#The Moon Man
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maxwell-grant · 1 year ago
I’ve noticed once or twice among the pulp hero’s a dude with a crystal ball mysterio helmet in a dark suit. I can’t help but notice that what the Orb look is baller, it’s really distinct from other pulp characters he’s getting grouped with. What’s this guys deal and why is he so different from other pulp dudes?
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(Meme on the left by Questionposting)
Ethel Knapp, twenty, stood in her furnished room and peered at the gas jet. For ten minutes she had been peering at it, trying to summon the courage necessary to turn it on��without a lighted match above it. She had no money. She had come to Great City from her home in Ohio to work. She had no work. She had no way of returning to her mother and father. But she did have a way of saving herself from further hunger and humiliation. 
The gas jet.
She raised her hand toward it. Startled, she paused. A faint rustling sound came into the room. Looking down, she saw an envelope creeping under the door. She took it up, bewildered, and opened it. Inside lay money— currency held together by a band of silver paper—banknotes totalling $200!
“I can’t bear to see suffering, Angel. I can no more help trying to alleviate it than I can help breathing. If there were any other way of taking money from those who hoard it, and giving it to those who desperately need it—if there were any other way than stealing, I’d take that way. But there isn’t.” - The Sinister Sphere
This is The Moon Man. Moon Man was created by C. Frederick Davies and appeared in 38 stories from 1933 to 1937 and was a cross between The Shadow and Robin Hood, a black-clad urban avenger with a unique costume who stole from the rich to provide for the poor and was viciously hunted by law enforcement and the criminal underworld for it, not helped by the fact that his true identity is that of Stephen Tatcher, the 25-year-old police sergeant and son of the police chief, engaged to the daughter of his worst enemy, a lieutenant constantly trying to get Moon Man in the electric chair.
There's three main things that set The Moon Man apart from the other costumed pulp heroes and Shadow imitators from his day: Number one is that, despite looking a lot like Mysterio, he actually had much more in common with Spider-Man than even The Spider himself, in that he was mostly an ordinary schlub driven to help others who had to constantly pull off precarious balancing acts to keep his job and his secret and his life. 2nd being that he is a far more socially conscious character than pretty much all of his contemporaries, dealing with economic inequality, white collar crime, and grey areas where business practices and law enforcement intermingle with criminality to trample the lower class. He's a Depression-era Robin Hood and the stories are dead serious about it.
And third is that The Moon Man is no gentleman thief or dark avenger: He does none of this for the sake of personal fulfillment or revenge, he isn't tabling fights with gangsters to occasionally do an afterschool special or make a half-hearted gesture at social commentary, this is just what he does as a baseline. He is far less preoccupied with fighting crime than he is saving people in bad circumstances, and the stories are highly preoccupied with the people he saves, and the circumstances that The Moon Man is saving them from. For a weird guy in a creepy mask who goes around in a black coat with a gun in hand, he's an unexpectadly compassionate and soft-hearted (even mopey at times) character.
A chuckle came from the silver‐headed man. “You’ve distributed the money, Angel?”
“Yeah. Got it out right away. And it certainly was badly needed, boss.”
“I know… You realize why I selected Martin Richmond as a victim, Angel?”
“I’ve got an idea he ain’t all he seems to be.”
“Not quite that,” answered the voice that came from the silver head. “He’s quite respectable, you know. Social position, wealth, all that. But there’s one thing I don’t like about him, Angel. He’s made millions by playing the market short, forcing prices down.”
“Nothin’ wrong in that, is there?”, Dargan asked.
“Not according to our standards, Angel; but the fact remains that short‐selling had contributed to the suffering of those we are trying to help. I’ve taken little enough from Richmond’s kind, Angel. I must have more— later."
Dargan peered. “I don’t quite get you, boss. You’re takin’ an awful chance—and you don’t keep any of the money for yourself.”
A chuckle came from the silver globe. “I don’t want the money for myself. I want it for those who are perishing for want of the barest necessities of life. What would you do if you saw a child about to be crushed under a truck? You’d snatch her away, even at the risk of your own life."
“Don’t think I’m questioning you, boss.” Dargan hastened to explain. “I’m with you all the way, and you know it"
"Yes, Angel,” said the Moon Man gently, “I know it. You’re the only man in the world I trust. You know what it is to suffer; that’s why you’re with me”.
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The Moon Man lacked much in terms of budget or resources, partially because all of his money went to people in need, and he was under constant threat from the law and underworld alike, each more bloodthirsty than the other in how badly they wanted to mount his Argus helmet on a platter (he didn't even make the helmet himself, he mail-ordered it under his detective arch-enemy’s name). His father is a police chief with a weak heart, which adds an extra pressure to Stephen's secret in that it being revealed will not only lead to his father being fired, but likely dying from shock.
He picks hide-outs with creaky stairs as his main line of defense against intruders, his only line of defense is a gun, he pined over the love of a stubborn lady who initially detested his alter-ego, but eventually learned his secret and grew into a stronger person and even partner as they got engaged. And he only has one other ally he can trust:
He’d gone bad in the ring. A weakened arm made further fighting impossible. He found it just as impossible to find work. He’d drifted downward and outward; he’d become a bum, sleeping in alleys, begging food. Until, mysteriously a message had come to him from the Moon Man. 
Some day Ned Dargan was going to fight again. Some day he was going to get into the ring, knock some palooka for a row, and become champ. And if he ever did, he’d have the Moon Man to thank for it…
His main sidekick from the start, scarred ex-boxer Ned Dargan, was rescued by Moon Man from homelessness and starvation, and he was frequently named “Angel” as it was Dargan’s job to distribute the money, the narrative often filling the reader on the background of the recipients to make them not just anonymous victims, but real people with problems readers in the Depression era would have likely identified with. When we first meet them, Dargan tells him about a steamfitter with a sick daughter who needs money to pay for his kid's treatment, and a pair of kids with a recently deceased mother whose uncles can't afford to take them in and who will go to an orphanage without help, and The Moon Man promises money for all of them.
The main issue with the stories is that they do get a bit repetitive, but they're also fairly short and quick to read, and the strength of the concept, the assertive characters, the compassion, and the class dynamics that usually remain subtext in these kinds of stories, here becomes much of the text itself.
The Moon Man had a remarkable amount of continuity and consistency for a pulp hero, and only picked up more and more enemies that would constantly frame and target him with no additional allies. In fact, circa the end of the run, both his fiancé Sue as well as Angel are well acquainted with the Moon Man’s secret identity by this point and constantly beg Stephen Thatcher to give up his double life, warning him of increasing danger from both the cops and the mob, and in the last story, Blackjack Jury, he's pressured to give up his identity for good by the two and by how precariously his father's job hangs on him being able to capture Moon Man. The story and the character's run ends without revealing what decision he took.
Steve Thatcher lowered his head as though stubbornly to butt an obstacle. A wild scheme— his! He knew it. But, also, he knew the world— cruel and relentless—and he could not stand by and do nothing to save those who were suffering. The mere thought of letting others perish, while nothing was done to save them, was unendurable.
Beyond the written law was a higher one to which Steve Thatcher had dedicated himself—the law of humanity.
And if he were caught? Would he find leniency at the hands of Gil McEwen and Chief Thatcher? No. He was certain of that. Even if McEwen and the chief might wish to deal kindly with him, they would be unable to. The Moon Man now was a public enemy—his fate was in the hands of the multitude. Steve Thatcher would be dealt with like any common crook—if he were caught.
He remembered Ernest Miller’s daughter, who must go to Arizona or die; he remembered Frank Lauder, who must be cared for; he remembered Bill and Betty Anderson, who must have help.
“It’s got to be done!” he said through closed teeth. “Damn it, it’s got to be done!”
He walked swiftly through the night - The Sinister Sphere
The Moon Man is public domain and has seen some usage in modern pulp stories, but (as far as I can find) never really with the same bite that makes these stories appealing, and it's not difficult to see why the character, despite a fairly respectable run and a striking costume, remained mostly obscure. He certainly wouldn't have had any kind of 50s paperback revival without being heavily edited or rewritten entirely just in case somebody was maybe trying to trojan horse any commie talk somewhere, in a character whose main mission statement was addressing economic inequality and getting in trouble with the police over it. And nowadays, with Mysterio being so popular and "Moon Man" taking on a wholly different noxious meaning online, The Moon Man would require a slight overhaul of costume and a complete overhaul of his name, and unfortunately that entails almost making him a different character
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The Moon Man stories were adapted into a short comics run circa 1940-42 where they completely overhauled his costume and changed the names, titling him The Raven, but otherwise kept the stories mostly the same. I don't have much of anything to say about him, but there is one additional bit of strangeness that followed The Moon Man's largely unsuccessful transition to comics: The Moon Man was never published in Brazil, but there was a Brazilian superhero in 1962 (which still predates Mysterio) with the exact same name and headpiece. Created by artist Gedeone Malagola who, upon being denied the opportunity to publish his own Phantom stories, simply erased the character’s head, added a cape and used a penny to draw a translucent globe for a head, creating a new hero in turn named Homem-Lua (Moon Man). The character lasted for a couple of years as a back-up on fellow superhero Black Ray’s magazine, before it’s end.
The only detail given about his past is that he was born in Brazil, initially operating near his headquarters in São Paulo before becoming a globetrotter. He lacks explicit superpowers, but is feared by criminals around the world and considered to be an immortal who’s been active for over a century, as many supporting characters in the stories claimed that their grandparents had met the hero. A master of technology who flew around in a personalized jet and was able to call upon the aid of indigenous tribes around the world, who believed him to bear the mark of a godlike entity or be said an incarnation of said entity (as a plot point it's as racist as you'd expect, but also gets a bit funny when you consider how the most famous of moon-themed superheroes this side of Japan, Moon Knight, would pan out 15 years later)
He's mostly a fairly cut-n-dry Phantom clone with some oddities here and there, namely: In one adventure, despite the character being supposedly a human, it was said that all who gaze on his face would die. He was never unmasked in the entirety of his run, and he had no compunctions about executing his villains, whether it was by burying them under a stone idol, breaking dams and letting them drown in the ensuing floods, exploding them, or outright sinking daggers into their chests. It's a very stark contrast to the pulp Moon Man, who preferred to avoid conflict entirely and would only use his gun as a last resort. Ultimately, they bear no official connection, but the strangeness of sharing the exact same name and trademark headgear. It's as if one ends where the other begins.
In some ways, I'd argue the original Moon Man is the purest wish fulfillment pulp hero of The Great Depression, because although eventually he'd take on more bizarre villains, the bulk of his stories are about this regular guy who goes around patching up wounds left by the Depression in a case-by-case basis and (barely) outfoxing and surviving repeated attacks from the powers that be only because he hides his true face from the world. He has no extraordinary abilities or resources, but he makes do as best he can with a ticking time bomb hanging above him.
As unfortunate as the character's present circumstances may be I absolutely think he's got what it takes to be striking and memorable and resonant in ways a lot of his fellow costume avengers aren't, and hey, the guy's public domain, so, if anyone wants to take a shot at reviving him or simply plopping him into a story, add another weird chapter to his history, nothing's stopping you. I simply have to believe there's an audience out there who may fall in love with a well-meaning bleeding heart trying his best who, with nothing but theatrics and smarts and a fishbowl helmet for a head, is driven to fight capitalism instead of Spider-Man.
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With a strange, uncanny knowledge the Moon Man selected his victims. Those victims had climbed roughshod to power; some within the law, and others outside the pale. And the Moon Man called on them with a very definite and grim plan— for he walked in the eternal danger of a double menace. If the silent figure had any face at all, it was the face of the man in the moon!
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obsidian-sphere · 2 years ago
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The Moon Man from the February 1935 Ten Detective Aces.
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krinsbez · 2 years ago
Pulptober 2023 Prompts Elaborated, Part Two
Before we begin, link to part one:
Again, plus sign next to an alt means it was @maxwell-grant's idea, asterisk means I haven't read the source material.
6-The Lone Ranger/The Mask Does What The Badge Can't: Another fairly straightforward one; despite the core concept of the Hero Pulps being that the protagonist is a vigilante, seeking to bring justice outside the legal system, etc. many Pulp Heroes are, are *part* of the legal system. Today is for them. Alternates: The Whisperer, Dick Tracy*, The Black Bat (Yes, DAs count also)
7-The Spider/Tortured Justice: The weed of crime may bear bitter fruit, but fighting against it is no picnic either. Some Pulp Heroes go through not just physical, but also emotional Hell on the regular, enduring tremendous loss, heartbreak, and angst whenever they "suit up". Today is their day. Alternates: Elric of Melnibone*+, The Moon Man
8-Nita Van Sloan/Remember The Ladies: Today's theme is a famous quote from a letter that was sent to future US President John Adams by his wife Abigail, a power couple that, unusually for the time considered each other to be equals, and worked as a partnership. Similarly, many Pulp Heroes work alongside a Love Interest who is more than just a Damsel In Distress, but an partner in the crime fighting business. Alternates: Nora Charles*, Dian Belmont, Margo Lane*.
9-John Blacksad/Heroes Don't Have To Be Human: For almost as long as human beings have told stories, some of those stories have been about animals with human characteristics. It is not, therefore, a surprise that the same applies to Pulp Heroes. Alternates: Scrooge McDuck, Inca the Siberian Cat+*
10-The Grey Seal/Gone But Not Quite Forgotten. Pulp Heroes have been around for over a century, and there are *a lot* of them. It is, therefore, not surprising that so many of them have fallen between the cracks and been almost forgotten, even those that were important contributors to the genre's evolution. Today is for them. Alternates: Phra the Phoenician*, Reverend Dr. Syn*
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slttygeto · 7 months ago
i just know satoru’s the type to lean down when you two are making out while standing up, and he literally pushes himself into your personal space because he cannot physically get enough of you. like his hands are gripping your flesh, your thighs, your ass, and then his hand wraps around your neck and when you try to pull away to breathe, he chases after your lips and pecks them repeatedly.
“no no no—come back here, please,”
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blistexenthusiast · 1 year ago
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good night keys
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thelostmoongazer · 2 months ago
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i know i'm cooked when i make a fashion lineup for a character i like.....
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Miraculous Ladybug is so funny to me compared to other superhero/magical girl media, particularly how they get their powers.
For example in My Hero Academia you're born with them and their usefulness is mostly a question of luck and genetics
In One Punch Man and Dragon Ball (and Prime Defenders - very niche reference) some rare people are born with them or acquire them in a supernatural event
In Sailor Moon you gotta be the reincarnation of a goddess
In W.I.T.C.H. (also niche reference) you're chosen by an ancient magical council
In Winx you gotta be an alien fairy princess
In Marvel it depends but if you start off as a normal person you have to at least be a genius and sometimes train for years.
In Carmen Sandiego it's purely technology
Feel free to add other examples in the rbs
And then there's Miraculous Ladybug, where a teenage girl has a box full of jewels powerful enough to destroy the universe, and if she likes you even a little bit she just might lend you one and let you tag along
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densewentz · 4 months ago
no im not thinking constantly about the early game hilarity of when its just the ladies of da:v lounging around the dining room watching a freshly freed Lucanis bus about the stoves making food for his new strange flock of poorly fed women.
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chloesimaginationthings · 1 year ago
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FNAF movie Mike fights Moon at the Pizzaplex..
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storyofmorewhoa · 1 year ago
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Pygmalion and Galatea (1763) by Étienne Maurice Falconet Paul and Virginia (1844) by Alessandro Puttinati Worship of the Female Form (early 20th century) by Alméry Lobel-Riche Kneeling man embracing a standing woman (1908) by Gustav Vigeland In Paradise (1918) by Max Svabinsky Thief of the Moon (1924) by Norman Lindsay
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losthavenmine · 5 months ago
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"I am what they say I am... I'm a monster."
Van Helsing (2004); The Howling (1981); Bad Moon (1996); The Wolf Man (1941); An American Werewolf in London (1981); Penny Dreadful (2014-2016); Underworld (2003); Skinwalkers (2006); The Wolfman (2010); Dog Soldiers (2002)
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benoits-neckerchieves · 7 months ago
Just found Hugh Grant’s Reddit AMA from 2014, featuring such gems as “I love to kill” and “I will pour almost anything down my throat”
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Source: Hugh Grant Reddit AMA
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obsidian-sphere · 2 years ago
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tiger-grace · 8 months ago
I think Alfred is constantly dreaming about retirement but is shackled by the knowledge that he is the glue holding this barely functional family together
Alfred: sir I really don’t think
Bruce: why not. why should I not invest millions into funding a therapy corporation that Jason will ACTUALLY be able to trust
Alfred: quite honestly sir I think if it says “wayne” on it he’s 10 times less likely to go
Tim and Damian kicking the hell out of eachother rolling around on the floor: (unintelligible screaming, glass breaking, various cartoon crashing sound effects)
Alfred: (stares into batcamera like he’s in an office episode with several decades worth of exhaustion)
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glassshine · 10 months ago
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Moon and Kinkajou kill a man
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vurelly · 8 months ago
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it has been SO long since i last drew him, this was like coming home after several weeks of travel
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