#The space time continuum or something
redglassbird · 1 year
"hey if I go against everything that I am and put on matching socks will i tear apart the space time continuum" (what I would say if I was talking to a famous scientist)
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famousinfamous · 7 months
Dex: *breaks into the registery files aka supposedly the one of the highest security databases in the whole world and while he’s doing it breaks into all the other intelligent species networks as well. Supposedly manifests at twelve but he says he’s always been good with gadgets so he probably manifested before that. Manages to restrict the abilities of a literal super elf who was ‘made’ by some on the smartest elves and gnomes to ever exist (they spent years ‘making’ her by the way.) does this all before he turns 14* litterally everyone in the series: yeah that seems normal
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alfairy · 2 years
I really hope that Silver shows up in season 2 like “Sonic, what the FUCK did you do”
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timechange · 3 months
MCFLY JULY ‘24 — video rental.
JUNE 12, 1984
“Hey Doc, can we watch this one next?”
Most sixteen-year-olds, on the anniversary of their births, would mark the occasion with a sweet sixteen party. They would not celebrate by spending the night in a garage smelling of oil, fries, and flame-broiled burgers in the company of a crazy old man and his dog.
Then again, Marty wasn’t most sixteen-year-olds, and Emmett had never been more grateful for that.
“Close Encounters of the Third Kind,” he recites, squinting a little to see the cassette tape case as Marty waves it around, offering a bemused smile. “That over American Graffiti? Or Star Wars?”
“Those are great!” Marty’s quick to defend. “But I think this one might be my favorite. I mean, all of these are my favorites, but this one…” He grins. “It’s outta sight, Doc.”
“You might even say it’s… out of this world?”
“Jesus, Doc, that was terrible,” Marty rolls his eyes and groans, but his grin doesn’t fade. If anything, it brightens. “I kinda walked into that one, huh?”
“You did,” Emmett agrees. “But go on, go on. Tell me more.” He’d seen the movie before, of course; he’d gone to see it when it first came out in theaters. Ever since he’d first seen Frankenstein as a boy, he'd tried hard never to miss a science fiction release, but seeing Marty’s boundless enthusiasm makes him want to see it all over again through his eyes.
“My dad took me to see it,” Marty explains. “I must’ve been about… nine?… And yeah, it’s about aliens, and that’s cool, but it’s about way more than that. Connection, love, and music, Doc. How music brings us all together. How it can help us save the world. That’s why I think it’s my favorite movie— if I had to pick just one, y’know? Plus… I think it’s the first— hell, maybe the only— time I remember my dad being happy. Really, actually happy. I, uh… I guess that doesn’t make any sense, does it?” He runs his hand along his upper arm, looking away as a shadow clouds his features.
“Marty, my boy, it makes all the sense in the world.” Emmett gives him a reassuring smile, squeezing his shoulder firmly. “Let’s make some more popcorn and get started.”
Marty’s smile returns in an instant.
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meadowsofmay · 11 months
gods won't let me lie how much i love travis' reactions to liam rolling incredibly, stupidly high on stealth checks for vax. every time. he is so Done with him, it's the best
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arukou-arukou · 1 year
That time in Animorphs when two space gods in a battle for good and evil take the Animorphs and pit them against the galaxy’s ultimate killing machines and these teenagers spend most of the book running for their lives until (something mumble don’t remember) and Jake finally manages to acquire a morph of these ultimate killing machines and the other Animorphs are all around him ready to restrain him because he’s about to become an ultimate killing machine, but then he says, “No. No, they’re like children. They think it’s a game” and you find out that the evil son-of-a-bitch space god has been setting his genetically engineered mutant children on planets and having them play the game of killing, but then Jake also realizes that the ultimate killing machines live in a hive mind, and he pushes through one of his own memories and that memory isn’t violent or cruel--it’s a kiss with this girl he really really cares for and he gives these children killers love so that in their next battle, the ultimate killing machine children enter the battlefield and try to kiss their playmates instead of killing them, and adult me cannot stop thinking about this.
Animorphs was a wild ride, huh.
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optimistpax · 2 years
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[ID: the “I’ve connected the dots / you didn’t connect shit / I’ve connected them.” Meme. End ID]
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celestialscribbler · 2 years
Since Pip is basically Belos's past self, then does that mean he can't hurt him physically? And since Pip does change the future, does that mean his own time becomes a split timeline of sorts?
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I'm gonna keep the exact rules I'm playing by vague for the time being (for drama) but basically treat it like a soft split timeline. Pip and Belos are still connected but he isn't necessarily doomed to become Belos. Hurting Pip would be a bad idea for Belos, but he doesn't know the that for sure.
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Thank you! That was a spontaneous decision too! The top left panel always had it but the bottom one was to empty with just black or white so I experimented!
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doctorbrown · 2 months
I'm rambling again but I really love that Clara ends up on that train at the end of pt3 and I don't just mean because I love Clara and the fact that she went through all that to go chase Emmett down (what a badass. what an amazing woman.) and tell her that she loves him and to end up with him. (Though that's everything to me anyway shhhhh.)
No, this time I mean it in the sense of it all coming full-circle and leaning into the idea that space-time is always going to try and preserve itself. That it allows for some small changes, it shapes and reforms, but it always snaps back to a particular shape (or outcome in this instance) corrects itself to avoid paradoxes of the universe-ending, time-unravelling variety.
Like, Clara dies in the original sequence of the events by falling into the ravine. Doc unwittingly changes all that by going to save her (ironically by happening to be in the right place and right time by trying to avoid meeting her at all) and creates a sequence of events in which she's now a variable unaccounted for, severely impacting the course of future history. She gets to live out her life now!
And yet, she ends up back on that train at the end of the film, barrelling toward the ravine and in the very same position to meet her end the same way it would've happened the first time, just a couple days later. As if everything played out by cosmic design over the course of those few days to lead her exactly there. And if she didn't make it into the cabin, didn't have the thought to pull the cord and blare the whistle, Doc & Marty wouldn't've realised her presence there, Doc wouldn't've turned back, and she would've fallen with the train exactly the same way. There's the timeline attempting to correct itself to that shape. (And once again Doc's the reason it can't.)
I just think it's a super neat little detail, whether intended or not I don't know, maybe I'm just seeing what I want to see, but I love it.
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dannygpino · 3 months
just a quick disclaimer: we do not stand for "louder, louder" slander on this blog.
anyways, svu era barmaro see "galileo" and nick makes countless comments about how the guy who plays galileo looks like rafael. then, they sing "louder, louder" (rafael's alessandro, nick's virginia) all the time because it's about forbidden love. thank you.
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thatsnotbuddies · 8 months
no actually feeling real emotions about nolpat being at the game tonight being at the locker room. catching up with tk. i'm . raaahhh
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[ Ooc: I will try to write some replies today. Idk why, but yesterday, when I was on the bus back home, random Data muse struck me pretty hard. Idek what triggered it lol. ]
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mbat · 2 years
man something that always bothers me in supergirl is how they treat the future. they dont treat it like a maleable thing they can just change or if something happens in the future they just go back a bit and change it CAUSE THEY CAN TIME TRAVEL?
no they basically treat it like another timeline. "oh i cant tell you about the past because it basically doesnt exist for us because of ~the dark ages~" "oh i have to go back to the future so i can fix something that happens A THOUSAND YEARS FROM NOW" like ????????????
or why they have to call specifically the current version of a character when they could call anyone from ANY point in time!
i know its basically all plot convenience but wow its annoying plot convenience. "i have to go a thousand years from now to fix the big brain" as if he has to go move to japan or something. the future doesnt run parallel to the present, it literally is an extension of the present! this bitch has all the time in the world! he could literally wait his whole life and then time travel forward to before whatever disaster happens and then merge with the big brain or whatever, but okay, needless angst with 2 episodes left in the show or whatever
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timechange · 2 months
MCFLY JULY ‘24 — all-nighter.
SEPTEMBER 19, 1984
Junior year wouldn’t be so bad, Marty thinks, if everyone would quit breathing down his neck about how this is the year that really counts. This is the year that everyone would be looking at and scrutinizing, the deciding factor in the life-or-death coin toss for the rest of his life.
His future.
Which is why he’s desperately trying to give a shit about something he normally could not care less about.
But if anyone could help him care, it’s @doctorbrown .
“What the hell does calculating the area of a graph have to do with speed?!”
…well. Even Doc can only do so much.
“You don’t actually use this stuff, do ya, Doc? I mean the graphs and junk, not like… velocity and acceleration and whatever. I get that. But this has gotta be the most convoluted…”
Marty sighs, jogging his leg, knotting his hand tighter in his hair.
“I know I’m pretty dumb, but this is next-level stupid.”
It’s gonna be a long night.
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sneakyfox55 · 2 years
Nicknames Aloe and Lull have for each other?
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groochi-gang · 2 years
why don't search engines work anymore
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