#The fucking audacity
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heyimboredtalktome · 1 year ago
they've been doing shit like this for years, with zero consequences and yet im supposed to feel sorry for these inhumane monsters??? lmao no thanks
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moniquill · 3 months ago
Why would you reblog someone citing Neil Gaiman as an example of traditionally published working class authors? Apart from the rape stuff, Gaiman was born wealthy and powerful and with lots of social resources.
I'm not the purity police, Neil Gaiman can still be cited as an example of 'author with recognizable name here on Tumblr.com' and the statement 'This very famous author started with short stories' is factually accurate
2. Ætherograph is my actual for-real friend.
Either read more of my blog and learn that I do not subscribe to total blanket cancellation (I'll even talk about the complex cultural ramifications of the Harry Potter series!) or read less of it and go the fuck away.
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thepromiscuousfinger · 8 months ago
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leejungjaes · 8 months ago
Nic really chose violence with that line in the interview. 😂
nicola: they're going to die in each others arms at the same time, it's so romantic 🥹
me, hysterical:
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sevensoulmates · 23 days ago
Rewatching the season 7 finale and it's fuck Helena and Ramon Diaz yesterday, today and tomorrow.
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aetherixart · 1 year ago
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Beginning of FFVII Remake vs the Nibelheim flashback THE WAY I SCREAMED WHEN I REALIZED
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devilith · 3 months ago
dont get it twisted. solmares announcement was made for one reason and one reason only:
the players refused to support the game, so obey me couldnt afford to keep itself alive
free to play/live service games 100% rely on the support of players to keep themselves up and running. if they cant afford to keep the lights on, then they cant afford to keep pushing out new content and updates
and i havent ever in my life seen a player base as nasty and hostile as the obey me fandom. yall absolutely crash out and throw the foulest, most outrageous temper tantrums at literally every single thing solmare ever does. yall refused to support the game in even the most minimal of ways, but at the same time yall CONSTANTLY demand more and more from the staff while screeching that every single feature should be spoonfed to you for free
every single new nightmare and nightmare revival, yall would start screaming and pissing yourselves and harassing the official obey me twitter accounts, calling solmare "greedy" and "scammers" for DARING to have gacha in their gacha game
yall lose your shit and started sending the employees death threats over the date ticket feature, a completely optional item bundle in the shop that you could literally ignore if you didnt want to buy it
yall rage the fuck out at microtransactions existing in a FREE GAME and took your anger out on the employees, then immediately turned around and demanded more content that you refused to pay for. acting like supporting the game was beneath you
yall never lifted a damn finger to support this game. yall never spent a fucking penny to support obey me and help keep it alive. yall lost your minds and attacked the studio time and time and time again when even the OPTION to support them monetarily existed. yall had a public meltdown and lost your minds you were so fucking offended that a free game would have the audacity to have optional purchases available.
yall refused to EVER support them, and now yall are acting upset that the game is forced to stop updating because they dont have the player support to stay alive?
yall should be fucking embarrassed of yourselves
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naughtynanzhu · 4 months ago
all you stupid motherfuckers that skipped voting or voted third party to prove a point who are now out here writing long ass posts trying to convince the rest of us that you didn't do anything wrong and Harris should blame herself for a loss, fucking kill yourselves you fucking losers
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stealfromthedevil · 1 year ago
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If anyone needs me, I'll be dowsing myself in holy water.
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sirlewishamilton · 9 months ago
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another day another batshit crazy c*rlos fan take
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a-delicate-touch · 27 days ago
"i hope you don't want kids" as if i'd EVER fuck you or consider a life with you!!!!! EW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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zeltqz · 11 months ago
I Made Ran ask her to be his girlfriend and she said NO.
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king-of-havoc · 9 days ago
Sometimes I think the transphobes on Tumblr are dumb but I just had the worst interaction with a transphobe in Youtube comments that basically just boiled down to-
Transphobe: Where are polite trans? They don't exist
Me: Have you tried being polite to trans people yourself?
Transphobe: Tf no? Why would I do that?
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bedknees · 1 year ago
loving Levi in flannel and jeans hours
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getvalentined · 4 months ago
Love to find out that someone who blocked me because I was sick of being abused on the downlow by one of her friends made a barely-vague rant post about me specifically, referring to a fandom post that wasn't tagged, where character names were censored, and wasn't even rebloggable—meaning she had to come to my blog intentionally to even see it.
Why the fuck did you block me if you're gonna keep lurking my account for the express purpose of pissing yourself off when I make a point?
It wasn't a flashback, it was a fantasy sequence. It never happened. (And if it did, then so did the one that took place right before it, with another character, because they're framed the exact same way! Since we know that one didn't happen, neither did this one.)
I'm sorry your favorite 'dad friend' character has always been self-righteous, jealous and sanctimonious. This it what makes him interesting. The juxtaposition between his actual behavior and his claims is what makes him compelling!
I'm sorry you can't handle his canon characterization and insist upon literally rewriting everything he's ever said or done in order to "justify" liking him when he's already a lovely, interesting, beautifully tragic character in every appearance he's ever had because he's not actually a good person.
Characters don't need to be good people to be likable! Characters don't need to be good people to be compelling! His struggle in holding up the facade is part of the tragedy—this is his story, and it's a good story!
Characters that insist they are good people usually aren't actually good people, but figuring out why they say those things and how they justify their own behavior is literally how you come to genuinely love a character.
I don't like blocking people because I like to leave avenues of communication open in case they have a change of heart, but I think I'm done with this one.
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sunnysart · 5 months ago
stop interacting with coda's posts. You have a right to critique the points, but simply do not reblog them. I am letting you know because the amount of interaction they've been getting from accounts they have blocked, including follows, has begun to make them very anxious. You have to understand, as much as you talk about how "young and naive" they are, how much these actions could scare them, Do not publicly respond to this, respond with your actions.
I will respond to whomever I please.
In case nobody told you, your mental health and anxiety is your own responsibility. Go to a doctor or take a break from the internet. Don't expect strangers on the internet to treat your illness for you and wrap you in a blanket with kind words. Boundaries are actions YOU take. Not actions others take for you.
Learn about "fuck around and find out". If she keeps posting on the leasebound tag, a tag that I follow, then I will see her posts on my dash and interact with them if I want to. Just like Rusty can't control the shit you say, you can't control the shit I say. You post publicly, you open yourself up to critique.
Grow the fuck up. She IS acting "young and naive" but that doesn't mean she is exempt from consequences to her own actions. She is 18. If she is too anxious to run a hate blog about a comic, then she can simply just not do it. lol easy, right? Its very ignorant to think you can hide your actions behind some blanket phrases and pretend to be scared by some words online. Words that are just disagreeing with you. Scared of what exactly, Ma'am?
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