#The Shadows of Svartalfheim
dzelonis · 2 years
Matt Larkin - Gods of the Ragnarok Era #1-9
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lokisgoodgirl · 1 year
Loki Headcanon Question of the Day for you: what is his #1 go-to, no-denying-it-will-always-make-his-pants-disappear-everytime-it's-brought-up kink? It can be as broad or specific as you'd think, but show your math (aka why?).
Bonus points if you answer for every version of Loki in the MCU.
I mean, I know MY theory...
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But I want to hear yours!
Right, friend - bet when you asked this weeks ago you didn't think this would come from it. LCM and I have...I'm not exaggerating been talking about this for like a day and a half. Without further ado - Loki's evolving, revolving door of sexual perversions and kinks throughout the MCU.
Thor 1 – King Kink - by @lokischambermaid
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Loki is driven absolutely wild by one kink – when you bow to him and call him “Your Royal Highness” and, specifically… King. You treat him with the respect and reverence of a King while being in complete servitude to him – consensually lowering yourself and elevating him. The types of phrases that drive him absolutely feral with desire: • “Would my King wish for his feet to be cleaned?” • “Is there anything I can do for Your Majesty, undeserving though I am?” • “My King looks especially regal this evening. I am surely unworthy to be in the presence of the Sovereign.” Reasoning: Loki is the second in line to the throne and the thought of holding immense power arouses him like nothing else. Growing up in his brother’s shadow, he wants nothing more than to be admired, desired, revered and feared. (note: This is prior to him discovering his true lineage
Avengers Loki - Symphorophiliais and Piquerism by @lokisgoodgirl
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Fresh from the void, Loki is all kinds of fucked-up. His old faithful regal praise kink is diminished, replaced by something far darker. He finds a strength and thrill from creating disasters and the sexual gratification from it; a consequence both of Thanos' influence and his mental state. Beneath the leather and gold, his cock is thick at the smell of destruction and the choking smoke of war that he brings in his wake. There is a concerning emergence of piquerism - penetrating the skin of others with sharp objects in a form of sexually sadistic control. When he turns his followers with the mind stone, it’s all he can do not to push that little bit further. And yes, he’s hard as fuck while he does it. Most likely to say:
“How quaint. Only a thin line of delicate flesh to yield beneath the press of my blade. How far, I wonder, can I bend you...before you break?"
“This I swear; that I will fuck you as the world burns beneath our feet. As the sky cracks open and rains fire and death to your mewling cries. Your world is mine. You are mine. And I will destroy you both.”
Thor The Dark World – Public Humiliation - by @lokischambermaid
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Loki has an interesting relationship with his crimes on Midgard – he’s equally smug and ashamed. Smug because he wielded enough power to deeply concern and frighten the entire realm from civilians to governments, causing Midgard to mobilise a unit of six exceptional beings to take him down. And he’s also ashamed on a deep, visceral level for the person he has become and the hatred he feels for himself and his actions, and of course his true lineage. Because of this, Loki gets off on receiving public humiliation for his misdeeds. This kink doesn’t necessary require a partner – but rest assured he was hard beneath his leathers whilst he was cuffed by the wrists, ankles and neck, as ten guards led him into a the Great Hall like an animal. His heart pounded in his chest and he smirked as he was verbally ridiculed for the atrocities. A fantasy scenario he would repeat with partners in the future, once he claimed the throne after faking his death on Svartalfheim.
Ragnarok Loki - Stag & Vixen Kink - by @lokisgoodgirl
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By Ragnarok, Loki has integrated his facets of sexuality into one persona. More confident in his ability to straddle both the vulnerable and dominant sides of his personality, he's discovered the thrill of being a ‘Stag’ – (not be confused with a cuckold) and finds sexual gratification in encouraging his female partner to have sex with other men/women. Loki has re-asserted his dominance by Ragnarok, and his confidence in the balance of his personality. He wants to share his partners. He knows they will always return to him, and him alone. Most likely to say:
“I think my vixen is getting a little complacent with her access to this cock of mine. Tonight, let’s get you fucked by a lesser man to the best of his meagre ability, shall we?”
“The only thing better than touching myself, knowing that you are thinking of me while I watch you get pounded by him, darling...is the knowledge that I do it so much better. And the look in your eyes that tells me you know it, too.”
So....what do you think? Agree? Disagree? Further thoughts? 😂 @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @gigglingtigger @mochie85 @superficialdomina @simplyholl @alexakeyloveloki @lunarnights95 @mischief2sarawr @thedistractedagglomeration @joyful-enchantress @lovelysizzlingbluebird @muddyorbsblr @holdmytesseract @fictive-sl0th @lunarnights95 @coldnique @kikster606 @michelleleewise @vbecker10 +++ :)
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peiskos-and-apricity · 2 months
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Fated to Fall ~ Sindri x Reader [Pt 8]
Tw: Cannon Typical Violence | Somewhat Graphic Mention of Gore
A/n: yet another not fully edited chapter. It's been so long now since I've updated this and it is mostly because I hate editing and it takes forever. So anyway, there might be some grammar mistakes. Please overlook these and enjoy! (Also I changed the cover art. I think I like the pixel art version better)
|Chapter Selection|
Blood and viscera spilled in every direction as you continued forward, trying to find your way to where the others had run off. You were successful in fighting off the hoards of Einherjar with only minor injuries, but as you tried to run further towards the sounds of familiar voices in the distance, they only seemed to draw farther and farther away; Up until you couldn't hear anyone but yourself and the Einherjar that surrounded you. 
It was then you knew that you were in far more trouble than either of them were. Separated and lost, surrounded on all ends by endless hoards of enemies. So you soon abandoned the goal of finding them as you instead searched for any way out of this horrid place. For a while that too seems like an impossible task that stretched further and further from your reach. Then finally, just when you think you might not ever find a way out of the endless maze, you spot sunlight.
The way up isn't clear, frankly it seems it isn't a way one is supposed to get out of as much as it is a way to fall in. But at this point, covered in blood and bifrost, you're desperate to get out of this cesspit of Odin's army. And so you begin to scale the wooden and dirt walls. It is harder than you would have liked, and you nearly fall a couple of times when Einherjar notice where you've gone and begin to throw things at you. But be it by luck or pure endurance you somehow manage to pull yourself out of this hole in the ground. Scathed, tired and somehow still not regretting your decision to tag along on this trip.
Your relief was incredibly short lived, however, when the creatures of Svartalfheim come to get their piece of you. At this point your skin is near searing from both the heat of this wet, humid, dreadful place and the irritation that threatened to turn to bright golden anger. A metallic taste begins to take over your tongue as your vision mixes into a yellow color, a sure sign that your cloak was working even after all these years.
When you beat the beasts away and finally manage to find a moment of calm in the violence, you make an attempt to calm the fire that had grown under your skin and near begged to be set free. You were almost dizzy with adrenaline by then, making the task more than difficult. All the same you found a way to silence the flame, even if only temporarily, leaving it as only a low simmer under your skin.
It's then you find the energy to stand, where upon you finally feel the many injuries that litter your being. You let out a huffed sigh, the soreness of your body quite the inconvenience. You can already hear Kratos' scolding, already beginning to see how he might plan to trap you back with the dwarves the next time he planned to leave. The thought alone ruins the peace you had tried to bring yourself, the golden flecks snatched by the shadowed insides of your cloak the moment they appeared.
It was best you didn't think of this right now. You had other problems to deal with, mainly the fact that you had no idea where the others were and no way of getting back on your own. So you push the pain to the back of your mind, reminding yourself that you'd deal with it on your own later, before beginning to search the small island for the others.
You do this for quite a while, turning down many different corners and walkways, trying to find any sign of life that wasn't immediately hostile towards you. Eventually you hear arrows flying and creatures gargling their last breaths. You wander that direction, trying to stay out of view just in case it was more Einherjar.
"What if they're still in there? What if they can't get out!" you hear Atreus' voice first, another of his arrows loosening into the neck of one those disgusting creatures, unaware that one is coming up right behind him. Kratos' back is turned, Tyr is no where to be seen.
"I'm sure they've made it out somehow lad, we just have to- behind you!" Just as the creature goes to attack him you throw your ax at full force, the blade spinning before lodging directing in the side of the creatures head, it's body falling limp as Atreus pushes the falling body away from him. You watch as each of their heads snap back into your direction. For a moment they both reach for their weapons, though its only a moment later that they realize it's only you.
"Y/n!" Atreus calls to you excitedly and you somehow find the energy to wave in acknowledgment of his words. His look falls quickly when he notices the sheer amount of blood that covers you.
"Oh...looks like you had a rough time in there" he states the obvious. You catch up to them and try to avoid Kratos' stare.
"What gave it away?" Despite how much you try to hide it there is still a sharpness to your tone.
"Maybe try not to run off like that in the future" you politely suggest before giving him a light bump on the shoulder. He looks immediately guilty.
"Is the coast clear? Are they gone?" A frightened voice you hardly recognize calls from a set of bushes nearby. You are more than a little surprised to see the tall, goldened eyed old god pull himself to his feet and peak through shaking hands. Atreus must have seen the look on your face with strained smile he tried to comfort you with.
"Yeah, we should be good" Atreus answers him. With tentative footsteps this contradiction of a god steps forward, eyes catching yours as you desperately try to hide the utter confusion on your face.
"Ah, you must be the one we were looking for. Y/n is it?" He asks, the worry slowing leaving his posture.
"Yes. And you...are no longer running?" you announce your observation as a question, one that seems to make him a little nervous again.
"I was...unwell. my mind- it isn't what it used to be" he reasons and you can't help but feel a little bad for him. 
"We all lose ourselves sometimes. In all honesty I'm surprised to see you as well as you are, considering you've been thought dead for so long" you try to give him leeway, a hint of breathing room so that he might grow a little more comfortable.
"I appreciate the kindness" he returns your courtesy. It is then that Kratos makes his way over, pushing past Tyr without hardly any care and standing much closer to you than you would have prefered. His eyes glance over your entire being before staring straight into your eyes. Silence is all there is for a moment as your pull enough of your strength together to stand tall and proud in front of him, trying your best to hide away the soreness that covered every inch of your being. Eventually, thank Ymir, he speaks.
"You are well?" He asks, voice rough and perhaps a little agitated. You answer with a nod, still not backing down from him in the slightest. He stares for just a second longer before giving a firm nod, a slight grumble and turning right back around. You let out a quiet sigh of relief before the five of you move along, following Kratos' silent lead.
"The hel you doin?" Broks voice makes the gold plated dwarf jump out of his focused state for just long enough to wave a hand and grumble at him.
"Busy" he manages a word, his hands moving quickly over a page, trying to keep his work consistent. Brok tsks at this.
"Oh. So when you're busy with somethin'-"
"Sh!" Sindri suddenly shushed him, his head popping up as he folds his work and pauses to listen.
"Oh yer really asking for-"
"Sh! Shut up!" Sindri yells, hands held up to silence him, an action that baffles Brok into actually listening for a moment. It's long enough for Sindri to hear voices.
"They're back!" He announces as he makes haste to the front door, Brok lingering behind at the workbench. When Sindri opens the doors he's met with a sight he truly hadn't believed was possible.
"Lord Tyr? You're really alive!" Sindri manages to speak past his astonishment.
"Am I, I wonder?" He answers and that certainly throws Sindri off quite a bit.
"Okay?" The word slips past his lips, his sudden hesitance not at all hidden.
"He's just tired," Atreus tries to assure him.
"I promised him some food and a room to rest in" the boys promise was expected, though Sindri couldn't help the small voice of annoyance that bit at him anyway. His home was becoming quite crowded and crowded meant more messes, which meant more cleaning, which meant more encounters with whatever viscera they brought in. He could imagine it already.
"Ah, of course you did" he tried his best to not let his annoyance show too much. He was, after all, in the presence of two Gods of war. Best not to go stepping on any toes.
"Well, let's see what we can do. Please, come inside" he invites them all in despite the itch of disgust that comes with the dirt and grime that follows.
"Uh, we'll be right in!" Atreus waves him off before shutting the door behind Tyr. He sees the giant of a god turn over his shoulder for just a moment to glance at the shut door.
"Well I'll be!" Brok, hands on his hips and the widest grin on his face, speaks up.
"Hello" Tyr speaks to him, but it is an extra moment before the god actually turns to face Brok at all.
"Well get your ass on over here! I'll get those cuffs off ya" his brother beckons him and Tyr goes without any complaint. To Sindri's horror, Brok stands on the workbench.
"Brok!" He yells, the blue dwarf barely turning to meet his eyes before focusing back on Tyr.
"Get these off'n no time. You just gotta stay put" his brother completely ignores him and Sindri sends him daggers before he swallows his disdain and simply adds it to the list of chores he's racking up. His arms cross as he holds himself back from boiling over, his eyes instead turning to the front door as he waited.
A moment later Kratos and Atreus enter, though he notices that you don't. He goes to questions where you might be but he catches a glimpse of you just as the door shuts. His mind floods with questions, most of them curious as to what the three of you talked about and why exactly you decided you didn't want to come inside. It was getting late after all and he was sure you must be tired by now, or at the very least wanting to rest. Especially after that little escapade.
All of the questions are thrown out the window, however, when he catches a far too familiar look in Atreus' eyes.
"See? Sleep tight Tyr. I'm gonna turn in. Big day tomorrow" Atreus avoids turning to anyone in particular as he makes haste to his room. Sindri knows right then that he's up to no good.
You sit in the quiet of the outside as the others turn in for the night. Your body is worn and tired but you knew even now that sleep would not come easy. You didn't want to bother with trying, as you weren't particularly in the mood to toss and turn in silence. You decided it best to just start with the carving Sindri had wanted, hoping to distract yourself with the small thing. You had thought, perhaps foolishly, that you would find peace here. The others would sleep and you would be allowed to let your conscious waiver into pure focus. Just you, the swiping of your small blade and the slight chewing in the distance.
You really should have known the boy wouldn't stay put.
"Let's just go talk to the snake first and then-"
"Sh!" Voices, just a few feet away. Some horrible attempt at whispering, you think. You continue with your carving, hoping to figure out just what they thought they were doing.
"Oh...Oh well, looks like we can't go. Why don't we just turn around and-"
"Hold on. It's just Y/n" to their credit they did grow quieter. But still, not exactly the most discrete.
"I think I have an idea. Just play along," you simply can't wait to see what he's going to come up with this time. Somehow he still manages to surprise you, though, when he oh so confidently stands from behind the gate.
"Hey, Y/n!" He calls over to you, trying to get your attention, though he kept his voice just quiet enough to not be heard inside. You allow a second before you turn to him.
His smile is lopsided: deceptive. A look you've grown to recognize quickly, considering how many times you've had to dig him out of the trouble he's made when that look crosses his face. He waves you over and you can only sigh before sliding the tools in your hands back into your bag and going to find out what he was going to get himself into now.
"Not tired?" You ask him. He laughs in a way too nervous for you not to miss.
"I was...going to ask you that" his smile isn't hiding anything well. You give a glance at Sindri who almost immediately avoids your eyes before turning back to Atreus.
"A little, if you must know. I can imagine you feel the same" you watch the boy grow a little more confident at your answer. He hadn't caught that you were just playing along yet.
"Yeah. I just wanted to check on you before going to bed. You need sleep too, y'know" you would have felt quite touched if he wasn't lying straight to your face.
"Oh? And what about you Sindri?" You ask, turning to the dwarf
"Just coming to check in on me?" Your eyes are fixated on him as he just absolutely fumbles on his words. A mixture of half sounds and stray noises that might be considered sentences in the loosest term. Finally it seems he manages something coherent.
"I was just making sure he wasn't getting himself into trouble!" He blurts out. You almost feel bad with how nervous your stare had made him, so you turn back to Atreus.
"And I'm assuming you want me to head inside then?" You ask and he immediately lights up. He thinks he's gotten somewhere. He thinks you don't know him by now.
"I think it would probably be for the best. We've all got a big day tomorrow!" You watch him become even slightly convincing at the last possible moment. You smile as you cross your arms. You had to admit, it was a cute attempt.
"Was that your plan?" He's hit with confusion.
"What do you mean?" He shifts where he stands.
"You were going to try and send me to bed before sneaking off" you watch as he crumbles, utterly lost at what to say for a moment before he lets out a huff.
"No!" he retorts and he gets a raise of an eyebrow from you.
"Would you like to try something else, then?" you see him freeze, his mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. He can't find his words and it seems Sindri couldn't take it any longer.
"We are going to find Jörmungandr!" he finally admits, Atreus turning to him as if he had betrayed him.
"That's all?" You ask, eyes turning between the both of them. Atreus seems defeated, his head hung low and his shoulders with it. He manages a mumbled response.
"And Freya" at that you are truly shocked.
"You...want to find Freya? The woman that has been trying to kill us for all of Fimbulwinter?" You are beyond baffled. What possible reason would he have to seek her out? In what way could that ever go well in his head?
"That's what I was trying to tell him!" Sindri pipes in again and the boys face scrunches. His eyes meet yours with a sharp look only hindered slightly with the puppy eyes he so readily used against everyone.
"We need allies! And we used to be friends! I don't think she's beyond reasoning, she's just-..." the boy tries to defend himself and it isn't convincing in the slightest. You sigh, knowing that this couldn't possibly go well.
"You aren't going to let this go, are you?" Your answer is his continued stare at you, eyes fully ready to do what he must to get what he wants. If you had to describe this stubborn boy in one word it would be bull-headed. It seemed there were no amount of no's that could stop him. A glance down at Sindri shows he's just as worried as you are.
"I want you to know that this is reckless. And foolish. And downright stupid" your words have a bite to them that has Atreus looking away, avoiding looking at you all together. You take a deep breath before you continue.
"But if you must then I know you will. So I will do the bare minimum of at least accompanying you" they both seemed relieved at your words. You imagine for completely different reasons.
"And you're not going to tell father?" He asks, finally stepping out from the other side of the gate.
"Do you really think this is the first time I've caught you sneaking out?" his eyes turn as wide as a full moon.
"...well until you said that; kinda, yeah" You snicker at his reaction and begin walking to the gateway with them not too far behind. The boy falls into silence for a moment before he turns up, a question written in his eyes.
"How many times did you-?"
"More times than I cared to count" you speak over your shoulder as you wave the two along. You try to ignore the dull wounds that still haven't fully healed themselves.
You had to admit, despite the odd Draugr and getting covered in Jörmungandr's disgusting slobber, this little outing was proving to be rather fun. You stayed quiet, for the most part, but enjoyed the babbling of the two as they went along with this little adventure of theirs. It was quite sweet, the relationship they had built. If you were being honest it was nice to see Atreus a little less tense, given how rigid he always was around his father. However, by the time the three of you were heading towards where Freya was last seen, you couldn't help but regret having let him get this far.
“All I'm saying, Atreus, is that she clearly isn't stable. You don't know what she might do. Just because she liked you before doesn't mean-”
“Look, I get the concern but you gotta trust me. She might be Hel bent on killing father, but she hasn't really tried to kill me yet. She's-…She just needs to understand we were trying to help her. And that the bigger threat is Odin” He must truly believe he's untouchable.
“In her mind she has every reason to kill you. To do the same to Kratos as he has done to her. Do you not worry at all that she would take every opportunity imaginable? She believes she has nothing to lose” you try once again to waiver him from this reckless goal. 
“She wouldn't. She's better than that” By all living gods was he stubborn. You hardly remembered a time he'd ever wavered from his convictions. A double-sided blade, that trait is. You hoped today wouldn't be the day he killed himself with it.
“You are impossible” you speak with a defeated sigh. Slowly the three of you walk to a sudden edge, a steep drop below. You have no problems bracing it, hardly even thinking about it. Turning back, however, you see the two of them hesitate. It's then you realize the jump might be a little steep for the dwarf.
“Perhaps this is a sign” he mutters, his eyes cautious as he stares into the opening. 
“Don't be a baby, I'll catch you! Promise not to drop you this time” Atreus’ words catch your attention as he falls to your side, an almost amused look creeps on your face.
“You've dropped him?” You ask and the boy hardly hides his guilt with a nervous laugh.
“It was one time!” he tries to defend himself. A glance up shows just how embarrassed Sindri is by this.
“It was the only time!” You fight back a short laugh, only allowing a small smile to take form as you stare up at the dwarf.
“If it makes you feel any better, I'll also be here to catch you this time” you tried to instill even a slight bit of confidence in him, though he still seemed deeply uneasy.
“I…” his voice wavers, still incredibly unsure about all of this. You almost immediately catch the boy about to be a smartass and quickly knock the sentence from him with a light hit on the back of his head.
"Hey-!" He turns to glare at you but your stare seems to disintegrate any resistance. Once you're sure he's going to keep his mouth shut you turn back up to Sindri.
“Worst thing that could happen is we both fall down” you try to reassure him.
“And I break my skull open!” He retorts. You huff a little.
“Look, I know Atreus’ promises mean very little-”
“Wha- That's not true!” The boy speaks up and you fail to fight a grin when he shoves you slightly, but you continue all the same, even if a chuckle is heard through your words.
“But my promises are as solid as steel, and I promise that it will be fine” your eyes lock on his and even through you jest you know he sees that you're serious. So, with a deep breath and tense posture, he finally agrees.
“Fine” he speaks through gritted teeth and both you and Atreus hold your arms out. It's only a few moments later he jumps. With little effort the two of you catch him. 
“See? Was that so bad?” Atreus speaks to him and you send a smile as you help him back to his feet. It's clear though that he is still very unhappy with the situation.
“I sincerely hope I never have to do it again, if that's what you're asking”
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annachum · 1 year
Asgard has kunling aka Nordic herding calls
Vanaheim has throat singing
Nidavellir got yodeling
Alfheim got fairy dust signing
Jotunheim has frost signing and calling ( similarly with mountain calling, rlly )
All these methods are amongst popular methods to communicate with their peoples in those 6 realms in far away
Lol imagine
Thor, Hogun, Sigyn and Hildegund one time have to communicate from far away
Thor bellowing out a kunling
Then Hogun starts throat singing
Hildegund ( Volstagg's wife whom I HC is from Nidavellir and a mountain/shield dwarf ) starts yodeling
And then Sigyn starts doing a Light Elven sign language like dance in the air and then signs several signs via her pink fairy dust
Thor's Avenger mates then watched this be and be like : ' ?!?!?!?!🤩🤩🤩🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯👏👏👏🤯🤯 '
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themculibrary · 1 month
Fics With Hela Masterlist
A Hard Day's Work (ao3) - Lightbringer34 T, 2k
Summary: Odin Allfather and Hela relax at the end of a hard day's work. A small snapshot of some vague point in their conquest of the Nine Realms.
blóðflekkug (ao3) - incandescent (lmeden) T, 4k
Summary: "Hela, my child, do you know what it means to be firstborn?" he asks me.
carrot cake and gold (ao3) - T_5seconds hela/valkyrie T, 1k
Summary: Rather than start Ragnarok, Valkyrie binds Hela to the planet with her, alone, forever.
Guess they're stuck here now.
En Himinn Klofnar (ao3) - Jennie_D T, 3k
Summary: Hela glared at the world below. "What shall we do, Allfather?"
And Odin answered, "War."
But Hemindall told him to look again.
And Odin began to understand.
Executioner (ao3) - kittyhazelnut T, 1k
Summary: Thor left him for dead on Svartalfheim.
But if Loki's going to die, he's taking Odin down with him.
... He's not expecting the visitor that follows.
Fall of the Daughter, Rise of the Son (ao3) - Loki Is Not Low Key (RichardGraysonPercyJackson) frigga/odin T, 27k
Summary: Before her father sent her away, Hela was the big sister to two little brothers.
Though she loves him dearly, Hela knows her fall would not have happened had it not been for the madness of her dear little Silvertongue
The Fall of Hela Odinsdottir, The Rise of Loki Laufeyson
firstborn (ao3) - rosepoints T, 8k
Summary: Odin regrets many things. Sharpening his firstborn into a knife is only one of the many things he regrets. He gave her every gift, every secret, every treasure he owned. It is a pity that Odin did not realize that he only had violence to give until it was too late.
// how hela lives and grows in (and leaves behind) her father's shadow with her brothers.
Gersemi (ao3) - Liraeyn T, 16k
Summary: Hela knows death well. She certainly knows when it arrives too soon. Arriving too late to the clifftop, she must undo the damage done to her brothers.
Give me a chance to understand (ao3) - FairyMadNess T, 7k
Summary: The five times Thor didn't understand what was happening with his brother, and the one time he pleaded to understand
Loki doesn't want to come out to his brother, Odin acts like an old asshole, Frigga puts her foot down, Hela acts like a big sister and Thor just wants to see his brother.
Hela Hath no Fury (ao3) - NiennaNir G, 1k
Summary: Odin warned about this. The danger, the fate of all Asgard. Strike before it's too late. Odin might not be the best strategist. Loki's not a lot better.
Here and Now (ao3) - Sunflower_Birdhouse G, 1k
Summary: She holds tight; black nails sinking into the clothes of the men before her.
She doesn't know if her touch burns them or not and she doesn't care; she refuses to let go of either of them.
I'd Miss You (ao3) - TheNiftyNarwhal T, 6k
Summary: How nice it must be to know you'll be missed when you're gone.
My retelling of Raganarok because I felt there was a fantastic underlying story going on with Thor and Loki's relationship that deserves much more attention.
Lace (ao3) - LifeOfRoos G, 1k
Summary: Not knowing who else to turn to, Hela goes to her new stepmother for aside about a rather delicate matter: The need for a brand-new corset.
Phases of Life (ao3) - Awluvtardis T, 1k
Summary: Hela was ready to escape Asgardr, never to return. Then little Loki was placed in her hands, and she knew she had to stay. Someone had to look after him while Odin doted on Thor.
AKA The AU where Hela was allowed to stay as long as she became "lady of the court" (for the good of the realm, of course). She ends up raising Loki, teaching them Seidr until she can stand Asgardr's gilded lies no longer.
the gold and the rust (ao3) - thorbiased T, 7k
Summary: What name did they give him, again? Something for the storm he’d been born during. Thor, that’s it. A dull, dim name. She is sure her father intended it to be a powerful one. The name of a benevolent king.
He’ll never get the chance to live up to it. What a pity.
the real banishment is the family we made along the way (ao3) - scioscribe T, 5k
Summary: Hela did not ask for company in her sealed-up world, but evidently Odin is economical in containment strategies for his misbegotten children.
the true queen (ao3) - CeruleanTactician T, 946
Summary: Hela and the queens of Asgard, over the years.
Three's a charm (ao3) - isamariposa G, 20k
Summary: Thor hasn't returned post TDW, and Hela shows up in Asgard while Loki is still pretending to be Odin. He decides to play along.
It... does not go well.
But when Thanos comes for the Tesseract, fratricide might have to be put off for a little longer.
Ragnarok and Infinity War fix-it.
Well, This Should Be Interesting At Least (ao3) - TheDiamondSword400 G, 927
Summary: Thor takes one look at Loki and Hela and jumps to conclusions.
Worlds apart (ao3) - Mitsuky G, 2k
Summary: The Convergence brings to light more than just the survival of the Dark Elves...
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theaccursedninth · 9 months
@cupcakesmuses dares to cross the Accursed...
[Let's wind back the clock for a moment. The year is 2013: a time before Mad Titans and Infinity Stones and the great "Blip" that sent the Universe into a frenzy for half a decade. Here, an ancient evil has just awoken, after so many centuries of slumber. They are the Dark Elves, a fearsome race led by the ever more fearsome Malekith. Survivors of a war when the worlds were yet new, they have at last returned to their barren planet, which is where we find them now...]
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It was often these days that the Accursed Malekith found himself wandering the grounds beyond his quarters. So surreal it felt, to walk among the ash and rubble of Svartalfheim after all this time. Like a faraway dream, murmured a voice, an ancient voice with an ancient lilt preceding his fallen world. Malekith ignored the voice, tightening his hold on the hilt of his sword. Not a dream, he thought, as his blue-on-black eyes surveyed the toxic sky. Dark Elves and all they embodied were much better suited for the stuff of nightmares. Nonetheless, this ghoulish race was his responsibility, and so he'd taken it upon himself to carefully and meticulously patrol at night. After all, a leader's duty, he'd often expressed, was to prioritize his peoples' survival, and what better way than to identify a threat, himself?
Oh, but irony saw fit to mess with him this evening: no sooner had he turned a corner, than his eerie, iridescent eyes widened and he stopped cold. There, in the distance, was a figure not of Svartalfheim origin. At a glance, they did not particularly seem threatening, but Malekith had lived long enough to know appearances were never to be taken lightly. He grit his teeth, unearthing his sword. Then, the Accursed stepped out of the shadows, eyes narrowed and a growl in his voice.
"Identify yourself, stranger. I do not take kindly to visitors."
0 notes
Lore: Tree Of Life
[No Source as this information was taken from Pinterest/ Take with a grain of salt]
As the umbilical cord connects an unborn baby to the Placenta so does the silver cord connects our body with our spirit and thus the divine forest, the true source of Life.
 When the umbilical cord is cut, we are born in this real. When the Silver cord is cut, we die and be reborn in another realm. 
 “As Above, so Below.”
Exploring the tree of Life, this symbol represents a cosmic tree that bridges all dimensions of life and consciousness.
Every tree can be seen as a living embodiment of the Tree of Life. Trees have always been teachers and providers of food, shelter and medicine to us.
 In Norse Mythology the tree of life or world tree is called Yggdrasil. It connects nine worlds.
-Upper World: Asgard: Realm of the Gods ruled by Odin> Vanahelm: Realm of old fertility gods. Allheim: Realm of the Elven people.
-Middle World: Midgard: The Human Realm Muspelheim: Realm of the fire giants. Nifelheim: Realm of the Frost Giants.
-Underworld: Jotunheim: Realm of the Wild cats. Helheim: Realm of the dead. Svartalfheim: Realm of the dwarves.
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The Three worlds. Shamans all over the world use the tree symbol as a map to navigate and travel in dimensions of consciousness, in order to gain wisdom and perform healings.
To Journey up and down the tree of life. Our ancestors used ritual, meditation, music, singing, dance, trance, dreams, fasting, pain, plant, medicine, sensory deprivation and storytelling.
Upperworld:  Higher-self, soul, higher or super consciousness enlightened masters and teachers on the astral planes, beyond three dimensional time and space. Cosmic, celestial and angelic consciousness, unity consciousness and world soul, archetypes and ideas, eternal, all inclusive and all knowing source of all life. Realm of Deity, gods and goddess, sky gods. Star Beings and intelligences on other planets and non-physical dimensions, telepathic communication.
Middleworld: Mind, emotions and five senses, consciousness awareness, walking state and ego consciousness. Manifested three dimensional world we experience midgard, the garden in the middle where the human plant, animal and mineral realms meet. Spirit that flows through all living things. Four elements, earth, water, fire and air.
Underworld  Intelligence of the physical body, cellular memory, imprints from trauma, DNA and ancestral memories, shadow work.  The well of remembrance and destiny. Subconsciousness and unconsciousness, pure potential and all that is unmanifested. Realm of the faerie, the angels in the earth. Land of the Eternal Spring, elemental beings, gals and planetary consciousness.
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worstloki · 3 years
Here we love and appreciate the Space Stone, and so, in honour of its magnificence through the Marvel Cinematic Universe, allow me to introduce Tessember.
Tessember is a Tesseract-themed challenge that goes through the month of December. There are two prompt lists, one I lovingly call Regular Mode and the other I personally name Hard Mode, both of which can be tagged under #Tessember 2021 and/or submitted to the AO3 collection.
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While the aim is to create something for every prompt, feel free to take your pick through to fulfill them however you wish!
Perhaps you tell the tales of the cosmic cube before cinematic time, maybe you shall rewrite the gaps between existing appearances, possibly you regale with events even off the known timelines, but whatever you do, try to keep in mind the prerogative is fun, and plenty of that is able to run abound when the Space Stone is around 😏🧊
Questions can be sent to me at @worstloki. FAQ and prompts in text form below.
How long does the challenge go for?
- The month of December (from the 1st to 31st) though if you post outside of this I will be merciful and allow it.
- Yes, you can combine prompts. Feel free to mix and match, even between the different prompt lists.
- Yes, you can do prompts whenever you wish. While the prompts are numbered by day it's not a schedule. They can be done in whatever order. Posting different prompts on whatever day is fine, though the aim would be attempting to follow it. Loose guideline and all.
- No, you're not obligated to do all the prompts. Do as many or as small a number as you want. Gosh, I'm not cruel.
What kind of works?
- No, it doesn't have to be a written work. Any form of art, including sketches and edits.
- Yes, it counts if what you create is considered as small as a chat post or writing up a headcanon/fic idea. It counts.
- No, it's not specifically a Loki + Tesseract event. But feel free to make it one if you wish ;)
- Tag posts with #Tessember2021
- There is a AO3 collection titled Tessember
Header, for any who may wish it:
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Regular Mode Prompts
Day 1: Space
Day 2: Loki
Day 3: Silver
Day 4: Magic
Day 5: Scared
Day 6: Grass
Day 7: Stars
Day 8: HYDRA
Day 9: Cat
Day 10: Superior
Day 11: Ocean
Day 12: Asgard
Day 13: Lab
Day 14: Invasion
Day 15: Glow
Day 16: Photon
Day 17: Vault
Day 18: Warmth
Day 19: Cube
Day 20: Fall
Day 21: Hidden
Day 22: Earned
Day 23: Broken
Day 24: Light
Day 25: Dragon
Day 26: Bones
Day 27: Hope
Day 28: Mind
Day 29: Wires
Day 30: Sinking
Day 31: Home
Hard Mode Prompts
Day 1: Space
Day 2: Loki
Day 3: Silver
Day 4: Silence
Day 5: Solitude
Day 6: Sacrilege
Day 7: Sabotage
Day 8: Salvation
Day 9: Servitude
Day 10: Superior
Day 11: Supernova
Day 12: Speechless
Day 13: Subjugation
Day 14: Svartalfheim
Day 15: Screwdriver
Day 16: Saccharine
Day 17: Safehouse
Day 18: Sexuality
Day 19: Sculpture
Day 20: Sixteenth
Day 21: Staircase
Day 22: Shadows
Day 23: Success
Day 24: Scandal
Day 25: Survive
Day 26: Shilling
Day 27: Sceptre
Day 28: Special
Day 29: Sand
Day 30: Serve
Day 31: Snow
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Impossibly Redeemable - 26 - Fortune Car
Summary: Shortly after faking his death in Svartalfheim to fool Thor, Loki wakes up to find himself in a  realm that is not the one he “died” in. After meeting another person in  a similar predicament, he learns the only way home is through  redemption. But how can he possibly do that? Monsters like him don’t deserve redemption, do they?
Pairing: Loki x F!Reader
Word Count: 1,096
Disclaimers/Warnings: Dark, creepy atmosphere. Spookums... Kind of.
A/N: This is one a bit short. It’s more of an interlude to the coming chapters. Now that I have a handful of them planned out, I feel like I can get through these chapters a bit faster. Let's see how this goes! :D
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Loki swept Eva up into his arms and pulled you close as the door slammed shut. It stole what little light had existed in this car. Even a god’s eyes could not penetrate this kind of suffocating darkness.
None of you could muster the courage to speak. It was as if your voices had been taken with the light. All you could do was listen, and there was nothing. Even the sounds of breathing seemed stifled, muffled even, like a cloth bag had been placed over your heads. Loki focused everything on his own hearing, hoping to catch something, anything that might lead them to the exit.
And then… Rustling.
A ragged groan followed by phlegm-riddled breaths.
Eva’s arms coiled around Loki’s neck, face burying in his neck. Your fingers clutched so tightly to his tunic he thought for a split second you might shred the fabric.
“Show yourself!”
Loki surprised himself when he growled out his demand. It shocked him more when its recipient complied.
Candles of various sizes burst to life, encircling your company in warm light. One lit after the other as if to lead your eyes. A distraction, perhaps?
The god focused straight ahead to where he heard the sounds before. With each new flame, he could see more of a hunched, shadowed figure. It stood, fabrics billowing down its form. Its silhouette stretched long and thin, taller than Loki. A pair of arms reached out and back to tame the wiry hair that seemed to reach out to the light. Another pair adjusted the remaining fabric still clinging to its form.
The trail of candles finally made its way to the being. Even the golden hues reflected off its skin were not enough to give the grayed, wrinkled leather the essence of life. Although, it did highlight the starry night blue robes laden with golden accents. The outline of what looked like a rounded snout turned in your direction, and fire danced in the creature’s nuumite eyes. Its second set of hands settled on its back.
They groaned, exorcising a cough in the process.
“It’s about time you showed up,” they exclaimed, gravel still stuck in their throat. “Excuse the poor reception. I fell asleep waiting.”
“Waiting?” Loki’s grip on you and Eva tightened. “For us?”
“Are you daft, boyo? Of course, I have! Who else would I be waiting for?” they spat.
The god sputtered in response, shoving the words on his tongue back into a locked chest. He wouldn’t risk angering this creature when he still didn’t know what they could do.
“Yes, yes. ‘I beg your pardon!’ You are a god and should be treated as such,” they mockingly continued for him. “Now come along! I haven’t got all day.”
“For wha—”
“Have you not put together the clues yet, boyo? Silver tongue is sharp, but the mind is dull.” 
They shuffled around to a clearing in the candle. With a wave of their arms, a large table appeared, draped in indigo velvet. A deck of cards were lazily spread out next to a clear crystal ball.
“Now get over here before I change my mind. I took time out of my schedule for this. Don’t make it a waste of my time.”
Loki’s jaw fell slack. This creature (person?) knew who he was and had the gall—
“What did I just say? Enough lallygagging! Trickster god, little chemist, child of the train. I suggest you get your legs working again!”
Pride bubbled and boiled in his chest. It was threatening to boil over when your hand grazed his cheek, redirecting his attention. 
“Loki,” you coaxed, “I think we should do as she says.”
Eva still clung to him tightly, but her face wasn’t completely concealed in the crook of his neck anymore. It peered out fearfully but with an air of curiosity. Your free hand found his on your waist and entangled them with an encouraging squeeze.
“You might want to listen to your partner, boyo.”
A grimace settled on Loki’s face. With a sigh lingering in his lungs, his shoulders drooped and eyes softened.
“And what say you, little dove?” he consulted Eva.
Her head lifted as she surveyed the seer with scrutiny. Her decision didn’t take long. 
“Yeah.” She nodded. “I think… I think she has something important for us.”
The seer cleared their throat, more for attention than anything. There wasn’t anything in all the realms that would dislodge the voice-degrading phlegm for them to speak smoothly.
“Excellent. Now that everyone is in agreement… Come over here and sit down!”
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Eva squirmed in her seat that was designed more for the quick fortune telling than comfort. You managed to sit still, but your narrowed eyes were evidence of just how sore you truly were. Loki was feeling telltale pinpricks in his feet. He was about to conjure cushions for the three of you when the seer finally finished shuffling their oracle deck and laid down the first card.
Cracked mirror.
“Mmm, yes. Already knew this one. Traumatic pasts. Next.”
Glowing rose quartz.
“Current state: True love, friendship, family.” They up glance up at your tense forms. “Also obvious.”
Broken bridge over a river.
“Hmm… Interesting. An event will come to pass that will cause a rift.”
Loki glared hard at the card.
Hummingbird hovering.
“Quite soon, actually.”
Your hand met his under the table.
Unbalanced scales weighing a heart.
“When things are laid bare.”
Dark forest with a thin crescent moon.
“The results of this event are… unclear.”
Loki’s brow knit together.
“Unclear?” you responded.
The seer nodded. Their secondary left hand hovered over the crystal ball. Dark, foggy clouds rose and swirled inside.
“Hidden even… Perhaps the Conductor’s doing…” they mumbled so softly that even Loki had trouble picking it up.
Silence swelled in the room with only the faint interruption of the candles flickering.
Your other hand came to rest upon both yours and Loki’s that were joined. The god nearly jumped out of his skin. Your eyes were alit with worry… And more pain? He looked down at your hands and loosened his grip that he had unknowingly tightened. Your fingers flexed in an attempt to soothe the irritated tingling. 
Eva reached over for his free hand. It will be okay.
Loki was forcing a deep breath through his nostrils when the door appeared adjacent to the seer.
“It seems our session has come to an end,” they spoke. “I wish you all the best of luck.” They turned to face the door, brow furrowed. “You’re going to need it.”
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Tag Lists:
Loki (Impossibly Redeemable): @buckybarnesthehotshot@kaogasm@superheroesandstardust
Loki (General): @nahthanks@lucywrites02@whatafuckingdumbass@gaitwae
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starlight-loki · 3 years
hmmm... hc for loki meeting the avengers, and reader is one of them, and he is really interested in her/falls in love sorta thing? hehehehe
ooOOH YES also in this, Infinity War doesn’t exist, in case you’re wondering why events seem to take a weird turn after I mention Ragnarok hahah
I feel like you and Loki would first meet during the New York events in 2012
To be honest, you sort of scared Loki the first time he saw you
You were on guard duty while he was in his cell on the quinjet, and while the two of you barely spoke to one another, he was haunted by your eyes
he was used to everyone else looking right through him as though he weren’t even there in the first place
but you looked into him
and that really freaked him out, to the point where even after Thor brought him back to Asgard after the whole New York Battle disaster, he still couldn’t get you off his mind
there were even some nights in that cell in Asgard where he’d dream of you and wake up with chills, your gaze still burned fresh in his mind
having to help Thor and Jane escape to Svartalfheim wouldn’t have helped either, because each time Loki looked at Jane, the following would run through his mind:
Jane = Midgardian = Midgard = You
literally everything Loki saw seemed to somehow connect back to you, to those moments the two of you locked eyes on the quinjet
despite how often you were on his mind, I don’t think he’d connect the dots and realize his feelings were romantic attachment just yet? 
like it would be a long while before he even considered the thought
for a while, you were just a shadow that relentlessly followed him everywhere, and to be honest, Loki came to despise you for that
his thoughts would be that much more peaceful if you’d just leave once and for all from the space you were taking in his mind
the whole Odin-disguise and events on Sakaar would be a welcome distraction though, since everything was so chaotic that Loki never really had the time to think about you
to his relief, you were almost nothing more than a ghost of a memory
(there was still the occasional night when he’d wake up in a cold sweat, having seen you in a dream once more) 
as soon as Thor suggested Midgard as the location for New Asgard, and also mentioned paying The Avengers a visit, Loki’s heart stopped 
he never thought it would happen again, but he’d actually be seeing you again
a part of him wished that perhaps you left Stark’s stupid group of clowns heroes, because then he could finally have some closure and get you out of his mind once and for all
but sure enough, you were actually one of the first ones to greet everyone as they arrived
Loki’s eyes met yours, and he felt as though he were living a déja vu moment -- the intensity of your gaze after all these years never changed
you still looked into him, your gaze like fire
“I’m really sorry to hear about Asgard. You must be so tired, after everything you’ve been through.”
Loki’s not sure how you did it, but you managed to break the walls around his heart with that one damn sentence
(maybe you’re a sorcerer of some sort, but magic couldn’t have done anything like this) 
the realization comes quickly, and it hits him hard:
he was never afraid of you, he was afraid of himself. 
more specifically, how he felt about you. 
he’d open up to you much quicker than any of the others, but he’d never have the heart to tell you that he’s never forgotten you after all these years
when it came to finally admitting his feelings for you, Loki wouldn’t straight up tell you he loves you
instead, he’d show it -- subtly at first, by holding the door open for you, remembering exactly how you take your tea/coffee, leaving books on your door to read, with a little note in them for why he felt you’d like it
the longer you spend time with each other, the more physically intimate he’d become with you: resting his hand on the small of your back whenever you stood near him, nudging his hand against yours as you walked, brushing stray strands of hair out of your face
it’s when you kiss his cheek, more as a gesture of gratitude than anything, that Loki realizes just how big of a space you hold in his heart
your gaze, as you observe his reaction with a faint amused smile, nearly makes him weak at the knees
Loki operates more out of instinct than calculated logic, for the first time in the longest while, and pulls you close by wrapping an arm around your waist
he kisses you then, soft and slow yet somehow painfully urgent at the same time
(most likely an attempt to make up for all the years where you weren’t physically there in his life, but constantly in his mind) 
needless to say, the two of you were inseparable from then on 💗
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multiverse-fics · 2 years
I Lied
Loki x Gender neutral! Reader, a lil Thor x Gender Neutral! Reader
Word Count: 1104 
Song Rec: I Lied by Lord Huron
Warnings: Not main timeline MCU! Angst, sadness, infidelity, character death, blood. Just your run of the mill angst fic I guess. :/
Summary: You and Loki are in love. So in love and everything is so perfect, but time slips through your fingers like sand and life marches, even without those you love, and one lie can change everything. 
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Green eyes and that sweet smile. He was always so charming in everything he did, even when he was being a mischievous little shit, but maybe that's why you loved him. Because even after everything he's done, he came home to you. Loki did it all for you. Every scheme, every act was for you, he said. It was how he showed he cared, or at least it was. After the Battle of New York, you pleaded for him to stop, to change his ways. And he did. "I swear, love. I'll be better for you. I can change for you. If that's what it will take to keep you, then I am willing to change." The tall Asgardian whispers, his hands holding yours and the look in his eyes is so sincere. So sweet and full of hope and love. It was all going to be okay because he said so and Loki would do anything to keep his word to you. 
You were happy together and everything was okay for once. Warm sunny days spent lying together in the courtyard gardens, hands intertwined as the breeze rustles through the leaves and grass. The sweet smell of wines and summer ales filled the air, accompanied by the smell of the current feast inside the looming castle. Loki never liked the parties there. He always felt like an outsider, a shadow, but you made him feel real and that he was seen as more than the mischievous prince of trickery. Loki cherished every moment you spent together. Committed every tiny detail to memory so that he could remember it all as the years went by. 'This is what love is. True, real love.' He thinks to himself as he looks over at you. Your eyes closed, the small blissful smile on your lips as the sun shone on your skin, bathing you in a golden glow. "I love you." He whispers, leaning closer to brush his lips against yours. "I love you too. I'll never love somebody else, I swear." You respond, kissing him again and again like you were the only two people left in the world. 
Then he was gone. Fell to his death off the Bifrost while defending Asgard from a surprise attack by Svartalfheim. He died a hero, they said.  You mourned him, cried for him almost every night, it seemed. You felt alone, so alone without him there. It didn't last long, however. Comfort was never too far away, it seemed. There was a reprieve in the aching and hurt when you fell into his arms. Thor held you close and let you cry into his chest as much as needed. He grieved with you over the loss of his brother, for Odin knows how long. Over time the pain dulled, the memories faded and life went on. Things were okay again. You had another reason to live, someone else to cling to for warmth. Tall, strong, golden hair and so sweet. A gentle giant, your new source of light in the world. Thor was always there to dry your tears, to pick you up every time you fell down. You loved him. 'This is what love is. True, real love.' You thought to yourself and not for a moment did you remember your promise to the fallen god, Loki. 
In the shadows of the courtyard, under the moonlight, the figure cloaked in green watches on. Watches the embrace you and Thor share, the kisses, the looks of absolute bliss. It hurts far too much to mention. He's been replaced. Replaced so easily in your heart by his own brother. But above all of that, it hurts the most when he realizes you lied. Every moment shared, kiss, touch, and declaration of love was all a lie. A lie he couldn't live with or even see coming. 
Nothing could mend back the pieces of his broken heart now. His hope of rushing back to your arms with a sly grin and a cheeky, "did you miss me" was dashed instantly. Loki was alone again, all alone. Everything hurt. Every fiber of his being screamed in agony like his broken heart. Betrayal was something familiar but to be on the receiving end was something entirely new. Loki was angry at everything now, angry at Thor, angry at you, and someone had to pay the price. Someone had to answer for his suffering. 
Maybe you should have seen it coming. Should have known that he would come back; Loki always was a clever one. "Did you miss me, love?" He asks in a cold tone from the shadows of your private quarters. "Loki? Oh gods, Loki, is that you? You're alive! I've missed you. Of course, I have." You cry tearfully as you rush to the tall cloaked figure, throwing your arms around his body. Loki looks down and embraces you one last time before a sharp pain pierces your side. You slump in his hold, but the man steps back, pulling the dagger from your stomach as the red color drips onto the floor like the wine you drank in summer so long ago. 
"Loki? Loki, why?" Your voice is weak and pained as you clutch the searing wound and look up at the dark-haired god. "Don't pretend, love. Don't pretend you care now. You lied. You swore that you would never love another, but you lied. And for that, you had to pay the price." The god says before snuffing you out like the last candle at the bedside table. A hum of energy crackles from behind him and a glowing light fills the room. Footsteps are heavy as they approach the young god and Loki knows this is his end without even turning around. "She lied to me, brother. She left me for you and you… you took her from me." Loki says, tears threatening to fall down his face. 
"No brothers here, Loki. Loki Laufeyson, you are under arrest by orders of the TVA for deviating from the sacred timeline." Hunter B-15 says firmly before the group descends on the variant, dragging him away. The branch in the timeline is snuffed out and Loki is hauled away, paying the price for his crime. Your body is vaporized and is forgotten by everyone, everyone but Loki. Loki, who thinks of you in his final moments before being pruned. He wonders if things were different, if you were in another timeline, if he didn't die, if you didn't… if you didn't lie to him… could you have been happy together. But happiness isn't possible for a Loki variant. All they get is pain, suffering and fall to the same fate of dying alone.
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bedlamsbard · 3 years
Loki’s first warning that something interesting was going to happen was when Mobius said, “Oh, shit,” and tried to steer Loki down the nearest corridor.
Loki wasn’t the only Asgardian variant the TVA brought in with the intention of hunting down their rogue, but the problem with Asgardians is that they’re Asgardians.
Chapter 4: Odin 27.1K, AU, WIP
Chapter preview:
Hela’s appearance was like waking up from a nightmare only to find that it had been true all along, and worse besides. Thor was barely aware of the pin-prick of pain against his throat where her dagger had pierced his skin, though part of his mind caught on the fact she had been able to produce one at all and stored that away to panic about later. After Ragnarok, it seemed entirely reasonable that Hela was powerful enough to simply push through the TVA’s wards as if they were nothing more than a mild inconvenience.
“You must be our big sister,” Loki croaked, the muscles of his throat flexing against her clenched fist. “I’m Loki. I’m the one who usually does the sneaking in our family.”
“I’m hurt you don’t remember me after I threw you from the Bifrost,” Hela said.
“Seems to be a family hobby,” Loki said. He still had both hands on her wrist, trying to get her hand off his throat, but it didn’t seem to be bothering Hela at all. “Would you be hurt to know that you weren’t the first?”
“What?” Frigga said.
I remember a shadow, Loki had said back on that cliff side all those years ago. Years ago for Thor, only days – hours? – for Loki. I remember you tossing me into an abyss.
After New York, he hadn’t spoken to Loki again until he had broken him out of the dungeons to go to Svartalfheim. He had never thought to ask Loki about the discrepancy, not when Thor still had nightmares about Loki letting go of Gungnir’s shaft. He had thought Loki was only angry and trying to hurt him.
Loki’s gaze flickered towards their mother, and for a moment his expression was as confused as hers, as if he was sorting through his own memories and finding them wanting.
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wolfish-trickster · 4 years
Advent kisses
happy b-day my king👑💚
Loki x female!reader
Word count: 1 219
Summary: Instead of chocolates, kisses are going to be recieved everyday until Christmas.
Tag list: @gaitwae @lucywrites02 @modestlyabsurd @winterfrostsarmy @spaceyempress @thefridgeismybestie @laramoonworld @birdgirl90 @nickkie1129
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You spend the night with him. In innocent way, of course. He insisted on keeping you warm. Weak excuse to hold you all night. Wrapped in his soft blanket, lying in his bed, his arms around you.
It started to snow around midnight. Small snowflake shadows danced on walls, carpet, your face, his exposed forearms. He quickly tucked them under the covers. He still tried to make peace with that part of himself, but he just couldn't. He barely resisted the urge to go outside with you when you asked. To laugh and play with you. But he couldn't. He knew as long as he stayed away from direct touch with something super cold there's nothing to worry about, but the paranoia stayed. What if you'll avoid him if you knew?
The overthinking kept him up most of the night. He only started to sink into light slumber when it started to dawn.
A soft movement inbetween his arms dragged him into reality. You were waking up. He tightened his grip on you and nuzzled his head into your hair.
"Hmmmm, good morning," you mumbled into his t-shirt. "Why didn't you carry me to my own room?"
'Is she angry?' "Please, don't be angry. We layed down and you started to doze off. You were so warm and comforting against me I fell asleep," a little white lie. Not all of it, just the end.
"I'm not angry, just askin'. You're a good cuddler. And a good pillow," you smirked at him.
"Wow, I got reduced to a cuddle pillow, what an honor," he squeezed your sides.
You laughed and tried to wriggle away from him. He stopped tickling you and just took you in. Lovely wise eyes, ruffled hair, soft smile. He will tell you. Today.
"Hey, Loki, I'm going to kitchen. Do you want something?"
He unwinded his arms from around you, already missing your presence. "I'm not hungry. But thank you, for thinking of me."
You slowly stood up. "Oookay then. I'll see you downstairs, if you decide to show up."
And you were gone. Just like that. Loki stayed in his bed a little while longer. Thinking. He can't let you find out by accident. It would drive you far away from him. For good. But whenever he tries to tell you fear shuts him up. He covered his eyes with his hand. 'Who made Christmas a winter holiday? And why did Tony drag all of you into freezing snowy mountains? Of all the places on Midgard...'
He reluctantly made his way down to kitchen. You were talking with Rhodey, telling him what an awesome fight he missed yesterday.
After Loki finished his morning cup of tea he decided to visit gym. It was smaller than the one in the tower, but it still served its purpose: distract him from his thoughts.
He didn't end until all of his muscles burned and ached. He kept his back to the snow behind the window the whole time.
He checked the clock on his way to his room. He had spend there 2 full hours.
He couldn't wait for the steaming hot shower. Ever since he found out he wasn't 100% Asgardian, he favoured hot showers and baths. He didn't know if it was conscious or unconscious decision.
After he cleaned himself of the sweat he just stood there and let the hot water cascade down his back. The warmth was comforting, almost as much as yours. He closed his eyes. It would be nice to stay here. All warm and clean. He wanted to fall asleep again.
A knock on his bathroom door stopped him im his thought. "Loki? Are you there?"
He turned the water off. "Yes Y/N. Do you need something from me?"
"No, not really. I just want to show you something. Get dressed and come out. And please hurry."
Loki dried himself and made a shirt and sweatpants appear on him.
With water still dripping from his hair and low hanging sweatpants he opened the door. Only to see you, with a chocolate cake with lit candles stabbed in it. A huge smile plastered on your face. "Happy Birthday Loki!"
He couldn't move. He couldn't think. He stared at you with the cake, mouth slightly agape.
Maybe he stared at you way too long. Your smile faded. "You don't like it, do you?"
Only then he came to his senses again. "No, darling I love it. It's just.....how did you find out what is the midgardian date for my birthday?"
"Thor mentioned something. So, will you blow out the candles? Don't forget to make a wish!"
He bowed his head down and blew on the candles. "Y/N, do you remember how I refused to go out to play in the snow with you?"
"Umm, yeah, but isn't this the time you start eating the cake?"
He took the cake out of your hands and after he placed it on the table he took them in his own. "It can wait. I need to tell you something. About who I am. You see I-ehh. I like you. You're a wonderful person and I trust you. I don't want to keep this from you. See, the truth why I couldn't go out into the cold is eeeh. I am a Jotun. A Frost Giant. Not fully, since I am significantly smaller then them, but from the big part," he searched your face for rejection. There was none. Only pure curiosity.
"Sooo, does that mean you can control ice or something?"
"Almost, I can turn blue."
You beamed. "Really? Can you show me? Please?"
"Okay, I just need something in order to do that," he pulled the Casket of Ancient Winters from his pocket dimension. "Since I never tried to learn control it, I need this in order to turn," he explained. His fingertips and arms soon turned blue. Markings appeared.
When he looked at you with ruby eyes he didn't see disgust, nor fear. A wonder.
"You have lines on your body," you ponted to ones on his neck leading down to his chest. "Can I see them?"
Loki carefully pulled down his shirt, exposing his skin to you. You gasped. He looked down and found out why. In the middle of his chest sat a giant scar. "A dark elf I faught in Svartalfheim left it there."
"Can I touch it?"
He nodded.
Your soft fingertips caressed the outline of it. Your face got closer to his chest. To get a better look. Your fingers started to run along different lines on his skin. He closed his eyes. Never in his life he felt such gentleness.
Suddenly he felt your lips land directly in the center of the scar. His eyes snapped open and he looked down at you.
You pulled away in the speed of lightning. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't thinking. I-I should go-" he stopped you with both hands on your shoulders. The blue hue started to fade, but the scar stayed. Loki pulled you into a deep hug. "Never apologize for a kiss."
Loki was greatly relieved his wish came true.
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kinnoth · 3 years
Hey who's up for some headcanon that is straight up specimen me pulling shit from ass
The way I've defined it, there are multiple types of magic available to magicians in the mcu:
We have vanir magic which is witch magic which is learned -- this is Frigga's magic -- which is all the illusion stuff, conjuring stuff, doubling, transforming things, hiding things, scrying. It's not viewed as particularly sophisticated
Then we have proper seith which is what the jotnar have which is only available to those with jotnar heritage -- it's what odin stole from his mother's bloodline. There is no spellcasting in the traditional sense: seith is at the very bottom of it a test of the wielder's will against the tide of fate. This is the magic that can undermine aspects of time and reality. It's augury and divination, changing the nature of things and summoning things into existence through sheer will. It's being able to change certain small aspects of fate by predicting and exchanging good and bad fortunes. It's very powerful but really subtle magic that isnt often perfect and often unreliable. It's contrasted with vanir witch magic kind of in a "small changes and perception are easy to predict and control, big changes and reality are much more difficult to predict and control." Imagine one as tossing pebbles into a pond to make it ripple the way you want it to and the other as tossing pebbles down a mountainside and making just the right parts avalanche. Seith is what lets Odin keep his empire together by his constant meddling with every world's condition. He cannot give up his seith to his descendents bc he holds every world's wellbeing hostage. Jotunheim posed a problem for Odin bc, as the originators of seith, they had their own fate in their hands, or rather, in their casket of winters, which is why it was so vital for him to remove it from them.
Runic magic is Asgard's native form of magic. Asgard barely considers it magic, it is so normalized. It's words of power in it's most basic form; it's the bluntest instrument available. You get words like open and close and light and dark. They can be pieced together into more complex commands but each word does exactly what it says on the tin. They are also the reason Asgard is so much more technologically advanced than every other world -- this is absolutely the easiest "magic" to disseminate as it is basically just literacy. They were able to use runes more or less as a form of math and coding. It is easily the most "scientific" of the forms of magic.
Midgard's magic is that shit Steve strange and his cohort use. It's astral planes and astral projection and dimensional energy theft more or less. It's taking energy from one plane of reality and shifting it into another -- it is incapable of wholecloth creation. Midgard's magic is all clearly visible as it's being cast, which gives it the reputation for being unsubtle and pedestrian, kind of how one might view a child's obvious card trick. Energy manipulation is powerful combat magic though, and sometimes you just need to punch something really hard. Pocket dimensions are also a form of Midgard magic
We don't get to see much of Nidavellir, but I'm gonna say that their magic is the ability to speak power into being. They'll speak their commands which attach themselves to the objects they create as symbols and inscriptions, like prayers. I think we see it demonstrated by Odin in thor1 when he talks to mjolnir after exiling Thor.
I've tried to divine what sort of native magic lives on svartalfheim but I can't find any to even bullshit off of. I think it might be the invisibility stuff? So like light and shadows maybe?
Loki is a very young man still at the point I'm writing him, and based on what we've seen of his magic usage, I say he's most skilled in the easier sorts right now (vanir witch magic, aesir runic magic, midgardian dimensional magic) but he is not well versed in seith, likely lacking any proper teacher or training. likely also Odin did not want him to be skilled in seith as he would be in powerful direct competition with Odin's own stolen powers. He would not be aware that seith is even available to him as only the jotnar wield it in the first place. Odin does not advertise his practice of seith nor his Jotun mother. After he realizes his true heritage, he is able to gain a piecemeal knowledge of it, but, still lacking a proper teacher and proper training, he does not master it. He was only ever meant to pass it to his offspring with Thor anyway, Odin never really made it a priority to teach him anything about his own potential.
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sohelish · 3 years
@algrimthestrong  from here:
"What do you call a reindeer ghost? A cari-boo!"
Over the course of their travels, Helena’s intellect had proven a force to be reckoned with. To Algrim, her cleverness was both a blessing and a curse, for just as often as the woman’s wit and charm had saved them from peril her sharp tongue had landed their party in trouble. Still, when it came to choosing between Hel and Per, Algrim much preferred her sarcasm to the childish humour of the dwarf.
With Per being absent for the moment in search of what he had claimed was an ancient portal created by his ancestors – which he had boasted would hasten their journey – in the very woods they were currently camped in, Algrim and Hel were alone in their camp, watching the slow roasting of a deer the three of them had hunted for dinner. The fire crackled and hissed, the flames painting dancing shadows on Algrim’s weary visage where he sat on a fallen log, bundled up tight in his cloak to shut out the night’s chill. The past months had taught him that life on the road no longer suited him. Though he would never admit it, he found himself wishing for the comforts of the palace, the constant push and pull between his two companions jangling his nerves in ways not even the king of Svartalfheim did.
Hel’s attempt to fill the silence between them with a jest met with little appreciation. Algrim looked up at the grinning blonde. His tone was as dry as the burning wood as he gave his reply. “Well, then let us hope that this one here—” he nodded at the roasting carcass, “—will not come back to haunt us.”
Not having elicited the necessary reaction, Hel leaned closer towards the flames. Her hum was a bit lost to the constant crackling sounds.
'Weird,' she said quietly, in a voice suddenly devoid of any cheerfulness.
There was a certain evenness to her that appeared rarely. Her eyes were cold and sharp, no trace of mischievousness left.
'There, I think I'd have liked that.'
It almost seemed she was dreaming of something, but likely she'd been analysing things in her mind.
Maybe the reaction was what she wanted exactly.
Or perhaps in seconds, she'd learned to want the reaction that she'd gotten.
'To be haunted, I mean. By anything at all. Being haunted has its thrills.'
As if the woods weren't dangerous enough.
She poked at the meat, checking if it was cooked through or not.
Per could've gotten lost for all she cared. While Algrim grew exhausted of his humour, their female companion had long started blatantly ignoring most of the Dwarven presence. His usefulness to her was simply dissipating as time passed by.
A heavy sigh escaped her, and then...
'Зачем безвременную скуку Зловещей думою питать, И неизбежную разлуку В унынье робком ожидать?'
When Helena started reciting the poem, she'd been glancing up at the night sky, but by the end of it, her eyes fixed firmly on Algrim. The way he sat there, looking cold and tired. He must've thought she didn't notice, but she did.
'You do realise that you're allowed to say it out loud, right?'
The woman moved around the fire to the side of the log. So that she could stand slightly behind him.
'That my jokes suck? I'm not in the habit of being offended by opinions. Or much anything for that matter.'
She placed her hands on her hips.
'What is it with you? You think if you slip and be impolite for once, the whole galaxy will come crashing on our heads?'
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shadowglens · 3 years
lyssa spent centuries, milennia, known only as the accursed’s daughter, as the shadow he would send into the cosmos to do his bidding. the slice of her blade was his, the taste of her magic in the air a twisted version of the power he once held, the glint of her teeth and the sharpness to her smile ever familiar to anyone who had ever faced malekith in person. a reflection, a mirror, the features wrong and tainted by asgardian blood but the same, deep down. the curse of inheriting your parent’s face, as they say. no one could look at her and not see him. his perfect, deadly calamity. his daughter, in every sense but her blood.
on earth, things change. his shadow is there but no one recognises the way it clings to her shoulders anymore, with everyone on earth so far removed from her and her father and the legacy of destruction they’d wrought throughout yggdrasil. his body is ash and starlight, and the memory of him is nothing more than stories told to keep children in their beds at night, and yet here she stands. alive and haunted. his perfect weapon now fraying at the seams. 
she offers up calamity when they ask her what to call her, because lyssa has always been hers and her parents, and calamity has always been theirs, and she is not prepared to give anything else of herself up again. steve takes the name with a raised brow and a nod - takes it in his hands and helps her mend it into a more gentle kind of destruction. 
a little girl runs up to her on the street, years later. tugs at the sleeve of her coat with doe eyes the colour of the darkest star orbiting svartalfheim. “calamity! miss calamity!” she shouts, smile on her small face. “i, um, i just ... here!” the drawing she shoves hesitantly into lyssa’s hands is crude, crayon-bright, and the girl’s mother urges on her with a mumbled apology, and the flow of foot traffic parts around her like a rock in the stream. dark matter crackles in her palm, the reality stone’s scar glowing silver in the evening gloom. lyssa tracks the little girl and her doe eyes until she melts into the crowd. 
“all good lyssa?” bucky asks when he finally emerges from the store she’d been waiting outside, the collar of his own coat blown up in the wintery breeze, and her name is so effortless on his lips. so simple, so uncomplicated. the shadowed noose around her throat loosens, ever so slightly. the little girl waves again before she disappears around the block with her mother. 
dead fathers and little girls and old soldiers, and it is still a painful sort of terror to be seen and known. 
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