#The Queen of Technicolour
tina-aumont · 4 months
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Maria Montez, the Queen of Technicolor, was born the 6th of June 1912 and with her beauty, intelligence and charisma, won the hearts of many people.
It's time to honour her and celebrate her birthday by publishing her page we have here on this site!! Enjoy the reading!! and if you click on the small photos, you'll go to this site specific entries for her!!
And remember that her biography is in FAMILY page, where you'll find her parents, grandparents, siblings and nieces.
Enjoy and celebrate Maria's beautiful birthday today!!
Eleni xxx
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bitter69uk · 1 year
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“Like [Mario] Lanza, Maria Montez had a reputation for being impossible to handle. After a number of years in Haji-Baba type adventures, she was dropped by Universal and forced to seek work in European cheapies. While in Europe, she attempted to counter her advanced state of avoirdupois with hot saline baths. She died in one of a heart attack at the age of thirty-one.”
/ From the book Flesh and Fantasy (1978) by Penny Stallings /
Died on this day in the Parisian suburb of Suresnes, France: nostril-flaring and tempestuous Queen of Technicolour Exotica, Caribbean Cyclone and leading lady of films like White Savage (1943), Cobra Woman (1944) and Siren of Atlantis (1949), Maria Montez (née María África Gracia Vidal, 6 June 1912 – 7 September 1951). Aside from perhaps the young Yvonne De Carlo, did any woman wear a yashmak with more elan? Note: Stallings gets Montez’s age wrong in the quote above – she was 39 when she died. (Like any self-respecting diva, Montez had a “show biz age”). Montez is entombed in the Cimetière du Montparnasse. Who knows at this point if I’ll ever return to Paris, but if I do, I vow to make a religious pilgrimage to Montez’s grave. “When I see myself on the screen, I look so beautiful I want to scream with joy” Montez once famously declared. Maria Montez, you make ME scream with joy! 
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42nd Street
Alice in Wonderland
An American in ParisAnnie
Annie Get Your Gun
Anything Goes
Avenue Q
Billy Elliot
A Chorus Line
Dames At Sea
The Drowsy Chaperone
The Fairie Queen
The Fantasticks
Fascinating Rhythm
Fiddler on the Roof
Funny Girl
Guys and Dolls
Hello, Dolly!
Henry IV
Henry V
Henry VI
How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying
Jesus Christ Superstar
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat
The King and I
Kiss Me, Kate
Lady, Be Good
Les Miserables
The Lion King
Little Shop of Horrors
Little Women
Mary Poppins
The Merchant in Venice
The Merry Wives of Windsor
A Midsummer Night's Dream
The Music Man
My Fair Lady
Oedipus Rex
Out on the Town
Phantom of the Opera
The Producers
Richard II
Richard III
Richard IV
The Rocky Horror Picture show
Romeo and Juliet
Sister Act
The Sound of Music
South Pacific
Sunday in the Park with George
Sweet Charity
Sweeney Todd
Thoroughly Modern Millie
Titus Andronicus
Twelfth Night
West Side Story
Wizard of Oz
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steventhusiast · 1 year
username song game
rules: for each letter of your username put a song. tagged by @scarcrossdlvrs :D
please prepare for the most random list of songs EVER
s - still don’t know my name by labrinth
t - technicolour beat by oh wonder
e - end of beginning by djo
v - valerie by amy winehouse
e - eventually by tame impala
n - never let me down again by depeche mode
t - this is home by cavetown
h - heart to heart by mac demarco
u - under pressure by queen and david bowie
s - satanist by boygenius
i - i know the end by phoebe bridgers
a - animal by troye sivan
s - see you again (feat. kali uchis) by tyler, the creator
t - thnks fr th mmrs by fall out boy
that was harder than i thought it’d be hope you enjoy o7
no pressure tags for a couple peopleee @beep-beep-robin @stobinesque @xenon-demon
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Please, Dont Let Me Trip!
I didn’t exactly explode onto Birmingham’s gay scene in glorious rainbow technicolour, more creep apprehensively down a flight of steep stairs… and straight into an awkwardly familiar face!
In my late teens, Friday nights were spent alternating between several pubs on the social triangle of Aston University. I’d been drinking on campus for months prior to turning the legal age, but being student pubs, used to a clientele of fresh-faced undergrads, our spotty faces barely stood out. Doormen would turn a blind eye if you could rattle off your fake date of birth with enough conviction.
On one evening out, I couldn’t shake thoughts of another bar in town, the idea of which ignited my teenage hormones like a drop of blood screaming to a hunting shark. I decisively downed the dregs of my cordial-coloured Snakebite & Black, turned to my best-mate and announced, “I’m going to The Jester.”
The Jester was a basement gay bar, lurking beneath Scala Building, a shabby curve of concrete and glass on Holloway Circus. This typical 1960’s development, of the style old-school Birmingham is notorious, had seen better days, even back in the 80s.
I paced outside for an age, trying to muster the courage to go inside, but somebody would walk by or a bus would circle the roundabout and I would lose my nerve. Finally, the coast was clear and I dashed to the door. The unremarkable entrance took me to a tight flight of stairs leading down into… well, I had no idea.
My heart pounded with a giddy mix of fear and excitement as I descended the steep stairs. All I could think was, Please, don’t let me trip.
I gripped the handrail with white-knuckled intensity, while trying to convey casual nonchalance. I managed to get to the bottom of the stairs upright and with the maximum dignity a gawky teen could carry off.
Guys turned to check out the new chicken in town.
I crossed to the elliptical central bar and ordered a beer.
Waiting for the barman to return with my drink, I dared a quick glance around, taking in the small dance floor, the neon lighting and, to my delight, a glitterball. They actually had a glitterball! My only previous knowledge of a gay bar came solely from The Blue Oyster in the movie Police Academy, which had a glitterball that the Leather Queens danced romantically beneath. I was now convinced every gay venue in the world had one.
I clocked one cute guy around the curve of the bar to my left.
He looks very handsome, I thought, around my age, chiselled jawline, slicked back black hair. Oh, hang on… It’s a lesbian.
My drink arrived. I let out a sigh of relief. I had made it inside, down the stairs and got a drink, all without incident. The night was mine!
A hand fell upon my shoulder.
“How are you, young man?”
I turned to find the benignly smiling face… of my form teacher.
Sat at a bar with my teacher wasn’t exactly how I’d expected my first night on the scene to turn out… but I could not have wanted for a better introduction.
It was a relief to finally have another gay man to confide in, even better that it was a familiar and trusted figure. Here was an opportunity to talk to someone with experience of a world I was taking my first steps into.
Although being caught in a gay bar by Sir had been a shock, I had not been surprised that he frequented such establishments. Rumours about him had circulated school for years. The shaved head, handlebar moustache, penchant for a leather jacket and the general Village People vibe had also been a bit of a giveaway. He wouldn’t have looked out of place swaying beneath that glitterball at The Blue Oyster.
As the evening progressed, Sir suggested we move on to The Nightingale, the city’s only night club in the 1980s. He was a member and offered to sign me in as his guest.
At this point in the club’s history The Gale, as it is affectionally known, was situated near the stage door of the Birmingham Hippodrome, at the end of a short alley. You had to ring the bell, wait until a face appeared behind a sliding slot, then confirm you knew what type of bar it was before being admitted.
Once inside, there was a cloakroom and small bar dominated by a gaudy fountain.  Beyond was the main disco. On the far side of the dancefloor was a dimly lit area, partitioned off from prying eyes. I remember being baffled as to why anyone would want to disappear into a dark subdivision of a busy nightclub. How naive! So much to learn… and so much fun learning.
At the end of the night, Sir drove me home, dropping off a few streets away, so as not to arouse suspicions of sleepless parents, inevitably awaiting their teenage son’s late-night return.
I am eternally grateful to my then form teacher for looking after me on my first night out on Birmingham’s gay scene.
I have told this tale many times over the years, inevitably greeted by cynical eyebrows and the implication he was on the make… but no, he was the perfect gentleman… and continues to be to this day.
To Sir, With Love. X
Find over 100 tales from Birmingham's gay scene @talesofthesecondcity.com
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February 1938
"Come on, Steve !", Bucky encouraged.
"I don't feel like going out", grumbled Steve, who was sketching, spread out on their bed.
Bucky had guessed his reply. It had been like that since his Ma had passed away, a bit more than a year ago. It couldn't go on like this.
"I've already bought the cinema tickets. Everybody says it's great !"
"It's about dwarves", Steve protested.
"It's a fairy tale ! It's about a princess, a prince, an evil queen... The first long animated feature film ! An hour twenty of ART, Steve. In Technicolour !"
"You do realize I'm colourblind, don't you ?"
Bucky sighed and sat on the bed, facing him. He put his hands on the page Steve was sketching on, hiding his work.
"Hey !"
"Just admit it, Steve", Bucky said teasingly. "You don't want to go because you know their art is better than yours and you're afraid to see how much".
"That's not true !" Steve exclaimed, scandalised. "My own art is perfectly fine, and I'm afraid of nothing."
"Then come with me ? Please ?"
Bucky pouted. Steve stared at his lips. "I would be real disappointed if you didn't come with me. Please ? For me ?"
He could see Steve's resolve was starting to shatter.
"Fine", he relented. "If you care so much, I'll go with you".
"Aw thanks Steve, you're a real pal", Bucky smiled, and he kissed him on the cheek before he could overthink it and chicken out.
He quickly got up from the bed, and strided for the door.
"I've got to dash, Irv from work invited me for a drink, but I'll be back in a couple hours and we'll go to the cinema together. Wear something nice ! I'm not taking you out in your pajamas. And have a wash ! Look smart."
Steve threw a pillow at him. Bucky ducked and the pillow landed in the kitchen.
"You missed me !", Bucky gloated.
He picked up the pillow and threw it at Steve. It hit him right in the face, and fell in his lap.
"Jerk !"
"See you in a couple hours ! Byyyye !"
Steve had been enthralled by the movie, and had loved all the songs. Bucky knew that, because while Steve's eyes had never left the screen, he had spent a lot of time looking at him. They slowly left the theater, and walked home. The cold night air was tinting Steve's cheeks with a pretty pink.
"You were right", admitted Steve. "It's a really good movie. It must have taken so much work from the artists ! And the songs were so nice ! The music was great, too, from what I could hear."
"Are you glad you came, then ?" Bucky asked softly.
"Yeah ! It was a good time. Thank you for insisting I come out with you. You could have gone with someone else. I'm not much fun these days."
Bucky slowed his pace, and looked Steve in the eyes.
"I don't care. You're my friend. I got the second ticket for you."
Steve looked down. If his cheeks hadn't already been flushed from the cold, maybe he would have blushed.
"Thank you", repeated Steve. He looked up and smiled at Bucky, who felt his insides melting.
He grinned. He clapped Steve's shoulder and grabbed him by the neck to incite him to start walking again.
"You're welcome, pal", he replied, and started humming "One day, my prince will come", thinking of the movie once more.
Steve smiled.
"I like it when you sing. You could be in one of those Disney movies, you know. Hollywood would love you. You've certainly got the looks for the industry. You could play the prince in the movie adaptation."
"Aw thanks Stevie. But I couldn't leave you behind ! If I'm gonna be rich, I'd want you to become rich with me !"
Steve grimaced.
"Yeah, I'm not sure I'd like that. I'm not made to be in the starlight, with cameras pointed at me. Plus they'd have me play Sneezy, obviously, and I wouldn't want to play that part."
Bucky stopped humming.
"You are not Sneezy !"
"What, am I Grumpy ?"
"Most of the time, yes, but that's not the point."
"Who am I, then ?"
Bucky's lips stretched into an insolent smile.
"Snow White", he swaggered.
Steve looked insulted.
"I know I'm short and skinny, but I'm not a girl ! And my hair is blonde !"
"I'm just teasing ya. You're not Snow White, obviously", he lied through his teeth. "She makes great apple pies, and you and I both know you can't cook for shit".
The last time Steve had tried to cook for them both, he had almost set fire to their tenement. Bucky had decided that food being rare and expensive enough, he was going to be the one in charge of the cooking. Steve would be restricted to washing the dishes. It was better that way. Bucky was rather good at cooking, he had often helped his mom in the kitchen; and he loved cooking for Steve. It made their flat feel more like a home. It made him feel like they were family; like they were a couple. Even though they were not.
"Alright, you have a point. But who am I, then ?" he pestered his tall friend.
"Ah, I won't tell you. You have to guess !"
Steve snorted.
"You're full of shit".
"Mayyyyybe", Bucky conceded, and he smiled again.
Later in bed, as Steve was slightly snoring, he thought of all the times he had seen him pale and cold just like Snow White had been at the end of the movie. How his best friend and the man he loved had so often been on the brink of death, and how he wished he were indeed a prince who could carry him to a castle, where they could be comfortable, eat plenty and sleep in fancy sheets. They would be happy, healthy and warm.
He turned around, and fell asleep. He didn't know his life's story was going to get further away from a fairy tale than man could ever imagine. He didn't know he was going to be the one who was going to be spending decades in a glass coffin. For now, he was just sleeping, safe and sound. He dreamt of kissing Steve, and of living with him happily ever after.
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The GUPPY Appreciation Zone (and some stuff about being gay and possibly an alien)
You have entered the GUPPY Appreciation Zone. Please remain seated and keep your appendages within the designated zone for the duration of this appreciation. The GUPPY Appreciation Zone does not accept liability for any tentacles, tendrils or fronds harmed through the disregardment of these instructions. 
What is GUPPY and how does one appreciate it? GUPPY is a band that originated in LA about seven years ago, presumably through a process involving primordial goo and alien technology. The most effective way to appreciate GUPPY is to play American Cowboy – at full volume – and jiggle your body around the food preparation area of your habitat while loudly singing the refrain, “I’m an American Cowboy, and my stomach hurts like shit”.  
This is not a review of GUPPY’s latest album Something is Happening, because I'm not really qualified for that. I could say how much I love vocalist J’s playful inflections that make them extra fun to sing along to; or I could tell you how great it is they use a slide whistle in Mayor Pt.2, and how the track develops this wild, galloping, circus-clown quality that just gets better the more you listen to it. But really I just want to appreciate them. This is the GUPPY Appreciation Zone afterall. Not The Smart Bitch Who Knows Stuff About Music Zone. 
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(Clip clop horse cop, City hall salami. Kiss your baby, Now I am your mommy)
Previously described as “the new gayer, Green Day” by Out Magazine, GUPPY’s music could best be defined as tenderpunk, a term coined by Illuminati Hotties’ Sarah Tudzin who is also the band's producer. 
I lifted that tenderpunk insight from this Swim into Sound blog post but I did already know about the Sarah Tudzin connection because I AM VERY COOL AND KNOW THINGS ABOUT COOL AND TRENDY MUSIC. NO I DO NOT HAVE RECEIPTS.
As someone who never got into Green Day, I can’t really say how that comparison stacks up. Their drummer Gabbi is a huge Green Day, and the first album had a rough, straightforward garage sound to it along with the kind of atmosphere you only get when everyone involved is having fun. Is that the sort of thing Green Day is known for? I literally have no idea. 
What I can confirm however is that GUPPY's music is deeply gay, and the kind of gay that is difficult to quantify. Speaking as an autistic, navel gazing kind of queer I often feel disconnected from large swathes of popular gay culture. I’m not really here for drag queens and Lady Gaga and the sort of technicolour hedonism that tends to monopolise portrayals of queer culture in modern media. It’s fine, pop off, live your best life etc. It’s just not my speed. But because it’s the default depiction of queerness I’m left feeling like I’m somehow not the right kind of queer.  Like I'm an alien.
Speaking to Out Magazine after the release of their first album in 2017, J said: “GUPPY is all about having fun with your friends in a totally unchecked and spontaneous way. This is a space I think that a lot of femme, nonbinary, queer folk don't get the chance to occupy. Like, yeah, we've all seen Bam Margera and Tyler the Creator be silly menaces in a fun and lovable way, but I just wanna say there are some new freakin' menaces in town. And these new menaces are soft as fuck because being soft never stopped anyone from having fun. So stay soft, my LGBTQ cuties, and please remember to continue enjoying yourself as an act of resistance.”
GUPPY 's queernes makes sense to me. It transcends sexual and gender identity; social norms I exist outside of through my mere existence as a trans dyke. The labels I chose to define myself are more for the benefit of a society that feels the need to categorise me rather than something I need for myself.
It’s a queerness of the soul. An almost Victorian definition of queer, before it meant gay and it meant, you know, queer. Odd, peculiar, not right somehow. Something amiss. Like, what is that person doing with their arms? Have they ever even used their arms before? Are they an actual alien doing a really shit impression of a human? Who do I call about this? 
From that transcendental queerness GUPPY blooms in all their glory. They would rather eat the pavement than kiss Nacy Pelosi's boot. They were made mayor for the day and all they got were their feelings hurt. They’re texting God in their head. They ate their own homework (the dog made them do it).
I could pick almost any lyric from any track of the new album to illustrate the difficult to define queerness of GUPPY, but for whatever reason the opening lines of Nature Song feel right.
Go out in the front yard you’ll find Ian pulling weeds
Go out in the backyard and that’s where you’ll find me
I’m digging up worms
I’m taking them to church
I’m taking them to church
If you can’t understand how that’s gay, I don’t know what to tell you. 
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dragcnflame · 1 month
i love the duality of bloom because she simultaneously has children's art therapist energy while also being a war general who's been faced with the dark reality of technicolour fairy world and beings obsessed with possessing her and her power. and she responded to that by slamming them face first into the dirt or using archaic magic to enter the deepest portion of their mind and turning them into particles from the inside out. like she murdered valtor in the most brutal method she vaporised him from the inside out. and all she wants to do is paint and hang out with her friends and pet rabbit while giving advice to kids. bloom is truly and deeply not meant to be royalty. she actively forgets that she is a princess, and while she can rally troops for a war and get people to be willing to die for her what she can not do is run a planet especially during peace time. she'd make a fantastic war time queen but after the war there's no place for her there. also this girl literally bolts to earth any time her personal life has a speed bump she can not stay on a single planet forever keeping it going no way
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zooterscooter · 5 months
1, 5 and 8? :)
1. meaning behind my url
someone actually gave me this nickname when i joined a discord server.... 6 years ago...? give or take 😭 servers long gone now but vanilla if you're out there.... hey man.....
5. favourite band
hop along... i am so sane and normal about their album freshman year come closer i can be trusted with talking about that album
8. favourite movie
i actually have no clue what my all time fav would be !!!!! i don't really watch movies often, but a few of my favourites are tokyo godfathers, bohemian rhapsody (yes the queen movie... middle school was rough) and i'm also really fond of joseph and the amazing technicolour dreamcoat... just something about it
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spotsandsocks · 5 months
🐰🎤 💙💙
🐰 what do you think says the most about a person
How they behave when they don’t think anyone is looking and if they follow unspoken community rules that no one enforces but make life better for everyone. Not littering for example or clearing your table at a fast food restaurant or returning a trolley to the trolley bay.
🎤 is there a song you know all the lyrics too
Apart from happy birthday? 🤣 don’t stop me know by Queen and I coujj ku d have a lrettt good go at most of the songs in Joseph and the amazing technicolour dreamcoat 🌈
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bitter69uk · 18 days
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“Like [Mario] Lanza, Maria Montez had a reputation for being impossible to handle. After a number of years in Haji-Baba type adventures, she was dropped by Universal and forced to seek work in European cheapies. While in Europe, she attempted to counter her advanced state of avoirdupois with hot saline baths. She died in one of a heart attack at the age of thirty-one.”
/ From the book Flesh and Fantasy (1978) by Penny Stallings /
Died on this day in the Parisian suburb of Suresnes, France: golden age Hollywood’s nostril-flaring and tempestuous Queen of Technicolour Exotica, Caribbean Cyclone and leading lady of films like Arabian Nights (1942), White Savage (1943) and Cobra Woman (1944), Maria Montez (née María África Gracia Vidal, 6 June 1912 – 7 September 1951). Note: Stallings gets Montez’s age wrong in the quote above – she was 39 when she died. (Like any self-respecting diva, Montez had a “showbiz age”). Venerated by the likes of Gore Vidal and underground queer filmmakers Jack Smith, Andy Warhol and Kenneth Anger, Montez is a pivotal figure in the sensibility we now call “camp” and one of the original LGBTQIA icons. (Early Warhol drag superstar Mario Montez, for example, was christened after her). And aside from perhaps the young Yvonne De Carlo, did any woman wear a yashmak with more elan? “When I see myself on the screen, I look so beautiful I want to scream with joy” Montez once famously exclaimed. Maria Montez, you make ME scream with joy! Pictured: Montez in the 1949 film Siren of Atlantis playing – what else? – an evil queen.
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I'm trying to find all of the references in something rotten here's what I have so far
Alice in Wonderland
Anything Goes
Avenue Q
A Chorus Line
Dames At Sea
The Fairie Queen
The Fantasticks
Fascinating Rhythm
Fiddler on the Roof
Guys and Dolls
Hello, Dolly!
Jesus Christ Superstar
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat
Lady, Be Good
Les Miserables
The Lion King
Little Shop of Horrors
Little Women
The Merchant in Venice
The Merry Wives of Windsor
A Midsummer Night's Dream
The Music Man
My Fair Lady
Oedipus Rex
Out on the Town
Phantom of the Opera
The Producers
Richard II
Richard III
Richard IV
The Rocky Horror Picture show
Romeo and Juliet
Sister Act
The Sound of Music
South Pacific
Sunday in the Park with George
Sweet Charity
Sweeney Todd
Twelfth Night
West Side Story
Wizard of Oz
this is only 57 of them and I know there are about 80 total what am I missing
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qnewsau · 8 months
Lady Bunny headlining The Wickham's Big Gay Day
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/lady-bunny-headlining-the-wickhams-big-gay-day/
Lady Bunny headlining The Wickham's Big Gay Day
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Brisbane LGBTQIA+ pub The Wickham has announced US drag icon Lady Bunny is headlining annual Fortitude Valley street party Big Gay Day this May.
The huge pride street party will again take over The Wickham and neighbouring streets with an all-day lineup of entertainment on Sunday, May 5, 2024.
Today, Big Gay Day has confirmed that legendary US drag queen Lady Bunny (above) is heading to Brisbane to join the street party.
Bunny will join previously announced headliners Spice Girl Melanie C (returning to the Big Gay Day stage for a DJ set), Aussie dance music group Sneaky Sound System and British DJ Tall Paul.
RuPaul’s Drag Race Down Under star Hannah Conda, who’s currently back on the show doing us proud on UK vs the World, will also perform.
Meanwhile, punters will enjoy cabaret collective Briefs Factory and huge local drag show Mega Drag presented by Dolly Llama.
The epic street party, hosted by Paul Wheeler, will also see DJs Jarred Baker, ENN, Siala, Point of Change x Rhytmology, Alt., Beksis, Richie le Strange, TINY, Galleon, DJ Sammy, DJ Zain, DJ Lilly Street on the decks.
Very camp theme for Big Gay Day 2024
Every year since 2000, Big Gay Day has celebrated the local LGBTQIA+ community and raised money for local charities.
For 2024, organisers have confirmed that this year’s very camp Big Gay Day theme is The Wickham of Oz.
“A tornado of technicolour proportions will hit Fortitude Valley,” the team teased.
“Follow the rainbow brick road to the land of Wick and you’ll discover there’s no place like Big Gay Day.
“Grab your best Judy’s, click your heels three times, and head under the rainbow for one incredible party.”
This week, Big Gay Day early bird tickets sold out, with first release tickets available Wednesday 10am. (February 14).
Big Gay Day returns on May 5, 2024. For more info and tickets visit biggayday.com.au.
Find out more:
The Wickham unveils new look after multi-million dollar glow-up
‘Dream come true’: The Wickham unveils huge rainbow crossing
Melanie C spilled Spice Girls Australian tour tea on stage
For the latest LGBTIQA+ Sister Girl and Brother Boy news, entertainment, community stories in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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edgarallennope · 8 months
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watercolor brush technicolour and dip pen (hard) brush destonio real
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also dot brush primeval texture. hi queen
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jminter · 1 year
As The Flying Dutchman closes out this season, Vancouver Opera reveals it coming 2023–2024 season.
As Vancouver Opera closes out its 2022-2023 season it has announced the performances coming in the 2023–2024 season. With Wagner’s The Flying Dutchman wrapping the current season with performances April 29, May 4 and May 7, audiences won’t have to wait long in anticipation of the new season. The Vancouver Opera 2023-2024 season begins in October with Mozart’s The Magic Flute, followed by Donizetti’s Don Pasquale in February 2024. The season comes to a close with Bizet’s much-loved opera Carmen for five performances in April and May 2024.
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“We are excited to present an incredible season of opera “classics” to expose our great art form to new audiences,” said Tom Wright, Vancouver Opera General Director. “Two of the operas have not been seen in over a decade and one has only been produced once in our 64-year history. Each of our productions feature returning directors who wowed VO audiences in the past and understand the magic and passion that courses through these stories. We are excited to be presenting these spectacular productions that burst with colour and energy, reach the very core of our humanity and illicit passion, smiles and tears with their sweeping compositions.” Opening the 2023–2024 season is The Magic Flute by Mozart, directed by Ashlie Corcoran (The Barber of Seville, February 2020) and making her VO debut is Conductor Tania Miller. This opera is a fairytale within a fairytale, immersing the audience in a magical, wild journey of high drama and whimsical delight. In February, dive into a 20th-century Technicolour makeover of Donizetti’s Don Pasquale by acclaimed creative duo of costume/set designer André Barbe and director/choreographer Renaud Doucet (La Bohème). This all-Canadian production features Maestro Jacques Lacombe returning to Vancouver Opera (A Midsummer Night’s Dream) to conduct Donizetti’s finely-calibrated music in this comic masterpiece. Concluding the season is one of the most beloved and widely performed works in operatic history, Carmen by Georges Bizet. This passionate story is told through seductive arias and enduring, richly coloured melodies. Rachel Peake returns to Vancouver Opera (The Pearl Fishers) to direct Carmen alongside conductor Leslie Dala (The Flying Dutchman) for a five-show engagement. Adds Wright, “together, the storybook enchantment of Mozart’s The Magic Flute, a vivid pop art reimagining of Donizetti’s Don Pasquale and the fiery passion of Bizet’s Carmen make for a season of grand scale, dazzlingly immersive experiences.” Throughout the year, Vancouver Opera will also present several special events including Opera in the Park on Sunday, July 16. This is a free, family-friendly event will find audiences will be entertained with an evening of duets, arias and more led by Music Director Emeritus Jonathan Darlington at Burnaby’s Deer Lake Park. In partnership with re:Naissance Opera and H.R. MacMillan Space Centre, the world premiere of Sanctuary & Storm will take place November 17 – 19 opening IndieFest 2023. An imagined debate between the two most powerful women in Medieval Europe—Hildegard of Bingen and Eleanor of Aquitaine, Queen of the Normans—frames this striking new chamber opera by award-winning composer Tawnie Olson and librettist Roberta Barker. With the omniscient Angel of History acting as commentator, the brilliant and unconventional women struggle with how to move beyond the oppression of patriarchal society, but risk losing sight of their common goal: a world reborn. Vancouver Opera continues its community engagement with its work in schools, arts organizations, and community groups. Vancouver Opera in Schools brings fully-staged operas to children and families throughout British Columbia. Project Opera sees students working with VO artists and teachers to design and deliver their very own opera. From spring 2024, Vancouver Opera and Pacific Opera Victoria will remount their co-production of The Flight of the Hummingbird, and resume a school tour across the province.  The opera is based on an Indigenous parable from the Quechuan people of South America. The opera is influenced by the graphic novel written by acclaimed Haida artist Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas and includes elements of his dramatic Haida-manga illustrations. In it, the animals of the forest are inspired to come together by Dukdukdiya, the Hummingbird, to save their beautiful home from a raging fire. For more information about the 2023–2024 Vancouver Opera Season, including ticket on-sale dates and subscription details, visit vancouveropera.ca. Read the full article
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