#María África Gracia Vidal
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tina-aumont · 3 months ago
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María Montez married William McFeeters and became Marie McFeeters, 1932.
In 1932, when Maria was 19 years old, she met the Irish banker William MacFeeters and they fell in love despite their age difference (he was nearly 50), they got married the 28th November 1932 when she was 20 in Barahona and lived there for a long time. In the house where they lived she was the perfect hostess as she prepared many good dishes which she served to her guests and which she then taught her mother to prepare. Maria and McFeeters’ house was very close to Maria’s parents’ house.
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[María África Gracia Vidal & William MacFeeters wedding certificate, from FamilySearch.org]
One year later of her marriage to William McFeeters, María’s dad, Isidoro Gracia García suddenly passes away although Maria made big efforts to bring a doctor to her parents home. She lived near her mother one more year but by 1934 Maria and William McFeeters change their residence into San Pedro, a little village in Dominican Republic. There, they meet some friends of McFeeters who invited her to the United States. With her husband’s permission, she went and stayed for quite some time, under the name of Maria McFeeters, in fact she was looking for work and worked there for two or three months and returned to San Pedro. Then she went to Barahona where she told his mother that she wanted to divorce McFeeters. There were rumors that Maria wanted to separate because she wanted to go live in the USA but another reason was that he could not have children and she wanted to be a mother. They separated in 1940 but remained friends forever.
Photo and information from “De María África a María Montez, un mito en Technicolor” documentary directed by Jesús Reyes Mota, 2014.
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tina-aumont · 1 year ago
Here you have an interesting article about María Montez family origins, it explains a little bit the origins and life of her parents and grandparents.
There is, of course, the life of the Queen of Technicolor, but there is a little information that says she studied in Santa Cruz de Tenerife (article published in 2010) and then in the 2014 documentary it was found out that she didn't, nonetheless this is a very interesting article written in Spanish.
[*Otros}– Los orígenes palmeros de la actriz de Hollywood María Montez | Padronel
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bitter69uk · 5 months ago
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“Like [Mario] Lanza, Maria Montez had a reputation for being impossible to handle. After a number of years in Haji-Baba type adventures, she was dropped by Universal and forced to seek work in European cheapies. While in Europe, she attempted to counter her advanced state of avoirdupois with hot saline baths. She died in one of a heart attack at the age of thirty-one.”
/ From the book Flesh and Fantasy (1978) by Penny Stallings /
Died on this day in the Parisian suburb of Suresnes, France: golden age Hollywood’s nostril-flaring and tempestuous Queen of Technicolour Exotica, Caribbean Cyclone and leading lady of films like Arabian Nights (1942), White Savage (1943) and Cobra Woman (1944), Maria Montez (née María África Gracia Vidal, 6 June 1912 – 7 September 1951). Note: Stallings gets Montez’s age wrong in the quote above – she was 39 when she died. (Like any self-respecting diva, Montez had a “showbiz age”). Venerated by the likes of Gore Vidal and underground queer filmmakers Jack Smith, Andy Warhol and Kenneth Anger, Montez is a pivotal figure in the sensibility we now call “camp” and one of the original LGBTQIA icons. (Early Warhol drag superstar Mario Montez, for example, was christened after her). And aside from perhaps the young Yvonne De Carlo, did any woman wear a yashmak with more elan? “When I see myself on the screen, I look so beautiful I want to scream with joy” Montez once famously exclaimed. Maria Montez, you make ME scream with joy! Pictured: Montez in the 1949 film Siren of Atlantis playing – what else? – an evil queen.
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silentambassadors · 7 years ago
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Descanse en paz, Maria Montez.  Known as the Queen of Technicolor, Montez was scouted almost immediately upon arriving in the Big Apple from her native Dominican Republic.  She died on this date in 1951 at the age of 39 from an apparent heart attack.  [Her daughter, Tina Aumont/Marquand, was also an actress and also, alas, died young, at age 60 in 2006 from a pulmonary embolism.]
Stamp details: Issued on: June 2, 2012 From: Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic MC #2293
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con-alas-de-angeles · 4 years ago
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María África Gracia Vidal, known as the Queen Of The Technicolor and Maria Montez.
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bitter69uk · 8 months ago
“After her adoring audience had grown up, they discovered that María África Vidal de Santo hadn’t done her own singing (she was dubbed), nor her own dancing; her ability as an actress was also put into question, but her spell was not tarnished. Maria Montez was still the madly glamorous South American Queen of Technicolour. What her roles (all of them variations of Scheherazade in slumberland) required were ingredients she had a surplus of: statuesque bearing, regal demeanour, fiery beauty and best of all an unassailable confidence in herself. When one weighed all the things she couldn’t do against the things she did so well, the balance came out in her favour.”
/ From John Kobal’s Hollywood Colour Portraits (1981) /
Born on this day: golden age Hollywood’s tempestuous high empress of kitsch exotica, nostril-flaring Dominican actress and “Caribbean Cyclone” Maria Montez (née María África Gracia Vidal, 6 June 1912 - 7 September 1951). Venerated by the likes of Gore Vidal and underground queer filmmakers Jack Smith, Andy Warhol and Kenneth Anger, the leading lady of films like Arabian Nights (1942), White Savage (1943) and Cobra Woman (1944) (pictured) is a pivotal figure in the sensibility we now call “camp” and one of the original LGBTQIA icons. (Early Warhol drag superstar Mario Montez, for example, was christened after her). And aside from perhaps the young Yvonne De Carlo, did any woman wear a yashmak with more elan? “When I see myself on the screen, I look so beautiful I want to scream with joy” Montez once famously exclaimed. Maria Montez, you make ME scream with joy!
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Cobra Woman https://tinyurl.com/2bg4g8qn She couldn’t act, couldn’t sing and danced like a wardrobe but for a while Maria Montez was quite the thing. Cobra Woman is probably the best example of a string of successful movies she made in the 1940s, often with the likeable, four-squ…
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dj-maicol · 6 years ago
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#Repost @imagenesdenuestrahistoria • • • • • MARIA MONTES Una Estrella Dominicana La Reina del Technicolor 6 de Junio de 1912, Barahona, República Dominicana. / 7 de Septiembre de 1951, París, Francia. " Quisiera tocar el firmamento para convertime en una estrella lejana, pero fulgurante y bella, así todos me recordarán por lo que una vez llegué a ser " María Montez Fuente : Gethy images -------- María África Gracia Vidal nació en la provincia Barahona, República Dominicana, siendo la segunda de diez hijos de la dominicana Teresa Vidal. Su padre se dedicaba a la exportación de madera y a la venta de tejidos. A temprana edad, Montez aprendió a hablar inglés y fue educada en un convento católico de Santa Cruz de Tenerife. A mediados de la década de 1930, su padre fue nombrado cónsul español en Belfast, Irlanda del Norte, donde la familia se mudó. Fue allí donde Montez conoció a su primer marido, William G. McFeeters, con quien se casó a los 17 años. A finales de la década de 1930 llegó a Nueva York donde su primer trabajo fue posar para la portada de una revista por la suma de US$50. Decidida a convertirse en una actriz de teatro, contrató a un agente y creó una hoja de vida que la hacía varios años más joven poniendo en su fecha de nacimiento "1917" en algunos casos y "1918" en otros. Eventualmente, ella aceptó una oferta de Universal Pictures, haciendo su debut cinematográfico en la película B Boss of Bullion City dirigida por Ray Taylor y protagonizada por Johnny Mack Brown. Su belleza pronto la convirtió en la pieza central de las películas de aventuras en Technicolor de la Universal, en particular las seis películas en las que actuó junto a Jon Hall como son, Arabian Nights, White Savage, Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, Cobra Woman, Gypsy Wildcat y Sudan. Montez además apareció en la película Western Pirates of Monterey junto a Rod Cameron y en The Exile, ésta última dirigida por Max Ophüls y protagonizada por Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. La identificación con esta imagen cinematográfica fue tal que Maria Montez era conocida como "The Queen of Technicolor" (La Reina del Technicolor). https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsp5_VHBICv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1cfkxt00ylpm0
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cierraellibroalsalir · 6 years ago
Libros para la maleta
Ya en el aire, el séptimo episodio de Cierra el libro al salir. Podéis encontrar todos los capítulos en las siguientes plataformas:
Anchor:  https://is.gd/2NtWpC
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Spotify: https://is.gd/HgJODw
Apple: https://is.gd/ronrw0
Spreaker: https://is.gd/tcF9JV
En este episodio especial de Cierra el libro al salir, correspondiente al mes de julio de 2019, te ofrecemos una lista de libros recomendados por nuestros oyentes para que, si te apetece, puedas leerlos este verano. ¡Disfrútalos!
1- África:
 Todo lo que sucedió con Miranda Huff - Javier Castillo 
2- Carlos Frontera: 
Una niña está perdida en el siglo XX - Gonzalo M. Tavares.
En tu vientre - José Luis Peixoto
3- Elena Casero:
Antes, entonces, nunca - Raúl Ariza
Homenaje póstumo y otros relatos - Lamar Herrin
El arte de llevar gabardina - Sergi Pamies
Petit París - Justo Navarro
4- Elena Mujer:
El año de los delfines - Sarah Lark
5- Eva Burillo:
El olor de los días felices - Marta Gracia Pons
6- Maria Jesús:
Yo, Julia - Santiago Posteguillo
7- Marina de la Fuente:
Fuego y sangre - George R.R. Martin
Flores para Algernon - Daniel Keyes
8- Maite García de Vicuña:
Hope - Wendy Davies
9- Neli:
La venganza esquiva - Adrián Martín Ceregido
10- Lidia:
La cocina de los judíos de Sefarad en la Edad Media - Álvaro López Asensio
11- Pablo Díaz Cobiella:
Un momento, un lugar para leer: el charco verde
12- Miguel Vidal: 
Carthage - Joyce Carol Oates
El manglar - Mo Yan
Cegador - Mircea Cartarescu
El primer hombre - Albert Camus
2666 - Roberto Bolaño
13- Pilar:
Tiempo de arena - Inma Chacón
14- Reyes: 
Mujeres en el andén - Belén Gonzalvo, Mª Dolores Tolosa. Ilustrado por Paloma Gómez.
15- Víctor Alex Hernández:
Todo queda en casa - Alice Munro
Enero - Ángeles Sánchez Portero
Manual de jardinería para gente sin jardín - Daniel Monedero
16- Andrés Ortiz: 
Tierra de mujeres - María Sánchez
Los asquerosos - Santiago Lorenzo
Lugares fuera de sitio - Sergio del Molino
17- Sandra:
Los pilares de la tierra - Ken Follet
18- Vanesa: 
Todo lo que sucedió con Miranda Huff - Javier Castillo 
19- Laura:
Bienvenida al club. Cabronas sin fronteras - Megan Maxwell
20- Laura:
Memorias de una salvaje - @Srtabebi
21- Lucía: 
Maytalia y los inventores - Natalia y Mayden (@expcaseros)
22- Alejandra:
Memorias de Idhún - Laura Gallego
23- Inés: 
El silencio de la ciudad blanca - Eva García Sáenz de Urturi
24- Jorge:
Come comida real - Carlos Ríos
La nueva educación - César Bona
No culpes al karma de lo que te pasa por gilipollas - Laura Norton
Trilogía (inacabada) Crónica del asesino de Reyes - Patrick Rothfuss
25- Nieves:
La villa de las telas - Anne Jacobs
La hija de la española - Karina Sainz Borgo
Trilogía Joël Dicker (excepto la desaparición de Stephanie Mailer)
La casa alemana - Annette Hess
Sakura - Matilde Asensi
El mundo de ayer y Momentos estelares de la humanidad - Stephan Zweig
26- Fulgen:
La biblioteca del agua - Clara Obligado
27- Marta: 
Ordesa - Manuel Vilas
28- Paco Ramos:
Tropo Mare - Javier Egea (poesía)
29- Charles:
Autobiografía - Mark Twain
30- Elmar:
Filosofía del orgasmo - Claus-Steffen Mahnkopf
Tante Wussi - Katrin Bacher, autora y Tyto Alba, ilustrador - (novela gráfica)
31- Fernando: 
La ciudad y la ciudad - China Mieville
Una edad difícil - Anna Starobinets
Érase de una vez - Ana Vidal 
32.- Ana: 
Las hijas de Egalia - Gerd Brantenberg
Ramona - Rosario Villajos
Valientes idiotas - Javier Divisa
Puede comprar la gran mayoría de los libros de los que hablamos en Librería Hontza. Si conoces una pequeña librería a la que quieras que enlacemos, por favor, dínoslo.
La sintonía del programa es de Charles Matuschewski.
Cualquier sugerencia o crítica, incluso malintencionada, nos la podéis enviar a [email protected]
Esto es todo por esta vez. Dentro de un mes, otro episodio especial.
¡Ah!, no olvidéis cerrar el libro al salir.
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travsd · 4 years ago
The Life, Death, and Rebirth of Maria Montez
The Life, Death, and Rebirth of Maria Montez
Fitting is that the natal of Maria Montez (María África Gracia Vidal, 1912-1951) falls during Pride Month, for it is the right time to celebrate this gay icon. But there are others. She was born in the Dominican Republic, and she was to be that country’s greatest contribution to the Hollywood firmament, She ranks with Lupe Velez, Dolores Del Rio, and Carmen Miranda as one of the great Latin…
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tina-aumont · 8 months ago
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Maria Montez, the Queen of Technicolor, was born the 6th of June 1912 and with her beauty, intelligence and charisma, won the hearts of many people.
It's time to honour her and celebrate her birthday by publishing her page we have here on this site!! Enjoy the reading!! and if you click on the small photos, you'll go to this site specific entries for her!!
And remember that her biography is in FAMILY page, where you'll find her parents, grandparents, siblings and nieces.
Enjoy and celebrate Maria's beautiful birthday today!!
Eleni xxx
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tina-aumont · 7 months ago
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Young and beautiful María África Gracia Vidal (future Maria Montez on screen) pictured in Barahona in 1931. She was between 18 and 19 years old when these pictures were taken.
Photos from “María Montez La Reina del Tecnicolor”, book written by Antonio Pérez Arnay, Filmoteca Canaria 1995; “De María África a María Montez, un mito en Technicolor” documentary directed by Jesús Reyes Mota, 2014 and "Santo Domingo Invita - María Montez, Su Vida"
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tina-aumont · 7 months ago
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María África Gracia Vidal (future Maria Montez on screen), aged 18, pictured circa September 1930 reading "Cine Mundial" magazine.
As a little girl she was interested in doing cinema (when no one ever talked about it) and she knew she would succeed in the Film Industry. When she was very young, she always did some theatre plays in front of her family and friends.
Photos from “De María África a María Montez, un mito en Technicolor” documentary directed by Jesús Reyes Mota, 2014 and “María Montez La Reina del Tecnicolor”, book written by Antonio Pérez Arnay, Filmoteca Canaria 1995.
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tina-aumont · 8 months ago
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Maria Montez (María África Gracia Vidal) first public appeareance took place the 9th June 1926 when she was a teenager aged 14, at the welcoming of the new church parish priest in Barahona. The new parish priest was Fray Joaquín María de Andújar.
Screencaps from “De María África a María Montez, un mito en Technicolor” documentary directed by Jesús Reyes Mota, 2014; information from "María: Montez Su Vida”, book written by Margarita Vicens de Morales, Dirección General de Cine de la República Dominicana, 2012.
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tina-aumont · 2 years ago
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🎂💖Happy Birthday María Montez💖🎂
Today we remember María Montez, The Queen of Technicolor.
Here you have great pictures including her marriage with Jean-Pierre Aumont and the last three pictures are courtesy of @74paris (muchas gracias!!)
The photo showing Maria Montez with Jean-Pierre Aumont, his dad Alexandre Salomons and his wife Anni (Jean-Pierre's step mum) was taken the day before she passed away, and the last two photos she is showing modelling a pic and were published in 1952 by Nea Service...
✨María Montez was a beautiful shooting star...✨
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tina-aumont · 2 years ago
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Here you have the beautiful Gracia/Montez Sisters!!
These set of photos was taken in 1944 and you can see (L-R): Adita, María, Consuelo and Lucita.
Very special thanks to @74paris for sending me some of these photos, the others come from ebay, worthpoint and 2014 documentary about María Montez.
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tina-aumont · 7 months ago
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Barahona, 1943
First photo shows Lucita (Left) and Consuelo (Right) pictured with Soledad Vicens Coll, the second photo shows Lucita (seated at the centre of the photo) with her sister Consuelo, on the left there's Soledad Vicens Coll and on the right there's her sister Margarita. This second photo is taken by Adita.
Both pictures were taken in 1943 in Barahona before the Gracia sisters left to Hollywood to meet her Famous sister María.
The Vicens Coll sisters were friends of the Gracia Vidal sisters, and thanks to this friendship, Margarita Vicens de Morales (María Montez biographer) could write and keep all these precious memories of María and her family as Margarita is Vicens Coll Sisters' direct descendant.
Photo 1 comes from “De María África a María Montez, un mito en Technicolor” documentary, photo 2 has been shared by @74paris (muchas gracias!), in Margarita Vicens Book about María Montez you can find a clearer copy from that photo.
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