#The Timekeepers of Eternity
scenesandscreens · 2 years
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The Timekeepers Of Eternity (2021)
Director - Aristotelis Maragkos, Cinematography - Paul Maibaum
"We know what happens to today when it becomes yesterday. It waits for them. It waits for them, the timekeepers of eternity. Always following them behind, cleaning up the mess in the most efficient way possible: by eating it!"
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ogradyfilm · 11 months
Recently Viewed: The Timekeepers of Eternity
[The following review contains MAJOR SPOILERS; YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!]
With The Timekeepers of Eternity, Aristotelis Maragkos accomplishes the impossible: he makes Tom Holland’s The Langoliers watchable.
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The experiment is far from perfect, of course; the raw footage is, after all, so fundamentally flawed that no amount of re-editing, remixing, and recontextualization can totally “fix” it (the dialogue, for example, remains infuriatingly nonsensical, plagued by constant inconsistencies, contradictions, and inorganic leaps in logic). Still, by condensing the multi-episode miniseries—a format that is, in my opinion, inherently ill-suited to sustaining a narrative that features only two locations populated by roughly a dozen people—into a comparatively lean hour-long film, Maragkos at the very least addresses the source material’s clunky pacing, trimming a lot of excess fat and bloat.
Don’t get me wrong: I like rich, well-developed characters as much as the next viewer. The meat of this particular conflict, however, lies not in complex interpersonal relationships, but in the novel premise: our protagonists (a ragtag group of airline passengers) find themselves inexplicably stranded in an empty “past” that is rapidly vanishing beneath their feet, and must escape before they are devoured by the metaphysical forces that govern the universe. Although this dilemma is more than substantial enough to keep the audience invested in the action, the ‘95 cut of The Langoliers includes an overabundance of extraneous melodrama that stretches the otherwise straightforward plot to its breaking point, resulting in a severe lack of urgency. The Timekeepers of Eternity, on the other hand, omits nearly every detail that isn’t immediately relevant to the central concept, thus crafting a more economical, suspenseful experience.
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But the movie’s remarkable metamorphosis is not merely structural; Maragkos remixes even the visual style. While The Langoliers’ cinematography was perfectly serviceable, it was also rather unambitious and uninspired, betraying its made-for-TV budget. The Timekeepers of Eternity’s shift to black-and-white adds depth and texture to the compositions, evoking the moody, haunting atmosphere of The Twilight Zone. The aesthetic alterations don’t stop with the color palette, either: Maragkos utilizes a variety of digital effects and filters in an effort to depict the story’s somewhat abstract, unconventional approach to “time travel” in literal, concrete terms. The image frequently warps and distorts, fragments and fractures, crumples and tears. Certain scenes are repeated in quick succession; others are truncated or overlap with concurrent events. Beyond contributing to the surreal tone, these expressionistic flourishes are also thematically appropriate, reinforcing the idea that the fragile fabric of reality itself is gradually unraveling around our hapless heroes.
Maragkos’ bold choices aren’t always beneficial; his revised ending is especially egregious, repurposing the original version’s final complication into a cruel, dark twist—an abruptly and arbitrarily nihilistic conclusion that left a bitter taste in my mouth. Nevertheless, the project is ultimately a resounding triumph, redefining the meaning of the term “transformative work.” The Timekeepers of Eternity is no shallow parody—a fan trailer that reimagines Ace Ventura as a tense thriller, or audio clips from Sonic the Hedgehog chopped up and reassembled to make Doctor Robotnik say dirty words; on the contrary, it’s a charmingly sincere reinterpretation (and rehabilitation) of an old, forgotten Stephen King adaptation that is, in retrospect, genuinely deserving of reevaluation. It is, in conclusion, innovative, audacious, and absolutely revolutionary.
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cinematitlecards · 10 months
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"The Timekeepers Of Eternity" (2021) Directed by Aristotelis Maragkos & Tom Holland (Animated/Horror/Mystery)
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The Timekeepers of Eternity, Aristotelis Maragkos
This is an amazing re-edit/animation of the miniseries adaptation of Stephen King's The Langoliers. It's only up for a month, I highly highly recommend checking it out while it's available.
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spitefulcrepechan · 17 days
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madegeeky · 2 months
Sometimes a person follows me on Letterboxd (a movie tracking and reviewing site/app) and I'm absolutely baffled by why they would do so.
Here's a list of some of the things that made me go O.o
Movies they didn't like that I really really love (4.5+/5 stars): Knives Out, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-verse, Deadpool, Birds of Prey, Midsommer, THE Suicide Squad, Friday the 13th,
Movies that they're meh about that I love tremendously (4.5+/5 stars): Pearl, Scream, Batman Returns.
It doesn't even look like they watch shitty horror.
I rate movies by how much I enjoy them which means a lot of shitty horror movies get 3 stars. In fact, of the last 10 movies I logged and rated, only one 1 movie got below 3 stars. 5 of them are shitty horror movies. And two of them are just outright weird (The Lighthouse and The Timekeepers of Eternity).
Like, I just don't get it. Why are you here, following me? What of my last 10 ratings made you decide to follow me when we have such different tastes in movies? I desperately want to know the answer to these questions.
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movie-plush-baby · 4 months
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once i saw someone refer to Timekeeper with “Gender: Female” and it’s like what about this creature you see here makes you think she’d be binary. This is a time god who is above gender. If you called him a her or her a him she’d be like “yup that’s me” and then go back to eating a (NON-SENTIENT) cookie she got from our timeline for the fuck of it
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The Long Journey For Life: Part 2
🌰 Welcome back! We’ve got plenty of new stuff for you, including a 6th Anniversary edition of the Cookie Herald-
⚙️ Printer’s out of commission again!
🌰 -for you to help us put together!
🔮 Consider it a poll. The information published on the most frequently-published articles published by all players might come true somewhere in the future.
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🔮 Do you wish to meet the Legends? Your chance continues here from Part 1. Millennial Tree Cookie 🌳, Dark Enchantress Cookie ♦️, and Wind Archer Cookie 💨 await beyond a series of missions with enough copies of them obtainable to upgrade them to level 6- symbolic of the 6th Anniversary-
🕰 [Drops in like the chaos enabler that she is] Missed me?! You’ll get to MEET me, Timekeeper Cookie, next week!
🔮 -pets not included. Wind Archer’s missions will gradually unlock each day, as will Timekeeper’s once her mission line opens next week. Millennial Tree and Dark Enchantress’ mission lines are completely unlocked to complete in full at your convenience.
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🕯 You see the Ring of Eternal Flame? Missions at a personal level AND a guild level are available to obtain the Treasure and make it shiny! The guild missions mostly act on standard guild stuff, so you’ll see your progress if you do the regular things that make you seem active in the guild.
The mastery missions, however, require you to complete missions WITH the Ring to get your rewards, including a Special 10+1 Treasure Invocation.
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⚙️ This month only, if you craft a Diamond Sugar Crystal, you’ll get another one for FREE! There’s just one thing: you’ll only get your freebie from your first 3 Diamond Sugar Crystals crafted. After that, it’s all down to you to get them elsewhere or to craft them yourself. The recipe is simple and only requires 10 Gold Sugar Crystals and 45,000 Coins to craft, but the equipment requires a whole week to cool off due to intense pressure required to craft such a crystal.
In the meantime, try crafting a few other things and get some gacha keys and a Diamond Sugar Crystal in return. These formulas are gonna be the new norm, so you better get used to it.
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Speaking of gacha, for the 3rd and 6th Special pulls of a specific gacha you attempt, you’ll get one more of that Special gacha key for free! Costumes not included.
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🌰 Raid Quests will help you get accustomed to the concept of Raid Run and provides a backdrop to the events regarding the pursuit of Poison Mushroom Cookie being kidnapped. They’ll last for the remainder of this season and the next one, giving you until roughly a few days before New Years to complete them all. 48 days seems like a long way off…
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🕯 Unfortunately, the idea of a Treasure Trial didn’t bode well with everybody and will be sunsetted with this one last event. Keep playing and you’ll get some parting gifts before they shut it down.
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Raid Run Schedule & News - Mantis Season 1: 11/10 - 11/28
🔮 Due to collateral damage caused by a dubious cake baked by Birthday Cake Cookie and Pomegranate Cookie, they have found themselves in another situation and will not be able to report to Raid Runs for the rest of this season while they find their way back. Their skill levels will be reset and their skills reworked for next season. A compensation gift awaits in your inbox for that plus a leaderboard reset.
For next season, revivals will be limited to three per raid. For now, the price of the 4th revive has been set to 999,999,999 Crystals; an impossible goal to reach for everyone involved, even the biggest of whales.
Dates change at 7:00 PM EST
🐝 Custard Queen Bee - 10/20 -> 10/23
🪵 Bamkuchen Treant - 11/10 -> 11/12, 11/23 -> 11/26
🦗 Giant Sugar Mantis - 11/12 -> 11/13, 11/19 -> 11/20, 11/26 -> 11/27
🐸 Poison Jelly Toad - 11/13 -> 11/19, 11/27 -> 11/28 (6 PM EST, season ending)
Miscellaneous News
🌰 The Flowers of Spring map in the Champions League has been rotated out for Strange Winded Grove. Doctor Wasabi Cookie has disabled her Combi Generator for a few days to get some information on the new map to provide the best results tailored to each individual player based on their levels. The Random Breakout Challenge has also rotated back to the City of the Millennial Tree.
Millennial Tree Cookie was also buffed! Here’s what the numbers look like at max level for his base ability:
❤️ Increased Energy: 330
⏳ Longer Cooldown: 31.5 Seconds
🧲 Increased radius of Magnetic Aura
🔥 Can now use Giant and Blast during ability instead of being bypassed until it ends
💨 Slower Energy Drain -> Increased Speed
🕰 Lower Time Crystal Points: 400,000
🕰 Adjusted Points for Time Shard Jellies (higher at level 15): 250,000
🌰 That’s everything we have tonight, stay tuned for an in-depth discussion of the Cookie Herald!
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1whoconquers · 22 days
Timelessness of Prayer
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cookieofearthbread · 7 months
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Change the pin post... Hopefully it will make things easier + the link are easier to access.
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sparrowlucero · 2 months
man, sorry people are so weird in your asks. Love your creature designs, which are you the most proud of?
the one I probably like the most right now is currently under NDA, hopefully I can share it soon. It's a horse. Of stuff I can share, I really like how the scriveners from my hourly comic turned out. I think I ended up with a nice balance of my typical "cool bird thing" and something that feels abstract and like it doesn't belong in the real world.
A lot of the early concepts were weird but not quite alien in the way I wanted them to be:
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these were the concepts that eventually clicked:
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(I also flip flopped between digital and traditional, had it been traditional i thought about cutting the shapes out of the paper so they were just holes in the comic, making them out of newspaper clippings, etc. - The Timekeepers of Eternity was a big influence on the comic in general.)
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sleeplesssmoll · 10 months
I think Vertin might be a tactile person.
Here are examples taken from the voice lines and context clues.  This isn't an all conclusive list of touchy interactions, just what I could find. Someone stop her before she gets hurt. Update: I'm going to keep adding on as we find more interactions together because this is really fun.
Sotheby (hat and hair): Stop it! You can't just touch an adult's head! (She is 13. Vertin probably sees her as a baby and pat her head).
Bette (hands): Ha ha ... They might be a little rough. To tightly grab the eave does require abundant practice. (assuming Vertin is holding her hand. Don’t ask me how we got here.)
Rabies (clothing and torso): Straws ... be hugged. Rabies ... feels it. (she hugged him 🥹)
A Knight (hat and hair): One step further, and you will be in close contact with Someone's nose... As long as you can hit Someone's head. (how close is Vertin standing to the AK? Or maybe she was looking for an invisible head to pat.)
Mesmer Jr (Hands) :Compared to the incurable anxiety, these wounds are minor. Oh, watch your distance. (smh Vertin not everyone likes being touched.)
Melania (hat and hair): "Well done. Please keep on." ...Aren't you going to say that? (more headpats but Melania needs vocal praise too.)
Clothing and torso:  Feel awesome? Now it's my turn to pet you. (...what is Vertin petting? This is clothing and torso but I'm lost.)
Hat and hair: You should be grateful that I am too lazy to move now. Or you should know that the first-class pilot’s got a first-glass head-butt, too. (Vertin taking advantage of the moment to give headpats. I'm telling you, its a THING)
Leilani (Hands): Shaka brah! Ooh! Do you want a handshake or a high-five, my friend? I'm fine with either! (She’s so wholesome)
hat and hair: Are you patting my head? The doctor says, this is a reward for good children. Have I done something right? 
Hands and sleeves: Would you like to hold my hands? I could be with you anytime. (Cristallo is weak and frail. The nurses say she could be blown away by a gust of wind. Despite this she says she’ll be with Vertin anytime. To me it reads as Vertin being worried Cristallo will disappear too. Cristallo notices so she offers to hold hands and says she will always be here as a way to comfort her.)
Darley Clatter
Hat and Hair:  Oh ... I can't deny you are really good at patting.
Clothing and Torso: Take a look at my beautiful muscles! I don't need to explain how fabulous I am. Hey, watch out! Rub me in the direction my mane grows.
Bonus Intimacy : Adorable? Ahh? You don't even have a taste! (Vertin pets him and calls him adorable. Darley, don’t let the girlies know. They might end your noble bloodline.)
Pavia (Hat and Hair): Wanna know how many holes I've made on others' heads? No? Then stop it. (What possessed her to give Pavia headpats?)
Dikke (hat and hair): Thou art overstepping my boundaries, arcanist. (I’m guessing Vertin is at it again with the headpats. Dikke smiles when she says this so she isn’t offended. If anything, she seems amused. )
Eternity (hands and sleeves): Go on, try holding it, and feel its temperature rising in your hand… Easy, sweetheart… take it easy, heh heh… (more hand holding but Vertin wasn’t prepared this time)
An-an Lee (hands and sleeves): What? You want a palm reading? (Vertin, why are you like this? Are you randomly touching people's hands?)
Regulus (hands and sleeves): What do you want? I don't have any spare scratch. (I'm sure she knows you're broke since she's your boss. Vertin's just being Vertin at this point.)
Vertin leads Regulus by the hand into her Suitcase in the prologue
Blonney (hands): Interesting! It's been a while since I last met someone who would start with holding hands.
She also holds Blonney's hand as she calms her down during the green lake event.
I feel like I should have picked up on this sooner. Gift-giving, hand holding, and headpats. This is the Timekeeper way.
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ihaveforgortoomany · 14 days
Reverse 1999 and child soldiers (just rambling) (global friendly)
It doesn't take long for anyone to realise most of the cast (excluding awakened, entities like Voyager and AlienT, and people like Eternity) are young: ranging from most being 17-16 with adults around their 20s and Shamane currently being the oldest (excluding the above) at around 40. (Edit hes 45 thanks for clarifying)
Alright you say, this is a gacha game ofc the characters would be around these ranges and we hope every patch to get character that is above 40 (wdym someone like Tooth Fairy isn't 30? Same for Kakania and Isolde, how are they 19 and 18 respectively?For example). Hey I would like more older characters too, but I think the ages are partially intentional if we look into lore on a thematic level.
Ok. We already know the Foundation, Laplace and now Zeno (though it was ofc from Lilya) they produce child soldiers, workers and scientists:
Vertin is the Timekeeper at 12
Sonetto probably became a field investigator around 14-16 at best (correct me if we have a better frame of reference)
Ms Moission in her character profile apparently was a field investigator at 14. (I spelt her name wrong I think)
Mesmer Jr started working at the age of 12
As of the release of the Zeno anecdote we know Lilya around 14 was already in field missions and has seen the state of war.
(Probably could include X, Horrorpedia here but I don't have much info)
What am I getting at? Characters being young in their fields of work is completely intentional, one due to the Storm in the case of the Foundation as the first had taken nearly the entire workforce (plus Child Labour Laws) so in desperation to maintain numbers and order the age to become investigators, soldiers and scientists became much lower. I don't know if the SPDM existed before the Storm but the way it functions primarily serves to replenish those lost workforce.
And two: the perception of arcanists and the importance placed on the manifestation of their arcane skill as young as possible.
We see this in the case of Mesmer and Isolde/Trista.
Mesmer Jr once she was tested to see if she had her arcane skill immediately was set to manage mentally unstable patients at the age of 12. (She alongside Vertin probably needs the most therapy)
For Trista this was the seance her mother brought to at the age of 3, dying as a result and leading to her mother with Isolde to delay by 3 years. (Acting as if that was a mercy which it really is not)
There is an emphasis on an arcane families and arcanists maintaining their societal status/ relevance through children developing their arcane skills as soon as possible plus the idea of childhood and working is flipped on its head with the presence of arcanum.
Ok idk if worded that bit correctly but in short: our idea of when a child should be working (which is never) or the time someone should be in teaching before they get into a profession (TF, Kakania and Madam Z) is warped and absent in R1999. For Kakania, shes 19 but I would argue this is because of how she had dropped out and decided to be an unlicensed doctor. Most characters being younger is the result of arcanum being present in the world.
Moreover there is a general theme of lost childhoods/ forced to grow up fast in the younger cast. Exclude characters like Ezra, Matilda (so far) and Spathodea since they are relatively fine/ not deeply traumatised. Everyone else, Vertin, Sonetto, Mesmer Jr and characters like Eagle, Monlicht, Oliver Fog were forced to grow up fast despite their young age.
Summary: characters being in younger age ranges either being literal child soldiers or certain adults being relatively young is the result of the devastation of the Storm alongside the different perception of age in the arcanum world, there the manifestation of your arcane skill seems to be used as a sign of maturity and readiness to be thrown into work (Mesmer and Isolde being put om their respective career paths at a very early age) (or your Constantine celebrating the erasure of Child Labour Laws)
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queensharotto · 4 months
Brittle Doughie’s Cookie Run x Reader Masterlist (Part 6: Early 2024)
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A masterlist of @brittle-doughie’s Cookie Run stories organized by month.
Genre Emojis
😞 is for angst, 🎃 is for Halloween, 🎄 is for Christmas, 🍪 is for Cannibalism, 💗 is for Yandere, 💝 is for Valentine’s, 👻 is for Horror, 🎂 is for Birthday, 💚 is for Yandere!White Lily Cookie
The Indents are related to the featured cookies. If there are numerous cookies (Over 10 Cookies Featured), I’ll make a note on that as well. Additionally, I’ll categorize various cookies if they’re associated with a specific hobby, location, food etc.
Also, the ⭐️ will indicate a story featuring one of Brittle’s OCs while ✨ will indicate someone’s interpretation of Y/N Cookie.
Additionally, many people proved art to showcase to Brittle, which will be indicated by this: 🖌️. I will also mention who provided the art.
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January 2024 ❄️
• “League of Evil Cookies”
Featuring: Croissant Cookie, Pomegranate Cookie, Lilac Cookie, Kumiho Cookie, White Lily Cookie, Scorpion Cookie, Black Pearl Cookie/White Pearl Cookie and the Gem Mermaid Family
• “Play with Me?”
Featuring: Longan Dragon
• “Forced Connections” ⭐️🖌️
Featuring: Crowned Cupcake Cookie (debut), Y/N Cookie’s Family, Financier Cookie, Kouign-Amann Cookie, Almond Cookie and Cherry Blossom Cookie
Art by runebrave
• “Protective Siblings” ⭐️
Featuring: Tartar Cookie and Nutmeg Cookie
• “Final Days”
Featuring: The Five Beasts and Pure Vanilla Cookie
• “My Cherished Star” 💗
Featuring: Astronaut Cookie
• “Possession of the Abyssal Pearl” 💗
Featuring: Black Pearl Cookie
• “Slumber”
Featuring: Gingerbrave and Friends, Pure Vanilla Cookie and the Faerie Kingdom Cookies
• “Y/N Cookie’s Soulstone”
Description of Y/N Cookie’s Soulstone
• “Slumbering Flower Awakens” 💚
Featuring: White Lily Cookie
• “Imprisoned”
Featuring: The Five Beasts
• “Favorite Gifts”
Featuring: Eternal Sugar Cookie
• “Memories of Sorrow”
Featuring: Primordial Y/N Cookie/Benign Butter Cookie
• “Lots of Questions”
Featuring: Librarian Faerie Cookie
• “Kingdom Interactions”
Featuring: Crimson Coral Cookie, Hollyberry Cookie, Linzer Cookie, Chili Pepper Cookie, Oyster Cookie
• “MASH” 👻
Featuring: The titular entity known as “MASH”
• “Pink Swan”
Featuring: Sugar Swan Cookie
• “Sandwiches”
Featuring: Croissant Cookie, Sandwich Cookie, Timekeeper Cookie, Coffee Candy Cookie and Baguette Cookie
February 2024 💝
• “Trying to Enjoy a Sauna”
Featuring: Orange Cookie, Lemon Cookie, Cotton Candy Cookie, Cappuccino Cookie and Muscle Cookie
• “Reason to Stay” 🖌️
Featuring: Elder Faerie Cookie
Subsequent art by sei-cookie
• “Envious Ex”
Featuring: Shadow Milk Cookie and Pure Vanilla Cookie
• “Feeling Romantical”
Featuring: Pure Vanilla Cookie, Shadow Milk Cookie and the other beasts
• “Storm Warning” 💗
Featuring: Black Pearl Cookie, Seaweed Cookie, White Pearl Cookie and the Gem Mermaid Family
• “An Obessive Cupcake” ⭐️
Featuring: Crowned Cupcake Cookie
• “Shadow + Butter = Envious Beasts” 🖌️
Featuring: The Five Beasts
Art by ax0lotly
• “Challenge Accepted”
Featuring: Gingerbrave and Friends, Black Raisin Cookie and the Inhabitants of the Golden City
• “Noble Angel vs. The Lying Jester” 🖌️
Featuring: Gingerbrave and Friends, Pure Vanilla Cookie, White Lily Cookie, Shadow Milk Cookie
Art by @/ax0lotly
• “Snow Filled Fun” 🖌️
Featuring: The Cookies of the Dark Cacao Kingdom
Subsequent Art by @/sei-cookie, colored ver by me
• “Shadow Milk Melody” ✨🖌️
Featuring: Shadow Milk Cookie, Pure Vanilla Cookie and White Lily Cookie
Art by hugemilkshake
• “A Witch’s Castle”
Featuring: Gingerbrave and Friends
• “Meet Sweet Biscuit Cookie” ✨🖌️
Featuring: The Ancient Cookies and Strawberry Crepe Cookie
Art by @/sei-cookie, colored ver by me
• “The Golden Goddess’s Greatest Treasure”
Featuring: Golden Cheese Cookie
• “Faerie Friends”
Featuring: The Inhabitants of the Faerie Kingdom and Shadow Milk Cookie
• “Beating Your Dough in the QRTs”
Featuring: Captain Ice Cookie, Shining Glitter Cookie, Coffee Candy Cookie, Black Garlic Cookie, Almond Cookie and String Gummy Cookie
• “Kingdom in Mourning”
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
• “A Cringe Day for Chocolates” 💝
Featuring: Shadow Milk Cookie, Pure Vanilla Cookie, White Lily Cookie, and Dark Enchantress Cookie
• “With Baker’s Love” 💝
Featuring: Yogurt Cream Cookie, Walnut Cookie, Almond Cookie, Strawberry Cream Cookie,
• “Ancient Heroes’ Gifts” 💝
Featuring: The Ancient Cookies
• “Two Sides of Compassion”
The Light of Justice and the Vitrue of Scorn
• “Doll of the Beasts”
Featuring: The Five Beasts
• “Even More Heartbreak 2: Mermaid’s Lament” 😞
Featuring: White Pearl Cookie, Lord Oyster, Mystic Opal Cookie, Abalone Cookie, and Crimson Coral Cookie
• “Watching Over Sleeping Beauty”
Featuring: The Five Beasts
• “Pizza Time 2: Delivery Boogaloo”
Featuring: Pizza Cookie
• “Bake It Till You Make It 2: Tasty Delights” 🍪
Featuring: Crunchy Chip Cookie, Mozzarella Cookie, Pure Vanilla Cookie, Raspberry Cookie, Pastry Cookie, Clover Cookie, and White Lily Cookie
• “The Earthbread Big Seller!” ✨🖌️
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
Art by @/hugemilkshake (view their Y/N Cookie)
• “Get in Loser, We’re Getting Hitched!”
Featuring: Princess Cookie and Knight Cookie
• “Aiding the Mala Tribe”
Featuring: Purple Yam Cookie, Milk Cookie and Mala Sauce Cookie
• “Let Me Be Your Princess”
Featuring: The Princess Contest Cookies
• “Hidden Truth of the City”
Featuring: The Cookiemals, Wind Archer Cookie, Churro Cookie, Licorice Cookie, and Pomegranate Cookie
• “Deceitful Joke” ✨🖌️
Featuring: Shadow Milk Cookie, Pure Vanilla Cookie and White Lily Cookie
Art by @/sei-cookie
• “Dawn of the Soggest”
Featuring: Shine Muscat Cookie
• “Meet Freshly Baked Cookie” ✨🖌️
Featuring: Freshly Baked Cookie, Child Cookies and their respective caretakers
Art by sweatinghoneybee
• “The Gist of the Dangerous Exchange”
Featuring: The Choco Chess Twins, Earl Grey Cookie and Gingerbrave
• “Should’ve Been Me”
Featuring: Abyss Monarch Cookie, Mocha Ray Cookie and Lobster Cookie
• “Hold My Hand”
Featuring: Pomegranate Cookie, Licorice Cookie and Affogato Cookie
• “What If: The First” 💗
Featuring: The Five Beasts
• “Beauty of the Abyssal Pearl”
Featuring: Black Pearl Cookie
• “Lights, Camera, Action!”
Featuring: Choco Bar Cookie and Butter Squid Cookie
March 2024 🌱
• “Marriage to Faerie King and the Enraged Beasts” 💗
Featuring: Elder Faerie Cookie and the Five Beasts
• “Lost Voice”
Featuring: The Gem Mermaid Family
• “Missing Stuff”
Featuring: The Time Balance Department Cookies
• “Here in My Kingdom, I Want You Everyday”
Based on Cookie Run Songs
• “The Lily and the Swan’s Embrace”
Featuring: White Lily Cookie and Sugar Swan Cookie
• “Who Broke the Coffee Machine?”
Featuring: The Elementals, Abyss Monarch Cookie and Xylitol Nova Cookie
• “Ingrained” 💗
Featuring: Herb Cookie
• “Clingy Matcha”
Featuring: Matcha Cookie
• “Cherished”
Featuring: White Lily Cookie and the Faerie Kingdom Cookies
• “One Heart for All, All Hearts for One”
Featuring: The Ancient Cookies
• “Wings”
Featuring: Dark Enchantress Cookie
• “Little Bit of Latte”
Featuring: Latte Cookie
• “Loyal Until the End”
Featuring: Caramel Arrow Cookie
• “What is Your Secret?”
Featuring: Butter Roll Cookie
• “A Bunch of Marzipans”
Featuring: Mozzarella Cookie and the Marzipan Cookies
• “Flower from the Other Shore” 💗
Featuring: Cherry Blossom Cookie
• “Dark Enchantress Cookie’s True Intentions”
Featuring: The Five Beasts
• “Welcome Back, Handycookie”
Featuring: Time Balance Department
• “Hiding Y/N, Seeking Beasts”
Featuring: The Five Beasts
• “A Letter? Wonder Who It’s From?”
Featuring: Caramel Choux Cookie and Financier Cookie
• “Rough Play”
Featuring: Rye Cookie
• “We’ve Got Lots in Common”
Featuring: Caramel Choux Cookie
• “Hangouts”
Featuring: Time Balance Department
• “A Friend?”
Featuring: Caramel Choux Cookie
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neon-zipperooni · 8 months
bit of a theory/headcanon, what if the beasts had different names before their corruption? it's a common theme in cookie run whenever a cookie ascends or gets corrupted or whatever they have some sort of name change, like croissant -> timekeeper, frost -> frost queen, white pearl -> black pearl, octopus -> abyss monarch, white lily -> dark enchantress here's some of my ideas for what their names coulda been shadow milk cookie - blueberry milk cookie, kinda inspired by how he very clearly has ties to the blueberry yogurt academy w/ that design + he's very blue and the shapes of his jester hat thingies and the thing on the end of his staff are kinda blueberry shaped mystic flour cookie - maybe light flour cookie, clearly has a light motif going on in their design and it just has a nice ring to it eternal sugar cookie - this one's kinda tricky tbh, harmonic sugar cookie because of the harp? sweet sugar cookie because happiness? i dunno burning spice cookie - here's the guy who inspired this theory, since remember how when the beasts were accidentally mentioned on the anniversary site earlier they were labelled at red spice cookie? maybe that's why silent salt cookie - much like eternal sugar this one's trickier, but i think stalwart salt cookie has a nice ring to it, fits with the knight theming and stalwart's another word for loyal/reliable and that fits with being the light of solidarity
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sundove88 · 7 months
The Cookie Chonk Chart!!
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So recently, @thetropicalfairy and I have had a discussion about which Cookies would be considered chonky- and here is the entire list! And the pic was made by her as well.
Note: Some OCs will be on this list- and some folks not shown in the pic will be as well. If there’s anyone you want to add to the list, that’s ok!
A Fine Boi (Somewhat Chubby): Herb, Churro, Aloe, Gold Citrine, Okchun, Elderberry (OC), Sable, Icicle Yeti, Grapefruit, Tiramisu, Habanero, Bubbles Dragon (OC), Snapdragon, Blueberry Pie, Lilybell, Pecan Brownie (OC), Grandberry Brawler 1/Glimmerberry, Grandberry Brawler 2/Grapeberry, Honorable Paladin Trainee/White Choco Chip, Serious Paladin Trainee/Vanilla Bundt Cake, Kouign Amann, Caramel Arrow, Silverbell, GingerBrave, Dizzy Cookie/Gorgonzola, SuperCar Cookies 1 and 2/Emmental Cheese and Cambozola, Partay Cookies/Swiss Cheese and Raclette, Blue Slushy, Xylitol Nova, Shadow Milk, Eternal Sugar, Mystic Flour, Burning Spice, Silent Salt, Golden Cheese, White Lily, Bumbleberry,
He Chomnk (Mostly Chubby): Dark Cacao, Crunchy Chip (Post Odyssey), Ice Candy, Olive, Strawberry, Custard III, Rye, Cream Puff, Cherry, Blueberry, Pinecone, Amber Sugar, Sea Fairy, Walnut, Cherry Ball, Zombie, Frilled Jellyfish, Carrot, Cotton, Milky Way, Hero, Canele, Mille-Feuille, Vanilla Sugar, Longan Dragon, Buttercream Choco, Pancake, Tea Knight, Tarte Tatin, Captain Caviar, Milkshake (OC), Snowfall Villager/Cashmere, Kind Villager/Poplin, Pumpkin, Parfaedia Principal/Deluxe Sundae, Creme Knights Preceptor/Chantilly Cream, Scovillia Headmaster/Hot Pot, Berry Parfaedia Student/Berry Compote, Citrus Parfaedia Student/Marmalade, Prune Juice, Captain Caviar, Tangerine Tanghulu, WildBerry, Timekeeper, Pure Vanilla, Mango, Muscle, Cranberry,
A Heckin’ Chonker (Very Chubby): Lord Oyster, Mozzarella, Royalberry, Princess, Tiger Lily, Milk, Beet, Yogurt Cream, Cocoa, Chocolate Bon Bon, Mocha Ray, Bacon, Pastel Meringue, Cheesecake, Red Bean, S’More, Frosted Choco (OC), Choco Malt (OC), Coconut Choco (OC), Turtle Brownie (OC), Fudge Ice Cream (OC), Snow Sugar, Ananas Dragon, Vagabond, Gelato (OC), Choco Milk (OC), Second Watcher/Choco Chunk, Grandberry Merchant 1/Blueberry Muffin, Grandberry Merchant 2/Honeyberry, Grandberry Merchant 3/Pinkberry, Spicy Scovillia Student/Army Stew, Hot Scovillia Student/Spicy Rosè, Sauna Egg, Golden Cheese Kingdom Citizen 2/Manchego, Space Doughnut,
H E F T Y C H O N K (Extremely Chubby): Avocado, Hollyberry, Princess Professor Mimolette (OC), Prince Professor Cavatappi (OC), Mala Sauce, Capsaicin, Moon Rabbit (Mostly due to her huge rabbit form), Peperoncino, Potato, Eden Dragon (OC), Dark Choco (After he left The Cookies of Darkness), Macaron, Abalone, Lotus Dragon, Spinach, Half Avocado, Hot Mala Warrior/Spicy Noodle Cookie, Spicy Mala Warrior/Chili Sauce Cookie, Mangosteen (Lychee’s Disguise),
M E G A C H O N K E R (Seriously Chubby): Lychee Dragon, Affogato (Post Episode 14), Elder Custard, Affogato’s Disciple 1/Cortado, Affogato’s Disciple 2/Galao, Pumpkin Spice Latte (OC), Mysterious Priest/Compound Choco, Marble Bread, Plain Yogurt,
O H L A W D H E C O M I N (The Chubbiest of All): Pitaya Dragon, Eggnog, Gatekeeper Cookie/Couverture, Stink Eye Tortuca,
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