#Then I noticed the other one like :0000
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Blueberry Truth / Strawberry Lies
Based on the titles of these two color palettes
205 notes · View notes
angels-fantasy · 3 months
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this is another collab event hosted by @queenpiranhadon :D i'm so happy to be apart of this, it was really fun to write and i hope you enjoy it. the dividers and banner are also made by @queenpiranhadon so tysm <33 pls send her and other writers apart of this event some love, i will link the event master list here.
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Hawks/Keigo Takami x Reader
Tangled AU
Word Count: 8.3k :0000 crazy!!
Description: When you're locked inside of a tower for your whole life, the thing you wish for the most is freedom. Luckily on your 18th birthday, your tower is intruded by a charismatic man who's able to grant you that wish.
BY THE WAYYYY reader has long hair, ofc, but the color/texture is not described or anything!!
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This story starts with the sun.
Once upon a time, a drop of sunlight fell from the sky, causing a magic, golden flower to grow. This flower had the ability to heal the sick and injured.
Centuries later, there was a nearby kingdom that rose and was ruled by a king and queen - who was about to have a baby, but fell ill. Extremely ill.
Since she was running out of time, the people began to look for a miracle, or in other words, the magic golden flower.
But there was an evil woman, one who hoarded the flower for its power. Only using it to keep herself looking youthful for hundreds of years.
Though one day when hiding the flower after using its powers, she made the grave mistake of running away and accidentally knocking over the flower's bush disguise.
This led to the kingdom's guards finding the flower and taking it to the queen to heal her.
Then, a healthy baby girl - a princess was born - with beautiful shiny hair.
To celebrate the baby's birth, the king and queen launched a flying lantern into the sky and so did the rest of the kingdom.
Everything was perfect in that moment, until it ended when the old, evil woman found the baby and attempted to cut off her magic hair, only to find that cutting it took away it's magical power.
Deciding it was the only way to have her flower back, she kidnapped the baby.
The kingdom searched for the princess, but had never found her, not knowing she was deep in the forest, locked away in a hidden tower. The evil woman had continued to raise the princess as her own.
13 years ago
"...Save what has been lost, bring back what once was mine."
"What once was mine..."
After singing, you let out a sigh as your mother continued to brush your hair. "Mother, why can't I go outside?"
"Because Dear, the outside world is a dangerous place. It's full of cruel and selfish people. You must stay here, where you're safe." She answered.
"Do you understand, Flower?"
You hummed as you looked at the lit fireplace flicker in front of you, "Yes, Mother."
Later that night, you tiptoed down the stairs quietly and were especially careful when passing your mother's room.
Something you'd noticed was that each year on your birthday, there were floating lights that lit up the night sky.
Little did you know, they were from the king and queen, hoping that you - their lost princess - would return.
13 years later
"Hmm, I guess Nezu's not hiding out here..." You trailed off, pretending to walk away from where your mouse, Nezu, was hiding.
Hearing him snicker, you used your hair to grab him by his tail and pull him towards you. "Found you!" you exclaimed, causing him to squeak.
Letting him down gently, you continued, "Pretty sure that's twenty two for me. How 'bout twenty three out of forty-five?" you asked, causing him to frown.
Rolling your eyes at his sassiness you sat on the window sill, "Well what would you rather do?"
He smiled and used his tail to point outside towards the grass.
"Yeah, not happening." You said and picked him up. "I like it inside, and so do you!"
Nezu replied by sticking his tongue out at you and blowing a raspberry.
"Hey, it's not so bad here." You tried, "We wake up at 7:00 AM, do some cleaning, read a book or two, or three..."
Standing up from the window sill you held up Nezu to help him see all of your paintings that ran along the walls of the tower, "Sometimes I add a few more paintings to my gallery - if there's room somewhere!"
You continued, "Then I'll brush and brush and brush my hair..."
As you continued speaking, you realized how often you do the same things everyday.
"I wonder when my life will begin..." You thought out loud.
"Anyways - you know tomorrow is my birthday Nezu! That means the lights will be there, like they are every year."
You walked over to the mural of yourself looking out at the night sky filled with the lanterns, "I hope that Mother will let me out this year, now that I'm older."
Somewhere in the kingdom, a young man that went by the name of Hawks hopped from rooftop to rooftop, alongside two other men named Tomura Shigaraki and Dabi.
Standing at the top of a particular tower, Hawks looked out at the view and muttered "Wow... I could get used to this."
"Hawks, come on!" Shigaraki said while he and Dabi held open a trap door.
"Hold on... Alright, it's decided. I want a castle." Hawks said smugly.
Dabi gritted his teeth, "If we do this job, then you can buy your own damn castle." He then grabbed Hawks by the back of his vest and yanked him towards the trap door.
The two men tied a rope around Hawks and let him down slowly. As he was reaching out for the satchel, a guard sneezed.
"Hay fever?" He asked calmly, resting his elbow on the pedestal the satchel sat on.
The guard answered, "Yeah... Wait, huh?" When he looked back, Hawks and the satchel were already gone.
Looking up, he and the other guards saw the three men running away.
As they ran away Hawks asked, "Can't you see me with my own castle? I know I definitely can. We've seen so much and it's only 8:00 in the morning!"
He laughed, "This is a very big day, gentleworms." His words causing the other men to frown in irritation.
In your tower, you whispered to yourself while putting your painting supplies away. "This is it! This will be the day that I ask her. You hear me, Nezu?"
Immediately after you said that, you heard your mother's voice calling your name from outside the tower.
"Let down your hair!"
"Coming Mother!" You yelled and scrambled towards the window, making a large loop with your hair for your mother to use.
Once she was inside she sighed, "Oh, how you manage to do that every single day without fail! It must be exhausting."
You chuckled, "It's nothing."
She smiled and tapped your nose, "Then I don't know why it takes so long!" She laughed, "Oh I'm just teasing."
You laughed awkwardly but continued speaking, "So Mother, as you know tomorrow is a very big day-"
She cut you off, "Flower, I'm feeling a little run down. Would you sing for me Dear? Then we can talk."
"Oh, of course." You quickly grabbed a chair for her to sit in and a stool for yourself. Placing your hairbrush in her hands and your hair in her lap once she sat down, you began to sing very quickly.
"Flowergleamandglowletyourpowershine." Your hair then began to glow, making your mother look younger.
"Wait!" Your mother said as you continued singing. "Flower!" She shouted once you stopped.
"So Mother, as I was saying, tomorrow is a big day and you didn't respond so I'm just going to tell you - it's my birthday!" You said and hugged her arm.
Your mother shook her head, "No, it can't be. Your birthday was last year."
"Well, here's the thing about birthdays...they happen every year!" You said with a sigh. Sitting down on the stool you said, "Since I'm turning eighteen I wanted to ask - I've been wanting this really bad for my birthday, actually a few birthdays now-"
"Oh Flower stop with the mumbling! You know how I feel about it, blah blah blah. It's very annoying, oh I'm just kidding you're adorable dear!" She cooed and pinched your cheek, walking away without hearing what you had to say.
You wrung your hands together and looked over at Nezu disappointedly, but he nodded his little head at you for encouragement.
You nodded back at him and faced your mother. "I want to see the floating lights!" You exclaimed.
She stopped walking, "What?"
"I was hoping you could take me to see the floating lights." You explained as you stood on a chair to reveal your painting of the lanterns.
"Oh, you mean the stars."
"No Mother, I've charted stars and they're always constant. But these, they appear every year on my birthday - only on my birthday!"
You looked at the painting longingly, "I just can't help but feel like they're meant for me..."
"I need to see them Mother, not just from my window but in person. I have to know what they are."
Your mother scoffed, "You want to go outside?" Shutting the window, she said "Why Dear, you're as fragile as a flower. You know why I keep you in this tower."
"I know, but-"
"That's right, to keep you safe and sound." She said and hugged your hair as she continued speaking.
"I always knew this day would come, that one day you'd want to leave the nest. Soon, but not yet! Just trust me pet, Mother knows best!"
Suddenly, the tower went dark. As you lit a candle, your mother continued speaking.
"Listen to your mother, it's a scary world out there. There are things like thugs, poison ivy, quicksand! Cannibals and snakes, the plague!"
"No!" You gasped.
"Yes! But also large bugs, men with pointy teeth. Now stop, no more, you'll just upset me!"
In fear of the darkness, you sat in the ground in front of the lit candle and hugged your knees.
"Darling here's what I suggest, skip the drama and stay with Mama! All I have is one request."
A light suddenly came down, shining on your mother who had her arms open for you. You stood up quickly and ran into her arms to hug her.
As she stroked your hair she asked, "Flower?"
Pulling away and placing her hands on your shoulders, she said sternly, "Don't ever ask to leave this tower again."
You looked down sadly but accepted her words, "Yes, Mother." She sighed and lifted your chin up, "I love you very much."
You smiled, "I love you more."
"I love you most." She placed a kiss on your head, "Now don't forget it or you'll regret it, Mother knows best!"
As she walked away, you felt a pang of sadness hit you. Thought when she asked you to let your hair down again so she could leave, you did so without complaint.
"I'll see you later, Flower!" She yelled as she made her way down the tower.
"I'll be here." You said quietly, watching as she was able to walk outside of the tower freely.
Hawks and the two men continued running through the forest. When Hawks stopped against a tree to catch his breath, he looked up to see a wanted poster with his face and alias on it. Below that were posters with Dabi and Shigaraki's faces.
Ripping the poster of the tree he cried, "Oh, no. This is bad, very very bad." He turned the poster towards his partners, "They never get my eyebrows right!"
"Who gives a crap?" Dabi rasped.
"That's easy for you to say, you guys look great. Dabi, they even got your staples!"
Startled by the sound of a horse neighing, they continued running but ran into a dead end. Turning around, Hawks said "Okay, give me a boost and then I'll pull you two up."
The men looked at each other, then Shigaraki said, "Give us the satchel first."
Acting surprised, Hawks spoke sadly, "Wow, you don't trust me? Even after all we've been through?"
They looked at him with deadpanned faces.
"Ouch." He said but handed them the satchel and used them for a boost up.
Once he was at the top of the wall, Dabi held out a hand. "Now help us up, pretty boy."
Hawks smirked, "Sorry, but my hands are full." And held up the satchel he managed to get back.
He ran away as fast as he could, leaving Shigaraki and Dabi behind. He could hear them yell his name angrily, but he continued on anyways. As he ran, the guards were close on his tail.
Dodging their arrows, he gasped in shock and kept on running. He didn't know where he was going, but anywhere was better than a jail cell.
At one point, only one guard and his horse were behind him. As they chased him he grabbed onto a vine and swung himself around a large tree and behind the guard, kicking him off of the horse.
Hawks himself ended up landing on the horse after letting go of the vine, but the horse immediately stopped running and snorted at him.
"Come on, forward!" He shouted and kicked the side of the horse. The horse didn't listen, but the satchel in Hawks' hand caught his attention and he attempted to take it back with his teeth but failed.
"No! No, stop it." Hawks said, but the horse continued to try and bite the satchel, causing them to jump around. Eventually they ended up playing tug of war, but when the satchel was released from both of them it went flying and landed on a branch of a tree that was leaning over a cliff.
The horse and man glanced at each other before hastily moving to get the satchel back. Hawks had climbed down the tree and grabbed the satchel successfully while the horse stood on the trunk of it.
"Ahah!" He said, but his victory was ruined by the sound of cracking. Suddenly, the tree broke off from the cliff and he and the horse were sent downwards into another forest.
When Hawks landed, he hid behind a large rock to avoid the horse that was sniffing for him. Once the horse left, he leaned against a wall of vines but almost fell through it.
Hearing the horse's neigh, he quickly pulled back the vines and hid inside of the little cave it was covering.
He made his way through the small cave and ended up in a large, open area with a tall tower and a waterfall behind it.
Out of desperation, he made his way towards the tower and climbed up it by using arrows. Climbing inside quickly, he shut the window and panted. Grabbing the satchel, he opened it and sighed "Alone at last."
You squealed and ran away after hitting the intruder with a frying pan. Hiding behind a mannequin, you peeked over it and looked at his unconscious form. Keeping the mannequin in front of you, you rolled it over slowly and made your way towards him.
Carefully, you used the frying pan to poke his head and move it over so you could see his face. His wild hair still covered his eyes, but you looked over at Nezu for help. He used his little hands to mimic fangs, reminding you about what Mother said.
You used the handle to lift his lip up, peeking at his teeth. "Oh..." You said when you realized his teeth were dull, just like yours.
Continuing to use the handle, you moved his hair out of his face and gasped softly at how handsome he was.
His blonde hair was messy, and he had bushy untamed eyebrows that matched. There was light stubble on his chin and he wore a striking red vest over his white button up, which was paired with khakis and black boots.
While you were admiring the stranger, his eye suddenly opened. Startled, you gasped and whacked him on the head again.
SInce he was unconscious you took it as an opportunity to tie him up with your hair and lock him away in your wardrobe. He was heavy and you couldn't figure out how to get him inside, so you dragged and threw his body around until it eventually made it inside.
Blocking the doors off with a chair, you said "Okay, okay. There's a person in my closet."
Looking at yourself in the mirror you laughed, "I've got a person in my closet!"
You pretended to dust off your shoulders and swung the frying pan around, "And Mother says I'm too weak, tell that to my frying pan-Ow!" You hissed, rubbing at the spot that your frying pan hit.
Then, something shining in the mirror caught your eye. It was coming from the satchel so you looked inside and pulled out a crown.
Looking at it in awe, you wondered what it was. Placing your arm through it didn't feel right, so you looked in the mirror and placed it on your head.
Now that felt right.
Your moment was ruined however, by your mother's voice calling for you to let down your hair. Quickly taking the crown off and hiding it in a pot, you went to fetch your mother who said she had a surprise for you.
"I do too, Mother!"
"I bet my surprise is bigger!"
You looked at the closet and whispered, "I seriously doubt it."
When your Mother was inside she told you she got parsnips and planned on making hazelnut soup for dinner.
"Well Mother, there's something I want to tell you."
"Oh dear, you know I hate leaving after a fight. Especially when I've done nothing wrong!"
Ignoring her words you continued on, "I've been thinking about what you said earlier-"
"You better not be talking about the stars."
"Floating lights." You corrected, "And yes, I'm getting to that-"
"I really thought we dropped this, Flower."
"No, Mother." You walked over to the closet, ready to prove yourself to your mother. "I'm just saying, you think I'm not strong enough to handle myself out there."
"Oh Darling, I know you're not strong enough.
"But if you just-"
"Flower, we're done talking about this."
"Trust me!"
"I know what I'm-"
"Oh, come on!"
"Enough with the lights!" Your Mother yelled, "You are not leaving this tower! Ever!"
You flinched at the volume of her voice and slowly moved away from the closet, taking your hand off of the chair that was blocking it.
Your Mother sighed, "Ugh, great. Now I'm the bad guy."
You frowned and looked up at your painting of the lanterns. Getting an idea, you said "All I was going to say is that I know what I want for my birthday now."
"And what is that?"
"New paint." You said softly, "The paint from the white shells you once brought me."
"That is a very long trip, Dear. Almost three days' time!"
"I just thought it was a better idea than the...stars."
Your mother sighed and stood up to walk over to you. "Will you be alright on your own?"
Hugging her, you said "I know I'm safe as long as I'm here."
Later that evening, you packed a basket for her and sent her off, telling her you love her.
Once she was gone, you grabbed your frying pan again and moved the chair away from the closet and let the man fall out onto his face.
You tied him onto the chair with your hair and Nezu woke him up by biting the man's ear.
Hawks woke up with a shout, knocking the mouse off of his shoulder. He looked around confused and down at his hands, trying to move. Surprised at what was wrapped around him, he asked out loud, "Is this hair?"
From the corner you pointed the pan towards him and spoke shakily, "There's no point in struggling! I know why you're here and I'm not afraid of you."
Keeping your guard up, you slowly walked towards him and revealed yourself. "Who are you? And how did you find me?"
"Ahhuh." He stammered.
You repeated yourself, but he just stared at you and cleared his throat. "I know not who you are, nor how I came to find you, but may I just say...hi." He smiled, very strangely.
You looked at him confused as he continued speaking.
"How are ya? You can call me Hawks. How's your day goin'? Hm?"
You grunted and brought the pan closer to his face, "Who else knows my location, Hawks?"
"Alright, I was strolling through the forest when - oh no. Where's my satchel?"
You crossed your arms, "I've hidden it somewhere you'll never find it."
He deadpanned, "It's in the pot over there huh?"
Waking up in the same position a moment later again, he groaned.
"Now it's in a place you'll never find it!" You said.
As you continued interrogating him, you learned that he had no knowledge of your hair or its powers.
After a little talk with Nezu, you decided to offer the man you now know as Hawks, a deal.
Showing him your lantern painting you asked, "Do you know what these are?"
"You mean the lantern thing for the princess?" He asked.
"I knew they weren't stars!" You gasped, "Anyways, tomorrow evening they will light the night sky with these lanterns. I need you to act as my guide and take me to see these lanterns, then return me home safely. After that, I will return your satchel."
"Uh yeah, no can do. Unfortunately the kingdom isn't very fond of me so I can't take you anywhere."
Scowling, you pulled him towards you with your hair and spoke. "Something brought you here, Hawks, and now I'm deciding to trust you-"
"Horrible decision, really."
"But trust me when I say this, you cant tear this tower apart but you will never find your precious satchel without my help."
"So basically, I take you to see the lanterns, bring you back home, and you'll give me back my satchel?"
"I didn't want to have to do this but you leave me no choice... Here's the smolder."
Suddenly he was looking at you with a strange expression, one that made him look constipated.
Seeing that you had no reaction, he said "This is an off day for me, this doesn't normally happen. Fine! I'll take you to see the lanterns."
You smiled.
When finally leaving your tower, you used your hair to get down but right before you touched the ground you stopped and gasped.
Slowly letting your foot down onto the grass, you laughed at the cold and prickly feeling. Already feeling a sense of freedom, you ran out of the hidden area and all around the forest with Hawks and relished every moment of it that you could.
Though the whole time you were conflicted. There were moments you were so happy you left, but others where you regretted it and felt like a horrible daughter.
Hawks was with you through all of your mood swings, as part of the deal of course. But during one moment where you were crying, he sat down next to you and gave you his best words of advice.
"You seem a bit at war with yourself, but this is apart of growing up, y'know? A little rebellion, adventure, that's good."
"You think?"
"I know. You're overthinking this, trust me! It's time for you to spread your wings and fly."
His words made you feel a little better but you still felt disappointed in yourself. Pushing your negative emotions aside, you stood up and tried to focus on the positives.
There was a sudden rustling noise coming from the bushed and you wrapped your arms around Hawks, scared of what was coming.
Then, a little bunny came out of the bush.
"Careful, it can probably smell fear."
You laughed sheepishly, "Sorry, I thought it'd be a thug or something."
"Yeah...it's best we avoid those." Hawks thought, "Hey, you hungry? I know a great place for lunch!"
Deciding that you were a bit hungry, you followed his lead.
"It should be around here - ah! There it is, The Snuggly Duckling." Hawks said as he led you down a dirt path in the forest.
"The Snuggly Duckling?" You asked.
"Yep, great place. Don't worry, it's a good place. Perfect for you!"
When Hawks opened the door, the inside was a much different atmosphere than what you thought. Scary men sat at every table, staring you down.
You gasped and held out your frying pan in fear.
"Hey, you're lookin' a little green there." Hawks said, "Y'know maybe we should just get you back home-"
Suddenly a big, burly man shut the door and held up a wanted poster with Hawks' face on it. "Is this you?"
Before he could answer, another man with a mechanical arm spoke up. "Oh, it's him alright!"
He then told another man to go find some guards, causing a bunch of other men to drag Hawks around talking about how much money they should get from the prize.
You felt yourself begin to panic, was this really happening? Were you not going to see the lanterns you dreamed of seeing?
Determined to make your dream come true, you yelled out "Everyone shut up!" which caused the men to stop what they were doing and face you.
"Okay, I don't know where I'm going and I need him to take me to see the lanterns! It's been my dream to see them my entire life, haven't any of you ever had a dream?"
Suddenly the same man who told another to call the guards walked up to you and said "I have a dream..."
He then went on to explain his dream of becoming a magician to you and so did many other of the men. One of the men had said his dream was to have a love connection, which you thought was sweet.
Though the moment was ruined when a man busted through the door with guards behind him.
"Where is he? Where's Hawks?!"
Hawks quickly grabbed your hand and pulled you with him to hide behind the bar. Luckily, the man with a mechanical arm tapped Hawks' shoulder and eyed a lever with a duck on it. Taking the hint, Hawks pulled the lever down to reveal an underground tunnel.
The man winked, "Go, live your dreams!" and snapped his fingers to reveal a small, blue marble.
You both smiled at him and made your way into the tunnel, running as fast as you can.
A little ways in, you heard a heard of footsteps behind you and began to run even faster while holding all of your hair.
At the end of the tunnel you found yourself at the edge of a cliff with all of Hawks' enemies surrounding you. You threw him your frying pan and used your hair as a swing to get to the other cliff, leaving him alone with his enemies and your frying pan.
From the other side you watched as he dodged the guards swords and use the frying pan to do so. But the pan was knocked out of his hands (by a horse of all people), leaving him defenseless.
You threw your hair at him like a lasso and wrapped it around his hand.
"Hawks! Look out!" You said as he swung down with your hair.
Once he made it to the other side safely, the horse knocked down a tall wooden pillar to use as a walking beam to get to you. Doing this caused a leak in the dam, which made it slowly fall apart and cause a huge wave of water to come down.
You quickly swung to Hawks and began running away from the water. There was a small cave that you both ran into, barely making it inside after a large rock covered the opening.
The water began to seep through the cracks of the rock and the cave filled up with water.
"This is all my fault." You whimpered. "Mother was right... I never should've done this. I'm so sorry Hawks."
You sniffled, "What?"
"Keigo Takami, that's my real name." He said quietly. "I guess someone might as well know."
You chuckled, "Well I have magic hair that glows when I sing."
"What?" He sputtered.
Getting an idea, you repeated yourself and began to sing quickly before the water filled up the cave. Now underwater, you could see everything with the light coming from your hair.
Keigo looked stunned, but kept his focus and began clearing the small rocks out of the exit that your hair led to.
Now out of the cave, the two of you climbed out of the water and onto land where you caught your breaths.
"We made it." You sighed.
"Your hair glows... Why does your hair glow?!"
"Keigo!" You yelled.
"It doesn't just glow."
Nezu looked up at Keigo and smiled with a nod.
"Why is he smiling at me?"
Later that night, you and Keigo sat together on a log in front of a campfire as you wrapped your hair around his hand that had gotten cut earlier.
Keigo laughed nervously, "You're being weirdly quiet about your magic hair."
You hummed, "Just don't freak out, okay?"
Before he could reply, you began to sing softly, causing your hair to glow once again.
He watched in awe as it shined brightly, listening to your voice sing so beautifully.
When the hair covering his hand began to glow, he could feel a difference in his hand.
When you finished singing, he unwrapped your hair from his hand and looked at his hand, trying to form a sentence.
"I told you not to freak out!"
"I'm not!" He defended, "I'm just, wondering about your magic hair! How long has it been doing that?"
"Um, forever I guess?" You shrugged. "Mother says people tried to cut my hair when I was a baby, they wanted the power for themselves."
Moving your hair behind your ear, you revealed a short, dull piece of hair. "But once it's cut, it loses its shine and power. So, it has to be protected. That's why nobody can know about me, and that's why I..."
"That's why you never left that tower." Hawks finished for you, "You're still gonna go back?"
You groaned and put your head in your hands, "I don't know... It's complicated."
After a moment, you sighed. "So, Keigo Takami?"
He laughed nervously, "Eh, it's not a big deal. I'll spare you the details of the sob story that is my life."
You gave him a look.
"Well alright." He shrugged, "When I was a kid there was this book about the best heroes, and one of them was named Endeavor."
"I loved that guy, he made me want to become a hero too. So, I started calling myself Hawks." He laughed, "I was convinced it'd make me the fastest man out there, and it did, in a way..." He said, thinking about his thievery.
"Dont tell anyone about this though, okay?"
You nodded and pretended to zip your lips shut, "Locked and in my pocket."
He smiled softly and stood up, "Well, I'm gonna go get more firewood."
As he was walking away you spoke up, "Y'know, I think I like Keigo Takami better than Hawks."
He smiled, "Thanks, you'd be the first."
You smiled back.
"Finally, I thought he'd never leave!"
You turned around, startled, "Mother?"
"How did you find me?" You asked as she hugged you.
"It was easy, I just followed the scent of complete betrayal." She said, making you cringe. "Now let's go home, dear."
"Mother please, I-I've been on this great journey and I've seen so much! I even met someone."
"Yes, the wanted thief! Now come on."
"Wait! Mother, I think he likes me..."
"Flower, this is why you should've never left. Why would he like you? You big dummy. Now come with mommy-"
"No." You said, finally standing up for yourself.
"No? Well, I guess you know best now huh? If he starts lying and hurting you, don't come crying because I won't say I told you so." She said, frowning heavily as she tossed you the satchel and made her way out of the forest, leaving you alone.
You watched as she walked away, wondering if you made the right choice as you looked at the crown inside of the satchel.
"Hey, can I ask you something?" Keigo called, "You think I'll get super strength in my hand or something? 'Cause that would be awesome!" He said as he held firewood.
When he noticed your silence he asked, "You okay?"
You turned around after hiding away the satchel, "Oh yeah, just lost in thought."
As Keigo blabbered on about something, you looked in the direction of the satchel and thought to yourself, would he really lie to you?
The next morning you woke up to Keigo screaming while being dragged by a horse.
You ran over to him and grabbed onto his hands to pull him away, "Give me him!"
Finally yanking him back, you walked over to the horse. "Sit! Sit down, aww there you go! Good horse!"
Grabbing Keigo by the hand, you brought him to the horse (who you learned was named Maximus), "Now you two can be friends!" You said, making Maximus grunt and turn away.
"Aw come on, please? It's my birthday today!" You pleaded, making Maximus give in and shake Keigo's hand.
Walking into the kingdom felt magical, since everything and everyone was new to you! There were so many different people around and they all fascinated you.
Thought while walking around you found your hair to be annoying, so Keigo helped you carry it and found some little girls to help braid it all for you, which they did beautifully and added flowers into your hair.
"Keigo, this is so much fun! Thank you for being my guide." You said while dancing with him, making him smile at you.
"It's no problem, I'm glad you're having fun."
Later when the sunset, you both made your way to the docks and got on a small boat. Keigo had also thrown Maximus a bag of apples to snack on while he waited, which the horse appreciated.
As Keigo rowed the boat, you were looking down at the water when you saw the reflection of a lantern.
You gasped and scrambled to stand in the boat, rocking it side to side, and looked up at the sky to see the floating lanterns you'd always dreamed of.
Hearing a noise behind you, you turned around and saw Keigo holding two lanterns.
"I figured you'd want to light your own." He said sheepishly.
You smiled and sat down next to him, "Keigo... Thank you. Aren't the lights so beautiful? I knew they would be."
He nodded while looking at you, "Yeah, really beautiful."
"Oh! I have something for you too." You said and reached down to grab the satchel. "I was gonna give it to you sooner, but I was scared... But I'm not scared anymore! You get me?"
He pushed the satchel down lightly, "I'm starting to."
You smiled at each other, each of you taking a lantern and pushing it into the sky, watching as they danced around each other.
Looking over, you saw a lantern floating towards you so you leaned over the boat and pushed it up slightly.
Keigo admired you as you enjoyed the lanterns, happy he could contribute to the large smile on your face.
Gaining confidence, he leaned over and held your hand softly. Your face flushed slightly, and you took both of his hands in yours.
"Keigo, thank you so much for bringing me here." You said sincerely, making him smile bashfully.
"It's nothing, I'm just glad you're enjoying yourself."
You giggled at his smile and continued, "You've also helped me see the world in a different light, so thank you for that too."
Your words stunned him, and he didn't know what to say. But in that moment everything felt right, and it also felt like the right time to kiss you.
Beginning to lean in slowly, he held your face softly, making you realize what he was doing.
Your heart raced as you leaned in closer, thought right when your lips brushed against each other, Keigo pulled away.
He was looking behind you nervously, making you turn around and ask, "Is everything okay?"
"Uh, yeah." He chuckled nervously as he began to row the boat, "I just uh, have to go check on something."
You frowned but accepted his words silently, allowing him to row the boat back to shore.
When he got out of the boat he grabbed the satchel and turned to you. "I'm sorry, everything is fine I swear. There's just something I have to take care of."
You stayed silent and nodded, not looking him in the eyes.
He placed a hand on your shoulder, "I'll be right back." and left, leaving you alone.
You watched as he walked away, Nezu on your shoulder trying to comfort you. "I'll be alright." You said patting him.
As Keigo walked through the forest, he found Dabi and Shigaraki waiting for him.
"Hey! I've been looking everywhere for you guys." He said nervously.
"Uh, anyways - just wanted to say I shouldn't have dipped out on you guys - the crown is yours." He said and tossed the satchel with the crown inside over to their feet.
Just as he turned away, he bumped into Dabi who was frowning down at him.
"Holding out on us again, Hawks?" Shigaraki asked.
Shigaraki stood up and walked over to Keigo, "We heard you found something better. We want her instead." He said, making Keigo panic inside.
After a while of waiting at the boat, you saw a figure in the distance and assumed it was Keigo.
"There you are! I was started to think you ran off with the crown and left me." You said laughing lightly.
Suddenly the figure split into two and two men were approaching you instead of Keigo. One of them had a lean build with long light blue, wavy hair. The other man was a bit taller and muscular, and wore tattered clothes. His hair was black and spiky, but his most striking features were the dark purple scars that littered his face and body, attached to regular skin with staples.
"Looks like he did leave you." The scarred one said.
"What?" You asked, confused. "No... He wouldn't."
The thinner one pointed out to the water where a large boat was, "See for yourself."
Looking out into the water you saw Keigo's figure on the boat, making you gasp.
Catching you off guard, the two men began to corner you but you ran away quickly, causing them to run after you.
As you were running, your hair got caught in a branch.
"No, no!" You cried, trying to pull your hair out.
Suddenly you heard your mother's voice calling your name, along with the sound of two men groaning in pain.
"Mother?" You whispered.
"Oh! There you are." She said, "Are you alright? I was so worried about you, Dear."
As you tried to form a sentence, your mother ushered you to follow her back home though you couldn't bring yourself to move.
You looked out onto the water where Keigo was, tears filling up your eyes. You had never felt so betrayed in your life. Maybe you should have listened to your mother. She was right, she always was. Keigo lied to and used you.
Turning to your mother, she saw the look on your face and held her arms out to you. You cried and ran into her arms to hug her tightly. "You were right." You cried, "About everything."
She hushed you, "I know Flower, now let's go home."
What felt like hours later, Keigo finally woke up and found himself tied to the wheel of a boat. He looked around anxiously, calling out your name.
"We found him!" A guard called out, hopping onto the boat. A group of guards untied him and led him off of the boat, making sure to handcuff him before taking him to his cell.
It was the next day and you were back at your tower. You sat silently on your bed as your mother plucked all of the flowers out of your hair.
"There, that's all of them." She said happily and threw out the flowers.
As she walked out of your bedroom, she turned to you and saw the look on your face and sighed. "I really did try to warn you, but you didn't listen."
"The world is a dark, cruel place. It destroys every ray of sunshine." She said sternly and shut the curtains behind her.
Once she was gone, you uncurled your hands to reveal a small purple cloth from the kingdom with the sun on it.
You sighed and lied on your back, looking up at your ceiling. Squinting your eyes, you noticed the sun on your ceiling, and looked back at the cloth, recognizing the resemblance between the two.
Gasping, you stood up and looked all around to see more suns you had subconsciously painted. Stumbling backwards, you realized it was you the entire time!
You were the lost princess.
In the kingdom, Keigo was being led to his death.
As he walked past other cells and prisoners, he saw Shigaraki and Dabi in their cell.
He felt himself grow angry by just seeing their faces, he shoved the guards down to knock them out.
He moved his hands from behind his back to the front and grabbed onto Shigaraki's shirt, pulling him towards him.
"How the hell did you find out about her?!" He yelled, "Tell me!"
Shigaraki stuttered, "It wasn't us! It-It was the old lady."
"Old lady?" Keigo mumbled before the guards got up and grabbed him once again.
"Wait, stop! You don't understand, she's in trouble!"
Back at your tower, you confronted your mother.
"I'm the lost princess..." You said quietly.
"What? Speak up Dear, you know I hate-"
"I'm the lost princess!" You said, "Did I mumble, Mother? Or should I even be calling you that?"
Your mother stood silently before replying, "Oh do you even hear yourself? Why would you say such ridiculous things!" She said walking towards you, but you pushed her away.
"It was you! You kidnapped me!"
She looked down at you, "I did it to protect you!"
"I spent my whole life locked away, hiding from people who would use me for my power when I should've been hiding from you!" You yelled as you stormed downstairs.
"Where will you go, hm? He won't be there for you. That criminal is to be hanged for his crimes." She said, making your breath hitch.
"But just listen to me. All of this is how it should be." She continued, ready to place a hand on your head before you grabbed her wrist and stopped her.
"No! You were wrong about the world - about me! I will never let you use my hair again!" You exclaimed, pushing her arm down and away from you, knocking her back into the mirror.
She frowned heavily, "You want me to be the bad guy? Then I will be the bad guy."
As the guards got to the door that led to Keigo's demise, the little peep hole slide open, revealing an old man. "What's the password?" He slurred, catching the guards by surprise when a bunch of the men from The Snuggly Ducking came barreling in.
The men and guards fought, giving Keigo an escape. There was even one man using a frying man, which made him laugh.
The men helped him out of the cuffs and led him outside where a hoard of guards were waiting for them.
The man with a mechanical arm stood next to Keigo, instructing him on how to stand."
"Okay, now knees apart!" He said.
"Knees apart." Keigo repeated, "Wait, knees apart-"
Suddenly a large man jumped down and onto the back of the wagon Keigo stood on, launching him high into the air.
He cringed as he flew down, not expecting to land on the back of Maximus.
"Hey! You brought the guys here?" Keigo asked Maximus, and the horse answered with a smug look.
"Thank you." Keigo said sincerely, "Now let's go!"
Maximus began galloping, running past the guards and jumped onto a roof, sliding down and landed onto a pathway within the kingdom.
"Woo hoo!" Keigo yelled as he and Maximus made their way to your tower.
When he got there, he called out your name, begging you to let down your hair.
It wasn't until a few seconds later that your hair fell down the side of the tower, lifting him up inside.
"Oh my, I never thought I'd see you again!" He cried as he stepped inside, gasping when he saw you tied up and your mouth taped shut.
Catching him off guard, your 'mother' used her dagger and stabbed him in the abdomen, causing him to fall onto his knees in pain.
All you could do was watch and cry out as you saw him groan in pain, blood staining his shirt and vest.
"Now look what you've done." She said. "But don't worry, our secret will die with him." Stepping over him, she walked towards you and unhooked your chain from the wall, yanking you towards her.
"As for us, you're going somewhere no one will ever find you!"
You yelled as loud as you could with your mouth taped shut, trying to crawl away from her grasp.
"Stop fighting me!" She yelled.
You were able to wiggle the tape down to your chin, finally allowing yourself to talk. "No! I'm not stopping! I will never stop trying to get away from you!" You panted while falling onto the floor and landing on your bottom.
"If you let me save him, I will go with you." You said, making Keigo groan.
"No, you can't do that."
You ignored his words and continued, "I'll never run, I'll never try to escape. Just let me heal him and you and I will be together, forever, just like you want!"
After convincing your 'mother' to let you heal Keigo, she put the chain that was previously on you, onto him. "Just incase you get any ideas about fallowing us." She said through gritted teeth, walking away.
You ran over to him and kneeled beside him, "Keigo!"
He coughed and groaned in pain, clutching his stomach where the wound was.
You removed his hand slowly, repeating reassuring words as you began to wrap your hair around him but he pushed your hands away.
"No, stop. I can't let you do this." He groaned out.
"But I can't let you die." You said softly, placing a hand on his cheek.
"But if I let you do this, then you die." He whispered with watery eyes.
Before you could respond, he said your name weakly and stroked your cheek with one hand, slowly bring it to your hair and gathering it all in his hand.
With the other hand, he held a shard of glass and sliced through your hair with all his remaining strength.
Gasping, you turned and watched as the rest of your hair turned dull and lost its shine.
Your 'mother' cried out in despair, holding onto your dead hair for dear life, yelling as she lost her youthfulness and grew old.
"No! What have you done?!" She screamed, running towards the shattered mirror to observe her reflection.
She cried in disbelief, pulling her hood over her head to hide her looks. As she stumbled around the room, she tripped over her own feet and tumbled out of the window backwards, falling to her death.
Disregarding that horrid woman's death, you turned to Keigo, who was struggling to stay awake.
You scrambled towards him and grabbed one of his hands to place on top of your head, "No, no Keigo stay with me!"
You desperately sang, trying to use your hair to heal him but nothing worked. You began to cry, growing angry that he had cut off the only thing that could heal him.
He grabbed your face weakly, cutting you off, and said softly, "I didn't get to tell you this before, but you were my new dream."
You smiled softly and held his hand, "And you were mine."
Watching as he took his last breath, you leaned against his body and sang once more.
"Heal what has been hurt. Change the fate's design. Save what has been lost. Bring back what once was mine."
"What once was mine..." You whimpered, letting your head fall against his and the tears roll down your face.
Though a lone tear managed to find its way onto his cheek, causing it to shine brightly. You sat up and watched as the light grew and beamed throughout the room. Wisps of light formed a flower, which gleamed beautifully.
When it all went away, you heard Keigo breathe from underneath you and call your name.
"Keigo!" You cried happily.
He chuckled. "Did I ever tell you I have a thing for girls with short hair?" He joked, making you gasp and throw your arms around him. He laughed loudly and wrapped an arm around your waist, holding you closely.
When you pulled away, you glanced at him for a second before pulling him towards you and finally placing a kiss on his lips.
Back in the kingdom, you and Keigo announced to the guards that you were the lost princess.
One of them alerted the king and queen of your presence and they ran to go see where you were waiting.
As you stood outside with Keigo nervously, the doors behind you suddenly opened and revealed your true parents.
Your mother slowly walked towards you, reaching a hand out slowly and placing a hand on your cheek in disbelief.
She then smiled softly at you, making you smile back. Taking that as an okay, she brought you into a tight hug. From over her shoulder, you made eye contact with your father who was crying, and allowed him to hug you as well.
Even though you hadn't been here in eighteen years, you knew that this is where you belonged.
This was your true home, and you were happy to live a happily ever after with Keigo.
Keigo was happy too. Happy to be the one to finally bring the lost princess home and marry her, living his happily ever after as well.
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authors note
omgomgomg i hope this was okay :00 twas very fun writing it, pls go check out the other writers with this link !!
while writing this i was having a sleepover with my best friend and he kept asking what i was doing and i finally told him that i write fanfiction LOLLL it was so funny it felt like i was coming out to him but it went well and he helped me write some of this so everyone thank mr.panda! (•̀ᴗ•́)و
thank you again to @queenpiranhadon for letting me join :) 🩷
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simmerianne93 · 1 year
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Hello everyone!!!!
So... I have being struggling a lot (and when I'm saying a lot is A LOOOT) with the accessory that comes with these poses (and some poses I'll be sharing soon)... why?... see, I made two acc for these poses, one of them "High resolution" (with the texture in HAT cathegory) and another "Low resolution" (with the texture in RING cathegory).... the thing is, the low resolution was not showing ingame, so I tried to make another new archive, but now the acc is missing one of the meshes and I haven't figured it out how to fix it.
I noticed that in my blender (V 2.79) there is an option now in s4studio mesh tool that is missing since I updated the s4s program to "star version" and I don't know how to fix it. Before I was able to choose the mesh type from NONE to GEOM but I have not that option anymore and I think that is the problem.... If one of you know how to fix that problem, I'll be really happy if you tell me how to. I tried to redownload the wishes version, I tried to merge the two meshes into 1, I tried to change the cut in both meshes to 0000 (It should be 0000 and 0001 since there are two meshes in the archive), I tried to export the High res version and do again the object to import it in s4s to the new archive and none of that options worked. So right now, I have no idea on how to fix it and that's why for now, you will have just the "high resolution" version available... Unfortunately with that version you cannot use hats (wich, for these poses is not needed... unless your sim sleep with hats xD... but for other poses that can come later maybe you want your sim to have a hat and it will be impossible, since the texture will overlap both objects).
I'm not and expert making objects, I have not idea how to make objects... I just have a barely notion on how to convert objects already made to make a pose accessory and it is frustrating I couldn't find a fix on time, but it is what it is....
Anyway, I have to say that the meshes are not mine (obviously), as I said, I have not idea on how to make objects, so I converted a mesh from "Around the sims 4" to use as a pose accessory, and I have to thanks the creator for making a pill bottle object 'cause I really need it. You  can find the clutter object right here.
About the poses, I made them for my own story.  I found some from other creators but I decided to make my owns to make the right expressions and movements I wanted my sim to have and to make the last pose with a bunch of other poses xD haha... So here you have the info of theses sad poses in bed:
What is on it?
12 solo poses (made with a female rig) + 1 all in one.
What do you need?
Andrew's pose player 
Teleport any sim by Scumbumbo.
Any single bed.
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Instructions on the original post.
Do not claim my creations as your own.
Do not re-upload or modify my creations.
Do not make money of my creations.
Do not include my creations in Mods folders to download.
Please follow my Term Of Use.
Download it now here — [EARLY ACCESS UNTIL September 3rd, 2023]
If you want to support me:  Patreon | Ko-fi
For more poses: Pinterest |  Wix
My socials: Twitter | Instagram
I really hope you like them and I will say on advance: Thank you so much for use them.
@ts4-poses​​​​​​​​​​​​ @emilyccfinds
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a-hazbin-reader · 7 months
Omg you answered me (the one who asked the school au) so quickly :0000 I don't have that much details in mindddd BUT HERE WE GO: Hazbin University 🥹
Teachers/Principals- Zestial, Carmila
3rd years - Alaator, Husk, Nifty, Rosie, Mimzy, the Vees
2nd years - Charlie, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Cherri, Sir Pentious, reader
Student president - Alastor
Student VP - Rosie
Student Secretary - Husk
Fag - Nifty
3rd yr class pres - Vox
3rd yr class VP - Valentino
3rd yr class secretary - Velvet
2nd yr class pres - Charlie
2nd yr class VP - Vaggie
2nd yr class secretary - Reader
Scenerio: Reader is apparently a returning student and joined a little late in the 2nd years, and got close to Charlie and her 2nd year friends! Reader's grades are neutral BUT is really creative, attentive, and got to help Charlie with student officer tasks. Reader doesn't even talk to anyone else except her friends and only talks to others for professional reasons! Vaggie noticed Charlie hasn't had a class secretary yet and voted for reader and the whole class voted too, their lives were easier after that!
Until this is where the alastor x reader comes in; student council meeting. (It's like the aura and looks of the overlord meeting room) Reader and Charlie were the last ones to arrive but got in time, but when reader stepped, the aura was so strong and mysterious. But, after reader sat in her seat next to Vaggie(she saved seats), Alastor had his eyes directly at reader the whole entire meeting, just didn't made it obvious. Why? Because reader was new and looked quite oblivious not knowing the highest rank in the student council has heen staring at reader- the meeting was about a event and reader had a lot of ideas! And it made the whole student council believe and gave an approval that reader is perfect for Charlie's secretary! (also I can imagine vox having a grudge against alastor because he took vox's opportunity to be student president)
Sorry if this was long I wanted to make it clear and detailed for you hehe! ALSO IT'S OKE IF YOU DON'T WANNA DO IT I'M JUST GLAD YOU ASKED 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 THANK YOU!!!
I-I UH- Niffty is a what now???
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teallicht · 1 year
Haiii!! I just wanted to say i love your art so damn much!! i wanted to ask if you’re using a specific paper texture or made your own brush :0000
cause i noticed in your new art the paper? texture? is different and now it’s this cross cross cotton-like texture!! and it feels so homey
hi! and thank you so much!! ;v;♡
You're probably talking about this Krita crosshatch texture I've been using a lot lately!:
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l just color that pattern in and then slap it on top of my finished drawing with grain merge :) there are some other textures I've been using as well but I like this one the most so far!
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i-am-beckyu · 2 years
I accidentally thought I deleted your ask which instead got posted and then deleted, but I got lucky and had copied the questions to answer qwq. I've been using control z too much... So thank you thank you for all the questions on Jornos and here you are! (Sorry I took so long to answer lol) @brick-a-doodle-do i can see a lot of awkward conversations between tommy and emduo + wil. like a lot of sarcastic comments towards tommy that have a secret meaning to tommy! lots of tensing up at the softest of questions
Yesssssssssssssssssssss! Many many awkward times! Tommy just a lil anxious boi :3
for the thing with tommy knowing things he shouldn't, how about a scene with tommy accidentally humming a tune he'd heard wilbur play before? maybe even accidentally murmuring the lyrics while wilbur only plays the melody! :0000 *yoinks this idea for later* Oh I likes this a lot >:3
do you have any design ideas for tommy's borrower home? is it very innovative with crazy cool designs, or something more basic that he'd thrown together with whatever he could find? I have many ideas for his home but nothing specifically made or set yet. Been thinking about that a lil bit atm lol. While I don't have any designs for Tommy's room, I have made a floor plan of the Crafts house to make sure I'm being coherent to the story and scenes so have that!
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how does tommy react to the internet? does he find a means to conquer it after seeing how intimidating it is, or does he immediately fall victim to social media? maybe he finds some good ole schlatt videos and bonds over them with wilbur! Oh he's infatuated with it. He loved to try and watch Tv of Beans in the past but actually gaining access to the internet blew his mind! Learning so many new things and not understanding how some stuff was possible was insane for him! And Canon! Def bonds with Wilbur over the old vids!
does wilbur absolutely drag him into the world of music? i can see wilbur making a mini-him with his new younger brother! 100%. To Wilbur, Tommy is free blank slate brother. Time to educate the child in the world of music and properly!! (as well as everything else lol)
in a lot of fics, techno has swords n knives pinned up on his walls or leaning against his walls, do you follow through with that here? lalalala *yoinks another idea* :3
that also leads me to the question does tommy, as a borrower, find this threatening or interesting? and similarly, when he's a human, does he struggle with hiding his interest/fear of them depending on his borrower-selves reaction? Boi is both terrified and drawn to the blades. There's one sword displayed on top of the book shelf that Tommy often likes to marvel at. It's part of why Tommy tried to go for the craft knife that Techno left out on the table when he first moved in because he wanted to wield a sword like that too.
i bet tommy might have a strong reaction to flavorful things, especially something spicey, sour, or even really sweet, since borrower's grow up mainly on grain with the occasional addition of fruit or dessert. does this spark interest between emduo + wilbur or do they just bond with him and call him a child over it? I think I mentioned in a previous ask that Tommy just goes into sugar rush overload when he gets access to sugar so in a similar way, he'd have an extreme reaction to spicy, sour or bitter things too. If given any of those things tho, I'm pretty sure once comfy with the rest of sbi, would scream: ARE YOU TRYING TO POISON ME?!?!?
tommy using his skills as a human! i can see him offering to fix the craft's ripped clothing with his sewing skills orrr maybe they go hiking or smth and tommy's climbing instincts kick in and he just fucking climbs a tree like it's nothing lol Yesssssssssssss. That was one of the only things he could do at the colony and not get into trouble for it. Often he'd hide out and fix clothing for others so he loves to get his hands on stuff to mend for sbi. When they notice this, they actually get him proper sewing equipment and nice fabric for Tommy to experiment with and he goes wild with new clothes and bags. He adores it!
on the note of instincts, how are tommy's instincts? i always see borrowers listening to their instincts more than humans but still not always listening to them. does he got like really good reflexes that earn him the nickname spiderinnit? (to which he is extremely confused cause huh? maybe that leads to a movie marathon :0) Brick. How? How are you having all the amazing ideas?? *yoinks this too* He is spiderinnit damn it and they watch every spider man movie. So Tommy's instincts are a bit nuts atm. Normally his first thought when in danger is to run and get back to the walls or somewhere safe, but when he shifts he is so out of it, he kinda just shuts down because he can't just run back to the walls. Later on when he kinda works out the sizeshifting abilities, it takes a lot of will power to not let himself just run from everything and hide. But he will often react a lot to footsteps of people coming or animals because he still semi associates it with danger.
birthdays! i don't know about you or this au, but i like the idea of borrower's not really celebrating birthdays, and even if they do not every single one. so what's tommy's reaction to possibly having a party thrown for him? Sometimes Individual bdays are celebrated within small family's when borrowers see fit, say they turn 1 or 13 but yeah most of the time bdays aren't really celebrated. The celebrations are more of a celebration of surviving to an important point in life, not making it another year older in age. (that makes no sense becky. Good job :'D) Colonies will usual celebrate a borrowers coming of age for all the borrowers going on their first successful borrowing trips (of course Tommy isn't allowed at those though)
^^ on a similar note, does tommy know his own birthday? and if he doesn't, how the hell do the craft's react to that ?? He does not. He was abandoned by the colony and they kind of just guessed he was like 2ish when found so they make his bday just sometime in April because that was the time he was found. Tommy doesn't even really think about not having a specific day till he's asked and the Crafts are just so shocked that this kid has probably never had a party in his life and literally throw him a party within the next few days. Tommy is just so touched that he decides the date is April 9th because that was the date. (Even if it was actually *enter different month here*)
I have no idea what else you said about the ask but at least I had the questions so thank you for sending them in and your continued interest in the story! Jornos chapter 2 is almost done and then just needs to be proof read so keep your eyes peeled :3
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darlingpwease · 1 year
ah- true- asdfghjkl (keep writing the response here)
Yes!! Yes!!! He truly didn't mean anything bad in the beginning, he was so caught of guard, he was so lost, but after accidentally doing it for the third time, he finally caught on <33 He can't help but enjoy the way you look at him during those moments,, it's just so,, exhilarating? Even he isn't too sure what he's feeling, but he can't deny that he likes it <333 pretty boy pretty boy,, afkjskjahd Yay!! Tysmsm Dove, hopefully we can go from pencil to pen <3333
Ooo, ooo, what about after seeing a pattern of him trying to get a reaction out of you, you would keep talking to and teasing Toge in front of Yuuta, pretending to be indifferent to whenever Yuuta tries to get you jealous and acting bratty?? :00 Trying not to show anything, but usually not long after you mark him up all prettily??? :0000 maybebringingTogealongtoenjoytheshow??
"your only weapon" I don't even think there is one in the first place, if there is one, it's made out of cardboard and tape...... I can't even abuse it if I tried, those words will never not be surreal to me 😭😭 /pos /hsrs.... /3⁄4 srs WHAT- ur so meaAnNNN
Yes yes,,, it feels like an invitation at times honestly, all the time hkfjdsf
Ahh no need to thank me,, urs were so good so I'm happy you like these snippets <333 /gen All urs!! /slight t
1)YES!! He will admit, he was shaken at first,, who were you?? where was he?? You weren't going to hurt him, right? Pleasedon'thurthim- but he didn't expect for you to fawn over him right away, showering him in more praise and love than he expected, he was oddly.. flattered? Happy, even? Someone likes him this much?? You even proudly showed him your photo and video collection- and you added to it too, the face when he makes when he cums is so pretty, his voice, the way he twitches, his stomach full of you is so pretty, his body being marked by you is so so pretty, he'ssopretty- He even starts learning to cook to make you happy, you both need to lay off of takeout, definitely not because he wanted you to praise him again, definitely not-
2) AH AH Yuuta eventually so deep in his devotion to you that he truly believes that the church is for you, even when you come confessing "sins" how can someone as holy as you be impure?? he can only think that you're rewarding him for his devout worship and loyalty towards you, and only you. When he talks about you to other "followers", he praises you of all praises, so crazed in his prayers to you that when your name slips from his mouth as his Heavenly Being, that he doesn't even notice the way the others faces change. Maybe you don't even know that he worships you, completely unaware of his thoughts towards you,,, sure, you and him are, uh, closer compared to other priests and followers, but there's just this way he looks at you that makes you sink deeper into your sins. ah, but what about angel!reader who first came just to see how well humans worship the Lord Deity, laying your eyes upon Yuuta praying on his knees, feeling an unfamiliar tug in your chest.. Yuuta eventually seeing you as the Almighty Deity, and despite trying to correct him in the beginning, you eventually embrace it. Even when the Heaven's tear away your wings, scalding pain jabbing at you unbearably- falling from Heaven for Yuuta is worth it, both beautifully devoted to each others worship.
3) (genital mentions [penis, clit, womb] but in a "he can change them like you can change clothes" kinda way if that makes sense at the end) You feel like you've been doused in cold water, you don't understand how you didn't see it earlier, whenever you two would watch a movie and you'd fawn over the characters, Yuuta suddenly looking more like said characters than before,,, maybe even saying little details you like on others (maybe some freckles, or what about dark eyes? Fuller lips? A pretty waist?) And he'd suddenly get them,, how didn't you see it?? You should feel horrified, scared, you should run away- but the way he seemed to have crumpled like ash in front of you, tears falling as he desperately clings to you, the pure horror in his eyes at the thought of you leaving him,, you're not too sure anymore. How he begs you to stay, saying how he can be whatever you want him to be,, do you want him to have a pretty penis to play with, a sensitive clit?? Or a womb for you to fill, making sure to breed him so well?? Would you like him taller? Shorter? What about hair? Blond? Black? Brown? He can do pink too! He'll do anything, please?? Well,, you can't help but feel at least a little tempted... he's such a lovely lover, you may as well give him a proper chance,,
4) AADJADFJLKSN HIM MAKING CUTE LITTLE CHRIPS WHENEVER HE GETS HAPPY 😭🛐🛐🛐🛐 You even teasingly call him a duckling sometimes whenever he follows you. Him trotting behind you with such cute looks in his eyes, pure and utter trust and adoration towards you <333 He's very clingy to you, but you have no complaints. He hates whenever you have to go out, but he knows he can't leave home, so he waits for hours by the door, crashing into you and wrapping himself around you tightly when you finally come back. Him nuzzling his head against you, wanting you to shower him in affection,, hhhh hes so cute omgomg 😭😭
5) :OO I'm so glad merman!Yuuta is back!!! <333 Him becoming much more clingy to you the more times you have to head out, he's your mate, so please stay with him longer :(( He's ready to be bred by you again, making more eggs for you so you can't leave him, so you have to take care of him.. you love kissing his slit despite how desperate he can be, even when he's so pent up that he's shoving your face against it, rutting heavily against your face, he still cries out for you to fill him up. He's been good, right? He's still only yours, for now and forever, so please stuff him full, he deserves it,, right?? You coming back from a hunt that was months long to find Yuuta waiting for you at the settlements entrance along with the other mates of your fellow mermen, his head peaking from the crowd and lighting up when he sees you. You barely get a hug back before he is clinging to you, panting in your ear as he whines about how much he missed you and loves you, not seeming to mind the fact that there are others right next to you two,,, barely making it to a more secluded area before you mark him up again, filling him up a few times before rushing back home to keep going <//3333 or hunter!reader keeping Yuuta as their prized possession, keeping Yuuta for yourself, not letting anyone see him,, Yuuta has been smitten to you for months after you captured him. He was panicked at first, but he finds himself drowning (lol) in you, happily doing whatever you'd like, feeling so much joy in indulging you as his mate <33
I tried to keep these as short as possible so I won't take up much space from this ask, but I got carried away with some despite still writing little, im sorry!! _(´ཀ`」 ∠) _
If I knew you were going to try to bite other areas, I would've included it in out 'contract' along with the neck and cheeks </33 /t /hj so please let me at least think those earmuffs will do something <//333 you're the only blind Dove that even thinks those thoughts, so I'm saying it's your fault >:(( /t /nsrs MY THIGH NOW AS WELL??? HELP????
-panna cotta
"(keep writing the response here)" ajhsjshdjdgdhd well, if you insist... /t /j
jssgdhdh,,,, when your hands roughly fondle him, perhaps even slightly choking him or forcing him to lick your fingers, demanding that he repeat who he belongs to,,, when you squeeze his body, almost leaving marks, growling that you warned him about the consequences in case of disobedience, and if he decided to behave like a spoiled brat, you're going to show him what people like him get,,,,, when you squeeze his cheeks, saying you're not angry at all, of course not, you just have to follow the rules, you know? for example, fuck him to such a state that he will no longer even think of trying to act against you, crying and writhing from hyperstimulation</3333 I hope we will move on to the fact that we will start considering you absolutely not a suspect, but given your behavior, I doubt that my dream will come true ://// /t /j
Toge quickly understands what's going on, but seeing Yuuta as such a naughty mess, trying to get your attention and acting up to attract you, is actually even exciting,,, in sense, Yuuta is usually so calm and collected that to see him go crazy and start acting spoiled when you get too close to Toge, since he is used to being the center of your attention and that you always look only at him, but he still understands that you are teasing him on purpose, and this only further overexcites him and his behavior<//33 Toge didn't even realize that he might have a thing for a jealous Yuuta who is trying to cling to you and get you out of yourself so that you take out your discontent on him and stop looking at others, but seeing him like that is kind of even hot??? when you click and invite Toge to look at Yuuta, since he is so desperate for attention and wants others to know that you belong to each other, besides, it would be a good way for him to compensate for how he constantly interfered with your communication if you demonstrate Toge that you really regret his behavior and that what a naughty brat he is,,,, Yuuta's ruddy face when Toge really agrees,,,,,,,,,
at the same time, this same Panna Cotta continues to tease me... yu know, you know, I really want to pinch your nose, and it's a pity that I can't do it >:<<< I'm just warning you that I have some nice blogs that can be blocked if someone doesn't take my gifs seriously, huh :/// /t /j /nsrs
right??? he looks like,,, I constantly want to make him be kidnapped and tamed while he looks at you with adoration and does everything for you, I do not know, this aura around him just makes him the perfect material for this :(((
hehehe~ thank you for meal<33333
1) Yuuta who finds himself strangely charmed by your tenderness and adoration, even if this is not exactly the situation in which he should think about it — but you are so loving and caring, doing everything for him, which strangely resonates with his own nature, looking for this unconditional blind love in which we constantly shower him,,, when you respect and listen to his wishes, give him the best, worship him, and Yuuta has always been very puppy-like when he was taken care of (and so indifferent to himself), that your praise and almost prayer when you kiss his neck, stroking his hips, assuring him that you will give him the whole world, makes his heart beat stronger not at all out of fear,,,, you are so gentle, so loving, so adoring that Yuuta can't believe that this is all for him, and he can't help but try to give you all the same, even if at first he wanted to run away — over time he just gets so used to this home routine that doesn't want to go anywhere and even more so to leave you. the thought that you may prefer someone else and, moreover, get tired of him, constantly makes him nervous, thinking about how to leave you forever — but when he sees that he is the only one in your eyes, it becomes much easier... listen, but when you see that everyone is looking for him and for a moment you begin to doubt whether it was right, of course, you have him, your partner, your Yuuta, but he's not unhappy that he left everything for you, right? he doesn't mind, does he?? you wouldn't want him to be sad, especially because of you, you want him to always know how adorable and amazing he is, and that you are absolutely in love with him and will do everything for him,,, but he was a famous one and probably used to his hobby / job, so what can you do to so that he no longer thinks about the past and thinks only about you??? of course, he tells you that he thinks only of you, especially when he whines delightfully after another orgasm, begging you to let him also serve you when you tie his hands, capturing his desperate face when he almost cries, even more adorable than in life, but you can't constantly make love with him so his thoughts were only about you, right?,,,,, right?
2) you can't help but be inspired when he gets down on his knees in front of you to prove his loyalty, even if you're sure it's wrong, — but when you squeeze his hair without interrupting his desperate act of service, even if he can't help but be awkward, having never done anything like this before, you feel too unreal, seeing how your sweetheart, previously devoted only to the Deity and people, now goes to everything for you, almost worshipping, promising that he will never leave you and will not allow you to leave him, swearing that this is a promise in the face of the Deity, that he will follow you anywhere, and you really can't dismiss it when his eyes are so drunkenly shining; stealing your kisses while no one sees and greedily kissing you in the semi-darkness, shyly squeezing your hand with his wet one because of excitement, asking you in a trembling voice to follow him so that he can listen to you,,,, but Yuuta who simply does not believe that there can be something even more delightful and divine in the world than you, even if you know that such words are blasphemy — you cannot try to threaten him with punishment when he looks at you with such adoration that you cannot resist this temptation, demanding that he bow down before you, that you must be the only thing in his heart, and you will be expelled for it, but even knowing this, you cannot stop, desperately kissing his lips and pressing him closer, hugging him not at all like an angel should hug his ward, but rather like a spouse is hugged, and Yuuta can't help but blush because of this, but can't help but burn with this excitement and excitement, even if it's a sin,,,,, angel!Yuuta who comes to see the world, but meets you and gives up everything just to stay with you; maybe even uses his powers to convince you that he is an important messenger of the Deity and you should listen to him and accept his commandments, since he sees that you have a chance to become another angel, but instead you defile him by kidnapping and deciding to keep him for yourself, since you have never seen someone so amazing and something inside you demands that he stay with you forever, and you don't see the point in resisting this thirst, wanting him, and Yuuta can get out, — not that something mundane could stop him — but he even feels shamefully enthusiastic, encountering something like this for the first time and not wanting to harm you or resist,,,, you are so weak and gentle and full of adoration, even if your methods are outdated for this era and a little strange, but as long as you are willing to listen to him, he doesn't mind, you know? even if your way of getting him to be obedient is a little hasty — that's what only spouses should do, you know? — he shyly agrees, believing that he is doing everything for the sake of raising a new angel, even if he subconsciously understands that he has been indulging you for a long time and longs for you not at all because he wants you to leave him one day,,,,
3) mention of bottom!reader the way he starts to cry less, seeing that you don't look so scared and annoyed, even thinking in response to his suggestions, only to start smiling when you ask if he understands that you still can't forgive and accept him right away,,, when you cannot deny that you are becoming somewhat dependent on his ability, constantly using it to play with him, caressing his leaking precum dick, not letting him cum, asking him to tell you why you are punishing him, biting his sensitive neck, sliding lips over his pretty shoulders while he sobs, since he can't utter a word because of the gag;;; when you let him cum only after his red clit swells and becomes painfully sensitive due to constant denial, praising him that he is so pretty, maybe you will even think of riding his cock somehow, but instead you turn him over on stomach, resting his wet ruddy face in a pillow to stuff his cute throbbing womb, hungry for no less attention and squeezing you tightly even when it's full of you, trying not to let anything leak out, but even when you push a plug inside his pretty hole, it doesn't help</3333,,,,,, listen, but when you ask him to show you what he considers a real face and Yuuta is horrified, refusing, saying that almost all changelings have an ugly appearance and even if it is selfish, he would rather live with you with the appearance of another than show you his own, not wanting you to be disgusted with him, but as you ask him to change something in his appearance, he catches himself with guilty pleasure thinking that he is becoming like his real self, although you clearly have not seen his real appearance — you make him beautiful to your taste,,,, </33333
4) he builds a nest in your bed when you are away for a long time, as your smell soothes him from suffocating loneliness, even if soon you find nests everywhere in the apartment, especially in spring, when his life cycle says "it's time to get ready for eggs", only instead of eggs he drags you there,,, or when you wake up because your back is being scratched, only to realize that Yuuta is half asleep trying to clean your "wings" because he believes that his partner is next to him, but you only enjoy affectionate, gentle strokes, not considering it necessary to wake him up because of this, even if the next morning he says that he dreamed about cleaning your wings,,,, or when he thoughtfully cleans his wings and then you walk around the house with him to remove the fallen feathers, since he still forgets that he has to collect them and throw them away,,,,, when he gives you a gift of his feathers like a dream catcher,,,,,,,,, or when you sleep with him, but he's so hot that you get too warm, although he's still good to warm you if you understand me...
5) merman!Yuuta, who is getting acquainted with the concept of oral sex for the first time and becomes obsessive about it,,,, let you lick his slit? stick his head between your thighs? he could spend hours just to serve you and always so enthusiastically rubs against your face when you want to take care of his — how much he has become addicted to it is almost unreal</333 shark!Yuuta who thinks you're kind of fucking breathtaking and tries to shyly court you by bringing shiny things and fish just to get you closer to him, but you think he's trying to mate with you — but hey, you're okay with that, even if he seems shy when you find a more comfortable place to you are to mate with him, pressing him against a stone or wooden building to stuff him and make sure that his slit will swell by the time you are done with him, if only he would stop scaring the villagers, — only so that he will soon come back to you with gifts, shyly looking out from under the water, but when you try to understand why he came back, Yuuta first blushes and looks away, then squints and timidly slightly opens the slit, and you are even amazed at how lustful and greedy sharks are, not realizing that Yuuta decided that you probably find friends this way, and he really doesn't mind to mate with by you if it's a friendly thing for you,,,, as a rule, shark mating is rough and bloody, but you were so gentle and careful caressing him before you started rubbing that he can't understand if you are reacting to his courtship or you just think of him as a friend — maybe he's just not your type and you're not sure that his cubs will be strong? or do you need more time to start a relationship?? or is he thinking too deeply about it??? listen, but you know that some species of sharks can turn from males to females with age, right? listen, yuuta, whom you thought was your boyfriend, at some point explains to you that no, he's still a guy, it's just that now he has a pretty womb that you can stuff instead of a beautiful cock, but not that it changes anything, right? (wrong, you were in shock when you woke up and realized that something was... wrong... with your partner</333)
6) Yuuta, who turns out to be a victim of stalker!slime!reader, since he is so cute and good that you want to wrap yourself around him and make sure that he feels good, so you can't resist the temptation when he gets a wet dream — and are happy to help him just to find out that Yuuta is into monsters and doesn't mind a few appendages at all, even if at first he chokes and whines while you caress him everywhere, ready to lose consciousness from hyperstimulation<333
I'm rather dissatisfied — why so little??? why did I read all this so quickly??? huh huh huh🤨🤨🤨 disappointing, disappointing, try again :/// /hj /hj /neu don't apologize, sun, who doesn't like a lot of favorite text??? all the dissatisfied have long been removed or received an automatic readmore🙄😒
but you didn't know~ so well that you still underestimate me<33 no♡ have I ever deceived you? so how can I lie now? it's hopeless, dear<333 it's your fault, of course. don't you have such pretty ears??? If you didn't have them, I wouldn't bite you!!! after all, you seduce me with them, you know? first you tease and then you say that I can't even bite you in return!!! such a Mean, such an Evil panna cotta... :((((( /t /j I've been targeting them for a long time, glad to get the opportunity to finally bite!!!😋😋😋 CHOM—
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riverisnotdead · 2 years
Hi! Saw your welcome post and wanted to ask if you would be comfortable writing for Jeff t.k. in a relationship? Maybe headcanons or a small scneario?
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Just- ✨ y e s ✨
Also, AHHHH thank you for being my first request! I hope this turns out to your liking! 💜
Jeff The Killer x Gender Neutral (GN) reader
So, as much as I like Jeff I just gotta say this man probably yandere as hell 😀
Like, “I saw you get within five yards of another proxy and you aren’t allowed to leave the room for the rest of the night” type yandere
I also like to headcannon that as rough as he may be, you are the only person he even SLIGHTLY softens around
Cuz you’re a mAtErIaL gWoRL 🙄💅🏻
It definitely wouldn’t be anything profound, after all he has to keep his massive ego and whatever reputation he has up
But he would
Just a little (if you squint you can tell)
He also LOVES it when you touch his scars or give him lotion cuz let’s be real his skin prolly ✨ a s h y ✨ af
Offer to help him bathe or wash his hair and he’ll die a little inside.
He’s obviously very touch starved so he enjoys little touches here and there
But PLEASE for the love of slender NEVER in front of the other proxys
His ego (and reputation) as a heartless MF would be h u r t
Also random, but I just imagine him really liking Sprite
Like, one time Sally blackmailed him into a tea party and didn’t have actual tea-
So she gave him a sprite
And he loved how it fizzed against the gashes in his mouth
Overall classic tsundere/yandere but he wouldn’t kill you 😌
I hope 🤠
Scenario time :0000
(I’ll try to make this as gn as possible 😤)
Jeff kicked off his shoes and basically flopped onto the thin mattress with a loud groan. You looked up from you book and and silently watched as he struggled to get comfortable.
“Long day?” You asked as you reached over to run one of your hands through his black hair.
“You have no idea.” He grumbled in reply and slightly pushed his head further into you comforting touch. You hummed in acknowledgment, continuing to stroke his head as you picked up on your book.
After a few minutes of comfortable silence you spoke up not wanting him to sleep just yet. “You need a bath.”
Jeff looked up at you and made a face as you pulled your hand away. “I don’t need a bath.”
“You smell like cigarettes, dried blood, and something burnt. You need a bath.” You retorted as you marked your page and got up to run warm water in the tub that was in the connected bathroom. He muttered something incoherent under his breath as he stripped off his clothes and once the tub was full he slid into the water. He leaned his head back against the tub and sighed softly as you poured water on his head and started gently scrubbing his scalp with shampoo.
After his bath he threw on a tank top and sweats and headed downstairs to see if there was any available food. As he walked into the kitchen he noticed the watchful eyes of Sally focusing on him.
“Hi Jeff!” She chimed. He glared in response.
She shot him an offended look and sulked behind Masky who was rummaging through the fridge.
“You shouldn’t be so mean to children Jeffery.” He said as he pulled out a leftover cheesecake and some ingredients, setting them on the counter before hoisting Sally up to sit next to them as he cooked.
“Whatever.” He replied as he slinked off to the living room. Reclining on the couch and watching from afar as you entered the kitchen greeting Masky and Sally before helping prepare dinner.
I hope you liked this! Please let me know if there’s anything I could do to make it better! Saranghae! 💜💜
-Cherry 🍒
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m1dnyt3-w0lf · 1 year
Jumping on the WIP train 😌 So what gave you the idea to write Dimensions? It's such an interesting concept that I'm curious as to what your thought process was 💜
This is a whole story and a half so strap on in!
It starts with Young Me having watched Out of the Shadows some months prior and deep into the brain rot still. I thought Shredder being sent to another dimension to find and team up with General Kraang was so freaking cool that I decided, hey, what if, after time passed, they recreated the machine and used it to cross through our dimension? And what if they kidnapped 4 counterpart girls and mutated them into turtles?
Of course when I started writing that story I had no phone or computer so I used an extra unused notebook to write the story in. I had written the first part completely and was in the process of the second part when I just gave up. I didn't know anyone who shared the brain rot with me and so I had no one to share it with. To me it seemed kind of pointless to continue. Hell, I was making my own fanart!
This was waaaaay before I had any kind of social media so it wasn't like I could just hop on and share it. However, despite having written it when I was 12/13 back in middle school I saved that notebook this entire time. I have it in a box with some other really old notebooks and sketchbooks
However, as you know, I've started writing the idea again. This time with a WAY different plot and better writing lmao! I was re-inspired by @pink-bandana-writes 's fic (you can read it here). It was SUCH A GOOD FIC and I was like :0000 I need to bring that shit back, like, yesterday!
There is so much more I can talk about but unfortunately it's all a spoiler so you'll have to tag along for every chapter to get the next piece of the story 😘 I will say there's a very important detail in Out of the Shadows that everyone else has, to my knowledge, skimmed over. Honestly, I'm surprised I haven't seen someone else notice 👀
That is my little story of how Dimensions came to be so I give a final bow and hope you'll tag along for the ride. Thank you so much for asking!
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𝐅𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫
Chapter five: Secret Candy Canes
main masterlist // disney nav // tag list form
notes: Modern AU-ish! They're all around 15-16 in this fic, This is not an X Reader fic!! Likes & Reblogs are appreciated !
chapter 4
chapter 6 ( coming soon )
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It's Wednesday, which means two more days until Christmas break. It had also been two days since everything had happened with the flowers and the movies. Still, everything must continue.  No one was really doing anything in class, as not even the teachers wanted to be there. Violet and Penny sat next to each other, history killing the both of them. 
"Wanna get food after school today?" Penny texted the group chat which had been named Futuristic Four, considering how odd they all were. Wilbur, of course came up with the name. In seconds, each one of them began to reply. 
Wil: Sure, let me tell my mom 
Hiro: can we go to the burger joint, I want their fries 
Vi: but they're so greasy :/ 
Penalicious: true, but they're also really salty ;)
Vi: ... penny do me a favor and log out for me 
Hiro: penny where did that come from :00
Penalicious: I was hacked, sorry guys :( 
Vi: mhm.. sure 
Vi: I just texted my mom, she said I can go 
Penalicious: YES, bless your mothers heart
Wil: I love Helen, she makes good food 
Hiro: why don't we just tell her mom to cook 
Vi: guys my mom isn't a personal chef, and I don't wanna be home right now
Penalicious: what time does this class end? i'm losing my mind 
Wil: in like ten minutes 
Wil: history isn't that bad 
Hiro: says the one with the time machine
Vi: true 
Wil: you like english, you cannot speak on this 
Penalicious: he has a point 
Vi: wow thanks penny -_-
Hiro: whats wrong with english 
Vi: nothing they're just lazy 
Penalicious: not true 
Penalicious: i read 
Vi: bed time stories for TODDLERS don't count  
Hiro: penny... why...
Penalicious: okay moving on 
Penalicious: where are we going to eat? 
Penny noticed Violet asking the teacher for something, it was quiet in the class now that they had an actual assignment to do. Then, Violet walked out. Penny assumed she had to go to the bathroom. 
Hiro: Idk, I suggested burger joint but Vi doesn't like the fries 
Wil: *sent an image* 
Penny tapped on the image, and a picture of Violet came up, standing at the water fountain waiting for her turn. The image was taken from inside Wilbur's class. Then, he sent another. This time Violet was looking at the camera, putting the middle finger up at him. Penny giggled quietly to herself. 
Vi: Wilbur I'm shaving all your hair off in your sleep 
Wil: WHAT? 
Penalicious: guys they're selling candy canes 
Penalicious: a girl in class is talking about it 
Vi: it's supposed to be like a secret santa thing i think 
Wil: yeah, I ordered one 
Penalicious: OMG FOR WHO :0000
Wil: it's not for you guys to know 
Wil: i'll think about it, maybe if I'm in the christmas spirit i'll tell you guys 
Vi: guys the water fountain broke :( 
Vi: the waters too cold 
Hiro: i have an extra water bottle if you want 
Vi: yes please, thank you 
Violet waited a bit outside by the water fountain, and soon enough Wilbur came out. Violet smiled as he shut the classroom door before walking with her around the halls. 
"So, who'd you get a candy cane for?" Violet asked, a smug look on her face. From July to now, the two had been what others would call harmless flirts. Usually the banter would be started by Wilbur, but upon recieving new information, Violet decided otherwise. 
"I don't know, I guess we'll just have to wait and see." Wilbur shrugged, turning his nose up playfully. Violet giggled as the two walked around for a bit, just wasting time. It was the last period of the day, which was better since almost everyone was trying to just get the day over with. 
"My moms having a dinner for my dad later, if you want you can join us. I'm sure she'd be happy to see you." Wilbur said, knowing that Franny had been dying to see Violet. 
"Sure, I'll go. Should I bring a gift?" She asks, and Wilbur shakes his head. 
"You don't have too. It's just because one of his inventions finally got approved for mass production, so my mom wants to celebrate." Wilbur said as the two stopped outside of her class. 
"That's good for him, since he's up in his lab all the time." Violet says, checking her phone to see Penny spamming her with texts. The bell would be ringing soon. 
"Go to class, we have a few minutes left."Violet said, standing up a little more to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. He smiled before taking hold of her hand, kissing over it. It was something he did often, since he had been to nervous to actually kiss her again, at least without asking her. 
Violet entered class to see Penny waving a candy cane around. Violet's eyes widened as she took her seat. "You got one?" Violet asked, before Penny shook her head, putting it on Violet's desk. 
"No, but you did." She said, poking her. Violet took hold of the candy cane, reading the note attached to it. 'Merry Christmas Violet.' Was all it said, with a small heart next to it. Then, the bell rang, everyone getting up from their seats quickly. Violet and Penny walked out into the hall, talking about the candy cane. Penny said she needed to go to her locker, so Violet followed, the two continuing their conversation. 
"Who would send you one? Maybe it was brick? Before he got back with Blossom." Penny said, but Violet shook her head. 
"No, I don't think he ever really liked me like that." Violet said, before Penny gasped. 
"What about Dipper?" Violet almost let out a laugh. Had she been a more honest, less secretive friend, she would've told her it was Wilbur. But she let Penny have her fun being a detective. 
"It could be, but it's been a whole like," Violet stopped to count. They had broken up in May of last year. So, eight months. "Eight months, he wouldn't still try to be with me after that long. At least I hope not." Violet said, before Penny nodded, putting some books in her locker. She did care about Dipper, they had been together for five months, but they both agreed they were better off as friends. To her knowledge, he hasn't had another girlfriend since. 
"Eight months of what?"Hiro asked, opening Penny's door to look at himself in the mirror. 
"Dipper and Vi." Penny said, not noticing the way Wilbur tensed at the mention of it. He was actually friends with Dipper, until he got with Violet. "We're trying to figure out who got her a candy cane." Penny said, grabbing her gym bag from her locker to take it home for the day. Hiro's eyes widened before trying to cover up his expression, 
"Oh, that makes sense. But they broke up a while ago." Hiro said, and Violet nodded. Wilbur shrugged, fixing his bag on his shoulder. 
"We can talk about that later. I'm hungry." Wilbur said, and Penny closed her locker, pointing down the hall. 
"Then let's go. Have we decided where we're getting food?" Penny asked, and Hiro shrugged. 
"I dunno, Vi it's up to you." Hiro said, before Violet thought as they all walked down the hall, making their way out of the school. 
"Why don't we get pizza? I'm sure they have fries on the menu somewhere." Violet said, and Penny nodded happily. 
"Oh yes, pizza sounds good right now." She said, and Violet laughed. Violet took out her headphones and put one in, before offering the other to Penny, who shook her head as a no, deciding to engage in the conversation Hiro and Wilbur had stirred up. Violet put both headphones in as they walked out of the school, the courtyard filled with students. Violet had looked down, checking to see if her mom had sent her a message, before she saw she had actually gotten a message from her friend Luz. 
Luz was in and out during the semesters of the year, and she had decided to go back to her other dimension to spend the winter break there. 
Luz: Hey! My friends from the 'other side' wanna meet you! Is that okay? If not I can tell them you aren't feeling up to it. 
Luz: Plus, Amity is here ;) 
"Hey guys." Violet said, taking one headphone out. They stopped and looked at her, stopping on the side of the courtyard. "I'm gonna meet up with a friend real quick, you guys head to the pizza place, I'll be there soon." Violet said, not really giving them a time to answer. Penny raised a brow as she watched Violet quickly walk through the crowd. 
"Is she okay?"Hiro asked, before Wilbur shrugged. 
"Maybe we upset her?" Wilbur asked, before Penny shook her head, starting to walk again. 
"No, when she's upset she doesn't really say anything. Maybe she just wants to see her friend." Penny said, fixing the strap on her shoulder bag. Hiro huffed, pulling on his own bag straps. 
"But when do we not know her friends? Aren't we like the only people she talks too?" Hiro asked, before Penny scoffed. 
"Please, Violet actually has a good number of friends. She meets them through art class, and music too." Penny said, and Hiro felt uneasy. 
"So I have more competition? Is that what I'm hearing?" He asked, and Wilbur chuckled as they rounded the corner, walking down the street. 
"It's only competition if you let them think they have a chance." Wilbur said grinning. 
"Violet! You made it!" Luz said happily as she saw Violet walk over quickly, shivering a bit. 
"Yeah, I'm going out with friends for pizza in a bit so I thought I would come say bye before you leave." Violet said hugging Luz. She smiled as they pulled away, waving to Amity. She had met Amity before, on the first day of school actually. Amity seemed calm, before she stepped to the side to show everyone else. Violet had also met Eda and King, who she thought were actually very funny. 
"Hey kiddo, how's it been?" Eda asked, pulling Violet into a side hug while King hugged her leg. 
"It's been alright, confusing." Violet said, and Eda gave a sad smile ruffling her hair. 
"You're tough kid, you got whatever your dealing with." Eda said, before looking to Luz who motioned to everyone else. 
"Violet, these are my friends! This is Willow and Gus, from school." Luz said, and Willow smiled calmly wile Gus grinned a bit. Willows hair was almost a teal color, and she had large glasses. She was around Luz's height, and she smiled sweetly waving. Gus was on the shorter side, around an inch shorter than Willow. His eyes were big and so was his smile. Amity then moved to the other side of Luz, gesturing to two other people, one with longer green hair, and the other with short green hair. Both were dressed in fur coats and warm gloves. 
"These are my siblings, Edric and Emira. They insisted on coming along." Amity said with an eye roll, and Emira just smiled, walking over to Violet. 
"You must be Violet. My brothers been very excited to meet you." She winks, and her brother blushes. Violet's eyes go wide and she lets out a nervous laugh. 
"Oh, I-I couldn't understand why. But I'm flattered." She said smiling to Edric. This was gonna be a lot of explaining later. 
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kvjohansen · 2 years
Progress on the Guitar Kit
The sanding and staining is done. I started with the neck and head, as less daunting. Dark oak on the head, forest green on the neck. For the neck, I rubbed it on and off fairly quickly and then put the dark oak over it, which gave a nice effect. And then ... the quilted maple top of the body before I lost my nerve. It's a very thin veneer. So, sanded, stained it dark oak, stained the sides and sort over the edge onto the back (the body, like the neck, is mahogany). Sanded the back to fade the dark in. Sanded the front down, nervously, because I enjoy sanding and that makes it way too easy to go too far on veneer. Once I was finally happy with that, I applied emerald stain to the front, using 0000 steel wool to rub it on and then rubbing with a dry cloth to even it and make sure I didn't get lap marks.
I hadn't been taping bits off, other than the fretboard, because I was finding that the tape was lifting splinters from the mahogany. Also, all the curves that fade into one another make deciding on edges tricky. I mostly wanted the two greens and the brown to fade into one another. However, I went over the edge onto the sides a bit with the emerald where I didn't want to, so once I was done the front and it had dried I did the sides with emerald and then went over that again with the oak, before doing the back with forest overtop the oak fade. It's not noticeable enough to be called a 'burst'. (And does one do bursts on the back? Well, why not, I mean, it's your guitar and you'll see the back, even if nobody else does.)
I find the Saman water-based stain does raise the grain, even though it says it doesn't, so after the first bit I did I took to wiping over the wood with a damp cloth and then giving it a final light sanding, just a touch, with 400, and that prevented that. Using 0000 steel wool to apply it, rubbing it around with a clean cloth after, made for a rich, dark colour and very even application. I had used a cloth on the neck, which made for a less saturated colour, but that was an effect I wanted there.
So, now the staining is all done and I need to glue it. Solo recommends gluing the neck before starting the finishing on set-necks, but I decided that handling it for sanding and staining was going to be easier in two pieces.
The plan is to use Tru-Oil as a finish, if I can get some. From what I can tell, it's mostly luthiers and guitar-kit makers who use it, and it's almost impossible to find in my deer-hunting province, so why do they even bother calling it gunstock oil? Call it guitar-oil and get Solo to carry it!
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soloroleplaystory · 1 year
The next Friday arrives. I've been playing my online games more during the week, while still getting my work done.
"Hello little bunny. May I have the pleasure of escorting you to the party tomorrow night? I will not begrudge you if you want to dance with anyone else, but I would be honored if you'd stay on my arm all night. I'll provide anything you need, so long as you allow me to care for you. ~The Wolf."
How am I supposed to reply to that? I want to dance and have fun with anyone, but it's comforting dancing with him. After a long time, I finally reply.
"I am flattered that you like me so much. I enjoyed dancing with you very much. I've never really been in a relationship... Would you be upset if I ask you to allow me to have some fun before I dedicate to one person?" I type, breathing deeply. "You make me feel nice, but I don't want to lead you on."
A reply doesn't arrive until just before I start to get dressed. "I am willing to let you explore your desires. I simply hope you'll give me the chance to be the answer to those desires." The Wolf replies. "I will meet you at the door."
Something about that makes me shudder in excitement.
I put a little more effort into this outfit, with a black button up and some black skinny jeans. How long have these actually been in my drawer? Now's as good a time as any to wear them, I guess.
I'm less nervous as I reach the house holding the party. Knowing someone is actually waiting for me is really nice.
The door opens before I can knock, the wolf standing over me. I can't see his face, but I can tell he's smiling at me. He takes my hand and brings it to his lips, as if kissing it.
I hardly remember the night. Dancing, playing beer pong, true college stuff. The music was always too loud for conversations, which is why a lot of people come here.
I won a game of beer pong, but it was only because the Wolf helped me. Feeling him press against my back, his arms wrapping around me to position my shot, it was magical. It got me... Well, very turned on.
After the game, I was very tipsy. Some of the cups had shots instead of beer, so I'd had a lot more than last week. The Wolf takes my hand, guiding me to a slightly quieter room on the other side of the house. He keeps smiling at me, but I haven't really stopped babbling since the 3rd tequila shot I had.
The room is dimmed, with a massive pile of pillows and blankets inside. The parties are so consistent that they have these items for any guest sleeping over. Something in my head wants to be scared, but it's really hard to be with the Wolf.
I wake up, nestled in a pile of blankets. The room is unfamiliar, and my head is aching. What happened? Aside from the hangover, nothing is hurting. Well, except where I smashed my knee into the pong table.
I look at the nightstand, where my phone is plugged in along with a bottle of water and two travel packs of Advil. Beneath the bottle is a note.
"My dear bunny,
It was a joy to spend the evening with you. When I noticed you were starting to fall asleep, I brought you up to the guest room. The door is locked to give you the space to rest. When you are feeling ready to leave, send a text to this number #000-000-0000. I will be there shortly to escort you back to the main campus.
~The Wolf."
How had I gotten this lucky? But... I also don't want to burden him. After putting myself together as best as I can, I quietly slip out of the frat house.
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kickingupdust · 1 year
Virtual Entry #21
Fuck you and your stupid fucking 000000 00000. You're a poser if I ever met one. I never thought someone could be so fucking 0000 and far removed from acting like a human being. 
Fuck, okay. The 00000 actually look really nice. I am sure they look even better in person. I am just MAD. 
I feel like an experiment lately. Like someone is up in the sky laughing, crying, cheering, and booing. Rooting for me when I do what they think is good, and sighing in disappointment when I fuck up. 
I am sure someone is out there pulling some strings. Maybe not in the sky, per se, but somewhere above me. Another plane of existence, another level of consciousness. 
I have been seeing a lot of hawks lately. Osprey. 
I feel like they are watching over me. I have started keeping a close eye out for them.
I have noticed there is one very large hawk that perches in the same tree every day, and I quite look forward to seeing it sitting there on my way home from class. I would like to think it sits there just for me. 
Ah, inflated self-importance.
I have decided I am done with love for the foreseeable future. I do not want to be toyed with any longer. I have bad taste, and flimsy boundaries. Horrible combo for a relationship. 
The last guy I dated really did a number on me. 12H synastry *sigh*. 
I really am just tired of seeking love in other people when it’s inside me. I shower others in the love I wish to receive myself. It’s a bad character flaw, it’s codependency, it’s unhealthy. 
I have mastered most other aspects of health; healthy eating, staying active, nurturing familial connections, loving and caring for my pets, self-reflection, idk I am sure there are other things I can add to this list. 
I have come a really long way, but I am really dumb when it comes to romantic love. I expect too much and not anything at all at the same time. I have silent expectations, and then become frustrated when they aren’t met. People are not mind readers! 
I need a serious break from trying to love someone in a relationship. It’s not for me right now. I need to work on myself and my boundaries, and on loving myself. 
I have met a lot of amazing people at this low low point. I have felt unlovable, unacceptable, rejected. I have felt like I am not good enough, and like no one will ever love me or care for me, even as a friend. I reached a point of complete devaluation. I could not see why anyone would want to be around me, speak to me, anything. I was so extremely insecure. And all of the sudden I began meeting people who had been through similar things, felt the same way, and like me, they are searching for a way out. 
I always feel like I struggle socially but in meeting these people at school and online, I feel like I am finally finding community and feeling like I belong somewhere. I am finding love everywhere, and starting to love my life again. I am starting to live. 
I have moments where I devalue myself again, small instances make me question all of the progress I have made. I falter at times, but I still stand tall. 
My moods are still all over the place, but I have accepted so much about myself and the treatment I have endured, and realized why I have accepted the treatment I have. 
I am more confident. I am happier, and whole. I still do not think I am where I should be, but I am showing myself kindness and extending to myself the grace that I so commonly only give to others. 
I try to show kindness to others where I can, give people compliments, tell people hello, and entertain small conversations when the opportunity comes present. 
I am releasing my bad habits. I am battling my addictions, and I am reaching out for help when I need it. 
I am beginning to be honest with those around me about how I feel, and not being embarrassed at their reactions. 
I am making progress, and I am proud. 
I am finally proud to be me, and I cannot wait to see what the future holds.
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veworextreme · 2 years
Windows xp media center edition 2005 download dell
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Is there any way to get the 64 bit back and running without messing up my computer or any of the software that I've downloaded. I have a Compaq Presario SR2093X and using Microsoft Windows xp media center edition 2005. Support for Windows XP ends this coming April,Īnd it isn't wise to continue running any version of it. It will tell you there.Īnd one other point. Were many problems with it and almost no advantages.Īlso, are you sure you are running 32-bit? Hold down the Windows keyĪnd press Pause|Break. Why? Especially for 64-bit XP, it's probably not a good idea. I 'm not for sure how this happened but I'd like to be running 64 bit. When downloading a program to run on my computer, I was told I had to be running a 64 bit and that I was running a 32 bit. * TM, (R) mark is not specified in this text.On Thu, 05:13:06 +0000, PatriciaHinds wrote: SonicStage is a registered trademark or a trademark of Sony Corporation. Under using this program, we have no responsibility for the direct or indirect loss accomplished, or related and produced damages, etc.The user may not transfer and copy this program, and not grant to use it within the given use by Sony. This program has the copyright protection.
DO NOT use this download service for Macintosh, Windows 98 / 95, Windows NT, or other OS.
This provided download service is exclusive use for PC under pre-installed Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005, Windows XP Media Center Edition 2004, Windows XP Media Center Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows 2000 Professional (Service Pack 3 or later), Windows Millennium Edition, and Windows 98 Second Edition ONLY.
Please follow the procedure, and download make proper use of this program.
Sony will not take any responsibilities in case of damages of sets occurred by not following the below notices. Please read carefully the following notices.
Confirm the PC is connected to the Internet.
If "MD Simple Burner", "Net MD Simple Burner", "OpenMG Jukebox" icon is displayed on the task tray, remove the icon from there.
Once the download of "SonicStageInstaller.exe" is completed, please follow the steps below to install to the SonicStage on your computer. Note: Do not make the system go into a suspend, sleep, and hibernation mode during the download. If the file size is not the same as the file size showing above, try to download the file again.
After the download is completed, select - in the Explorer to check the file size.
Follow the instructions on-screen dialog box.) (The download of above file will be started, clicking "I accept" button below this page.
Download the following file on the folder created at Step2.
Assume the folder is named "ss_dl" and it is made in C drive.
Set up the folder for storing the downloaded file on your hard disk.
Please follow the steps below to download the SonicStageInstaller. And you must log on with the user name "Administrators" or "Power Users" to use the SonicStage software. You must log on as "Administrators" to install the SonicStage software. * For Windows 2000 Professional (Service Pack 3 or later) To install this software, you must log on with a user name with "Computer Administrators" as an attribute. * For Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 / Windows XP Media Center Edition 2004 / Windows XP Media Center Edition / Windows XP Professional / Windows XP Home Edition It will take quite a bit of time depending on the Internet environment. The installation time is 4~10 minutes approx. The installed file will differ depending on your PC environment. (When executing "SonicStageInstaller, Internet connection will be needed.) After executing "SonicStageInstaller", only the files needed for your computer will be downloaded and then SonicStage will be installed.
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shuntarooo · 3 years
Sneaky Stares and Smiles.
Character: Kazuha
Summary: you’ve had to gaze at him for a while, and you just now noticed that he was also staring at you with the same adoration you had in your eyes. 
warnings: none
gender: neutral
reblog if you liked/enjoyed it!
more content utc
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If someone asked you if you would instead stare at the man or listen to your math teacher, you would rather listen to your teacher even if you hate that subject. But here you are, staring at a man instead of listening to the boring lesson. Not just any man, though; it's KAEDEHARA KAZUHA, the boy you've liked for a while now. You like listening to his haikus because you find him talented doing so; you also want how the wind caresses his soft hair. You like everything about him; in short, you adore him. Unfortunately, your friends had noticed this and started teasing you.
But you didn’t expect that he adores you too, more than you love him. One time, Venti, his friend, told you that whenever you weren’t around, he would say to them how amazing you are without even realizing it. The thought of him describing how great you are made you blush; I mean, THE Kazuha complimenting you? Sign me up! But you took this as a joke and went on with your day. There’s no way he would do that, right? 
Oh Archons, how wrong you were.
The other day, you saw him with his friends at lunch. They seem to be discussing something, so you didn’t mind it, but what made your curiosity grow was the sound of your name coming from someone’s lips.
“You do know that (y/n)’s there, right? Ooh, I think they heard us!” Venti teased, making you look down to the floor. But as you did, you saw him look at you and- 
You shook your head to clear your thoughts and looked away; since you didn't want him to think that you were some kind of creep, you slowly looked at him and saw him. He was smiling, looking at you with total adoration in his eyes. Heat crept up to your cheeks as you shyly smiled back at him. He pointed to his table as if he was saying something to you, you looked down at your table, and a folded paper was placed on it. You unwrapped it and read what was written, 
"Call me :)
(0000) xxx xxxx
I'll see you later –Kazu."
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a/n: ngl i’m very proud of this
taglist (open): @starglitterz (send an ask if you want to be added)
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oakiyo · 4 years
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Tutorial - How I Clayify Alpha Hairs:
A long awaited tutorial on the method I use to clayify hairs to a maxis match palette and texture. I won’t be going over the basic functions of blender and general S4S, so consider this tutorial to require previous blender / meshing knowledge.
Tutorial beginning under the cut:
Step 1:
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Open your alpha hair of choice in S4S. (make sure to check the creators T.O.U to make sure you’re not breaking any of their rules).
Step 2:
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Come out of that opened hair, and find a suitable texture to use as a base to re-uv map the alpha to. In this case, I’m using this hair from Eco Lifestyle. (I’ll put the textures up for download if you don’t have the pack).
Step 3:
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Once saved and named, extract all 18 of the EA swatches and the maps.
Step 4:
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Now, go back to the alpha hair, add a new swatch, and import the texture in which you want to work with in blender.
Step 5:
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Extract the file and sort through all the cuts on the side until you find the one that is just the full mesh.
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The full mesh will (or should) always the “0002″ cut. Delete ALL the other ones.
Step 6:
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This is where the difficult part starts. To start with, I open the mesh and it’s texture, then select all the mesh with ‘A’  move all the UV off the texture with ‘G’ to the side, as pictured.
Then, I go through the mesh one by one and scale it to the mm texture. As shown below:
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I basically go through the ENTIRE mesh doing this separately to every selection using link selection (L on your keyboard) until every part is UV mapped correctly.
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These are some of my favourite spots for moving the uv to. They have the best shadows / dark edges to light highlight ratio lol.
Step 7:
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You should eventually end up with a mesh that looks like this when completely retextured. Now we need to decimate the mesh so that it loads faster in game and is way less polys. 
Step 8:
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Go into object mode and select your mesh, then navigate over to the wrench panel and add a decimate modifier then adjust to these settings.
(you can mess around the ratio, but just remember that the lower the ratio the ‘uglyier’ the mesh lol)
(more knowledge on how reducing polys +vertices work)
Step 9:
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Now, use Shift + D and duplicate your mesh another two times for a total of 3.
Then order each one to the following cuts going downwards. So in the case of this photo it’d be “s4studio_mesh_6″ and the cut would be 0000 then so forth for the other two.
Step 10:
Save the file and create a brand new s4s mesh file.
Import the mesh and all 18 diffuse textures alongside the normal and specular map.
(You’ll need to make a shadow map as alpha hairs don’t use them)
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Step 11 (optional):
You now need to make hat chops, LOD’s, and a shadow map - these are optional steps, the hair will work without them, but will not be hat compatible and will look weird in game when you zoom out. I’ll link some tutorials below of how to do these steps:
Hat chops:
blogsimplesimmer tutorial
grimcookies tutorial
LOD tutorial:
sims4studio tutorial
Shadow map tutorial:
theslyd tutorial
greenllamas tutorial
aharris00britney tutorial
Step 12:
Save and load into game!
I hope this tutorial helped! Of course I am no expert, this is just my method and it seems to work for me. If you have any questions of struggles please let me know and I’ll do my best to help you! 
Also, if you notice any spelling errors or parts that do not make sense, please message me with a photo and I will rectify it! 
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