#The First Shot spoilers
melodious-tear · 2 days
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We've lived here for a long time. It feels strange to leave suddenly.
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lunarriviera · 11 days
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something that touches back by lunarriviera fandom: 雪迷宫 | The First Shot (TV) rating: E words: 13.7k warnings: no archive warnings apply relationships: Gu Yiran/Zheng Bei characters: Ding Guozhu, Zhang Xueyao, Zheng Nan, Zheng Bei's father, Zheng Bei's mother, Zhao Xiaoguang, Xin Tiegang tags: Gu Yiran POV, post-canon, first time, getting together, there was only one bed, police, undercover, arguing, crime fighting, angst and hurt/comfort, team as family, family feels, idiots in love WARNING: SPOILERS summary:
Gu Yiran had taken everything off the situation board that morning, and boxed it all up for the archives. There was one photo he kept, ripped in half. He thought Zheng Bei might want it back, later. Zheng Bei’s face is drawn and his eyes are haunted. He's hardly spoken since he woke up. Gu Yiran hates it. He doesn’t know what to do, to make it alright again.
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hidey-writes · 28 days
wip wednesday
Gu Yiran reaches for his glasses out of Zheng Bei's hand, fumbles them onto the hospital blankets, silver against snow-white linen. Zheng Bei's hand catches his wrist, pauses him.
"Here." The cold slide of his glasses onto his face. Zheng Bei's face coming into focus. He's very close, not quite meeting Gu Yiran's eyes. The warm pads of his fingertips brush Gu Yiran’s temples when he draws away.
"The doctors said you might have some," Zheng Bei's voice trips and almost steadies back out, "nerve damage. From the—" His hand plucks at a fold in the blanket.
"Electrocution," Gu Yiran says, quietly. It had crossed his mind already. He turns his hand palm-up in the sheets with a small effort, folds his fingers into his palm one after the other. He can't quite make a fist.
In silence, he and Zheng Bei watch his half-open hand trembling against the blanket.
"I'm sure you're hungry," Zheng Bei says, with an abruptness Gu Yiran recognizes. "The others will want to hear you're awake. I'll — get you some porridge."
me? writing the first shot fanfiction? MORE LIKELY THAN I THOUGHT! anyway ive been playing around with a post-ep 15 fic because ... well ... i wanted more beiran than we got! i was totally expecting a whole conversation after their big argument and it just didnt happen. so now im making it happen >:)
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moononmyfloor · 16 days
Finished The First Shot (雪迷宫), some more miscellaneous commentary
Ep 1-10 commentary
I like The First Shot posters
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The second one I especially love how you can immediately tell who's the dad guy and who's the mom guy lol They are just so What would Asian gay parents look like if we were allowed to have openly gay Asian parents in the 90's 😭
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Look the Dad tshirts and dad armpit bag and dad briefcase bag 😭
Oh and the secondary character pairings were amazeballs too in this, everyone had SUCH a great time with bantering
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Also I swear Cdramas always have the cutest babies 🥺
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Try give me a heterosexual explanation for this camera language, I will wait
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I checked on fanfics for The First Shot, one of the Chinese writers I've subscribed to have written a fic so I clicked on it and the stats blew my mind!
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THIS AIRED LAST MONTH OH MY GOD? I have literally never seen this before, not this fast. Not even for MLC. Wow the sleeping Chinese AO3 community woke up for this?? I feel sorry for DMBJ now, you guys have truly left it huh 😂😭 Before I thought it's because ao3 ban and all its difficult to climb over firewall BUT YOU DID FOR THIS. Some of the best of Chinese dmbj fics are pickling over there with like 5 kudos each huhu
Like it's bamboozling. ALL of these are Chinese fics!! It's a great show but omg I didn't think it'd garner this much instantaneous fanbase. As a show about meth, looks like it indeed felt like meth for many HAHAHA.
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That being said I've read some and you can totally mtl and enjoy them and please do because they are amazing!
Jokes aside, if you plan to watch this, for a crime show it's pretty standard, there are some CW (if you don't like slightest spoilers don't read anything below but then again if you already read everything above then you likely don't mind spoilers lol)
Murder and forced amputation and child trafficking and abuse and harassing women but not a lot, they are not dragged out and well balanced by the nice police squad scenes Speaking of which, it does get preachy at times with how bad drugs are etc 😂 But that too, I (pretended) to not see because it's set in 90's after all (modern drug dramas are just as preachy but hey🤣 I like the show so I excused it lol)
And in ep 24 of there's a CW SA scene too and its not too graphic but still plenty enough to be triggering 🫠
And in general, I wasn't too satisfied with how they concluded the show but not because it was bad but compared to how good the rest of the show was, it felt a tad bit underwhelming is all.
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hideyseek · 15 days
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ahahahaha i'm obsessed w/ this running joke in the show that the task force in sheng city is copying what our team in halan is doing ... down to having the other members of the sheng city task force look like OUR GUYS!
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joyouslee · 1 month
The First Shot - a few warnings (through episode 27)
I mainly watch Chinese dramas that are wuxia or palace dramas and the ones that are modern ones are often teen dramas or romances, so The First Shot is a lot grittier and violent than the ones I usually watch. Chinese dramas also are known to be censored, so often the violence is not too explicit or is wuxia-style violence. So that other people are not surprised, I thought I'd list some trigger warnings. I don't get into the specifics, so it shouldn't be too spoilery, but I'll still put them under the cut.
General warning for a lot of violence (stabbings, murder, gunshots) since this is about drug dealers and the cops that pursue them. Also, often the way to show someone is a villain is to show him treating women badly.
Specific warnings for the following:
torture (cutting off fingers/ electroshock), rape, attempted rape, attempted drugging, forced drug use, child trafficking, child abuse/harm, murder, drug overdose, drug addiction
The rape scene in particular was a lot more explicit than I expected (not in an NC-17 way, but it was filmed at one point from the victim's perspective so could be very triggering).
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princemick · 1 year
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purple tie. purple bow.
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lilybug-02 · 4 months
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The Well.
Bug Fact: Bumble bees burrow underground and live in colonies that can contain up to 400 bees.
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donutdrawsthings · 5 months
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🎶 There's always a twist in the end!
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drbtinglecannon · 6 months
Anyway this panel alone made me decide Shuro is actually really funny
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Practically everyone in this panel is ready to square up, including +200yo Grandpa Tansu, meanwhile Shuro is standing in the back dramatically holding himself while clearly wishing he was off this godforsaken hell island
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grabyoursaintsandpray · 6 months
It's just a cartoon, it can't hurt you
The cartoon:
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melodious-tear · 3 days
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Jiang Xiaohai | The First Shot ep. 32
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5ummit · 10 months
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The Winter Soldier in What If...? Season 2
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hidey-writes · 24 days
six sentences sunday
"You did save me," Gu Yiran counters steadily. "You're a good—" friend, he almost says, but it's not what he means. He doesn't know what he means.
He'd dreamt of part of the rescue last night, a part he's not even sure he was awake for, a part he's not even sure really happened — his head lolling against someone's shoulder, cheek against muscle, the hard line of someone's arms against his back, under his knees. The stagger out of the building and the cold shock of nighttime, and Zheng Bei's voice shouting, close and frantic, Hurry, get him to a hospital!
"You're a good person, Zheng Bei," Gu Yiran says, in the end, his voice uneven.
slowly losing my way in the writing process for this fic (thematically relevant lmao) but here's another bit from the down draft! gu yiran and zheng bei are so new to me still, i don't quite have a clear grasp on them yet. gu yiran in particular is a struggle. gyr ... my guy ... please go make some more high-stakes decisions in canon so i can understand you! right now all i know is you really value family and direct communication! but what do you want in life???
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remxedmoon · 3 months
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here's a philosophical conundrum for you, siffrin.
if you don't have a home to go back to, what kind of person does that make you?
if you don't have memories of your own childhood, can you still consider yourself human?
if you have forgotten something as important as your country, your childhood, your family, your own name, then are you even a person?
if something is forgotten by everyone, then has that thing ever existed?
(effect works best when zoomed in!)
teehee :3
sorry odile’s part of the mdp fight has been pinging around in my brain for like. months now. i’ve had the idea for this drawing for a while. this is also partially based on isa’s act 4 friendquest (without doing bad touch) where siffrin mentions that they didn’t really have an identity before they met the party!! i wanted to play around with transparency :3333
also, for once, i’m actually putting the colored version down here! idk! i felt like the greyscale version kinda conveys the Mood a little better?? i like both tho!!
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hideyseek · 15 days
god now that nannan and xiaoguang have gotten together, the zheng family dinners really have an almost unbearable vibe of 'this is three couples eating together'
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