#The Ground Zero Flag
gundamfight · 24 days
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weberlifedesign · 1 year
Can September 11 Day of Remembrance Heal Divided Nation
As the U.S. is mindful of a September 11 Day of Remembrance there are now many citizens working tirelessly to divide this same nation under the guise that they are saving it from “wokeness.” On this year’s September 11 Day of Remembrance, one should shudder to think how this now divided country would react today under the same circumstances. As now the United States is not fighting outside…
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moonglowbabycakes · 13 days
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New York Firefighters Raising Flag at Ground Zero by Thomas E. Franklin 
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wileys-russo · 4 months
can i request something with alexia x reader based off one if the videos post win. the one where olga tried scoring on alexia but instead of missing reader makes it and then copies alexias celebration
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goalscorer II a.putellas
you weren't sure whose hand would break first, yours or albas, with the way you both had a death grip on one another as the extra time slowly ticked down to zero and it felt as though the entire stadium held its breath.
then finally, the whistle.
for a brief moment it was like time stood still as the players raced onto the pitch, your body on fire as every hair stood on end and the ground beneath your feet vibrated with the thunderous roar of a stadium full of culers.
then arms were thrown around your neck as alexia's family all screamed happily and exchanged hugs, your own parents sat in the row behind forever supportive of your fiancé since the moment you'd taken her home to meet them.
you blinked and suddenly snapped back into reality, the screams deafening in your ear as you were drowned in affection from the elated putellas-segura family surrounding you.
your heart swelled with pride as you finally caught alexia's eye, a beaming grin flashed your way and both her hands waving before she was called over for the trophy and medal ceremony.
eventually you were all ushered down toward the front of the barrier, eli and alba going first as they engulfed your fiance in bear hugs, both women with tears streaming down their faces as alexia rolled her eyes playfully and squeezed them tighter.
with a nudge in the back from her uncle and a wink you were next, two strong hands helping you over the barrier as your feet touched the pitch and your eyes remained locked with the blonde grinning down at you.
time once more seemed to stop and suddenly it was just the two of you, your congratulations and how proud you were murmured over and over in her ear as finally your arms wrapped around one another and you'd never felt safer than being within them.
you let out a laugh as you were held tighter and lifted momentarily up into their air, spun around for a moment as alexia's forehead pressed against yours, lips just grazing your cheek both of you well aware that despite the intimacy of your embrace it was anything but a private moment.
"taking your captain title to a new level mi amor." you teased, tugging at the barcelona flag draped around her shoulders like a makeshift cape, reeling in the very slight blush which coated her cheeks at your words which you knew if you called her out on she would dismiss as flush from running around.
"captain catalunya, hero of barcelona." you grinned, kissing her cheek and stepping away for a moment to allow some of her childhood friends to rush in and express their own congratulations, dragged away by alba to speak with your own parents and eli.
"no i did not!" you denied with bright red cheeks as your father embellished a story of how the first time you'd watched one of alexia's games with them at home you'd almost thrown the remote through the screen when your girlfriend at the time was fouled.
"stop laughing! you'll just encourage him." you shoved alba who only threw her head back as you playfully shot your grinning father a glare, relaxing as familiar arms looped around your waist and a chin settled on your shoulder.
"hola amor." the soft raspy murmur as a subtle kiss was placed on your jaw and you melted backwards into your lovers touch as praise for her showered down from those around you.
"hermana! we were just talking about the time that-" alba started as you kicked at her causing the girl to gasp and shove you, alexia's hand shooting out to swat her sisters away and a warning look set in her features as alba rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out, turning around to converse elsewhere.
"aye go speak to maría's parents, mami take him away por favor he has had too much sun!" you groaned catching the teasing look on your fathers face and nodding behind them where your second parents milled around happily, your childhood best friend nowhere in sight.
though it wasn't long before she made an appearance, bursting out of the tunnel yelling at the top of her lungs, brandishing her little barcelona flag that had acted like an emotional support throughout her injury.
you'd tried scheming with ingrid to get rid of it after mapi started to sleep with it in the bed and then almost took your eye out waving it around like a mad woman as you sat beside her at a game, alexia almost snapping it herself after seeing the deep purple bruise under your right eye where your best friend had accidentally poked you with it.
but watching the childlike joy twinkle brightly in her eyes as she raced around like an overgrown toddler, chased by lucy's neice and nephew you couldn't help but smile and shake your head.
"maybe she will retire the flag now we are four for four this season and she will be back on the pitch soon." alexia chuckled, still hugging you tightly as you grinned, leaning your head back to catch her eye as she winked.
"at least it has been a distraction from her making us say thank you every time we go out with her and ingrid." you rolled your eyes, turning in her hold to face your girlfriend who hummed.
it had indeed been mapi who introduced the two of you after a game years ago, a friendship blossoming between you and alexia long before a relationship. but despite that the tattooed defender relished in the ego boost felt from telling anyone with ears that it was all thanks to her that you two were together.
"can you imagine her speech at the wedding?" you sighed with a shake of your head, alexia letting go of you to fiddle about with the flag tied around her, picking at the knot.
"i remember the day they first met, because it was all thanks to me that we are even gathered here today! chica's...you are so welcome." alexia mocked making you laugh as she pulled the flag off.
"maybe i can get her so drunk she will pass out before the speeches?" you suggested, your fiancé instead draping the flag around you and tying it loosely over your shoulders.
"a perfect plan cari." the blonde winked, squeezing your shoulders. "who is captain catalunya now?" the footballer teased, tugging at your new cape and glancing over your head where her name was called for more photos.
"go amor, i'll find you later." you promised, squeezing her hands as she nodded and pulled you into another tight hug, lips grazing the side of your head as you softly rubbed her back and begrudgingly let go, her figure retreating into the swarm of people on the pitch.
you were mid conversation with some of the other girls families, stood beside alba and twisting around your engagement ring on your finger when she struck.
"campeones! campeones! campeones!" you hurtled forward nearly barreling over jana's parents as a body launched themselves onto you, legs wrapping around your torso as panos hurried to steady you.
"gracias! lo siento." you thanked the goalkeeper before profusely apologising to jana's parents as the young midfielder was busy doubled over laughing, your cheeks bright red at the disruption.
"mierda!" the brunette swore as you wrenched her legs off, causing her to drop promptly onto the ground with a wince, jana falling to the floor laughing even harder as alba joined in and mapi glared up at you with a huff.
"algunos bienvenidos. is that a way to greet your best friend!" the girl pouted as you rolled your eyes and pulled her back to her feet. "maría!" you groaned as once more she launched onto you, this time in another forceful koala hug but from the front.
"campeones de europa!" the girl threw her head back and screamed, a smile unable to stay off your face as you held her thighs and she grabbed your cheeks, kissing your forehead over and over with a repeated loud mwah noise.
"vale vale!" you laughed, dropping her again though this time she remained on her feet, the two of you hugging normally as you told her how proud you were. "i did not even play idiota!" the older girl shoved your head as the two of you pulled away.
"no, but your contributions to the team morale and being their biggest supporter even not on the pitch mean just as much. you know that, sí?" you promised, tone softening as did the defenders face. "gracias mi chica." the girl smiled, kissing your cheek and waving her flag around which she snatched up off the ground.
"if you poke her eye with that flag again león we are going to have a problem." you smiled as your fiance slotted herself in behind you again, a warning look at the tattooed footballer in front of you making mapi roll her eyes.
"tan dramática her eye healed fine! and she almost broke my flag." the girl cradled the piece of cloth and plastic tenderly in her arms, stroking it like you might a newborn making you roll your eyes.
"oh i am so sorry my poor face nearly broke your stupid flag maría." you shook your head feeling alexia chuckle as her body vibrated against your back. "gracias, now was that so hard?" mapi smiled as you lunged for her and she raced off.
"idiota." you rolled your eyes allowing alexia to lead you away back toward where your families were milling about.
"mi amor." you looked up from speaking with your mother, raising an eyebrow to your fiance who held up a tiny football in her hands with a suggestive grin.
"really?" you chuckled, but sighing in acceptance when her grin didn't drop, gesturing for her to give you the ball as she rolled it to you and backed into goal.
"vamos bebé, score a goal! if you can." the blonde teased in challenge. "what do i get when i score putellas?" you questioned crossing your arms, foot resting on top of the small childrens football.
"if you score, anything you want preciosa." alexia grinned cockily as you rolled your eyes and backed up a few steps. "remember to kick the ball and not the air amor!" your fiance continued to tease.
"vamos captain barça, maybe we will get you a job as the water girl for the team!" you turned to shoot your best friend a murderous glare as her face paled and she scurried off to find ingrid no doubt, her much better other half.
spurred on by the lack of faith from your loved ones, even your own father joining in with alexia's teasings, you took one more step back and lurched forward.
you made sure to do exactly as you'd watched your fiance do a million times in your backyard, driving your foot forward and following through, the ball zooming forward at a pace alexia clearly didn't anticipate as it shot past her.
you let out a cheer and pumped your fist in the air, racing around in a circle and grabbing the bottom of your alexia's jersey intending to tug it off exactly the way the blonde had an hour prior after her own goal.
"ale!" you laughed as a strong arm wrapped around your waist and another swatted your hand away. "mi amor you are ruining my celebration." you tutted with a shake of her head and a sigh.
"my celebration, and you are keeping that shirt on!" your fiance warned as you rolled your eyes and she teasingly flicked your ear. "oh wait-" you pushed away from her as she looked on curiously.
you cleared your throat and took a dramatic bow, a few onlookers clapping and cheering making you grin and alexia now the one to roll her eyes. "mm hilarious princesa."
"i thought so. now cariño...what was that about anything i wanted?"
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lovebugism · 2 years
Play wrestling with bff Steve and getting giggly when he just straight up manhandles you 😭😭😭
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summary: steve harrington doesn't like to let you win until he realizes how good it feels to lose. pairing: best friend!steve harrington / f!reader word count: 1.6k warnings: a lil bit suggestive towards the end, but nothing crazy a/n: i got super carried away with this lol i kinda just took this request and ran with it and well... here we are :) enjoy!
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Steve never lets you win. 
He thinks it’s letting you off too easy.
The boy’s competitive to a fault. He can’t stomach a loss, even if it’s in something as meaningless as a carnival game you only wanted to play for the giant dinosaur plushie that’s half the size of you. 
He always ends up giving it to you when he inevitably wins, wearing a big smug smile on his pretty, pink lips. You take it from him with a pout. The childlike scowl is quelled only by the funnel cake he buys you after.
It doesn’t matter what it is — a game of monopoly, trivia questions on the ends of popsicle sticks, taking in the groceries — Steve finds a way to make all of it competitive. He wants to have the most fake money and little fake properties, he wants to shout the answer before anyone else can, he wants to carry more heavy plastic bags than everyone else. Just to say that he did it.
If you put this much effort into school, you’d be in college right now, Harrington, you’d tease.
Not my fault you’re a sore loser, he’d retort. I’ll let you win the next one, sunshine. Promise.
He never does.
You and Steve play-wrestle like a couple of kids. It usually comes out of nowhere. You’ll make fun of him, he’ll shove at you, and you’ll shove back harder. Then it just turns into a game of who’s stronger than who — and it’s always him. Obviously. 
You try your hardest to prove your strength, pushing at him with nimble fists and wriggling something fierce in his hold, but you come out red-faced with a participation ribbon laced within his taunts. And even though he’s got several inches on you and quite a bit more muscle, he never lets you win. Ever.
He manhandles you, perhaps a little too rough at times, but it wasn’t like he had to be kind to you. You weren’t dating or anything, you were best friends — this is what a couple of pals do, right?
They play fight on the carpet of the other’s movie room after being told their closest confidant would murder them in a game of fuck, marry, kill between Anthony Michael Hall and Robert Downey Jr. with zero hesitation.
Friends totally force the other onto the ground by grabbing at the bottoms of their thighs before kneeling over them, wrenching their wrists in their grip and pressing their hands to the ground on either their head.
It’s the definition of being best buds. Truly.
For the first time, you manage to get the better of him. You’re pressed beneath his weight, breathing heavy and rapidly tiring, and you wave the white flag of surrender.
Just when Steve's letting you up and swiping a hand through his mussed hair, you force him onto his back and straddle his waist — like he always did to you — and giggle with mirth at the idea of finally beating him.
He doesn’t find a similar enthusiasm in it, though. His tune changes almost immediately.
You beam down at him, the words of a taunt on the tip of your tongue, and you notice how his cheeks flare pink. His honey-colored eyes widen and his mouth falls softly agape. He glows red in embarrassment and you think he’s just upset that he lost, but he sounds like he’s panicking. The words rush out of his mouth — “Alright, shit, fine— you win, sunshine. Get off, alright? Off, off, off.” 
His hand swats at the side of your knee to hurry you off him.
“Alright, jeez!” you concede with the roll of your eyes, halfway annoyed that he just can’t let you win anything. “You don’t have to be such a sore loser about it, Harrington—”
You understand his haste in that moment, when you feel him brush your inner thigh. Like, all of him — as in, the boner trapped in the sweatpants he’s wearing, all rock hard and raging in its cotton confines.
Suddenly, you’re just as bashful and panicked as he is. 
Your eyes lock at the rock hard realization but neither of you can think of anything to say.
Do you apologize? Do you act like you didn’t feel anything? Do you trust your voice to make a stupid joke so you can move on and forget any of this ever happened? You’re not quite sure.
And in the five-second silence, Steve just wants to die. Internally, he’s praying for a strike of lightning to take him out on the spot because he’s never been more embarrassed in his life.
He’s certain that he’s grossed you out, or worse, made you irreversibly uncomfortable.
In the mess of thoughts running through his head, he tries to rush out some apology that might soothe the awkward air. Your laughter does all the work for him before he can.
It bubbles like sunshine from your mouth, filling the silence and allowing Steve to breathe again. He finds himself chuckling under his breath with you, though he’s still red-faced about it.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Keep laughing, sunshine,” he chides with the roll of his eyes, though a smile hints at the edges of his mouth. He rises on his elbows to look at you. “What was I supposed to do? Your tits were in my face and your ass was on my dick— sorry for being human!”
“Sorry, alright? I’m sorry,” you manage through hearty giggles. You settle finally at his side and look over at him, still grinning. “Want me to leave so you can… take care of it or whatever?”
He knows you’re joking but he shakes his head anyway. “Nah, it’ll go away. Let’s just… finish this stupid movie.”
“Stupid movie? You picked it!”
“Yeah, so I could see Kelly Lebrock in a bikini!” he argues back, more thankful for the familiar bickering than he ever thought he’d be. “But you made me miss it!”
“It’s not my fault you can’t keep your hands to yourself.”
“Watch it, sunshine,” he grumbles, half-heatedly. “Don’t start something you can’t finish.”
“I think you’re the one who needs to worry about finishing, Harrington,” you joke and giggle when he shoves you.
You would’ve helped him, if he wanted you to. You know it’s uncomfortable and that it’s partially your fault. You also know that all of those are just excuses to cover up the fact that you’ve always wondered what his cock looks like.
He’d need only ask you, but you know that he won’t.
Even if he did like you in that way, it’d just make things all complicated. And that was totally the opposite of the effortless relationship you’ve developed with him. The kind of effortless where he can be rock hard next to you, and you’ve both decided to just move on from it.
Steve, meanwhile, spends the rest of the movie not watching a single damn minute of it. He’s too busy trying to calm himself down like a teenage boy and figuring out he can get you on top of him again without being too obvious about the whole thing.
He decides he might just start swallowing his pride and let you win sometimes.
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charlessainzz · 6 months
can do like reader with charles getting quite a few feature on dts here and there moments. thank you! i don't really like dts but I love the ferrari bits!!
My first request! Thank you for requesting this, it was fun to write! I hope it’s good! 
Drive to Survive’s Newest Star is… Not a Driver?? 
Take One: 
Cameras were everywhere. It was another Drive to Survive filming day. These days always made you nervous. More cameras than usual, more eyes than usual, and more opinions than usual. Luckily you were feeling good. You were decked out in head to toe Ferrari merch. White lace cami, vintage red leather Marlboro pants, red peep toe Manolos, with a number 16 cap. You looked the part of a die hard Ferrari fan. More importantly you looked the part of a die hard Charles Leclerc fan. And you were. His wonderful, supportive girlfriend of 2 years. His biggest fan. 
You felt the camera pan to you as Charles made his way through the garage you. He had just finished FP1 and well lets just say it wasn’t looking great… He needed you now and Charles could care less if the DTS cameras were watching. Your eyes light up as you see him getting closer to you. He grabs your waist and nudges your nose with his. 
“Hi,” you squeak, anticipating a kiss. 
“Hey..”, he whispers. “That was pretty bad wasn’t it”.
“Mmhmmm car looks pretty rubbish”, you giggle. “But that driver…. He’s pretty great. Makes a worthless car worth driving”, you say as you give him a peck. 
You both embrace in a tight hug and another kiss. Feeling the cameras rolling and hearing the photographers clicking away, you both start laughing. Oh this will be Netflix gold. 
Take Two:
Rain in October and in Austin, Texas. What are the odds! A usual dry race with an unrelenting sun had turned into a gray, storm filled race. The track was almost flooded. The radios of drivers shooting off justifiably angry that the race hadn’t been red flagged yet. The DTS cameras were here of course. Another perfect scene for them, they’d definitely be getting the footage they wanted.
Your hands enclosed in a prayer, begging for the officials to do something. To call for a pause, to cancel! There was no way the race could continue like this. Visibility is almost next to zero. You intensely listen to the radio, checking for Charles’s voice. He’s mad, he can’t see, and he’s ready to get out of the car. 
You’re watching the screen as the cars begin to slow around a turn, you see Charles and Pierre bump sending Charles off the track. It was all in slow motion. His car and your reaction moving at the speed of molasses. While the bump seemed minor, there were more cars headed his way. That’s what scared you. Just as that thought enters your mind, Checo’s car shoots down the track and narrowly misses Charles sending water crashing into him. You let out a shriek and cover your face crouching to the ground. The cameras all turn to you, documenting your reaction. You peek through your fingers seeing everyone staring and the lens facing you. At first you feel embarrassed but then you remember, that’s your man! You stand back up, straightening your posture, and brushing your hair off your shoulder. Arthur envelops you in a hug and points to the screen. 
Charles is being rescued by the emergency crew and he’s making his way back to you. He’s coming back to the safety of the garage and the safety of your arms. The DTS cameras know what’s coming next, and they stay on you waiting for the paddock’s favorite couple to reunite. 
Take Three:
Silverstone was always packed. But this year felt different. The crowd looked like sardines packed into a tin can. No room to move or even breathe. 
Charles held open the car door for you and grabbed your hand. He knew you didn’t love these crowds. He held your hand tight as you walked into the paddock. Cameras flashing, fans screaming, and DTS film crews lurking. You and Charles had one mission. Get to the Ferrari building as fast as possible.
Hands stuck like glue, you’re both practically running through the paddock. Of course, Charles being the man he is, has to stop and take pictures. But this leads to more attention and bigger crowds. You don’t mind, you know they love him. He deserves the love. Yet, the crowd becomes more…. pushy, more desperate for a glimpse at the Ferrari man. 
As he takes the millionth picture, you feel someone clench your arm and rip you from Charles. Letting out a scream, you fall into the ocean of the crowd. A man, desperate to get a picture, had done the unthinkable. He put his hands on you. Charles felt you instantly leave his presence. He snaps around grabbing your hand once more, and focuses his attention at the man. 
“Don’t you dare touch her!”, Charles growls with a finger in the man's face. That’s when you notice a boom mic over you capturing every second of this interaction. You let out a groan knowing that this will probably be in an episode. But hey! Your man was protecting you! 
His arms wrap around your shoulders and you both rush through the crowd heading towards the Ferrari hospitality. To the safety of your second home. Fans still hot on your tails screaming, “Leclerc! Y/n! Wait!”. Unknown to you both, DTS cameras are right behind you. Capturing the knight in shining armor protecting his princess. After what felt like a marathon, you see the Ferrari crew waiting at the entrance to welcome you in. Like deer leaping through a field, you both jump through the front doors. Doors closing, the cameras catch you both hunched over trying to catch your breath still clinging to each other. Like a wildlife documentary they sit at the door documenting two creatures that had just escaped a near death experience. 
After taking that moment to pause, you turn and see cameras pressed against the door recording you and Charles. You can’t help but let out a big belly laugh tapping him on the shoulder to look. Charles sees, grabs your hand, and flips off the camera pulling you towards his room. 
This episode will definitely be talked about! 
Take Four:
He takes the checkered flag! Charles Leclerc wins the Las Vegas Grand Prix!
The whole garage erupts into celebration. Charles wins! Carlos in 2nd. It’s a 1-2 result for the Ferrari team. What more could Fred have asked for. The whole garage runs towards the podium, awaiting their boys. You take off running towards the barrier followed by a film crew of course. Unsurprising to anyone, the Drive to Survive team is here to capture the lavish race that is Vegas. 
The podium waiting area is front to back red. You want to see him, you need to see him. But how can you get to the front? Not wanting to be rude, you tap shoulders and whisper ‘excuse mes’. As people turn ready to shout at the person cutting through, they recognize you. With sheepish smiles they usher you through to the front. Cameras following, but you could care less. 
Finally, you're at the front waiting for the drivers to exit the cars. Barriers crushing your ribs, you can feel your heart ready to leap out of your chest in anticipation. Then there he is! He leaps out of the car and throws his hands up. He points to the sky, and then points to the team. Jumping down he sprints to the Ferrari team ready to welcome back their champion. He leaps into the arms of the first team members he sees. Everyone reaching to touch him, to congratulate him, to get a glimpse of their driver. He scans the front row looking for you. He knew you’d be there but where are you? As he takes off his helmet he sees you. Tears have stained your cheeks and hair a mess from running. 
Charles jumps to you and grabs your face. Hands over your jaw, he brings your lips together. The kiss says everything and more. Cameras push in closer and closer as you continue kissing your driver. You break apart and laugh knowing what they’re capturing. Charles looks you in the eyes and says, “Another kiss for the winner?”. 
“Always”, you beam and bring him back into you. Charles takes a hand and pushes the lens away from you both. Trying to get some privacy in the most public situation ever. The film crew lets up knowing they just got their shot. They just got the money shot of their number one F1 driver and Drive to Survive’s newest star… who’s not a driver. Who would’ve thought!
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insomniacirl · 10 months
I just had a sick and twisted fucking thought about episode 114 and I need to share it to the world.
Okay, so Chip realises his mistake- trusting Gillion's clone and failing to see the red flags because, well it's Gill (I could go on a rant about this too)- Gillion's clone has pushed him to the ground and is towering over him. If Chip could bleed, his nose would probably be bloody.
And at this exact moment, where Chip can't use his magic to defend himself and his best-friend is threatening to kill him- we cut back to the real Gillion, who is running up these flights of stairs away from a monster that could literally breathe on him and end his life, he's on 1HP.
Destiny's Blade glows in Gillion's hands and whispers that, 'Chip is about to die.'
Gillion- with zero hesitation- goes running to find him and save his life.
So, for starters, Chip is undead- he physically cannot die, or at least not very easily; I'm guessing that it would take an incredibly powerful, god like entity/bad guy to actually end his undead life now. And yet, Destiny's Blade says that he's about to die.
The blade itself was designed for slaying the undead and the evil entities Gillion himself was designed to fight against- but when it comes to Chip, there's nothing Gillion wouldn't do to protect him with this sword. And that reflects on Destiny's Blade, I would imagine- the blade supports Gillion's destiny, his fight for good.
And to add to this, I don't know if Chip actually could've been killed by clone Gillion- but the idea that he came close and that the sword instinctually reached out to save his life is just- WRAH.
It also highlights just how scared Chip was, because he couldn't fight the clone even if he wanted to, not only because of the magic barrier- but because it's Gill, his co-captain, his best-friend, his paladin (a pirate and his paladin I'm sorry- I love them sm lmao).
And yes, Gillion is known for taking ridiculous risks to keep his friends safe, willing to take every blow and keep fighting like it doesn't hurt because he's a knight, he was trained for this, this is what he's good at- but he runs to find Chip, ON 1HP. I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH- THIS MAN WAS IN PIECES, HIS SKIN HAD BEEN TAKEN FROM HIM, AND IF NOT FOR THE DEATH WARD HE PROBABLY WOULD'VE DIED. But he runs off to find him anyway, no hesitation, no thought of his own well-being, only that Chip is in serious danger and he needs to save him. He won't let him die twice.
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teyums · 1 year
love realization #10 with “you’re so pretty...” “and you are drunk.” for Neteyam I just know you’ll EAT
stoppp you’re gonna make me blush omg!! i was so excited for someone to request this one eeee 🤭 first commission for the party! wc: 873
Neteyam x fem!na’vi reader
prompt: “you’re so pretty” “and you’re drunk” drunk flirty prompts #4
warnings: none!
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Neteyam knew better. Honesty, he did. What kind of idiot challenges Lo’ak, of all people, to a drinking contest?
“Loser does the other’s chores for two weeks.”
“Oh, you’re on baby bro.”
It was lighthearted, at first. Realization quickly setting in that a celebration within the village like this was something that didn’t come around often; a chance for them to kick their feet up with zero worries of responsibility even rarer. And the large bonfire roaring in the middle of the common grounds, embers crackling amidst the steady hum of cheerfully sparked conversations, solidified that fact.
Couples, brothers, sisters, all sat around, enjoying each other’s company while the children had long ran off with their peers, eagerly urged by their parents to wear themselves out for the night with repetitive games of tag.
It was clear this was a time to relax, something that was usually unknown to the eldest sully. But a quick glance over at his parents, giggling and huddled up, served as ample reassurance. And with each swig from the leather bota bag Lo’ak had shoved into his hands just moments prior, he felt himself relaxing more and more.
You’re seated on a fallen log beside the swaying figures of the two sully boys, a little ways in the distance from the lively dancing bodies of fellow na’vi. It’s probably been going on for fifteen minutes now, the repetitive shoving and roughhousing between the brothers as they place their bets higher and higher on who can drink the most of the strong liquid. Your forehead almost aches from the amount of times your palm has smacked it.
Neteyam holds a weary hand up, nodding deeply and laggardly waving the limb in his brother’s direction as he urges himself to continue. “Alright, *hiccup* I… I got this. Just *hiccup* give me a second.” The statement comes out slurred and choppy, his free hand balanced on his knee to keep himself from falling over as he reaches out with the other to take the flask from Lo’ak’s hands— or struggles to, rather.
“Alright, that’s enough.” You quickly chime in at the sight of Neteyam’s dizzied state, leisurely leaning forward to snatch the bottle of fermented fruit from the hands of his challenger. Your movements were far from rushed, but Neteyam couldn’t have caught up with you even if he wanted to. “Congratulations, Lo’ak. You win.”
It’s painfully delayed, Neteyam’s reaction, that is.
“Wait, wait-“
But it’s too late, you’ve already dumped the remains of the liquid out in the bush behind you, and Neteyam tosses his hands up in the air in regards to you waving his white flag before he could even agree to it.
“Fuck yeah!” Lo’ak is quick to shoot up on his feet, a little too quickly, seeing as he stumbles a bit before catching himself. “Have fun scooping ikran shit, big bro.” His words are spoken at a teylu’s pace, a heavy hand lifting to his forehead as he signs a mock salute to his tipsy sibling.
You watch Lo’ak wobble away with a shake of your head, knowing he’s probably off to go challenge yet another victim to a game he’s never lost. A laugh was set to leave your lips, until you heard Neteyam groan and felt his body slump over into your lap.
His unfiltered weight is heavy in your hold, but you let him, nonetheless. He lazily shifts from his side to lay on his back, his head cradled in your open palm as you stare down at him with a quirked brow.
“God, why is everything spinning?” His eyes pinch shut and he drags his hands down his face before they move to rest over the steady rise and fall of his stomach.
“Maybe because you’re an idiot and tried to out drink your brother. Do you not remember how badly you lost to him last time? You couldn’t get out of bed for two days.” You tease.
His lids peel open and they narrow to glare at you for as long as he can keep up the offended act.
But with the way your hair cascades over your shoulders and frames your face, your eyes twinkling with amusement as you look down at him, he can’t pretend for long. His resolve crumbles in seconds, the slightly fuzzy image of you causing a goofy smile to spread along his flushed lips.
Your head tilts quizzically at his sudden change in expression and you go to tuck a strand behind your ear. “What are you smiling at?”
His lashes flutter and he gives you a sluggish shrug of his shoulders, pearly canines peeking through his boyish grin as his fingers reach to twirl a lock of your hair. And when he speaks, his words drag on much longer than they’re supposed to.
“You’re so pretty… Have I ever told you that?”
The sound of a hiccup cutting through his confession has your eyes rolling towards the stars, possibly to distract you from the fact that your face is heating up.
“And you’re drunk. Very, very drunk.” You giggle, gently brushing your fingers over the wispy baby hairs that peek from his hairline.
He hums, though it’s clear he’s not listening with the way his heavy eyelids fall closed in response to your touch. With a turn of his cheek, his head nuzzles against your thighs and closer to you, the soft graze of the tip of his nose below your navel nearly ticklish.
“I want you… want you, to be my girlfriend. Will you be my girlfriend?” He drawls with a smack of his lips.
His arms wind around your waist, letting you know that he’s definitely about to pass out and trap you where you’re sat until he stirs from the drunken coma.
You sigh at that, and your forehead thanks you for showing mercy when you restrain yourself from smacking your palm to it again as you respond to the dozing man in your lap.
“We’ve been mated for two years, Neteyam.”
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©teyums 2023
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esotericpluto · 1 year
your life 5 years from now
from left to right; intuitively choose the pile you feel more connected to. To make it easier, you can take a deep breathe, close your eyes and ask for guidance to your deities or guides. These are all general messages, so just take what resonates and leave what doesn't. This reading is timeless. If it resonates, feedback is always appreciated and motivates to keep doing pick a card readings. You can donate here.
dividers credit: @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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pile 1
fully intuitive, no cards
I feel like you will have a lot of success in your life, mainly financially. You will be very financially stable and living out your dreams. I see most of you will be in your desired career and learning everyday more about it, advancing in it and adquiring new skills. I see some of you investing money in various ways too, as buying properties, jewels or art pieces. Others might be investing in actions/stocks as well and building a diverse portfolio.
For some people in this group (mainly those who will be 25 plus in 5 years) I'm seeing that you will be building a family too or preparing yourself to build one, however I do advise you to be very careful with the partner you pick as some of you might be investing in a rotten apple without realizing. Do not ignore red flags and be 100% sure this person is fulfilling you and doing more than the bare minimum, as you do not want to regret the person you build a family with. Some of you might even receive warnings of this through dreams, so dream journal and study dream analysis.
Overall, I see, especially for women who picked this pile, that you will be highly successful. I see you having very close friends who are there for you and who are successful themselves, so no jealousy or envy in the scene. I see you all going on trips and nice fancy dates together and truly uplifting each other up.
You will be extremely well educated by then and might even be beginning to take on a PHD by that time. I also see you taking some free courses here and there and truly building yourself up and becoming very well read. You will be a real catch and grow into yourself both physically and mentally. You will be very grounded in all aspects of yourself. I am also seeing some travels around the world and possibly owning a cat or two.
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pile 2
2 of cups, 10 of swords, 4 of wands, 7 of pentacles
For those who picked this pile, you will be entering a harmonious time in your life after a long era of suffering and worrying. I see, however, that all this depends on you. You will have to remove your blindfolds and actually take control of your life and make a decision once and for all about yourself and the direction of things. This might be working on yourself, working on limiting beliefs, putting end to toxic behaviors and thoughts you have about yourself or others, going to therapy and doing shadow work. For some of you, this will require the end of friendships/a relationship that won't serve you anymore and you will have to put yourself first, choosing yourself over them, even if hurts you for a while.
For others, this might indicate you are going to be entering a new relationship after worries of never finding the ideal person for you. However, I see that you will be plagued by fears that the relationship won't work or that the person will leave eventually and that you'll have to start from zero with someone new all over again. This is a valid fear, but you will only be allowing these thoughts to drain you out of life and happiness if you don't address them. Not only that, but you will end up easily minsunderstanding your partner or jumping to conclusions that will only put a strain in the relationship. You have been hurt before and you didn't deserve that, but be careful to not project the aftermath of that pain onto innocent people.
I do feel like this partner could be the end game for you, but only if you are willing to truly work through these issues and I'd recommend starting now. When the time comes, be willing to be open with them about the things you have been through as they'll be open minded and understand you better than anyone has. Consider going to therapy too and even couple therapy with them if you have the chance. People tend to think couple therapy is only for when things are going through rough patch or to "fix" things, but the truth is that every couple can benefit from couple therapy and it can help them heal from expectations and fears they carry on from childhood or past connections.
Working through all this will require some time dedication and patience from both, but I see it strengthening the relationship and even possibly leading to marriage and a lot of happy moments together.
I also feel like you might be going through a lot of tiring moments when it comes to your career in 5 years. I feel like most of you will still be trying to find a career/workplace that fits you and where you feel welcome. Others might even not be enjoying your job/employers for being too strict, non-understanding and draining. While you should be collaborative, you should never take abuse or energy draining vampires. You are strong enough to leave and find a better job for you, there are enough of them out there for you and you might even find a better area or truly follow your childhood dreams.
Your efforts when it comes to work will definitely pay off after a while and you will even receive a financial bonus/reward due to this.
I see a lot of celebrations. I feel like some of your friends or even family members like cousins and siblings (i'm also seeing an younger aunt possibly) getting married, engaged or having children. You might also be going to parties or hanging out with friends, trying to maintain a healthy social life. I'm also hearing to keep family close.
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pile 3
Lovers, Temperance, 6 of cups, 5 of cups, Knight of Cups, 6 of wands, 7 of pentacles, 3 of cups
So I feel like for most of you 5 years from now this will be a time of self-love and balance in your life. I also see that you will be surrounded by life, with a stable partner/relationship (possibly already marriage for some of you) and expecting a new family member/child, whilw trying to balance things out in your life and home to make space for the new family element.
Because of this new addition to your newly founded family, I feel like you will be reminiscing a lot about your own childhood and how things went with your parents. I feel like they committed many mistakes that you feel resentful over still and that you'll fear repeating. It could also apply to anyone who might have hurt you during your childhood and you fearing the same happening to your kid. However, you're going to choose to look at this as a new beginning and as a way to give someone else the childhood they deserve, since you didn't have yours. I feel like this will help you heal your inner child and release the unwarranted guilt you might feel.
I feel like around this time you might even receive texts from ex partners trying to reconnect, which you will of course decline since you'll be in a happy relationship expecting (although this could also apply for people adopting/using surrogacy btw). Some of you, old friends will reconnect and want to catch up with you. I'm hearing to be careful with who you let back in, but a few of them will be trustworthy and you'll miss them in your life. I feel like some of them might just try to get into your life again for their own benefit and to ask you for money, so be careful. This could also be a family member for some of you.
Overall, it will be a time that you'll see many things come to fruition and you will feel truly victorious. I see a lot of happy joyful moments and celebrations, especially when the little one gets in the picture. I think it will be a very united and bonded family which is adorable.
There will be one month or two that you might need to go into introspection/solitude until you feel better and ready to face the world too. I feel like for some of you this could sadly be some form of postpartum depression, but I see you getting counselling for it and overcoming it without many struggles.
You will be pausing your career for a bit with this, however once you do get back I see people welcoming you with open arms, missing you and wishing you the best. I see you will also be able to get promoted/salary raise in a few months after you get back and so will your significant other, bringing more abundance to you two especially after being a bit tight on finances to make space for the baby.
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deadbeat-motel · 4 months
ᑕᕼEᖇᖇIᗷOᗰᗷ ᗩᑎᗪ ᔕIᖇᑭEᑎTIOᑌᔕ ᖇEᗪEᔕIGᑎ
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The last two designs for the main cast. With these two done, I can finally work on miscellaneous characters that I've been eyeing the most.
Again, thoughts below the cut:
My issues with their Original designs:
Sir Pentious:
I thought I would only have one thing to say about him (the unnecessary eyes) since he was my favorite in the entire original cast but having taken a closer look at him for this, I saw a lot of things that bothers me.
Too many eyes. specifically the lower half of his body has too many eyes and it seems detrimental to him. It's kind of painful to think about it since I do not think we ever see those eyes close. Is he just slithering on the ground with those exposed eyes? That's got to be irritating at best and damaged at worst as he continuously slithers on them.
There are eyes on the bowtie and the hat? There are already 4 extra eyes on his hood, so why have even more? I get that the original Pentious design was basically a monsterous amalgamation of eyes but the eye thing could have been scrapped altogether.
While his palette was the least red out of the cast (More so composed of yellows), it still blends in with the rest of the reds.
The claws are an unnecessary repeating design trait (Alastor and Vox notably have them too). I don't think it would've been too big of a difference to just keep his fingers fully black.
The stripes on his suit are too thick. It's called pinstripes for a reason.
I don't like how the hat is shaped to fit the head, It's awkward.
not a point, but I just wanted to say how the blue color palette works really well with him in that last episode.
She's not that bad of a design (She's sort of bland in my opinion) but it's the little small details about her that makes her so simple and also so complicated at the same time. There are so many batches of freckles scattered everywhere, little explosion lines on her skirt as well as the X on her chest, the tattoos are a jamble of random loops and bombs, and her tattering doesn't have an easy shape to consistently draw.
The thought process for these two:
Mx. Pentious:
Pentious goes by both Sir/Miss/Mx. but uses she/they pronouns.
Minimized the actual amount of eyes on her, I kept it only to her actual eyes and those on her hood.
Gave her a butterfly-shaped hood. It's nothing deep since it stems from the fact the notches in Sir Pentious' hood almost looked like one to my bad eyesight. I decided to play more into that idea.
I read some posts where people talk about how Sir Pentious should have a snout and while I understand why and fully support people giving him one, I really didn't want to add the snout to this design. It drove me crazy since I'm not a big fan of it. I tried a compromise where her head was shaped more like Phineas.
Kept the tophat but removed its eye and mouth. If I remember correctly, Viv took that from one of her co-workers from the pilot. I decided to just have it as a regular tophat.
It doesn't have all the colors, but her design does have the Neptunic flag.
I'm not sure if this even is a real snake but I based Mx. Pentious' design on this:
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Scraped most of her features in exchange for a sukeban theme. I personally have zero knowledge about the punk scene in Australia.
A majority of the suggestions I received for her rough draft had something to do with the skirt. I elongated it and gave it a slit in which the magenta from the inside is able to pop out.
Thought it would be a cute detail to have her hair explode if she's angry.
Apologies this took too long to be posted, Life got in the way as well as the fact I was feeling shitty about Pentious' first draft. Her skin was an awkward and ugly shade of green and seeing some posts critical of Pentious' design got me to think a little bit more about what direction I'd like to move her redesign.
You could see this in the earlier rough sketches but this was how Pentious' first redesign looked like
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self-awared · 4 months
The Rock's Crack
Inspired by @lum1nesc3nce
Tw/Cw: not proof-read, angst, violence, murder, fighting, betrayal, reincarnation
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The pain of your lover's betrayal hurt worse than the actual stab of the spear. The countless times he had placed his contracts above you should have been the first red flag, but, as foolish as it sounds, love is a powerful force.
One of his contracts was to eliminate any threat towards Celestia. Obviously, the person on the other end of the contract was Celestia themselves.
The contract stated that Morax would have to kill anything that was even remotely threatening Celestia's rule. If he failed, Liyue would be destroyed just like Khaenri'ah had been destroyed years before.
You were deemed a threat by Celestia the moment you discovered that Celestia was the cause behind the fall of the nation you had loved long ago, Khaenri'ah.
You still remember the flash of remorse in Morax's eyes fade to coldness as his spear plunged into your chest.
He tried to make it quick and painless.
He failed.
You laid on a rock protruding from the ground, your golden blood dripping off of the rock and onto the warm grass below. You had barely registered the moment a blonde-headed boy approached you, an abyss herald standing behind him.
"How cruel the gods are. To kill their own lover with zero remorse." The boy spoke harshly as he placed a hand on the wound that had barely missed your heart and lungs.
You felt the warmth of the boy's touch spread through your body like a warm ray of sunshine. You welcomed it. Even if you could, you wouldn't fight as he picked you up and walked through a strange portal.
The nausea from teleporting knocked you out, which could have been for the better.
You had discovered that the person that saved you was named Aether, Prince of the Abyss. Ironic, isn't it? Being saved by the world's enemy, betrayed by the world's protector?
Nevertheless, as payment for the Abyss saving you, you joined them in their journey and traveled alongside Aether.
The fact that Teyvat was still prospering should have been a dead giveaway that you were still alive. And to Morax, the fact that the flowers still bloomed and water still reigned calm in Liyue's harbor, was a sign of hope.
The hope was multiplied the moment he saw you. Yet, he still failed to understand why you were surrounded by Abyss Heralds, mages, hilichurls, and numerous other monsters.
"...[Y/N]? What is this?" Morax held his spear loosely at his side as the adepti fought the abyss standing by your side.
"Isn't it obvious? You made a mistake. I'm the consequence." A small smirk creeped into your face as you lunged towards the God of Geo, your sword extended towards his heart.
"Please don't do this!" He cried out, blocking your blow with his spear.
"Sounds familiar, doesn't it?" You couldn't help but compare this moment to when you fought against him all those years ago, the memory of you begging for your life sticking in both of your memories.
The sound of metal hitting metal was the only thing that you heard, besides the screams of the civilians around you.
A swipe towards the feet, a thrust towards his heart, a swing towards his hands to disarm him... Your movements were calculated precisely.
Harnessing your elemental powers felt easier than ever.
You made the ground shake, the vines tear people around you to shreds, summoned lightning strikes that hit Teyvat with much force, formed tornadoes and hurricanes, started wildfires, made the air freezing cold, made tides rise...
Teyvat seemed to be as angry as you were.
In the middle of it all, Morax still fought you with grief in his eyes.
"Don't make me do this." He said breathily, swiping his pole-arm up diagonally, barely missing you as you stepped back.
"You actually think you can win?" You laughed, thrusting your sword at his chest.
Your tried to tune out the pained screams of the people dying, until you felt the pull of a prayer. Everytime someone prayed to you, there would be a tug on your heart, as if conveying you to answer it. You never thought you'd feel that when you were the cause of their pain.
"Creator! Help us!"
The screams of people calling out to you filled the air, making you falter in horror. What were you doing?
You never meant to go this far- You just wanted revenge, you never meant to kill anyone- you just wanted-...
He had plunged his spear straight through your chest, making you wheeze as it hit your lungs, taking advantage of your distracted stage.
You met his eyes.
There were tears in them, as he knew there was no way you would survive this time.
"Im sorry..." His voice cracked. The air stilled and became warm again, the vines receded, the tides calmed, the fires went out, the ground became still, and the storms faded.
"Don't be... I'm the one that's sorry." You coughed, falling into his arms as your golden blood tainted the spear.
"I'll come back. I swear on it."
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Your last words were written in the history books. He still remembers the pain in your voice even as he became Zhongli.
You had become etched into his memory like a crack in a rock: unable to be removed or fixed.
He wrote stories about you, told your tales, read fanfiction of you to see what people thought, and making sure those that tainted your image were punished.
Even after that fateful day, even after all the chaos you caused, he still loved you.
So, there was no way he couldn't recognize the sense of warmth that filled him when the traveler entered the teahouse with Childe.
And, low and behold, your reincarnation followed the traveler shyly.
You kept your promise.
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radfemverity · 1 year
Liberals will defend absolutely anything. And with the rise of trans and nonbinary identifying men developing more obscure, previously-unheard-of fetishes, we will see truly bizarre cases of abuse that go beyond what our legal framework is designed to tackle.
Nowhere can we see this more than with @nominal.Naomi on Twitter, a TIM who produced milk to feed his partner’s child. He also has posted many photos of said child.
Those of us with commonsense spot the red flags this immediately, but liberals say “Lol how is a parent feeding their child a form of child abuse?” Then we point out he has called his lactation abilities “cow achievement”. And that he has an OnlyFans where he cosplays as a cow. And that he has kinks for cows, milk, and breastfeeding. At the same time, he states that while he is currently feeding the baby through a bottle which he’s already put his milk in, he is hoping to be able to directly breastfeed, nipple to mouth, soon.
Liberals still say “lmao TERFs really believe that a mother breastfeeding her child is abusive.”
Two hypothetical questions for those with that line of thought (‘hypothetical’, because I already know the fucking answers):
1. What are the odds, in your opinion, of Naomi, a biological male with a fetish for cows, milk and breastfeeding, who also calls himself a mother, who already posts photos bottle-feeding and wants to directly breastfeed soon, including this child in his OnlyFans content when he is physically able to do so? Bearing in mind that the aforementioned fetishes he has are already topics of his OF. Would you still say that this is transphobes acting as morality police, trying to prevent a parent from innocuously feeding their child, if videos of said child being breastfed became Naomi’s content? Would you be okay with it so long as the child’s face was blurred and cropped out of the footage? Would you say that it is harmless?
2. Under the scenario that this does happen, is this child pornography? If not, why not? Irrespective of his sex or gender identity, this is what Naomi gets off to. He already makes porn with these themes. If it does constitute CP, how can you safeguard children with the existing legislation? You can’t make photos or videos of breastfeeding illegal. It is a biological function of mothers (actual mothers) �� which then leaves the option of criminalising it solely on the grounds of men with fetishes partaking in it. But you thick-as-pigshit liberals have already made men with fetishes a protected characteristic in law. And they can sue you for anti-trans discrimination if you dare suggest that they are involving a child in their sexual fetishes.
I’m sure I will get zero answers of any kind, and liberals will do what they always do which is cycle through the four stages of unrelenting denial, before finally saying “how could we possibly have known that something like this would happen?” “how could this have even been prevented?” and act as if they are hatchlings who cracked out of their eggs into the world yesterday and have no idea how anything works.
Probably shouldn’t mention eggs though, don’t want to give ‘mommy Naomi’ any ideas. God, male sexuality is depraved. They really can make a fetish out of anything. And those of a centre-left political disposition will be right there behind them, cheering them on, ready to shut down any legitimate concerns with the classic line of “how does the way other people live their life have any affect on you? Why do you care?”
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weberlifedesign · 14 days
September 11 Significance in 2024: Freedom and Democracy
The September 11 significance in 2024 should convey the remembrance of how we all came together after that fateful moment to work as one to save our democracy and freedoms. As we ready for an upcoming presidential election all should be standing together to fight, as we did in the aftermath of the horrific terrorists’ attacks on our nation 23 years ago. We must be vigilant in not allowing 9/11…
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ornii · 2 months
Could you please tag me in all the parts of my kind of crazy? Cuz i found part 1 and 2 but cant find the rest. And if there is no more could you please continue it?
Yeah I still need to learn how Tagging works, so if anyone can, let me know. But to answer your question no I haven’t made a part three
Until now!
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My Kind of Crazy, Part 3
Inside the run down office building, Red Hood motions for Deadshot to follow him. Katana watches them closely as Red Hood opens the door and they both step in, the room was a large office space with multiple computers running programs and systems. And FBI workers tearing and wiping the files. And the one ordering them around was Amanda Waller arguing with Flag.
“You wouldn't have made it without them.” She spoke, packing.
“We got lucky. I don't do luck. I do planning and precision.” Rick replies, and Waller shrugs it off.
“Admit it, Rick. I was right.” She spoke, and Flag wasn’t buying it. “Yeah, I told you to get on the damn truck. Why'd you stay?” He eyed Waller, who stopped packing and gave flag a harsh reality check.
“I was studying your girlfriend. She takes an average person, a yoga mom, an elderly retiree, and she turns them into a soldier who can take a headshot and still fight. It's an instant army. How'd she do it, Flag? How'd she game the system with you watching her every move?” Waller asked, it it was obvious she knew the answer already. Flag buried his pain and ignored the question.
“I'll accept the consequences.” He said
“I am your consequence.” Waller replied with stern emphasis. Just as he prepares to weasel out again, Deadshot and Red Hood approached.”You might need to be careful. They think we're rescuing Nelson Mandela.” Deadshot eyes Waller, who walks past him
“I can take care of myself. Shut it down, wipe the drives.” She gives the order to the Agents who continue to wipe their digital prints from this Operation. Deadshot leans into flags ear as he watches Waller.
“Uh, hey, man, I know you can't hear me 'cause you're trapped in your temple of soldierly self-righteousness, but a two-faced dude like you wouldn't survive a second on the street.” Deadshot points out the obvious Hypocrisy, Flag being called out for lying about this High Value Target.
“Oh, says the guy who shoots people for money.” Flag retorts, Red turns quickly to Waller at the sound of gunfire. Waller has systematically executed the workers. Red could only watch, knowing Waller or Flag could turn his brain into mush. Waller leaves, and Red Hood eyes flag, who doesn’t look very happy about what he’s just witnessed.
“That is just a mean lady.” Deadshot follows.
“Yeah. You get used to it.” Flag grumbled, Red walks past him, “I don’t think a good soldier would let innocent people die, but what do I know right?” Red and Deadshot exit the room, and the Squad see who they’ve been made to protect. Waller and Flag step out into the frying pan of sorts.
“Let's go home.” Flag ordered, it it wasn’t on a natural bass, more of a coercive tone, but it obviously wasn’t working.
“Yeah, let's go home. That sounds good. You guys wanna go home? Or you wanna go back to prison?” Boomerang said, obviously sarcastic, they all had their reasons for not going back home.
“What I'm saying is we kill the pair of 'em now before they kill us.” Boomerang said, which many of agree with, slowly surrounding them, “I got this.” Waller took this one herself, letting Katana and Flag watch, she stepped before the squad, “You all made it this far. Don't get high-spirited on me and ruin a good thing.” Waller shows the explosive device in her hand, much like the one Flag has, all set to explode just like Red Hood predicted. The Squad all share a glance, and they reluctantly escort Waller to the roof. The dark sky has hints of neon lights and flames dance in the sky. Regrouping with Flags men they watch a Helicopter fly towards the Building.
“Savior One-Zero, this is Ground Element. Savior One-Zero, how copy? Savior One-Zero, the LZ's clear.” One of Flags men tries to hail down the Chopper, but no response.
“Boss, they're not talking to me.” He spoke, and Flag quickly assessed the situation, “Our bird's been jacked. Light it up!” Flag and his men open fire on the Helicopter, its panel opens up to Joker, dressed in a suit and with an AK opening fire with manic laughter, a minigun mounted on the heli also opens fire on them, ducking behind AC generators to keep from getting torn to shreds. Red Peers over the unit and his eyes catch a glimpse of that face, the manic laughter, the pale skin. A flood of rage built into Red and he leaped over the Unit, firing his dual pistols at the helicopter. Titanium composite hollow tipped bullets, with a C4 Kicker, explosive ammunition he made himself, the shots land hard on the wall that actually begin to make a dent. They turn the Minigun to him and looks to shred him, before Red can get turned into mince meat, Diablo comes in and tackles him before another AC Unit. He saved Red, who looked at the man, he shrugged it off and kept down to avoid bullet fire, but this wasn’t a random attack it was coordinated, Harley begins to walk to the Helicopter, and Waller orders Flag to execute her, but every tap of the device leads to an error. Harley leaps to the rope and escapes, leaving Waller one less of a member, and Red, a missed opportunity. Dead soldiers litter the roof and everyone steps out of cover, Waller making a B line for Deadshot.
“Deadshot, shoot that woman right now!” She yells, and Deadshot shrugs
“She ain’t do shit to me.” He said lazily
“You're a hitman, right? I got a contract. Kill Harley Quinn. Do it for your freedom and your kid.” Waller said, which was more than enough for him.
“Now she dead.” He walked to a Unit and mounted to fire, heat her Harley dance and swing around, and takes the shot, Harley’s body goes limp, but she suddenly laughs and swings more around, Deadshot missing on purpose, he walked back to the ground.
“I missed.” He said, and Red wasn’t listening, all he felt was red, his chance to kill the Joker, gone. He walked over to the corpse of one of the soldiers, snatching a rifle from its cold dead hands and he mounts up as well, everyone watches as the helicopter takes a slight left. He took everything into consideration and fired, the bullet flew and it hit the cockpit and straight through the pilots skull. They watched the helicopter spiral and go down. Red turned to the group and dropped his gun.
“Got what I wanted… We done here?” He said, everyone was silent, showing the ruthless cold side of the Red Hood. No one knew how to take it, but it’s safe to say for the Red Hood, that felt good. Another Heli picked up Waller and they left. Flag waits as the chopper soars off into the night deploying Flares. Minutes pass and Flag calls in, and listens.
“Ops just confirmed. She's down. 1k west. Let's go get her. The mission's not over.” Flag and his men turned to the exit with the “Heroes”
“Nah. It is for me. We had a deal.” Deadshot spoke up for most of them, everyone.
“Without Waller, you got nothing.” Flag walked off, and the group reluctantly follows. Making ground back on the floor they run into a less than happy Harley Quinn, who survived somehow. She spots them and attempts to put on a happy face.
“So.. shot any good birds lately?” she asked, mixed with sarcasm and scorn.
“One… if it means anything I wasn’t aiming for you.” Red Replies.
“I could kill you..” Harley grumbled
“You’d die trying..” Red replies as they approached Wallers downed chopper. Tears the door open croc side stepped to let them see. But no Waller. Dead corpses but none hers. Red Activated his detective mode in his visor. He scans around and they’re dead.
“I don’t see any of Wallers blood, gun residue everywhere though.. she tried to fight off whoever came for her.. rains going to be a pain in the pass to pick up any blood or sweat to track.”
“What’s your point?” Deadshot asked, Red turned to him. “My Point.. is that they captured her, they didn’t want her dead.. that have some use for her. But for what, I don’t know.” He said, and spots Wallers bag and began to ruffle though it. And sees a black binder and begins to sift though it and red was silent, he turned to Deadshot and handed him the binder. “The Hell’s this?” He asked.
“Why we’re here..” he responds, Deadshot reads it and looked back up to Red, he angrily takes the binder and storms off to Flag, he hurls the binder at the wall and everyone turns to flag. Deadshot and Flag are eye to eye.
“You tell everybody everything. Or me and you gonna go right now.” He said, and flag’s face told a story, and he reluctantly explained. “Three days ago, a non-human entity appeared in the subway station, So Waller sent me and a woman with incredible abilities. Enchantress. A witch. See, nobody could get near this thing, but the witch could. Needless to say, the whole thing was a bad idea, the woman was… possessed by the Enchantress, she’s held captive by her. We were going to blast a hole in the subway under the entity and.. she tricked us with the bomb, And that's how she escaped from Waller. So now you know.” Flag explained his turmoil, to everyone who listened and everyone respectfully was sick of it. Red scoffed, “we’re sent on this death mission to fix your fuck up..” he folds his arms, and Deadshot shook his head and looked around, and saw a Bar.
“You can just kill me right now, but I'm going to have a drink.” Deadshot walked off and Harley follows.
“Hey, Deadshot, I need your help.” Flag pleads, but flint shook his head
“No, sir. You need a miracle.” Deadshot and the others head in, Red Hood was the last to leave and looks Flag up and down. “Might as well call the big man in the sky for that.” He gave one last stinger and walked into the bar, he saw the others enjoying their drinks and slumped in a seat next to Deadshot. Harley was tending and eyed the man.
“Oh, Dead Hood.” Harley still has a pretty sharp bone to pick with him.
“Not my name…” he responded and Deadshot looks around.
“Well, we almost pulled it off despite what everybody thought.”
“We weren’t picked to succeed..” Diablo chimes in, and Deadshot agrees, “Worst part of it is, they're going to blame us for the whole thing. And they can't have people knowing the truth. We're the patsies. The cover-up. Don't forget, we're the bad guys. And, uh, for about two sweet seconds, I had hope.” Deadshot flushed down his drink.
“You had hope, huh? Hope don't stop the wheel from turning, my brother.” Diablo looks at the empty shot glass before him
“You preaching?”
“It's coming back around for you. How many people you killed, man?” Diablo asks Deadshot, who admittedly probably doesn’t even know, the bodies left in his wake. “It’s Karma for us, especially for me..” he continued
“See, I was born with the Devil's gift. I kept it hidden for most of my life, but... The older I got, the stronger it got. So I started using it. For business, you know. The more power on the street I got, the more fire power I got. Like, that shit went hand in hand. You know? One was feeding the other. Ain't nobody tell me no. Except my old lady. You know, she used to pray for me. Even when I didn't want it. God didn't give me this. Why should he take it away? See, when I get mad, I lose control. You know, I just... I don't know what I do..till it's done.” Diablo made a woman of fire in his hand.. and snuffed out her flame, Red listened, memories of his own father flooding on.
“And the kids?” Boomerang asked, fearful himself.
“He killed them.” Red spoke up, and he took off his helmet to reveal his face and sighed. “I remember…” Red stopped talking and shut up, almost revealing his other identity, but Harley wasn’t up for silence.
“Own that shit. Own it! What'd you think was gonna happen? Huh?” She said to Diablo.
“Hey, Harley. Come on.”
“What, you were just... Thinking you can have a happy family and coach little leagues, and make car payments? Normal's a setting on the dryer. People like us, we don't get normal!” She yelled, and Boomerang sharply put his glass down.
“Why is it always a knife fight every single time you open your mouth? You know, outside you're amazing. But inside, you're ugly. We all are.” He said, and Red piped up. “.. So, you just.. willow in that hole?” He started and stood up, he walked over to Diablo as everyone watched. “You kill your wife and kids and you think you deserve a cell for the rest of your life? Feeling sorry for yourself? I got a temper too so I understand, but you’re still in control of your actions.” Red turned to Harley.
“You know why I shot your chopper down?” He asked, everyone really leans in now. Red shows the J scar on his cheek, “see who I got this from?” He said, and Harley began to remember. “You’re—“
“I was.. Robin. I probably helped put a few of you in prison. I went after Joker by myself one time. Didn’t think Batman understood.. and my temper got me. He.. beat me, for days, starved, tortured me, and once in a while, I saw you in the corner, laughing. And when he finished, he blew me to pieces.. I was fourteen. Lazus pit.. Now look at me. This, was my choice... Now I gotta live with it. Same way you gotta live with it.” (Y/n) walked back to his seat, and slumped down.
Everyone was silent, he felt a glass tap his finger and he looked up to Harley give what he can only assume is an apology whiskey. “Mista J is.. not the best when it comes to dealing with kids. I guess I’m not either, maybe you were right when you said that.. maybe I’m just another victim, I mean what lady watches a man beat a.. teenager.” She said to herself, Red took it and downed it effortlessly. “I’m twenty two now, not a teenager anymore.”
For a moment it seemed the two can actually form a decent but obviously volatile relationship, but then, Flag enters the Bar and slumps down next to Red.
“We don't want you here.” Harley frowns, and Flag looks at Red, “You get to the part in that binder saying I was sleeping with her?” He said, Red raises an eyebrow. “Nope, I never been with a witch before. What's it like? I mean I’ve flirted with death before but I don’t go that far.” Red shrugged and Deadshot leaned to see Flag.
“Apparently, that's why the creatures chase him all the time. 'Cause the witch is scared of him.” He chuckled, but Flag shook his head, pain in his voice.
“The only woman I ever cared about is trapped inside that monster. If I don't stop the witch, it's over. Everything is over. Everything. You're free to go.” Flag smashes the device and breaks it, and Boomerage makes a break for it. Red sighs and turns to Flag. “Your girlfriend is going to destroy the world, isn’t she?” He asked, Flag was silent and Red put the mask Back on and gripped his pistols. “Well.. fuck it.” Red stood up. “Let’s go Flag.. least you can say you died tying.” Red walked away, and everyone watched him, and Deadshot sighed and stood up and followed out, Red peeked back in.
“Yo Harley, you coming?” He asked, she shrugged and grabbed her baseball bat. “Don’t have anything else better to do.” She said and followed, everyone now filled with a bit of nepotistic energy follow, if they head into the abyss, at least they go in screaming. flag has the back of the squad, even if they’re “Criminals.” And Captian Boomerang comes back, like a, Boomerang.
Outside the large square, the squad now prep for the final assault, Red tossing a camera to a wall and using his visor to look around, “looks like there’s a woman.. and a massive guy next to her, that’s our targets?”
“Yeah. It isn’t going to be easy getting to her, I did leave a big demo charge down there in that subway. There's a flooded tunnel, leads right underneath that building. SEALs, they can recover the charge, swim in underneath that thing's feet. We get in its face and distract the hell out of that son of a bitch so the swimmers can blow the bomb. That's how we take it out.” Flag gives a solid plan. Croc pipes up
“I'm going with ya.” He spoke to the SEALS, as if they had some choice.
“We got this.” One said, and croc tore off his upper shirt and jacket. “I'm not asking, bro. I live underground. Y'all are just tourists.” Croc and the seals swim in the flooded subway and the main squad prepare for a literal suicide mission. They walked along the subway and corpses strung the pillars. Blood and black ooze follow. They reach the central station platform. Inside felt like a theatre of darkness, whatever dark magic she was conjuring.
“Hey, everyone can see all this trippy magic stuff, right?” Harley asks
“Yeah. Why?” Red replies.
“I'm off my meds.” She weakly smiled. Deadshot and Flag look to the center, of Enchantress continuing to open the
“So that's your old lady?” Deadshot nods in approval.
“Well, you need to handle this shit, all right? Get up there, smack on her ass, tell her, "Knock this shit off." Deadshot said, which flag couldn’t tell if he was being serious it not.
“I do not think that'd be wise. I'm gonna draw out the big one. My boys will detonate the bomb underneath him.” Flag gives the order but before they step out, Enchantress calls out to them.
“I've been waiting for you all night. Step out of the shadows. I won't bite. Why are you here? Because the soldier led you? And all for Waller. Why do you serve those who cage you? I am your ally. And I know what you want.” The woman calls out, and begins to show the squad their true dreams, what they truly wish for, Deadshot to rewrite that day, Harley., a family. And (Y/n), who stood across Bruce with a smile, as he’s still Robin.
“Alright Bruce.. what’s on tonight?”
“Patrol, Arkham’s never safe.” He said sternly, (Y/n) gave a smirk and nodded. He felt the suddenly jank of reality, Red saw Diablo in his face.
“It's not real. She trying to play games with you, man. - It's not real!” He yells to all of them, who slowly come down from their dream, and step out to face enchantress. She sees her tricks didn’t work, and frowns.
“The sun is setting, and the magic rises. The metahumans are a sign of change.” Enchantress saw their minds aren’t changing now, and casted a spell, stomping from the back the larger monster approached.
“Who's this?”
“It's gonna be bad!”
“We should run.”
Red Didn’t take advice well and charges in, leaping past its tendrils and firing off his rounds, it began to bend the mental skin and make the monster cry out. He leaped onto its back and slammed an explosive charge on it, he hurls red hood off of him. Deadshot takes aim and hits the explosive dead on, but no effect! Boomerang hurls his boomerangs that do not to stop it, the monster grabs the Australian by the neck and prepares to turn him as well. Kitana leaps off a counter and slices the hand off with a clean cut, only for the Mayan grow it back, bullets and explosives only infuriate it. Before Harley can get crushed by the Mayan for a bat swing, Red fires his grappling hook to her shirt and reels her to safety.
“We can get him in the corner.” Red pops off more shots, and Diablo steps up!
“I lost one family. I ain't gonna lose another one. I got this. Let me show you what I really am.” Diablo rushed forward and blast a bellow of flames at it, only to infuriate the monster who kicks him away. It awaken the true El Diablo! His body underwent a harrowing transformation into El Diablo! The meta human battles with the Mayan. Pushing him to the edge he and the Mayan are right at the corner
“Diablo, get clear! Get outta there!” Flag yells, the Meta turns to them, “Blow it!” He orders, and Red watched The Mayan and Diablo go up in smoke and rubble in the explosion. He laid for it.. he lived. And died with his choice. Red stood up and walked to the hole, but he forgot that this battle was far from over, Enchantress still had her power.
“My spell is complete. Once you and your armies are gone, my darkness will spread across this world. And it will be mine to rule.” Enchantress activated her portal, which begins to tear the world apart. And the true enchantress escapes, her body devoid of color, black, like the ooze leaking from all she touches, and she attacks them, their bullets, blades, nothing can harm her!
“You got a move here, Flag?” Red tackled flag out of the way from getting his head taken off.
“We gotta cut her heart out. While we're fighting, that thing's laying waste to the whole damn world.” Flag said, “You guys have any plans on cutting her heart out?”
“I got one..” Red said. “How long have you been thinking about it?” Harley adds in.
“Maybe five minutes..” Red begins to try something, anything, tapping into the power of the Lazuris pit and felt a heartbeat within it all. A hilt of pure red energy began to emit from his heart. He gripped the handle with both palms and pulled it from him, a red blade of energy was now his. “Huh, this might work.. I cut her chest open and you guys tear the heart!” Red gives the order and charges in, Enchantress swings and fires magic, Red put the blade up and it began to deflect the magic, he leapt forward with a slash and fought Enchantress in the arm. It cut her body made of magic. Her body couldn’t heal from it, the scar emitting a red haze. She looked up worried and Red begins to put more pressure on her, and catches her right on the chest with an upward slash, Enchantress screams in pain, and the squad see the chance, Harley, Deadshot, Kitana and Boomerag grab her arms and legs and flag comes from behind. Just for the moment Enchantress was taken aback, and Red goes in with a blade straight though her heart. Time slows down as the enchantress blinked. The light leaving her eyes in a flash the eruption of light left the station and the bleak sun shined though, and June was right before Red. Confused and why a sword was though her body Which disappeared. Flag realized that his June was back, and hugged her. I suppose it was a happy ending
“Y'all don't mind, I got me a sewer to crawl back into.” Croc turns to leave and Red sighed and turned to the front, “Yeah, and I got some business to handle back in Gotham.” Red dusts himself off
“I'm going to hotwire a car. Need a ride?” Harley offered, but before he can reply, Waller, who’s somehow still alive steps out with her explosive device.
“How are you not dead?” Deadshot said in disbelief. “We just saved the world. A "thank you" would be nice.” Harley spoke, and Waller tilts her head “Thank you.” She said sarcastically, “You're welcome.” Harley replies with a smile.
“So, we did all of this and we don't get shit?”
“Ten years off your prison sentences.”
“Nah, that's not enough. I'm seeing my daughter.” Deadshot kept his eyes locked on Waller who reluctantly agreed.
“That can be arranged. Any other requests?” “An espresso machine.” Harley said
“…BET.” croc nods, and Boomerang scoffs.
“Ten years off a triple life sentence? Darling, I'm walking out of here a free man or we're going to start having some real fun.” He approaches Waller, who coldly stepped up to Boomerang. “Why don't we have some fun?” She replies scaring the piss out of the Captian. Red shrugged, he got his revenge after all.
Back at Belle Reeve, (Y/n) sits in his cell, footsteps echo from the Door and he cracks his knuckles, ready to fight.
“Whoever it is… gonna put.. 14 in the ICU.” He said, and the voice of God, Waller spoke to him. “That won’t be needed, you’re getting released.”
“…What?” He stood up from his bed, staring at the Door expecting death, what opened was something much more than that, he could only muster one word
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chiqelatasblog · 10 months
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CHAPTER ONE : The First Failure
-> Ao3 link is here.
-> Prologue is here.
-> Chapter Two link is here.
Pairing : Sub Zero | Bi-Han x Reader
Summary : As you navigate the challenges of this forced union, the uncertainties about the future cast a daunting shadow over your every step. Amidst the grand promises that bind your clans, there lingers a fear—the apprehension of an impending first night that both duty and tradition demand.
The journey ahead unfolds as a delicate dance between obligations, fears, and the pursuit of control in a destiny that feels beyond your grasp.
Two months ago…
‘’The plan is quite simple; gain the trust of the grandmaster. Once you win his, the entire clan will trust you anyway.”
‘’Easy to say but difficult to implement. We've been fighting them for too long, brother. That's why it won't be easy for him to trust me. It may take me months or even years to be able to do what you say! If we could come up with another plan-"
"You will do whatever I say."
Your brother rudely interrupted you, casting a disdainful gaze down at you, his stature towering over yours. Despite not averting your eyes, a subtle shudder ran through your body.
Given your brother's easily provoked and irritable nature, angering him was not only a simple feat but also a dangerous one. To maintain your composure, you tightly pressed your lips together and offered a slight bow of your head as a form of apology.
"It seems that our forces are insufficient to defeat them."
While your brother was speaking, he began to slowly circle around you, just like a hunter observing his prey.
“We need a different plan. We must catch them by surprise so that victory will ultimately be ours. Isn't that right, sister?''
One of your brother's hands grasped the end of your hair, which was falling down to your waist, and pulled it slightly, showing that he wanted to get an answer from you.
"Yes brother, you are right."
“A lot of blood has been shed because of this war between the clans. You don't want to let the blood of our dying brothers remain on the ground, do you?"
"Good, I'm glad we agree on that."
Your brother caressed your hair with fake affection. When his movement caused you to shiver more noticeably than before, you got angry at yourself for the weakness you showed and stifled your shiver by nibbling hard on the inside of your cheek. Your brother gave a sinister smile, showing that he was aware of the power he had over you and enjoyed it.
‘’You will gain that man's trust, (y/n). Any information you get there is worth gold to us. You can put an end to this war and take your place among us.''
Your brother released your hair, easily reappeared in front of you in two big strides, grabbing your chin and lifting you up to look at him.
"I know how much you desire this. Don't you want to finally be accepted? Moreover, if you complete this task, you will be remembered as a savior.”
You swallowed. Of course you wanted this very much, you had spent years working non-stop, going from one mission to another in order to be accepted. You were cruel to yourself, but your desire to be appreciated was so great that you often ignored your body's flags of rebellion for you to stop. And now, the opportunity you were looking for was presented to you.
Thanks to your talent, you would frequently execute your missions without detection, accomplishing them with flawless stealth and agility. You never found the need to talk your way out of trouble since you had never been caught.
Consequently, people began crafting nicknames for you, acknowledging your existence despite never seeing you. Ghost, Shadow, Nightmare, Specter, Wraith... Among them, your preferred alias was the Silence of the Night. It carried an air of elegance blended with danger, sounding almost poetic.
The more perfect you were at your duties, the less successful you were at impressing people. As someone with the blood of a noble family, you always made sure that your movements looked fluid like water, graceful and measured. However, most of the time, you would think that you couldn't do it right because you tried too hard for it and it looked like the exact opposite.
Despite your abilities being unknown to anyone in the clan, you remained invisible to them. As a result, you didn't have many people around you to talk to in your life. Over time, this led you to give up on trying to establish a dialogue with them, prompting you to retreat into your own shell.
“Put your worries aside,” your brother said, the corners of his lips turning down in distaste as if he heard your thoughts. "You carry our blood, it is not even possible for you to fail."
You swallowed once more. You wanted to succeed in this mission and prove yourself more than anything and anyone. However, this duty also conflicted with your own values. Yes, the Lin Kuei Clan was your enemy and you needed to deceive them for the future of your own clan.
Only then could you bring an end to this war and lead your clan to victory. For this, you simply had to gather enough information and create the right moment by taking advantage of the element of surprise.
But was this really what needed to be done?
Would you be able to do this?
‘'Men are generally simple creatures. Their thoughts often revolve around fighting and sex; complicating matters too much will only confuse them. The grandmaster of the Lin Kuei is no exception. Don't let his cold demeanor intimidate you. Utilize your femininity to captivate him, distract him, fill his mind with you. Refrain from expressing your opinions on any subject; instead, be silent and observant."
Your eyes filled with tears of despair as your eyebrows furrowed slightly. But you didn't spill them, you wouldn't give your brother this satisfaction, nor would you humiliate yourself in front of him.
“When you become his wife in a few months, your body will now belong to the grandmaster. Do whatever he wants. The more you satisfy him, the easier it will be for you to approach him and learn the order inside."
You knew you wouldn't deny what was said; you were merely a pawn in this war, with no right to voice objections. It was unheard of. Nonetheless, despite the looming marriage in two months, your brother's words induced a knot of tension in your stomach.
"Did you understand what I said, sister?"
You were able to say, "Yes." in a dry voice.
A sinister smile, reminiscent of a snake, appeared on your brother's face. He cupped your face with both hands and placed a small kiss on the top of your head, as if sealing the spoken words.
''Nice, very nice. Since we agreed, you can withdraw (y/n).”
You stood in the middle of the room, unsure of what to do.
About half an hour ago, you were married to the grandmaster of the Lin Kuei. The wedding was held in a simple ceremony attended by clan elders, family members, and high-ranking special warriors.
Even though the wedding dress fit like a glove, you felt like you were suffocating throughout the ceremony. It was as if your lungs did not fit into your chest; no matter how deep you breathed, it was never enough, preventing you from suppressing the growing tension inside you.
That's why you focused your gaze on one place, looking only in front of you, and tried not to lose control. You were a warrior; you shouldn't have been intimidated by a marriage. Moreover, it wasn't even a real marriage; it was just a significant step towards leading your clan to victory.
Still, despite all this, the weight of the task, its reality, and the obligation to meet expectations began to weigh on your shoulders with each passing minute, making itself felt more clearly.
During the ceremony, neither you looked at the grandmaster nor he looked at you. Both of your eyes were focused forward, both of your stances were upright, and there was a distinct gap between you, almost large enough for a person to fit in. It was obvious from every aspect that you were married out of necessity.
“I hope this union will end the ongoing hostility between the two clans. Now we are all a family under this roof; your happiness is our happiness, your sadness is our sadness, and your war is our war too.”
With the echoing voice of the clan elder, the trembling in your body increased even more. When the rings were brought to you in a fancy box to be worn, you turned your body towards the grandmaster, and this time you fixed your gaze on his chest, avoiding meeting his eyes directly.
Even in this situation, you felt small and cornered against the grandmaster's large body. You knew you could easily blend into the shadows and escape from there if you wanted; it would be effortless for someone of your skill. Unfortunately, running away was not an option for you as you had to hide your powers from them.
Your head could only reach the man's chest, and the cool air emanating from him had raised the tiny hair on your body. The danger signals emanating from every part of the grandmaster were clear as day; you could feel his dark aura and dominant nature to your core.
You raised your hand when the grandmaster, who was about to become your husband, reached out to put the ring on your finger. Your hand was shaking noticeably, just as you had feared. You hoped that he would think you were shivering because of the cold.
While shame turned your cheeks pink, you felt the grandmaster's gaze on you for the first time and, unable to help yourself, you stole a glance from behind your eyelashes.
When you directly met the grandmaster's eyes, at that moment your heart was filled with a strange feeling that you had never felt before, as if your heart had fallen into the void.
They were definitely the most beautiful eyes you've ever seen in your life. Dark brown eyes, with the gaze of a predator, were slightly slanted and framed by dark lashes. It reminded you of the snow leopard you encountered while wandering through the forest once, beautiful but also wild. He had a distinct danger that meant he could easily tear you to pieces if you got close to him.
The grandmaster's touch sent a shiver through you as he placed the ring on your finger, his dark eyes never leaving yours. It was as if you were jolted awake from a dream, and you quickly shifted your focus to your hand.
The silver wedding ring on your finger was plain, with a smooth surface that felt cool against your skin, and adorned with only a small, dark blue gemstone. After looking at the ring for a few more seconds, you moved to put it on the grandmaster's ring in the same way, and again the man's intense gaze never left you.
You didn't remember the rest of the ceremony, you were too nervous and stressed. You had no idea how you got to this room, all you remembered was the similar corridors and the cold seeping through the stone walls.
You told the two women who came to help you to take off your wedding dress that you wanted to be alone and asked them to leave the room, and you somehow managed to take off your wedding dress with numb fingers.
With your legs feeling like jelly, you open the suitcase left in the corner of the room, where your belongings are kept. Carefully, you take out the nightgown your brother had chosen for you, unfolding it with a sense of reluctance and uncertainty.
Examining the satin, black nightgown with its long, floor-sweeping skirt and deep slit, a wave of nausea washes over you. The front of the nightgown is once again crafted in a deep V-shape, mirroring the design of the slit, making you acutely aware that it could easily expose your breasts without any effort on your part.
As you slip into the nightgown, your growing nausea intensifies, and an unsettling sensation grips you – akin to being a gift meticulously prepared for presentation. The overwhelming feeling brings tears to your eyes, and your lower lip begins to tremble slightly.
Anticipating the upcoming moment, you frequently refrain from pondering how your first time will unfold. Coming from a noble family, voicing your opinions on marriage is a luxury you don't possess. It's a duty, an obligation shared by everyone in your family, a fate dictated by the needs of the clan's future.
Reflecting on your parents' union, you recognize that, for those of noble blood, marriage is more duty than choice. The realization has always been too daunting to confront. The notion of a stranger, someone you've never met, easily penetrating your privacy has consistently sparked fear, causing your heart to race and beads of cold sweat to form.
And now, you've reached a point where you can't run anymore.
With fingers numbed by tension, you delicately adorn yourself with jewelry left by your mother, seeking to conceal the scar that stretches along your throat. Each piece, though carrying a sense of protection, is recognized as nothing more than a fragile illusion.
When the last necklace settled down to stand in the middle of your chest, the question that you didn't want to think about but couldn't stop from appearing echoed in your mind.
Was he going to hurt you?
You were not oblivious to the whispers that circulated regarding the first night, and unfortunately, the majority of the gossip you caught wind of painted a rather grim picture.
Given your origin from the enemy clan, he has every justification to revel in your suffering. Under different circumstances, you would never hesitate to fight and defend yourself.
Your body, shaped by years of training, is acquainted with pain, and you've acquired the skill to endure it. Yet, despite your ability to suppress pain in your mind to a certain extent, it proves insufficient to pacify the fear welling up within you—a type of fear both raw and primal, an emotion you’re unfamiliar with.
Besides, you had no idea how to satisfy him. Your life was spent in rigorous training, tasks, and strict discipline. Moreover, being an outcast in your clan, you had never formed emotional connections with anyone, making you clueless about how to satisfy him.
Finally, you dabbed on a perfume with an intense scent that irritated your nose, applying it to your wrists and a bit on your neck. The overpowering smell of vanilla engulfed your senses, intensifying your nausea. Due to the stress you had been feeling since the morning, you could only manage to drink water, and the bitter taste of rising bile lingered because there was nothing to expel.
Not now. Not now. I can't throw up now, no. Please no.
While desperately trying to calm yourself down through self-assurance, the door of the room opened quietly, causing you to freeze in place. When Lin Kuei's grandmaster stepped into the room in all his glory, a cold breeze also entered with him.
You trembled like a leaf in the thin nightgown you were wearing. Maybe it was due to the tension you felt, you didn't know, but the grandmaster's large body made the room suddenly feel small.
‘‘What are you doing here?’’
The deepest sound you'll ever hear in your life echoed through the room. You swallowed; you were sure you hadn't done anything wrong, but the way the man was asking made you doubt yourself.
‘‘I was brought here,’’ you said in a soft voice. Compared to the turmoil inside, you were glad that your voice came out smoothly and clearly, without cracking. ‘’Did I do something wrong to make you angry?’’
‘‘I don't want you to be here.’’
As the grandmaster approached you with confident strides, you made an effort to project an air of composure, stifling the inner protests urging you to step back and maintaining a poised posture.
You didn't want him to think that you were afraid of him; it was too dangerous to put such power in his hands already.
Once the distance between you closed, you were able to look at him decently for the first time, having to tilt your head back a little to do so.
He was dressed in a traditional outfit of dark blue and black with the colors of his clan, and there was the clan's crest on a silver brooch attached to the left side of his chest. The grandmaster in these clothes looked more like the Chinese monarchs who passed through ancient times than a warrior in it.
His black hair was carefully gathered, and his complexion, pale enough to reflect the moonlight, framed a masculine face. With an arched nose, thin lips, and a jaw marked by strong lines, his features were striking.
Yet, what left the most significant impression and held your gaze was his eyes. Unblinking, dark orbs conveyed pronounced arrogance, a testament to his accustomed habit of looking down on others, coupled with a commanding power that compelled obedience. His dominant air shifted the room's atmosphere in an instant.
Normally, intimidation never came easily to you, a trait instilled by the harsh experiences your own family subjected you to. Your family, especially your demanding late father and your brother following in his footsteps, shaped your resilience. No one had the luxury of choosing their family, so you learned to keep your guard up and navigate around them.
Despite being a stranger, the man before you exhibited a fundamental difference that set him apart from the individuals in your family within seconds. Wordlessly, through his upright posture and tense shoulders, he conveyed a silent threat, one that lingers and continues to affect you.
‘’This is my room," stated the grandmaster. Although his voice was as quiet as the night itself, it resonated so deeply that it seemed to rumble in your ears. "The fact that we are married does not mean that we will share the same room. This marriage is no more than an alliance; you are my wife on paper, not in reality."
You remained silent, unsure of how to respond. This revelation caught you off guard, and as the temperature in the room dropped, you had no doubt that the grandmaster started to notice your trembling body.
In a whispering voice, you finally managed to ask, "But shouldn't we be fulfilling the binding of the marriage ceremony?"
"I can clearly see that you don't want to do this; you look as timid as a bird," remarked the man. One of his black eyebrows slightly lifted in a mocking manner. "I've heard that birds have heart attacks and die when they get too scared. Is that what happens when I touch you?’’
Despite the cold in the room, your cheeks flushed with embarrassment and a touch of anger at being perceived as weak. The man's words carried a sarcastic, arrogant tone that ignited a surge of anger within you.
You lifted your chin and looked directly into the eyes that were carefully watching your every move like a hawk. This action of yours was bold, perhaps even displaying a rudeness unbecoming of a noble woman, but in that moment, you didn't care.
‘’I am here to fulfill my duty.’’
"We've both just fulfilled what was expected of us already, little bird.’’
You frowned at the sarcastic nickname that came out of his cold voice.
‘’On paper, you are my wife, and I am your husband. We are no more than that. We won't be. If you want this alliance to be sustainable, don't take the ring off your finger, don't try to pry into my business, and keep your mouth shut as long as you're around me. I'm sure you're talented enough to do all of these things.’’
Without giving you a chance to answer, the grandmaster grabbed you by the arm and kind of dragged you after him towards the door, while the coldness emanating from his hand took your breath away.
‘‘Your own room is at the very end of this corridor, I'll call someone in a moment to bring your things.’’
When he closed the door in your face as he finished his words, you stayed where you were in shock. Not only were you kicked out like a little child, you were also insulted.
You stayed there, your rapidly beating pulse create a ringing in your ears, while your breath coming out of your lips created a thin smoke in front of you.
You had failed the first task you were expected to perform. You knew that when you had to report to your brother, he would ask you questions about tonight and wonder if you were successful in influencing him. If you tried to lie, he would catch it very easily. You've had enough time to ignore this concern for now, but you've fallen into a complete unknown about what you should do.
As you walked towards your room with silent steps, you also felt more humiliated than ever. You've never heard of a woman being kicked out of a room on her wedding night.
Marriage was a sacred bond, according to the belief the marriage would end the same way it began. You knew well how important it was to fulfill this, especially for those who care about old traditions, such as your own clan.
Despite the marriage being crafted for an alliance, even if it was merely a facade, both sides exchanged marriage vows. While the incomplete conclusion of the ceremony lessened your concerns about the first night, it now overwhelmed you with anxiety and humiliation that you couldn't fulfill it.
Tomorrow morning, when you emerged from another room, everyone in Lin Kuei would find out the truth. Was the grandmaster's reluctance to touch you solely due to your status as his enemy? Or perhaps, beyond that, did he harbor a dislike for your appearance? Maybe that's why he wanted you out of his sight as soon as possible.
‘’Why does it matter what he think?’’
You said to yourself. Crossing to your room, you closed the door behind you and sat down directly in front of the windows, which illuminated the room with moonlight, without bothering to look inside.
‘’It doesn't matter what he think about me, he is my enemy, and I am his. I need to figure out how I can get this resolved as quickly as possible, that's all.’’
While reassuring yourself, you nervously nibbled on your lower lip. The challenges ahead were proving to be far more demanding than anticipated, yet you hadn't found the courage to vocalize this realization.
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zegrasdrysdale · 10 months
can we now have a fic when the test says positive? <33
[ plus sign ] j. drysdale
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paring : Jamie Drysdale x fem!reader
summary : (Y/N) surprises Jamie with a present that will change his life after he gets home from a game
warning(s) : mentions of sex but no actual sex, pregnancy
author’s note : i am really just fueling the baby fever i have had for days at this point. self indulging i guess. anyway, enjoy :) (this isn't a second part to "not our time" btw bc this request came in after i posted that)
She noticed the first red flag that morning when she and Jamie were fooling around before he left for his game. He gave her breast a light squeeze and it hurt when it usually feels good. She blamed it on the fact that she was probably about to start her period.
That's when she noticed the unopened box of tampons in the cabinet under the sink when she went to pee after they were done in bed.
Her stomach dropped when she did quick math and realized that she hasn't had her period for nearly two months. She needed to go to the store as soon as possible and get some pregnancy tests.
Which has all led up to (Y/N) sitting on the floor against the door as she waits for the results of the two pregnancy tests on the counter next to the sink. Her phone counts down beside her and the closer the time gets to zero, the bigger the knot grows in her stomach.
Yes, she wants a baby. She loves kids. Every time she sees her nieces and nephews, she can't wait to have her own.
She doesn't want to give Jamie a baby he might not even want right now. He's still trying to prove himself as a top defenseman on the Ducks after injuries have sidelined him for months and he may not want the extra stress of having a child.
They haven't even really talked about having kids because it's been less than a year since they went from a friends-with-benefits thing to an actual relationship. She loves him, but she doesn't want to trap him with something he may not even want or need at the moment.
The alarm on her phone goes off after five minutes. She wanted to give the tests enough time for clear results, just in case.
With a shaky sigh, (Y/N) pushes herself up off the ground. She shuts her eyes and gnaws on her lower lip, unsure of what she wants.
She doesn't know which result she'll be happier with. A lot comes with either result.
If it's positive, their lives are going to change. Even if Jamie doesn't want anything to do with the baby, she won't get rid of it. She can't. She'd feel so guilty.
If it's negative, she'll probably be devastated. Maybe she and Jamie aren't ready for a baby but she'll still love them with everything in her. She's in love with the baby and she doesn't even know if she's actually pregnant yet or not.
To rip the bandage off, she opens her eyes and looks immediately at the tests in front of her as she exhales.
'+' stares her in the face.
Twice. There are four lines between both tests on the counter.
A gasp falls from her lips and her hand flies up to her mouth. Her free hand picks up one of the tests to get a closer look at it.
It's positive. They're both positive. There's no doubt about it with how dark those lines are on those tests.
She's going to have a baby. Tears fill her eyes as soon as the realization hits her and a quiet sob passes her lips. A part of her and Jamie is growing in her belly right now.
Her hand falls down to her belly and rubs it a few times. Her face hurts and she realizes that she has the biggest smile on her lips, and probably has since she saw the result of the test.
Jamie. He doesn't even know that she had all those realizations that prompted her to get tests in the first place. He has no idea that she even bought the tests.
Quickly, she throws on her Ducks jersey and a Ducks hockey beanie. She wasn't going to go to the game because of how bad she felt but she wants Jamie to know as soon as possible. This is a piece of him. They made this baby together.
She throws one of the positive tests in a little gift bag to act like it's a gift before she gets in the Uber she called. (Y/N) doesn't trust herself to drive a car with how badly her hands are shaking.
There is two hours before the game starts so Jamie is probably in the gym with the rest of the guys to get their pregame workout in. All the staff looks at her with a confused look on their face as she makes her way to the team gym.
The security guard stops her from walking in. "Sorry, miss," he says. "No one is allowed in the gym while the team is in there. Can I get someone for you?"
"Can you just tell Jamie Drysdale to meet me in the team lounge area so I can give something to him?" she requests. "If it's not too much trouble. Tell him his girlfriend is looking for him."
He nods and heads into the gym. (Y/N) spins on her heels and heads down the hallway to the team lounge room.
It smells like men in the room. She quickly comes to the conclusion that the family lounge room smells so much better. At least it doesn't smell like twenty plus sweaty men.
She paces for a second before the door opens and a very sweaty Jamie walks into the room. "Baby, hey," Jamie greets her. "What's going on? Is everything okay? You've never interrupted the team workout before."
(Y/N) holds out the little gift bag. "I have something for you," she tells him. "Um, it can't wait or I would've waited until after the game. It'll be worth it, I think."
Hesitantly, Jamie reaches out and takes it. She watches as he pulls it open. She's super nervous about the reaction that Jamie will have as soon as he sees what it's the bag.
At first, he looks confused. Then he reaches into the bag and pulls out the positive test. He squints at it then his eyes widen. He looks up at her and asks, "You're pregnant?"
"Yeah," she breathes out. "After this morning, I went out and bought a few tests because it normally doesn't hurt when you squeeze my boob. Then I realized it's been over two months since I last had a period so-"
She's cut off by Jamie pulling her into his arms and picking her up. "We're going to have a baby," he says. Happiness and excitement is in his voice. He doesn't sound angry or worried. "We're really going to have a baby."
A laugh passes her lips and she wraps her arms around his neck. He puts her down softly and she looks up at him. "Now you see why it couldn't wait," she comments. "I was really excited to tell you because they're a part of you too."
The happiness on Jamie's very sweaty face brings tears to her eyes. "Oh my God, (Y/N)," Jamie laughs as he cups her jaw. "You don't have to cry. I'm so happy. I'm ecstatic, baby. I can't wait to meet them. I'm going to love the shit out of this baby because they're a part of you."
(Y/N) laughs and Jamie dries the tears that have rolled down her cheeks. "I love you, Jamie," she tells him. "I can't wait to raise this baby with you. You're going to be the best father."
"They better come to every game with you as soon as they come out of you," Jamie says. "I want to brag to all my teammates that I have the cutest baby in the world."
She smiles and hugs Jamie. He wraps his arms around her for a quick second before he sinks down to his knees. He glances up at (Y/N) for a second and whispers to her belly, "Hi in there. This is your daddy. I can't wait to meet you. Your mom is the most amazing woman in the world and she's going to rock at being a mommy."
Her fingers run through his disgustingly sweaty hair. "Can we celebrate when we go home?" she asks. "After you have had a shower because your hair is disgusting, baby."
"Sorry, sorry," he laughs as he gets off his knees. "I'm just excited. I can't wait." There are voices in the hallway, which means the team is done in the gym. "I have to go get ready but I'll see you during the warm ups, right?" He leans down and pecks her lips,
"Absolutely," she replies. "Go score me a goal tonight."
"One for both of you."
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liked by anaheimducks, trevorzegras and 20,392 others
yourusername baby girl drysdale coming in spring 2024 ♡
view all 3,287 comments
masonmctavish23 i'm gonna be an aunt !
tterry19 i don't think that's how that works bud masonmctavish23 oh well
anaheimducks We can't wait to meet baby girl Drysdale!
yourusername <3
trevorzegras oh i am so going to be the uncle that brings your daughter ice cream when you tell me no. that baby is going to be so spoiled
jamie.drysdale going to be the best mama <3
yourusername gonna be the best daddy. baby girl is so lucky to have you as her dad
leocarlssoon looks like there's another rookie joining us this year
nhl Congratulations Jamie and (Y/N)!
frank_vatrano this secret was getting so hard to hold. congratulations tho
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