#The Dragon King | Predaking
doodlemxsings · 1 year
(Beastie for Predaking): “Already, you are being too loud.”
The massive Predacon, in his beastmode, swiveled his head around to look at the other mech, giving a curious "grrrrowwwrrrr?" in response. He was trying to sniff at the vents, wondering where they ultimately all lead, but now his attention was pulled elsewhere.
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windydrawallday · 10 months
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There's a raging fire in my heart tonight Growin' higher and higher in my soul! There's a raging fire in the sky tonight I wanna ride on the silver dove far until the night.
I have had this concept cover art for quite a while... was for a comic idea showing Starscream alongside Predaking having an aerial race, an excuse to draw more backgrounds, and especially cloudy vistas.
Never got past this stage but I hope when I get my creative energies back (I'm only using them for a commission I need to finish right now) to find myself tackling this idea again!
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transingthoseformers · 2 months
Thinking about the Predacons scrapping over something little and Predaking just looks over at them with disappointment
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simping-overload · 2 months
hi how are you? If requests are still open can I request headcanon for Transformers Prime? (predaking, shockwave and megatron) with a reader who is literally a dragon? The reader has kept a Cybertronian relic for a long time.
Megatron, Shockwave, and Predaking with a Dragon! S/O
a/n: sorry for taking an ungodly amount of time to get to this, hope you like it!
wanna support me? donate to kofi!
tags: GN reader, dragon reader, robot x monster/dragon relationship, reader isn't suggest to be a human at all. reader isn't described to be verbal but assume they have a way to communicate, dragon hoards, fighting, mention of blood and animal death(just hinted), romance!!!!
ヾthis is a multi-fandom blog that is designed for mlm/nbmlm identifying readers! so if you're female or fem, she/her, she/they please do not follow or interact with my mlm related post!! you will be blocked if you do not heed this warning ゛
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Megatron —
finds you fascinating, often he can find himself just staring. taking in your beauty and the power the radiates off of you.
of course, he'd like to have you fight for his cause. an advantage for one, and he simply loves seeing you fight.
he'd love to have you train with him. That would depend on your size, though. he knows better than to try to fight. that would be roughly the same size as his ship. (He's a sore loser when he loses btw.)
beware, he might treat you like a pet if he had you at his feet while he pet the rough skin and scales alongside your body. he may accidently go onto a power trip with you
however, feel more than free to put him back in his place. you're much stronger than him at the end of the day
When you show him your hoard, he's intrigued. He views it as a trophy room, like the one he once had from his gladiator days.
If the relic isn't useful to him, he'd let you keep it, but if it is, he will take it from you, regardless of your protest.
Shockwave —
of course, he takes a scientific interest in you. collects your scales you shed, examines your claws, and likes to scale just how strong your fire is and a lot of other things.
His sharp claws are perfect for preening, especially in the stubborn hard to reach places. while he doesn't admit it and claims he only does it to collect them, shockwave finds it very relaxing.
he wouldn't bother trying to fight you, he'd however would like to fly with you. moslty flying out to places that have predacon fossils or lost Cybertronian relics.
he likes to observe how you fly with or against the winds, taking down notes as your body adjusts to flying in high or low altitudes.
When you showed him your hoard, he was indifferent. he saw no point in hoarding objects that wouldn't benefit you.
as he looked around your domain, he picked up and fiddled with some items that he was interested in.
upon finding the relic he asks to take it, if you say no, he'll simply scan the core things he needs from it and leave it there, but if you say yes, he'll have a ball. he might give it back to you once it served it's purpose.
Predaking —
at first, he'd thought of you as a threat. somone who would take his place as a king. it wasn't until he, of course, grew closer and got to know you were he dropped these thoughts.
if your size is similar or doesn't have a very drastic difference, he'd love to spar or play fight with you.
he has no way to consume animals, but he'd love to go hunting with you or watch you hunt, to say the least. finds the way you move with such grace and precision is simply amazing to him.
he likes the difference between his metal and your scales. Feeling your body up against his is an odd sensation but very much welcomed. he's godly at preening your scales and would do anytime anywhere.
flying with you is one of his favorite pastimes with you. he most definitely tries to show off his flight capability as well, doing a wide variety of tricks and flips.
courting dancing/flights are a must. he's unfamiliar with his, but they're so engraved into his(the former kings)muscle memory that he'd remember as he went on with the courting.
when you respond with a dance of your own, he's smitten 10x again. Likes to learn your dance if you'd teach him.
also during courting and even after or before he likes bringing you gifts. Random trinkets he thinks you'd find joy in having.
upon being introduced into your hoard his is amazed. It was one of the most beautiful places he has seen.
unless the relic relates to him, he wouldn't bother doing anything with it, simply leaving it there alone unless shockwave may request it.
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emelinstriker · 9 months
Predaking ♡ Fetch
First TFP X Reader one-shot of the few I've saved up since like 2021. Will be posting the others later, but I gotta go to the dentist in a bit. So have your big mecha dragon boi. c:
[TL;DR] Predaking acts like a wholesome, oversized puppy towards you. And only you.
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♡ ~ Fluff ~ ♡
"Alright, go fetch!" You yelled up at him before throwing a softball across the flight deck. You specifically chose this type of ball due to how easily the predacon could see its bright red color, and because it's big enough for the two of you, as well as soft and squishy. It was also cheap, so you could just buy a new one if Predaking ended up destroying it on accident. But he was still using the first ball you gave him, so that in of itself was impressive.
The giant mech dragon wagged his tail a bit with some small side to side jumps, before happily zooming after the ball. Due to your size and lack of strength, the ball didn't land too far, but it began to bounce and roll away really quickly due to the wind. Yet another reason that ball was a good choice.
He gently picked up the ball before practically bouncing back over to you. You beckoned for him to lower his helm. He did as you commanded and you proceeded to take the ball and pet his helm before leaning your upper body against him in an attempted hug. "Good boy! Great job, Predaking! Who's a good boy! Yes you are!" You cooed, gently stroking one of his mandibles while nuzzling his helm with your forehead.
He purred loudly at your praise. His mood would instantly change whenever you were with him. Your mere presence alone made his spark throb with love and joy. Honestly, he didn't mind being treated like a lesser being, even a pet. But only if it was you. He would not allow this sort of belittlement from anyone else. Not from Shockwave, not even from Megatron. And especially not from a piece of scrap like Starscream.
Speaking of the devil, Predaking spotted him behind you near the entrance. He released a dangerously low growl to warn the seeker to stay away. Especially from you, knowing Starscream's distaste towards humans. You thought the growl was aimed towards you, so you backed away from him with an apologetic look, believing you weren't supposed to hug him like that. "Oh- Sorry..."
However, Predaking felt your warmth leave him, and he didn't like it. His aggressively stiff posture turned calm again. He then nudged his helm back towards you with a purr, rubbing his rather flat snout against your tummy, begging you to hang onto him once more.
Your smile returned as you plopped your weight against him once more. Just to make the moment funnier, you even said a little "Boop!" as you landed on him. His tail wagged a little, happy to make you smile. Yet he still kept an optic on the seeker, just in case he tried anything.
Meanwhile, the seeker was not amused as he was on the flight deck for a reason.
"Human! Megatron and Shockwave are awaiting the predacon! Megatron commands you to go back to your habsuite until further notice!" Starscream's voice startled you as you didn't notice him before. So you got off Predaking's maw and looked at the other mech. But one hand was still on the giant predacon as a form of comfort for both of you.
You slightly looked downwards in disappointment. "Oh... Okay then..." You turned back towards the mech dragon giving him a sad smile before leaning down to put a light kiss on his snoot, rubbing the side of it.
"We'll play more later, okay? Be a good boy when you leave. Love you, King!" You said before starting to walk towards the entrance, turning one last time to give him a little wave.
You didn't notice it this time, but the mech dragon's tail swooshed from side to side faster than before. If you had listened closely, you could've also heard his cooling fans turn on when you gave him a kiss. His optics also turned from giving the seeker half the attention to putting his whole attention onto you as your tiny frame walked away.
His gaze on you was soft. There could have possibly been hearts floating around his helm if this were a cartoon. He could've even had hearts in his optics, that's how far gone he was. That's when he heard the seeker approach him with his usual unnerving voice. The predacon's mood instantly changed. His loving gaze towards your direction halted as he turned to face Starscream with a look of pure hatred.
"Well, well, well... You appear to be having fun, being treated like a servant animal by a tiny rat. Doing everything they want. Why can't you simply follow my orders then!?" He yelled out in anger. If he hadn't known about the predacon's transformation, he would've hit the dragon.
Predaking let out a loud screech before standing up and spreading his wings- Towering over the shorter mech. Having his pride take a hit was one thing, having to listen to the SIC call you 'rat' was another. You were so much more than a rat. You were a divine soul. And your tiny frame only made his primal instincts want to protect and love you even more.
"Whatever your relationship with the fleshy may be, it doesn't matter. Now, move to Shockwave's lab." Starscream scoffed. If looks could kill, the seeker may have already died back in the pits of Kaon. It felt like Predaking's hatred for him could time travel.
Suddenly, the mech dragon transformed into his bi-pedal cybertronian form.
"I'll be there for the meeting. However..." The taller mech stomped over to the now intimidated seeker. His shadow was now looming over the SIC. "If you call them a 'rat' one more time, I'll make sure to rip your spark out the 'primal beast way'."
Starscream trembled beneath the predacon's fierce gaze, then the king made his way past the seeker and towards the lab.
The meeting itself was quite uneventful. It was simply seen as a progress report. Predaking was just there for show, in a way. It was mostly Shockwave who talked to Megatron.
After the meeting, the predacon was dismissed. And the first thing he did was visit your bedroom.
Due to your relationship with Predaking, and you being basically the only one able to tame the beast with questionable ease, Megatron assigned Shockwave to be your guardian and for you to stay in a smaller room connected to the lab. However, with how much disinterest the scientist had in you, he basically abandoned you just for you to be taken care of by Predaking. So technically speaking, Predaking was your guardian and you were his charge. The only thing Shockwave did to take care of you was to get Knockout to get you stuff you needed. Because it seemed illogical for him to go get necessities for you himself.
The predacon slowly approached your little home, transforming into the beast on the way. You knew about his bi-pedal form, but you didn't treat him with as much affection as you did when he approached you as a mech dragon. He enjoyed your company regardless, but it was more enjoyable for him personally to see you laugh and smile a lot more when you were simply allowed to pet his helm.
You had fallen asleep in your bed, assuming the meeting would take a while. So when Predaking gazed upon your sleeping body, he couldn't help but purr. And of course, his purring didn't go unnoticed by you as you slowly woke up from your nap. And the first thing you saw right in front of your face was a pair of yellow glowing optics staring right at you in admiration. You weren't startled or anything as this wasn't the first time the predacon (unintentionally) woke you up like this. You yawned as you sat up to look at him with a little smile.
"Hey, King... How did the meeting go?" You asked, still tired. The predacon closed his optics and tilted his head towards the side, ex-venting some warm air like a heater. This movement roughly translated to either "Boring" or "Meh", and it never failed to make you laugh. It simply looked ridiculous to see a giant beast do such a motion.
The predacon then suddenly got an idea. He gently picked you up by the back of your shirt like a kitten and walked off. You two bypassed Shockwave as he just stared at you helplessly dangling from the giant beast's maw.
You didn't say anything, waving at the purple mech. This wasn't the first time Shockwave's creation did this, so neither of you were concerned about being in danger around him. However, you were a little curious as to where he was taking you.
Turns out he was taking you back to his kennel. You still didn't understand why, however. Maybe he wanted to play more?
Your questions quickly were answered however, when he gently lowered you into the middle of his nest and started to circle around you before eventually dropping down, having you sitting against his body. One wing was spread out a bit to give you a roof and contain more of the warmth Predaking's frame produced.
He let out a whirring noise that seemed to resemble a yawn as he tried to comfortably cuddle up closer against you. He curled his body around you more and you couldn't help but coo at how adorable he was acting. Like an overgrown puppy wanting love and attention. And if you couldn't give it to him all the time, he would simply not let you leave. But to be honest, you didn't want to leave him at the moment anyway.
So you simply let yourself fall back asleep, this time in your king's embrace.
[ Masterlist ]
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bones4thecats · 1 month
Sorry, maybe you can do, Tfp Predacons x Predacon femme reader, where the Predacons compete for the reader's love
TFP! Predacons Fight for Predacon! S/O
Characters: POLY! Predaking, Darksteel, and Skylynx Requester: 🐻Anon A/N: I'll call you 🐻Anon just because I like bears and they fight more than a dove or dragon do (I use character emojis first, okay?!) Anyways, hope you like this!! ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: Just fluff <3 ⚠️ P.S: The Predacon! Reader is based on a Chimera (specifically two pieces of art I found on Quora and InCryptid Wiki)
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╚═════ Predaking + Darksteel + Skylynx ═══════════════╝
🐉🐻🕊️ This was getting very annoying for you. You, as a fellow Predacon, understood that having a more rough-and-tumble personality was normal for your kind. But the way that these three were handling it was beyond you
🐉🐻🕊️ You were in your alt-mode, one resembling a 'Chimera' as Raf once said, just watching as the trio 'play fought'. But you of all beings understood that with each hit they laid on another another, they meant everything personally
🐉 You were closest with Predaking. He was created a little while before you, and since you both arrived to serve Megatron together, your bond was by-far the strongest out of all other Cybertronians you had met and befriended
🐉 Unknowingly to you, the self-proclaimed King of Predacons had begun to see as more than an ally and fellow Predacon. He began to see you as a potential sparkmate, not because of his dream of your kind rising back up, but because he loved you
🐻 Darksteel on the other hand, was a pain in your aft. He would constantly mess with your different appendages. And I mean that
🐻 This guy would sneak up behind you whenever you were resting and just randomly mess with your horns, serpent-like tail, and your hooves. And whenever he wouldn't stop, you would snap your deadly tail at him, which made him laugh, say bye, and fly off
🕊️ Finally, with Skylynx. He did not like you at first and the same went with you, you kinda hated him. Not as much as you did Megatron for keeping you hostage and trying to kill Predaking years prior, but it still wasn't a small hatred
🕊️ But, as time passed, you both grew to enjoy one another's company. You would fly by and talk about how you were on your last nerve with Darksteel and how you were so close to beating him to scrap-metal, much to the lighter-Predacon's amusement
🐉🐻🕊️ To sum it up; Predaking liked you because you grew together and were really close, Darksteel liked you because you could be kind-yet-deadly when provoked (entertaining), and Skylynx liked you because you shared some things in common yet were different enough to be fun around
🐉🐻🕊️ But, as you grew close with the trio, they began to notice how they treated you. Predaking would be around you the most, huddling up next to you in your alt-modes to recharge, Darksteel would play-fight and fly around with you, and Skylynx would spend more time talking and acting like best-friends with you
🐉🐻🕊️ Unfortunately for you that day, the three mechs all asked you observe their strengths and deem one the winner. You knew what they really wanted, they wanted you to watch them fight for dominance and pick one to bond with. That all leads you to now
🐉🐻🕊️ As they all put their full-potential into this fight, you heard an engine rumble behind you. You stood and saw that it was the Autobot you were closest to, Bulkhead, driving towards your form
"Bulkhead. It's nice to see you after a while." You said, a playful smirk coming on your face.
"Yeah, same to you, Y/N." He replied.
🐉🐻🕊️ Your smirk turned into a genuine smile as you sat back down, this time in your bipedal-mode and patted the spot next to you for him to sit down and speak
🐉🐻🕊️ Bulkhead sat down and looked as the three Predacons continued their fight, they tails, wings, or claws swinging left and right as they either dodged or got hit. He chuckled as you groaned in annoyance
"Now you know how Ultra Magnus felt whenever Jackie did something against his orders." He joked.
"I suppose."
🐉🐻🕊️ As you and Bulkhead spoke about the finalization on territories for the Autobots and Predacons, the mechs had finally narrowed themselves down to their final attacks. Darksteel and Skylynx attempted to hit Predaking, making him transform and pin them down with his large clawed-feet
"Well, I guess you have a winner now." Bulkhead announced, making you look up and down at the three mechs' final stance.
"I'm not surprised. He won against them last time, why would this time be any different?"
"Fair. Anyways, I should get going. Ultra Magnus said that he would bring by the territory-mapping for you guys to finalize in about a cycle, is that okay?"
"Yep. See you, Bulkhead!"
"See ya', Y/N!"
🐉🐻🕊️ You looked back at the guys and sighed, noticing how they were now beginning to wrestle on the ground, screaming about how they would win the spark of yours no matter what
🐉🐻🕊️ Rolling your optics, you transformed and began flying down to where they were before lifting your back legs, kicking Skylynx away, taking your claws and scratching Darksteel while punching him back before using your serpent-tail to grab Predaking and take him down to the floor before transforming once more
"Quit your bickering, you sound like a bunch of sparklings." You demanded.
🐉🐻🕊️ The three each groaned in pain as your tail swayed and and you walked away to where the remains of Team Prime were working, leaving the guys to heal themselves
"They like me best."
"They do not!"
"Yeah, they like me best, Skylynx!"
"Shut up, Darksteel!"
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in1-nutshell · 8 months
Hellooo :)
Wanted to ask if you can write a Predacon Buddy version/AU? In my idea their alt mode would be similar to a Night fury from How to train your dragon/HTTYD. I'm imagining a mix between movie 1 Toothless personality and movie 3 Toothless personality mostly.
Buddy being very playful and outgoing even as a Predacon, play fighting with Skylynx and/or Darksteel and teasing Predaking by laying in his lap (can we call it that?? I dunno. I mean his front legs) and placing their paws/claws on Predakings snout. Or simply stealing his Energon/prey/whatever he eats for a chase?
Buddy, despite being with their pack most of the time, sometimes ends up with the Autobots. Nobody knows how or why. Buddy, being in their alt mode, just one day chilling in the Autobots base as the bots come back from a mission (Ratchet left for too). The bots just walk in and see a fragging Predacon chilling in the middle of their base like- THE FRAG?? HOW DID THAT GET IN HERE??!
Please do it with the Autobots and Decepticons if that's alright!!
I love your writing SO DAMN MUCH ♥️♥️
PS Sorry for any spelling mistakes!
Thank you for the complement! And don't worry too much about spelling mistakes, we all make them!
Predacon Buddy's are slowly becoming a common theme here.
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy the Night Fury Predacon with Bumblebee, Smokescreen, Predaking, and Soundwave
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Cybertronain reader
Shockwave doesn’t really know what happened to this Predacon when they came out of the test tube.
He blames Starscream.
Does Starscream have anything to do with this?
Maybe. He seems like the most logical suspect.
Buddy came out small, cute, and curious. Already nipping at Cons pedes when they came to close with their retractable dermas.
Curiosity was a dangerous thing to have if left unchecked.
So, Shockwave did the only logical thing.
He gave Buddy to Predacon, Skylynx, and Darksteel to look after.
The three older Predacons had their servos full trying to take care of Buddy.
Which was mainly Predaking doing most of the work. He was the most responsible out of the group and their king, naturally he picked up this duty.
Draksteel and Skynx where in charge of playing with Buddy.
Curiosity led Buddy to find the empty Autobot base by accident.
Of course, they didn’t really care about this ongoing war.
Right now, they wanted some places with a warm spot, maybe something soft to cuddle.
Some stray beams of sunlight hit the floor of the base creating a lovely warm place to sleep. But they needed the soft thing now to make things complete.
A soft little gasp was heard behind Buddy as they turned around quickly baring their retractable dermas.
They quickly put them away seeing a small human boy frozen in place. The weird looking frames on his face intrigued Buddy as they crept closer.
Raf just stayed still not knowing what to do.
Buddy vented out roughly knocking Raf’s glasses off his face which caused him to fall to the floor.
Buddy softly pocked at Raf’s hair.
Finally! The soft thing has been found!
Buddy carried Raf by the helm of his shirt and moved to the warm spot, circled around the place before plopping down.
Raf was trapped in between Buddy’s helm and front servos as they snuggled up to him before falling into recharge.
This is what Raf gets for staying at the base for 5 minutes alone.
Miko was never going to let him live this down.
For now, he figured he wasn’t in danger, and the small dragon was warm… and he didn’t get much sleep lately…
Raf was out like a light before he knew it causing Buddy to snuggle even further into their new favorite human.
Team Buddy duty
These bots were supposed to be watching Buddy. Buddy wasn’t supposed to leave the Nemesis until they had orders to go otherwise. Are they panicking when they can’t find Buddy on the ship? Who’s going to tell them in their face without risking the consequences?
Team that’s about to have a break down
These bots are very concerned in finding Buddy. Whether it be in the base sunbathing with their new favorite human or just gliding back from a long day of flying, these bots are about to lose it. They are just glad that no one got hurt by the end of the day.
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qackiess · 11 months
me when big robot dragon kings beg
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Nsfw!!! : edging+collars n shit
Rushed as hell so probably spelling errors
Maybe ooc idk
Hope you enjoy!!
"Ngg..hhh." Predakings feverish pace falters as his leash was yanked forward, pressing his helm against yours. "This is humiliating." He grumbles. "I-i said to slow down.." You shakily stated, "you have to listen to me, hon." He heavily sighs, his thrusts receding to being slow but deep, as to comply to your demands. "Understood…"
You softly moan. “Good boy. Yes..yes, doing such a great job…" Your grip on the leash loosens, allowing Predaking more room to move.
His pace stays the same, it was agonizingly slow, at least for Predaking. His legs shook with need, he wanted nothing more than to plow you until you were a whining mess, but he felt compelled to listen to your soft yet stern demands. Though, everyone has their limits.
After what feels like an eternity, he lets out a low growl that reverberates through his chassis, not being able to contain himself, he hastily sped up his thrusts; making your optics widen in surprise.
“Please..I-I must-” He lets out a husky, frustrated grunt as you harshly pull his leash again, his claws digging into the floor. “You’re…you’re torturing me. You’re driving me insane…” He groaned.
You softly smile at his desperate whines, “I didnt say you could go faster… be patient, my king; and you will be rewarded.” You could hear his irritated growls, slowly growing louder, and his optics narrowing more at your every word.
You notice the downright predatory look in his optics, and your demeanor slightly falters.
“Predaking…hold out for a few more minutes, and ill let you have what you want, okay?” You persuaded, using your free hand to rub his chassis. “Please? For me?” You added.
He grunts at your words, “You dont understand, I..I cannot. I need you, why must you deny me-!” You once again pulled his leash, making him strain against it. You swore his optics became a bit glossy, “Lower your tone.” You hissed, he snarled at your words; his intakes becoming deeper.
You both sit in silence for a moment, staring eachother down.
“…you may resume, but try anything, and you will not be releasing at all, tonight.” You smugly smiled at him, which only riled him up even more.
“As you wish..my mate.” He gruffly sighed before thrusting inside your tight, warm, irresistible valve, immediately making his helm shoot back and his optics clench shut. How could you expect him to contain himself with a succulent valve such as this?
His thrusts were hard but slow, obviously some pent up sexual aggression behind them, making you bounce with each thrust. You looked up at him, the look in your optics almost spoke for you…devious.
You softly laugh before speaking, “You may speed up…in fact, you may be as quick as you li-ahh!” You suddenly gripped his leash as if it were a lifeline, he wasted no time ramming into you with no mercy whatsoever.
“Slag, slag…Predaking!” Your lingering hold on his leash pulled him forward with each thrust, and your valve was practically suctioning him in, but his breakneck pace never slowed.
You could barely form words, only moans and screams of ecstasy; Predaking was panting wildly, he was positioned right above you, his sharp talons on either side of your helm. His claws scraped the floor, as he continued to pound you relentlessly, he was almost at his peak; his spike twitching inside you.
“Hah, haah… Predaking, st-stop..!” You looked up at him desperately, though he showed no signs of stopping anytime soon.
“Predaking, I-I..ahh..said stop! Do not make me ask again!” You pulled his leash to get his attention, but to no avail he just kept going, you could feel small spurts of fluid seeping deep into your valve. He was so, so close, his spark pumping so fast he could barely hear you.
Your brows furrowed at his defiance, instead of pulling his leash, you reached up for his collar, yanking him down roughly, until his helm was near inches from yours.
“Stop! Or there w-will be consequences-!” Your desperate attempts to be assertive were null and void, uncontrollably panting; your optics stared straight into his. With a soft whine his pace slowed, but he was still noticeably chasing his climax.
“Are your audials broken..?!” You growled, using one of your servos to tightly grip the back of his neck, you held a firm grip, despite him being absolutely searing to the touch.
His breath hitched, “No…my queen/king…my deepest apologies…I..ngh..” He let out a throaty sob, pulling his spike out of you reluctantly, and his entire body shaking with a lustful need.
His optics were wide, staring down at you, it took absolutely everything in him to not pin you down and pound you like no tomorrow. Seeing you like this had always just, ignited something in him.
“See? Was that so hard?” You’d tease, leaving a soft kiss on his cheek before releasing his collar. His spike ached horribly, it felt almost swollen, he needed to release so bad.
He began ferociously bucking his hips into the air between the two of you, he was uncontrollably twitching, and he could not hold back the small whines and groans from the back of his throat.
“Ill do anything, just please let me overload, please.” He scrambled over his words frantically, barely audible begs and pleads escaping him. You stare at him with hooded optics, “My strong, brave king can take a bit more cant he? I swear on my spark, you’ll get your reward soon, just keep being good for me, yes?”
He got his overload like 5 hours later lmao, yk damn well hes gonna be pissed when he wakes up…
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im back with predasmokebee
any hcs (sfw and nsfw) for em?
Sfw ones:
Predaking loves getting scritchies
When they sleep, Predaking sleeps in dragon mode and has Bee and Smokey sleeping against his stomach/side
Smokescreen loves playing with predakings tail and Predaking only lets him because he loves him
Predaking can act as a heater and even massage chair and his husbands love it
Predaking cannot comprehend video games and bee and Smokey think it’s hilarious
Nsfw below the cut:
Bumblebee is super needy and normally starts their interfacing sessions
Because Predaking is huge, smokescreen and bumblebee are a bit of masochists for him
Praise galore
Predaking tries not to scratch their thighs when he holds them apart
When Predaking takes spike he overloads very fast
Smokescreen the aftercare king
Bee and Smokescreen have hard breeding kinks and other kinks while Predaking is actually more vanilla
Bee and Smokescreen love feeling stuffed from Predaking wether it’s spike or sparklings
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final-milf-ratchet · 8 months
hey it's me again i just saw the anon ask about the orgy and oh my god.. what a twist way to finish that episode.. cave orgy that ends up with not two but THREE robobabies, and a large dragon joining the team.. phew. and the fact that in that ask mechs getting sparked work the same way as cats (the babies can be from different fathers), grrr,,
Anyway. Made me give a horny side to an idea i had, where Magnus somehow manages to talk to Predaking after Wheeljack passes out - by the time Optimus gets there, he only finds Wheeljack in the rubble, no sigh of the other two. Meanwhile Predaking took Magnus away so they can talk without being interrupted - basically he sees how improbable it is that the bots found the lab, way sooner than in the show, but he can't focus on that very much because his instincts are screaming at him about how perfect of a partner Magnus seems to be. A perfect consort for a king..
He woos Magnus in only a few days, somehow. They hang out in a cave where no bots or cons can find their signals, and the talk about the War slowly morphs into talking about Magnus himself, which then turns into compliments..
Magnus is still unsure of how he was wooed that quickly, laying on his back as Predaking spreads his legs and settles between them to eat him out.. And he's never felt anything like that before. Predaking's tongue is so, so long, and part of it is rough, kind of like a cat's, dragging against his nodes..
The first time it happens, Predaking just eats Magnus out until the Commander is overstimulated, weakly patting his head as he gurgles for him to stop - which Predaking immediately does.
The second time (the next day), Predaking fingers Magnus open, toying with his node as Magnus squirms, clumsily pawing at his panels - overloading on the spot when he sees the two large spikes emerging once his panels open up. And again when Predaking promises that tomorrow, he's getting those spikes inside him..
And it happens. Finally, on the third day of being intimate, Predaking slowly, carefully pushes his spikes inside Magnus, watching him overload twice just from being stretched wide open and filled. Cue crazy sex, Predaking fucking him as though trying to breed him.. Marking him up as his consort.
When Magnus finally calls for a bridge and gets back to base, he's all scuffed up, covered in paint transfers and claw marks.. He has to reassure them, that after the fight he got to talk to Predaking, and now the large dragon is their ally, laying in wait on the decepticon warship. NOT telling them about how he got the best frag of his life. Wheeljack and Arcee absolutely do not believe that's all of it, but decide not to push right now - Ratchet is already chewing out the Commander for them. Ratchet, who figures out pretty quickly how most of those marks were made, as he patches up Magnus..
That night, Magnus gets a visit from Optimus in his ship, because the Prime knows exactly what happened, and his own feelings (and breeding kink) are making him quite jealous..
Magnus gets the spiking down of his life for the second time in two days, mewling and overstimulated as he's again filled with transfluid..
Predaking's breeding kink vs Optimus Prime's breeding kink, GO !
Hiiiiii laure!!!!
If we do go with the build-a-baby transformers fanon then multi-dad carrying makes sense to me too! 🤷
(I don't think it's a one to one, where they all have one dad per kid, all the kids have a mix of all three, they just have a main dad that kinda obvious because all of their sires are very different looking. If say, hound and mirage were to both get cliffjumper sparked it would be a little harder to tell who's the main sire of which kid because they are all cars and the colors aren't always a give away!
Sorry for the dump about all that I think abt potential sparklings and how that all works at work when I'm bored lol 😅😅)
Honestly I don't think it would be that hard for Predaking and Magnus to get through to each other, maybe before Predaking crushes his hand, he has a bit of a 'why did you do it' breakdown over the autobots killing the rest of the predaclones and Magnus goes 'we didn't do it tho :/'
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Obviously Predaking needs more info, but he can hear Optimus charging down the tunnel (cause he's not focused on killing Magnus this time lol) and impulsively grabs Magnus and takes off. When Optimus finally gets there... There's no sign of either of them...
Predaking really did take Magnus with the intention of figuring out what was going on! But he's never actually spent time around mecha who aren't traitorous decepticons, and he keeps getting distracted by thoughts of what a great consort Ultra Magnus would be, and a king needs a queen... 😏😏😏
Listen. Listen... I like the idea of Magnus being kinda easy, he just never has anyone try and hook up with him so no one knows 🤭🤭 and as Magnus and Predaking keep talking and getting closer, Magnus can't help but give in and spread his legs for Predaking...
I love them slowly working up to actual penetration, but by the time they get to that point they're both so desperate, Predaking loses his mind. Biting and marking Ultra Magnus as they fuck, leaving his consort a beautiful mess.
Hrgghhh Magnus calling in a ground bridge, and walking out looking like he just got a train ran on him.
Wheeljack and Arcee don't believe they just 'talked it out' and Predaking join the autobots but also... Who's going to accuse Ultra Magnus of sleeping with the enemy? Their all shooed away by Ratchet pretty quickly so they don't have time to press for details.
Ratchet's not stupid, as soon as he sees the paint transfers he knows what's up. Who's he to judge? Everyone knows the kind of stuff the party ambulance got up too, and at least this time it got them an ally. Magnus goes back to his shop afterwards so he can finally get some peace and quiet, it's been a busy week ;).
Hrnnnnn Optimus looming around the medbay listening to Ratchet talk about the little repairs he needed to make and connecting the dots. (Ratchet may have been trying to get Optimus to finally make a move. There's only so many times you can listen to your friend talk about the guy he likes before you get fed up)
As soon as night sets in Optimus goes to Ultra Magnus' ship. Ultra Magnus is still getting the paint transfers off when he answers the door. Optimus went just to make sure Ultra Magnus was okay after his 'ordeal' but seeing all of Predakings paint transfers makes him... Lose him mind a little. Ultra Magnus doesn't know how they went from talking in the loading bay to him getting railed on his tiny berth but he's not complaining (he's a little busy moaning to complain)
Poor Magnus, caught between two mechs very determined to sire his sparklings, and very determined to deal with the war so Magnus will let them sire his sparklings 🤭🤭🤭
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sonicasura · 4 months
King Kong X Transformers Prime Crossover, what if Predaking was sent to Skull Island and met Kong?
It is obvious that Shockwave would become enamored by Skull Island once Megatron inform him of the new developments. Despite how crafty the Autobots and their human allies were, it didn't gather enough data on Predaking's capabilities. Thus the Predacon is sent to Skull Island for the purpose of not only testing him but Kong too.
Predaking is pretty powerful is his own right even moreso since none of his fights actually ended in any one on one defeat. Team Prime either tricks him, had numbers or fled in time. Predaking's fight with Kong is just between them. And it goes as expected.
Predaking may be strong however the Great Ape is stronger but also tenacious. Flames or metallic claws are met with harder blows, grabs and tackles. The Predacon was lucky Kong decided to toss him away than tear the dragon in half.
Predaking definitely left a mark on the ape in the form of a large burn wound on his lower back. Kong has shattered his perception in return though. The Predacon decides to keep any sign of intelligence hidden afterwards.
He needs some time to think and a closer eye on him won't do any good.
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doodlemxsings · 1 year
((A friend of mine pointed this out and I inflicted this onto my other friends, and now I must inflict upon the rest of the world:
Predaking's beast mode has Ferret Qualities
What I'm saying is if he were to try and jump a ledge and misjudge, he'd hit it with his midsection, fold like a wet rag, and pull himself up like he didn't almost snap his spine in half like a kitkat bar.))
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Prince’s First Day
Pt. 2 / Pt. 1: A Stern Talking To
Tagging @sonia-aquamarineson @asmito @novafire-is-thinking @bdwarrior1
Summary: Basically Prince and Predaking having an argument about Prince needing to attend RBA(Rescue Bots Academy).
Preview: Prince is what can be referred to as a “spoiled brat”. Of course they weren’t always like that. In fact, he used to be polite, just on the verge of well behaved… for a hyper newborn dragon, that is.
Apparently the all powerful Predaking didn’t know any better and never exactly said ‘no’ all that much when raising Prince. If you catch my drift? Not to mention letting them get away with pretty much anything—heck—he could probably get away with murder if they wanted to.
With Predaking having to deal with the backlash of his people not being all too happy with his protégé’s behavior; he decides to send them to RBA to where he has a trusted friend who’s teaching there. To help Prince take a break from the royal life and to realign their misguidedness.
May Primus help whose poor spark is entrusted with the feral beast.
— — —
Once upon a time…there was a young prince, who lived in a far far away kingdom. A land of Predacons. Voracious creatures who roamed an entire planet known as The Predacon Kingdom. The Predacon Kingdom is ruled by their terrifying yet benevolent king—Predaking. Also known as mentor to their majesty Prince, of The Predacon Kingdom. No, not as in a spawn of the king; their literal name is ‘Prince’.
Their relationship is not simply bound by the energon flowing through their veins. The bond between the two cannot be described as nothing more than an apprenticeship. At least, in the beginning it was…
Now they have begun to have a closer bond…
Such as a bond between a parent and child…
Loud noises have disrupted the staff within the castle, with everyone turning their heads to triangulate where noise came from. Echoing off the walls and down the corridors, another loud tumbling of what seems to be a gargantuan sized chair. On top of the chair was a small two headed metallic dragon, with sharp yellow claws, a protoform as dark as graphite, and big orange wings emanating a neon glow. The little dragon suddenly had light shining through one head’s neck to its jaw, which immediately shot a large coordinated blast of fire at its target.
“I’m not going to some stupid school on some stupid planet- a billion lightyears away!” Prince shouted. “And you can’t make me!” The two headed dragon jumped into the air and perched himself on a jagged beam connected to the large dome ceiling.
“You will attend the academy, whether you like it or not—child!” Retorted the grand dragon Predaking. An enormous rough-scaled mechanical beast, with big sharp claws and armor dark as obsidian. His body is lined with alien magma shining through his seams and crevices. Most of all, his body takes up a majority of the room as he has been chasing his protege all over the castle. Trying his hardest to be reasonable, though it seems as if nothing would be able to get Prince to listen.
“Why are you trying to make this difficult for me? Attending the academy is your “punishment” for your recent inappropriate behavior!”
“Why? Why?! Are you kidding me?! You're sending me off to get—to get domesticated!”
“For the last time! Learning manners and proper discipline, for your sake and others, isn't as cruel as surrendering your free will! And it's not as if this was my only choice-”
Just as Predaking was about to finish his statement, Prince shot a stream of fire at their mentor’s face; and they took off thinking he was distracted. Leaping off the beam and heading down the nearest corridor. But he didn't have enough time to realize how unfazed Predaking was with his attack.
As Prince was in midair, giant talons suddenly wrapped around him—restraining the little dragon. “Let go, you jerk!” Exclaimed Prince, as he spat another blast of fire at Predaking’s muzzle.
Predaking shook off the flames and replied sternly, “No—I will not tolerate your immature behavior any longer. You’re going to do as I say, and you will do it even if I have to force you through that portal myself.” Prince still continued to struggle in his mentor’s grasp.
Whatever Predaking said went through one audial and out the other. They were putting up one heck of a fight against his opponent, even though he knew deep down it was pointless. But he wasn’t one to back down from a fight so easily.
— — —
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transingthoseformers · 4 months
Wanna talk about the Mythology AU? :3
So so so so so
The vast majority of the characters in this au are gods (a handful are mortals, some are spirits rather than gods, some are monsters, but most of them are gods)
There was a war against the titan gods that Megatron (the god of Death, a shapeshifter too) and Optimus (the god of life) participated in and helped win, leading to them ruling the pantheon for a while (...not forever though. But I'll get to that.) Necessary detail: dark energon was involved with winning the war against the Titans. This proceeded to curse Megatron's entire bloodline.
Optimus and Megatron had somewhere around thirteen children. They actually also had a handful of kids before they got together (I believe Megatron had Dreadwing & Skyquake and Misfire (fills a similar role as Nemesis but in a funnier way) with Starscream (the ruler of the harpies/furies), and Optimus had Mirage with... Jazz I think? And Bombshell with BlackArachnia), But their other kids include: Underbite(god of war), Bumblebee (fills the same role as Hermes), Hot rod, Windblade(goddess of strategy, and often kind war), Nautica, Dion and Ariel (fill the niche of Artemis and Apollo), Dasmus (god of music), and possibly more I can't remember. (Not in order of age)
I lost my family tree app for this au, so not all of this might be accurate
Knockout, Breakdown, and Wild break are the kings of the underworld and their child respectively
Strika and Lugnut are monstrous gods who have the equivalent of the seven muses (I... Do not remember all of their names. I remember Candlelight and Stellaris)
Scorponok, Glowstrike, and Saberhorn are our fates
Golden Rose is our goddess of love, I think Heartbreaker is her mom in this au, and the mother of the cassettes (not in order but Laserbeak, Ravage, Rumble, Frenzy [rumble and frenzy fulfil a similar role as Phobos and Deimos], Howlback, Sundor, Rosanna, and Flip Sides [respectively the goddesses of Requited love and unrequited love])
Endymion is our oracle, the child of Bulkhead and Candlelight
Sirenix is our goddess of the sea, and she's got kids who's domains are the various oceans around the world
Predaking is the king of the dragons
Airachnid is here as a spider monster / sorceress of sorts
Shockwave, Soundwave, Termagax (Megatron's mom and a shapeshifter too), Unicron, and Heartbreaker are all primordial gods
Twitch is the child of Bumblebee and a mortal, and Goldenscale (the eventual new king of Olympus) is the child of Bumblebee and... One of the muses.
I think Breakdown is Thunderhoof's (god of nature, I think? That or of the harvest) child? Asexual reproduction time. He eventually gets with Steeljaw I think.
There are True Forms which are very symbolic and badass as all hell
So the prophecy!!! So, there was a prophecy of the End. The end of the pantheon's way of life and of the mortal world at the time. Endymion and the fates predict the End. Events of the End include:
All of the dragons are slain
Starscream loses his wings
Dark energon two: electric boogaloo
Something else too
The war between Life and Death begins, with the various gods taking their sides
In that initial battle, more than a few characters die, I forget most of them but notably Rose and most of her children die in the battle— to War's grief. As well as Knockout & Breakdown, leaving Wildbreak as the lone king of the underworld
At some point, Bumblebee fights Underbite and dies, Goldscale is merely maimed losing an optic, but not before Bumblebee curses Underbite with a literally insatiable hunger. Underbite unwillingly eats his second to last child at some point, leaving Rosanna as the only survivor of the mythology au Goldenbite kids
(one of them?) remakes humanity using clay creations, the way Windblade and Underbite used to
From that battle on, in the new world, Megatron and Optimus fight against each other, the pantheon embroiled in war, does not help that War himself has been consumed with the need to consume
Goldscale eventually inherits the throne
I'm not sure if one day the war between Life and Death will be over or not
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witchofthesouls · 9 months
Ok, but imagine the absolute states of Prima's & Predaking's kids. Being part OG Thirteen & part Predacon is a... volatile combination. (The sparklings have Godzilla-like laser breath, & it's so powerful it damages their frames, forcing them to limit their use of it.) And that's not getting into the responsibilities they might have/ are expected to deal with when they're older. I would probably crack under pressure if my parents were The Firstborn Son of God & the Dragon-King of the Wilds.
Prima is too busy being Uncle Dad to a new generation of sparked mecha via Megatronus and Solus fruitful coupling and building a stable civilization, which makes sense between Megatronus' wanderlust and Solus' workaholic mode in her workshop at the core of a volano.
That was already a huge learning curve for everyone: trying to raise tiny, helpless things compared to fully formed mecha like themselves that simply sprung into Being.
And food. Food on a large scale is very important, especially for the little mortals.
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So for the Ghost of Darkmount AU what if Smokey just
Accidentally befriends the Predacon
So he’s sneaking around the Nemesis, doing Spooky Ghost Things and just accidentally stumbles upon the Predacon. Not wanting to piss off the Giant Murder Dragon, he ends up leaving it alone and trying to stay as far away as he can
But then he notices Starscream’s “training” and well….. he can’t help but feel bad for the thing. It didn’t ask to be created by Shockwave or work for the Cons, and honestly Smokescreen doesn’t need an excuse to mess with Starscream, so he scares him off and then goes back to his previously planned chaos
The next day comes, and Smokescreen does it again. After all, the Apex Armor is nothing to him. The goes on for a few more days, with Smokescreen creating more and more creative ways to mess with Starscream…..
And then one day the Predacon sees him.
Only it doesn’t attack him like it did Starscream, not a single growl or glare to be seen, just neutral curious eyes
What if eventually Smokescreen starts casually hanging around the Predacon, talking to him and even playing sometimes. After all, Smokescreen’s probably going to be pretty starved of any social interaction, so all the thoughts and ideas that have been bouncing around his head would finally have somewhere to go.
What if he eventually gives Predaking his name. He heard about the possibility of more Predacons, and it ended up with him remembering some old human stories and lead to “the first of the Predacons….. you could be like the Preda-King, leading them and keeping them all safe”
What if Smokescreen finds out when they plan do to the other Predacons. How they plan to not only kill them all but set it up so Predaking will blame the Autobots instead
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