#The other cookie that's not shown is Dark Cacao
sunseed-fandump · 2 months
Let’s talk about Realm of Apathy rq and what I think this means for the next parts of the story.
And this isn’t talking about gameplay or anything like that this is purely from a lore and story perspective.
(Disclaimer that a lot of this is my own opinion and speculation based off of what we have seen so far.)
Based off of the events of Silver Kingdom and Realm of Apathy, I believe we’re really going to start getting a better idea of the extent of the Beasts powers. Their bodies might be crumbled, their spirits might be sealed, but their WILL is unrestrained; especially now that they’ve been awoken from their eons long slumber.
Twice now we have seen a Beast Cookie either completely alter reality to suit their own whims (Shadow Milk Cookie to the Faerie Kingdom) or create/maintain an entire plane of existence separate from the Real World. (Mystic Flour Cookie with the Ivory Pagoda and pretty much most of what we see in Episode 4)
The only other time we have seen this so far - to my knowledge - is Moonlight Cookie and her imperative role in maintaining the Dream World.
I wouldn’t be surprised if every Beast was capable of exerting their Will like this and creating entire domains.
This, to me, is truly a testament of their power; and if this is what they’re capable on only HALF of their original power??? Holy shit. It’s no wonder the Witches had to step in when they did. There was no way the cookies of the distant past would have been able to compete against LITERAL GODS.
Thankfully, now there’s a more even playing field.
What does this mean for the story going forward?
Well I’m not 100% certain, but I’m pretty sure with the next few Beast Updates we may or may not see their respective “domains” or realms. Representations of who they are and their ultimate desires.
I believe what we’ve seen from Mystic Flour Cookie wasn’t real, however what was shown in ep 4 was what she DESIRED to do when she obtained the means to do so (getting Dark Cacao's Resolution).
Remember, the Beasts are still in the Silver Tree. They can’t affect the real world until they are out. Shadow Milk Cookie couldn’t do so until he was able to break out during the events of episodes 1 + 2, and the moment he was sealed back up, all the circus stuff vanished. (The only wrench in the works here would be the Pale Ailment which spurred Dark Cacao Cookie into showing up to Beast-Yeast at all. The Fog was very much Real. However, considering the low number of casualties listed off by the apothecary at the end of Ep 4, AND the fact they were able to find a cure for it at all, makes me believe that this was a VERY WEAK version of what Mystic Flour had in mind.)
But you know what they CAN do??? Mentally assault and torment their Ancient Hero counterparts.
Just some food for thought :)
tl;dr: The Heroes are boutta go THROUGH IT and are gonna get BULLIED by a bunch of OLD ANGRY GHOSTS.
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crkstuffidk · 4 months
time for some beasts headcanons, share your own thoughts if you want! Also I said corrupted/corruption a lot in this post. And a lot of them are about shadowmilk, bet you can guess who my favorite it.
Shadowmilk was the last one to become corrupted in my opinion, cause you know he was the virtue of Knowledge, and with that well knowledge surely he'd be able to fight off the corruption for at least a bit longer than the others. Also I can see there being more about their corruption then we've been told/shown, I mean lies almost always contain a bit of truth so maybe there's something more in the beasts pasts that caused them to become well beasts
I like to imagine that while they were still sane or not corrupted, or whatever you wanna call it, I like to believe they might've felt the opposite of their Virtues at times, so there may have been times that Eternal Sugar felt angry and maybe got mean, and times when Shadowmilk felt like maybe he wasn't as smart, these essential self doubts for them may also have been a reason of their corruption.
I also like to imagine they had meetings or whatever similar to how the ancients have meetings, I think this is pretty self explanatory, I mean they atleast were friends.
Eternal Sugars devil wings, were originally a smaller set of angel wings, and she didn't have a devil tail either, although I like the idea that maybe she just looked like that originally too.
Burning Spices kingdom/domain is extremely hot, It just makes sense, Shadowmilk, and silent salts I see being cold, and Mystic Flours, and Eternal Sugars are a Inbetween, the silver kingdom probably was also Inbetween maybe a bit colder though.
Eternal Sugar and Shadowmilk are the closest of the beasts before and after corruption.
The beasts before corruption were called 'The divine Saviors' or just 'the saviors' which were titles given by cookies.
Shadowmilk is far sighted, which means if your far away he can't see you all that well, he wore glasses cause of this but kinda just stopped wearing them after corruption because they didn't fit the whole jester vibe, he suffers in silence for an act he's that devoted.
Burning Spice and Shadowmilk got into banters about how hot/cold the others kingdom/domain was it occasionally would end with someone throwing something at them mostly Mystic Flour and a plate would be thrown.
Eternal Sugar used to sing lullabies for orphan cookies to help them sleep, she surprisingly still did in her corruption
Even when they were corrupted they never intentionally hurt young cookies.
There were much more prowlers back in the beasts time, and not just Snowy Peak prowlers but many other kinds, Shadowmilk is/was the only cookie in history that's been able to 'tame' one.
Mystic Flour was always more aloof then the others, but constantly got hugged, mostly by Shadowmilk or Eternal Sugar.
Shadowmilk didn't create Blueberry Yogurt Academy, but he did know Blueberry Yoghurt cookie and he actually wrote some of the very old history books that can be found in the schools library he also helped build it, this was before corruption, but that's a bit obvious I'd assume.
Silent Salt if he ever speaks would have a very rough voice from not speaking in centuries. Shadowmilk would tease him for it probably
The beasts are either the first 'gods' that the Witches made but when they were sealed the Witches created the elementals, or the elementals potentially helped the Witches create the beasts with some of their essences.
Silent Salt would've probably had a similar reaction to Dark Cacao if they were accused of something like what the ancients were, this is also before corruption.
Shadowmilk if he got upset at one of the other would take off his glasses so he didn't have to see them clearly, he'd also just act like a disappointed parent in general.
And that's all for now.
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randomspagetti · 9 months
Cacao Left His Villagers to Die?
Starting off strong, let's go to the first part of the story (episode 13: Snow on the Black Wall)
We're first introduced to both Cacao and Affogato in a bad lighting. First impressions are important after all.
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An unnamed cookie comes to the wall in search of help, more importantly mentioning starvation in the village and constant attacks.
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Notice the phrasing here. Affogato uses “We” rather than “I” implying guilt on Cacaos side, or at least the other watchers, yet what we see later is the fact that Affogato had greatly understated their issues, even calling them “petitioners” and not suffering citizens.
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The cookie attempts to see the king, yet Affogato turns them away instead.
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If Dark Cacao knew about how bad it was, there would be no reason to turn them away, infact having them talk to Cacao and him turning them away would reflect more horribly than Affogato just saying no.
(Ever-closed Gate)
Next we get this scene from before
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And this is followed by Cacao being emo. But this should also be acknowledged.
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Despite Cacao being immortal and pretty powerful he's still just one man. This is followed by Affogato mentioning whispers about Cacao decision to close the gate, and when Cacao insists on it, instead of saying “no take care of your people” or even just saying okay, Affogato rewards his actions with positive affirmation.
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This is important. Affogato is verbally rewarding the behavior that has killed people outside the walls and harmed many citizens, while he actively knows the circumstances outside as previously shown.
Yet this blame is put on Dark Cacao by fans, it's blatantly aware that he doesn't know about the circumstances outside the wall, and while an argument can be attempted to be made about him being more aware about the people outside the kingdom, that's his advisor, AFFOGATO'S, job to inform him of such things.
I'm skipping (Milk Village) because I feel I'll just be addressing what I already said here ↑
Tl;dr: Cacao didn't even know what was happening outside of the walls bc affo was lying about it like he always does
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blobbycentral · 8 months
Ancient beasts CRK theory
In episode 2 of Beast Yeast, during Shadow Milk’s little plays he says that Dark Enchantress wishes to free the five beasts. To do this she says she’ll provide the five ancient beasts five cookie bodies. Though we have to take everything he says with salt, Pure Vanilla does say there is always some truth to it.
so five cookie bodies? Immediately you might think the ancient heroes bodies but Dark Enchantress never went to the kingdoms previously for the ancient cookies, she went for soul jam.
so what five cookies could she possibly sacrifice? I mean it’s not like she has five “loyal” cookies by her side.
Yeah I’m pretty sure Dark Enchantress Cookie is sacrificing the Cookies of Darkness. I have a bit of a theory of who should become who.
Pomegranate Cookie, through all the episodes, is shown to care only for Dark Enchantress Cookie. Little empathy for anyone except the darkness. Apathy, Mystic Flour Cookie’s element, is characterized as little emotion or empathy towards others.
Red Velvet, either then non-canon events, has almost never shown up with the rest of the Cookies of Darkness. He works silent in the shadows with little company. Slience, Salt Cookie’s element.
There is literally a joke in the fandom that this kid is high all the time. They can easily be seen as lazy or sloth, like Eternal Sugar’s element. Plus they seem pretty happy.
Affogato Cookie is introduced gaslighting a village girl, lying about Caramel Arrow to banish her, and manipulating Dark Cacao as his right hand the entire time. If that doesn’t scream deceit I don’t know what does. Though I doubt he or Licorice would want to be involved with this dealing of cookies at all.
I don’t exactly know where I could fit this silly guy. He doesn’t match any of the elements perfectly like the other characters. He is shown to take a liking to dark and destructive magic so I put him with the cookie of destruction but I can see him not being so.
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rosejigglypuff76 · 5 months
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Basically that one scene with Ancients in the Creme Republic, with cookies in the Cookie Run Kingdom Live Table Read!🎀
For Context: During the recent Live Table Read each of the VAs showcased did roles of other characters! 🪴
The Following was Shown: ✨ *Snow Sugar as Gingerbrave *Mango as Clotted Cream *Strawberry Crepe as Pure Vanilla *White Lily as Hollyberry *Dark Cacao as Dark Cacao
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j422m1n3 · 1 year
Golden Cheese Headcanons
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Here are some of my thoughts about the most anticipated ancient (for me at least) to celebrate her upcoming release! I started writing this a bit before any leaks came out so don't expect much about them or her new trailer.
This is a lil over 5300 so enjoy about 19 min of content.
Good stuff over the cut!
What We Know
From the bits that she's shown in the game plus some complementary materials like the art book and the kingdom jelly set in ovenbreak, Golden Cheese Cookie is shown to be just a little bit egotistical 🤏 They have an absurd number statues of herself everywhere, has holidays based off of her practically everyday, and exaggerates their achievements She is also a very organized and meticulous cookie and likes to dictate even the smallest details. She gets pretty upset when things don't go her way or when her work is messed with. She shows this through her interest in fashion (like her controlling the cheesebirds’ looks) and her maintenance of her own appearance I have to assume that her fashion style is just being covered head to toe in gold since the wiki says that she’s so bright that it’s actually hard to even look up at her Of course Golden Cheese Cookie also has an interest in gold in general. And when I say interest I mean she has the “cover your entire kingdom and yourself with it” type of interest She's also not the most honest cookie. She lies about her origins like claiming she came from a golden dragon egg when in reality she just kinda gilded an egg they found. In odyssey, Hollyberry shares that Golden Cheese is secretive and has poor time management like always being late for things Kingdom-wise, it seems like most of her subjects are birds with a few cookies which she freed from Cheedas the Mole (maybe the cookies came after Cheedas defeat?) There is conflicting info on whether or not the birds actually like her or just tolerate her. It’s said that they were eternally grateful for her saving them from Cheedas and so gave her the title of queen but it is also said that she gave herself the title of queen and the birds just let her because she is a source of wealth It's also shown that her castle is a labyrinth and is full of what looks like traps and puzzles Finally, it seems like her nation is extremely technologically advanced and it kinda reminds me of Cyber City from Deltarune.
Their Epic Origin Story
I would like to give some context on how I think the ancients met and got their soul jams because I got this idea in my head that I have no clue where I got it from and I cannot find any info that confirms it. I probably made it up, but just roll with it, ‘kay? The ancients all met on the hero’s path (or something with a really similar name, I think it’s an actual place you visit in game) and worked together to get the soul jams which were at the end of these trials. Which makes sense since these are rocks that give you magical god powers, they can’t just leave this crap out in the open. Afterwards they continued adventuring together for a bit to get used to said magical god powers.
Each of the ancients had their own reason to search for the soul jams (reasons that I just made up and that are based off the stories from the Might of the Ancients) Hollyberry wanted the soul jam to help her best the dragon she’s after as well as unify all of the Berry estates Dark Cacao wanted the soul jam to aid him in confronting the Black and White Dragons and to suppress the spread of an "anomaly” which I’m pretty sure is the licorice oozlings Pure Vanilla wanted the soul jam to help nurse and care for his fellow pilgrims(? I’m not really sure about this one) White Lily wanted to study their power and see if it could be used to make cookies stronger Finally, Golden Cheese wanted them because others wanted them. They heard that there was some legendary treasure at the end that they planned to get before anyone else. She didn’t even know that the soul jams were magical. Golden Cheese was the last to join the group and she didn’t join them immediately since she was distrustful and saw the others as competition. “I was here first so I should get the treasure >:[” She was, in fact, the last to arrive Golden Cheese was super childish back then so they taunted the others whenever the group encountered challenges that Cheese could just fly over and occasionally stole their food. Young Dark Cacao hated their ass and Hollyberry, while still somewhat irritated by their petty acts, kinda found their presence funny. Pure Vanilla didn’t really know what to think of them and White Lily always tried to convince them to join their group using facts and logic 🤓. “Logically, it would be very beneficial for both parties if you agreed to join us since together we could-” “my name isn’t logically >:/” Of course, White Lily eventually succeeded and Golden Cheese joined the party. Maybe Golden Cheese needed their help and realized having people around isn’t so bad or Cheese could’ve started helping them because they had actually grown fond of the others. But of course under a facade of them taking pity on the group or something due to her ego. Things would still be turbulent with them and the group, however, because things can never be that easy >;}. Her ass was not helpful 90% of the time. She had to be bribed or forced into doing stuff in the beginning. White Lily and Hollyberry picked up on how to convince Golden pretty quickly so it wasn’t an issue for too long but during that period of time Golden would just shove all their work onto Vanilla (he just seems like the easiest to manipulate to me). Afterwards, everyone warmed up to them minus Dark Cacao because Cacao can hold one hell of a grudge.
Surprise Dark Cacao HC: He can be petty AF and his toxic trait is that he will bring up mistakes made years ago in arguments.
Cheese would originally just ignore him and maybe even continue to mess with him, but the others would try to get those 2 to be friends or at the very least not at each other’s throats. They both refused, immediately too. Cacao didn’t even let Lily finish her sentence before he said no and then subsequently fucked off. Cheese, on the other hand, was not paying attention and just automatically said no. But Golden Cheese eventually agreed because White Lily bribed her. So Cheese begrudgingly went up to Cacao and apologized, in a very rebellious teen esque way and is clearly not sorry. So then… Dark Cacao doesn’t accept her apology and tells her to fuck off 🫢 but really what were we expecting? Golden Cheese was a little bit pissed that Cacao didn’t accept her apology but she didn’t really care outside of that, she still got paid after all After this epic fail the group just kinda shrugs their shoulders and agree to keep the 2 as far apart as possible. Over time Golden would become less selfish and more willing to help the group, without being bribed to do so! We love character development <3. She would actually become more proactive and really start to care for these weirdos. She would also start to care about how they think of her, especially how Dark Cacao thought of her because he still hated her ✨ So Golden Cheese would try to apologize to him again, on her own volition and sincerely this time …And he tells her to fuck off again 😶 Cheese tries again and again to get his forgiveness and show that she had changed but he got the soul jam of resolution for a reason so he denied them at every step. She couldn’t even actually talk to him because would do a 180 every time he saw her. I guess you can say he gave her… the cold shoulder? Ba-dum-tis (you see, the joke here is that he comes from a naturally cold environment and so his distant demeanor towards cheese is reminiscent of his homeland. The ‘cold’ of his cold shoulder is a reference to its harsh weather. You see-) I deeply apologize for my terrible joke, it will happen again. (I have been consuming too much Cyno content) Literally everyone was like “wow cacao, maybe you should give her a chance” and he’ll be like “no <3” This would ultimately blow up into an argument and because Dark Cacao isn’t known for being tactful with his words (mf is harsher than the cold of his kingdom on godddd) he would end up deeply hurting Golden Cheese. He made it very clear he didn’t trust her ☠️, didn’t forgive her ☠️, and didn’t expect much from her ☠️☠️☠️. After this she threw her hands and went “fuck this I’m out” cause who wants to be around that type of energy? White lily, however, will have none of this and would convince Golden to stay saying that she’ll deal with Dark Cacao. With some persuasion (read: time out in the corner) + some help (read: manhandling) from HollyBerry, White Lily got Cacao to agree to have a proper talk with Cheese. It’ll start awkward and slow but eventually Cacao would ask for the reasons behind Golden’s original antagonistic and trickster behavior and she would then allow herself to be vulnerable with him (aka backstory time).
For her past she could’ve gone through a betrayal akin to what Black Pearl cookie went though. Golden Cheese could’ve from a poor background or straight up just didn’t have a n y t h i n g. No family, no friends, no home, nothing. Just them, the birds, hostile moles, and colorful and shiny rocks that they didn’t know the value of. When Golden Cheese first came into existence, like most babies, they had no idea of the concept of wealth so the gold and jewels that surrounded them in their desert were just neat rocks The first time she actually met with other cookies, they talked her into giving them the treasure and in return they’ll be her friends. Of course she agreed and she searched high and low for the biggest and prettiest gemstones she could find. This would go on for a bit until one day they decide to follow them to a nearby town Where they overheard them showing off her gifts and bragging Bragging about how they got some dumb bird kid to give them so much treasure and how they’re going to get rich off of them Safe to say Golden Cheese changed after that Through that incident they learnt that money was the most important thing to cookies And through money you can get anything you want! Food, clothes, toys,… friends But they didn’t want friends anymore, they wanted riches Gold can’t lie to you, but friends can Jewels can’t use you, but friends can And treasure can do some many things cookies couldn’t Cookies don’t shine or sparkle (outside of her of course) so what the point in talking to them! DNI if you don’t shine and/or sparkle So she hoards wealth because it's the only thing she can trust and really the only thing she has. Her distrust towards others deepened because other cookies tried to trick her and when that failed even outright stole from her. And since she was still a kid at the time they took pretty much everything, forcing her to run away from the sands she called her home. This caused her to become a thief herself so she could get her belongings back as well as some extra for revenge. After that she just continued to steal because in her mind it’s a steal or get stolen from the world out there. And I think Dark Cacao would be able to relate to their loneliness and reluctance to associate with others, hell, Dark Cacao probably refused to work with the other ancients at first too Cacao would then explain that he held onto his grudge for so long because Golden Cheese reminded him of the thieves of his homeland who terrorized towns and who he viewed as selfish and dishonorable scum. But now he can tell that she isn’t like those villains and has proven that she has changed. Thanks to this conversation Dark Cacao becomes a little more empathetic to Golden Cheese’s actions, however annoying they may be With this newfound understanding of each other, the 2 reconciled and Golden Cheese was finally fully accepted as part of the group and into a found family …Which eventually fell apart because someone decided to turn into a terrorist 🙄
Their Possible Update
For this section I won’t be including much from the teaser trailer because I don’t really know how to work with it. So this is just going to be what I hope to see in the update
So both Black Raisin Cookie and Adventurer Cookie made an appearance in the teaser which makes sense, Gingerbrave and friendstm probably was sent to look for Golden for the next Council of Heroes meeting by Vanilla who also sent Raisin with them since she knows how to deal with harsh environments. Adventurer being there also makes sense because it’s the mfing Golden Cheese Kingdom, assumedly filled to the brim with treasure of course he was gonna be there. The real question is where the hell is Chili Pepper? The Cookie I really wanted to see there though was actually Dark Choco! I know he’s in some forest near Dark Cacao Kingdom but just let me have this dammit. Imagine this: Gingerbrave and friendstm are on their way to Golden Cheese Kingdom when they hear some arguing. After following the noise they come across a camp with Milk, Purple Yam, and Dark Choco! Purple Yam is shouting about how they’re lost while Dark Choco’s looking at a map and trying to decide where to go. The two groups start talking and Dark Choco explains how Milk Cookie and Purple Yam Cookie happened to find him. Of course, after realizing that Dark Choco was right in front of him Yam immediately challenged Dark Choco to a rematch and in turn Milk tried to stop him. The pair squabbled for a bit until Dark Choco just gave into Yam’s request so he could get back to his peaceful wandering. Since Dark Choco 1: probably hasn’t been training all the much during his travels and 2: most likely relied on the Strawberry Jam Sword for most of his fights as well as to compensate for his poor eyesight and is now considerably weaker without it, he probably lost the fight. He would then try to leave, completely ignoring Purple Yam’s cheers but then paused in his tracks when Purple Yam brought up their previous fight. Confused, Dark Choco would then explain how he doesn’t remember fighting Purple Yam or saving Milk. This, of course, would piss off Yam (because what doesn’t) and he’d try to think of ways to get Dark Choco to remember and Milk would suggest the idea of bringing Dark Choco into their group. Both immediately said no but Milk easily managed to convince purple Yam by saying that if Dark Choco were to join, Yam could always have a strong sparring partner to fight! Dark Choco, on the other hand, was not as easy. It really just boiled down to Milk giving him his biggest puppy eyes and explaining how Dark Choco was his hero. Dark Choco weighed his options, on one hand he doesn’t really want to be constantly asked to fight but on the other these two dunderheads could be his opportunity for redemption. After a moment, he agreed and now he’s stuck with these two for life. When asked what they’re doing here Dark Choco explains that they’re heading for Golden Cheese Kingdom as well! He knows that Dark Enchantress is going to target the kingdom eventually so he wanted to stop her before she got any stronger. The two groups combine and head to Golden Cheese Kingdom together. As seen in the teaser, Golden Cheese isn’t going to be the most welcoming and I feel like she wouldn’t believe Gingerbrave and friendstm when they explain the situation. Fortunately for her, the situation will prove itself when the Cookies of Darkness show up and start wrecking her shit (betting all my diamonds that this is what is going to happen in the update) After all the inevitable shenanigans, I wanna see Golden Cheese and Dark Choco have a heart to heart. I wanna see Dark Choco share his past with her and explain his journey to redeem himself and I wanna see Golden Cheese comfort her nephew god dammit! Dark Choco deserves a hug and Golden Cheese could give him that! After this interaction Golden will make it her duty to get him and his father to reconcile and what better place to do so than at the Council of Heroes. I wanna see Golden Cheese roll up with Dark Choco, I’d think it’ll be neat.
Leftover Thoughts
This part is just random thoughts I have about Cheese (and some of the other ancients) that didn’t really fit in any previous sections
I think Golden is the youngest out of all the ancients with the order from oldest to youngest being Holly, Lily/Vanilla, Cacao, and then Cheese. As the youngest in the group Cacao and Cheese are legally obligated to be at each other’s throats at all times, especially when they were still all adventuring together. She just brings out his immature side. Golden Cheese would do all sorts of stupid shit to antagonize him like the ‘holding their finger right next to your face but not actually touching’ thing and just repeating his name over and over. Dark Cacao could not just ignore her and took all the nonsense they said at face value. When Cacao retaliates he’s always scolded by the other 3 because Cheese has baby privileges. Since he can’t do anything himself he calls for one of the others, especially hollyberry, for help. This poor woman is so tired dealing with these two. They get into these little scraps at least once a day and one of them will always run up to her to tattle on the other She loves those 2 to death but god damn are they annoying. It had gotten to a point where the second Holly heard those two messing with each other she would hide. They always ended up finding her lmao (if you couldn’t tell, i’m pulling from experience here, lil siblings suck :] Despite her wariness of other people, Golden Cheese is a very curious person and used to be easily distractible She often wandered off on her own and unknowingly into all sorts of danger. More often than not, the other ancients would have to save her from some monster and in the end she’s the only one unscathed. So Holly would use this trait to play small pranks on Cheese. One time she made a trail of coins and pointed out to Cheese who happily picked up each one. Little did Golden Cheese know, her bag had a hole in it so she made her own train of coins. This resulted in Golden Cheese following their own trail of coins for a hot minute while Holly did her best not to laugh. Nowadays that would work so Holly just lightly pokes fun at her. One of the many things Hollyberry would tease Golden about was all the embarrassing things they did in the past Mentions of practically anything Golden did when they were younger is the equivalent of a critical hit to her ego
Surprise Hollyberry headcanon: She makes sure to remember all the embarrassing shit her friends do, she even has a journal filled with them. None of the cookies around her can sleep at night because they can’t be comforted by the fact that no one remembers that they called their teacher mom in front of everybody because Hollyberry remembers and will bring it up eventually. She doesn’t (purely) do this to tease her friends, but to record all the special moments she shares with them. And with some true queen behavior, she writes down all of her embarrassing moments too <3
One of the things Holly would bring up would be how when Golden was a wee baby bird she would always try to get out of paying for things They would do things like purposely leaving their money at home so someone else had to pay for food. (this often ended up with them having to wash dishes or just not being allowed to order because the other ancients saw through her plan immediately. Her ass was not slick) Golden Cheese had a also bad habit of… “taking things off other cookies’ hands“ and had chronic magpie syndrome in their younger years She justified it back then because they thought that they could get better use out of whatever she was stealing from someone But now as a fully fledged bird with a fully fledged wallet, she makes it a point to pay for everything. They love flaunting their riches (it helps them forget her cringefail era) and their favorite way is good ol’ retail therapy. Golden Cheese used to go through the markets of her friends' Kingdoms and buy whatever caught her eye, aka the shiny stuff. She also looks for things that her friends would enjoy like new goblets and cups for Hollyberry, interesting weapons for Dark Cacao, soft quilts and yarn for Pure Vanilla, and interesting and rare ingredients for White Lily to use Another coping mechanism of hers is just looking at stuff. Stuff of the particularly shiny variety (Which includes herself of course) Admiring their possessions, themselves, or themselves through their possessions like their reflection in a comically sized coin The mirror is practically a baby sensory video to her and she will be locked in a trance for an indefinite amount of time.
They also spend hours every day just maintaining their appearance and their possessions Golden has her own way of organizing her riches and she categorizes them all frequently. The “ Cheese Index” as dubbed by Hollyberry They take into account the standard stuff like value, size, and luster but there is one standard that is unique to Golden Cheese, taste This was just dumb elaborate way for me to say that it’ll be really silly goofy if Golden Cheese could taste the quality of precious metals and minerals. The higher quality a gem is, the better it tastes to her but all riches taste pretty good. (During their adventuring days, the other ancients had to set aside some coins just for her to snack on so she wouldn’t accidentally eat all of their funds.) When she’s not doing either of the things above, she is just lazing around, probably on top of a pile of coins which they actually find comfortable If left to her own devices, Golden Cheese could honestly spend days, if not weeks like this because they are just not very time conscious. It is also the reason why they’re usually late to things the other ancients have to tell Golden Cheese to arrive at an earlier time so they’re not absurdly late anymore, like days late When they do arrive, whether they’re late or super late, they are always the shiniest in the room In her younger years and when she was first getting into fashion, she equated beauty with how bright something was which meant that all of her first outfits were ungodly bright and hard to look at. hollyberry still teases them about how they practically blinded everyone and even sent “paintings” of their first outfits
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Fortunately for everyone’s eyes, she’s developed a less gaudy style She also had even made clothes for the other ancients because there ain’t no way they’re just gonna leave them looking like that 🫣 They don’t only care about their appearance, but also the appearance of those around them and will make sure their friends are looking their best Dark Cacao was the one she would dress up the most Every time they saw him they would pick apart and analyze every aspect of his outfit like a doctor studying a patient. She’ll be like “oh no… oh dear. it's just what I feared,.. Despite the fact that your kingdom has an ocean right next to it, it seems like you completely lack any drip whatsoever. I fear it might be terminal 😔.” She purposefully made Dark Cacao’s outfit super gaudy and revealing to mess with him. He refuses to wear it so now it sits in a closet somewhere for Dark Choco to find and have gain a whole lotta questions about what his father was up to in his younger years. When with Pure Vanilla, Golden Cheese would rant about her say. She shared their worries and strife with him and Vanilla would attentively listen to it all while occasionally giving out some advice. I just imagine the pair in Golden’s personal spa (don’t tell me she wouldn’t have one) and Golden venting about her day or them gossiping about whatever was happening in her friends’ kingdoms. Pure Vanilla would be a source of comfort and reassurance to Golden while Dark Cacao (and sometimes Hollyberry) would be a grounding force for her.
Surprise Pure Vanilla Headcanon: Pure Vanilla is a great listener. He usually doesn't add much to conversation unless prompted to and has just a very calming vibe to him. It makes people feel comfortable enough to share whatever's on their mind with him.
Golden Cheese also spends a lot of time tinkering and engineering, how else could her kingdom look like it was taken right out of a sci-fi movie if it wasn’t her doing? This is the main way they and White Lily bonded and spent one on one time together. Just working on their own projects and enjoying each others’ presence (we love women in STEM <3) Another thing they bonded over were puzzles. Golden would create puzzles just for Lily and in kind, she would bring puzzles from other nations for Cheese. Golden loved to see the other 3 struggle with puzzles as well though Cacao refused to touch one after the first time he failed. I think that White Lily would be the only ancient to know where Golden Cheese’s kingdom is, she probably just happened upon it while looking for some resources in the desert The reason why Golden is so secretive about her kingdom is because they doesn’t really view it as a kingdom They did at the beginning but over time she began to grow self conscious about it. Her kingdom is missing one crucial aspect that all their friends’ kingdoms have: Cookies to rule over I believe that the cookies arrived after the Dark Flour war with no basis whatsoever :3 It just fits with the headcanons. (also because I made this part before the teaser dropped) They love the Cheese birds but they do get a little awkward when they hear about the other ancients dealing their kingdoms’ politics (none of which she understands btw) while she just lays around with her fellow birds all day Whenever one of the others asks about her Kingdom she always says that things are going great while also being incredibly vague and leaves out any specific details.
This did lead to Cacao questioning whether or not Cheese actually had a kingdom not helped by the fact that Golden Cheese announced that she had a kingdom after seeing her friends’, but Lily would confirm that her Kingdom existed Whenever Lily came to the Cheese Kingdom she held little check ups on the cheese birds and even help Golden train them Thanks to Lily, Golden Cheese was able to train 4 of her birds to be messengers/carriers for each of the other ancients. Hollyberry’s bird is chatty and mimics words and sounds all the time. It's also the most active out of the birds and very easily led by food. Its feathers are a pretty rose gold color. PV’s crow is a bit grumpy, an angry bird if you will, as well as pretty old. It spends most of its time sleeping and is paler than the average Cheesebird. White lily’s bird is good at foraging and likes to organize things. It’s the smartest out of all the birds due to both Lily and Golden building little puzzles/toys for it. It is also almost completely white with a bit of an opalescent shine. Dark Cacao’s crow likes to collect shiny things and it preens itself pretty often. It also tries to preen cacao and spends most of its time snuggled on his shoulder. It gives everything it collects to him and is a brownish platinum color. The birds were the best way for all of the ancients to message each other seeing how birds are way faster than couriers and how the birds actually knew where Golden Cheese Kingdom is. Before they relied on Lily to send their messages to Cheese since she was the only one to know where she is but the problem with that is that Lily was always on the move.
Surprise White Lily Headcanon: White Lily used to travel a lot for her research. One moment she would be in PV’s kingdom the next she would be in HB Kingdom’s jungles or in Dragon’s Valley.
Unfortunately, all the birds returned to the Golden Cheese Kingdom after the Vanilla’s kingdom was destroyed which was the main reason why all the other Ancients didn’t talk much after the war.
Now this next bit was also written before the trailer dropped but I’ll share it anyway as a lil bonus:
After the war Golden Cheese was inconsolable after Vanilla sacrificed himself and locked themself away in their castle. The messenger birds tried to bring her out but she couldn’t bring herself to face what happened. She lost track of how many days she spent wallowing in her despair but it was long enough for White Lily to become Dark Enchantress. Since Lily, and therefore Enchantress, was the only one who knew where the Golden Cheese Kingdom was, it was the first place Enchantress went. In the state Cheese was in it wasn’t hard for Enchantress to trick them into believing she was Lily and came to check up on them. Enchantress planned on taking Golden’s Soul Jam and sealing her away but unfortunately she underestimated the strength of the kingdom's citizens. She didn’t have enough power or time to steal the Soul Jam and seal Golden away so she decided to seal Golden with her Soul Jam. This way Golden wouldn’t be able to warn the others of Enchantress’ return, and besides, she could always come back later. Golden Cheese was sealed away in a golden statue that looks exactly like the ones littered throughout her kingdom, unaware of what White Lily had turned into. …Until Gingerbrave and friendstm showed up.
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rachelfloof · 5 months
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Dark Choco and Caramel Arrow, my two #1 favs, BOTH getting magic candies in the same update??? huh?????
I need to say something about this because this leak has been putting me in an anxious panic ever since it was shown to me xd
When I said I wanted Dark Choco and Caramel Arrow to get a proper interaction, a part of me was convinced it would NEVER happen.
and now they're both getting magic candies in the same update-
Normally that wouldn't be a big deal since some cookies that get magic candies don't usually also get stories with them too. but the thing is that they're getting these in an update WITH DARK CACAO BEING A FOCUS IN THE UPDATE?? SO NOW IM THINKING THERE'S A DECENT POSSIBLITY THEY WILL ACTUALLY GET A CHANCE TO TALK TO EACH OTHER!?!??!
This is going to sound really weird coming from me, but I lowkey hope they don't make Caramel Arrow and Dark Choco speak to each other.
because if they make them say something to each other that makes me entirely rethink their dynamic in a way that damages my ability to ship them Idek what I would do-
I am a huge overthinker, so maybe I really am getting worked up over nothing. Maybe they'll interact and it'll be about as normal as what I might normally expect from Cookie Run. but they never fail to amazingly subvert my expectations, and a lot of this is already so weird so who knows what could happen.
I did write a longer explanation about my thoughts, expectations, and concerns about the implications of this in my note-taking app, but idk if I'll ever have the gut to post that thing because the overthinker in me REALLY came out when I wrote it omg (it's kinda long) x_x
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quibbs126 · 8 months
I think it’d be cool if Dark Choco got an outfit based on one or both of the twin dragons
The basis for this thought is honestly just my brain jumping to several conclusions, most of which don’t really make sense, but it’s where my brain’s stuck at now. Basically the logic I had started with the dragons likely being at Beast Yeast, as shown by the map
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Then it jumped to Dark Choco being on Beast Yeast, I think just because I wanted him to, even if it doesn’t make the most sense, and it evolved in my mind into that he has to be on Beast Yeast. And then by proxy, that he’s likely in one of the same areas as the twin dragons, since they’re all from the same kingdom and it’d make sense
Currently I’m thinking that any sort of dragon based outfit would be based on the black dragon, since a: it fits his default color scheme more, and b: the white dragon is clearly in the Mystic Flour region, and given that they’re both associated with Dark Cacao, that they’d be part of the same story arc, while the black dragon has their own story going on. Though I’m also realizing that it’d make sense for Dark Choco to show up just at the flour region (assuming he’s on Beast Yeast), since he’s also connected to them all. And also if you want to add c: redeemed Dark Choco still having a black color scheme instead of white like he used to would be interesting, it’s like he hasn’t just reverted back to how he was before he got the sword
Oh and also another thing my brain’s come up with is that the white dragon would be working with Mystic Flour, whether willingly or otherwise, because they’re in the same region and it potentially means another fight between the two dragons
Okay I don’t think my logic makes much sense, and tbh most of what I said after the first sentence was probably unnecessary, but just work with me here. I think it’d be cool if Dark Choco was in Beast Yeast, and working with the black dragon, and gets a dragon based outfit because of it
I’d draw it, but we don’t yet know what the twin dragons look like in Cookie form, so I have little to work with other than them possibly having outfits similar to the Dark Cacao Kingdom, but that’s still only a guess
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queen-rainy-love · 11 months
A funny idea for you, Rainy.
Golden Cheese introducing her children (Mozzarella,Smoked Cheese, and Burnt Cheese) to the other Ancients, who had no idea that Goldie was a mother at all.
Bonus, Cacao just NOT liking Smoked Cheese off the bat, because he reminds him of Affogato.
My, my. What a fun idea!
*The scene is set in the Vanilla Kingdom. Pure Vanilla, Hollyberry, Dark Cacao, and White Lily were sitting in the garden. Waiting for a certain winged Cookie.*
Hollyberry: I wonder what Golden Cheese wanted us to see. She never sounded this urgent before.
Dark Cacao: I believe she wanted to show her most precious treasure. But I don't know what treasure she hasn't shown-
*Suddenly, Golden Cheese burst into the area with three Cookies behind her. The Ancient Heroes jumped.*
White Lily: Golden Cheese! You scared us!
Golden Cheese: Yeah, yeah. I know. But I just couldn't wait! I really want to show my precious treasures to my closest friends. *gestures the three Cookies to walk up*
Pure Vanilla: Of course, Goldie. And who are your friends here?
Golden Cheese: These three are my most precious treasures. These are my children. Mozzarella, Smoked Cheese, and Burnt Cheese.
*The other four Ancient Heroes stayed silent, blinking slowly. They looked at the three Cookies, back at Golden Cheese, back at the three, then back at Golden Cheese. Dark Cacao stepped forward and pinched Golden Cheese's cheeks (while briefly glaring at Smoked Cheese).*
Golden Cheese: Ow! Ow! Ow! Cacao! Why!?
Dark Cacao: You had three children and never told us?! Your friends!?
Golden Cheese: There was never a right time!! Besides, we had a war to deal with!!!
Hollyberry:...I guess that means we all have kids now. But c'mon Gold. We could have had playdates!
White Lily: ...I would say that Goldie isn't very motherly...But I'm not one to talk.
Pure Vanilla: Regardless, it's an honor to meet all of you. I hope you enjoy your time here in the Vanilla Kingdom. *smiles*
Mozzarella: Thank you. I am curious about the Wafflebots you have here.
Burnt Cheese: Yes...do you have sheep here?
Smoked Cheese: Don't feed your jackals the sheep. *looks at Dark Cacao* And why did you glare at me, King Dark Cacao Cookie?
Dark Cacao: You just remind me of a snake that tried to take over my kingdom.
*The Cheese family nervously looked at each other before nervously chuckling. Pure Vanilla quickly picked this up.*
Pure Vanilla: How about that tour?
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saywha413 · 2 months
insane cookie run headcanon time !!
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romantic relationship the witches made a little. a little oopsie. cousins adopted child birth child siblings (both by birth and adoption)
under cut is my lore and I’m warning you now. it’s long
note beforehand. this is what I mean when I refer to witches:
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Biggest thing of note: witches do not care about cookies. They are neutral towards them and can coexist. If witches want to eat cookies, they make nonalive ones. Like we all do.
Also. The whole beast yeast thing? I ain’t dealing w that. I haven’t kept up w the story as well 💀. We can have two alt timelines: one where the beasts stay chained up, everyone’s alive, and crunchyvelvet have 8 kids at 30 and one where crunchyvelvet die in each others arms at like 28 (and carrow dies too ig)
and also. “Cookie” is not a surname. No one refers to anyone like red velvet cookie or whatever. It’s just red velvet.
Already established in my fanfiction: cookies pick up traits of organisms they spend lots of time with.
The only major caveats are that they need to 1. enjoy spending time with them and 2. choose to spend time w them
When a cookie picks up a trait from another cookie, they typically get one back, regardless of “time”.
The amount of time varies from cookie to cookie, but typically cookies who know less cookies (like red velvet- born and raised with cod) pick up traits faster.
Children are “gifted” by the witches to cookies that they think are both compatible and suited to raise them. The witches are humans though, meaning that there’s lots of human error lol.
The witches have some kind of spell/book/intuition that tells them the cookie’s life story and traits, letting them decide.
Babies are baked from something from the two parents- usually a lock of hair from each. The witches will cut it when the cookies are sleeping. (Sometimes cookies will wake randomly in the middle of the night, but see nothing. Most take that as a sign of a baby coming.)
The baby is baked with the two things and voila. Child. The witches will then leave the baby in the parents bed, again while they’re sleeping, so they can wake to it.
Because of the process, any cookies of any gender can have children. Poly relationships can also have children.
Different cookies have different “rates of aging,” as shown by mycookie growing to about 10 in a few months. All cookies will age differently until a set age (which also varies), where their age then shifts to grow year by year.
Sometimes cookies will randomly age much slower. They don’t know why. (Ancients and younger cookies are likely more prone to this.)
Specific stuff relating to this tree
Ages (as of a flame in the snow rn)
Dark Cacao (and other ancients I guess)- like. eighty to a hundred?? idk. let’s lock in: ???
Coffee Roll (second watcher)- 70s?
Dark Choco + Werewolf- mid to late 40s
Crunchy Chip- 26
Red Velvet- 25
Wizard + Strawberry Crepe- 15 (would turn 16 in the story I think)
Caramel Arrow- 27 (Financier- 27, Kouign-Amann- 25, Raspberry- 25, Pastry- 26)
Black Raisin- 26 (Latte- 27, Creampuff- 14)
Prune Juice- 24 (Capsaicin- 24, Stardust- ??? (presumably around 20s?))
Crowberry- 28 (Kumiho- ???)
Ages (when all the kids are born)
Crunchy Chip- 31
Red Velvet- 30
Wizard- 18 (starts aging at about 16, had slowed aging for a few years)
Strawberry Crepe- 19 (just barely started aging as of the story (unnoticeable just yet) but slows too)
Strawberry Cream- 16 (rapidly grew to about 13)
Onyx Cream- 20 (rapidly grew to about 18 (which is kinda insane))
Chocolate Cake- 16 (rapidly grew to about 14)
Black Velvet- 18 (rapidly grew to about 18, but then growth slowed)
Witchberry- 12 (rapidly grew to about 8)
Cream Ferret- 12 (rapidly grew to about 5)
Individual profiles and notes
King Dark Cacao + King consort Coffee Roll + Dark Choco + Werewolf
All use he/him
Dark Cacao- Witch of accomplishment
Coffee Roll- Witch of order
Dark Choco- Witch of perseverance 
Werewolf- Witch of loyalty
Post polyancients break up lmao (hollyberry/white lily/golden cheese and aroace pure vanilla). Dark Cacao had streaks of hair that were each of their colors once, but he’s long since cut them all of them but White Lily’s out. Because of how he feels about her, though, the white has become more of his own trait than hers and is able to be passed to those close to him.
Shortly after the witches gifted him and [insert name of partner] Dark Choco, [insert name of partner] died in battle. Coffee Roll (the first watcher at the time) helped care for baby Dark Choco, leading to him and Dark Cacao becoming closer.
They got married when Choco was ab 10 (Coffee Roll would be abt 40?)
Dark Choco met Werewolf when they were both 12-13 and he was playing by himself in the forest. They met sporadically over like 2-3 years and eventually started dating. They thought Dark Cacao wouldn’t approve (he probably wouldn’t rlly have cared lmao), so they never told him.
Dark Cacao and Coffee Roll “are eventually blessed with” Caramel Arrow. They rlly just like. adopt her. They prob call her their kid so the public leaves her alone.
After the fight™️, Dark Choco runs off (he’s abt 20 (CR 50 and CA 1)). He spends a few nights with Werewolf, which is when the witches “bless” them with Crunchy Chip (human error). They decide together that they’re not suited to raise a child, leaving Crunchy Chip with Dark Cacao (and Coffee Roll). Instead of dropping him and running, though, they decide to give him the baby by hand. Dark Cacao says something that angers Dark Choco, and he storms off before Werewolf or the others can stop him. (Werewolf has a grudge against Dark Cacao because of this.)
Dark Choco then joins the cod.
Dark Cacao and Coffee Roll raise Crunchy Chip and Caramel Arrow as siblings.
Eventual Coffee Roll/Dark Cacao/Elder Faerie I think (since beast thing doesn’t happen, he lives! yahoo).
Red Velvet
Witch of loyalty
He was gifted as a completely normal baby to a normal family. He lived with them until about 9 maybe?
He and his cousins (black raisin, prune juice, crowberry) also spent lots of time together.
When he was 9 though, the cod attacked his house, killed his parents, and set everything on fire. He both lost his arm and hit his head hard in the chaos. He mistook Dark Enchantress for his mother and wound up following her back to her realm. When she found him, she took him in as her own, rebaking him with some cake/cream parts- thus giving him his new arm and fucking up his genetics.
Because of the rebaking, his anatomy and physical abilities are different from average cookies. He’s stronger with more endurance and has keener senses. He basically has all the good stuff from both a human and a wolf.
The trust he has in Dark Enchantress slowly crumbles over time, especially bc of how she treats the cake hounds as disposable minions, eventually leading him to run away. (He asked his friends to come with him, but they still believed in her. They know this means they might meet on the battlefield one day, but they’ve silently resigned themselves to the idea.)
This leads to the plot of the fic: he goes to the Cacao Kingdom.
Commander Crunchy Chip
Witch of order
Crunchy Chip grows up as Cacao’s grandson and is called his heir. 
Cacao doesn’t talk about Choco or Werewolf if possible, but Crunchy Chip does know of them and what they look like.
He’s the commander of Cacao’s army- both cookies and cream wolves.
Caramel Arrow + polycule
Caramel Arrow- She/her
Witch of aspiration
Financier- She/her
Witch of efficiency
Kouign-Amann- She/her
Witch of harmony
Raspberry- She/her
Witch of aspiration
Pastry- She/her
Witch of order
All of the polycule excluding Caramel Arrow is already together. She meets them at the party organized by Dark Cacao in the fic, and is almost immediately asked to join the polycule.
Prune Juice + polycule
Prune Juice- He/him/they/them/xey/xem
Witch of insight
Capsaicin- He/him
Witch of perseverance
Stardust- He/any
Witch of observation
Prune Juice and Capsaicin (and Kouign-Amann) knew each other from before the tournament. They started dating before the tournament, and agreed that them dating wouldn’t affect the competition during it. After the events of episode 16 (slightly before the tournament), Stardust flies around without a real plan. He eventually stumbles into the two and bonds with them, and then they invite him to join their relationship.
Crowberry + Kumiho
Crowberry- It/its
Witch of logic
Kumiho- She/her/they/them
Witch of efficiency
Both Crowberry and Kumiho have animal forms and prefer roaming Parfaedia at night- that’s how they met. Crowberry was going to grab a jewel from someone’s house, but a fox quickly grabbed it before it could. It was annoyed, and started chasing the fox. They eventually shifted into their human forms while chasing each other and started talking while running across rooftops all night. When the sun rose, they collapsed in a heap together and laughed, deciding they were better off friends than rivals.
This eventually flourished into a romance :).
Both are secretly glad that the other’s human form is slightly off putting (wings, ears, tail), making them feel a bit more confident with their own. Both are very protective of each other when they receive snide comments. aka they both seethe silently and then rob the person blind later.
Black Raisin + Latte + Cream Puff
Black Raisin- She/her
Witch of efficiency
Latte- She/her
Witch of improvisation
Cream Puff- She/her
Witch of aspiration
After the whole Vanilla Kingdom incident, Black Raisin decides to travel to Parfaedia to visit Prune Juice and Crowberry. There, she was introduced to both’s partners. She and Kumiho hit it off, and Kumiho then introduces her to some of their friends. That’s how she meets Latte. When they first meet, they both immediately feel a spark and ditch Kumiho to talk (and essentially go on a date). Kumiho was fine with it when they explained and apologized.
They go on many more dates, and Black Raisin even meets Latte’s adopted daughter Cream Puff.
Cream Puff was initially suspicious that Black Raisin would leave eventually because of Latte’s last partner (Almond- he realized he was gay and they amicably broke up). When she realized that BR was here to stay, she quickly warmed up to her.
After maybe a year of dating, they decided to get married. (The wedding happens shortly after the triple cone cup in universe.) When people commented about how “it was too early in the relationship,” they ignored them because they were happy.
Strawberry Crepe + Wizard
Crepe- They/them
Witch of imagination
Wizard- He/him
Witch of insight
Both are adopted by Red Velvet and Crunchy Chip after they choose to stay in the Cacao Kingdom after the party and become closer, since Dark Cacao makes them the duo’s responsibility.
Onyx Cream + Strawberry Cream
Onyx Cream- He/him
Witch of efficiency
Strawberry Cream- He/him
Witch of loyalty
Witch of observation
Crowberry and Kumiho’s kid. They were gifted her, but since they’re always moving, they didn’t think they were right to take care of her. They asked RV and CC to take care of her, and they agreed. They’re still in Witchberry’s life, but more as the “cool gay wine aunts” than second parents
Cream Ferret
Witch of happiness
Baked by the witches from Latte and Kumiho, but that was human error. They were just friends. When the baby was baked, the witch didn’t want to give them to either, and figured that Cream Ferret would be alright raised with the cream animals. They eventually befriend Crepe, which leads to them being adopted.
Black Velvet + Choco Cake
Black Velvet- She/her
Witch of equability
Choco Cake- He/they
Witch of ingenuity 
idk man. ship kids. (both will get a redesign at some point. especially since the mycookie thing lol)
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that-one-hat-kid · 1 year
Let's do a Quick 1 day poll while I wait to see who gets drawn in a few days in a previous post, but Let's do this as duos so two cookies!
IF "Draw all the cake Hound variations" get 10% of votes, the duo that wins gets covered in cake Hounds!
See y'all when the results are Shown!
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sundove88 · 1 year
Reunited- A Cookie Run Kingdom Oneshot
Synopsis: Dark Choco finally decides to return to the Dark Cacao Kingdom, but what he finds there is most unexpected…
Based on This Art By Me
ChocoPearl Cookie belongs to me.
As the light of the morning sun shone upon the black citadel of the Dark Cacao Kingdom, the King and his wife couldn't help but feel a bit of sadness in what was usually a time for everyone to start getting ready. The reason why is that they had not seen their son, Dark Choco Cookie, for years, and the last time they met him, he nearly endangered the kingdom. Needless to say, ChocoPearl Cookie, the queen consort, was still distraught by what her husband Dark Cacao Cookie had done to their only son- even if he had been possessed.
"Do you still wish for our little boy's return?" She questioned her husband as she walked out onto the balcony and brushed the snow off of a nearby cherry tree, her purple hanbok glimmering in the morning light.
"Somewhat... How I wish I understood him better. How we would often enjoy the times we sparred together... And how we would get caught up in the many stories and folktales about our kingdom." Dark Cacao said as he made his way towards his wife, the Grapejam Chocoblade sitting near his throne. "I miss those times, too. If only he was here to share them with us..." ChocoPearl said and let out a sigh. But just as those words escaped her mouth, Crunchy Chip Cookie ran over.
"Your majesties. Someone's at the gates!" he replied frantically. The King and Queen ran over to see that Crunchy Chip was indeed right- there was someone at the gates. Needless to say, they opened up right away, and the stranger walked in. "I think that he looked like a certain someone you two may know." Crunchy Chip replied.
Not too long after, the royal couple hurried to greet the cloaked stranger. Taking off his hood- he revealed that the stranger was indeed their son- who had changed by a lot. Dark Cacao and his wife gasped. Was this really their son?! “Father… the last time I was here, I slashed you across the chest, ran away at your will, returned with the Cookies of Darkness, destroyed the wall, abandoned my former allies… and I have now been wandering Earthbread to try and atone for what I’ve done. If that makes me unworthy of being your son, I don’t know what will.” Dark Choco confessed to his parents, his head hanging down in shame as he thought of a public execution awaiting him moments later.
But however, instead of angry expressions, his parents eyes filled with tears. Dark Cacao slowly got up and wiped away his tears, with his wife following behind him. “We’ve missed you, son. Your mother and I have longed for the day you’d be with us once again… and here we are.” He said as he and his wife embraced their son. “Just know that we always love you no matter what.” ChocoPearl said as she wrapped her arms around her adult son.
Dark Choco, flabbergasted by what his parents did, reluctantly returned the hug, tears forming in his own eyes. "You have proved that you are more than worthy of being our son..." Dark Cacao began. "...and that we couldn't ever ask for an even greater honor." ChocoPearl finished. Dark Choco gave a genuine smile as he slowly succumbed to the unconditional love of his parents. He had finally shown he was worthy of being the hero he had always wanted to be, and he wouldn't want it any other way.
The End
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pure-vanilla-lilies · 2 months
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Some Info On Peach Hibiscus Cookie
•Uses He / Him (He’s not a female)
•He has a dragon form due to Dark Cacao being part dragon
•He’s a very sweet cookie, but he gets nervous because of his peach scent from Peach Blossom. So he don’t make much friends
•An potion mastery, he usually makes love potions and not anything to hurt him or other people
•He is Gay Demisexual
•He does have a boyfriend (Prune Juice Cookie, the two were very close friends and Prune Juice Cookie confessed to him. Of course he said yes)
•He wears gloves because he accidentally burnt his palms while making potions
•Lastly if he’s upset, he will have like dragon irises (Like Dark Cacao has) it will be shown more
**Extra Points: He’s very protective of his family and his love ones**
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boneasin · 2 years
Another analysis after the analysis of Dark Cacao because now I feel the need to analyze Dark Choco due to how similar they truly are to one another and how intertwined their stories are to eachother. I did a previous one of Dark Cacao, but I feel like I should redo it bc it doesn't have as many citations as this one does.
When he was younger he did everything for his friends, he seems to dislike or at least want to look like he dislikes that thought process as he says in Hall of Enlightenment episode 9: Dark Choco Cookie Appears.
"For the good of all... friends... is that it?
I clinged onto such naive and useless dreams once..."
He was much more weak-willed when he joined the Cookies of Darkness as shown by Pomagranate's statement saying that he had gained a spine in the Cookies of Darkness plotline. He believes he was destined to be a Cookie of darkness but even so he still tries to fight against it.
I believe he believes he's destined for the cookies of darkness because of the sword and not because of his own volition but that's just speculation. back to the facts, he believes he's destined to bring the Dark Cacao kingdom down despite his love for the kingdom. as shown by his line in The Cookies of Darkness, Episode 4: Crimson Confusion in response to Pomegranate cookie calling the kingdom a failure.
"You can insult ME as much as you want...
But you've crossed the line. You dare... to insult my homeland?!"
He was manipulated by Pomegranate cookie to think that he chose this path for himself, that he knew and wanted this to happen. That he was ignorant of the other options. Making him choose to continue to follow them despite him desperately not wanting to and the fear of them probably added onto this seeing as he saw no where else to go to protect him if they decided to go after him.
Dark Choco most definitely has a soft spot for kids, due to him playing along with Custard III in Hall of Enlightenment Episode 9: Dark Choco Cookie Appears
this fact further proves how much he was manipulated and fears the cookies of darkness because of him fighting them.
Dark Choco is a troubled individual who thinks he is destined for darkness as a punishment for what he had done to his father, proving how even in banishment and with the Cookies of Darkness he still absolutely adores his father and looks up to him. This is proven by his statement in response to Wizard Cookie pointing out how he's getting in his own way and should put his sword down in Timeless Kingdom Episode 15: You Cannot Pass.
My sins are... too great.
There is no turning back.
This... is my punishment, my curse..."
Like his father, I also believe what he said in anger towards Dark Cacao was partially honest and partially self-projection. Look no further then these quotes to prove my point, the first one from The Cookies of Darkness Episode 5: Fallen Prince and the second from Snow on the Black Wall Episode 12: The Prince Returns
"No. Stop.
I'm not—I'm not the Cookie you think I am."
"And you are not the great king we all thought you were!"
I also believe that he also believes that he's nothing without his sword and his, "You're nothing without its power!" line from the same Snow on the Black Wall Episode 12: The Prince Returns plot was also self-projection. This builds off of the fact that he feels the need to be stronger to protect his kingdom, so what is he without strength? Maybe he believes the sword is the only thing that's keeping him strong and that he'll be weak without it.
He always adored his father, and how quickly he takes his forgiveness and turns on pomegranate cookie is proof of this. How he wanted to be the only one to be around to kill him is probably proof of this, how despite the sword controlling him he wanted his dad to be safe and the other Cookies of Darkness not to hurt him.
He tried to fill the void of his father's affection with his thirst for power, he may say he once adored his father but it's very clear he still does. How even now the wrath of the Cookies of Darkness is still looming over him but since his father had shown him hope that he could come back it doesn't matter anymore to him.
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lilacartsmadsion · 2 years
What would you say the form of berserk dark cacao is supposed to represent in cacao’s personality? I would just say it brings out the worst in him, mainly his rage
But also his worst traits such as distrust, neglect and paranoia.
Dark Cacao seems to overthink. Regardless if the Dark Cacao Kingdom is poor or not currently. In the earlier days it was in a state of poverty that would’ve toppled it down if not careful and the constant need to be alert for danger is also shown.
Dark Cacao is shown to distrust others a lot, while the motive has good intentions, he can distrust the wrong people sometimes
And Neglect is…self-explanatory…
As Berserk Cacao he is shown these traits. Constant Paranoia over Danger to the point he’s attacking people at random. Distrust as in the beginning only a small number of cookies are able to calm him down. Neglect, when he’s not aware of his surroundings, oftentimes leaving destruction in his wake.
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adoptsomecookies · 2 years
Hey uh- I have a question.
Is it legal to try to remake any ancient cookies?
* Absolutely not!!!! It is very illegal to own an Ancient Cookie if you are not part of the government, to remake them.... thats just a horrible thing to do in general! Would you wish to give the human government an way to churn out more Ancient cookies? Would you like it to put more Dark Cacao Cookies into the world only to fight wars that they themselves do not care for, but must in fear of their lives being taken away as they are treated as weapons of war rather than people? Or how about a Hollyberry Cookie? Forced to be secluded with an snotty brat of a politician day in and day out without any sort of chance to truely shine in her social ways? Or how about a Golden Cheese Cookie, unable to see others and show off her beauty to the wide world, and instead be forced to hide in various vaults in the world underground, counting money for hours and hours upon end, and her wings unable to spread into the wide blue? Or perhaps a White Lily Cookie, lost and confused, and forced out into the wilderness to fend for herself just to monitor animals in delicate ecosystems, without any way of truely hiding away thanks to the chip in their chest? Or even Pure Vanilla Cookies, who are forced to be diplomats and peacemakers for groups of humans that keep fighting amongst eachother, where he must always be watching over his shoulder lest he gets crumbled by spiteful human or Scorpion Cookie? Would this truely be justified to bring more Ancient Cookies into a world that uses them as work fodder?
* Besides, their ingredients are currently extinct, they have not shown any signs of growing back/being produced as of late. That is a good thing, maybe when Cookie Corp finally gets the ruling out that the government officials cannot do such things, the potential of more Ancients shall arise.
Tldr: Dont even try.
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