#Theater Freiburg
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paula-mierzowsky ¡ 1 year ago
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MINA-Oder die Reise zum Meer
Ein MiniballadenĂśperchen von Anno Schreier
Regie: Miriam GĂśtz
BĂźhnen- und KostĂźmbild: Paula Mierzowsky
FlĂśtistin: Clara Giner Franco
Bariton: Francesc Ortega i Marti
Auftraggeber: Opera Factory Freiburg
Premiere: 8.10.23, E-Werk Freiburg
„Mina muss hinaus in die Welt. Zusammen mit ihrem schwarzen Schäfchen, das sich Wölkchen nennt, folgt das Mädchen dem Lauf eines Bachs. Auf ihrem Weg entdeckt sie die Zauberkraft der Musik, besteht mit ihr große Abenteuer und macht dadurch ihre Welt Stück für Stück ein bisschen freundlicher und fröhlicher. Und als Mina und Wölkchen nach dem Kampf mit dem Drachen am weiten Meer ankommen, da erleben auch die beiden das kleine große Glück.“ (Anno Schreier)
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brezelzeit ¡ 6 months ago
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OC info post! **completely nonpolitical, the time period this character is from and what he's associated with I do not endorse, but this should go without saying (ironically tho this character sorta ends up working against the bad things associated with that anyway tho lol)** Name: Tobias Schnur Born: September 28th, 1895, near Freiburg am Breisgau, Baden-WĂźrttemberg, Germany Occupation: Gestapo officer (rank: Kriminalrat (Major)) Height: 5'8" Gender: Male Physical description: Average build but slightly chubby, upturned nose, small beady eyes, soft in the face and belly, balding receding hairline on the sides, small silver vintage style wire frame round glasses Hair: Dark brown Eyes: Blue Clothing: Black suit, black fedora, red, black, and white striped tie, and occasionally a leather trench coat, although he does wear other suits and coats from time to time
Personality traits: Shy, quiet, calm, submissive, analytical, loyal, rational, anxious (he is calm but it's mostly a cover for this, fortunately he and/or others take care of this mood for him often), cynical, intimidating (to those he interrogates), mischievous, withdrawn, detached, sweet, caring, distrusting, skeptical, polite, warm, careful, melancholic, insecure, nervous, awkward, helpful, curious, inquisitive, easily embarrassed, thoughtful, sensitive, laid-back, hardworking, sarcastic, disciplined, cowardly, independent, capable, creative, romantic, friendly, playful, modest, cooperative, controlled, composed, inhibited, good mannered, inviting, seductive, passive, pessimistic, uncomfortable, intuitive, a wallflower Orientation: Gay MBTI profile: ISTJ Enneagram profile: 6w5 Likes: being alone with his thoughts, his boyfriend Dieter, daydreaming, creating, reading books, nature, keeping to himself, peace and quiet time, routine; doing things the way he is used to, feeling calm, self-care, his dog Schmutzig, playing accordion, detective work, sleeping, his patience Dislikes: the fact he can be very needy, his insecurities, being unhappy and unhappy people, immature and selfish behavior in others, overprotective behavior, feeling like he is unattractive, not knowing how to solve certain problems, people with attachment issues, his anxiety problems, being sickly, seeing those actually enjoy torture (he has to do it for work but he almost never takes sadistic pleasure in it, unless it's a very rare case that he has a personal conviction/attachment towards- he finds the behavior of some other Gestapo men insanely cruel), being bullied (both the memories from his past as a child and other Gestapo being a jerk to him for not being as cruel), loud noise, people yelling
Hobbies: playing accordion, reading, drawing, cooking, shopping for clothes, golf, soccer, swimming, going to the movie theater, listening to radio shows, collecting stamps Socio-economic status: lower middle class, leaning poor, born and raised on a farm in the off-skirts of a city Afflictions: has an illness- brought about due to a bad reaction to mustard gas in WWI. He tends to sweat profusely, get stomach aches, fatigue, nausea, randomly, although not everyday. Parents' names: Arnold and Beate Schnur. Favorite food: Cheese spaetzle with bacon or ham and onions and asparagus Speech patterns: pauses a lot and tends to interject "hehe" randomly into conversation. Has a breathy, soft, nasal voice; sort of high pitched, can get whispery at times. Here's a post about my main character/main ww2 OC Tobias "Tobi" Schnur! Most of these pics are older art I don't like as much now that I've improved a bit more, but it's all I have that's finished and on hand of him atm. Above is a bunch of basic facts about him!!! He's sort of inspired by/based on Toht from Indiana Jones in looks and clothing and mannerisms, but personality wise is a much better person and a bit more sympathetic. And more human, more 3D. And a heeeeccckkkk of a lot fruitier heheehhehe
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prairiesongserial ¡ 3 months ago
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Imani set the intercom receiver back in its cradle. Gabler had started barking orders as soon as the PA was off. A child stowaway on an international train journey was a huge ordeal with a dozen protocols. All hands would commence a search of the train; local police would have to be involved.
Imani tuned Gabler out. She walked out of the staff area. The train cars were flooded with new passengers boarding from Freiburg, dallying in the aisles with their suitcases and children underfoot. Someone asked her in Dutch if she would help him with an oversized piece of luggage. Imani ignored him; she turned back the way she’d come and took the stairs up to the second level. She passed quickly through the mostly empty sleeper cars–in fact, she was in an all-out sprint.
She wanted to see the princes. Just get eyes on them. It would make her report more accurate if she could document everyone’s movements accurately. And if she couldn’t find them, she’d at least be able to confidently report that she’d given all her effort. It wasn’t even her job to watch the princes. She was here for Graves and Lecter. But since they’d all been traveling together, she was sure Cataldi would expect some follow-through. The movements of deposed heads of state naturally trumped Imani’s assignment.
Imani was an uninvolved observer–that was her mission. Naturally, she needed to know where the princes and Cassidy had disappeared to so she could keep her timeline organized. The most likely spots were the dining car or bathroom, if the move had been self-motivated. Imani would strike those locations first, and if she still hadn’t found them, she’d take up the drinks cart again for reconnaissance on the lower deck.
Imani caught herself doing a poor job of controlling her breathing as she hurtled through the sleeper cars. That was ridiculous. She was only running for the sake of time-efficiency. She was not running from anything, and she certainly wasn’t running to save the day. If the princes were assassinated, they were assassinated. It would be unfortunate if Imani was unable to piece together who had done it from the evidence, but that was nothing to injure a lung over.
Imani changed her breathing pattern with intention as she ran, listening to her heart rate stabilize. After she’d confirmed the location of the princes, she thought she might change into civilian clothes and sit herself with Graves and Lecter for the rest of the journey. She really didn’t want to get entangled in Gabler’s twenty-step child abduction prevention protocols.
The sliding door closed behind her with a bang as she entered Sleeper Car 8. A man in a gray suit had his back to her. It was one of the Russian agents. He was slowly piecing together a sniper rifle, though at the sound of Imani’s heels and break-neck pace, his head whipped around.
Imani, uninvolved observer, kicked him in the back. 
She tried, anyway. Yuri was turning around, so the point of her heel got him in the kidney. He doubled over. Imani gave him a chop to the back of the neck and kept running. She heard the gun and related bits and bobs fall to the ground, but she wasn’t going to wait around to see if Yuri got back up again. Imani was well aware that she had the element of surprise and little else going for her in a fight.
Well, she had a gun. But Yuri Ostrovsky had a bigger one.
Imani made a frustrated, muffled yell as she picked up her pace through Sleeper Car 8 and Sleeper Car 9. Now she’d done it. She was cooked. Cassidy must have sensed this coming and moved the princes–Imani was already writing her report in her head–but the problem with making moves was that your opponent also took their turn.
Imani had goosebumps all over her body. She’d never assaulted another agent in the field. It wasn’t her job. This was the European theater–their assassinations, their business. She was only here to spy. It was an affront for an uninvolved observer to start moving the chess pieces around, a breach of inter-agency etiquette that would have Imani reamed out by the boss–if she even made it to a telephone before–
Imani wasn’t going to finish that thought. Fearing death was just dying twice. Instead, Imani imagined Cataldi receiving her report straight off the typewriter, his face turning red as he scanned each line, before he finally tossed it down in fury. She could practically hear him dictating her Notice of Dismissal out to the steno. That was the future she was aiming for. The door to survival was quickly closing, but Imani was confident there was still a way. She’d be able to make her report. She would live long enough to reach a telephone. She wouldn’t be able to continue following Graves and Lecter, let alone the princes–she’d have to abandon the assignment. She would have to change clothes immediately, slip in among the passengers, and disembark at the next stop. Imani wouldn’t know what happened to Graves and Lecter, and she wouldn’t know which faction took–or killed–the British princes. That was how she survived. That was probably the only way she survived.
Imani caught herself breathing irregularly again, and with a growl of frustration, refocused on her running form.
Cataldi was really going to lose it. She could hear him now: “Did you forget the difference between a spy and a babysitter? Some fucking field agent–I pay you way too much if you’re going to moonlight as a nanny on company time.”
Imani released her gun from its holster at her thigh, the metal warm from her body heat. It was just a tiny .22. It would have been small enough to fit in the palm of her hand if it wasn’t equipped with a silencer, but she’d rather have it ready than not when Ostrovsky caught up with her.
Imani flung open the door to the dining car. Heads turned. A woman let her book fall closed. A couple playing cards paused mid-deal. Javi’s head peeked out from behind the pastry case.
Cassidy and the princes were sitting by the window. A chill went down Imani’s spine. Cassidy had turned around in their seat; they were staring right at her, glaring with such intensity that Imani realized Cassidy must have made her. Is that why they had brought the princes up here? When had they realized that she was tailing them?
The two men from Car 7, Row 4 were here as well, obnoxiously breaking up Imani’s line of sight. The blond one was standing, holding a lemon danish.
“What's the hurry?” the man with the danish asked. A perfect blond curl fell across his forehead as he raised his eyebrows.
Imani’s eyes widened slightly. She felt her nostrils flare. That was Julien Dupuis. There was a picture of him behind Darvish’s desk–though not for the usual reasons. Darvish was infatuated with the Canadian assassin. She tracked his movements globally as a hobby.
It made perfect sense that Dupuis would show up now. Imani cursed herself that she hadn’t been looking for him; Russia and Italy had been out of left field, and Imani had been too distracted to see what was right under her nose. Of course Canada would send one of their best assassins after the princes, now that the political situation in England was in shambles.
Her hand raised itself. Imani shot Dupuis in the throat.
The dining car fell into chaos. Cassidy had shoved the princes under the table in a flash–before Dupuis’s body fell. The man who’d been sitting with Dupuis stared at Imani in blank shock. Then Dupuis’s body struck the table, knocking two cups of coffee and two briefcases onto the floor.
The rest of the passengers scrambled, wailing, for the far door–but they were stopped in their tracks. One of the cardinals was standing in the doorway, with no apparent plans to move out of the way. A slow smile bloomed on her face as she looked Imani up and down.
“What the fuck?” the cardinal laughed–she started in German, but seemed to change her mind the longer she studied Imani. After a long, shrewd look, she switched to English. “Who the hell are you? American?”
Imani very carefully stopped herself from looking at Cassidy and the princes–no need to reveal her whole hand if she didn't have to. The cardinal drew her pistol and turned it over in her hands, playing idly with the filigree details while she waited for Imani to reply.
Behind Imani, the opposite door slid open. The passengers had been inching their way toward that exit ever since it became clear that the cardinal was also a shady person. Now they stopped, trapped in the middle of the dining car. The hesitation on their faces gave Imani a pretty good idea of who was standing there.
24.18 || 24.20
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luxury-abode ¡ 1 year ago
The Fusion of Tech and Luxury: Top 10 High-Tech Homes in the World
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In our increasingly tech-savvy world, technology has become an integral part of our daily lives. It's no wonder that this digital wave has also infiltrated our homes, ushering in an era of unprecedented convenience, comfort, and security. From voice-controlled lighting to intelligent kitchens and state-of-the-art home theaters, the possibilities for creating a technologically advanced living space are limitless. Across the globe, homeowners with a passion for cutting-edge technology are pushing the boundaries of what's achievable, resulting in homes that stand as the epitome of technological advancement and luxurious living.
The Heliotrope - Freiburg, Germany
Shape-Shifting Apartment - Matosinhos, Portugal
Maximum Security Mansion - Evergreen, Colorado
St. James Apartment - London, United Kingdom
Switchable Skins - Baldwin Hills, Los Angeles
The Gates' Home - Lake Washington, Washington
Wine Connoisseur Haven - Los Angeles, California
La La Land Home Theater - Chino Hills, California
Techie Paradise Mansion - Kihei, Hawaii
En-Suite Sky Porches at the Hamilton Scott - Singapore, Taiwan
In a world where technology is constantly evolving, these homes showcase the remarkable possibilities that arise when luxury and innovation converge. They stand as testaments to the ever-advancing world of high-tech living.
As we've seen, these high-tech homes are at the forefront of innovation, blending advanced technology seamlessly with luxury living. If you want to dive deeper into these fascinating examples of cutting-edge living, you can read more about Most Tech Advanced Houses in the World within the original blog.
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gunnarsohn ¡ 21 days ago
Mach mal das Ventil auf – Ein Sonntag mit Harald Schmidt #BTW2025 @k_frenzel
https://twitter.com/k_frenzel/status/1888967095083249842 Deutschlandfunk Kultur. Moderator Korbinian Frenzel. Theater Freiburg, Sonntagvormittag. Kostenloser Eintritt. Wer da ist, ist wirklich da. Oder wurde von der AOK geschickt. Harald Schmidt sieht sich um. Das Publikum: Eine Mischung aus Kulturabonnenten, die immer sonntags ins Theater gehen, weil dann ihr Buchclub ruht, und Menschen, die im…
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stagepool-de ¡ 10 months ago
Konzertdramaturge (w/m/d) fĂźr Theater Freiburg (vergĂźtet)
Theater sucht Dramaturg oder Dramaturgin fĂźr Theater Freiburg in Freiburg im Breisgau (Deutschland). http://dlvr.it/T6D2ZL
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randgugotur-6 ¡ 1 year ago
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American Metal Legends VICIOUS RUMORS Celebrate 45th Anniversary with Massive Tour
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US metal legends VICIOUS RUMORS begin their monstrous 2024 tour this week on March 22nd, in Cape Coral, FL. Co-headlining with Raven from March 22 through May 4th, the band then heads to Europe to continue the celebration! More dates are expected to be added soon.
VICIOUS RUMORS and Raven have shared the stage many times over the years, however, this will be the first time these old-school metal pioneers join forces on tour. See a full list of tour dates below.
As a special feature on their 45th anniversary, VICIOUS RUMORS will perform their critically acclaimed first album, 'Soldiers Of The Night,' in its entirety for the first time in North America.
A brand new studio album is also in the works and the band will return to Europe in June where they will play at the Sweden Rock Festival with more headlining shows planned for Italy, Austria, Belgium, and Germany
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This Day In Metal
American Metal Legends VICIOUS RUMORS Celebrate 45th Anniversary with Massive Tour
This Day In Metal
American Metal Legends VICIOUS RUMORS Celebrate 45th Anniversary with Massive Tour
MARCH 19 2024
VICIOUS RUMORS and Raven have shared the stage many times over the years, however, this will be the first time these old-school metal pioneers join forces on tour. See a full list of tour dates below.
'Soldiers Of The Night' Live Across America with Raven
March 22 - Cape Coral, FL @ Nice Guys
March 23 - Panama City, FL @ Moseys
March 24 - New Orleans, LA @ Southport Music Hall
March 25 - Lafayette, LA @ Freetown Boom Boom Room
March 26 - Houston, TX @ Black Magic Social Club
March 27 - Dallas, TX @ Three Links
March 29 - Austin, TX @ Lost Well
March 30 - San Antonio, TX @ Fitzgeralds
April 1 - Phoenix, AZ @ Last Exit Live
April 2 - Los Angeles, CA @ Whisky A Go Go
April 3 - San Francisco, CA @ DNA Lounge
April 5 - Portland, OR @ Hawthorne Theatre
April 6 - Vancouver, BC @ Wise Hall
April 7 - Seattle, WA @ Substation
April 8 - Boise, ID @ The Shredder
April 9 - Salt Lake, City @ Aces High
April 11 - Denver, CO @ Marquis Theater
April 12 - Rapid City, SD @ Creative Arts Building
April 13 - Lincoln, NE @ Cosmic Eye
April 14 - Chicago, IL @ Reggie’s
April 15 - St Louis, MO @ Red Flag
April 17 - Louisville, KY @ Portal
April 18 - Detroit, MI @ Sanctuary
April 20 - Toronto, ON @ Hard Luck Bar
April 21 - Rochester, NY @ Bug Jar
April 22 - Ottawa, ON @ Rainbow Bistro
April23 - Quebec City, QC @ La Source De La Martiniere
April 24 - Montreal, QC @ Piranha Bar
April 25 - Sayreville, NJ @ Starland Ballroom
April 26 - Providence, RI @ Alchemy
April 27 - New Hope, PA @ John & Peter’s
April 29 - Baltimore, MD @ Metro Baltimore
April 30 - Raleigh, NC @ Lincoln Theatre
May 4 - Pompano Beach, FL @ Piper’s Pub
European Dates:
May 28 - DE-Frankfurt @ Das Bett
May 30 - AT-Velden @ Bluesiana
May 31 - IT-Torino @ Ziggy Club
June 1 - IT-Bologna @ Alchemica
June 5 - SE-SĂślvesborg @ Sweden Rock Festival
June 8 - NL-Uden @ De Pul
June 12 - BE-Kortrijk @ De Verlichte Geest
June 13 - BE-Bilzen @ South Of Heaven
June 14 - DE-Freiburg @ ArTik
June 15 - DE-Gosheim @ Jurahalle
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Scena z przedstawienia "Noc św. Bartłomieja" w reżyserii Eweliny Marciniak, fot. Birgit Hupfeld // 2019/Theater Freiburg
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fritz-letsch ¡ 1 year ago
Augusto Boal wirkt weiter
Das Freiburger Theaterkollektiv “Das Theater Instrumental” zeigt von Donnerstag bis Samstag, 1. bis 3. Februar, je 20.30 Uhr, und am Sonntag, 4. Februar, 19.30 Uhr, das interaktive Solostück “Boal – Go on Act” im Freiburger E-Werk, Eschholzstraße 77. Marcelo Miguel spielt Augusto Boal, einen brasilianischen Regisseur und Theaterautor, der das “Theater der Unterdrückten” gegründet hat. Boal…
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emmabraslavsky ¡ 2 years ago
Background-Gespräch ßber die Kammeroper NEUROMOON ...
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kulturwelten-e-v ¡ 2 years ago
Wie ich werde, wie ich bin - Entdecke Dein Wow!
Freitag, 21. -23. April in Sulzburg/Laufen (bei Freiburg)
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Stell dir vor, dein Leben ist ein Film: Welche Rolle willst du einnehmen?
Wir erĂśffnen einen gemeinsamen Forschungsraum, in dem du deine Idee und deine Vision von dir oder einem Projekt weiterentwickeln kannst - sei es eine kreative oder eine persĂśnliche Herausforderung. Probiere dich in neuen Rollen aus, um ungewohnte Aspekte von dir zu entdecken.
Filmemacher Sebastian Heinzel und Prozessbegleiterin Antonia Ehrhart bringen Elemente aus der Film-, Theater- und Prozessarbeit ein, um mehr Spielraum in den eigenen AusdrucksmÜglichkeiten zu schaffen. Die Arbeit mit dem Medium Film verstärkt deine Präsenz: Du wirst sichtbarer! In welchen Momenten wirkst du besonders kraftvoll und lebendig? Wann strahlst du von innen heraus?
In unserem Angebot vereinen wir kreatives Arbeiten und das Erforschen eigener Themen, so dass du auf beiden Ebenen eine wechselseitige Bereicherung erfährst. Du kannst in einen inspirierenden Austausch mit anderen gehen und dich vernetzen. Das Ziel ist es, die neu gewonnenen Erkenntnisse und Fähigkeiten in dein Leben zu integrieren.
Termine: 21. - 23. April | 20. - 22. Oktober | Fr 17 - So 16 Uhr
Kosten: 220 bis 280 € nach Selbsteinschätzung. Wir vergeben 2 Stipendienplätze. Bewirb dich bei uns mit deiner Motivation!
Ort: Kulturzentrum 3Klang, Sulzburg/Laufen (bei Freiburg)
Infos/Anmeldung: 07446-952425, Anmeldung per Mail.
Mehr Informationen HIER.
Veranstaltet von Kulturwelten e.V. in Kooperation mit HEINZELFILM
GefĂśrdert von der MFG FilmfĂśrderung Baden-WĂźrttemberg und der Landesanstalt fĂźr Kommunikation.
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kommando-himmelfahrt ¡ 3 years ago
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paula-mierzowsky ¡ 3 years ago
Z0ck3N - Eine Theaterquest durch digitalen und analogen Spielewelten
Wo: Theater Freiburg
Wann: vom 02.10. bis 26.11. (letzte Vorstellung!)
Was: Stßckentwicklung mit 2 Performer:innen ßber die Grenze zwischen Spiel und Ernst und warum wir eigentlich spielen.
Link: https://theater.freiburg.de/de_DE/spielplan/z0ck3n.16891738
Sa, 02.10. /// So, 03.10. /// Fr, 15.10. /// Sa, 16.10. /// Sa, 30.10. /// So, 31.10. /// Do, 25.11. /// 26.11. (letzte Vorstellung)
Regie Sascha FlockenBĂźhne Jens Dreske, Franziska JacobsenKostĂźme Paula MierzowskyDramaturgie Maria ObermeierMit Lena Drieschner, Alexander Redwitz
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archimaps ¡ 6 years ago
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Design for a city theater, Freiburg
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fuckyeahvanhalen86-95 ¡ 3 years ago
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Artist Presale: Thursday November 4th at 10am- 10pm local
Artist Presale Password: YOUNGGUNS
Public On Sale: Friday November 5th at 10am local
More information on all shows and tickets for all dates can be found at: https://younggunstour.komi.io
UPDATED 01.12.21
To all present ticket-holders and future ticket-buyers for the YOUNG GUNS TOUR:
We take the health and safety of the bands, road crews, local venue staff and especially our fans very seriously. Due to an abundance of caution regarding the recent COVID surge, we have decided to postpone the start of the YOUNG GUNS TOUR to February 20, 2022, in Denver Colorado. Any performance that was scheduled prior to February 20th in Denver has been rescheduled until after March 5th. The shows scheduled from February 20th through to March 5th will remain as previously announced. The show in Portland, ME originally scheduled for January 28th is canceled and all ticket holders for that event can receive a refund at point of purchase. The revised tour schedule has allowed us to add a few additional shows to the itinerary and those shows will be on sale on Friday, January 14th at 10AM local time. We can't wait to see everyone on tour and bring you an unforgettable evening of rock n' roll.
*Mammoth WVH & Dirty Honey shows on February 24 and 25, 2022 are being flipped. As such, February 24th will now be Las Vegas, NV at House of Blues and February 25th will now be Sacramento, CA at Ace of Spades.
All tickets will be honored on the respective new dates.
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• 01.28.22 - Portland, ME @ State Theatre
• 02.20.22 - Denver, CO @ Ogden Theatre
• 02.21.22 - Salt Lake City, UT @ The Complex
• 02.22.22 - Boise, ID @ Revolution Concert House
• 02.24.22 - Las Vegas, NV @ House of Blues
• 02.25.22 - Sacramento, CA @ Ace of Spades
• 02.27.22 - Reno, NV @ Grand Sierra Resort
• 03.01.22 - San Diego, CA @ House of Blues
• 03.02.22 - Los Angeles, CA @ The Wiltern
• 03.04.22 - Tempe, AZ @ The Marquee
• 03.05.22 - Indio, CA @ Fantasy Springs Resort
• 03.09.22 - Dallas, TX @ House of Blues
• 03.10.22 - San Antonio, TX @ The Aztec Theatre
• 03.12.22 - Oklahoma City, OK @ Diamond Ballroom
• 03.13.22 - Kansas City, MO @ Uptown Theater
• 03.15.22 - Milwaukee, WI @ The Rave
• 03.16.22 - Chicago, IL @ House of Blues
• 03.18.22 - Columbus, OH @ The Bluestone
• 03.20.22 - Pittsburgh, PA @ Roxian Theatre
• 03.21.22 - Fort Wayne, IN @ Piere's
• 03.23.22 - Royal Oak, Ml @ Royal Oak Music Theatre
• 03.24.22 - Toronto, ON @ Danforth Music Hall
• 03.26.22 - Boston, MA @ Big Night Live
• 03.27.22 - New Haven, CT @ Toad's Place
• 03.28.22 - New York, NY @ Webster Hall
• 03.30.22 - Sayreville, NJ @ Starland Ballroom
• 03.31.22 - Philadelphia, PA @ The Fillmore
• 04.01.22 - Baltimore, MD @ Rams Head Live
• 04.05.22 - Raleigh, NC @ The Ritz
• 04.06.22 - Charlotte, NC @ The Fillmore
• 04.08.22 - Nashville, TN @ Marathon Music Works
• 04.09.22 - Dothan, AL @ The Plant
• 04.10.22 - Orlando, FL @ Hard Rock Orlando
• 04.12.22 - Atlanta, GA @ Tabernacle
• 05.15.22 - Springfield, MO @ Gilloz Theatre
• 05.17.22 - Chattanooga, TN @ The Signal
• 05.18.22 - Charleston, SC @ Music Farm
Young Guns Tour tickets here!
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More info here!
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• 05.10.22 - Billings, MT @ First Interstate Arena
• 05.11.22 - Casper, WY @ Ford Wyoming Center
• 05.13.22 - Council Bluffs, IA @ Stir Cove - Harrah's
• 05.14.22 - Wichita, KS @ Wave
Get your tickets here!
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Get tickets for Welcome to Rockville here!
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Get tickets for Point Fest here!
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European '22 Tour Dates!
• 06.04.22 - SWE, Gävle @ Atlas Rock Festival '22
• 06.06.22 - BEL, Wilrijk @ Sportpaleis Antwerp#
• 06.08.22 - GER, Stuttgart @ Schleyerhalle*
• 06.10.22 - GER, Munich @ Olympiastadion München*
• 06.11.22 - GER, Freiburg @ Jazzhaus Freiburg
• 06.12.22 - GER, Frankfurt @ Festhalle*
• 06.14.22 - GER, Leipzig @ Hellraiser
• 06.15.22 - GER, Berlin @ Mercedes-Benz Arena*
• 06.17.22 - GER, Hannover @ TUI Arena*
• 06.19.22 - GER, Dortmund @ Westfalenhalle 1*
• 06.21.22 - ENG, London @ Islington Assembly Hall
• 06.23.22 - NLD, Groningen @ Stadspark †
• 06.25.22 - FRA, Paris @ Elysee Montmartre
• 07.01.22 - CHE, Zürich @ Dynamo
• 07.05.22 - FRA, Nîmes @ Festival de Nîmes#
• 07.07.22 - CHE, Zürich @ Hallenstadion#
* w/Scorpions # w/KISS † w/GnR
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stagepool-de ¡ 1 year ago
Maskenbildner (w/m/d) fĂźr Theater Freiburg (vergĂźtet)
Theater sucht Maskenbildner oder Maskenbildnerin fĂźr Theater Freiburg in Freiburg im Breisgau (Deutschland). http://dlvr.it/T46fl1
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