#The Perumal-Muldoon Family
nobodysdaydreams · 1 year
Dipika’s mother made a disgusted face and shook her head at the television.
“You can tell he’s full of himself by the way he talks,” she noted, “and why is he always wearing blue? Does the man not own any other colors?”
“I think the bigger concern is the crimes he has committed, not his wardrobe, Mother,” Dipika replied.
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pumpkinthistle · 2 months
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“[Upon] their reunion she had lost no time asking what he might think of her adopting him.
At first Reynie had been unable to answer her, only threw himself into her arms and hid his face.
“Oh dear,” Miss Perumal had said, bursting into a fresh bout of tears, “oh dear, I hope this means yes.””
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sophieswundergarten · 9 months
Thinking about Reynie Muldoon again
Thinking about this kid, who has gone his whole life being looked over and mistaken for other children, and who, finally, finds a family who wants him.
How long did it take for him to realise that they really, actually wanted him; that he wasn't a placeholder or a make-do-with. That him, the real, truest version of him, was wanted for his own.
How many parents over the years had considered him not as a possible part of their family, but as a replacement for the child they really wanted? The one who grew up or got chosen before they could adopt them or, heaven forbid, passed away.
He must have been so used to people using him as a substitute that it was difficult to even know who he was.
What do you mean? He's Reynie Muldoon; he's whatever you need him to be.
He's brave and kind and smart and quiet and loud and funny and boring and exciting and a good listener and anything else you want from him. Whatever it is, he'll learn it heart and soul until he can fulfil that need for you.
He's a miniature adult, he's a friend for the younger kids, he's a target for his peers and he just accepts it.
How many personality types did he try out on Miss Perumal, baffled that she accepted all of them, all of him, no matter who he was?
How many times did he stumble over his words, expecting Mr. Benedict to be disappointed in him only to find nothing but love?
How many things did he do for the others, trying so, so hard to win their friendship and find the version of himself most palatable to them before he understood that they would care for him no matter what?
How many years did he go being everything to everyone else before he realised he didn't know who he was? What he wanted? Who he could choose to be?
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myths-tournaments · 1 year
Found Family Tournament [Round 2 - Poll 14/32]
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(list of characters under the cut)
Kate Weatherall Sticky Washington Reynie Muldoon Constance Contraire Mr Benedict Rhonda Kazembe Miss Perumal Milligan Moocho Brazos
Sandry Tris Daja Briar
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mvshortcut · 6 months
Post Season 2. Mr. Benedict cheerfully announces to Curtain that they're coming up with a new collective last name for everyone in the house so they can feel more like a family. They're taking the C from Contraire, the U from Muldoon-Perumal, the R from Wetherall, the T from Two, the A from Kazembe, the I from Benedict, and the N from Washington. They think it's a very unique name. What does he think?
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3584-tropical-fish · 1 year
It’s become a bit of a trend of mine to write epistolary novel style fics that require tons of research for really mundane things. So, I’ve found myself with one regarding Ms. Perumal trying to find her kid, featuring phone calls varying in their level of helpfulness, anagrams, and a brochure about fishing locales.
Also written under the cut if a Google doc is not ideal.
Letter, addressed to Reynie Muldoon, Boatwright Academy, 100 Copernicus Road, ST0087
Dear Reynie,
Congratulations on your acceptance to Boatwright! I’m so proud of you, and I always will be. I sent a package with some of your belongings and a couple gifts from me, but do let me know if there’s anything I missed. And, of course, you are always welcome to reach out if you ever need me. You know where to find me.
I know this is a big change for you, but I also know that everything will turn out perfectly fine. You can do this! You’ll learn a lot more from the Boatwright Academy than what I could ever teach you, and I know that this will be a great opportunity for you. Though, as I’ve said, I’ll be here if you ever need me.
Much love,
Ms. Perumal
Phone call, Ms. Dipika Perumal and Boatwright Academy Offices
MAN: Boatwright Academy, how can I help you?
MS. PERUMAL: Good afternoon. I recently sent a package to Reynard Muldoon, a new student at your school? It just arrived back at my house, and I wanted to make sure that he was alright.
MAN: Things don’t just get sent back, maybe there was a mistake in the address you wrote. Nothing to worry about.
MS. PERUMAL: I’ve double checked it multiple times, I am certain that I haven’t made any errors.
MAN: Well, if there wasn’t a mistake, I’m afraid I can’t help you any more. We–
MS. PERUMAL: You’re the only ones that can! I cannot reach out to him any other way.
MAN: (sighing) What was the name? I’ll see what I can find but I can’t guarantee–
MS. PERUMAL: (frustrated) Muldoon. M-U-L-D-O-O-N. Reynard Muldoon.
MAN: Ma’am, I’m sorry, but–
MS. PERUMAL: This is the Boatwright Academy, isn’t it?
MAN: It is, but our policy states that we are not allowed to disclose any information about our students to non-family members.
MS. PERUMAL: (increasingly firm) Be that as it may, I sent a package to one of your students. Why was it returned?
MAN: I have no idea.
MS. PERUMAL: He is a student there, is he not?
MAN: Ma’am, there’s no Reynard Muldoon enrolled here.
MS. PERUMAL: There must be a mistake. Tell your headmaster that I’m on my way to talk to her in person.
(call ends)
Security Feed, Boatwright Academy Headmaster’s Office
(The HEADMASTER sits at her desk, typing something on a computer. After a moment, there is a knock at the door.)
(MS. PERUMAL enters and sits in the chair across from the HEADMASTER.)
HEADMASTER: (curtly) Ms. Perumal?
MS. PERUMAL: (just as curtly) Yes.
HEADMASTER: You are lucky that I agreed to see you, Ms. Perumal. You have no affiliation with anyone at this school, but we deemed it more beneficial to everyone involved if we prevented you from… (pause) breaking in.
(The HEADMASTER shifts to fully face MS. PERUMAL and places a paper in front of her.)
HEADMASTER: A class roster, M section, of course. You’ll notice there is no “Muldoon”.
(MS. PERUMAL picks up the paper and skims through it. She frowns.)
MS. PERUMAL: He would’ve been admitted just a few days ago, are you certain this is up to date?
HEADMASTER: (sighing) Yes. I printed it just this morning. Our records are updated upon any student’s admission. Reynard Muldoon is not a student here.
(MS. PERUMAL rifles through her bag and pulls out her own paper. It is a newspaper from a week or so prior. She places it on the table.)
MS. PERUMAL: What’s this then? (reading aloud) “Are you a gifted child looking for special opportunities? Boatwright Academy is offering gifted children a chance to participate in a special testing day. Children who pass the test will be offered a full scholarship to Boatwright Academy”. My student attended these exams, and, following their conclusion, I received a call that he had been admitted into the Boatwright Academy. (with force) Why is he not here?
(The HEADMASTER frowns.)
HEADMASTER: Those tests are run by an affiliate of ours. They informed us that no one had passed the tests this year.
(MS. PERUMAL looks stricken.)
HEADMASTER: Is there anything else?
MS. PERUMAL: No, I— no. (She clears her throat.) You’ve helped me enough. (MS. PERUMAL stands.) Thank you for your time.
HEADMASTER: Of course. I hope everything turns out well.
(MS. PERUMAL nods, turns, and exits the room.)
(feed ends)
Phone call, Ms. Dipika Perumal and The Stonetown Gazette Offices
CAROLINE: You’ve reached The Stonetown Gazette, my name is Caroline. What can I help you with today?
MS. PERUMAL: I’m looking for the name of the person or organization who ran the ad that offered scholarship opportunities for the Boatwright Academy. They did not include clear contact information and I’d like to get in touch.
CAROLINE: I’ll see what I can find, ma’am. What did the ad say, exactly?
MS. PERUMAL: In large font, “Are you a gifted child looking for special opportunities?” It was quite unique.
CAROLINE: Ah, yes. I remember that one. Quite unique, indeed. Excuse me for a moment while I look for this, I’m going to put you on hold.
(soft piano music)
(several moments pass)
CAROLINE: Unfortunately, I only have a name, no further contact information, though I’m sure you could reach out to the Boatwright Academy for further details. It was paid for by Cheri Turpintown. Spelled C-H-E-R-I, T-U-R-P-I-N-T-O-W-N. Anything else I can do for you, ma’am?
MS. PERUMAL: Oh, no. That’s all I needed. Thank you very much.
CAROLINE: Of course! Have a nice day, now.
MS. PERUMAL: And you too.
(call ends)
Stonetown Registrar, List of Local Business Owners
Affiliation: Boatwright Academy
Phone: None
Address: None
Journal, Owned by Ms. Dipika Perumal
Cheri Turpintown
Placed the ad
No known address
Connections to Boatwright
Possibly the test proctor
truth in ceinoprw
prow cein ice
power cin inc
truth in power inc
Power in Truth Inc.
Stowntown Registrar, List of Local Businesses (Shell Companies)
Owner: Withheld by request
Phone: None
Address: None
PO Box: Power in Truth, Inc.
PO Box 2733
Stonetown, USA 02748
Security Feed, Stonetown Market (Video Only)
(MS. PERUMAL approaches a storefront. This store belongs to the FISHMONGER.)
(The FISHMONGER greets her and asks a question. MS. PERUMAL shakes her head and asks something in return. She speaks for a moment, making some gestures with her hands, and eventually points toward the salmon displayed behind the FISHMONGER.)
(The FISHMONGER frowns and shakes his head.)
(MS. PERUMAL says something more, and swiftly walks away and out of sight.)
Brochure, Stonetown Fish and Game Commission: Fishing Locations
There are a multitude of picturesque locations in and around Stonetown that are perfect for fishing. The waters off the coast are known for their catches of mackerel, sea bass, Atlantic cod, and plenty of other species. Beginners can find many coastal areas or freshwater ponds and rivers in the area, while more seasoned fishers can try their hand at sites off the coast.
Due to the importance of fishing on the local economy, fishing licenses are required in almost all shorelines and waters off the coast of Stonetown. Licenses can easily be acquired from the Stonetown Fish and Game Commission offices, but caution should still be taken to not fish in dangerous areas or private property.
Should one wish to spend a weekend casually fishing without a license, the Beauchamps Woods, central to one of Stonetown’s many public parks, is home to a two-mile stretch of shoreline where unlicensed fishing is permitted. For convenience, multiple trails lead to various spots in the area.
[image: A map of a section of Stonetown’s coast, which is surrounded by Beauchamps Woods. Multiple trails are marked in colorful lines throughout the area, most leading to various spots along the water. Across the water, on the edge of the map, one side of Harbor Island is pictured. Boxed in red, centered on the map, is a section of coast that is labeled “UNLICENSED FISHING AREA”.
This particular brochure copy has multiple trail ends crossed out but one, which seems to have a good view of Harbor Island, is circled in several frantic rings.]
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mbspolls · 2 years
These mostly end up being some variations of the really really long ones, or some combination of Benedict-Pedalian-Curtain. It actually breaks down to:
Benedict-Kazembe-Wetherall-Two-Contraire-Pedalian-Curtain: 1
Benedict-Curtain-Pedalian-Kazembe-Wetherall-Two-Contraire-Muldoon-Garrison-Perumal-Crowe-Washington: 1
Benedict-Curtain-Pedalian: 2 (one person specified the order is alphabetic)
Benedict-Curtain-Pedalian-Kazembe-Wetherall-Two-Contraire-Muldoon-Garrison-Perumal-Crowe-Washington-Jackson-Jillson: 2 (one person specified order changes on a weekly basis, picking names out of a hat to determine the order for the week)
Benedict-Curtain-Pedalian-Kazembe-Wetherall-Two-Contraire-Muldoon-Garrison-Perumal-Crowe-Washington-Jackson-Jillson: 1 (this was not a write in, but a modified answer on the last one, so the graph is off in this respect)
Pedalian-Curtain: 1
Pedalian: 2 (citing book canon)
Curtain: 1
Benedict: 1
Make up a new name for himself: 1 Benedict-Pedalian: 1
Benedict-Curtain: 1
The most popular options were: - Benedict-Curtain-Pedalian-Kazembe-Wetherall-Two-Contraire-Muldoon-Garrison-Perumal-Crowe-Washington-Jackson-Jillson - Pedalian - Benedict-Curtain-Pedalian
6 people said he should have Benedict in his name/his name should be Benedict because Nicholas adopted him, 2 people said that it was Curtain's original last name anyway, and 4 said the sister kidnapped him.
Most second options were variations on Benedict, Curtain, and Pedalian. (The following list is kind of off given some answers contained multiple, and this is both second and thirds. But it gives you an idea.)
Pedalian: 4
Curtain: 2
Benedict: 7
Benedict-Pedalian: 1
Benedict-Curtain-Contraire: 1
Garrison: 1
One of The Long Names: 2 (yes two people wrote that)
Options listed as disliked:
Shepson: 1
Benedict: 1
Washington: 1
Curtain: 1
Any of them with just one last name: 1
Some write in opinions:
idc about order but i don't think he should have curtain in his last name. curtain gets his son priveleges revoked
The order does not matter. S.Q. deserves a lovely large family
(on why choosing a long last name) i want them all to be included <33
(on why choosing a long last name) Everyone loves SQ so they all adopted him, he has a big family now!
(on why choosing a long last name) for the bit :3 also because I think it would make Curtain have an aneurysm but he can't really do anything about it post-redemption arc. and also it would make SQ feel wanted and make him laugh so. I see no possible downside! [government paperwork enters that chat]
(on why choosing a long last name) it's what he deserves
(on why choosing Benedict-Curtain-Pedalian) While I personally would've gone for Benedict-Pedalian (because Nicholas adopts him :)) I think SQ would've wanted Curtain to be included because despite their troubles SQ still cares for Curtain and would want to keep that part of him? Source? My brain.
(on why choosing Benedict-Curtain-Pedalian) The 3 last names make sense, Benedict is his adopted family’s last name, Pedalian is his birth family’s last name, and Curtain is the one he’s gotten used to. I did alphabetical order for the aesthetics.
(on why choosing Pedalian-Curtain) It just seems right
(on why choosing Pedalian) inertia from book canon; admittedly, the sesquepedalian joke doesn't land now that he's a broody teen boi
Who are we kidding, S.Q could rock every single one of the last names.
^ same person said "because Curtain has a lame last name (sorry not sorry Ledroptha" when asked about second options
(on why choosing Curtain) I think Curtain would have made sure SQ's legal name reflected his own, though I also think Curtain-Pedalian would also work because to Curtain it would show that SQ is tied to him, while also reminding him that he was adopted, which seems like something Curtain would do
(on why choosing Benedict) Its the found👏family👏 Except in show canon it is more like legal family but its still found family in my heart because idk they found him in Europe or something
(on why choosing the write-in option: "making up his own name") I think he'd like choosing his own last name :) It could be like the name of a bird or something or Maybe just some passing name he heard and liked. Maybe something silly… Was gonna choose one of the long ones, I enjoy the idea of sq having an egregiously long name. Third choice is Benedict cause I feel like that makes sense
(on options you hate) Washington??? Did sticky adopt him?? I dont understand this one
(NOTE FROM OP: the idea is that Sticky adopts him as a brother, similarly to the joke about Martina forcefully adopting him as a brother. Also, it just felt wrong/kind of mean to include all of the other kids' last names for one reason or another and not his.)
(on why choosing Benedict-Pedalian) his uncle has adopted him but i hc he still wants to keep his last name
For a silly answer I would've chosen All The Last Names, but practically I think Benedict-Curtain is good because he doesn't have to choose between his father and his uncle (I mean I think Curtain is the only one who would like. genuinely care if SQ didn't have his last name, but SQ also doesn't like want to choose between them anyway. I think he'd like going by the hyphenated two last names, he gets to have an attachment to both sides of his family)
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Love that we're all generally in agreement here.
11 people said "S.Q. is right but oh well lmao", 1 person said SQ was right, 1 person decided to be chaotic and switch every other instance, one said a variation on the first one for an SQ mullet: serious in the front (S.Q. in fics) and party in the back (SQ on posts). And 1 lonely little guy said "S.Q. is correct ONLY!!"
Pretty much everyone just said they're lazy, in a rush, or extremely sad and small and tired and frail and ohhhhh nooooo. The one chaotic motherfucker literally did just say their reason was "chaos :)" which is iconic. The S.Q. person did not give an explanation.
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The majority said "dont care. he is SQ to me" but the second most popular option was just going for Shepard Quaid. Personally, I'm proud of Sugar Qube.
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constantly-contrary · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Mysterious Benedict Society - Trenton Lee Stewart, The Mysterious Benedict Society (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Nicholas Benedict & S.Q. Pedalian, L. D. Curtain | Nathaniel Benedict & S.Q. Pedalian, S.Q. Pedalian & Kate Wetherall, Nicholas Benedict & Rhonda Kazembe & Milligan & Number Two, Nicholas Benedict & Rhonda Kazembe, Rhonda Kazembe & Number Two, Nicholas Benedict & Number Two Characters: S.Q. Pedalian, Nicholas Benedict, L. D. Curtain | Nathaniel Benedict, Number Two (The Mysterious Benedict Society), Rhonda Kazembe, Kate Wetherall, Reynie Muldoon, Sticky Washington, Constance Contraire, Ms. Perumal, Milligan (The Mysterious Benedict Society) Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Hurt, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Manipulation, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Minor Violence, Minor Injuries, It's not graphic nor intense but it's worth tagging, Found Family, Curtain sucks (as usual), Comfort, Mr. Benedict is a good uncle Summary:
SQ stared down at the paper sitting on the coffee table in front of him. His name was scrawled at the bottom of the page, a neat and tidy signature his dad had insisted he needed. Beside it, on another dotted line, was a name he couldn’t read. But he knew what it meant. He’d been cleared to visit his father
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nobodysdaydreams · 1 month
Fic recs, please!
Maybe my beloved Connie Contraire or my good friend Reynie?
Two wonderful characters. I will try my best to find good recs and also hopefully get the text size right/consistent this time because that last post was horrendous. I'll also try to indicate if it's show or book versions.
Constance Fics by category:
Firefly Nights by @sophieswundergarten, cute fluff of Constance and Sticky (Book Versions)
petrichor by @mahpotatoequeen, more cute fluff of Sticky and Constance walking home in the rain (book versions)
Sugar, Butter, Flour by @never-wake-up, cute fluff of Constance, Rhonda, and Number Two as sisters
Angst and Hurt Comfort:
Constance Discovers Capitalism by @acollectionofcuriousreblogs, angst involving Constance haunted by the memory of Dr. Curtain (book or show characters would work here)
Lifeline by @mvshortcut, angst involving Constance finding herself as an unlikely ally to her uncle, Dr. Curtain (a mix of book and show elements)
Families of Choice by @sophieswundergarten, angst involving a "what if Mr. Pressius took Constance?" scenario (book version)
Ten Years of Constance Contraire by @myfairkatiecat, an account of Constance's birthdays and how she spends them before she finds her family (show version)
After the Whisperer by @heyitsthatonesmolgay, Constance angst in the Whisperer's aftermath (show version)
Nicholas Benedict's Home For Misfits by @fandom-queen-13, an AU involving science experiments and strange abilities (show and book versions)
The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Epistolary Bullying Campaign by @mvshortcut. This is one of the highest rated fics in the fandom for a reason. It's hilarious. If you wanna see Constance bully Curtain, this is the place to do it. (Show Version)
Now for Reynie Muldoon:
For anything involving Reynie or Sticky, you honestly have to have a separate section just for the fics by @sophieswundergarten. So...
Fluff (Sophie's):
Fractal Patterns, a sad fic about Reynie, but it all ends okay when he finds a family in Miss. Perumal. (Book version).
Of Missed Opportunities and Scaled Fences, in another world where Reynie Muldoon never took Mr. Benedict's test, the society still finds him (books or show version)
The Best Solution to Nightmares is Buying a House, Reynie and Sticky buy a house together (book versions)
Angst and Hurt/Comfort (Sophie's):
Safety is a Fading Memory in the Rear-view Mirror (But With You I Feel Home Again), Reynie and Constance fight the ten men (Book Versions)
Reynie Blender Time Heeheehoohoo, this is what she decided to title the fic, Reynie gets beat up by the ten men again, you can't say she didn't warn us (book or show version)
An Averagely Cold Winter Storm, Reynie nearly dies in a snow storm
Sparks, Reynie is tortured by the ten men (again, book version)
Chance Encounter, Reynie sees an old childhood bully (book version)
Lights and Sounds (And What Comes After), Reynie gets sick (book or show versions)
Reynie Going Comatose Apology Fic Where it Actually Ends Happy, it's exactly what the title suggests (mostly show but tagged as both)
Mental Literature, before the society, Reynie didn't have many or any friends (book or show versions)
AUs (Sophie)'s:
Once Upon a Time (Perhaps), a fairytale AU involving Reynie and Miss. Perumal. A very sweet and creative fairytale retelling.
And now for some other Reynie Muldoon centered fics:
the learning curve by @mahpotatoequeen, a series of one shots of the Perumal family (book versions)
these hollow bones also by @mahpotatoequeen, Reynie is an empath au, I wasn't sure whether to count this as an whole separate AU or where to put it. (book versions)
Angst and Hurt/Comfort:
Rolie Polies by @plentyghosts, after the waiting room, bugs are terrifying (book versions)
Safe to Say I Don't Like It by @seirve, Reynie deals with anxiety (show version)
Resonance by @/stainedglasspanel (I'm sorry I don't know what their tumblr is, someone please tag them if you do!), Curtain puts Constance in danger (mostly show with book elements thrown in)
here's to (never) growing up by @mollyhats, the kids deal with nightmares (books and show)
Sunday Tea (Is Still The Same) by @mysteriouseggsbenedict, adult Reynie talks to Mr. Benedict and goes to him for comfort years later (books or show)
I Saw You by @heyitsthatonesmolgay, in an AU where everyone has superpowers and SQ, fed up with his father and the society, decides to become a villain, he confronts Reynie.
A Traveling Song to Ease the Ride by @/lesboholic (please note: that is the AO3 username, I believe the tumblr username for this fic is @crow-in-springtime) a fairytale AU.
The Sweat Beneath One's Eyes by @phtalogreenpoison, an AU where Reynie starts out on Curtain's side
Old friends, Old Enemies, I had trouble hunting down Reynie centric crack, which means sadly I have to recommend this. I made this for Sophie and Milk for Sophie's birthday. Milk agreed to help with zero information as to what they were agreeing to. They both like the fic. They both struggled not to laugh while eating and in the company of other people. Will you like it? Or will it make you concerned about my mental health? You be the judge.
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sophieswundergarten · 1 month
It's Floorboard Chomping Friday!!!
Here (in no particular order) are some of my all-time favourites!!
"Some Choice Words" by @mysteriouseggsbenedict
Choice Tags: angry nicholas benedict, he yells in all caps!!, everyone say it with me: curtain sucks!!
"A collection of records, regarding Ms. Dipika Perumal and one missing child" by @3584-tropical-fish
Choice Tags: Epistolary, Missing Persons, technically that is true but we the audience know where he is, Mentioned Reynie Muldoon - Freeform
"Nicholas Benedict's Home For Misfits" by @fandom-queen-13
Choice Tags: there is a fight scene, and a description of two lab escapees, three if you include Milligan, look it's not my fault he just appeared one day and even he doesn't know if he's an escapee or not, SQ shows up briefly at the end
"of scarecrows, sunshine, and curses" by @mashpotatoequeen
Choice Tags: Kate Wetherall Needs a Hug, Milligan also needs a hug, Milligan was described as a scarecrow in the first book, i take this concept and complete a 400 meter sprint with it, the ten man are tinmen, i think I am funny
"Treat Them With(out) Mercy" by @nobodysdaydreams
Choice Tags: Electrocution, Angst with a Happy Ending, Enemy Caregiver, Whumptober 2023, no.4 Shock
"Chirps of a Bird" by @heyitsthatonesmolgay
Choice Tags: Echolalia, Stimming, Family Fluff
"Skin Hunger" by @mvshortcut
Choice Tags: Touch-Starved Nicholas Benedict, Touch-Starvation, Platonic Cuddling, Spells & Enchantments, read the notes for some warnings please!
"you're going too fast, you'll burn up soon" by @oflightningandstars
Choice Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Hopeful Ending, Kate is having a rough time in this one, I love when Kate is happy and doing well I promise, I just also enjoy putting her in the blender
"the lightest touch" by @bi-demon-ium
Choice Tags: Mr. Benedict-centricas is the norm for me <3, Touch-Starved Nicholas Benedict, very non graphic mention of car accident, no one we care about, mr benedict is kind of an unreliable narrator when it comes to himself, Found Family, Nicholas Benedict Needs a Hug, NO. SERIOUSLY. HE REALLY REALLY NEEDS A HUG, SOMEONE PLEASE GIVE HIM A HUG IM BEGGING Y
"Food for Thought" by @phtalogreenpoison
Choice Tags: there is mention of a knife, Friendship, Father Figures, I am promoting the Milligan is like a second dad to Number Two agenda, also I headcanon Number Two is 27 ish and Milligan is like mid forties
"The Psychic File" by @acollectionofcuriousreblogs
Choice Tags: Found Family, Reynie needs a break, Just let him rest, Ledroptha Curtain is a jerk, What if the good guys didn’t win?, cause the world needs more of these types of fics, Takes place after book three as a Riddle of ages replacement
"here's to (never) growing up" by @binnudacademy
Choice Tags: the old hag, Nightmares, is apparently the only tag AO3 officially has? boo, Reynie Muldoon Needs a Hug, Sticky Washington Needs A Hug, Constance contraire needs a hug
"are you sick of me? would you like to be?"
Choice Tags: Reynie Muldoon-centric, placed in the year between season 1 and 2, Light Angst, we are safe here, made for a light read, no ship focus, read this however you'd like to, 5+1 Things
"Wrapped around her little finger"
Choice Tags: Mirror fic, This is so sad everyone, But also super adorable, show! Constance as a two year old, Being adorable, Mr. Benedict being equally adorable with Constance, Alice in wonderland is my favorite book but I also think Mr. Benedict would really enjoy it, And Constance because theres no rules there, He loves her so immediately, I love how much he loves her, Constance pulling on his beard is my favorite
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sophieswundergarten · 10 months
It must be hard to love someone, to love everyone, so deeply.
One day Reynie Muldoon looks back and realizes that he is a lumpy, mismatched quilt of the people he has known. Thrown together scraps of this person's laughter and that one's music tastes and Miss Perumal's favourite tea and Kate's enthusiasm and Sticky's love for astronomy and Constance's skill with iambic pentameter, and he realizes he doesn't really know who he is at all.
How hard must it be, to love so desperately and so hard that every step is like falling into a well of emotion. To give away a piece of you with every moment of eye contact in order to make space for all of the new information and likes and tastes and sadnesses and joys and memories you're about to get flooded with.
And how do you sort through it? How do you know which parts are you and which parts are some long-forgotten friend, a playmate for a single golden afternoon whose name you never caught and whose face has been blurred by the eroding waves of time?
And Reynie feels like he can't hear through all the voices and chatter in his head, imprints of his friends an family and all their advice but he can't breathe for it because for once he just wants to be alone in his thoughts.
So he goes and hides away in a far corner of the house, unsure of who he is or how to be. He feels floaty and disoriented and utterly lost, and that's where Miss Perumal finds him.
And she coaxes him into her arms and hugs him tight and whispers all the secret moments she had sneaked and stolen and treasured while watching him grow and reminds him of who he is.
He is a mishmash of friends and acquaintances and, yes, even enemies sometimes, but he wears that like a blanket around his shoulders because at his core he is still him.
He is Reynie Muldoon and he loves reading and drinking tea with his grandmother and eating cheesecake and laughing at other people's jokes and he loves his friends to the brink of self-erasure, but that is something he can work on.
After all, he's still growing. Growing and growing and he will continue on, and there is always time to learn to manage these things.
And until then, he always has his family to remind him of who he is.
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myths-tournaments · 1 year
Found Family Tournament [Round 1 - Poll 27/64]
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(list of characters under the cut)
Kate Weatherall Sticky Washington Reynie Muldoon Constance Contraire Mr Benedict Rhonda Kazembe Miss Perumal Milligan Moocho Brazos
Carmen Sandiego Player Zack Ivy Shadowsan
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nobodysdaydreams · 10 months
12 for Reynie Muldoon (note I've only read the books and that was about 10 years ago) and for Hera??
Thanks for the ask! 🥰
This game is really fun and these are good characters.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
For Reynie, one of my head canons is that he does a lot of stuff with his new adopted family (Miss. Perumal and her mother). I write a little of this into my fics, but I really like the image of them going to restaurants and parks together. Not sure if that's a head canon per say, but I hope it suffices.
For Hera...this is a good one. Keep in mind I've only listened through season 3 (reaction incoming), but I do have some head canons for her that are subject to change. This one might be a little controversial, but it's that if Hera had a body (like a human form), she would, ironically, feel the most comfortable in one modeled after Pryce (because that's who she was modeled after. The vocal chords would match and everything), and as a result, she'd have similar taste preferences, body movements, and facial expressions as Pryce. Neither Hera nor Pryce would be happy about this, Pryce because she views Hera as an object and Hera because Pryce is the worst. Any instance where one of them was mistaken for the other would be deeply offensive to them both. The result of this would be Hera purposefully doing things like dying her hair blue and wearing casual clothes (like a Star Wars t-shirt Doug got her) so that its impossible for anyone to mistake her for Pryce.
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