#The Weasleys
bloopy-writes · 7 months
Weasley family headcanons cuz why not
Percy was the first person to find out Fred and George were serious about opening a joke shop because he saw them struggling to understand legal documents the common room. He never told their parents but he did sit with them and explain what they would need and they always took his advice even when they stopped talking to him
Charlie’s favorite little sibling is Ron and Ron sends the most letters to Charlie
Mr Weasley used to reserve special days once a month to take Ginny out and do whatever she wanted for a day
Fred and George only play the most pranks on Percy because they know he doesn’t actually hate it. And late at night he comes by and gives them tips or fixes spells for them. He’s their favorite brother but no one can tell.
Ron and Ginny tried baking once to surprise Mrs Weasley but almost made the oven explode
Ginny accidentally turned bill bald when she was a toddler and he told her to go to bed. He still holds a grudge over that.
Bill and Charlie and Percy meet up once a month as adults to keep each other updated about life.
Mr and Mrs Weasley are both amazing at dancing and unfortunately all their kids suck at it
One time in his first year Fred broke his ankle racing George to the dining hall. Percy gave him a piggyback ride to the hospital wing. Years later Fred returned the favor when Percy collapsed from exhaustion studying for his newts.
Ron can tell the twins apart he just pretends not to so that he can annoy them
Mrs Weasley and bill are the best chefs of the family but George is the best baker.
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hpseeker99 · 4 months
McGonagall: Ok so you hate Potter, now you hate Weasley. How many enemies do you have exactly? Snape, without hesitation: 37 Snape: It was 36, but then my bitch neighbor had a baby
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aemondsi · 4 months
anything for you. theodore nott.
in a universe where voldemort won, you and theo risk everything.
reposted from my old account.
warnings: graphic death
pairing: theodore nott x ron weasley's twin sister!reader
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“You can’t possibly love him, y/n. He’s a bloody Death Eater!” your brother had jeered at you. Hot tears ran down your face but you refused to wipe them. You wanted everyone in the room to see how deeply this was hurting you.
“I have never been more sure of something in my life. While you were gone – while everyone was gone – he was the only constant. He isn’t who you think he is.” The room broke out into a chorus of repulsed sounds. The Order of the Phoenix wasn’t much these days, the predominant members being the Weasley family. Harry Potter’s death loomed over everyone. Numerous other deaths piled on: those who died at the beginning of the war, but those who have died recently like your older brothers, Percy and George, and your father, Arthur.
“He thinks we’re scum! He would kill Hermione on the spot. How can you stand there and say this shit?” another brother had chimed in. Voices were starting to overlap the more trapped you felt.
“You’ve never given him or myself the chance to prove that’s not true! If you remember, Theo was the one who told me about everything Draco was doing back in school. He has already given us so much information. He’s climbing the ranks, but he is doing it for us!” you fell to your knees, exhaustion and frustration getting the best of you. “Can’t you see that even if he’s not doing it for all of you, he’s putting his life on the line trying to help secure a world that I feel safe in? You know how my beliefs align!”
“Has he stopped killing innocent people? Does he still partake in Voldemort’s plans that don’t necessarily target us? If he’s climbing the ranks, I can’t begin to imagine what he’s doing to do so,” your mother inquired, shooting daggers at you. You couldn’t look her in the eyes.
“He’s doing what he can to survive, too. If he dies, we will lose so much.” Without missing a beat, you added, “If he dies, I am as good as dead.”
This conversation, over a year old, still rings in your head every time you meet Theo. Your current setup in an old warehouse allowed these thoughts to amplify. The only sounds keeping you from spiraling were the rhythmic tapping of Ron’s foot and Bill’s pacing. You never got to see Theo alone, but that wasn’t a horrible thing.
Though you wanted nothing more than to have one evening alone with him, as selfish as that sounds given the climate of the world right now, the positive came in the form of the people who joined you on these exchanges and started to see through the cracks in Theo’s character. This hardened soldier who bears the Dark Mark turns into someone else in your presence. He is more patient and gentle, as compared to the man that numerous members of the Order have seen slaughter people in cold-bold, just to laugh at their frozen-in-death facial expressions.
You had noticed changes in Theo throughout the last few times you’d seen him. He was much more focused on you than the information they were there to exchange. He’d almost become frantic – dark circles that got darker every time you saw him circled his eyes, and his face had become much more caved in. He was starting to look as though he were actively being tortured. He didn’t look better this time around.
You sprang up from your spot when you heard the metal door grind against the floor, opening quicker than anticipated. Ron and Bill quickly put their wands up and took aim at Theo, refusing to put them down even when you yelled, “It’s just him!” Theo didn’t respond much better, raising his wand and aiming at Bill, who you knew Theo saw as more of a threat than Ron.
“Are you being followed? What made you come in here like that?” Bill growled, eyes flickering between Theo and the entrance. Theo narrowed his eyes at the older man.
“You think I would lead them straight here if I was? If it was just you two, sure. But, I would never do that with her here. Consider yourself lucky,” Theo spit.
“That’s enough. Are you alright?” you stated, briskly walking to your lover. Up close, you noticed faint bruising around his neck, as if he’d been choked. Theo didn’t say anything and instead, kept his eyes locked on the two men standing behind you. “Theo,” you trailed off, putting one hand on his cheek. You searched his eyes for any type of response, but you couldn’t find one.
“You don’t have much time,” he said, only loud enough that Ron and Bill were barely able to hear. You took a slight step back, still close enough that you could hold his hand – the hand that he couldn’t even bring himself to grasp in return.
“The Dark Lord knows there’s a mole in his closest circle. He knows you are not dead, despite me telling him you were,” Theo said, finally making eye contact with you. Your mouth fell open and you held his hand tighter.
Theo lost his will to fight at that exact moment, letting his hand holding his wand fall to his side. He pulled you into him and rested his forehead against yours. “He knows you’re the mole?” you whispered.
“Not yet, but I can’t imagine it taking much longer. His eyes are set on Berkshire – thinks he’s gotten scared now that his mother died. I was able to ward him off me for the time being. I told him that I wasn’t the one to kill you, I just saw you get hit with a nasty spell.”
“Come with us before it’s too late, Theo. How many times do I have to beg you? Turn your back on it all. We can keep you protected.” you pleaded, looking back at your brothers for reassurance. Bill shook his head before Ron chose to speak.
“He is not coming back with us. Do you know what kind of target that would place on us? It would be a death sentence,” he spit. “With that Dark Mark, I’m sure Voldemort could summon you back to him at any given second,” he added. You spun around to confront him but Theo was quicker – he grabbed you by the arm and pulled you into him.
“I wasn’t planning on it, Weasley,” Theo said with such spite behind his words that it made you want to cower away from him. He looked down at you, asking you a silent question. You bit your lip in thought, looking over at your brothers. 
“Could you guys give us a minute to ourselves? Just stand guard at the door.” With a few grumbles, you were able to convince them to leave. As soon as the door shut, you wrapped your arms around Theo as tight as you could, reassuring yourself that he was here with you and still alive. For how much longer he would be alive, no one was certain.
“You can leave them. Even if you don’t take refuge with us, you can escape,” you pleaded. Theo softly shook his head and pressed his lips to your forehead.
“No, y/n, I can’t. I’m bound to him until one of us dies. I…” he trailed off. You frantically started shaking your head at him and he sighed. “We knew this was going to happen.”
“You might have known. I held out hope,” you cried. Theo grabbed your chin gently, using the other hand to wipe away the stray tears. “Promise me you won’t die.”
“Promise me, Theo.” 
His response never came. Theo pulled you into him and kissed you so tenderly, that it was beyond out of character for him. You knew this was the end. He softly ran his hands down your sides, over your back, anywhere they could grasp. It felt as though he was trying to remember the exact shape of your body. He eventually tried to pull away, but in return, you softly bit his lip and pulled him back in. 
Theo couldn’t bring himself to let go of you. You were intoxicating in a way that no drug or drink could replicate. Not breaking the kiss, Theo hoisted you onto a table that was just behind you. Laying you down on it, he kept kissing you. Along your jaw, down your neck – Theo kissed you anywhere with an exposed bit of skin. You couldn’t stop yourself from crying, to which Theo then kissed away your tears. When he was finished, he pulled you up into a sitting position.
“Love, you are the only thing in this short existence of mine that I’ve ever been sure of. When I die, I can die happily because I knew you. I got to love you.” Theo whispered, his voice cracking as he professed to you. You leaned your forehead against him, looking him straight in the eye.
“Try to survive, Theo, please. For me,” you pleaded. Theo nodded briefly but was interrupted by a banging on the door. 
“Hurry up, it’s getting dark. We need to leave,” Bill’s voice called out. Bill and Ron both reappeared in the room, looking at the two of you expectantly.
“We need to leave, and you still haven’t given us what we came for,” Bill sighed. Theo tensed and pulled himself away from you, putting his facade back on as if it were a costume. Part of you wished he didn’t, just so they could see the real him.
“The Dark Lord plans to raid Hogsmeade, again. You need to make sure everyone is evacuated. He doesn’t plan on ever having to raid them again. In two days, if you don’t create a plan, everyone still living there will be dead.”
“And will you be one of the Death Eaters killing those people?” Ron inquired.
“If it means that it keeps me alive, and keeps a steady stream of information coming to you, yes. I have never been unclear with my intentions.” Theo said. He was significantly taller than Ron, forcing the redhead to look up at him as Theo walked closer to him, slowly.
“We don’t have time for this,” Bill said, getting visibly anxious. “We’re leaving,” Bill added, grabbing you and Ron both by the arm. 
Everything happened so fast after that – you reached out for Theo, but he backed away from you and you could’ve sworn you saw a tear run down his face. Just like that, you were whisked away, Bill choosing that moment to apparate. You didn’t get to say goodbye; you didn’t get to tell him you loved him for the last time.
Three days later, after their failed attempt at raiding Hogsmeade, you and your family watched in horror as Voldemort was broadcasting yet another round of executions. This wasn’t the first time this had happened – the first time being with his son, Mattheo, a boy you had known in school. You can’t recall the exact reason for his death, but it set a standard. If Voldemort would kill his child in such ways, what would he do to others?
You held your breath as the camera view panned down the small row of people awaiting their death. You felt the wind get knocked out of you when you caught sight of him.
The boy you loved was there, his eyes already dead. His appearance was, somehow, much worse than when you had last seen him. The bruising around his neck that had almost been healed was now back in full display, accompanied by bruises all over his face. He had blood dried around his mouth and nose, and his left eye was so swollen that it looked completely closed. Something told you that death was merciful compared to what he had been put through.
Voldemort rambled on about the first three men, killing them quickly. His smile never failed, especially when he turned to the last victim: Theo.
“Theodore Nott, what would your father say?” He teased. He pulled a wand out of the box that a servant of his carried at his side. Raising it, you recognized it to be Theo’s. Voldemort snapped it in half, causing a slight flinch to radiate off Theo.
“Stupidly fell in love with a dirty blood traitor, one of those Weasleys. He’s acted as an agent for them this entire time, but of course, I knew from early on. We’ve played a brilliant game of cat and mouse, haven’t we, Nott?” Voldemort, again, laughed. Every muscle in Theo’s body was tensed up and he never lifted his face to look at the crowd that had gathered or the cameras broadcasting the event.
Noticing Theo's aversion to looking at the crowd, Voldemort ran his fingers through Theo's hair before yanking it back, forcing him to look up. Theo grimaced but finally looked straight at the camera. His good eye bore through you, sending your heart straight to the bottom of your stomach.
You started sobbing, sliding off the couch and crawling towards the hologram showing the entire scene. “Please,” you gasped. Hermione sat behind you, pulling you into her, but you fought her off. 
“You were special to me,” Voldemort sighed and raised his wand. You grabbed whatever was closest to you – in this case, a plate someone had been eating off of earlier – and threw it through the hologram. The sound of your sobs and the plate exploding against the wall ricocheted around the hideout.
Another one of your older brothers, Charlie, moved Hermione aside and restrained you. Without doing so, you would’ve hurt yourself or someone else. “Get off me,” you repeatedly screamed, thrashing around on the ground.
Charlie was able to hold you in place on the ground, holding you facedown on the carpet with your arms pinned behind your back. To your horror, you turned your head to the side just in time to see a green light encase Theo in its grip. 
The cry you let out was movie-worthy. Using all of your strength, you burst out of Charlie’s grip and jumped up, turning on your surviving family members. “He died for us. He died for us and our cause. You never gave him a chance and never wanted to offer help in return,” you sobbed. Hermione came back to your side and held you in her arms. 
You didn’t fight back this time. You sat in her arms and sobbed. You couldn’t stop sobbing as you looked back at the hologram and it was panned to Theo’s dead body. It zoomed in on his face as if to hurt you even more. You watched as Voldemort whispered a simple charm, and flames consumed Theo’s body.
“I hope the Weasleys watching this enjoyed the show. While you watched this we have surrounded your hideout. Even Nott’s Occlumency he worked so hard on for you couldn’t keep me out. Perhaps it’s good that you never trusted him with your exact location, or else this would’ve happened long ago.” Voldemort smiled, and the hologram shut off. There was no noise in the room other than your silent sobs. 
Then, the first window exploded.
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wolfstardaughter-jj · 2 years
Y/n: *literally just existing*
Fred from afar: *staring lovingly*
Fred: look at her...I would die for her...I would kill for her...either way, what bliss?
Everybody near him:
Fred:...I said that out loud, didn't I?
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rainydayathogwarts · 1 year
Jealous, Jealous, Jealous girl - Ron Weasley
summary: Lavender won't stop flirting with your boyfriend, but he won't tell her off because he's loving the PDA coming from you. You can't stand it, so you show her who he belongs to.
warnings: smut, handjob, exhibitionism, (semi) public sex
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She's gone crazy.
What was going through her head when she threw herself onto him and pulled him in such a tight hug? Did she not see you, standing just feet away from him, about to give him a kiss for his success? You could see the shock and confusion on his face, arms by his side as he ran the situation in his head, refusing to return her hug.
From beside you, you heard Fred and George gasping and murmuring some "She's dead" and "Good luck to her" when they saw the look on your face.
Just the other day she sat at your potions table, listening as you told Hermione how well your relationship was going. She saw the way he wrapped his arm around your shoulder when class finally ended, guiding you to your next one.
And now she's the one with her arms around him.
Ron attempts to push her away slowly, separating himself from the hug, but you don't acknowledge him as he walks towards you, rather giving Lavender a death stare before turning to your boyfriend and returning the kiss he leans in for.
You can feel her eyes on you as you press yourself further into him, going onto your tiptoes as you reach your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss by slipping your tongue into his mouth to meet his, intertwining yourselves into a passionate kiss. When you separate, you're both panting for air, and Ron's big hands are gripping the curve of your ass, one of his hands moving up to caress your waist.
You're still holding him close, a manicured hand moving down his neck to run down his chest and you giggle when you see the look of amazement on Ron's face. It was clear he was only expecting that from you behind closed doors.
"Congrats on your win baby." You whisper, and Ron leans in again, stealing a quick kiss from you before giggling and pulling away from you, receiving pats on the back from his older brothers who wink at you when you walk away. You wipe your bottom lip from the smudged lip gloss and make eye contact with Lavender, whose eyes were still glued to you, and you tilt your head, smiling kindly at her.
It wasn't until the day after, when you sat with your friends at the Gryffindor table that you understood that this 'game' Lavender was playing was only just starting. You brought your mug to your lips, lightly blowing on it before taking a sip when Lavender walked behind your boyfriend, clasping a hand on his shoulder and giving him a flirtatious smile when he turned around before walking off. His lip curled upwards in disgust and you slowly swallowed your tea as your eyes followed the strawberry blonde.
You didn't bother reacting to her, even as she stared at you with a satisfied smirk on her face, which started to falter at the unfazed look on your face.
"Darling, are you done?" Your head snapped back towards your boyfriend and you nodded, standing up in sync to walk to class. When you stood side by side, you let Ron take your book bag off your shoulder to sling it over his as you took his free hand, intertwining your fingers together.
You could see Ron open and shut his mouth several times from the corner of your eye, as though contemplating if he should say anything about the situation. Deciding against it, he walked into the classroom and pulled a chair out for you as he sat next to you. He opened his textbook, placing his wand on the edge of his desk when he felt your hand on his thigh. You could see his cheeks turn pink as your second hand came up to straighten up his tie.
"Everything alright love?" He asked and you nodded, your hand coming up from his thigh to rest on his shoulder. Leaning close to him until your face was mere inches from his, you whisper into his ear with a sultry tone "You don't have any plans for your free period after this, do you?" With Ron's gaze looking down, you squeeze your thighs together to make sure he gets the message. He shakes his head frantically as his hand comes down on your thigh, looking up to make sure no one is looking at your private exchange.
But someone is.
Lavender, now seated in the front of the class, is turned around in her chair to speak to her friend behind her, yet her eyes are locked on you and your boyfriend. He sighs, his hand lying still on your thigh, but he faces the front, ignoring the way she leans towards her friend to point you both out to her.
For some reason, Ron can't pay attention to McGonagall as she explains another spell, a million thoughts racing through his mind. Usually, he was the one who tried dragging you into his dorm during your free periods and you always fretted that one of his dorm mates would walk in on you, even as he laid on top of you and pressed kisses onto your body. Normally, he boldly kissed you in front of your friends in the common room, only to pull away and find you rosy-cheeked with your head turned away in embarrassment. Never in your relationship had you been the one with wandering hands, suggesting you ditch everything at hand to find an empty space to fuck while you could.
It was all because of her.
And as much as he hated her, God he was so grateful.
Having you express your possessiveness over him was igniting a kind of fire in his belly, and he would take your displays of affection towards him any day, anywhere. That's why he mindlessly let you guide him through the halls at the end of class, his eyes glued to you as his hand clutched yours tightly. He paid little attention to the wavy haired strawberry blonde who followed you, having seemingly ditched her friend to isolate the three of you and confront you.
Lavender stopped abruptly when she saw you heading into one of the small secluded study rooms deep within the Gryffindor common room, leaving the door open behind you, allowing her a full view of you pushing Ron against the wall and connecting your lips to his. She wavered in the doorway, looking through the small gap as you pressed your body to Ron's, one of his moans filling the air.
Your hands wandered down Ron's body until you reached his belt and you paused momentarily, looking into his eyes for any signs of discomfort, but all you got from him was a pleading "Baby, please."
You started unbuckling Ron's belt and he whimpered, pushing his hips against yours and leaning down to reconnect your lips in a desperate kiss. Once Ron was freed from the restraints of him belt, you reached your hand in his underwear to wrap around his hard cock, already leaking pre-cum from the tip. Ron separated from the kiss, his forehead pressed against yours and he let out a shaky breath, his hands gripping your hips as he let quiet moans out.
You spread his pre-cum around his dick, starting to move your hand slowly up and down his shaft and squeezing him at the base only for him to cry out in pleasure as one of his hands came up to lace itself in your hair. You gasped when he pulled your hair, looking up at him, mouth agape and eyes shut as his head leaned against the wall. Giggling, you looked down at his thick cock in your hand, his tip red and leaking pre-cum, so you brought your hand up to squeeze it, then smoothly ran your fingers across the top of it. Ron shuddered, his hips bucking in your hand uncontrollably and you sped your hand up, leaning into him to whisper words of praise.
"Come on baby, you're doing so good for me.
Why don't you come for me?
Be a good boy and come for me, then you can do whatever you want to me."
Ron gruntled, letting out a strangled moan as his hips humped into your hand a few more times, white ropes of cum shooting onto his crisp white shirt in long spurts.
You continued stroking him so he could ride out his orgasm until he started catching his breath, his clammy hands coming up to cup your face and pull you into another kiss. When you pulled away, he was grinning boyishly at you, and he glanced down to see the mess you created, raising his eyebrows at you.
When he looked back up though, he caught Lavender's eye in the doorway and shook his head. You followed his gaze and smirked, looking back at him to say "She just can't get enough, can she?"
Ron chuckled, putting his hands on your hips to spin you around to face the doorway and started undoing the buttons of your trousers. "Yeah, well why don't we show her who I belong to huh?" He teases, his fingers trailing under your panties, immediately finding your clit.
You moan, throwing your head back onto his shoulder and nod as his fingers find their way inside you and Lavender turns red in the doorway, frozen in place.
She doesn't know if she wants to be you or be with you.
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basiatlu · 6 months
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Ron Weasley
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iloveinej · 7 months
Theodore Nott x reader
Catagory: Fluff, Smut
Warnings: Handjob, dom!reader, they're in looove
Summary: Theodore and her venture down a path they'd never stepped upon. Because of Theodore's insatiable desire and her new night dress.
Words: 3,7k
AN: I have nothing to say. Enjoy.
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She could feel his eyes on her, even if he tried to hide them by reading the book resting between his fingers. She didn't know why he was so inclined to always have his eyes on her. Especially when she was only brushing her teeth, lather covering her lips and running down her chin. She didn't look attractive at all.
But what she didn't realize was that the silky, skintight nightgown she wore gave Theodore the perfect view of the behind of her thighs. And the fabric ended right below her behind, teasing Theodore's poor old heart to death.
It was the first she had ever worn something so revealing, especially in front of him. Usually, she buried herself in her brother's old clothes and rags, finding them to be the most comfortable clothing.
And not that she didn't look dashing in those, but this was new territory for Theodore, and he wasn't taking it very well.
His heart was increasingly picking up speed and the apples of his cheeks were burning with either shame or lust, which one he didn't know. He was lucky that the duvet was covering the lower part of his body, otherwise, his desire would be much harder to hide than it already was.
(Name) threw a last, suspicious glance in Theodore's way, noticing his clenched jaw, before leaning over the tap and spitting the remains of the toothpaste out before washing it off her lips. Then she sauntered out of the bathroom, closing the door and absentmindedly rubbing her eye out of exhaustion.
Theodore's eyes were glued to her face as she floated around the room, blowing out the warm candles that were scattered on her many shelves and drawers, slowly inciting the room into a solace of darkness. The only thing helping her see being the last candle on the nightstand, which she waited to blow out.
Instead, she lifted her side of the duvet and crawled under, glowing at the warmth it provided. As an extra procedure turned over to Theodore and efficiently latched onto his bare side, her arm hugging around his torso and her head being buried in between his neck and shoulder.
It wasn't often that they got a chance to be with each other during the night times because of Hogwarts rules and the partition between the boys, girls, and different houses. This is why these moments are always highly appreciated, no matter where, how, or when.
Her nose, lips, and forehead rest comfortably on his pulse point, ears perking at every beat of his heart and bathing in the comfort of being so close to him. She doesn't think about how fast it is beating, or how Theodore's breathing is slightly uneven. Before, when she lay down, she didn't notice how he directed her legs when she wrapped herself around him so that she wouldn't accidentally grace his, at the moment, very sensitive area.
"Are you done reading soon?" She asked, his skin muffling her words and the air tickling his neck. And he raised his arm which he formerly circled her and stroked her hair back, his eyes stuck on the pages. "Only two pages left. Then I'm all yours."
A girlish smile lit up her face and she buried herself even deeper into his neck, not letting Theodore see how easily he made her insides melt and her face heat.
And as promised, after reading the last two pages of the chapter, he closed the book and put it on the floor. And (Name) took the honor of leaving his side and blowing out the last candles, this time letting the room be cast in a shadow.
Theodore eyes were glued on the back of her body as she leaned forwards, and painfully remembered the hard piece of trouble that throbbed between his legs. Before, when she was pushed up against him and his eyes actually could focus on the words in his book, he had forgotten how turned on he was. But it seemed everything she did right now made his pent-up mind turn to the less innocent part of his brain.
(Name) stopped all her movements when a large palm placed itself between her shoulder blades and gently pressed. Not to push her, but to feel her skin, how her muscles moved beneath his hand. The hand travels from its place in the middle of her back, up to her neck. Her arms gained goosebumps when Theodore cupped her neck between his fingers and thumb, fingertips almost reaching to her throat.
A sigh of delight is all she can muster when he rubs circles into her neck, carefully turning her head towards him. His black pupils had taken over his iris, only leaving a rim of his brown-stained, lust-blown eyes. Those eyes were something unfamiliar, something (Name) had never seen before. Not even in their most passionate moments, which to his dismay had only been the hidden snogging in the corner of the school library where she could guarantee that none of her siblings were watching.
The hand behind her neck traveled to her shoulder, and she swallowed when he gently pushed her down into the pillows. And she held her breath and watched with bug eyes as he crawled on top of her, positioning himself between her legs, and laying his arms on either side of her face to keep his body from crushing her.
And he stared at her, intense eyes locking with hers as if they were trying to tell her something, to imply something. And she didn't understand, but the tension in the air made her crazy and she longed to snap it like a twig between her fingers.
She let her hand travel from her side, up to the back of his delicate neck. She mimicked the hold he had on her before, and gently pushed him closer so that she could claim his lips with her own
Warmth and relief spread like wildfire in her stomach when Theodore returned her kiss with more eagerness and power than she had ever seen him do before. A sigh of delight escaped her nose, and she basked in the love Theodore provided for her every day, every minute to every second.
Her arms encircled his neck, and she slowly pulled him closer, letting him rest all his weight on her body. He moaned airily into her mouth, and (Name) saw it as an opportunity to let her tongue invade his mouth. She could feel how he melted against her body as she took control, forcing the kiss to become deeper, more sensual as she massaged his tongue with hers.
Theodore didn't know what to do with himself, for he had never experienced someone taking such control over him. Both body and mind were completely devoted to her and he had no longer any wish to think for himself, only to let her lead him through.
Slowly but surely, she slowed the kiss down, and Theodore found himself frowning when she disconnected their lips entirely. Spit collected on her bottom lip and without breaking their intimate eye contact, he leaned down and sucked the liquid off her lip. A sweet, closed-mouth moan echoed in her throat and Theodore felt how his hardness throbbed in his boxers.
"If you only could understand how absurdly amazing you make me feel." He mumbled with lidded eyes.
Her chest was heaving against his bare one, and she looked at him as if he was the reason for all the good in the world and all the good in her life. His skin erupted in flames and he, once again, leaned down although this time connecting his lips with the column of her throat.
A hand buried itself in her locks and she had no choice but to close her eyes as his lips traveled along her neck, at first only planting innocent pecks, letting his rosy lips leave invisible prints on her skin. Before he found the point right under her jaw and sucked.
"Oh, Theo." She simpered as he sucked, licked, and kissed the space, abusing it as a way of showing his love.
Her words made his hand tighten in her hair, and whilst she loved the attention she was receiving, she wanted to have more control. Theodore needed to be the princess for once. The one who would just stand there and accept the kisses and love. So she slowly enclosed her legs around his hips, squeezing him with her thighs as her hand traveled to his hair.
"You're always so good to me, taking care of me. And I love you so, so much." He sighed shakily into her neck, both because of the praise and also because of his crotch that was now pressed up against hers, and he needed almost all of his control to not grind into her and provide to his inextinguishable thirst for her.
"You own me, you own my body and you're the only thing on my mind." Theodore sucked harder on her neck, teeth grazing the blue area.
"And I own you, Theodore." And it was his downfall. He couldn't help himself but let his hips grind into hers and he grunted at the immense pleasure that spread along his stomach. And after that, he couldn't stop. Like he had been cursed, he continued to push himself against her, a secret fantasy of being inside of her, feeling her walls around his cock pushing him to continue.
"Please." He begged." Please let me make love to you." She almost choked on her tongue at his confession, and that accompanied by the pressure of Theodore's hips grinding into her made her mind foggy.
"I would to have you." A breath got caught in her throat as pressure once more ripped through her body. "But I don't want our first to be in the same house as my parents." The movement of his body came to a slow halt, trying to control himself and respect her wishes. A few playfully pecs were placed on her collarbones and a giggle escaped her lips at the tickling of his lips.
He pulled away from her body and met her eyes, intense gaze making her confidence waver and her body heat soar. Just for a moment, she contemplated to let him have her right in her childhood bed. To let him have his way with her. But with the ounce of self-control left in her body, she stayed in her decision with the knowledge it could bring more problems than pleasure. For him, her, and the rest of the family.
A hard kiss on her lips broke her out of the daze, and Theodore gently rolled off her body, settling at her side with him facing her.
"You sure it's alright?" She asked lightly, fingers tracing the shape of his nose. Her eyes did discreetly look down his body lightly gesturing to his crotch. With fingers under her chin, he lifted her face to his again, this time placing a lighter pec on her forehead.
"I'm sure, I'm here with you that's all I need. Nothing more."
"Are sure? Otherwise, you can-"
"I'm sure, never been more sure." With a gentle smile on her lips, she nodded, eyes fluttering shut when Theodore continued with her previous movements, fingers tracing her nose. "Go to sleep."
But she couldn't sleep. It was impossible. Butterflies were racing against her inner organs, in her belly and other places she had never felt the tickling feeling in. Her entire body was buzzing. Just the thought of her making the boy next to her so troubled, in a good way, was thrilling. Because he's Theodore, the attractive, brilliant, and kind Slytherin who everyone wanted to be or to be with. And he chooses her.
The boy next to her shuffled in the bed, body turning so his back faced her. She played as still as possible so he wouldn't notice her being awake, or to wake him for that matter.
But just when she was sure he was sound asleep, he sat up in the bed, throwing his legs over the edge and her heart beat in worry when his head hung lowly into his hands. She was about to lay a comforting hand on his back but he stood up before she had the time.
"Theo?" She asked and he turned around, startled by her voice. "You okay?"
A smile lit his face and he kneeled before her, kissing her lips quickly. "Just going to the bathroom." Even though her room was dark, the moonlight revealed an unmistakable redness on the apples of his cheeks and she looked down to see his problem still present, and once again her body erupted in a buzz.
Before he could walk away, she grabbed his hand, stopping him. He looked at her with a question in his eyes, and she looked away in shyness.
"I can- I can help you if you want?" Her big eyes raked over his face, waiting for an answer while his face displayed a handful of different emotions.
"You don't have to, I don't want to force you." She flushed at his gentleness, but couldn't dismiss the new, lustful edge in his voice.
"I want to help you. Alright? I want you." When he didn't say anything, she tugged his hand towards her, enough so one of his knees met the mattress.
"Do you want me too?" Her voice took a change and her eyes searched in his. As an answer, Theodore grabbed her throat and pulled her into a searing kiss, tongue licking over her lips when he pulled away.
"I want you to, need you, truly." And he was about to go into a second kiss, but she stopped him with a finger to his lips.
"Good. But on one condition." He listened idly, lips kissing on the pad of her finger. "You have to be quiet, at all cost. You can't make a sound, if you do I'll have to stop."
She gently positioned him on his back, brain going ten miles on hour at the newfound confidence, at the newfound domination. He nodded slowly and his eyes were hooded with the lust of anticipation.
Thedore was a naturally dominant person per se. In their relationship, in his life, and in his friend group. With a hand on her back, he guided her the way he wanted, and with the preeminence in his voice, she found it hard to deny him. But now, with his panting chest and pleading puppy dog eyes, she wondered where Theodore went, without complaining of course.
With shaky hands and Theodore's eyes intently on her, she reached for the edge of his underwear, fingers picking at his waistband. Her knees clenched together when Thedore put both his arms behind his head, face shining with confidence. And in the most loving way possible, a small part of her wanted to break it down.
Slowly, she pulled the underwear down, with the help of Theodore raising his hips. When she laid eyes on his crotch, she swallowed and looked at Theodore, who had his lip in his teeth.
As if he could see her hesitation, he gave her a nod. "It's okay, Lovie, you can touch me."
And in pure curiousness, she let the tips of her fingers run up his length, feeling the warmth emitting from his body. A gasp made way from his mouth and he threw his head into the pillow. In fear of believing she hurt him, she pulled back, hand landing on his thigh.
"Theo? Sorry did I hurt you? I didn't mean to." She stressed, massaging his thigh in comfort. But he only shook his head, trying to slow his increased breath.
"No, no don't stop." His voice cracked pitifully as he pleaded, but she wasn't convinced.
"Theo Im not su-"
"Please for the love of Merlin, touch me. I swear I'm going to explode." The doubt was replaced with fire in her entire body. And she did the same movement again, running her fingers up his length.
Once again, a gasp escaped his lips, and a rare, blissful expression covered his face. His eyebrows scrunched upwards and a small smile on his open mouth.
And she wanted more of this reaction, craved it even. So she continued to run her fingertips up and down, biting her lip to hide her smile at his panting and puffing.
"Come on, love, I know you can do more than that." He didn't. But she could do more. She met his eyes, who were intently, expectantly staring into her. Like he was daring her. Holding his eye, she took a loose grip on his cock, doing an experimental stroke.
His eyes snapped to where his body met her hands, and a small, low moan forced itself from his lips. So low she almost missed it, but she's glad she didn't. She forced her thighs together, rocking back and forth as she began to twist her wrist to give Theo relief along with herself.
He only continues to stare at her moving hand, his stomach and thighs flexing with pleasure. And she notices, of course, she does, and lets her free land on the place connecting his pelvis and thigh, slowly massaging it to get him relaxed. It does quite the opposite.
He throws his head back, straight into the pillow. "Fuck." He whispers as one of his hands clenches around the sheet.
Without even meaning to, she speeds up her hand movements, her body reacting automatically to his pleasure. And he bucks into her hand at the new feeling, a groan, louder than before resonated pleasantly in her ear.
"Merlin, shit what the fuck are you doing to me." He moaned desperately, taking satisfaction in her warm palm, in the intense feeling in his pelvis and length. In his entire body. It was like he was high.
She giggled lightly, bashfully continuing her stroking without a notion of how the sound affected him.
An idea formed in her head, a memory of a knowledge Theo himself revealed not long ago at all. She took her other hand, which was stroking his thigh, and gripped it above the hand on his lenght, and let her thumb run over his tip, using a little pressure
And Theodore let out a moan, a borderline whine. And it didn't stop.
She continued the abuse on his tip, along with rapid strokes of his length, and different types of whines, groans and moans left him, one after one. And they were loud, too loud.
"Shhh, Theo you need to quiet down." Deep down she knew he wouldn't, especially with her continued stimulation of his cock.
"Can't- Fuck. I can't, I can't." He cried head tilted down to take a peek at her hands. Bad Idea as his length throbbed in her hands, sending him into a new fit of moans.
So she stopped. Only as an attempt to quiet him.
But it left him unsatisfied and searching for stimulation, violently continuing to buck his hips for any kind of friction, sounds of complaint echoing in the room.
"Theo you said you could be quiet, so be quiet!" She whisper-yelled desperately, pushing his hips to still with one of her hands. But he just couldn't be quiet.
Now, he was instead whining over the lack of stimulation, thrashing his head from side to side at the lost feeling.
"Theo for the love of good shut up." At the sudden stern tone, he shut his mouth and turned to her, big puppy dog eyes staring at her with admiration.
They sat quietly as she listened after a single sound. But luckily, there was none. And she could let her shoulders relax.
"Good job Theo." She smiled, and pecked his lips, him chasing after her when she sat straight again.
The pace of her hands picked up again, and Theodore tried his utmost to keep his sounds down. But it was so difficult.
And he thought he would be able to hold himself quiet until her hands sped up greatly.
She watched with awe in her eyes as his eyes rolled back into his head, his hips vigorously meeting her wrist as he fucked her hand, moans of her name and whined curses fleeing his pink lips.
"Fuck. I th-think." His head arched into the mattress, interrupting his sentence with a moan. "I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna-im-" She panicked as his voice took a turn for the loudest, and without thinking she slapped her hand over his mouth, although with a force that pushed his head further into the pillow.
His entire body twitched violently at the harsh gesture, and his eyelashes fluttered when white-hot pleasure overtook his entire life.
Without meaning to, he threw his hand over the one covering his mouth, gripping it tight as the other squeezed her thigh in a bruising grip. And he came with a long, guttural moan, straight into her hand as she continued to stroke him through his high. And she didn't stop, not until his body had stopped convulsing completely.
When he was done, his chest was heaving as he chipped for air, and she placed a concerned and clean hand on his chest, rubbing it slowly.
"You need to slow your breathing, don't need you to faint on me after that." He nodded lightly, head too heavy for anything else. He took her hand and bullied his breathing to a normal pace, even if it burned his lungs.
He forced his eyelids open, and her body, once again, flushed at the half-lidded look he gave her. As if she hung the moon and stars for him.
But, what he didn't know was she had a last trick up her sleeve. She raised her dirty hand to his lips and slowly and carefully licked every bit of him left on her hand.
Theodore let out a small gasp, and his handanded on her thigh massaging it to the erotic picture, fighting another hard-on with his life.
She leaned down and was about to connect her tongue to his lower abdomen, ready to lick the cum of his godly body. But she only had time to graze him before he took her cheeks in his hands, squeezing them while lifting her head in distress
"No no no!" He stressed, and she started at him with, big, questioning eyes." Fuck. I love you, but you're gonna get yourself another piece of trouble if I let you continue." A laugh of surprise jumped in her chest, looking down at her lap, her body warm and humble.
"Youre seriously amazing, you know that right." He breathed out, a smile in his voice. And a chuckle bumbled in her throat, head hazy with bliss.
She kissed his palm. "And I love you, lovie."
So... That happened
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hollowed-theory-hall · 7 months
The Weasleys Aren't Great Parents...
I know a lot here love to talk about how the Weasleys were so good to take Harry in and all that... But the truth is, the parenting skills of Molly and Arthur Weasley are questionable at best.
I'm not saying they don't love their kids and Harry — they do, and they do so honestly. I'm just here to say they aren't actually a good example of parenting.
Like, when fans talk about the Weasleys what I usually see is either treating them like they are a perfect example of a family or unfair bashing. So, while I definitely believe that Mr. and Mrs. Weasley love their kids, this post showcases where their parenting skills are lacking...
So, the Weasleys, to Harry, seem like the perfect example of a happy, loving family. Now, I'm not saying there isn't love there, but the family dynamics we see aren't great, to put it lightly. Harry just has no reference for anything better.
Children Running Away
The first thing I want to mention here is that all Weasley children leave the Burrow and their parents the first chance they get.
Bill goes to work for Gringotts in Egypt.
Charlie goes to tame dragons in Romania.
Percy, well, Percy is a whole can of worms right there. But once his parents shun him for being more successful than his father in the ministry, he doesn't look back.
Fred and George leave Hogwarts in the middle of their seventh year and move out of home then, before their even done with school.
I don't think that's normal. This is what we see in houses where there is mistreatment of children, so they don't want to stay any moment longer than necessary. Because all of this, what all of them did, was running away from home.
Each of these Weasleys was seventeen — maybe eighteen when he chose to leave (sometimes the country). This is running away, even if they still talk to their parents, they did rub away from living under the same roof.
This already suggests to me something unhealthy is going on there.
Any child psychologist would tell you one of the worst things a parent could do is pick favorites amongst their children. All children, favored or not, suffer from it.
And Mr. And Mrs. Weasley.... well, they showcase favoritism constantly, here is an example from Order of the Phoenix:
“Get him red and gold to match his badge,” said George, smirking. “Match his what?” said Mrs. Weasley absently, rolling up a pair of maroon socks and placing them on Ron’s pile. “His badge,” said Fred, with the air of getting the worst over quickly. “His lovely shiny new prefect’s badge.” Fred’s words took a moment to penetrate Mrs. Weasley’s preoccupation about pajamas. “His . . . but . . . Ron, you’re not. . . ?” Ron held up his badge. Mrs. Weasley let out a shriek just like Hermione’s. “I don’t believe it! I don’t believe it! Oh, Ron, how wonderful! A prefect! That’s everyone in the family!” “What are Fred and I, next-door neighbors?” said George indignantly, as his mother pushed him aside and flung her arms around her youngest son.
(Order of the Pheonix, page 163)
Molly is so glad to have prefects in the family, that she actually ignores the fact Fred and George aren't prefects and are her kids. George actually calls her out on it, except she isn't actually listening to him l. No, she pushes him aside. This treatment is insane, and I don't blame them for up and leaving the moment they turned seventeen.
This favoritism is seen more, this is from Chamber of Secrets:
“Sorry, Mum, but see, we had to —” All three of Mrs. Weasley’s sons were taller than she was, but they cowered as her rage broke over them. “Beds empty! No note! Car gone — could have crashed — out of my mind with worry — did you care? — never, as long as I’ve lived — you wait until your father gets home, we never had trouble like this from Bill or Charlie or Percy —” “Perfect Percy,” muttered Fred. “YOU COULD DO WITH TAKING A LEAF OUT OF PERCY’S BOOK!” yelled Mrs. Weasley, prodding a finger in Fred’s chest. “You could have died, you could have been seen, you could have lost your father his job —” It seemed to go on for hours. Mrs. Weasley had shouted herself hoarse before she turned on Harry, who backed away. “I’m very pleased to see you, Harry, dear,” she said. “Come in and have some breakfast.”
(Chamber of Secrets, page 38)
Prefect Percy is better than Fred and George and they should learn from him and be more like him, according to Mrs. Weasley. This sort of comparison between children is really harmful to their development and is frowned upon by most. Definitely by me.
Not to mention how Harry is definitely a favorite of hers, so much so he does not get shouted at for the same crime, but get's food. That is honestly the bare minimum she can do for him considering...
Harry's Abuse
The Weasleys are aware of Harry's abuse. They are made aware of it time and time again, and with all their love for Harry — they do nothing more than give him food when he asks. I don't think I need to explain why this is terrible.
“I don’t blame you, dear,” she assured Harry, tipping eight or nine sausages onto his plate. “Arthur and I have been worried about you, too. Just last night we were saying we’d come and get you ourselves if you hadn’t written back to Ron by Friday. But really” (she was now adding three fried eggs to his plate), “flying an illegal car halfway across the country — anyone could have seen you —” She flicked her wand casually at the dishes in the sink, which began to clean themselves, clinking gently in the background. “It was cloudy, Mum!” said Fred. “You keep your mouth closed while you’re eating!” Mrs. Weasley snapped.“They were starving him, Mum!” said George. “And you!” said Mrs. Weasley, but it was with a slightly softened expression that she started cutting Harry bread and buttering it for him.
(Chamber of Secrets, page 39)
George here outright tells her Harry was being starved — this goes ignored. When Harry writes to her to send him food, she sends it, but doesn't ask him why he isn't being fed:
She had no idea that Harry was not following the diet at all. The moment he had got wind of the fact that he was expected to survive the summer on carrot sticks, Harry had sent Hedwig to his friends with pleas for help … Hagrid, the Hogwarts gamekeeper, had obliged with a sack full of his own homemade rock cakes. (Harry hadn’t touched these; he had had too much experience of Hagrid’s cooking.) Mrs. Weasley, however, had sent the family owl, Errol, with an enormous fruitcake and assorted meat pies.
(Goblet of Fire, page 28)
No, she sent him food but didn't bother doing anything to help a child out of a clearly abusive situation. Not even asking why he isn't getting enough food.
Arthur Weasley isn't any better. He knows just as much as Molly and even met Harry's pleasant relatives:
“Harry said good-bye to you,” he said. “Didn’t you hear him?” “It doesn’t matter,” Harry muttered to Mr. Weasley. “Honestly, I don’t care.” Mr. Weasley did not remove his hand from Harry’s shoulder. “You aren’t going to see your nephew till next summer,” he said to Uncle Vernon in mild indignation. “Surely you’re going to say good-bye?”
(Goblet of Fire, page 48)
He acts as if the Dursleys are normal. As if a child saying their caretakers wouldn't care he wasn't there isn't cause for alarm. No, Arthur Weasley just thought it impolite and odd, but not enough to actually do something to help Harry. Just annoy Uncle Vernon.
Blaming Kids For Things Not Their Fault
“You?” she said, catching her teacup as it scampered happily away across the desk on four sturdy little willow-patterned legs and replacing it in front of her. “Why should I be worried about you?” “When Mum’s next letter finally gets through Umbridge’s screening process,” said Ron bitterly, now holding his cup up while its frail legs tried feebly to support its weight, “I’m going to be in deep trouble. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s sent a Howler again.” “But —” “It’ll be my fault Fred and George left, you wait,” said Ron darkly. “She’ll say I should’ve stopped them leaving, I should’ve grabbed the ends of their brooms and hung on or something. . . . Yeah, it’ll be all my fault. . . .”
(Order of the Pheonix, page 679)
After Fred and George leave Hogwarts, Ron tells Hermione she should worry about him because he would suffer their mother's ire. He speaks about it as if it's a regular occurrence. Like he regularly gets blamed for Feed and George's mishaps when the twins aren't there.
This is incredibly unfair to Ron, Fred, and George. There is no reason Ron should fear his parent's response for something he had no control over.
As I stated above, I don't think Arthur and Molly Weasley are abusive or neglectful or that they don't love their kids. They are far from perfect, loving, and dotting parents I see them sometimes portrayed as. Neither are they as awful as I sometimes see them. Like many characters in this series, they are more complex than that.
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Pairings: George Weasley x Fem!reader Summary: you realise how much you love George when he loses his ear Warnings: mention of blood
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you looked at him carefully as he talked to his mum, telling her that he will be ok
you knew it was a dangerous task, and you begged to go with them, but he told you no. that he didn't want you to get hurt.
you had told him not to go multiple times, but he had said he had to, that he couldn't not do it.
"hey" he said, snapping you out of your thoughts
"hi" you mumbled
"I'll be ok. I promise" he smiled
"you can't promise something like that, George" you shook your head. you had talked to everyone else because you didn't want to say goodbye to him, because you didn't want to know that it might be the last goodbye
"yeah, but I wouldn't lie to my best friend" he raised his eyebrow, Best friend.
that's what you two were, best friends since your first year at Hogwarts.
"we have to go" Mad eye grumbled
"see you when I get back" he sighed, pulling you into a hug
"please be careful, George" you muttered, holding him tightly
he let go and smiled at you before leaving the burrow, going to private drive to Harry
"alright, how about we make some supper for when they return. hm?" Molly takes a deep breath, looking at you and Ginny who stood by the door
her hands were on her hips and she frowned
Ginny shrugged and went to help her mum, leaving you at the door, wishing you went with them
you put the tray in the oven and take off the mittens before you heard a crash outside the burrow
you, Molly and Ginny rushed outside and saw Hagrid and Harry, drenched.
"harry, Hagrid!" molly yelled out "what happened?"
"where are the others?" she asked
"is no one else back?" Harry raised his eyebrows
"they were onto us right from the start, Molly. we didn't stand a chance" Hagrid spoke disappointedly
"well, thank goodness you two are alright" Molly nodded
"the death eaters were waiting for us, it was an ambush" Hagrid informed you and Molly as Ginny went to harry
you went inside and talked to Molly as you heard rushing to the door.
you turned around as saw Lupin and Harry helping what looked like an unconscious George to the couch
"Georgie" you muttered out as you watched them lay him down on the couch
you rushed around the couch and went down to your knees in front of him. ignoring Lupin interrogate Harry
his eyes were closed and he looked tired
the whole side of his face was covered in blood as the red liquid ran down his neck. his hair was a mess and shoulder of his jacket was stained red.
you went to hold his hand but noticed it was covered in blood as well
"oh George" you whispered
you almost felt like crying, you couldn't imagine the pain he's going through, and you couldn't but imagine if it wasn't just his ear.
you didn't care about the blood and held his hand anyway.
what if you had lost him, not just his ear, but what if he hadn't returned and had died.
you were worried sick the entire time there were out and now that he had returned, you felt even more sick.
"you said you would be careful" you murmured, staring at his sleeping state
"it's not like I planned this" he replied quietly, his voice slightly breaking
you looked at his ear and almost threw up at the sight
"George, I told you to stay here, I sai-" you started
"I had to" he cut you off softly
you stroked his hair and shook your head, even though he couldn't see you
you leaned in kissed his forehead as you lightly sobbed
you laid in your bed in the burrow, in Ginny's room.
Ginny slept heavily as you twisted and turned.
you had slept for like ten minutes before waking up from a bad dream.
a bad dream where George didn't just lose his ear, where Lupin had showed up to the burrow alone, breaking the news to Molly, to you and to Ginny.
you woke up in your own tears as you worried about George, what if he was still in pain? what if he was bleeding out through his bandage in his bed, what if you had imagined he came home and he actually did die.
you started panicking as you sat up.
you didn't want to lose him, he was one of the most important people in your life, and you loved him.
and this situation really made you realise that you didn't only love him as a friend, but more, that you wanted to hold his hand, that you wanted to kiss him and take care of him. it made you realise that you never wanted to leave his side again.
that it would kill you inside if he was to die.
you took the covers off yourself and got out of the bed.
you quietly walked out of the room and made your way to George's room.
you opened the door and crept inside, closing the door behind you
the light snores of the two twins filled your ears.
you walked up to George's bed and saw his sleeping with a frown, his ear bandaged up.
he was cleaned up after he had a long bath to ease his nerves and pain. his neck wasn't bloody and his clothes were clean and fresh.
you didn't want to be creepy, but you needed him in that moment, you craved to be near him, to know that he was still here
you lifted up the covers and slipped into his bed and cuddled up next to him.
he moved around and groaned
"love? what are doing? he asked you huskily
"making sure your ok" you muttered
"can you repeat that? I can't exactly hear through that ear anymore, love" he replied
you choked back a sob as you tried talking to him
you ended up just staring at him in the darkness, nuzzled in his warmth
"I love you" you admitted "I know you don't love me too, but I didn't want to lose you and it could ki-"
"are you kidding? of course I love you, I can lose everything, but not you, oh merlin, I would rather die than lose you, that's why I didn't want you going" he confessed
"George, I didn't want you going, and look what happened" you motioned towards his ear
he pulled you closer to him and leaned his head away to not irritate his hole.
"it's only one ear, at least I can still hear your beautiful voice" he smiled lazily
"it's better than losing an eye, or an arm, or leg, or anything else" he shrugged
"yeah but you're still hurt. it still hurts, doesn't it?" you questioned
"it's numb, all I can hear out of it is a constant ringing sound, it took me ages to fall asleep because of it" he replied
"sorry" you apologised
"I said sorry" you repeated so he could hear
"it's ok, you make it better" he yawned
you stayed in silent for a moment before he whispered again
"do you still think I'm handsome?"
you laughed quietly at his words as you shook your head
"the most handsome guy I've ever met" you beamed
"more than Fred?" he raised his eye brows
"way more" you nodded
you felt him place a delicate kiss on your forehead and you closed your eyes
"I love you, George" you sighed, hearing his heartbeat as you rested your head on his chest
"hm" he hummed "I love you more, Love"
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blackbirdi · 7 months
Harry Potter Incorrect Quotes #2
Harry: So how’d you guys manage to crash the car last night?
Hermione: Ron wasn’t paying attention to the road, and there was a deer. So I shouted, “RON, DEER!”
Hermione: Go on. Tell him what you said.
Ron: … “Yes, honey?”
*Cue Harry dying*
George: *Whispering so they don’t get caught out of bed by Filch* What time is it?
Fred: *Screams loudly*
Fred: There you go.
Hermione: *Showing Mr. Weasley how to use muggle technology* There you go. Your laptop is all set up.
Mr. Weasley: Will it get heavier if I put more files in it?
Hermione: What?
Mr. Weasley: Like, if I download files will it weigh more?
*The girls decorating the Christmas tree*
Hermione: Does anyone know where the angel is?
Ginny: *Pointing at Luna* Found it!
Mrs. Weasley: When I said bring me something back from Hogwarts I meant something you bought at Hogsmeade.
The Twins: *Struggling to contain a Bludger* Well you didn’t specify that!
Neville Longbottom: So how’d you know Harry was the one?
Ginny: *Dreamily* He looked at me the way every woman wants to be looked at…
Neville: Awww.
Ginny: With fear in his eyes.
Hermione: Awwwww.
Ron: Did it hurt when you fell from the vending machine? Cause you’re a whole snack.
Hermione: Are you silence? Because you make me speechless.
Ginny: Who do you think is going to make this dirty first?
Harry: Turn this dirty? Neither of them, Gin, they’re too cute for one another.
Ron: Are you my pinky toe? Cause I’m gonna bang you against every piece of furniture I own.
Harry: I take back my previous statement.
*After watching Frosty the Snowman*
Ron: What did Frosty the Snowman do other than come to life, do a little dance, and die?
Harry: Isn’t that what we all do, really?
Ron: You played me like a fiddle!
Fred: Oh no, Ronniekins. Fiddles are actually very difficult to play.
George: We played you like the cheap kazoo you are.
Ron: *Walking into the living room to complain* Mum! There’s no more snacks in the kitchen!
Ginny: *From the kitchen* But I’m literally right here!
Ron: *Frustrated groan*
The Twins: We can assure you, our place of business is extremely safe.
Ron: *Looking up at the ceiling* The smoke detector is a white bowl with a red M&M taped to it…
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annabellelupin · 3 months
"who's your favorite Weasley?"
uhh Ginny obviously
"that's such a basic answer!"
You want a real answer- Percy Weasley. Specifically more fanon leaning Percy with an academic rivals to lovers trope with Oliver Wood where they're the only Gryffindor boys in their year and when they first meet they can't stand each other for their different priorities only to slowly fall in love and realize they're more alike than they originally thought. Oh, and Penelope is a femme lesbian and everyone just assumes her and Percy are dating since they're best friends and are seen together all the time.
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meemoop · 8 months
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The Malfoys and Weasleys passing each other in Diagon Alley.
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the-colourful-witch · 3 months
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🦆Arthur Weasley 📺
Fell in love with a girl and was never unhappy again :) (Except on days when he really hates the world☀️) Honestly, I think there’s a big rebel inside Arthur Weasley, but he is hidden beneath wool jumpers and bald spots😌
He’s kind and caring and a little crazy. I mean, he likes to experiment on muffle technology and magicked his car to fly… Only a crazy person wants to try that. But aren’t those people the most fun? I think so :)
I love Arthur, he’s so lovely. And he takes good care of his family. I imagine he brings Molly flowers at least once a week and they spend one day together every month, because they love each other and the romance never died🧡
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mastermindmiko · 24 days
The Ear that wasn't
pairing: George Weasley + reader
word count: 1,312
warning: injuries, death and it's a bit angst
Summary: After the battle of the seven (eight) Potters, George becomes distant, and you decide to find out why
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After moving to the Burrow, things have changed. Everyone’s more sombre, and the world seems a little darker. The impending doom of Voldemort’s terror a bit more real. Madeye died and Hedwig as well when we were attacked while moving from Privet Drive to here. It was fun pretending to be Harry for a bit, the polyjuice potion wreaked and tasted awful, but looking like someone else was amusing, that was before death eaters started throwing spells left and right at least. 
The most noticeable change in my life was the distance that George has been placing between us for a month since we came here. The first two days I stayed by his side while he was recovering from becoming ‘holey’. We couldn’t bring any medics to the Burrow, so we all had to make due with our collective medical knowledge; finding spells to ease the pain, recalling how to put on a proper bandaid, and how to stop the blood from gushing. 
Fred and I were riding together, and went to the Burrow via another route along with the others in order to confuse the death eaters as to who was Harry while George was getting hit with a sectumsempra. We arrived at the Burrow and there seeing Hermione’s sad expression looking at me and Fred made my heart lurch to my throat. I couldn’t recall a time I’d run faster inside to find George lying on the sofa. 
I spent the first few days tending to him, and spending as much time near him as possible, mostly due to the nature of our relationship and also to take care of him. We’d only gotten news about his ear when we finally reached madame pomfrey (a trustworthy person) who told us that George wouldn’t be able to get his ear back. I’d expected it, but George seemed heartbroken. 
I stayed behind after dinner, tidying up the table at a slower pace than usual, watching as George cleared the cups too. His movement is precise but never without a little whimsy. The bandage is still wrapped around his head, and he starts shoving cups between the crook of his elbow to hold more in one go. I clear my throat, “How do you feel?” 
I sigh, knowing how curt all his replies have been. He heads into the kitchen and I continue to stack the rest of the plates before waving my wand, sending them into the kitchen. I walk behind them and point my wand into the sink, allowing them to gracefully pile up inside. The magical tools get to work and start rinsing. 
I look into the living room first looking for George, and I see him sitting on the couch twirling around his wand, and staring off deep in thought. Madame Pomfrey had informed us that his (additional) lack of focus could occur due to the concussion and spell, as well as some loss of balance. I gulped, “Do you need anything?” 
“No.” He grumbles, and leans back sinking into the sofa. I walk closer to him and take a seat beside him. He doesn’t bother to spare me a glance. I bit my lip and hesitantly said, “We can go take a nap for a bit in the room if you’d like?” 
“I don’t need you fussing over me.” George snaps, and I purse my lips, used to this attitude from him over the past month. I shuffled closer to him, and confessed, “I’m not fussing over you, I just want to spend time with you.” 
He sets his wand aside and sighs. He puts his head in his hands, hunching over his thighs. The fire crackles and fills up the silence between us. I place a comforting hand on his back, stroking his skin, feeling the soft material of his shirt and his vertebrae. He sighs once more, and deep in thought he whispers, “Why?” 
“Because you’re my boyfriend.” I chuckle at the absurd question, even when he wasn’t I loved spending time with him. He looks at me, palm holding his cheek, and my amusement dies down from seeing his miserable eyes, and wrinkled eyebrows. My hand lifts from his back and moves to his hand. I ask, “What’s going on, George?” 
“I-” he stutters, and looks away. I squeeze his hand supportively, and he closes his eyes. I let all the thoughts that have been jumping around in my head stay for a second of all the things he could say, the most prominent being: I don’t love you anymore. He sucks in a breath and turns back to lock into my eyes. He mused, “I’m not good-looking anymore, and I don’t want you to not want me.” 
I blink, and process. George, the ever confident, forever handsome, cocky and funny George Weasley doesn’t think he’s good-looking anymore. What would even make him think- oh…the accident. I say, “Is this about your ear?” 
He looks away once more and I know that it’s the truth. I start rubbing comforting shapes over the back of his hand, and I reach over to grab his other hand. I protested, “I don’t think you’ll ever stop being good-looking, not to me.” 
He scoffs, not believing my words. I could see his eyes begin to have a slight shine to them. I pout at his expression, and I drop his hand to reach over and cup his cheek. I turn his head towards me, and brush my thumb over his cheekbones. He let out a bitter chuckle before he smiled, sputtering, “I’m practically deformed.” 
I smile at him, and give him a look. I lean into him, smelling his familiar scent that I haven’t been able to smell in a while. The wood and biscuits engulf my senses. I kiss his lips, and his eyes flutter momentarily to a close. I let my lips linger near his before pulling away and watching his closed eyes as he sighs before looking back at me. I whisper, pulling his face to mine, “Even if you were a troll, I’d still love you George.” 
He gulps and checks my eyes for any glimmer of a lie. He leans into my hand, and pouts. He relaxes looking at my face before slowly turning his head to press a kiss to my inner palm. His lips linger and he cups my hand with both of his. He kisses it again before adding, “I don’t want you to not be attracted to me.” 
“You’re plenty attractive George with or without two ears.” I commented. He squeezes my hand, the warmth of his fingers spreading to mine, providing a comforting head during the dead of winter. I convince, “And I believe that there’s more to our relationship than just your looks, George. There’s your wit, and your kindness, and your humour- and I could go on for so long, so you’ll have to stop me, and your smile and laugh, your courage-” 
“I get it, I get it.” George chuckles, and pulls our intertwined hands back up to his lips to press a kiss on each of my knuckles, feeling his warm breath on my hand and the softness of his lips on each of my knuckles. He gazes at me sincerely and says, “Thank you.” 
“It’s only the truth.” I state, and he pulls me into a long and deep hug, resting his head into the crook of my shoulder, giving me kisses whenever he sees fit. My arms still reach after him when he pulls away to say, “I’d also still love you even if you were a troll.” 
“Thank you, that’s good to know.” I laugh, and I finally see that wonderful humorous grin of his. He stands up and encases my hand to pull me up beside him. He presses his lips to mine then suggests, “How about that nap?” 
a/n: I really wanted the gif to be the scene when Harry and Ginny are kissing and he goes "Good morningg", but alas I couldn't find one, so this will have to make do. Hope you liked this one.
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rainydayathogwarts · 11 months
Hiiiii um I really need needy ron Weasley x f!reader.
I need hastily pulled into an abandoned classroom out of nowhere bc he misses you and needs to give you head :3
wc: 1.3k
warnings: semi-public sex, oral (f!receiving), naked dry humping, handjob.
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It was all because of these stupid N.E.W.T exams that you took oh so seriously. Had you cared as much (or little) as Ron did, he wouldn't have his head laying in book pretending to work whilst Harry and Hermione studied around him wishing that he was with you instead. To him it's not only been hours since he'd seen you; it's been days, weeks, months, and he couldn't possibly be craving you any more.
"Ron. Ron! Oh dear, what's his problem?" He hears Harry chuckle at Hermione's words, his attention now completely on Ron. "You alright mate?" Ron only shakes his head with a groan, looking up at his friends who stare at him with two very different looks on their face. "Are we missing a certain someone?" Teases Harry, who yelps when Hermione hits him on the shoulder with a book. The two start bicker and Ron gets up, deciding to leave to his dorm.
Once he's there, laying down on his bed, he longingly gazes at the polaroid of you with your arms wrapped around him, giving him a big celebratory kiss for his first ever Quidditch win while the rest of the Gryffindor house cheered for you. He whines, lightly rutting his hips into his mattress. He needed you. Now.
To his luck, the next day was a Saturday - famously known as the Hogsmeade day at Hogwarts, meaning the halls would be mostly empty. Unfortunately for him, it meant that you would be using the unusual silence to your advantage and study until the rest of the students came back from their trip. So when he spotted you in the hallway, rummaging through your tote bag as you made your way to the library, he quickened his pace to catch up to you.
"Hey baby." He spoke when he caught up to you, finally slowing down, panting slightly. Your head shot up in surprise and you grinned, looking at you boyfriend. "Ron!" He quickly looked left and right, then decided the hallway was empty enough to give you a hug, wrapping his arms around your waist and nuzzling his head into your neck. "Hey sweetheart." He murmured, the sound muffling against your skin.
You pulled away from him slightly to press a soft kiss against his lips, and that's when he snapped. His hands migrated to grip your hips tightly and he opened his mouth slightly, licking your bottom lip for access. You gasped, eyes shooting open in shock when Ron slipped his tongue in your mouth, before you closed them, allowing yourself to enjoy the short moment. You were panting when Ron pulled away, but before you got to ask him anything, he was grabbing your hand and dragging you into the first empty classroom he could find.
You didn't have time to process what was happening as Ron muttered a quiet locking spell, before wrapping his arms around your waist once more and picking you up, placing you on closest desk he could find and falling onto his knees in front of you. "Ron!" You gasped, trying to get a hold of his wrist as he dragged your underwear down your thighs. "Shh baby, it's okay." He stated, dipping his head under your skirt. His arms hooked under each of your thighs, spreading them wider for him and he blew cold air straight into your core, causing you to shiver, your face flushing pink.
Your hands gripped his hair tightly and you bit back a moan as soon as Ron started leaving open mouthed kisses on your thighs, taking his time with you. The second you whimpered a small "please" his composure broke, and he moaned loudly, immediately pressing his mouth against your naked pussy. He sucked harshly on your clit and dipped his tongue into your entrance, feasting on you like a starved man, as though he had never tasted you before.
You pushed his head deeper into your core, allowing him to eagerly lick deeper into your folds, as your legs started to tremble. Ron groaned into you, muttering "Let me hear those pretty moans darling", which caused you to practically melt around him, the moans you were holding back now coming out of you with no way of being stopping. Your legs squeezed tighter around his head, and your hips rolled against him, but Ron's strong arms spread them wider, and the cold air to hit you, sending your hips bucking into him.
He flipped your skirt up, allowing you a clear view of Ron shoving his face into you, his nose rubbing against your clit perfectly. You whined, throwing your head back, starting to incoherently beg "Please, please Ronnie." Ron moaned into you at the use of the nickname only you were ever allowed to call him. He focused on your clit, suckling on it desperately as he brought down one of his hands from your thighs, immediately inserting two thick fingers into you and pumping them at an unforgiving pace inside you.
He cured his fingers so they hit your g-spot deliciously and you cried out, tears starting to form in your eyes. "Please, please" you chanted, your legs beginning to tremble at the overstimulation on your more vulnerable parts. Ron was vocal about his pleasure, the vibrations from his groans sending you over the edge. You tugged at Ron's hair, legs clamping shut and back violently arching while he rode you through your orgasm, his fingers slowing down inside you as he said words of affirmation to you. "There you go sweetheart, you did so well darling."
Ron sighed in satisfaction when he pulled his fingers out of you, the hand still on your thigh caressing you slightly as you caught your breath. You looked down at Ron and whimpered at the look of admiration he gave you, your orgasm covering his face, with his red hair sticking to his forehead.
You tried reaching for his shirt to pull him up, but understanding what you meant, he got up from his knees, proudly displaying he tent in his trousers, and cupped a hand around the back of your neck to pull you into a sloppy kiss. You moaned at the taste of your own juices, and pulled Ron in deeper, slipping your tongue into his mouth. You grabbed at his shirt, almost losing balance from your place on the small desk, and tugged him closer to you, his boner now flush against your bare cunt. "Fuck y/n" he groaned, his hips moving against you on their own. "At least take your trousers off" You whine, fiddling with his belt.
Ron's hand take their place to undo his belt, toying with the button on his pants while you take your turn leaving kisses on his neck, sucking on the soft spot under his ear while he whimpers, freeing himself from his constraints and immediately beginning to grind his hips against yours, the tip of his dick catching on your clit, making you both moan in unison. You buck your hips into his, moaning when you look down and see how desperately Ron tries to get himself off.
Your hand comes up to his face, and you push it towards you until you can slam your lips against his, your other hand fisting at his dick. Ron moans loudly when you start moving your hand up and down, squeezing him at the shaft. He humps his hips up into your hand, his mouth opening as he gasps a moan, deepening the kiss while doing so, and you feel him releasing onto your hand and his abdomen.
You expect him to pull away from the kiss so he can catch his breath, but when you try moving away from him, his arms wrap tighter around your waist, impossibly deepening the kiss before he finally separates from you.
"I fucking love you." He pants, his head leaning on your shoulder, and despite everything, you giggle, kissing his soft cheek, before saying "I love you too."
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percyposting · 3 months
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This has to be one of my favorite exchanges in the books. VERY BADLY.
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