#The only reason I follow anything about this show is for the dragons
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Hidden Secrets
G Dragon x Reader
Summary: Steve, Ji-yong and another morning after. But this time words are spoken that can't be taken back.
Warnings: MORE Angst but this time it ends a little differently. I hope you guys enjoy! I'm having a blast writing this fic and so glad you guys are enjoying it. Please leave a like or a reblog if you enjoy and be sure to follow for updates on the story. Thank you for reading and for your support!
Chapter 2
Chapter 3- Beauty in the Mess
You listen to the phone ring, ring and ring some more. Why were you calling Steve exactly? One reason, you wanted to take your mind off Ji-yong and whatever her name is.
“Hello,” his tired but sober, for once, voice answers.
“H-hey,” you choke out.
“Y/n?” he asks as he sits up in bed, “What’s up?” he’s more alert now.
“If I text you the address, can you come over?” You had that feeling in the pit of your stomach that this wasn’t a good idea, but you were too hurt and frustrated to care.
“Uh, yeah just let me know where you are.”
“Ok, and bring condoms.” You say and hang up on him. Your stomach is in knots but you don’t care. You want something Ji-yong clearly isn’t going to give you and you aren’t exclusive. He said you could bring men home, so you’re going to.
You walk out of your room again and you stop and listen for a moment, there’s silence in his room and you figure he’s asleep.
“Safe till morning,” you think as you walk to the living room and watch outside the window. No need in him knocking and possibly waking up Ji. Once he gets there you let him in and put your finger to your lips making the shh motion. You lead him to your room wearing nothing but a long t shirt and your underwear.
“I uh, brough these,” he says showing you the box of condoms and you take the box and throw it aside to be used later.
“What’s going on?” his face is full of confusion and while you wish it was Ji-yong you were about to kiss, its not. But hey, he isn’t the only one who can use his imagination. You bring Steve’s neck down to your level as you capture his lips in a kiss filled with nothing but lust.
“Y/n,” he tries to say against your lips. You pull back and slip the t shirt off. You place his hands on you, knowing how to work him like a fiddle.
“Don’t talk, just make me feel good,” you say as you kiss him again. Did he make you feel good, eh not exactly. Kind of. Not the way Ji-yong did. His touch wasn’t heaven, it wasn’t electric or passionate, it was needy, rushed and selfish. He didn’t elicit the same noises or desires in you; being with Ji-yong really had spoiled you. But you honestly didn’t care as long as you got off.
“Does that feel good baby.”
“Don’t talk,” you said as you kissed him again, trying to think of Ji instead of him.
“Fuck.” You moan out.
“I thought you said we have to be quiet.”
“What did I say about talking?” you swat his face. Did you exaggerate a few noises? Of course, I mean, what good would this be if Ji-yong didn’t know anything.
Once the activity was done, you both lay there in bed heaving.
“Fuck I missed you,” he breathes as he tries to cuddle you. You get up before he can fully embrace you and quietly pick up your shirt and underwear putting it back on. You honestly needed a shower after that.
“I’m going to take a shower.”
“Want some company,” his voice is suggestive.
“No, Steve,” your voice is filled with annoyance and you twist your face in disgust.
You turn on the hot water once you get in the bathroom, the hottest you can stand, and slip in feeling it hit and sting your skin. Tears unintentionally stream down your cheeks. You hadn’t processed the stress any of this had put you under until this moment.
“What is wrong with me,” you sobbed quietly. 9 months ago, your life was so different. Your boyfriend was decent and working, Ji-yong was just your best friend and life was smooth. Now, your relationship with your best friend is more complicated than ever and your deadbeat ex-boyfriend was waiting in your bed, after he slept with another girl! You huff as you scrub your body, trying to make it feel clean after what you had just done. You notice a spot that looks like it wants to bleed and you stop before too much damage is done.
You walk back into your bedroom after your shower and see Steve is all ready asleep. Aftercare was never his thing. He liked to fuck and then sleep. In that particular order. You roll your eyes as you get in bed, thinking once again about how Ji-yong would be treating you.
He’d clean you up first and foremost. Ask if you were ok and then he’d hold you like if he didn’t, you’d fall apart; like he was some kind of glue for you. He’d tell you how good you did, how beautiful you are, and how special he thinks you are too. He didn’t treat it as a casual thing despite the arrangement, he treated it like you were his lady, because in those moments you were.
Before you know it, morning comes and you hear the sound of shouting and pots and pans clanging together. Your eyes widen as everything rushes back to memory. You look over in a futile effort to see if Steve is with you still. Of course not.
With your emotions clear, last night’s decisions are weighting heavy on you. You crawl out of bed and sigh before opening the door.
“Get the fuck out!” you hear Ji’s voice filled with rage.
“I swear to God if you fucking touched her,” you couldn’t see him in the hallway but you knew his face was red. He’d never sounded so angry.
“Look man she called me,” Steve says. Steve was good at covering his own ass, even if it was true.
“So you fucking came? Did she not make it clear she was done with you sorry ass?” you couldn’t help but revel in the fact that he was defending you, despite the tiff, it was really sexy.
“Well, considering the fact that moaned because of me last night, no,” you could hear the smirk in Steve’s voice and you heard a glass break.
“Fucking shit, man.” You hear Steve say and you walk around the corner. Your vison is filled with a trashed kitchen and Ji-yong has a pot in one hand and a knife in the other. Steve is hunched over, more cuts and bruises, you particularly notice one to his eye. That must’ve happened before you woke up.
“What the actual fuck, y/n?” Ji-yong asks angrily, looking at you.
“I,” your voice is hoarse.
“You want me to, in the middle of making breakfast this morning, hear my shower turn on and see your naked shrimp dick boyfriend in it when I go to see if you’re up?” You catch a glimpse of his hand and see that it’s bloody, but it’s not cut. It’s Steve’s blood.
“I’m just,” Steve points to the door and he limps past you. You rub the back of your neck with your eyes closed. Fuck. He turns his attention to you and you can see the absolute rage on his face. He was hurt, don’t get it twisted, but he was also pissed someone touched what was his, even if he’d been the one to start it.
“I mean, really? What the hell were you thinking? He was drunk the last time you seen him and he tried,” he trails off closing his eyes and he slams the pot and knife down as he remembers the sight of you in danger. It makes his blood boil.
“Actually, I don’t fucking care,” he puts his hand up. You were now to the point of being the one upset.
“Hold on,�� you shout as he walks past you still in his robe.
“First of all, you weren’t even supposed to be here today. You told me you were recording today.”
“Yeah, I canceled. Didn’t realize I had to run every little plan by you,” he turns to you his eyes full of bitterness.
“Second,” you put up two fingers, “You don’t get to be mad at me with the way I chose to proceed after the bull shit you pulled last night. Not mention, third,” you hold up another finger, “You said we weren’t exclusive and you,” you point your finger to his chest, “brought someone else home first. So excuse me for thinking I could do the same thing.” You cross your arms and put your weight on your hip.
Ji-yong’s jaw clenches and unclenches multiple times
“I didn’t bring home someone who treated me like shit and broke my heart,” he seethes.
“No, you’re right,” you say too calm, “I live with a guy who can that just fine.”
He goes silent for a moment, the air between, you would swear you could suffocate in the silence.
“Was he better than me?” you’re caught off guard with his question. His voice is so low and calm it almost frightened you.
“Was she better than me?” you retort. You turn to grab a waffle off the plate in the kitchen when you hear him mumble it.
You freeze, with a piece of waffle in your mouth, you turn a look at him, still standing there in his robe and bed head. He looked almost like a little kid as he looked at the ground. You walk over to him.
“What,” you ask as you swallow the waffle bite. He sighs and rubs his hands together before admitting this small truth to you once again.
“No, jagiya, she wasn’t better than you,” he’s looking deep into your eyes. Your face softens slightly.
“Really?” He nods his head with pursed lips.
“So tell me, was he better than me?” his lips twitch slightly. You look at the ground and tell him the truth.
“No,” your voice comes out shy and quiet.
“Mm,” he hums for a minute before coming closer to you.
“Did you at least have a nice time,” his tone is slightly cocky and you want to tear away any pride you can of his.
“Yeah, I did,” you say short and snippy, “I think you should change your mind about the studio today. It’s probably best you aren’t around me.” You say matter of factly. You start walking back to your room. And that’s when his girl from last night comes trapsing out in nothing but a bra and panties. How the heck did she not freak out over the whole ordeal?
“Oh, sorry I was just uh, oh, there you are,” she smiles shyly as she walks by you and gives Ji-yong a good morning kiss. Well actually she practically sticks her tongue down her throat.
“So are we going to spend in the day in bed like we talked about? It’s getting lonely in there,” she giggles. Ji-yong glances your way with sorrowful look at your rage is once again activated. He really had the nerve to get mad at you and she was why he wasn’t going to record? To be with some girl you were sure he didn’t know the name of.
“But Ji-yongie you promised,” you stand there shamelessly listening.
“Not today, I have something I have to do,” his eyes flit to you, “ I’ll get you an uber home.” She pouts and your fists are balled at your side. You go to your room and slam the door.
Ji-yong knew he screwed up, bad, and he wasn’t willing to leave it like this. You two hadn’t fought like this, ever. You two never really did fight, unless it was playful, but that was before your feelings, and bodies, intertwined.
He gives the blonde, who he still can’t recall her name, a kiss on the cheek as he sends her off in his uber. You walk out of your room in your clothes for the day, ready to get to work on the painting you’ve been working on. You catch him staring at you from the entry hall by the front door.
You walk into the small studio and give it a moment. You can’t risk Ji-yong walking in on your artwork. You were painting a picture of you and him, only it was becoming more abstract, much like your relationship. It started off as two people, you and him essentially, but as emotions came up and then got buried and the chaos of the last 48 hours came about, the picture began to have splatters of paint, lines through the middle of it. He’s painted in red and orange, signifying passion and love, what you felt for him. You were painted in colors of blue and gray, signifying your bottled-up emotions and the heartbreak you’re beginning to feel is inevitable.
Ji-yong pads down the hallway, not sure of what to say, how to make it right or what would happen next, but he knew he cared about you too much to not try and talk to you about it. See he never really slept with that girl, she did some things, but he never touched her. He couldn’t, she wasn’t you. That’s why Steve hurt so bad, he knew you’d slept with him, and you did it because of what you thought he did with the girl he brought home. He gently opens the door and shuts it behind him. He see’s you standing in front of a gorgeous painting, staring at it.
“Wow,” you grab at your chest as you gasp. You don’t turn around, too anxious to move.
“It’s beautiful,” he says coming up behind you.
“You weren’t supposed to see it,” you move to put it away but he tugs you back, your back hitting his chest.
“Well, now I have,” he says quietly. He feels something wet his arm as it drapes around your midsection.
“Nae sarang,” he whispers lovingly in your ear. You grit your teeth for a moment.
“Don’t you fucking call me that,” you say you turn to him, your tears being freely released. He shoots his hands up in mock surrender but you aren’t done.
“You really are a jackass, you know that? You really fucking are. I mean, you sit here and treat me like shit, leave me after last night and then go out and find some broad to fuck because I beg you for it?”
“I told you why what happened yesterday did.”
“Oh my God, Ji so I laughed. I laughed because I thought the idea was funny because of how fucked up our situation is!” Your voice echoes in the room. He nods his head slowly.
“And then you think you can just trapse in here, and act like I’m yours because you said she wasn’t a better fuck than me.” You move your hands wildly now out of anger. Maybe you should’ve been the one painted in red.
“Just go, get out so I can work,” you say with a sigh as you turn to grab your paint.
“What’s the red line for?” he asks curiosity getting the better of him.
“For the rift between us. It cuts us at our core because our relationship is fractured, Ji. Whether we want to believe that or not, it’s broken. And much like the paint on this canvas, it may be that way forever.” You explain with your back turned. There’s no way you could face him and say this. You don’t see the depression that twists on his face. The way his heart breaks to hear your words. Yeah he messed up, but he didn’t know he had hurt you this bad. This was supposed to be a casual thing for you.
“Y/n” he tries to come up to you, to hold you, to tell you that you can still fix it, but you shove him away from you.
“I think I’m going to need to move out.” You mumble.
“Listen, I know I screwed up, but,” he tries to reason with you, he regrets his choices from last night more than he ever thought he would. If he’d have known losing you is what it would cost him, he never would’ve done any of this. Yet he still can’t bring himself to be vulnerable with you, not completely.
“Ji-yong, get away from me,” you say through clenched teeth. He sighs and walks out.
You hear him slam the door to his room and you blast your music through the speakers and begin painting.
What you don’t see are the tears he lets flow. If he’d never of slept with you that night, if he would’ve kept control of himself you two wouldn’t be in this situation.
“Fuck!” you hear him yell over the music and despite your anger you can’t help but go check on him, you’re mad but you still love him. You stand outside his door and gently tap your knuckles against it.
“Ji,” you say gently. He doesn’t open the door. You turn the nob and to your surprise he’s laying on his bed. The one he laid in with her not 12 hours earlier. A picture of what they could’ve looked like tangled together enters your mind and you force it away. You don’t say anything, you just lay with him, putting your hand around his body, pressing him to you.
“Don’t leave, please,” his voice is hoarse, barely coming out above a whisper. He closes his eyes, silently begging you.
“Ji, this isn’t healthy for either one of us.”
“What do you want me to do? Tell me and I’ll do it,” he turns over to face you and that’s when you see it. The brokenness he’d been hiding. The pain at the thought of you leaving, at the thought of having lost you.
“It’s not that I want you to do anything, I just don’t think we can handle this. But at the same time things can’t go back to way they were.” You absentmindedly place a hand on his cheek and he closes his eyes, reveling in your touch.
“I’m sorry I hurt you,” he scoots closer to you, too close. Your mouths are inches from each other, your foreheads are touching, and you can feel his hot breath on your lips.
“Ji, we,” the tension is making your head spin as you notice his not so subtle staring at your lips.
“Oh, damn it,” you say in defeat as you pull him to you and your lips collide in a beautiful eruption of fireworks. He pulls you to him, pulling you on top of him. You separate to assault his jawline and neck. His breaths are short and pant like, his head spins from the chaos of the last few days and your touch. How the two of you could ever truly recover he wasn’t sure.
You open his robe and trail kisses down his bare chest, stopping to nip at his skin every now and again. As you trail kisses down his stomach you see her face, again, and you stop. You look at him and he can see the change in demeanor.
“What’s wrong,”
“I can’t stop picturing it.” You move off of him and back to the side.
“I didn’t really sleep with her,” he says shyly and you shoot your brows up and look at him.
“I mean she did some stuff but I never actually touched her,” his face is slightly red. You weren’t sure if you were relieved or more pissed.
“So what the hell? You just wanted me to think you slept with her to piss me off? Make me jealous or something?”
“No, I,” he rubs his hands down his face. Once again, an awkward silence fills the room.
“I don’t want you to go,” he says after a minute of stillness.
“I don’t want to go, Ji, but I can’t keep getting my heart broken.”
“What do you mean? How is your heart getting broken if we’re just casual.”
“Because,” you freeze before anything is said you can’t take back.
“Because,” you start again, “Even if it’s casual, we’re just using each other here. That’s fucking painful.”
“Like you used Steve last night,” he quirks a brow.
“That’s not fair,” you mumble, “You did the same thing with, who was she?” He shrugs his shoulders.
“Exactly, I can’t take being used by you.”
“By me?”
“Yeah, it hurts, it stings it makes me,” your chest is heaving harder now.
“I just can’t do it, Ji-yong. I thought I could. I really did.”
“I don’t want to lose you,” he says trying to pull you close.
“I don’t want to lose you, but I have to think of myself. Hell I’m the only one thinking of me, here.”
“Hold on, that’s not true. I was trying to wine and dine you, make you feel better about this whole thing.”
“You did it because you wanted sex, you wanted my body, Ji-yong. I know that all ready. Dinner isn’t required when you aren’t going to date someone.
“Are you saying that’s what you want? A date?” he ducks his head to peer into your eyes and you quickly glance away.
“I have a painting to finish,” you mumble and get up off the bed.
“Y/N,” he stops you from leaving. He pauses and takes a deep breath.
“Will you go out with me tonight?”
“Ji-yong, don’t do,”
“I’m serious. If a date is what you want, a date is what you’ll have. No sex, no strings, just a romantic evening. I’ll plan the whole thing.”
“Don’t do this to keep me from leaving,”
“Yeoja agi, I’d sell everything I own and give up my career to keep you here.”
“Do you even want to date me or is it just a casual thing?”
If you enjoyed and would like to support me, buy me a coffee
“Y/n,” he takes a deep breath, “I’m crazy about you.” You look at him stunned.
Tags: @loveesiren @natalicss @mashtatosworld @nerdydoll-com
#g dragon#big bang#kwon jiyong#g dragon x reader#kpop#kwon jiyong x reader#t.o.p#choi seunghyun#t.o.p x reader#t.o.p bigbang#taeyang#daesung#kang daesung#dong youngbae#big bang x reader#kpop fanfic#kpop angst#kpop fluff#kpop scenarios#kpop x reader#x reader#x y/n#x y/n angst#x y/n fluff#choi seunghyun fanfic#choi seunghyun x reader#kpop x imagines#masked crawford#top x reader#top bigbang
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i love thinking about my dragon age ocs actually because i'm always like "wow my warden and hawke would probably have a great friendship" "hawke and rook and would TERRORIZE kirkwall. i'd like to see it" "rook and my warden would be FASCINATING together" and it takes me at least ten minutes to remember that the inquisitor is also a character that exists and theoretically should be a part of this
#like. inquisition as a game struggles massively to establish the inquisitor as anyone with any kind of personality#which is only exacerbated by the game having to constantly invent a reason for why the inquisitor ISN'T Hawke#i know it was SUPPOSED to be hawke originally. and that really really really shows#because the inquisitor is such a nothing character. there is nothing happening there. i couldn't make anything much happen there#even the warden has a more established personality. or at least an ARC for their personal development to follow#the inquisitor sure is just there though. she sure is#rosie plays games kinda okay#that dragon sure does age#i'm a hater about inquisition actually and it's starting to show lmao
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That AMA marks the end of Dragon Age.
In my opinion.
I'll start by saying that I have played all 3 of the previous games repeatedly, I've loved the series for 15 years, more than half my life. These games inspired me to become a writer and they've shaped a lot of my tastes and interests in shows and writing -- to say they were formative is kind of an understatement. Don't want to go on and on about how much I loved them, that's not the point here.
I didn't care for Veilguard for pretty much all of the reasons people have already discussed at length on Reddit and Tumblr. The writing is comprehensively bad, the romances are easily the worst Bioware has written by pure virtue of having the most cookie-cutter pacing and shallow characterization I've seen across their games, the lore has been shafted in every direction, and the nuanced storytelling and roleplay I came to expect from the series has been taken out back and shot in the head.
All, apparently, in the name of a "clean slate". It seems to me that, rather than familiarizing himself with the existing lore of the game he took the creative reins on, Epler clearly had a vision for Dragon Age (or perhaps a different IP entirely) in his head that he decided to transplant into the game (and possibly Trick? But they've said so little beyond defending their work that I can hardly theorize what direction they were coming from). That being a sanitized, wildly self-contradicting, morally absolute shitshow focused on distancing itself from the previous games as much as possible. Now, I know it's unrealistic to blame one person entirely, and I don't blame him entirely. Corinne was there. Trick was there.
But if it wasn't already evident from the numerous interviews Epler's given on the game as well as his participation in the Q&A's (while the actual lead writer of the game has been completely absent in not just the marketing, but in most fan-related interaction pre and post-launch outside of BSKY), this AMA seems to have confirmed, more than anything else, that Epler doesn't understand the game nor does he understand its audience. Neither does Corinne Busche, who despite being Game Director for only the last two years of development, has been answering lore questions a) like she has any fucking clue and b) like she thinks Dragon Age is a cozy-gamer IP, meant to appeal to people that want uplifting stories with uncontroversial characters, morally upright heroes, and unquestionably evil villains.
So as of today's AMA, I think I've finally had enough. We're just outright retconning the lore in Reddit AMA's now, I guess. Among other things. I'll provide a few examples, just so we're all on the same page.
This was part of Epler's response to why Solas didn't have his cult following in the game (insert "We Kind of Forgot" meme here):
Solas' experience leading the rebellion against the Evanuris turned him against the idea of being a leader. You see it in the memories - the entire experience of being in charge ate at him and, ultimately, convinced him he needed to do this on his own. And his own motivations were very different from the motivations of those who wanted to follow him - he had no real regard for their lives or their goals. So at some point between Trespasser and DATV, he severed that connection with his 'followers' and went back to being a lone wolf.
The fact that this (the not caring bit) directly contradicts the writing in the actual game is absolutely INSANE to me, moreso than the lack of Solas's spy network (which he apparently carried with him for 10 years only to conveniently drop right before the ritual? Because he clearly had them research Rook?). But in regards to the not caring -- here's a line from Solas's memory of killing Mythal in Veilguard, which. I'll get to Mythal in a minute:
Why should I not tear down the Veil, and bring back immortality to all the elven people? They deserve it!
Which is it? Does Solas care about the people he's saving (the venn diagram of people he's saving vs. the people following him is surely a circle, i.e. elves) or not? Does he even care about the spirits trapped behind the Veil anymore or is it just convenient to abandon them and have him only care about elves, now? What happened to saving The People? What happened to him not identifying as an elf in his conversations with a Dalish Inquisitor? And what the absolute fuck happened to him wanting to bring back the magical marvels (that the ancient elves did in fact achieve) that were greater than anything we see in Thedas today? Here's what Epler has to say about elven magic, now:
I do agree that the elves have had their place in the sun at this point. [...] The thing about the Evanuris is that, ultimately, they were able to take a very specific type of magic and shape it into doing what they wanted. But even their understanding of magic was only skin deep [...] Even the magic that Tevinter wields, the magic of the Southern mages, is different from what the Evanuris used. The magic of the Evanuris is powerful but it's sterile, and it's constrained. So while the Evanuris have made magic work in a way that's more predictable and understandable, it's not the only kind of magic out there, and even then, I'd say they understood it at a very surface level. People were confidently describing how the natural world worked back in the 16th century. Very few of them were right.
First of all, Tevinter has been stated in previous games to have clumsily adapted ancient elven magic for their own, but they did adapt it. To the point where even Solas is surprised that Corypheus achieved effective immortality -- by binding himself to a dragon the same way the Evanuris did. So, cool, more contradicting the lore here. "They understood it at a very surface level" you mean when all of the magic of the Fade wasn't locked behind the Veil? You mean when magic flowed freely through the world? What do you mean, Surface Fucking Level? The entire point of the Dalish elf culture is what they lost; this wasn't the ancient elves thinking the sun revolved around the earth, the Veil was their fucking Library of Alexandria burning. Oh my god. I still cannot believe he said this.
And how have the elves had their day in the sun? I'm sorry, was Arlathan not given to... the Veil Jumpers? Instead of the Dalish? What happened to all the Dalish clans in the south, who had no infrastructure when the world was apparently blighted to hell? I guess they're just gone now! They've had their day! The story of the Dalish and the Evanuris is over (also confirmed in this AMA), and it apparently ends with the final snuff of the candle that is their culture. Congratulations, Chantry, you've won! Only took two genocides and a double blight, but we're done with the Dalish now! We get your mind-numbingly superficial factions instead!
What happened to Mythal, by the way? What happened to "She was betrayed as I was betrayed, as the world was betrayed! Mythal clawed and crawled her way through the ages to me, and I will see her avenged!" What happened to the reckoning that will shake the very heavens? John's answer to this:
People grow and change over time. Mythal's essence - and in particular, the fragment of her spirit that Morrigan carries, that she got from Flemeth - is not the same Mythal who he knew millennia ago. Centuries of living in this world and being around the kinds of people Flemeth found herself around - the Hero of Ferelden, Hawke, the Inquisitor - changed her views, and made her realize her own culpability in turning Solas into the kind of person he is now.
Oh, right, okay. So she was pissed for like a thousand years, got her big speech about the impending "reckoning" out 10 years ago, and then she just chilled out because the last 3 heroes were neat people. What a fucking joke. And yes, here is the confirmation that the Evanuris story is over --
The story of the Evanuris is done - the gods are dead (or imprisoned) and Thedas is in a state of flux and uncertainty. I imagine that whatever happens next is going to be a surprise to everyone, including the people of Thedas."
So I guess Mythal's reckoning is never coming. One of the most fascinating characters in the series, shrouded in mystery for those first 3 games, PROMISING US a blaze of glory, only to fizzle out in this one. Again, and I can't emphasize this enough, for Epler's clean fucking slate. And we've not just tied up her story, but also the Veil and the Blight:
When Solas bound himself (or, depending on your ending, was forcibly bound) to the Veil, it severed the connection that the Blight had to the waking world. The reality is that the Veil has been leaking ever since the Magisters first entered the Black City, and the dreams of the Titans gave it its terrible and awesome power. Now that the Veil is fully repaired, the Blight lacks that motive force, and being so close to the epicenter of that change has stripped the Blight in Minrathous of its vitality. It's calcified now - dead - and Bellara/Neve no longer suffer its effects. If they'd been anywhere else, further from that epicenter, it would've likely been different and they still would be looking for a cure.
So the Veil is permanently fixed now because our half-dead Dread Wolf bound himself to it (a decision I still don't understand) and that somehow fixed every single hole ever poked in it. Fully repaired. No more holes, no more "Veil is thin here" because tons of people died in the same spot, nope, we're washing our hands and leaving it (and the spirits) behind us because we've wrapped up both the series-long Veil storyline and the blight storyline in a big red bow.
And Epler tells us Solas not only bound himself to the Veil but fixed it entirely in one fell swoop, no ritual required, just a little slice to the hand. Again, all in the name of a clean slate, so any future installments or media centered around Thedas can turn away from this story.
Then there's this. What we can expect from future installments, I freaking guess. The aforementioned roleplay getting taken out back and shot:
Q: "What lead you to the decision to step away from active conversations with the companions as in previous Bioware games, where you can initiate them at any moment and ask exhaustive questions?"
John: "For us, because of tech limitations, it became a choice between exhaustive investigate conversations, or letting the companions move more freely around the Lighthouse. With the kind of experience we were going for, one where seeing the team grow around you is paramount, we felt that seeing them interact in common spaces (and in each other's rooms) made more sense."
Literally confirmed that they chose companions moving freely about the cabin over ... interacting with them outside the handful of cutscenes we got. Who in their right mind would think this was a good call in a Dragon Age game? A series that quite literally prides itself on complex character interactions and storytelling? So they could... sit in different places? Are you kidding me?
They don't see an issue with the game's reception. They don't have any interest in addressing or responding to criticism. They're either happy with their choices or EA's got a gun pointed at their heads, I'm honestly not sure anymore. I used to believe the latter was true, but looking at both Epler's and Busche's responses today, I'm inclined to believe the former.
So I think that's it for the series. Not that I thought it was going to get another game after this, but on the absolute off chance it did, what would be the point? The best stories were ruined. Anything left they have to tell is going to read a lot like Veilguard -- superficial, morally absolute, flagrantly disrespectful to the lore, and delivered in a very poorly written package.
#bioware critical#dragon age critical#veilguard critical#veilguard spoilers#dragon age the veilguard critical#dragon age#dragon age the veilguard
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Avy jorrāelan
req: full request here.
warnings: smut, canon typical targaryen incest, male! brother!reader, bottom!r, top!jace, this is longer than i expected, smut with plot, hand job
As much as you adored your brother, he had always been distant. When growing up, he didnt do much with you, always off training or something. But he was always sweet, and kind to you when you were together. You remembered many fond moments you shared during your childhood with the boy.
You’re not quite sure when this innocent crush on him started. For most of your life, you had only been around your family, clinging to Jace most of all, following him around like a lost puppy. You grew up around him, you knew him more than anyone else had. You only wanted to serve him, to be loved by him.
Jacaerys was none the wiser about your infatuation with him, of course, he was always confused by the sudden gifts that sometimes flooded his room, the compliments, the staring, and the affection you showed him. He brushed it off as an innocent fascination and adoration from his brother.
Jace didn’t know that everything he said to you replayed in your mind constantly, overthinking every little word and sentence he uttered, breaking the sentences apart to understand what he had meant. Jace didn't know that you held onto every little crumb of affection he gave you, that those crumbs had given you more hope that perhaps your brother shared the same love for you as you did him.
And so, as the war began, time passed and lives were ended, the council talked and talked about alliances they could make and how. That is when they came up with an idea that for some reason, infuriated Jace.
“Prince Jacaerys, sir, he’s old enough to be wed, and this alliance would help, I do not see why n-” one protested, thinking the idea to be a rather smart one.
Jace shook his head before interrupting the man. “I do not want to hear about it anymore. There has to be better options.” He ignored the odd look that Rhaenyra gave him, turning his head the other way.
Later that night, in his bed. He sat staring at his high ceiling, wondering over and over why he cared so much about whether you should be married off or not. Nothing he did distracted him from his thoughts, and he struggled deeply to sleep, tossing and turning throughout the entire night.
The next morn, you walked with one goal in your mind. With the war raging on and people counting on you all, you knew what you had to do. You breathed heavily as you stepped into the dragonpit, Silverwing in the middle.
You took a deep breath, walking closer and closer to the large silver dragon. She huffed in your face, staring curiously at you. You had decided that she would be the best dragon, because she tend to be more docile and kinder to strangers.
You had lessons as a child on how to claim a dragon, just never made no actual effort to claim one. But you knew that today was the day. Her tail whipped around, you yelping, ducking under it so that it didn’t crush you and fling you to the walls.
“Y/n!” You heard a voice shout from behind you, your brother. You didn’t glance back at him, gulping before you attempted to mount her, putting your hands on her sides, gently petting her.
“Lykirī.” You murmured to her, watching her head stare at you, move closer to your figure. You shut your eyes, feeling her hot breath near your face. Your breathing was erratic, and you knew you had to calm down before you did anything.
The creature let out a loud roar, you slightly stumbling back, but regaining your balance. You turned to the dragon now, staring at her, your brother far behind standing with Rhaenyra. “Lykirī.” You repeated to the dragon.
Rhaenyra held out a hand in front of the boy, like he made an attempt to get you away from the dragon.
You turned your attention back to the dragon, large beady eyes staring into yours. You calmed your breathing, reminding yourself that this dragon would help your mother, would help your brother. And that was all the reason you needed.
You took a deep breath, slowly climbing on top of the dragon, who let out quieter noises now, still following your every move. You mounted the dragon successfully, smiling widely as you stared down at her. You grabbed onto the reins at her sides tightly.
“Sovès.” You told her, and she took off into the air. With the wind in your hair, and the clouds below you, you felt peace. That was until you went back onto the ground, your smile falling when you hopped off of silverwing, being met face to face with Jace, who didn’t look as happy as your mother did.
She spoke a congratulations, Jace glaring at you and not speaking a word until you both were alone, and he gripped your arm, pulling you aside.
"What were you thinking?" he asked urgently, his furrowed brow revealing his frustration. You stood there, confused, unable to understand why he was so upset.
“Wh- what? Why are you mad?” You asked the boy, shoving his arm off of you. He huffed, glancing around.
“Because, that was an incredibly dangerous thing to do. You didn’t even think to tell us? To tell me? You just marched on in here! You could’ve gotten hurt! What if we hadn’t been there and something happened? I would’ve never been able to forgive myself!”
“I wanted you to be happy for me, proud of me!” You scoffed, folding your arms over your chest, trying to fight the tears that dared to fall.
“It was stupid, y/n. Gods, why must you be so…”
You looked at the boy, the tears falling once you couldn’t help it anymore. “So what, Jace?”
“Nevermind.” He sighed, shaking his head, glancing down at the floor and avoiding your teary eyes. He hated when you cried, but now he had no one to blame but himself.
“Say it!” You told him, bringing your hand up and shoving his shoulder. “Say it! I’m so what, Jace? I’m stupid?”
“Your decisions are stupid.”
You bitterly laughed at his response, shaking your head. “I am stupid. I am utterly stupid for thinking that you would be happy for me.” You mumbled, he attempted to stop you when you turned, hearing his shout your name.
The next few days, you sulked around, everyone had noticed it, and was confused at your odd behavior. You hadn’t talked to Jace since then, avoiding him like the plague. You simply glanced at each other when you were at the table, but not uttering a word.
Jace had enough. The silence between the both of you was killing him. You being upset over him was killing him. So, he took a deep breath, before quietly knocking on your door, as to not wake or disturb anyone else.
You walked over to the door, opening it and peeking out. You opened it more upon seeing Jace.
“What?” You murmured to the boy, not quite wanting to see him.
“Can you come out?”
Your eyebrows raised, tilting your head in confusion. “W-what?”
“Please. Just come out of your room. I’m worried about you.”
“Don’t be.” You responded.
“I have our dragons ready for us.”
This piqued your curiosity, you opening the door wider. “Why?”
“I thought we should go out and fly.” He shrugged, glancing around. “Come on.”
You sighed, silently closing the door behind you and following Jace outside, where Silverwing and Vermax sat, waiting for you both to mount them.
You shook your head, smiling at your brothers idea.
“Does anyone know?” You asked him quietly. He smiled back at you, shaking his head, walking over to Vermax while you walked to Silverwing, both of you mounting the dragons at the same time.
You held onto the reins, glancing at your brother as you spoke to your dragon. “Sovès.”
You took off into the sky, your brother not far behind. After you were above the clouds, you stopped her, and you were drifting now. Jace caught up, your dragons side by side.
“I’m sorry for how I acted. The other day.” He told you, you turning to face him. His face looked guilty, like he had held his regrets.
“I am sorry as well.” You admitted.
“Don’t be. It was me who was being unreasonable.” He shrugged, small smile gracing his features now.
As he stared at you, and you stared back, Jacaerys had come to a realization. He was in love with you. That’s what’s been eating at him forever. He’s kept his feelings down in his chest, pushing them away anytime the thought came up. He realized it now.
You swallowed, turning to face the sky again. His gaze remained on you. You both talked, about honestly everything and anything you could. You had missed his smile, his laughter. Your heart was slowly mending back together with each moment you had with the boy.
After a while of talking and riding both dragons, you both landed outside, handing the dragons back to the dragon keepers outside. You both laughing as you ran down the halls, you opening your room doors after sneaking past some guards.
Your brother stood in front of you, leaning in your doorway when you entered. You quirked an eyebrow at the boy, he swallowed, stepping closer to you, his hands going to your face.
Your mouth went agape when his hands cupped your cheeks, his eyes boring into yours. You slowly leaned in, shutting your eyes, his lips meeting yours halfway.
You both melted into the kiss. He closed the doors behind him, gently pushing your further into the room, and then onto your bed.
His hand was on the small of your back, he panted for air when he pulled away, looking down at you underneath his body. You smiled up at the boy, heart racing at what was about to come.
His pace was slow once he was inside of you, you clutching tightly onto his back, holding his body closer to yours. You let out grunts and groans, both your noises filling up the room.
“I love you.” He mumbled to you, the confession making his heart feel lighter. You looked at the boy with all the adoration and love he swears he’s ever felt.
“Avy jorrāelan.” You replied softly, his eyes searching yours. His hand went down too your cock, you letting out a moan. He leaned down, pushing his mouth onto yours again as he began to tug at your member, your pre-cum falling onto his hands.
“I’ve wanted you for so long.” He muttered against your shoulder blade, kissing the skin there as well. His breath fell hot on it.
“I’ve waited longer for you.” You chuckled lowly, feeling his lips quirk up into a smile against your shoulders.
“Mayhaps.” He breathed out, feeling that familiar coil build in his stomach. You looked down where you both connected, before looking back at him.
“Jace…” you cried out at a particular thrust, his hands working at your cock faster.
“I know, I know.” He sighed out, feeling his release close as well. He placed a kiss on your collarbone, shooting his cum inside you with a groan, and yours spilling onto his hand.
#jacaerys#jacaerys targaryen#jacaerys velaryon smut#jacaerys velaryon x reader#jacaerys x y/n#jacaerys velaryon#prince jacaerys#jacaerys x reader#hotd jacaerys#jacaerys x you#jacaerys smut#jacaerys valaryon x reader#jacaerys velaryon x you#jacaerys velaryon x male reader
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❛ 𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐄𝐍𝐕𝐘 , alicent hightower and rhaenyra targaryen ❜



⌗ 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 , as the eldest and only heir to viserys targaryen naturally you were born with more responsibilities than you could count your sister being one of them
⌗ 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 , alicent hightower x male! targaryen! reader x rhaenyra targaryen
⌗ 𝐬𝐨𝐥'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 , omg this took forever to write but I think it was worth it hehe also this is quickly becoming one of my fav headcannons to write so def gonna do at least 2-3 more parts so stay tuned !!
previous part , house of the dragon masterlist

⌗ after the death of your mother everything around you seemed to change. you stopped fooling around with rhaenyra. instead you decide to throw yourself into your duties to ignore the pain you feel. which she did not enjoy. though you couldn't bring yourself to care. your father also declared that he would not wed another. which was a silent relief for you as you did not wish to play house with a woman who wasn't your mother. but your father also said he was looking to find you a match. which brought attention to you for all the wrong reasons.
⌗ the following weeks were nothing short of painful. as women from all over the realm flocked to king's landing to throw themselves at you. in an attempt that you would take to them and make them your wife. your future queen. but truth be told none of them sparked your interest. which annoyed your father and delighted your sister. who had yet to convince your father to marry you to her. much to your relief.
⌗ now here you were. wandering the hallways in the dead of night to clear your head. you had expected there to be no one else awake at this hour but it seemed you were wrong. "my prince?" and there stood alicent. who you had not spoken to since the funeral. as it seemed that whenever the two of you were within distance of each other rhaenyra would step in and drag the other girl away.
⌗ "alicent what are you doing awake at this hour?" you asked slightly surprised to see the hightower girl wandering around at this hour. "I could not find sleep my prince" and for a slight moment. you wondered what could be troubling such a seemingly unshakeable woman. but you decided not to press the matter.
⌗ the silence lay over the two of you like a blanket. comfortable and soft. as the two of you ended up sitting next to each other on the floor. until you decided to speak. and from their the two of you spoke freely with each. freer than perhaps either of you had been before. as you two talked about everything and anything.
⌗ sharing everything from deepest secrets and fears to future plans and aspirations. and though this was the first full conversation the two of you had it felt like you had known each other forever. and it showed during the following moons as the two of you spent more and more time together. much to rhaenyra's dismay. but not even she could get in the way. as it was clear between you that the chemistry you shared with alicent was nothing short of electric.
⌗ and your father began to notice too. as one day after a small council meeting once again brought up the conversation of suitors and marriage. much to your annoyance. "and what are your thoughts on the lady alicent?" he asked watching your facial expressions very closely. as your features softened at the mention of the girl you had become so close with.
⌗ "what of her?" you asked unsure why your new friend was being brought into the conversation. "I think she would make a good wife for you as I can't help but notice the two of you have gotten closer in recent moons" you couldn't help but look at you father with a look nothing short of bewilderment.
⌗ alicent. as your wife. the thought had never crossed your mind but now it certainly had. as you wouldn't deny that she was beautiful as well as polite and kind. to you at least. you would be honoured to have her as your wife. but the last thing you wanted to do was force her into something she does not want. as her heart may already be taken by another. the thought made your heart clench slightly. as your chest was filled with an unfamiliar feeling. jealousy.
⌗ "I have talked to her father and he thinks it will be a wonderful match what do you think my boy?" your father asked once again. "may I have time to think about it father?" to which the king nodded. and with that you left to see alicent. to know that if this union were to happen. would she be happy with it or not. if she would hate you for the rest of your life or not. and you prayed to every god that ever existed that the answer was no. as the thought of her hating you. hurt in ways you didn't know you could be.
⌗ arriving in front of alicent's room. you were short of breath. knocking on the door. you enter once you hear a small "come in" from the other side. entering with haste you were then stopped in your tracks by the beauty that had been your rock for the last moons. the only person you felt understood you truly. "what's the matter is something wrong?"
⌗ "our fathers want to marry us off to each other" to which the girls expression went from concerned to shocked. "and what did you say?" alicent asked her eyes shining with something familiar. hope. "nothing yet I want to marry you but I came here because I wanted to ask you if you wanted this as I will not force you into a marriage you do not want beacuse I do not want you to hate me" you blurted out. now barely holding back tears.
⌗ approaching you quickly alicent cupped your face with her soft dainty hands. "I could never hate you" she said looking you dead in the eyes. "I too wish to marry you and it would make me the happiest woman on earth to be able to call myself your wife" and with that the two of you crash your lips onto each other in a passionate kiss. and once you broke apart the two of you walked hand in hand to your fathers to tell them the good news. to bad not everyone could be happy for you.


#◞ ꙳ ๋࣭ ⭑ ` 🎱 sol's works !#꒰꒰ ‧₊˚🎬 ─ sol's headcannons ˚₊· ꒱꒱#house of the dragon#aemond targaryen#daemon targaryen#rhaenyra targaryen#jacaerys velaryon#hotd#house targaryen#house of the dragon x reader#hotd x reader#aegon ii targaryen#aegon targaryen x reader#aemond targaryen x reader#alicent hightower#alicent hightower x reader#jacaerys velaryon x reader#daemon targaryen x reader#hotd imagine#lucerys velaryon#lucerys velaryon x reader#helaena targaryen#helaena targaryen x reader#rhaenyra targaryen x reader#otto hightower#otto hightower x reader#asoiaf#a song of ice and fire#luke velaryon#luke velaryon x reader
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the ritualistic humiliation of alicent this season was absolutely disgusting and the show constantly needed to remind us that she is the character we should root against all the time and never feel bad for her, everyone else gets a pass because they’re a slave to fate, apparently, but not her. nearly every single plot point this season regarding her is swiftly followed by a punishment, whether literally or narratively.
she starts this season by having clandestine consensual sex with criston cole her sworn sword. they are so bad at being clandestine that otto and larys have clearly suspected something is going on with them. after being stood up by her, larys then replaces her regular lady’s maids with some from his staff so that they can spy and report back to him which makes alicent uncomfortable enough to send them away. that’s punishment #1
she and criston are having sex when b&c happens and are interrupted by helaena and jaehaera running in. but remember, jaehaerys was not the original target of b&c, and the mastermind behind it, daemon is redeemed by the end of this season, so alicent is so much of a POS hypocrite that while she too busy having sex with the LC of the kingsguard, her grandson dies on HER watch. and as much as i loved alicole, i really hate that the writers used their relationship to seemingly punish the characters when they literally haven’t done anything wrong. and now helaena knows about the affair too. punishment #2
alicent is confronted by rhaenyra at the sept of baelor, who lets slip that she heard viserys push for aegon to be king as his last words to her. but oh no, silly alicent, rhaenyra is here to tell you about the song of ice and fire, this stupid prophecy that has been passed from Targaeryen king to heir for generations now. how would alicent have known about it when she is neither king nor heir? doesn’t matter, she’s stupid for believing his words to be literal and stupid for playing a part in crowning her son. punishment #3
alicent takes moon tea, as an abortifacient or as a late contraceptive, we’ll never know! but the very act of taking moon tea is now perceived by grand maester orwylle, who now also has reason to suspect queen alicent has been having an affair. punishment #4
bitter and disillusioned with herself for not knowing about a stupid fucking prophecy nobody told her about and letting her horrible son aegon be crowned (even though the council was planning on installing him anyways), alicent talks down to aegon by reminding him he’ll never be as good of a king as his father (L O L) and he should do nothing. such a rousing speech leads to aegon getting drunk, flying out into battle on his dragon and getting maimed because of it. why did you say such mean things alicent? now look what you did. punishment #5
back at the small council, alicent advocates for herself to be regent with only one person there to agree with her, grand maester orwylle but not even her lover and closest confidant advocates for her. the son she is scared of the most becomes regent instead. silly alicent, don’t you know you will never be respected in a room full of men? how do you like misogyny, something you have apparently never personally experienced until this day, now? punishment #6
alicent goes to the sept of baelor to pray with helaena when a riot mob happens and is forced to retreat. this mob is apparently so righteously angry at not having enough food, they throw fish in her face with such good aim and call her the queen of fishes, alicent trips and falls for leaving helaena behind momentarily, and she also receives a bloody gash on her arm before barely escaping with her life and helaena. oh alicent, didn’t you know that the blockade of ships that carries food into the city which has been enforced by rhaenyra and corlys has actually been your fault the entire time?? punishment #7
back at the small council, alicent confronts aemond and is relieved by her duty on there by him. maybe its because she brings up a theory that he is now avenging the bullying he went through when he was young, which one could argue happened on her watch, is why she gets the boot. oh well, there goes any little ruling power and say in the war effort she had left. punishment #8
alicent sees off her brother ser gwayne who makes mention that their father otto kept her closer to him than gwayne because she was his favored child. Oh! so because alicent was otto’s favorite, it doesn’t really matter that he sold her into marriage and marital rape at age 14 last season. why would you ever want to be otto hightower’s favorite child? punishment #9
alicent also asks about daeron, with gwayne saying how unlike to aegon and aemond he is because he was raised away from them in Oldtown and not by her.. she even says this and gwayne dissuades her of that opinion but honestly, once alluded to that alicent is a bad mom, it’s just her biased brother claiming otherwise. punishment #10
#i wont even talk about the massive character assassination in the finale bc thats a separate post#anti hotd#alicent hightower#alicole?#anti ryan condal
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how can beauty that is living, be anything but true?
Description: Daemon being adored and treated well by his loving wife while they talk about war and its aftermath.
Pairing: daemon targaryen/reader
A/N: quite short.
"I feared the worst when the King sent his letter," you say.
Daemon has always been unpredictable. He did as he pleased, took and took until the entire realm inevitably bent to his desires. "- three years away in war, and not a single word." You glared, seeing him take a step inside of your shared chambers.
Your handmaidens tell you that he returned during the night, and slept in a separate chamber lest he interrupt your sleep.
"I tried to write, my lady, but the enemy would strike our ravens down." He replies, amused. "You should've marched here on foot," you snapped, accepting his reason, but not letting him know.
"Targaryen princes have been taken by fickler things than war." You provided a reminder, but he silences you with a kiss to your forehead. Followed by a silent stare, a reminder that there is nothing in this world that would keep you from him.
"Yet, I am alive." He responds, though there were many nights he spent wishing otherwise. "Barely alive," you corrected. "I've heard rumors." You added with a prolonged sigh. There were at least five different rumors of his death, some say that he was impaled by arrows, hit by dozens of swords, or drowned, never to be seen again.
His expression changes for a second, but he composes himself before you even notice. "Rumors are skewed versions of the truth." He wraps his arms around your body, inhaling your scent that he has forgotten after three years smelling only sea and sand. "- but they still hold somewhat of a truth." You hiss.
"You promised me that if anything were to happen to you, that you'd return immediately." You held that promise above his head.
"Dragons don't run with their tails in between of their legs," he argues. "So, you were hurt in battle?" You raised an eyebrow.
You were aware of his duties, that he couldn't abandon them easily, but he could've at least whispered information about his welfare. "A scratch compared to the soldiers who will never return to their families," he answered the question without answering the question.
"What happened, Daemon?" your voice turns sweet at the utterance of his name. "Arrows, fire, swords, and a couple wounds to remember them by." He still refuses to tell you the whole truth. "Show me," you plead. Something behind his eyes shifts. His pupils become watery, almost leaking tears - but your husband does not cry.
He'd rather hide his sorrows behind a mask of cold callousness.
He does not take his eyes away from yours. He focuses on your features, your eyes, your lips, your nose - features that he's engraved in the back of his head to save him from the brutal pictures that unfolded in front of him during battle.
He gently unbuttons his tunic. He takes your hand and places it on the healed skin. A wound that spanned from his shoulder down to his stomach diagonally. "All I could think about while fighting that battle was how stupid my brother and his hand are for believing that I want to supplant Rhaenyra and claim his throne as mine." Daemon laughs.
"Men like that, my lady, those who sit on iron thrones know nothing about war. Soldiers die on the battlefield to ensure our safety, to ensure that our stone castles remain fortified against invaders. They know nothing of the mothers and wives that have lost their sons and husbands. I scorn my brother, I really do." He whispers, lest anyone except you hears his confession.
"I cannot even imagine the depths of your sorrow, lord husband." Your eyebrows merged together, wrapping him in a warm embrace. "I made it mine advocacy to return home. I could not bear to think of your sadness. Young, very beautiful and widowed." He breathes.
"I love you, Daemon."
"Likewise, my lady."
#daemon fic#daemon targaryen x reader#daemon targaryen#daemon targaryen x oc#house of the dragon#daemon x reader#daemon targaryen fanfic#hotd#house targaryen
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The Stages of Choi Han
So I decided to think over and analyze the progress of the relationship between Cale and Choi Han.
While we do occasionally get some Choi Han's POV, most of the story is still from either Cale's or general point of view, so we don't see his exact step-by-step thought process on what his views were regarding Cale.
So, here's my thoughts on what was going on inside Choi Han's head as the story went:
Stage 1: Confusion
Choi Han must have been pretty confused when he first met Cale. Still in major turmoil after the Harris Village massacre, here comes this drunk rich guy along, who offers him food and shelter for the night. Why? Random act of kindness? Something else? And things remain confusing the next day as well. Choi Han gets to wash up and rest a bit after his traumatic experience, giving him better clarity of thought, but definitely no better understanding of Cale, who apparently doesn't even want Choi Han to pay him back. Not to mention this creepy strong assassin butler he has and his son the chef... I picture Choi Han having three big bold question marks in his head at this point.
Stage 2: Respect
Things change after the interview. While Cale and the people surrounding him are confusing, the way he speaks to Choi Han make two things clear: one, Cale is a smart man. Two, Cale has a lot going on, but it doesn't seem to be anything sinister. The general vibe Cale is giving off at this moment is "possibly sketchy, yet mysterious and wise". He strikes right into the core of Choi Han's insecurity and helps him gather his resolve: he wants to avenge Harris Village, but he also wishes to protect. At this point, Choi Han switches from confusion to intrigue.
Stage 3: Loyalty
Cale has no idea when it happens, but it is clear: after they rescue Raon, Choi Han is definitely having thoughts about staying with Cale for good. Not only did Cale prove to him that he was a good person by helping a young creature escape a terrible fate for seemingly no reason... Cale also showcased just how thoughtful and competent he is. He is not only smart and knowledgeable, he is also a skilled leader. Even if Choi Han still has any left-over doubts, his question of "what will you do if the Dragon decides to follow you, Cale-nim?" makes it apparent; he's 100% talking about himself. At this point, he'd definitely be willing to follow Cale on a permanent basis as his knight.
Stage 4: Trust
So Choi Han already respects Cale, and has begun cultivating loyalty towards him during the trip to the capital. After they part ways, Choi Han follows Cale's instructions about finding Rosalyn and Lock. During this time unexpected issues arise, but Cale's information remained consistently useful and accurate. Choi Han also meets the "Secret Organization" again, confirming that following path set by Cale allowed him to find out more about Arm than he could manage by himself. He quickly grows attached to Rosalyn and Lock, faster than in "The Birth of a Hero", because through Cale's endorsement he isn't nearly as distrusting. And when Lock seems sick, Choi Han's first instinct is to go straight to Cale for help. And that trust gets rewarded. Then it becomes reinforced once again by the Vow of Death. Cale got upgraded from "sketchy but wise" to "definitely a good person with a lot of secrets".
Stage 5: Protectiveness
Choi Han was definitely protective before, but it got cranked up to 11 after the Plaza Terror Incident. Cale reinforces all previous impressions of respect, loyalty and trust through handling the attack almost flawlessly - except at the very end, Cale gets hurt for the very first time. Choi Han is furious. He threatens the guards to let him pass, showing how his number one priority is officially, Cale himself. His quest to avenge Harris Village still matters, of course, but Cale already swore an oath that he would help Choi Han with it (at least that's what Choi Han believes), so that's a non-issue. From now on, Choi Han's first, second and third priority is keeping Cale safe.
Stage 6: Familiarity
After the plaza, Choi Han heads off with Rosalyn and Lock to the Breck Kingdom. But while the bonds of friendship grow stronger between them, Choi Han still has every intention of returning straight to Cale after they're done. Cale isn't just a priority; he's home, the place Choi Han feels safest at. The way Cale treats him when the trio comes back proves to Choi Han that the feeling was not unfounded; in his absence, Cale helped rebuild Harris and made it home for Lock's siblings. As the next few months of "general relaxation" pass, Choi Han only settles more in his conviction. Everything he has now is thanks to Cale, who is a good person, trustworthy leader, and a good friend overall. Choi Han's feelings are no longer distant respect of an employee, and now he sees Cale as his new family.
Stage 7: Conviction
This stage is a little tricky. While Choi Han's feeling don't quite change through the next 2 years, they definitely grow in strength and intensity. Multiple instances of Cale getting hurt, as well as Choi Han witnessing the true extent of his recklessness, make him devote himself entirely to Cale and his cause. While fighting Clopeh, Choi Han expresses his determination to "create path for the real legend". Because Cale isn't just family: Cale is special. He is someone worthy of highest admiration in Choi Han's eyes. It's not fanatical obsession, not like Clopeh's later on, but something deep and profound that grows stronger with every single battle. The ultimate proof of it is Choi Han changing his attribute while Cale watches from the sidelines. Choi Han's goal itself now, is Cale's success. That is his conviction.
Stage 8: Understanding
Choi Han finally finds out the truth about Cale's transmigration thanks to the memories from Choi Jung Soo, sent by the God of Death. And while none of it fundamentally changes what Choi Han believes about Cale... it does give him a bit of a broader perspective on who Cale really is. Before, there was a lot of mystery regarding the extent of his knowledge, but Choi Han was fine with being kept in the dark. Now, enlightened about some of the mysteries surrounding Cale... Choi Han's conviction to help Cale succeed becomes stronger. Cale isn't just a person he chose to follow; they're actually countrymen, connected by his nephew. It deepens the bond they have, and from then on, Choi Han feels less like a follower of Cale, and more of a peer. They're truly friends, going on this journey side by side.
So there you go. The 8 stages of Choi Han's friendship with Cale.
I really love how their relationship plays out. Cale has many great relationships in the series, but there's something truly special about these two. No matter their differences or misunderstandings, they can relate to each other like no one else can. The mutual care and respect they have for one another is heartwarming. After all they lost, now they have someone who they can trust with their back. A real ride-or-die type of deal.
#tcf#trash of the count's family#lcf#lout of the count’s family#cale henituse#cale#tcf cale#choi han#tcf choi han#anaylsis#tcf analysis#character analysis#tcf meta#friendship#i love choi han#he's just awesome#no wonder cale liked him as the protagonist of tboah#tboah might have been a super angsty mess but choi han is always cool
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"Like there was no tomorrow." CH.7—Daryl Dixon.
Chapter Summary: After days and nights on the road following the loss of Bob and Tyresse that night in the church, it all comes down to the reunion with your father. But after a revealing conversation, you finally understand why Daryl broke up with you. Then, April asks Daryl an important question before he asks you an important question as well.
A/N: Thank you to everyone who reads this story! We got to the moment where you and Daryl agree to form a home for yourselves and for April. Yeeeh. I hope you like it! And one detail, I love Beth but since her death left a void in my heart I didn't write about her here and about Maggie, Daryl and the others suffering because of it. It breaks my heart too much :c (I hope you understand)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6

“I have a message for you.” On his knees and even a few seconds away from being killed, Gareth smiled at you, leaving you that memory before he died in God’s house that night. “Daddy’s coming for you, baby, you can’t hide forever.”
Far in the distance, the bus explodes as you continue deeper into the woods, leaving behind a monstrous flame whose warm colors resemble the sunset—a heartbreaking imagine of a promise for either party, that at the end of this day, some will die.
The ambush. The group splitting up because of those people. April getting lost in the commotion. But now, even with your hair wet, some strands sticking to your face and the raindrops that surprised the summer season still falling down your forehead, nothing blocks your vision of that man when you finally find him: with the cruel, mocking smile on the face of your supposed father who had aged faster from the inclemency of life, his right hand holding the gun against April’s temple like an expert.
Like a bad joke from a cruel and short life, April relives that hopeless sensation of feeling another gun pointed at her, frozen in fear, but murmuring “mommy” under her breath, with tears that get lost under the incessant rain. Always hidden in the shadows because that was where the monsters lived, the man who always tried to break you showed up this afternoon with his people, the person who trapped you in a windowless castle where he kept you as his favorite prisoner, always protected by the gigantic dragon, always small, always afraid.
You can shoot him now, but he had been such a good cop that, in a millisecond, he could shoot April even if he were dying.
“Dad, just let her go, okay? This is between you and me.” In a friendly tone, you lower the long–range weapon you had shoved against your shoulder, so hard that it leaves the bright promise of a bruise even in the dull rain, but the crumbs of your relationship with him make you do so, only to go back to being that helpless little girl who could never live up to putting his life in danger. He always underestimated you, even now. “Whatever problem you have with me, she’s not to blame for anything.”
Your dad lets out a dry, sarcastic and small laugh, but you can feel his repulsive disgust in that sound.
“You’re not my daughter, you never were, you were just a nobody that I kept raising even after your mom died.”
You swallow the pain, but your throat is so dry that you wince. Your mind is racing a mile for second, and yet, suddenly the world seems clearer with that cold revelation even under the stormy weather, because now you can give meaning to everything, a reason to every word of his, every look, every action from him, to finally stop walking through that father–daughter relationship in the dark, blindly, always lost in the infinite why?
“It’s okay, Jeff, I understand. In fact, my whole life is starting to make more sense now, so thank you for the clarification.” Your tone is calm, an action that masks the painful beating of your racing heart. “But I ask you again, can you let my daughter go, please? Look at her, she's a baby. You don't have to ruin her life, too.”
His free hand holds April's small shoulder, keeping her firm against him.
“Your daughter is pretty, and I guess this is better than the disgusting idea of you getting involved with that nobody, that drug dealer’s younger brother. Daryl, isn't it? Although I can see that the bastard didn’t stay as far away from you as he promised he would.”
Stunned by the thought of Jeff and Daryl meeting in the old world, after years of hiding your relationship from him, you feel a lump in your throat.
“You met Daryl?”
Another short laugh answers you before his words do.
“I have to give you credit because you hid your relationship pretty well those years, but I raised you better, sweetheart. Did you really want to end up being the wife of someone like him?”
Your common sense pushes your laughter to the back of your body, because answering sarcasm with more sarcasm would only make his short patience run out faster.
“I still don’t understand; would you mind explaining it to me?”
You want the full story, pieces of it that you apparently always ignored, and Jeff sighs, as if talking about Daryl is so exhausting that it leaves him without any energy.
“I saw you one night when my partner was driving me home. I was a little drunk. You were sitting on someone’s motorcycle outside a bar, and my heart actually jumped of joy at the thought that my son had finally come home…” The few seconds of his smile die cruelly, all under the words that come next. “But then I saw someone come out just to grab your face before kissing you. And I felt sick when Matthew filled me in on who he was. A redneck, a nobody, and worse, the younger brother of a drug dealer who’d been in jail. Not the right image for the police chief, sweetheart.” Jeff clicks his tongue in disapproval, almost convincing you that he had feelings for you. “It was easy to look into their backgrounds, and with a little heavy–handedness, he swore he’d walk away from you rather than see his older brother in jail again. So I guess he didn’t love you as much as he swore he did: you know no man gives up on the woman he truly loves…”
His words hang in the air, only to be carried away by the wind. But like that little boat that finally finds its way to shore thanks to the lighthouse, after having been adrift for so long, it all makes sense, everything you thought life took away with that farewell comes back to you. The end of the relationship, the words, the abrupt end to an affection that only seemed to grow stronger with time, it had all been cut off by a human hand.
There’s peace in knowing the truth, but there’s also anger in knowing that he deprived you of any other kind of love because your so–called father never wanted you to feel any, not from him, not from anyone else—Leaving you lost, feeling nothing. No. That’s a lie because you’re feeling absolutely everything right now. The pain of having been nothing to him. The unbearable pain because you did love him once. And it’s like drowning in the deep sea, feeling the pain of the water invading your lungs. And it’s like dying, but without truly allowing yourself to die.
“Well, you got it, Jeff. That relationship was over long time ago, do you feel better about that, big boy?” You chuckle, sadness masking the sarcasm he always hated hearing from you, and you let out a tired sigh next, like that last breath before you perish on the floor. “I guess your hatred for me makes sense now, because don’t think I never noticed the way you look at me... why do you think I always locked my door? What I don’t understand is why you stayed by my mom’s side like a wimp? Begging for love from the person who apparently cheated on you.” You scoff softly. A drop falls from his lip and the light weight wipes away his winning smile, but his pulse quickens, matching his heartbeat, threatening to destroy everything in a single second. “I honestly thought you died that night, but at the same time, I’m not surprised you ended up in Terminus. You were a cop, but you were never strong enough to do things alone, so I guess someone saved your ass that night, Matthew probably... because even he knew you're not as brave as you think you are.” His brow furrows at the shock of your words, but hatred gleams in his gaze like those days long gone, but never blurred. “I was a kid though, Jeff. So what’s your excuse? What was my sin in all this? What crime did I commit against you?”
But he remains silent, ineloquent and spiteful.
“And Austin, my brother, is he actually your son?”
He nods.
“Okay. Now, let my daughter go, and you and I can work this out.”
But the attempt of a step dies before you can take it as his body tenses, gripping April’s shoulder tighter.
“Mommy…” Her voice is a whisper, a soft cry that barely manages to find its way through her closed throat.
You swallow the fear.
“It’ll be okay, honey, trust me, okay?”
April can see through the terror, eyes bright with tears that are free again, but panic sets in as Jeff tries to take a step back, taking her with him. However, like a slow–motion movie, even your heartbeats slow as an arrow sinks into his shoulder, a loud cry pushing out of him with the pain. And like a slap from life, something breaks in the sky and the rain falls more dreadfully, seconds of bewilderment that April takes to run towards Daryl at the moment you raise the gun again, firing a bullet that sinks to the height of his chest.
You know why Daryl didn’t shoot him in the head, but the instant he holds April as Jeff falls against that tree, you reach out to him before kicking the gun hanging in his hand.
“Are you going to kill me, baby?” He tries to laugh, but the action makes his expression twist in pain.
You let out a defeated sigh, like part of your soul is about to go with him, even though he didn’t deserve it.
“It’s ironic, isn’t it? I found a baby that isn’t mine but I love her like she is, unlike you, who had a little girl in your house that you never knew how to love even when I tried to.” His gaze locks with you at your own revelation, an incredulous expression on his face that came through even despite everything he put you through, in the past and now. “Thank you, Jeff, because you saved my life in this new world even though your intention was for me to die young, don't think I didn't see it in your eyes, but now it's my turn to give you back the lesson: I must break you before you break me, because I know you won't stop until you ruin me completely, and I can't give you that pleasure anymore, not now that I have to protect my daughter.”
A soft smile tugs at the corners of his lip, feeling, for the first time, proud of you just seconds away from everything being over.
“Goodbye, (Y/N).”
You nod absently before raising the gun and firing.
Then, you let the raindrops cool your head and your thoughts, a moment before you slide the gun strap over your body to free your shaking hands, free from holding any instrument that only served to end some lives that crossed your path. Bad people, you want to believe as you turn around to leave behind every vision of that man, next to everything that happened at his side. For a few seconds, everyone needs a moment of silence to face what happened, but when you see Aeris on Daryl’s shoulder, you chuckle softly.
“Are you and my baby friends now? Like besties or something?”
Daryl scoffs before taking April’s hand, holding it gently but firmly before walking with you at their side.
“This ain't a damn friendship, woman, s'jus' a truce between me and the bird.”
Like a respite from that crazy life, the path back to the main road is clear of walkers. But you and April chuckle, amused glances passing each other as a good sign that not everything is as dark and dull as the rain and the forest—a good omen that life is not a selfish b*tch, not that much at least.
“You’re not as good a hunter as I thought if my bird had to bring you to me. You don’t get tired of me, do you?”
“Stop it.” Daryl grunts quietly, shooting you a warning look before continuing to look ahead.
You sigh before changing the subject.
“Please tell me the others are okay. Judy?”
Daryl looks at you again, silently telling you that the bad guys are gone.
“Everyone’s okay, peach. No one is hurt. And when all the craziness was over, Glenn came back sayin' he found a cabin. It smells like horse shit, but it works… fine, sorry!” Daryl whines when April tugs at his hand, a frown on her face as if her little mind lets her overlook the danger to her life, but not the bad words. “Ya need to get used to me, monkey.”
The little girl has her gaze fixed on him, as intense as Aeris and her overflowing curiosity.
“You don’t have to say so many bad words all the time, Da…” Caught in the constant confusion, April bites her lip to keep from saying out loud the word she wants to say to the first man she considers a true father figure. “Okay?”
Daryl scoffs.
“I ain't promisin' anythin' I know I won’t keep.”
There’s a moment between them, that complicity, father and daughter in their own world, and you stop for a moment to look at him: a man who would surely scoffs (as he does all the time) if you called him that prince who, unknowingly, without any intention of doing so, saved you from that cruel fate that you would never have been able to escape from alone.
Finally, in the middle of the unstable path, the small hill ends in a cabin in the middle of large trees, and Sam is the first to hold you in a hug: her body is warm despite the cruel cold, as is the warmth of Carol, Maggie and Rick.
Inside, the small campfire is still breathing and the warmth spreads throughout the place, the colors of the fire flickering to paint the emptiness of the place with soft shades of orange—some are awake, others have chosen to spend the rest of the night in gentler dreams, like Aeris who flew to one of the tallest trees. But as if she knows what’s coming and you don’t, Sam takes April to sleep near the campfire, and in silence, Daryl places his hand on your lower back, triggering memories, but you let him guide you to a side of the cabin where the light from the flames doesn’t shine brightly, making the scattered hay into a comfortable makeshift bed. Putting his crossbow and your weapon aside, Daryl lays there with you, one arm behind his head and on his left side, watching the profile of your face, while, lying on your back, you finally let go of all the pain that was building up in your body.
“I know it will sound stupid but, ya okay, peach?”
You sigh, wishing that, just like the air you let go, you could do the same with everything else inside you—and you want to start by telling the truth behind the separation, but you’re not ready for everything that would be unleashed after that.
“I heard what April called you when she ran to you… did you?”
Daryl’s heart races, as if an overwhelming emotion called fear and happiness put a hand on his neck, but it’s not because of fear of ruining it (I mean, although Daryl does feel that), but rather it’s because of the possibility of a better future, like a new version of a warm home he thought of building with you. And he wants that to happen, desperately, but he is scared of it, too.
“'bout her callin' me daddy?”
“Yeah.” He murmurs, softly so as to not clash with the mood inside the place. “I think it hit me harder than a truck.”
You laugh softly, and finally, gathering courage, you turn your body to face him as well, watching him with a gentle gaze so as not to scare him with the overwhelming truth.
“Do you want to be? Because no one would blame you if you didn’t.”
Daryl gulps.
“I do, but m’ terrified of ruinin' it.” His free hand that rested at the height of his chest makes contact with your cheek, rough fingers caressing you lovingly, the other’s skin reminding you of the warmth you two shared in the past. His gaze on yours is deep as the sea, but now, you know you could never drown in the color of his eyes, not when Daryl would always be there to keep you afloat. “I was always scared of the idea of being like ma dad, of hurtin' someone who was never to blame for anythin', like he did with me and ma brother.”
“Hey, no…” You stop him fondly, you own hand holding his, because there was always a fragile part of Daryl, the boy who became a man but still felt the pain like a child. “You are not your father, Daryl, and you never will be. He never knew how to love anyone and you did even though they never repaid you in the same way. I know you loved your mom and your brother… everyone can see how you feel about Carol and the family you formed all this time, and I’m sure even April can feel it. And yes, sometimes you have a short temper and you act like an asshole, but I know you did so you don’t feel too much when you lived so long bottling up your feelings to feel little or nothing, but I also know that this world has only shown you that you are capable of protecting and loving people you didn’t know first.”
Between a sea of words that calm his heart, Daryl finds the strength to chuckle.
“To be fair, I did warn ya I was an asshole when we started datin'.”
“Yeah, I know. Why do you think I threw that peach at your head when you were being one?” You chuckle back. “Believe me, I saw the signs, but you were always incredibly hot so I guess I didn't care much about the rest.”
“Stop.” Daryl grunts in embarrassment, pulling his hand away as he feels the heat shooting through his whole body, but his shyness makes you chuckle a little harder.
“Please, you are. And now even more so with your long hair.” You frown, but keeping a smirk. “You did it on purpose, didn’t you?”
He clears his throat, but Daryl can feel the blush blooming on his cheeks.
“Nah, I jus' didn’t want to cut it all the time.”
You nod, not believing him at all.
“Well, let me tell you, that was a very good decision because you look very, very attractive, so much so that it should be a crime to look like that—”
Your words become prisoners within your lips as he places his hand over your mouth, his brow furrowed in the failed attempt to look serious despite the obvious embarrassment that accompanies it as a result of your unfiltered words.
“Woman, please stop.” His hand smothers your laughter, but you nod as a promise not to continue, causing him to pull away. “Jesus, I forgot how much ya loved to make fun of me.”
You try to keep a calm expression.
“Oh, don’t pretend you didn’t like it. You didn’t have a sense of humor until I came along.”
A small smile tugs at the corners of his lips.
“I never said I didn’t love it.” The word love pulls the scale to one side, so drastically that it breaks it, but you manage to keep the surprise from showing on your face. “And yeah, ya always seemed to enjoy teasin' me, but ya were so damn sweet that no one noticed that sassy mouth of yers.”
You scoff, just to hide the tickle in your chest.
“Look who’s saying it, the person who didn’t know anything else to say but sarcastically. But seriously, didn’t your face hurt from having that scowl on all the time?”
Daryl chuckles, but there was something in his eyes when they turned honest, transparent, just like now—dreamy eyes when it came to you, even with all the sadness, but there’s something broken behind his tear–crystallized gaze that Daryl struggles to keep from falling.
“M'sorry, peach, m'sorry, I was a fuckin' coward.”
“What?” You can’t find the right words because suddenly, Daryl seems to choke on his words, but he’s ready, you can see it, to let everything he kept hidden finally find the light. “I don’t—”
“I love ya, so fuckin' much.” His voice is soft, but decisive. “I always did, peach, and despite that shitty thought in ma head tellin' me all the time that ya deserved someone better, I was ready to become that someone 'cause I never wanted to let ya go, but yer dad threatened to put Merle back in prison if I didn’t stay away from ya… and Merle was a bastard, but he was ma brother, and I knew ya were ma real family, but I was afraid to break ya just like yer father did all those years. I could see the pain in yer eyes, n’ I didn’t want to do that to ya, too.”
The truth is overwhelming, even though you already knew it, but hearing the guilt in his voice makes it all the even more painful because Daryl did care about leaving you, unlike Jeff, who made him do it without a shred of remorse.
“Daryl, it’s okay.” Your gaze is warm and kind, a small demonstration that your words are real and you mean them. “It’s not your fault, it never was, you were doing what you thought was best. You protected your brother, Daryl, and that’s what family do.”
Daryl swallows the lump in his throat, holding your gaze through his sad eyes.
“But I pushed ya away, peach, even though I knew ya didn’t want to leave.”
With a slight broken smile, you try to hold back the first tear—the one that is the hardest to keep in line, because after it, the others would come like an unbridled sea.
“Yeah, you’re right, I didn’t want to leave you.” With one hand, you rub your face to remove all traces of hopeless expression. “Try to sleep, okay, love? Since we left the church you haven’t slept much, don’t think I didn’t notice.”
The pain is beating, but his serious expression breaks with a sad smile because Daryl knows he won’t force you to talk.
“Ya’ve always been a mom. With April and Sam, with me, and even with Merle.”
You let out a tired chuckle before closing your eyes, hands under your cheek to keep them warm.
“I know, but don’t pretend you didn’t like it either.”
A few seconds pass, until Daryl finds his voice.
“Woman, there’s nothin' 'bout ya I don’ love.”
His words hang in the warm air all night, eyes closed for a short time before falling into his own paradise, dreaming of something that would come true in the very near future. And at some point in the hours that passed with a blink, his free hand sought out your body and the warmth that emanated from it, like he always did since the first time you both slept together in a bed. Little memories came back to his sleeping mind, happy moments between holding hands, the first kiss and the ones that came after, when Daryl realized you were trustworthy and showed you his scars, with your gentle hand caressing every past pain, all before make love for the first time.
But when the day starts to return, Daryl feels the slight push of his heavy body and the emptiness beside him.
“What?” His voice is even deeper in the morning, and he sits up to see April through a blurry gaze for a few seconds. “Ya okay, sweetheart?”
“Yes, but I need to ask you some questions.”
Daryl frowns, confused.
“What’s mommy’s favorite color?”
Daryl frowns even more at a question that seems to come out of nowhere, but he ignores that April had already asked you the same questions days before just to check compatibility between you and him like Auntie Sam had said.
“Blue.” He answers, not missing a beat—like your eyes, she wants to say, but April decides to continue.
“Coffee, hot or cold?”
“Depends on the season, but always with sugar… sometimes too much.”
“Forbidden forever. Mommy ain’t a fan of the texture; she says it feels too funny in her mouth.”
“Her favorite fruit?”
“Her favorite flowers?”
“Favorite book?”
“Pride and Prejudice, but that’s a trick question 'cause she kept fallin' in love with every leading man like she didn’t have a damn boyfriend in real life.”
April laughs at Daryl’s expression, eyes still a little closed and hair a little disheveled.
“Can I ask you another question?” Daryl nods, not noticing her own expression. April is confused and terrified, her little mind racing like her little heart squeezing almost painfully. “If I asked you, would you be my daddy, Daryl?”
Like that imaginary truck that seemed to have run him over, or faster than the bike he used to ride when he didn’t even care about his own life, Daryl smiles despite the inner terror, that misguided idea of ruining everything because that’s what his own parents taught him, but as he holds April with ease, lifting her up to bring her closer to him, because, although Daryl knows that life is unpredictable, the only thing he can be sure of is that he can love the little person who had seen through that shield of his, the real person behind, the older but scared person, with the little girl in front who wanted to give him a chance to have a family now that life had put her in front of him.
“Ya’ve been ma daughter since I met ya, sweetheart, since the first time I held ya in ma arms as if ya were mine.” Daryl pushes a strand of her hair behind her ear, an expression that is so simple and yet so powerful. “Is that okay?”
Her relief is so overwhelming that it can’t fit in her chest and her small frame, but it’s the impulse that makes April wrap her arms around his neck.
“Okay, daddy.” She smiles through her tears, her voice cracking but dripping with happiness. And April feels loved in his arms, and that's enough for her. “Mommy’s outside. Now go give her the ring before the others wake up.”
April pulls away as Daryl has the same confused expression.
“How do ya know 'bout that, young lady?”
The little girl shrugs before running to the place where she was sleeping with Sam. Sure enough, the place is still silent, with soft breaths and some light snoring mixing together. His sleeping heart wakes frantically as Daryl stands up, sweeping some piece of hay from his body before opening the door of the cabin and closing it behind him, taking your profile a few steps away where the hill ends, framing the sunrise between two trees like a moving photograph, with Aeris in your hand until the falcon takes flight when Daryl approaches.
“That man ya said ya could see in me... do ya think ya could give him a chance, peach?”
Like a reflex, like a magnet that always draws you two together, you turn to see him and his body does the same, finding each other face to face.
Your gaze is confused, but always kind.
“What do you mean?”
“Peach…” His voice is low, a little nervous, and maybe even unsure because the constant fear of that wrong idea still looms before him, more fearsome than a walker, but Daryl has never been more sure of what he is about to ask of you. “Ya know I ain't good with words, but I want to tell ya that ya and April are ma family, the home I never thought I deserved. And s'kind of funny that the world had to go to shi—” Daryl decides to stop and use another word, just because his little girl doesn’t like bad ones. “That this new world had to start so I could find ya two, and I want to make things right if ya’ll have me again.”
When Daryl pulls a ring out of his pocket, your breath seems to catch in your throat, and although your mouth threatens to fall open, you keep it closed while making the monumental effort to hold his gaze when his returns to yours.
“When did you get a ring?”
“Ya don’ wanna know.” Daryl lets out a small laugh, shy and scared. “I want to be with ya and our baby girl for as long as we can live in this world, peach. I love ya for who ya are, for yer stubbornness and for yer strength, but also for how sweet ya are all the time, with our family and with me. And I want to hug ya, kiss ya, hold yer hand and be able to be at least a lil’ bit of that man ya always saw in me… I know we could die tomorrow but I hope not, I hope life gives us time to build somethin' for April, for us and for everyone. And yeah, I know I can be an asshole sometimes but I promise I’ll be better, and although I can’t promise ya a story like the books ya used to read, I can promise that I will love ya n' our kid for the rest of ma life.”
His words travel around the world and they come back to your heart, overwhelmed by his sudden confession just when you had thought that you two would never, ever be together again. But as the day grows brighter and you take all in, so does the realization that there is only one answer to his question.
“Peach, could ya give me an asnwer, please? M’ dyin’ here.”
You chuckle, but as your eyes returns to him and a soft smile appears on your closed lips, you now know that what Jeff said was a lie—Daryl loves you, he always did, so much so that he walked away from you despite his own pain.
“Of course I’ll marry you, silly.”
Like the first breath of air after being submerged for too long, Daryl feels like he can finally breathe as he holds you in a hug after placing the ring on your finger, the warmth of your bodies recognizing each other after a long time. As if the world has been put on pause, everything feels infinite, erasing all traces of the pain of each other’s absence, leaving only the immense joy of being together when that was the only thing you two had ever wanted. And when you part slightly, his forehead rests against yours, his hand caressing part of your cheek and your hairline.
“You know I should make you beg, don’t you?” You’re playing and he knows it, and even though you squint in mockery as you pull away, Daryl can feel the relief tickling his chest.
“Yeah, I deserve it.”
“Yes, you do.” You nod, thoughtful. “And who would marry us anyways? Because it’s not like there are many priests in this world to officiate a wedding.”
Daryl nods, keeping an amused expression.
“We can ask Gabriel.”
You grimace.
“You sure? Cause you told him religion was crap.”
Caught off guard, Daryl clears his throat.
“Or ya could ask him. Ya’re the nice one in this relationship.”
You shrug.
"I guess you're right. And I guess this will be the perfect excuse to find you a better shirt, maybe one with sleeves."
Daryl frowns.
"What? Woman, I wore ma best shirt the first time I asked ya out."
“Hi.” Your laugh catches in your throat as the male voice draws your attention, but as a reflect of his protectiveness, Daryl steps in front of you, his hand holding the gun that was always at his waist. “Hi! Sorry for scaring you like that, but I’m not the enemy, I promise.”
His words seem honest, but the muzzle of the gun is still pointed in his direction.
“What do ya want?” Daryl is calm, and his hand doesn’t tremble.
The young man raises his hands in a sign of peace, maintaining a friendly smile.
“My name is Aaron, and I’m looking for Rick. You two are his family, aren’t you?”
The silence falls heavy for a moment, until the chirping of birds breaks the strange spell, but it is Aeris’ singing voice that draws your attention as she joins the melodious chorus for the first time—perhaps as a divine sign that things are finally about to get better.
@fluffy-dixon @stunkbiggu @kurogxrix @ffsjustletmesleep @kaz11283 @daryldixmedown @enretrogue
#daryl dixon imagine#daryl dixon x reader#dad!daryl dixon#daryl dixon fanfiction#daryl dixon twd#daryl dixon x y/n#daryl dixon
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He found love
Summary: Aleksander finally understands what true love is.
Warnings: None I think, just tooth-rotting fluff
A/N: I know I disappeared for a long time, but there's a lot going on. I'm trying to make all the request. I love all❤️
Aleksander and the sun summoner -Alina- were the most loved couple in Ravka. Everyone talked about how cute and strong their love is.
It was until Aleksander met you. You; the dragon queen. You were able to communicate, tame and control the dragons all over the known world.
The first time Aleks saw you, you were training with your dragon. He was absolutely enchanted from then on.
When most people meet someone they are instantly attracted to, their heart races and their palms sweat and their brain turns to mush.
But not the Darkling.
He noticed all of these things and more, but kept his demeanor calm and unruffled. His face was a mask of composure, his breathing slow and steady.
Only one part didn't follow suit, one part that the Darkling's powers and will could not control. His heart was beating so loud he was afraid everyone could hear it, despite the fact that he stood perfectly still.
"Ohh Good afternoon General" you beamed like a sunshine. He couldn't wrap his brain around how someone so powerful could be so kind and pure at the same time. He thought already met the sun, but it wasn't like that all. No, you weren't like that. You were like the brightest star he has ever seen. Full of light on the night sky.
"Hello" he said, as if he could say anything other than that, not taking his eyes off your face for a second.
The way you talked was so genuine, there was nothing artificial, nothing put on. Your voice was like music to his ears, and seeing a smile cross your face was like seeing the sun rise after a cold, dark night.
He could already feel his control slipping, and yet something made him want to hold on, even if only for a moment.
"How are you today?" you asked, smiling.
"I am well" he said, his voice soft and gentle, "What brings you here?"
There was something different about how he spoke with you, something he wasn't even aware of himself. Normally he spoke with such authority and command, like a general issuing orders. But with you his voice was... softer. You saw something flicker in his eyes as he looked at you, some inner struggle that he was fighting. It was almost as if he wasn't as sure of himself, as he always was.
"Ohh just training with Firefly" you pointed at the young dragon which was jumping around the field like the baby he was.
"He needs to learn a bit" you explained.
He felt a smile spread across his face as he watched the dragon. It was a warm, genuine smile, which faded just as quickly as it arrived. He cleared his throat, trying to keep his composure, as he asked.
"Do you need any assistance?"
Suddenly a thought crossed his mind. He could help train your dragon. A simple task, but one he felt he could do. Maybe then you would smile that warm, genuine smile again.
"Well if you want to?" you shrugged. "It'd be good to have company" with a smile, you turned back to Firefly. He could feel his face heat up, and yet for some reason he felt the need to accept your invitation.
"Yes, I would love to join you" his voice was still soft and gentle, and he watched you with a curious expression on his face as he went to your side.
"Good" you grinned. "Here.." you handed him a fish. "I know it's gross, but I'll show you what to do with it" you explained.
You grabbed an other fish from the whistled to Firefly.
"Okay...Firefly! Sit!" you commanded to the dragon. Your voice and the way you told the creature what to do made Aleks's heart race.
He was already in awe of you for being able to command an entire dragon, but the way you did it was like magic. The dragon seemed to listen to you instinctively without any resistance at all.
Once you gave the command he watched as the dragon sat down with a low grumble. And yet you seemed completely unfazed by the dragons size and potential danger. To you it was just... a dragon. Seeing you command a dragon like that made his admiration for you grow even more, if that was even possible.
"Now give him the fish as a reward" you smiled at Aleks. He took the fish from your hand, and the dragon looked up at him instantly. Even if it was just a dragon to you, to him it was still a large, powerful beast. Yet it almost seemed to show some signs of shyness as it looked at him.
As he held the fish out the dragon came closer and began eating it, almost like a dog. He felt a smile spread across his face as he watched, there was something about this moment that made him feel... happy.
"How was it? Isn't it amazing?" you asked excitedly.
"It's incredible," he said as the dragon finished the fish, "To be able to control such a beast, I have never seen anything like it."
He looked at you with a feeling of wonder and amazement, his admiration for your powers growing even more.
However, even as he watched the magic you wielded, something else was catching his eyes. How you looked at the dragon and spoke to it almost like it was a human, with love and compassion. This was something else entirely. It moved something within him.
He knew deep down that he was still with Alina and he loved her. He loved her until that moment with you. When you talked so passionatly about the things you loved he felt like he fell more and more in love with you. Aleks forget about Alina and their relationship. All he knew was you.
He hadn't even noticed that he had moved closer to you, until your arms brushed against each other and your voices grew softer.
He felt the hair stand up on the back of his neck, and his breath caught in his throat.
The feeling of being near you was like a drug, intoxicating him, and suddenly he didn't even remember what he was doing or why he was here. He was so focused on you.
You were his entire focus now.
"Hi" you smiled when he got so close to you that your chest touched. It felt like time moved in slow motion as your chests touched, and suddenly everything stopped.
He felt so many emotions in that moment, fear, joy, confusion, arousal. His heart raced, and yet for some reason he didn't pull away, not now, not ever. He finally said with a voice so soft you could barely hear it,
"Hi, Angel" when his lips gently brushed yours, you made a confident move and pressed your lips hard to his.
And that was the moment he knew; He found true love. He found you.
#aleksander morozova#aleksander morozova x reader#the darkling#the darkling fanfic#ben barnes#ben barnes fanfiction#ben barnes imagine#ben barnes x reader#the darkling x reader#the darkling fluff
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Nexus died, he died as a villain and he died as if he was,,, nothing.
Nothing at all for anyone except Sun.
And I can't understand how after having given us a character who ALWAYS, ALWAYS was there for his family and was managing to meet the expectations of not only his family but the fandom, he was massacred in such a way that he went from mourning and depression FOR NOT FEELING GOOD ENOUGH to... what?
A joke. A villain with a rushed plot, cruel and butt of jokes.
Because it's fun, right? Haha, emo, haha, edgy teenager, haha, he only became evil because Solar died... of course.
The character who loved, protected and cared for his family and was WILLING TO GIVE HIS LIFE, deserves to be treated as a joke even after the pain he went through. That's totally logical.
And of course it was only because of Solar's death! Because he's a liar! Nobody had expectations about him! He wasn't a replacement! Nobody was forcing him to be better or equal to Old Moon! Nobody in the family stopped trying to interact with him because he wasn't Old Moon! Nobody made him feel like he couldn't achieve anything! Nobody told him that if necessary he should die again if it meant keeping his family safe!
And of course it's ridiculous that he spent so much time with Solar! Because Solar was by no means the only one besides Earth who knew him and accepted him for who he was AND NOT for who he used to be! It's ridiculous that he considered the only one who, despite his own traumas with his own Moon, was never afraid of him, rejected him, or judged him as part of the family!
He was not at all vilely betrayed by a guy who HAVING THE OPTION TO KILL HIM, decided to "help" him, "cure" him. He was not at all judged for not trusting him when he acted suspicious. And he definitely wasn't betrayed with the excuse that millions of people were being saved while he had to watch as the only person he could ever feel HIMSELF with disappeared in his arms.
After all, EVERYTHING he did and had to go through, after seeing him with the family for basically a year... was simply taken to fill the missing space of a villain for the plot, completely throwing away every thought, advancement and development he had gained over time. Turned without any logic to follow up into a cruel person who doesn't care about anything. Even with the brief moments of clarity he had, even with the small moments in which we saw how much pain he kept for never having felt enough for the family.
Even after all, he died as a villain. Because it's logical, right? It's logical that the only one who didn't have a chance for redemption among ALL the villains we've seen on this show, was Nexus.
And it was all "his own free will"
Because what a big lie to say that it was DARK SUN who manipulated everything. Surely he didn't start messing with New Moon after he GRABBED HIS ANKLE AND YANKED HIM TO HIS DIMENSION. Surely he wasn't the one who slowed down Eclipse so he wouldn't work on bringing Solar back faster. He definitely wasn't the one who took advantage of Nexus being in the worst mental and emotional state (even though he felt regret) and took him away, and showed him the dragon, and the negative star power.
What a lie to say that if it weren't for Dark Sun, Nexus would never have become this way. That if it weren't for him, this large percentage of "patterns" (denied by Atlas) wouldn't keep happening.
Because it's more logical to say that it was always his decision and fault.
Nexus became a villain because he wanted to and not because thousands of reasons forced him to hate himself and hate everything he knew.
Nexus was worse than any other villain, even though he was the one who caused the least damage among all the others. He's the only one who didn't deserve redemption.
That is, without a doubt, the only valid opinion.
/very sarcastic.
Whether Nexus will come back or not, at this point I don't care anymore. If they will bring him back as something worse I'd rather not see it. If this is his final death, it's my last sign to take a break from TSAMS and LAES.
I said it, I repeated it many times(?) I'm tired of it. The massacre of a character I really adored happened even before his death.
And this is not for debate. Nor is it hate to the writers/VA's. It's my point of view and reaction to what they did with Nexus.
Probably, I hope, the last post about it.
#the sun and moon show#tsams#sun and moon show#sams#tsams nexus#tsams new moon#sams nexus#sams new moon
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Can I request form leaders with an mc who bites people out of love?
I do that i lot of times lmao, it entering seeing their reaction sometimes
Of course! I get the urge to just do that too sometimes-
Also posting this one from my phone instead of my usual computer so I hope everything looks fine
Request rules and Masterlists
his first instinct is off with your head but he refrains
he is very red
you need to explain yourself immediately
if you don't it will be off with your head
when you do explain he's still confused
biting out of love?
he's never heard of such a thing
he will come to accept it with a lot of time but he'll tell you to maybe not bite him when others are around
he just get's so embarrassed if others see it
Will eventually calm down and accept it is you bite him without others round
you're playing a dangerous game here
you biting him means he has the right to bite you back
and he will
be careful because he has sharp teeth
he doesn't even question it he just already knows why
he really doesn't mind it
so what if people see you bite him?
you do it out of love so there's no reason to hide it
he's actually pretty smug about it
he's broken
wh-why did you bite him????
he's more red than Riddle
Demands and explanation
Love? You bite people out of love?
He’s pretty sure humans don’t usually do this
Like Riddle, he doesn’t want you to do it when others around
While he will be hesitant about you doing it at all, he’s willing to accept it if no one sees
But he’s going to die of embarrassment every time regardless if people see or not
If people do see he’s going to flee and want to crawl into his octo-pot
he doesn't even understand what happened but he's very calm about it
You bit him? Okay. Why?
Very calm about it all
When you tell him that you bit him out of love, he’s super excited about it
That’s so sweet!
Expect him to start biting too at random times
When Kalim sees you he’s just so happy and he cares about you so much that he just starts walking up and biting you
Jamil is so confused
Kalim might start biting other people he loves too so…
first of all, how dare you
Don’t you know it’s rude to bite people?
It’s animal-like
At first he thinks he needs to teach you how to behave around others
But then you tell him that you do it out of love and he’s conflicted
He appreciates your love but he can’t just have you biting him all the time
Perhaps there’s another way you can show your love?
If not he will accept the biting on a few conditions
First, you can not bite him when others are around and you two are completely alone in a room
He will not risk other people seeing or taking photos/videos
Second, you can’t bite him hard enough to leave a mark on his skin
Third, you can only bite spots on him that are pre-approved by him
As long as you follow these rules, he doesn’t mind it as much
he's broken #2
Idia.exe has stopped working
as soon as you bite him he can't move or say anything
he's completely frozen
This is so much like this one anime he saw-
He’s so flustered
I’m sorry but he won’t be able to function anywhere near you for the next 2-3 business days
What was that?
Are you some sort of cannibal and he’s your next target?
Did he upset you some how and you were taking your rage out on him?
Eventually may send you a message that asks why you bit him
When you tell him it was out of love he’s broken again
You have to wait another 2-3 business days to hear from Idia again
He will accept it but will be embarrassed and freak out every single time
Not worried about you doing it near people since he’s rarely around other people anyway
w h a t
he's so lost
why are you biting him?
did he do something to offend you?
Do you feel threatened or attacked?
Whatever he’s done he hopes you can forgive him
But why do you bite and then smile at him?
He will calmly ask you why you just bit him
You do it out of love?
He’s now a very happy dragon
He assumes it’s a normal human thing he was unaware of
…this leads to him asking Silver why he never bites anyone
After finding out that it’s out of love, he accepts and loves whenever you bite him
He won’t be ashamed at all even if it’s in front of others
In fact, he kinda wants other people to see so they know just how much you care about him
Malleus wishes he could return the affection but he doesn’t want to bite you in fear of hurting you
His teeth are sharp and he often doesn’t know his own strength so he may bite to hard and accidentally hurt you
He would feel so bad if that happened
Do not let Sebek see you bite Malleus under any circumstances
That’s basically asking him to freak out and yell at you for hours
If Sebek sees Malleus accept it tho…he’s dying on the inside and you can see him struggle not to say anything in real time
Note: does Azul taste like octopus? Let me know...for science...
#twisted wonderland#twst#twisted wonderland x reader#twst x reader#riddle rosehearts#twst riddle#riddle rosehearts x reader#riddle x reader#twst leona#leona kingscholar#leona kingsholar x reader#leona x reader#azul ashengrotto#twst azul#azul ashengrotto x reader#azul x reader#twst kalim#kalim al asim#kalim al asim x reader#kalim x reader#twst vil#vil schoenheit#vil shoenheit x reader#vil x reader#idia shroud#idia shroud x reader#idia x reader#malleus draconia#malleus x reader#malleus draconia x reader
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pairing: tom glynn carney x reader
summary: after a couple of interactions in carpet interviews the chemistry between you too was painfully obvious as for the public eye as for yourselves and your teams saw it as an opportunity to get something out of it. but what if there was something more there than just a public fake recorded date?
(inspired by the andrew garfield and amelia dimoldenberg ship)
warnings: not today satan, i'm in a certain mood in which i don't wanna know anything about angst or smut, i just need pure and comforting fluff
word count: 1.2k+
First Meeting
22th August, 2022
Just an hour ago while you were getting ready on your hotel room everything was absolutely perfect. You were feeling confident and enthusiastic, the adrenaline in your system making you see starts pacing and jumping around not being able to stop think about this opportunity but ever since you set foot on the carpet the situation just went downhill. Suddenly you were awkwardly aware of every single detail that felt wrong about it. The dress your sister choose for you wasn't your colour, your heels were too tight, the staff manager aligned you as the second interviewer and your palms were sweating like there was no tomorrow.
As a content creator that started making poorly produced thrifting and baking and fangirling videos on youtube to cope with your lonely life three years ago you never expected to get this far. To be invited to be an interviewer at the premiere of house of the dragon, the show adaptation of one of your favorite books of all time.
It probably had helped to the nerves the fact that you didn't know very well much of the actors in the cast but the few ones you did recognized were enough to have your heart pounding in your ears. Rhys Ifans, that man practically raised you through his movies since Notting Hill. Olivia Cooke… the gods knew she had been your sapphic awakening eight years ago in that one Ouija movie and you had been following every single one of her works ever since.
Thankfully you weren't too deep into your daydreaming state because you did noticed when staff started to move faster abruptly. The photographers behind you started shouting and that was enough to make it so hard for you to hold your pink fluffy mic still and every single question in your brain disappeared. This couldn't be, you had studied every actors background since you got the call to give each one of them worthy and respectful questions. Come on! You have to remember!
The only way to drag yourself back to reality was to squeeze you eyes shut for a moment and blink a couple of times knowing you couldn't slap yourself in front of all this people you wanted to take you seriously. By the time the first actors reached you the questions were forming in your brain again and even though you didn't sounded as confident as you had wanted you were able to do the job with at least a couple of actors for the moment.
“Hey!” it was the turn of a blonde boy. You recognized him as Tom Glynn Carney, the one who would play the adult version of your beloved Aegon.
“Oh hey!” you scratched your brain looking for the question you had prepared for him.
“Im Tom” he said in a funny tone as if he wasn't expecting you to know who he was after your awkward silence but he was at peace with it just trying to be funny and for some reason that made you giggle.
“I know!”
“Of course you do” he chuckled hearing how offended you sounded at his assumption “you know that's kinda cruel cause i do know you”
“No, you don't!” he didn't, right?
He looked at you with a mischievous smile on his face, one of those expressions guys used to let you know they had you figured out “I’ve wanted to try your pumpkin spice cinnamon rolls for a while maybe one day you can invite me to your channel to bake some…”
“Oh my god…” you couldn't help but physically react to his statement in front of the camera, you really didn't expect him to know who you were “Whenever, really whenever. Well not whenever but when we can both do it”
He chuckled and stared up and down at you “You know it just keeps getting sadder and sadder that you don't know me”
“I do!” your cheeks were starting to dangerously turn reddish and you tried to compose yourself. He was charming but you weren't willing to let that ruin your interview and let people think you had no idea were you were and what were you doing “So, Tom. Of all the songs your band has recorded so far. Which one would you use to describe Aegon's moral journey this season? Or maybe… do you have an unreleased one in mind…”
“Shit. That's a good ass question” you flipped your hair and showed him a cocky smile that he responded within a second never breaking eye contact and just then was when you realized how handsome he really was. You find it strange how that didn't intimidated you as it usually would in any other scenario “I definitely have an unreleased one in mind but if i say more i would be spoiling both my band's and the show's future and i don't want to get double fired thank you”
“You’re right i guess we'll have to wait and guess” you pout mockingly “Told you i knew who you were!”
“I can see that now!” he scratched his neck and shoot you a shinny smile “I just didn't thought you would know about my bad and this stuff. Do you fancy me or something?
“Yeah sure, you wish” your pulse started to raise when you realized the tension building and how you were unconsciously flirting with a complete stranger and all was being caught on camera for the show's tiktok account.
“Yeah i do”
He seemed as surprised as you were with his answer as soon as it left his lips but before anything else could be said one of the members of the staff told him it was time to move to the next interviewer. You had to go through the rest of his walk on the red carpet feeling his blue eyes glancing your way every now and then until he spoke to everyone in the line and was guided through some contains and you had to get your mind back to your work too.
What the hell were you going to do if you didn't even had a solid answer to the one question you get to ask? They were so not hiring you again.
“Oh my god wake up girl wake up you have to see this!” your sister woke you up jumping on your chest and hitting you with your own pillows and you didn't regret it one bit when you pushed her off of your bed and she fell on her ass.
“What the hell is wrong with you? It's 11am!”
She didn't answer, at least not with words but she stood from the floor and threw herself on you bed again tapping at the screen of her phone with her nails right in front of your eyes dramatically. At first you didn't understand until you took it from her hands and stare at it in shock now witnessing what had caused such reaction.
It was the clip of your interview with Tom Glynn Carney going viral on tiktok, the same interview you thought it was going to get you banned from carpets for life. The original already had millions of views and a bunch of other accounts of celebrity gossip had reposted it, there was even a couple of online articles about it. You would lie if you said you didn't felt anything last night during your short conversation but it had been just that at the moment. Now… people were going feral about the chemistry between you two and that left you with a deep unsettling feeling.
#Spotify#tom glynn carney#tom glynn carney x reader#tom glynn carney x you#tom glynn carney x y/n#tom glynn carney fic#famous x reader#famous x interviewer#andrew garfield and amelia dimoldenberg
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First Timer
Mandi looked at the store like some giant looming beast that she had to battle, never had she been to a sex shop and for good reason. The moment she even thought about sex her face flamed with heat, she was technically embarrassed. Not because of the act of sex, but because of what she enjoyed watching. Being only 21 and still a stupid virgin she had, one night, fell down a rabbit hole of aliens, tentacles, and ovipositors. They only person in the whole world that knew was her best friend JJ, who was as gay and happy as a bag of sunshine and rainbows but also the biggest slut that Mandi knew. He was the reason they were here at a place called OtherWorlds, a boutique for the weird and unusual. But according to the website that JJ found, totally normal for people like her. People who enjoyed the idea of monsters, suckers and knots filling up their bodies. JJ had wanted Mandi to be herself so, like a great best friend searched the world wide web and found this little nugget. Forced her in the car and drove the three hours it took to show up. “For fucks sake Mandi, walk in, it’s a sex shop not a fucking scorpion. Which, by the by, I think they have dildos that resemble the tail. Lets go!” JJ pushed Mandi over the curb and straight at the door. The tiny bell jingled as the door opened and Mandi stood frozen at the sight. JJ however ran right in and began looking. “Come on Mandi! It’s time you experiment!” He giggled as he held up a huge wiggly horse cock. Covering her face with her hands, Mandi shuffled her way towards JJ. “Would you stop that!” She whispered as JJ started to flick his wrist, making the soft cock go round in circles. “I think I need one of these for me girlie! Man this would feel great shoved in my ass!.” JJ exclaimed as a worker made their over with a grin on her face. “First time huh? We can always tell, either too shy or too excited. How can I help you guys? Looking for anything in particular?” Mandi began to shake her head, but JJ being who he was cut her off. “Yes, she needs tentacles. Ovipositors with the eggs that come with. A medium to large probably since she is……unused shall I say.” “Oh gods above JJ, really?! Tell everyone that I’ve never had sex why don’t you, jeez.” Mandi buried her face in her hands as JJ laughed, but the woman just smiled and took hold of Mandi. “I have the perfect stuff, come on. Most people come in here like this, first timers, shy because of what they like but its no biggie.” As Mandi followed the lady she looked on the walls. Dildos of massive sizes were displayed, some had giant heads with long thin bodies while some were reversed, had a slender head but a massive shaft. Some were so large it looked like it would split her in half. Gulping down what she knew was excitement she kept walking. How could she be excited about her feeling like she would be getting cut in two? Another section housed more horse cocks, small ones, medium, massive ones that looked like when fully inserted it could reach her throat. Near the horse cocks, were wolves. These too were in various sizes but they had knots as the bases. Some had multiple knots throughout the shaft, going from regular at the head, knot, shaft, bigger knot, shaft, and even bigger knot. Wouldn’t a person get stuck on that? How would her cunt feel so stretched out that she would literally be stuck on a cock. Mandi felt sweat trickle down her back at the thought. “You know I can tell what you’re thinking buy the looks on your face, you don’t hide your facial expressions well. My name is Nimmie, and yes the wolf cocks do feel amazing stuck inside of you. Too big to slide out but to big to push further in. Your pussy trapped on an immovable object, trust me, its worth it. Worth the pain. The dragon cocks are much the same without the knots.” Nimmie pointed towards a display case that housed a pleothra of muticolored dildos. Some were short and fat while others had what looked like scales in different layers to add a whole new feeling as it pushed against the walls of a pussy or ass. “But these are what you’re after. Yes?” Mandi looked over her shoulder as Nimmie pointed to a blue/black wall. Her mouth popped open as she saw so many different kinds of tentacle dildos. S-curved that ended in a point, short stubby ones that had a bulbous head, each one had different sized suckers on it, mimicking a real octopus. “But, I think your friend mentioned ovis, you’re more interested in the eggs and the feeling of them inside you, right? I’ve used one, fuck it was the best orgasm I’ve ever had. But that was our old stock we got some brand new ones no one has ever tried. They look amazing. Here.” Nimmie reached down and under a self, pulling out what looked like long slender tube with a short flat head on top. It was a dark mossy green that faded into yellow at the tip. Reading the package her eyes widened at the size. Nearly nine inches in length and at the widest nearly two inches at the base. But what intrigued her more was the carton that was attached to the underside of the plastic container that held the cock. “Its eggs! Look! Turn in over, each one is in their own cum, to give you that real effect. So what you do, theres twelve by the way. So what you do is you have to place the cock on the floor and through the opening at the tip of the cock, you just insert the eggs, push them all down and have your fun. As you fuck it, see the little button, you push that and the didlo will start to undulate and push the eggs into you, all that cum and eggs filling your cunt up. When you’re done, pop off and push the eggs out, and repeat as many times as you want. The cum, its some kind of new material that doesn’t wash away, like an egg sack thing. I dunno, but I can’t wait to try it myself..” Mandi turned the package over looking it over and listening to Nimmie talk about it. Fuck, but she was wet just imagining it. She had watched a porn with this woman who had something similar. The eggs had fallen out of her swollen cunt, falling to the ground in pleasurable ‘plops’. She wondered if they would sound the same falling out of her. And could she take all twelve at once? Mandi ran her hands over the eggs, thinking about where she could place it and fuck it. That was the moment JJ ran up to her, his arms filled with lube and cocks. “Get me outta here girlie before I go broke. You found something?” Nodding her head, she hid the ovi behind her and together they walked to the register. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ “I know you got that egg thing girlie, call me after and tell me ALL about it! I for one am going shove these beautiful things up my ass.” JJ kissed Mandi on each cheek and left her standing at her door with the black bag in her hand. Excitement rode her. Mandi could feel her slick cunt, needy and ready to take in her first dildo. The apex of her thighs felt heavy with need yet hollow. It was like a low ache, one that was almost painful right behind her entrance. She could almost feel her own heartbeat in her pussy, each thump of her heart knocking at her tight entrance. Placing her phone down, she hit record and then began to undress. Throwing off her clothes, she knelt on the floor and positioned herself so she could watch her body take in the cock. Once everything was lined up correctly, she opened the plastic package with trembling fingers. The cock itself was soft and malleable, but at the thick base she could feel beads that would rotate upwards, she figured those were how the eggs would get pushed up and into her pussy. Next she opened the eggs. Sighing, Mandi reverently grabbed the first one. Nimmie was right, it felt as if the egg was encased in the same slime like substance a chicken egg was surrounded by. The clear like slime wiggled between her fingers as it slipped from her grip into palm after palm, her hands rotating to constantly catch it. Biting her bottom lip, Mandi held it to her face and it roll against her cheek. It felt so warm, almost as if the crate it was in kept them a certain temperature. Before she could think better of it, Mandi popped it into her mouth. The gel like casing rolled on her tongue and nearly down her throat. But the taste. It was like an aphrodisiac straight to her pussy. Juices flowed and coated her thighs as she leaned her head back and moaned, rolling the egg on her tongue and nearly down her throat. Gagging she coughed the egg up and into her hand. She’d definitely have to practice more on how to hold that in her mouth, maybe with the cock fucking her throat too. Mandi fingered the cocks opening and watched as the egg slide down and into the tube where the other 11 quickly followed. Taking a deep breath, Mandi ran her fingers through her swollen pussy, her clit was so enlarged it hurt, her fingers rubbed hard on her clit, eliciting a long low moan from her throat, then she squatted over the cock. Her back was against a wall and with wide eyes she watched herself slowly get impaled on the camera of her phone. Her tight pussy pushed against the head of the cock, opening her pushing against her maiden head. She watched in fascination as her cunt spread, allowing a foreign object to be inserted, thankfully the cock wasn’t giant at the tip, but she could feel the resistance of her flesh, pushing back, not wanting anything to push past her barrier. Her thighs burned as she lifted herself up slightly then fell back down a second time. This round pushed hard the cock breaking though and she let out a painful moan as the cock stretched her new flesh, up and down she moves, deeper and deeper her squats came as she fucked herself down nearly to the two inch base. Her pussy ached, burned as it stretched and tears welled in her eyes. It was too big! But she thought about those wolf cocks and getting stuck, widening her stance Mandi leaned back and placed her hands on the floor and moved her hips. Her pussy made sucking sounds as the cock moved in and out, deeper until she screamed in pain, fuck she wanted to get stuck, wanted this foreign cock with its eggs to seal her pussy as the eggs pumped into her. Tears gathered in her eyes as she moved her legs farther out, her knees hit the floor with a sharp thud and she sat, forcing her pussy to sit down all the way on the cock. Looking into her phone, she could see the skin stretched, her cunt swollen and red, her clit hard and ready for the slightest of touches to send her over the edge. Taking a deep breath, Mandi lifted one leg and felt her way around the base, finding that button Nimmie talked about. Pushing it down, the beads that sat at the base of the cock began to vibrate, rotate around and up. Her cunt tightened its grip and her body jerked as she rotated her hips. Fuck she could feel the eggs rising with the undulations of the beads.
“Fuck. Fuck, Fuck!” Mandi panted as her hand left the floor and slapped at her swollen clit in tandem. She felt the first egg explode from the cock and straight into her, she could feel it right against her cervix, followed by another, then another. Her hand slapped harder at her clit and as she moved she looked down at her flat belly, she watched as her skin moved, pushed out by the eggs filling her.
Her orgasm took root and she flung her head back and screamed. Pressure like never before built low in her belly as she came. Her hand never stopped slapping and rubbing her clit until it was too much and she lifted off the cock, her pussy releasing all her cum and juices in one great spasm. She watched in awe as she squirted, the eggs falling out of her one by one with a wet slimy pop. One after another she watched as she forced her pussy to push the remaining eggs out, each one slowly falling to the floor. Her pussy pulsed and her body trembled with aftershocks of the best fucking orgasm ever!
“I’m telling you JJ I think I lost one! I have eleven eggs nit twelve! What happens if one is still inside me? What am I going to do? Go to the doctor and say hey doc by the way I fucked an alien dong, had its fake eggs shoved inside of me and now I lost one. Can you look in my cunt and tell me what you see?”
JJ just laughed, “It probably rolled under something so stop freaking out! But look we need to go back to that store, cause girl I done used all that lube and those dildos! I’m so gaped I could fit my fist in there!” Shaking her head, she finished her conversation with JJ, thinking that he was probably right. The eggs had come out at first so fast that she lost one. Had to be.
That night Mandi lay curled on her side, her thoughts on sleep, her mind drifting off into nothingness, she felt a soft, wet squelch come from between her thighs. Moaning in her sleep, her body thrashed about, wetness soaked her pussy and sheets as her legs spread by some unseen force. Through her sleep, pain had her eyes flip open and she screamed as e cunt stretched. Her knees bent and she rose on her elbows as she looked down her body. One long thick tentacle slide from her cunt. It was the same hues as the dildo, it slid from her pussy and onto her thigh, the rings of the suction cups molding to her flesh. Scrambling away, her body spasmed as the tentacle stayed stuck inside of her womb, the one long tentacle slithered off her thigh and moved up, the tip pushing through the slit of her wet core. The pointed tip flicked her clit hard enough to shock Mandi into pure pleasure.
“Ohmagod its real. Oh fuuuck its real.” Her voice went from a high-pitched scared cadence to a low, pleasurable moan. This is what she had fantasized about the first time she watched that damn porn. Her fantasy becoming a reality. The alien inside of her wiggled growing thicker, spreading her sunt much like the dildo did, stretching her to the point of pain, sealing tight. The tip of the tentacle slide back and forth on her clit, the suction cups moving languidly over her clit, sucking and releasing each time with each suction cup. The thick base shoved deep in her began to slither in and out, fucking her until she could no longer stand it, her orgasm tore through her body. Her body bowed off the bed, every muscle seized in pleasure and her cum flowed from her pussy in great rushes around the tentacle. Her breathing labored she lifted her head to watch the tentacle move and slither back into her cunt, her lower belly becoming slightly pooched out where it rested in her womb.
Would the other eleven eggs be the same? If they stayed in her would they hatch too? How many could she keep inside of her at once? She wanted to fond out. Would it be like that porn? A tentacle for every hole? Her mouth, ass and pussy all having one at the same time? Her pussy pulsed as her cum leaked from her open slit. There was only one way to find out. Jumping out of bed, she found the ovipositor, and began to pop the remaining eggs into the cock. Her belly wiggled in anticipation as she positioned her phone once more, then sank low on the cock, hoping that the other eleven eggs would too take root inside of her womb.
#sweetmisery#monster breeding#monster fucker#monsterkink#alien kink#alien fucker#alien breeding#tentacles#ovipositor
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To see the world that you are so proud of...



Synopsis: Growing up obediently following your empress' shadow, your horizon broaden the moment you met a pirate doning a strawhat who somehow ended up on your island.
Pairing: Monkey D. Luffy x Kuja!Reader, Platonic!Boa Hancock X Fem!Reader
Spoilers from the Amazon Lily and Marineford arcs. Reader is a pure sunshine who is both kind and naive. Having mixed feelings with Luffy now.
|| One Piece Masterlist ||
|| Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3
You didn't know what happened after you were forced to leave the arena. You were placed on a cell with two of your fellow warriors guarding as you waited for the outcome of the battle.
"Please! Atleast tell me, Is Marguerite alright...? What about the other two? Sweet Pea and Aphelandra..? Are they alright.?"
"I'm sorry, (Name). But we can't disclose anything to you. All we can say is that the Gorgon sisters are battling that strange man as we speak..."
You sat there in the cell for what it felt like hours. You didn't know what had happened until you were finally allowed to be freed.
However, as soon as you left your cell, you found yourself face to face with one of the Gorgon sister, Boa Sandersonia towered over your form as she gestured you to follow her.
"(Name), Our older sister ordered for you to appear before her."
"May I ask the reason why?"
"You'll see when you get there."
You can see how hesistant her tone was as she refused to look at you in the eye. By her body language alone, you can tell how uneasy and nervous she was being. So to avoid making her uncomfortable, you decided to refrain from talking until you reached the snake princess' bed chambers.
"Oh! It's you!"
Luffy pointed his finger towards you as soon as you entered. His shock expression soon changed to excitement and relief, a grin appearing on his face.
"You're okay! I got worried when they took you away, glad to see that you're not hurt."
You gave him a gentle smile of acknowledgement before focusing your attention towards your empress who sat on her snake, Salome. She was staring directly at you, observing your interaction with the only man in the room.
"Come closer, the two of you..."
She commanded. Unlike Luffy, who approached her without any care, you cautiously took a step forward, expecting for a scolding, a punishment even.
Only for your eyes to widen in shock as she revealed her bare back on to the two of you.
"Snake Princess, but that's-! What about the curse..?!"
You immediately shielded your eyes. Hers and her sisters' backs are a sensitive subject that the whole island knew about. And here she was revealing it for you to see, was this your punishment? For you to turn to stone for disobeying her orders and allowing Luffy to live? Even going far to defending him back at the arena.
"I trust you, (Name). And it is about time you know the truth..."
There on her back, was a symbol dyed in red, circular center with four triangles resembling a claw. At that moment, you see how her shoulders trembled as you observe her mark.
"Is...is it alright for you to show it to us...? my empress, it is something you forbit anyone from discovering..."
You can see how it pained not only her but also Marigold and Sandersonia. Grandma Nyon encouraged to reveal the story, and after a few moments, you finally understood everything.
It was the mark of authority far more superior than of the Pirate Empress. The Celestial Dragon's mark, specifically the mark of slaves that belongs. Everything she experienced and the sufferings she has to endure with her sisters, she revealed it all to you and Luffy.
You stayed silent as Luffy was escorted out, him being invited to the banquet that was host whenever the Kuja Pirates return to the Island with a huge haul. You stayed behind as you felt like you shouldn't leave Hancock alone after everything that had been revealed.
"Has your view of me changer after finding out that I was a former slave...?"
"Can I really speak out my thoughts, Snake Princess? My most honest thoughts?"
You asked, revealing her secret doesn't mean that you should carelessly speak up. Boa Hancock is still the Empress of Amazon Lily, the ruler of the land you were born in.
"I will allow it."
"Then, I will reply with a No....No, I don't think any lesser of you, my empress. In fact, I think....that for to you endure such torment and rise above it is truly admirable. My respect for you just got deepened."
You spoke with true genuine in your tone. Yes, you were anguished with what you just heard. The sufferings of the people who look up upon brought pain in your heart.
"I think that...your past doesn't defy who you are. It just shows how truly strong you are."
For the first time in your life, in years of serving the Pirate Empress. This was the first time you ever saw her smile with tears in her eyes.
It was then night time when Hancock dismissed you from your duties, having kept you around for a longer conversation. You found out the truth about your mother, yet you only found yourself slightly upset. You don't really remember what she look like nor what her personality were when she was alive, however, you could still remember the warmth she emitted whenever both of you share a tender embrace as she on board the empress' ship.
Hancock's attitude around you seems to have slightly changed now. She was more vocal of what she feels and treats you better than she did before, asking for your opinions and outlook of the village. The conversation began changing to how managing the island whenever she was out.
"As you now know, my presence here is somehow a threat. I'm a pirate with a bounty so great, continue doing your duties as usual."
She was more comfortable with you now. Just by thinking about it, made you smile as you nodded at her orders. Eager to aid her with everything.
"Yes, my empress... You can always rely on me."
you immediately went back to the village where the banquet is being held. Now in a more casual clothing, you entered the room and immediately sense the tense atmosphere among the women present there.
The center of their attention was Luffy who was sitting, eating his heart out as dishes were served on his table.
"What's going on?"
"(Name) is it really okay for a man to be present on the homecoming banquet.?"
One of the warriors asked, a look of concern is visible on her face, glancing at Luffy with skeptism.
"The Snake Princess already favors him, therefore we will treat Luffy with hospitality."
Just as you said that, Luffy stood up on the table with a ladle and wok pan, demanding that the women should sing and dance since it is a banquet.
A small smile made way on to your lips, covering them as you let a small giggle of amusement.
In that instant, the atmosphere changed into a lively one with the women eventually joining in, copying Luffy as he danced and pranced around.
Lively to the point, they all got comfortable around him.
"Hey now. Everyone, that's enough."
You scolded, seeing how they all gotten too comfortable around him to the point they all have been reaching towards his rubbery skin.
Soon you found yourself looking for Luffy as the women all went after him in hopes of touching his skin.
"There you are, Luffy..."
You found him crouching on a building roof. As soon as you said that, his long rubbery arms stretched and grabbed you by your waist towards him.
"Geez...What's the matter with you guys?!"
"I apologize on their behalf. It's just... we barely seen a man this close before..."
You gave him an apologetic smile. Seeing that, he soon let out a laugh as he told you that it was fine.
"I never really got to thank you for defending me in that arena earlier."
"I...just did what I thought was right...."
You told him, slightly ashamed on your actions yet you never regretted it. Yes, you felt guilty for disobeying the Snake Princess, but you couldn't find it in yourself to just allow them to kill Luffy when it wasn't his fault that he ended up stranded on your Island.
"Say Luffy...What does the outside world looks like...?"
You asked. Your curiosity resurfaced after many years of trying to supress it, was it because of Luffy being here? But after becoming Boa Hancock's closest aid, you devoted yourself to follow every command without questions. Your loyalty overcame the curiosity about the world outside of Amazon Lily.
"Are....the seas really that vast? Are there really more islands out there?"
Back then, Hancock barely spoke to you and you could only rely on either Sandersonia or Marigold to tell you all about what they had seen while traveling through the seas. Brief conversations that could never satisfy you. It was thirst of wanting something that you know you will never have.
After all you have a duty to serve and protect Amazon Lily as it's devoted warrior.
"I dunno. Our adventures are always been exciting that I never really cared how big the sea is. But I do know that the Grandline is huge! I can't wait to sail and see everything with my crew!"
Luffy told you about his recent adventures. From his entry to the grandline, meeting Laboon the huge whale, up to his battles on Thriller Bark.
"There are Islands in the sky?!"
"Yeah! I even beated up this guy with long earlobes!"
Luffy grinned as he stared at your sparkling eyes that was looking back at him with wonder and admiration. He was reminded of Chopper just by staring at you. He wanted to see his crew badly now.
"I'll sail through these seas and become the King of Pirates!"
"I'm sure that you'll be able to do it!"
You encouraged, getting all hyped up from just his words alone. Luffy's aura reminded you of the sun and its brightness. That's how you felt just being near him.
"You know, you could just get on board that pirate ship your Empress have. You'll see how big the grandline is, with your own eyes."
You faltered at his words, he seem to have noticed and started to frown.
"What's wrong?"
"I just....feel like I have a sense of duty to stay here. And the snake princess said it herself. I'm not ready to leave the Island just yet."
"Why? You're already strong..."
"I can't disobey the Snake Princess, Luffy..."
Why can't you disobey? Was it because obeying her was something that you already drilled into your mind at a young age...? Or is it because you can't make decisions for yourself without having someone tell you what to do.
You grew up never knew how to say 'No'. It was always you doing what you have been told without ever complaining whether the task is easy or difficult. Because you hated to disappoint not only your Empress but also your fellow warriors.
"I see..."
Luffy just looked at you as if he already knows what was going on, yet he didn't say anything. His eyes stared at your tense and slightly trembling form. He then went through his pockets and pulled out a chunk of meat that he managed to save right before he was chased after by the Kujas.
"I do what I wanna do, I'm captain of my ship. Not even my crew can stop me!....Well maybe Nami. She's scary like a demon."
He took a huge bite before looking back at you with a grin. Seeing bits of meat stuck on his teeth made you laugh slightly. Luffy is really is a silly man.
"It doesn't hurt not to listen all the time. You went to defend me even when you know that you'll be in trouble. You do what you think is right!"
Your words from earlier came back towards you. You couldn't help but grew fond of him, hearing his somehow meaningful words as he feasted on the meat was holding without a care in the world.
He doesn't even seems to realize the effect his words he had on you.
"Thank you, Luffy...."
You stood up from your place and immediately waved discreetedly towards Marguerite who spotted you right away.
"Hey...! What are you doing?!.... They might see me and chase me again...!"
"You need a place to hide, right? Don't worry, Marguerite knows what to do. She'll take you there."
When Luffy came back from Marineford, he was gravely injured. You could only watch from the distance as the men wearing white boiler suits docked at the far side of the Island.
The last time you saw him was when he left in a hurry to save his brother Ace from execution. Your Empress gave you a brief summary of what had happened and gave you temporary management of the warriors while her and her sisters sailed off.
"(Name)...Keep watch over those men on the far side of the Island. Report back once Luffy regain conciousness...please..."
The Snake Princess looks very distraught, so you immediately agreed upon hearing her request. Not a command, but a request. You could never deny a request.
Two weeks. That was how long you kept watch. The warriors back at the village would often bring you meals. By following the rules with the exception of Luffy, you kept your distance from the men and hid on top of trees.
Eventually, Luffy woke up. You were happy and was about to report until you noticed something odd.
Luffy went on a rampage.
"Hey...Can you report this to the Snake Princess in my stead? Tell her that Luffy regained conciousness..."
You asked a fellow Kuja who happens to be nearby. From the distance you could hear distant shouting of intense agony and destruction.
You stood on top of a tree branch, watching in absolute shock, as Luffy destroys everything around him. Trees and boulders. Nothing was left untouched. You began to worry that he might reopen his wounds.
Fortunately, the blue fish-man managed to calm him down. But the sight of Luffy crying made you feel a sudden ache from within too. As if you could feel his pain. Luffy lost his brother, and it somehow hurt you too.
"It must have hurt so much....doesn't it...Luffy?"
You were hurting for him. You want him to show his usual sunshine smile like he always have. Crying is not something you want to see Luffy do yet you don't even know how to comfort him.
"I want to approach and say something but..."
You weren't naive. You know of the snake princess' illness and how much she needs Luffy if she wants to live long. So to spare your own feelings you decided at that moment, to stay away from him even after growing so fond of him. How much you wanted to be there for him now that he needed someone to lean on as he suffers.
"The....empress' happiness comes first..."
So now, you could only watch on a distance as your heart breaks from hearing his cries.
© manachii 2024 ~ all rights reserved. please do not repost, copy, etc. any of the works I made.
#luffy x reader#monkey d luffy x y/n#luffy x female reader#one piece x female reader#one piece x reader#luffy x you#monkey d. luffy x reader#amazon lily#kuja reader#female reader#luffy x y/n#luffy x reader angst#boa hancock x reader
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I feel like there is so much missed potential in this fandom when it comes to Jimmy's part in EVO.
Like yeah, Grian constantly pissed off the watchers by being too greedy and taking more than he should, and we all know it was Grian who was taken by the watchers after the ender dragon fight and made into one of them.
And we know that in the Life series, Martyn's character is spoken to and told to do various things for the Watchers and saved by the Listeners.
And Jimmy has some kind of Canary Curse that causes him to die first every time.
But, there is a lot more to this that people don't use simply because they haven't seen Jimmy's Evo series.
Most of my headcanon ideas are after my little recap of all the listener moments from Evo and you can skip to that, but if you have never seen Evo or never watched past Grian's POV it is pretty interesting and I think I summed it up pretty well.
----start of very long Evo Recap----
Back in Evo, the Watchers never really liked Jimmy or at points Martyn. This is seen when they get gifts from them representing the Watchers' opinions. Jimmy gets one of the worst ones (a chest with some gold and saplings, likely meaning 'room for growth') matched only by Grian's (a chest of coal with one diamond meaning 'diamond in the rough').
Martyn is shown to be disliked when later on he declares himself mayor due to Taurtis having left, his and Jimmy's Property Police station gets a meteor sent through it by the watchers.
In Jimmy's episode 75 he and Martyn follow a strange noise underneath their destroyed station. They find the listener symbol in bedrock and signs reading 'There are some who watch, we are those who listen. Heed our melody, and await your first mission. Tell nobody." This is the first time we hear about the Listeners and we don't see anything about them again until Jimmy's episode 98.
They had just defeated the ender dragon and had been told the news that "10 will become 9" and that they were taking Grian. In the end credits when they were told this, multiple members were mentioned by name for various things they had done, all except Jimmy.
In Jimmy's episode he spawns in alone. The spawn is destroyed and grown over and in front of him is the Listeners symbol. He finds a book in a chest simply titled "your mission" and 9 enderchests.
The book reads: "there are some who watch, we are those who listen. It is finally time for your first mission. Dragged forwards through time, your spawn old and rotten. Even in the end credits, your name was forgotten. Cruel are the Watchers who think they know best. For us please deliver each player a chest. SHhhh...."
He goes on to do as they ask, one ender chest in each player's base. He is never told what these chests are for. Later the rest of Evo spawns in thousands of blocks away at the new spawn, they make their way back and find the Listener's symbol Jimmy had found is now a Watchers symbol.
The books titled "the future" read: "Our meeting was short and your victory grand, now 10 become 9 and you must leave this land. Our reasons are just, though you won't understand. Your actions have caused this, accidental or planned. Tread now to your homes, carry only what you can. Anymore will be drowned on and the sentence, a ban. We The Watchers Have Spoken."
They find the chests Jimmy had left them and inside is a note from the Listeners labeled "Greetings": "There are some who watch, we are those who listen, and we do not agree with their most recent decisions. 'Carry only what you can', what you deem best, We grant you more space by making use of this chest. SHHhhh....."
Later Jimmy finds signs from Martyn telling him what's going on and where to go. Jimmy shows caution and distrust towards the Watchers but follows all the same.
They set up everything at the new spawn, but in Jimmy's episode 112, he noticed an odd musical ticking sound beneath spawn. He goes around to everyone's base to leave them a sign asking what it is to make sure they know about it. They all gather at spawn and find that it was the Listeners who did it.
Under spawn they find a book titled "Freedom" by the Listeners. It reads: "There are some who watch, we are those who listen, if you flee you'll be free and complete your recission. Single versions are slow, new adventures in store, come with us and we'll give you lots more to explore. Make haste through this maze as a portal awaits, make the choice quick and take control of your fates. SHHhhh...."
They make their way through the maze and eventually find the last portal. They all get ready to make the jump for the last time, and go through the portal. For most this is the end of Evo (Jimmy, Pearl, and Netty do Christmas specials but those are only 2 episodes) meaning that this portal was really some kind of escape.
----end of very long Evo Recap----
This means that not only had the Watchers always had a dislike for Jimmy, but the Listener always had an interest in him and Martyn.
There is also the fact that Jimmy was the one the Listeners chose to deliver the enderchests. Bringing him to the original spawn under the Watcher's nose for this task, giving out something that will later help get around the Watcher's decision. And the fact that he was the one to first notice the strange sound at spawn and then go and warn the others? or at least inform them of this allowing them all to eventually find their escape?
It seems to me like Jimmy had long ago gotten a target painted on his back by the Watchers. With everything from
1) going against them
2) working for the listeners
3) influencing others to go with him
4) they just generally didn't even like him beforehand.
By the time everyone escaped Evo it's a fair assumption that Jimmy is probably at the top of their list of problems.
So, when they make a new experiment with the death games and they have him there? Well, they can't have him staying around long enough to start figuring things out and influencing people, now can they.
And speaking of warning others, he seemed to be so intent on warning the other Evolutionists against the Watchers. What would be a better punishment for going against them, for being one of the main catalyst in it all, then to be cursed to always be the warning. Cursed to always be the first to die, always gone before something big goes down, the Canary in the coalmine. But no matter what his death warns of, there is no escape this time. The coalmine's entrance is sealed and no matter how long you last, soon everything inside will suffocate.
And maybe this feeds into Secret life where he mentions how the Secret keepers symbol looks familiar, or how he decides to team up with Martyn just like in Evo.
Maybe him surviving a little longer in the games and coming back after death as a guardian angel is a testament to how the listeners are stronger in this season. An apology/gift to their first chosen for everything their actions had put him through.
But that's probably just me making far fetched connections and reading too far into things. Could be cool though.
#evo smp#jimmy solidarity#evo spoilers#i guess#martyn inthelittlewood#traffic life series#trafficblr#idk i dont usually tag#echos screaming into the void#echos talking about old Minecraft servers#written at 1:30 am#idk gues evo lives in the back of my mind#watcher lore
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