#Transformers RiD2015 x Reader
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bones4thecats · 15 days ago
❥· Soulmates, Predaking × Predacon! S/O
Characters: Grimlock (🦖) and Predaking (🐉) A/N: Quick and (hopefully) sweet. Hope you guys enjoy! ✎ Summary: After arriving on Earth with Predaking and Ultra Magnus, you and the King of Predacons bond with the Dinobot and teach him the ways of living as a fighting machine. Or... you try to at least...
Prompt: Grimlock’s mentors being Predaking and Predacon! Reader
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🐉 Years ago, you were brought back to life by Shockwave. You served Lord Megatron without any worries about him betraying you; he had stated that the Autobots were the evil ones, that only cemented your beliefs when your future fellow Predacons were destroyed.
🐉 When Ratchet told you and Predaking everything, shock overtook you. You didn't want to believe it. You put all your loyalty into Megatron, only for him to be a backstabbing hunk of scrap!
🐉 Loyalty was worked to be earned after that, and Predaking, along with Bulkhead, Ratchet, Wheeljack, Optimus Prime, and Bumblebee, earned that whole-sparked with you. You would go to the ends of the universe for them.
🦖 Now, looking at the T-Rex Dinobot in front of you, a smile overtook your face. He was just as amazing as they were back then; Bumblebee taught him right. "Now, then you do this!" Predaking said.
🦖🐉 Predaking raised his leg, kicking the car that was hanging above thanks to the help of Sideswipe. The sounds of the car smashing and slamming into a nearby hill made everyone flinch, everyone except for the three animal-transformers there.
🦖🐉 "Awesome!" Grimlock cheered. He then tried doing the same, only to fall onto his back. You saw how Predaking stared with a cocked eyebrow, you just giggled and helped the mech up from the ground. He thanked you and stood up, now back into his bi-pedal mode.
🦖🐉 "You made a good attempt, Grim'." You said. Predaking nodded stiffly behind you and smirked, "You'd make a fine ally for the growing Predacon race."
🦖🐉 "You really think so?!" Grimlock ecstatically shouted. You smiled and nodded with your sparkmate. All of a sudden, another shout came from behind you. There, standing in all his glory, was Ultra Magnus. He looked at you both and waved for you to come to him.
🐉 "Looks like our stay is over." You said, elbowing Predaking as he scoffed. "Why we listen to him is beyond my recognition."
🐉 "Because, dearest, he is allowing us to have a portion of a Cybertron-owned planet. Wouldn't it be nice to have a home of the rest of our race? Shockwave did say he was finding more remains~"
🐉 "I... suppose so."
🦖 "Good. Now," you began. Looking at your student, you wrapped your peryton alt-mode's wings around his upper body. His optics lit up and he hugged back, making you laugh at his innocence. He may have once been a Decepticon, but he was nothing like one.
🦖🐉 You then pulled away and saw that Predaking had also become his alt-mode, his being a dragon. "Good luck on your journey, Grim'!"
🐉 Transforming and flying in the air alongside the King of the Predacons, you waved goodbye to everyone. Ultra Magnus just rolled his optics and walked through the groundbridge, a smirk appearing on his face as you danced around with one another.
🐉 'Unlikely soulmates' as humans would say.
🦴 Copyright © 2025 by Bones4thecats on Tumblr. All Right Reserved. 🦴
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dreamswaytoomuch · 4 months ago
Smol bot and big bot
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cyberrose2001 · 1 year ago
Heyo! Could you write cuddling hcs for tfp, tfa and RID bumblebee? Reader is a gn plus size human btw. If it’s too many then just tfp and RID then pls ^-^ thank you!!
Bumblebee Cuddling Headcanons (sfw)
Heyooo thank you for requesting!! Haven't written hcs in a while so it's been a nice refresher!
Reader is implied to be plus sized, gender neutral and human
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- The sweetest, with the gentleness of a saint.
- He will constantly beep for permission before even laying a servo on you, knowing how important it is to not push you into doing anything you dislike.
- Despite his exuberant personality, he's very timid regarding physical touch. You'll need to take the lead to give him some encouragement.
- "It's okay, Bee, c'mere."
- If you accept and take the lead, there will be no shortage of soft touches. Bee just loves how soft you feel pressed against him.
- Lay on him. Please. You're not heavy to him at all. Lay on his chest or cradle in his neck, wherever you feel most safe, as long as he can touch you.
- Will give you gentle head nudges and nuzzles in place of kisses.
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- He's also considered rather sweet but exudes more passion and romance in his movements.
- If you're resting alone, Bee will gently approach you and lay a servo on your back or side.
- Especially if you're relaxing outdoors, it's even more enticing if it's under the Milky Way.
- "Hey, mind if I join you?"
- He will protectively curl around you, pulling you close to him with your hips.
- Bee loves to play with your hair/massage your head, amazed at how relaxed you get when he does.
- But what he loves even more is teasing and squeezing your squishy parts gently, finding it one of the more endearing parts about you physically.
- Gentle kisses wherever he can reach. Your back, head, tummy, hands, lips; he will appreciate and worship you like the celestial being you are.
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- Expect spontaneous, affectionate cuddle sessions with this version of Bee.
- On the couch? In your comfy bed? Wherever you are, he will search for you and jump into your soft arms (metaphorically, of course, to minimise bruising).
- The one to most likely seek you out for his comfort. Either from a long day or to find refuge from the rest of Team Prime for teasing him.
- Whatever it is, he'll always come to you.
- Wants to lay on your lap and nuzzle into your soft tummy more often than not but is not opposed to the opposite.
- "Can I stay here for a little while? I promise it won't be for long..." Please don't fall for it; he always lies.
- Intense, playfully romantic staring competitions/try not to kiss each other challenges. Bee always loses, though; he just can't resist how cute you look when your face gets red, trying not to laugh.
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spearsillustration · 6 months ago
🐝 RID Stressed Bumblebee X Cybertronian Reader
Notes: I've been currently rewatching RID, when I was younger I didn't finish it. It's not as bad as I remember it being. I usually have it playing in the background when I'm working on something but I kind of love it. And I just love this version of Bumblebee. He's just a silly little guy doing his best. I think the only reason I didn't like this version is because I watched TFP first and that gives a person high expectations. 
Word count -  4,083
Page Number - 10.7 (How? This was meant to be short and sweet.)
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 I've noticed Bumblebee's been far more quiet lately. I didn't think too much of it until Bumblebee snapped at Strongarm and Sideswipe for never listening to him. Yes, he yells at them for bickering from time to time, but this time was different. His voice was louder, scarier even. As he left the scene I could see his hands trembling, smoke practically coming out of his receptors. I followed him to try and talk about what was bothering him. 
        Before leaving I reassured the others that Bee was probably just having an off day and to forgive his actions. I slowly followed after to see what was wrong but I knew I had to be patient since he was obviously going through something.
        "Wanna talk about it?"
        The yellow autobot stopped in his tracks when he heard my voice, letting out a frustrated sigh before looking back at me He was clearly pissed off, but he was able to calm down once he saw it was me.
        "I'm fine," he said, voice harsh and stern but his eyes said otherwise, they were filled with stress and worry.
        "How about we leave base for a bit and go for a little drive? I know a place that'll help clear your mind a bit. You'll love it." I smiled warmly hoping he'd come around. 
        Bumblebee looked down at me, his optics slowly softening as he let out a small sigh and nodded. He still looked as stressed as ever, but at the promise of some time away from everyone, he'd feel much better.
        "Yeah, sure...I could use a drive right now," he said in a low tone.
        "Alright let's go then. I told the others we'd be gone for a while." Me and Bee transformed and I started leading us to our destination.
        Bumblebee followed driving in silence beside me, not saying a word. It had been a while since the two of us were able to be alone like this, so it seemed he slowly became more relaxed. I would usually try playing around or racing with him, but I knew he wasn't in the mood so we kept driving silently. He was in a bad mood so of course I wouldn't play around. I just understood his need to get away for a bit. After another 20 minutes of driving, he spoke up, "...Where exactly are we going?"
        "You'll see soon. It's a surprise, but you'll love it. It's just what you need."
        Bumblebee let out a small sigh but didn't object. He trusted me enough and if I said he would love this place, he would. He continued to follow me, now curious about where I was taking him.
        I turned onto an old backroad that led into the forest. The road was hardly visible so it was easy to pass up if you weren't looking for it. It led to a beautiful pond that was fed by a creek. The water was beautiful and clear completely untouched by humans. It was surrounded by trees and the waterfall on the far side across from us made the sight even more unworldly.
        "How do you like it? I found it about a month ago when patrolling."
        Bumblebee stared in awe the moment we both made it to the pond. He seemed speechless as he slowly transformed back and walked over to the edge of the pond, eyes wide as they gazed upon the water.
        He couldn't find the words for it, he just kept staring at the water, a small smile appearing on his face as all the stress seemed to slowly melt away.
        "I figured you needed to relax and this is the best place I could think of." I looked away from the water and back at him.
        Bumblebee finally managed to look away from the pond to look back at me. His optics held a gleam to them as the smile stayed on his face, he seemed thankful. 
        "I..Yeah.This is exactly what I needed...I can't believe a place like this even exists here..." He spoke, finally finding his voice. He walked closer and pulled me into a tight hug taking me by surprise. 
      He held me close wrapping his arms around my body almost holding too tightly. He let out a small sigh as he closed his eyes. I could feel how tense and wound up his body was, holding himself together at the base in front of the others had left him exhausted. 
        "Let's sit down and relax here for a while." I offered.
        Bumblebee silently nodded in response. Then laid down on his back, letting out a relieved sigh as he stretched out a bit in the grass. He patted the spot beside him, gesturing for me to come lay with him.
        I smiled and quickly joined him. "So do you wanna talk about it? If you don't I understand."
        He looked at me as I lay beside him, he reached out an arm and pulled me closer to him so I was pressed up against his side. He stayed quiet for a while, just staring up at the sky above.
        Finally, he let out a sigh "I have a lot on my mind, I don't think you even want to hear it." He mumbled, his eyes still looking up at the sky
        I looked up at him with a worried expression. "You know you can tell me anything. And I'll just keep it between you and me."
        Bumblebee hesitantly looked away from the sky and back down at me. His eyes slowly became softer as he saw the worry in my expression. He carefully rolled onto his side, facing me instead of the sky. He was quiet for a moment before he spoke, "...Sometimes it just gets too much, you know? Trying to keep everyone in line, keeping everyone from getting into trouble, keeping everyone safe... It's tiring, I feel like I'm failing.."
        "Oh Bee." I sigh. "You do so much for us and overwork yourself. You're not failing. You're new to this and you're still learning. Being a leader is hard, I could only imagine how hard it can be."
                Bumblebee slowly nodded as he tried to look anywhere other than my eyes, feeling a sense of shame and disappointment in himself for not doing better.
"Sometimes it doesn't feel that way, especially when it seems like everyone just keeps ignoring me. They don't take anything I say or do seriously.." His voice became bitter as memories of the others came to the forefront of his mind.
        "They're young, foolish, and a bit annoying at times. But, over time the team will get better I know it. And you always have me around to help."
        Bumblebee's optics slightly widened at my words, and a feeling of warmth spread through his chest as he looked down at you again. He reached out and placed a hand on my cheek, gently caressing it with his thumb.
        "I don't know what I would do without you...You're the only one who listens and I wish the others understood. How did I get so lucky to have someone so caring and understanding like you?"
        I blushed and looked away. "I-it's nothing, I just care about you is all," I said super awkwardly.
        Bumblebee chuckled when he noticed my obvious blushing, finding it cute how awkward I was in this situation. He moved his hand up to my chin and gently tilted my head to make me look him in the eyes, a small smirk on his face.
        "It's definitely not nothing. You're everything. But you're adorable when you're nervous, you know that?"
        "Stop, this isn't about me. We're here for you." I said changing the subject, but I was right.
        He smirked as he saw how flustered I got due to his words, he decided to drop the subject but he loved getting me flustered like that. He rolled back onto his back and wrapped an arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him.
        "Alright, alright. We don't have to talk about that...but there is another thing I wanna talk about if you're up for it.. " he said in a serious tone.
        "What is it?"
        Bumblebee's optics shifted away from me as his arm tightened around me, he was clearly nervous about what he was about to say. "It's about...how I feel about you, I guess. But I don't know if it's a good time to bring it up, I don't want to ruin anything, I just-"
        "...Just what?"
        Bumblebee's cheeks had a slight blue tint to them seeing my flushed expression unable to look me in the eyes.
        "I just... I have feelings for you- I have for a while now, but I felt unsure about whether it would actually be a good idea to say anything or not. I-I don't wanna ruin what we have-" He said in a low tone, his voice becoming more nervous the more he spoke.
        "I'm glad. I was worried mine were one-sided. I like you too Bee." I was barely able to get out.
        For a moment, Bumblebee's optics widened as he heard those words, a look of surprise on his face. "Wait...Really? You like me too? I didn't think this would happen, I thought it was one-sided-"
        "Y-yeah, I love ya Bee. I covered my mouth. "It's scary to actually say that out loud."
        A large smile appeared on Bumblebee's face and his optics shone brightly with happiness as he heard those 3 words. 
        "I love you too," He said, his voice softer and full of love as he spoke.
        My spark could just explode from joy. "You look better now that you're smiling. I missed it."
                Bumblebee chuckled as he heard me say that, he was still smiling, it was a smile that refused to go away anytime soon. He suddenly let out an amused hum, his smile turned into a smirk.
        "Oh, so you like my smile, do you?" He teased, his grip on me becoming a tad bit tighter.
        "Of course, I do Sweetspark."
        Bumblebee's smirk turned into a soft smile again at that cute nickname, he let out a small sigh of contentment. 
        "I like it when you call me that," He mumbled, "Sweetspark...Has a nice sound to it"
        "You'll definitely have to get used to it then."
        "Oh, I'll get used to it just fine, as long as you're the one saying it." He said, optics gently looking down at my lips.
        I leaned over and gently gave him what I knew he wanted. I gave him a gentle loving kiss.
        Bumblebee's hand slowly slid down to my waist to pull me closer. When I suddenly leaned forward and kissed him, his optics widened briefly before they slowly drifted shut. He let out a small sigh against my lips and slowly deepened the kiss.
        Once we pulled apart I prepped his neck and face with kisses. "I've wanted to do that for the longest time."
        Bumblebee chuckled at my cute gesture, letting out a hum of contentment as I peppered his face with kisses. His optics slowly fluttered closed once again as he tilted his head to the side to give me more access to his neck. He let out another soft sigh as my lips left a trail of gentle kisses on his neck.
        "Careful-" he mumbled, a hint of a teasing tone in his voice "-I might get addicted to this, you know."
        "I wouldn't mind that."
        "As much as I want this to continue, I think we should probably head back to base before the others get worried. As much as I want to keep you all to myself."
        "Fine. Since you can't stand being around me." I said sarcastically.
        "Don't make it sound like that, you know I enjoy being with you." He smirked as he gently tapped my nose with his finger as if he was trying to get a rise out of me.
        "I just like to play with you sometimes." I quickly gave him another kiss before standing up.
        Bumblebee rolled his optics but he didn’t mind this little back and forth between the two of you. He let out a sigh as I stood up and slowly sat up from the ground. A small smirk appeared on his face as he held a hand up to me.
        "Help me up will ya?"
        I squinted my eyes at him feeling he had something planned but I decided against it and gave him a hand.
        Bumblebee chuckled at the look I gave him, he could tell I knew something was up but decided not to question it and just helped him up. When I grabbed his hand, he quickly used the opportunity to pull me down onto his lap.
        "I figured you would do that."
        Bumblebee chuckled and wrapped an arm around my waist to keep me sitting in his lap, he looked at me with a teasing smile on his face. "And yet you still fell for it"
        "Because maybe I didn't mind it."
       "Mhm? You didn't mind, eh? So if I did this, you wouldn't mind that either right?" He teased, as he reached a hand up to my chin to tilt my head down closer to his face.
        "Aww, did you want another kiss before we left?"
        Your faces were so close, that the tips of your noses were almost touching. He chuckled, his optics looking down at my lips again before looking back into my eyes again
        "Yes, very much so. If you would give me another one."
        I quickly gave him a light almost fleeting kiss. "Now as much as I'd love to make out here in the woods by this beautiful pond, like you said we should probably head back."
        "Mhm, you’re right. We can continue this later back at base...if you want to, of course" He said with a playful wink. 
        "Alright, then let’s get going then. The longer we sit here, the longer we have to wait to continue this later" I said before I lightly punched his shoulder before standing up.
        I transforming transformed and revved my engine.
        "Wanna race back?" I asked playfully.
        "A race? Hm.. let's see if you can actually keep up with me"
        I quickly drove off leaving him in my smoke. "Let's see if you're right."
        Bumblebee let out an amused gasp as I suddenly took off, the smirk on his face widened into a cheeky grin. "Cheater!-" he yelled out, revving his engine again to speed up. He quickly gained speed and raced after me.
        I didn't let up and raced back to base. "You're gonna have to do better than that Sweetspark."
        Bumblebee huffed in annoyance at my words. He revved his engine once more and suddenly sped up, pulling up right beside me. 
        "Oh, you're going to get it when we get back to base, you know-"
        I'm glad he couldn't see my blush. "Uh-huh. We'll have to see."
        He was enjoying the banter as he kept up the speed to stay right beside me. "You're not gonna be saying that when I have you all to myself later," he teased, increasing speed easily pulling ahead of me.
        "B-bee." I wined in embarrassment and accidentally slowed down enough for him to pass me.
        Bumblebee noticed my small stutter and the fact that I had suddenly slowed down enough to let him pull ahead. "Oh? What’s the matter? Did that comment get you all embarrassed? Hm-"
        "Shut up." I stuttered out only adding to my embarrassment. I was happy we were close to base. But I tried to speed up and beat him to save myself some face.
        He noticed me trying to speed up and beat him to base, so he suddenly sped up as well to keep himself in front of me.
        "Ah ah! No chance!" He shouted back. He was enjoying every second of this, especially making me stutter from embarrassment.
        We reached base with Bee ahead of me at least a full car length. I drifted into base and transformed back gracefully but still blushing from him comments. Once he transformed back to bot mode, he leaned against the wall and looked at me. 
        "And you said you could keep up with me"
        "Well, better the most can." I shrugged.
        "Mhm, doesn't matter though. You still lost" He teased, a smirk still on his face as he gently grabbed my waist to pull me closer to him.
        "Guess we'll have to do it again another time and get a rematch." I leaned up and kissed his cheek since he was already so close.
        "A rematch sounds nice, I'm up for it whenever you are"
        I noticed the two younger bots and jumped a bit in embarrassment. Bumblebee was about to say something when he saw my sudden reaction and followed my gaze, he looked over to the side and saw both Strongarm and Sideswipe not too far from where we were. His optics widened for a moment and he realized they saw everything.
        I pulled away and cleaned myself off awkwardly. "H-hay guys."
        Sideswipe chuckled and crossed his arms "Well, what do we have here?-"
        He started but was quickly cut off by a smack to the back of his head by Strongarm "Sideswipe shut up" She said in a stern tone, before looking over to me and Bee.
        It was so awkward because the reason we left was because Bee was pissed off and now we're back all lovey-dovey out of nowhere.
        Sideswipe was still rubbing the back of his head to soothe the pain from the smack but still had a smirk on his face as he looked at us. "So, care to explain this?" He asked.
        "Um w-well me and Bee are kind of a thing now," I answered awkwardly hoping Bee could say it better. He was the leader after all.
        Sideswipe looked dumbfounded for a moment but that quickly turned into a teasing smile "A thing, huh?" he said in a slightly sarcastic tone
        Before Sideswipe could say anything else, Bumblebee spoke up. His face didn’t look pleased or amused but just blank, his expression showing annoyance. "Yes, we are a thing," he said bluntly, as he gave Sideswipe and Strongarm a small glare.
        It was clear that Bee was still upset with their earlier behavior.
        Sideswipe held his hands up in mock surrender but still had a smirk on his face. "Hey, no need to get all pissy, I was just curious," he said casually.
        Strongarm gave Sideswipe another glare and smacked the back of his head again, causing him to let out a small "Ow-" in response
        "You should learn to show some more respect Sideswipe. Bee works hard as our leader, more than you could understand." I said also annoyed with his attitude lately.
        Sideswipe rubbed the back of his head again he heard your words, and The smirk on his face slowly fell. Strongarm nodded in agreement with my words and turned to Sideswipe with a scolding look on her face. "Riley's right, Sideswipe. Bumblebee is still our leader, and you ought to start respecting him like one"
        "Both and Sideswipe get into annoying arguments all the time. You two need to find a way to work better today. Since we're a team we have to work together or it will never work." I didn't realize I was about to give out orders like this. I guess seeing Bee so upset got me riled up a bit.
        Both Sideswipe and Strongarm looked like they were in shock from my words. Sideswipe still had his hands up and a dumbfounded look on his face from scolded, while Strongarm stood stunned for a moment before her face shifted back to a more serious one and a small nod came from her.
        "You're right, I apologize. I'll try to do better" She said apologetically.
        "I know you two can do amazing things but you need to work on some things we all need to work on things," I said trying to make the atmosphere a little less tense. 
        Sideswipe's hands slowly lowered and he let out a small sigh as he regained his composure once more. He put his hands on his hips and looked at me with a slightly sheepish expression on his face.
        "Yeh.. I guess we both do have some things to work on" he said quietly.
        Strongarm nodded in agreement and looked down at her feet in shame. 
        "Thank you guys. That's all we can ask for." I smiled warmly.
         I looked back at Bee hoping I didn't make things worse or anything. "I'm sorry if I stepped out of line or anything. I know you're the leader and it's your job to talk to them but I just hoped I could help."
        Bumblebee looked at me with a softened expression when I turned back to him. He gave me a small smile before shaking his head "No no, it's alright. You didn't do anything wrong. You helped a lot more than you think. Thank you for doing that"
        I stepped closer. "Anything to help you out."
        "Thank you, I really appreciate it. You helped a lot more than I thought you could"He said with a small smile on his face. The smile soon turned into a hint of a smirk. "And it was pretty attractive seeing you tell off Sideswipe and Strongarm"
        "Oh those two, it's like dealing with sparklings."
        Bumblebee chuckled at my comment and nodded in agreement "Yeah, but they're a bit more difficult to deal with than actual sparklings"
        "Oh really, how's that?"
        "Well the usual, them arguing with each other all the time like they're trying to rile each other up, getting into trouble, causing unnecessary problems- the list goes on. It's a pain to deal with in the long run"
he explained.
        "I suppose you're right. But they're still learning. Once they mature a bit they'll be amazing teammates to work with. I can just see it now. And I have a feeling their bickering will turn into something else in the future."
        Bumblebee nodded in agreement once again and chuckled softly. He was enjoying this little moment as we talked about the other bots.
        "Yeah, it's just a matter of time. If their endless arguments and bickering don’t end up killing me first" He joked, referring to the endless arguments Sideswipe and Strongarm had.
        "Well, that won't happen with me around. Don't need you dying on me yet. I don't think I could work with those two alone, so you can't leave me yet."
       "Trust me, I have no plans to leave you alone. Besides, you're one of the main reasons I'm still sane around here" He said jokingly but with a genuine hint in his tone.
        "Well, you had to have at least one other adult on the team."
        "Yes, exactly. You’re like a breath of fresh air whenever everything becomes chaotic and annoying”
        I was glad to see him in a better mood than earlier this morning. "I do my best.
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jweekgoji · 7 months ago
yan!TFRID2015 small hcs. (bot!reader)
Overprotective yandere.
Like, Bumblebee is already so overprotective over his team because they're all so inexperienced and young compared to him it's natural for him to do the same towards you. Except you will be treated with more caution, like 10 times more than Sideswipe or Grimlock for example. He's selfless and tends to throw himself in front of you if the decepticon is a little too close to landing a hit on you. 🐝 often gets hurt because of it but maybe if you spend a little time with him, treating the injuries, he is happy to do that again.
Manipulative yandere.
I see Sideswipe as someone who will try to impress you all the time. He always tries to look cool or strong around bots who he sees as a role model, like Jazz or Windblade. He's not manipulative in a bad-bad way, but more in a childish way. Expect him to be more risky on your missions together because his optics will be all on you. If you look away from him, he will try to do everything to make you notice him again. Sideswipe is not the one who often follows what other bots say, but if it's you asking or ordering something — he's listening. It's funny how he acts like some bad boy most of the time, showing off and stuff, but surprisingly gets cooperative once he sees you. He just knows how to get what he wants.
Clingy yandere.
Grimlock probably can't take being apart from you. I mean, most of the bots would rather spend time with you whenever they can but this dinobot would beg Bumblebee to put him on the same mission with you no matter what your job is. He can't go with you because you will be busy finding a decepticon in the city? Don't worry, he already mastered how to disguise himself! He will try to say that because he's a muscle of the team and extra muscle is never enough if you deal with decepticons. Grimlock would be more whiney and impatient when he's not around you, making other bots so annoyed because they have to listen to him talking about you for hours! As soon as you come back be ready to get crushed by his dino hugs.
Obsessive yandere.
Strongarm sees you as someone who inspires her and she learns everything from you. If you're more experienced bot than her, she will ask you millions of questions, watching you in battle and analysing your moves. Just like Sideswipe she sees you as a role model but unlike him, Strongarm will be more calm and polite about it. If you're the same newbie as her, she will be glad to train with you and learn more how you can improve your teamwork together. Strongarm thinks you're perfect no matter what flaws you might have, if someone tries to tell her otherwise she gets easily agitated to protect your honor!
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in1-nutshell · 11 months ago
Hey so what if the old Predacon buddy were to meet the rescue bots how would they react to the senior Predacon?
It is said that the list of 'Grandbabies' grew that day.
Hope you enjoy!
Steel Mauler meets the Rescue Bots
SFW, Platonic, Cybertronian reader
Steel Mauler was having their daily sun nap in the scrapyard.
Their joints were aching a bit more than usual and opted to stay at the yard for patrol.
Fix-it, Denny and Russel had left with the team earlier, leaving them alone in the scrapyard.
It was a peaceful morning in the sun.
Until they heard the groundbridge starting up.
It confused them as they didn’t remember Bee using the bridge for patrolling.
Out popped a little yellow drone flying around saying the words ‘Toast’ repeatedly.
Steel Mauler got curious and carefully approached the little yellow drone before it went back into the bridge.
…Now… Steel Mauler knew they shouldn’t go in…
… But they did it anyways.
They walked into some sort of building on the other side as the portal closed.
Looking around for the little yellow drone… instead they found two human children.
Steel Mauler looking down at the kids.
“…umm, hello there. My name is Steel Mauler and-”—Steel Mauler
The boy jumps up and walks up to them.
“Noble! A giant robot dragon!”—the boy
The boy looks at their insignia.
“You’re an Autobot?”—the girl
“That’s right. How do you know about Autobots.”—Steel Mauler
“We know about the Rescue Bots are Autobots.”—the boy
Steel Mauler raises an optic.
“Rescue Bots? Here? I didn’t think that many or if any were still active, after all this time.”—Steel Mauler
“That’s what Chase said.”—the girl
“Hmm, and your names are?”—Steel Mauler
“I’m Frankie.”--Frankie
“I’m Cody. And you said your name was ‘Steel Mauler’?”—Cody
“That is correct.”—Steel Mauler
The older Predacon smirks a bit before patting the two on the head with their wings.
The door opens revealing two older adults.
“… Well, this is awkward.”—Steel Mauler
The girl and boy, Frankie Green and Cody Burns introduced them to their father’s.
They bowed a bit showing respect.
Cody wanted them to meet the bots.
Steel Mauler agreed and followed the humans.
The bots were not ready to see a giant Predacon walk into base with Cody, Frankie, Doc Green, and Chief Burns.
Neither were their human partners.
Steel Mauler winces a bit at the high pitch scream coming from the orange bot.
The blue and green ones stood in front of the humans and the red one looked like he was going to fight them.
“Calm down guys! Steel Mauler’s friendly! See!”--Cody
Frankie points at the Autobot insignia.
The bots relax a bit but they are still on edge.
“I apologize for the sudden entrance. I was accidentally bridged here.”—Steel Mauler
“You used a groundbrigde?”—human with the glasses
“More like dragged against my will.”—Steel Mauler
Heatwave walks up to them.
“I’m Heatwave.”--Heatwave
“I am Chase.”--Chase
“I’m Boulder.”--Boulder
“And I’m Blades.”--Blades
Steel Mauler turns to Blades.
“You’re Blades? Hmm, good to finally have a face for the name.”—Steel Mauler
“Name?”—human with the orange hair
“How do you know Blades?”—human woman
“I remember Bumblebee mentioning your name quite a few times.”—Steel Mauler
Blades suddenly moves closer to the Predacon.
“Really?! Bumblebee talks about me!?”--Blades
Steel Mauler is now resisting the urge to add another bot to their collection of grandbabies.
Steel Mauler has some time to get to know the rest of the team before they decide to go back to the scrapyard.
From ‘sparing’ with Heatwave.
To helping Boulder with planting some trees.
To helping Chase archive some of the cases.
To watching some movies with Blades.
To giving the humans Dragon rides.
Blades is the one who figures out quickly that Steel Mauler is old.
As in old as dirt.
It also didn’t help that their joints were hurting and making a squeaking sound.
“Why don’t we sit down for a bit longer.”--Blades
“I’m fine Blades, see.”—Steel Mauler
Steel Mauler stretches a servo.
“…”—both bots
“… Now I know what your thinking, but this is all normal.”—Steel Mauler
“Steel, you need more rest especially with how old you are. It’s not good for the long run.”--Blades
“I can still kick it like the other’s Blades.”—Steel Mauler
“But you aren’t invincible either.”--Blades
Steel Mauler huffs a bit.
Steel Mauler huffs more.
“Then you leave me with no choice. Cody!”--Blades
“Blades what are you doing?”—Steel Mauler
Cody comes in.
“Yeah Blades?”--Cody
“Steel needs to rest their joints but they don’t want to and its bad for them to strain them at this age.”--Blades
“Wait your old?”--Cody
“Yes, I’m old but not that old.”—Steel Mauler
“In human terms how old would you be?”--Cody
Steel Mauler tries to resist the puppy dog eyes.
It fails.
“…In the hypothetical situation that your bots were the human ages of 30…”—Steel Mauler
“Then you are…?”--Cody
“I’m 1500.”—Steel Mauler
“…what?”—Cody and Blades
“Cody I’m pretty sure I am the oldest Cybertronain alive.”—Steel Mauler
Soon everyone catches on, and they are swarmed Steel Mauler with accommodations for their aching joints.
Steel Mauler decides to just let them do their thing, after all the heat pads were helping a bit with the pains.
Meanwhile at the scrapyard…
Bumblebee was frantically looking for Steel Mauler until he received a picture from Blades.
It was Steel Mauler happily sleeping with the kids outside.
There was a little message saying that the older Predacon was doing just fine and would be returning home soon.
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coolesttatarka25 · 4 months ago
My Headcanon Sideswipe Redesign
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(I thought he needed a little more Asian in design and I was by his shaved temples)
My girlfriend said he looked like a twink now and we came up with some jokes about it
"By the way, I'm sure that Sideswipe canonically staged petty hooliganism on Cybertron I came up with the idea that he deceived the mechs on the deal, pretending to be a fem bot (Like a date with a silent beauty 5 bucks )"
But in the end, he takes off his mask and speaks in a male bass voice
On the ground, he became a drift apprentice because of their similar Asian vibe, he found an approach to it from the category of both po and food in a kung fu panda
But his weakness is to take a bet, He's too straight not to sit under the waterfall for 500 hours
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ablobwhowrites · 4 months ago
Maybe as time passed Vehicon m/n is more accepting that he's a cybertronian now. Him and the Vehicons have weekly hangouts and sleepovers.RID m/n is Russel older brother. Russell is fucking tired of the bots both autobots and Decepticons hitting on his brother.
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The vibe vehicon m/n brings to the sleep over (he is listening to the other vehicons gossip)
Also I love the thought of Russel just sitting somewhere trying to play the games on his phone and is annoyed hearing sideswipe fail again at trying to impress m/n but end up failing. With them being yandere, you gotta take the minicons into account cause have you seeing these fucking guys? They are basically the same, a little short or a bit taller than a human. You gotta be scared cause they still have weapons and they still have abilities and half are some kind of animal with that animals or some kind of ability they have so it's terrifying that when you try to run away, they can just immediately catch up to you. Then yandere fix it would try and be around you more, especially if your some kind of engineer or something like that then he would definitely come over to you asking for help with this or that. Plus slipstream and jetstorm like to assist you with anything you need when your in the scrap yard. (I love the minicons in this show, they are silly and I like them so I'm throwing them into the yandere mix cause I think they are very silly)
Russel is definitely tired of how the autobots and decepticons try to rizz you up but fail every time and he basically has to yell at them to stop but it never does, basically tired of hearing this older brother getting flirted on by this point but he just doesn’t want to pause every game that’s two player cause the autobots are trying to call m/n over to show off something. (He still won’t forgive sideswipe for calling m/n over when Russel and m/n we’re about to win a Fortnite duo match. Lost his hard earned crown win)
I also think that strongarm would try and impress you with her knowledge and some skills she has cause of the academy she went to before coming to earth. She loves to sometimes yap about her times of cybertron or after missions she tells you how it went. She is less intense than sideswipe when she tries to win you over but does get in a fight with sideswipe when you're not around sometimes.
then you got sideswipe, He tries flashy and very dangerous things to impress you thinking it'll win you over but you nearly got hurt once but he still tries but tries to keep it from hurting you, he also tries to make jokes to get you to laugh as he does love the sound of your laughs. But him and strong arm do get into a fight sometimes over you.
Bee wants you to be safe, bascially having to call you ever five minutes or less to make sure your not being taken by the decepticons or anything like that but mostly tries and keep you safe by staying in the scrap yard with Russel and your dad cause what could be safer? He would kill a decepticon if they do try and hurt you or if they kill you. That decepticon would wish they stayed on cybertronian to serve their sentence than having to deal with what bumblebee will do to them.
Also thunderhoof would do the lean against wall with a rose between their teeth trying to be romantic but end up falling cause the wall gave out.
(here's memes cause Im still trying to figure out what's the others will be as yandere as)
what Russel sees when m/n gets kidnapped by steeljaw like
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M/n: "hey Russel since when did Dad get a new weird motorcycle?"
Russel: "wait what new motorcycle?"
M/n: "a purple one that looks like did doesn't have wheel-" *transformers into fracture* "I shouldn't be surprised by this. At this point I should think even thing is a fucking decepticon at this point."
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asherxz · 6 months ago
Omg it's Hasbro manager (trust) hi guys
Anyway, pls, Sideswipe romantic hcs with a s/o being a wheelchair user.... I need my dose before sleep ty very much :b
RID Sideswipe with an S/O in wheelchair HCS
This is my boss yall, im literally the Hasbro mascot (trust) ASFDSA anyway this is literally Sideswipes husband, i was at their wedding TEEHEE. It iss specified somewhere else its bc of chronic pain, so it'll be focused around that but i'll try not to make it too obvious!
-VERY confused when he first meets you. Humans have wheels too?
-At first, he doesnt know how to be around you. He's scared he'll knock you over or something, but he quickly learns.
-He asks a lot of questions at first, he's very curious.
-You are Russels elder sibling, and you lived at the graveyard with your dad, so you were quite used to small obstacles with your wheelchair.
-He's quite impressed by that. He's quite impressed by you as a whole.
-When you grow closer and form a relationship, he's gotten a new obsession. He loves carrying you around. He's your personal wheelchair, just very big and lively. He just loves having you in his arms while walking around.
-If you're self conscious about being in a wheelchair or anything even remotely related to that, he'll lay with you for HOURS just trying his best to comfort you.
-He will absolutely love it if you let him decorate it. Even if it's just the smallest trinket.
-Will just randomly pick you out of it and carry you away from everybody else. He takes his cuddle time VERY seriously.
-Loves to lay down by your side, just looking lovingly at you as he runs his digits through your hair.
-Looots of forehead kisses from him. Kisses to the hair and everything around that is a must for him.
-Sideswipe may or may not be absolutely horrified by the thoughts that one day you two may not be together.
-He wants to talk to you about it... but he doesn't have the courage to. Why say I out loud when you can just bottle it up?(/J)
-Sometimes he gets a bit jealous when he sees you having fun with other people. He has a need to prove himself to you. Or well, prove to himself, he's worthy of dating you.
-Russel will find that whole relationship very weird it fist. But he'll warm up to it.
-Denny on the other hand? Nuhuh, he ain't having none of this.
-He's quite protective over you. He doesn't exactly care that you're dating a giant bot, it's more so the fact you're... Well, dating.
-Of course, Denny ends up being quite supportive of the relationship... so horray!
-Bee certainly doesn't trust the fact Sideswipe is dating you. He keeps a strict optic on him almost all the time.
-Other than that, he's a great one to date. Small jealousy problems and such, but other than that, he's great!
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So sorry if this is ooc or short! I'm not thaaat far into RID!
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quirekey · 4 months ago
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[ by @oldeubagel ]
☾⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅*̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙*̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆⁺‧
Heyy! Welcome to my page :D
Name’s Quire/Anxa/Key, anything works.
Any pronouns, ENFP 9w8
I am a Transformers beginner writer and artist, nothing that involves anything… weird. I just post stuff I’m passionate about! I make short and sweet writing posts and goofy shitpost arts!
TWITTER: @Quirekey
BLUESKY: @Quirekey
TIKTOK: @Quirek3y
18+ ACC: @quir3key
ART Commissions sheet
WRITING Commissions sheet
STRAW-PAGE ask me anything
I do a various amount of things that ALL involve Transformers content:
Fanfics: OPEN
Headcanons: OPEN
Matchups: OPEN
Love letters: OPEN
Art Commissions: OPEN
Writing Commissions: OPEN
General Asks: OPEN
Art Asks: OPEN
[ obsessing over Graham x Boulder 😀… ]
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ ✦ ‧₊˚ ⋅
🍁- Haven’t studied too much!
🍀- I know them pretty well!
🌸 - Learning them right now!
🍥 - I enjoy writing them! (Basically ones I recommend)
( You can request characters that I don’t know how to write, they just won’t be as well-written as the others I know. )
- Optimus Prime / Orion Pax 🌸 🍥
- Megatron / D-16 🌸 🍥
- Bumblebee / B-127 🍀 🍥
- Elita-one 🍀 🍥
- Sentinel Prime 🍀 🍥
- Airachnid 🌸 🍥
[ I love writing them all >:]
- Optimus Prime 🍁
- Bumblebee 🍀 🍥
- Arcee 🌸
- Bulkhead 🍀
- Wheeljack 🌸 🍥
- Ratchet 🌸
- Smokescreen 🌸 🍥
- Megatron 🍁
- Starscream 🌸
- Soundwave 🌸
- Shockwave 🌸
- Knockout 🍀
- Breakdown 🍁
- Bumblebee 🍀 🍥
- Bulkhead 🍀 🍥
- Ratchet 🌸
- Prowl 🌸 🍥
- Optimus Prime 🌸
- Wreckgar 🍀 🍥
- Ultra Magnus 🍁
- Sentinel Prime 🍀 🍥
- Jazz 🍁
- Omega 🌸
- Jetfire 🌸
- Jetstorm 🌸
- Megatron 🌸
- Lugnut 🍁
- Blitzwing 🌸 🍥
- Swindle 🌸
- Starscream 🌸 🍥
- Soundwave 🍁
- Shockwave / Longarm 🍁 🍥
- Black Airachnid 🌸 🍥
- Bumblebee 🌸
- Strongarm 🍀 🍥
- Sideswipe 🍀 🍥
- Grimlock 🍀
- Jetstorm - only platonic!! 🌸
- Slipstream - only platonic!! 🌸
- Drift 🍀 🍥
- Fixit 🍀 🍥
- Heatwave 🌸 🍥
- Chase 🌸 🍥
- Boulder 🌸 🍥
- Blades 🌸 🍥
- Quickshadow 🌸 🍥
- Hightide 🌸🍥
[ I love writing them all too! ]
( I’ll only do these canon ships from Rescue bots )
- Graham x Boulder 🌸
- Kade x Heatwave 🍀
- Dani x Blades 🍁
- Charlie x Chase 🌸
[ all of them HAVE to be platonic, considering they are 15-17 in human years!! ]
- Hoist 🌸 🍥
- Whirl 🍀 🍥
- Hot Shot 🍀 🍥
- Wedge 🌸 🍥
- Medix 🍀 🍥
I’ll do headcanons and fanfics about many things! Yandere, Relationships, friendships and more! I allow many things but know I still have boundaries. I am allowed to turn the request down if I’m uncomfortable.
- Transformers x Reader
- Fluff
- Slight angst
- Platonic
- Obsessive or Yandere
- Multiple transformers x reader
- Human x Transformer
- Starlita is the only canon x canon I’ll do (its a comfort)
- MASSIVE gore
- Literally anything that makes us uncomfortable
- I will not be doing Canon x Canon, just incase if I misinterpret it
- Fighting…. I can’t write physical fights
- Smut and Suggestive stuff are at my other acc!!
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ ✦ ‧₊˚ ⋅
A matchup is basically where I match you with a character either platonically or romantically with any show of your choice! If you want more variety then just go for anyone.
Yandere/obsessive is allowed too!
Information I’ll need:
- Basic info:
Name, Pronouns, Gender, Etc!
- Simple info:
Hobbies, interests and hates!
- Descriptive info:
Personality, be as descriptive as you want!
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ ✦ ‧₊˚ ⋅
Love letters is a pretty new concept to me so point it out if I do it wrong lolol!!
These love letters can be from a certain transformer character that was listed beforehand, basically them confessing their love for you. This will involve just made up scenarios with the both of you and what made them like you so much.
If you wanted a yander/obsessive love letter, it would definitely be more angsty and uncomfortable for certain readers so if you wish then request this and beware!
If you do not specify any gender or species, I will immediately make you a Cybertronian/Transformer + GN reader!
- Basic info:
Name, Pronouns, Gender, Etc!
- Simple info:
Hobbies, interests and hates!
- Descriptive info:
Personality, be as descriptive as you want!
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ ✦ ‧₊˚ ⋅
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lunarbreaksblog · 1 year ago
Note: this for the courage the cowardly dog ask anon— I'm so sorry for this being late (reality happened) and then my stupid Tumblr was weird. Hope you enjoy
How RID!Autobots + Steeljaw would react to an earth-born Cybertronian
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So what if you were a little different from the rest of your family— you metallic, them soft. Your parents still loved you and that was what mattered to you.
So what if you could see things that no one saw? What if you knew those things wanted to do horrible things to your parents? You were big enough (quite literally) to protect them and yourself!
Even when your 'people' found you— other cybertronians like you... But they were different. Maybe you were the one that was different. More isolated than ever, you cut off ties with them, you'd stay with your parents. The people that loved you.
He didn't have the friendly father figure vibe or enough charisma to get you to open up about your situation before you cut ties.
Was really looking forward on how when team prime and him was last on earth, how come they never found you?
You're definitely a youngster— with major anxiety that he can sympathize with. He was also a kid once.
However, there's something different with you, you linger at empty spaces, sometimes even having conversations with things that aren't there. You have a permanent shiver that seems to rack through your body.
She's not much help— she makes you feel quite worthless, since you know nothing about fighting or anything cybertronian. You just simply know the things that your parents have taught you.
She feels quite guilty when you leave, she confines to Bee about it, whom says that yes , she should've tried to be more friendly but how would've she known or any of them that you would just leave
He teases you about your vision and pretends that he can see them too. It annoys the hell out of you. Soon Bee puts a stop to his teasing and then Sideswipe is forced to do nightly patrols for a month.
Feels very guilty when you leave, Bee would comfort him and he does but not like he does with Strongarm since Sideswipe was acting like a child
Knows how being different from everyone else can really deteriorate your mental health— doesn't show it but he knows mental health since well he's quite different to a standard Autobot.
You and him get along quite well— you actually tell him about the things you see, the entities that want to hurt your parents and your friends. He immediately knows that you have some underlying mental illness. He doesn't know what but he'll support and try to help you.
You actually tell him that your going to go back to your parents for a bit.
He chuckles and says “sure, we'll be waiting here for you”
Acts like a buffoon when Bee questions him about you— your secret is safe with him after all you got to know him quite well.
Quite the manipulative bastard that he is, he tries to make you feel that he understands you. That what he's doing will better help you and your 'parents' since the Autobots will surely separate you guys apart.
That's why you need to join him so he and his gang can help you stop the Bots from taking them back to Cybertron.
You don't know better and believe after you leave the autobots.
Steeljaw doesn't believe that you see things but entertains you since that makes you easier to manipulate.
Feel free to request!
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bones4thecats · 9 months ago
can you do general relationship headcanon by Rid Slipstream and Jetstorm x Minicon reader, the reader was previously Airachnid's minicon
Minicon! Reader Once Aided Airachnid
Characters: Slipstream and Jetstorm (RiD2015) - Seperate Requester: @zinnia1506 A/N: I have never written for these two minicons, and I am just barely mid-way through the series so they may not be the most accurate. Though, these two are adorable ngl. Anyways, enjoy!! ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: The Tragedy of Slipstream (a short between seasons one and two) and Mentions for torture, abuse, manipulation, unwilling experimentation and war ⚠️
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»»———————————-  Slipstream  ———————————-««
🎋 When you two first met, it was quite the experience to say the least
🎋 You were once the minicon to Airachnid, the former torture expert of the Decepticon cause. And you served her from the start of your life till the day she was banished by Soundwave to live on one of Cybertron's moons years ago
🎋 So, when another Decepticon, specifically Shadow Raker, offered you a new life in return of pure devotion and loyalty to him, you took his hand and gifted him a smile he couldn't wait in twisting around
🎋 Due to your life as Airachnid's previous minicon, you were subjected to a lot of unforgettable experiences. Ranging from mental to physical abuse, you were ruined before Shadow Raker could get his hands on you
🎋 Throughout the next few years of serving the Decepticon, you met an older mech named Deadshot, and when he saw just how numb you were to the pain of even having part of your leg torn off during the after effects of the war, he gained a new respect, fear, and care for you
🎋 No one should be able to withstand that with a blank face
🎋 After he escaped and took Slipstream and Jetstorm, Deadshot had taken you as well, having you transform into his new signature kusarigama. Over the time of him renaming himself and becoming a team of bounty hunters, you became close with them, understanding that the way you were raised was incorrect
🎋 Slipstream and you became closer than you and the other two. He was your confidant, and you were his
🎋 He spoke to you about his past, how when a Cyclone attacked him and why he turned to a life of petty thief. And you spoke to him about why you joined Airachnid and Shadow Raker. He took it a lot better than you believed he would. He hugged you and helped calm you down
"I may not understand what you went through exactly, but believe me when I say this, Y/N. You are far better than what your previous Masters were like. Airachnid was a energon-thirsty monster and Shadow Raker is a sparkless being... you are the opposite. You're serene and full of love and care for not only me, but everyone else in the Scrapyard. I am happy to be with you. Okay?"
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»»———————————-  Jetstorm  ———————————-««
🎍 Jetstorm hardly knew you when Drift took him, Slipstream, and you away from Shadow Raker. The only thing he knew of you being that you had a huge pain tolerance
🎍 He ever heard a story of how you got your spark nearly torn apart and refused to flinch in any kind of agony
🎍 To be honest, unlike others like Optimus Prime and Bumblebee, Jetstorm had no idea that you once served Airachnid. But, he has heard stories of her to, so he was immediatly scared at the thought of you being subjected to her abusive nature
🎍 That night, Jetstorm asked Drift where you came from and if Airachnid and Shadow Raker had anything to do with your pain tolerance
"Jetstorm, my pupil. Shadow Raker had nothing to do with their torment, it was Airachnid whole-sparkly who did everything to make them what they once were. She had given them multiple limb replacements without consent, from getting their arm torn off and picking apart their shoulder to just see them suffer and having their optics picked piece by piece while awake and all-feeling, Y/N has been through it all."
"Oh my..."
"We musn't bring it up around them though. The last time that happened, they had broken out in a large fit of panicked pleas and sobs. So, what will we not do?"
"Bring Airachnid or Shadow Raker up around them."
"Good. You may now leave, Jetstorm."
"Thank you, Sensei."
🎍 When Shadow Raker returned for the two minicons, he abducted you from the Scrapyard and held you away from the trio. Declaring he was your mentor and not the traitorous 'Deadlock'
🎍 You glared at him as he tried to lay a servo on your friends and you began to fight against the many of his 'Shadows', throwing them aside before getting Drift up and helping him get the two back. You were beyond any kind of calming down as you kicked him in the knee and threw him across the ship's room before yelling for the others to get out
🎍 While healing, Jetstorm looked at you and thanked you for the rescue and assistance. You just nodded and curled up in a tiny ball, making him sigh and sit down next to you before offering up his embrace. And when you saw it, you broke down and allowed him to hold you closely
🎍 You trusted him...
"Y/N. Can you please look at me?" Jetstorm asked, making you look up at him with small tears running down your metal-made cheeks. The minicon wiped them away and began speaking once more.
"I will never understand the pain you went through at the servos of Airachnid and Shadow Raker, and I know that. But, I would like to be there for you whenever you need comfort. Is that alright?"
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techhiz · 2 months ago
hi! Not a request, some questions tho!
Do you have any rules for requests?? I’m not sure if you have any post about rules or anything so I’m asking just in case! Also, what transformers franchises do you take requests for??
Answer when you can! Tysmmm💗💗
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Hi! Thanks for asking—here are some general guidelines for requests:
1. No NSFW or Yandere Themes
I don’t write NSFW or yandere content, but I’m happy to work on angst, fluff, action, or adventure themes. Just let me know what you’re looking for!
2. Character x Reader Only
I focus on character x reader stories and do not write character x character. Your reader can be human, Cybertronian, or anything else you’d like!
3. Details are Encouraged!
The more specific you are with your request, the better! Feel free to include themes, tone, or even dialogue ideas. If you’d like something long, short, or in bullet format, let me know!
4. Trigger Warnings
If your request has potentially triggering topics (e.g., death, injury, self-harm, etc.), please note that in the request so I can approach the subject with care. I’m always happy to discuss what you’re comfortable with.
Transformers Franchises I Take Requests For
• G1 (Generation 1)
• Transformers Prime (TFP)
• EarthSpark (ES)
• Rescue Bots
• Bayverse (Live-Action Films)
• Transformers Animated (TFA)
• Robots in Disguise 2015 (RiD15)
Feel free to let me know if you have any other questions! 💗
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starlaru · 5 months ago
Dear friends,
I am sharing with you, honestly, that our campaign is going through a difficult phase, and donations have been nearly nonexistent 😔💔
We are facing significant challenges in securing our basic needs and continuing my children's education, especially with my wife's ongoing health issues 😥
I kindly ask for your support and donations to help us during these tough times 🙏🏻🇵🇸
Your help means a lot to us and gives us a chance to move forward and overcome this difficult phase.🥺
Thank you to everyone considering helping us.❤️❤️
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servamp234 · 2 months ago
Yandere transformers robots in disguise 2015 Drift
Does anyone have any yandere Yandere transformers robots in disguise headcanons for Yanere!Romantic!Drift with Platonic Jetstorm and Slipstream?
This will not leave my head
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yummybatteryacid · 3 months ago
Guys would you be interested in x readers drabbles and ficlets and full fics and even valveplug? I've been contemplating for MONTHS now...
I'm willing to write for:
and even more once i become more acquainted with the continuities, BUT im confident to write for the first three cuz i rewatched them so many times its not even funny.
send your requests if yes (please)
OH AND ALSO! since valveplug will be involved, please no minors.
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