it. And it spreads to those around him, encouraging them to bask in such qualities as his warmth and his humour and his utter kindness.
When she looks at him, something stirs within her mind. it's hard to explain, and the Warrior Eternal is not exactly one confounded by her own thoughts often. But looking at him pulls something from deep within her. It lies dormant, under her unconscious thought when she doesn't need it. But how she loves that indescribable feeling.
From the moment their eyes met in deep space, to when her hand slipped into his when they first touched down on the planet, something about him makes her feel at ease.
The nerves in her body calm, the thoughts in her head quiet. He stills her like a ripple stills the water in its wake. She gives him her hand and his warmth washes over her. It loosens her, softens her jagged edges. She tucks her elbow in, bringing herself closer to him by her own volition. Because the choice to be closer to him is an easy one.
She watches him across from her, through the flames of revelry. Deviants have been slain and celebration is in order. She is not one for it, but he is. And if he is there, then she will not be far. Not unless it's to protect that smile of his--the warmth he carries preciously without even realising it.
"Come and have a drink with me."
Cold and hard, just like her. "No."
Not all of them are. Sersi is soft and warm, Makkari is bright and warm. Kingo is a little too bright, if anything. But none of them are warm like he is.
He turns and looks at her, bathed in Babylonian sun. His hair moves in the wind, soft and almost fluffy on the top of his head. It catches the light and holds it with its dark colour. His skin glows from the work he's doing. He waves.
His eyes are warm, and so gentle. Their colour is brown, but Thena will never have the words to describe how they are so much more than that. They are warm soup he makes for her when it's raining, or tea he brews when she can't sleep. They are the last embers of a fire she keeps stoked so he won't be cold after dozing off in the middle of watch duty. They are the first hints of sunlight she glimpses on his skin before going back to sleep, content with just the sight of him.
"Hey," he greets her plainly and simply. The one word has so, so many others behind it--so much that exists between them.
"Hey," she smiles back at him, content as his smile pulls up to one side while he tries to guess her thoughts. She lets him, because she gets to look at him for longer.
His eyes flutter as she reaches up to brush away a bead or two of sweat. He has black eyelashes, which make her envious because they get to touch his cheeks whenever they please.
"What have you been up to?" he asks lightly, his hand hovering closer, lingering in a way that would get anyone else killed.
She allows it, because it's easier than giving in and leaning all the way into it. "Watch."
He nods, content with her one word, because he knows she has chosen it just for him.
"You?" she asks, and this too is more than anyone else would get.
"Helping patch up the hole," he points to the last point of impact from a previous fight. It was a good fight. "Just finished."
"Hm," she purrs, eyes travelling over him. She follows every move of his shoulders, every breath that expands his chest under his armour, ever twitch in his arms after a hard day's work.
Those arms can rip a Deviant's head clean off. They are also made to fit around her in embraces that can only be described as painfully gentle.
"Hungry?" he asks, because he's always so concerned with feeding her.
She lets his hand come to the small of her back, his palm spreading against it. She knows every bend of muscle, every edge of bone, every ridge in the tips of his fingers. "What are you making?"
His smile puts the sun to shame. "Anything you want."
She lets out a fraction of a laugh, but he brightens as if she has promised him riches beyond compare. He always presents himself as living to hear even the smallest laugh from her. That is how she feels about his smile.
"Honey buns?" he suggests, and is rewarded with a full, bright smile, her lips pulling back from her teeth.
His eyes trail over them. Just like she knows every muscle on his body, he knows every bend and line in her lips. "I'll take that as a yes."
She keeps her eyes on him as they walk. She has no choice; he's too beautiful to look away. His hand moves and soon his arm is looped around her, as easily and lazily as he might lean against something.
She leans against him--leans into it.
How she loves him.
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dc-ocs-200x · 1 year
Trigger Warnings: Past of living in slavery and abuse of all kinds following said slavery, only touched on briefly in the beginning of the Backstory (May eventually delve deeper into specific abuse in a psychoanalysis).
General Information
Name: Pride "Athena"
Nickname: Ann, Thena, Ena, Thea, Pride and joy
Age: Melinia years worth though physically appears about 21/22
Species: Embodiment of Pride, immortal being, once was human
Gender: AFAB, identifies as female
Pronouns: She/her/hers
Sexuality: Lesbian
D.O.B: November 14th
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio ♏️
Alignment: Overall Nuetral Nuetral
Classification: Beta-Caregiver
Physical Appearance
Skin Color: White
Hair Color: Blonde
Hair Style: Curtain bangs or split down the middle, hair is very long reaching her lower back and appears curly if not unruly, occasionally has some extra pieces of her bangs tied up in two smaller pigtails on the sides of her head
Eye Color: Purple
Wears: Pride likes a combination of professional and cute, so her go to is frilly button ups, shirts that hang off her shoulders, or regular button ups with a thin bow tie, in regards to her bottoms she is content to wear whatever matches having no direct preference between skirts and pants, she also very, very often has a hair accessory like a bow or flower crown, and other various items.
Personality: On the surface, Pride is (as her title suggests) is very prideful and confident. While loving the appraisal of others, she will not hesitate to flip into a full bitch with the wrong word against her or her pride, having no issues breaking someone else down (especially verbally) should they hurt her or her family in any sense of the word. While she carries herself as needing no one, all these traits are just surface level. Upon breaking past this, there's still a broken little girl scarred from a childhood of degradation, being used, and pain, desperate to simply be seen as a 'good girl' and to please. Surprisingly, a lot of her smiles are forced or fake, not wanting to worry others but always having an impending sense of doom following her wherever she goes, that said they're still beautiful smiles. A creature of nature and very obedient, Pride does extremely well at following directions and honestly feeling more comfortable in that kind of setting. Like all the sins, to an extent, Pride is extremely curious especially in the worlds around her while not one to ask thounds of questions, she is extremely content to sit and listen to things for hours at a time.
Likes: Flowers, hair accessories, being called a 'good girl', praise, dancing (especially ballet and slow dancing), going for walks
Dislikes: Bee stings, isolation, rudeness (especially unprompted), bringing up her past, swimming in deep water
Fears: Drowning, humiliation, being stung by anything, being abandoned
Quote 1: "They told us they wanted us to be proper, especially when.... guests were around."
Quote 2: "He's pretty. Nice to meet you Envy."
Quote 3: "Before I get too mean and take it out on you... and your best friend too.."
Quote 4: "No! I wanted to forget those things! Don't uncover them! I don't want these terrible memories anymore!"
Quote 5: "Oh, I wouldn't know, I've never stood behind a man."
Quote 6: "Doesn't mean you haven't been through stuff. They definitely didn't pick up any 'no trauma' kids... when yours gets bad.... I wanna be there. I wanna help."
Quote 7: "Its possible. I'll have to look into the book later.... right now... my girlfriend and I are doing our hair. Would you like to join us?"
Quote 8: "So this part of the book are family trees... we three are all on the same family tree... so that means..."
Relationship with Other Characters
Lust "Darcey": They like each other fine, bonding over a certain kind of shared trauma, similar care to their appearances, they throughly enjoy each other's company, Lust proving to be a remarkably well listener, there's also playful banter back and forth.
Gluttony "Nyx": Very protective of Nyx as she is the youngest, Pride greatly tried to embrace her big sister role and teach Gluttony as much as she could (though the young girl likely already knew more than Pride due to a favoritusm from Cain), even now she keeps to her older sister role gossiping and listening whenever the younger girl wants.
Wrath "Lucias": One of the few family members she doesn't feel she needs to necessarily protect, though make no mistake, she still won't tolerate slander against its name. Like with many of the sins and Wrath, they have a sibling relationship.
Envy "Raven": Of the other sins in the home, Pride is closest to Envy, the two perceiving each other as a very close brother and sister relationship (though they both had Cain and Abel fooled into believing they would be together in a relationship for years).
Sloth "Salem": Being the closest in age with Sloth, Pride gets along with them very well, perceiving herself as older than him, she often will protect her to the best of her ability.
Greed "Lux": Pride tends to take things easy on Greed, while his personality of a spoiled child can get annoying, she also realizes that he can't just turn it off, considering their ages, she easily just sees him as a typical baby brother.
Cain: On the surface they seem to have a typical niece and uncle relationship (one of noticing her when it's convenient for Cain) but Cain is much more proud of Athena than he bothers to let on, similarly, Pride embraced some behaviors of Cain's very naturally making her act most like him between the uncles, Cain initiated the nickname of 'Pride and Joy' as a joke to her title.
Abel: Much like with the other sins, Abel is much more openly affectionate towards Pride and has no qualms feeding her ego every now and again, insisting it's 'in her nature to have it stroked now and then, and he isn't going to break natural nature taking its course'. Because of this, Pride has a big tendency to be very sweet towards her dear Uncle Abel, following his instructions much more eagerly and trust him with more secrets of hers, him being the first adult she came out to, quickly followed by Cain.
Lucifer: Much like Abel, Pride trusts Lucifer much more than she should, despite all the warnings and supposed awful stories Uncle Cain tells her, Lucifer has a tendency to lightly disregard Pride seeing her as a young child that they need to guide and often finding amusement in the things she says despite her being their sin barer and the face as the ruler of the Fraud ring of Hell.
Freyja: Freyja is easily the love of Pride's life, she gets to see a side of her than no one else does, there isn't a thing in the world Pride wouldn't do for Freyja, and what makes the relationship even better is the attitude is returned something that makes Prise feel extremely special, the two are an amazing balance for each other.
Mina: Adores Mina for the fact that she takes care of Greed, of the sins, he was the one he was most worried about getting a partner and regular life, still, she offers her girl time with her, Freyja, and Gluttony knowing Greed can be a bit much at times.
Athena was born in France in 1793, a year before slavery was abolished the first time in France. As a result, she was sold into slavery as a very young child, her first major advocate for this being her father (her mother didn't really care either way, simply pleased that this plan meant she could return to the pampered lifestyle she'd led beforehand). Athena was used and abused in various ways throughout her life time until she was about 8-years-old when two men with horned hair bought her. Athena expected the same routine as all her masters before this, however, the two men (Cain and Abel) had other plans. They got her accustomed to the house, themselves, and the five other children living there, then started the immortality process. Athena was one of the children that was hit with the sickness that came with the immortality done in the ritual way. Once healed up, Athena led a childhood as happy and as indulged as the other sins. When she came out of the closet, she carried our very few romantic endeavors until meeting Freyja. The two dated for a few years before deciding to spend their future together for all eternity, Cain and Abel agreeing to make Freyja immortal as well.
Extra Information
Athena has embraced the mortal emotions to the bare minimum. She wants to be accepted and loved by the mortal population and to understand them on some level, but she also doesn't want to be reliant on their praise and approval.
One of the few kids in the House of Mystery and Secrets who's Adoption day falls close to her actual birthday, her Adoption day being celebrated November 11th.
Has a quirk of messing with the ends of her hair in many emotions (i.e. nervous, shy, distracted, etc.).
Was a thumb sucker when she first arrived to the houses, however, Cain quickly broke the habit with the hot sauce trick, while it broke the thumb sucking she did, notably mess with her hair in more situations as if making up for the habit through that.
The mere suggestion of her causing a public humiliation is enough to send her into a panic attack. Another bad trigger for her is her head going under water.
Despite being the sixth child obtained, Pride is the third oldest child (and same age as Sloth).
Adores her Uncle's haircuts and has often attempts to style hers to have the horn shape just like theirs.
As mentioned, her nickname 'Pride and Joy' was started by Cain and easily picked up by Abel. It started as a poke to her sin title of Pride. Despite the nickname being used in a teasing manner most of the time, she still adores the name because she believes it's hers and hers alone which makes it utterly special to her.
Speaking of names, like many of the children, Pride came not knowing her real name hence the need to pick one for herself outside of Pride. Abel helped her find it and Cain had agreed with great humor seeing as Nyx was also named after a goddess and the delightfully morbid humor of the name of a great goddess being given to a girl who once was but a lowly slave. Abel eventually mended his brother's thinking for the little girl's sake, explaining it was a symbol of her transition from a slave to something destined to do great things.
Her tattoo that sealed in her immortality is on the back of her left shoulder.
Being stung by a bee was the first type of pain she felt after being rescued and settled in the house hence her fear. It also made her dislike bees for a while until bring taught that they took care of the flowers she loved so much.
Pride's powers include having a deep influence on a person's self esteem, she can make someone more confident or making them feel like utter shit, which goes well with her ability to go right for what makes a person insecure.
Eventually has a child with Freyja, a little girl named Juno.
While not having her first name when she first was rescued, she was recognized by her last name (the name she was called when she was called a bane rather than slave, girl, etc). Her last name was Lemarie.
Is a very long, distant relative to another OC of mine and my friend's Oliver and Lucy Quinzel (and Harley Quinn by default of those two), this was through a sister she never knew she had until meeting the two younger blonde's.
While also being Lucifer's sin barer for Pride, Athena also is the ruler of the Fraud ring of hell.
Perfect Isn't Easy, Bette Milder, 2:57
Show And Tell, Melanie Martinez, 3:35
Labour, Paris Paloma, 3:57
Candy Store, Jessica Keenan Wynn, Alice Lee, & Elle McLemore, 2:51
What The World Needs, Tiffany Tatreau, 3:03
Picrews made of her
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One of my favorite Tik Toks of her (picked officially by the random choice generator out of 3 videos total as I couldn't pick)
Pride first coming to the home, and recieving likely her first compliment.
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redheadspark · 2 years
Number 9 and number 2 with Druig? I checked before I requested so hopefully you don't get a reapeat! If you don't end up having time that's totally okay! I adore your writing, so happy to see whenever you post! I hope you have a great day 💗
A/N - this is VERY cute and quite perfect for Druig! I hope you like this, and thanks for requesting this!
Summary - Druig feels your exhaustion, along with your tenderness
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Warnings - Just some cute fluff in this one shot!
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Drug sensed it a first when he walked into the room.
It was the end of the day, and the rest of the village near The Domo getting ready for the evening activities which included a small gathering around the communal fire in the center of the marketplace and some storytelling, thanks to Sprite.  Some of you were going to be in attendance since it would build a better relationship with the humans, and although Druig was no social butterfly like some of the others, he knew you would love to go to Sprite's storytelling
But when he arrived in the Domo, you were nowhere to be found.
He closed his eyes, trying to channel you and your unique energy that Druig knew far too well.  Within a moment, he opened his eyes and saw through your own vision.  But you were asleep, a bit restless but asleep in the bed of your room.  Druig watched, almost like a ghost or a shadow as you were tossing a bit in your bed and your face contorted with concern even in deep sleep.  From your connecting as Soulmates, you could be with Druig through his mind and through his thoughts.  You could see what he sees, and he could do the same for you too.  It felt Druig to know what you were feeling so he could help you without asking, and it was the same for you to help him.
You both were in tune with one another, and it worked all these centuries.  
“I think she’s in her room,” Thena explained to Druig as she glided in the room, Gilgamesh behind her as she spoke again, “She came in earlier looking a bit tired.”
“Tired?” Druig asked, not wishing to sound concerned but it still came out as such.  
“She had a nasty run-in with a Deviant with Kingo earlier this morning,” Gilgamesh explained, Druig was about to panic and ask so many questions when Gilgamesh threw up his hands to stop Druig before he would start, “She didn’t want to tell you since it was a simple patrol, and they both handled it well.  She left earlier this morning with Kingo and they took care of it, but it did wipe her out good,”
“She’s alright, Druig,” Thena reassured him, seeing the look on his face and how he was already thinking of so many things quickly, “Go check her room before you go into another one of your frenzies”
“They’re not frenzies when it comes to her,’ Druig reminded Thena, then he passed seeing her give him a knowing look and he sighed, “I’ll check on her, thanks Thena, thanks Gil.” Druig thanked her as he walked over in the directions of the bedrooms.  Gilgamesh had to laugh.
“I’m sure they’re not frenzies,” Gilgamesh teased behind Druig, but Druig wasn’t paying attention to that.  He was more focused on you, wondering where you were and how you were doing.  He didn’t think of checking on you earlier that morning when he knew you were on patrol with Kingo, nor did he see you all day since he was doing his own chores in the marketplace with Makkari and Sersi.  There was never a good time to touch base with you, Druig felt bad he didn’t squeeze in time.
That’s when he felt it: Exhaustion. 
Being soulmates also meant that you two were tethered together, not just in souls combining but in emotions and feelings too.  Since you two found out you were soulmates, you both could sense the other's emotions without saying a word, 
So Druig paused, sensing and feeling all that exhaustion from you and how you could barely move. He felt terrible even more, wishing he could have known earlier to help you sooner.  But all he could do now was go into your room and tense to you.
Pushing open your door, he poked his head in and saw you blinking awake, rubbing your eyes to look at the ceiling and sighing in both tiredness and restlessness.
“Hello, darling,” He said to you as he entered the room and closed the door behind him.  You hummed, grinning as he moved to sit next to you on the bed. Once he was against the headboard, he rang his fingers in your hair, you curling into him like a cat would go with a scratch and he smiled, “Thena and Gilgamesh told me about your patrol earlier today,”
“Nothing I couldn’t handle, honey,” You replied with a yawn, “It was just a nastier Deviant than Kingo and I thought. I didn’t wish to worry you,”
“Well that comes with being your soulmate, doesn’t it?” Druig reminded you as you smiled and looked up at him from your spot with your head on your pillow.  Gently, you reached over to lace your fingers together, yanking him to lay down next to you and face you with his head on the other pillow.  Druig went willingly as if he couldn’t be tempted by you.  He would follow you anywhere you went, he knew it.  
“I feel your worry for me, Druig,” You advised him, reaching up to trace the lines on his face as you searched his eyes lovingly, “I’m not a flower to protect with one gust of wind,”
“You’re my flower,” Druig reminded you, “The most beautiful flower that has ever been.  I worry because I love you too much, and I feel bad for not helping you sooner—“
“Don’t,” You interrupted him gently, kissing his cheeks as he wrapped an arm around you, “My energy gets lost quickly with my ability, we all know that.  But that doesn’t mean all is lost with me, and that I can’t handle myself,”
“I know you can,” Druig reassured you.
“And I know where you’re coming from,” You agreed, “I saw you today, in my mind, helping those children today in the city and showing them how to harvest.”
You loved watching Druig through your mind too when you two were apart, and you did just that when you were showering off from the fight and resting in bed.  Seeing through his eyes, watching him show the children how to harvest berries in the forest nearby and which ones to pick and which to leave for the animals.  Those smaller moments that you got to bear witness, they seemed so organic and gentle.  The others would never Druig like that, nor did they wish to.  But you did, and it made your heart swell in love and pride to watch Druig love on those children.
“You did good with those kids, Druig.  And as much as you wish to keep me safe and care for me, I want to do the same for you.” You explained as you felt him trace some of your hair with your fingers, “Let’s rest together for a few more minutes, then we can get ready to go to the storytelling tonight with Sprite."
“Sounds perfect,” Druig hummed, pulling you close to kiss your head as you nestled your nose into his neck.  You both went quiet again, enjoying the joined emotions of peace and serenity you were sharing and mixing within you.  
The End.
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Soulmate Prompt Session
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pithyorangecurd · 2 years
Pls more info about aquilan 🤲
Aquilan is the unofficial main character of the trio.
Originally a lust demon, she was one of the first children their father took in. She wasn't spat out of a pit, he just flew a little too low and she leaped at the opportunity to fuck something new. Literally.
She caught his leg, and crawled up him, trying to crash him so he can join him. She was mindless, and was just moving according to instinct, but it was the first time something had reached out for him, so he took it as a sign that she was his. He took her home, and shut her in a cage and watched her scream and wail after him for a few months until she started getting some semblance of sentience, denied her base instincts.
Their father is a greed demon, and had another greed demon he claimed as his son. It could have been just some demon that he claimed as his, and was too weak to deny him, but all that mattered to Aquilan was that he was an annoying eyesore who bit her and would steal her treats. Aquilan worked under her father with him, taking on any summons for him, so he could stay on his hoard as much as possible.
At first she'd come home to the pits to fuck her sanity back into her, after being trapped with humans for so long, until her father would seek her out and lock her up, to be part of his hoard again. Eventually she learned to be a good greed demon beside her sibling, and it didn't take long for greed to take hold. She took some plotting, and lured her brother to try to kill her. Made sure it happened in front of their father, so he'd swallow him down and keep him inside. The owner can always break his things, but never anyone else.
She flighty, tricky, and greedy beyond words.
Something I don't think gets across is that she's got an infernal flame inside her. It melts her, so she's hot to the touch.
She hates Juno, but mostly she's jealous of him. You can't exactly capture a gluttony demon, so anytime HE is caged, he'll eat the bars, or himself, he's never without his need so he never had to become good like her. He's lazy, and hungry, and isn't cruel, and never had to learn anything. Jealous of his freedom, and would do anything to deprive him of it. If she's ever summoned at the same time as him, she'll spend as long as she has to there to make sure he is stuck there as long as possible.
If he's not there, she's usually back pretty quickly. I think I've done one of her without Juno there.
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^ if she's there without Juno, she's bigger, less cute, more to the point in what needs to be done. This is a job, and it's keeping her from her hoard, and her task, and her something. She hates it, and just wants to go crawl into somebodies body until she feels in control again.
Thena hates her more than anyone, but she's also not really interested in a grudge she can't do anything about so she won't do anything against her usually. Aquilan ruined her life, because of a moment of heroics. The hero that Aquilan was chasing after for Juno died to Thena, and it irritated Lonnie that he was killed before he promised himself to her. He never made a trade, like an idiot, and so Thena could kill him. Aquilan chased her around after that instead, giving her anything she needed to win any battle coming forward. She knew there was a breaking point to heroics, and made a bet with her that being a hero would break her. Nobody hates a hero more than the hurt, and the thing a hero makes more than anything is hurt people.
You couldn't save enough people, you let my family die, why weren't you there, it's YOUR fault.
It would, eventually, become Thena's downfall.
She'd have a breakdown, and scream blame at Aquilan, and Aquilan would laugh and remind her that she's only ever helped her. The only thing that Aquilan has ever done was provide her with weapons to beat the fight. The thing that failed her was the people.
And Thena didn't take it well, and smashed her head in until she stopped laughing at her. Slid down and cried, until Aquilan crawled up her back and shooshed her and comforted her and crawled in her lap and kissed her and laughed in her face. Lost their bet, and her soul in one go.
Thena may hate Aquilan more than anyone, but she's a lot like Juno in proactivity. Aquilan won't hang around anyone she hates unless she gets something out of it, but Thena and Juno will at least play nice until it's too annoying.
She's the arbitrator of a lot of things, but she refuses a lot of blame.
Jealous of anyone with too much freedom, when she's choked with responsibility, and is quick to bite any hand that feeds her. She's got substories here and there, but it's sort of uhm. Not super interesting? I don't think a lot of it is that interesting to bee fair, I just know I like it because it's fun figuring everything out.
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whimsical-musingss · 3 years
For Eternity ❦
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Can be considered a part two to Beautiful, Beautiful. She is my whole heart, my fic child, thank you for giving her all the love.
Summary: when the Eternals separate, Druig sees his fantasy come true.
Pairing: Druig X Eternal F!Reader
Warning: implied sexy times but nothing explicit.
Druig has dreams, and they are painful glimpses into…something.
He can’t put his finger on it. The past? Future? The dreams seem like memories but he can’t recall them ever occurring. Perhaps they are visions of what’s to come. Either way, he wakes up with a start, his dreams always concluding with eruptions, screams, and explosions that make him shake with adrenaline and fear.
He sees the same explosions and fire below him where the humans wage war. Where they invade. Where they kill. His heart is shattering, and you can feel it just by looking at him. Everyone is tense, secluded at the top of a pyramid, watching, and waiting. Waiting for the night to turn into day, waiting for Thena to wake up…waiting for the humans to stop killing each other.
You remember how quickly the days pass, how decades are like minutes. But tonight feels like a century. The sky remains dark, with flame and smoke staining the sky like a poison.
Druig watches you hold Thena’s hand as you wait for her to wake. He can feel your sadness and confusion, and especially your pain. You both loved humans and watching them tear each other apart in war makes you both physically sick.
When Thena wakes, the Eternals are done. The last Deviant was killed, and with no purpose left, you were all able to leave and lead your own lives. And this day was supposed to be a celebratory day…and yet, you all stand silent. The centuries with each other have moved too fast to catch and to remember clearly.
But how Druig longed for that; to disappear from the others with you and to be hidden from the world. For once, he wants to be selfish and have you for only himself, and you not being used for the mission. He always wanted this, craved for it, to have a life of his own.
But seeing the humans slaughter each other below and him not doing a damn thing is tearing him apart with guilt. He has glorious powers and he could use them for good, for a bigger purpose than killing Deviants.
He raises his hand without thinking, and the commotion below everyone falters as humans drop their weapons and stand still, their eyes white and cloudy. You stride towards him, your hands grabbing his outstretched hand, and bringing it to your lips.
“Druig, you can’t,” you whisper against his fingers. “We can’t interfere.”
He stares at the humans below, knowing with a wave of his hand, he could end this. He could-
Ikaris barges through, interrupting his thoughts, and slams Druig against the stone of the pyramid. His hand is torn from yours as he struggles against Ikaris, his breath leaving his lungs.
“Don’t touch him!” You cry out, regaining your balance. “Don’t you dare touch him.”
“Y/N, stay out of this,” Ikaris doesn’t even look at you, he only glares at Druig.
“Let them go.” His voice is deep and frightening, but of course, Druig doesn’t stand down.
“You’re gonna have to make me.” He stares right back at Ikaris, unblinking.
“Druig, please,” you appear from over Ikaris’ shoulder. “We can’t interfere. And Ikaris, let him go before I make you.”
Ikaris does eventually let Druig go from his iron grip, and you shove him out of the way to get to Druig. You embrace him, your face in his chest, surrounded by his warmth. He hugs you back, his hand behind your head.
“Please let them go,” you’re shaking from adrenaline and being overwhelmed. “Please. Let’s just go, you and me…remember what we talked about?”
How could he forget? How could he forget how you wished you could live next to the beach, the salty air embracing you, the waves enveloping you both. How you wished for him to stay by your side forever, in a small cottage by the sea, where you could spend the rest of your days before you all left for Olympia.
He lets the humans go without another thought. And you knew, in that moment, he’d do anything for you.
“Let’s just go,” he repeats after you, his calloused hands holding your cheeks. His eyes are soft, as always when looking at you, and he gives you a small smile.
“Yes, let’s go, just you and me.”
He places his forehead against yours, his smile growing bigger.
“I’m yours forever, my love. Let’s go.”
So you do. You depart from South America and just go. The rest of the Eternals were happy and overjoyed that you both could find a life of your own together. And so we’re you. You were excited, because for once, Druig is only yours.
Centuries pass, and you and Druig spend lifetimes together in a small cottage by the sea. It’s made out of wood, built by you with a wave of your hand. No humans ventured this far to find you or Druig here, and you preferred it that way. You both spend your days by the ocean, letting the water go up to your knees. You both fish, you both find shells, you use your powers to move the water to collect them.
Life becomes a treasure together, a gift, because for once, the mission doesn’t exist. You could do whatever you wanted with the love of your life, so you do.
You both explore each other. There were centuries where you couldn’t even touch each other because of the mission. Now it’s different. He can touch you now, wherever, whenever, and however. You the same to him. For once, you both are unashamed to physically show each other how much you love one another. You spend hours just exploring his face, his eyes…just looking closely and commenting how beautiful he is. Eventually, this leads to exploring his mouth with your own. Then his neck, his collarbone, his bare shoulder, all of it. His bare skin is yours, he says so himself. All of him belongs to you, and only you. You regain the centuries back that were stolen from you both.
You both fall asleep in each other’s arms to the sound of waves, and wake up to the sun.
The sun hits Druig’s eyes first, and he blinks them open to see you still sleeping soundly on his chest, skin to skin. Your breaths are heavy, yet not as loud as the waves outside. He knows you probably want to be woken up, but he can’t. You’re so peaceful there, so delicate, his beautiful, beautiful Y/N.
“Why haven’t you woke me up yet, my Druig?
Your eyes are still closed, but you could sense him watching you. His beautiful eyes that watch you all the time, unable to look at anything else. Nothing else is as beautiful as you, his beautiful Y/N.
“I just couldn’t. You looked so at peace.”
He trades your cheekbone with his fingers, and you smile at his touch.
“Do I, now?”
“Yes. Do I?”
You’re eyes are fully open now, staring into his own.
“Yes, and it’s what you deserve.” His smile becomes bigger at your words, and he bends down to kiss your forehead. You sigh in content, snuggling into the crook of his neck, kissing his pulse there.
“It’s what we deserve, my beautiful, beautiful girl.”
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