#The Merry Thieves + basically everyone
northern-passage · 1 year
Is sign language something the Order teaches?
After asking that, I realise that it's much more likely that Handlers learn it as part of their education (being the one who engages with the common folk out of the duo).
But what if a Hunter wanted to learn it? Would they have to request being taught as well?
And outside of the Order, how is sign language treated in the overall world?
it is, actually! sign language is pretty widely taught as a second language in Adrania. that's not to say that everyone is fluent, though, and there are different dialects just like in real life (ie ASL vs BASL) if someone is fortunate enough to receive schooling they will typically study common sign language (which is mainly used for trade and is very formal), but whether or not they retain it and can still understand it varies from person to person, and again there are variations that will differ from the basic common version taught in a school. with the class divide in Adrania, i also imagine there would be a drastic difference between the culture and sign of lower classes (who most likely will not have received any kind of education) and the upper classes.
and you're right, Lea is the one that is more proficient in it between the two, mainly because they are the one doing most of the talking. the hunter has a basic understanding and can typically interpret signs, but isn't the best at signing themself. if you go with Merry in Blackwater, you can see her, Mal, and Branwen all sign to each other, with Branwen actually being hoh. the hunter recognizes that Branwen calls Merry a bastard, but for the most part the three sign too fast for the hunter to understand. Merry and Mal will continue to use sign throughout the story, and they actually use a variation that neither the hunter nor Lea will recognize, even if they were signing slower; think of it like the thieves cant, but in sign.
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amaryllisblackthorn · 2 years
MAJOR chain of thorns spoilers !!!
[[ negative thoughts under the readmore about a particularly topic ]]
i also cannot help but feel as though chain of gold did a better job at handling christopher's potential death when he was poisoned than chain of thorns did with christopher's actual death
like, yeah christopher died right when everyone didn't have time to afford to like properly mourn or grieve and they had to take action but like. still.
and i think part of it, for me at least, is that while we get bits of like, thomas grieving it's from an outside perspective and never iirc in his own point of view??? like, there's when he first finds out of course, and then you get i think cordelia remarking in her pov that thomas lost both his sister and basically brother in a year, and that he was the last of the merry thieves currently and he must be feeling so lonely etc but from what i recall we never get thomas' feelings and thoughts regarding these things when we're in his pov???? and yeah there are 'more important things' to focus on re: the watchers and stuff but it makes christopher's death feel empty and as a result unnecessary. it feels like the same story beats could have been accomplished by christopher being severely poisoned and like comatosed, while the adults are all unaccessible in Idris which worsen his odds or something. he's still taken out of commission and the stakes are still heightened.
maybe i would have taken his death better if he was immediately still or something after he's hit instead of i think lucie hearing him say afterwards,that he was fine, because iirc the actual moment he was hit came off as like significant and i thought he died but then it was like 'oh his shoulder's just hurt! he's just injured! dw we'll just be out of the way bc of his injury' and then it's like 'oh actually he's dead now'. i think that 'false hope' just made his sudden death feel kind of cheap to me, for lack of a better word, and contributed to his death feeling unnecessary. maybe his death would have felt at least a little bit 'better' to me if it wasn't for that, bc otherwise it came off less of a 'this is war and people die' situation and more of a 'he is dead simply for shock value' situation. like i get, in-universe, christopher saying he’s fine when he’s not but the way it played out, as a reader, was unsatisfying to me.
like, the doylist reason for his death is that one of the merry thieves had to die for ""realism"" sake but like. it shouldnt come off as that obviously being the reason when you're reading, you know? and at the very least it should be given the weight and respect it deserves ?? as it is it feels like christopher was killed off for shock value and bc 'well one of them has to die and christopher is the easiest one to get rid of' and everyone's like 'oh no! well we can't dwell on that rn' and then they just never dwell on it, and it just makes his death feel empty and unnecessary and it has me feeling sour ngl
and maybe im an unrealistic idealist who feels like none of the main kids had to die! but if they did i’d imagine their death having more weight and presence in the story after it’s happened !
like, i feel if it was matthew who died, there'd've been more dedicated to it. granted, he's james' parabatai . but still. i feel like if even thomas had died, there still would've been more.
thomas and christopher had such a close bond that we got to see in the other two books and the lack of thomas' feelings from his own perspective just feels wrong. i dont care if theyre shadowhunters and needed to focus on battle and the bigger picture. and i know that thomas especially tries to cope with grief by action. and maybe it's supposed to signify everyone's maturity in this book with their reactions vs back in chain of gold. but it still comes off as significantly unsatisfying. imo.
outside of the scene where thomas finds christopher is dead, and outside the brief moments of anna coming off as reckless/wanting to fight the watchers in anger bc of kit, a lot of the christopher grief came off sort of like ‘telling not showing’ if that makes sense??? 
not to mention that i like personally really dislike when a character survives something where death was like a legit real possibility to then just die later on, especially when it comes off as just killing someone for shock value and/or to signify that ““things are serious now””. you can claim that their surviving is 'false security' and spin it as subversion or whatever but. i just dont like it. i never like it, whether it's in book series or tv shows, except i guess cases where it's just done well and makes sense and is thematically satisfying. so like, christopher dying after being poisoned and in danger of dying back in chain of gold and surviving also has me feel dissatisfied. especially because his death came off as “well someone had to die” and the aftermath of it was so neglected and it just felt so unnecessary and im just really sour about it.
a lot of this is ramble-y and all over the place and i dont even know if i got out all that i wanted to in regards to my feelings and thoughts about the topic but. yeah.
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edwinspaynes · 7 months
What are your favorite sibling/platonic dynamics in TSC? I really appreciate Cordelia and Alastair as well as Gideon and Gabriel, but I think basically all the sibling sets are incredibly well written and deserving of love
Probably unsurprisingly, my favourite familial relationship dynamic in TSC belongs to Cordelia and Alastair as well. They're two of my favourite characters, which definitely helps a lot. But I also think they just have such an authentic and layered relationship.
Alastair has done everything he can to protect Cordelia and keep her safe, but at the price of pulling away emotionally from her; the loss is worth her safety to him. But Cordelia, who doesn't know this, feels abandoned by him and talks to mirrors for company. It's a really realistic relationship for two siblings who are simultaneously isolated and living in an abusive household, and I find it fascinating. But there's no argument that there's a lack of love between them, and I adore that so much.
Some of my all-time favourite TSC moments are them in ChoT, when they finally have escaped The Horrors(TM) and are allowed to reacquaint themselves with each other as normal siblings. They're close again, they're co-conspirators again; they're messing with each other and teasing and joking and they're peers, finally, and I love that.
Other TSC siblings I really like are Thomas/Eugenia/Barbara, Anna/Christopher, and Alec/Isabelle/Jace.
My favorite TSC friendships are essentially every iteration of the Merry Thieves and the Carstairs siblings. I especially am fond of James/Matthew, but even more so Matthew/Thomas and Matthew/Alastair because I'm me. Thomas/Christopher hits every single one of the good buttons, too. Really, it's just all iterations.
I'm also extremely fond of Matthew and Anna's friendship. It's wonderful. Love seeing the absolute unashamed queer vibes from them. True gay/thespian solidarity.
Another friendship I love (totally switching gears) is Tessa/Sophie. They're so lovely whenever they're hanging out and also the SoBH letter Tessa writes to Sophie broke me. I also love both of their friendships with Charlotte, she's a great mentor/mother figure to him.
All six TMI characters also of course have one of the most touching friendships out there. They're the perfect found family, so well-balanced.
The immortals - Magnus, Ragnor, Catarina, and Tessa - also are a great friendship that hits the good spots.
Finally, I can't end this list without nodding to one of the objectively best platonic bonds Cassie has ever blessed us with - Will and Jem. I love the way that Will makes Jem more lively (as he does with almost everyone) and Jem has been a sort of salvation for Will.
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sorcerous-caress · 9 months
Yeah they did all live under the same roof and the same room because this version of the Merry Men are basically a thieves guild but I forgot to specify that each one of the kids have separate adoptive mothers that are all genderbent members of the Merry Men gang. Gillian Gysbourne who I made alongside my character’s mothers was taken in by Big Joan (genderbent Little John) Katharina Lamelin was taken in by Alana Adell (genderbent Alan-a-Dale) and Esai was taken in by Billie Scathelocke (genderbent Will Scarlett)
This one is Zarek a Warforged Paladin taken in by Cleric Till (genderbent Friar Tuck). Zarek is based on the story of King Midas specifically King Midas’ daughter who he turns to gold when she hugs him. In this version Zarek doesn't die when turned to gold he is still alive and able to move. Originally he was a human but due to the magic of being a man turned to gold he acts similarly to a warforged. After being turned to gold he ran away from his kingdom and ended up running into the Merry Men. He's the oldest of all the other kids being 18 when recruited while most of the others were around 8 or 9 when recruited and by the events of BG3 he’d be 29. He was also 18 when turned to gold and has looked 18 ever since not being able to age.
Also since there’s no option to actually make a character gold in BG3 I just had to give a rough idea of how he looks.
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Also you’re right to see similarities in Robyn Hood and Jaheria because I immediately caught that after going to her house in Baldur’s Gate. Both blonde, both wear green, both are folk heroes, both have adopted kids. My Tav would probably be very close to Jaheria due to how much she reminds him of his mom. I don’t think he’d ever tell Jaheria why he’s so close to her though at least not unprompted.
OKAY lemme be a nerd for a moment so.
Idk shit about electronics but I was researching stuff about computers the other day out of curiosity and I've always wondered why do they use so much gold in them?
Long long rant below about gold as a conductor and warforged in general
Let's start with the fact most warforged are made! For one to appear naturally like yours is very unique experience, so much I can't even think of another situation where a warforged is just born into the world without an inventor.
And since warforged are made, they're really really fucking expensive. Much like a decent pc in today's standard would cost around 1000$ just to meet the minimum requirements for most games and softwares. And even those ones are quickly degerading, especially since Windows 11 rolled around, most of the low end pcs don't meet the requirements to update to it.
Imagine how expensive a warforged would be? Probably ten times as that just for a low end one. So to lower the cost people use copper wiring, switches and connectors.
There is also silver an aluminium but copper has the best rounded out stats for its price.
Then comes gold, which literally sweeps the floor with all the other competition. Gold is so much superior as a conductor in electronics that even just plating things with a thin gold layer helps in improving them and allowing for more electrons to pass through faster.
But it's expensive, crazy expensive which is why it's literally unimaginable for someone to make a warforged out of gold, that's Nasa space computer level budget.
Everyone except for Zarek, who was handed his literal own weight in gold.
Other reasons why Gold is superior in electronics
It doesn't oxidise (or only does very very veryyyyy slowly) and there is no fear or tarnish or rusting! Literally a warforged worst ever enemy. Gold isn't reactive either so there is no fear of it mixing with chemicals. It is a noble metal! Which means any alchemist or evil witch throwing potions your way would probably have zero effects.
It's extremely easy to mould and work with. Gold can be recycled, and there are so many gold jewellers across the globe who specialise in working with it. A warforged made out of gold would have an easier time finding a smith or jeweller willing to fix them up! Plus, it allows for a lot of decorative opportunities since gold can be moulded into any shape and isn't brittle , nor does it break easily. (Gold purple exists too, a naturally purple gold, but it is extremely brittle, so ignore it)
AMAZING CONDUCTIVITY, i can't even stress this enough. Your warforged would be running at 240hz with a 4x64GB RAM in comparison to your every day to day warforged.
And making him based on that fairytale concept is such a good backstory? Fuck that's a beautiful fully closed loop that I'm adorning. This is just a great character concept 10/10
Also I really like the make up! It was the first thing I noticed before reading the ask. Now I know it's just supposed to resemble gold but still.
If you ever play on pc or with mods, there are multiple skin colours ones that can make him glossy and metalic gold yellow!
Idk if this was intended, but the name Zarek is also an arabic word
Which can mean "blueish" or "to become blue"
Also can mean something hitting the target, the action of it connecting with its target is called zarek.
Side note: Sol would literally be so obsessed with a gold made warforged. Gold in general is the love of their love so making a living being out of it is like winning the jackpot. If their bad ending ever happens, Zarek is on top of the lists of people they plan to kidnap and keep in their dragon hoard. Zarek better stay away from any flying red dragons who'd wanna snatch him up.
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theneverwriter · 1 year
Dragon Age AU
I think I wrote this as a reply to an rp that never took off. Varric is basically Robin Hood in this which I think is very fitting.
Everyone knew that the Korcari wilds was as unforgiving as its name. Mothers would tell their children that was where the chasind lived, bandits thrived and witches lured little children in for their dinner. Most of which was highly exaggerated, and Varric Tethras loathed being called a bandit. You see, your common thug had no order, no discipline. They took everything they could from anyone who crossed them and would kill those who refused. That was not the way Varric, nor his band of merry men went about their business. They had a very specific clientele, thank you very much, no matter what lies his bastard brother fed the nation.
Varric lived by some very simple, honourable rules and so too did those under his command. Number One: Only take what others don’t need. Now this could be anything from gold, jewellery, fine silks… anything that would be considered a luxury item and not a necessity. Number Two: No killing. Sure, by all means, ruffle them up a little... but murder only gave a bad rep. And besides, they wanted people to talk about them. They wanted the attention. 
Because that was the whole point wasn’t it? Show Bartrand and those jumped-up bastards in Kirkwall that they had messed with the wrong Dwarf. He had only been gone for what, a few years? When he returned he found his brother and that demon woman Meredith had completely taken over the city he once loved including the lands pledged to it. They squeezed every last bit of coin they could and let those Templar shits run amok and cause chaos; bullying people, burning their villages to the ground... you got the picture.
No, Varric would not stand for this. Unfortunately though, with his ties to the merchants guild severed and Bartrand taking ahold of all his property, Varric had been left with nothing but his wit and trusty Biance to set the record straight.
It had taken time and a lot of blood, sweat and tears until finally Varric had established himself as the Prince of Thieves; robbing from the rich to give to the poor, upsetting the uneven balance of Bartrand’s claim to the throne and giving the people of the Free Marches what they deserved. A happy and prosperous life. They had set themselves up in several different trade routes on the outskirts of the Korcari wilds where Bartrand’s faithful travelled most frequently. They only attacked one point at a time and changed it randomly, so that nobody could predict their next move. And because the route was imperative to reach Kirkwall, they had no choice but to venture forth.
Varric and his men built their hideout up in the tallest of trees, deep within the heart of the wilds. It was nowhere the Templars could find, no matter how many parties they sent to look. Varric was too cunning for them, too quick like a cat waiting to pounce. Those who entered the wilds were never seen again.
Fast forward to today and Varric was bored. Today had been particularly quiet whether it was due to the fact Kirkwall was stocked up or people were just too terrified to even bother. Whatever it was, he had been stuck up in this tree for hours and there was only so much cleaning of his crossbow that he could do before she reflected the sun into everyone’s eyes. He could tell his men were getting restless just sitting there with no bountiful merchant or some lowly lord heading in their direction. He was about to call it a day when in the distance he heard the clatter of hooves and what sounded like a very large wagon coming their way. Withdrawing his spyglass, Varric peeked through the lens until he caught sight of the origin of the noise.
It was a wagon indeed, led by a man who looked more like he belonged on a ship than on land. Varric had always wondered why they insisted on wearing those big hats with the feathers but then again he had never been the most fashionable of fellows. The caravan was well-guarded, though it was nothing that they weren’t prepared for. There was a hidden ditch up ahead which the horses would miss but the coach would fall prey to, rendering it stuck long enough for them to spring their surprise. 
Varric raised his hand in the air and gave his men the order to get into position, a soft smirk on his face. It was sad, really, just how easy this would be. Varric was thankful that at least something had come along to brighten up their day. Soon the telltale sound of a wheel cracking gave them the signal and Varric dropped his hand. In a moment the cart and the men protecting it were surrounded with Varric leading the assault. The bulk of the guards were quickly disposed of, leaving only the Captain scrambling to pick his sword off of the ground, which Varric placed his boot on top of and pointed the tip of his arrow at the man’s throat.
“We’ll be relieving you of your wares today, kind Ser.” Varric taunted with a grin. 
The defeated man huffed and puffed, glancing nervously at the caravan. The Dwarf noticed his look and cocked a brow, inclining his head for one of his men to take over as he approached the door of the lustrious cart. 
“Something in here you don’t want to part with eh?” Varric said, gripping the handle of the door.
“No! Don’t!” The Captain cried but it was too late, Varric already had yanked it open and was peering inside. 
“Andraste’s tits.” Varric breathed in shock at the sight that befell him. 
Sat on the floor was a box made of wood and glass filled with water, and inside sat a woman of immense beauty with the tail of some aquatic creature. Varric frowned and turned to address the Captain. 
“You caught a mermaid?” He asked in incredulous disbelief. “You know that’s a sin right? To imprison a mermaid? What in the name of the Maker possessed you to do that?" His barrage of questions lingered in the air as the scene settled into an awkward silence. 
Part of him wanted to let the caravan be on its way, to take the damned creature to Bartrand and the curse she carried. Varric saw the fear in her eyes, the desperation to be free and in his heart he knew he couldn’t let this man take her. 
“Don’t worry.” He said reassuringly to the woman. “I’ll get you out of here, just… hold on a sec.” And with that, he turned back to take care of the Captain before instructing his men to help him carry the box and whatever else they could find. 
Silently he led his crew through the forest, making a path for their cargo. He had spent many months wandering through the undergrowth that he knew every root and tree, even though the farther they went the darker it grew. Eventually, they emerged into the light once more, into a clearing where a crystal blue waterfall cascaded into several rock pools. Varric signalled his men to place the box close by and approached it, opening up the lid. 
“Easy there. I’m not gonna hurt yuh, I’m just gonna carry you over there, okay?” He said calmly, pointing to one of the larger of the pools which would be big enough for her to be comfortable. 
His eyes lifted to where all his men stood around, watching him and he frowned. 
“What’re you all gawking at?! Don’t you have stuff to do?” He snapped, driving them all away back to their camp, which luckily was not too far. Sighing and running his hand through his hair, Varric looked down at the woman once more. The more he looked at her, the more enraptured he became.
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TLH Social Media Au: Corona Virus Edition
Part 4
(Hii so I’m back with it again!! This time we got some Thomstair and Jordelia and just the gang being the gang. It was fun to make but if it’s ok could I have some feedback? Obviously there’s no pressure from me, it’s ok if you don’t! ❤️ Tagging: @christopherlightwood so you can see and @volkvolny-sails @levesqueshazels @matthewfaichild @fairchild-squad @biancas--diangelo @marlsmckinnon47. )
(Again, I’m sorry to nag but if enjoy this weeks installment then please can you reblog? There’s no pressure from me obviously, you don’t have to if you don’t want to!! You guys are good with reblogging my stuff AND I LOVE THE TAGS - so sweet and funny. So a big hecking thank you! ❤️)
Anyway, enough of my talking, enjoy this weeks installment!! ❤️❤️
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
OK but what do you think our favorite parabatai parings would post on TikTok?
Will and Jem - It's basically a Tessa stan account. They just talk about her and how amazing she is. They would tiktoks like 'Times Tessa slayed' part 1 out of 120'.
Matthew and James - Lots of pranks and borderline illegal shit. Also cute content of them playing with Mr. Oscar Wilde. They are also on booktok. Matthew convinces him to do those tiktoks with the outfit changes.
Lucie and Cordelia - Absolutely organized and very popular. Drags the misogynistic men on tiktok who say dumb shit. They get a lot of brand sponsorships and stuff. Lots of wholesome content with the Merry Thieves + Alastair.
Alec and Jace - It's just shitposting, bro. It's 100% chaos. They would be posting all sorts of nonsense and they have the highest followers. Alec would be live streaming Jace getting chased by a demon and Jace would do try to film Alec embarrassing himself in front of Magnus. Some 'fitness tok' content too. God bless!
Julian and Emma - It's the account where everyone comments 'y'all should date'.
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cordeliaxcortana · 3 years
Chain Of Thorns Theories pt3.
🚨 Chain of Iron Spoilers 🚨
I buried the unseemly urges
Deep down in the ground with the roots
But it's all coming up to the surface
Maybe it's getting ready to bloom
And I don't wanna be a monster in the making
I don't wanna be more bitter than sweet
I don't know how to be just standing by blankly
Not gettin' angry
now this song as a total is about suppressed anger and being wronged
there are three people in my mind that fit this narration: James, Alastair & Grace
'Cause another and another comin' up out of the gutter
Till I'm drowning in an ocean of entitled motherfuckers
And they're pushin' all my buttons
But they never seem to wonder why
Another and another, ask each other
And I don't wanna drink the venom they made me
I don't wanna be controlled by the past
Boy if you were me, could you really blame me?
Would make you crazy
'Cause it gets my blood boiling and I’m comin' unglued
It would eat you like poison if you knew what I knew
You would be angry
Calm down girl, why you so mad?
Why's your heart gone rotten?
It's all good girl, why you upset?
Guess they have forgotten what they did
Yeah so basically I think these three characters will avenge themselves and show everybody else what they are capable of.
Also I think this the first time I've thought about the similar anger these three particularly have to be grouped together like this...
You're no good, you're no good
You could kill me and you should
I'm an idiot for thinking
This was anything but blood
On listening to this song the first time I thought it was about Matthew, BUT IT ISN'T.
It's James.
Why? because this song is about mistaking abuse for love. And we all know who fits that narrative.
Also the song is from dual perspective.
On the wall, on the couch
On the corner of my mouth
You must like being the victim¹
You've done nothing to get out
Of this pattern of pain
Washed away by the rain
You'll forgive me if I promise²
And do nothing but the same
This is life until death
Could be my last dying breath
But this is love, love, shut up, this is love³
1. this is a common thing in victims where they would blame themselves for getting hurt in the first place.
I think we might see James doing it too.
2. a manipulation tactic where they've promised multiple times only to keep the person chained to them.
with or without Tatiana's influence Grace repeatedly had gone to James (saying that she actually does not want to harm him and yet going back to do the opposite)
3. the speaker here is convincing yet silencing the person they are speaking with
By now we know with respect to James & Grace it isn't love but manipulation.
Oh I was hit as a kid¹
I was good but then I quit
Everyone that tried to fix me
Knows that I can't change a bit
I've got no shame, got no pride
Only skeletons to hide
And if you try to talk to someone
Well then someone has to die
Once you chase me down the hole
Yeah once you think you're in control
You'll believe that we are partners
And you're feeling comfortable
Oh then the darkness rolls in
And you'll forget who I have been
But you'll love, love, love it, this is love
now this is from the manipulator's pov.
also most of this is like the run down events from the past i.e. everything before COT
1. it's like giving an excuse for the abusive behaviour saying they were on the recieving end of it as a child.
Why do I have a feeling that rather than getting a revenge arc Grace might end up joining Tatiana & Belial in the end?
Forget everything you used to know
I think you better tell your friends to go¹
Stick around cause I'm about to show you
The beginning is the end²
1. what if the rest of merry thieves (and in extension every other character except cordelia) never find out what grace & tatiana did to James??
2. ... yeah grace is definitely going to do something big.
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-> people might find out about how Alastair had to deal with his father's addiction.
James will not anytime soon forgive Grace for what she did.
And finally remember how before leaving the house james asked Effie to call Charlotte and tell her that he has a criminal waiting here for her ... Yeah I'm pretty sure grace does not end up getting arrested. Either she escapes before it or Tatiana does something to get her out, maybe even before Charlotte arrives.
Grace may or may not get a morally-grey-character turned hero arc but she definitely won't be ending on good terms with the extended merry thieves (og + lucie, cordelia, anna). To those who are gonna say she & Christopher are going to end up together-
Infact Cassie even called it someone's Wishlist!!! Like move on seriously!
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brightwoods · 2 years
Im not sure which thomas thoughts it was, but i remember that after alastair calls thomas ”light of my eyes“ In persian, thomas thinks ”i love him”. Was that just a throwaway comment or…..
Oh, that was definitely not a throwaway comment! It's actually going to come back up in the actual fic very soon. And what went on with that is going to come up more in his thoughts when I post it for more chapters too
That's in this one/set during chapter 11, but their first date and first kiss only happened on Sunday and Alastair only calls him that on Friday night. So Thomas was self-aware enough to be like whoa I've been into him for years and I got to holy shit I'm in love with him fast and it's almost definitely far too early to bring that up without scaring him off (especially since he had no idea about the fake dating or the Charles situation so he thought that Alastair's random bursts of distance up to that point were from Thomas scaring him off so he was definitely like this is a keep to myself thought for now).
And then while he was holding off, things got really complicated for Alastair with the whole Elias situation and he was like yup, he has a lot on his mind without me making things about me and throwing that at him when it's almost definitely still too early
And then Elias was gone and things were going really well and they had that really good date and he was debating whether it was still too early to say it when it was less than a week since he originally thought no, that's too soon and they still hadn't actually been dating for two weeks
And he was kind of psyching himself up to do it and be like I know it's still early but- but then the rest of the Merry Thieves showed up at Alastair's house and there was the awkwardness of them coming to pick up Cordelia and they were going to get Thomas right after but oh great they could take him now then and there was all the awkwardness of them half-heartedly offering that Alastair could come and Alastair clearly not wanting to go and Thomas not really wanting to ditch Alastair when they were having such a nice time and he was with him first but all of his friends were being impatient and Alastair was claiming he was busy anyway and telling him to go and basically there went that opportunity for the day and then Thomas kind of had other things on his mind like were things with Alastair okay or was stuff with his friends messing things up after he'd tried proving to everyone (including himself) with that movie night at Matthew's house that he brought Alastair along for that he could spend time with them both at the same time and it would be fine
And then Monday he was just relieved that things seemed to be okay and that apparently Alastair and Kit hung out or talked or something, but he was still worried about the Matthew and Alastair uncomfortable dynamic, but still, that was a whole other thing and things between Alastair and him were still going to well and he was back to telling himself he was going to find a good moment and just tell Alastair and then they had plans together with Alastair's friends and he thought maybe he'd tell him after or after one of the dinners with their families or at some point when they were alone together after a nice date
And then things imploded as fast as they were planned before he got the opportunity to say anything and he was very very relieved that he hadn't said it and made even more of a fool of himself and he didn't want to know if Alastair would have said it back as some joke or to keep stringing him along while he was dating someone else (because the moment Thomas saw the text, the Charles and Alastair thing clicked together and that is why he was so upset and reacted like don't talk to me again)
And then he was living under those assumptions and with those beliefs including when he thought Charles and Alastair broke up after his own break up with Alastair until the end of chapter 20 when Alastair drunkenly told him about breaking up with Charles over the Grace thing before he'd ever actually asked Thomas out and now anything that Thomas has thought or processed since the end of that chapter is redacted until I post chapter 21 because it would definitely include spoilers
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gold-tinted · 3 years
jem's letter and all the pain he talked about basically confirms the commonly believed fact (at least I think everyone believes it) that something real bad happens to one of the merry thieves (*cough* Matthew *cough*)
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merry-thieves · 4 years
Alastair and the Merry Thieves  being friendly toward each other...(in CoI)
I hope I found all the important scenes!
““I have tried to apologize. and to change,” Alastair said, and even through the door Cordelia could hear his voice shake. “How can I make amends for my past when no one will let me?” When James replied, there was real kindness in his voice. “You must give people time, Alastair,” he said. “We are none of us perfect, and no one expects perfection. But when you have hurt people, you must allow them their anger. Otherwise it will only become another thing you have tried to take away.” Alastair seemed to hesitate. “James,” he said. “Does he-””
“...and even told Alastair that his hair looked nice.”
“She’d had no idea James knew any Persian beyond a few words for food, “thank you,” and “goodbye.” Even Alastair was staring at him with a mixture of surprise and respect.”
““You told me before that Alastair kept your father’s condition from you during your childhood. That you never knew about it.” “That’s true.” “I suppose I never realized until tonight what a great effort that must have taken. It is not an easy thing to hide. And not an easy thing to confront someone about it, if you fear they have - such an illness.””
““Bloody hell,” said Alastair. “I hope James sent him packing with a flea in his ear.” “Good for James, which are words I never thought I would speak during my lifetime.” “James will understand that.””
So, James is the first of the Merry Thieves, what we know of, to be (sort of) genuinely friendly to Alastair
it’s not a friendship but James starts to respect Alastair for what he did for Cordelia all these years
in turn Alastair also respects James and actually calls him by his first name and not “Herondale” any longer
““That was the first decent thing Alastair ever did in his life. And to think I was here to see it.””
Matthew still can’t really stand Alastair but he’ll admit to Cordelia that Alastair is not always a terrible person 
“Thomas cleared his throat. His hazel eyes were steady as he said, “I came to tell you that I’m sorry about you father. I really am.””
Thomas starting to think about Alastair’s feelings again ;)
“Matthew sat down with a thump. Thomas stared at Alastair with a dazed expression. Gideon looked pleased, if not a little bit baffled by every else’s stunned expressions. “Er - what?” said Christopher - speaking for them all, James felt.”
I don’t know, I just love how Alastair surprised everyone 
also, Alastair protecting Thomas but I don’t think that he had platonic reasons 
“Alastair kissed Cordelia’s forehead. As he did, he closed his eyes, and James felt the strange sense that he was getting a rare glimpse at the intensity of Alastair’s true feelings.”
James seeing the real Alastair :)
““I know you don’t care particularly what happens to Alastair, but I do.” She hadn’t meant she words to come out quite so pugnaciously. After a moment, James said, “Daisy, what Alastair did was quite brave. Not in the least because he did it for someone he knows dislikes him.” “it was rather selfless,” said  Lucie. “Honestly, we do care what happens to Alastair.” “We do?” Christopher sighed. “I feel as if I can never quite keep up.”
So, we have James caring for Alastair’s fate
and we see that Christopher isn’t against liking Alastair but he will only do so if the others can forgive Alastair
which probably means that he has no personal grievances with Alastair (Christopher is simply perfect <3)
I tried not to include any romantic scenes between Thomas and Alastair but rather scenes with them actually speaking with each other
“Alastair looked amused. “Never before have I ever heard such a concise statement of the ludicrous philosophy with which you and your school friends go through the world, running toward danger,” he said.”
““My point,” Thomas went on, an edge to his voice, “is that I don’t think you believe the rude things you say. And I don’t understand why you say them. It doesn’t make any sense. it’s as if you want to drive everyone away.” He paused. “Why were you so awful to us in school? We never did anything to you.””
““Then you lot arrived, a bunch of boys from famous families, too well brought up to understand at first what went on far from home. Expecting the world would embrace you. That you would be treated well. As I never had been.” Alastair pushed back a lock of hair with a shaking hand. “ I suppose I hated you because you were happy.””
“But they had spoken more truthfully to each other in the last few minutes than they had in their entire lives.”
I think we can safely assume that Thomas likes Alastair and that Alastair likes Thomas after the Sanctuary
Alastair finally told one of the Merry Thieves why he did what he did and can tell Thomas that he sees his errors
Yet, I’m not sure if Thomas has actually forgiven Alastair or just tries to repress his memories of the Academy 
“Alastair looked dismayed; Thomas, who was used to his uncle’s ways, shrugged. “You’ll get used to it,” he said to Alastair. “The more alarming the situation, the more frivolous my uncle’s demeanor becomes.””
Thomas talking to Alastair in a friendly way in “public”
““Do you want some seraph blades?” Thomas was about to protest that he’s already taken several when he realized  Christopher wasn’t talking to him. he was talking to Alastair, who seemed to have remained at Thomas’s side.” “Alastair nodded his thanks and took the weapons. He headed to the front doors while Thomas was still fastening his jacket. Christopher followed -” 
“Thomas exchanged a quick glance with the others. He had no intention of being kept back so he could stand at a window with a witch light. If the Institute was being attacked, he wanted to be out there, defending it. It was Alastair who moved first. He started down the steps, Christopher and Thomas on his heels. Thomas coughed as the air thickened around them, suffused with the rank,  damp smell of salt, fish and rotting seaweed. As they reached the bottom of the steps, Thomas’s boots came down in freezing water. He could hear Christopher exclaiming about scientific impossibilities. “Well, it might be impossible,” said Alastair, rather reasonably,“ but it’s happening.”” 
“He sloshed farther into the courtyard, through the ankle-deep water, Christopher and Alastair nearby.”  
“Christopher shouted hoarsely and ran toward his father as shilling-size drops of scarlet blood pattered down around him. Thomas scrambled to his feet and dashed after Christopher, hurling himself at the massive tentacle. He plunged his seraph blade into the rubbery treen-black flesh, over and over, dimly aware that beside him, Alastair Carstairs was doing the same.” 
“Alastair clambered onto a pile of rubble, spear in hand, turning to help Thomas up after him.”
Probably one of the best parts in the book: Alastair, Thomas and Christopher fighting together
Christopher noticing that Thomas and Alastair are seemingly on good terms and immediately being friendly to him
“Thomas had taken Cordelia aside; James heard him say something about the battle, and the name Alastair, and he saw Cordelia brighten. So Alastair was alright; James realized he was relieved about it, and not just for Cordelia’s sake. Interesting.”
James starts to actually care about Alastair’s well-being, interesting indeed James
I’m starting to sense a new and fifth member of the Merry Thieves
““Alastair,” Matthew said.” “Stuff good terms,” said Matthew. “Alastair, Cordelia assures me that you have a heart. She says you’re different than you were at school. The boy I knew at school. The boy I knew at school wouldn’t visit my brother, just to spite me. Don’t make your sister a liar; she’s a better person than you are, and if she believes in you, you should try to be someone she can believe in. I know I do.””
Not exactly a friendly conversation but Matthew actually called him “Alastair”
Though, I’m not sure what to think of what he said after that; it’s a mix of acknowledgement that Alastair can be a good person and a threat
““Alastair!” he called, again, and Alastair turned, a look of surprise crossing his face. Alastair said something to his cousin, then beckoned to Thomas as Je mood some distance away, offering them a semblance of privacy. Alastair looked at Thomas inquiringly. Thomas, who had realized almost immediately that he had no idea what to say, shifted from one foot to another. “You’re all right?” he said eventually. “I didn’t get to ask you, after the fight.””
Thomas caring about Alastair’s well-being ;)
“We cannot pretend forever,” said Alastair. “eventually the truth must be faced. All of your friends hate me, Thomas, and with good reason.”
I wanted to end with this quote since it shows what Alastair thinks the Merry Thieves think about him
in reality: Thomas is in love with Alastair (but he definitely should face his own inner demons before starting a relationship with Alastair)
Christopher seems perfectly willing to forgive Alastair and begin a friendship with him when his friends also forgive Alastair
James cares about Alastair and respects him -> possible friendship on the horizon
So, everyone basically forgave him except Matthew 
Matthew and Alastair did make progress but also not really
What did you think about this whole thing? Be free to tell me if I missed some important quote and if you would add anything to my comments!
Also, should I do something similar like this again? I was thing maybe a Gracetopher or Thomastair compilation?
@thegreatests @my-lady-of-roses @foxglove-airmid @blackasmysoul 
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msbrightsides · 3 years
Ok 5 things you physically need from CoT: GO
Oof only 5? Lol I’ll try to make this cohesive
1. I want Malcolm’s hatred for the Blackthorns explained more. Does he start to hate them because Jesse was brought back but Annabel can’t? Does he try to force Lucie to bring her back? Will Annabel’s ghost make an appearance? How will this fit in with TDA? And also how are Lucie and Jesse going to interact now that he’s alive?
2. I want more sibling interactions: James and Lucie, Thomas and Eugenia, Anna and Christopher, Matthew and Charles. Alastair and Cordelia too but they’ve already had a lot more than the other pairings tbh.
3. Someone to defend Alastair besides Cordelia(and Thomas tbh). And even Alastair to defend himself! Like everyone needs to stop shitting on him all the time. I’m not a hardcore Stan of his but the characters treating him like he’s evil and awful is getting real old for me. I want redemption for that scene of Matthew basically gaslighting him and Cordelia being like “wow that was so kind”🙄 like wtf
4. For Grace to rat out Tatiana and Belial to the Clave and/or our protagonists. I say that because I want the Clave to know so that there’s official recognition of the bullshit chaos they’ve caused but knowing the Clave, they’ll make it worse so Grace explaining everything to the Merry Thieves and Co would probably be better. And for her to show she can fight and get the damn “gift” lifted so she can learn to be a normal person in society and not an abused pawn.
5. This whole Fairstairs business to STOP. Sorry if you love them but it’s impossible for that to be a happy, fulfilling Union for both of them. The friendship is good but the relationship is a roadblock to Matthew’s recovery and growth as a person and Cordelia learning the truth about James and Grace and how she was also manipulated. I love Jordelia but I’d be happy with just her learning the truth even if the didn’t end up together.
There’s obviously many more things I want but these are the most pressing ones for me rn! Feel free to share your thoughts and thanks @underestimatedgenius for the great ask!
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queenlilith43 · 3 years
So I've been seeing some d i s c o u r s e in the fandom focusing on Matthew and Alastair. Even though when I started writing this it was there more, but it's kinda faded into the background. But I still feel like I should point this out because it's just infuriating for me.
TW: Alcoholism, addiction is discussed. Also bullying.
Putting everything under Keep Reading because I have a lot to say.
Honestly, at this point, the fandom has two different sides. Most people fall on one side and there's no overlap.
Part of us are on Alastair's side, and the other part is on Matthew's side. And a lot of people completely HATE the other character.
And I just hate this. I don't want a fandom war.
But I hate when Alastair/Matthew stans prop up their character as the most perfect human. Reminds me of when A*OTAR stans love R*ys and NEVER point out any flaws. (Yeah, R*ys is another class, but I'm using this as a comparison.)
Starting with Alastair:
Alastair did do some bad things. Everyone does that, we're human. Honestly, he's blamed too much and needs to be treated better. Alastair needs to be treated better and needs to also not blame himself, because he's doing that.
Honestly, if he just apologizes to the Merry Thieves everything will be so. Much. Easier. Alastair needs to find a way to get a new start with these people. He needs happiness. Plus, it's the only way he can be with Thomas.
Onto Matthew!
I feel like Matthew has a good character. He's the sarcastic bisexual relief character.
But I'm not acting like Matthew's a saint. He did suggest Alastair as the murderer in COI in front of Cordelia, and didn't apologize.
I think Matthew is a human character. His alcoholism needs to be treated better.
Like, I know people who are alcoholic or addicted to something are go in a downwards spiral, but WHY IS THIS IN HERE. Matthew needs help, and he's just drinking because of a mistake he made when he was fifteen. I wish there was a better explanation, though it could just happen because brain chemistry.
I'm worried for Chain of Thorns. There's a chance that instead of Matthew beating it on his own, Cordelia is going to fix him up. (Sighs.) Women aren't here to fix men up. Hopefully this doesn't happen by there's a serious chance it could.
In summary, Matthew and Alastair are both character with flaws who deserve to have their issues handled better.
The fandom needs to GROW UP. These are two different characters who both make mistakes and both have issues that I hope Chain of Thorns will make better and overall handle better.
So everyone sit in a corner and THINK about what you do. I don't want everyone to basically help Matthew and Alastair in their rivalry. I don't want to be the middle ground in a fight.
Y'all, realize the flaws of these characters and how their situations need to be treated better. If we stop hating on the character maybe we can realize they both deserve better.
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carstairs-supremacy · 4 years
My opinion with Alastair (this is quite long because he deserves my effort)
Tw/ mentions of alcohol, bullying and suggested child neglect/abuse
Okay so Alastair was brought up in a household where he had to constantly look after his drunk father, who could have done anything to him or said anything to him whilst drunk. He also had to keep this a secret from his sister (I think Cassie said somewhere Sona doesn’t know the extent to what Elias did pls correct me if I’m wrong) which can’t have been easy for him.
He was then forced to go to the academy full of white privileged boys by his father. Then at the academy, already dealing with so much at home, he was bullied and beat up within the FIRST WEEK of being there and had to endure that for a whole ass year (I highly doubt that the first week was the last time he got beaten up). He was probably alone for this year of being tormented, and then the only way he could make friends was being awful to other students. He did what he had to survive, although that doesn’t excuse anything he did it still explains it. And bare in mind he’s like 14/15 years old when this was happening.
Then the Merry thieves come to the academy (this is no slander to them cuz I love them with my whole heart) and they’re loved by everyone. He starts picking on them and being awful to them- but there was also the others (Augustus and Clive from what I remember) then one of his close friends died due to a ‘prank’ gone wrong. As soon as he died, Thomas was one of the only people to check on Alastair by the way, the academy blew up and Matthew directed him to that part, which could have caused him to be hurt.
Then the rumour, I don’t know if this was before or after everyone’s parents came but his, but Matthew was there insulting his looks which has been insecure about (as Cordelia said to Anna ‘he hates that his hair and eyes are dark’) (Also Matthew couldn’t have known this but this isn’t a post to slander Matthew), so he said a thing to hurt him more, which ended up badly. He felt bad as soon as he said it, but he still said it anyway because so much has happened in that one day.
Then in Paris- maybe before- he was in this toxic relationship with Charles, who doesn’t seem to care as much for Alastair than Alastair does for him. Alastair was in love with Charles when it didn’t seem like Charles was that deep for him or being ashamed to be with him (not going sight seeing, basically staying cramped up in the institute). He was so in love with him that he would talk about him to Thomas, and Charles didn’t appreciate him enough so he got engaged TWICE while they were together, something Alastair opening dislikes and is hurt by. Now I could go on and on about how Charles treated Alastair badly and how he hurt him ( the whole scene where Cordelia eves drops says everything).
So he finally breaks up with Charles, and now is trying to make up with the people who he hurt. At this point I think this is where his feelings for Thomas were already there (from him looking away from Thomas’ tattoo and how in Paris he saw him as beautiful), then the rumour gets brought up and Thomas is-rightfully- angry and threatens him if he ever talks to him again. This is the first time we actually see Alastair crying.
To make it worse, his father comes back after 4 months and is still an alcoholic and he was to look after him, again, and after the scene with the wedding reception where he’s with James, he send him off and says that him and his friends are gonna ‘laugh about it later’. Now we don’t see what his home life is like during this time as Cordelia is with James in their home, but we have no reason to believe it has changed from before. So in a way, he’s right back to square one (until Elias dies obviously).
When he’s locked in the Sanctuary with Thomas, it seems hard for him to open up to him but he does it anyway, and Thomas seems to forgive him (I mean he kisses him). These scenes are one of the only times we see Alastair smile and be genuinely happy. But then he breaks it off with Thomas before anything could happen because- in my opinion- he feels as if he is a bad thing for Thomas and doesn’t deserve his love. He also doesn’t want Thomas to chose and he doesn’t even feel like a worthy option.
Anyway he’s been through so much and I wanna see atleast one person (Cordelia or Thomas) stand up for him or even better stand up for himself. And I also want him to forgive himself and just accept the love Thomas is offering.
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thechangeling · 3 years
I was reading your co-signing the narrative post- great post btw- and your thoughts on Kit Lightwood helped me figure out exactly what bothers me about the way other characters talk about and treat him.
So, there’s this kind of this running “joke” in TLH that Christopher’s interests are boring, that everyone else puts up with it him as though it’s this big nuisance, that everyone zones out hearing him talk… and on and on and on.*** And then there’s this scene where Grace is genuinely interested or at least not bringing him down about his self-expression and the things that bring him joy, and that’s romanticized as special when it’s really kind of the bare fuckin minimum. Like, I’m not saying James/Matthew/Thomas had to immerse themselves completely in every sciency detail but the constant “jokes” implying that Christopher’s work is boring or incomprehensible or not worth their time is just so tiring. There’s always an undercurrent of “Christopher’s just playing around uselessly” (which is not true and even when he’s having fun with his work then it’s still automatically WORTHY and VALUABLE because it makes him happy!) Not to mention this recurring problem directly contradicts the value that Christopher’s work has (beyond its inherent value) when he sends it into the world to literally save lives: the poison antidote, the fire messages that will probably come about in CoT.
And the thing is, the merry thieves’ disinterest is directly meant to foil grace’s interest in order to lend the Grace/Kit relationship a certain significance, as CC assigns to it. I’m not saying shared excitement over an interest/hobby/career/field/etc isn’t sweet platonically or romantically. I just really dislike how the idea CC is using is “no one else can bear to tolerate Kit’s ‘quirks’ but Grace, and that is Endearing, and so they are Soulmates (TM)” rather than the much healthier and positive idea that “Kit does cool sciencey stuff which his family and friends generally don’t share as strong a passion for but still don’t huff about it like it’s somehow a chore or a burden on them, and then Grace comes along and she does happen to share a similar passion and that’s the beginning of their ties to one another.” That second reasoning is what could make their friendship really refreshing; we don’t need ableism poorly twined into romance to enjoy that relationship.
I haven’t read TDA in a while but I’m thinking we could also find touches of this with Ty partly because so much of when we see him is from Kit’s POV? Not that Kit means harm or thinks himself heroic but CC on the other hand is a repeat offender in “abled/white/straight/cis character is ultimately and completely responsible for the salvation of disabled/POC/queer character in this aspect.” And I’m kind of half dreading the wicked powers for that reason among others …
I apologize if all this seems obvious or rambly. I do sometimes have trouble articulating things exactly but when I read your post i had a lightbulb moment and I wanted to note it down.
Have a great day!
***Side Note: this is why I really enjoy fan-created content that explores Christopher’s relationships with people (even people he didn’t interact with on-page in the canon) without that annoying and problematic aspect built into the framework of the relationship.
^^^^^^^^^THIS ALL OF THIS!!!!!!
Full disclosure this is gonna be kind of long sorry. But you have stumbled across my favourite topic to rant about. Allistic saviorism. Basically the name is pretty self explanatory. It's when an allistic person fictional or otherwise has the desire to or actively attempts to essentially "save" the autistic person from the horrors of the world or their life, or even themselves because they think that the autistic person isn't strong or capable enough to fix/handle it on their own. All of this is usually done for very self serving reasons. Part of this is also allistic people being praised as heroes for being nice to autistic people or asking them out, or loving them.
I don't neccesarily think that kitty is an allistic savior ship on it's own. I think that there are definitely peices of those beliefs scattered throughout the books and it might get worse in TWP. That's honestly something that I'm worried about too tbh. But honestly I think that the fandom made it a billion times worse.
This mainly allistic fandom wanted to romanticize the idea of Kit taking care of Ty and shouldering the burden of his "unpredictability." Kit is the only one who can get through to Ty. The only one who understands the mystery that is Ty 🙄. Some of this is canon too. For example, Ty can look Kit in the eye, he lets him touch him. He doesn't wear the headphones when Kit's around right? And Kit was able to calm him down during his meltdown.
And while some of this is really cute from a romantic perspective, it's also kinda problematic because it reeks of allistic saviorism. It promotes the idea that Kit is like Ty's "cure." And that's just impossible.
And honestly I know I've contributed to this in some ways. Because if I'm being perfectly honest with you, there's a part of me that enjoys that. The romantization of autism.
The idea of being taken care of.
The idea that someone could love an autistic person and see them as "beautiful" and "extraordinary" and all the things Kit calls Ty, was incredibly moving and appealing to me as a kid. It still is. Because I grew up on stories of charity cases and allistic saviorism making headlines with prom dates. I was super secretive about it, but I was always a romantic growing up. But I thought that it was impossible for me to have a real love story because people like me don't get that. (Not to get all sob story on you sorry. I overshare. It's an autistic thing.)
And there are some really compelling things about kitty that really do work. And I'm not trying to suggest that Kit learning to help Ty with the ...shall we say more colourful traits of his disability is a bad thing always. It's not. But I think the issue is with Ty's lack of pov and Ty's lack of a narrative in the books. It makes him seem like less of a completely developed character and more like, "Kit's" you know?
And because we don't have Ty's pov we don't really get what makes Kit have this sort of calming effect on him or why it's different. And more importantly we don't get why Ty's letting him in, we only get Kit pushing past his boundries. The entire thing becomes about Kit essentially and that's at the root of all allistic saviorism.
Also like you mentioned before, Kit is seen as special to a certain extent because he can handle Ty. That's not neccesarily something the character believes obviously, but again with CC co-signing the damn narrative with the way she makes the impact Kit has on Ty such a big deal in everyone's eyes and in QOAAD she really emphasizes the drain Ty's necromancy plan is taking on Kit, suddenly Ty's grief becomes all about Kit and with no pov from Ty, it's more allistic savior bs.
Honestly most of this isnt actually THAT bad it's just when you throw it all together and look at the ugly history and let's be honest present, of autistic people being silenced and spoken over by our caregivers and loved ones and we are treated like burdens on them, and how those people are praised for loving us, it kinda looks bad. But the fandom definitely made it worse.
I always get criticized for criticizing kitty by allistic people with, " well if you think they're so toxic then why do you even ship them?" Which is a piss poor take lacking in any nuance. An autistic person has the right to critique a dynamic involving an autistic character. More to the point, you can love something and be critical of it. I swear when this fandom finally figures that one out... we could accomplish so much.
I'm really hoping this is making sense it's like 2 in the morning. As for Grace and Christopher's dynamic I agree with you. I basically have nothing to add. Bare minimum. Should not be idolized. The way the others treat him should not just be brushed off as no big deal. It's ableism.
Basically it's just a bunch of classic mistakes that come from a neurotypical abled writer writing nd characters. Some mistakes are more damning then others. But it does make me scared for TWP.
I can only hope.
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cassandraclare · 5 years
matthew-fairchild-owns-my-soul said:Ever since reading the end of Chain of Gold I’ve been wondering about Matthew and Alastair 
and if the two will ever be able to be friends. In Chain of Iron will we be able to see more scenes with them and maybe an apology?
julemmaes said: Are Matthew and Alastair gonna be able to (at least) stay in the same room without jumping at each other's throats? Cause I'm really worried about Thomastair right now and maybe Matthew could cope differently with his problems if he could solve some of those he has with Alastair. I mean it's kinda obvious that Math partly blames A for his sibling death, but maybe they could work it out?
lost-in-fictionn said: Hi Cassie! Chog was awesome!! My friends are still making fun of me for the way my reactions were so loud and full of pain, thank you for that :) I was wondering if Matthew will be able to forgive Alastair at some point? I know Alastair has no clue about what Matthew did (or thinks he did?? 👀) but Matthew blames everything on him and I think it would be impossible for me to forgive someone if they caused me to do something like that. I hope everything gets better for both of them? :(
fangirl45sstuff said:Hi Cassie. You did it again. You made me fall in love with yet another one of your stories. Cog was absolutely incredible. I loved the new generation (and obviously the old one) I wish we could get COI sooner tbh. Anyway I wanted to know about Alastair and Matthew. I know Matthew is in a really bad place and he blames Alistair for some of the guilt he feels. Will he ever forgive Alistair? Or himself for that matter
Whew. Okay, so if you also asked this and I don’t get to your question, hopefully you can be okay with it being answered here since so many have asked.
The person Alastair is thrown most in contact with, whose forgiveness is the biggest issue in many ways, is . . . James. Since Cordelia’s engaged to James, they find themselves in each other’s company a lot. Matthew is, yes, furious at Alastair, but has less reason to see him. As for who Alastair is worried about being mad at him, James and Thomas top that list, not Matthew.
However, James has less reason to be angry at Alastair and is, in fact, less angry at him than Matthew. Everyone is basically less angry than Matthew. (Thomas of course is also angry and Christopher is just trying to keep track.) 
Matthew can stay in the same room as Alastair without trying to kill him for the same reason they all can: Cordelia. It’s important to remember that if it wasn’t for Cordelia, it’s unlikely any of the Merry Thieves would see or speak to Alastair again, or need to: she pulls Alastair into their orbit, and is also the reason they aren’t trading blows in Piccadilly Circus. 
All I can say is that Matthew is in a complicated place. Alastair did a shitty thing, but Matthew is also responsible for his own choices. Both can be true. For everyone’s mental health, obviously forgiveness is a desirable goal. It does nobody any good to stay at a high level of fury all the time. That goes for all the boys (except Christopher.) They all have things to learn from one another. How and whether and when and why they forgive each other is part of how the story plays out. 
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