#The Wild Wild West season 4
rose-n-gunses · 1 year
More Western!hellcheer thoughts because my boyfriend read yesterday's post and said to me "he would not be a fucking deputy!"
Just like in season 4, Eddie gets framed for a crime committed by Henry Creel. Maybe Creel's on a spree robbing wealthy families and Eddie was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Now Eddie's an outlaw and he's doing the one thing he's always been good at: running.
He finds himself in Hawkins, a small town full of eccentric characters. There's Sheriff Jim Hopper and his lady friend Joyce Byers, who works at Melvald's General Store. There's Joyce's kids and all of their friends. Murray Bauman, the town's doctor. The Carver family, whose son Jason is set to follow in his father's footsteps as the town's pastor.
And then there's the Cunninghams. Phil Cunningham owns the town's only hotel, where Eddie finds himself staying. The Cunningham family, because of their wealth and influence, have most of the town in their pocket.
While in Hawkins, Eddie meets Chrissy. She's whip smart and cute as a button, and he's head over heels. They hang out and he gets to know her friends, but as Eddie has come to learn, all good things must come to an end.
Eventually, word travels to Hawkins about Eddie being wanted. The town freaks out, and the Cunninghams think they're his next target, when they're actually Creel's.
In the frenzy of everyone hunting Eddie down and trying to hang him for his crimes (maybe Sheriff Hopper is out of town on business and not there to stop them).
Somehow they prove his innocence and save his life and catch Creel yada yada yada. Maybe it's Chrissy that does it, saying "He can't have done it because he was with me!" and effectively shocking everyone because Chrissy sneaking around with an out-of-towner? Or even worse, sneaking around with this out-of-towner?
Idk I'm picturing lots of sneaking, lots of horses, lots of action, all the staples of your typical western.
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reasonsforhope · 6 days
Camera-trapping data revealed in a new study show a steady recovery of tigers in Thailand’s Western Forest Complex over the past two decades.
The tiger recovery has been mirrored by a simultaneous increase in the numbers of the tigers’ prey animals, such as sambar deer and types of wild cattle.
The authors attribute the recovery of the tigers and their prey to long-term efforts to strengthen systematic ranger patrols to control poaching as well as efforts to restore key habitats and water sources.
Experts say the lessons learnt can be applied to support tiger recovery in other parts of Thailand and underscore the importance of the core WEFCOM population as a vital source of tigers repopulating adjacent landscapes.
The tiger population density in a series of protected areas in western Thailand has more than doubled over the past two decades, according to new survey data.
Thailand is the final stronghold of the Indochinese tiger (Panthera tigris corbetti), the subspecies having been extirpated from neighboring Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam over the past decade due to poaching, habitat loss and indiscriminate snaring...
Fewer than 200 tigers are thought to remain in Thailand’s national parks and wildlife sanctuaries, only a handful of which are sufficiently undisturbed and well-protected to preserve breeding tigers. 
The most important of these protected areas for tigers is the Huai Kha Khaeng Thung Yai (HKK-TY) UNESCO World Heritage Site, which comprises three distinct reserves out of the 17 that make up Thailand’s Western Forest Complex (WEFCOM). Together, these three reserves — Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary, Thungyai Naresuan West and Thungyai Naresuan East — account for more than a third of the entire WEFCOM landscape.
Now, a new study published in Global Ecology and Conservation documents a steady recovery of tigers within the HKK-TY reserves since camera trap surveys began in 2007. The most recent year of surveys, which concluded in November 2023, photographed 94 individual tigers, up from 75 individuals in the previous year, and from fewer than 40 in 2007.
Healthy tiger families  
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The study findings reveal that the tiger population grew on average 4% per year in Hua Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary, the largest and longest-protected of the reserves, corresponding to an increase in tiger density from 1.3 tigers per 100 square kilometers, to 2.9 tigers/100 km2. 
“Tiger recoveries in Southeast Asia are few, and examples such as these highlight that recoveries can be supported outside of South Asia, where most of the good news [about tigers] appears to come from,” said Abishek Harihar, tiger program director for Panthera, the global wildcat conservation organization, who was not involved in the study.
Among the camera trap footage gathered in HKK-TY over the years were encouraging scenes of healthy tiger families, including one instance of a mother tiger and her three grownup cubs lapping water and lounging in a jacuzzi-sized watering hole. The tiger family stayed by the water source for five days during the height of the dry season.
The team of researchers from Thailand’s Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation, the Wildlife Conservation Society, Kasetsart University, and India’s Center for Wildlife Studies deployed camera traps at more than 270 separate locations throughout the HKK-TY reserves, amassing 98,305 days’ worth of camera-trap data over the 19-year study period.
Using software that identifies individual tigers by their unique stripe patterns, they built a reference database of all known tigers frequenting the three reserves. A total of 291 individual tigers older than 1 year were recorded, as well as 67 cubs younger than 1 year [over the course of the study].
Ten of the tigers were photographed in more than one of the reserves, indicating their territories straddled the reserve boundaries. The authors conclude that each of the three reserves has a solid breeding tiger population and that, taken together, the HKK-TY landscape is a vital source of tigers that could potentially repopulate surrounding areas where they’ve been lost. This is supported by cases of known HKK-TY tigers dispersing into neighboring parts of WEFCOM and even across the border into Myanmar.
Conservation efforts pay off
Anak Pattanavibool, study co-author and Thailand country director at the Wildlife Conservation Society, told Mongabay that population models that take into account the full extent of suitable habitat available to tigers within the reserves and the likelihood that some tigers inevitably go undetected by camera surveys indicate there could be up to 140 tigers within the HKK-YT landscape.
Anak told Mongabay the tiger recovery is a clear indication that conservation efforts are starting to pay off. In particular, long-term action to strengthen systematic ranger patrols to control poaching as well as efforts to boost the tigers’ prey populations seem to be working, he said.
“Conservation success takes time. At the beginning we didn’t have much confidence that it would be possible [to recover tiger numbers], but we’ve been patient,” Anak said. For him, the turning point came in 2012, when authorities arrested and — with the aid of tiger stripe recognition software — prosecuted several tiger-poaching gangs operating in Huai Kha Khaeng. “These cases sent a strong message to poaching gangs and they stopped coming to these forests,” he said."
...ranger teams have detected no tiger poaching in the HKK-TY part of WEFCOM since 2013.
-via Mongabay News, July 17, 2024
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cyberneticfallout · 5 months
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Chapter One: Filly
Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Ch 3 - Ch 4 - Ch 5 - Ch 6 - Ch 7 - Ch 8 - Ch 9 - Ch 10 - More Coming Soon
Pairing: Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x Fem!Reader Summary: You, a seasoned bounty hunter, team up with a gruff ghoul to capture a high-value target. Tags: Slow burn (and I mean SLOWWW), angst, eventual smut, language, canon-typical violence, more tags will be added Posted on AO3: Smoothie and The Ghoul Word Count: 1.2k
Bounty hunting is no walk in the park, but the rewards make it worthwhile. Your body aches as you trudge through the settlement known as Filly. Pushy vendors eagerly try to sell you their wares, with one particularly persistent one urging you to spend your hard-earned caps on dog meat. Politely declining their offers, you navigate your way through the bustling street towards the more reputable shops and services.
Having visited Filly a few times before, you recognize familiar faces among the locals. You exchange a silent greeting with the local repair girl and spot Ma June preparing to open her shop for the day, making a mental note to stop by later. As you approach a semi-functional Nuka Cola machine, you catch sight of a man seated in a chair. He's dressed like an outlaw from the Wild West, giving off an air of danger. His gaze locks with yours as you pass by.
A ghoul.
You've had mostly positive experiences with ghouls in the wasteland, but this one seems different. There's something about him that sets off alarm bells in your head. Feeling bold, you approach him after grabbing an unbearably warm Nuka Cola.
"Hey," you stand in front of him and take a sip. "I don't personally have a problem with ghouls, but the folk around here aren't too fond of them."
Smirking, he looks up at you, his sunken eyes and lack of nose more pronounced in the sunlight. Most people find ghouls unsettling, but you've grown accustomed to their appearance after years of interacting with them.
"That may be true," he drawls. "but I ain't here to make friends."
You offer him a sip of your drink, he stares at you in confusion. Taking it as a rejection, you finish the rest and toss the bottle aside.
"You look like you're either playing cowboy or you're a bounty hunter," you remark.
"What's your guess?" he snarls.
Leaning towards him, you place your hands on the arms of his chair. "I'm guessing you're here looking for a specific doctor."
"You're pretty bold for getting so close to a ghoul, smoothskin."
"And you're pretty bold for assuming I've never been closer." A small smile creeps onto your face as he looks at you curiously.
"I'm sure our paths will cross again. Until then..." Stepping back, you give him a casual salute and walk away.
The presence of the ghoul gives you the feeling that shit is about to go down so you decide to hang around on the outskirts of Filly. Leaning against a tree just outside the bustling street of vendors, you can hear the sound of raised voices and the unmistakable echoes of gunfire coming from the center of town.
"Called it," you mutter under your breath. There's no need to dive headfirst into the chaos when you can simply wait it out and observe the aftermath. Given the hefty reward on the line for this particular doctor, it's unlikely that he'll be an easy target. If he's anything like the other high-value bounties you've pursued in the past, he'll find a way to slip away, and you'll have to track him down.
Inhaling deeply, you take a moment to assess your surroundings, ensuring that your rifle and pistol are in proper working order. As you inspect your weapons, the air is suddenly filled with distorted screams, "No, no, no!" Looking up, you witness a spectacle that catches you off guard. A suit of Power Armor is soaring uncontrollably through the sky above you. Could it be the Brotherhood of Steel? This bounty just keeps getting crazier.
The Power Armor veers off in the opposite direction, leaving you to wonder what in the wasteland is going on. With the chaotic gunfight seemingly subsiding, you make your way back towards the town center. It appears that the flying garbage can and ghoul have caused quite the commotion, scattering the combatants and bringing an end to the firefight.
As you draw closer to the scene, the absurdity of the situation becomes even more apparent. Bodies, torn apart and scattered haphazardly, litter the ground. The locals, seizing the opportunity, have already begun looting them. You catch sight of the ghoul making his way towards a path that leads out of town. Without a moment's hesitation, you decide to follow him.
Quickening your pace, you navigate through the debris and bodies, doing your best to avoid the looters who pay you no mind. The ghoul moves quickly with a dog by his side, his sunken eyes focused on his route to the wastes.
As you approach the outskirts of town, the ghoul glances back, acknowledging your pursuit. Letting out an annoyed sigh, he comes to a halt and turns to face you.
"I ain't accepting companions," he declares, a note of irritation in his voice.
"That's too bad," you reply with a smirk, coming to a stop in front of him. Your attention is drawn to the dog standing beside him, looking up at you with a wagging tail. A warm feeling washes over you - you've always had a soft spot for dogs.
Kneeling down, you scratch behind the dog's ears and ask, "What's her name?"
"I don't fuckin' know," the ghoul snaps back.
You raise an eyebrow, a mixture of amusement and confusion on your face. "Did you hit your head back there? How do you not know your dog's name?"
The ghoul rolls his eyes slightly, clearly exasperated. "She ain't my dog. She was with the doctor. Along with some vault dweller."
A surge of curiosity courses through you at the mention of the doctor and the vault dweller. This situation just keeps getting more intriguing. You stand up, still keeping an eye on the ghoul.
“A vault dweller?”
He begins to draw his gun and points it at you, “Give me a reason not to shoot your ass. You’re startin’ to annoy me.”
“Calm down, beef jerky.” Taking a step back, you maintain a calm demeanor. “I think we can help each other out.”
The ghoul's grip on his gun tightens, but he hesitates, seemingly intrigued by your proposition. "I don't need help.”
“Oh but yes, you do.” You pull out a small vial filled with amber liquid, capturing his attention. “This dog will do a great job tracking its owner but I’ll do an even better job of making sure you don’t go feral. No offense but you seem pretty old - even for a ghoul.”
The ghoul's grip on his gun loosens, and he seems to consider your words. After a moment, he reluctantly lowers his weapon. "Fine," he grumbles. "But don't think I owe you anything."
You nod with a small smile, "Fair enough."
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kiyosato-yuri · 2 months
Update Schedule Livestream: Up to Canto VII
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Up-coming event: 08/08 Murder on the Warp Express
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Sweeper Faust 000 Sweeper Heathcliff 00 EGO PV will be on Aug 2nd
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WildHunt Heathcliff around August
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UI window improvements weekly and monthly reward content + mirror dungeon will have thread+exp_tickets for clears
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new and returning player event allowing you to choose any season 1 identity + free growth items
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Walpurgisnacht event - purple monolith fight for Walpurgisnacht - Funeral of the dead butterflies 000 Yi Sang - Spiderbud Ryoshu 000 - Funeral of the dead butterflies EGO (unknown sinner) 2 announcers
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Devyat Association NORTH Devyat association north 000 Rodion will be a thing, but they showcased the Devyat design
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Zwei Association WEST Zwei association west banner, design showcase + bygone days EGO in the same banner
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Canto VII will be around October
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Season 4 Roadmap
Warp Train -> Wild Hunt Heath -> Walpurgis -> North Devyat -> West Zwei -> Canto 7
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༉‧₊˚. 𝐬𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐞, 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐚 𝐜𝐨𝐰𝐛𝐨𝐲 || 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐥 𝐝𝐢𝐱𝐨𝐧
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― pairings: daryl dixon x plus size!reader
― era: season 4/pre-Governor
― summary: while out on a run, you find a cowboy hat, and what was once light-hearted teasing had actually woken up something inside of you, because he just looked too damn good.
― warnings: daryl in a cowboy hat (duh), unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), cumming inside, oral (d. receiving), blowjobs, come eating, riding, biting (mentioned literally once), marking, established relationship, kissing, praise, dirty talk (mostly daryl's dirty mouth 'cause yes).
― wc: 1841
⋆ a/n: uhhh it's the way this almost turned into a 2k one shot of just straight up porn?? like i shit you not i one hundred percent think i lost my self-control while writing this, but oh well, i enjoyed it and i hope you guys do too! thank you all for the mass influx of support over the last few days, it never fails to blow my mind every time. i love you all!
masterlist | AO3
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You swear your intentions were pure at first; it was just you trying to shoot the shit with Daryl and a cowboy hat, but you hadn't expected him to look so… natural with it on.
Walking around the shopping mall you, Glenn, Daryl, and Maggie were scouring through, you had come across a plain black cowboy hat lying on the floor alone. It appeared to be relatively spotless besides a little dirt and dust on it. You bent over and picked it up, your hand patting away the grime as you examined it. You couldn't help the shit eating grin that split on your face, your eyes flaring mischievously as you made your way back to your poor unsuspecting boyfriend who was searching through the camping department. 
Sneaking up behind him, you quickly placed the hat on his head, eliciting a surprised grunt from the man in front of you. 
"There," You said with your hands placed on your hips. "Now you're a real cowboy." He turned around to look at you with a glare. "Ain' no cowboy." He grumbled, and your breath caught at the sight of him. Every witty comeback you had been curating in your mind had suddenly died in your throat along with your ability to speak. "Wha'?" Daryl asked at your sudden silence. You swallowed nervously, "You look great, real sexy." 
“Shuddup.” He scoffed, taking the hat off and placing it on your head so that it slightly obstructed your vision. He continued further into the department.  “I’m serious!” You called out with a laugh as you chased after him. 
“Wild west movies used to really get me going, you know!” 
He didn’t see you shove the thing into your bag, or the fact that you were biting back a smirk the whole ride back to the prison. 
You hadn’t forgotten about the way he looked in it, nor the fact that everytime you passed by your bag, the hat felt like it was going to burn a hole right through the floor. You were waiting for the perfect opportunity to bring up its potential use in the bedroom until one fell into your lap - more like his.
You were sitting on his lap as he had his back pressed against the prison wall, his lower half resting on the two mattresses the both of you had pushed together to make a makeshift double bed. His fingers dug into the skin of your hips, your hands tightly clasping his cheeks, holding his lips onto yours as you made out fervently. Your body was slightly raised above his when you remembered the cowboy hat. You pushed a finger in between your mouths as you separated with a smirk.
“Wait.” You breathed. “You okay?” He asked in concern, searching your face and eyes for any sight of discomfort. “I got something I wanna try, if that’s fine with you.” You nodded gently. “Wha’ is it?” Your smirk formed into a wide smile at his question.
He watched you with a mix of curiosity and anticipation as you leaned over and unzipped your backpack, his palms that rested on your hips continued to keep a firm grip on you as reached for what you were looking for. His eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets when they caught sight of the brim of that stupid cowboy hat.
“The hell?” He couldn’t help but say. It wasn’t full of disgust, but rather surprise. You laughed, “I may or may not have brought it back home with the intention of asking you to wear it while we have sex.” The sides of his lips quirk as he takes the hat from your hands. “I guess ya really were serious about wild wes’ movies gettin’ ya goin’.” But nonetheless, he puts it on, and you bite your lip. 
“Like I said, you’re the sexiest cowboy I’ve ever seen.”
He tilts his head up as your lips lock in an amorous embrace, and you grind your hips down on his hard-on. He groans against your lips, gripping and pressing your body down to receive maximum pressure from your cloth covered cunt. Your kisses trailed down his neck, nibbling on his scruff and unbuttoning his sleeveless shirt to push off of his shoulders, which he helped you do. Your greedy hands trailed through the patch of hair on his chest, following the hair down to where it disappeared into his jeans. You unbutton them, moving your butt down a little bit so that you could take him out of his underwear.
He hissed in pleasure as you pressed down on his leaky tip, rubbing his precum around before you bent forward, adjusting your body so that your ass was raised and arched, licking a stripe from the vein on the underside of his cock to the tip, twirling your tongue around it.
“Shit!” He let out a raspy whimper, burying his thick fingers gently gripping onto the roots of your hair. The pressure on your scalp was welcomed as you took him further down your throat, swallowing around him and fondling his balls with your free hand. Daryl desperately tried to keep himself quiet, seeing as though the walls of the prison weren’t thick, and anyone could hear him, and that was something that he didn’t think he would be able to live down.
He could feel himself nearing his climax with every suck of your devilish mouth, and he knew that you could feel him too. You peered up at him through your eyelashes, watching his shirtless chest rise and fall heavily, he looked dark as he practically gazed into your soul, the cowboy hat adding a shadow over his features that turned you on beyond comprehension. You pressed your thighs together to desperately relieve the growing tension between your legs, and when the fat of them put pressure against your clit, you whined, the noise shooting up your boyfriend’s spine.
“Fuck, sweetheart. ‘M gunna cum.” He warned, his back arching and hips chasing your warm mouth. You only pulled off to say, “Down my throat.” Your words were heavy and breathy, but you didn’t care, taking him back into your throat and stroking what you couldn’t swallow. He gulped, allowing his head to lean back on the concrete cell wall, biting on his bottom lip so hard in an attempt to stay silent that he could’ve sworn he tasted the metallic tang of blood.
“Yeah?” He asked with a breathless groan. “‘Wan’ me to paint that pretty little mouth of yours white?” You whined at his dirty words, and he felt your noises burn through his veins like fire. He didn’t hold back from occasionally bucking his hips, his thrusts growing sloppy before he pressed your head down, shooting his load deep down your esophagus. 
You swallowed his cum, which caused him to hiss due to oversensitivity. You pulled off of him, licking your lips before sticking your tongue out to show him that you hadn’t wasted a drop. 
“God damn, girl.” He grunted as you crawled your way up to his lips to place a deep kiss on his lips, allowing him to taste himself. “Are ya tryin’ta kill me?” He asked when you pulled away. You giggled, dragging playful fingers up and down his chest. “Maybe?” You said, biting your bottom lip with a smile.
He just scoffed, kissing you once more as you avoided knocking your head against the rim of his hat. “Let me ride you, cowboy.” You heaved.
He nodded, allowing you to stand and take your clothes off as he rid himself of his pants and underwear. 
You clambered back on top of him, allowing your soaked slit to gently caress his hard cock.
“Fuck.” He cursed, the grip on your hips turning bruising due to your teasing. You mewled at the feeling of his heated skin brushing your sensitive clit, your self control slipping as you reached down and lined his cock up to your entrance, slowly sinking down due to the lack of foreplay and prep. The initial stretch of his tip hurt, your nails digging into the skin of his tanned shoulders, a silent cry leaving your lips as your head fell back. 
Daryl gave you a moment to adjust to his size, distracting you with his calloused thumb, which rubbed comforting circles onto your tiny bundle of nerves. Your muscles loosened as you moved, slightly bouncing until you found a rhythm where your ass met his thighs. He aided you in your riding, guiding your body up and down.
“So fuckin’ wet.” He grunted, rolling both of his lips between his lips as he watched where your bodies joined together, as though he was in a trance. “‘S all for you, D.” You slurred. His cock repeatedly brushed against that sensitive spot inside of your body. He was already sensitive, which made him all the more determined to help you reach your peak first.
“Put yer hands on the wall.” He rasped. You placed your arms on either side of his head, your breasts pretty much shoved in his face when his hips rose up, fucking themselves into you harshly. You yelped in surprise, pressing your palms harder against the walls as he pounded into you from below. He raised his head, his eyes searching for yours from under the hat. 
His irises swam with lust and need, but also a hidden determination that only he knew about.
“‘Gunna make you cum real good, pretty girl.” He huffed a ragged breath. “Promise.” 
“Please, Dar. I need it!” You cried. 
He looked away from you, focusing on his thrusts which were unforgiving, bruising your cervix with every slam of his tip. Your arms grew shaky as you neared your end, almost causing you to fall forward if you hadn’t laid your head on the cool rock. 
“So close,” You breathed, “‘M so close, baby, please.” You begged. “I gotcha. ‘Gunna cum with ya, sweet cheeks.” Your body flushed with relief at his words. 
Your bodies worked together to help reach your climaxes, and when you did, you held back a loud moan, and Daryl hid his in between the valley of your breasts, which lightly bit into. There might be a mark there tomorrow, but who cares?
You shuddered through your world shattering orgasm and he worked you through it, lazily thrusting into you until you muttered the words, ‘no more.’
You slowly sat back down, wincing seeing as though his softening cock was still shallowly buried inside of you.
“Holy fucking shit.” You laughed deliriously. “If I knew ya would’a been all pent up like this over some hat I would’a worn it sooner. Maybe even take ya righ’ then and there in tha’ mall.”
You smirk in amusement at his daring words, “Is that so?” You asked with a mischievous smile. “Mhm.” He hummed with a grin, his hands descending to gently massage your outer thighs whilst you cupped his cheeks, both of you falling into a blissful, giggly kiss. 
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ೃ⁀➷ my lovely taglist!: @alina02 @louderfortheback @minervadashwood @fandomsarelifee @theendofthe70s @nomajdetective @mgg-theprettiestboy @phoenixblack89 @murdadixon
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scoatneyhall · 4 months
WILD. Was anyone else aware that the Ted Lasso team has gone in and made post-production edits on season 3 episodes, sometime in the last year?
I've been rewatching the finale in advance of the one year anniversary of it airing, and straight off, I noticed that the points total on the graphic looked different to how I remembered it - a much closer race. It stuck out because I remembered being annoyed that they didn't celebrate the moment Richmond got confirmed for the Champions League, as the gap was big enough for it to have happened a while ago, offscreen. I still have a screencap from when the episode aired:
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However, the current copy on Apple has an updated graphic, making the post-production graphic in line with the numbers on the actual physical whiteboard prop and the script mentioning the win streak. See here:
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The corrected copy makes Richmond's points match the whiteboard, but it also puts the teams in 3rd to 5th place much closer to them points-total wise, meaning that now, in the current version of the episode, Richmond only qualified for the UCL in "Mom City," making it make more sense that the start of 3.12 is the first time it gets discussed. Would have been nice to mention that stake in the City match commentary during 3.11, but I genuinely am shocked that they went back in and edited the already-published episodes to clean up the post-production errors. For the record, here's the whiteboard as of 3.08: W10, D9, L6.
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Just in case anyone cares, the order of those results was - 1 draw against Chelsea, 6 wins with Zava, 1 loss against West Ham, the rest of the draws and losses occurring between 3.05 and the loss against Arsenal in 3.07, and then the 4 wins mentioned at the start of 3.08. By the start of 3.12, it's mentioned they are on a 16 game win streak, so that's 22 wins overall, 9 draws, 6 losses, going into the final weekend, hence the updated graphic.
I like that they went in and fixed it - no idea when in the past 12 months that occured - but I also kind of can't believe they bothered? Then again, I can't believe the mistake was made in the first place, as they were so specific with details in the prior seasons, so maybe they couldn't live with it being wrong.
I know there were rumours about a ton of issues in terms of getting these episodes posted in time - right down to the wire, still fixing the edit on the airdate - and it's clear that these details were not checked and confirmed by the poor people in post who were not working off the show bible that lives in the writers heads. I don't blame them at all, I blame the people who got the edit to them late, but it did annoy me during the season a LOT. The maths wasn't mathing, and as we know this is a show that has been careful with dates and timelines and stuff like that.
Anyway! The point is, a) this post about my UCL qualification fantasies is now moot, and b) I went back and checked another post production error that had REALLY pissed me off, which was the dates of texts in Ted's phone in 3.04. Phone dates have always given us the timeline quite strictly before - it's how @belmottetower and I started the timeline in our primer, with Ted arriving in London on January 6, 2020 and then following the football seasons from there to place the season 3 finale in May 2022 - but in 3.04, all the cute texts we see to all the characters in his phone were badly misdated, placing the timeline further in the future. This caused arguments or misunderstandings, at the time about the actual timeline of the show, but it seems this was another detail the producers really wanted to fix and tighten up, as they've gone back and had it edited.
It's weird, because the texts Ted was actually going back to - the messages from Doctor Jacob - were dated correctly as late 2019, and there's even a little easter egg in the form of a US rideshare notification picking him up to go to the airport in America, on 5 January 2020. (Even the area code, 316, is apparently correct to Kansas.) That's all correct even in the original version of the episode, but somehow we then skip a year and place his most recent texts, as of 3.04, in late October 2022, when they should only be in late September or early October 2021. (I found this post on Reddit that screenshotted his phone at the time.) Examples:
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I had to go back and check this, and sure enough, it's been edited to reflect the established timeline - they didn't just redate the year on each message, they also changed a bunch of the chats to be more recent - so rather than dates, his most recent chats with Henry, the Coaches, etc are from "Yesterday," then the first dated texts are in very late September 2021. This matches up pretty perfectly with where they are in a typical Premier League season - they REALLY cleaned it up. Further back, they do just switch the years on the dates, so he still got a picture from Sassy last Valentines Day, and his last one-on-one contact with Jamie is still set before the events of Wembley in 2.08 (FA Cup semi finals are in April, so a few weeks after the March 2021 date on Jamie's chat.)
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My brain is itching because I swear there was a screen of Nate and Ted's text chat at some point too? With Ted reaching out about his new job, on a date that deeply did not work with the timeline? But maybe I imagined it. There's no record of Nate's number in his phone at all now, and the texts date back to before Nate left, so I guess in this version of events, Ted deleted Nate's number and message history.
Anyway, I'm aware that basically no one is going to care about this, but I suspect that the three people who will actually care will REALLY FUCKING CARE. Has anyone else noticed it? Does anyone know when it may have happened? Does anyone know what else might have been changed or fixed? I love details and I love the fact that there is no longer conflicting data about what football seasons the show is covering - it's mid 19/20 to the end of 21/22, end of story - but what a fucking mess the production of season 3 must have been, to end up at this point!
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August 28th, 2024
A couple days ago a fire started on the ridge above the big grove of eucalypts (picture number 4). Thankfully it was spotted quickly, a mild wind was blowing in the opposite direction, it had recently rained, and wildfire response resources were not deployed elsewhere; I watched the water tankers hovering over the spot for a while, grateful for everything, but especially for the fact that fire prefers to go up hill rather than down, and that this fire started in the ridge rather than the canyon. Eucalypts are not native to my area, and greatly increase the risk of out-of-control wildfires. They drop a ton of highly-flammable litter – tannin rich leaves that also leave an acidic, nutrient-poor soil few other plants can survive. So most of what's down in that grove is (also highly flammable) poison oak. Worse, if fire reaches the overstory, the whole thing can go up in what is basically one big explosion.
What you can see peeking through the afternoon fog in the first picture is over a century of cow-forward fire suppression; non-native grasses on (what is now public) land grazed by privately owned cows (damaging the watershed and increasing the risk of catastrophic fire in the long run). What you see in the bottom photo is an example of a more modern form of fire suppression: fire goats raised a couple counties away are hired to graze this field and clear small growth (mostly poison oak, since that's the most opportunistic plant around) annually in mid-summer, and it's mowed somewhat regularly. There have been attempts to thin or remove the eucalypts in the canyon entirely, but they are stubborn resprouters and starting from scratch poses its own dangers.
I think it's unlikely there won't be a catastrophic fire here in the next 50 years. There's just too much fuel. We just need an unseasonable lightning storm, a bad fire season with first responders deployed elsewhere, reckless smokers in the gully at night with the winds blowing west. Every year I prepare myself for this possibility. We've had wet winters and hot, dry summers, and that's probably only going to get worse. Why would I stay here?
I don't know. I can walk down into the canyon and the eucalypts, unaware of their own malignancy, yawn and groan as they bend to touch one another in the wind. I get to watch coyotes hunting for wild plums in the evening; the plums aren't native but I'd guess the coyotes don't know that, either. My neighbors plant gardens you couldn't grow somewhere without this much warmth and sea fog. Crows harass red-tailed hawks in the few redwoods planted here to evoke a recent, unreachable past. I know where the nearest great horned owl lives. I know what the arrival and departure of naked ladies means, which oaks are which and which I love most, when thimbleberries might arrive, how to scare a mountain lion, where to go to find cool elders and willows when I'm feeling hot and low, how to tell toyon from everyone impersonating toyon, when the newts migrate. One one side of the ridge I can hear the train screeching unmistakably, but if I hop over into the next watershed it's gone, replaced by bickering scrub jays, happy dogs, children playing near the creek far below me. Would you know how to leave?
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warningsine · 1 month
If any of the followers wants to help, it'd be appreciated.
So. What's an adult TV series that has
complex/compelling female leads (don't have to be queer, but it's a bonus if there are some) or an ensemble cast with a lot of women,
an engaging story,
has a somewhat active/enthusiastic fandom on here (doesn't have to be HOTD or "Yellowjackets" levels of enthusiastic).
I dropped "Good Girls" again after finishing the first two episodes of season 4, because as much as I love the ladies, the arcs are repetitive af at this point.
I wanted to watch "The Good Fight" and "Black Sails," but I'm afraid they'll have to wait. "The L Word" and "Orphan Black" too.
Some of the series I enjoyed at some point:
"The Handmaid's Tale," OITNB, "I May Destroy You," "Unbelievable," "Veep," "Dead Ringers," "The Good Wife," "My Brilliant Friend," "The Returned," "Bad Sisters," "Chewing Gum," "Black Earth Rising," "Mrs. America," "GLOW," "Kevin Can Fuck Himself," "Big Little Lies," "Night Country," "Top of the Lake," "Godless," "Frontera Verde," "Ethos," "One Night," "The Power," "Girls5eva," "UnREAL," "Damages," "Insecure," "Unorthodox," "P-Valley," "Russian Doll," "Hacks," "Grace and Frankie," "Shining Girls," "Killing Eve," "Fleabag," "Why Women Kill," "Poker Face," "The Queen's Gambit," "Borgen," "Mare of Easttown," "Irma Vep," "Alias Grace," "Miss Sherlock," "Last Tango in Halifax," "The Fall," "The Bletchey Circle," "Servant," "We Are Lady Parts," "Made for Love," "Claws," "The Girlfriend Experience," "Dear White People," "Little Fires Everywhere," "Sharp Objects," "Lovecraft Country," “The Underground Railroad," "Under the Bridge," "Derry Girls" (<-a teen series, but I made an exception because everyone here told me it was worth it), “Station Eleven," "The Great," "Beef," "She's Gotta Have It," "Twenties," "Olive Kitteridge," "Enlightened," "Babylon Berlin," "Deadloch," "Vida," "Feel Good," "Gentleman Jack," "La Casa de las Flores" (<-never let it be said I don't enjoy millennial telenovelas).
Female fronted series I haven't finished:
HTGAWM, "Wentworth" (<-couldn't get into it).
Series I was/am kinda meh about:
"The Wilds" (<-"Yellowjackets" all the way), "Dead to Me," "Roar," "The Fosters," "Lost Girl," "Westworld" (<-post season 1), "The Haunting of Bly Manor" (not big on Flanagan's works), “Bridgerton," "Ratched," "Dickinson."
Series I haven't tried yet:
"The Diplomat," "Harlots," "Gilded Age," "The Bold Type" (<-surprisingly, it doesn't seem like my thing), "Workin' Moms," "Girlfriends Guide to Divorce," "Happy Valley," "Halt and Catch Fire," "West Wing," "Broadchurch," "The Split," "A Small Light," "Scandal," "For All Mankind," "Mindhunter," "Sense8," "1899," "Utopia," "Transparent," "The Morning Show," "Rain Dogs," The Mindy Project," "Vigil," "High Fidelity," "Only Murders in the Building," "Julia," "Pen15," "Weeds," "Girls."
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pookie-mulder · 27 days
August 2024 fic roundup
This was truly the month of the longfic. And to think I only read short fics until @skelavender showed me the error of my ways!
📰🖋️ Paracelsus by prufrockslove
One of the biggest txf fics ever, and I absolutely devoured it. I loved reading it right after Hiraeth and seeing all the little nods to their past lives. This author knows how to spin a yarn, guys. My one complaint is the never-ending miscommunications towards the end, which is never my favorite source of drama/conflict. Just talk to each other, you idiots! (Although they have those moments in canon, as well, I suppose.)
⚾️🏟️ A Moment in the Sun by prufrockslove
I will remember this fic for the rest of my life. It’s the type of fanfic you want to write fanfic about. It makes me wish I knew now to print and bind my own books. The universe is so rich and developed. Definitely in my top 5 of all time!
Here’s a list of things I love about it:
William. My precious, bratty British boy.
The way the plot includes elements of the mytharc but put together in a different way so you don’t know exactly how it’s all gonna come together
Emily!! You know I love a good Emily AU, and this fic certainly counts. I’m a sucker for a found family, and this fic delivers.
Josh Exley my beloved (and Arthur Dales, but the other one)
Dad!Mulder. The man is an absolute DILF. He tries so hard to overcome his shortcomings and be the father his kids need.
Frohike. His job as an eccentric baseball manager suits him surprisingly well, and his characterization is on point.
The little nods to canon, including episode titles and locations.
The insinuation that all of PFL’s AUs take place in the same universe (as Mulder said, “It has to take more than one lifetime to learn to love someone this much.”)
The only thing I’m not zazzed about is the ending. It kind of just…ends? I would’ve loved an epilogue or even a sequel (or a 12-book series).
🏫📸 Dr. Scully’s School for Exceptional Boys by prufrockslove
Oh boy. This fic is a tangled mess of emotions and betrayal and shame and guilt and love and promises and sacrifices and, most of all:
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Definitely recommend.
👒👩‍🔬 The Regency Files by @slippinmickeys
I needed something that needed less mental energy after 4 massive PFL fics in a row, and this one delivered! It’s sweet, romantic, elegant, and has just enough of a plot to keep you interested. If you’re a fan of historical AUs (as I am now, I guess), this one’s a must-read!
🛌🍷 The Reunion by @muldersfingers
Absolute trope-y goodness without feeling too cheesy or predictable. My favorite part is how much they laugh and tease each other when they finally make use of that one bed ;)
🐶🥇 underdog takes the title by @wtfmulder
MSR’s first time is sweet, silly, and giggly. Mulder is absolutely pathetic and pitiable, which Scully finds hot (same, girl). It absolutely melted my heart!
👶👨‍🍼 the bitter and the sweet by @xf-cases-solved
What if baby William was a girl? What if they named her after Samantha?
Absolute perfection. This is how season 8 should have ended!
🏔️🌲 The Mountain Man and A Deadly Hunger by aka_Jake
This historical AU takes place in the same time period as Paracelsus, but it’s so vastly different in its setting that it’s unfair to compare them. In this one, Mulder is a Montana mountain man who smuggles arms to the Native Americans, and Scully hopes to become an army doctor in a nearby frontier town. It’s a classic Wild West romance with plenty of drama and conflict. I love how each of the characters feel like themselves, especially Scully, who retains her headstrong independence despite social norms.
🔙🥩 The Mastodon Diaries by aka_Jake
Mulder and Scully travel back in time to the Pleistocene era and must rely on their wits and each other to survive.
This is one of those fics that changes you as a person. I will be thinking about it for a long, long time. It broke my heart a thousand times and then lovingly stitched it back together. There were so many moments that took my breath away.
The portrayal of prehistoric humans is especially incredible — they’re so well-thought out, and their culture is so rich and developed. Even though 12,000 years separates us, we’re not so different from each other in the end. I absolutely fell in love with the native OCs, which is a compliment of the highest order. I already miss them!
Anyway, it’s like this fic was created in a lab specifically for me. It has all my favorite tropes and story elements: wilderness survival, historical AU(ish), soooo much whump and caretaking and hurt/comfort, found families, Dad!Mulder, and a surprising amount of romance. If you haven’t read this one yet, I’m begging you to give it a try!
🇦🇶❄️ On the Verge by aka_Jake
This fic fits into one of my favorite canon holes: How did Mulder and Scully get back from Antarctica? I love reading everyone’s different takes on this missing scene/plotline, and this one is no exception!
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wolfepirat3 · 1 year
Okay i like... just realized that ive literally never expanded on my love for westerns besides the copious amounts of references in my fic and the one picture of all my westerns...
So heres a list of all the westerns in my collection (plus my favorites, ill mark them with a *)
Gunsmoke (seasons 1-5)
Laramie (seasons 1-4)*
Wanted: Dead or Alive
Lonesome Dove The Series
Magnificent Seven 1998 (season 1-2)*
Rawhide (season 1)
Shane 1966*
Lonesome Dove (miniseries)
Return to Lonesome Dove (miniseries)
Sugarfoot (season 1-4)
Alias: Smith and Jones (season 1-3)
Streets of Laredo
Dead Man's Walk
The Magnificent Seven 1960*
The Magnificent Seven 2015
Young Guns*
Young Guns II*
A Fistful of Dollars
For A Few Dollars More
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Pale Rider
Hang 'Em High
High Plains Drifter
The Outlaw Josey Wales
3:10 to Yuma 2007*
Shane 1952*
Once Upon A Time in The West*
Evil Roy Slade
Dead Man*
Blood, Guts, and Glory
Saddle by Starlight
The Gunslinger
Lonesome Dove*
Comanche Moon
Dead Man's Walk
Streets of Laredo
The Big Sky*
The Way West
Seven Ox Seven Part One, Escondido Bound
The Tall Stranger
Showdown at Yellow Butte
The Virginian*
Adventures of the Old West (docuseries)
Outlaws & Gunslingers (docuseries)
Legends of The Old West (docuseries)
The Classic TV Western Collection (40 misc. episodes)
TV Western Collection (27 misc. episodes)
Western Collection (8 misc. movies)
The Wild Wild West the Series (book)
The Hollywood Western (book)
A Pictorial History of Westerns (book)*
Please please please ask me about any of them if you like any please!!
Those are all of the physical westerns i have, but there are plenty more i love but havent gotten my hands on yet!
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autumnmobile12 · 1 year
Predictions for Nocturne
(some serious speculation, some silly)
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Imagining that one scene from Symphony of the Night where Alucard ends up fighting the fake Trevor, Sypha and Grant (Greta.) Cause him being in a situation where he has to kill an enemy that looks, acts, and fights exactly like the people he loved three centuries ago seems suitably heart-wrenching.
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Wondering if Nocturne's going to partially follow the plot of Symphony where Richter is captured and controlled by Shaft the dark priest, so Maria and Alucard are searching for him. I'm basing this solely off the female voice in the teaser (possibly Maria?) saying, "We're looking for someone called Belmont."
So Richter's character arc would be him attempting to regain his honor after all the harm he caused under Shaft's influence?
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Part of me legitimately wonders if St. Germain is gonna be back. Yes, this is a nod to his Curse of Darkness design, but his clothes here are not medieval. (More Victorian than anything?)
Nocturne is supposed to take place during the French Revolution, the first of three beginning in 1789. The top hat is believed to have been invented in 1793. French gentleman wearing the latest fashion?
The series never specifically says St. Germain is from the same time period he wound up in after his first encounter with the Infinite Corridor. Is this why he knows about stuff like toilet paper and is constantly looking down his nose at all the filthy medieval people? Is he just being a whiny bitch about being sent back in time?
He tells Trevor that he knew his family. Is this because he met the descendants? (I suppose this could be his twisted reconciliation about betraying them since he's seen the 'future' and he knows the line endures and Alucard is still alive.)
This is wild speculation that probably won't be the case, but I kinda really want this to happen since Alucard's reaction to a human he thought was dead for three centuries just casually showing up out of nowhere would be priceless.
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The French Revolution was the era of powdered wigs and shockingly fabulous courtly decadence and the Queen having a frickin' boat in her hair.
If we don't get at least one vampire (or Belmont) in a stupidly ostentatious wig, then what are we even doing?
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Two schools of thought in my head:
Hoping Nocturne also does not include the Succubus as an overtly sexualized character in the interest of not objectifying women.
On the other hand, a discomfited Alucard looking the demon lady right in the eye and saying, "Madam, kindly remove yourself from my personal space," is a very humorous image.
On a more serious note, there is also the Nightmare scene in Symphony of the Night to consider where the Succubus shows Alucard a vision of his mother right before her execution in an attempt to trick him, so there's potential for a, "How dare you make me relive that!" moment.
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Can these two come back? They did not get enough screen time in the first round.
Striga's last line to their soldiers is an order to ride west. France is west.
Also, is it really an accident that Morana's hairstyle in Season 4 is a French twist? Foreshadowing....
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salt-clangen · 3 months
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Here’s a map of the 4 clans in my upcoming Clangen story, I’m finishing up some of the writing and structure so I hope y’all like this. As usual credit to @rippleclan and @bonefall for multiple aspects of clan culture.
1: Saltclan’s camp is nestled in an unassuming group of rocks surrounding tidal pools, the large boulders provide caves and shelter from the wind and a large tree trunk works as more den structures. The small tidal pools help prevent flooding and the sand is coarse and drains better than other parts of the coast.
2: The training pools are further down the coastline and are used for hunting and patrol training, the clan has to be cautious as these sometimes have two-legs poking around the end of the beach. Apprentices master their balance and swimming here.
3: The River’s End is where the East river’s freshwater meets the saltwater of the ocean, forming shallow, brackish water teaming with vegetation and black clay. It also provides natural protection from two-legs as they are unlikely to cross the silt/muddy waters. An apprentice typically learns how to swim further up in the slower part of the river to prepare them for the fast moving estuary, there’s significant risk of being swept out to sea, so new apprentices and solo patrols are required to cross further up.
4: Rock falls is where West river meets the ocean, but instead of brackish waters it’s over much steeper cliffs. There’s a small deposit of black clay around the base, but it’s difficult to reach from the pounding waterfall and isn’t really worth the risk.
5: The greenleaf two-leg place is an old, run down boat rental place, they’re technically open all year round but slow down during newleaf, leaf-fall, and leaf-bare. The humans are friendly and very likely to throw scraps or fish towards any cats spotted, the boat house also has a decent mouse/rodent population so during leaf-bare its a good hunting spot. Saltclan frequents the boat area during cold seasons and has a higher tolerance for two-legs, kittypets, and loners.
6: The docks- aka the Ocean bridge- are rickety and unstable. They don’t provide much use to the clan cats, but fish do tend to hang round it so if needed a cat could fish from underneath using the support beams, but they’d need to be wary of storms and waves.
7: Abandoned Lighthouse -aka the Light Tree- hasn’t worked for many years, but the clans still tell stories of when it did.
8: The training fields are the long, flat plains of Honeyclan’s territory. This is where apprentices learn to fight, hunt, and patrol on the fields this clan is known for. It’s also where most of the clan’s wild grains grow so they often harvest from here as well.
9: Honeyclan’s camp is an outcropping of rocks surrounded by some short brush and heather plants. It’s located close to the west river for easy access, this is good for both cooking/drinking purposes but also small agricultural projects. Most camp keepers and elders have a small garden of whatever plant they like, either for aesthetic reasons or to use in cooking.
10: Watcher’s Point is the tallest rock near the center of the clan, making it the best place to watch for threats like two-legs who like to wander through the flowers and grain fields of the territory. There’s only a guard on duty when cats are actively working in the fields or with the hives, it’s usually a code keeper or warrior. They use bright colored flowers to signal danger over the distance, typically red or purple.
11: The Hives are what give Honeyclan their name, the honey bees that live here are technically wild but over years and years the cats have former a relationship where they can clean the hives and collect the honey with the bees not getting defensive. The honey is their major export for trade and they reign supreme with eccentric dishes and herbal concoctions. They also have the most cats with the coveted Sweetness Tolerance, though it’s prevalent through all the clans at this point they still claim to be the original.
12: The flowering fields are the main source of the bee’s food and Honeyclan takes care to provide a variety of flowers, they make sure new seeds are added to the edge and that no single species overtakes the others. The flowers are mix of medicinal and regular, though they feature heavily in any art/accessories made by the clan.
13: The north most point of the flowering field, right where the border of Oakclan and Honeyclan meet, is where the fallen cats of the clan are laid to rest. This is to both honor their life with eternal flowers and pay homage to Honeyclan’s roots as an offshoot of Oakclan when the clans were first formed.
14: The Gathering Stone is the agreed upon neutral meeting site. It’s located at the large boulder that was said to be thrown by Starclan to part the river into East and West. The small triangle is also flanked by rich deposits of red clay, which can only be gathered in small quantities during the full moon gatherings. Honeyclan is the only clan that can enter through the trees at the south, Oak and Duskclan have to cross over fallen logs over each river.
15: The two-leg place close to Duskclan is very hostile towards the cats, poisoning is common and cats have to avoid hunting rodents around the area due to it. Kittypets and loners are constantly trying to explore the forest edge and as a result Duskclan is very restrictive of the borders. Thankfully, two-legs don’t commonly wander around the area due to the rocky terrain and dense pine trees.
16: The abandoned two-leg place is a contested part of Saltclan’s new territory, in the past Duskclan hasn’t maintained their borders here due to their aversion of two-legs. It’s also further out and holds little sentimental or practical significance, maintaining the border here would require more work than it’s worth. But now that Saltclan is interested in keeping it due to the prey available and the reliable herb population, Jaggedstar claims it rightfully belongs to Duskclan.
17: Duskclan’s camp is in the middle of their rocky, sloped territory and made up of large rocks, holes dug by paw, and fallen trees. Due to the dense evergree forest they are master navigators and any past raid on the camp has failed due to how well hidden it is. The border of the camp is actually tightly woven branches of the pines, so even if cornered any cat can easily climb and escape through the secret path ways in the trees.
18: Small creek is… well a small creek running through the north eastern part of the territory. While it’s technically closer to the camp and would be an easy source of water, Duskclan tends to avoid using it as it flows through two-leg territory and is easily contaminated by carrion. If it’s utilized, it’s during times of hardship and careful tested by the strongest warriors before the kits, queens, or elders drink it. It’s also one of the only clay deposits Duskclan has consistent access too.
19: Training rocks are a group of large boulders in the north with cat-made rope bridges, it’s used to harshly train apprentices on fighting and traversing the rocky landscape of the clan. This allows cats to train in climbing and weaving branches as well.
20: Duskclan’s burial grounds are between the training rocks and the Cleric rocks, showing Duskclan’s culture of fighting and deep spiritualism. Unlike the other clans only warriors who died honorably are buried here, though this varies based on what the current leader considered ‘honorable’ and the rest get buried near Small creek.
21: The Cleric rocks are where Duskclan’s clerics find the majority of their herbs and is close to High Cave and the Moon spring. Clerics of Duskclan pride themselves on learning and practicing so close to this sacred place.
22: High Cave, home of the Moon spring, the opening faces slightly South East towards Duskclan, this caused the original schism where Duskclan believed themselves to be favored by Starclan. his is where all leaders earn their 9 lives and where clerics meet during he half-moon. A natural freshwater spring originates here which leads to the Great river before it splits into the East and West rivers. The cave is lined with geodes and crystals which catch the moonlight and reflect/illuminate the spring like magic.
23: The Dead Monster - aka Capri’s place- is run by a spry former kittypet named Capri and her granddaughter Olive. Capri is jovial and well liked, even by the clans and acts as a mediator between local kittypets/loners and the clan cats. She also has a lucrative trading hub, more than wiling to broker a deal. Clans commonly offer honey, crafts/pottery, or less common cooked foods in exchange for whatever two-leg item the clans may have their eye on. Popular items include blankets, glass for fire starting, tarps for weather proofing, and herb seeds.
24: The carrion place - the dumpster- is technically not part of Honeyclan’s territory but they (And Saltclan) are the ones who visit it the most. In harsh weather rats can be caught, though cats need to be careful for poisoning, and abandoned items can be taken and reused. Though they have to be quick when collecting, while Capri and Olive aren’t territorial, this is technically their turf and they’re pretty quick to snatch up any useful items to trade with. It’s hit or miss what you���ll find here.
25: Oakclan’s burial site is very close to their camp, which unnerves the other clans, but to Oakclan it’s so their dead will always feel close to home. The area is marked by tall stones and the clan regularly clears out the under growth to make visitation easier. The area is regularly visited by loved ones and it’s considered a normal part of grieving.
26: Oakclan’s camp has a mix of natural caves, large rocks, and fallen trees for dens. It’s close to the pond for water access and surrounded by brambles that camp keepers have grown and cultivated. Since the forest goes through seasonal changes they bolster the brambles up with branches and thicker vegetation during leaf-bare.
27: The training stumps are a group of stumps and dead trees with lush vegetation, the perfect place for apprentices to learn how to hunt and navigate the undergrowth. Cats must be careful of the thunderpath being so close, but traffic isn’t busy. Also it’s pretty close to Capri’s place, making it commonplace for apprentices to socialize with non-clan cats there to trade or chat.
28: The Artisan Knoll is a very unique feature of Oakclan, the large clearing with a single log used to be the clan’s camp several years ago but it was so close to the border and so easy to find that they suffered raids often. Now it’s used for the artisans of the clans to meet and create together, functioning as a sort of work shop and trading center. At the meet ups Oakclan appoints a guard to make sure no cats try to sneak around or spy, but for the most part no one uses it for nefarious reasons. The artisans of Oakclan have access to it all the time, but visitors are only allowed every quarter moon. Because of Oakclan’s diverse foliage they have access to various dyes, paints, weaving material, and rich red clay. The rule is technically you need to bring your own supplies to use or trade for some of theirs, but in reality Oakclan will let you use the supplies as long as you bring either some food or make an extra item with whatever you borrowed to leave for the clan. This space really highlights Oakclan’s open and artistic culture, though Duskclan claims they’re just showing off.
29: Turtle pond (size subject to change idk) is named because- you guessed it- there are a lot of turtles living there. The cats don’t really like the taste of turtle and majority of the time they have access to better prey so the only use they have is as decorative bowls after they pass. But kits enjoy pond visits where they can chase after the turtles and practice their swimming. Oakclan used to boast they were the best swimmers of all the clans due to their pond, but in reality the water is very calm and safe, even their parts of the great river is slower than the rest. Saltclan however braves the rough ocean with grace and it has become a slight sore point of Oakclan.
30: There are various clay deposits throughout the clans but they’re not all equal, red clay is considered the best. Oakclan has the most clay deposits of the clans and all of them are high value red clay, giving them some of the best terracotta pottery for trade. Honeyclan has only one or two deposits and it’s either high quality red or a medium quality brown. Saltclan can’t access red or brown clay, but they’re the only ones who have black clay, which isn’t necessarily better than red but it’s very unique which they pride themselves on. Duskclan, to their shame, only has one spot where they can get the coveted red clay but it’s near the Gathering Stone so they can only gather a smalll amount each month. So they’re forced to get most of their clay from Small creek, which only has low quality grey clay, it’s not as easy to work with as the others, smells bad, and takes forever to harvest and dry.
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Here’s an outline of the clan borders, Saltclan’s is newly formed and still contested in certain spots.
Lemme know if you have any questions and if you see any mistakes….. uh you didn’t 😖
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afeelgoodblog · 2 years
The Best News of Last Week
Welcome to Feel Good News! Each week, I scour the web to bring you a collection of uplifting and positive news stories. My goal is to provide you with a dose of inspiration and hope to start your week off on the right foot.
This week, I have stories about individuals who are making a difference in their communities, companies that are doing good in the world, and much more. I hope you enjoy reading these stories as much as I enjoyed putting this newsletter together.
Let’s start with:
1. FDA Plans to Allow More Gay, Bisexual Men to Donate Blood
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Gay and bisexual men in monogamous relationships would be allowed to donate blood without abstaining from sex under guidelines being drafted by the Food and Drug Administration, people familiar with the plans said.
The change would be a departure from U.S. policy that for many years barred men who have sex with men from donating blood. The FDA policy originated in the 1980s during the AIDS epidemic, when tests for HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, weren’t considered sensitive enough to protect the blood supply.
2. Biden-Harris Administration Makes $50 Million Available to Clean Up Orphaned Oil and Gas Wells on Tribal Lands
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There are several thousand orphaned oil and gas wells on Tribal lands, jeopardizing public health and safety by contaminating groundwater, seeping toxic chemicals, emitting harmful pollutants including methane, and harming wildlife. Some of these wells are underwater, which creates an especially high risk of adverse impacts.
3. Golden bandicoots 'breeding rapidly' in the NSW outback 100 years after becoming locally extinct
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The first golden bandicoots have been born in NSW's far north-west in 100 years, after formerly being extinct in the region.
Golden bandicoots have been breeding rapidly in Sturt National Park since being introduced to as part of the Wild Deserts project. There are initiatives in place as part of the project to protect native fauna from feral animals. More native species are set be reintroduced to the area and will be confirmed next year.
Cue the Crash Bandicoot references :D
4. Toledo Zoo welcomes twin polar bear cubs
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Twin polar bear cubs were born at the Toledo Zoo, the zoo announced Thursday. The parents of the twin cubs are 24-year-old female, Crystal, and 18-year-old male, Nuka.
Crystal’s eighth and ninth cubs’ genders are unknown at this time. They are estimated to make their public exhibit debut in the spring of 2023.
Watch the video of the announcement here:
Feel Good News by Erica @feelgoodnwsToledo Zoo welcomes twin polar bear cubs
5. A Philadelphia woman collects thousands of stuffed animals and brings them to seniors who are in need of a Christmas gift
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Santa Claus isn't the only person who travels around with a vehicle full of toys. Every holiday season, Patricia Gallagher fills her car with stuffed animals and drives around Philadelphia. She doesn't give them to kids, she gives them to seniors. 
"Who would think that elderly veterans would want stuffed animals? But they did," Patricia Gallagher said of the project.
6. 150 sea turtles saved from the cold. An aquarium in Boston has been treating "cold-stunned" sea turtles stranded on US beaches.
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An aquarium in Boston has been treating "cold-stunned" sea turtles stranded on US beaches. Experts urge the public not to return stranded animals into the water.
Over 150 sea turtles have received treatment this season for "life-threatening medical conditions" prompted by hypothermia in the New England Aquarium, based in the US city of Boston.
7. 'No K-pop on a dead planet': Meet the K-pop stans taking on the climate crisis
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What does Kpop4planet do?
Nurul a 23 year old fan from Indonesia and her colleagues have channeled most of their energy into six different climate campaigns. Over 33,000 fans from 170 countries have taken part in them.
The most successful of these has been ‘No K-pop on a dead planet’. It called for K-pop albums to go green by selling digital rather than physical albums, minimizing the packaging and encouraging low carbon performances.
The movement has proved popular with the fandom. For Kpop4planet work two full-time employees along with 20 volunteer ambassadors from nine countries. The group is funded by Action Speaks Louder, a charity registered in Australia who lobby to hold big companies accountable for their climate change promises.
. . .
That’s it for this week. If you liked this post you can support this newsletter with a small kofi donation:
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Have a great week ahead :)
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hislittleraincloud · 17 days
Wildlings wilin' out in the wild.
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Oh sure, because the novelization's voice is totally how Wednesday writes. ... ...
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The novel she was writing on-screen covered the events of the season, so whatever we saw her do was in her voice.
Wednesday's thoughts aren't anything like what Mejia wrote, given the text of her novel that we did see, where she wrote about being assessed:
...across from her? Two meters and twenty stone of muscle and unresolved Oedipal ennui, the attendant resembled nothing less than several Polish kielbasas mashed together and forced to don hospital scrubs. The most cursory of assessments, by any measure of the imagination, would easily conclude that this man could almost certainly crush Viper’s skull with the ease of a child popping a cherry tomato. Though between the constellation of burst blood vessels around his eyes and jowls, or the faint and unmistakably cirrhotic odor on his breath — most of which emanated from his mouth, of course — Viper estimated that the man’s predisposition for cinnamon schnapps and lard-braised pork shoulder would send him to an early grave within the year.
And only then did Viper remind herself that in fact she did pose a threat…at least on paper, and at least according to the “professionals” so appointed by the court. Indeed, if one were to place any stock in the opinions of the teams of criminal psychologists and “mental health experts” hand-selected by the Macon County District Attorney’s Office, not only was Viper clinically insane, but she posed a grave threat to society.
Escape was her only option. Viper was an admirer of the master escapologist, Harry Houdini and had also watched the Steve McQueen classic “The Great Escape” on at least a dozen occasions. It was only one of three films that her Uncle Julius kept in his personal 35mm collection. He had a screening room in his Hollywood Hills mansion. It was rumored that the decrepit pile had once belonged to Elsa Lancaster, the original Bride of Frankenstein. The house was modeled after the Alahambra, entangled with purple-hued bougainvillea and boasted enviable jetliner views of the City of Angels. Viper was not a fan of Los Angeles or any West Coast city for that matter. But she did love her Uncle and would sit for hours listening to his stories of the Golden Age of Hollywood. If she managed to escape, she determined to…
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3. Canon Wednesday writes for senior h.s. and college level readability (tested on her canon text, not the text I wrote):
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4. Not saying that Mejia should've written it in the exact style with the exact vocabulary level as Canon Wednesday, but for fuck's sake. Read that sentence.
5. Y'all are insulting Canon Wednesday by merely suggesting that.
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tophat-cy · 2 months
Can you believe that I almost forgot that I have to post today :'D ? Hilarious isn't it?
Ladies and gentlemen...the time has come once again for...
🎨⚔️ Art Fight Attacks - Week 3🎨⚔️
Here we have the last 7 attacks from this season and the last lucky ones for now. I wonder who are they? Let's see together!
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The 1st attack is for 4 individuals, more specifically @alelinkez, @sherclockmolmes, @artfennec and IzzatRadzif_921, over Splotch, Calan, Itri and Drakkar. Those characters were literally adorable (some of them were even skrunkly material >v<) so I thought of drawing them going in a little adventure...more or less at their will ✨.
2nd attack is for jasperwonder on their take of Yog-Sothoth. Who have thought that someone can do an interpretation of a Lovercraftian God so cool looking? Like, I really like the design fr!!
3rd attack is for @pumpkin-toast and ZAVIXEL over two gals (?) whose names are both Stormy. That's one of the reasons I wanted to draw them together in one attack 😋.
4th attack is for @gloomyanon on Barkley, since I really like cowboy/wild west themed characters lmao :'))
5th attack is for TrashComputer over his Champions of The Great Inferno, Tova, Heather Leca'erifica, Rega Oata, Neyatasha Mao and Tasoya Astiv. I really, REALLY love this guy's take of the JToH towers and JToH in general, I literally fell for it hshdjnsbdbd ahahah >v< (okimdone)
6th attack is for ELmangho over Vanessa, his bisexual candle girl. I know about her from Instagram and since I saw her on Art Fight, I decided to pick her (also her design is really cool + fire bender being my favorite gender lmaoooo eeeeeeeee 🩷💜💙)
And the 7th and last attack from this post, is for MoonlightSpy on Traffic and Switchback. They looked shaped and y'all know how I am towards shapey characters smh 😉🤭.
These were the last normal attacks before the Grand Finale of this year's Art Fight. Hope you all enjoyed them and...stay prepared for the big last attack for the season. Remember to keep an eye on my Instagram for potential sneak peaks. Oh, and wish me luck! I have to finish this on Friday.
Have a great night everyone 🌃!
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sewerfight · 1 year
the fact that Calamita represents the wicked witch of the west in the wizard of oz arc in season 4 of Fargo is so wild. Like he is ultimately caught unawares while out to do evil and dies due to an insane weather event, whereas Rabbi represents his foil as Glinda the good witch, being kind to children and a force of protection for the metaphorical Dorothy in his care. And in a way, Rabbi is only like this because he was at a certain point in time in the past, in a situation where he was the Dorothy of his own youth. Except he never got the red shoes to click together to help him return home, because the home he had wasn't worth going back to. But every time the show makes this explicit it sounds so fucking crazy cause it's like
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Yeah yeah. the wicked witch of the west and the Glinda the good witch. We've all seen them. This is a show about organized crime btw
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